#timbie baby
dairy-farmer · 3 months
You know how hormonal bullshittery like pregnancy and the monthly Fuck You, make people feel really REALLY horny? Even when they basicly can't act on it or are feeling gross?
......wanna bet that's what being a Beta is like?
Cause they ARE the same species. Why would THEY get to dodge the heats/rutts bullet entirely? They get clipped! They still have to suffer! Hell, I bet they still have the same organs regardless!
That Beta male can ABSOLUTELY give you a child.
It's just incredibly, INCREDIBLY unlikely. THE textbook definition of a high risk pregnancy. Oh, and incredibly tough on their body. Cause the organ is basicly vestigial. It WORKS but for fucks sake! If you're advising a Beta couple, just tell them to use the far more effective SECONDARY in the biologically female beta! Assuming there is one! Are you TRYING to people in the hospital?!
But of course, just cause it isn't likely to give you a baby (unless Extreme Situations blah dee blah dee you get the picture, historical contexts), doesn't mean it doesn't fuck with your hormones. Leave you feeling gross.
Beats? Get "seasons". Short for fertile seasons. It was this whole old myth, that they were more likely to get pregnant during their "seasons". When in reality, they are basicly either pseudo-heats or pseudo-rutts, depending on which trait (while recessive) is stronger.
Tim looked it up. He had time too.
Cause he feels GROSS and horny. No one touch him or he'll stab you but also cuddle him right now or he'll cry. He hates all of you. Your his best friends and he loves you. He'd burn Gotham down for a Specific Brand of those one pickles.
He can't find the drier sheets... he's a failure and the world is ending, time to sit down and cry.
Needless to say? Thank FUCK it only happens like 3 times a year. He's already a mess, he refuses to let anyone see him like this. He doesn't CARE that "studies" and "common sense" say that pack helps manage the symptoms! He can handle it! Fuck you! He'll bite!
.........he sowwy. Are you mad?
And see, normally? His squirrelly "I gotta drop off the map, don't follow me" routine wouldn't be a problem. God knows BRUCE has let it go on for WAY too long. But? Jason? Jason is suspicious. Been trying to do better. And more importantly?
Been keeping track of days in his head.
Been about three months since you last went dark, Timbers. Suspicious number of days to go silent too. Bout the same number of days as a season. Knock the fuck knock, Timby tock! Open the fucking door. You can do it, or I will.
Tim looks like a miserable drowned Racoon.
So sexy.
He has the AUDACITY to GROWL at him with his Itty bitty lil crackle beta voice. Jason informs him he's lucky "sad and pathetic" is somehow still cute on him, picks him up like a sack of cheap take-out, and drags him back to his place.
Tells him to scrub the layer of sweaty misery of himself while he gets food ready.
It's... it's nice. Tim realizes. Having this walking tank of an Alpha just sort of casually take care of him. Flop down on him like a weighted blanket. The chatter of Jason's shows in the background, the smell of his nest pressed against Tim's face, pressure against his body, warm and heavy. The feeling of Jason's hand, absent-mindedly playing with his hair, as he reads or researchs.
Tim can... drift.
They don't do anything that first time. Or the second. Or third. But the thought creeps in to Tim's head and won't leave. He bet it'd feel nice. Bet Jason would take care of him. Jason is so GOOD at take care of people. He's so tired. No one ELSE takes care of him. Even when he's so good for them. Tries his best.
.....he wants to go back and nap in Jason's nest again.
That was nice.
And? Alpha senses are sharper then a Betas. Jason NOTICES Tim starting to glance at him more and more. Linger closer and closer. Get that little mournful, hopeful, look in his eyes. Notices him start to look HAPPIER as his season gets closer, instead of annoyed. Like his looking forward to it.
Oh ho~? Jason's a lot of things, but dumb? Not one of them.
Not all of those looks were strictly platonic longing. It gave Jason some things to think about. Too consider. Does he... want too?
.....yeah. Yeah he does.
Better buy some of the Good Shit then. His lube sucks.
So Timbers comes over. Jason's done some research. What helps horny, miserable Betas. He's also a Bat. He pulls the ol "oh look, I just so happen to be freshly showed and in criminally short bathrobe. Mmmm, I sure am CLOSE, aren't i?" gambit. It's not even remotely subtle.
Tim's too busy ogling to notice or care.
Oh LOOK! Jason's sprawling like a magnificent big cat! Legs splayed and muscles loose, draped back against your side like your his personal throne! Mmm, sure is distracted by this show! And not paying attention to you! Would be a perfect time to get... ideas(tm)~
And Tim IS. Because Jason's leaning back against his torso, warm and heavy, smelling so... so NICE. And... t-thighs. Long... legs long. Strong. W.. wanna touch. Lick everything. *desperately tries not to whine in Horny*
But then? Jason does his "absent-mindedly petting Tim" thing? And his self control is fuckin DYING here, man! (Yeah, Jason's knows. It should die faster.) A-and s.. surely it's okay if... if TIM pets back right? Purely platonic! He can control himself!
......that's a fuckin lie.
He's not even sure HOW, but Jason's cock ends up in mouth. And it's like his brain cuts out, leaving him limp and full of pleasant static. Curled up, a strong hand softly playing with his hair, occasionally rubbing his cheek. As his mouth is filled, his vision filled, as all he can smell is JASON. Glide, push, glide, push. Tounge and throat and careful with his teeth.
Like meditation.
He's not even desperately trying to get him off, just wants Jason to fill his mouth. Too pay attention to him. Keep running his hands across his skin. And Jason does.
And sure, he considers pulling Timbers into his lap. Filling him properly. But the lil guy look so RELAXED for once. So blissed out. So? Sure buddy... you can have Alphas cock. Go ahead and suck. That's It. You're doing a real good job.
Course, once he figures out how to turn Tim's brain off? He has to figure out if it's a "all the time" thing or a "season" thing. You know... for excuses reasons. And? As a very stressful serial killer case soon proves? It's an all the time thing.
Drag him back to HIS safe house, patch him up, and pull him down to rest in a nice lil defensible layered nest? Right between his knees as he "keeps watch"? And Timbers can't seem to help himself. And damn if it doesn't feel fantastic, not gonna lie. No one EVER gets that... that fuckin WORSHIPFUL of Jason. It's setting off all SORTS of instincts in his head.
Gonna make that fucked up trainwreck a lasagna. Force him to take a nap.
His his his his, good boy baby, his.
Thankfully, it's not so much Tim OPPOSED as Tim, once again, single mindedly focused. So Jason just has too, with GREAT sacrifice and strength of will, NOT let Tim get his magnificent lil mouth get ahold of his cock. But gently push him back and flop down on him. Run his hands down and down until he strikes gold.
Doesn't take him long to figure out what Tim likes. What days he doesn't want to think, needs to be fucked brainless. What days he can't stand touch, needs a good thick toy and some company. The days he wants Jason's fingers. Or a bead for his clit and a nice long relaxing Zone out suck on Jason's cock.
He's Jason's needy, prissy, demanding, god awful, pillow princess of a train wreck Beta and Jason adores him. They practically live together by now. Reak of each other. You would have to be WILLFULLY BLIND to not notice.
So of course... the others notice last.
Too late! You didn't take care of him, bruce! So I DID! I fed that bitch a lasagna! AND my coc-! *Horrified Bat noises*
Tim's never been happier.
😍😍😍😍 jason turning hissy tim into a sweet, pliant beta that would just like to fuck him while looking like the spirtual equivalent of 🥺
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cleromancy · 1 year
god. i love them. so this issue has Bruce projecting on a murder case bc it was the murder of a couple witnessed by their surviving young son, right. and baby timmy correctly identifies this and he brings it up to dick to be like "well what do we do?"
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dick, bless him, is concerned bruce is going to hurt tims feelings. tim meanwhile is like what? no i mean i think hes going to screw up the case.
so. big bro dick to the rescue! no worries, timmy, dick will simply take the case from bruce, bruce will surely accept that without a fuss and no one will have to worry about anything.
anyway bla bla detective work, cute page youve absolutely seen before but. look again
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immediately followed by this gem as tim tries to speedwalk away from interpersonal conflict without getting caught in the crosshairs
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anyway bla bla bruce n dick fight what else is new, more detective stuff, Helena is there
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hi helena!!!!!!
anyway all this just to fnallly get to the moment i actually wanted to post in the first place which was this lmao
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dick ending up being the one whose feelings bruce hurt, because sometimes (cough) dick projects on other people just a little tiny bit (cough, cough), and as we know dick is incapable of not taking bruce personally.
anyw. damp timby for the road:
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now thats what i call a Little Guy™.
gotham knights #1
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OwO wats dis?
Hi, you can call me Comfort! I use any pronouns. This is my omegaverse sideblog
Hear me out
I started writing an omegaverse fic as a gotcha to any AI getting data from ao3. But as I started doing more research into it I realized I actually really liked some of the concepts! What can I say? I'm a furry.
This blog will be mostly fluff and lore focused, as well as me posting links to my non-explicit fics. Please enjoy! Feel free to send in any questions you'd like! They'd help a lot as prompts for me.
All of my posts are free to rb btw, just tag them as a/b/o in case any of your followers have that tag blocked
And, please, don't make a fuss about this. I don't want this to become like. A big Thing. If you think it's strange, you don't need to say anything. Just keep scrolling or whatever. I am not a troll, this is fully authentic.
Putting some lore under the cut
Hatchetfield is connected to a wolf goddess named Timby, and that's where citizens get their wolf-like features from.
Only people born in Hatchetfield are part wolf. People who move there are fully human and don't have a rank or anything
Hatchetfield used to be under the influence of the Lords in Black, however, Timby overthrew them and now rules the town in a less cruel, more subtle way.
Anatomical notes:
One's rank and sex characteristics are determined through their genes
The genes for omegas and alphas are dominant over the X or Y chromosomes in determining genitalia, but the X/Y chromosomes are dominant over the beta gene. However, secondary sex characteristics are always determined by the X/Y chromosomes with some exceptions (for example if a wolf gene plays a part in determining a secondary sex characteristic for someone, they may have several nipples or breasts as opposed to just two)
This means alphas and omegas can usually reproduce with betas (with a lower success rate than an alpha omega pairing), but alphas and omegas can rarely have a child with one of their own rank.
There is such a thing as being mixed rank, which is when one has the genitalia of one rank, but the instincts, type of scent, and behaviors of another. This does not produce a feeling of dysphoria, it's just a state of being.
The moon goddess Timby can "choose" people while they are in the womb, and this creates an epsilon (ε) ranked person.
Epsilon ranked people possess no reproductive organs, and normally are more animalistic than any other rank in appearance. It's not uncommon for them to have fangs, a tail, wolfish ears, and a full body of fur, whereas most other wolf people only have one or two more subtle animal traits.
Epsilons can still reproduce through asexual, magical means. Through a combination of manifestation magic and several magical elixirs and other ingredients from the Witchwoods fed to the one who will carry the baby, a blastocyst can be formed within a month, which will then follow the normal stages of embryonic and fetal development, with dna being drawn from living things of the Witchwoods as well as their parent. They'll often have strong magical powers (the Gift), and Timby will likely watch over their bloodline as the Gift is passed through it.
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madebyallyy · 4 years
flash : we can go and cuddle after 🥺
timber : and we can watch movies 🥺
flash : i luv u , you're such a cutie 🥺
timber : i luv u more 🥺
flash : nu i do 🥺
timber : nooo i—
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Headcanon Ask: Bernard visits Tim while Dick is also visiting. Conversations you can see happening between the guy with Bat-conspiracy theories and the first Boy Wonder?
I see Dick being sort of quizzical why dear little Timmy would be dating Bernard. Not in full judgment, but as a matter of professionalism, it is a bit odd to date someone that regularly tries to figure out your identity.
Probably some of that classic embarrassing the baby brother stuff to make Tim blush. Except since they wouldn't have any photos of like, naked literal-actual-baby Tim like those movie tropes always do. It's like a video of Tim at age 13 face fully red 'cause he's stuck in some weird situation he couldn't possibly help himself in, like his shorts got caught on a fence. Or just, what ever's embarrassing.
A conversation made to see how much Bernard loves and cares about Timby without outright asking him.
Ask him how their dates gone.
And teaching him something that always bugs Tim, simply because he always enjoys teasing him lol
Something like that. Nothing too harsh. But more aimed towards being your typical big brother to his baby brother Timmy lol
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claricedream · 3 years
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[Style plus comfy, perfect combination ❤️]
Top : Lunar Baby top
shorts :  Pink Charcoal  Open Shorts  @WCF
Hair :  tram J0324 hair
Necklace :  VOBE  Dominique Necklace Fatpack @mainstore  
Shoes : Off-Line x Timby Boots / Fatpack @Big Girl 
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smallcrystals · 4 years
timber with kids, a hc list
when he's around bangladeshi kids, he speaks to them in baby bangla in such a soft tone and when they have to leave, they go "tata" and he goes "tata 🥺" with a tiny wave
i hc that flash has a niece, storm, so whenever timber sees her (in either flash's older brother or sister-in-law's arms), he runs up to them and is like 🥺 and storm knows him so she's like "TIMBIE !!!"
timber literally works at a camp . the kids there. that's it.
kids always like being around him so whenever he sees one coming up to him, he's like "hiiiiii 🥺🥺"
he always manages to calm a crying baby down, he has that ~magic~
HE JUST 🥺🥺🥺🥺
anyways reblog to add more if u want but in conclusion
timber with kids >>>>>>
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anti-anthony-stark · 6 years
I may not know everything abt timby squims in the movies but what I do know abt timby is from comics and the way he treated mutants just doesnt not ever has sat right with me. The order to lock up anyone with inhuman dna and putting them into prison camps regardless how dangerous they were? Timby youre like the only one on your team that is still pure sapien and you've worked with at the bare minimum at least 3 mutants, why is taking their info to build sentinels to kill them a good idea -💨
Like when timby made those squims brand sentinels he only used powers from the HEROES AND GOOD GUYS WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HIS FRIENDS to make them strong against. He made the sentinels out of metal. He didn’t take into account the angriest magnet mutant rights stan, our good friend Magneto. What an absolute phckn dumb ass that timby squims is. And dont even get me started on genosha, Emma Frost spilt TEA when she met up with him abt THAT, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN OUR BABIES WERE BURNING, TIMBY-💨
There seems to be a lot to say about comic t*ny !! Unfortunately I have very limited knowledge of comics, besides the CW series .. 
I know that sometimes people say his comic counterpart is overall better, but from what i’ve seen here and thanks to some articles i’ve read online, comic!t*ny seems to be just as much of a dick !
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
whats cuter tim or kittens
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Timmy Drake is Robin the Baby Wonder
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