#time and Malon you WILL work this out so help me
skyward-floored · 1 year
Fighting viciously with this chapter (the chapter is winning)
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maple-the-awesome · 1 month
The Chain Meets You, His Partner || 3/3
Part 1 || Part 2
Pairing: Time, Wild, Four x GN! Reader
Requested by @temporarilyablog: i see requests are open still so im coming to you with a thought i had recently:how about a Link from the Chain interacting with the reader, another Link’s s/o from their original adventures, when *their* Link isn’t around. i can see some teasing another Link with the reader that they’ve only known through little stories here and here, or others grilling the reader relentlessly because another Link was so shy about their relationship and partner, and wants to know how that Link is like around someone he allows himself to relax.its kinda like when the Chain met Malon for the first time and interacted with her for stories about old man Timeand as always stay awesome, i love your writing!
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
Concerningly delighted or eerily eager - the Chain can’t quite agree on which descriptor best described their teammate the best once he realized they had all landed in his Hyrule. Bubbling with excitement ever since while maintaining a pace some of the other boys have to jog after, Link doesn’t waste breath saying where he’s leading them, although that giddy smile upon his face - as much as he tries to hide it - is plenty for the wiser heroes to get the hint…
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The Chain already knew about you - Well, they knew the Old Man was hitched. To exactly who, he'd never say for his lips were always sealed with a mischievous smirk that kept the boys betting against each other.
Some insisted that their leader's mystery lover must be Princess Zelda, but Twilight felt that was a preposterous assumption. He tended to agree with Legend's guess that they had to be someone simple; someone who could make an extraordinary man feel ordinary in the best way possible...which was the correct prediction, of course.
As it would turn out, you are, in fact, not a noble or royal princess. Instead, you're an average farmhand living a calm life on your friend's ranch where you miss your husband greatly after many months of him being gone, so please excuse the passionate kiss shared between you both once finally reuniting at the front of the property.
Time isn't at all shy to show you off. Having been married for so many years, it's only natural for his arm to feel most comfortable wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to his side where he can easily connect kisses to your forehead and cheek. If the boys have a problem with it, it's best not to spoil the mood. Perhaps one day they'll understand the intoxicating love that is felt whenever in the presence of their most beloved.
"You just missed Malon and Talon. They went into town for a few deliveries and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon," You explain to your husband while leading the boys to the house. He hums thoughtfully and you don't miss the way he 'subtly' tugs you even closer.
"It’s good timing on our part then. 'wouldn't want to leave you stuck doing all the chores on your own."
"Now Link, you've been off on the road for months. Rest and I'll -"
"- Is there anything I could help with?" A young man from the group pipes in shyly from behind, "I grew up on a ranch myself, so it wouldn't be any bother."
"Oh, no. You boys are our guests. I'd hate to -" You begin, turning to face him with an appreciative smile, however Time is quick to object.
"- Nonsense. They're all capable young men and boys. A little work won't kill them, darling."
"- But -"
"- And it won't kill me, either," He takes your hand, lifting it to his lips where he places a gentle kiss upon your knuckles, "If anything, we could all use the distraction."
"...Well, in that case..."
There is plenty to be done around the farm and you only have two hands of your own, so, aware that you wouldn't win an argument against your husband anyways, you take him up on his offer. The other heroes do seem more than willing, happy to provide their services for tasks that don't involve risking their lives against cruel monsters, you know, minus the cuccos. 
Time and you each take four of the boys with yourselves. While he directs his half to the animals they'll be tending to, you lead yours to the barn, making sure to point out the layout of the ranch along the way so that none get lost when left on their own. 
You're happy to find that they're all very polite, particularly the young man from earlier who remains close on your heels throughout each step. He seems adorably eager to engage in conversation with you, asking many questions and adding comments to whatever you say. It makes sense, you suppose, since he certainly does look to be the small homestead-type based upon his build and knowledge of ranch life.
"You said this is your friend’s ranch. How long have you lived here yourself?”
"Gosh, 'seems like forever. At least since I was ten. It wasn't long before I met Link, I know that."
"You guys have really known each other for that long?"
"Uh-huh...but of course, it doesn't feel that long," You sigh fondly, "'seems like just yesterday we were sitting out there in that pasture as he told me about his home in the forest and all his adventures…Funny how time flies when you're havin' fun."
Speaking of the devil, you spot your husband at the pasture's fence, clearly waiting for you to finish up. Inviting the boys to find you if they have any questions, you leave them to work on the chores they've been assigned while you, yourself, head to join Time.
"Did they give you any trouble?"
"None at all. By the way you made it sound in your letters, I thought they'd be far more troublesome," You cross your arms over the fence, raising an eyebrow with a teasing grin, "But maybe you’ve just been too harsh on them."
"You've only spent a few hours with them. Give ‘em a chance and you'll start going gray, too," He rolls his eye, his lack of amusement towards your playful accusation telling you that those boys really must be a handful sometimes. Either way, deny it as he might, you know that look in his eye. Even as he leans here on the fence next to you, he watches the boys work with a softness hidden in his expression. He certainly cares for them.
"...You know, one of them is a descendant of ours," Time mentions casually, breaking you away from your straying thoughts.
"What?" When you look at him, he's still facing the distance, "...You're joking?"
He just smirks, only glancing at you through the corner of his eye.
"You're serious...?" You blink in disbelief before quickly pushing yourself off the fence, "Which one?!"
"Isn't it obvious?"
You place your hands upon your hips, making your own lack of amusement clear now, "There's eight of them. At least give me a hint."
Time pretends to consider your request, but ultimately shakes his head, "...No, I don’t think so. That would ruin the fun of having you guess."
"Liiinnk..." You whine, although even your pout proves ineffective. Your husband merely chuckles as he pushes himself off the fence and begins walking away to resume his chores, "You better not be lying to me!”
"I would never lie to you, my love. I know better than that~"
"I'm going to find out which one it is even if I have to interrogate them all!" You shout after him, huffing when he doesn't reply.
Part of you is tempted to do exactly as you said by confronting each boy until you receive a proper answer, but you also promised the Champion you'd show him the kitchen to start dinner soon. You'd hate to keep him and everyone else waiting with rumbling stomachs, especially if one of them is your descent in question. 
Now truthfully, you do already have a guess in mind - or more so a hope - however it's too early to decide. You'll just have to keep a close eye on them until this evening and if no one sticks out then, you'll be left to force it out of your husband who should really know better than to mess with you like this.
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"Hey, I'm back!" It doesn't matter how long he's been away - days, weeks, months - those three words always seem to take a massive amount of weight off of Wild's chest every time, washing over him with a sense of belonging and domestic bliss that replaces all the strict expectations set for being a 'hero'.
"Link!" This feeling is easily reinforced after one look at you. Your glowing smile as you appear at the railing upstairs, his name sounding like honey from your lips…It's automatic for him to drop his heavy bags and weapons beside the door before opening his arms at the bottom of the steps just in time for you to jump over those last few right into his embrace which you’ve both missed so much.
"...Welcome home..." Sometimes that whisper in his ear is enough to make Wild cry. It's such a pleasant sound and reminder that he does, in fact, have a home because as much as he loves sleeping under the stars or following his heart across the vast kingdom of Hyrule, there will never be a day where it doesn't yearn to be beside you.
It's a cute scene to witness - two lovers reunited after so long apart - although the Chain does have a few questions swirling in their minds, namely who the heck are you? A pretty face just casually leaping into the Champion's arms before sharing a heartfelt kiss? They'd be happy for the guy if not for the fact that he has never once mentioned having a lover and you seem far too well acquainted to be a random friend.
"O-Oh, um, hi," You finally take notice of your audience, breaking away from Wild to send them all an awkward smile which they return, some with a few small waves. 
“Oh, these are the guys I’ve been traveling with,” Wild explains, which seems to put you more at ease.
“Nice to meet you all,” You give the group a bashful nod before introducing yourself. Your name does sound vaguely familiar - perhaps having been mentioned in mere passing at some point or another - but the Chain still can’t say they recall Wild ever identifying you as a partner.
“And are you guys…Um…?” Sky gestures between you both, trying to keep his smile from seeming too surprised. He’d hate to offend either of you.
“We’re dating,” You confirm comfortably, looking at Wild with a smile he mirrors as your hands interlock. 
“Dating? As in romantically involved, right?” Four raises an eyebrow, his question catching you off guard. 
“Y-Yes, well, I believe that’s what dating entails -”
“- How’d you manage that?” Legend interrupts, the question directed at Wild while pointing to you with a look of disbelief upon his face. Apparently he doesn’t share Sky’s concern towards delivering any offense…
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“It’s just - You never mentioned being in a relationship,” Hyrule mumbles.
Wild is quick to blush and duck his head in embarrassment, his words defensive, “It’s not like any of you asked! I - I just never thought it was important to bring up! It never seemed relevant!”
“He mentioned it to me,” Twilight admits, taking everyone’s attention off the flustered Champion, but only temporarily. 
“See! I could’ve said something and you just didn’t listen! Did you think of that?”
“Or you only told the rancher. You two are always sharing dirty little secrets and leaving the rest of us in the dark.”
This…goes on for a good moment. Rest assured, the argument does eventually subside after Time knocks their heads together allowing you a chance to swiftly change the subject by inviting the boys fully inside your lovely home. From there, you offer to get started on lunch, figuring it will be an excellent opportunity for you to get to know the other heroes better and spend some quality time with your boyfriend who is always quick to relax in the kitchen.
You begin chopping some vegetables while he gets the soup base shimmering, the two of you humming quietly amongst yourselves as you work. Your tranquil smiles and practiced teamwork is enough to make anyone feel jealous of such a strong relationship, although it’s all in good spirits. The other boys hold no resentment towards their friend, instead reflecting his joy as they eagerly tell you stories about their shared adventures in return for some information about yourself.
As it turns out, you’ve grown up in Hateno your whole life and had met Wild rather early in the beginning of his quest to defeat Calamity Ganon. He must’ve made quite the first impression - that or perhaps you took a lot of pity upon his confused state - because you willingly left your small village to help him navigate an unfamiliar Hyrule. Over the course of your journey, you grew close and never really found a good reason to leave each other’s sides even after the kingdom was saved, thus you’ve been together ever since.
“This house had been abandoned for years before we bought it. It’s nice because it’s still a part of Hateno, so we’re close to other people and my family, but far enough back to have our own peace and quiet,” You explain in a dreamy sigh as you turn to look over your home and admire the work you’ve done to this old place. 
“What’s with the construction back there?” Four asks, nodding his head towards the many boxes and tools that block the wall under the staircase.
“We’re adding another room,” Wild answers simply, not taking his attention away from the soup broth that he frowns at because it’s certainly missing something. More salt rock? Maybe a dash of Hylian herb?
Legend scoffs, leaning back against his chair at the table, “How much space do two people really need?”
Wild and you pause, glancing over your shoulders to meet each other’s eyes before going back to your work with flustered smiles. Clearing your throat, you give a shrug, “...Well, the plan is for it to not just be the two of us forever.”
Many of the boys raise eyebrows at this comment, the realization slowly but surely daunting on them. Their faces explode in shades of red once it does.
Time coughs into his fist, the first to break the silence, "...We'll be sure not to keep the Champion away from you for too long then."
Wild nearly gives himself whiplash looking back at Time with what can only be described as a modified expression of betrayal, his face beet red and mouth agape in shock. You'd be lying to say your own face doesn't feel awfully warm, too, although you humor the Old Man’s promise with a laugh, "You better not. This kingdom’s already demanded too much of his time away from home.”
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Four has never been one for unnecessary fanfare, especially not in regards to his personal life. With that said, while he doesn’t mind discussing the intimate details of who he is outside of his role as a hero, he also doesn’t typically go out of his way to spill his guts about it either which is precisely why it took the Chain so long to find out about you.
Their friend had been rather vague as to where he was leading them after arriving in his Hyrule. They had already met his grandfather and even spent some time helping with chores, but Four insisted there was at least one more stop he wished to make before hitting the road again so that he could - get this - drop off a book for ‘someone’...
Now, being entirely honest, the Chain did internally judge his priorities just a bit, but they also weren’t about to kick up a fuss over it. Although Four failed to specify the identity of this mysterious ‘someone’, the other heroes simply assumed them to be an old friend, the gifted book acting as a mere excuse for Four to see them again. It’s only natural for a Link to begin missing his loved ones after adventuring for so long, and their resident smith must reeeally love you if that kiss you share is any indication. 
It happens so quickly that the other boys can barely process what their eyes bear witness to. One moment Four had been standing at the doorstep, book in hand as he assured everyone once again that his visit wasn’t going to take long. Then the door opened to an attractive stranger and next thing anyone knew, their Smithy was standing on his toes locking lips with said stranger - And with no hesitation whatsoever! 
“Link! It’s good to see you…Are these your friends?” You ask the question in such a casual manner as if it’s just an everyday occurrence for your boyfriend to randomly return with a whole new entourage behind him after months of being away.
“Yes. I’d tell you their names, but you know them already,” Four replies with a similarly calm demeanor, although his smile is now much more pronounced than it had been on the walk over, “Everyone here is named ‘Link’.”
“Easy enough to remember,” Even that information doesn’t seem to faze you beyond an intrigued eyebrow raise.
You’re quick to introduce yourself, not only by name, but also by the important title of being Four’s partner. Again, there’s no hesitation towards this establishment and he doesn’t so much as blink at hearing it, showing that this definitely isn’t a recent development for either of you. That little shit’s been dating you for a while, hasn’t he?! They should’ve known something was up seeing how annoyed he got following some of the other boys’ attempts at setting him up with a flirtatious local in the last visited town!
“It’s nice to meet you all. Link - Well, my Link has mentioned you in his letters before, so I was curious if our paths would ever cross.”
“Really? Cause he didn’t mention you at all…” Legend mumbles before getting elbowed roughly by Twilight.
“Will you all be staying? I can make tea or something -”
“- No. We’re only passing by so that I could give you this,” Four turns down your offer while handing you the book he’s been carrying around practically all day. How easily he’s able to do this surprises the Chain further, after all, most would jump at the chance to spend more time with their beloved. Surely just a few measly minutes can’t be enough to fill his quarter around you, can it?
“Ah, come on! You’re just going to introduce us and leave? That’s no way to treat a lover,” Warrior shames through a mischievous smirk. 
“We have a job to do. I wouldn’t want to delay us any longer than needed,” Four narrows his eyes at the Captain in return, yet that doesn’t stop the rest of the Chain from looking to Time who eventually sighs under the pressure of their gazes.
“...It would be rude to simply leave as suddenly as we came. I suppose there’s no harm in staying a short while - only if we are welcomed, of course.”
“Wonderful! I’ll get started on that tea then!” Four grimaces while the Chain cheers and enters your home without needing any more of an invite. Noticing his dampened mood, you place a hand on his shoulder and frown, “Do you not want to stay? I wouldn’t be upset -”
“- Of course, I want to stay,” He sighs, his hand quickly placing itself over your own, “I’ve missed you, I just don’t want them embarrassing me. They can be a bit…much sometimes.”
You chuckle, gently leading him inside, “They can’t be that bad, can they?”
“Hey Smithy! Why didn’t you say anything about having a lover before? After all we’ve been through together, too; we should be hurt!”
“...Can they?” Four deflates, and your smile turns more sympathetic. 
“Was it supposed to be a big secret?” Hyrule asks innocently, followed by Warrior’s scoff.
“I hope you aren't ashamed of them now.”
Four huffs in offense at that last comment, crossing his arms while shifting his weight to one side, “No, I’m not ashamed of them, and it was never a secret, it’s just that none of you ever asked. What was I supposed to do? Randomly start going on and on about my love life as we all ate around the campfire?”
“The Captain has no problem doing it,” Wild mocks, earning an insulted glare.
Hooking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer, Four rolls his eyes sarcastically, “This is my partner and I love them…There, you guys know now. Happy?”
“But we still don’t know any details!” Shy whines, “Like, how’d you guys meet? How long have you been together?”
“Are you married? Do you want to be?”
…Dear Hylia, Four can already feel a headache coming on. Seeing his plight, you go ahead and answer the questions for yourself, “I’m afraid it’s not that interesting of a story. We grew up together and were always close until one day, we simply decided our relationship was more romantic than platonic. That was about a year or so ago. Not sure if we’re going to get married anytime soon since we’re still pretty young…but it’s a nice thought for the future.”
“You seem to have a very comfortable life here,” Time acknowledges, having a look around your home which is cozy and filled with books, many having been gifts from your boyfriend who has always made a point of bringing at least one back after each of his adventures.
“Laidback and uneventful in the best way possible,” Is how someone else describes it, “We can see why you’d like our Smith then.”
“True,” You snort before sharing an amused smirk with Four, “Although he can be quite the handful sometimes.”
The boys raise their eyebrows, not certain what you're alluding to. The Smith a handful? Are you certain you're talking about the same guy now, or does he have a secret polar-opposite twin hiding around here somewhere? Now that’s an actual secret he won’t be telling them anytime soon.
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mariacrow · 10 months
Hey! Wanted to let you know I absolutely adore your writing!
Can I get a request for jealous bayverse bumblebee x reader where reader has just recently gotten a new gaming device and has stayed indoors more often since? He would absolutely miss taking them out for rides
I'd like to think he'd use clips from the song PS5 to talk about it, but that's totally up to you haha
Thank you, friend! 🌻 I’m glad you enjoy my writing 💛 here’s a gift for you 🐝
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❁ Bumblebee x reader ❁
2nd person
female reader
takes place in reader’s backyard and house
jealousy, clinginess, needy for attention
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You heard someone tapping on your bedroom window while you were playing video games. You kept the curtains down for a couple of days now so the light wouldn’t distract you from the screen. You didn’t see who it was but you knew nonetheless. You were too busy having fun with your new console so you didn’t budge.
“Bee! I know it’s you!”
“Stop that! You’re going to break the window!” you shouted while not getting your eyes off the screen.
You could hear him buzzing like a sad bumblebee as he once again, but this time gently, tapped your window.
He made you pause your game. Sighing in irritation, you stood up and spread the curtains. You were welcomed by the sight of Bee’s wide puppy optics and his servo on the window. He let out a sad buzz once again.
“Bee. What do you want?”
To what his optics only widened as his muzzle wobbled.
“I’m busy, can’t you see?” you said and closed the curtains again.
But oh, he’s stubborn. He won’t give up until you give him the attention he wants. He wants Y/N’s cuddles now and he’s gonna get ‘em!
It was quiet until you heard him trying to open your window from the outside.
“That ain’t gonna work, Bee!” you said while trying to concentrate on the game.
He’s smart though. He sneaked one of his wires through the window crack and unlocked it, opening it and scooting away the curtains. He peaked his head into your bedroom and happily buzzed as his antennas wriggled.
“WHA- you’re unbelievable!” you said through a chuckle. You can’t be mad at him, JUST LOOK AT HIM. HE’S ADORABLE.
“Great, you made me lose my game.”
He reached with his servo inside and grabbed your console, ripping it out from the outlet and dragging it outside.
“WHAT ARE YOU- HEY! CAREFUL, IT’S FRAGILE!” you rushed to your window to see him holding it in the air.
He crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the ground like an angry parent.
“Beeeee… come on man…”
“You were playing— too long!— Time for a break!” he sulked over the radio.
“I was about to! After that match!”
“You always say that!”
“Please give it back! You’re going to break it!”
He shook his helm, lifting his chin and pouting, holding it higher in the air.
“Okaaaay.. What do I need to do?”
He opened his one optic, giving you a side eye. He then leaned closer to you and tapped his cheek plate, happily buzzing. Indicating he wants a kiss.
He made you giggle, “So that’s what this is all about huh~?” you said and leaned to give him a kiss but this cheeky little bastard turned his helm in the last moment so you ended up kissing his muzzle. You didn’t mind though, you giggled as he gave a happy little dance shuffle.
He then grabbed you and yeeted your console back inside, damaging it.
He laughed as he transformed and so you found yourself inside the Camaro.
“You broke it!!!”
“Nothing— Ratchet— can’t fix.” he said as he floored it, heading to the main streets, taking you out for a ride.
You couldn’t help but laugh. You slouched in your seat, “How can I possibly be mad at you?”
“I missed you…”
“I know, Bee… I’m sorry…” you rubbed the steering wheel, “It was kinda selfish… I promise I won’t be so irresponsible anymore.”
He happily buzzed and played “Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee on the radio.
“Get ready for the ride of your life, beautiful~!” he used a movie quote.
You finally realized no console or game can replace your actual loved ones. You two enjoyed each other’s company like you used to as you rode into the sunset…
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Dividers belong to @patches-1105 and @lostsozai
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bokettochild · 11 months
I just saw a post asking which Link would make the best villain and....
It's Time guys
Like, I love the man, but let's be real; he's a second from snapping and committing atrocities.
Twilight is so thoroughly traumatized by the vision the spirits gave him and Fi's judgement of him that he literally can't stand messing with magic that isn't actually his own or connected to him. And while, sure, he doesn't need magic to be a villain, let's be real, it'd take something magical to force him to turn his back on everything he's ever fought for.
Similarly, Wild fought and died for his kingdom, and his people. There is nothing and no one worse than what he's already seen that could possibly make him turn his back on it all and throw his work down the drain just to destroy everything he'd built himself.
Legend is the same. he's been doing this far too long to ditch now. Granted, he's a grump, but if you look at his games, you see he's a highly empathetic and caring person. Unlike the others, who were tasked with saving the world by a mentor or friend, or had to go and save a friend or family member, or who where sworn to duty; Legend was literally some kid who was asked by an utter stranger to help, and did. Six times. No way someone like that is going to go and destroy everything.
And Wind! Wind is a moral guy, with a good heart. he set out for personal reasons and saw in his journey that there were bigger fish to fry, and he fried them. He had no reason to take it on, no call of the goddess, no responsibility, no reason for him, a child, to go and save the world as well as his sister, but he did it anyway.
Sky and Warriors are simply too devout. Warriors to the kingdom and it's people; with everything he suffered for them, you can't tell me the man isn't dedicated to serving his country. And Sky is loyal to Sun, who is Hylia, so he literally would never go against her. And by the law of the Zelda universe, villains are those who go against Hylia and Hyrule.
Four is an iffy one. Most people might say "but Vio was a villain!" but let's be real; if you read the manga, you know Vio was bluffing all along. If Vio, part of Four, didn't bow even under Shadow's influence, and Vaati's, and Ganon's, then again; who and what would drive this man to become a villain? Granted, the persuing of dark magic to bring back his lost friend could be argued, but is more likely to lead to his corruption than his attempting to take over Hyrule and kill innocents.
Hyrule is tough, since we have very little to work off of in cannon, but come on, even if Hyrule did turn to evil, he wouldn't exactly be able to do much. Hyrule's already in ruins in his time, and the monsters wouldn't hear of working beside him. He'd have everyone against him, and even if he does hold the triforce in it's entirety and thus could do all sorts of horrible things, he has neither motivation nor reason to turn away to becoming a villain.
Time though......
Time has watched the world burn and all his efforts be turned around and lost. He has lost everything so many times, usually with no reward or reason. In the end, Time, though a good man, cares more for the individual than the country. He cares about his wife and his boys, and based off the scars, we can only guess what lengths he's already gone to in order to accomplish his goals.
Time, if faced with the right issue, has every risk of dropping from defender to threat. Hyrule be damned, this man cares for his wife, his kids, his home, and if you threaten that, no matter who you are, he will go after you. He's one second away from going after Hylia and all she has done to him and those around him. He detests the Blade of Evil's bane, the symbol of Hylia's blessing. He borders every moment on the precipice of taking power beyond mortals to fulfill his own wishes, even if it is to help those he loves.
Put Malon in danger, heck, one of the boys, and Time won't let something silly like morals stop him from doing whatever it takes to protect what little that is still his and hasn't already been taken from him. He will fight tooth and nail not to lose anything else, and he won't let even the goddesses stop him.l
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fourstarsoutofnine · 10 months
I was wondering if you could do something with reader yeeting a weighted blanket at the chain and their reactions? I got reminded of that weighted blanket trend and thought it’d be funny
A/N:HAHAHA ABSOLUTELY OMG this ask made me actually laugh out loud😭 I have a weighted blanket I use sometimes bc it helps with chronic pain(I have arthritis) and anxiety and such—also I’ve always wanted to do that trend w someone but I’ve been to scared bc I don’t wanna hurt anybody :( anyway enjoy!
The chain and a weighted blanket!
(For simplicity’s sake, we’ll say they have weighted blankets in Hyrule lol)
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Is a bit confused with the initial throw(I’d be struggling if I tried tbh) like—why is a blanket being thrown on him, but once it hits him, he stumbles back with a groan and a laugh
“What’s wrong with this thing, great goddesses!”
Totally thinks it’s funny
Will be buying a weighted blanket as soon as possible to get Malon with it…also just cause it feels nice.
Catches it
“Hylia, this is heavy, why is this blanket heavy???”
When you(albeit shocked, cause how did he freaking catch it) explain to him that it has sand(?) in it, and what it can be used for, he’s pleasantly surprised.
“Oh wow! Who would’ve thought of such a thing!”
He accompanies you to go get Wild with it.
Body folds like a lawn chair
“OGH-“ and a thunk on the ground 💀
But he’s laughing!
Pokes his head out and just kinda lays there. Twilight’s cackling his head off behind you.
“Why?” He asks with a laugh and you just
Funny is funny, and it’s nice to have a few pranks here and there, both to keep you on your toes and have a laugh.
Also folds like a lawn chair
Except he doesn’t like his head out like wild. When there’s no movement and you peek under, he’s asleep
Mans can fall asleep anywhere anytime in a short amount of time. Sleeping is like second nature to him.
Nothing. Dead silence. You’re actually beginning to wonder if it knocked him out, but no. He’s snoring, and seems perfectly fine. It’s just comfy and he decided it was time to honk his shoos. Go night night for a bit.
You throw it at him from behind and he stumbles forward into the stump he was using as a table for planning their next route.
“Agh! Hey!!!”
Was originally upset but when he saw how hard you were laughing, he can’t seem to make himself stay mad
You were too cute, and far too happy. He didn’t want to ruin that.. and it was a little funny
“Alright Alright, You’ve had your fun…. Now go get the vet.” He said with a soft smile. The effect you had on these boys was remarkable
Get ready to run, and run fast
Yeah—he’s… pretty much the only one that didn’t take it well.
You threw it on him and he fell forward and cursed
“Y/n what gives?!”
Though when he saw how upset his yelling made you, he softened.
“It was just a joke, I didn’t mean—“
“No. It’s whatever.” He drops the blanket to the ground with a thud and crossed his arms. “It’s fine. Stop looking like that, though. All…sad. You look like a wet dog… or wet blanket, more appropriately..”
That made you crack a smile, and he huffed and rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth turning up as he turned away.
You can’t figure out if he said the pun with the intention of making you laugh or not, but it worked. (Spoiler alert, yes he did. He’s a softie whether he likes it or not and he has a particular soft spot for you.)
(Totally got the blanket to sleep under it for comfort, but if you told anyone or asked him about it he’d deny everything.)
“AAH!” He yelled as he flew forward when you threw it on his back.
He’s laughing, which is good.
Like time, he just laughs and holds it out to you, only he’s doing it with a touch of struggle to keep his arms out until you take it.
“That’s so heavy! What the heck! How did it get like that???”
After a long winded explanation, he really likes it!
Definitely asks for it one night, especially after a particularly rough battle.
Like Wars, he’s a bit upset but laughs it off, because at the end of the day, it is funny
Just make sure to pay attention to when you’re throwing it on him. Make sure he’s not working on any weapons—that’s dangerous ground both in injury and messing the weapon up.
Then, he’d actually be upset(but not for too long. He can’t stay mad at you.)
“Oh cmon!” He laughs, shoving you once he’s out from under the blanket.
Once he gets over his small upset, he’s laughing louder. It starts being real funny to him.
“That’s so dumb, that’s so dumb.” He says through laughter.
He goes FLYING
“Hey y/—WAH!”
When you pick it up he’s got the biggest mischievous grin
Thinks it’s the funniest thing known to mankind
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mishwanders · 1 month
LU Fierce Deity | Fluffy Romantic Alphabet Headcanons
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Warnings: none, safe for everyone!
Author’s Notes: I found a list of headcanons I felt confident in doing, so we’re starting off strong with the big deity man! Written by Mishwanders, please do not repost. Reblogs and nice comments are appreciated!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Fierce Deity shows his affection in the quietest of ways. Soft gazes and gentle touches, through kisses are feather light, which is something you would have never expected from a war god. He does not speak often, but when he does, it is filled with admiration for you.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
My jewel/gem, precious little thing, my star, my light, or even my heart.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Considering how long he’s lived, he didn’t really know cuddling was a thing, being kept locked away inside a mask and all. However, he starts to understand the appeal when Time allows you to borrow his mask, keeping it beside you under the covers because you like the sense of protection it provides. He’ll watch you through Times eye, silently admiring you from afar until he’s able to find his way out, so he can wrap you up in his arms for real.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If the goddesses permit it, he would love to settle down somewhere far away where no one would be able to reach either of you. He’s realized what he’s missed out on, having been at Time and Malon’s side, witnessing their love and life grow. When he meets you, he realizes truly how much he wishes to have something real with you.
Don’t ask him to cook though, pretty sure he’d burn it. Hunting is his expertise, not cooking.
E = Emotion (How are they with showing emotion in public versus private?)
Both directions it’s not easy for him. Very rarely does he let it slip up, but when he does, he finds it encouraging when you don’t react rashly against it. He feels as if maybe he can open up more, with time.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
His form of flirting is straight up just telling you how he feels, no beating around the bush with this one. The decorum he would have had in a previous time has gone and died, he needs you to know everything he thinks about you then and there.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
As I stated before, he’s surprisingly gentle with you, physically treating you as if you were a precious jewel that could easily break at any moment. Emotions, he’s still learning, but he’s better equipped now to handle those things now, having been with Time for so long. For the most part he is gentle with your emotions, but he knows there’s still some rough edges that need to be worked out, so his blatant statements don’t cut you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He realizes other’s like their need for space, so he tries not to do it sooo often, but he can’t help himself when he gets overwhelmed with affection for you. His hugs can go a few ways. He’s either sitting and pulling you into him, resting his head on your shoulder or straight up pulling you off the ground and squishing you in those big ol’ arms of his.
| = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He doesn’t outright say “I love you”, but does so by telling you how much you mean to him with all of his favorite nicknames thrown in. “My star, you are my guiding light.” “My heart, you are my home.” “My light, you consume me.” Etc., etc.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He’s learned the Chains mannerisms well enough not to become jealous of them, but the second someone else even gives you a second look on the road, he’s gone into guard dog mode, laser locking eyes with them to scare them off. You’re his precious gem, not theirs.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
As I said before, his kisses are more often than not feather light, gentle as can be from the Fierce Deity. His favorite place to kiss you is on the top of your head, forehead, mainly because it’s easier for him to reach when standing. But if he’s kneeling down or has you in his arms? Planting that kiss on your lips!
He likes it when you kiss his scars and facial marks. He feels a certain tenderness well up in his heart when you don’t shy away from it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I’m of the headcanon that he would have had some dealings with raising Time when he was just a little kid trying to make his way back to Hyrule from Termina, so he’d at least have some experience with that and the children from the tree in Termina.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Early. He likes to see the sun rise, hear the birds and the bugs sing. It’s not often he gets to hear the sound, especially when he’s been locked away in the mask for so long. If you sit out there with him, just enjoying the moment, he’d greatly appreciate it and it’ll be a memory that sticks with him forever.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Quietly, mostly, when he’s away from the mask. However you do notice he tends to look up at the sky often, thinking about an old story he’d tell you when he was finally ready.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
When it comes to the matters of himself and not his feelings for you, it’s a slow reveal as small parts of him begin to open up with time and trust in you to keep those secrets harbored safely with you. They tend to come out in the moments when he’s in places or situations that remind him of his past, the good and the bad.
P = Propose (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Proposals made by Fierce Deity do not require a ring, it’s his undying loyalty and fealty to you, swearing his oath to be your undying protector and valiant lover.
Somewhere in the distance you can still hear Majora rolling their eyes from the grave.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Every little detail that you give to him is like a yummy little morsel of knowledge that gets locked into the vault of “my heart facts”. You have to be careful with what you tell him you like, because if you say you like birds, you best be sure that he’s going to try and catch every bird he sees for you to show you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you requited your love for him, every time you smile, the way you laugh. He’s down bad for the simplest of things because it warms his heart.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is your own personal guard dog and would protect you ‘till his dying breath. The ways he would like to be protected are less physical and more emotional. He needs to know he can trust you to keep his heart safe, no matter what.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts more effort in everyday things and small gifts, like little trinkets and treasures he thinks you might like, than he does anniversaries or dates. To him, time is endless and ever changing, so remembering all the dates can get a bit lost unless you’ve specifically mentioned one that was important to you. Those he’s sure to remember.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a partner?)
Physically? He’s stuck in a mask/in Time’s body (until otherwise specified). Literally? He’s a god. But I think the thing that truly sets him apart from others is his undying love and adoration he has for you, it’s like an endless ocean once you truly get a taste of it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not super concerned, but concerned enough that he wants to keep himself put together. He needs his armor for a reason, and now with protecting his love, he’s going to keep that stuff ready to go.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. He didn’t truly know what he was missing out on until he saw what Time had with Malon. He was practically dying for it and would feel like he was dying if he’d lost you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He can walk around as a person in a dark realm or if he puts enough focus into channeling his power into the mask. He can wield dark artifacts at will to transform or give him a moment of respite from being stuck within the mask.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
He does not like being made fun of. He already has a hard enough time understanding others emotions, it hurts and angers him when he finds he’s the butt of the joke so to speak.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
In the mask? Flat. Out of the mask? Flat on his back with an arm under his pillow, fingertips grazing the knife he keeps under it while the other is draped around you to keep you close.
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dapper-zappa · 10 months
His Conejita, Her Spider. | Miles Morales
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Pairing: Miles Morales x Fem!Civilian!Reader
Summary: While you're hanging out in your boyfriend's place, a particular sketch in Miles's room intrigues you and then you get to know the meaning behind it.
Word count: ~1,5k
Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, cute Miles, Uncle Aaron death mention, Mama Rio interrupting some couple's time 😭
A/N: I love how the "Childish Gambino inspired Miles" thing has come full circle so don't mind Miles and Y/N talking abt him in the first part of the fic. If you find any mistranslated Spanish, please let me know abt it <3
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Today’s one of those days where Miles invited you to his family’s place because hanging out with his girl is simply one of his favorite things to do, other than drawing various kinds of doodles in his sketchbook. While the two of you don’t have any homework for now, there’s nothing better than to spend the time together… right? Miles’s family also grew a lot on you to the point you almost see his mom Rio as an aunt figure and his dad Jeff as an uncle figure. 
“Hi… Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I’m Y/N L/N, Miles’s classmate.” you greeted shyly. 
Rio let out a warm chuckle. “Oh mija, no need to be shy around me. Feel free to call me Mrs. Morales or Tía Morales, I’m fine with both though so you’re welcome.” (dear)
“You must be Miles’s new girlfriend!” Jeff joined. “Kinda wish his uncle Aaron is still here because he’d love to see his little nephew together with a girl he pulled up, though.” he whispered into your ear, much to Miles’s annoyance. 
The tunes from various songs in Miles’s playlist flowed through the earbud you shared with him in your ear. One of his hands linked with yours the entire time he talked about why he loved the artists featured in his playlist, and you couldn’t help but smile the entire time at your doe-eyed boyfriend passionately rambling about his favorite artists. 
He’s an artsy boy who enjoyed drawing and making , but also in love with music and how it made the world feel more alive, according to him. And you loved him for that because while you’re not an artist yourself, listening to Miles’s rambles about his favorite artists and seeing the drawings he drew by himself made you appreciate the hard work between them more. Even the fact your boyfriend’s mostly self taught in art.
“So I’ve been thinking…” you mused, getting absorbed in the song currently playing from your earbud. 
“Hmm? Told you that you’d like Childish Gambino.” Miles gently nudged your arm. “It’s obvious I love Sunflower by Post Malone at this point but dude’s discography is like, everything to me-“ 
“No no no no, it’s just that for some silly reason, whenever I look at his face… he kinda reminds me of your uncle from the photos here. I can’t exactly describe why but maybe it’s because of his entire vibe? Like, both him and your uncle have this sort of warm, approachable chill vibe? ” you giggled, trying your best to dismiss how silly your brain was being right now. “I honestly don’t know.” 
He thought about what you had just said about one of his favorite artists and his uncle for a brief moment, nodding once he found himself agreeing with it. 
“You know what, you’re right.” he flashed you a dopey grin. “Actually my uncle introduced me to Childish Gambino first.”
“Wait, what? Miles, are you serious?” 
 “Cielo, I’m serious.” he immediately paused the music from his phone. “So it all started with that one time I heard ‘Me and Your Mama’ blaring in my uncle Aaron’s place, then when he told me about the song’s title thanks to him noticing me jamming myself to it, he also said that the song reminded me of my dad falling in love with my mom. While he just thinks Childish Gambino is neat, for me his music means a lot because I was really close with my uncle and he always comes up in my mind whenever I listen to one of his songs.” 
“That explains why he pops up quite a lot in your playlist.” you said. “I like that. You’ve got a great taste.”
Miles shyly scratched the back of his neck. “You do? Well thanks, I mean- yours isn’t so bad either.” 
The more you hung out in Miles’s place, the more you loved his place and his family because of how close you were now with him and his parents. Though you just noticed a particular object displayed on his desk began to arouse the curiosity within when your head turned to face the desk he often used as both his little art studio and his study desk. 
It was a drawing of you with for some reason, rabbit ears on top of your head smiling gleefully, along with sunflowers surrounding your smiling face. It was a really beautiful artwork, from what you’ve seen. Out of the many impressive works made by your boyfriend, it’s definitely your new favorite as of now. 
“Why, thank you!” you beamed, though your demeanor suddenly shifted into a nervous one as your eyes briefly glanced at his desk. “But if you don't mind… Can I look at the little drawing on your desk?” hesitatingly, you pointed at the artwork on his desk but Miles cut you off before you could say anything else.
His eyes widened at the mention of the piece of artwork you were referring to. “Y-you sure you wanna look at it?” he stammered, standing up from the bed. 
Walking towards his desk, he picked up the paper before sitting back on the bed and handing it to you. 
“I hope you’ll like this one.” 
You took the paper from his hands and now focused yourself on the drawing depicted on the paper. You couldn’t believe your eyes as you finally got to see it right in front of your eyes. From the precise ink strokes in the sketch that made up your face’s exact likeness, how the drawing pops from the vibrant yellow, orange, and pink used in it, and to the silly little addition he chose to add this time in the form of bunny ears, you couldn’t help but love the drawing (and Miles himself) more than before. 
“You like it, cielo?” His question made you snap out of your trance.
“This is way more than beautiful, babe!” you squealed, immediately wrapping your arms around him. “I can’t describe how perfect this drawing is and the sunflowers are the best addition because they look so bright and like, everything about this is so amazing.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” he replied. 
By this point, both of your faces were beaming with happiness. You from being impressed by your boyfriend’s art skills, and Miles, from the fact you loved this doodle of you that he had drawn. Keeping your arms placed on his shoulders, you slightly pulled away from the embrace in order to face him while his hands reached for your waist. 
“But one question, Miles.” you retrieved the paper again and shoved it directly in front of his face. “Why the bunny ears? It’s not like I hate them or anything, I just wanna know why.” smirking, you waved the drawing to tease him until he revealed the answer..
He playfully shoved the paper away and gave you the biggest and proudest shit eating grin you’ve ever seen as he pulled you closer by the waist, before whispering in your ear. 
“Because you’re my cute little bunny rabbit. That’s why I often call you ‘conejita’, because it literally means ‘bunny’ and the sunflowers represent how much I love you and how happy you make me.”
Before you could say anything, you were interrupted by Rio clearing her throat. You immediately scrambled away from Miles and caught the sight of her holding 2 mugs of steaming hot chocolate standing in front of his bedroom door.
“Just wanna say that I made some hot chocolate, kids!” Rio chimed in as she set down the mugs on Miles’s desk. “And my oh my, Miles, looks like you and Y/N were having some serious love conversations right now from the looks of it.” she teased, putting her hands on her hips. 
“Mamá, ¿por qué no llamaste a la puerta?” Miles whined.  (Mom, why didn’t you knock the door?)
“Dios mío, Miles, ¿no te diste cuenta de que dejaste la puerta abierta?”  (My god, Miles, didn't you notice that you left the door open?)
“I’m sorry, mamá, I forgot to close the door so I didn’t notice you were coming.” 
“Está bien, mijo. Just make sure next time you don’t do it again, okay?” Rio gently patted Miles’s shoulder before she headed to leave her son’s room, only for her to pop her head back in, much to his annoyance. (It’s okay, dear.)
“What again, mom?” 
“I love you both!” she winked, closing the door and truly leaving from the room this time. 
Leaving the tiny awkward moment you two just had because of your boyfriend’s mom barging in, you both continued your previous activities of just chatting with each other while listening to each other’s playlist. It’s really sweet to know that the symbolism Miles put in the drawing of you with bunny ears meant wonders to him thanks to his adoration for you. Now you get why movies and artworks tend to be careful with the colors or details depicted there, because symbolism were pretty much seemingly small things that actually mean a lot, like why Miles chose to draw you with bunny ears and sunflowers around you in the artwork. 
You’re his bunny rabbit, and he’s your spider. How cute is that?
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links-in-time · 2 months
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@savimatteo2810 I love love loved turning this headcanon into a mini fic. It ended up being a bit longer than I thought so sorry about that. Or not.
Hope you enjoy.
More Than a Brother
Wars had been a little offended when Malon didn't ask him to join the rest of the muscle with help on the ranch. He knew he wasn't the strongest hero and he wasn't ashamed of that. Still, he couldn't help that her words stung him a little. The only benefit of being side lined was that Wind had ended up with him. With nothing to do on the ranch Wars and Wind had offered to run errands for Malon in town and make their usual enquiries about monster sightings in the area.
They had been in Time's era less than a day but Wars was keen to keep his head focused on their mission. As tempting as it was to relax in a warm and welcoming place like Lon Lon Ranch, he was keenly aware that they couldn't let their guard down completely. Shadow was still out there somewhere, as were his black blooded monsters. Plus, they were still no closer to figuring out what was causing the infected monsters to begin with. Wars itched to do something and if he couldn't make himself useful on the ranch, he would gladly walk to town to do some recon.
As he and the Sailor left the ranch and joined the road headed for town, Wars realised the two of them hadn't spent much time alone together. He felt guilty that his attention was so often drawn away from his brothers, either by planning, scouting or just sleep and recovery. During the war he and Wind had been fairly close. Of course Mask, aka a younger Time, had also been around, usually causing trouble and generally being a little shit. But Wind had been a little older than Mask and he and Wars used to talk a lot. He missed those quiet evenings when Wind would tell him about his travels and exploring the great sea. Wars had marvelled at the idea of Hyrule being utterly submerged beneath crashing waves. Wind had marvelled at the idea of horses.
"So where do you wanna go first when we get to town?" Wind asked, pulling Wars out of his memories.
"Hmm?" He mumbled.
"I said, where do you want to go when we get to town? I've been saving up some rupies and I thought about going on a lil shopping spree. Fancy spending some of that soldiers wage you're hoarding?!" Wind gave Wars an elbow to the ribs and Wars rubbed at it with a smirk.
"I'm not hoarding it, I'm saving it." He insisted. "And I'm sure you're the only one who believes I have any rupies to my name anyhow!"
"Well that doesn't matter, what are you saving it for anyway?" Wind probed.
"Retirement," Wars sighed.
"Re-what?!" Wind scoffed, almost halting in his tracks as he tried to comprehend the older hero.
"Retirement Sailor. You know, that thing that happens to people when they finish working."
"Yeah, but you're not that old yet. I mean, you are old but you're not THAT old. Not like Time."
"Hey, I'm not old!" Wars retorted.
"Eh, you're old to me," Wind shrugged.
"Thanks, that's good to know," Wars chuckled.
Wind seemed to forget his pervious question and they continued walking in silence for a while. Eventually the light began to fade and darkness swallowed up the road ahead.
"S'pose we should find somewhere to make camp," Wind observed, already looking for a good spot beside the road.
"Time says there's a rise a little way off protected by some trees. It should only be a little further, then we can get some sleep."
"Okay good," Wind yawned. "I hate walking."
"I know you do champ."
Just as Time had said, Wars spotted the hill and the ring of trees just up ahead on their right. The pair stepped off the road and climbed the short rise to the top. Wars' eyes swept the perimeter instinctively looking for danger. The hill was a good vantage point. If Time hadn't suggested it, Wars would probably have picked it out as a good camp site anyway.
"Where do you wanna sleep Wind?" Wars asked, already pulling out his own bed roll and a flint and steel.
"Here looks flat enough," Wind announced, laying out his bed roll on a soft patch of grass beneath two trees. "I'll gather up some firewood. Did you bring food? Or do I have to eat your cooking?"
"I swiped some pastries from Malon's pantry before we left. But I resent your attitude towards my cooking!" Wars retorted, pointing his striking steel in Wind's face.
"What?! Everything you cook is lumpy and too salty, everyone says so," Wind shrugged, already turning to go look for sticks.
"What do you mean everyone?" Wars asked to Wind's back, but the kid had already walked away.
Wars sighed and shook his head. Trying to remind himself that he had wanted Wind to come with him on their little outing. When Wind returned with a hefty armful of decent looking wood, Wars set about lighting some kindling and building up their campfire. He pulled his bedroll closer to the steadily building flames and sat on it cross legged. Wind did the same, almost mirroring Wars' movements. Wars pulled his bag into his lap and pulled out the pastries wrapped in paper, handing one over to Wind.
"Thanks," Wind said, as he took the parcel eagerly and started to unwrap it.
"Thank Malon when we get back," said Wars, before he took a bite of his own supper. "Actually, probably best she doesn't know these are missing. I don't think she likes me much already."
"That's not true," Wind protested, lowering his pastry for a moment. He frowned at Wars which made him hesitate.
"Come on, I'm definitely her least favourite of Time's boys. I'm no help around the ranch and as you so kindly put it before, I can't cook. At best I'm a guest who has to be accommodated for, at worst, I'm a burden to her."
"I don't see you that way," Wind mumbled, almost too low for Wars to hear.
"What d'you say?" He asked.
"I said I'm sure she doesn't see you that way." Wind said a little louder. "She likes all of us, doesn't matter if we're useful on the ranch. Besides, I don't think Miss Malon is capable of being mean like that."
"No, I don't think that woman has a bad bone in her body. I wouldn't like to arm wrestle her, but she's certainly got a good heart." Wars said wistfully, gazing into the crackling flames of the fire.
"She'd make a good Ma," Wind sighed, raising his pastry to his lips again.
"I'm sure she would. And though I think the prospect would terrify him, I think Time will make an excellent father some day." Wars took another bite with a smile tugging at his lips.
"Could have fooled me back when we first met him. I thought I was a menace!" Wind huffed and Wars let out a cackle of laughter.
"You were both terrors, but Time certainly turned terroizing me into his own personal hobby," Wars chuckled as he spoke.
"Used to think you'd clap him round the ears if he ever stood still long enough," Wind remarked, licking crumbs off his fingers.
"Believe me I tried, but I don't think I was the right man to try and discipline that wild child," Wars shook his head.
They fell into silence as Wars finished his supper and Wind threw his scrunched up ball of paper into the fire. Wars did the same and added a few larger sticks onto the flames. A few sparks drifted into the sky and he watched them rise high towards the stars.
"Get some sleep Sailor. I'll take first watch," Wars insisted, nodding to his younger brother.
"You sure we need it?" Wind raised an eyebrow. "Malon says there haven't been monsters sighted in these parts for weeks now."
"I know, but that can always change. Besides, it's not just monsters we keep watch for after all. There's regular old bandits, wolves and of course the Bogey Man!" Wars flashed Wind a toothy smile and waggled his eyebrows.
Wind couldn't help laughing at the usually so serious Captain. He'd never made such a claim before.
"The Bogey Man?!" Wind raised his eyebrows, staring at Wars in disbelief. "Come on Cap, how old do you think I am?"
"Twelve?" Wars tried to remember the last time they had discussed ages with each other.
"Thirteen," Wind huffed, crossing his arms with a pout. "And I'm almost fourteen."
"Right, of course," Wars nodded.
"And as we've established, you're old. But if you want to sit up for half the night I'm not gonna stop you. I'm bloody beat!" Wind exclaimed with a teasing note in his voice.
"Language Sailor!" Wars chided him.
Wind wafted his hand in the Captain's direction and began to make himself comfortable on his bedroll. He yanked a blanket over himself and pulled it all the way up to his chin. Wars smiled. Wind did the same thing every night he went to sleep.
"G'night," Wind mumbled, his voice now muffled by the blanket.
"Good night Link."
A few hours passed in silence as the night dragged on. Wars sat with his back to the warmth of the fire, staring out into the night and it's potential dangers. Every now and then he wood look behind him at Wind. The boy looked even younger when he was asleep. The usual fire and grit of his personality washed away by peace and comfort. His face looked calm and his brow was smooth. Wars felt himself smiling at their youngest brother sleeping so deeply.
Wars yawned despite himself and quickly gave himself a shake. He drank some water and tried to sit up straighter. Years of training had made it easier to go longer and longer periods without sleep. Besides, if something happened to Wind because he fell asleep on watch, Wars would never be able to forgive himself. He tried not to look at Wind again and kept his wide eyes scanning around them for any sign of danger.
However, a short while later, his attention was drawn back to Wind. A sound like a small whimpering animal caught Wars' attention first. He looked down to see the peaceful expression on the boys face had been shattered. His face was screwed up in what looked like pain. Fear tugged at Wars' heart as he quickly checked to see what could be wrong. There were no immediate signs of injury and Wind hadn't accidentally rolled too close to the fire. His mind relaxed a little as he realised Wind was probably just having a bad dream.
Though Wars and all the heroes knew from personal experience, just how bad their nightmares could be. With a sigh, Wars got to his knees and scooted over to kneel beside Wind's head. He placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder and gave him an experimental shake.
"Wind?" He asked softly. He didn't want to wake him too quickly and disorientate the poor boy.
Wind didn't stir, but he let out a soft moan and scrunched up his eyes.
"Hey, Sailor," Wars tried again. "Wind, you're dreaming. You might want to wake up."
Wars gave Wind another shake, firmer this time, concerned about what might be going through Wind's head right now.
"No... don't wanna... Mustn't... Stop!" Wind uttered in barely coherent syllables.
"Come on Wind wake up!" Wars said loudly and shook both of Wind's shoulders for good measure.
At last the boys eyes flashed open. He sat up with a start and Wars did his best not to crowd him in case he panicked. Wind stared around himself, clearly confused and definitely afraid of something. Wars could hear his breathing coming out in rapid little rasps.
"Wind," He said, lowering his voice to a soft whisper. "Wind it's okay."
Wind whipped his head around and Wars could see tears streaking down the boy's face.
"Wind, Link, you're okay. You were having a bad dream. You're okay. You're safe."
Wars did everything he could to reassure Wind he was alright. He knew that many of the boys, including himself, didn't like to be touched too quickly after waking from a nightmare. It made him feel trapped, as though hands with evil intent held him down. So he waited until Wind seemed lucid enough before laying a hand on his back. Wind flinched, but he didn't move away either which was a good sigh. Wars tried again and this time Wind leant into his hand.
"There you go," Wars cooed. "You're alright. That sounded like one nasty dream."
Was began rubbing circles into Wind's back as he continued to speak. Wind nodded feebly.
"Nightmare," he squeaked, the sound tugging at Wars' heart. "Ganon and Aryl and Grandma... Mmm, don't remember much else."
"Well that's good. I'm sure you'll forget the rest too," Wars remarked, trying to find a positive.
Wind nodded and then flopped against Wars' body. He almost knocked them both to the ground but Wars caught him in his arms and braced himself just in time.
"You okay kiddo?" Wars asked with a frown Wind couldn't see.
"M'okay," Wind mumbled into Wars' chest.
He could feel tears soaking into the front of his tunic, but he hugged Wind closer to himself regardless. Wars couldn't count the number of times he'd woken up shouting and screaming only to fall into Time or Sky's arms. Their warm embrace chasing away the specters of his own nightmares. Somehow when the roles were reversed it was a little different.
Wars had always been a very closed off person. He had to be out of necessity. The army was no laughing matter. And after all, emotion had started the war of ages in the first place. He'd had to grow up and get smart quick, quicker than most young solders his age. Responsibility had been thrust upon him leaving no room for his heart. A cool head was all that was required for a hero in his time, he knew that, and Wars had done his very best. But all of that was behind him now. Yet he still struggled to show his emotions. The walls he had spent years building would probably take years to take down again. His brothers had begun to do some of that work. Assuring him at every possibility that not everything was down to him. The burden of this new threat was shared among them equally and everyone had their own baggage to carry.
The small body currently curled against his own tugged at that vulnerable side of him. The side he had done his best to bury deep deep down. But against his better judgement he had decided to let these boys in. Let them into his heart. Wind had earned a place there long ago, as had Time, little terror that he was. But Wind was still young. Too young by all accounts.
Wars found his thoughts drifting to Time and how he had essentially adopted the other younger heros. He really would make a great father some day. What about himself? Wars had never given it a moments thought before, but now he considered the prospect. Would he make a good father if it ever happened. Of course he'd actually have to retire and settle down and of course find a wife who'd put up with him.
Wind stirred in his embrace. Wars glanced down and found that while he'd been thinking to himself the kid had gone back to sleep.
As gently as he could, Wars laid Wind back down on his bed roll and tucked his blanket in around his body. With a sigh Wars scooted away a little and returned to his watch duty. Not before he considered his question one more time. Would he be a good dad?
Just after midnight Wars woke Wind for his watch and the bleery eyed teen begrudgingly unfurled himself from his blankets and went to sit by the fire for his stint. Wars knew he shouldn't feel guilty about making Wind do his shift. But he couldn't help it. Even though Wind was constantly insisting he pull his own weight with the group and be treated just like the other heroes, he was still a child. Though Wars knew Wind would have some very choice words for him if he ever called him a child to his face.
Wars slept fitfully until the sun began to creep over the horizon. He awoke to the feeling of weak sunlight on his eyelids. He'd always been an early riser, usually up before everyone else to chat with whoever had been on last watch. Wind gave him a nod as he sat up and rubbed his palms into his sleep caked eyes. Wars guessed he must have shed a few tears while he was dreaming, given the damp patch on his scarf. Either that or he had slept with his mouth open and dribbled down his chin. If that was the case he hoped Wind hadn't been looking at him at the time.
They broke camp at a leasurely pace, hoping to get a late breakfast in town once the bakery opened. There was a chill in the air despite the warm summer they were experiencing. Wars noticed Wind with his arms crossed, rubbing his upper arms to keep them warm.
"You cold?" Wars asked plainly.
"I'm alright, it'll warm up soon enough," Wind shrugged, but he kept on rubbing his arms.
With a sigh Wars pulled the scarf from around his neck and draped it over Wind instead. Wind stiffened and glared up at the Captain.
"I said I'm alright, you don't have to give me this!" He protested. Even though he pulled it around himself unconsciously.
"I know, but I don't want you to catch a chill. Looking after a hero with a cold or the flu is a pain in the ass!" Wars remarked.
It was a pretty lame excuse. They'd all been sick at some point on their journey, and none of them had ever made the sufferer feel guilty about their weakened state. But Wars couldn't admit that he hated to see any of them suffer, especially Wind. Although the young hero was surprisingly sturdy, Wars just couldn't escape the fact that he was still a teenager. A young one at that.
They continued to walk in silence for a long time while the sun gradually crept higher into the sky. Eventually Wind was warm enough to offer the scarf back to Wars, but before he could open his mouth to speak however, they heard a shrill scream rent the still morning air.
"Where did that come from?" Wind asked, wide eyed as he stared around the empty road.
"Somewhere to the west," Wars replied, ears and eyes alert.
Though he had already been watching out for danger, the scream had caught him a little off guard. He tried to pin point where it had come from but he couldn't hear much else. The birds had fallen silent which wasn't a good sign. Another scream. This time higher and sounding more strangled than the first. Wars and Wind's heads both whipped around in the same direction and they sprinted off towards the source of the sound.
It only took them a few minutes to run through the small coppice of trees and discover the source of the commotion. Some travellers crossing Hyrule Field were being mobbed by large flock of keese, two of which were on fire. The two people running across the grass waved their arms over their heads, swatting at the large bat-like creatures. Wars pulled out his fire-rod, knowing it wouldn't hurt the fire-keese much but that it would hopefully drop some of the others.
Wind held out his batton before him and began uttering a familiar song under his breath. Wars braced himself for the gust of wind he knew would surely come next.
"Get down!" He yelled at the poor travellers.
Mercifully they saw the two young men approaching and did as instructed. They both dropped to the ground, hands held protectively over their heads. Wars swung his rod in a wide ark towards the keese, sending out a spurt of bright flame. Wind's gust whipped up at the same moment and carried Wars' flame higher. A second later the flaming torrent collided with the flock and sent most of them spiralling out of the sky, only to poof out of existence in a flash of purple dust.
"Not infected!" Wind called to Wars, who had pulled out his sword to deal with the two flaming keese.
Wars swung high but the keese dodged easily out of his way.
"Damn it!" Wars swore under his breath as he missed again.
To his left he caught a glimpse of Wind with his hand in his bag, clearly searching for a different weapon. He was surprised when the kid pulled out his boomerang. Wars chuckled to himself. Of course ranged weapons would work better on these annoying creatures. But he wasn't the best shot in the world.
Wind raised his arm and threw his boomerang as hard as he could. It spun through the air in a swift ark towards his target, colluding with one of the two keese. Wind jumped into the air and caught the boomerang with practiced ease. He spun around to throw it a second time, once again hitting his mark. Warriors rushed forwards to make sure the two beasts were dead, plunging his sword into one when he found it twitching in the grass
Momentarily distracted by the puffs of purple smoke, Wars failed to keep an eye over his shoulder. A lizalfos, one from Wild's era, snaked through the long grass towards his back. Wind's keen eyes noticed the disturbance in the grass however and managed to cry out before the lizard like creature could reach its target.
"Dad watch out!" He yelled, suddenly clapping a hand over his mouth as he realised what he'd said.
If Wars had noticed he didn't waste time thinking about it. He spun on the spot staying low and ready for attack. His vision focused in on the Lizalfos and he held his shield out ready. He'd faced plenty of Lizalfos but the ones from Wild's era could be particularly troublesome. Wars used his low position to dash forwards and jab upwards towards the creatures head. It jumped back in alarm, but Wars had expected that. He kept moving, trying to keep the monster within striking range. Wind wanted to rush in and help, but Lizalfos were so unpredictable he could end up endangering Wars or himself if he interfered.
Warriors and the Lizalfos danced around each other in the long grass. Both waiting for the other to drop their guard or make a mistake. Despite the infuriating way the creature moved Wars was patient and chose his moment carefully. In its frustration the Lizalfos stopped moving to roar at Wars. Instantly he lunged forwards, thrusting his sword up into the creatures head through its lower jaw. With a strangled hiss the Lizalfos stilled and slumped forwards. Wars had to stumble backwards to avoid being crushed beneath it, before the monster fizzled into smoke.
As Wars got his breath back and bent down to pick up his sword, he noticed the two travellers approaching. A pair of young women with heavy back-packs hanging from their shoulders walked towards him and Wars slapped on a friendly smile of greeting.
"Thank you so much!" One of the women exclaimed breathlessly. "If you and your son hadn't come along when you did, those creatures would have killed us for sure!"
"Or at the very least they would have stolen our harvest," said the other, indicating their bulging back-packs.
"And we had no idea that lizard was in the grass too!"
"Actually they're called Lizalfos, and they're not that dangerous. Just difficult to land a hit," Wind enlightened them as he walked over.
"Wait," Wars said with a blink, as he registered what had just been said. "Did you say son?"
"He must be tall for his age, but you look like you've trained your boy well Sir," one of the women remarked.
She paused as she hoisted her bag off her back and set it on the ground. Opening the flap Wars and Wind could see that it was full of corn cobs.
"We don't have much, but I'd like to offer you some of our harvest in return for saving our lives. Please take it with our thanks," she continued, pulling out an armful of corn and holding it out to the two boys.
"Thank you ma'am," said Wind eagerly. He stepped forwards and clumsily took the food.
Wars couldn't help but chuckle as the boy struggled to hold what appeared to be at least ten corn cobs almost as long as his forearms. Hopefully he'd earn some points with Malon for bringing back free food.
"Here," he said, pulling out his own bag. "You can put them in here Wind."
Wind obliged and the two women watched as the boys loaded up Warrior's bag.
"Aww, Wind. What a cute name." Observed one of the women, earning her a scowl from the boy in question. "Did your mama give you that name? Or was it your father here?"
"My...?" Wind began to ask as he looked up into Wars' face, which had turned bright read.
Wind wondered if it was from the sudden exertion, or something else.
"Thank you for the food and I hope you don't run into any more danger on your journey. We should be pressing on now," Wars declared, as he streightened up and turned so that Wind couldn't see his face.
"Thanks again," said the woman as she hoisted her bag back onto her back.
Wars and Wind stood for a moment watching the two women walk away towards the road. For a long time they stood in silence, neither able to look at the other. Wars was acutely aware of how warm and flushed his face was. Had Wind really said what he thought he had? He tried to think it over in his mind. There wasn't really anything else it could have been. Had he really called him, Dad?
"Wars?" Wind asked, a little timidly from behind him. "You okay? That Lizalfos didn't get you anywhere did it?"
Wars cleared his throat and pulled his smile back onto his face before turning to look at Wind.
"No, I'm alright. No injuries to report here. How about you?"
"I'm good. Should we get going?" Wind replied, jerking his thumb back towards the road.
"Yeah, sounds good to me."
Warriors shoulders relaxed a little as they strolled back across the grass towards the road. He kept trying to turn his attention back to their task, completing Malon's errends in town. But he kept getting distracted. They had once again turned onto the road and Wind was walking a little ahead of him. Wars' scarf fluttered behind him, almost touching the ground. He'd looped it around his neck a few times, but it was still far too long. Wars felt himself smiling absentmindedly, then shook himself.
What was happening to him. What was he doing?! Wars was used to looking out for and taking care of other people. If you didn't have other soldiers backs in a war why would you expect them to have yours. The same was true of the Chain. They all looked out for each other and they relied on each other to have their backs in times of crisis. They were all experienced heroes who had faced numerous foes and come out on top. Despite all of this knowledge however, Wars couldn't shake the feeling that he had to protect them. Or more specifically, he had to protect Wind.
He'd been Wars' charge before and he'd done his best to look after the boy during the war. Despite knowing Wind was a capable fighter and wiser beyond his years, Wars' heart bled every time he saw the boy take a hit, or nurse an injury. The longer their journey continued, the more the Sailor had wormed his way into the Captain's cold heart. It wasn't just that the boy was likable. It wasn't just that he was so much younger than all of them. It wasn't even that Wars thought he couldn't handle himself in a fight. He absolutely could. It was that, despite his best efforts, Warriors had grown to love the kid. And if Wind's reaction today was anything to go by, he might love Wars in return.
"Hey Sailor," Wars suddenly found himself calling to Wind, before he'd even figured out what he wanted to say.
"Yeah?" Wind replied brightly, turning to walk backwards while he talked.
Wars was afraid that Wind might step on the scarf and strangle himself to the ground with it. He pushed the thought aside and tried to focus on the one occupying his brain.
"Did you..." He hesitated. Wondering if he could let the subject slide. "Did you call me, Dad?"
Wind's eyes dropped to the ground and he turned around again, still walking a few steps ahead of Warriors.
"You heard that?" He replied sheepishly, crossing his arms as his shoulders tensed.
Wars couldn't see but from the sound of his voice he guessed Wind was pouting. He'd heard that voice and seen that face many times.
"I did, your shout almost definitely saved my life," Wars affirmed.
He reached out and gently gripped Wind's shoulder, drawing them level with each other. Walking side by side Wars tried to catch Wind's eye.
"Do you... Do you see me as a... As a father?" Wars asked tentatively.
His heart was thumping in his throat. As he waited for Wind to respond, Wars thought he might pass out from the sound of blood rushing through his ears.
"Well..." Wind began. "Not in a weird way. Like, I know you're not my Dad obviously. But, you know... You've always, always taken care of me and stuff and... The others are like brothers, they're loud and brash and they like to tease. But you're..." Wind tried to find the words to finish what he wanted to say. What he was feeling. "You're more... Yeah, I guess you're more like a father to me."
Wars let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. His heart beat returned to normal and he didn't feel quite as sick. As he relaxed a little a warm tingle washed over him. He feeling he had rarely experienced before. It made him fell light and safe. Wind, their little pirate, saw him, war torn and shell shocked Warriors, as a father figure. So much so that in the heat of battle he had called him Dad.
"What about Time?" Wars frowned, finally catching Wind's eye.
"Nah, Twilight and Wild might see him as some kind of parent, but they have a connection with each other. You and me know what that Sprite is really like!" Wind gave Wars a nudge to the ribs and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, I guess when you two met for the first time he was younger than you. That must seem so long ago for him." Wars observed, his face growing pensive.
"Yeah, not so long for us though," Wind nodded.
"Apparently not."
Their conversation dwindled and Wars tried to think of what to say next. Wind saved him however by adding,
"You don't have to say anything about it by the way. I think I just wanted you to know."
"Thank you Sailor. And, I'm honoured."
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
Whumptober Day 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now”
Read it on Ao3
- Time/Malon
- Summary: an injured Link shows up at Lon Lon Ranch
CW for blood and injury, mentions of death and broken bones
Malon’s hands never shake.
She can’t afford for them to. Sure, there are times when they are a bit unsteady from exhaustion or stress. Sure, there are things that scare her enough to make them trembling a possibility. But in her world, when things get hairy there is only action and no time for anything else.
Now is no different. At least, that’s what she keeps telling herself. Her hands don’t tremble, even as blood oozes over them. Her thoughts don’t falter. No tears fall.
But they want to. Oh, they want to. Because this time feels so very different. She has dealt with wounded animals before and even wounded people (she will never forget the time Ingo got kicked in the leg by Epona; satisfying though it may have been after the man’s behavior, setting that bone wasn’t exactly what she would call enjoyable). Never before, however, has she held the broken body of someone she cares for quite so much.
“You’re an idiot, fairy boy,” she breathes as she presses another cloth to the gash running across her friend’s middle.
“‘m your idiot, though,” he mumbles back. Even now there is characteristic mischief peeking out from behind the exhaustion and pain straining his tone.
Malon rolls her eyes.
Link has been bleeding all over her nice, clean floors and furniture for at least five minutes now. And that’s after he rode in, slumped over Epona’s back, one hand pressed to his stomach, the other clutching the horse’s reins like a lifeline.
He had come because he had nowhere else to go, he had said when she had stepped out onto the porch, eyes wide and heart in her throat. Because he could think of nowhere else that would be safe. Where he would be accepted without hesitation.
And as she had helped him down from the saddle, as he had practically collapsed onto her arms, he had apologized. Assured her he would take care of the wound himself, if only she would provide him a place to stay. As though he were a stranger in her home and not her best friend.
“Oh, shush,” she had scolded, ushering him into the house and lowering him onto the nearest chair. “I’ll take care of everything. You just sit down.”
And meekly, he had obeyed.
Now, he watches her with a slightly dazed look, as she tries to save his life.
For that is what she is doing, really. If she doesn’t get this wound to stop bleeding soon, he’ll bleed out.
As it is, she’s afraid he won’t last the night.
She worries her bottom lip and reaches behind her for the bandages lying on the table.
“Care to tell me how this happened?” The sharp bite of fear is in her tone despite her attempts to restrain it.
And really, who cares at this point, anyway? Her fairy boy is hurt, badly. She’s allowed to be a little worried.
Link drags in an unsteady breath.
“Monster fight.”
“The usual, then.” She shakes her head, sighing. “What I wanna know is what kinda monster fight was it that got you this hurt? I don’t think you’ve ever come around looking like this before.”
Link blinks, long and slow. The blue of his eyes seems unnaturally bright. Maybe because of the light, maybe because of pain. Malon thinks it’s likely both. But it almost reminds her of that little fairy that used to follow him around.
“Did you go into a dungeon or somethin’?”
Her gaze is back on her work, now, as she ties the bandages as tightly as possible. But when he speaks she can hear something almost like guilt in his voice.
“I—” A sharp hiss, fingers fisting in the fabric of his tunic. Malon murmurs an apology, trying to ignore the way the sound is like a dagger to her heart. “I was looking for…for something.”
“Lookin’ for something huh?”
She ties off the gauzy strips of fabric now practically holding the man together and takes a moment to survey her work.
That should hold.
Now, to get that bleeding firmly under control before he passes out…or worse. She grasps the bottle of potion that she had snatched from the cupboard earlier. It’s always handy, she has found, for times when the healing power of Lon Lon milk isn’t quite up to par. Times like now.
“That had better have been one important treasure. Did you get it at least?”
A small smile lifts Link’s lips. Somehow, it doesn’t make him look any more alive. He’s too pale, too ashen. There’s too much blood, coating his tunic, coating his hands and dribbling down from his mouth and nose.
But at least he has the strength to smile. Malon is willing to appreciate small miracles.
“Yeah, I got it.”
Something in the way he says it makes her slightly suspicious. But she hardly has time to figure out why. She wipes her hands on a nearby cloth, quickly so as not to take in just how stark the crimson looks against the white. Then, she uncorks the potion bottle and gets to her feet.
Link moves trembling, crimson drenched fingers toward the bottle. But she shakes her head.
“Uh-uh. You’re weak. Let me.”
With one careful hand, she tips his chin up and holds the bottle to his lips with the other. He swallows its contents obediently.
“That should help,” she says, once he’s finished. She turns away, setting the bottle back on the table. “At the very least you won’t be bleeding everywhere anymore.”
“Thanks,” he murmurs. He sounds a bit stronger already, she thinks. But maybe she’s just fooling herself to distract from the worry currently chewing a hole in her gut.
“Anytime, fairy boy.”
Malon inspects the wound one more time, reassuring herself that it’s no longer in danger of bleeding through the bandages. Thankfully, the potion already seems to be doing its job. The bandages remain a clean, cottony white.
“Looks like you’re out of the danger zone,” she says with a sigh of relief. “But you’re gonna need some rest and a new set of clothes.”
She looks over him once more, frowning. He raises an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna have to tend to those other wounds of yours too. I swear, you look like you let the horses trample you.”
There is a distinct twinkle in his eye now. Already, he is beginning to look a little more like himself.
“Ah, it’s a…a good look then. A seasoned adventurer kind of look.”
Her lips quirk up even as she glares at him.
“No. It’s not a good look. I thought that much was implied. And it’s the kind that gives me a heart attack.”
He grins. But it quickly turns into a grimace as she sets about cleaning a cut along his neck. Gently, she tilts her head to get a better look at it.
“Stay still, now, and let me work.”
He mumbles a tired-sounding reply. His eyes are beginning to drift closed, despite his efforts to keep them open. And as she tackles each injury, he grows closer and closer toward losing his grip on consciousness completely. But the time he is cleaned up and she has managed to help him fumble into one of Talon’s spare tunics he is practically asleep.
“There,” she murmurs, setting aside the bowl of water and multiple cloths that she had used. They tinge the water pink. “Feelin a little better now?”
She knows that she is. The terror of earlier has abated somewhat, every steady breath, every beat of his heart convincing her that the danger is gone. At least, for now.
For now, her fairy boy is safe. For now, her hands don’t shake.
He hums, sleepily. His gaze is trained on the fireplace now, seemingly mesmerized by the flames dancing there. But when she drapes a blanket over him he drags his gaze up to meet hers.
“Hey, Mal.”
“I…I think I’m in love with you.” He frowns, thought obviously a difficult task at the moment. “No…know I am.”
Malon stops short, edges of the blanket still clutched in her suddenly shaky hands. A short bark of laughter escapes, a bit louder than she means it to be.
“I think you’ve lost a little bit too much blood.”
“‘m fine,” he retorts, scowling. “Malon ‘m serious. I love you.”
Shaking her head, she tucks the blanket up around his chin and presses a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Alright, fairy boy. It’s time for you to get some sleep. We can pick up this conversation in the morning.”
His scowl becomes decidedly pouty, though he has little choice but to comply. His eyes slip closed, breath beginning to even out.
By the time, Malon has cleaned up the gory mess (she never wants to see this much blood again, especially not from him), and put away her tools, he is long gone. She allows herself a moment to gaze at him, slumbering peacefully, face illuminated by the flickering flames. He is less pale now and with the blood gone he looks more human. Younger, more like himself.
Reaching out, she rubs her thumb on his cheek, a smile playing on her lips.
“I love you too, Link.”
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batrogers · 4 months
If you want the short version of "Which Link's pay their taxes?", here's my LU headcanons going off the excessively long post here:
Sky = He's telling people what taxes to pay because he's helping Zelda build the city on the surface and in Hylia's name, he's got way more sympathy for Gaepora now that he's had to deal with it himself.
Four = He's enjoying immensely that his grandpa handles it for him, and he has NO intention of seriously dealing with it himself if he can ever avoid it. (He has indeed been sat down and taught how, and he is fond of insisting that he is *fourteen*, you are NOT dying, stop making me do this--)
Time = Zelda gave him lands as a gift for his military service and the whole knighthood thing, but she was sensible enough to give him lands that manage themselves, so he only "owns" Lon Lon Ranch. Talon incessantly teases him about this fact that technically he owes him tax, not Zelda, and Time groans every time it comes up. (Talon just pays the Castle directly still.) Malon, when she's especially annoyed at the cows or horses on any given day, will tell him that *his* livestock are acting up, but otherwise politely does not remind him.
Wind = Tetra has never paid a harbour duty tax she could avoid, but she HAS been caught and narrowly escaped several times. There's a few ports they can't legally visit anymore because of this, and Wind finds it hysterical. (I imagine the rest of the Chain is not looking forward to bailing him out of jail if they wind up in one of those cities.)
Twilight = As a resident of Ordon village, he's not really responsible for his own taxes because they're paid by the village as a whole. Mayor Bo handles it, and he hasn't legally established himself in anyone ELSE'S census so he's free of worrying about it. Mayor Bo does bug him for money once in a while, but overall it doesn't come up.
Warriors = He's a conscript who's not really asked if its legal for him to not be a soldier anymore, but hey! He's only paying some taxes which he likes because taxes pay for his food and lodging. He's vaguely complained about it a few times and rapidly realized the others have no idea what he's talking about, so he sticks to the simple stuff: he's a Captain now! He only pays a few nominal taxes. Better than the rest deal with, right?
Legend = His uncle and grandfather both are still around and so he's safe from having to pay his own taxes for a while, although they live elsewhere. That doesn't matter, though, because as a knight's son as long as they claim they're covering him the royal family doesn't much care what he does. Ravio has definitely stated this is fantastic, and Legend has been treated to some exhausting stories about the process to rebuild Lorule. He's holding out hope his uncle lives a very long time so he's not going to be stuck dealing with it himself, thank you VERY much.
Hyrule = He's living in Castletown and working with his Zeldas at this point, so he's paying whatever's normal taxes for the city. He's a nice enough kid he probably pays other people's taxes too, and does his best to keep up with things so his Zeldas have the best chance of rebuilding possible. Definitely ducks out of any labour calls though, so he doesn't draw monsters nearby and they all know why not.
Wild = He's paying Hateno taxes like everyone else, although I imagine he's had a few extended debates with the mayor about what's the most useful thing to pay in. The mayor sometimes has a hard time processing the fact there's options, nevermind what the options ARE. Zelda would mostly like him to stop trying to plant durian in the yard.
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tenderleavesbob · 5 days
Potions could reduce the chances of someone dying from blood loss, but they couldn't return the person's blood or strength afterwards. They also could only do so much for the symptoms of shock.
They were terrible after-effects, but everyone agreed, however grudgingly, that no one's injuries were worthy of a fairy. Warriors grit his teeth and ignored the lingering aches and shakiness from that damned wallmaster grabbing him. Four and Wolfie were curled up against him, with Four cold and weak from blood loss from an arrow and Wolfie fine but sharing his warmth. Shock left Warriors a little chilly, too.
Wind knelt down beside them and wrapped a blanket around the trio. Legend's, Warriors noted with amusement. He looked at Legend, and he smiled when he saw how Legend refused to look back. The tips of his ears were pink. Wind's own expression was determined, a healing bruise on his forehead and the tip of his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he adjusted the blanket around them. "Are you guys all right?"
Warriors smiled at him. He was so proud of Wind. The boy had helped him with Four earlier when Warriors's own wounds left him too shaky to handle the arrow. "We're good. Thank you, Wind." Four barely moved from his slumped position between Warriors and Wolfie, but he raised a trembling thumbs-up. It made Warriors reconsider. "Would you mind bringing me my bag? We might as well read while we're stuck here."
Four's thumb rose a little higher in approval. Warriors and Wind grinned at each other.
Across the camp, Legend was tucking a sleepy, protesting Hyrule into Sky's side. Sky happily pulled Hyrule into a hug in a way which disturbingly reminded Warriors of the wallmaster earlier. Sky was smiling but there was no mistaking the determination on his face. He was going to make sure that their exhausted healer rested whether he wanted to or not. Legend tucked another of his blankets around them, and Warriors felt his heart melt a little. Legend could pretend to be a hardass as much as he wanted, but Warriors saw through him.
Two against him, Legend and Sky and Hyrule made five, Wind made six...
Time was helping Wild with dinner. He had bruised his knee so he was cutting vegetables while sitting on the ground. Something about the movement of his hands and how casually he talked with Wild while they worked reminded Warriors of Time helping Malon in the kitchen at LonLon Ranch. Wild was glowing under Time's one-on-one attention. Warriors made a mental note to make sure they had more private time in the future.
Seven, eight.
Wind returned with Warriors's bag and promptly settled himself against Warriors's side. Four better adjusted himself against Warriors and rested his head on Warriors's shoulder. When Warriors rustled through his different books, Four pointed. "That one."
A book of Zora myths. Warriors pulled it out. He was very aware of several other heroes perking up, including Legend, who made a point of keeping his back to Warriors. How adorable.
When he started reading, Warriors did something he rarely did: he let his accent slip. It added some lyricism to the words, and he immediately felt Four relax against him. Time's ears twitched with the words even as he cut the remaining vegetables. Wolfie's tail wagged. Legend's ever-tense shoulders relaxed. Sky caught his eye and smiled at him, and Warriors knew if he didn't have his arms full with Hyrule, he would have his harp out.
There were more ways to heal people than potions and fairies. Letting the warmth of his brothers ease the lingering ache from his bruised bones, Warriors read on.
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undead-supernova · 3 months
I'll Pay the Price, You Won't.
Tumblr media
It's a Delicate Need
Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
18+ minors DNI
plot: you've never met eddie munson before...and even if your reputation's never been worse, desire is the sound of the whiskey and you're prepared for the risk. but are you willing to let it go to waste?
Pairings: modernrockstar!Eddie x fem!popstar!Reader (curvy!reader, bisexual!reader)
Warnings: drinking, mention of weed, there's genuine smut in here so sorry for the length, mention of body shaming
easter egg count: 32
wc: 6.9k
This chapter is inspired by the sound and lyrics of “Delicate” and her unreleased Lover track “Need” that I haven’t stopped thinking about since it leaked. This is one of my favorite things I've ever written and I can't believe I get to share it! Okay, have fun! I love these two so much! (special thanks to @munsonsbtch for helping chill out my frantic screaming about writing smut)
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Late April, 2024
You met him in those weird ways celebrities do. Usually, it’s an award show or some house party thrown by mutual famous friends. For you, it was the Grammy after party.
Corroded Coffin won Best Rock Album for “Fire Shroud” and Best Metal Performance for the title track. (Ozzy Osborne presented their award and you couldn’t believe how jealous you were.) 
You’d won Song of the Year for “Cradle Me”. The night was electric, one that would go down in history for you and your ever-growing career. 
Because you’d done it. You won a Grammy. 
And that was the only reason you decided to even go to the after party, really. You rode the high of your adrenaline, your tears. The squealing and stomping of victory as you basked in a kind of pride you’d never felt before. A kind of pride that you didn’t even know existed.
The room boomed with music, everyone seemingly on the same wave as you. You’d been practically shredding up the dance floor all on your own, taking time to close your eyes and feel a release for what seemed like the first time since you’d started your career. You were on top of your game, on top of the world. Nothing could derail you now. 
As a remix of Miley Cyrus’ “Flowers” came to a close, you remembered where you were. Opened your eyes to look around you as another song sounded, the bass pulsating in your ears.
And despite the noise, everyone noticed when Corroded Coffin walked in.
Even you.
Here they were, all five members decked out in lavish outfits, all five shimmying their way through the parting crowd with drinks held high in the air. If it was anyone else, they’d look obnoxious and lame. But each one of the members of Corroded Coffin acted like real people. They were in sequins, dark makeup, designer suits and dresses…and they were normal. Just laughing their way through the crowd and dancing like idiots.
And that’s when you saw him.
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About an hour after their arrival, Eddie Munson snuck away from the rest of the group. He was at the bar, nursing some whiskey, a smile on his face as he chatted with the bartender. Leaning sideways against the counter with his legs crossed, just lounging as he socialized.
And maybe it kind of seemed a little stalkerish that you were watching him across the room, sipping on your third Shirley Temple—with, yes, copious amounts of vodka—but you were merely observing. 
You weren’t his biggest fan or anything, but you were still fascinated by him. By his effortless charm, the sheer effect he seemed to have on everyone. Some had called him the New It Guy, others had called him a Soon To Be Has Been. But, for the most part, he was considered the man of everyone’s dreams. 
Not only that, but he was genuinely talented. Corroded Coffin was killing it, having reached newer heights. Those Grammys they won? Yeah, they’d already received two the year prior. In the last two years, they’d collaborated with Post Malone, Joan Jett, Bring Me The Horizon, Nova Twins, Amy Lee, Poppy… The list was starting to get rather full from how desirable it was to work with them, especially smaller artists they’d been bringing into the limelight. 
Plus, they were bringing metal to new heights. Tearing down the walls of what it meant to listen to metal and defying how it was “supposed” to sound. And you could go on and on about their lyricism, the way that they wrote about more than just testosterone-driven rage. They talked about mental health, about heartache. Addiction. Loneliness and the way isolation stung. Even the intense weight of fear that comes with falling in love.
They were raw. They were real.
And you kinda wanted to talk to Eddie Munson.
He was alone, for God’s sake. Just a sitting duck by himself, clad in that outfit. The sequins on his blazer casted light over his cheek, reflecting off of the LED lights. His blazer was a deep eggplant, all velvet and cool and fitting perfectly tight against his toned muscles. There were patterns of small black roses strategically placed throughout. Not enough to be overwhelming, but enough to give the drama. 
Oh, yeah. One more thing.
No. Shirt. 
Just his lean stomach with an attention-grabbing happy trail that led to his incredibly tight leather pants. The color even matched his blazer. Combat boots. Rings adorning his fingers and some black nail polish. Layers of diamond bracelets and chains resting against the dark ink of his tattoos. A guitar pick at the center of a black velvet choker around his neck.
Yeah, you really wanted to talk to Eddie Munson.
For a second, you stared down at yourself. You had a momentary lapse in confidence, wondering if what you were wearing was acceptable for a metal lead. Because you were clad in a silk knee-length dress, blush pink. One that hugged your curves and twirled around you wherever you moved. It was Old Hollywood. It was graceful. It was you.
Fuck it.
You approached, handing the bartender your empty glass and kindly asking for a refill. When you glanced over at Eddie in your peripheral, you knew he was being respectful, looking down at his drink rather than you.
It was up to you to deliver the opening line.
“You know,” you started, catching his attention immediately. “you’d kinda look like Lord Farquad if you got a bob.”
Eddie’s eyebrows lifted, trying to stifle a chuckle. “Yeah? You think so?” You nodded and watched as he tried to tuck in the bottom half of his hair to create the illusion of a bob. “‘Run, run, run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!’”
You were right. He kinda looked like Lord Farquad’s taller, hotter, more glamorous brother. 
“That is perfect,” you said, slow clapping. “Brilliant.”
He laughed, moving his whisky as a subtle invite to stand next to him. “I’m glad you think so. I’m Eddie, by the way.”
You smiled, telling him your name, watching as he nodded. He was wearing some eye shadow, all deep purple and bruise-y. He seemed to have had a coat of lipgloss on that was now lining the rim of his glass, with only a slight residue remaining. It was still effortlessly beautiful. He was effortlessly beautiful.
“Yeah, I actually know who you are.”
Your eyes widened. He knew you? 
“I didn’t think it was your genre,” you said honestly.
Eddie shook his head. “Nah. Come on, give yourself a little credit. ‘Tetris’ had a bit of a rock vibe to it.”
“Yeah, true,” you agreed, rolling your eyes. That was a single from your last album, one that hadn’t even gotten much traction from audiences. “But it’s nothing like A Rush of Hellfire.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up again. “You heard our first album?”
Confusion flooded your features. “Well, yeah. Hasn’t everyone?”
“No one talks about it anymore,” he responded, shrugging as he scratched the top of his head. “You a fan?”
“Not, like, a diehard fan or anything, you know? It’s fun to work out to. Or scream in the car. You did that remix with Post Malone. ‘Something Real’, right?” He smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I can’t get enough of it. The original is heavenly, but you guys put a spin on it that made it transcend the meaning and give it an extra boost of emotion that didn’t even seem possible. And your added verse? I mean, it was just so raw and…” 
You stopped yourself, starting to feel embarrassed from practically fangirling about this guy’s music to his face. He may have been actively listening, or was pretending to, but you had to stop before it got to be too much.
“Anyways,” you finished. “I really like it.”
His smile grew and it was like something flutter-y-ish was rushing to your heart. What was that about? 
“I’m flattered,” he said. “Unexpected, but flattered nonetheless.”
“Why unexpected?”
“Well, I mean. Well, your music—I just assumed—”
You laughed at that. “I like way more than just pop. That’s just the music I make, you know?” He gave you another silent nod, making you feel a little self-conscious. “So, I’m guessing you’re not really into my stuff?”
“No, I really like it. I just don’t want you to think I’m a diehard fan or anything. Actually, it’s kinda funny. I saw your cover of ‘Lolita’ by…” he trailed, waving his fingers around in thought until he pointed at you with a smirk. “Lana Del Rey, that’s it. Saw it a few weeks ago. Very cool. I liked the way you changed the sound. It seemed a little sadder than the OG, even with the synth.”
You smiled. You’d done that cover in the BBC Live Lounge to make fun of the way the media portrayed you. A player on both sides, leading everyone on and leaving them high and dry. Being a temptress of some sort, always on your best misbehavior. It was a common story, something that was far from realistic. But the media circus wasn’t about reality. It was about the fantasy.
And a lot of people misinterpreted the song choice as a confirmation of your reputation. It was mortifying. And annoying. Mostly fucking annoying.
And as the bartender handed you your drink, you prayed to whatever God was out there that Eddie didn’t think the same about you.
“I did it as a joke,” you defended sheepishly. “You’ve probably heard about me, but I’m not actually like that.”
And you knew that there was no reason for you to justify yourself to him, especially someone rumored to be a player himself. Eddie was known to the public as someone who collected  groupies like a goddamn claw machine, but it was seen as something desirable. He was hailed as some kind of Metal Prince of Darkness. (Though, you’d never come into contact with anyone who’d actually been involved with him…)
So why were you nervous all of a sudden?
You studied his reaction, the way he barely had one. He just kept smiling like that, this kind of half-smile as if you were the most interesting person he’d ever met. You were sure he smiled at everyone like that.
And if it was a trick, well fuck, it was working.
“I definitely got the joke,” he said, chuckling as your eyes widened. “What, did no one else?”
You shrugged. “Not a lot of them, no.”
“Well, I guess the world is as dense as I thought.” 
You couldn’t stifle your giggle as you lifted your drink to your lips, nearly spilling it on yourself. 
And maybe Eddie thought he was being smooth, but he took a small step forward, closer than he’d been before. “Just letting you know,” he said. “as someone who is also not like that, I thought it was amazing.”
You could smell the tobacco wafting off of his jacket, mixed with something like amber or bergamot. His pinky finger was dangerously close to yours, seemingly inching forward. The closer he got, the easier it was to decode the exact shade of his eyes. Brown had been wrong. No, they were hickory. They were umber. And these hickory, umber eyes were looking at you.
It wasn’t fair in the slightest.
Something in you wanted to call him out because there was something definitely happening between you. Maybe it was a game he was playing, taking shots at your weak spots to lower your defenses. Or maybe it was genuine chemistry, luring you in with a dangerous kind of desire that you’d never felt before. 
It was something you couldn’t even explain to yourself. 
Out of seemingly nowhere, Eddie asked, “Beatles or Stones?”
You snorted. “Easy. Beatles. You clearly haven’t listened to my album.”
“Oh, I’ve heard Acacia My Dear. How could I not?” Your eyes widened. “But I thought you were sane. Guess I was wrong.” He sighed, waving you away. “This has been fun but get out of my sight.”
“Okay, wow. How does it feel to be a loser?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“How does it feel to be wrong?”
“The Stones do not have half of the amount of hits that The Beatles had. Name any Beatles album, which I bet you can’t, and I can tell you the plethora of well-known songs from each one. You can’t fight me on the factual evidence—”
“Do you wanna dance?” he asked suddenly, cutting you off.
You froze, confusion and intrigue colliding inside you. 
“Didn’t you just tell me to go away?”
“As a joke.”
“Are you going to continue to insult my preferences?”
He leaned in just a bit further. “Is that something you’d want?”
“Maybe a little,” you admitted, trying to catch your breath as he took it. “As a treat.”
“I’d be honored.”
Eddie took you to the floor like a gentleman in a ballroom, one arm pressed against his back with the other holding your hand up. As if he was wearing a luxurious tux and you were in a ballgown. As if this was something serious, something more than it should’ve been.
And, god, whatever he was doing was fucking with your head.
Because the two of you started dancing to one of the popular hits of the year, a song you hadn’t cared to listen to. But it didn’t seem to matter to either of you, going back and forth with each other as you moved through the dance floor. Eddie shimmied his shoulders and rolled his hips. You gladly followed his lead.
As the song hit its bridge, he leaned in. “By the way, I don’t know this song.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, I don’t either. I’ve been religiously listening to Maisie Peters for the last year.”
He nodded before looking at you with a bit of a sheepish expression. “I don’t know who that is either, I’m afraid.”
“That’s more offensive than your Beatles comments,” you teased.
He rolled his eyes before taking your hands and spinning you around. Laughter fell from your lips easily, finding the sensation quite dizzying.
God, how was his energy so infectious?
He tried to bring you back up, to let go. But you were done for, wobbling in his arms from the dizzy spell coming over you. One of your held hands was placed against his chest, the drumming of his heart nearly matching the beat of the song.
“Woah there,” he teased.
You sighed, your grasp on his hand tightening. “Don’t blame me,” you said. “That was all you.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right.” When you were stable enough to stand properly and the room stopped spinning, he asked, “Favorite Beatles song?”
You scoffed. “Why should I tell you if you’re just going to make fun of it?”
“You wound me.”
“I have evidence. Exhibit A, five minutes ago you told me my opinion was wrong. Twice.”
“I’ll behave myself.” You raised an eyebrow. “Scout’s honor.”
You decided to answer truthfully. “It changes every day, I think.”
“So, what’s todays?” he pressed. When you gave him a quizzical look, he shook his head. “Don’t leave me hanging over here.”
Your smile returned. “Today, it’s ‘Sun King’.”
“Ah, a highly underrated track from Abbey Road. Mine’s either ‘I Want You (She’s So Heavy)’ or ‘Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?’ from the White Album.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. “You know their discography and yet you disrespect them.”
He wagged a finger at you. “You’re mistaken, young maiden. I never said The Beatles were bad. I said they weren’t as good as The Rolling Stones.”
“I think I hate you,” you said without thinking. Without even knowing how he was going to take that.
But then Eddie’s small smile grew into a grin. “Oh, yeah?”
You couldn’t help but smile back. “Mhm.”
“Does that mean we’ll never speak again?”
“No,” you admitted, showing him your cards. 
Eddie smirked. “Good.”
Apparently, he was showing his, too.
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Another drink and a round of bickering later, you and Eddie were promptly interrupted by a rumbling of voices calling out to you.
Well, not you.
The two of you turned and watched as the rest of Corroded Coffin rushed over. Well, Ronnie was trailing behind, still in her heels. And you commended her for not running like the rest.
Eddie let out a chuckle and you watched a grin stretch across his face, lighting him up more than anything else seemingly did tonight. It was a look of love, of appreciation. Friendship.
And when he looked at you, you swore that it intensified.
God, he was something else.
“This is Grant, Gareth, Ronnie, and Jeff,” he introduced, gesturing to the group.
As if you didn’t already know.
“Nice to meet you all,” you said, giving each one a handshake and a smile.
“Jesus, you’re prettier in person,” Ronnie said, giving you a look over. “Love the dress.”
You could help but smile, especially with how beautiful she was. Ronnie Ecker. A legendary fucking female drummer standing in front of you. Her satin dress hugged her hips, a slit running up her thigh as the tips of her fingers rested against the opening. And, sure, Eddie was standing next to you, and you were extremely interested in him. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel heat rising to your cheeks at the sight of one of the hottest women alive.
“Right back at you,” you replied, trying to stop sounding so nervous. “You’re incredible at the drums. It’s such an honor—"
“We’re heading out, actually,” Gareth said loudly, catching your attention.
“To do what? Go to bed?” Eddie asked, snorting. “Did you grind the indica by mistake?”
Grant shrugged. “We came to see if you wanted to go back and do a one-shot…” he trailed, eyes flickering over to you. “But then we saw you over here and, well…”
Jeff pointed at you. “We decided we wanted to meet you,” he said plainly.
“Yeah, exactly,” Gareth confirmed.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Oh, please. I’m really not that interesting.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Eddie said, catching your gaze. “Not to us or anyone else.”
There was something about the way he said it that made you wonder exactly what he was thinking about you. Because there was that hint of a smirk again, one that you couldn’t help but interpret as: You should see yourself the way I do in this moment.
And even though the others fell headfirst into their own tangent, you decided to lean over to Jeff. 
“A one-shot, you say?” you asked. “Like for D and D?”
A grin spread across his face. “Precisely.”
“You guys play a lot?”
Jeff nodded. “Yeah, Eddie’s, like, the best DM I’ve ever seen.”
“Better than Brennan Lee Mulligan?” you questioned.
“Close enough,” he admitted.
Eddie tapped Jeff on the shoulder. “Did someone just mention Brennan?”
“She did,” Jeff said as he patted your shoulder. “Wanna get super jealous?”
You raised an eyebrow as Eddie gave you a shit-eating grin. “I’m guest starring in his upcoming campaign.”
“Oh, fuck off!” you exclaimed. Stomping your foot, you shook your head. Your lips twisted into a smile, all jealous and playful. Because you were extremely envious, having watched D&D for years but never playing it yourself. And here Eddie was, getting the opportunity to work with one of the best DMs there were. What a cool fucking asshole.
“Well, if you ever wanted to plaaaaaay,” Gareth exaggerated, clasping his hands together and grinning. “We could always head back and get you a character sheet.”
Eddie flicked his forehead, giving him a hard stare that you couldn’t understand. “Gareth, we are not doing a one-shot tonight.” When both men’s eyes flickered over to you for a moment, you began to pick up the meaning. “So you better scram.”
And then it was its own conversation, one that started with goodbyes but led into another whirlwind of comments. You tried to follow along, tried to understand what they were even talking about in their shared campaign. There was something about a powerful wizard, another realm underneath the one you called your own. A world that seemed upside down, a world that you were glad you didn’t live in.
And as soon as it began to descend into chaos, Eddie sighed and held up his hand. “Alright, I’m cutting us off. Go to bed, you lovely dumbasses.”
“I like you,” Jeff said as the others hugged and bumped fists. Your eyes widened. “I like you a lot.”
Without a chance to ask him what he meant by that, Jeff was filing behind Grant and Gareth, all three sneaking glances back at you as they walked away.
Ronnie gave you another look over before leaning in. “Some advice? Don’t break his heart,” she said, patting your shoulder before she hustled to catch up with the others.
Shock ran through you at the sheer idea of feelings being involved between you and Eddie Munson of all people. As if he would ever actually want something like that. The idea was so absurd that you almost had to scoff.
“Did you want to keep talking?”
You turned to Eddie whose stare was becoming almost too magnetic, having to look away every few seconds. If you didn’t, the eye contact was going to send you into cardiac arrest. 
“Talking?” you asked, lifting an eyebrow. 
He played innocent, shrugging. “Well, we could always talk. We could do other things, too. If you’d like.”
“You want me to go home with you?”
“To my hotel room, maybe?” Eddie paused, clearly trying to interpret your expression and failing. “Uh, unless I’m reading this all wrong.”
“You’re not,” you said.
Without breaking eye contact, his fingers found your palm before lifting it and pressing his lips against the back of your hand. You could only hope the music would mask your sharp breath. 
“I have fewer scarlet letters than people think.” 
Another kiss. Another lodge in your throat.
“So, don’t think I’m doing this because I’m a whore.”
You could only nod. “Likewise.”
“I just…” he paused, a hint of something covering his features. “I think you’re really cool.”
“Likewise,” you concluded, disconnecting your hands before his touch could electrocute you further. “See you at the hotel.”
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“How many scarlet letters do you have?” you asked Eddie.
How the hell you’d managed to be alone in the elevator was beyond you. In fact, it was a miracle on its own that the two of you were able to leave separately, arrive at the hotel without paparazzi standing out front, and casually make it to the elevator without anyone taking notice. It was a rather close call.
Or maybe it was a sign.
You nearly rolled your eyes at the thought before Eddie’s laugh brought your attention back. 
“Ah, man,” he said. “Three, the first two being in high school. What about you?”
“Four,” you said plainly. “All post high school. I wasn’t very popular back then.”
“Neither was I.”
You looked over at him, curious about what else was there.
Eddie snorted. “Are you kidding me? Of course not. Look at me.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”  
He shook his head. “Uh-uh. Those first two? They used me to get back at their boyfriends. Thought the local freak would, I don’t know, make them jealous?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “I was also the freak.”
“Really?” You nodded. “Could’ve fooled me.”
And there that stare was again, burning a hole in your chest that you weren’t sure how to make go away. But did you really even want it to?
No words were exchanged as you made your way down the hallway. You looked back, always alert at the potential of a camera or wandering eyes. And when you made your way inside his hotel room, thick with the scent of him, you felt the prickles on your neck that always came when you feared danger.
For some reason, you couldn’t help but look at the door, making sure it was locked. Making sure that the shadows underneath the door were passing by quickly. Muffled voices came and went, but your guard never wavered.
“You don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us,” Eddie said. You turned slowly, watching him unlace his boots. “This floor is all booked for the band. No need to risk anything. That’s probably just my guy, James. He’s a hardass, but he loves a good party.”
A small chuckle left your lips. “It’s not that I’m scared to be seen with you,” you explained. “It’s just a nasty habit.”
“I don’t blame you. Las Vegas can drive people crazy.”
You took the moment to undo your heels, finally able to let your feet breathe after a long, long night of discomfort. There was a stinging pain the moment your bare feet hit the carpet.
But you couldn’t wait, taking tentative steps towards him. Like you were assessing him, assessing the risk. Watching as he watched you, standing like you’d made a silent request that he couldn’t say no to.
“I won’t bite,” he said, hands reaching out to yours. Taking your fingertips and pulling you towards him. Like you were still on that dance floor, like he was as lost in the moment as you were. 
As you drew near, you caught a glimpse of his smudged eye shadow, the way it was starting to smear. His eyes, darker than before in the low light of the lamp, only on you.
Yeah, you weren’t thinking about consequences anymore.
“I have to be up early in the morning,” you whispered, nearly chasing his lips with yours.
He nodded. “You can leave whenever you want,” he said softly, thumb brushing your lower lip. “I do want you to know that I want to kiss you so bad it’s going to kill me.”
“Well, why didn’t you just say—”
Eddie kissed you fiercely, nearly knocking you over. 
It was like he was chasing after you. Wherever you moved, he moved. Whenever you gasped, he gasped. Your hand met the back of his neck, so his moved to yours. 
It was the kindling of a fire.
If you dared to utter it, you would call it passion. 
You slowly made your way to his neck, scratching against the choker as you went. Eddie inhaled sharply, trembling as you made your way down his chest. Desperate to feel all of it. Desperate to understand where he started and where he ended. Wondering if you’d truly be granted full access.
But it was his fingers that flipped a switch. Eddie carefully moved the tips along your jaw—gently, like he was trying to learn exactly what you felt like. And before you could register it, Eddie pulled your head to the side and latched his lips to your throat. 
There was a release of a moan, the high pitch shocking you. 
Because here you were, feeling a lightning strike against your neck, rumbling like chills down your back. Before you knew it, you were limp in his arms.
You were giving in.
Slowly, Eddie helped you out of your dress, trying to take his time. But you were a little more fast-paced, nearly ripping off your own underwear before reaching towards him. Mainly because he only had a jacket on, but you were also extremely close to losing your mind if you didn’t have him inside you in the next ten minutes.
“Now, why’re you going so fast?” Eddie asked, voice hushed in the silent room. His lips met yours again, leaning back just enough to look into your eyes. “Shouldn’t you give yourself some time to enjoy it?”
Dumbfounded. That’s the only way you could describe yourself. Eddie was standing in front of you, offering you the chance to experience not just sex, but pleasure.
“Can I?” you asked him, desperate to be told again. 
He kissed your forehead.
Eddie gently lowered you to the bed, helping you scoot up to rest your head on the pillow. He paused, peering down at you as he unhooked his choker. It was the tucking of his lip into his mouth that captivated you, beckoned you to reach up to his lips.
You couldn’t remember wanting anyone else’s mouth this much.
And amongst the kissing and the harsh breaths, Eddie had his pants off, quickly kicking them aside to focus on you. You immediately clocked how he had not worn any underwear.
You had no time to look down at his length, instead feeling it as he rocked his hips against your mound. With lips against skin and a fever building, you hardly formed a thought as you tried to push his hand towards your pussy.
“Eddie,” you whined. “Please.”
“Whatever you want,” he murmured. “Promise.”
His fingers danced around your entrance, the calloused tips stroking your clit as he went along. Your hips bucked, but it was nothing against his grip on you. Instinctively, you moved your face to the side, wanting to hide your face in the pillow. 
“Shh, it’s alright,” he whispered, placing a small kiss to your nose. “Let yourself go.”
Before you had any time to respond, Eddie was inside you. His fingers pumped in and out, the squelching sound of your wetness filling the near silence.
Eddie wasn’t done annihilating your neck, leaving more and more marks as he went. There your sounds returned, nearly choking on your breath as you whimpered. 
It went on like this for a while, Eddie taking his time to bring you to the brink of an orgasm. Once. Twice. Unable to edge you a third time when you came uncontrollably and suddenly. You’d come down only to find his fingers on your clit again, beckoning you.
“Can you do it for me again?” he asked.
Feverish nods, hushed confirmations.
Another orgasm. Another bout of emotions that were ripping through you.
When you finally came down from your third orgasm, you knew you needed more. It wasn’t a want. It was a need. Eddie hadn’t touched himself, hadn’t given in to his own pleasure. It was all you.
All you.
“Can you, um,” you tried to start, breath still heavy. 
“What is it?” he asked.
With shaky fingers, you reached down between you, lightly stroking his cock. Eddie let out a hiss, arms struggling to hold him up. It was his turn to quiver.
“Ah,” he finally said, a nervous chuckle eliciting from him. “I, uh, would really like that.”
Without another word, he ran his tip over your clit, a groan leaving your lips before you came back to reality.
“Wait," you sighed, pausing. "What about you?” Gently, you pressed a hand against his chest. “Don’t you want me to, uh…”
You were too embarrassed to ask him point blank if he wanted his dick (cock? Big Ben? Woodpecker?) sucked. Because you knew that if you were to say it out loud, you would be a fumbling mess of Do you want me to suck your cockbenpecker? And then you’d have to leave and kill yourself out of sheer embarrassment.
But Eddie didn’t laugh at you. Instead, his lips found your shoulder. “No, I’m alright. Thank you for the offer, though.” He slowly trailed his tongue to the other side. “Rain check for that?”
You nodded. “Y-yeah, absolutely.”
He carefully slid in, eliciting strained moans from both of you. You watched his eyes widen; mouth agape as he looked at you. Took your silent nod as confirmation to rock into you. He didn’t go too quick, seemingly taking his time to feel you. 
And as he built his momentum, you couldn’t help but find yourself becoming a a mumbling mess.
His cock was filling you, completing you. Aching as though you’d been missing each other your entire lives and you were finally colliding.
He lifted your leg over his shoulder, seemingly desperate to go deeper. You felt as he shivered, like he was unable to control himself while trying to maintain the control he already had. It drove you wild, moving with him to get him to keep going. Getting as close to him as you could to keep him vibrating above you. 
It was addicting, keeping your eyes connected as you tried to give back what he was giving to you. There was a silent connection forming, one where you were desperate to make him feel the way you did. Craved the ability to make him bend at your will, a carnal desire to make him fall apart at your hands.
Eddie smiled, nearly laughing as you grabbed his ass and pushed him deeper into you. And even though you were close to cracking a smile, it was quickly taken away. He thrusted again, harder, intensifying the wave of ecstasy washing over you. You cried out, unable to hold it in anymore. 
“That’s it,” he said. “You sound so pretty, you know that?”
A fourth orgasm ripped through you at his praise, cum coating his cock as he continued to rock into you. He slowed, only for a moment, just enough to help you down before he picked you right back up again. Cradled your face in one hand, his other lightly running up and down your calf. For the first time, you weren’t thrown into overstimulation.
For the first time, you experienced true pleasure from sex.
As you continued to writhe in his arms, trembling as he left you in wave after wave of euphoria, you felt something shift in your chest. You couldn’t see it then, but there was a part of you that would want him the moment he was gone. Because when he finally came, pulling out and spilling onto your stomach, you were disappointed that he hadn’t cum inside you.
It was in the way he took his time with you, treating you like a lady, praising you with each orgasm. Instead of whatever you imagined, something fast and filthy and rough, you were… Well, you were worshiped.
It was much more than whatever a one-night stand between strangers was supposed to look like. And you’d never had a one-night stand, but you were ninety-nine percent sure it was not this. Strangely, you were very, very okay with that.
When you two were officially finished, he pulled you into his chest, your head resting above his thrumming heart. And you stayed there. Without any thought of the future, without any thought of your hotel room or your manager or the flight you had to take tomorrow. No, you were somewhere else. Somewhere lovely. Somewhere safe.
“Tell me something true,” you whispered in the dark.
“What do you mean?”
“Something you probably haven’t talked about to the press or whatever. However personal you’d like to get.”
“I have two cats,” he said. “And I’m actually considering getting a third.”
“That’s really cool,” you responded. “But I’m curious.”
“How do you have cats when you’re always away from home? I’ve always wanted to adopt one, but I’m scared we’ll have separation anxiety.”
“Easy. I bring them with me.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I have special bags for them and everything. They fucking love traveling if you can believe it. Goddamn angels on airplanes.”
You couldn’t help your jealousy. It had always been a dream to have a cat. A companion, a friend to curl up next to at night. But your parents despised animals and then, well, you were suddenly never home. You wondered what it would feel like to be able to bring a piece of home with you wherever you went.
“What about you?’
You peered up at him. “Me?”
“Yeah, you,” he said with a smile. “Tell me something true.”
“It’s so stereotypical, but…” You took a deep breath, contemplating if it was okay to be so vulnerable so soon after meeting him. “I get really sad when people talk about my body.” You watched his eyebrows furrow. “I like myself, but it’s hard to be, like, not skinny and still be the artist I am as if my body determines whether I’m good enough at my job.
“Sometimes I wish I could just be a person who happens to have this body and that was that. I’m healthy…what more do people want out of me?”
Eddie’s arms tightened around your waist, fingers brushing against your tummy. “People are fucked up. Genuinely.” 
“I agree. It’s like… Either I’m too big for someone to love me but my reputation is that I’m fucking everyone within a ten mile radius at any given time. Like a fucking fuck radar.” Eddie laughed. “Like which is it? ‘Cause I clearly can’t be both and I can’t be neither.”
“You know what I say to that?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow.
He raised his fist. “Fuck ‘em.”
You gave him a fist bump, nodding. “Yeah, fuck ‘em.”
“Also, if I may add, you’re fucking beautiful.” You shook your head. “No, I’m serious. I saw you walk up to accept your award tonight, which you totally had in the bag by the way, and I couldn’t help but think, ‘Wow, she’s more stunning in person.’ And I was at one of the tables in the back.”
 “You really thought that?”
“Please, I think Jeff was getting annoyed at how much I was staring. Said Radiohead wrote ‘Creep’ about me.”
A laugh fell from your lips but you still shook your head.
“I genuinely like you for you,” he whispered, lightly lifting your chin up. “It’s something true.”
“I think…I believe you.”
“Please do.”
But when you finally fell asleep, you were thrown into something ferocious. The sky turned black, with crows and ravens circling the trees. You ran along a path, trying desperately to find shelter. In the distance, you saw Eddie, walking with some other girl. One arm behind his back, his other hand holding hers. Just like he did with you.
And then it occurred to you: Now that you’d gotten a taste of Eddie Munson, you didn’t want to share.
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It was supposed to be a random hookup. Just a fleeting glance at the unusual mixture of metal and pop, leather and lace. But when you woke up to the sound of your alarm, having to get on a plane as soon as possible to do promo in Chicago, you decided to wake him up.
“Hey,” you said. “Wake up, sleepy.”
He opened his eyes slightly, taking in your already dressed appearance. “Where are you going?”
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you shrugged. “Chicago. I have a podcast to go on to talk about the Grammys and bullshit about having anything written for the next album and do promo and all that.” You looked down at the white duvet, all wrinkly from the long night (with a hint of his smeared eye shadow.) “I just wanted to thank you for last night and tell you that I had fun.”
“Yeah?” You nodded. “I did, too.” 
For a moment, you were quiet. Watching as he bit his lip, noticing how you were chewing on yours. Wondered what to say. What to think. How to end an interaction you really didn’t want to end.
“Favorite Beatles song this morning?” he asked.
You tried not to smile, but you couldn’t help it as you looked up at his cheeky expression. 
“‘I’ve Just Seen A Face’.”
“Help!” he nearly shouted in a fake scared voice, clasping onto his face. 
Rolling your eyes at his antics, you said, “If I didn’t know better, you know every album they’ve ever done.”
“Maybe I’ll tell you the answer next time I see you.”
You chuckled, telling yourself that this was just something people say. Next time this. Next time that. And there’s no follow up. Just a glance here and there at events. No one calls. No one cares.
You tried to get up, but Eddie gently grabbed your hand, rubbing his fingers along your knuckles. “Actually, in all seriousness…I wouldn’t mind seeing you again sometime.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
Without a word, you disconnected your hand from his and started towards the door. Started towards what was ultimately going to be a long day with endless naps and replacing the water in your body with coffee. 
And as you placed your hand on the cold doorknob, Eddie said his last words.
“I’m going to miss you.”
You glanced over at him, your armor starting to come loose. 
But it tightened as soon as the weakness was identified. Because there was no way to make any promises, no way to guarantee anything more than what this moment in time had provided. 
“I’ll see you soon, Eddie. I’ll make sure of it.”
After that, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. The way he was just so honest. Upfront. Wanting you close.
He told you he was going to miss you. He told you that he liked you for the person you were, not the person that everyone expected you to be. And he was the same, his reputation being nothing more than a façade for the lovely human being underneath.
The rest of that day, that week, you could only think of him.
Shouldn’t you give yourself some time to enjoy it? his voice echoed. 
It’s alright. 
Just let go.
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Early October, 2024
His makeup smeared down his face as he held your eyes. You’d never seen him so soft, so gentle. Full of emotions reserved just for you. Desperate for the one thing he ever wanted. 
And in that moment, it all froze mid-air. The laughter and gasps of the crowd. The sound of the photographers shouting his name, shouting yours. The videos and the comments that felt like sticks and stones. Ronnie’s hurling words that felt like daggers.
It dissipates as you remember the start, as you remember why you were there in the first place. Why it mattered.
“Okay,” you murmured.
Eddie's eyes widened.
“I’ll stay.”
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darbyallinsskateboard · 11 months
I Like You
Inspired by : I Like You, Post Malone ft Doja Cat
Requests are open!
Darby Allin x Seamstress! Reader
Fem Reader
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Gif Credit to : sydsaint
Summary: In which reader is a seamstress for AEW and also Sting’s youngest daughter, Sting drops by for a visit to introduce someone.
Being the senior seamstress of All Elite Wrestling could be stressful sometimes, you did love getting to meet all of the different personalities and energies the wrestler’s brought to the table, From Ricky Starks’ charm to Danhausen’s weird jokes that somehow managed to make you laugh every time but it just wore you out, especially when MJF comes in upset about how his gear didn’t look like how he envisioned or the JAS’ general annoyingness.
You were finishing the last pin on a skirt for Tay Conti when you heard a knock on your door frame “Yes?” you asked without turning “It’s Dad” you turned around with a huge smile, you had always been a father’s girl and you loved when he would visit you during work, you placed the skirt down along with the needle you were using, walking over to give him a hug “How was your match?” you asked and he shrugged “same old, just dropped in to say hi and introduce you to someone” you then notice the much smaller frame of a man who was standing behind your dad, he seemed to be cloaked in a black jacket but you couldn’t see his face.
“Come in then!” you stepped back and let your father walk in, revealing the man standing behind him. Darby Allin. you had seen him come in here from time to time, he’d never once talked to you though, opting to talk to some of the juniors whenever he needed gear sewed up or fixed, you thought it was weird but decided to disregard it a while ago, you stuck your hand out “My name is Y/N, everyone knows me as Sting Jr though” he shook your hand and stood next to your dad.
“I just wanted to introduce my quote un quote adopted kid to my real kid” you nodded and looked at Darby who had seemed to be staring at you the whole time “Well if you need anything gear wise I’m your girl, I also come and help with make-up from time to time, so if you’re ever struggling with your face paint I'm also your girl!” Darby nodded along to what you were saying, you turned back to your skirt and needle picking them up “You guys are welcome to stay here” you hear Sting say okay “I need to go grab something, I’ll leave her with you Darby” you nod and then continue your sewing job.
You turn around and see Darby’s taken a seat on one of the many couches there was sitting around the room “So, what made you want to be my dad’s apprentice?” you questioned “I’ve looked up to him all my life” He chuckled “I’d always love when Sting was fighting and I would see you in the crowd while I watched as a kid, Sting really tried to show off for you, I also...kind of had a crush on you” you giggle at the revelation “Yeah, and I used to have a crush on Dominik Mysterio when we were little!” you and him laugh together until you accidentally stab yourself in the finger with your needle “Ah fuck!” you groan as blood starts to surface.
“Let me see” you hear Darby say and you look up to see he’s right in front of you holding his hand out, you gently lay your hand in his and he looks at it “Here” he grabs a pack of wipes from his pocket “I keep these on me to clean my paint after I’m done” you nod and he pulls one out, wiping your finger down as the blood slowed down, the area was still red but there was no blood, you smile at him and he smiles back, the closeness of him has your breath hitching as you leave your hand in his, facing it down to be palm down in his hand, his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips.
You close your eyes and lean in, his lips softly connecting with yours, he presses you against one of the desks as he devours your lips, your arms instinctively wrapping around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss, your legs fly to wrap around his waist and pull him closer, tugging at his tufts of hair to urge him to kiss you more, he pulls away “I...I like you, I really do, and I wanna stay like this”
before you can say anything someone clearing their throat broke the two of you up, you look over and see your dad in the frame of the door, you quickly push Darby away and clear your throat “Dad I-” “I was waiting for the day you finally got a boyfriend and the day he finally manned up and made the first move” “Dad!” you laugh and Sting congratulates the two of you.
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bokettochild · 5 months
Through The Keyhole, See Another Life
Inspired by the giant flannel I've been wearing for the last week and how happy it makes me. This popped into my head at work because of it so.... here you go!
Fandom: Linked Universe
Characters: Time, Legend Four
Words: 1,954
Rating: Gen
Summary: The Chain are visiting the ranch, and while most of the other boys are finishing their chores, Time stumbles across Four introducing Legend to one of his guilty pleasures.
"Four, no." 
Time glances up at the very firm voice echoing down the stairs. He’s not sure if the boys even know he’s come back to the main house yet, not with the guest room being on the backside of the house and unable to see the door and all. Usually, someone would have noticed the sound of the door opening, but all the other boys are outside with Malon, helping with the chores while their smithy and veteran rested inside. 
The battle in his world had been a hard one, and as much as fairies and potions can do, they seemingly can’t prevent Legend’s chronic pain or Four’s migraines, both of which had been worsening for days even before arriving at the ranch. Malon, naturally, had insisted that both boys be allowed to sleep in today, and given they’d still been curled up tight in bed, tense and stressed even while asleep, he’d been inclined to agree.  
It appears they’re awake now though, no doubt having found the breakfast laid just inside the door of their room for them, since no one had known if either would be willing to risk the stairs to find something while the rest of them were outside working. Still, he’d probably better check. He's been a bit worried about the two, and now that Malon has ordered him inside (he honestly wasn’t kicked that hard! The cows are just big!) he has plenty of time on his hands while the rest of his boys finish their assigned chores under his wife’s guidance. 
“Why on earth not?” The smithy’s voice is a bit higher as it trails down the stairs to where he’s shucking off his boots and stretching out his back, feeling every one of his years, even the ones that technically didn’t happen. 
Legend’s sigh is audible even through the floorboards, a soft groan probably accompanying a motion. “Because I don’t want to get in trouble?” 
There’s a part of time that wants to snort at the words; the two heroes sound like children arguing about pulling a prank on their parents, but then the fact that he and Malon would be said parents in that situation hits him and it’s not as funny. Additionally, these are teen heroes, the idea that Legend is wary about it means whatever Four wants to do is either very dumb, very silly, or very dangerous, and he’s not sure which is the worse scenario. 
He moves for the stairs, ears tuned closely to the door above, but feet quiet so they won’t hear him coming. 
“I do this all the time, it’s nice! Come on, you’d love it if you let yourself.” 
Okay then, less a worry, he pauses, listening. They’d probably resent that, but he’s curious now, and still a bit wary. He has to remind himself that Legend and Four are, in fact, two of the more level headed heroes- most of the time. At any rate, they’re usually pretty responsible, so even if he’s more used to Wild and Wind and (Hylia help him) Warriors, he really shouldn’t doubt them so much. 
“Yes,” the bed upstairs creaks, “but you’re you. I’m me. There’s a big difference in how they’d react to you doing this- heck, Twilight would probably think it’s cute from you, and Sky definitely would-” definitely not dangerous then, or risky, or likely to cause damage of any sort “-but it’d be a whole different story with me.” 
“You’re just scared to try.” Four taunts, headache clearly gone. 
The bed creaks, like someone’s flopped on it. “Four, I am in too much pain to sit through Twilight chewing me out for being an ‘asshole’ again.” There’s a tick in the vet’s voice, a small hitch on the offending title. Come to think of it, his pup does tend to call the vet that pretty frequently. 
Four doesn’t pause though, continuing his insistence on...whatever he’s insisting. “Then don’t touch Twilight’s things, he can’t be mad on someone else’s behalf.” 
“He is.” Legend clips back. “frequently.” 
Does his pup really chew the vet out that much? 
“Blame me,” the smithy suggests, off-handed.” 
The bed creaks again, a longer one, most likely as it’s resident shifts to face the smithy. He can imagine the deadpan tired stare and heavy sigh that likely touches their young vet’s face. “That’s the definition of an asshole move.” 
“Then let me say it was my fault.” 
“Again, you’re different. They‘d excuse it from you, but as a person with my own free will, they will blame me for-” 
“Oh stop being a stick-in-the-mud!” Four huffs, petulant almost. He must be in one of his more childish moods, no doubt Red’s fault. It happens from time to time when they’re in a safe place and the smithy isn’t constantly around the other heroes. He didn’t think Legend would be allowed to see it, but maybe he’s wrong about that, because the smithy’s voice definitely has picked up the mannerisms of his more emotional aspect. “Just take this and put it on!” 
Are they....is Four trying to get Legend to play dress up of some kind? 
“Is that Time’s?” It’s hesitant, guarded, wary.  
“He won’t mind, or notice either, I expect. He never does.” 
Is Four getting into his things without his knowing? Since when? Time’s feet start back up the stairs again, only to pause once more at the vet’s hesitant voice. 
“You sure he won’t crucify me or something?” 
Malon’s going to kill him. That’s the impression he’s giving these younger heroes? 
“Just do it,” Four huffs, “stop being a baby.” 
And of course, insulting Legend is no way to get him to make the smart decision, whatever it is they're on about. He sets up the stairs again, creeping to the door of the guest room once he's reached the second floor and peeking around the door frame. The door’s still shut, but it’s little trouble to turn the handle ever so slowly and push it open enough to see what’s going on inside. 
He’s not expecting what he sees. 
Four is standing in the middle of the room, Sky’s embroidered undershirt hanging off of him like a rather short dress as he stares at the vet who’s still sitting on the bed where Time had left both of them early this morning. The vet, in turn, has similarly shed his own sweaty clothes, which he can see tossed over a nearby chair, and the pink-haired teen is currently drowning in what he recognizes to be one of his own tunics. The collar isn’t laced yet, but the vet is currently yanking at it to stop it trying to slip off a shoulder, struggling though because the sleeves of the outfit seem to have utterly swallowed his hands. 
Four giggles. Red is definitely fronting, although the smile he sees on the smith’s face is more like Green’s. “Let me help.” 
  “It’s just the sleeves,” the other boy huffs, “I got it.” He doesn’t. 
Time finds himself stifling a chuckle as he watches the vet fumble and fuss, switching between trying to free his hands and trying to tighten the collar. Any worries that the two were up to anything nefarious have long since vanished, although his will to see what they’re doing hasn’t. 
They look like actual kids like this, Four decked out in stollen finery and Legend drowning in Time’s own clothes, much too big for him, to the point that with the next attempt to free his hands, long sleeves flap freely and loose in an effort of some sort (he can only presume) to make them fall down naturally. That effort though is quickly forgotten, the vet’s face loosening, softening somewhat, eyes wide as he pauses and then tentatively flaps the sleeves again. Four giggles, and Legend’s chuffing laughter follows it as he grins as his trapped hands and the excess fabric that shakes and snaps with his quick movements. 
“Welcome,” the smithy sounds, “to the wonders of over-sized clothes. You’re welcome.” 
“I hate you,” Legend sighs, but there's not a bit of actual malice in the words as he flops back against the pillows on the bed, seemingly having given up on trying to fit into Time’s clothes and instead accepting his fate. The boy’s face screws up a moment later in confusion though, and he lifts a hand to his face again with a frown, sniffing slightly at the shirt sleeve. 
Time desperately, desperately hopes that Four didn’t steal that from his travel bag or dirty laundry. Except, he must not have, because Legend’s face softens again, this time into a smile, and he curls up a bit, burying his face in the fabric with a little hum that is strangely out of place for the harsh veteran they all have come to know. More so though, is the way Legend rubs his face across the fabric, ears flapping. It’s strangely adorable. 
“Nice?” Four is definitely gloating. 
Legend’s face rises for a moment out of the sleeves, a whole different person than Time knows, bitter-sweet smile and flushed cheeks. “’t smells like home.” 
Something in his chest clenches violently. 
There’s no such reaction from the smith though, who just looks pleasantly surprised, but nods it off with a smile, moving a bit closer and settling on the bedside, careful not to stir it and earning a brief look of thanks from the vet who is, now that he looks, still a bit pale and carrying tension around his shoulders and eyes. “Really?” 
“Yeah” violet eyes fall down to stare at long sleeves, hand flapping slightly inside again, but not enough to do more than make the fabric shift and shuffle a bit. “Time must use the same aftershave as-” a pause, a twitch of the face into a frown. “It’s a familiar scent.” 
It’s also a new one. Malon had got it for him for their wedding anniversary last year. He forgets what she called it, but she loves it, so he does too. On the road, it hardly matters what he smells like, but it makes him think of her and, like the captain says, it’s good to do small things for yourself even when traveling and fighting and struggling. Life’s not much worth living if it’s all harsh and you deny yourself even the small joys accessible to you. For him, that joy is remembering how his wife beams and showers him with kisses once he’s fresh faced again, but in the room before him, it can also mean stealing your team-mates' too big clothes and curling up in them when you aren’t feeling your best. 
The smile that pulls across his face as Legend rolls over to face Four better, curled up tightly in himself as the smithy laughs about something, both looking peaceful, is also one of those things. 
For a moment, a precious, fleeting moment, he can almost forget the two boys in the bedroom across from his own are heroes who have to save the world. Instead, he can almost imagine them waking up there and joining farm chores every day. No pain brought on by whatever these two have faced would exist in such a world and instead they’d be free to run wild around the barnyard, racing to finish chores or pulling pranks and making mischief like boys their age should be doing. 
It’s a nice picture, and not even properly bitter-sweet, even though he knows it can’t be, because they're still there in front of him, peaceful and content and chattering quietly, one of his boys curled up in his shirt and the other in Sky’s, both discussing scents and colognes and what smells signal home. 
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ezdotjpg · 8 months
ok but know I need you to Tell Me Things about the Zeldas. all of them. I am literally*bouncing*.
(I love how both your TP Link and Zelda have RBF. they have truly Had It)
HEHE sorry i held onto this ask until I had all the Zelda designs posted, and then I,,,forgot to do that lol.
some Bonus Zelda thoughts! some of this i've maybe said before idk:
her armor is more ceremonial than practical. While I didn't give this to every Queen Zelda, I liked the idea of the princess's pauldrons progressing to more plate armor in the queen's dress. That's also why I changed her color scheme to blue to differentiate from the princess' pink (exceptions for this being HW Zelda who wears red as queen, ST Zelda who still wears pink as queen and BOTW Zelda who wore blue as princess)
anyway. she's more of a scholar than a warrior but she still has killer aim with a bow
her pet project has been recovering, restoring, and filling in the gaps of the royal library and archive. Mage helps her out with this as he has a knack for stumbling upon forgotten ancient texts in his travels
A lot of ppl assume she's rather prim or austere but she's actually got a lot of whimsy and humor in her. It's why she and Mage get along so well :D
She lets Mage get away with a lot of shenanigans and keeps the royal guard from arresting his ass all the time
if mage is ur weird uncle she's like. ur cool aunt
she's still sailing the seas with her crew!
she and Wake have had a bit of a falling out though, partially over disagreements about searching for New Hyrule, and have gone their separate ways for now. There's not any real animosity between them, just like,,,frustration. They'd still do anything for each other.
She's got 2 pistols and a cutlass and she knows how to use them
She could bench press Wake. easily.
She's brash and commands a lot of respect but she's also a lot of fun to be around. She's brutally honest and says what's on her mind.
I think she still feels a lot of confusion and frustration about the revelations about her lineage and the role King Daphnes seemed to force on her because of it. She doesn't want much to do with what the divine. She values the freedom sailing on the sea gives her.
TP Zelda
she's. so tired. a lot of the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom has fallen squarely on her shoulders. She's holding shit together by a thread but by god is she holding it together.
Looks pretty cold and unapproachable but she has a kind heart. She cares deeply for the people of her kingdom. She would sacrifice a lot for them and already has.
Never relaxes. Works like 24/7. get this girl a hobby
Midzel canon. Midna also had a thing with Link but it wasn't a polycule more of a this is my girlfriend Midna and this is Midna's boyfriend Link kind of a situation. Anyway she misses Midna.
Wolf and Zelda are like. coworkers. They haven't really gotten any closer in the aftermath of everything. Wolf wants nothing to do with playing the role of the hero in a political sense like Zelda keeps asking him to. I don't think Zelda necessarily blames him for escaping that responsibility, but she Is frustrated she doesn't have that luxury.
MC Zelda
a little cutie!! very bubbly and extroverted and curious about the world. She spends a lot of time outside of the castle running around with Mini. The King is so glad she's safe after everything he still just lets her do whatever she wants lol
She used to be the one dragging Mini into shenanigans all the time but he's gained a lot of confidence over his quest and is less timid now. now they are equally engaging in shenanigans
Hangs out with Malon too!! The three of them are besties
I like to think she can also still see the minish even if she can't shrink down to their size. she thinks they're so cute. Maybe mini gives her a jabbernut so she can speak to them too :-)
She helps Mini build his fucked up little trash robots. She also pretties them up with paint
scolded by castle staff frequently for getting grass stains and dirt on her nice clothes lol. She probably isn't usually running around in her full princess garb though.
Like Mini, has mostly refused to process most of what happened to her and is just trying to enjoy life.
Prince Zel
I went back and forth about whether or not I wanted to go with naming him Sheik or not. I decided against it since this is the version of him that never had to become Sheik. He keeps Zelda as a legacy name and shortens it to Zel most of the time.
Pretty lonely in the castle without many friends his age. He desperately wants to be better friends with Mask but is mostly rebuffed.
Even though he doesn't have to become Sheik in this timeline, I think he has begun training with Impa. Just under a lot less duress
Still occasionally has prophetic visions but has become somewhat hesitant about sharing them. I think he understands a little more of what went on in other timelines than he lets on, but he doesn't know or put together all of it.
Often described as odd or intense or standoffish by ppl who meet him but he can be really chatty and lively under the right circumstances
HW Zelda
Her armor is also mostly ceremonial, even though she's definitely more of a warrior queen. She and War are both dressed to project 'peace time' and 'prosperity'. She has other sets of armor that are more suited for combat.
She and War are a lot alike, calculating and cunning, which is why they understand each other. It's also why they're often at each other's throats. They're not really above backstabbing each other, though has Queen she has a lot more leverage.
She's not exactly warm or particularly kind, but she does care about the safety of the Kingdom.
Also never relaxes and works like 24/7
Constantly dealing with a tense, power-hungry and antagonistic court looking to undermine her authority. She has her own private ambitions she's working towards.
ALBW Zelda
She's a really charming and fun person! very down to earth as Queen and a lot more willing to eschew tradition.
She comes across as carefree but she's been ruling Hyrule by herself since she was young and has been subject to a lot of pressure. She had to grow up pretty fast and is wiser than she seems at first glance. She has her court and the people's respect.
She and Mirror share an interest in fashion and the arts. They're,,, they're both theatre kids.
I don't have a lot of other headcanons abt her yet sorry but. i love her
ST Zelda
Has been crowned Queen at the ripe old age of 16 because the last time they appointed a chancellor he turned out to be a demon who stole her body. so
She does not feel ready to be Queen at all but she's doing her best. She's determined not to let anybody push her around again.
She's taken an interest in learning how to fight after the events of spirit tracks. She never wants to feel as helpless as she did then, trapped as a ghost outside her body. Also she really enjoyed hitting things with a giant sword in her big phantom armor. She's become a much better swordsman than Spirit ever was lol
She specifically requested her own suit of armor to mimic the phantom armor
she's pretty protective of Spirit
BOTW Zelda
I think she was conscious for all 103 of those years fighting ganon, even if it seems somewhat blurry and surreal to her now. She remembers it in fits and bursts. She often feels disconnected from her body.
She has no interest in reviving the monarchy or ruling over Hyrule again. However she does have an interest in rebuilding Hylian towns and helping all of Hyrule recover. She still feels like it's her responsibility, not because of her role as princess, but because of what she perceives as her own failure to avert tragedy.
she doesn't just blame herself though- she blames the gods and her father too.
Right now though she's mostly taking a break to get her bearings and recover from 103 years of endless fighting. She and Slate travelled around Hyrule for a while at first, and now she's settled in Hateno trying to figure out how to be normal again. Some rebuilding efforts have already started spearheaded by Hudson and she helps out with those.
SKSW Zelda
honestly not even she is sure what parts of her are herself and what parts are hylia. it's as disconcerting for her as it is for Loft. She's both frustrated that he looks at her differently now and understands completely why he does. She still wishes he wouldn't.
she remembers more about being the goddess than she necessarily lets on
she's really invested in the settlement on the surface and is basically its unofficial leader. she puts a lot of time and effort into making sure everything is going according to plan and that they have everything they need to keep living on the surface
she's protective of Loft and worries a lot for him. She blames herself for a lot of what he struggles with now and wants to make it better.
she's not the fun police though, she likes a death-defying loftwing stunt as much as the next person
she did become a knight after the events of skyward sword! They don't really wear the uniforms down on the surface much anymore though and it's become less of a formal order while everyone focuses on building and improving the village.
She's been working on her swordsmanship
I think she really loves music and singing
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cloudninetonine · 11 months
Could I make a soft request of simple domestic moments with the chain? 👀
It could honestly be anything honest to god. This was all triggered by me finding a POV Video of your comfort character taking the last slice of bread from you bc they had the butter HAHAHA
I think the boys need some major TLC and what better way to give it to them other than domestic moments, right?
I hope you liked this <3 I wasn't entirely sure what to do but I was listening to some oldies but goldies and it came to me
You liked Lon Lon Ranch, a break from the hiking life and a time to relax without a care in the world.
Well, you got the luxury of relaxing. The others weren’t so lucky, not that you weren’t willing to help around the ranch or barn, but Malon had decided it was the best chance to get to know you, know of your world and just learn about you as the other heroes worked their arses off outside.
Some much discussed, such little time, you made sure to tell your favourite farmer everything as simple as you could when the topic changed to your phone, glinting in your pocket and catching her attention.
“It’s a phone! It’s kind of like Wild’s Sheikah slate? I can use it to communicate, play games, take photos, listen to music-”
“Music?” Her tone sounded interested and she leaned in. “Please, do tell me more.”
And that’s what lead to the scene the boys walked into. Your phone blasting music, the red head and you, hand and hand, dancing happily around the kitchen as you sung your lungs out. Malon didn’t know the words sticking to giggles and laughter as you span her and dipped her.
The two of you only noticed the nine when she made an attempt to spin you, your eyes looking upon them in a shock and the words on your lips dying in the second as you fell quiet. Malon looked confused at first before she turned, blinking then smiling towards the boys in greeting.
“Join the party!” The men hesitated, sharing unsure stares amongst themselves. “Hm! Aren’t you a boring lot! Don’t stop now, (Name), we can’t let them ruin our fun!” 
Malon spun you away, your voice a squeak in surprise when you landed in the arms of Sky, looking down at you curiously while you flushed.
What an embarrassing thing to be caught in. It wasn’t too bad with an audience of one, Malon’s extroverted personality taking over your natural bashful nature until you were a barrel of laughs all over the place. You’d do this back home, with your mama, with your friends- this felt like normalcy after so long of oddity.
But these men were highly respect heroes. You couldn’t just goof about and sing in front of them, what if they made fun of you? You already lacked enough in the fighting department, Hyrule’s tiny dagger the only thing to your name that you couldn’t even yield. You didn’t deserve to goof off, to have fun, you were supposed to be quiet and stay in line, stay out of their way, to-
Then your song came on.
And everything was thrown out the window.
Tugging Sky towards you, ignoring his surprised yelp you sang, not a care in the world, not holding back. The dirty blonde looked shocked at first, letting you tug him about like a ragdoll and take control before a similar goofy smile crossed his face and then you were both dancing together.
Malon clapped happily, yanking at Time’s shirt to tug him into a dance while the others stood about unsure.
You couldn’t have that, could you?
Spinning you, Sky let you twirl away before you grabbed the hands of Hyrule whose ears flapped happily at your attention. Your smile was beaming, his was almost blinding as you began to dance with him too, Wild joining quickly after and soon enough your little trio was a mess of limbs and giggling away.
They sung too, something you realised after a moment but it only brought more joy. “You guys know the song!?”
“Of course we do!” Wild started, dipping you then letting Hyrule pick you up to twirl you, your squeal heavenly to their ears.
“You would sing it all the time!” Hyrule finished, finally placing you down and you tugged them into a hug.
You managed to move to each of the boys. Wind was happy; Four was bashful; Warriors held your enthusiasm; Twilight looked flustered with his fanged smile and Legend someone managed not to curse your entire bloodline as you twirled him around the dinner table. Time was your final partner, your head against his shoulder while he gently swayed you opposite to the toe tapping beat, the others in their own world around you.
A happy night, a deserving one as you partied. The laughter and mirth shared amongst the kitchen a lovely sight amongst these heroes forged from tragedy. You hoped it would bring good memories, this night, you hoped that in moments of darkness they would think back to the time you shared laughter and dance moves.
You hoped you did good.
Your phone finally died and a shared groan ehcoed around the room before finally you moved to eat.
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