#tire reviews australia
alphatyresandwheels · 5 months
Kilsyth Tyre Experts: Repairs, Sales & More
Being a car owner comes with a certain level of responsibility. You need to make sure your vehicle is in good condition to keep yourself and others safe on the road. One of the most important parts of your car are the tyres. They are the only point of contact between your car and the road, and they play a vital role in handling, braking, and overall safety. In this blog post, we’ll cover: The…
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firetrucks-fastcars · 4 months
Your Home's Really Only a Town You're Just a Guest In
2.5k words | Logan Sargeant/Oscar Piastri | The Miami GP is over in a matter of seconds for Logan. Losing it all at his home race makes him realize a few things about what home and family truly mean
He was spinning before he’d even registered the impact. He barely had the brain capacity to cross his arms over his chest as his car went careening off the track. The gravel trap rattled his teeth and he tasted blood as he bit down on his tongue. He braced himself for impact just before his car hit the barrier, sending a shockwave down his spine, making his toes tingle and his head snap forward, despite the brace holding him in. God, that fucking hurt.
He’d never get used to this feeling. One might think he had, considering the amount of times he’d been in this position over the last year. He pushed down the self-deprecating thoughts for now, only focusing on moving his hands enough to press the radio button and answer his engineer’s desperate pleas to know if he was alright. 
“Oh mate,” he groaned, unable to think of a more intelligent response.
“Not your fault. Not your fault.”
“Ugh. I bit my fucking tongue.”
He knew SkySports would be angry at him for having to spend money on the bleep effect but he didn’t have it in him to care at the moment.
“You okay? Are you okay?”
He huffed into his helmet, trying to catch his breath, “I- yes. I think so. Did I do something wrong?”
He couldn’t think of anything he could have done, he couldn’t even see Kevin in his mirrors. The first look he’d gotten at the car had been blurry at best as he spun his way off the track and the Haas kept on racing. 
“No I don’t think you did. I’ll look at the review. Can you get out of the car on your own?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it.”
He began undoing his seat belts as the marshals moved toward his car. One gave him a helping hand and he stepped over the halo, hopping from the cockpit, the crunch of gravel under his boots. This was it. His home race was completely undone in less than 30 seconds. And he’d been doing alright too. He’d been on pace with Alex, he’d placed higher in the sprint. For the first time since Australia he’d felt a little glimmer of confidence. However, this sport and everyone around him seemed determined to put out any fire he had as quickly and as harshly as possible. 
The marshal led him to the evacuation car and he slid into the backseat, placing his helmet next to him. He wished the ride to the Williams garage was longer than a few minutes. He wished he had more time to come up with something better to say to his team other than a weak apology for fucking up another car. His only saving grace was that his parents weren’t in the paddock. Instead they were probably shaking their heads from their couch, turning off the tv and moving on to do something else since their son had failed so spectacularly, yet again. 
As he stepped out of the car into the oppressive Miami heat, he found himself wishing for England. So rarely did he miss the gray skies, but today they would match his mood much better than the inescapable Florida sunshine. He wished for the milder temperatures of Monaco, where the sun didn’t feel like quite as much of a mockery. Where he could hide in Alex and Lily’s apartment and neither of them would push him to speak until he was ready. Where he could escape to Lando’s and play games with him and Oscar and Max Fewtrell until his throat was sore from yelling and he felt slightly human again. Where Max would grow tired of Lando complaining about him moping and invite him over for dinner. Where he could sit in his designated seat on the balcony (declared as such by a drawing featuring entirely too much glitter, made of course by Penelope) and drown his sorrows in cheap European beer. Where people actually cared about him, or at least pretended to. 
But no. He was trapped here, as if held down by the humidity that blanketed the entire state he had once called home. Now, he felt more like a guest. He knew that after this race was all said and done, he’d crawl back home to his parents’ house that bore no signs of their second son, save for a few pictures on the walls, relics of his karting and junior formula days. He was a guest in the place where he was raised.
A firm hand gripped his bicep as he was led into the garage, “Are you alright?”
Elias had practically materialized next to him and was leading him past all of the engineers and mechanics, their well wishes and promises of “There was nothing you could have done” nothing more than tv static as they made their way hastily toward his driver’s room. Elias unlocked the door and pushed Logan inside but didn’t follow.
“Take your time. Get cleaned up and settle down. Don’t come back out until you feel human again.”
“What if I never feel human again?” The vulnerability spilled from his lips in the worst case of word vomit he’d ever experienced. He didn’t have a chance in hell of stopping the words once they started flowing. 
“You will. I know it doesn’t feel like it and you don’t want to listen to my pep talk right now, so I’ll save that for Alex later. But you will feel human again Logan. You will come out on the other side, stronger and better because of everything you’ve been through.”
“Can you ask James if there’s still room on the flight back for me tomorrow?” he asked instead of acknowledging what his trainer had just said.
“I thought you were staying for a few days. You had plans to fish with Kyle and go to the hockey game.”
“I know. And I’m sorry, I do really want to take you out on the boat. I just don’t know how much longer I can be here before I suffocate.”
“I understand. Don’t worry about me, I’ll get everything sorted with James. Just promise me that you’ll talk to your brother before we go. He’s worried about you.”
“Dalton is always worried about me.”
“He loves you. Don’t take it for granted.”
With that Elias slipped back out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. Logan sighed and laid back on the massage table, staring at the ceiling. He could hear the faint roar of engines in the distance. He wondered if Lando was still leading? Maybe one of them would finally have some good luck. He forced himself into a sitting position and leaned over to retrieve his phone from the front pocket of his backpack. He pulled up his brother’s contact and sent a message.
To Dalton: with mom and dad?
From Dalton: Yeah but I can leave. Need me?
To Dalton: yeah
From Dalton: Okay. Give me five
Logan counted in intervals of sixty until his phone began to buzz in his palm. Dalton always kept his promises.
“Hey little bro.”
“Are Mom and Dad around?”
“Nope. I went down to the dock. I figured you wanted this to be a private conversation.”
“Are they still watching the race?”
“Yeah. We’re all rooting for Lando’s first win. They aren’t mad at you Loges, there was nothing you could have done.”
“Yeah that time. What about all the others? They’re disappointed and you know it.”
“I know what they can be like Loges. Trust me, I know better than anyone. They want you to succeed but they don’t understand what the pressure does to you.”
“‘Pressure makes diamonds son’.”
Logan’s poor imitation of their father’s deep southern accent made Dalton chuckle. 
“Pressure makes dust. You can’t let them get to you bud. This is how they are about everything, it's how they always will be. You just have to prove them wrong.”
“They won’t give me a chance.”
“Mom and Dad? Or the team?”
“Both. Every time something starts to go well for me, Williams tears the rug out from under my feet. Mom and Dad will always side with them, especially Dad. Nothing is ever good enough, I don’t even know why I bother anymore. I love a sport that hates me and I’m a guest in my own fucking family. I don’t belong anywhere Dalton. I don’t belong in Europe, I don’t belong here, I should just fucking disappear and then everyone would be happier.”
“I wouldn’t. Kyle wouldn’t. Neither would Alex or Oscar or even fucking Lando. Loges, you’re so focused on everything that’s working against you, that you can’t acknowledge that there are people in your corner. Williams fans fucking love you, but all you care about is the keyboard warriors who think you should make your car levitate to avoid being hit. Fuck them. And fuck anyone who ever says you can’t do something. Fuck Mom and Dad. But don’t toss aside the people that want to help you. When was the last time you talked to Oscar about how you feel? Or are you just telling him that you’re fine and that none of this shit affects you? Because I know the truth, Loges. When are you gonna stop lying to yourself and playing tough guy and accept some help? Because until you start leaning on the people around you, you’re gonna keep crumbling. And I won’t be the one that’s left to pick up the pieces. Not again. I love you way too much to watch you destroy yourself because you’re stubborn.”
“I love you too.”
“Now what are you going to do?”
“Stop feeling sorry for myself.”
“Go out tonight to celebrate Lando’s win. Then I’m gonna go back to England tomorrow with the team and work over data with Alex so we can find a way to fix this tractor of a fucking car.”
“Good. I’m proud of you little brother. Call me anytime, day or night. Okay?”
“I’ll see you soon. But not until you’re ready.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
As he cleaned himself up and changed from his sweaty race suit to his usual team kit, he turned on the monitors to watch Lando win the race. He left the team (with permission from Gaetan) to run down to the pit lane and congratulate his friend. He found Oscar and Alex, leaning against the wall together, waiting for their turn in the media pen and joined them so he could fulfill his own duties to the press.
“Hey Osc,” he linked their pinkies together briefly in greeting, before pulling away. “Shame about your race.”
“Yeah, some people were just itching for penalties today,” Oscar rolled his eyes. “How are you doing? You seem surprisingly carefree.”
Alex regarded him with a raised brow, “You are suspiciously calm.”
“I talked to Dalton. I’m still annoyed about the crash but Kevin got what he deserved and there’s nothing else I can do. Other than comb through the data and try to figure out a way to make this God forsaken tractor go any faster.”
“I’m with you,” Alex agreed. “I already told Gaetan and James to book a conference room and stock the fridge with Monster because we’re gonna be there a while.”
Logan chuckled and bumped their shoulders together, “I’ll be there Monday.”
Alex raised his brow again, “I thought you were staying for a few more days?”
“I was going to. But, I need a change of scenery. And living in London has ruined me. I can’t handle the heat.”
Oscar gave him a look that said they’d talk about it later, but was called away by his press officer, “You’re coming out with us tonight. We’re celebrating Lando’s win!”
“I expected nothing less.”
It was way too late (or early, depending on how you looked at it) when they finally made it back to the hotel Mclaren was staying in. He and Oscar had left the party a few minutes early, leaving Lando in Max’s capable hands. Elias had already retrieved his luggage from his parent’s place and had it brought to Oscar’s room. Once they were both showered and half asleep, Oscar finally asked what he’d been dying to all night.
“So what made you decide you want to leave early?”
“I talked to Dalton. And he made me realize that how I’ve been acting lately isn’t healthy. I’m tearing myself down to meet these unrealistic expectations my parents have set for me and I’m killing myself to try and prove myself to people who don’t actually care. I’ve been realizing lately that I feel like a guest here. Florida isn’t really home. I don’t really feel at home anywhere to be honest. Only with you, or Alex. Sometimes Lando and Max.”
“You know what my mom told me once? It was right after I left Australia for good and I was so homesick it hurt. And boarding school sucked and I was just about ready to give it all up and come home. But my mom told me that home isn’t really a place, it’s people. And family isn’t just the people who raised you. So I’d always be welcome at home with them, but I was also responsible for making my own home and my own family and that once I did that, I wouldn’t be so lonely. A few months after that, we became teammates. And I figured out pretty quickly what my mom meant. I know you’re proud of being from America, to be the first American in F1 in a long time. But that isn’t your whole identity, Loges. And Florida doesn’t have to be your home because you were born here. Your home can be in England with me, or Monaco with Max, Lando and Alex. You can consider both places home if you want because all of us are your family. We care about you so much baby, especially me. It has hurt so bad to see you struggle for so long. I just want you to realize you’re with so much outside of racing and outside of your hometown. You will never be a guest with me Logan, I hope you know that.”
“I do. And I’m starting to figure out this family thing. I just think it’s going to take some time. I have to really figure out where I belong in the world.”
“I know. And I’ll always be with you, there is nowhere you can go that I won’t follow.”
“I’m stuck with you forever huh?”
“You bet your ass you are. You’re stuck with Lando too because he’ll tag along just to be annoying. And Max because he has to supervise when I’m not around. And Alex, because he’s just along for the ride.”
Logan laughed and hugged Oscar close, “I think I’m okay with that.”
He stared at the ceiling as Oscar snored lightly next to him, waiting for sleep to come. So what if he felt like a guest in his home? He’d just make another.
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lorelaiislatte · 5 months
Do you think there's a chance a streaming service will pick ncis:h? I've signed the petition but do we dare to hope? I'm tired of this happening all the time. I just dont understand. It was doing fine in ratings and it's a part of a franchise that keeps getting more spin offs? How that makes sense? Do you know the ratings compared with the others ncis shows? Sorry im asking you but im not from usa and i have no idea how american netwoks work. So sad rn.
okay SO i am also not from the us but have done this dance before sooooo:
1) from what i’ve heard, they were planning to move either another ncis show (i think sydney?) or another cbs show to paramount plus - which they now are no longer doing. in theory yes, this opens up the possibility for ncishi to move over there; in practice, i’m not holding my breath, as typically that negotiation would happen before a cancellation announcement
2) how does it make sense? the honest answer is that it doesn’t. like, it really doesn’t. it’s been holding steady at sixth of 14 cbs shows in the ratings (which is a brilliant number, ensures it’s profitable, and is also impressive for a procedural that’s still relatively new). it’s been beating a LOT of other crime procedurals in viewership and viewer retention, and reviewers have been singing its praises. i think this is why it feels so much as if it’s because they just view this show as less valuable (socially and economically) than their usual white guy cop shows; it’s very difficult to argue that your profitable, successful show is too expensive when you’re flying cast and crews across - or, potentially, internationally to - australia, to continue a less-highly-rated show with no issue.
3) as far as ratings go - ncis hawai’i episodes were pulling in as many as 10 million viewers last year (s2 e10 came in with 10.5 mil, as per variety telecast viewership reports) which has it going toe to toe with the core ncis (seems to pull approx. 8-10mil per episode, via hollywood reporter). for the 18-49 demographic across us series, ncis hawaii is ranking at #13 of #21 as per tvseriesfinale.com - this is significantly above ncis sydney (renewed, #15), and elsbeth (#19, renewed), two other cbs shows, one of which in particular is incredibly expensive. crucially, ncishi has actually increased its viewership, which is VERY difficult to do on a year to year basis. its up by 4.18% among 18 to 49 year olds - for comparison the core NCIS is down 0.83% and fbi international - a competing show - is down by 3.73%. bear in mind that even a single percentage point represents hundreds of thousands of viewers.
i also want to point out that ranking at #13 isn’t strictly representative of viewer numbers, it’s about percentage of viewers that are within that core age bracket. the neighbourhood is ranking at #6, but only pulling in 4.8 million viewers - ncishi is at #13, and pulling in 5.2 million. ncishi pulls in over half a million more viewers than four shows ranked above it in that chart.
so essentially - it doesn’t make sense. from any perspective. it doesn’t make sense from a business perspective (ncis sydney is more expensive to produce and brings in approx. 200k less viewers than ncishi, and ncishi crew had already agreed to a shortened, budget-restrained final season), it doesn’t make sense for a ratings perspective (it continues to outperform many of cbs’ own shows, including ones that have been renewed), it doesn’t make sense from a social perspective (people are loving it, even outside of our fandom spaces).
objectively, it’s a really, really bad move by cbs. i also thought being part of a franchise would be a kind of safety net - fool me once, i guess. all the evidence suggests that they just don’t care enough about ncishi, especially when they’ve got their bullshit white guy ncis origins show, a young sheldon spinoff (?? who asked?) and a plethora of other cookie-cutter shows they can just keep going with. and we can make a pretty educated guess as to why, when the main things that set ncishi apart from the other ncis shows are its diversity and character dynamics
(edit: it was pointed out that people aren’t being flown to sydney from the us, which is true, and bad phrasing on my part - but many are flown across australia at seemingly similar costs to mainland us/hawai’i flights, and i believe not all of the leads are based in australia either, so i’ve updated that bit for clarity. apologies!)
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imaginespazzi · 6 months
Ok bestie, anon who followed up on Amoore reporting back as requested ha. I should say we are on a similar page, her & Kitley are very tough to get a read on. And a lot of the online chatter agrees its hard to judge and goes back and forth on whether theres something more going on. For those interested, I suggest watching their youtube ch series for a general sense of them interacting. Entertaining and light vids, not overly long. Really just little things between them here & there that add up. And of course a person can review their socials..
Now onto the tea I came across online. Imperfectly summarized the best I can below. (Allow me to stipulate that I have no way of verifying any of this, so please understand Im not at all sharing any of this to be presented as true or false. Take it as simply passing along the posting of others for conversations sake here in a safe space. Comments/feedback/corrections welcome)
Its described as on/off thing, first beginning summer 2020. A VT insider says people are aware that Amoore hasnt been committed, to put it delicately/nicely. Leading most recently to a break of sorts last Dec-mid Jan. (Added pretty sure they are together rn though. And another person did point out if Liz was getting cheated on why would Georgia seem to maintain a good relationship with the Kitley family, which is a fair Q to pose). But notably, a strangely long break in their podcast took place over that period and for the first time in 3 years they didn’t spend XMas together or hang around each other over the holiday and when podcast recording returned they just said “we had Xmas” and didn’t talk about it. It was also pointed out that sometime in winter, Liz had tickets to see an NHL game and went w Cayla King despite her and Georgia talking about how they wanted to go together before. Only sus bc it happened to coincide w the time where Georgia was speculated to have gotten close to Kate Martin. Then suddenly they K & G werent interacting anymore and L & G seem back to being “besties”.
Liz’s "2020 love playlist"… apparently someone has screenshots that it used to be titled Georgia. Includes some fav bands/songs of Amoores. And a tune called Australia Street lol. Lots of love songs predictably, but some breakup songs were added to it at one point (the comment seems to insinuate during the time they were going through issues)
They're friends with a married lesbian couple (Youtubers/influencers? The Bellaires) who they once visited alone.
Also, fyi, Kate Martin is apparently recently back w her last ex, whoever that is - per talk re social media activity
You're my new favorite person omg because this is my kinda tea fr! Can y'all tell I love some good gossip?
I'm ngl, I was never the most invested in V-Tech or the girls on the team, so I don't really follow them. And I was pretty convinced Liz was straight so I just assumed her and Georgia really were just really close besties.
But this checks out with what I've heard/read too, that they were in that "undefined" kinda place, mainly because of Georgia and eventually Liz got tired of it. I definitely didn't know about the Christmas or the NHL stuff but that makes sense. Also from what I heard, they were probably done for good now with Liz going to the draft? But still being together also makes sense. I'm so invested in this now omg.
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Hi! I was lurking through the reblogs on a post and you mentioned something about mosquito repellent plants? Can I pleeeeease hear you infodumb about that I'm so tired of them
This is all from memory so may be a little inaccurate and I will not be citing sources, but I have written a paper on this (in high school so it’s not in any databases) and all my sources had to be from peer reviewed journals so this IS academically informed.
SO first off: most mosquito-repellent plants work by releasing chemical agents that may smell good to US but smell very bad to the mosquitoes. The problem with this is that these oils tend to be released as globules that cling to the plants with fairly high surface tension, so unless the plants are disturbed somehow (wind or animals/humans) the oil isn’t released into the air and it does fuck all to actually repel mosquitoes.
That said, the best accessible mosquito-repelling plant is a plant called LEMONGRASS. If you live in the states then Home Depot sells this usually. If you don’t live in the states then idk, check your local garden center. I live in Texas and our lemongrass dies every winter but tends to come back on its own in the spring, and it smells really good to humans. You can also throw the dead grass into the yard and mow over it to release extra scent.
The most EFFECTIVE mosquito-repellent plant is something called lemon-eucalyptus which is a lab-created crossbreed produced somewhere in either Australia or New Zealand. I don’t remember which I just remember being super mad that I couldn’t get my hands on it for experiments. Anyway there’s a special compound in the oil this plant produces that lemongrass shares. I don’t remember the name of it but mosquitoes hate it. Plant lemongrass :)
If you can’t get your hands on lemongrass, rosemary will also repel mosquitoes, though there’s not much academic literature about this one and various mom-blogs all contradict each other about its effectiveness. It’s pretty smelly (good to humans bad to bugs!) and will repel a variety of insects.
Citronella contains a compound used in current commercial bug repellent, so it is also good to plant! I could never get mine to be very big though. You can also buy torches (like decorative tiki torches) with citronella oil in them which are designed to repel bugs by releasing the oil in the smoke.
Mint will also repel insects and mice though I could never narrow down if mosquitoes were among the list of insects that mint repels! Pro tip: PLANT MINT IN POTS. DO NOT PLANT MINT DIRECTLY IN THE GROUND. It will take over everything <3
Lastly, basil and thyme are reported to be insect repellents! I have not tested these myself (I tried but there were Circumstances) but a variety of home-blogs say that these work. I found basil in an academically sourced list but found no proof of thyme working. I despair at the lack of academic literature on this topic. Anyway.
Also, did you know you can purchase mosquito larvae on Amazon? It’s about $10 USD for 100 larvae.
If you choose to disturb your plants yourself to release the oils then be ready to have very strong smelling hands. Also, if you get your hands on cheesecloth (lightweight) you can see simple sleeves and boil one of these plants, then dip the cloth in the boiled water. The oil from the plant will soak in and the cloth will smell like it once dry. Idk how long these last because I never properly tested them, but I kept some in a drawer for a year and they were still pretty smelly. If you wore them out and about they would probably last about a month before the small wore off. Cheesecloth is extremely light so it shouldn’t be much of a bother in the summer, however idk how well they would hold the oil if you got sweat on them.
It’s also important to note that different hormones are capable of attracting or repelling bugs, so some plants may not be strong enough to get the job done if you’re particularly bug-attractive (I am rip). Also if you’ve ever noticed that you get a ton of bug bites but a friend doesn’t then may not be random. They may be repellent, and you may be attractive. This fact blew my mind when I learned it. Go forth and repel bugs!!!!
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It’s been a very busy couple of days but I finally have time to sit down and write about this. Went to Montreal a couple of nights ago for the Just For Laughs Festival. Absolutely amazing night, from start to finish. Well, maybe not from the very start. I really like the Old Montreal neighbourhood so I went there beforehand, and found that I like it a lot less when it’s full of JFL-related crowds.
So I gave up on that, went to the festival. Walked around the festival itself for a bit. The outdoor festival area is full of big screens and big crowds and loud music and had several outdoor stages where I heard bits and pieces of various people making various bad jokes. Maybe a little big cool, I guess, in a very small dose, if you like that sort of thing.
Luckily, the venue where I was seeing comedy was inside, and much smaller. Well, it was a very large arts complex with a lot going on it, multiple theatre rooms as well as a bunch of other stuff, but the room where I was was the smallest one. Capacity 128, but for both shows, all the seats in a whole third of the room didn’t get used. I’d estimate there were about 60 people in each show, maybe a few more in the first one than in the second one. I saw Nish Kumar last year in that same room, small room but I’m pretty sure it sold out (I didn’t notice any empty seats, anyway, there could have been one or two), and the felt like a very small and intimate performance. So this was even more so, same room but a crowd about two thirds of the size.
When I first walked in and saw the crowd size, half of me was thinking, “What the hell? Tom Ballard is a very successful Australian comedian, he has two officially released stand-up specials and a book and he hosted a topical comedy TV show for a couple of years. He’s an internationally touring comedian. How the hell has he traveled all this way to be here, and only about 60 people (plus whoever came to his show the previous night, he did two in total) have turned up to see him? What is everyone doing, missing out on this?” The other half of me was thinking, “He’s well known in Australia. He hosted a TV show in Australia. Who are all these people who live near Montreal yet know enough about Tom Ballard to have paid a bunch of money and come out to see him? Why are there so many of them?”
Then Tom Ballard came out, and… well, they don’t call him the white gay Australian Nish Kumar for nothing. I mean, they don’t call him that, I do, but I don’t do it for nothing. The two times I’ve seen Nish Kumar live, he started shouting at the audience from the moment he came out and did not calm down until it was over (oh yeah, Nish Kumar’s special gets released tomorrow, it’s his 2022 show, the one I saw twice last year, it’s fucking incredible, I’m going to make everyone watch it). Tom Ballard did something similar. Maybe there was slightly more variation in the intensity levels. At one point he took a bit of a break from shouting about the world ending to talk about his sex life, and I’ve never seen Nish Kumar do that, not even in his early stuff from before he went so political.
It was pretty much what I expected, based on the reviews and on who Tom Ballard is, but what I expected it to be based on that was very good. Got the personal stuff out of the way early – he gained weight during lockdown, he’s got a boyfriend now, he used to hook up with weird people. Then got back to what we came for, which was shouting about the end of the world and talking shit about the monarchy. I realize neither of those things are new in comedy, and he realizes it too, at one point comments that he knows it isn’t particularly edgy to say “Fuck the queen” in a world where all reasonable people think the royal family can go fuck themselves, but on the other hand, if this opinion is so commonplace and repetitive, why are they still there? And he’s got a point. It’s hard to call anti-monarchy material tired and overdone when you look at scale of the pro-royalist queen death coverage and the coronation coverage that have happened in the last year.
And it’s not even that overdone among comedians. Every once in a while during the Tom Ballard show, I was struck by how much his voice sometimes sounds like Adam Hills’, because they both have the Australian accent, but they also both do the Australian vocal fry thing where the pitch goes up at the end of sentences. So it felt a little bit like being shouted at by Adam Hills, except that you won’t hear “fuck the dead queen” from Adam Hills.
This show does make me want to formally apologize to Tom Ballard for that post I wrote before I listened to the post-coronation Bugle episode, when Tom Ballard and Mark Steel were the guests, and I said Mark Steel is going to be the star of this show, he’s been waiting his whole career for this much royalist bullshit to get righteously furious about. Listening to the actual episode reminded me that Tom Ballard should never be counted out in a competition of “Who can talk the most shit about the British monarchy”, and this stand-up show makes me realize I definitely should have known that all along.
This show did do the sort of thing that I thought made Nish Kumar’s 2022 show (Your Power Your Control, released on August 1, 2023, everyone in the world needs to watch it) work so well, which is to tie his larger political points around something personal. In this case, Tom Ballard got the main political themes around the story of his grandmother who lived in a care home. I had just visited my grandparents’ in their care home the other day, and might have laughed too hard at some of his impressions of what it’s like in those places.
I really, really enjoyed it. I don’t know if it’s for everyone – I mean, obviously it’s not for royalists or climate deniers or those who hate the elderly, I guess – but it may even be not for people who agree with him but just aren’t into shouty comedy. If you like that sort of thing, though, this is a very, very good example of it. And I really like this sort of thing. I’ve seen his two previous specials, and I enjoyed them, but this is by far the best Tom Ballard stand-up show I’ve seen.
Actually, that came up during the show. At one point he mentioned that he’d released a stand-up special on Paramount Plus in 2022 (it’s called Enough, it’s not as good as this one but it’s still really enjoyable and I recommend it), but no one watched it because no one in the world subscribes to Paramount Plus. To prove this, he asked the audience who in there has seen that special. I said that I did, assuming my voice would be drowned out among the other people speaking up. But it turned out my voice carried through the room, because I was the only person who answered. He made some jokes about how it’s proof that Paramount Plus is obscure because of a whole crowd of people who’ve paid to see him, only one person has seen the special (to be honest, I don't have Paramount Plus either, there are ways to find comedy specials that don't involve subscribing to steaming platforms, that's a good thing for everyone who doesn't have Sky TV to remember when Nish Kumar's special is released on there tomorrow). The he looked at me, said thank you for watching it, and asked me what I’d thought of it. I said I thought it was very good, and he said that’s the kind of crowd interaction he wants, and then the whole room applauded.
Oh yeah, it’s relevant to know that right before that, a guy had been heckling annoyingly. Tom Ballard had humoured him at first but was becoming less forgiving of him by this point, the audience was getting really annoyed with him too. So Tom Ballard’s point was that I’d shown a good example of how an audience member should behave, by giving him a quick two-word answer when I was addressed and then shutting up, in contrast to the guy who kept talking for too long. And then the whole audience applauded me for not being an obnoxious heckler (later in the show, the guy who’d been heckling got kicked out of the room). So that was fun. This is the same room where Nish Kumar briefly addressed me at this same festival last year, when my reaction to one of his jokes made him laugh (have you ever made Nish Kumar laugh? Nish Kumar? The guy who has that fucking laugh? Like making an angel fly), and he asked me a question about it. So the smallest theatre in Montreal’s Place Des Arts is now where I’ve been personally addressed by both Nish Kumar and by White Gay Australian Nish Kumar.
The show ended, and they cleared the room. Tom Ballard went from 7:30 to about 8:40, so at 8:40 I walked out of the room and straight into the back of the line that had already formed for the next show. When they let us back into the same room, I got almost the same seat (front row, but there are only four rows in total, this is not a large room). Josie Long’s show started at 9 PM.
God, it was good. Really fucking good. I came out of that night thinking both shows were incredible (I definitely made the right choice with where to spend my limited funds on JFL tickets, I can’t imagine there being any shows at the whole festival that I’d have enjoyed more than these two), but Tom Ballard’s might be an acquired taste, and Josie Long’s is just perfect no matter who you are, unless you’re a fucking Tory, I guess. But God, I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying it. I think if you’re a Tory and you see this show, you might just come out a socialist. Just because your options are “turn into a socialist” or “hate this show”, and you can’t hate that show. It’s too perfect.
I’ve heard almost all Josie Long’s old shows in one form or another, multiple versions of a few of them. Starting back at 2006: Kindness and Exuberance, Trying Is Good, All of the Planet’s Wonders, Be Honourable!, The Future Is Another Place, Romance and Adventure, Cara Josephine, Something Better, Tender, Re-Enchantment. The only one I’ve not heard in any form is Something Better. Of the ones before this year, I think my favourite was Cara Josephine, possibly Romance and Adventure. But they were all good. They were different from each other in many ways – from the excitable whimsey of Trying Is Good to the darker stuff in the next few years to the angry political stuff to the optimistic political stuff to the more personal love life and family stuff and back around to the really intense political stuff. All there, in different variations at different times. There’s something to love in all of it.
It felt like all that stuff was packed into Re-Enchantment. The best of everything she can do, all packed into an hour, and all tied to each other, it doesn’t feel like she separated any of it out. The personal and political so deeply intertwined that I can’t tell which bits are meant to be which (well, with some exceptions). And, not to be incredibly cheesy or anything, you can feel how much of this one comes from the heart. Like she was really, really passionate about everything she talked about, like this show didn’t just get written because it was a new year and she needed a new show, like she had all kinds of stuff she couldn’t wait to say to people. Re-Enchantment is my favourite Josie Long show, and there is a lot of competition in that area.
She also did the thing I like in Tom Ballard, talking about larger issues and tying them to something personal. And she did it so well. It helps that the personal things she has to tie it to at the moment are beautiful. Living in Glasgow, which she loves, and raising two small children, which she loves. And finding ways to tie those things to all the political issues that she hates. I think that’s what makes it work so well. That she can hit the worst things in the world, the things that make her (and us) angry and terrified and feel hopeless, but she keeps bringing them back to these things she loves so much, so the show doesn’t feel bleak. It’s dark at times, but she gets on stage, walks through all these dark topics, manages to dig into them and excavate these tiny gleams of light, and then puts her hands out to show us whatever glittering morsels she’s found, and I apologize for drifting into sappy prose but that’s what it feels like to watch a Josie Long show live.
There were no obnoxious hecklers at Josie Long’s show. The crowd was good, and I think knew what they were getting into better than the Tom Ballard crowd had. A couple of times Josie Long translated things for the Canadian audience (year 11/grade ten, explaining who Nicola Sturgeon is), but I’m not sure she needed to, the audience was on board with everything she was doing. At one point she needed to reference a company that does windows, and said she usually used a British company but had been trying to find a company that’s well known in Canada to use instead while over here, but she didn’t know any, and that’s when I realized I don’t think we’ve got any famous window companies. She asked if we knew of any, and the audience seemed like they were genuinely trying to help her out, I think if anyone had thought of one they’d have said so. I guess Canada just isn’t that big on windows.
I’d heard a couple of versions of this show before – she livestreamed a version of it last month from the Glasgow Library, so of course I got in on that. So I did already know it was a good one. But God, it’s different seeing it live. Seeing how good she is at just being on the stage, throwing her voice and her face and her mannerisms and her whole body into everything she’s saying, using all of that to convey everything. Running around the stage at times, engaging with everyone. I can’t imagine anyone’s attention drifting even for a moment.
It’s structured really well, too. Done relatively subtly, I think, some of the callbacks were obvious but some not as much. She put stuff in at the beginning that seemed small and came back, sometimes in little ways and sometimes tied into the whole theme of the show. You get to the end and realize everything was building toward a couple of messages, but it was all so funny along the way that you barely notice while she goes from routine to routine. And by “you” I mean “me”, I guess. That was my experience of the show. It was a very good experience.
The show ended, and I was so full of adrenaline from watching bot of these shows in a row, that I could barely remember to stick to the plan I’d made beforehand, which was to see if I could find Josie Long after the show. I’ve never tried to meet a famous comedian before – or any famous person, for that matter – but I’d decided I wanted to meet Josie Long enough to give it a try. I’d followed some advice and scoped the place out beforehand, to try to work out where the comedians would exit. So after the show, I went outside the building and tried to run around it to see the door where I thought they might be.
While I was looking for that door, I nearly walked into Josie Long on the sidewalk. She was walking with someone and talking to him, and I didn’t want to interrupt her conversation, but also I have one of her old posters on my wall and I’d brought it in a bag with a pen to see if she’d sign it, and I really wanted to meet her. So I hesitantly said “Um… sorry… excuse me?”, and she looked at me, and then said, “You were in my show.” She hadn’t addressed me during her show, the way Nish Kumar and white gay Australian Nish Kumar had. But apparently, she had remembered my face.
I said yes, I was, and sorry to bother her and I won’t take up much time, but I’m a huge fan, and I have something with me, and could she possibly sign it? Then I reached into my bag, and I don’t know what she was expecting me to have in that bag, but from her reaction, as she stood on a sidewalk in Montreal, Canada at 10:20 PM talking to an incoherently excited Canadian she’d never met before, she was not expecting this person to pull out a cardstock printout of a poster for her 2010 and 2011 shows. She definitely sounded surprised to see that.
But she was very, very nice. She signed the poster, asked me my name, wrote a bit on it about how she appreciated me seeing her in Montreal. Honestly, I really was barely coherent. I can hardly remember what I said now. I was stammering as I tried to think of something reasonable to say. I definitely managed to say I love all her old shows but this latest one is one of the best comedy shows I’ve ever seen in my life, which is true. I think I mentioned several times that I love her book. The whole interaction was maybe a minute long. Maybe two minutes? I don’t know, time had stopped.
Then I walked away, and about twenty seconds later, realized I’d forgotten something. So I turned around, saw that she was still there and still talking to that same guy (this was clearly a guy she actually knew, not a random fan who’d accosted her on the street), and when she saw me coming back, she didn’t look surprised. I said “Sorry… I should have asked for this before… could I get a picture…?”
Basically, I was so fucking excited to meet Josie Long that during that first interaction I completely forgot to ask for a picture with her. She looked liked she’d expected me to ask and was surprised when I didn’t, and she was unsurprised when I came back for it. I took out my phone and her friend took it from me, so he could take a picture for us. Josie Long asked me if I minded if she put her arm around me (very cool of her, getting consent before touching a stranger, even a stranger who has made it quite clear she is not averse to contact with Josie Long), and I managed to say “No I don’t mind” rather than “You putting your arm around me would be the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me, actually.”
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I look normal, right? I looked like a normal person who's a normal amount of excited be meeting Josie Long and she should definitely not feel creeped out by the intensity of that? Does it make me look even more normal that you can see a bag in my hand, which I held onto through two comedy shows just in the hopes that I might see Josie Long after the show and get her to sign a poster she made ten years ago?
After that, I stopped at Bounstan Shawarma, a place that was recommended by Nish Kumar, actually. During an episode of The Bugle that he did before he came to Just For Laughs last summer, he plugged his shows there, and then said that while he's there, he'll be eating at Bounstan, which is a great shawarma place in Montreal. My own city (two hours from Montreal, I travelled for this) happens to be known for its shawarmas (we have a large Arab population here, there are a lot of shawarma places), I have a few favourites and think of myself as knowing the local shawarma places fairly well. But there's a Bounstan in my city too, and I'd never been there before Nish recommended it. On his recommendation, I ordered some from my local one, while thinking I bet this won't be as good as he says, they probably just don't have as much shawarma in England as we do in my city (honestly, I have a several friends who grew up in Lebanon, where that dish is actually from, who've told me that shawarma from my city is the best in the world, including in the Middle East), so he's not going to be familiar enough with it to know what's good or bad. God, was I ever wrong. He was right, Bounstan is some of the best shawarma I've ever had. Doesn't quite beat my favourite place, but it's become something I order somewhat regularly. After the shows the other night, still buzzing from the excitement of both shows and meeting Josie Long, I stopped at Bounstan (which is right next to the festival, that would be how Nish Kumar knows about it) and got a shawarma. Then I ate it in my parents' car before driving that car two hours home, because I honestly needed to calm down a bit before I could drive. I'm pleased to say I made it home safetly, returned the car I'd borrowed to my parents' place, fell asleep.
The next morning I got up and flew halfway across the country to my grandparents' house, which is why it's taken me two days before I had time to sit down and write this post.
It was one of the best nights of my entire God damn life. Genuinely, if I think about my entire life and what are my favourite days of it, July 29, 2023 is on the list. I don't know exactly where it ranks on the list. Somewhere below the day I won the regional championships in the sport that I'd then been competing in for four years. Below the first time I coached an athlete to a national medal in that same sport. But above quite a few of my favourite live music memories. Above the day I climbed Signal Hill in Newfoundland and spent three hours at the top of it staring at the ocean and then went down the hill and took a road trip through the outport villages and had cod that had been caught two hours before for dinner. It's definitely on the list.
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foultastemusic · 6 months
EP Review – towards an end – Hanoi Traffic (2024)
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Hanoi Traffic is not fucking dead – as they affirmed themselves for the concerts they gave before it all began. They are simply working on a start for intellectually violent listeners.  On february 9, the australian band from Meanjin made their (almost) official debut with their first EP towards an end after spending an year slowly releasing singles until january of 2024 on streaming platforms and actively playing live. And the EP gets off to a flying start, blazing, with a very interesting set that won't tire our ears. I believe that the australian screamo scene is excited about their first online release, since the hype we have for this kind of fusion of emoviolence and soft dark melodical sh*t is literally huge at the moment.
But let's talk about important things: spring is coming and I really needed to feel a good groove of blast beats and musical hiccups with 500 bpms, lots of cymbals and two-minute songs without taking a breath - for this reason, I can't choose my favorite song(s) of this EP – and all the details going on here leave me reflecting on how good emoviolence (when it's well thought out and experimented) is. We do get to hear a lot of rhythm sections that, although chaotically undispersed, are so creative as well as riffs. And it's all so well done that we can actually groove with 6, 5 and 3 stroke bars. The song minks two by two is distinctively unexpected as a start of a set. It's harmonically anxious and simple at the same time, with no breaks and a gripping ending; daylight crept in through the bandages is an unrecognizable, electronically changed, sadistic and unmusical excerpt (wtf but I love it and for some reason it makes sense); in the third one, life on the cutting room floor, the connection of the bass to the guitar right at the beginning and some rhythmic characteristics that give the drums a hand, gives me some soft flashbacks of the hardcore pits (maybe that's why it's the most listened to); in the next one, horse, I see a lot of potential for crying and hitting people at concerts at the same time, and you can really see here that the band's ‘emoviolencing’ is perfect when it comes to the coherence of the riffs and the adjustment of the musical layers; the same goes for the song that closes the EP right after, when it’s time, with a very clear and clean guitar. I wasn't expecting it at all and I'm pleased.
In 2022 they released a cover for a Spotify compilation of various artists from the emerging scene of different places, genres and extremely different musical worlds. In the midst of so much instrumental, so much indie, quiet singings, acoustic and sympathetic sounds, we have the song The Ghost In My Eye, cover of the great Blind Girls, that doesn't even appear on Hanoi Traffic’s artist profile on the platform automatically. We can already recognize anyway the authenticity of the band here as a first impression, always with many influences and evident elements of other great bands such as Flowers for Emily, Nuvolascura, Youth Funeral, Othiel, and others. But the big start publicly is now, and we have to start actively controlling the news they put out on social media, because they have a lot ahead of them and the audience is still mostly australian.
The recordings were made at Underground Audio (Australia) and mixed at Dead Air (US). The cassettes were incredibly and artistically designed by the renowned BSDZ - skramazon (Japan) - I highly recommend taking a look into the IG profile @bsdj_label - and Gizzmoix (Europe), and the CDs by Sore Horse (Australia).
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Blog Tour & Arc Review: The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies by Alison Goodman
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Publication Date: May 30, 2023
Welcome to the Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies book tour with Berkley Publishing Group. (This blog tour post is also posted on my Wordpress book review blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
A high society amateur detective at the heart of Regency London uses her wits and invisibility as an ‘old maid’ to protect other women in a new and fiercely feminist historical mystery series from New York Times bestselling author Alison Goodman. Lady Augusta Colebrook, “Gus,” is determinedly unmarried, bored by society life, and tired of being dismissed at the age of forty-two. She and her twin sister, Julia, who is grieving her dead betrothed, need a distraction. One soon presents to rescue their friend’s goddaughter, Caroline, from her violent husband.   The sisters set out to Caroline’s country estate with a plan, but their carriage is accosted by a highwayman. In the scuffle, Gus accidentally shoots and injures the ruffian, only to discover he is Lord Evan Belford, an acquaintance from their past who was charged with murder and exiled to Australia twenty years ago. What follows is a high adventure full of danger, clever improvisation, heart-racing near misses, and a little help from a revived and rather charming Lord Evan. Back in London, Gus can’t stop thinking about her unlikely (not to mention handsome) comrade-in-arms. She is convinced Lord Evan was falsely accused of murder, and she is going to prove it. She persuades Julia to join her in a quest to help Lord Evan, and others in need—society be damned! And so begins the beguiling secret life and adventures of the Colebrook twins.
Author Bio:
Alison Goodman is the New York Times bestselling author of Eon and Eona and The Dark Days Club series. Learn more online at www.alisongoodman.com.au/
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Author photo credit: Tania Jovanovic
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review, Favorite Quotes, and Non-Exclusive Excerpt below the cut.
My Review:
This was utterly delightful. I love a good regency adventure, especially with a feminist bent and a woman who defies societal norms to solve crimes and right wrongs. What I did not realize I was missing, however, was for said society-norm-defying-women to be a pair of 42-year-old spinster sisters. It was delicious. I was immediately struck, upon starting, with how familiar the storytelling felt and how appropriate it seemed for someone setting out to solve mysteries. It reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes stories with the first-person narration of Dr. Watson. In this case we have the first-person narration of Lady Augusta Colebrook, using a similar dry and slightly amused tone. It also reminds me of the narration of the Enola Holmes novels (which are likely based on those about Sherlock). I like that the mysteries Lady Augusta elects to solve and the crimes she seeks to address all involve women being wronged, from the initial retrieval of a packet of incriminating letters to the final adventure of rescuing the inhabitants of a brutal madhouse. Each is a step farther along the path and take her a step away from the 'neither seen nor heard' proper lady her brother wishes to force her to be. Her relationship with her sister was wonderful (despite the less-than-likely entire conversations held entirely in gestures -- alongside the multi-sentence exchanges those gestures are purported to represent). Lady Julia is suffering from breast cancer (a disease which killed their mother and aunt) and is much more concerned with propriety than her sister, but she gamely shows up for Gus again and again, lending her skills to their rescue attempts and occasionally threatening the villains at gunpoint. The love and trust between the sisters really shines. The disgraced Lord Evan - escaped convict, horse thief, and charming rogue - makes a wonderful partner in crime for Gus and it quickly becomes clear that he is her perfect match. I loved seeing them work together from the beginning and how their schemes grew more complicated each time but often relied on standing together and winging it moment to moment. The villains in this are truly villainous and the misogyny and brutality against women of all ages and statuses are hard to stomach. From brothel to madhouse, the many, many ways that men have invented to be cruel to women are on display. It is hard to read in places and each encounter stokes Gus' (and the reader's) righteous fury. Things worked out just a little too easily in some of the later more complicated schemes, but never enough that it took me out of the story. I'm glad that Julia gets a love interest by the end and doesn't have to sink back into mourning for her deceased fiance forever, and greatly enjoyed how that happened and how Julia seems much more in control of the situation. I can't wait for more of Gus and Julia and Lord Evan and Kent. It's clear by the end of this that their story is only beginning which makes me very happy what with how much I enjoyed this one. *Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
“Is he truly senseless? Can we be sure?” It occurred to me that I had been checking people’s vitals far too often in the past few hours.
“So, finis,” I said as the front door closed. “Not at all,” Julia said. “He will be back.” “What makes you think that?” She smiled. “Because he did not need to come this time.”
Non-Exclusive Excerpt:
"We should have worn half boots," I said. "I can feel every pebble through my slippers." "One cannot wear half boots with full dress," Julia said firmly. "Even in circumstances of duress." I stifled a smile. My sister's sense of style and occasion was always impeccable, and rather too easy to poke. Julia glanced sideways at me. "Oh, very funny. Next you'll be suggesting we wear unmentionables." "If only we could," I said. "Breeches would be far more convenient than silk gowns." "How would you know?" Julia demanded. "Heavens, Gus, you haven't actually donned Father's clothing, have you?" She knew I had kept some of our father's clothes after his death; he and I had been much the same height and wiry build. By all rights, the clothes belonged to our brother on his succession to the title-as all our father's property did-but I had taken them, anyway. A connection to him and a memento mori of sorts. "Of course not. I am only surmising." Julia settled back against my arm. "To even try them would be ghoulish." She nudged me gently and angled her sweet smile up at me. "Even so, you would look rather dashing in, say, a hussars uniform. You have the commanding height for it, and the gold trim would match your hair." I snorted. Julia was, as ever, being too loyal. My brown hair did not even approach gold-in fact, it now had streaks of silver-and my five foot nine inches had so far in my life proved to be more awkward than commanding. She, on the other hand, had been blessed with the Colebrook chestnut hair, as yet untouched by age, and stood at a more dainty five foot two inches. When we were children I had once cried because we were not identical. Our father had taken me aside and told me that he found such duplications unsettling and he was well satisfied with his two mismatched girls. He had been a good father and a better man. Yet in the eyes of society, his sordid death atop a rookery whore five years ago had become the sum of him. It had nearly tainted my sister and me, too, for I had recklessly gone to the hovel to retrieve my father-I could not bear to think of his body gawped at by the masses, or as a source of their sport. As fate would have it, I was seen at the brothel. An unmarried woman of breeding should not even know about such places, let alone debase herself by entering one and speaking to the inhabitants. I became the latest on-dit and it was only the staunch support of our most influential friends that silenced the scandalmongers and returned us to the invitation lists. A small group of middlings-the women with shawls clasped over dimity gowns and the men in belcher neckerchiefs and sober wools-clustered around a singer at the side of the path. The woman's plaintive ballad turned Julia's head as we passed. "'The Fairy Song,'" she said. "One of Robert's favorites." I quickened our pace past the memory; fate seemed to be conspiring against me. We attracted a few glances as we walked toward the gloomy entrance to the Dark Walk, mainly from women on the arms of their spouses, their thoughts in the tight pinch of their mouths. "Maybe we should have brought Samuel and Albert," Julia whispered. She had seen the matronly judgment too. "Charlotte does not want our footmen knowing her business," I said. "Besides, we are not quivering girls in our first season. We do not need to be chaperoned all the time." "Do you remember the code we girls made up to warn each other about the men in our circle?" Julia asked. "The code based on these gardens." "Vaguely." I searched my memory. "Let me see: a Grand Walk was a pompous bore, a Supper Box was a fortune hunter . . ." "And a Dark Walk was the reddest of red flags," Julia said. "Totally untrustworthy, never be alone with him. It was based on all those awful attacks that happened in the Dark Walk at the time. Do you recall?" I did-respectable young girls pulled off the path and assaulted in the worst way. "That was more than twenty years ago, my dear. We are women of forty-two now, well able to look after ourselves." "That is not what Duffy would say."
Indeed, our brother, the Earl of Duffield, would be horrified to know we had gone to Vauxhall Gardens on our own, let alone braved the lewd reputation of the Dark Walk. "Duffy would have us forever hunched over embroidery or taking tea with every mama who saw her daughter as the new Lady Duffield." "True," Julia said, "but you are so vehement only because you know this is beyond the pale. Not to mention dangerous." I did not meet her eye. My sister knew me too well. "Well, we are here, anyway," I said, indicating the Dark Walk to our right. Huge gnarly oaks lined either side of the path, their overhanging branches almost meeting in the middle to make a shadowy tunnel of foliage. One lamp lit the entrance but I could see no other light farther along the path. Nor any other person. "It lives up to its name," Julia said. We both considered its impenetrable depths. "Should we do as Duffy would want and turn back?" I asked. "I'd rather wear dimity to the opera," Julia said and pulled me onward. I knew my sister just as well as she knew me.
Excerpted from The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies by Alison Goodman Copyright © 2023 by Alison Goodman. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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cozyletters · 11 months
Snail Mail Wanted
|| ~ Millennial Bookworm & Fangirl ~ || I thought I'd try Tumblr because IG penpal community seems too intimidating. Everyone has such gorgeous letters and I am one very tired millennial who doesn't have time for artistic and scrapbooky-like envelopes and letters. In saying that, however, I do enjoy writing 10 page letters of anything and everything and nothing all in one. The type of letter where, as soon as you see my letter arrive in the mail, you know to put a cup of tea on and get settled in... and it's like I'm there talking your ear off. (Which is hilarious because I'm a massive introvert who doesn't do that in real life. Unless I'm comfortable enough in your presence and you'll get that crackhead goblin energy from me). I do want to say that I would prefer writing with someone between the ages of 23 - 35. I feel like that's a good age bracket to vibe with, as I certainly don't act my age. So if you're expecting a wise, old woman. That ain't me. Wise? No. Old? ...well being 30 does feel old. Obviously I want to state that: Please do not expect fancy letters, or scrapbook-y decorated letters. I don't have the time or budget to maintain that. I just miss simple, long(ish) handwritten letters. That's it. With the added surprise of a few photos sometimes. Whilst I live comfortably, I am still someone on a budget, so sending parcels is just not doable for me, so if that's also what you're expecting...please find someone else. I would love, love, LOVE to be able to send Parcels but it's just not financially feasible. Alright... Now that we kinda know what to expect from my side of things... onto the daunting 'About Me' section! Hi. My Name is Charlotte. I am 30 years old, from Australia. I am a massive fangirl who jumps fandoms every six months or so but circles back to old fandoms too. I have 3 or 4 Tumblr Blogs floating around dedicated to Fanfiction etc for specific fandoms. I love reading! I have my own lil IG bookstagram account. But it's more to keep myself accountable for actually reading, rather than giving forth my opinion/review and annotating stuff (I don't know how to annotate). I've gotten back into reading after losing out on that long-lost hobby of many years ago. I am a creator of characters. I create and write OCs alongside my friend. 'Roleplay', it's called. But in written form. I love to play video games but I totally suck at them. However, it doesn't stop me from playing. I've also been wanting to get back into Animal Crossing to redo my Island but it feels too overwhelming to do that XD I used to do snail mail before Covid but...y'know...Covid happened and life got turned upside down for everyone. And then, I guess, 2023 became that 'healing back-to-normal' phase. So I guess...as we enter 2024, I think I'd like to have a penpal or two. I don't want to be part of anyone's collections. If you have five penpals already, please don't add me to the list. I'd like one or two because it feels like we're building a meaningful friendship, and I'd 100% like that. I would love to find a penpal from Scotland and Greece, but that's also not a necessary requirement. Anywhere is fine! Erm... I don't know what else to write? If I write too much about me, I'll have nothing left to write in letters. If I write too little here...I'll sound boring as hecc! (Which I am, but that's beside the point). OH! I guess...one thing I do enjoy collecting is coin from other countries. So... y'know...Ka-ching! but with coins. Not notes. I know life is expensive. I couldn't send a $10 note to you because... that $10 could be used! Um...What I'm currently into? Hobby-wise: Books! I do play D&D (Dungeons & Dragons). I am into Formula 1, I love my racing boys and have created my own F1 world with my friend (OCs!). I'm also into Band of Brothers, Generation Kill, Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick. I vibe with those things right now. Okay. I'll stop talking because I don't know how to make myself sound interesting. You can message me here or email at [email protected]
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: December 8, 2003
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
And you still have all of me
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me, I've been alone, I'm alone
When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
You still have all of me ah, me ah, me ah
Amy Lee / Ben Moody / David Hodges
"My Immortal" is a song from the debut studio album, 'Fallen' (2003). It was released by Wind-up Records on December 8, 2003, as the third single from the album. An alternative version appears on the band's fourth studio album Synthesis (2017). The song was written by singer and pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody when they were 15 and 16, respectively. Various versions of "My Immortal" were recorded, with the earliest in 1997. The version recorded for Evanescence's demo CD Origin (2000) was used on Fallen by the label against Lee's wishes, featuring Lee's demo vocals, a MIDI keyboard, and strings added during the production of Fallen. The song's single release used the re-recording Lee and Moody made for Fallen, dubbed the "band version", featuring a full band's performance after the bridge along with a new string arrangement by David Campbell.
"My Immortal" is a piano power ballad, with fictional lyrics about a lingering spirit that haunts someone. The song received generally positive reviews. It was commercially successful, peaking within the top ten in over 10 countries. It charted at number seven on the US Billboard Hot 100 and topped the charts in Canada, Greece and Portugal, as well as on the Billboard Adult Pop Songs chart. The single was certified gold in the US and platinum in Australia. In 2005, it received a nomination for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals at the 47th Grammy Awards. An accompanying music video directed by David Mould was filmed in black-and-white in Gothic Quarter, Barcelona. The video was nominated for the MTV Video Music Award for Best Rock Video.
The earliest known demo of "My Immortal" was recorded in 1997, which solely featured Lee's vocals and piano and slightly different lyrics. The song was intended to be included on the band's self-titled EP but was cut before it was released. In 2000, the song was re-recorded for the band's demo album, Origin, which contains the bridge added by Lee.[2] A version of the song is also featured on the band's 2003 EP, Mystary.
Lee later said she also dislikes it because she "sounds like a little kid" and the album version does not use David Campbell's orchestration. Moody is credited on the album with producing the song, while on the single's CD Dave Fortman and Moody are credited with production on both the album version and band version of the song. The added strings on the album version were arranged by Graeme Revell for the Daredevil soundtrack.
The bandmembers had recorded a demo of "My Immortal" at the radio station where Lee's father worked after it was empty late at night; this recording, comprising a MIDI keyboard and Lee's demo vocal performance as a teen, is the version used on Fallen per the label's demand, to Lee's displeasure. Lee stated:
"It's really hard for me to listen to the album version because we did it two years ago — it was just me and guitarist Ben, and I've grown so much as a performer since then … It's not even a real piano. And the sound quality is bad because we had to break into the studio to record it late at night when no one was around because we couldn't afford a real session."
When "My Immortal" became a single, Lee and Moody chose the recording they had made for Fallen that the label originally rejected. This recording is dubbed the "band version", featuring a full band performance after the bridge and during the final chorus of the song, as well as Campbell's orchestration. It is the version used on the song's music video and for radio. The later pressings of Fallen contain the single version (or "band version") of "My Immortal" as a hidden track.
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The annual pre-show quick-fire "reviews"
Guess who procrastinated for a month and a half on this post!
Albania An Albanian song starting with a woman going "AaAaAAaaaAAAAA"? Groundbreaking. Duje is a very run-of-the-mill Albanian folk power ballad and at this point, I'm kinda tired of these.
Armenia Music good, lyrics clunky.
Australia It is, dare I say, alright.
Austria A song that everyone thought is gonna be a musical shitpost turned out to be an absolute fucking banger, god bless.
Azerbaijan I'm not sure whether I actually like it a bit or it's just me being happy that Azerbaijan has finally let local artists write their song. Now wait until the twins flop and Azerbaijan goes back to swedes-for-hire next year.
Belgium It's fine.
Croatia Is it weird that I don't have much to say about a song like this? Mama ŠČ is shocking the first time you experience it, and I do like the layers of interpretation, but it's not something I want to return to after a couple listens.
Cyprus Imagine Dragons-ass production, ugh.
Czech Republic It's pretty good but I can't fully enjoy it because of the fucking controversy. Look, I think that the girls had the best intentions in mind when writing My Sister's Crown but didn't realize that singing about Slavic unity and "choose love over power" while having a russian member might come off as problematic. Classic ignorance over malice. Still, I wish they had someone Ukrainian-speaking in the band, at least temporarily for ESC.
Denmark This type of "uwu cute softboy" music is not my thing, but eh, it's fine, I'll let zoomer kids have this one.
Estonia Well someone had to fill the ballad quota this year.
Finland It's crazy, it's party, I'm going to throw hands if it doesn't win the televote.
France Fulenn flopped so now we're back to being aggressively French. Evidemment is a bop, I like it.
Georgia It feels like they had a song that made sense in Georgian and then asked a third-grader to translate it. I'm not opposed to silly lyrics in general, but Echo is clearly trying to be meaningful but then fails at basic english grammar.
Germany "We have Rammstein at home". Blood and Glitter is fine but, I dunno, it feels a bit too "smoothed out". It just doesn't go hard enough (bold words from a Slovenia stan, I know).
Greece The most remarkable thing about this entry for me is that I've been watching Eurovision for longer than Victor has been alive.
Iceland Wish Diljá stuck with the Icelandic version.
Ireland I didn't mind We Are One at first but with every listen it just kept getting worse. This is such a formulaic, cliche, cheesy love-love-peace-peace wet napkin of a song. I've already complained about Portion Boys making a generic "eurovision unity anthem" for UMK but at least they tried to be funny. This one feels like a lazy attempt to game the system WITHOUT KNOWING HOW THAT SYSTEM ACTUALLY WORKS.
Israel My god, so much hype before the song's release and we got this? There are so many parts in this song but somehow forgot to put in a proper chorus, it's like Sekret all over again.
Italy L'essenziale is the one Italian ESC song that I always forget about. And now Due Vite is bound to join it. Eh, at least my mom loves it.
Latvia Didn't care about it when the Supernova songs first dropped, but now I'm vibing with it so much.
Lithuania It's okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The "Čiūto tūto"s saved it from being totally forgettable.
Malta Somehow they've managed to find a half-decent song in the pile of garbage that was MESC. It's alright but I wish that I liked it more.
Moldova So "token pagan rave song of the year" is a thing now, huh? Glad to see Pasha's back.
The Netherlands It starts off really boring, but picks up around the second verse and becomes pretty good by the end.
Norway I think I like it but for some reason, my brain doesn't register it as a song??? It's hard to explain, but I don't see Queen of Kings as something you would listen to without some kind of visuals.
Poland Ughhhh. It's basically impossible to judge Solo on its own merit, but I'll try. And my impartial judgment is: I don't like it. Rigged selection or not, I just hate this kind of songs in general.
Portugal One of those songs that I like a lot but don't have anything specific to say about.
Romania The song's okay, and the vocals are good, but the staging is just beyond tacky. Dude, you can't pull off this type of cool, sexy image while looking like a wimpy history major freshman who barely ever shows up to class.
San Marino ... I'm a Piqued Jacks apologist now. Yeah, the lyrics are cringe, but the music? I enjoy it absolutely unironically.
Serbia "I just wanna close my eyes And just get it over with"
Yeah, dude, me too. The most relatable song of the year.
Slovenia I've jumped on the Joker Out hype train as soon as they were announced as Slovenia's participants and I'm riding that train all the way to Liverpool. Favorite song of the year.
Spain Hey, spaniards have finally gotten an artsy song about motherhood as their ESC entry! I have similar feelings about Eaea as I did about In Corpore Sano last year: absolutely mesmerizing on stage, but not something I would listen to casually.
Sweden She's gonna win, ain't she? I mean, Tattoo is fine, and the staging elevates it immensely, but it's such a predictable winner. I want more INTRIGUE, okay?
Switzerland Oh wow, boring AND tone-deaf? Switzerland is breaking new ground this year. I initially placed Watergun 31st but since then it sunk to the very bottom. Like, someone wrote this song, sat on it for several years, and decided that NOW is the best time to send it to Eurovision. Nothing against Remo, but "war bad, i don't want to go to war :c" is uhhh, rich coming from someone living in fucking Switzerland.
Ukraine I can't shake the thought that they first came up with a standard "I'm so cool, you can't hurt me, idgaf" song and then retroactively tried to give it a deeper meaning.
United Kingdom I don't even think it's a bad song and yet I lowkey hate it. It's the beat, it's driving me nuts for some reason. People hate the spoken word part, but I like it because you don't hear that bloody "dun-da-da-dun" for once.
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cmmssuccess · 2 years
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Exploring the possibility of offering solutions to your boss as well as problems.
In Australia, the only thing better than complaining is finding a way to include as much swearing as possible in the description of that complaint when we're tossing it around behind the boss's back.
A good solid complaint with an appropriate mix of F's and C's in the content is a uniquely Australian form of communication that brings Aussie workers together and stimulates a sense of togetherness between individuals that really enjoy stirring the pot.   Typically, the more swearing, hand gestures, and facial expressions involved, the more traction that complaint receives in the lunch room, on a golf course or at the pub.
Naturally, when these same people complain to their boss, the tone of their complaint is dramatically reduced in order to avoid being fired.
The problem is though; we whine and moan about everything at work so much that verbally communicating these issues is now a mostly ineffective way to get any positive change implemented and the current process is tiring our managers out.
In addition, managers are tired of feeling as though their ears are burning around the time of happy hour at the local pub every evening.
I’m glad to be able to introduce a new way of initiating, reviewing, planning, approving, scheduling and executing every single complaint that any Australian worker may have and it’s all done on a computer.  
This new revolutionary computer method can accept what you have to offer as a solution as well as your problem.
How crazy does that sound?
To learn more about this utter ludicrousness, visit: https://www.cmmssuccess.com/your-boss-needs-solutions-not-problems/
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cathygeha · 2 years
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The Marauder’s Mistress by Tabetha Waite
Wanton Wastrels #2
 Riveting read that drew me in and kept my interest from beginning to end!
 What I liked:
* Constance: survivor, spent years as a courtesan, business savvy, trust issues, wants more, self-reliant, drawn to Devin
* Devin: survivor, lived on the streets, ex-convict returned from penal colony in Australia, smitten by Constance
* Luke: good friend, difficult backstory, pseudo-father to Devin
* That it was believable
* That the characters were not upper class but classier than many in the upper echelons
* The friends Constance had
* Drennan: owner of gaming hell that Constance once co-owned, in debt, intriguing and would like to see him in a book of his own…perhaps Brutus and even Luke, too
* The way the story ended…put a smile on my face
* That I cared about the outcome and was happy that the bad guys received their comeuppance
* All of it really except…
 What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like: Granville and Isaacson and their cohorts
* Thinking about life in this era and the big discrepancy between the haves and have-nots
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series/by this author? Definitely
 Thank you to BookSirens and the author for the Book – This is my honest review.
 5 Stars
 Constance Freewater has lived almost two decades of her life as a celebrated courtesan known as Madame Corressa—a woman always living on the edge. As she approaches her fortieth birthday, she realizes that what used to be a fulfilling existence no longer holds any excitement for her. She’s tired of the empty sort of temporary passion that used to be enough. When she crosses paths with a mysterious gentleman who becomes intent on pursuing her, she is inexplicably drawn to him. But when circumstances alter their fate, she has to decide if she is prepared to be his mistress—or nothing at all. Devin Blackmore had a hard life. Growing up with drunkards, scoundrels, and pickpockets on London’s city streets was a normal way of life. But one mistake was all it took for him to learn a harsh lesson. After spending five years in a penal colony, he returns to England determined not to succumb to his old ways. However, he never intended to meet such an enchanting woman as Constance, nor believe that she could make him a better man. But when a late-night attack leaves him fighting for his life, he realizes that he can’t escape his past. He doesn’t want to drag Constance into mire with him, but he finds out she’s not easily intimidated. As hearts become entangled, they have to decide if what they feel for each other runs deeper than the demons of their past. Or is love even possible for these two, broken souls?
Kindle Edition
Published February 14, 2022
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What are the best electric kick scooters that you can buy for an adult?
Are you looking for the best electric kick scooters? Are you wondering where to buy an adult electric kick scooter? We have done the hard work of finding the best and we are pleased to offer you these fantastic electric scooters. These are some of the top brands in Australia, so you can be sure that your purchase through us is going to give you incredible value for money.
NIU Mobility, the leading provider of Electric Kick Scooter for adults, is proud to present its new KQI 2 Pro & KQI 3 Pro,Sport. NIU Mobility is one of the top brands in the industry offering a wide range of products like: electric scooters and kick scooters.
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Whether you're a kid or an adult, there's an NIU electric kick scooter for Everyone.
1.NIU KQi2 Pro Electric Kick Scooter:
If you're looking for an electric kick scooter then NIU KQi2 Pro Electric Kick Scooter is the brand that you should look at. There are so many benefits with this electric scooter and these include the ability for you to get around by yourself and at the same time enjoy a great deal of freedom, as well as being able to relax completely with your friends and family.
Niu-Mobility is the first and only company in the world to sell a pure electric scooter with an exchangeable battery. The Niu-KQI2 Pro has a 25km/h and 40 km range on a single charge at just $1,249.95.
2.NIU KQi3 Pro Electric Kick Scooter:
NIU KQI 3 Pro has amazing features and functionalities, ranging from 50 km (under ideal conditions) to 25km/h.Top Speed, and a Lithium-ion Battery capacity of 486Wh. It weighs 21kg dry.
NIU Mobility KQi3 Pro Electric Kick Scooters For Adults, Range up to 50 km/charge, Battery 486Wh, Top speeds 25 km/h, Triple-Braking System, Front & rear disc brake and Rear regenerative braking – The NIU Mobility KQi3 Pro Electric Kick Scooters For Adults is one of the most popular brands of electric scooter in Australia today. This product comes with a full range of features including Bluetooth connectivity as well as other useful features like cruise control and lock mode which allows users to secure their scooter while they’re not using it. This model comes with a top speed of 25 km/h so it can be used by both adults and children alike. It weighs only 11 kgs so it’s easy enough.
3.NIU KQi3 Sport Electric Kick Scooter:
The NIU KQi3 Sport Electric Scooter is a high-performance e-scooter that offers a range of up to 40km and speeds up to 25 km/h. With an innovative battery system, the NIU KQi3 Sport Electric Scooter is equipped with a 365Wh battery, which allows you to ride for up to 40km on one charge.
The NIU KQi3 Sport Electric Scooter has two modes: a Cruise Control mode for easy riding, and Regenerative Braking mode for more leisurely riding. The Regenerative Braking system can save up to 90% of your energy when braking at steady speeds.
The NIU KQi3 Sport Electric Scooter comes with a variety of safety features such as front and rear lights and high-powered halogen headlights and brake lights. The rear light will flash red when the brake pad is applied, while the headlights will flash yellow when the brakes are applied at low speeds or are turned on in cruise control mode.
4.NIU KQi3 Max Electric Kick Scooter:
The NIU KQi3 Max has a range up to 65 km (40 miles) per charge with its powerful 9.5″ x 2.5″ (250mm x 60mm) self-healing tubeless tires with excellent shock absorption. The NIU KQi3 Max Electric Kick Scooter has a range of up to 65 km per charge and a top speed of 25 km/h. It also has an excellent battery life, which means you won’t have to worry about recharging it often.
The NIU KQi3 Max comes in two color options: Space Gray & Diamond Blue It also comes with Triple-Braking System which allows for an increased stopping distance, Front & rear disc brake and Rear regenerative braking which slows down the scooter when it senses that you have come to a stop or when your foot.
NIU Kick Scooters are reviewed by real people.
The world's first and only electric kick scooter for adults - a carefree, eco-friendly alternative to cars
2 million+ riders across the globe are enjoying a greener commute with NIU
You can ride anywhere you want without worrying about fuel costs or traffic jams, and tackle hills like they're flat.
There are four deciding factors when choosing the best electric scooter for your commute: comfort, power, safety, and convenience.
top music playlists for scooter riding, dancing when nobody is looking, or just chilling out, look no further than NIU Tunes.
 KQi reviews from tech YouTubers, social media personalities, and media outlets here on this page.
Globally, NIU Mobility is available in 50 countries.
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Show your love for dachshunds with our funny spare tire cover featuring a dachshund on a sunflower. Durable, stylish, and easy to install! Adorable Dachshund on Sunflower Tire Cover Celebrate Your Love for Dachshunds Show off your passion for your furry friend with the Dachshund Mom Funny Spare Tire Cover. Featuring an adorable dachshund lounging on a vibrant sunflower, this cover is a perfect blend of humor and affection. It’s more than just a tire cover; it’s a statement of love for your pet that will bring a smile to everyone who sees it. Ideal for any dachshund enthusiast, this accessory adds a personal touch to your vehicle while showcasing your unique personality. Durable Design for Every Adventure Crafted from high-quality, weather-resistant materials, this spare tire cover is designed to withstand the elements while keeping your spare tire protected. Its durable construction ensures that it remains vibrant and intact, no matter where your adventures take you. Whether you’re cruising around town or hitting the open road, this tire cover will keep your spare tire safe and stylish, making it a must-have for every dachshund mom. Easy Installation for Hassle-Free Use The Dachshund Mom Funny Spare Tire Cover is designed for convenience, featuring an elasticized back that fits various tire sizes securely. Installation is quick and effortless, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your journeys with your beloved pet. This functional yet fun accessory is perfect for any vehicle, including the Rav4, making it an essential addition for dog lovers on the go. Product Detail For Dachshund Mom Funny Spare Tire Cover, Dachshund On Sunflower, Rav4 Spare Wheel Cover rproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China An African Victory Menelik II Battle Of Adwa Spare Tire Cover, Rav4 Spare Tire Cover Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices. Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve. *IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND* There may be a slight variation in the hues you see on your screen and the actual colors of the product, due to the discrepancy between digital and printed color tones.
This product is custom-made, so we kindly ask you to verify the size, color, and other specific requirements to ensure your utmost satisfaction with your purchase! You are given a 12-hour window for any cancellations post-purchase. Beyond this period, our production process commences, and it becomes impractical to halt once initiated. Ensure your SPARETIREDEPOT address is accurate and comprehensive. Once the order processing begins, we might not be able to accommodate changes to the shipping address. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to reach out to us if you have any queries! [thien_display_attachment_images] Care instructions: Machine washable. Better wash with cold water. Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/ Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/
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focusrvgroupaus · 1 month
Boost Your Caravan's Performance: Premium Parts Available in Melbourne
Caravan enthusiasts in Melbourne know that keeping their vehicle in top condition is essential for a smooth and enjoyable journey. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure, the performance of your caravan plays a crucial role in your overall experience. One of the best ways to enhance your caravan's performance is by investing in premium parts. Here’s a look at why these top-quality components are worth the investment and where you can find them in Melbourne.
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Why Premium Parts Matter
When it comes to caravans, not all parts are created equal. Premium parts are designed with durability, efficiency, and performance in mind. They are made from high-quality materials and are often tested under rigorous conditions to ensure they can withstand the demands of long trips and varying terrains.
Enhanced Durability: Premium parts are built to last. They are less likely to fail under pressure, meaning fewer breakdowns and repairs, which translates to more time enjoying your travels.
Improved Efficiency: Upgrading to premium components can improve fuel efficiency, reduce wear and tear on other parts of your caravan, and offer better overall performance.
Increased Safety: High-quality parts contribute to a safer journey by ensuring that your caravan operates smoothly, with reliable braking systems, secure hitches, and sturdy tires.
Key Premium Parts to Consider
Here are some of the top caravan parts that can make a significant difference in your vehicle’s performance:
Suspension Systems: A premium suspension system can dramatically improve your caravan's handling and comfort. It absorbs shocks better, ensuring a smoother ride on rough roads.
Tires: Investing in high-quality, durable tires is crucial for both safety and performance. Look for tires that are designed specifically for caravans, offering better grip, load capacity, and longevity.
Braking Systems: Upgrading to a superior braking system can make a significant difference in your caravan's safety. Premium brake pads, discs, and drums provide better stopping power and are less prone to wear.
Towing Equipment: High-quality towing equipment, including hitches, tow bars, and sway control systems, ensures that your caravan remains stable and secure while on the road.
Electrical Systems: From reliable batteries to efficient solar panels, upgrading your caravan's electrical system can enhance your off-grid capabilities and overall convenience.
Where to Find Premium Caravan Parts in Melbourne
Melbourne is home to several reputable suppliers offering a wide range of premium caravan parts. When choosing a supplier, consider factors such as product range, customer reviews, and after-sales support. Some well-known suppliers in Melbourne include:
Focus RV Group: Known for their extensive selection of caravan parts and accessories, Focus RV Group offers high-quality products and expert advice to help you find the right components for your needs.
Caravan Parts Australia: Specializing in top-tier caravan parts, this supplier provides everything from suspension systems to electrical components, ensuring you can keep your caravan in peak condition.
Melbourne Caravan Repairs: Offering both parts and repair services, this business is a one-stop shop for caravan owners looking to upgrade or maintain their vehicles.
Final Thoughts
Upgrading your caravan with premium parts is an investment in both performance and peace of mind. Whether you’re preparing for a long journey or simply want to ensure your caravan is in the best possible condition, choosing high-quality components is the way to go. With the right parts, your caravan will not only perform better but also offer a safer and more enjoyable travel experience.
If you’re in Caravan Parts Melbourne and looking to enhance your performance, explore the premium parts available at local suppliers. Your next adventure could be smoother and more exciting than ever before!
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