#time for sleep noooow
lettermanjack · 1 year
Have some random miscellaneous 2am headcannons for II characters :] (These are humanized)
- Trophy is the most touch starved bastard you will ever meet in your entire life, though he will never admit it. Cuddles is his one weakness. Tissues was the first to figure this out by ruffling Trophy's hair once as a joke only to watch him just immediately relax in real time. It's like a damn kill switch.
- Mephone4 has the entirety of the 100 digits of π song memorized and can recite it fully. OJ frequently passes by the kitchen while cleaning up the hotel once he thinks everyone has gone to bed. He has almost had a heart attack at least 3 times now because Mephone will just randomly start reciting it when bored in the kitchen looking for snacks to steal at night. Mephone has gotten so good at sneaking around the hotel OJ almost never notices he's there until he starts reciting the damn song 💀.
- Knife can play the "Knife game" while singing the song and without cutting himself simultaneously. He can even do it with his eyes closed but Mic banned him from doing that.
- After getting his eye fucked up by a lemon that one time Pickle has developed surprisingly good reflexes. A great example of this is when he, Knife, and Mic were talking outside and a stray baseball from some game being played got hurled in Mic's direction. Pickle caught the ball with one hand literal inches before it hit Mic in the face, threw it back, then continued the conversation as if nothing happened.
- Tissues can fall asleep anywhere, and I mean fuckin anywhere. On the floor, on the couch, in a chair, at the kitchen table in the middle of breakfast. He can somehow accidentally fall asleep literally everywhere except his bed when it's actually time to sleep. Paper swears he caught him sleeping while standing up once. Trophy frequently has to carry him back to their hotel room because Cheesy is too weak to do it himself :')
That's all for noooow I go to sleep now *dies*
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radias-broken-brain · 9 months
A few weeks ago it was "not enough time to spend together" for me to come over at 8pm when he worked at 6am. But noooow I'm heading over at 11pm when he works at 6 so we can see each other for like an hour and sleep lmao
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uglybirdsnest · 1 year
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Vapor Trails
- Chapter 05 -
Chapters list • My AO3
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The next morning, the whole class was astonished by a boy with a messy appearance who just walked into the classroom in the middle of class. "Hey, Andou Daisuke, stop there!" Kasukabe-sensei who felt irritated shouts because all of the students now aren't directing their eyes towards the blackboard but towards the boy whose name was being called. "Andou Daisuke!" He repeated only to get ignored by the boy.
Daisuke walks straight to his seat, but he realized that the boy who always sat next to him was not Toshiya now, rather a short boy with a bowl-like haircut who is currently sleeping. Who's his name again? Daisuke doesn't even now (and care). Feeling a little curious, he glanced to his right and saw that Toshiya is now sitting behind a boy with slightly long hair and bangs. He poked the boy's shoulder saying "Shinya-chan don't mind him." and the boy gave Toshiya a side eye before turning his head slightly and answering "You're giving me creeps, stop bothering me."
"Shinya-chan, rude!"
Aaah f*ck. Daisuke doesn't want his feelings to be all over the place on this lousy morning. Remember, he must focus. He puts down his bag and was preparing to take out his book when Kasukabe-sensei arrived at his seat with a long wooden ruler. The sound of a wooden ruler hitting Daisuke's table made the bowl-haired boy startled and wake up. "What is it noooow!" he groaned.
"Ah, it's just you. Disturbing my f*cking sleep." He tried to put his head on the table again but two fingets landed on his ear. "Ow ow ow ow!! What the hell!!"
"Ah, Kyo-chan's ears got tweaked again!!"
"Don't 'chan' me, idio- ow!!" He meant to answer the boy's 'insult' but instead he got his ear tweaked even more and now his ear becomes redder like an apple that's ready to be eaten. The bald man hummed in an angry tone and goggled his eyeballs, and with his mout open, he shows a row of yellow teeth due to frequent coffee drinking.
"You only like him because he's smart! He smoked cigars in toilet many times before. He's just another delinqu-"
"Don't talk back to your teacher!!" Kasukabe-sensei snapped and hit the boy's head with a ruler to made the boy groaned again. Toshiya just giggled in his seat in the corner with a very satisfied face. "I'm an elite delinquent though! Aah~.. Oh! Weren't you there too, Kyo-chan?" Toshiya said once again and Kyo swears he will kick his ass later. Shinya just made a disgusted face as he continue his notes while all of the class laughing.
Daisuke had completely forgotten that Toshiya always tries to mingle with everyone. Although he prefers to spend his time with Daisuke, he also jokes around with almost all of the boys in class, moreover with that Kyo guy. Daisuke actually had seen those two went to men's toilet on together on breaks to smoke. Of course it would be easy for him to find a replacement for Daisuke, right? Now Daisuke was wondering to himself, did Toshiya choose him because he looked the most pathetic sh*t in class? If he think about it, Toshiya would be better off beside the other guys than he is.
"I want to be here." Daisuke answered nonchalantly while looking for his stationery. Where did he put his blunt, thumb-lenght, pencil?
"You're already expelled, Andou. We already gave the letter to your mother, correct? I'm sure your presence is not needed anymore." Kasukabe-sensei turned to Daisuke with a raised eyebrow. The boy knew it. That's why he put his things back into his bag and got up from his seat so recklessly that his chair fell to the floor.
He couldn't possibly visit his mother at this hour because it was still school time and he didn't want to make his mother ore stressed by seeing her stupid son in the morning on the hospital instead of school. Finally Daisuke chose to go to the Naka market and start his work as a manual laborer again.
The clock at the bus station now shows 4PM, Daisuke rides his old bicycle to the hospital to see his mother's condition. But he couldn't do much because his mother is sleeping. In the end, he just sat with her until the sun went down.
Daisuke parked his bicycle in his yard and entered the hut. Smelling his shirt which is now very smelly with sweat, he immediately went to take a shower. He was about to dry himself with a towel before he realized that there was not a single towel in his sights. So he decides to use his shirt? to wipe his body and came out of the bathroom without any single fabric protecting his skin. The cold air began to be felt by the boy because he got goosebumps and his skin made small microscopic dots.
Should he make firewood after this? Or.. should he just light a candle? But, can the candle warm his body? Wait a minute, does he still have clean clothes to wear anyway? Who knows. Daisuke just hoped he could find a long sleeve shirt that at least isn't too smelly to wear. Daisuke's room door, which was now rickety because it was eaten by termites, made a loud squeaking sound as he open it and stepped inside.
"You took way too long!!"
Daisuke was surprised to hear someone else's voice in his room. From the darkness of the room he vaguely saw a figure of...
"Waaah!! Why are you naked????"
Toshiya covered his entire face with his palms even though his long fingers left a slight gap for his left eye to peek out. His cheeks and ears turned red and his heart pounded. This stup*d ass...
"Why are you blushing, sh*thead?! Are you a girl??" Daisuke with his right hand throws his dirty clothes towards Toshiya and one of his shirts lands right above his head covering his view from Daisuke. "D-Dai-chan! Why are you naked- Gyaa!! Don't come closer! I'm not ready to be a father yet!!"
"Can you shut the f*ck up??! I don't want the neighbors to hear and make up strange rumours!" Daisuke threw Toshiya again with another dirty clothes he just picked up from the floor. "-urgh!"
The two of them walked along the path along the watermelon field with Daisuke guiding his bicycle. Half of his mind was a little disbelieving that after what he did to Toshiya, he still wanted to see him, let alone walk with him. And half of it, he thought that Toshiya is just dumb, that's why.
It feels very awkward. Of all the sounds that were there that night, only the sound of their footsteps could be heard clearly by Daisuke. Where had the sound of the crickets and frogs gone a moment ago? This silence was killing him. Haaah, he really should get on his bicycle and go to Kaoru's stall before 7PM. And now he's forced side by side with the boy who's trying to cover up his blushing by making a serious face (he failed). Daisuke glanced at the younger boy next to him and couldn't help but sigh.
"Dai-chan.." Toshiya began to spoke, finally killing the silence. "It's really sucks when someone doesn't have something to fulfill what they want. And I know that it's really frustating when you don't have a dream like others." he continued. Daisuke can only laugh wryly because that's the truth.
Daisuke looked at the night sky, following the moon before he answers. "I think.. I'm alive because I can't die yet. I'm trying to vent my anger but I only have myself so what's the point? I'm afraid to open my eyes every day and breathe. It's like.. I'm floating in the sky, I'm fa-"
「 … 」
Continue to read the rest of Chapter 05 on my AO3 (link)
Hello. Thankyou for clicking this story. As I said before, on tumblr I will only post half of the chapter, so you need to go to my AO3 to read every chapter fully.🤍
Always remember that my stories are FREE, because this is a fanfiction, that should be released free and I purely wanted to share it with all DEG fans, moreover Die lovers 🤍
Lots of love,
Bird 🕊
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the-cat-chat · 1 year
April 22, 2023
The Mist (2007)
A freak storm unleashes a species of bloodthirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole up in a supermarket and fight for their lives.
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Warning: This review does contain spoilers for the movie. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: For some reason, I was under the impression that the mist was like acid or something and that’s why people couldn’t leave the supermarket. But no. It’s full on weird tentacle-y creatures and bug monsters and stuff. Which is cool, just unexpected.
Let’s start with our main character. For some reason, I found him both really creepy and yet utterly boring. To me, he was just very bland and forgettable. Also, it was so weird that they introduced the cliche “perfect” women, and the whole time it felt like the movie was trying to set them up as a romantic pairing while they were both still married? Plus, her character basically becomes “mom” to his kid and that really freaked me out. Speaking of the kid, yikes did he really not bring much to this movie. He also had the convenient ability to sleep when crazy things were happening.
The best actors were Marcia Gay Harden (the crazy religious zealot), Andre Braugher (the resentful neighbor), and Toby Jones (the store worker). I actually enjoyed the way the movie explored group dynamics and group thinking. It felt like a social experiment gone wrong. So much was put into the relationship between Andre Braugher’s character and the main guy that his death made his character arc seem incomplete. I thought this was one of the most interesting dynamics in the movie, but it felt like there was no emotional payout.
Now the ending. I don’t mind an anti-Hollywood ending. It can be refreshing and surprising sometimes. But it seemed a little ridiculous here. They go through all this effort to fight and live, drive for a ways, and then the car runs out of gas. Their immediate thought? Murder suicide. Not their second or third thought. One of them even says, “Well no one can argue we didn’t try.” I meeeeeaaannn. Did you really try? You didn’t even get out of the car to see if there was another car you could take or siphon gas out of. You didn’t even try to run for some semblance of safety. No one tried to run off and get help. Nope. Clearly the only option is murder suicide. It actually felt so ridiculous that I couldn’t even feel sad at the ending, I just ended up laughing. 
Rating: 4/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: Ummmm. I know its a very rare occasion when I might love a movie- and the rest of the time my other two emotions are either traumatized or seething with rage. But I’m seething with rage with just a dash of traumatization. I reallllly was liking this movie from a dissect it and make funny of it way (bc it is so outlandish but has its moments). And honestly the end of the world? Tell me the one place on planet Earth you’d die willingly rather than to be stuck in- yes the loathsome grocery store. Now come on forget Freddy Krueger- that’s true horror.
I just wanna say- to start off strong- the one thing I didn’t expect to come from The Mist was *spoiler alert* tentacles with teeth OR giant bugs. I thought it would be for sure zombies or like ghouls of some sort - so this plot twist was interesting. The vibes are there for sure too - you definitely pick up on the paranoia that settles in among the people too. Noooow. Let’s not even talk about the religious screaming lady bc I can feel the irritation literally in the pieces of my spine. And then she had to brainwash everyone??? Whhhhhy? 😩 I get it and why the movie does it but I’m not happy about it - so she for sure did a good job. Ohhhh my gawd. The spiders?!? Those thing were 1000x worse that Pennywise. The Punisher’s kid was almost as annoying as the religious lady. And I think his screaming “Daddy?!?” continually throughout the movie really knocks it down at least a half a point. And the fatally flaw. The ending. How? Why? I don’t need this. For reellllzzzzz man. You didn’t see a flame throwing army convoy in your rear view?!??!? I don’t wanna talk about it. Really. If you hate someone tell them to watch this movie just to see their soul leave their body when they watch the end scene. And totally unrelated, but the mystery I wanna know- what was the neighbor’s lawsuit about?? Why even bring it up so much to not tell us? Uggg.
Rating: 3.5/10 Cats 🐈
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Finally finished my Boku no Hero Academia OC, Youko; with bonus corner All Might!
Took me a while, but I’m pretty damn proud of how she came out. Mainly the eyes and hair. Should you pluck a single strand of her (entirely natural, thank you weird physical anomalies in quirk users) hair and hold it up to the light, the ‘blue’ section of her hair will appear clear and transparent; just like water. Her hero costume is mainly based off of koi fish, so it was a bit of a bitch in terms of the color scheme I was trying to go for. I got it down, though!
Anyway, here’s the more important info under the cut~
Name: Youko Mizutani (水谷 洋子) Age: 26 Nationality: Half Japanese, half American. Hero name: Sky Koi Quirk(s): Is able to manipulate water, such quirk being a familial trait on her mother’s side (she never knew her father, who is somewhere in America last she heard). Her specialty lies mainly with controlling condensation, the natural moisture in the air, small bodies or amounts of water, and the water molecules within living people. Youko can gather and move it in great quantities, raise or drop the temperature, and even use her ability to make it appear as if she is floating! She does this by focusing on the water molecules within her body and controlling them in such a way in order to carry herself in the air. There are some downsides to her quirks, one being that dealing in the water molecules hanging in the air to fight tends to make her clothes moist, but Youko can dry them off by pulling the moisture back out with her quirk. The second major downside is, should Youko overexert her quirk (Ie; moving an amount of water greater than the size of a public pool, moving 100+ people out of harm’s way all at once via how she usually flies around, ect.), she will come down with severe dehydration, a fever, and fatigue. This can usually be cured with little issue so long as she sleeps for a minimum of three hours while hooked up to an iv drip full of water. She has a second quirk, which she assumes she got from her father. Youko doesn’t use this second quirk often, seeing as all it does is light up her body in a soft golden hue. Not very effective for battle unless she wants to blind someone in a dark alleyway in the dead of night. In a relationship with: Toshinori Yagi History: Youko grew up in Japan with her mother’s family, seeing as she never knew her father, whom had hooked up with her mother on a business trip shortly before he went back to America. Despite being fatherless and an incident that occurred when she was around five that very few know of, however, Youko still managed to have a decent childhood within the Mizutani family home. While most of the family members weren’t in the hero business, Youko’s step grandfather was the one to spark her interest in becoming a heroine when she got older. He, himself, was a hero that could be found stopping purse snatchers and helping the elderly with their shopping and groceries into the years after Youko had graduated from UA. Unfortunately, by the time she was twenty, her grandfather had gotten into a battle with a particularly nasty villain and was heavily injured and poisoned with a toxin. He had to be placed in a hospital specifically for heroes for almost a year and Youko visited him every day once her hero duties where taken care of. It was during that year that she met Toshinori, who had suffered the critical blow to his chest from his arch nemesis and was in and out of a number of surgeries and medically induced comas to aid his recovery despite how often he insisted on discharging himself. Youko would pass his room multiple times a day whenever he was there and, after only seeing a couple of people actually visiting the stranger, decided that the fellow hero (whom she didn’t exactly recognize) could use some company. Toshinori was in one of the aforementioned medically-induced comas the first day the girl slipped into his room with a vase of fake flowers to help brighten up the room a bit when he was woken up. She sat beside the bed and softly talked to his unconscious form for the next few days about little things, after first introducing herself on day one. When the hero was finally taken out of the coma but still hooked up to all kinds of machines, Youko would sneak in while Toshinori was sleeping and rearrange the fake flowers by the window. She never felt comfortable bringing real ones in, what with his clearly horrible condition. Despite getting into trouble with the nurses for being in the room when she didn’t even know the blonde hero, there seemed to be nothing that could stop Youko from spending some time within his room as a visitor. Even when Toshinori stirred one day while she was changing out some of the flowers with newer, more vibrant ones, she apologized but asked if he was alright with her staying for a while. The two became friends in that hospital, but Toshinori never told Youko what his hero name was as he continued to whither away. Heck, she didn’t ever really ask and was content simply by knowing him as the man Toshinori Yagi; not the world’s greatest hero and symbol of peace, All Might. Not to say that she didn’t have her suspicions initially. Youko continued to visit Toshinori whenever he was forced to return to the hospital for his condition, even after her grandfather was discharged, and the two were able to talk to one another for hours on end when the girl wasn’t just sitting beside the bed and reading to Toshinori as he rest from one of his many surgeries or a fight. It wasn’t until the hospital was attacked by a villain hopped up on dangerous narcotics, that Youko learned the suspected truth about her new and dear friend. Toshinori had managed to transform into his muscle form after Youko was knocked into a wall from trying to protect his bedridden form from the indiscriminate attacker of the hospital occupants. All she was was All Might appearing from the once sickly form of her friend before she relented to unconsciousness and a pretty bad concussion. When she regained consciousness in a different hospital for heroes, Toshinori was in a wheelchair beside the bed. He, of course, asked her not to tell anyone that he was All Might once realizing that she’d seen it all. Youko’s response was, since it was just her and her friend in the room and that she couldn’t thank All Might with a fruit basket or something, to simply lean over and kiss Toshinori on the cheek before thanking him by name, saying he was her hero. He was flustered about it and how Youko didn’t care about his almost skeletal appearance, but couldn’t help but agree to her offer of them going out for some tea together once he was well enough to be discharged from the hospital. The two began to date shortly after he was, indeed, discharged for the final time, though decided it would be best that the public didn’t know that All Might had a girlfriend. It also made it easier for the two to go out in public together for shopping or the movies whenever they had free time. Only their closest friends came to know of the relationship. When Toshinori received the teaching request from UA, he was surprised to see that Youko had gotten one as well, but was glad to not be separated from the woman that loved him so dearly, and he her. Thankfully, Youko also was privy to the information of One For All and how Midoriya was the successor that Toshinori chose, so she would try to give her lover tips on teaching whenever he would feel the need to ask. She giggled when she found out that he bought the ‘Even a complete idiot can still be a teacher’ book, but still ended up reading it with him. The two are close and enjoy snuggling and sharing little kisses when they’re relaxing alone together. Youko is, however, known to steal a quick kiss or two should she be floating when they pass each other and there aren’t that many people around. At UA, Youko has been placed in charge of any foreign exchange students and co-instructing the classes of 1A and 1B. Her current priority student is a first year from America that she has to keep a pretty close eye on due to the boy being not only short-tempered, but a pervert as well. The passing on of his quirk hasn’t changed anything in Toshinori and Youko’s warm relationship, despite his impending demise approaching on the horizon. He enjoys calling her “My Darling!”, since she always breaks out in a blushing smile whenever she hears him say it. Youko has a considerably mild form of PTSD (from the event in her early childhood), but is still able to continue her everyday work as a pro hero. She does, however, receive treatment for said anxiety and PTSD, and manages to hold herself together well enough should an episode spring on her during work, which is rare but has happened before. Her greatest asset in this is being able to ‘fly’ away from the media before the effects of her attacks become too obvious. Toshinori hugs, no matter what form he’s in, also help a great deal.
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daincrediblegg · 3 years
God gives his toughest battles to his bravest soldiers and tonight he’s blessed me with Big Tired, throat funk, and the sudden dawning of my self awareness of how bad my social skills have become since the pandemic began
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sookashira · 6 years
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A glimpse to snk 3.
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beelovesnct · 3 years
𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐨'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
**note: bold - english, regular - korean
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English buddy; there are very rare moments between the two that English won't be spoken.
Very casual around each other (given that both are foreigners), and usually address each other without the need for formalities.
Mark is always teased in the group, but for once he gets away with teasing Aiko, only receiving a death glare in return (in comparison to the other members who receive very harsh comebacks). Mark revels in this aspect of her favoritism but is careful in not crossing the line to make sure he never loses the privilege.
Goes to Aiko when the dreamies won't listen to him; observes that the members listen to (and fear) the girl more than him, and thus use her as a shield whenever the teasing becomes over the top.
Aiko usually responds in two ways: actually stop the teasing and protect the oldest member, or do nothing at all━the latter is more commonly observed much to Mark's dismay.
Aiko is also Mark's literature buddy.
It's known that Mark really likes to write poems, and so he goes to the bookworm for advice and critiques, and even recommendations for both Korean and English books whenever he feels inspired to read (both of them like to go over certain texts to turn into future rap lyrics).
Has moderate skin ships, which is most of the time, initiated by Mark. These are usually in the form of head and shoulder pats, and the occasional arm around the shoulder. Mark adores pinching Aiko's cheeks, but she gets annoyed with it quite easily, so he does that very rarely (only on the times he absolutely cannot stand her cuteness)
"Aiko! Aiko! Guess what I'm doing right now" "What?" "What am I doing right noooow?" "You're embarrassing me"
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Savage besties;
Aiko's silence should never be taken for granted, as her words can be very sharp and deadly every time she would choose to speak up.
Of course, even her public teasings were nothing out of bounds, that's why Renjun and her get along so well in teasing other members.
She's the only member that Renjun actually hesitates to diss, but that doesn't mean she's excused to the tackles and chokeholds whenever he doesn't have a comeback to her smart mouth.
Haechan is in animated tears whenever these two team up against him.
As someone who deeply values literature, Aiko also appreciates the arts; hence, she and Renjun also bond over that aspect, and being creative in general—with moments of Renjun teaching Aiko how to paint, and Aiko giving beginner-friendly book recommendations to Renjun.
Rare skin ships: both Renjun and Aiko are not particularly fond of skin ships, so they rarely initiate anything to each other. Either of them only initiates when there is an apparent need, or the other feels especially clingy that day. When that happens, forehead or cheek kisses and side hugs are shared between the two. Renjun admits to pecking her beauty mark often [Vlive: 191201]
"Aiko" "What" "Why do you sleep so much?" "I rest so my voice doesn't crack"
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Jeno is Aiko's human charger.
Being an introverted person, the girl deeply values serenity, which is unsurprisingly something that is hard to obtain when you live with hyper and hormonal boys; Jeno, however, for Aiko, is the exception.
Jeno might be noisy when they play games and hang out as a group, but most of the time he also revels in serenity; hence, Aiko finds his companionship just what she needs whenever the other members get too rambunctious.
Often, she quietly sneaks into his room and either sits in his computer chair or lounges around his bed; the member doesn't mind as he, himself, appreciates the silent companionship the girl provides.
Sometimes, either will initiate a conversation with topics under the sun, but their voices are so quiet, one might think they were doing JMSR (Aiko has been a guest already because of this [JSMR])
Other times, Aiko would help Jeno get through a particularly hard level, or even boost his standings in online games; in fact, she's helped him so much that he now surpasses Haechan in most of the games that they play.
Moderate skin ship: Aiko had admitted that Jeno's hugs are the best, second only to Taeil [NCT Life: Entertainment Retreat 2017], and thus opts that Jeno is the only exception in her 'I hate skin ship rule'; but it doesn't necessarily mean she does it often. In the times that she feels the need for human touch, she can be seen to always initiate bear hugs under the excuse of 'needing to recharge', with Jeno complying immediately, adorned by his usual eye smile.
"Aiko" "Hmm?" "What are you reading?" "Norweigan Wood; why, do you want to read together?
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In converse to Jeno, Aiko is Haechan's human charger.
Despite annoying the girl most of the time—especially when they play (and when he relentlessly ask her to do aegyo), much like the other members, he finds her silent companionship very calming and serene. He adores loudness but also doesn't mind the change of pace whenever he finds himself in the comfort of the Neko member.
Whenever the boy is not teasing Aiko, he can usually be found speaking to her in a soft voice, asking about her day and the books she read, and sometimes even talking about his own.
Haechan might not show it most of the time, but he appreciates the girl greatly; Aiko is one of the members he usually goes to whenever he needs advice or whenever he wants to calm down.
This is a four out of ten occurrence though, as most of the time, the older member is caught relentlessly teasing the Neko member, divulging himself in her witty comebacks.
He loves the reactions he gets from the girl, as he thought her facial expressions were absolutely adorable especially when she can't come up with a good response (her face gets all red and she even shouts at him).
He believes, in some way, he's the emotional punching bag that Aiko sometimes needs in her life.
Consistent skin ship: Usually initiated by Haechan, commonly rejected by Aiko. However, most of the time she's tired from prying the boy away, and thus just settle in his arms until he finally lets her go. All kinds of skinship are shared between the two: side hugs, bear hugs, intimate hugs, platonic kisses, and etc. It would seem as if Haechan could not get enough of the cat-like member, much like he can't get enough of Renjun.
"YAH! LEE HAECHAN!" "Why Aiko-nim, are you getting angry? Are you angry?"
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Aiko's caretaker
Despite being literally only three days apart, the boy has adopted Aiko as one of the members he has to take care of and acts as if she was part of the maknae line in dream.
Reprimands her gaming and eating habits; tries to feed her coriander (which is often slapped away), and cuddles Aiko to sleep (something she won't admit helps with her late sleeping habits; he gets kicked out of her room often though [Vlive 190816]).
Doesn't say anything about her quietness, as an introvert himself, he's deeply grateful that there's a source of quietness somewhere within the team.
Converse to Jeno, it would be Jaemin, who would often enter her room and simply lounge in her bed, both minding their own businesses. Conversations are spoken in small voices, but these are often short, as both would go back to what they were doing in the first place.
Aiko is Jaemin's official taster; since she's a picky eater, she is ruthless when it comes to feedback on his cooking, making his skills improve tenfold. They also bond over coffee!! Jaemin makes twice of his own mix now, after knowing that Aiko loves it just as much.
Helps Jaemin a lot when it comes to maintaining order within the dorms (something Jaemin admits he is eternally grateful for); despite being lazy, Aiko is a clean freak and thus helps Jaemin a lot in making sure the dorm doesn't end up like a landfill.
Consistent Skin ships: Jaemin treats Aiko like he would Jisung. This often means back and bear hugs and head pats. He admits that he loves just being close to her physically, as she reminds him of an old bookstore. Her smell calms him down, and so he often sticks his nose within the crook of her neck. Aiko often swats his affection away, but much like Haechan, she's slowly getting used to the boy's clinginess and simply waits until he got his daily source of physical touch.
"Aiko, come here." "Why" "Just…come here." "You're the one who asked for me, you come here."
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Aiko's second caretaker; acts as if he's older
The two members are very casual around each other (partially because they are both foreigners)━much like her relationship with Mark, and thus, find no need in using formalities.
Chenle only calls her, "noona" whenever he wants to tease her; which is ALL THE TIME by the way.
Second only to Haechan, Chenle is known to also tease the Neko member relentlessly, but his teasings are more tolerable in Aiko's book than Haechan's, and so she doesn't reprimand him as much (also because she sees him as a cute little brother).
Very fond of each other; Chenle adores Aiko entirely, much like he does with Mark, and calls her "cute" a lot. Chenle was actually was the one who invented the nickname, "Aiko-yangi" after noticing just how much the member's behavior greatly resembles that of a cat, fans pick up on it very soon after.
Plays a lot of games together!! Unlike Jeno, Chenle is a beast at games, so whenever the two team up━whether it was against random people online or their own members, they always dominated the leader board (much to Haechan's dismay)
Aiko goes to Chenle's house a lot! The main objective is always to play more games, but often it's because of Daegal too (animals just love Aiko so much). The girl has been a frequent visitor of his house to the point that she has her picture displayed in Chenle's room (just beside his picture with Mark).
Rare skin ships: Much like Renjun, Chenle is not one to openly initiate physical affection. It's not that he hates it, but it's not that he loves it that much either. Hence, skin ships with Aiko are often narrowed to cheek-pinching and head pats, although occasional bear hugs are conducted whenever the Chinese member finds Aiko too irresistible.
"Aigoo! Why is our Aiko so adorable? SO KYEOWO!" "Aiko, whose baby are you?" "My mom's baby." "You're my baby too!"
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Jisung is Aiko's baby, although her care for the maknae is usually more subtle and subdued in comparison to the rest of the members (something Jisung is eternally grateful for)
Aiko is often caught quietly looking out for the maknae: offers him food whenever she has some, fixes his hair and clothing whenever it goes out of place, and gives him the things he needs without ever asking for it.
It doesn't mean, however, that the Neko member won't openly fight anyone who violates the maknae;
Countless times, it could be seen that Aiko openly calls out fans who ask unreasonable things, such as showing his abs whilst knowing that the member is a minor.
In return, Jisung also looks out for his noona (calls her noona because of his immense respect for the girl)
He is caught helping her multiple times even in menial tasks such as reaching for the things she couldn't reach on her own, taking the punishments for her during reality shows (which often involved doing aegyo), or even offers his shoulder whenever he notices the girl getting sleepy.
Jisung LOVES being in her presence, as he is allowed to play and do whatever he wants without being disturbed. He loves his hyungs to death, but often, he finds himself wanting a quiet place━a quiet companionship, and he finds that in Aiko.
Whenever it's just the two of them, he talks to Aiko in a soft voice, and much like Jeno, their conversation could range from anything under the sun (but it often diverts to aliens and space as Aiko shares some of the stories she read from her books)
Recommended "The Little Prince" to Jisung, and he now claims it's one of his favorite books to date.
Moderate skin ship: It is a well-known fact that Jisung is not particularly fond of physical affection (partially due to being smothered by it his whole life), but Aiko, for him, is the exception. Of course, this doesn't mean that he consistently seeks out Aiko; but when he does, back hugs are his go-to physical affection. He feels as if Aiko fits just right (being the smallest out of all the NCT members), as he places his head on top of hers. Aiko usually doesn't swat Jisung away, given that he rarely asks for affection anyway. Other times, head and shoulder pats are the norm.
"Noona, do you want this?" "Noona, you have to try this." "Noona, let me fix that for you."
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nct 127, wayv and nct u coming soon >< [GIFs not mine!!]
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fromthemouthofkings · 3 years
the morning after the end of the world, you get breakfast
an ambiguous aziraphale/crowley alternate ending, turned-into-humans au. or maybe just two former celestial beings enjoying breakfast. oneshot.
The morning after the end of the world, you get breakfast at a greasy little diner. Neither of you have slept a wink, and you feel like shit and probably look it, but you’re alive, so there’s that. You slide into the faintly sticky red plastic booth and ask the waitress, who is also alive, for coffee and a breakfast sandwich, because despite never having experienced hunger before, you are starting to realize that you are starving. The angel who is not an angel anymore orders a huge stack of fluffy, buttercream pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.
“So,” you drawl, with bacon grease dribbling warm down your fingers and a growling stomach and a headache starting to form somewhere around your temples. “What are you going to do, now?”
“Now?” the angel asks vaguely, his fork and knife buried deep in his stack of pancakes. He has soot smeared across his cheek and a tiny dollop of whipped cream on the tip of his nose. You don’t think he’s noticed.
“Noooow,” you say. You draw it out, letting the word roll around on your tongue, relishing in the length of it, all the time that is now yours, the golden morning stretching out ahead of you, free and beautiful and alive. “Now that the Apocalypse is over. Or it never happened, more like. Now that you’re free of heaven. Now that you’re a human. That now.”
The angel’s hands still. “Oh,” he says. “That now.”
If you didn’t know him so very well, you might not have been able to see the infinity of that now, of that new and terrifying freedom, rearing up in front of the angel’s widening eyes. But you do, and you can, and so you lean back in your seat, hook one ankle over the other, and say, “Now me, I think I’m going to get a birdbath.”
That snaps the angel out of his paralysis. “A birdbath?” he asks, his carefully refined voice taking on several interesting shades of incredulity.
“Yeah. I think it’ll be fun to watch the little buggers splash around.”
The angel blinks at you. “Well, I mean, couldn’t you do that before? Back when you were a demon, I mean?”
“Well, ‘snot really proper demonic activity, you know.”
“Oh. I suppose not.”
 Neither of you has any money. This “human” thing will have to take some getting used to. You lift the appropriate amount in banknotes off a man who’s yelling at the server. You tell the angel you’re doing a good thing, really. He looks doubtful, but he doesn’t stop you.
You go home and sleep for a week.
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
OPM Parallel School Series: Junior High School Student Saitama
Translated by @vibhavm with additional help from Redditors /u/graywords and /u/lucci85.
As part of the drama CDs from 2017, ONE didn’t just write stories set in the canonical story.  He also penned lighter-hearted alternative universe stories, set in a high school... with predictable hijinks.
Audio link: https://soundcloud.com/vibhav-745976766/parallel-school-series-junior
We start:
Saitama (Sa): In this universe, there exists another world different from our world, a parallel world. This is another me, another Saitama, who lives in that parallel world.
Sonic (So): And I, Speed o' Sound Sonic, who went out of my way to transfer to Z Municipal Peace Middle School to settle my dispute with this Saitama!
Sa: (Well, there he is.)
Sa: (What's with the attitude?)
So: On the blood-covered battlefield known as the Sports Festival, in truth I was not really motivated for it, but I was unconsciously beginning to display my true abilities as the strongest ninja, and would unexpectedly become the star of the Sports Festival!
Sa: (It's just at a regular middle school sports festival.)
Sa: (I guess there are guys like that, who pretend they aren't motivated but are actually super excited.)
Sa: (Huh, so you really participated that much?)
So: This... is the lightning-speed sports documentary that recorded my heroism!
So: It’s the day before the Sports Festival.
So: To do image training for the bread eating contest, I was running to school eating a piece of bread.
Sa: You are fully motivated, aren’t you. I haven’t seen a guy like that.
So: Well now, Speed-o’-Sound Sonic, this is the last lap and I’m on one last straight line. It’s the last spot!
So: Fast! Fast! Crazy speed! Now, overtake Saitama running in front of you! Eh, seriously?!
So: Why the hell were you there on the last straight line?!
Sai: Huh? You tripped and fell on your own, what are you talking about?
So: gasp Hmph, you’ve got the wrong idea.
So: Running to school eating a piece of bread to do image training for the bread eating contest...
So: ...I was doing nothing of the sort! Not at all!
Sa: We don't even have a bread eating contest at our Sports Festival.
So: Eh… Anyway, tomorrow's sports day, be prepared for it! I’ll beat you up until you can’t stand, without fail!
So: I’ll turn the sports day into a bloodbath!
Sai: Uhh, you and I are on the same go-home club team.
So: Eh.. Uh… Hmph…
Music and fireworks
PPP: Sooo, let’s start this year’s Z-City Peace Junior High School Sports Day.
PPP: A physical festival, where muscles will clash with muscles!
PPP: I’m Puri Puri Prisoner, the speaker, i’m very fond of young boys.
PPP: And for the commentator… the well-known first-year junior high school student, Sweet Mask chan is joining us!
SM: Thank you for having me.
PPP: Well then, Amai Mask chan, you hold your annual winning streak with your Student Council team: what’s your outlook for this year?
AM: It goes without saying. This year too, my Student Council team will win without fa-
So: Hehehehehhehe. You’re pretty foolish, Student Council.
AM: Huh! You are…
So: chuckles
AM: Who are you?
PPP: This month a new student was transferred in this school for an exchange draft, B-group, attendance number 8. You’re Speed-o’-Sound Sonic-chan! You prefer a 40-degree temperature for your baths, and you enter the bathtub from the right. And apparently you don’t sleep in a bed but in a futon.
So: Ugh, why do you know so much about me!
PPP: It’s natural for teachers to keep the profile of their cutest students.
So: Anyway! This year's "go-home club team", teamed up with me, Speed o' Sound Sonic, their Golden Rookie, will be on a completely different level than before!
SM: Hmph. So the number of small fries increased by one-
So: I’m not alone.
So: The only man I consider a rival, Saitama! His gofer, the cyborg Genos! Furthermore, the strongest man, King is also here!
So: With those three, everything should be treated very seriously!
PPP: Are you talking about those 3 hurriedly eating over there?
Genos (Ge): Captain Saitama, what would you like as ingredients for the rice balls?
Sai: Salmon for me.
Ge: And you King senpai?
King (K): Tuna.
So: Hey! What are you doing relaxing! The fight is about to start!
Sa: Hm? Mmm..mmm… You wanna eat too? gulp Genos’s Fried Rice Balls are pretty tasty.
So: Mm, well now, let me see.
So: Mmmh, the sweet savoury smell of soy sauce with barley rice flour is- HEY YOU ALL!
Ge: Hmph. The Rice Balls weren't for you in the first place.
So: Tch, this guy.
AM: Did you already fall out with your friends? You can’t challenge our strongest student council team in such a mess.
AM: You should know your social standing. You’re an eyesore. It’s best if you quickly run home.
So: Such a way of talking…
So: You all! Aren’t you annoyed by how he’s talking to us!
Sa: Genos, grab me a barley tea?
King: Yeah, me too!
Ge: Ah, yes!
So: These guys are hopeless. They don’t listen at all…
AM: Heh, good luck with that. It’s going to be useless though. Hahahaha.
So: Tch, you bastards! You’ve acted like this all the time!
Ge: It’s according to plan. With this, the student council has let their guard down.
So: What?!
So: That means, could it be… their lax behaviour up until now…
Ge: Hmph, obviously. It was a fake in order to fool the opponent. Right, Captain Saitama?
Sa: Mh? What did you say?
Ge: Sonic, was it? How can’t you understand that even though you say you’re a ninja?
So: Uh...
So: I don't like your tone of voice, but....
So: I see. As expected of Saitama. I don’t see you as my rival for nothing.
PPP: And noooow, the first event, the mock cavalry battle is starting.
PPP: All contestants, please reach your friends!
Ge: Now then, Captain Saitama, King Senpai, let’s head into battle!
Sai: Ehhh, I'm full from overeating Rice Balls. Is it necessary to have four people? What a drag.
So: This isn’t a strategy at all is it!
SM: After all, the mock cavalry battle finished and naturally our student council team’s victory was secured. The home team was totally unfocused. But I won’t talk about it, because it was quite an embarrassing sight.
So: What a way of talking…
PPP: Well, apparently the Student Council Team is overwhelmingly above the others and leads the chart as of now.
AM: It seems the match is settled.
So: The student council team is 1280 points ahead huh. But there’s one last match.
So: The opposition club activities relay is left!
King: That's right, I believe the team that wins the relay gets 9 times the points.
Sa: Wait, that's way too many.
Ge: I see. If we win the relay, that means we can win by 8,999,999,998,720 points, then.
Sa: Huh. Did we really need that calculation?
So: Anyway! The game starts now! Just you watch, Student Council!
AM: Hahahaha, I could say the same to you from the horrible state you seem to be in.
AM: Everyone! They may be in last place, but the Go-Home Team is desperately trying hard, so please give them a round of applause!
AM: However, I, Amai Mask, pledge that my Student Council team will win the final opposition club activities relay, and achieve complete overall victory.
crowd applauding
So: Tch, what an unpleasant guy.
AM: Good luck to you all, even though I think you’re hopeless.
So: You all, despite being made such a fool of, you’re still-
Ge: All according to plan, this time for sure the Student Council has let their guard down.
So: gasp
So: So you mean... this pathetically slow start... I can't believe it!
Ge: Obviously, this is the final event that will decide everything.
Ge: It was a strategy to retain stamina until the opposition club activities relay. Right, captain Saitama?
Saitama: Man, I'm gettin' sleepy now.
So: I see, to deceive your opponents, you must first start with your allies. I was completely deceived.
So: Alright! Well then, let’s decide on our running order immediately!
Ge: Captain Saitama, what number would you like?
Saitama snoring
K: He’s having a sound nap.
So: This definitely isn’t a strategy at all is it!
PPP: Ok, time for the final event! The activity is the relay fight! The winning team will not only receive 9 times the points, but also a prize of 50 thousand yen!
So: Eh!?
K: Oh, you woke up.
So: So basically, I’ll be running for all 3 people?!
Sa: Well, what number do you want me to run in, Sonic?
So: Saitama…
Ge: Captain…
PPP: Well then, starting off with our first runners -- for the Student Council, their secretary, Drive Knight Chan!
DK: At last, it’s my turn…
PPP: And the go-home team self proclaimed vice captain, Genos-chan!
Ge: For the sake of the Go-Home club, I cannot lose!
PPP: Everyone is ready for the start...
mechanical sound
PPP: Wow, Drive Knight-chan! The lower half of his mechanical body transformed into a horse-shaped one!
PPP: Amai Mask chan, isn’t this foul play?
AM: Obviously, this is not foul play. As the opponent is also a cyborg.
PPP: That’s true…
DK: Genos-kun… This is the latest model lower body I prepared for this Sports Festival. The likelihood of you winning again such equipment is next to zero.
Ge: hmph, next to zero you say?
DK: That’s right. Therefo-
Ge: So you mean, it’s not zero, right.
mechanical noise
PPP: The race finally begins! Drive Knight chan and Genos chan, the two advance at a speed that far surpasses human expectations!
running and trotting noise
PPP: Oh, as expected, the performance is different. Drive Knight chan is leading.
DK: Of course...
Ge: I see. Naturally, I can’t best him in leg power. However…
mechanical sound
Ge: Incineration cannon!
Explosions noise
PPP: Ah, what was that?! Drive Knight-chan was blown away by Genos-chan’s Incineration cannon and went out of bounds! And in that moment, Genos-chan has pulled ahead!
AM: That damn Go-home team…
AM: The use of weapons is against the rules!
So: What an idiot! That’s nowhere in the Sports Festival’s guidebook!
AM: Son of a... If it's come to this, I'll just use my position in the Student Council to mark this as a loss for the Go-Home Club due to foul play...
DK: There is no need for that.
AM: Drive Knight!?
DK: I told you, didn’t I? My equipment is the latest model.
DK: If you are going to come at me with weapons, I will counter-attack with even stronger weapons.
DK: Tactical Transformation: Sports Festival Special.
PPP: Oh, Drive Knight-chan’s horse part transformed again! This time it transformed into a missile!
PPP: Ah, look out Genos chan!
Shit ton of noise
PPP: The missile shot by Drive Knight-chan landed! Genos-chan’s body is in pieces. I feel so sorry, Genos-chan! Drive Knight-chan goes right past him!
DK: Sorry, Genos-kun. However, this is reality.
PPP: How can you call this a sports festival anymore?! The other runners have lost their fighting spirit and are falling apart one after another!
AM: As expected of Drive Knight. This match is already over.
G: I wonder about that.
AM: Hah! Genos-kun, with that broken down body, what can-
G: Rocket Punch!
AM?: What?!
Genos’s theme playing
PPP: Oh! Genos’s right hand holding the baton is flying off at even faster speed!
DK: Huh, impossible.
PPP: In a blink of an eye, the second place runner flies past Drive Knight to Sonic-chan!
G: Even if my body is broken and scattered into pieces, I will definitely pass the baton! That is the spirit of the going-home club team!
So: Hmph. Good performance for someone who’s Saitama’s errand-boy.
So: Now it’s up to me, Speed o’ Sound Sonic!
PPP: Wow! The Go-Home team takes the lead, and right after that, the baton of the Student Council team goes to its second player, Flashy Flash-chan!
DK: Forgive me, Flash. It’s up to you now.
Flash (FF): Leave it to me.
So: I’m gonna win this by a landslide!
PPP: Now; it’s a match between Speed o’ Sound Sonic chan and Flashy Flash chan!
PPP: Both have the cute face and speed I love so much. So, so fast!
So: That Student Council guy, he’s not bad…
So: Still, can you actually follow me like this?
FF: Seems like a good runner for the Go-Home team...
FF: still, don’t think you can win against me in speed!
PPP: They both fast, Fast, FAST!! I mean, they’re so fast I can't see them at all! I can’t see anything, it’s all enveloped in a cloud of dust!
So: Alright, take it, Saitama!
Sa: Eh? Where?
Sa: I got dust in my eyes, I can’t see a thing.
FF: Take it, Zombieman!
Zombieman (ZM): Right, nice job Flash!
So: Hey, carry across the baton Saitama!
Sa: I can’t remove the dust in my eyes…
PPP: Anyway, I couldn’t see anything at all, but it seems like the third runners, Saitama-chan and Zombieman-chan started at almost the exact same time!
So: It seems that everyone has had a chance to see Sonic at the speed of sound!!
PPP: Nope, I didn't see you at all, Sonic chan.
So: What?
PPP: Nobody could see it, too bad.
So: Eh…?
FF: Hey, are you alright? You look like you’re on the brink of death.
PPP: Meanwhile, Saitama is nowhere to be seen!
So: Huh, what did you say!?
PPP: Saitama chan, where did you go off to?
sound effect
Sa: Huh, wait a sec. This scenery is a bit unfamiliar-
BOOM Tropical music
Sa: Eh? Where am I…?
Sa: Ah by any chance, did I take the wrong course? Crap…
Sa: I was running without seeing anything because of the dust...
Sa: Hey this is a jungle…
Sa: Crap, I need to get back quickly.
animal roaring
Sa: Hmm? Something about the animals...
Boom Weird laugh/cry
Sa: Are you… a monster?
Monster (M): That’s right.
I’m a poacher that was monsterfied after a trip to the jungle! With my overwhelming physical ability that was trained to perfection in the jungle, and my hunting instincts, I now reign at the pinnacle of this jungle's ecosystem. As the ultimate invasive species, I will tear people like you, who don the mantle of civilization and allow your physical abilities to devolve, limb from pale civilized limb--
Sa: Oops… I should have asked that monster now about which way to Z-City.
Sa: Ah well, it’s probably that way-
PPP: While Saitama-chan is absent, Zombiman is still running alone!
ZM: Why can’t I see anybody, is this not the sports festival? What am I even racing against? Can I just keep running like this?
AM: Don’t think about it Zombieman, just keep running like that.
ZM: All- Alright, Amai Mask.
So: Damn it, where did Saitama go off to! Hey Genos!
Ge: There’s only one possibility I can think of.
So: What is it?
Ge: He might have gone home.
So: What!? Why in the absolute hell would anyone go home at a time like this!?
Ge: How Naive. You still don’t know anything about the go-home club.
AM: Hmph, looks like this time the match is over.
Beeping-like sounds
Genos: I sense something, it’s coming!
AM: What!?
PPP: Oh, he’s finally back here, Saitama-chan!
Seigi Shikkou playing
Sa: Sorry, sorry. I went the wrong way…
So: What were you doing, you idiot!
Sa: It’s your fault for spreading dust clouds everywhere.
PPP: However, Zombieman-chan is a long way away in the lead now.
AM: You’re too late.
So: Well, I wonder about that!
AM: What?
Sa: Alrighty, this time I won’t make a mistake.
PPP: Fa- fa- fast!
Ge: As expected, Captain! His eyes have gone red, probably because money is on the line!
PPP: Saitama chan easily passed Zombieman chan!
ZM: Fast, way too fast!
PPP: And he’s rapidly gaining a wide lead.
AM: Impossible! That plain looking faced guy can’t be this fast!-
PPP: Ohh… Amai Mask chan crushed his microphone…
PPP: Mr. Saitama gets ready and passes the baton to King-chan, the anchor!
Sa: I leave the rest to you.
K: Yeah…
PPP: On the other hand the Student Council Team, Zombieman is still far away back.
Ge: As expected Captain Saitama!
So: With this, the match is over.
AM: Nope, you’re pretty naive huh Go-Home team.
So: Huh?
AM: Have a look at our final runner. Can you still say that?
OST: Dark Energy
So: What did you say?
Tatsumaki (T): Hey, why are you running so sluggish! Hurry up and bring the baton to me!
Ge: Tha… That is…
AM: That’s right. The student council vice president. Tornado of Terror!
T: Ugh, I can’t wait anymore!
splash sound
PPP: AAAAAAH! Tatsumaki burst Zombieman’s body into tiny pieces with her Psychokinesis!
PPP: Aaaaand, the baton was passed on to Tatumaki-chan as if it were being carried by water.
So: Gah! In order to win… she even killed her ally!
ZM: No, I’m fine. Since I'm immortal.
Sa: Ah, is that so? I’m glad you’re okay.
ZM: Excuse me, but could you please gather the pieces of flesh scattered over there.
Sa: Sure. Though are you really fine?
AM: Now then, go Tatsumaki, show the power of our student council team!
T: I'll go without you having to say a damn thing, moron! Don't you dare boss me around and give me orders while your useless ass is just sitting back and relaxing in the commentator's seat! You disgust me. Why don't you just go on home with the Go-Home Club?!
PPP: Whoa! Tatsumaki-chan unexpectedly beat the Go-Home Club to the punch by telling him (AM) to go home!
PPP: Amai Mask-chan, is there anything you wish to say towards Tatsumaki-chan?
AM: Fufu
PPP: Amai Mask-chan is just barely able to maintain his smile, but it is at maximum twitching! As usual, today Tatsumaki-chan is emanating an aura of range in all directions!
T: Every last one of them, they can’t do anything without me. Here I go!
wind sfx
crowd panic
PPP: Aaah Tatsumaki-chan’s extremely powerful psychokinesis! There’s an actual tornado invading the campus!
PPP: The students --gagh, and even the tent we’re in, are getting blown away--gaah!
winds intensify
PPP: King-chan.. Where is King-chan!
Sa: Ah, there right?
PPP: The object being blown away with tremendous force… K.. King chan!?
Ge: No, he’s not being blown away...
So: He’s riding the wind!
Sound of something lowering down
Tatsumaki: Huh?
PPP: With tremendous force King chan has wooooooooon!
PPP: The winner is the go-home club team!
K: Hm, what happened to me?
Sa: You did it, King!
Ge: As expected, King-senpai!
So: This is the world’s strongest man’s power…
T: You’re the one I lost to, it can’t be helped…
Amai: Cheers to you...
PPP: Congratulations, the MVP is King!
Crows woos
Saitama: Nice, let’s eat barbecue with the prize money.
King: Yeah. Though before that… I’m gonna swing by the infirmary.
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bibuckaroo · 3 years
okay, so i did continue my riverdale rewatch, even thought i’m still pretty bummed about how things turned out, but it’s always nice to remember that barchie still has the best storyline in terms of romance, so here we go with 1x02 highlights:
first of all can we talk about how cute it is that when archie is restless and can’t sleep the first thing he does is turn to betty??? like, my boy is whipped and needs her comfort!!!
buuuut as we all know she refused to talk to him (AS SHE SHOULD, WE NEED MORE MOMENTS) and even went as far as to shut the blinds in her windows, meanwhile archie was just looking at her like this 🥺
theeen we have the “normal” interaction between alice and betty and alice was just forbidding betty to do anything and b completing her sentence with “no archie” my girl was truly here lying to her own mother after that boy broke her heart, because she still wanted him in her life, i just can’t with that!!!
cut to archie opening his door and there betty is with the sun shining on her, the biggest smile on her face and “walk me to school?” not breaking their tradition and my boy looks like he just got the air punched out of his lungs by just seeing her there (which, like, same, it’s betty cooper man)
they’re walking to school and i have never seen archie look so nervous in my whole fucking life??? boy is sweating through his clothes most of all when she says “my mom told me to never speak to you again” and then he looks devastated, but then she says with the softest voice possible that she “still wants them to be friends, best friends” and he OPENS THE BIGGEST FUCKING SMILE EVER BECAUSE HE WANTS THAT SO BADLY MY POOR BBY! let’s also talk about how he said that he “thought it would be better in the long run” proving once again that is not he doesn’t have feelings for her, but that he doesn’t want to ruin what they have
and soo we have the scene archie plays his song for her, can we just talk about how he plays it for her and for her only?? like v asked him to play it and he wasn’t going to, then suddenly b asked all soft eyed and voice and he said “okay” and he was super nervous and looking at her the whole time?? which was how he noticed she was about to cry and asked her if she was okay?? and when she got up and left he immediately went after her??? LIKE???
okay, this part i just wanted to bring to attention that they feel safest and most themselves with each other, that’s it, i mean, if that’s not true love i don’t know what is!!! and he was going to run after her but weatherbee stopped him!! and even so he was still itching to run after her!!!
can we also talk about how v was being a basic bitch to b too?? like, do you have to rub the things in her face?? here she is, giving you a second chance at friendship and you decide to say “it’s not my fault he doesn’t like you”??? like, who does that?? betty has every right to be pissed after everything
and noooow to the moment that everyone coos over, the childhood promise of them marrying each other (i’m still bitter we didn’t get a reference to it when they were 18) i do love this moment too, everything about it, the way he speaks softly and how he can’t stop smiling the whole time he’s telling the story and how proud he looks when he says “thanks to betty” and how crushed he sounds when he says “i hate that i hurt her” he just... LOVES HER SO MUCH!!!!!
okaaay, but how amazing is the moment when betty touches archie’s black eye? THE CHEMISTRY IN THAT SCENE IS *chef’s kiss* THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER
an underrated line that i love and so many people don’t pay attention to but “he may not be crushing on you, but he does love you and he’s legit miserable without you” I’M SORRY BUT MY BOY WAS MISERABLE WITHOUT HER, EVERYBODY COULD SEE HE WAS MOPING
aaaand the ending scene when betty asks a and j to join her and v on pop’s is amazing! archie and betty can’t take their eyes off each other and then a has his arm aroung b and he looks completely smitten when he’s looking at her and she’s not looking!!!! IT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES!!!
now, not to start any sort of discourse but i did realize by watching this episode that archie doesn’t look at anyone the way he looks at betty!!! ANYONE!!! like the closest person he looked at that way was jughead, and it still was not quite the same. also would like to point out that while you could get a vibe that v was crushing on a, the same can not be said of archie because he couldn’t be less interested in her at first!
well, i guess that’s it, until my next rewatch<3
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
ahah okay so you know that thing when the universe hates you right? Okay I started reading Flux in the car and my dad put on the radio and guess what?? “Memories” by Maroon 5. Are we even surprised at this point?
I knew. I just knew. Sasha is going to have the fuckboy (fuckgirl? Is that a thing?) phase now and shy away from the pain and oh boy she’s going down after this phase is over. Our homeboy is going to hurt like a motherfucker now and HE’S SMACKING OUR ASSES IN A LITTLE BIT. I’M SURE OF IT.
As soon as I saw Seojoon’s name I fucking knew what was gonna happen, I just read because I’m a masochist. I can’t even be mad at Sasha, I just know I had this sinking heavy feeling in my chest? I don’t even know what it was but I’m so upset and if I think about it, it comes back. Help😅
But no worries, next chapter they’re back together. Right?😊 It’ll start with their wedding, thank you foxy for teaching us that people break up but noooow it’s time to get married✨✨✨
PS. I’m laughing so much, I told 🌚 all about this and she was like “god she’s (you) doing it all now. She’s making me go to sleep with a lump in my throat”😂. I told the whole thing to another friend of mine, jk obsessed, and she was like ✨“please stop I’ll take this personally”✨ (then proceeded to curse the hell out of Sasha lol)
That sinking feeling is TOTALLY what I got too, I know exactly what you mean. It's when you're watching a car wreck and you can't stop it and you KNOW this is a bad idea and WHY would someone do this to themselves but they're doing it. But yeah, Seojoon is not out of this story for a while, I'm not surprised so many of you got that OOF feeling the second he appeared in the scene. Baby there's a shark in the water, haha.
As for wedding... no comment... but... 🥰 someday....
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honeysucklepink · 4 years
Personal update:
What a week, eh? tl:dr Mom’s tumor is benign but now BOTH my parents can’t take care of themselves so we’re looking into assisted living or a live-in aide. Read below if you want all the tea because I spent all this time typing it up.
So as y’all know, Mom was diagnosed with colon cancer before Thanksgiving. They did surgery to remove it on 12/8, and we thought we got it ALL, but on the 12/16 follow-up they said 1 out of the ten lymph nodes they had removed tested positive.
I don’t think we realized at the time what a depressive episode this would put her in. Me and sister have been switching off caretaking, and by the time I left her on the day after New Years I thought we were good; she could even drive. Well...
SUNDAY. Early the next morning, Dad fell (in the bathroom AGAINST THE DOOR), and none of the neighbors were answering their phones, so she had to call the life alert/security which sent fire, cops AND ambulance to the house. They got him up, he’s fine, and they went back to bed, of course NOOOOW the neighbors all want to call “oh we saw the emergency vehicles are you okay?” So they were exhausted. I knew Mom had her oncology appt. Tuesday and I BEGGED her to get one of her friends to go with her or even drive her. “I will, I’ll be fine, I promise...”
MONDAY. My first day “back at work” (WFH), I call after and she sounds... well I want to say tired but it’s really incoherent. I ask if she’s called Ann or Sylvia to take her to the doc. At this point I’m convinced she doesn’t WANT to go. I call her two more times and each time it’s worse...she’s forgetting numbers, she says they ordered a pizza and Dad “demolished it,” and she REPEATS THIS, over and over. I tell Hubs “that’s it, I’m going there tomorrow and I’M taking her to the doc.”
TUESDAY. I go up, she seems a little better but not much. She’s still having trouble finding the words for things, and I start to wonder “oh shit is this a stroke/TIA?” We get to the doc, fill out paperwork, and she’s forgetting things like her SSN, dates, etc. We meet the oncologist’s nurse who asks the basic “name, DOB...” Y’all SHE FORGOT HER BIRTHDAY. And yet she recovers, and we’re listening to the oncologist discuss options. She’s old enough that she wouldn’t be hit with a combo therapy, it would be a single-agent, pills or port, for six months. And look...she’s said from the beginning that she doesn’t want chemo and that’s her right. But we wanted her to at least sleep on it. Meanwhile they drew a lot of blood, did a urinalysis, and said they’d schedule a CT and MRI of her head because the memory thing was concerning.
WEDNESDAY. It’s worse. She doesn’t want to get out of bed, when she answers a question she gets stuck (”What time does church start?” “Oh, well before the pandemic, when we still went, it would start at... hmm. It would start... oh dear, um... church would start at... well SHIT.”) I get her on speaker with Sister and we decide to go to the ER. They do the full workup, including a CT, and that’s when we found the mass on her brain. So now we need to talk to neuro, I also talk to the oncologist who thinks we might have to do surgery and see if the tissue is similar to the colon cancer, in other words did it spread, is it a met? So we wait...and wait...and fucking WAIT. We’re stuck in a trauma room because guess what ALL THE ICU BEDS ARE FULL THANKS ORANGE HITLER, and there’s no TV so all I see of the coup is on my social media feed (I even post “if you voted for Trump this is on you” and THEN have to delete it because I’d rather do that than break up a fight on MY Facebook timeline between my Texas in-law and my Berkeley cousin, you make out who’s who...both apologized in my Messenger BTW). FINALLY they have an ICU bed open at 5 pm or so (thoughts to the person who occupied it before) and they take her up. I have to be gone by 8, meanwhile my phone is vibrating with all sorts of family and I have to turn it off. Oh and during all of this were trying to get someone over to look in on Dad! Got a neighbor, and then his brother drove in (a year older but better health, hate to say it but grandkids will keep you young, I fucked over my parents in that regard) to spend the night. I think it...helped? 
THURSDAY. Oh, the reason we hadn’t seen a neurosurgeon yet is they have up to 24 hours to do a consult, so don’t know where this guy was. We’re not a big city but we’re not teensy (give you an idea, population is 24,500, home to a university that adds another 20,000 in students, hospital is 184 beds, plus there’s 3 assisted living facilities and a VA home). I get back to the hospital by seven, we finally see him (note: brown eyes, dark triangle brows, floppy dark curls, sound familiar? The rest covered with a mask of course), and they get Mom to an MRI. He goes over the results and y’all? IT’S BENIGN. It’s a meningioma (which I struggled to pronounce so many times that Hubby told me to “just say Mangione” and now every time I think of the tumor I hear “Feels So Good” trumpeting), radiologist confirms it, and they actually do NOT recommend surgery. It’s pressing on Mom’s cerebellum. But that would affect her BALANCE, and she’s not having that, it’s her LANGUAGE that was the issue. Which BTW is starting to clear up a little thanks to the steroids. And by 6 pm they are discharging us (to the chagrin of my sister who has just driven 13 hours from Florida). We get home, Dad’s greeting up at the door, Mom’s exhausted and just wants to go to bed, Sis gets home, Dad goes to bed, I fill out “A Place for Mom” survey and “someone’s gonna call you in 30 seconds” and I’m all WAIT I DIDN’T WANT TO DO THAT but well we’re doing this. We talk to a lovely guy named Barry about our situation, and he will send us info plus we will be hearing from others.
FRIDAY, AND BOY BARRY WASN’T KIDDING. I’m getting calls from five different facilities, forwarding them to sister while I do laundry, try to get a tax attorney on the phone, check the mail and pay bills, try to get Mom and Dad up and medicated and eating something...and I finally left to come home to my Hubs and my cats and my possum yesterday evening, in the clothes I’ve been in since Tuesday. I am going to spend the next two days doing my annual review for work, and then probably go back Monday, where we will get on the computer and do “virtual tours” of these places, see how Mom is doing mentally.
I. AM. EXHAUSTED. The worst thing for a doc to say is “I don’t know.” We don’t know WHY Mom has taken such a downturn? I wonder if it’s just deep fucking depression... this fucking Covid thing took away all their outlets for socializing and talking to other people. No walks with the neighbor, no eating out, no church, no Rotary or Dad’s “funny hat clubs” as I’d call them. And then Mom just getting hit with bad news after bad news from docs, to the point where she’s just gone feral. But DAD...two days with Uncle Sonny and the neighbor Jack and he’s...lucid? Even asking about the possum and Nubbins? It’s so different, that... ugh I’m gonna say it. I think they both need to be in facilities. But that’s the thing...they are EXPENSIVE. We have LTC insurance but we’re not sure 1) Where the policies ARE and 2) what they cover. Mom was the bookkeeper of the family, responsible for the bill paying and the taxes and the premiums, and now she can’t recall where some of these things are.
Guess it’s a good thing I have DPOA. But with it comes great responsibility (thanks Uncle Ben). I just have hard decisions to make in the next few weeks. I won’t be as active on here... I may pop in for a smile and reblog some Darren stuff (great, now when I think of Darren I’ll think of Mom’s neurologist, my lady boner is forever dead), but no fic or extensive meta for a while. Sorry this is so strung together haphazardly...like I said I am le tired. Love y’all like chicken.
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gunnarsvard · 3 years
🎵 Don't stop me noooow
Havin' such a good time
I can't sleep at all 🎵
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 91 - Campfire Stories, Part 1
As promised, I wanted to do a camping trip and scary stories, since I can’t actually go camping for my birthday this year. And I got A LOT of stories from all of you!  Thank you so much!
Because of all the stories I’ve received, I am going to be doing multiple chapters for the camping trip.  Please enjoy!
“Since when does this lab have trees?” I asked, startled by the amount of towering vegetation as we looked for a safe spot to set up a light emitter in lieu of a campfire. Those trees were definitely not present two weeks ago.
Charly giggled. “Since after the situation with Else.  There was a lot of erosion - and I mean a lot - because of the loss of iron and some issues with the structural integrity, so… Two months? Maybe three?”
Maybe I need to pay more attention to how often I come down here, I admitted to myself. What I remembered as two weeks was, apparently, not two weeks. “I need to add coming down here to my schedule.”
Beside me, Tyche grumbled. “Good luck convincing Alistair of that. Or Xiomara.”
I nearly jumped out of my skin when a deep voice behind us intoned “Most of her security detail is actually assigned to this lab during their work allotment, so Councillor Kalloe would be easier to convince than you think.” Turning, I saw Coffee flash a grin and wink - clearly having seen me startle when he spoke.
“We may have a good spot up here!”
Picking up the pace, I made my way toward Conor’s voice.  The clearing he found was smaller than I expected. “Are we going to have room for all the tents?”
“All three?” Maverick asked with a grunt as he set his pack down. “Ours, Charly and Coffee’s, then Grey and your sister are sharing one. And there’s plenty of space under the trees.” He pointed just outside the clearing.  True enough, the trees weren’t very dense and there was plenty of room for one tent here and there.
“What about Simon and Arthur? They’re just sleeping in the open?”
“It’s not like there are any insects.” I spun to see the previously mentioned educators bringing up the rear. Simon further clarified “Besides, there’s no rain scheduled tonight. I always wanted to sleep in the open air.”
“Lucky fucker,” Arthur grumbled, dropping his pack at his feet. “I think the rest of us have done it entirely too many times.”
Simon had the decency to look sheepish at his faux pas. “Sorry.  I… Keep forgetting, somehow.”
Slapping him on the shoulder, Arthur’s voice lightened up a little. “Dude, I’m fucking with you. You managed to miss the worst of it, and relativity is a bitch.  Besides, I’ll take sleeping rough over being confined to an airlock for six months every single time.”
“I guess that’s fair.”
“Less talkie-talkie, more settie-uppie,” Tyche flapped her hands in a shooing motion.
Throwing my hands up in concession, I started going through our packs.  Quickly, we had the tents set up and seats arranged around the light emitter. Since we weren’t permitted to set a fire, camping food was kind of out.  Instead, Simon was rummaging through the heated pack we brought, handing out containers of roast chicken and potatoes. Happy noises quickly filled the air and I tried to hide my smile. No matter how many times my ‘family’ ate my food, I never stopped feeling good when they enjoyed it.
“You know,” Charly broke the quiet, chewing thoughtfully on a bite of chicken. “We really can’t have a camping trip without telling ghost stories around the fire. Well, sorta-fire.”
“Seriously?” Maverick asked, clearly skeptical. Simon looked equally concerned.
Everyone nodded, and Grey spoke up. “Even I am aware of this tradition, Misters Okima and Rodriguez.”
“No titles!” Simon insisted, shaking his head. “We’re off duty.”
“Okay, scary stories,” Conor interjected. “Who goes first?”
“Ooo! Ooo! Meeeeeee!” Charly waved her hand over her head. After some chuckles at her antics, we all waved for her to continue. Even that brief delay left her looking ready to explode. “There is a monster that seeks to trap the unwary. There are not the sort of creature that hides in shadows or anything so crass as that, they hide in the bright of day. In the bleaching sunlight of high noon when most squint to be able to see. They stay always just on the edge of your vision. A mirage, a heat wave, a trick of the sun. You are always certain that it was nothing. But just in case, you should check it out. You think it came from the tall grass, golden with the sun. Following your hunch and best guess you delve in. Not soon enough you realize the grass is not staying trampled like it should. You turn to go home. Of course now there is no path.  The sun is cruel and merciless. The golden grain is above your head. You are truly lost. There is a far off laughter. Your bones feel uncomfortable. The laughing merciless glee gets closer and you run. You are hot and dizzy and tired. There is a hiss in your ear “ittttt won'ttt be looong noooow.” You feel it eat your panic, savor your fear like a delicacy. You never did get out of that golden field. The marble white of your bones goes so well with the gold afterall. 
Moral of the story? Wear a sun hat and carry a water bottle.”
Silence filled the clearing before Simon broke it. “Annnd you just made fields scary. Thanks for that. What’s the point in telling these stories?”
“It’s all for fun,” Arthur assured him nonchalantly. “Besides, I have one that actually happened.”
“There’s no way you’re telling me ghosts are real,” Simon argued, shaking his head.  He was met only with blank stares and deadpan expressions. “You’re joking,” he cried in disbelief. “Grey, even you? You’re one of the most logical people I’ve ever met!”
“Lacking definitive proof one way or the other, I must accept the possibility of their existence.”
“We can discuss Simon’s disbelief later,” Tyche interrupted. “I love real ghost stories.”
“Always nice to be appreciated,” Arthur nodded. “So. As a teenager, I volunteered at a Boy’s and Girl’s Club. One summer, they had an event that I was staffing. I was gathering up the kids for movie night, and I thought I heard this one little girl giggle in the computer lab. So I look and I see a little Asian girl dive under the desk. I go over and look down there and there’s no one there.
So I ask the coordinator about it later, and she just goes ‘Oh, you met Samantha. That’s cool’.
And I say ‘Wait, what?’
And she says ‘Well…you know this building used to be part of a Japanese internment camp, right? A little girl named Samantha died in the camp and she just kinda pops up every once in a while. Plays hide and seek with the kids. The fact that a bunch of them who met her and all told us her name is how we know it - we looked it up and found out about the girl who died after that.’
I never saw Samantha again, though apparently she’s a pretty benevolent little specter who just plays with the other kids every now and again. It makes me sad to think of her in the After - either alone, unsure where everyone went, or surrounded by new ghosts - other little kids, who never realize they’re dead.”
I wasn’t the only one left sniffling at his last remark.  The idea of a little ghost girl - either alone or now accompanied by immortal playmates who died when the world ended - broke my heart.
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asknagito-official · 3 years
Miyuki spent a lot of the time just stroking his hair, her leg was hurting less which was good and Nagito laying there was.. comforting. How on earth could she think he would hurt someone? He's like a puppy. So cute and gentle.
When he woke up she was happy to see him. "Hey, yeah Monokuma just made the announcement so we better get going. Did you sleep well?" She asked as she got herself up from the bed and headed to the door.
They caught up with the others as they headed to the trail area, Hajime was the first one to notice the two and gently waved. "You're the last ones to arrive. Where have you two been?"
Miyuki smiled softly. "We were.. at my cottage.."
Teruteru noticed the two and gave a small smirk in their direction. "Hmmm? Alone? You had a few hours alone together, who knows what could have happened." He suddenly gasped. "Nagito! Did you.. did you see Miss Izumi's-"
"Dude shut up already! You're so creepy!" Ibuki whined, holding her ears. "No one wants to talk about that right noooow."
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"Yup, I slept well. Feeling a little more prepared for the trial ahead. Let's make sure hope wins." He said as they headed out of Miyuki's cottage and to where everyone was.
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Nagito gave Teruteru a look at his comment, too focused on the task at hand to reply much. He was sure any protest he made would fall on deaf ears anyways. He agreed with Ibuki's comment though.
He looked around at everyone. They all looked nervous, no idea what was ahead of them. Nagito didn't know either. How would this battle of hope against despair turn out in the end?
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An escalator appeared from the mouth of the giant stone Monokuma statue, beckoning them forward. Many people seemed hesitant to move forward.
He grabbed Miyuki's sleeve, tugging slightly. "Ready?"
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