#time for fun and play I guess ^^
madeofcc · 2 years
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July Update 🌞
Hello everyone and welcome to all the new brave and awesome soul that have been following me 🎉 you're almost 900 people potentially reading this (you won't be that many but anyway, you're still here).
As usual, here's a little update about the blog and my life and how both influence each other. I have some annoucement this month so think about reading the blog part to know what will happen during this summer ...
Otherwise and as usual, thank you all for being here and happy summertime to everyone ♥
LIFE UPDATE : Well well ... June was full of surprises, either good or bad. I finally turned 30 last month and never felt better in my life (though I’m a bit terrified to be like super old and alone one day haha but I also always think about how lucky we will be if we actually become old one day with global warming ...anyway). I’m still working full time, and still struggling each month with money (this inflation is a real nightmare I swear T_T) but I feel way better than before. I think it’s because I expose myself a lot more to the sun than I used to before to stay “whitish” as fuck and avoïd police control or racist slurs all the time but now I’m like “Look how tan I am bitch ♥” and I never felt more confident weirdly.
Last week, I also kinda broke my neck a bit. It’s not broken but I still have to make further exams to check if everything is indeed fine but I feel a bit better each day so fingers crossed ... I have few days off next week and I really look forward this moment to finally relax a bit. June was full of content with the DH special and pride edits. I wanted to do more but didn’t had time, especially with all the updates that basically turn a simple 1h photoshoot into a 3 days nightmare just for one pic >< Considering all that ... Here’s the blog update !
Yep, that’s right, I’m sorry my dear followers but I really, REALLY need, at least, an entire month of break to organise my next moves here.
I’m thinking of a new way to continue and finish DH2. I knew this part of the story wasn’t that essential but it will tell you a lot about Destiny and who her mother was and some characters will have some pretty important change as well (spoilers in the DH Random at coach !). I also want to talk about capitalism and global warming so I have to finish this season. The idea I have is to make 1 post with like 10 important shots from the entire episode and post a long text with every event, including some important lines. Would you be ok for a new DH ?
I want to post it between August and September so I can totally focus on October, aka the best month of the year, and especially Simblreen. I noticed that you were a lot more to enjoy Another Side than DH so I decided to stick on the idea of a new story. This time, it will be a horror story, totally inspired by Hill House/Bly Manor and focused on .... the iconic Behr sisters ! As their background story has a loooot of potential for that kind of story (2 sisters that lived with their grandma ... What happened to their parents ?! Why do they both seem fakely happy ?) I want to write about trauma, family and sisterhood, also want to go back to a full horror story. I’m warning you already, it will be scary and tense ! I can also tell you that the story will be like the Goth one, tell in chapters but it will be way longer than the Goth one. I’ve planned a lot of sidestories inside the main plot, full of characters and dark secrets to discover hehe. Both sisters will also be older as I love to write about YA/adult messed up because of trauma I guess ...
After that it will be .... SHOWTIME ! Not that awesome ts3 EP sadly but I’ll finally start working and posting DH Melodia (the Musical Special) and DH3 that we’ll have all the Coach special vibes and a lot more darker ones. The story will finally get really serious this time, with fun part though don’t worry, but the season will be horrific, gore and violent and most of the plot will focus on sisterhood VS toxic masculinity, including serious issues like rape and harassment so ... Just be prepared ^^” Anyway, I’m already preparing some characters for this part of the story and I can introduce you here a new one you’re going to love I think : Meet Mindy Perez
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She’s going to be very important in DH3 and will be introduced in Melodia, with another new character that should been made by @aniraklova​ this time ♥ We’ll tell you more about it later.
I’m also planning a huge casting call for this part of the story, but this time kind of reverse as I’ll tell you exactly who and what I’m looking for. Just like a real casting call in which everyone apply for the same character you see ?
But plan, plan, plan, I already have to remember myself that I’m on a break and that I can actually play a little for a change :)
I wish you all a great summer. I’ll be reblogging most of the time during this month and will probably catch up on a lot of stories. Sending you all the good vibes that I can and remember to have fun, enjoy life a bit and relax my dears ♥
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neymiiie · 4 months
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cankersoregirl · 6 months
Was not expecting to do a harp cover first thing in the morning but last twilight is just that powerful. Here’s my rendition of this OST based on what Day/Sea plays at the end of today’s ep :P
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icebarefoxy · 6 days
Some Yeah! Miiverse images I made for fun !! Use them if you want
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simgerale · 1 month
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guinevere "gwen" sands 🌊
INFP: Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. 
Gwen is a gentle soul with a heart that overflows with kindness. A champion for lost causes, she sees the potential for good in everyone. And beneath her idealism lies a hidden well of dreams and unspoken thoughts. Gwen drifts through life a bit like a poet, clinging to the past and finding beauty in the subtleties overlooked by others. With rose-tinted glasses, she possess the ability to unearth goodness in even the darkest of souls. Her desire to please others sometimes hides her true self, making her even more of an enigma to the rest of the world. Driven by pure intentions, she chases her ideals with unwavering faith. But her love for contemplation can lead her down paths of self-doubt and isolation, leaving her tethered to a beautiful, make-believe world. 
introducing my founder for the MBTI legacy challenge by @windslar!! i was inspired the moment i read the post, and then i went through the google doc and was like.... WOW!!!! i did the test and found i was an INFP, which checks out lol, so i made my founder the same personality as suggested!
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...that some things have changed (including some marigold ventures?) and Atlas May is like uh oh both lackadaisy & i are doomed, but if i set up my own death maybe only i'll be doomed and lackadaisy might have to shutter but perhaps more so on involved people's terms, such as mitzi being fine financially, but also if she thinks it's her fault that'll be good for maintaining my posthumous Image to her, perhaps she did some defrauding again? and i'll have mordecai, my trusted & effective gunman, be the one to fatally shoot me, & of course he doesn't want to, but it's Mere Work Ethic time, what's he gonna do besides argue at all maybe, ultimately refuse? (no) and he may hate it but he's not going to want to fully turn on mitzi or anything after because then what would have been the point
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arrgh-whatever · 2 months
I'm missing out once again
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goldtealeaves · 3 months
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textless version under cut
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spacebags · 1 year
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Caught red handed
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4lph4kidz · 5 months
i was thinking about your dirk and hal poll and i want to mention that i think your concept for ink and iron where dirk creates hal from his reflection by enchanting a mirror is so cool 😌
thank you! hal's predicament and purpose within the canon narrative is so fascinating and i felt it was really important to find a way to explore what i find most interesting with him. i can't take full credit for the concept though i took inspiration from a few placees (one of my friends pitched the idea of the mirror accidentally dumping him onto jake's doorstop for example) but overall i think the idea is very fun and i'm really excited to write more hal stuff!!! also i'm going to take the opportunity to share this oldish doodle i found:
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the mispelling of angel as angle was NOT intentional (<- dyslexia haver) but it probably explains a lot. he's pointy
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softinvasions · 6 months
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Hornet at Herrah's Altar • Dec. 2023
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squirreltastrophe · 2 months
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some little lighting tests that are kinda messy but I liked them enough to post :] wanna really focus on getting better at colors n such!!!!!!
(more coming soon probably hehe)
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taroutann · 6 months
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Women,, ,, , ,,,, , , , 🩷
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remember to slow blink at your Foul Legacy today. doing this will show that you trust and love him, and will make him very happy. if he's particularly pleased he'll even slow blink back at you! it is important to slow blink at Foul Legacy at least once a day, if anything just to see him perk up and wiggle his wings.
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sysig · 11 days
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Here, have an unfinished set of Die Anstalt plushie crayon-scribbles from 2020 ♥ (Patreon)
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letspretendimatter · 3 months
In honour of the pizza stream have some pizza memes I never posted
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