#tips to help you get through difficulties in life
cepheustarot · 4 months
What do people find attractive about you?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the describes being ultimate truth. Only you know yourself best.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: Firstly, people are attracted to your appearance and your image, in general, the way you present yourself in society. Your appearance is quite cute, perhaps you have childish facial features or you are short, you may have a simple character, slightly naive, but you are always optimistic and cheerful. You can also prefer bright colors in clothes, wear "plush" things with cute prints (like jackets, hoodies), use a lot of  accessories. People are also attracted to you by the fact that you are easy-going, you are very active and agree to any adventure, you are attracted to everything new and unexplored, so it is very comfortable and cozy to study something new with you, you share interest with people. Your vivid facial expressions, emotionality also attracts people, you have many interesting stories from life, you like to share any details, and at the same time you tell it so fascinatingly and interestingly that others listen to you attentively, strongly immersing themselves in the topic of conversation; time passes very quickly and imperceptibly while talking with you. In addition, you create an aura of comfort, coziness, for people you are associated with home, with something warm and very cozy. You can also be perceived as a native person and you can often be compared to the sun, because you always feel warm and your mood rises next to you, wanting to stay with you as long as possible.
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Pile 2: You give off an aura of mystery and this attracts people, because they want to get to know you better, to solve you as a riddle. You can generally be a person who prefers to spend time alone with yourself or you are detached from other people, immersed more in your own thoughts. You can also tell some things about yourself, but not completely, without telling some facts, thereby leaving some mystery about your life, personality. This arouses people's interest, they begin to sort through many options, making up image about you according to puzzles — this is an exciting process for them. Many people also see you as a very confident person, you are one of those who respects yourself and your opinion, your priorities, so you will never let others offend or hurt yourself, many people really appreciate this side of you. You can also have a very attractive, to some extent sexy, charming appearance and many people believe that your appearance is the ideal type of appearance.
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Pile 3: Most likely you are an empath, a person who knows how to sympathize, empathize with others and get into their story. People are attracted to this trait in you, because you sincerely show your interest in them, you know how to maintain a dialogue and you can always give those tips that really help people or you always say the words that they want to hear. In general, you can engage the dialogue in such a way that it is interesting for everyone to communicate, including you! People are also attracted to your wisdom, you are very smart, you have a lot of experience, I would generally call you a spiritually developed person who understands the meaning of life, what he wants from life. You can calmly relate to any difficulties, problems in life because you understand that everything is temporary and everything is solvable, sooner or later everything will get better and there will be a white stripe in life. This is your calmness attracts people, forcing them to relax as well and not think too much about problems at least for a while.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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infinitydivine · 28 days
Your person's/Future Spouse's current energy check (Pick a Card Reading) ❤️😍💘
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
*This reading is just for entertainment purposes*
Please leave feedback as comments reblogs, or Asks. It helps me to improve myself. And if you want you can tip/book reading with me because I am saving up for further education.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are four Piles.
***If this reading resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me. You can pay through Paypal or you can visit my Kofi shop too.
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Hello Pile 1 (❁´◡`❁)
Queen of Swords, 7 of Swords and 8 of Wands
Your Person is currently dealing with a lot of things. Some of them may be related to work stuff and career. They are in desperate need of a vacation or relaxing time.
This is the time for them to make rational decisions which they can't right now because they are stuck in their head.
They are carrying a lot of heavy and negative energies with them some of them might not be even theirs, to begin with. They have been lied to a lot recently which is making them anxious and doubtful of everyone around them.
They were recently betrayed by someone close to them which left them heartbroken. For most of you, it would be a romantic connection who betrayed them. Struggling with setting healthy boundaries.
Their hard work will pay them after this period of bitterness and betrayal because your person seems to be very hardworking. They will get justice and will gain more finances.
They might be thinking of communicating with you. If you are not in communication with them, some of the messages might come through the dream state. And for others, it would be majorly through Social media because they are watching you there. (not in a creepy way ofc).
Thanks for the Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile 2 (❁´◡`❁)
8 of Wands, 5 of Cups, and The Empress
If you were attracted to Pile 1, you should check it out too. Your person's energy feels light and heavy at the same time.
They feel like a lot is going on in their life but most of the time it is in their head. They are stuck in the overthinking cycle which makes them feel anxious but in reality, everything is fine with them.
They are rapidly moving towards you and communication is strongly coming through in this pile. They are daydreaming about you and what it would be like to spend a day with you.
They could be facing difficulties in their job or finances which could be the reason for their overthinking too. They are being reminded to not think about the past or future and just stay in the moment.
But whatever their situation is, they will come of that strongly and will win everything in their life. They have been working hard to make their dream life work including making a home for their future spouse and family.
If you have been wanting to know if your Person/FS wants a family or children it is definitely coming through strongly that they do.
Thanks for the Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile 3 (❁´◡`❁)
Knight of Cups, Page of Wands, and 7 Of Cups
They are thinking heavily about you and how to reach you. For some of you, they might be coming fast for you. (I heard be ready babe I am coming for ya).
Things are moving fast for you and them. Spirits are telling me that they might have taken too many tasks on their shoulders and are multitasking right now.
They have strong desires for you. (I heard the song Make You Mine).
Omg!!! They have really strong romantic feelings for you and are daydreaming about you every time. If you feel their emotions, you will know how much they love you.
They are excited to start something new, either with you romantically or Financially. Big projects are coming for them shortly which will make them ecstatic about life.
They have multiple choices and opportunities in front of them which they need to be careful of. They need to make a choice right now but they have heads all over the place which is making them confused. They have many suitors too romantically but they have eyes only for you.
Thanks for the Tip 🎁
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Hello Pile 4 (❁´◡`❁)
7 of Swords, 7 of Wands, and King of Swords
Your person is sad about something that happened to them mostly at their workplace.
Someone really did them bad and now your person is heartbroken over this situation. This was someone close to them who did that to them. I see a person drinking alone at a Bar(for whoever this resonates with).
But now they are slowly realizing that they have the power over this situation too and they are standing their ground defending themselves. They might have a heavy past but they are trying to heal from them.
Currently, they don't seem to be looking for a partner romantically because of all the deceptions they have faced in their life. This might have made them closed off to potential love relationships in their life.
They are now learning how to set clear and healthy boundaries. They have been used by a lot of people but they have learned their lessons and are clearly adamant to never feel like this again.
They are healing, and I am seeing them thinking about the future too sometime that is what it would be like to feel free from all the stuff that they gave been dealing with. But they will come out of this and then you two will be on the same page of wanting the same things from life.
Thanks for the Tip 🎁
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Thank you and Love,
Infinity ❤️
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maissafespace · 9 months
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I know you.
Shigure Sohma x Reader
synopsis: Shigure Sohma, a complicated man with a lot of secrets, knowing him gave you everything, from love to happiness to frustration and pain. It can’t help that you cannot get away from him.
warnings: age gap relationship. angst. mean!shigure, domestic fluff, heartbreak, arguments, mentions of break up, mentions of cheating (not happening). nsfw. emotional s*x, doggy style, missionary, cream pies, mentions of pregnancy, breeding.
a/n: it’s a brief story for one of the men that has my heart, but unfortunately is in a unique situation with a person I loathe lmao. It’s something that I needed more than anything, I haven't written for some time so I hope it's decent. please like, comment, reblog, tip! thank you for reading!!!!
Masterpost • Masterlist
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Living as a zodiac and as a Sohma, Shigure never saw anything beyond the walls of the clan when he was young, and he never thought about it either.
When he was kicked out after the whole thing with that woman and the other as well, he had no option but to. He had to find a house, find a job, a routine to follow, to live a life as a normal human and not one of the zodiac.
In that, he could not forget to fill his own release. How to pass time when he had the time to distract himself.
First, it was his few flees here and there, Mayu as well. But nothing and no one that made him feel less like the dog of the zodiac, only loyal to one woman in mind. No one was ever serious enough or enough in itself.
The appearance of the kids was a welcomed distraction but not ‘it’ yet, it was another failure. Their fights, their presence made him observing of what the zodiac was, therefore made her existence even worse and far more amplified.
When he met you, nothing changed at all at first. You were and are younger than him, just another woman, meeting him during your first year in uni in a random cafe in the city while he was 25.
It took you a bit of time to actually talk to him, to get the glances and looks to have an effect, to have him take you seriously at all beyond an 18-year-old looking at a slightly older man.
Maybe at that moment you were looking for a distraction from the workload as well, he doesn’t know really the motive behind your pursuing.
But he knew that neither of you were actually taking the situation seriously, it was all out of lust, for him to not think of Akito and the curse, for you to probably not think of family and your own problems.
Things weren't supposed to be taken seriously.
Yet, after three years, here he was, thrusting into you deep and hard, groaning into your mouth as he muffled your moans and made everything echo with the slick on your skin.
Your legs spread apart, feet planted on the futon while his hands pinned yours down. Chest against chest. Forehead against forehead.
You knew his secret.
His attraction grew even more after the discovery, you stayed and listened, you stayed and understood, you stayed and didn’t care.
You stayed.
He knew the difficulty in it though, you were a very affectionate person, for years you wanted to hold him, the man that was making your head go crazy but you couldn’t without ending up with the cute version of his dog.
Because while it was at least something, after years, and a title, it was still frustrating.
As he fucked you thoroughly, he could see the way your legs twitched every time to wrap around him and feel the most. He wanted it too, feel your legs tightly around himself, feel your arms around his back and leaving all the marks you wanted.
As he spilled into you, hands firmly on your waist, digging into your flesh as he pushed as deep as he could, he showed you the same amount of want and need. The marks perpetually being left on your skin, everyday you saw them, every time you remembered that none other would fit them as his hands would.
Panting against your chest, he was feeling your nails brushing through his hair, your lips leaving light pecks on the crown of his head.
It was an experience looking into your eyes every time. He never felt as overwhelmed as in those moments.
So much care and love that he probably shouldn’t deserve for who he truly was. He had told you things but not nearly as everything as he should have.
His head was still split into his zodiac and human, but now there was you, thinking of Akito felt like a betrayal each time, he felt shame that he still couldn’t figure out a way to break this curse and shame of feeling a pull that he would never feel with you. It was something unique with Akito, unfortunately and till then, when she called he would be with her as she wished.
While nothing physical had happened, that was the bare minimum. Just his thoughts were near enough awful for someone in a relationship, he couldn't do anything about the chain that tugged when she wished even in moments like these, where he had the only woman who truly loved him unconditionally with him, making love to her.
Much that he only snapped out of it when he felt you push him off your body. Scrambling around with the sheet covering yourself to find your clothes while he just closed his eyes with a sigh, knowing he had fucked up royally, his hand going to his face, eyes looking down with guilt and then at you, putting on his t-shirt and pants with your shoulders going up and down irregularly.
"I'm sorry." Is all he could say.
"It's not enough." You said with a crack in your voice. "I understand, okay? I do, I did for three years but I can't just ignore it every time. I know she's in your head but where am I? Are you wishing it was her? Are you just doing this out of pettiness? Are you just wasting my time? Am I wasting my time with a man that cannot stop thinking of his ex lover even when we are having sex? Did you cum because of her or me? These are all the questions that come to mind whenver this happens, I'm tired of it, Shigure." Tears were freely rolling down your cheeks, looking at him with sadness and disappointment as he just felt guilt. He couldn't even hug you.
"I know it's not enough but I'm trying. I don't want to think of her, I don't want to, I want to be with you. Why do you think we are where we are now? I want you, but I cannot stop that! I cannot break it." He said through frustration.
"And I get it! But you cannot expect me to not be hurt!" You said back to him.
The room fell in silence. When your breathing regulated, you started to walk off to the door, but he held you back by the wrist. "Where are you going?"
Snatching it back. "I will sleep with Tohru. I cannot be with you tonight."
You closed the door behind you. Shigure just fell back into bed, hunched over as he repressed the need to scream in frustration. He didn't want to admit defeat, unfortunately whenever this happens, he would lose you for three days at least.
He could not do anything, he had not found the way to break the curse yet. He was really trying, for you and for him to live a normal life. He was also sure that it will still take time for it to happen after he discovered a way.
He slept sporadically in the night, waking up every hour and hoping to find you back on the other side of the bed, but it was always empty. In the early morning he woke up and walked down to find the kids all up and about, you were with Tohru by her side wearing his long sleeved shirt and his sweatpants, with your hair wet after what he assumed was a relaxing shower whenever you felt stressed.
Tohru greeted him as gently and kindly as always, Kyo and Yuki doing the same with less enthusiasm, you stayed quiet, he only met your eyes briefly, recognizing the puffiness and the slight redness you tried to cover up, looking away as quickly as possible.
The kids knew to not ask. They ignored whatever had happened every time it happened. Breakfast happened as normally as it would've.
When the kids were gone, so were you, locked up in your shared room with him as you worked from your computer, he knew already he had to stay out of it, he stayed in his study room, writing when he could not do nothing but think to how fix things with you this time.
The first two days went exactly as he predicted, each of you staying in your own spaces, not a word said between you two. He felt anger that you got mad at something he could not control at all and frustration that he could understand it. He saw you each day with the same puffiness around your eyes.
The third was not as he imagined, after the kids went to school, he waited for you to walk up the stairs and disappear till they returned, instead you spoke to him. "We need to talk, Shigure."
Those words didn't inspire faith in him, just fear. Hearing his full name from your lips felt even worse, whatever it was, it was not something he probably wanted to hear.
You two sat in front of each other in his studio, in silence, heart racing in both your chests as you tried to find the right way to put it out. But there wasn't a right way, so you just said it.
"We should break up."
Your words felt like a bucket of ice poured onto him. His eyes widened and he spoke without even thinking. "No."
"I'm not asking, Shigure."
"I said no. I'm not breaking up with you, I don't care whatever you have to say about it, I am not ending my relationship with you." He said, anger visible in his eyes. "We are happy."
"If you think happy means having an argument every two weeks because of another woman, I doubt and am scared of your definition." You said with a chuckle.
"Are you unhappy?" He asked directly.
"I'm not happy entirely." You swallowed. "We have our happy moments, I know, everything apart from this is perfect. But I just can't overlook it every time. It hurts, Shigure, I feel it breaking me all the time physically and emtionally." You said to him. His jaw clenched.
"I'm trying, it's not something I asked for. I want to break it as much as you do and live a fucking normal life."
"And how much time is that going to take? A year? Two years? Five? Ten? Never?! I am 21, I am young and have time to start and build something with someone else, Shigure. I'm not wasting time being your second choice, I will want to get married and have children. What will happen then? Akito will have me end up like Kana and then what, Shigure?"
"You're not a second choice-"
"I am if there is another woman in your heart and mind. Because there shouldn't be. I do not have another man pop up every now and then to which I cannot say no, to which I cannot not accept advances from."
"You know, nothing ever happened. Don't start that shit with me, Y/N. You won't end up like Kana, I won't let Akito get close to you, I made sure of that for three years and Hatori knows he cannot. This conversation is over, I'm not breakiing up with you, forget it." He got up and started to walk away.
"Shigure. Shigure. Shigure!" You yelled following after him up till you were in your shared bedroom. "Stop behaving like this."
"I told you I'm done with the conversation."
"But I'm not. Can you not understand that I'm hurting and we have no way to know if this will end up in tragedy or will work out."
"Do you think I don't want that? I just want to have a fucking life, away from that, now that I'm with you. I did think of it, I want to get married and have a family with you, I just need time to figure this out and break it." Tears rolled down your cheeks at the thought of not having that.
You had fallen in the deep end with him.
"I'm not throwing away the best thing that happened to me." He said sincerely, with fear in his eyes as he looked at you. "I know things are not the best right now, but we endured it and I'm not giving up."
You sniffled, frusteation growing in you as well. "What if I want to get married right away?"
"Then we will get married, tomorrow if you want."
"First you'll have to get permission from the head of the family." You spit back at him.
"I don't care. I've been kicked out, despite being called back from time to time, I call all my choices. I'm marrying you, whether you want it or not, tomorrow or whenever you think it's right." He shrugged. Your jaw clenched.
"What if I was pregnant? What would happen then when you get called back, when she finally wants you openly because she will not want you with another? Where do we end up? Shigure, just understand, for once, things will not change." Your voice had some sincerity, his eyes narrowed at it. Looking at you up and down.
"Are you?" His voice was hoarse, in disbelief.
"I said if I was."
"And I'm asking if you actually are." He just looked at your frown, the veil of tears that was buidling up in your eyes as you shut your mouth in a thin line instead of giving him a proper answer. "You are." He said taking a step towards you, as you took a step back.
"I don't know if I'm keeping it, don't get your hopes up, I'm not raising a child in these conditions." Your words held bitterness. "You didn't even want anything when we started our relationship, you didn't want the committment, I'm sure a child was not in it as well."
"Things changed you know that. For fuck's sake we live together, how do I not want committment? With you? I just told you I'd marry you tomorrow if you want. I'm 28, a child is not going to scare me off and make me break up with you. It's just making me love you more."
Your breathing became visibly irregular from the anger or frustration he didn't know. But you had only given him a reason more to fight for you. "Gure, please." You just cried, breaking. "I am scared." Your head fell down, eyes shutting as you cried.
Despite it, he understood. He understood your fears, he understood that you were scared, you were young, pregnant and in a relationship with a man that it's chained to a woman he grew to despise, and that could not touch fully without becoming a dog.
His gaze softened, walking towards you and leaning his forehead down to the top of your head, the most intimacy he could give you, kissing your head. "I love you. I truly and incredibly am in love with you." His hand slid on top of your flat stomach. Your hand going on top of his. "I'm here with you, just hang with me a little more."
You faced him, lips colliding with yours as you locked in a burning kiss. Your hands quickly pulling down his yukata from his shoulders, pooling on his waist as your nails quickly dug into his skin as always giving him indication of your need for him.
It wasn't long after that you both found yourselves naked on the bed, his cock into you as he dug his fingers into your thighs to keep you down and yours in his shoulders in a position where it didn't trigger it.
His length going in and out of you deeply, whispering sweet things into your ears as you just moaned his name, making something snap in him, something he wasn't quite sure of.
"Mine, mine..." He repeated as changed and pounded from behind you, his hand keeping your head to the side, looking at you fucked out state as he erased any idea of breaking up from your mind.
He felt the pull, growing restless to have his attention, but he just couldn't, he was caught up, he had you, he had you forever, and with you he had a child that was enlarging his own proper family, that tied you in a way that he cannot be tied with anyone else, his dream of a normal life with you and away from everything else.
A tear fell down his cheek as you moaned out his name coming on his cock as he kept going in and out of you sloppily, reaching his own point of release as he came deep in you, spilling his seed in you once again, feeling the knot releasing and something completely breaking in him.
You both panted for air, crying silently and he fell on you, the urge in him to hug you tightly.
So he did, he hugged you.
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corvusasteris · 11 months
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the sands of time is a fantasy interactive fiction where you play as the mage of a small provincial town who, in the process of investigating into strange magical phenomena, finds themselves embroiled in a far-reaching political intrigue with potentially deadly consequences. and ghosts.
themes/tags : intrigue, fantasy, effects of time, power, magic, ghosts
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You are a mage who, after being forced to flee from the capital for a crime you may or may not have committed, has taken refuge in Kemorlen, a small, unremarkable town ideal for keeping out of the political reaches of the Illyosian Empire. But when an apparently straightforward investigation into bizarre magical phenomena forces you into conflict with figures from your past and powerful forces that care little for you, how will you navigate through the oncoming storm that shatters your fragile calm ?
The continent of Aiolos has been dominated by the Illyosian Empire, with its back-stabbing nobles and complex court politics, for generations. Yet their hold is beginning to fray, and its rulers will do anything to take back their former power, sparking events that quickly spiral far out of their control.
Aiolos is a land at the crossroads of the mortal and spirit realms, where the effects of the underworld are felt keenly, and the delicate balance between mortal and spirit realms is ever on the verge of tipping over.
worldbuilding info
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Flee from the capital under dubious circumstances: choose whether you were a spy or scholar when in Melera.
Meet five characters (one male, two female, one nb and one selectable: either male or nb) and choose to pursue romance, friendship, or rivalry.
Navigate a world of complicated politics, spirits that frequently won't stay dead and magic that permeates everyday existence.
Choose your name, pronouns, gender and place of origin.
Pick which area of magic you are strongest in, out of four (warding, enchantment, healing and transmutation).
Try not to get assassinated, arrested or possessed.
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detailed character info
Jasper (m) :
A familiar face from your past, and not one that you expected to see again. He's a snarky, obsessive researcher into spirits and, during your time in the capital, your closest companion. After getting caught up in the incident that provoked your rather abrupt exit, you presumed him to be dead, and he you.
Leonora (f) :
The owner of the alchemists shop next door to you in Kemorlen. Despite her saving your life (numerous times) and helping you to create a new life for yourself there, she remains a figure that you know surprisingly little about. She's blunt, impulsive, skilled with a sword, and definitely hiding something. All in all, you don't quite know what to make of her.
Augustine (nb) :
A quiet, unassuming healer who arrived in town shortly after you did. Surprisingly squeamish and possessing a dry sense of humour, they have quickly become indispensable in helping you deal with the everyday magical difficulties of Kemorlen. Their past remains a mystery to you, and you suspect there may be more to them than first appears.
Mira (f) :
A charismatic bard who wanders the roads of Aiolos collecting stories, gold, and animal companions after being exiled from her home kingdom. She seems to attract trouble, but as long as the resulting chaos makes for a good tale she doesn't appear to mind much.
Theodorus (m/nb) :
A spirit with patchy memories and a thirst for revenge after being accidentally brought back from the underworld. They're awkward, restless and struggling to reconstruct a life for themselves in a world where they are supposed to be dead.
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demo : here currently 17k words, prologue
release medium : twine & itch.io
rating: 16+
pinterest: here
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itsroxie · 2 years
So your parents suck?
Okay, so you’re starting from scratch, you can’t cook, you don’t know what career you’re interested in, you lack skills that your parents should have taught you, and your finances aren’t in order. Worst of all, you don’t know where to begin 👀. Well, I got a list of books for you.
( most of the books listed have visuals)
These are 10 must-have books that’ll help you maneuver through life!
1. “The Self Care prescription” by Robyn L. Gobin, Ph.D ⭐️ MUST HAVE ⭐️  (Amazon)
Self-care is important. If you don’t know where to start this book was made for you. It will clear up any confusion you may have about self-care, and how it looks. It also addresses mental health and teaches you skills on how to deal with real-life issues. The author also has a journal you can purchase alongside this book. (Amazon link)
2. “Infographic guide to Personal Finance” by Elisabeth Lariviere and Michele Cavan, CPA (Amazon)
All the financial advice you need in one book. It has a range of topics from debt to investing, buying property, and budgeting. This book is easy to understand and has lovely graphics.
3. “How to be a person” by Catherine Newman (Amazon)
All the skills you need to be a functioning human being are in this book. I recommend this book for people who didn’t have a lot of guidance growing up. “How to be a person” will fill you in on the basics. It tells you how to tip people, do laundry, send mail, and make your bed. It also has some easy recipes and a lot more. It’s a great starter book for those who genuinely don’t know where to begin!
4. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear (Amazon)
If you are looking to break a habit or start a new one this book is a bestseller and highly recommended. It can also be helpful for those who struggle with motivation, making changes, etc. Before reading this book, I had difficulty getting back on track after a break. Since reading Atomic Habits, I've been able to stay consistent with my goals and overcome moments of doubt. Once you’ve read Atomic Habits I would suggest purchasing @2pretty 12-month dream girl guide. It can help you keep track of the habits you want to master and the steps you plan on taking to accomplish your goal. It’s also a cute journal 🥰.
5. “Budgeting 101” by Michele Cavan, CPA  (Amazon)
A very detailed book explaining everything you need to know about budgeting, saving, and investing. It also has a couple of tips.
6. “Home EC for everyone” by Sharon & David Bowers (Amazon)
All the life skills you need are in this book. It covers cooking, laundry, sewing, and other domestic skills. Home EC has recipes, a list of supplies, and how-to’s on cleaning, setting tables &, etc. This book is amazing. It’s been my favorite purchase this year. It starts with the easy stuff like boiling water 😭 and cracking an egg, but it gets into other info like getting gum out of carpet, how to hem a skirt, reading laundry symbols, making beef stew, and brining meat, just to mention a few.
7. “Getting from college to career” by Lindsey Pollak (Amazon)
If you need advice on preparing for interviews, working on your resume, getting real-world experiences, and finding job opportunities. I couldn’t suggest a better book. It has other topics and is great for anyone who needs advice while they're looking for a job, but it is catered to college graduates.
8. “Adulting made easy” by Amanda Morin  (Amazon)
Budgeting, insurance, getting a job, KEEPING a job, safe social media usage, living situations, and a few other life skills are all mentioned in “adulting made easy”. I love this book and started including it in my gift package for friends and family members going to college or moving out, it’s such a great resource.
9. “The driving book” by Karen Gravelle (Amazon)
This book is geared towards new drivers, but I believe it has some great information for everyone. It tells you what to keep in your car, how to take care of it, and how to drive in different areas. Such as the freeway, the countryside, etc. 
10. “Careers the ultimate guide to planning your future” (Amazon)
This book has a range of careers, some requiring just trade school or associates, others needing a doctorate. With such a range, you’ll be sure to get an idea of what career you might be interested in. It also has a rank on the salary you’ll be making from each opportunity listed.
Now I am all for reading and gathering information but please be sure to put the tips you learn to use. 
I’ll try to make a version of this that has online readings or links. I know some people don’t like books or don’t have space for books so if I find any articles I’ll make a post 🤍
♡ xoxo Mrs.Degree ❣️
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p.s just cuz you didn’t learn these skills as a kid doesn’t mean your parents suck I just picked that as a header.
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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♡ Summary: Being nine months pregnant is not fun nor is it easy. What makes it harder is that you're married to a K-pop idol, Kim Namjoon. What happens if you go into labor and he's on a schedule? Chaos. 
♡ Rating: Pg - 14
♡ Genre: Established relationship; Namjoon x Wife! Reader, pregnancy, romance, fluff, and angst 
♡ Warnings: Giving birth (kind of) and difficulties of getting pregnant
Y/N pushed the covers off her bed and laid next to her husband, who was reading away his new book. She let out a small laugh as she pulled the covers over her big belly. The sudden noise made Namjoon look up and gave her a small smile, “Do you need help?” 
“No, I’m an independent woman.” 
“So, you don’t want me to rub your feet?
She pouted at this as Namjoon smirked at her, “No...I want that still.” 
“Just as I thought. How’s the baby?” 
“He’s doing great. Kicking me with all his might.” 
Namjoon frowned at this and pulled the covers off of her. He moved up her shirt to show off her roundness. He placed a gentle kiss and she watched with soft eyes, “Stop giving your mom a hard time. We want to meet you just as much as you want to meet us. Please be patient, baby.”
She ran her fingers through his hair as she tilted her head at the scene, “You know…we haven’t given him a name yet.”
“I thought we liked Dae-Hyun?”
“It’s good but I haven’t settled on it...I want a unique name or something that matches us.”
Namjoon placed another kiss on her stomach and pulled her shirt down. He leaned back into his pillows, “We’ll figure it out.” 
“Joon, I’m literally nine months pregnant. Time is ticking.” 
“For now, let’s go to bed. Stressing about it won’t do you good, if anything it will make you sick.”
She sighed, hating how he was always right, “Fine. Goodnight love.”
He smiled at this and leaned forward placing a kiss on the tip of her nose, “Goodnight love.” 
Y/N and Namjoon Kim have been together for nine years and married for two of those years. Y/N and Namjoon met by accident. Y/N was working at the cafe by the old Bighit building when they first met. He just turned nineteen and she was eighteen, the two had no idea that they would get married when he walked in that day. Namjoon and Yoongi came in looking for caffeine after a long night of practice. It was a long night for Namjoon because at the time he wasn’t that confident in his dancing and felt like he was holding the group back. Y/N noticed that he looked stressed and asked if he was alright, the rest was history. 
Y/N was there since the beginning of Bts and would play their music in the cafe whenever she had the chance. Namjoon would go into the small cafe every day to see her and the rest of the members picked up that he had a crush. Jimin and Hoseok were the ones that helped him to ask her out. She always knew they would get big because she believed in their talents and with her support, they did just that. 
In their sixth year of being together, Y/N and Namjoon were trying for a baby. They were newly engaged and thought it was time to have a baby. They were both healthy and financially stable, the only thing that was missing was a baby. After a year of trying, Y/N went to see a fertility specialist to see if there were any problems. Even though she was healthy, it was just taking a long time for the couple to conceive. She was upset about this but told Namjoon, whatever happens, happens. With help planning and scheduling thanks to the fertility specialist the two conceived. Now two years later, she is finally pregnant and married. 
Even though Namjoon was a husband and father, the world didn’t know that. He didn’t want the world to know about his life at home, he wanted privacy at the time. Y/N was sensitive and had health scares because of her pregnancy, he didn’t want to stress her out even more. It wasn’t until he was live on Weverse one day that he accidentally left the crib in his studio. It didn’t take long for Army to take notice and ask questions. He released a statement that he was married and having a child with his partner, saying sorry that he kept this hidden. It was a good reaction, something that shocked him. He wouldn’t show Y/N or his son’s face but he felt better that he could share this part of his life. 
“Noona are you okay?” 
Y/N smiled at Jungkook and nodded her head, “I’m okay, just fat.” 
Namjoon shook his head and walked up to her with a water bottle in his hand, “Baby, not fat. You have a human being in your stomach.”
She sighed and rubbed her stomach gently, “I know, I know.” 
Today she was watching the guys practice their dance for a video. The song was Run and it was fun to watch all of them dance together. The song was a high-energy song, something she wished she had. Namjoon wanted her to be with him at all times in case she gave birth, so she agreed to this. Her doctor told her walking is good for her and can even induce labor. 
She took the water bottle and took a sip. She was feeling nauseous all morning and Jin was the one that helped her to the chair. Namjoon was busy making a makeshift footstool for her. Yoongi handed her a piece of bread and frowned, “Are you sure you're okay?” 
“I’m okay, just pregnant.” 
Jimin smiled at this and looked at Jungkook with excitement, “Are you excited for the FIFA World Cup Kook?” 
Jungkook nodded but looked at Y/N with a frown, “Do you want me to go? I can change my mind on it.”
Y/N shook her head and gave him a small smile, “No, kook. You should go, you’ve taken care of me more than I can ask. I’ll be okay.”
Taehyung looked at Namjoon and frowned, “Don’t you have the trip to New York?”
Namjoon nodded and grabbed Y/N’s hand, “I didn’t want to go but Y/N told me I should go.”
“Of course I did. It’s for your album, babe. You need to go. Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi will be there for me.” 
“Yah, what about me!?” 
She let out a small laugh and looked at Jimin, “I don’t think you can handle it.”
Namjoon sighed and shook his head, “I hate being away from you. I want to see everything and be involved.” 
“You can’t help it, that’s life babe. It will be okay no matter what. Just think that way, please.” 
“I guess...it’s not easy.”
“But it's necessary.” 
Hoseok kissed the top of her head and handed her another piece of bread, “We’ll take care of her Joon. Let’s get back to practicing.”
Namjoon stayed in his place while everyone left. He turned his head to look at her with a small smile, “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you so much, Namjoon. It will be okay, as long as we're together, it will be okay.” 
“That’s the problem, I won’t be there.”
She sighed and shook her head, “You will be there. I have a ring on my hand and a phone that can doFacetime. It will be okay.” 
He let out a small laugh and quickly pecked her lips, “Whatever you say, love.” 
“Namjoon, get into position!” 
“Okay, Hyung! I love you.” 
“I love you more.” 
She watched him leave and she bit her lip. She was super nervous because she knew this would have happened but she couldn’t show Namjoon that was feeling super nervous. She knew how important his new album was and she wanted him to finish it since he's been working so hard on it. It will be okay...
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
Namjoon was gone and Y/N was in their home not feeling the best. Every hour, Namjoon would call to check on her until Jin got annoyed and told him if he called one more time he was going to fly to New York to hit him. It’s only been three days since Namjoon left and she wasn’t feeling so good. She lied telling Namjoon that she was just super tired but Hoseok knew that was a lie. The moment Hoseok came in to check in on her, she was throwing up pure acid. She couldn’t eat anything nor could she stand up, it was really bad. Yoongi even tried getting her to eat bread but she didn’t even have the strength to eat it. 
Today it was Hoseok’s turn to watch her and she was glad that he was there. Today, she was feeling pain in her lower back and stomach. Her heating pad was doing its best to make her feel better. She was also constantly going back and forth to the bathroom but nothing was coming out. It was super frustrating. 
Hoseok handed her a banana and gave her a small smile, “Do you want some juice?” 
“Honestly, I don’t know what I want. No matter what I eat or drink, it makes me feel horrible, hobi.” 
He frowned at this and pushed some hair back from her forehead, “Remember what the doctor said, to get some walking. We can take a little walk to Namjoon's studio.” 
“It’s so hard though, hobi!”
“I know but it can help, okay.”  
She nodded her head and Hoseok gently helped her out of the bed. She felt like her stomach dropped but she couldn’t tell if her stomach didn’t agree with the bread or she had to go to the bathroom. She decided to keep walking to see if the feeling goes away. Hoseok held on to her tightly as she slowly walked into the hallway. It wasn’t until halfway she stopped and she let out a loud groan, “Y/N?” 
“Hoseok, I-I think my water just broke.” 
The silence hit him as he stood there with pure confusion, “Wh-What?” 
“We need to go now!” 
This was the fastest Hoseok has ever moved in his life. He grabbed the bag that she put together in her closet and grabbed some other things as Y/N sat in the chair breathing in and out. He grabbed his phone and dialed the dad as fast as he could, “Hoseok is-”
Hoseok ended the call and put his phone in his pocket. He rushed towards Y/N and gently grabbed her hand, “Okay, we’ll go to the hospital. Namjoon is getting on the next plane and should be here tomorrow.” 
“That’s nice and all but I’m going to be mean, I really don’t care about that. Take this child out of me.” 
The trip to the hospital was hectic but Hoseok didn’t mind. His best friend is giving birth, he knew what he was getting himself into. He called everyone that was in Korea to head to the hospital, something Y/N wanted. Y/N sat in the room groaning in pain as the other members watched with hopeless looks.
Seokjin picked up a piece of ice and placed it in her mouth, “Anything from Namjoon?”
Y/N turned her head and stared at him with a scared look, “I’m not having this baby without him.”
“I-I know but listen Y/N-”
“No, you listen! I’m holding this baby-oh, shit.”
She gripped on the railing as tight as she could and Jin looked at Yoongi, “Go get the doctor.”
“No, I’m not-”
“Noona, if you have to give birth then you have to. It’s not healthy for you to keep him in.”
She frowned at Taehyung and looked at Yoongi. She gave him a small nod, “Go get the doctor.” 
Yoongi quickly made his way out of the room as Y/N started crying. Jimin grabbed her hand and started to rub her knuckles gently, “It’s okay. Noona, we’re here for you. We’ll call Namjoon.”
“We promise noona.”
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
“Namjoon, it's okay.”
“No, it’s not, I missed my son getting delivered.”
“About that-”
Before Yoongi could finish his sentence, Namjoon opened his door to see Y/N holding their son. He smiled at this and dropped his bag in the corner. He quickly made his way as Y/N looked up at him with her tired eyes, “Joonie.”
“I’m sorry baby, the plane-”
“I don’t care about that, Meet our daughter.”
Y/N gently moved the blanket around her face and Namjoon felt his heart get heavy. She was so small and fragile, her little eyelashes going in different directions. Her plump lips matched his and her nose matched Y/N’s, the perfect combination of the two. He gently touched her cheek and let a tear escape, “She’s so cute. What’s her name?”
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tarotwithlove · 1 year
pac ♡ a short message from your guides
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · TWITTER · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated
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“let go of the old story and of the life you once lived. you want so much more for yourself but do not make any attempt to go towards it.
you want so much more for yourself but you ignore our signs and messages because you are too afraid to leave the comfort of the life you have built.
do you want to be on your deathbed wishing you had lived your life for yourself? do you want to wake up every day and wish you had been brave enough to take a chance? to push yourself? to endure the difficulty that came with change?
we know how much you wish for change, and how much you ignore it. we are trying to bring your dream life to you but there is only so much we can do—and only so much we are willing to do before we stop trying entirely.
the greatness of your fear is almost admirable. some of us understand you, you must know that dear. some of our lives were so controlled by that same fear, asking ourselves every night, “what if my family no longer accepts me? what if i regret it? what if? what if? what if?”. until one day you wake up and you realise you have let your entire life pass you by. we want more than this for you.
we want you to live not just wish to live. we want you to want to live, so much that you fight for it”
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“you are still struggling to find balance in your life. we are proud of you for how much you have overcome; how much you have healed; how much you have grown.
of course, we are proud, how could we not be? we recognize that at times our lessons were a bit too harsh for your heart, but there was no other way. you’re a bit stubborn to our messages, so if we have to take some extreme methods to get across to you, we will. and we have. and you have moved above all of the obstacles we’ve placed before you with ease.
the uncertainties and stresses and heartbreaks… all these lessons… and look at you now. we cannot help but look upon you with pride.
though, dear, there is still a need for you to try and find balance in your life. you are either too focused on work or too focused on love, and can never find a happy medium between these two things.
you long for love and connection but can you manage a relationship on top of all your other responsibilities? especially in a new connection with someone you have wanted to be with in this way for so long?
we know more than you can ever imagine but we only guide you so much. don’t just plunge into things without thinking them through. balance, remember?”
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“your potential is limitless, more limitless than anyone could ever explain to you or that you could ever truly know and understand—especially right now.
you have so many dreams and you wonder how you are going to achieve all of them; wondering even as you persist in the knowledge that you will achieve everything you decide you will.
we have watched you through every moment of your life, and we are so moved by your will to live; your will to have better than anyone could ever imagine for you; your will to do anything but accept the life you have been given. don’t worry. you will have it all.
every effort you put in is being multiplied tenfold behind the scenes on our part. more than that. so much more than that. don’t focus on the hows or whys or whens, just know that you will be rewarded for all that you have done and are doing. and never, ever, worry that your manifestations and prayers are going unheard and not listened to.
for now, enjoy the little moments of the life that exists around you.
you will miss this peace and quiet when it’s gone.”
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“you may not want to admit it but that connection ending was the best thing that could have ever happened for you and your life.
and that is right: for you, not to you, because even when you felt like your life was falling apart it was just falling into place. and you are seeing so right now.
remember how tired you were every day, how tethered you felt, how unsure you were if you should have been following your mind or heart. how you woke up every day conflicted and went to bed riddled with guilt. how you wondered if you should have stayed or if you should have let go.
but you were strong enough to let go, and that should let you know that you are strong enough to do anything. you did not believe this before, always going along with the flow and shooting low out of fear that actually reaching for the things you want would do nothing but hurt you, and while it was a bit harsh to teach you the lesson in this way it was needed.
but… we also fear that we have made you too afraid to try at love again. there is only so much that we can say that is going to ease your pain and uncertainty, but know that every risk worth taking is a risk that is worth getting hurt for.
know that you will never know the true outcome of a connection and you cannot spend the rest of your life running away from potential happiness out of fear of potential heartache.
be brave in the way we know that only you can be.”
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wisdomseeker02 · 1 year
Masterlist; tip me
PAC: What do you have to live for?
For anyone feeling depressed or suicidal. I'm there with you. Let's see why your life is worth it. Let's hang in there together. 🫂❤️‍🩹
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Group 1 🌅: Something is being given birth to here, group 1. I know it's hard, and painful, and it takes time, but that's how birth is. For some of you it might actually be that you are pregnant. This thing or human that is coming into this world is what you have to live for. There are some illusions here, some deceit. You might be feeling or thinking that things are worse than they actually are. You might be making up stuff that don't exist or think something is true, when it isn't. There might be some other people that are filling your head with these illusions. But at the right time, in the right moment, you will see that there is action you can take to improve things, to make things better. You will see that you have control, and that you are not powerless . You will know what to do and you will do it, and everything will get better from then on. Things will change for the better.
Group 2 🌅: What you have to live for is immuning yourself to your fears, going through difficulties and dealing with them, healing from them, so that you can later on help others do the same. You'll have the power to help others break the lies they've been telling themselves, that keep them feeling low. You might have to be the strength for a particular person, a person you love.
Group 3 🌅: You deserve to live because you are innocent. Nothing that you have been through, that has happened to you, that you've lost is your fault. What you have to live for is finding that innocent happiness of a child inside you again, that freedom of all the guilt you've been carrying. You might feel like you are missing something essential, that you've lost something essential, or that you don't have enough resources. But you can be happy like a child again, regardless of this lack. You will regain confidence in yourself, and in your life, in the fact that life is worth it. Your efforts will start paying off, and things will start working out for you. You will have a desire for life again. A desire to take action and make things happen. And things will start happening, and progressing fast for you. I'm so happy for you, hang in there!
Group 4 🌅: What you have to live for is the right moment, divine timing, that is gonna make things better. It's going to break the illusions that keep you feeling this way. And you are going to really be happy and have fun again. You're going to move on and leave behind things that no longer serve you. And you're going to move to a better place in your life. You're going to adjust to these changes.
Group 5 🌅: What you have to live for is realizing that you are a worthy human being, as worthy as anybody else. You are worthy of a good life, of love, of the things you want. And things will start moving forward. You will be expressing your sexuality, your passion more. You will move on and leave behind things or people that no longer serve you. You will follow your heart and act according to it. You may have a good romantic love into your life. And be the strength for your partner. But you're going to be strong on your own as well.
I'm willing to do this question as a free personal reading for some people, so send me an ask if you'd like one. 🤗
My store, i'd be grateful if you check it out: http://tee.pub/lic/Tr1Xvl1dxCo
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leggerefiore · 10 months
Size kink with Warden Ingo please? 🥺
The man’s so big.
assuming u mean like him being bigger than reader lmao
cw: 18+ content, AFAB reader, size kink, PLA Ingo, riding
His size had caught you off guard as he pinned you against the sheets of his futon.
Ingo had always been taller than you. He stood just out of your height range and had to look down at you often when speaking with you. It really hadn't occurred to you until now, his size in comparison to your own.
Hisui had not been kind to Ingo. Scars littered his previously pristine body, his facial hair had grown out due to a difficulty getting around to shaving, and his body grew harder due to muscles that had come on from the physical strain he was often subjected to. You swallowed as he hovered over you, nearly covered your whole form with his own.
“Dearest,” he murmured, leaning down to press his lips to your own. You found yourself lost in the contact, moving along with him as his tongue darted into your mouth and claimed the territory with ease. You felt small in comparison to him. Damn, did you hate how much it turned you on.
Ingo could easily manhandle you and pin you down. You let out a moan into the kiss, hips rutting against his thigh pressed in between your legs. Ingo pulled away, eyes bleary and cheeks flushed with colour. A single strand of spit connected him to you still. His eyes quickly grew lidded. You both were down to your base layers, only a t-shirt from your past life and underwear on you, while Ingo was down to his slacks and whatever he had hidden underneath him.
Your brain surged with feeling at the appearance of his strengthened torso on full display to your eyes. You resisted reaching a hand to grasp at his pecs. Instead, you reached down to tug away your shirt as Ingo did away with his slacks. With them gone, you were sitting in his lap as this time his hips ground into yours. Pleasure surged through the both of you, Ingo's sounds erotic and wanton in your ears as you made quite similar noises for him.
His cock as strained against his underwear as you soaked your poor underwear from the sensations rushing through your body. You leaned against Ingo's chest, further feeding into your odd, feverish feelings about his size. His hands gripped your hips, desperately trying to hold you in place as he ruts against you. It isn't long before his underwear are pulled down to free his stiff length from its constraints. You swallowed as you watched the precum leak from the tip. You were quickly moved your own out of the way.
Ingo helped you position yourself as you readied yourself to sink down his cock. Your toes curled as he speared you open so well. For a guy who used to be so shy about sex, he was unfortunately well-endowed. You sighed when he bottomed out, forehead resting against his shoulder. Your hands gripped his upper arms as you let yourself adjust to him. Ingo's arms were wrapped around your waist.
It wasn't long until the feeling of him just stretching you out wasn't enough for you. You moaner as you moved your hands to grip onto his shoulders as you lifted your hips up to slam them back down. A loud groan leaves Ingo, who shifts his own hands to grip your hips and help you to bounce on his dick. You love the thrill of the differences between Ingo, and you just find yourself entranced with how he looks down at you with an expression filled with lust and adoration.
“Sinnoh,” he manages to get out, “Ah, dear, you're so perfect…” You lean in to kiss him, finding yourself needing to be closer to him. You swallowed each other's moans while you ride him intensely. His hands feel so large against your hips, setting your mind deeper into your spiral.
“Mmm – Ingo, you're so big,” you break the kiss to mumble against his lips, “I love youuu...” The Warden lets out a whine as you tighten around him. His cock hits a wonderful spot inside you as you let out a cry and try to get him to hit there more. Your toes curling almost begins to feel like cramping as he continues to thrust right into the spot. It isn't long until you feel your mind fall into bliss as you cum on his dick. Your head rests on his shoulder as delirious moans leave you.
Ingo makes it a few more thrusts before a warmth spills deep inside you. A loud cry accompanies the orgasm, making you shiver. He holds you to him as you both pant desperately for breath, trying to find your ability to think straight again. Moments pass with him buried inside you as you lean against his bigger form.
At some point in there, you shift from sitting on his lap to laying down because of him. His body curls around you as you fall into a cuddling position. Outside, a soft rain taps against everything. You feel at ease. A kiss is pressed to your cheek and a deep voice whispers into your ear.
“I love you, too,” it says. You smile and allow your eyes to finally close.
Ingo's changes weren't all bad, you supposed.
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modmamono · 11 months
Getting people into Puyo Puyo. A lesson in etiquette.
(Some tips on how to get people into Puyo Puyo and where to get them to start.)
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First and foremost. My Tumblr post here is (perhaps counter-productively) for people who may want to get their friends and newbies into Puyo Puyo and not for said friends and newbies themselves. (Though you’ll no doubt get something out of this too.)
I just wanna instill some etiquette into people. Because way too often in Discord servers I see a group of people shout at a newbie to play their favorite Puyo Puyo game instead of trying to actually considering what the best Puyo game to get started with is for that newbie.
My goal is to try and help you get people into this series you like.
This is by no means a guaranteed method and should not be seen as such.
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What’s Puyo Puyo’s appeal?
Generally speaking these are the one people cite when I ask them:
The characters.
The Artstyle.
A puzzle game with personality. Similar to those of fighting games.
It's funny and charming.
Simple-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay.
Keep these in mind.
Do you know the person?
This is very important.
- If it’s a friend that shows interest in the colorful cast and the wacky words they shout  as the jellies disappear on screen in a pleasing rhythm, then don’t be shy encouraging them to try a Puyo Puyo game out.
Not all friends have everything in common. But if you’re friends and know enough about each other, that alone should do a lot of heavy lifting.
- If it’s a stranger or someone online you barely know then its best to play it safe.
You can ask a few questions what they look for in a game and maybe consult the bottom of this blogpost what game to recommend to them.
- A tip for both: If they show no interest, then just accept it might not be their thing. It’s disheartening, not getting someone into the thing you love, but that’s just life sometimes. Doesn’t mean you have failed, it just means you’ve been pitching to the wrong people.
Dos & Don’ts.
- This is a series where you come for the story/gameplay and stay for the gameplay/story.
You can sell the game on both as well. But if the person is inclined toward one over the other then sell them on story, gameplay, or even the aestatics or the characters and chances are they’ll grow attached to all the other things. No need to rush things.
-  Reign in your passion a little.
I’m not saying to not be passionate. But it’s possible you can turn people off to Puyo Puyo because you never shut up about it and keep trying to sell it to them.
This goes for anything really. Sometimes people just get sick of hearing a thing, and instead of checking it out, they’ll disassociate and distance themselves from it.
- Don’t oversell how tough the gameplay is.
Unless the newbie like to be challenged don’t tell them Puyo is hard. That can be discouraging.
You won’t believe how many people I see trying to get someone into Puyo Puyo and do this. You want them to get them into this series, right?
Most Puyo Puyo games have difficulty settings in the options menu anyway. Tell them there’s no shame to adjust it to their liking and switch it to another setting when ready.
- Be supportive and encouraging.
If they struggle with the game. Be kind and offer them some advice. Teach them some basic stuff to get through if needed.
Beating WakuWaku is already a huge accomplishment, don’t make that victory invalidated by saying it doesn’t count because they didn’t do HaraHara if you know what I mean.
There’s no shame in lowering the difficulty. They’ll get better eventually.
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- Don’t force them advanced tactics right away or funnel them into competitive.
Let. Them. Have. Fun. First.
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Don’t breathe down a newbie’s neck for not using GTR or whatever else stacking method. Let them learn and experience the game however they want to. And if they wanna ask for help, then provide that. Try not to preemptively answer EVERYTHING if they didn’t even ask in the first place.
When they’re ready for GTR, competitive, and the like, then they are ready. But they gotta make that call on their own.
- When you play multi-player with your newbie friend(s) try not to do this:
You wanna invite them into the series, right? Why turn them off like that? You don’t wanna chance and encourage them to try again.  Losing to a player is way more demoralizing then losing to the game’s AI will ever be, they’re just two different things.
But if you do play with your less experienced friends the games have handicaps. If you’re good at the game put your board on Spicy, and let your friend choose whatever they want.
- Soooo, uh, about the lore...
Generally speaking, don’t entice a newbie in with that unless they’re a lore nut (and even then I have my reservations).
I know most Puyo fans love that Puyo Puyo has lore and that’s a big appeal to the series, but hear me out:
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I think that’s a terrible way to entice a newbie. It’s fun lore for sure, and ideally, they get into it eventually. But have you ever thought about how much lore there actually is per game?
Puyo 1, Tsu, and Sun don’t have much of anything.
Puyo~n has Doppel and her intrigue and amazing vibe. But when you peel off the layer there is nothing but fanon.
Box and Minna have nothing much of note.
Fever 1 is a new world but otherwise is just another Puyo 1, Tsu, and Sun.
Fever 2 and 15th Anni are actually the exception to the rule. And I will go into why later.
And the rest while they do provide lore. It’s all contained within a single game for the most part.
Most of the interesting stuff are from Novels, Drama CDs, old dungeon crawling games. Which is cool and all. But, for now, you’re only just pitching the game(s) to the newbie. That’s quite a bit away.
I just don’t think it’s wise to hype up the lore when they’re barely ever gonna see any of it. I’ve been around too. A lot of the lore goes over a lot of people’s heads.
That and I think it’s just more rewarding to let newbies piece things together themselves. It releases a really nice feeling in the brain that SEGA’s run actually has a solid continuity.
I hope I’ve made my case? This is probably my most controversial stance here. But I think it’s for the best. Puyo Puyo is a series with lore, but it’s not a lore focused series. (I feel the same about Kirby.)
Entice newbies with surface level things first. Like the funny characters or the surface level stories. They’ll get to the deeper stuff eventually when they’re hooked. Trust me.
Unless you know they’re the type of person that likes lore for lore’s sake. But in that case do please let them know most games aren’t upfront about it and they have to put in the effort to dig. And digging for the obscure can be fun.
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- Don’t push your favorite Puyo Puyo games onto a newbie without a good reason.
Sometimes your favorite game isn’t the best to start with. And while I believe you could give a newbie any game and if it clicks BOOM they’re a Puyo fan now. I do believe some games are better introductions to get someone into the games.
I’ll get into what I believe are the best options later on in this post.
- Don’t overload them on things to keep in mind.
Give them no more then 2 things to keep in mind. Things like “PPT1 will have a nasty difficulty spike, so be careful” and “I wonder what your thoughts are on a certain moment”.
If you give someone too many things to keep in mind they might get distracted from the game to remember everything you’ve told them.
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And I believe that covers it all.
Which games should you recommend to newbies?
I’ll give you a bunch of options. But I’ll let you know which ones I think are the best for a newbie along with my reasoning.
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Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 & 2
No contest. These are just the best ones to start off with. Either one of these will do.
You may disagree for whatever reason, but the fact it’s a crossover with Tetris is its biggest point in its favor. If they don’t like Puyo Puyo they will have Tetris as a safety net. By default that’s the best.
That and it’s been proven that it has been a surprisingly good entry. Over half of the current fanbase started of with PPT1. Like that guy who makes those Puyo Puyo in a Nutshell videos. You know, that guy.
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Also you can buy PPT2 on all current consoles, most other games are only accessible through emulation if you want them in English. That’s important because some people are just against emulation or just plain don’t know how to emulate things.
And if they like either of these games maybe they’re willing to try emulation to play more Puyo Puyo.
Also who knows, if they use the Tetris as a safety net maybe they’ll bounce back and later enjoy Puyo Puyo after all.
Good options:
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Puyo Puyo Tsu/Puyo Puyo 2 (Most versions)
Puyo Puyo Tsu introduced the standard ruleset most other rules are based off. And that’s the ONLY rule it has. Which I think works to its benefit for a newbie.
While the game lacks much in the way character interactions (maybe recommend them the Super Famicom translation patch which does have those) it does have a goal reaching the top of the tower and beating Satan.
I think the tower is an excellent motivator to get good at the game. If they can beat Satan at the top I’d say they’re ready for any Puyo Puyo game to come.
My preferred version is the Super Famicom version called “Super Puyo Puyo Tsu” but I don’t think you can’t really go wrong with any version besides the Neo Geo Pocket Color one.
For the emulator averse they can buy the game on SEGA 3D Classics Collection on 3DS or the SEGA AGES version on Nintendo Switch.
Super Puyo Puyo Tsu is also available on Nintendo Switch Online’s SNES app. So if you have the basic package, you already have that game at your disposal.
All versions except the NGPC one are in Japanese, but I don’t think that’s much of a hindrance with this game specifically. Any version without the cutscenes is sorta alingual. Sure there’s Japanese text in the game, but of all the games, I think you can enjoy this one the most without having to understand it.
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Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary (DS) (Precise Museum patch)
(Note, a Wii patch with a revised script is on its way.)
I think this game is a good introduction to the current day cast and has a ton of modes. So if basic rules don’t do it a newbie may find a mode that slowly eases them into more basic rules.
If you wanna 100% the game you gotta win 200 story mode matches. That’s a lot of Puyo, and that’s plenty of time to learn.
Do refrain from telling newbies that though. 200 is big number. Playing 200 without realizing it is more palatable then telling them you have to do 200 to beat the game. One’s fun, the other sounds like a chore.
Direct their focus on the cast, there’s a lot to chew on this game.
I would recommend, but...:
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Puyo Puyo Fever 2 & Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
These are the actual lore games. These games practically give you lore as a reward at every turn. These two games are the exceptions to my rule that you shouldn’t sell the games with lore to a newbie. And soaking all that lore in is a great motivator to play these games.
But we have no patches yet beside some out-of-date ones from Puyo Nexus. Which is the main problem (for Fever 2 especially).
Also, while these two games are a bit holy grail, their praises are rightfully sung. I’m a bit apprehensive calling them great entry points.
Fever 2 relies on the Fever rule. Which not everyone’s a fan of. I’ve been around and not everyone enjoys that rule (and anecdotally it overstimulates me). The Fever Rule has a ton of rules to it. But a lot of people were introduced to Fever 1 and became life-long fans so I don’t know, take my claim with a grain of salt. I’ve been told it’s an easier game then Fever 1 at least. Fever 1 does not play nice.
And 15th’s story mode relies on a roulette. Which doesn’t have to be a negative, but it is a game with a with a ton of gimmick rules. And while 20th is that too it gives you more freedom in that regard, which I think might be more beneficial to a newbie.
But any of the games above here are good places to start. One dishonorable mention to recommend to a newbie:
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Puyo Puyo Champions
I’ve historically been nice to this game. But I don’t recommend it to a newbie.
It’s just Puyo 2 and Fever Rules at an admittingly cheap price. Not much to it.
You could argue that I gave Puyo Puyo Tsu slack in that regard. But my counter argument would always be: “What is the goal of Champions?”
This game is so competitive focused it hurts. No charming animations, the characters count instead of escalating their spells. Only good single-player content is hidden behind too many boring tutorials, which is watered down from the Nazo Puyo games.
Puyo Puyo Tsu you scale a tower and get an ending. Reaching the top and beating Satan is the goal.
Champions has nothing to offer besides online rankings. And as I’ve said before, don’t funnel a newbie into being competitive. They’ll do it when they’re ready. Let them enjoy the jelly game on their own pace first. Let them enjoy the characters.
And that’s all I wanted to say.
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I hope it has been helpful. I’m not gonna enforce this, but I want people to be better about getting people into Puyo Puyo. So please take this all into consideration.
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Reader (Smut)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: Getting older is unavoidable, and neither are some of the unpleasant things that come along with it. But being married to Eddie Munson means mid life doesn't have to be a crisis.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Author Note: Afab reader, they/them pronouns used (if any). Older!Eddie x Older!Reader (late 30's to late 40's, but unspecified in story). Established Relationship. Fluff and smut, with a dash of Hurt/Comfort. No gendered language used when discussing Reader's menopause symptoms.
CW: Menopause symptoms (brief mentions physical and emotional changes, difficulties staying wet, hot flashes, nausea); older amab having difficulties with erections; feelings of being unprepared for midlife changes; brief tangent about differences in men's and women's healthcare; Smut (p in v, dirty talk, praise, begging kink).
Word Count: 4,548
Eddie Munson Taglist: @eddie-swhore
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Eddie’s voice was soft, talking more to himself than to you as he knelt behind you. He had one hand resting on your upturned ass, the other wrapped around the base of his cock to line it up with your entrance.
You felt him readjust himself to angle his hips a little differently. You shifted around some on your knees and elbows, getting into a better position yourself.
He then proceeded to try again.
You felt the head of his cock start to glide up and down along your slit. Eddie took extra care to circle the tip around your clit slowly, sending small bursts of electricity up through your center. The feeling not as intense as it could be, but still pleasurable enough to be enjoyable, and caused a small moan to leave you.
After several of these long, slow passes through your folds, you felt the tip pause right at your center. Eddie began to press the head of his cock directly against your entrance, pushing with a little extra force in order to finally push himself inside you.
You felt the pressure, bit your lip in anticipation of the feeling of him stretching you out…
Then nothing.
Eddie let go of his cock then. It drooped down from the position he had been holding it and the shaft rubbed against your inner thigh.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” Eddie said, leaning over to kiss you on the shoulder blade. “It looks like we’re gonna need some help tonight.”
That explained the damnit. He knew how much you’d rather not have to use lube. It didn’t feel quite the same to you, no matter how much a brand claimed theirs would.
You turned your head to watch him over your shoulder as he shuffled over a bit so he could lean over and reach over to the nightstand.
“Is it me being difficult, or you?” you asked, genuinely curious because sometimes you couldn’t tell the difference just by feel alone.
“You this time,” he said, pulling open the bottom drawer of the nightstand.
“Figures,” you said, chuckling as you watched Eddie pull the bottle of lube from the drawer.
He didn’t say anything, just chuckled and gave a good natured “mmhmm” in return. After squirting a generous amount of the lube into his palm, he wrapped his hand around his hard length and began to stroke it.
This was something that only recently started happening to you within the last year or so. It wasn’t anything abnormal, or even worrisome, or a sign of some larger problem. It was a natural part of getting older that was just a normal part of your life now.
And it was also something else you got to add to the ever-growing list of Shit No One Ever Warned You About.
While adding something to that list always came with a certain amount of annoyance, this one actually made you angry.
Turn your television to any station and you’ll soon be assaulted by ad after ad spreading awareness about erectile dysfunction and/or low testosterone. But have you ever heard anything about how your cooch may start going dry in the middle of sex, no matter how much you may want your husband to rail the fuck out of you?
Nope. Not one peep. Not even from other people you knew who had been assigned female at birth and had gone through this stuff already. Sure, they would talk about it once you mentioned it finally having experienced a new symptom yourself, but there was no preparation beforehand. No forewarning, no “hey, look out for this,” no nothing.
At times, it really felt like nobody cared what happened later in life for those of you were born with ovaries and a uterus, even from others with them. Once you all were out of your childbearing years, it seemed like society expected you to quietly disappear until needed as grandmothers or crazy spinster aunts. So long as the men in Indiana could get help being “the red-blooded Alpha American males they were meant to be” again, no one gave a shit what the other people might be going through.
Oh, how you hated that particular radio ad.
The silver lining in all this was that you had Eddie. He was such a loving and supportive partner through all of the messy changes you had been going through. Even on the days when your emotions were a bit rough around the edges, he figured out how to smooth them down for you. For that alone you felt like he deserved Time’s Man of the Year award.
Not only was he just an amazing, sympathetic, partner, but he was also an empathetic one. He knew what you were going through in his own way.
Despite the close similarities in your ages, Eddie actually began to experience his own changes a couple years before yours started. Part of that included some difficulty getting hard and/or staying hard. It didn’t always happen but became more common as time went on. There was no way to predict it beforehand, though you did notice it seemed to happen more when you had to stop for any reason, even just to quickly change positions. And, sadly, once Little Eddie decided he had lost interest, there was virtually nothing either of you could do to make him cooperate again.
While you both practically had the commercials for Viagra memorized by this point, medications were not something that could be done. Eddie had no problem with seeking out help, but the cost of the prescription alone was extremely prohibitive, much less the cost of the doctor’s appointment needed to get one.
One thing was for sure though. On the nights when his cock went on strike, as Eddie himself always phrased it, he made sure you were never left unsatisfied. He was always extra attentive, his normal mix of praise and degradation switching to pure praise for you. There was no edging, no overstimulation, just one orgasm after another as he worshiped your body with his fingers and tongue.
With all of the extra attention he gave you, you never had any fears that he wasn’t staying hard due to a lack of interest in you. Eddie made damn sure of that. The one time that inner demonic voice did pop up, you asked him about it just to be sure. He answered your question by making you squirt all over your vibrator multiple times.
Then your body started changing. And once that began, it felt like you were going through a complete upheaval. From your cycle to your emotions, everything started to feel completely different. And then, to top everything off, you started having some difficulty getting wet, which eventually progressed to having problems staying wet.
Just like with Eddie’s, it didn’t happen all the time. It was a purely random, but a fairly common, occurrence. He was always incredibly understanding about it, even perfectly willing to stop and take care of himself later on if you weren’t in the mood to continue. You never let that happen though, always wanting to get him off yourself instead. No matter if it was with your mouth or your hands, you never wanted to leave Eddie unsatisfied either.
And that was how things continued until one of your friends suggested trying some lube.
While the two of you had lube and used it for other sexual acts, it hadn’t occurred to either of you that it might really help with your dryness. You both felt silly about that afterwards once you’d tried it and found that it worked like a charm.
But, on some nights, even giving your body the extra help to get Eddie inside you still wasn’t enough to get you going. You would certainly be in the mood get utterly wrecked, but your cunt would be a cunt and not contribute anything worthwhile to the experience except for the warm hole.
When this happened, you always encouraged Eddie to keep going and finish himself off. There was no use in trying to make you cum at that point, a fact you both were well aware of. Any attempt would just leave you sore, uncomfortable and no closer to orgasm than before. But him continuing to fuck you wasn’t an unpleasant experience. The lube made his hard length glide smoothly through your delicate center. The careful, steady pace he kept was neither too hard nor too soft, too fast nor too slow. He always took his time, even if it took him longer to cum, because he wanted it to be an enjoyable experience for you too.
When your body wasn’t aroused, you discovered that your inner walls weren’t as sensitive, decreasing a lot of the sensations you would normally feel while having sex. That wasn’t to say it was unpleasant. Far from it. You loved having him inside you, even then. With Eddie’s slow, steady pace, and sometimes a little extra lube, you’d soon find yourself opened up to him completely without any sort of discomfort. If you had to describe it, you would say it felt more like an inner massage rather than sex. It still felt good and was even relaxing.
However, the one thing that made the whole experience worth it was getting to focus all of your attention on Eddie.
Usually when you were having sex, by the time his cock finally entered you, you would already be so fucked out that you couldn’t focus on anything else but the feeling of him finally being inside you. But now, during these times when each thrust wasn’t hurtling you closer to an earth-shattering orgasm, you got to notice little things you never had the chance to pay attention to before.
The way Eddie bites his bottom lip when he’s lining himself up to you. The way little tremors run through his body as the head of his cock finally pushes into your cunt. The way his eyes close and his jaw goes slack when he bottoms out. The way the muscle lines of his chest and abdomen flex with every thrust of his hips. The way he groans when he’s getting closer to orgasm, just before his thrusting picks up speed. The way his breathing grows just as erratic as his thrusting. The way his eyes roll back in his head when he cums. The way he’s fucked out and breathless when he collapses on top of you. The way he squeezes your body so very close to his until he can move again.
You didn’t know if it was possible to have mental orgasms, but it sure felt like you did as you watched Eddie in awestruck wonder as he used your body for his own pleasure. It was intensely intimate in its own way. Even if you didn’t get off physically, you were still left feeling satisfied and in bliss as your trembling lover laid in your arms, coming down from his own orgasmic high.
Presently, you watched over your shoulder as Eddie added a bit more lube to his cock before placing the bottle on the nightstand. He resumed stroking his shaft, making sure the hard length was evenly coated with the semi thick liquid.
Once he had come back over to you and repositioned himself behind you, you arched your back so it would push your ass further into the air. You then proceeded to give it a little shake and grinned back at him.
Eddie chuckled, giving your ass a little slap then a squeeze with his free hand.
“Still so needy for me,” he said, scooching forward a bit more in order to line himself up with you again. “Not even wet but you still want to be filled by my cock.”
Eddie could call you the needy one all he wanted, but you both knew the truth. He was far more needy than you ever were. When he needed to be inside you, he might also need you to beg for it first, for example, or he might decide he needs to make you cum three times before he needs to fuck you.
But, even still, between his choice of words and the loving, yet lustful tone of his voice, a small wave of pleasurable tingles washed over you. You bit down on your bottom lip, unable to stop yourself from blushing at how much he sounded like he wanted you.
Sadly, there was no response to Eddie’s words from downstairs despite how the rest of your body was reacting.
“What can I say?” you asked, then gasped softly as you felt the head of his cock starting to push into you. “I just fucking love how you feel inside me, no matter what.”
Eddie didn’t reply with words, he just made a soft humming sound of approval.
Once the head of his cock was nestled just inside your entrance, he stopped moving for a moment to let your body relax around him. Then he began a slow, shallow thrusting, at first working you open with just the head of his cock. Soon though, he began sinking a bit further and further into you with each inward thrust.
He only paused once after starting, and that was to check in with you briefly. When you verbally confirmed you were okay, he resumed that same slow and careful thrusting until he was almost fully inside you.
There was a longer pause now, both to check in with you again and to let your body adjust. Even with everything you did before during foreplay and the aid of the lube, your body still wasn’t fully ready to take him. It didn’t hurt but wasn’t exactly comfortable either. Not at first, at least, during these first few moments with his hard length resting inside you.
Soon, Eddie began to slowly, but carefully, do half rolls with his hips. He wasn’t pulling out more than halfway before sliding back in to not overwhelm you, gradually working you open. As your muscles relaxed, the head of his cock naturally probed deeper with each inward thrust.
When he was finally able to bottom out, the head of his cock pushed against that one hard to reach spot deep inside you that made always made you gasp.
Instead of gasping though, you moaned as a small and unexpected wave of pleasure washed over your body.
While it didn’t happen every time Eddie fucked you through a literal dry spell, sometimes he could hit that spongey spot just right and it was like he crossed your wires to jump start your body.
This was one of those times.
“Fuck, Eddie, just like that,” you managed to gasp after he did it again, resulting in another loud moan. “That, keep doing that!”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
It only took a few more thrusts against your most sensitive of spots before you felt heat finally start to build inside you. It quickly spread outward through your whole body, then finally settled between your legs. Your gasps and heavy breathing gave way to moans and whimpers. It wasn’t long before you could feel a texture change between your inner walls and his cock as your own wetness was added. The sensitivity of your inner walls increased, making the drag of his cock through you feel even better.
Finally, your body was responding properly to your husband’s attention.
Eddie could feel it too, your natural slick taking away some of the artificial feeling of the lube and making your cunt feel more like you again.
“That’s it,” he softly groaned down at you, keeping the same steady pace as one hand left your ass to softly rub up and down the center of your back for a moment. “That’s my girl. Let’s get that pretty cunt all nice and wet for me.”
Just as he intended, Eddie’s words went straight to your core. You felt your inner walls twitch around him for the first time tonight, which made him groan at the feeling. Hearing Eddie voice his pleasure in turn only made you wetter.
Now that you were closer to your normal state of arousal, Eddie picked up speed for just a few moments, making your moans come out higher pitched, before slowing back down to his previous pace.
“Gotta say,” he panted as his hands softly kneaded your ass cheeks. “I love how it feels when your cunt starts getting wet around me.”
“Yeah?” you asked, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder again.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, then pulled his cock out to the tip before slowly sheathing it back in you, making you both groan deeply. “It’s like- fuck! It’s like your body just starts fucking begging for my cock.”
While the two of you didn’t get as rough as you used to when you were younger, some of the lower impact kinks had carried over through the years. One of these was begging. No matter how many years went by, Eddie still absolutely loved to hear you beg for his cock. It made sense that he would interpret your body suddenly becoming responsive in this way.
Before he could start going faster and fuck you senseless, you stretched one hand above you to grab one of the pillows at the head of the bed. Seeing this, Eddie stopped for a moment so you could pull it down under your head and make yourself more comfortable.
After placing the pillow where you wanted it, you laid your upper half down on the bed, keeping your ass in the air. One of Eddie’s hands softly stroked your body, caressing up and down your side as you arranged your arms under the pillow then laid your head on it. You gave a little shake of your ass to let him know when you were ready.
He resumed at a careful pace, thrusting into you way more gently than normal. After slowly building back up to his previous speed, he gradually began going faster, giving you plenty of time to adjust with each increase.
Now you could feel that your body was completely back to its normal state, where every thrust was now intensely pleasurable. Your cunt now dripped with your own wetness, making the lube from earlier run down your inner thighs as Eddie fucked it out of you.
But not only that, you felt that coil in your belly start to tighten, the first sign of a building orgasm.
“Fuck, Eddie, harder!” you cried, your eyes squeezed shut.
“Gonna cum for me tonight, baby?” he asked, groaning as you nodded frantically into the pillow in response. “Fuck yes. Music to my ears.”
Now he no longer held back. With sharp thrusts of his hips, Eddie slammed his cock deep inside you. You moaned loudly, clutching onto the mattress under the pillow now. He gripped your hips tightly, pulling you back into him with every thrust. The head of his cock pushed deep into you, delightfully rubbing against all of your most sensitive areas.
“That’s it, that’s my good girl,” he said, then groaned as you clenched around him at the praise.
You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, but not fast enough. You didn’t think either of you would make it at this pace. Since both of you had similar issues where your bodies could simply loose interest halfway through, you two had gotten really good at shorter sessions. You had been going for a while now and there was the very real chance that if you both didn’t finish soon, neither of you would get to.
“Eddie,” you gasped between moans. “Please.”
Without a word, Eddie shifted his position one last time, then pounded into you in that way you both loved. You cried his named and gasped curses, and he answered with grunted praise and breathy moans. One of his hands slid around your body and down between your legs, his fingers extending to rub the lips of your cunt around the shaft of his cock. When his fingers were slick with a mix of lube and your wetness, he dragged them down your folds to start rubbing circles around your clit.
“Fuck!” you screamed into your pillow, the force of his thrusts pushing your face into it.
As your cunt started to twitch around his cock, Eddie rubbed his fingers around your clit faster. He continued thrusting his cock into you, but his movements were starting to grow erratic as his own orgasm approached.
“C’mon, baby,” he panted, the hand he still on your hip griping onto it tightly. “Need to feel you cum first.”
The circles around your clit grew smaller and smaller until the pads of his fingers were circling directly over the throbbing nub. You nearly screamed in pleasure at the sensation. His fingers were so slick there was no friction, the tips of his fingers gliding easily back and forth over it.
At the position you were in, you couldn’t exactly move too much, but that didn’t stop you from trying to buck your hips forward into his hand. When Eddie felt this, he added a bit more pressure to your clit with his fingers.
Between the attention on your clit and his cock hitting deep into you, you were soon coming undone. When the coil snapped, you cried out his name and your cunt clamped down around his cock. You could feel yourself getting wetter just from your orgasm, so wet that Eddie actually slipped out of you as you were cresting over the edge. He cursed loudly, quickly reaching between you two to push himself back into your cunt.
His thrusting was the same hard and fast pace it was before, almost restarting your orgasm as he chased his own now. You felt yourself getting pushed over the edge again and your body trembled under his. The cry of pleasure that left your lips sounded closer to a sob as the feeling washed over you like a wave.
“Fuck, that’s it, fuck, fuck!” Eddie cried, slamming himself into you.
With a one last thrust so hard it made you squeak, his cock began to unload inside you, shooting his cum deep into your cunt.
His movements gradually slowed, and he continued to gently fuck you until hips finally came to a stop, his cock fully sheathed in you still. Your moans softened into breathless whimpers, finally settling into a heavy pattern of breathing.
It took a moment, but Eddie was finally able to pull out of you, then moved over so he could lay next to you on the bed. You turned to face him, and he slipped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
The two of you laid like that for quite a while, not talking but just enjoying being in each other’s arms. Eddie softly ran his hands and fingertips over your body, lovingly caressing you while he nuzzled the side of your head.
While he was always tender after sex, he always put in so much extra care after times like this where your body started off being unresponsive to his touch. Regardless of how it ended, with you being able to cum from it, Eddie knew how it started. You had only been doing this for him. In his eyes, you would’ve gotten nothing out of it had your body not decided to play along.
It still amazed him that you were still willing to do that, were willing to suggest it even since he certainly never would’ve had that idea on his own. He was always perfectly willing to stop anytime you couldn’t get wet, his needs always secondary to your comfort. Continuing to fuck you if you weren’t aroused was usually the last thing on his mind. Indeed, it had taken quite a bit of convincing for him to do it the first few times. He only became okay with the idea once he saw it wouldn’t hurt you.
Little did Eddie realize that’s exactly why you were so adamant that you make sure he’s taken care of. He never asks for it, never expects it even. He always took your lead on anything sexual that could cause you unintended discomfort. He even took no for an answer and would completely drop the subject immediately once the word was said, even in his body language.
As a result, in your eyes, Eddie Munson was more than deserving of all the best orgasms you could provide him.
After you two had been laying there for quite a while, another feeling of heat began to start in the lower part of your belly, but this one was quite different than the heat you felt earlier. It quickly spread through your body like a wildfire, finally settling in your stomach, twisting it around until you were nauseous.
You quickly scrambled away from Eddie, the normally comforting warmth of his body suddenly way too much for you. Swinging your feet to the floor, you sat up and leaned over, your forearms on your knees and your head dangling down. Despite the heat you felt all over, a cold, clammy sweat broke out from the top of your head.
The bed shifted around behind you, then you felt Eddie come sit next to you. He was close, but not touching you, since he recognized what was happening. You closed your eyes, feeling him watching you, but you didn’t mind.
It took a couple minutes, but the nausea eventually faded a little bit after the heat started to recede to somewhere back inside your abdomen.
You slowly sat back up and took a deep breath. It sounded a bit shaky as you let it out, a fact Eddie immediately picked up on. He placed one hand at the center of your back and started rubbing it in comforting circles.
“Bad one this time?” he asked softly, and you nodded. “Want me to help you get to the shower?”
You thought about it for a second. This was definitely one of those times where you needed one immediately after sex. The combination of lube, your wetness, your cum and his had coated your cunt and the skin of your inner thighs. But you shook your head. When the hot flashes were bad enough to make you sick like that, they also made you feel very weak for a while afterwards.
“Not just yet,” you said. “My legs are feeling shaky after that one.”
“I would hope so,” he said, grinning at you playfully as he puffed out his chest with pride. “That was some pretty good fucking work, if I do say do myself.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle as you playfully slapped his arm.
It never failed, no matter how badly these hormonal changes made you feel, Eddie could always make you feel a bit better.
When he left the room to get you a cold, wet washcloth for the back of your neck, you couldn’t help but wonder again why they were called “hot flashes” anyway. Calling them that was a huge understatement, like if you were to call the fires of hell a mere barbecue pit.
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infinitydivine · 3 months
What can you expect in March? (PAC)
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
*This reading is just for entertainment purposes*
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Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are three Piles.
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Hello Pile 1.
Four of Pentacles, Strength and Queen of Pentacles
General- This pile will be focused more on getting the 'money bag" and financial opportunities. You will be building resources and being more stable. This month's theme will be getting financially stable. This month will bring you the courage you need to face any difficulty you are finding to face and get over it. You will be more focused on self-care and self-confidence and how to build a strong foundation for yourself. You are being advised to remain compassionate and understanding, to everyone and yourself. A time of financial stability is coming for you.
Romance- A good month to put boundaries between you and your partner if you feel your partner has been crossing the limits. There could be an increased desire to build a stable and secure foundation in the relationship for both partners to feel safe and secure.
Career and finances- There will be more focus on financial stability. This phase will build a strong foundation for your upcoming future. Be careful and manage your stress.
Find the Extended reading here
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Hello Pile 2
Hermit, Devil and Two of Pentacles
General- March will bring you into a self-isolation period but it is very much needed now for you especially if you have been dealing with burnout and fatigue. You will be shown that being alone is a necessary part of the cycle of life and relationships. You will be guided to go more inward to seek the answers you are looking for outside.
Romance- You might be disconnected from your romantic interest or partner this month to focus more on yourself and your inner journey. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to enhance the connection you have with yourself because March is all about self-love baby.
Career and Finances- March will be a good month for you to deep think about what you actually want from your career and what you actually want to do. If you are not satisfied with your job, you might be guided to take a step in this direction too.
Find the Extended reading here
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Hello Pile 3,
Knight of wands, High Priestess, ten of Wands, and Eight of Wands
General- This month will fly past over you and you will barely notice it. Things are moving very fast for you this month. If you were in a stagnant position in life, this is your reminder that will be moving for you. You will come out of your shell. You will find yourself with enough passion to pursue your dreams. You will have a sudden outburst of motivation after being in a still position for over past few months/weeks.
Romance- Old romance might be ignited this month, with some past discoveries of events that you missed. If you have been unlucky in love before, March could bring a brand new romance for you. If in a relationship, you guys will be spending some quality time together and rekindling the deep connection you already have.
Career and Finances- This is a phase of changes and growth and you will notice it too. Oppurtunities will be knocking at your door and if you have been waiting for a financial opportunity, you could soon find it too.  It’s a time to step up and showcase your skills, embracing leadership roles and initiating new projects with enthusiasm and courage.
Find the Extended reading here
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Thank you.
Love, Infinity ❤️
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Just One Sip: Chapter One
Just One Sip: You take a job as a security guard at an old manor to pay off your crippling student debt. You did not expect to be guarding a mysterious man trapped in a glass cage or to fall under his starry eyes. You were going to break him out, but becoming his snack was not part of the plan.
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Vampire Shit (Obv.), Accidental Wounds, Explicit Language, Kidnapping, Territorial Morpheus, Coworker Harassment (Welcome to the Steven hate Club, He’s a Sexist Twat), NOT EDITED (CAUSE I’M LAZY).
To Note: Vampire!Dream x Female!Reader, It’s a little dark but Reader doesn’t complain.
Word Count: ~7.0k
Masterlist | Next
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Why did you ever think that taking this job was a good idea? Oh right, you were broke, the pay was stupidly high, and your desperation was at it’s last straw. Your student debt was looming over your head like a rock threatening to tip over and crush you. When you saw seen the listing for this job in the paper, your eyes had just about bugged out of your skull. They were paying how much to be a security guard!? You hadn’t even bothered to read the details of what the job entailed, you just figured that you would apply and hope that your luck hadn’t run out.
It hadn’t, but upon arriving at Fawny Rig, you knew that something wasn’t quite right about the place.
So you’d been directed through the manner where you had to sign a bunch of non disclosure contracts and a whole bunch of other paperwork, then given a rundown of the place. You were allowed almost everywhere, a cook would be fixing meals for the skeleton service crew three times a day, and your room and board were given to you. There was just one little fact that you had to get used to: you were on the night shift. You weren’t alone of course, no guard was supposed to be on duty without back up… but the change in your sleeping schedule had put you on grounds duty until you were fully adapted to sleeping during the day.
One of your main clauses in your contract was absolutely no sleeping or dozing off while on duty. It was absolutely forbidden. Hence why you had been slowly eased into your new position. You found that making sure you had copious amounts of caffeine on hand helped, and had little difficulty staying awake and alert all night by your second week in. That’s when the bomb shell of your job had been dropped on you, and you found out why you were being paid so much, and why you had signed a million papers.
You were guarding a hauntingly beautiful man trapped within a glass bubble within the bowels of the grand manor.
That wasn’t right. He wasn’t a man, as you had been told, but something else. And very dangerous.  So dangerous that it was forbidden to fall asleep in the same room as he, there were multiple occult drawings on the floor below the cage, and the glass cage itself was welded shut. How did he breathe? Was he even fed? No, despite your disbelief in what you had been told, the man was never given water, was never given food. He was never given anything. His cage was untouched, proof being the thick layer of dust clinging to the heavy chains holding the glass ball in the air.
Apparently, the man with pearlescent skin, starry eyes, and midnight hair had been trapped in the basement of Fawny Rig for over 106 years. You spent your mornings, tired and red eyed, pondering how he had become trapped and how inhumane it was, while trying to fall asleep overhead the trapped man. You wanted to do the right thing, you really did. But you couldn’t exactly go to the local police and tell them about him, and explain that he wasn’t human and had been trapped for over a century. They’d laugh in your face. You had also basically signed your life away in taking this job. If you spoke to anyone about what you saw, you’d never see the light of day again.
When had he last seen light? When had he last stretched his legs? Walked, ran, had basic decencies? He was so pale, so devoid of warmth, how could he just sit there with an emotionless expression and not go crazy?
“Evenin’,” Jarred from your inner thoughts, you looked to your left where you saw Ernie stifling a yawn.
“Good evening,” You echoed as the day shift guard rubbed her eyes and reached for the coffee pot on the table you were standing in front of. How could she drink coffee when she had already been up all day and was clearly tired?
“Just checked in with Mr. Burgess, says he wants to start you on basement full time this night,” Ernie continued, refilling her mug and sniffing the coffee. She began drinking it straight black.
“Full time?” You repeated nervously, uneasy at the idea of spending a full twelve hours down in that basement with someone who wasn’t human, and made you feel like a prey animal. “But I—”
“Ah it’s easy,” Ernie cut off your protest. “Just sittin’ there for twelve, boring as hell but you don’t gotta do nothin’. He doesn’t move save for occasional arm shifts. Sides’,” Ernie yawned again and gestured to you with her coffee cup. “You won’t be alone, you’ve got Steve with you, he’s been on the job for three years now, he has. You’ll do alright.”
You made a sound of regretful agreement in your throat and filled a thermos full of coffee to keep with you in the basement. Breaks were allowed, but only in five minute increments. Not nearly enough time to sit down and have a full meal… so you grabbed a banana and a granola bar, stuffing them into the pocket of your work pants. The long periods in-between meals was sometimes difficult for you, but occasionally one of the staff would bring down more snacks for you and your fellow guard to eat. They never even blinked at the trapped man. Everyone was just so normal about having a man trapped in a basement. You hated it so much and at times thought to leave. But then you remembered that you needed the money to pay off your loans and weren’t financially able to be without a job.
You were stuck being a monster.
Ernie nudged your shoulder as she trundled passed you.
“See you tomorrow, kid,” She said over her shoulder, disappearing from the service workers dining room. Right, your job. You needed to head on down to the cold basement before you were yelled at for loitering around on the clock. So clutching your thermos full of coffee, you walked out of the dining room and headed for the basement door.
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You were back.
Not much had changed in the 106 years Morpheus had been tapped within the glass prison and circle of magic. Guards came and went. Stone faced. Apathetic. Bored. It was just another job, they weren’t paid to care what he was or why he was trapped. Just to make sure he didn’t leave.
But then you had come along.
You weren’t like the previous guards. You were younger. You still had life burning within your eyes. You had empathy, and it was clear that this job bothered you greatly. If it wasn’t the looks you occasionally snuck at him when the other guard wasn’t looking, it was the way you sat in the stiff plastic chair. Tense and on edge. But what was most different from the others, was the haunting scent that the Endless could occasionally smell wafting from your skin.
It was like the richest of ambrosia’s, sweet yet light, beckoning in a haunting way. In all his eons of living no creature had ever smelled like you. Almost sinful. Mouthwatering. Morpheus could feel his incisors threatening to descend every time he caught a precious whiff of you. But that wasn’t the worst of it, no, he could hear each and every beat of your heart. Hear how your ambrosia pulsed through your arteries and veins. Your blood was almost singing to be drunk, to touch his lips in crimson waves, pour down his throat and fill the Endless with absolute pleasure. What Morpheus would do just to try even a drop of your vitality.
The blood thirsty monster within Morpheus wanted to rip every mortal in this manor to pieces for knowingly abetting Burgess in his endeavor to keep him trapped… but you. You, he wanted to bury his face in your neck, fill his senses with your bewitching scent.Yes, if you were still working for Burgess when he got out, Morpheus would leave you be, but not before sating his burning desire to find out if you were indeed as mouthwatering as you smelled. He only needed to press his nose to your flesh to ascertain the answer to that desire.
In the corner of Morpheus’s eye, he saw that Steven was giving you a run down of the full schedule for the guard shift. It appeared you had finally been upgraded to the 12 hour night shift. Rather than being almost tortured by your scent for merely a few hours, Morpheus was going to have your scent filling his mind for hours on end. A blessing or a boon, he did not know.
“But really, Y/N, you can bring a book with you,” Steven spoke to you, his focusing on your face. The mortal was appreciating what he saw. Morpheus didn’t need to hear the way his heart beat increased sitting next to you, or hear the way his tone shifted when speaking to know that he was attracted. You wouldn’t even look him in the eyes though, a peculiar response. It appeared that you weren’t comfortable with his overly friendly actions, or occasionally touches. That pleased the Endless for it only set you apart from the others.
“I’m being paid to watch,” You softly replied, trying not to physically jerk away from Steven. He was nice enough, maybe a little too nice and a touch flirty, but you were there to do your job. “Not to read.” Steven snorted and raised his eyes to give the trapped being an unimpressed look.
“Nothing ever changes and he doesn’t move,” Steven said smugly. “At this point in time you’re just being paid to sit there and look pretty, love.” You tried not to be insulted by his words, because it felt like he had reduced you to a pretty face and not someone competent at their job, but failed to hide the micro expressions flickering across your face.
Morpheus saw them all. Your disgust. Your admonishment. Your desire to be anywhere else.
This time his incisors were descending from anger.
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You really didn’t like Steven. Niceness aside, he was pushy towards you. Always sought out a reason to touch you, or talk to you, or hold your attention. This was the first time you had received this kind of attention from someone and you found that you didn’t like it. You just wanted to do your job and go to bed, not go out with the older man for a morning cup of decaf, or shared breakfast. In complete honesty, you wanted to tell him that you weren’t interested and were simply there to make a paycheck… but you felt like that might jeopardize your job!
Not only were you stuck watching a mysterious man who was tearing your mind apart with moral dilemma but you had no financial way out of your situation. You had to grin and bear this job until you had earned enough to pay a decent amount of your student debt and could pick yourself up again. Even if you had just darted out on him after he had cornered you in a servant hallway to once again ask you out for breakfast.
You had tried refusing, saying that you weren’t hungry, but he hadn’t taken that answer. No, the larger man had grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, insisting that you go and get coffee instead. It was by pure luck that Ernie had popped by to ask you to watch mystery man for a few minutes for her while she and the other guard finished up some work from Mr. Burgess. You couldn’t run fast enough for the basement, your wrist throbbing from Steven’s grip.
Stumbling across the miniature drawbridge, you held your hurting wrist to your chest while looking over your shoulder in paranoia, worried that the insistent man had followed you. He had not. Letting out a shaky breath, you turned back around and stepped further into the open space. Then you stopped short when you realized that he was staring right at you, his head tilted ever so slightly. You’d never seen him move before. You blinked and looked down at your wrist, your fingers delicately massing your aching flesh.
“I’m just covering for Ernie for a few minutes.” You spoke, not knowing why you felt the need to explain your presence to him. “I— you wouldn’t happen to know how to inform someone that you are entirely not interested, do you?” His stare remained unchanged for a few moments, then his eyes dropped lower.
Morpheus could hear the way your blood crackled and popped, surged and swelled around your wrist. Burst. Something had caused trauma to your delicate wrist, breaking blood vessels and causing your bewitching scent to be touched by a note of pain. It added a bitter note to your smell, one he disliked. Something had hurt you. No, not something, someone. The endless could hear the spindles of broken blood vessels wrapped around your wrist, surging in places where it did not belong and spreading that bitter scent of pain up your arm. He could almost picture large fingers wrapped around your wrist, squeezing it until pain bloomed and blood vessels broke.
You let out a drawn sigh.
“I don’t know what I am doing here, or why you are stuck there.” You mindlessly whispered, glancing at the trapped man once more. “It’s not right and I— I don’t know what to do.” You looked lost, Morpheus could see that. You also did not belong, but he had little time left to contemplate what you were thinking, or further examine the spindles of what would soon become bruises… for Ernie finally came walking back in.
“Thank’s for coverin’ for me, Y/N,” Ernie spoke, walking over to her seat and sitting down. “You look like you’re gunna fall asleep on yer feet. Head to bed, I’ll see you when it’s time for shift change.” You nodded at her and gave mystery man one last look. He was still staring at you. Still gripping your arching wrist, you strode from the basement, eager to get to bed.
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There had been a problem in the manor. What, you didn’t know… but it required an extra pair of hands and Steven had been called away from the basement. You were almost happy that he was gone and you were alone in the basement, but at the same time, you were alone with him. It wasn’t a big deal to you, nothing ever happened save for the sparse few times your eyes had connected with him. The man simply spent hours on end either sitting cross legged or stretched out on his side. You could only imagine how bored he was… and yet, he never spoke or asked for freedom.
You were both bored, that you knew.
For the last hour you had been reading a book from the library upstairs, but it was getting tedious and you were no longer processing the words on the pages. Closing the book, you dropped it to the tabletop in front of you with a heavy sigh. You massaged your temple and slouched back in your seat. What were you going to do now? Your eyes flickered to the man in the cage. He was still stretched out on his side, staring off at the corner opposite from you.
If this had been any other situation, you would have marveled at the complete and utter beauty he held. All of his muscles were beautifully defined (though you didn’t know if that was because he was dehydrate… did he get dehydrated?), his skin was a beautiful pearlescent white, and his ragged black hair onyx black. He looked like the male version of Snow White. You’d kill to have eyelashes like his.
“Stop it,” You muttered to yourself, turning to the left and reaching for the letter opener. Part of your job was to handle the ‘fan mail’ that Fawny Rig still received since the days that Mr. Burgess’ father, Roderick Burgess, was in his prime. Apparently he had started a secret occult society and there were still followers in the world. You only knew this because you happened upon a strange book in the library that was essentially a guide book to the society. Information you probably weren’t supposed to learn, but no one had said anything when you carried the book out of the library to read.
Getting back to the fan mail, your only job was to open the mail, give it a scan, and throw it away. No one expected anything from it, you were just supposed to make sure there weren’t any threats to the manor or to Mr Burgess or Mr. McGuire. Handling the letter opener, you tucked the tip of it into a thick envelope and pushed the blade across the brown paper. Setting the knife to the side, you dumped the package upside down and let the contents fall onto the table with a thump. You carefully pushed the contents of the envelope around, looking at them. More words that you didn’t understand, several occult ’spell’ questions.
A branch of lavender that actually smelled nice.
Nothing dangerous, just a bunch of occult material that you didn’t want to read… so you gathered the papers up and dropped it into the bin labeled ‘fire’. You were half convinced that Mr. Burgess was paranoid that the town of Wych Cross would find out that the manor still received mail regarding such topics, so all occult related letters and print, were burned. You mindlessly moved onto the next letter, cutting it open, giving it a quick scan, and dumping it into the fire bin. You were half way through wrangling a box open with the letter knife, it was taped rather impressively, when a loud bang from upstairs startled you and the letter opener slipped.
The wicked sharp blade easily sliced through the meaty part of your palm and a resounding yelp slipped from your lips. You jerked from your seat to a standing position, letter opener clattering onto the table while you grabbed your wrist. Bloody hell, you’d cut your hand right open!
“Shit,” You uttered, eyes rapidly scanning the table for something to stop the bleeding with. It was sparely decorated and there wasn’t anything you could use. Ignoring the mess you made with your blood, you grabbed the letter opener again while reaching for your undershirt. You cut a strip from the bottom of your undershirt and hurried to wrap your hand. Then you realized you couldn’t tie the fabric. “Damn it!”
So you scrunched your face while squeezing your hand as tight as you could, and tried not to cry from the sharp pain. How could one cut bleed so much? In your panic, you hadn’t been paying attention to the man you were supposed to be watching. So when you finally noticed that something had changed in the glass cage, your head snapped up. Holy shit. He had moved.
Eyes locked with those that now looked completely black, you quivered in place in realization that he hadn’t just shifted an arm, or from one position to another, but was now standing up and staring at you. You weren’t even affected by his naked state, just blasting you with all his greek glory, no, you were frozen in place by the look in his eyes. In the rare instances that resulted in eye contact, his eyes had always been a captivating bright blue. Not this dark, soul sucking black that felt predatory. He almost looked inhumane. And entirely focused on the blood dripping down your hand.
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Your smell was incredible and desirous. But the fresh scent of your blood dripping from your hand had taken control of the Endless’ body and mind. After 106 six years of having no blood to drink, to parch the dryness in this throat, to indulge on the thick and sweet liquid that was the life of humans, his thirst for you was insatiable and there was nothing more he wished than to sink his teeth into your flesh and taste what surely would be better than ambrosia.
But the way your blood was dripping from your hand, the way that the letter opener has sliced through your flesh. Morpheus greatly disliked it, especially when he could smell the unpleasant tang of your pain permeating the air. And yet the smell turned his focus back to his intimate desire. Rich and crimson, your blood continued to flow through the makeshift rag, staining your skin and running down your wrist. Oh how Morpheus wished he could lap up those trails, guide his tongue along your weeping vitality until his mouth reached your wound. He would seal his mouth there, run his tongue along the broken skin, numb you to your pain while indulging himself on the taste of you.
And oh how you’d moan for him, he was sure of it. Morpheus could only imagine the sounds you’d make as he drank from you, your precious vitality flowing down his throat. Hot. Viscous. Sweet. Everything he needed, everything he wanted. Someone untouched by the scourge of man.But while Morpheus was staring at the dripping blood and focusing on the pulses of your heart pushing more and more blood from your body, Steven had returned… and he let out a loud exclamation at the sight of you trying to stem the bloody mess that was your hand.
“Bloody hell!” Steven shouted, rushing forwards and grabbing your hand. You winced at his manhandling and the way he squeezed your already sharply pulsating hand. From behind glass, Morpheus’s gaze turned from desire and want, to possessiveness and anger. How dare he touch you. How dare he cause you further pain! “What did you do, Y/N?” Steven chided you, pulling you away from the desk and towards the iron gates.
“I— I was just opening post, accidentally cut myself on the letter opener,” You meekly replied, glancing over your shoulder to see the man still staring, but his gaze now darkened with animosity. He clearly didn’t like Steven. Steven further scolded you for being so careless, and unraveled your sloppy and hastily tied knot, before tightening the cloth around the wound to the point where you jerked your hand back with a sharp yelp. Your irate coworker tutted your reaction.
“You need to be more careful,” He continued to berate you while all around treating you like you were a child. You just pressed your lips together and held your tongue. “This will need Medical attention, head upstairs and see Lynn.”
“I’m on duty,” You tried protesting, looking back at your ‘charge’ so to speak. If it were possible, those blackened eyes would have vaporized Steven by now with how hard he was glaring at the man. Steven snorted.
“You can’t work like this, go,” He ordered like you weren’t technically equals. Any fight you had left about performing your job left, you felt belittled, like he had insinuated you did this on purpose, or were just too clumsy to be left alone. God, could the man make you hate him any more? So with your hand clutched to your blood stained shirt, you left the basement with your tail tucked firmly between your legs. The moment you disappeared, Steven rounded on the prisoner.
Fucking hell he was standing up and glaring at him in all his odd, strange glory! Did this creature have no shame? Displaying himself to you with such blatant want. As if you’d want a freak like him.
Steven sneered at the trapped being and stalked up to the outer edge of the binding circle.
“You can want her as much as you’d like, demon,” Steven spat out, his eyes glittering with disgust. “But she will never want you.” The human snickered as black eyes darkened and muscles bulged. “You think she’ll ever want a freak like you? She needs a real man to take care of her, to show her what to do. So you can stare at her all you want, you’ll never have her like I will.”
Morpheus liked to think he wasn’t a savage and cruel being. Not when he held the entire collective consciousness of the universe, not when he felt it all… but this human made him wish for violent things, vicious actions. Steven sneered one last time and finished his words.
“I’ll tell you all about what it’s like to fuck her like a real man. Shit, I’ll even put a ring on her finger and claim her as mine. How’d you like that? You can just sit there, alone and miserable, with the bluest balls knowing that pussy of hers is mine, and it’ll be my cock that fills her up with babies and keeps her home were she belongs.”
Morpheus was going to ensure that when he was free, and he would be soon, that this mortal regretted ever speaking about you in such a crude and disrespectful way.
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Your hand had needed stitches. It was a bad place to have a cut, in an area where the skin moved and shifted. The stitches constantly ached and every time to used your hand, the stitches pulled. Steven chastised you, saying that if it hurt, you needed to stop doing what made it hurt… but how were you to do your job one handed? Your eye was twitching from Steven’s sexist remarks, but by some miracle, Steven was needed for Paul’s ground crew during the day, so he was off the night shift and you were alone on the night shift.
So you were walking down the basement steps to switch out with Ernie and Fred. Walking across the small bridge to the cold room where the the guards station was, you greeted the pair and watched as they packed up their things for the night.
“Moved an arm, shifted positions, that’s about it,” Fred told you as he got up from his seat and adjusted his belt. You gave him a chin nod and rubbed your wrist.
“Steve not on this night?” Ernie questioned while collecting her book and coffee cup.
“He ended up doing something for the grounds team today so no,” You sighed before giving the larger woman smile. “Have a good night Ernie.’
“You as well, lord knows nothing ever aspens round here.” The day guards bid their final farewell and left you alone in the basement. You let out a breath and lightly tapped your hands on your thighs, before glancing at your charge. He was staring at you, or more specifically, staring at your hand.  You looked down at it and flexed your fingers.
“It’s fine you know,” You told him. “Just needed a few stitches.” You didn’t know why you were explaining such a thing to him, it wasn’t like he was going to respond to you… but you felt like he had been concerned about your injury. Or at least disturbed by it. You wandered over the old magic circle drawn in the dirt floor, and held up your palm. “I’ve been banned from opening letters, too clumsy I guess.”
His head tilted to the side while his eyes scoured your stitched wound. It was red, still puffy, and clearly hurt. You looked down at the faded, hand drawn red symbols on the floor. You’d been told to never smear the lines. To never touch them, as they were vital in keeping the man trapped. You slowly lowered yourself into a crouch in front of him, your eyes glossing over the carefully inscribed symbols. The same ones you had seen in the book of occult in the library.
“What would happen if I break these lines?” You softly asked, your finger ever so gently brushing against the top of the old red paint. Pulling your hand away, you looked at your fingertip, red paint had transferred from the first to your skin. You rubbed it between for fingers, then saw a flash of white. Lifting your eyes, you saw that he was now standing up, staring at you with a look you couldn’t quite place. You rose to your feet and observed his eyes, they were back to that stardust blue, sparkling with cosmos hidden within. No hint of black or darkness.
He didn’t reply to your question, and you didn’t expect him to. Your eyes shifted to the glass and the steel structure holding him in. Even if you did break the circle, how was he supposed to get out? It looked like the structure was welded shut with him in it. You’d have to find a way to break the glass or loosen a seam. Running your fingers along one of the weld lines, you noticed that in some of the places, there was signs of wear and tear, rust. Rust indicated weak metal. If you found something sharp enough, like the letter opener, you might be able to pick and scratch at the metal enough to cause a hole. That was a good start.
You mulled over your options, and the repercussions that would ensue win you followed through with them. Surely you’d lose your job, the pay you were using to pay off your student debt… but he’d be free. You pressed your injured palm against the glass and let out a frustrated breath. Why did doing the right thing always have to screw you over? A pale hand pressed against the glass, opposite to yours. You could have sworn you felt a zap of electricity through the glass, or something that made your hand tingle.
“I’m gonna lose my job,” You told him honestly. “But I’ll do my best to get you out.” This time when his eyes started glowing bright silver, you didn’t shiver in place. You knew that he was acknowledging your words. Trusting. That made you feel relieved. You didn’t want him to view you as an enemy.
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You were halfway through your shift, Steven was back with you, regretfully, and the letter opener you had grabbed before your shift started was a heavy weight in your jacket pocket. You had some hope that you’d have a chance to little away at the glass cage when you were alone, but Steven didn’t seem to want to take a break, or leave you alone. It was maddening, but surely Steven would want to go on a break at some point? It wasn’t like he was going to sit next to you for twelve hours… But as the hours slowly ticked by, and Steven didn’t budge from his seat… you decided to get creative.
“Steven?” You asked, forcing yourself to speak sweetly to the obnoxious man. The older man eagerly perked up and turned to you, a smile on his lips. “I’m feeling a bit hungry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to carry a food tray with one hand… do you mind fixing some tea and snacks for me?”  You words filled Steven with confidence. Finally, finally you were understanding that you needed to rely on him.
“Of course,” Steven told you, rising from his seat. He couldn’t help himself and gave the trapped being a smug look. “Someone has to take care of you.” You gave him a sweet smile and and resisted flinching when he brushed his fingers beneath your chin as he passed. Your hands were trembling as you kept them pressed into your lap, and it wasn’t until you heard the resounding echo of the reinforced door that you moved.
Slipping from your seat, you reached into your jacket and pulled out the letter opener. You are in front of the glass cage in seconds, digging the tip of the knife into the rusty part of the metal.
“I thought he’d never leave,” You muttered out, trying to jam the letter cutter into the metal. Bright blue eyes watched as you wiggled and jigged the tip of your blade into metal, chipping away at it. For the first time since Jessamy’s death, Morpheus felt like freedom was within his grasp. You, were within his grasp. His throat ached with your proximity. He could smell the blood rushing through your veins, sweet and calling. Your heart was beating at a heightened pace, you were clearly agitated, he could smell your nervousness. Even the disgust you felt towards the other mortal’s action.
He shifted where he sat, drawing near to the glass separating you and him. His thirst had been manageable these years, but now? Now his throat ached terribly, his incisors digging into his lower lip, and his hunger was overtaking all ration within his mind. You were oblivious to starry blue eyes shifting to pure black, only focused on the task at weakening the structure as fast as you could. The letter opener was just starting to make a descent crack when you heard the sound of the basement door and Steven’s foot steps. You cursed loudly, jerking back from the glass cage. Your hands managed to shove the sharp blade back into your jacket when Steven appeared.
“Y/N?” He asked, his eyes narrowing. You scrambled to come up with a reason for why you were not at the desk. “What are you doing up?”
“Oh, I thought—” You glanced back at the man, before looking at Steven once more. You didn’t want to take your eyes off him. “I thought I saw him move, wanted to get a closer look to check.”
Steven set the tray he had prepared just for you, on the desk and approached you, is gaze narrowed. You were too close to the creature for his comfort, and he didn’t like the way it was staring at you. He knew it wanted you. He knew it watched you with want, with desire, always. Well he would show it that it was Steven who was going to have the pleasure of having you. So he grabbed your wrist and sharply yanked you back towards the desk. You yelped from his tight grasp around your wrist and twisted your hand, trying to break loose. You were swung around and bent backward over the table, Steven looming over you with a wild look in his eyes.
“St-Steven? What are you doing?” You squeaked out, your hands pushing at his chest. The man grunted against your soft flails and held you tighter.
“Making sure that it knows you are mine,” He growled at you, his hands roughly tugging at your uniform. You slapped at his hands, ignoring the stinging stretch in your injured one to no avail. There was a thud to your right, and your eyes shifted to see the trapped man standing and braced against the glass cage, rage in his eyes. The rage you could see, at least he could see how wrong this was. Steven’s fingers brushed against the bare skin at your waist and you finally retaliated. Your left hand cracked across Steven’s cheek so hard that for a moment blinding pain erupted in your hand.
Steven’s head snapped to the side, a splotch of red on his cheek from your hand. Heart pounding within your chest, you dropped your eyes to your pained hand. It was bleeding again, crimson liquid quickly seeping from broken stitches and down your wrist.
“You bitch!” Steven growled at you, lunging at you once more. You yelped and dodged to the right, slipping free of him and throwing yourself towards the cage. Your hands scrambled to pluck the letter opener from your jacket, for what, you didn’t know, but the moment you neared the glass cage and the man standing behind it, helpless to your predicament, hands snagged your waist.
“Let me go!” You shouted, grappling the letter opener. Steven’s fingers scratched at your skin in the struggle, and it became clear that you were not going to break free of his grasp. So in desperation, you slashed the letter opener at Steven, and he howled. Then you charge forwards and body slammed yourself into glass, sinking the letter opener into the thick material. Cracks splintered outwards from the letter opener and your own wild and slightly fear filled eyes briefly met pitch blacks ones. You were dragged back by an enraged Steven.
Fighting against the bigger guard, you clawed at his face and writhed around, trying to get out of his grasp. You were getting blood everywhere, in a world of panic, your hands were sliding around in a bloody mess. Steven was pissed, as you had cut his chin and were not acting as you should. He manhandled you away from the glass cage while you shouted at him and cursed him out. He threw you at the desk and you crashed into it with a grunt, your forehead hitting the edge of the desk and momentarily stunning you.
You slipped to the dirt floor in a daze, only vaguely hearing the sounds of breaking glass, grunts, and Steven crying out and screaming. You didn’t care what was going on with the man, you were in too much pain, bleeding, and entirely done with this hellish job. No trapped life was worth the money. Grappling the desk, you clawed yourself into a slumped position against the desk with a whimper. Your hand hurt unbearably and your head ached sharply, but you couldn’t let your guard down, not around Steven. So you mustered up the strength to lurch in a half circle and stagger a few steps towards the cage, hoping to retrieve the letter opener to defend yourself with.
Jaw gaped open when you saw the massive whole in the glass, and no trapped man. That was good, right? From behind you came a snap. You wobbled in a circle in time to see Steven crumpling to the ground, his head at an odd angle and blood pouring from several wounds in his chest. Eyes wide, they flickered to the trapped man who was standing next to Steven, in all his naked glory, a thunderously dark and hungry look in his eyes. Oh god. You began backpedaling quickly, stumbling over your feet. One moment you were backing away and the next he had you pinned to the nearest stone wall. One of his hands held the wrist of your bleeding hand up and his starry black eyes were entirely focused on the warm blood slowly slipping down your warm.
“What do you want from me?” You asked, a tremble in your voice. He didn’t respond, instead, he pulled your bloody wrist to his mouth and licked at the slowly drying blood. A quiver went through him as the sweet scent of your blood finally made it to hit tongue and he could taste just how delicious you were. Paralyzed yet fascinated, you watched the inhumanely beautiful being drag his tongue everywhere blood had dripped down your flesh. You hand twitched in his hold and your breath hitched when he licked at the base of your palm. God, please don’t make it hurt anymore. Squeezing your eyes closed, you waited for a burst of fresh pain…
It never came.
Rather than another piercing lace of pain that would rattle all the way up to your elbow, your pain began to dissipate when his mouth pressed over your broken stitches. You gasped, feeling his lips and tongue hungrily laving at your bleeding wound. You didn’t want to believe what you were seeing, what you were feeling. Someone who’d been trapped for over a century, someone who didn’t age. He had to be— a moan slipped its way past your lips when his tongue dragged itself the length of your wound. Your noise surprised you and made a rather pleased sounding rumble come from the mans chest.
Your bleeding wound was licked until your skin was clean and there was no more crimson staining your skin, and there was no more of your delicious vitality slipping from your hand. He was still so hungry. He pulled back and looked in your eyes, and you gulped at seeing the blood smeared on his chin and lips. Your wrist was abandoned and he slipped his fingers along your neck, gripping the back of it while his pitch black eyes dropped to the spot on your neck where your pulse raced. So hungry. So hungry. So hungry. The moment your neck was pulled and subsequently bared, your hand snapped up to grab his wrist while you pressed your other against his chest. A shuddering whimper departed you as lips pressed against tender skin. Your fear skyrocketed, but you didn’t push him away, or try to rip free. He had to be hungry, so hungry, that it didn’t surprise when he did bite. You bit down on your lip, sniffling a whimper of pain.
It was a strange feeling, feeling him greedily drink from you. But not unpleasant. No, you were surprised that the pain disappeared quickly and was replaced with a feeling of euphoria. Your nails scraped at his skin, unconsciously trying to drag him closer to you. More noises came from the being pinning you in place, noises of relief, noises of pleasure, noises of desire. All those weeks of smelling you, scenting your bewitching fragrant blood, had culminated to this point and he was getting drunk on your taste.
Then you started feeling lightened and your grasp wilted. Your legs began to collapse beneath you, but his hold you easily supported your weight. Eyelashes fluttering, you tried to fight against the sleepy feeling quickly overtaking you, but your arms felt like dead weight. Limp as a rag doll, you could barely feel your heart struggling to beat. One more sigh slipped past your lips before you slipped under that blanket of darkness.
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Date Published: 5/6/23
Last Edit: 5/6/23
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saintsenara · 1 month
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this is a genuine answer.
i think it's very important for there to be no doubt about the fact that - without medication - i would be fucked. there are plenty of non-medical ways of helping to manage adhd, but stimulant medication is the frontline treatment for a reason - no matter what the latest moral panic says. you cannot girlboss your way out of having an incurable neurological condition - and i will be honest that the few people in my life who think that you can are also the few people in my life i consider to be actively contemptible.
time management starts and ends with easily having executive function - and "easily" is the operative word. i can - of course - survive without medication - but i do so while stalked by a constant state of nervous energy which is just exhausting. not least because it ruins my sleep.
[the experience of realising that - no - you're not semi-nocturnal, you've just never before been properly calm the first time you take your pills... exquisite.]
and when i'm in the state of relative normality that legal amphetamine use brings, i manage my time by...
1. wearing a watch
no checking the time on my phone - i'll just get distracted by scrolling.
2. setting huge numbers of alarms
beat time-blindness with this one weird trick.
bonus points - if you're someone who finds it hard to switch between tasks or gets stuck hyper-focusing on things, then set the alarm and then put the device it's on far enough away from you that you have to move in order to turn it off.
3. putting everything on the wall
if you are dopamine-challenged, the best tip i can give you is that you are deluding yourself if you think you can use normal diaries/planners/to-do lists. this is why you probably have cupboards full of them.
stick everything on the wall, where you can see it, and set it up in a way that you can easily move tasks around [i.e. by using a whiteboard you can erase, or sticking your planner inside a plastic wallet and writing on it, or by having everything on sticky notes you can move around].
numbered task lists [i have to do x first, then move onto y] are a no-go - because if you don't do x, then you won't move onto y. but having groups of tasks - organised by urgency or difficulty, for example - which are right there in front of you can be selected from work much better with the adhd brain.
4. being a shark
by which i mean, being constantly on the move. desk chairs are the enemy. never sit still.
if you have adhd - and, to be frank, even if you don't - you will find that doing something physical while you need to concentrate on a task improves your ability to focus on that task. it also helps with managing time-blindness, task-switching, hyper-focus which is to the detriment of what you're supposed to be doing, and being easily distracted.
when i'm at work i literally never sit down. i use a standing desk [which, if you have a diagnosis of adhd and you're uk-based, counts as a reasonable adjustment your employer has to provide for you, fyi], and i have an under-desk treadmill [which i had to pay for myself, which i do not regret in the slightest] for tasks which really need a lot of effort to power through.
at home, i have an adjustable desk which i use as a standing desk or which i sit at while using an under-desk bike [which i use when i'm likely to get stuck hyper-focusing on something and need not to be - like if i'm writing fic but i need to meet up with friends at a certain time - because it's really uncomfortable and it therefore compels me to get up] or an exercise ball [the effort of not falling off really helps with concentration].
obviously, these types of movement are possible for me because i'm not physically disabled - it will look different for everyone, but any level of physical movement [including using fidget toys] helps with time management by improving focus.
5. body-doubling
this is a classic adhd-and-productivity thing, which means having someone physically with you while you work. they're not there to supervise you [or indeed to engage with you at all] - they're working on their own things - but the way that the adhd brain is primed for pattern recognition [and is very good at mimicry] means that you end up falling into the same rhythm as the other person.
if you need to complete something in a finite amount of time, then having someone you can body-double with is really useful, because you're less likely to get distracted from or overwhelmed by the task at hand. similarly, having a double helps prevent you getting stuck hyper-focusing.
6. owning my shit
everyone - even the most neurotypical of people - is late, or misses deadlines, or forgets meetings, or puts off tasks sometimes. it will happen no matter how brilliant your organisational system is. it's part of life.
but if you have adhd, it's very easy to fall into "well, this is just what i'm like" thinking - both self-critically ["i can't improve this, i'm a fuck-up"] and self-indulgently ["he has no right to be angry at me for being late for his party, he knows i have adhd"]
untrue. if you struggle with time management you have a responsibility to get a grip on aspects of those struggles which inconvenience other people. you will have to be quite strict with yourself in order to do this - i've ended up in a position, for example, where i'm always extremely [and often inconveniently - i do a lot of lurking outside the function waiting until it's time to go in] early for things. this is because i know that if i give myself an inch ["oh, i can wait fifteen minutes before leaving, it'll be fine!"] then i'll take a mile ["fuck, i should have left half an hour ago"].
so too with tasks. that "you can do this later... just go on your phone for a bit" voice is the devil speaking. do not listen.
i'm afraid that i've not found this becoming more intuitive with time - i have to be constantly strict with myself, in a way that neurotypical people don't - but it's just the way it is, you just have to do your best.
be community-minded about the things you need to do, be proactive in identifying what your weak areas are and thinking about how you can get around them [as i've said, mine is being late, and so i'm always hyper-alert about not slipping into complacency around this] forgive yourself for the odd slip, say sorry without caveats to people you inconvenience, thank people who are gracious, and extend grace in turn.
7. taking every bit of help going
i'm open about my diagnosis at work - which is a piece of good fortune which isn't available to everyone.
[although, if you're uk-based, a diagnosis of adhd counts as a disability under the equality act - your employer is obligated to make reasonable adjustments for you, you can't be dismissed just for having adhd, and you are entitled to bring a claim of disability discrimination if you are not provided with reasonable adjustments. you are also entitled to apply for an access to work grant - which provides financial assistance for adjustments which fall outside of the reasonable costs your employer is legally obliged to incur.]
i have adjustments at work [not only my standing desk, but things like permission to record meetings and to have all instructions issued in writing] and i feel absolutely no shame over it. if i can get something for free from the government to make my life easier, i will take it.
i am also absolutely shameless about taking advantage of my colleagues to help with time management - using them as body doubles, or asking them to get me from my office so i'm not late to things, for example - and i take advantage of my friends and family along the same lines.
human beings are social creatures - this is literally what we're designed to do - and it's incredibly important to reject the "i owe nobody anything" paradigm [which is one of the most egregious crimes of modern, poorly-regulated therapy]. i receive support, and i repay it turn by doing things for the people who help me.
8. constantly having a little treat
i am a grown adult with three degrees and a mortgage. i have also been known to use a star chart for a little flutter of pride in myself.
if you have a time management triumph, give yourself a little treat. you deserve it.
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xsaiya · 7 months
"everything's alright."
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-tags: comforting! obanai x vitiligo! insecure! reader, angst fluff (mostly angst), hugs, re-assurance, suicidal thoughts (reader), mentions of sh, traumatizing flashback, reader has permanent scars on their face, platonic sanemi catches you trying to harm yourself, reader is known as the emotion hashira, daydreaming. (warning for triggers!)
-future work: uppermoon hc's + muzan (I PROMISE <3)
-plot: iguru had found you saying some bad shit abt yourself so he went to go talk with and comfort you. <3
-a/n: pls do not think bad abt yourself, or harm yourself. your perfect the way you are, there's no need to feel like shit abt yourself. <3 (pls do not steal my work as it is based on my own life)
-recommended song: cigarettes out the window - tv girl
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life was hard, hard as fuck. you felt like everybody around your atmosphere hated you and wishes you'd just, well, die. thoughts ran through your head as you were balled up in a corner, grabbing fistful sizes of hair on the sides of your head, crying and sobbing, muttering bad shit abt yourself, like 'does he hate me? does he want me to die? should i even be alive right now?'. those thoughts ran through your head every single day and second, just no body noticed.
note being a hashira, that shit just adds another difficulty to your already fucked up life. your mind also had racing thoughts of your past, and what those bastards did.
huddled up in a corner while gripping the sides of your head, crying & trembling in fear as the tall, abusive figure stood right in front of you while kicking and hitting your already abused body. the man, also known as your dad, kept yelling things in your ears like 'your not my daughter! my daughter isn't a useless, annoying, ugly ass bitch!' as he continued to abuse you over and over again. and all you could do was tremble and cry in fear.
you just dug your head into your legs as you cried and cried, you had nobody, nobody at all, except for one person, the love of your life, obanai. he genuinely cared about you, checked to see if you were eating enough, drinking enough water, sleeping enough. all he did was worry & care abt you, which made you feel guilty, why did he care so much about you? aren't you supposed to be a worthless toy to throw around? not in his eyes.
but, from the corner of your eyes, you saw a blade, you just stared at it for continuous minutes and seconds before thoughts ran through your head. your heart told you 'don't do it, you'll regret it!' while your brain just said 'do it, fuck up your wrists, your worthless anyways.'
you reached out for the blade, grabbed it with a harsh grip, and pointed its sharp tip to your wrist while smiling and crying, still looking down. but before you could even think about doing such an act towards yourself, someone harshly grabbed your wrist, and threw the blade away from your intense grip.
"don't fucking do that shit." said sanemi, he was genuinely worried that you'd do such an act towards yourself if he didn't arrive in time.
"i-" you just stared at him, as if a staring contest occurred, but no, he was giving you that intense look of 'tell someone, talk to someone, get help.'
"you gotta get some help, yk what? i'm telling iguru, you need to get some help." those words replayed in your mind as if it were a track tape, you just sat on a couch near you, waiting for them to return, and they eventually did.
sanemi returned with a worried as fuck obanai. obanai rushed towards you, grabbed your wrist and inspected it thoroughly, asking questions, his anxiety boosted right through heaven's gates as he looked at you with a look of so much love & worry. this just made you cry, cried in appreciation & sadness, you actually for once felt like you could let it all loose around someone.
"hey, hey. it's alright, let it all out love," he hugged you so so tight
you sobbed and sobbed for hours and all he did was mutter sweet re-assurances in your ear as you berried your crying face into his welcoming shoulder.
"..everything's alright."
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hoetachi · 3 months
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i saw this and i immediately wanted to write a little more on that scenario because it was absolutely hilarious // sorry for any mistakes
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two months. you’ve been here for two months and the blackwatch commander finds himself already infuriated by you. he thought you was a simple soldier that was going to be the part of the rest of the growing overwatch society, however your skills surpasses any other person in your rank which cause you to gain the attention of strike commander morrison. now here you were, taking small teams on recall missions and as well as being present in debriefing meetings along side with other commanders. the grim commander wasn’t one to be comfortable with feelings like these and it was so hard to avoid you with your newfound popularity
what really made avoiding you harder was the fact around this time, ana was in her second trimester of her pregnancy and decided you would be the perfect fit to take over her current position. so as ana was close to gabriel, you as well was close to gabriel which left him off his game… alot
you came in during one of his drills with ana explaining what was the drill for and just having you watch him with such interest caused him to mistakenly crank up the difficulty until the training bots went haywire and basically chase his entire team in circles and up the walls. he felt the questionable looks coming from you and ana and cringed hard internally
then he had fellow agents boasting endlessly about you to him did a number. normally he’ll get real pissed hearing about some random’s personal information unwilling, yet every time he heard something about your life or things your interested in, it made him intrigued. he wanted to be the only source knowing these things about you, if he was being honest with himself
now who he didn’t want talking his ears off about you was cole…
“everyone seems to be takin’ a likin’ to that smokin’ commander already” the gunslinger kept paced with the mildly busy commander
“she’s not a commander cass, she’s just a commandant studying ana’s position before she heads off for maternity leave “ he corrected the young outlaw whilst skimming through files for an upcoming mission for his team
cole coolly shrugged his shoulders before placing his arms behind his head. “either way i feel like she’ll be good for you” he said which was followed by a teasing smirk as he watch the tips of the his brooding commander’s ears turned to a deep rue color
gabriel grew even more irritated with the young cowboys he knew his reaction would only cause more teasing from him which was making things worse, “good for me? w-what are you talking about cassidy?”
“you need a lady like that. strong, intelligent, not afraid to speak her mind…” he listed on his mechanical fingers as they walked side by side
gabe didn’t say anything else yet he agreed on everything with cassidy, however he’ll never let the gunslinger know due to his loose lips
“plus she got a nice ass in shorts” blurted cole which immediately catch gabe off guard making his instant swing on cassidy for his inappropriate comment
“whoops too slow jefe” cole snickered as he dodged the sudden attack swiftly
before gabe could stop himself from putting his full weight into his punch, it already connected with something else.. well someone else. turning his head to see what he hit instead of cassidy, he felt his stomach fall out his ass as his heart stopped
you sat on your elbows weakly as you watch your nose gush with blood while ana asked if you were okay. both the women looked towards him and he felt a deer in headlights, he couldn’t form a coherent thought which didn’t make his situation any better when his words were faster than his thoughts
ana’s face was split between confusion and anger, “come dear, let’s quickly get you to dr. ziegler” he watched as she helped you up and usher you past him as she glared daggers into him while mouthing ‘i’m going to kick your ass in 9 months’
“real smooth commande-“ this time he didn’t miss with hitting cassidy. “suicides until you drop dead, cassidy” he spat as bruised cole sat flat on his butt rubbing the back of his head
“YOU PUNCHED HER!? WHAT THE FUCK GABE!?” jack expressed, beyond shocked from the information his longtime just shared with him
“it wasn’t on purpose! stupid ass cole kept running his mouth and i didn’t know she was behind us— FUCK! what am i supposed to do now?” gabriel felt defeated. he knew he definitely blew things out the water this time and completely understood if you didn’t want to be around his presence anymore
jack stared at his friend with a sympathetic smile as he shook his head, “my friend.. i have never seen you so off guard before… you got it bad for y/n”
“i do not!” gabriel denied
“oh really? so you’re just out and about punching women who happens to make you more nervous than a virgin at prom?”
“no.. she just… so many people have such good things to say about her and actually being around her… i see why she’s a showstopper— christ sake i got into tea so i can have something to talk about with her”
jack gave him a giant smile, amused at his friend’s crush. “just apologize and be direct because the gabriel reyes i know was never the guy to be standoffish with how he’s feels” jack placed a hand on his slumped shoulder and handed a bouquet of flowers to him
“tell her how you feel man..” he encouraged
gabriel stared at the various colors amongst the bouquet, his stomach swelled up with butterflies and that’s when he knew he had to do this now or be a coward.
so striding along the empty midnight hallways of the base, he found himself in a internal battle with if he was making the right call. ‘the worst she could say is screw you, reyes’ he tried to make himself feel better about it but the twisted feeling in the out of stomach seemed never ending and only intensified once he realized he was now approaching her quarters
he stared at the name plate saying your last name. he gave himself one last prep talk before knocking and clearing his throat whilst pressing the flowers into his chest.
“y/n? a-are you up?” his voice cracked a bit as he waited for an answer. He soon heard footsteps approach the door for a moment, probably looking at the camera who was at the door. Taking a guess she figured it was him, he heard the steps start to retreat causing panic in him
he reached for the door as he was reaching for her to stop her from disappearing. “y-you don’t have to open the door, but don’t walk away… please” he pleaded quietly. his heartbeat was basically the only he could hear at this point. it was now or never to fix things even if he felt like he was unprepared for this interaction, however he took a shaky breath before laying everything out on the table.
“look y/n.. we got off on the wrong foot, but i promise you i have no ill intentions towards you. i’m just…” he struggled to finally admit to these feelings that reeked havoc over his being for the past couple of months, but he knew he had to set the record straight.
“i’m just not used to having.. i guess a crush on somebody, you can say”
“you’re all everyone talks about and just hearing about your interests— the things you like, dislike or find amusing— you’re special, interesting and dead gorgeous a-and i’m sorry for being a complete idiot towards you” he finally admitted. it felt like a pressure has finally been lifted off of his chest
there was a silence and at this point gabe was fine with just the simple confess, at least he man’d up and no one could take that from him. he sighed defeatedly, softly placed the flowers by the door as he turned on his heels to head back his side of the base to sleep off this nightmare
suddenly he heard the sound of the automatic door opening, he turned around to see you dressed in silk royal blue robe as you bend down picking up the flowers. a small smile graced your full lips as your eyes flickered from the flowers to his being and never in his life he felt so exposed before
you held the flower close to your chest as you leaned against your doorframe with hand on your hip. “it took you elbowing me in my nose to finally confess to me? you got it bad commander” you shook your head before signaling him to come back with your index finger, “care to share a glass of taylor port? i heard it was your favorite.” you raised a brow, which caused a short chuckle to leave the speechless man as he made his way back
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