#tis just a prank bro
waokevale · 9 months
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Lamb does an 'adoption' prank on the twins to see their reaction (GONE WRONG!: They almost murder them ❤️)
I'm sorry, that I haven't been posting much, I'm experiencing a little bit of a burnout and had less motivation to draw stuff but I'll be getting back with more content soon, so dw!
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
Saya want know how Qasim look,are you have proposal?(≡・x・≡)
(pics below) Qasim, the brother, is older than reader by 5 years. He has chocolate brown hair, thick messy locks, and green eyes. He's gifted with eiditic/photographic memory which made him excel in school and he obviously had a high IQ as well. Doesnt mean reader thinks he's intelligent. Sure, Qasim is book smart, but he's not- street smart. Y/n has been the one to often make him realise that his friends were taking advantage of him by making him do their homework, or that they were laughing at him not with him because of his intellect. But reader chalks it up to his sweet nature, her goody-two-shoes of a brother who was hafidh (memorised the Quran) would always be the forgiving person. Its not that he was a pushover, he just... preferred to be the bigger person. Always. He'd chuckle and ruffle your hair "so what if I cleaned up their mess? it only took me 5 minutes and the job was done. Its okay, Y/n." He's always so selfless. You used to worry that he'd get hurt because he's too kind, you used to think he couldnt stand up for himself because he just didnt know when to- but no. Qasim was quite protective over you. When he saw you trying to tackle one of his so-called bullies, the boy towering over you (but you dont consider the height advantage, not when youre a raging kitten), Qasim stepped in and landed a single punch that knocked him down. (then big bro had to spend the rest of the day consoling u because you made him fight someone- and in ur head, that was the biggest sin u made him commit).
Qasim in Arabic means "the generous one" or "the one who shares", and being the older bro, he took his name quite literally. You were the younger sibling, the spoiled brat, the princess! But Qasim never had any problems with sharing anything with you, be it materialistic things or advice or even knowledge. You memorised Quran by his help (because u were competitive) and he had the extraordinary patience of a saint. You two would often participate in competitions at the local mosque just to get the cash prize and help your parents a bit (they never took ur guys money, encouraging u to either save it or spend it on something). Since both of your parents worked long hours, you two were left unsupervised for a long time and that only meant genius yet chaotic shenanigans, including prank calls to the pentagon hq.
Qasim grew up to get a lot of full ride scholarships from top colleges, and once he did his masters (a STEM major), he decided to start his own travel agency, surprising everyone because it seemed like something he wouldnt do? Everyone expected him to go into sciences, but he said he liked to travel and see the world, and Qasim told you that he enjoys running his own business, being your own business.
You supposed it made sense because he was a polyglot and he did enjoy learning new things and seeing new places, their history, etc. Due to his job, he would be gone for long months at a time, but he never returned empty handed. His arms full of souvenirs and sweets and BOOKS! Its not that he bought them for u, no. He bought those books for himself, but once he read them- he's already memorised it and he doesnt have anymore space in his home for more books, so he's always dropping them by your place (as kids, u made him memorise the phonebook before hiding the entire neighbourhoods phone books and had people pay to use your brother's memory for contacts, which was a good business until your father busted it down).
Qasim is the softest, kindest, most generous person. Even though he has a busy schedule due to work, he always made time for you. Whenever he came by, especially during your finals season, not only did he help you study, but he would also stock up your fridge and made sure to do some maintenance around your house. Fridge not working? Qasim has the tools, and if you werent so tied up with studying, you wouldve freaked out over him disassembling your fridge like lego. Sink clogged? No need for the plumber, Qasim knows the right potion of chemicals to unclog it. He's always been the one to prefer to do things himself, by his hand rather than relying on help.
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what do u guys think???
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muscleloverz69 · 8 months
Jock Juice
Ned was very anxious about moving into his dorm. Without knowing anyone at the university he had no choice but to go random and as luck would have it the only spots left were in the athletes housing. Ned had no interest in sports and found jocks completely obnoxious. Being a nerdy gay man Ned tried his best to steer clear but now his hands were tied. When Ned walked into his room he was met by a total jock. 
Jack was well over 6 feet tall with a square jaw, biceps that stretched the sleeves of his tee and pants that left little to the imagination. Ned was embarrassed when he felt his dick twinge but he quickly ignored it. “Hey bro you must be the roomie, sup.” Jack extended a fist which Ned awkwardly bumped.
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Jack turned out to be not nearly as bad as Ned was anticipating. Actually he was pretty nice. He did come back really late from parties and his football gear was littered around the entire room but Ned enjoyed being able to watch Jack change from the corner of his eye. Ned was being driven crazy, staring at the bulging muscles and broad figure of his roommate.
One day as Jack pulled off his pants after a day of classes, he noticed Ned staring at his big bulge. “Hey dude it's ok to look, I’m actually gay too.”
Ned felt his face go red but his mind was reeling from the revelation. “Oh sorry-.” Jack interrupted, “Seriously dude it's fine honestly I’d be down to have some fun with you but you need to know something first.”
Ned couldn’t believe his ears, “You’d want to fuck me?”
“Yeah but dude the thing is I have a curse.”
Ned looked confused as Jack explained, “I used to be a nerd just like you but one day I fucked a jock and now I look like this.” Jack flexed one of his thick biceps.
“Now whenever someone comes in contact with my fluids they become a jock too, it doesn't matter what they looked like before, nerds, girls, old guys they all become jocks.”
Ned stared at his sexy roommate for a moment, he couldn’t be serious, this had to be some kind of prank but he didn’t care. Ned crossed the room and pulled Jack into a deep kiss. Ned laughed in his head for a minute before he felt a gentle fog fall on his brain. Jack pushed Ned off “Bruh I wasnt fucking with you, are you ok.”
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“Bro--I mean Jack, I feel fine I think. Whatever, I'm going to bed.” Ned wanted to die. He thought Jack was a nice guy. Why would he pull such a mean prank, although he had no idea why he called Jack bro.
The next morning Ned woke up earlier than usual. He looked himself down in the mirror, he looked the same. Since he woke up early though Ned decided he might as well do something productive and went over to the campus gym.
Ned got to the gym and quickly remembered he had no idea what he was doing. That’s when Jack came up to him, “Hey bro, sorry about last night I guess you’re into the gym now, need some help?”
“Uh sure that’d be cool dud--Jack thanks.”
The two guys worked out together for the next couple hours, after Jack handed Ned a towel and as he did his sweaty hand brushed into his roommates. Ned hardly took note but did feel very tired from the workout.
Ned and Jack walked to the showers together. Ned started rubbing his body down with soap as he noticed some muscle he didn’t remember having. Nowhere near as much as Jack but his shoulders did seem broader, his chest protruded out just a bit, and his abs were showing. As he continued soaping his body he noticed his dick. It was throbbing hard and not only that it looked larger than he ever remembered it. Ned was hit with an overwhelming burning lust. He furiously started jacking off in the shower before cumming all over the tile floor.
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Meanwhile Jack felt worried about Ned. He knew the kiss from the night before would result in some minor changes but as long as he was careful it didn’t have to go further unless he knew that’s what Ned wanted. Jack was torn though cute nerds like Ned were exactly his type and he wanted nothing more than to worship that thin nerdy body. 
Later that night Ned tried to study for his Calc exam but couldn’t remember anything. He was sure the questions must have been written wrong because nothing made sense. On top of that all he could think about was Jack’s body. He was losing his mind.
Ned stood up and faced Jack who was mindlessly scrolling on his phone. “Bro I need you inside me.” Jack met Ned’s start 
“You sure bro?”
Ned jumped on top of Jack quickly ripping off his pants revealing muscular thighs and an almost footlong dick. Jack yelped in surprise but couldn’t stop himself from letting Ned’s tongue slide down his shaft. Jack’s hips bucked as Ned got face fucked. Pre entered Nick’s mouth, causing his biceps to enlarge to 18 inches, his face sharpened into a chiseled look although Jack could hardly notice as Nick deepthroated his monster dick. 
Jack began moaning louder, gripping Nick’s enlarged muscular ass before cumming right down Nick’s throat. Nick swallowed load after load before rolling off to the side. Nick felt an even heavier fog descend on his brain. All he could think about was sports, working out and, bussy.
Nick got up and tried to put on his tee shirt which was now skin tight. “Dude that was fuckin sick!” Jack was still laying in bed disappointed. Jack stared at Nicks new thick cock and massive muscles uninterestedly. Jack was really only attracted to nerds.
Nick laughed “Bro I gotta find some other nerd to blow me.”
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weegee-simp69 · 1 year
Mr. L and Tickles
{fic inspired by this post by @coy-lee! I absolutely love the art they made of the bros and decided to write this!}
Luigi was feeling devious. Maybe it was wrong to do this to his brother considering what the outfit he’s about to put on may cause Mario major stress, but he hoped what he was going to do in the outfit would worry him less. Luigi put on the black shirt and pants, a green bandana around his neck, a mask on his eyes, and his green hat with a backwards L pin slapped over the regular L. He chuckled to himself as he pumped himself up for the prank.
Mario sat in the living room of the bro’s shared house watching tv completely unaware of what was about to happen.
“Hello, Mario..” Luigi- Mr. L said in a menacing voice.
Mario turned his head to behind the couch to the horrifying discovery. His brother had been taken over by his evil counterpart again.
He leapt up from the couch, “Luigi!?”
“Luigi’s not here anymore, only me! The better brother, and the superior brother! Especially superior to you..” Mr. L smirked. (Luigi tried not to laugh.)
“Get out of his head, now!”
“Oh, Mario.. I think you need to calm down a bit. Thankfully, I know just what to do!”
Mario backed away, not knowing what to do. He didn’t wanna hurt him or fight him. Mr. L walked towards Mario around the couch, hands behind his back.
“Luigi, listen, I know you’re in there, fight it please! Fight him! You’re stronger than him, you don’t have to do….. this?..” Mario’s voice faltered as he looked down to Mr. L’s hands.
He whipped them up from behind his back, and began wiggling his fingers, smiling. Mario backed up a bit quicker, completely confused. A blush rose in his cheeks from the motion.
“D-don’t take another step closer. I- I’m warning y-!”
Before Mario could finish that, Mr. L sped walked towards him, and his hands darted to Mario’s sides, scribbling them. Mario gasped, and tried to shove his hands away but they just kept coming back.
“W-WAIT- What are yohohou- you doing?!-” he felt a little smile form, but tried to keep his bubbling laughter down.
“Oh no.. what’s this? Is the hero of the mushroom kingdom a little.. ticklish?~” Mr. L teased.
“Nohoho- NO! I- I’m not! Q-quhihit that!” Mario giggled.
Try as he might, but somehow Mr. L was targeting his ticklish spots perfectly. Mario continued to try and get away, but he just kept following. Until Mario ended up hitting the wall. Then, L attacked.
He gently grabbed Mario away from the wall, turned them around, and pushed him to the ground by his shoulders. He quickly changed positions, grabbing Mario’s arms, pinning them above his head before sitting on them.
It all happened so fast, Mario barely had time to think about it.
“I’ve got you now, Mario!~” Mr. L teased.
“L- Lu! Think about what you’re doing! F-fight it, Luigi!” Mario pleaded.
“Oh I’ve thought about it, and I think Luigi would want me to do this rather than trying to hurt you, now, laugh!”
Mr. L went for Mario’s armpits first, wiggling his fingers in both of them.
“WAIT NOHOHOHO!! HAHAHAHA N-NOT THAT PLEHEHEASE! NO TI-TICKLES OH GOHOHOSH!!” Mario threw his head back instantly, giggling madly.
“Muwahaha! Yes tickles!! My what a ticklish hero you are!~”
Mr. L’s fingers skittered down Mario’s ribs, squeezing them rapidly, smiling genuinely at Mario’s laughter. His fingers landed on his tummy that was peeking out from his shirt sending Mario into hysterics.
Mario kicked his feet and twisted as much as he could, but couldn’t escape the determined fingers. Then a finger landed in his belly button and he let out a high pitched screech followed by more high pitched cackles and snorts.
“Ohoho seems I found a good spot! Hahaha, you’re doomed, Mario! Nowhere to go, can’t even cover up your tickle spots, you’re completely at my mercy! Tickle tickle!”
“Also while I have the upper hand here, I heard the silly little fight you bros had earlier and just wanted to remind you.. we both know who’s the superior jumper here, right bro?”
The fingers then skittered back up to his armpits and squeezed right below them occasionally switching to poke rapidly all over his upper body. Mario wheezed and screamed, kicking his feet and whipping his head around. He opened his tear filled eyes for a moment to see a soft smiling face looking down at him. He knew that smile was Luigi’s. It wasn’t evil, it was genuine and happy. Was Luigi pranking him just so he could do this? Mario couldn’t look any longer for he squeezed his eyes shut again letting out a loud snort as his belly was tickled again.
Luigi wanted to keep up the Mr. L persona for a bit longer just because it was fun, but Mario’s laughter went silent, so he decided to give him mercy.
As Mario recovered from the tickle attack, Mr. L removed his mask.
“Hehe! Just kidding, tadaaa!! It’s just Luigi haha!!” Luigi exclaimed, very proud of himself.
Mario brought his arms down when Luigi scooted off them. He panted, trying to get his breath back.
“Ah… just.. Luigi huh?..” he huffed, slightly unamused.
He slowly sat up, and turned his head to look at Luigi, “meno male.. that’s good news! That means you were in full control of yourself and knew exactly what you were doing the whole time..~”
Luigi gulped, “uh.. heheh y-yeah..”
Mario spun around, a wicked smirk on his face, “and you knew there would be consequences, right little bro?”
Luigi’s eyes widened, and he tried to get up and run, but Mario tackled him and straddled his legs.
“Wait, M-MaRIO I’M SORRY PLE-HEHEHE OH NOHOHO!” Luigi was cut off by Mario squeezing his ribs.
“How dare you trick me like that! What a cruel prank to play on your poor, innocent big brother! I’m sorry but you know the rules, fratellino.~ So if you wanna play, I’ll play too, Weegee!~” Mario teased as his little trickster brother wiggled in his grasp.
Mario went for Luigi’s belly, skating his fingers all over it, and going up his sides.
“Kitchy kitchy coo!! Aww what a ticklish little brother I have here!~”
Luigi threw his head back, snorting, “MAHAHAHA- HAHAHAHAHA!! NO MOHOHORE I’M SORRYHEHEHE!”
Mario just shook his head, smiling, then got an idea..
He scooted down on his legs a bit more, pulled up Luigi’s shirt, grabbed his arms pinning them, and blew a huge raspberry right on his belly button.
Luigi snapped his eyes open and absolutely screamed.
Mario simply continued unloading raspberry after raspberry on Luigi’s tummy. Luigi kicked his legs as much as he could, but Mario had him pinned at the thighs making mobility difficult.
“Now, tell me who the best brother in the whole world is.. and I might give you mercy,~” Mario teased.
“Wow, that was quick, I don’t think you’ve ever surrendered that fast! Alright, alright, I’m done. Now, what did you learn?” Mario smiled.
Luigi huffed between loud giggles, “tohoho not prank yohohou..”
“Mhm. So, you won’t do it ever again right, bro?”
Luigi knew he was bound to get himself screwed with this, but, fuck it.
“…oh absolutely.. not! You’re so gullible it’s so easy to prank y- OHOHOU AAAA OKAY HAHAHA I’M SORRY I’M SORRYHEHEHE!!” as he expected, he was cut off by Mario digging into his hips.
Mario grinned as Luigi fell back into hysterics, “well, seems I’m not done with you, yet, Weeg. Round two for yoooou!~”
Luigi knew he would be there for a while.
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nortism · 8 months
doctor who liveblog pt 24
planet of the dead
- with that set up they were asking for someone to come in though the roof and steal the cup
- yoo the tardis was stolen
- i forgot to say anything but that was mad and the cgi was terrible, avg episode of doctor who
the waters of mars
- one tumblr user has told me this episode is good so i’m expecting big things
- so this is the one planet he needs a space suit for?
- doctor, doctor, fun :D
- space carrots!!
- uh oh the space carrots
- i’m going to be fuming if we’re not on mars by 2058
- uh oh they’re all about to die
- humans almost reaching extinction sounds about right
- uh oh they’re zombies
- i got too invested to live blog but omg adelaide killed herself??? and the ood????!?! what is going on??
- that was such an amazing episode tho, i love it when they morally grey my protagonist
the end of time pt 1
- so excited to see both the master and donna’s grandad in the episode cover
- christmas again?!
- yooo tiny tardis in the stained glass
- yayay the ood
- bro married queen elizabeth i?!
- yay ood paradise
- ominous prophecy from the ood as always
- oh great the cult of saxon
- oh she killed him again that’s nice
- oh did he live
- oh wilfred and his little christmas antlers i adore him
- he is loving that burger
- DONNA!!!
- awww she’s engaged
- i miss her so bad
- who tf is that?
- the doctor and the master were childhood friends??? ohhh this is juicy
- what the fuck is going on
- that’s his daughter?! fucked up relationship
- oh he’s got a gun
- yes then companion wilfred
- helppp they got the master on a lead
- uh oh green aliens
- billionaires always obsessed with living forever
- this feels like a very elaborate prank to pull on the doctor
- also say don’t spray bro
the end of time pt 2
- omg we’re on gallifrey
- oh we’re flashing back
- uh oh they’ve tied him up
- nooo donna
- oh shit she exploded them
- this is gay as hell
- well u didn’t have to hit him
- no not wilfred
- yayy the green aliens!!
- at least wilfred is getting to live out his dream of going to space
- oh he’s taking the gun
- ngl i have no idea what’s going on
- that’s all i care about tbh
- pew pew pew
- he should def be dead
- uh oh timelords
- so we’re all just gonna pretend like doctor and master are normal names
- oh yay the people are back
- oh shit there’s gallifrey
- yes then the master
- he’s alive!!
- no the four knocks again shitttt
- oh fucj the doctor
- oh he’s still breathing
- they just can’t kill this guy
- oh he’s regenerating
- mickey?!
- my girl always has to have rose’s sloppy seconds 😭😭
- i’m so confused which universe is this
- oh he’s doing a goodbye tour
- aww donna got her wedding
- ohhh he’s gone back to see her one last timeeeee
- ohhh the ood
- i do not remember this being that dramatic last time
- hello matt smith
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thefinalcinderella · 7 months
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 6 - Genuine (Part 2)
My brain as I was translating this: what is bro yapping about
also please don't ask me to clarify anything that happened in this chapter, i also have no idea. i'm pretty sure only the author knows 😂all i know is that they were definitely doing kyudo.
TW: suicide mention
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
A saijiki is an almanac of Japanese seasonal terms used for poetry
Asahina's name (朝日奈) contains the characters for morning sun
Adults (成人) and saints (聖人) have the same reading (seijin)
A box-like structure where rain shutters are stored when not in use
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Masa-san, there’s something I want to tell you.
Don’t laugh and just listen to me.
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The competitors from both schools met face to face at the prefectural finals. The sky began preparations to show off its triumphant end.
Asahina and Minato faced each other.
“Looks like ‘Minahead’ worked. Thanks.”
“Please don’t make surprise attacks like you did the other day.”
“Hahaha, sorry. The protection around you was strong, so that was the best I could do.”
Eddie pushed up his hair. “We have no need for superstition anymore.”
“That’s right, partner.”
Asahina and Eddie bumped elbows. They were like children who played a secret prank on their parents.
Haneina’s coach, Tsucchi, and Masa-san faced off.
“My archers are in top form. We’re going to win.”
“I don’t know about that. Kazemai can use the wind, after all.”
“I don’t want any funny tricks. Show us what you can do.”
“Go easy on us.”
The archers from both schools entered the shajo with orange and yellow-green headbands tied around their heads.
Haneina High School had Eddie, Matsuda, Kanuma, Igarashi, and Asahina.
Kazemai High School had Kaito, Ryouhei, Seiya, Nanao, and Minato.
They each stepped onto the shooting line and spread their legs.
The oomae of Haneina was Eddie. His golden hair fluttered in the sun. Spreading his white wings, the archangel descended upon the land of the east. The eccentric was an assumed figure, and the truth was revealed.
He objected to the strange land of Japan, where everyone wore matching outfits to find jobs. Who told them to wear black? Was it because it wouldn’t stand out even if they settled down in a graveyard? Those who prepared loyalty tests for the company would have been promoted and given a nice apartment. Ceasing to think for yourself was what politicians wanted you to do. Misguided servility made the conceited even more fattened. If you were going to dance the same dance, then dance in your own colors.
The arrow was aimed at the demon’s heart. But Eddie and Kaito hit the center.
Next was Matsuda on the second target. One day, a house party was held. The servants, who were usually unsmiling, broke out into big smiles as soon as the host appeared in the room. Before he knew it, everyone in the room had smiles pasted onto their faces. “Supporting the disabled is my purpose in life. We are very concerned about you. With this product, you can reduce your anxiety about your future,” they whispered, but the bow made no distinction between the disabled and the able-bodied. The love that asked for nothing in return was always there.
The released arrow shattered the window glass. Ryouhei followed as well.
Kanuma on the third target opened his haiku saijiki. (1) Beautiful phrases that reflected Japan’s weather, astronomy, geography, and human affairs were lined up side by side. The finely honed senses of their ancestors that resided in each phrase hadn’t faded away even now.
Words were twisted, woven, knitted, and tied together. Weaving brocade was the living wisdom and culture of creatures without fur. The clothes we wore revealed our environment and thoughts. Those who could manipulate words and know the hidden power of words could transcend the concept of time and fly to the moment at any time. Right now, Kanuma has composed a song.
Kanuma and Seiya summoned tsurune.
Brain, be deceived. Make a miracle happen.
Taking the sound of the matooto as a signal, Igarashi raised his bow. Anyone could step into his flower garden. Flowers such as bellflowers, gentians, and campanulas were preferred, and the bells rang when the wind blew. Bees and butterflies frolicked amidst the flowers, grass lizards and rainbow-colored lizards lay in the grass, and red-flanked blue tails rested on the branches. He picked the withered flowers and thinned out overcrowded foliage. A garden that took time to grow was a treasure. Igarashi applied that image to his own bow. He slept every night holding his bow, of which only one existed in this world.
As Igarashi and Nanao’s arrows flew, flowers bloomed along the path.
In the stands, Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo gasped. Since there were a lot of hits in quick succession, they braced themselves so they wouldn’t miss the chance to cheer.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful.”
“Both schools are sparkling.”
“This is exactly what ‘brilliance’ is.”
The ochi Asahina, as his name suggested, was the embodiment of the sun. (2) His red hair burned in the twilight.
Fire knew what you had done.
It also knew the name and face of your accomplice.
If you wanted to purify yourself, go to the sea. If you wanted power, go to the mountains. Whichever path you chose, he would be a torchbearer and a guide. Heaven watched the deeds of those who lived on earth. Three children were born out of the fire. At any given time, there existed something that recorded the events on earth. Memories that were passed down became stories.
Asahina and Minato released their arrows.
For the second shot, nobody missed.
For the third short, the sound of the matooto didn’t cease.
The wind blew through the kyudojo, where conversation and even breathing were taboo.
Where was the wind going? Who was it bringing with it?
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A memory of a day he spent with Masa-san flashed through Minato’s mind.
Yata Forest, where the crescent moon hang in the deep blue sky. The sound of rustling leaves sounded like the trees were welcoming them as the two walked along the white path illuminated by moonlight.
“Masa-san, there’s something I want to tell you. I had a strange experience a long time ago. I haven’t even told Seiya and Ryouhei about it. They’ll probably think I’m crazy or just laugh at me and say I was dreaming. Will you listen to me?”
“I will.”
“You won’t laugh?”
“I won’t.”
Minato took a deep breath.
“I was a bit out of it that day, and when people told me that it was Setsubun today, I was like, ‘Huh?’ It seemed like I got the date wrong by a day, and I had no memory of the day before Setsubun.”
“After scattering the beans, I slept like usual, and the next thing I knew, I was paralyzed. My arms and legs were numb, and I couldn’t move my body at all. While I was panicking, I heard three sounds. It kind of sounded like something used in an old sci-fi movie. Then, all of a sudden, a beam of light hit me from right above my head to my feet with a ker-wham. Just as I was thinking Oh crap, what do I do, I heard the three sounds again, and then I was hit on the top of my head with a wham. I still couldn’t move my body, so I was thinking about reciting the Heart Sutra when my dad woke me up. Apparently I was crying out in my sleep.”
Masa-san’s eyes widened. He burst into laughter.
“So you laughed at me after all. I’m a chuunibyou even in my dreams.”
“No, I was laughing at the onomatopoeia. I wasn’t laughing at what you said.”
“Are you telling the truth?”
“I had a similar experience. I never told anyone about it, so it’s a secret.”
Masa-san began speaking.
I’ve told you before that when I was in my third year of high school, I got target panic and my master gave up on me. I’ve also told you that in my first year in university, my father sent me a notification of my brother’s death, but actually, when I was nineteen, I got into an argument with my master. I declared that I will never forgive the person who made my brother disappear and that I will take revenge, but my master just lectured me in the usual way, saying that revenge was a foolish thing and that my anger will burn me to death. I asked him why he had been ignoring it until now, and why is it that you, my own family, didn’t understand me. I showered my master with the hateful words that should have been directed towards my father. That ended up being our final conversation.
When I was twenty, in my second year of university, my master passed away. I overcame my target panic and received invitations from several kyudo schools to join them, but I had lost sight of the significance of drawing the bow. I kept asking myself why I was drawing a bow—and then I realized it. No, I finally admitted it. I wanted to be acknowledged as an archer by my “master Yasaka,” no one else. And that will never come true.
In the spring of my third year, I completed shooting a hundred arrows, but all I felt was a sense of emptiness. My father casually sent us letters, as if he was unaware of the despair and threat he posed to us. Was it okay to just do nothing? Would I have no choice but to take these negative feelings with me to the grave?
As summer approached, I began to deeply regret the last words I spoke to my master. Every time I entered the kyudojo, my body became stiff, and I found it hard to breathe. Before I knew it, I couldn’t sleep soundly, and the doctor’s comforting words and medicine didn’t make me feel better. My mother, unable to just watch, took me to a temple in Shikoku.
The chief priest was a quiet person. He read sutras in the morning and sat in front of the Buddha at noon and night. He would visit me from time to time, and we would talk about casual everyday things before going home. During that time, I remained lying on my bed.
Several choruses of cicadas passed by. Everything that lived was covered in shame, and I longed to disappear, but I couldn’t commit suicide for the sake of the family I would be leaving behind. At night, I closed my eyes, hoping that I would never wake up again. If I could at least forget everything, I could live.
I closed my mouth in the morning and laid down on the ground during the day and night.
Sleepless days. I couldn’t escape the memories that replayed over and over again.
One night, as I was looking back on my life and regretting every detail, I heard a voice coming from the upper left corner of my head. Just a single “Good.”
The two looked at each other and smiled.
It was a strange feeling of empathy with each other.
Ah, that’s right. Someday, when the time was right, I can tell others about this day. When the truth dwells in Minato’s words.
When Masa-san finished, he grinned.
This was a secret between master and disciple.
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The sixth voice was heard.
With three scales, arrows of light descended from the heavens and pierced through Minato’s body. His whole body went numb and his head became hazy.
The sounds came again.
When he decided to “come,” the arrows passed through his body and spread from the soles of his feet to the ground.
Meigen. That was the sound of the dawn.
Three sounds and arrows of light fell from the sky.
The arrows of light pierced my body.
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The ultimate goal of kyudo was “the true, the good, and the beautiful.” True archery didn’t lie, deceive, or betray.
Truth in archery was proven by the brilliance of the bow, the tsurune, and hitting the target. What was true was beautiful, and what was good was also beautiful. Once you met the genuine article, you would never be confused again.
Hayake—Yips was a state in which the body became warped due to accumulated fatigue and stress, and the brain ends up malfunctioning. That was why beginners didn’t get target panic. It occurred when the brain remembered the experience of failure so strongly that it issued an emergency alert every time those memories replayed. This became a regular occurrence, and if proper treatment wasn’t taken, it would only get worse. In archery, hayake was called “target panic,” and it was an accurate description of this sickness.
The solution was to regulate one’s breathing. It was to get rid of the distortions in one’s body and allow the brain and body to rest.
There were actually very few people who could maintain a natural and comfortable posture. Regulating the autonomic nervous system and improving the functioning of the central nervous system was the key to good health. The autonomic nervous system referred to the nerves that were responsible for unconscious processes such as pulse, breathing, and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system was dominant during the day, and the parasympathetic nervous system was dominant when sleeping at night. The central nervous system were the nerves that acted like a command center, issuing commands to various parts of the body.
Anxiety and fear were a kind of self-protective instinct. Once living things experienced something scary or painful, they tried to avoid it next time. When it was overreacted to, they became stuck in the memories of the past, worried about the future, and unable to take even a step forward.
When you drove a car, you got too scared to drive if you thought about what would happen if you caused an accident. You made sure you were in good physical condition and inspected your vehicle before driving. Even so, if you caused an accident, you would have to pay for it for the rest of your life. If you were willing to accept all of that, everything else would become possible.
Cars run on gasoline or electricity, but what did the human body need to move? Oxygen. Oxygen produced heat. “Breathing” was an important way to obtain oxygen efficiently. Because modern people breathed with their chests, they were unaware that they were about to drown due to the lack of oxygen in their brains.
Let’s slowly take a deep breath.
You could see what you couldn’t see before.
You could touch what you couldn’t touch before.
The days I spent with you.
The days I will spend with you from now on.
Who should I thank for this happiness?
Right now, I’m breathing.
Blessed are the creatures that shed their fur.
They have rented lodgings on earth and eaten many lives.
Now, I offer a moment of silence.
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The fourth shot began. The ten’s heartbeats grated.
Gradually, slowly, the surroundings were dyed in green, like vines were creeping around. This place, with its spreading leaves and blooming orange flowers, was just like the earth after humans have left.
Those who gathered in the Land of the Rising Sun. Kaito, who had just been born, let out a single cry. The roar that announced the joy of birth hit right in the middle of the target.
Ryouhei also raised his voice. What beautiful stars, what delightful companions. Now, let’s set off. Let’s row the boat. What kind of place would the new continent be? What kind of encounters await us?
Seiya followed suit. I knew you were worried about me. I was taking advantage of your kindness. Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for getting angry.
Nanao was enjoying himself, happy, and sun—. The place I belong is where I draw my bow. I want it, I want it, I want it. But it didn’t come true. I got an abode that I should have given up sometime ago. Someone whispered to me that it’s okay to stay here, that there’s no need to leave so quickly. When he blew a whistle, the matooto resounded at the azuchi.
Minato was standing on the earth.
We are temporary residents who are renting a part of the earth.
His memory flew back to a few weeks ago, to something Saionji had said with blooming azaleas behind him.
“Narumiya-kun, please try to explain the ‘Heart Sutra’ to me.”
“Yes. The universe is emptiness. If you think something exists, it exists. If you don’t think it exists, it doesn’t exist. You can see it if you try to see it, and you can’t see it if you don’t try. It’s dyed in every color, and it’s not dyed in any color. The mind is emptiness. The mind is the body, and the body is the mind. Although they are considered different things, they used to be one and the same. The ‘box’ that is me contains all the necessary software. Now, recite the password called an incantation and open the box. The box will then start up normally.”
“That’s a bold interpretation. It’s very interesting. Continuing studying in that vein.”
“Thank you very much.”
“It’s not about right or wrong, it’s about how you feel. That is the answer of the current you. Religion was originally meant to be a guidebook to help you live a better life.”
The mind and body were the same person.
The heart was responsible for pumping blood, the stomach was responsible for digesting food, and the brain was responsible for thinking. All were functions of internal organs, and each had a role. It was just that the roles were divided, and it didn’t mean that the brain was the best and the others weren’t. Confusion arose because only the brain was viewed as special.
Humans tended to rely on vision when obtaining information, and were creatures who liked to take things apart before observing them. However, if you were too short-sighted, you would lose sight of the true essence. If you take a step back, you could see the whole thing. Man and woman, good and evil, the surface and below, real and imaginary numbers, joy and anger, sadness and healing, health and illness, life and death, meetings and partings. Dualism was just one classification method, and the classification depended on the time and situation.
The two couldn’t be separated. They were intertwined from the start.
They were one from the beginning.
A spell was a mysterious word that went beyond human comprehension. Although words could be shown to have special power, the basis for the current phenomenon couldn’t be explained. Because it was “power beyond human understanding,” it was difficult for ordinary people to understand, much less put into words. Just because you couldn’t see, hear, or quantify it doesn’t mean that it “didn’t exist.” It was only latent, not yet manifested.
A text that had been simplified by an expert in the field by only extracting the important points was, on the contrary, even more difficult for beginners to understand. Rewording the text into concrete episodes, in other words, accumulating stories, helps to deepen understanding. Stories were the perfect tool to convey something. It was hoped that someday, someone would explain it in an easy-to-understand text.
Minato and Asahina’s arrows pierced their targets.
Ten people. Forty perfect hits.
This was in the exact region of a hundred shots and a hundred hits.
Viewing this amazing scene, there was a standing ovation in the spectators’ seats.
Ren, who was watching in the stands, squeezed his hands. Seiya’s brother Gaku hugged himself.
“It looks cold. How long will this continue?”
“…I hope it doesn’t end like this.”
No winner was decided, so it became a shoot-out. Each archer released a shot, and the school with the most hits won. If it couldn’t be determined in one round, it was repeated until the ranking was decided.
The oomae had begun to raise their bows.
Roaring bows. Arrows that cut through the wind. Summoning thunderclouds, colorful dragons swam through the archery range.
Dizzingly clear paths of light bounce, dance, and splashed. Legendary creatures ran to the end without turning around or stopping. The “insect” contained in the kanji for “wind” and “rainbow” meant dragon, and although they were feared as gods in the East and monsters in the West, they weren’t influenced by human expectations. Each went their own way. Their colors and speeds were different, but they all arrived at one place—somewhere bright.
Once more, everyone hit.
The people watching the ten, who never missed, felt a thirst in their throats. What were they witnessing? Did something like this truly exist? Were they becoming witnesses to history?
Kaito, Ryouhei, Seiya, Nanao, and Minato faced the target.
The five melted into one and returned to that day. They were hearing Greensleeves.
Minato was talking to his mother in a dream.
“This song is about the moment when a disciple told their master the answer to a problem, right? I think the moment the master heard this, they smiled with joy.”
Greensleeves was a “Song of Naru.”
After completing his trials, the boy became an adult.
It was a rite of passage, an initiation.
Farewells and encounters were one and the same. On the winter solstice, the sun died and was reborn. Rather than having two sides, rather than being parallel, it was a chaotic thing that blended and mixed together. Today was like yesterday, and tomorrow was like today. Time didn’t exist there.
“Goodbye” was a magic word. It was devised from the beginning.
The sound of knocking on the door. A ringing sound.
Yearning, chasing, wishing.
Cowering, struggling, being doubted, despised.
Raging, despairing, cursing.
When you repent, mourn, accept death…
And give up.
Bow your head, love, and forgive. The door finally opens.
With a “welcome.”
Love meant forgiving yourself and others.
Could you embrace the person in front of you who you hated so much that you wanted to kill?
Those who cleared this final task were called “adults (saints)”. (3)
Admiration for the opposite sex and affection between parents and children were biological desires based on the perpetuation of descendants, and it wouldn’t be too difficult to love someone who had been kind to you. True friendship was rare and beautiful. Those who walked on the same path, master and disciple and friends. The two would be on a journey that would never end. The only difference was whether one went first or went later.
Even if one, two, three, or even four people finished, the match wasn’t decided.
The fifth, Asahina and Minato, began to raise their bows. They opened their chests wide and stretched their limbs in all directions. Two crosses emerged in the shajo dyed by the sunset. The boys flew into the sky. Migratory birds passed between the clouds, rivers meandering across the land, and cows grazing. A dragonfly rested its wings on the tip of an ear of wheat and flew away, seemingly uninterested in human activity.
A beautiful bow with a length unparalleled in the world. That was a divine implement. The sacred instrument inherited by archers chose its user. It looked for those with clear, unclouded eyes. The sun was a form of unconditional love. An existence that shined on everyone, both good or bad, without distinction. The Japanese called that star Amaterasu Oomikami.
When Minato’s arrow was sucked into its target, Asahina gently brought down his bow.
It was at that moment that Kazemai High School’s victory was decided.
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Exclamations and screams arose at the long battle. The applause and cheers were deafening. In the stands, Hanazawa, Shiragiku, Seo, and Gaku were crying.
Kaito and Eddie, Ryouhei and Matsuda, Seiya and Kanuma, Nanao and Igarashi, and Minato and Asahina bumped gloves.
Asahina laughed. “That was so much fun. Let’s do it again.”
“Yeah, I had fun too.”
After they finished leaving the shajo, the first years Kanbayashi and Himuro ran up to them, and the members of Kazemai High School’s kyudo club hugged each other’s shoulders.
Minato and Kaito were screaming.
“You don’t have to do your yagoe here. You’re hurting my ears,” Seiya chided them, but made no move to remove their hands from his shoulders. Ryouhei put his weight on them, causing the seven to lose their balance and collapse to the ground.
Nanao’s eyes were wet with emotion. It was not a little frustrating for him to be left out of the lineup in the preliminaries. He didn’t want to admit that he was frustrated, not wanting to show such an uncool part of himself, and unconsciously tried to keep up appearances. The other members all noticed this. They had the same feelings. Kaito, Seiya, Minato, Ryouhei, and even Himuro and Kanbayashi patted Nanao on the head. Nanao did the same thing back to them. Tommy-sensei watched the seven boys with a smile as they seemed to return to their childhood. Masa-san picked Nanao up and walked around with him. “Pick me up too!” Ryouhei badgered him.
The appearance of the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club was deeply etched into people’s memories.
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After the awards ceremony, Kazemai prepared to go home. The support group that brought the cars walked ahead, followed by the club members. The championship cup was held by the president, Seiya.
The feeling of elation couldn’t be contained. The scenery they usually saw was more color saturated and lacked a sense of reality. On the stage of the finals, all five of them achieved six shots without missing. This was exactly a dream came true.
As they were leaving the kyudojo, the Kirisaki members came to congratulate them. The Young Prince’s eyes were more melancholic than usual.
Ryouhei put his arms around Kaito and Nanao’s shoulders.
“Ah, I’m still excited. I feel like running.”
“Alright, let’s run home.”
“You guys are gonna get wiped out if you do that,” Kaito said, but he couldn’t remain still either and started walking faster.
Minato, Kanbayashi, and Himuro formed the tail end of the group. After the match, they walked slowly from exhaustion.
“I’ve been inspired. I’m going to become an archer like Narumiya-senpai.”
“You’re making too much of me. I’m not even close to Masa-san or Shuu.”
“All three of you are amazing.”
Himuro nodded wordlessly.
“Kyah, I’m sorry!”
Someone appeared, interrupting Minato and the others’ conversation. A girl passing by bumped into him when he wasn’t looking, it seemed. The contents of the plastic bottle she was holding spilled onto Minato, and he wiped the liquid with his sleeve.
“Your collar got soaked. Do you want to change?”
“Some of it got into my mouth, but it seems to be just water. It’ll dry right away.”
By the time they finished loading their bags into the car, Minato felt sluggish. He felt nauseous, and his whole body was itching. When he looked at the inside of his arm, he saw that a rash had broken out.
“What’s wrong with me? I feel itchy, and kinda sick…”
“Your neck is turning red! Should I call Takehaya-senpai? He might have some medicine.”
“Ah, it’s fine. I’ll wait until we get back.”
But soon, Minato was crouching down in a corner of the parking lot. Seiya, noticing that Minato and the others were acting strange, rushed over. Minato was clutching his throat as he crouched.
“What’s wrong, Minato!?”
“…I don’t know, but I feel sick and lightheaded.”
“Could it be heatstroke? Do you have a fever? How’s your stomach?”
“It’s hard to breathe…my throat…”
His voice was raspy and his breathes came in short gasps. Nanao rubbed Minato’s back, and the other members formed a human barricade to guard him. From Seiya’s perspective, he was experiencing system symptoms such as nausea, sweating, dizziness, rashes, and shivering. What was going on?
Seiya’s brother Gaku, who had gotten into the car earlier, also ran over and put his nose on the back of Minato’s neck.
“Seiya, wait. It’s really faint, but he smells different than usual. …It’s an unpleasant smell. What is this, ginkgo fruit?”
Seiya and Ryouhei looked at each other.
“Minato’s allergic to ginkgo!”
“That’s right. A long time ago, when our families went to pick ginkgo fruits, we were shocked when Minato got a rash even though he never touched them with his bare hands.”
“But there aren’t any ginkgo fruits this time of year,” Gaku murmured. “Are these symptoms of anaphylactic shock?”
Seiya’s expression froze.
Anaphylactic shock was a condition in which an allergic reaction to food or other allergens caused a drop in blood pressure and deterioration of consciousness.
Masa-san pushed through the human barricade and went to Minato. He was lying limp in the laps of Kanbayashi and Himuro. His face was chalk white.
“Sorry about this, Minato.”
Masa-san suddenly lifted up Minato’s hakama and pushed something that looked like a thick pen into his thigh. There was a click sound. Seiya widened his eyes, and Kanbayashi blinked rapidly.
“It’s a self-injection of adrenaline. I’m allergic to wasp poison, so I carry it around with me.”
Gaku got out his phone. “Coach Takigawa, thank goodness. Don’t worry, I’ll get him to the hospital right away.”
The injection seemed to have worked, and after a while Minato was able to sit up on his own. His breathing had settled down, and it seemed that his life was no longer in danger. Minato was escorted to the hospital by the Takehaya brothers.
Afterwards, the dashcam in one of the parents’ cars parked in the parking lot showed the girl who was holding the bottle. Despite repeated appeals that the water in the bottle was suspicious, the case was shelved without much investigation, as it was assumed that Minato had just accidentally ingested food that he was allergic to.
Seiya had a pained expression on his face.
“I know someone whose hobbies include hacking into surveillance camera data and using AI to analyze internet articles. The girl from the dashcam is a Kuon devotee. We also confirmed contact between a detective and a Kuon family servant. Apparently, the detective got their hands on ginkgo fruits from a university lab. It seems like there are all sorts of people at Kuon’s house.”
“Why Minato?” Ryouhei asked.
“It’s probably jealousy. The Young Prince only has one brother disciple. No one can take Minato’s place.”
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo stamped on the ground in frustration.
“I can’t believe we can’t do anything even though we know that much.”
“It’s frustrating.”
“Yeah, I feel you. But wouldn’t it also be bad if the hacking is discovered?”
Masa-san, who had been listening silently until then, rubbed his cheek.
“We have to punish him hard for this.”
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Kuon was spending the weekend at the villa.
“Has that woman’s identity been exposed? How useless. Hmm, no need to bother with a orthopedic surgeon’s son and a bunch of commoners.”
His phone rang, and the screen displayed a certain person’s name.
It was Fujiwara Shuu.
“Kuon Takumi, will you apologize to Minato?”
Perhaps it was because he was calling from somewhere far away, but there was so much noise in the background that it was hard to hear.
“What are you talking about? I’m on vacation right now. Do you mind if I ask you to refrain from calling?”
“He’s heading your way right now. I’m not going to be able to stop him.”
Asahina and Eddie had pinpointed Kuon’s location. He was in a richly decorated mansion deep in the mountains. The heavy doors opened.
Masa-san leisurely walked from the central entrance to the front stairwell. A female servant of the mansion, suspicious of the smiling, cheerfully walking stranger, called out to him.
“Excuse me, sir? Are you a guest?”
“Hey there, young lady. I’m glad you seem to be doing well.”
“I’m afraid that I cannot let you through to the next room.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m very close to Takumi-kun.”
Masa-san smiled softly, and the servant felt cold air blowing on the back of her neck. Contrary to his words, his quiet anger was something that couldn’t be hidden no matter how hard he tried.
The woman screamed. “Takumi-sama, there’s a suspicious person here! Somebody help!”
Kuon sensed the man’s impending presence and hurried outside.
Masa-san got behind the men guarding Kuon and slammed his fist into the back of his liver. He dodged another man’s kick, and when he fell to the ground with a heavy thud, Masa-san jumped over the stair railing.
All the while, Kuon was running at full speed. His pursuer closed the distance in the blink of an eye, and Kuon, panicking, tripped on the grass and fell. Despite this, he still crawled on the ground, trying to escape, but couldn’t move forward.
Masa-san grabbed Kuon by the nape of his neck.
“Swear that you’ll never lay a finger on Kazemai’s students again.”
“O-Okay. I swear, so let me go first.”
When Masa-san loosened his grip, Kuon raised himself up and faced him directly. Immediately after, he saw the shadow of a muscular man behind Masa-san. Masa-san punched him in the face without looking back.
Kuon clutched at the soil.
“Who the hell are you!? There’s no way an ordinary person can do that!”
“I’m sure you know that I’m Kazemai’s coach. A long time ago, I learned self-defense. You don’t seem to realize what you’ve done.”
“Isn’t it just a little bit of itchiness? A long time ago, I had a classmate who got itchy after eating eggs, but it cleared up after a week. Isn’t this just a child’s adorable prank?”
“Don’t tell me that you’ve done the same thing in the past? Allergies can be life-threatening if you don’t take care of them properly. What you did was equivalent to poisoning him. Lately, I haven’t been able to control myself…whatever will I do?”
Masa-san put his hand in the inside pocket of his jacket. He took out a permanent marker, and after removing the cap, he placed the tip of the pen on Kuon’s cheek.
Approximately ten seconds later, Kuon’s face was covered with the same pattern as the one on the powder container Masa-san had received from his master. Yes, depending on how you looked at it, it looked like a bikini.
The look in Kuon’s eyes changed when he saw Masa-san turn on his phone.
“No way, you’re going to take a photo?”
“A souvenir. I borrowed the pen from Kazemai’s president, and it turned out to be a very tasteful picture, if I do say so myself.”
“You lowly citizen! I’ll call Father!”
“As you requested, I’ve already called him. ‘My foolish son has wronged your friend. Please scold him on my behalf,’ he said and invited me to this villa. Now that I’ve taken some pictures, I think I’ll send them to the Kirisaki twins.”
“Father would never… S-Stop it! Doesn’t Buddhism tell you to not take revenge even when something is done to you? Your real job is being a monk, isn’t it?”
“Everyone keeps calling me a monk, monk, monk. I’m not a monk, I’m a priest!”
As Masa-san’s finger was about to slide across his phone’s screen, the wind created by a helicopter made the leaves and branches of the mountains shake. It was a tremendous amount of dust. When he looked up, the door of the low-flying aircraft opened.
Shuu jumped down. His pale eyelashes were swaying.
“Kuon, if you’re going to use the power of your family, I won’t hesitate to borrow the power of my family as well. Have you forgotten my name?”
Minato also peeked out from the helicopter.
“Masa-san, stop! Don’t do anything more than that! I haven’t learned pro wrestling yet.”
“Good grief, my disciples are always too soft!”
Masa-san and Shuu stood in front of Kuon, who bowed his head in resignation.
Young leaves danced in the sky.
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Members of the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club gathered at the Yata no Mori Kyudojo.
A fleeting time of overnight practice. The warm sunlight that poured down upon them made them sleepy.
“Oh, what happened to the boys?” Tommy-sensei asked Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo.
“They went to see the dormouse.”
Masa-san pressed his hand to his forehead. “They got too much power, don’t they? Let’s get started on dinner.”
Minato and his friends were in the forest. They were standing in front of an old mountain hut.
Nanao pointed to the door of the hut.
“At dawn, I volunteered to go look for Miyama stag beetles. Then, I saw it there.”
“Wow, that early morning walk was all about collecting bugs? I’m glad I didn’t go,” Ryouhei said, patting his chest.
Minato asked him to let him sit on his shoulders and peered through the gaps in the tobukuro.* It was a nostalgic scene for Seiya, who was watching them from the side as he waited for his turn to sit on Ryouhei’s shoulders.
“You guys are way too big to do little kid stuff like this,” Kaito said to Seiya.
“You don’t have to look, Kaito.”
“…I guess it’s fine to take just one look.”
Keyaki and Kanbayashi were searching around for new discoveries, and Himuro was listening to the voice of the forest’s master.
The mountains were shining.
The mountains were singing.
By the time the owl woke up from its sleep, Minato and the others had dinner.
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27 notes · View notes
an-architect-of-words · 4 months
Do you think there was a plan for Josh and Sam to have a romance in Until Dawn? I feel like it was implied that they at least have feelings for each other by Josh's "joke" about helping Sam with the bath/specific mention of her being there and Sam's comment at the end of the game, but if so i wonder why they didn't give more lore or moments between them. I mean the big obvious reason is that Josh was playing his elaborate prank on the others and he was obviously not in a good mental state and just lost his sisters and would be gone the majority of the game. But idk i just wish we could have had more knowledge about them or scenes with them. Josh gives the vibe that he talks more game than he has. I believe when he truly likes someone he is quite smitten and sometimes surprises himself with the things he may blurt out. Honestly, i don't think Sam didn't want to "take advantage" of Josh considering the events going on so she was being very careful and considering her feelings but this traumatic event was bringing them together *cough what Josh said Chris and Ash needed* so it was getting hard to deny those feelings.
Oh I like this question! I’ve mentioned it before, but Josh x Sam is my favorite ship.
I don’t think there’s much evidence they were originally intended to be a couple or that the devs see it that way. Even so, I definitely got the impression that Josh cared for Sam more deeply than anyone but Chris. His stats show that Sam is 3-way tied for second with Ashley and Jess, and Sam’s have most people equal (Mike and Jess are lower), but there’s a lot of lore connecting Josh and Sam.
Josh comes across as kind of girl-crazy to me, because of his comments towards Sam, Jess, and Ashley. But there are several things that jumped out to me about him and Sam:
There’s dialogue where Josh tells Sam that he’s happy everyone could make it to the lodge. Then he emphasizes the fact that he’s happy Sam could make it.
Sam says in her interviews that Josh had told her that he felt a special bond with her. Josh had claimed that Sam understood him more than anyone and that they had a connection.
Josh talks a ton about finding her pretty. Again, he does this to other girls, but there’s quite a lot of it during Sam’s psycho chase.
There are some little gestures and statements the characters make that I find sweet too. If Sam is nervous to explore the sound in the basement by herself, she’ll hold onto Josh’s arm when they look together. When Josh and Sam get chased by Chris in the monk costume, Josh will hold out his arm to prevent “the masked monk” from getting to Sam. Sam, if she finds the psycho lair, can tell Josh she thinks he’s crying for help which is very empathetic and caring, considering what he put her through.
Finally, I did write an analysis for Reddit at some point, just unpacking Josh’s motives, and I did find it interesting to reflect on Josh showing Sam the tape of him dying, particularly because (as you also noted) he admits/hints a few times that his prank has been intended to bring people closer, and the game gives a lot of indicators that it was meant to be psychological manipulation.
Josh is deeply disturbed, obviously, and it’s not always clear what his exact logic is— but I do get the sense/headcanon that he genuinely wanted to see what Sam and Chris would do in situations involving his death. His dialogue towards Chris while he’s “dying” is very much “we’re still friends, right?” and he’s legitimately pissed later if Chris chooses Ashley.
Josh: Bro! Bro, we've been through so much, come on... I don't wanna go out like this...!
Josh: I know... I know we haven't been the best of friends lately... and I've been kinda messed up and everything... but I'm getting better, man... I swear!
Josh: I thought we were FRIENDS man! I thought we were FRIENDS why would you DO THIS!?
I mean, this can be read a few ways, certainly. Josh is definitely trying to terrify and mess with Chris, and the last line could also be fake-directed at the psycho. But some of this dialogue sounds like it has a grain of truth in it. Josh may be safe, and he does want Ashley to ultimately think Chris saved her, but he is genuinely learning whom his best friend loves more and truly does have to make sense of why Chris doesn’t choose him, if that’s the case.
Now, with this context, I feel like he plays a similar game with Sam. He, as the psycho, asks Sam how she feels about seeing Josh die.
Sam turns back around to see Josh getting cut in half.
Sam: Josh!
Psycho: How does it make you feel?
I sense there’s a level of dark curiosity Josh has with Sam and Chris. And my interpretation here tracks with how I view their relationships. I believe he cares about what Sam and Chris think. He wants the whole group, particularly the couples (DOUBLE particularly to Chris and Ashley), to get closer. But when he goes about attempting this bonding for himself— it’s most clear that he might be trying to do so with Sam and Chris.
All this said, I do think there’s less canonically indicating that Sam has quite the same level of feelings for Josh. Sam is very independent while also being something of a “Team Mom.” I think she’s known Josh a long time due to her friendship with Hannah, and it’s evident that she spent a lot of time talking to him after the twins vanished. Josh just has a bit more indicating he loves Sam as more than friends than vice versa.
So uh TL;DR—
I think it makes a lot of sense that Josh has a crush on Sam. It’s unconfirmed, but there are many things that caught my eye and made me interpret that. The reading that feels the most accurate is that it’s a bit one-sided, because it feels stronger on Josh’s end. That said, Josh and Sam as a ship fascinates me and has SO MUCH GOOD about it given their defined history. Also, the conversations they can have feel less superficial than how most of the couples talk. I like it a lot.
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messier-47 · 1 year
A study on Ethan Winters because Resident Evil's got me in a chokehold and bruh he's so fucked? I love him?
But also this is MAJOR "taking liberty" of a fictional character cause no chill. Warning: this is....long post, a character study
RE7, RE8
So admittingly I was tempted to write RE fanfic cause brain go brrrrrr at thought of spookiness but ultimately didn't however if I don't bleed out these thoughts and feelings about RE and Ethan Winters it's gonna fester.
First off, does anyone else think RE7 and RE8 have two different versions of Ethan? Which...could be excusable seeing as how there's a three year time gap and emotional stage difference, or it could be just "Ethan was always a [blank-slate] character and thus prime for storyline manipulation". RE8 we're given the desperate father ripping apart the world to get to his daughter, scrambling for a handhold against monsters and completely out of his league of bullshit. Whereas RE7 Ethan is so much more fascinating.
RE7 Ethan is my favorite.
Okay, so I watched RE7 gameplay with the intention of taking notes about his character and personality traits and HOOBOY is he an interesting character! So in the beginning we get so much context if you really stop to think about it. First, Mia's ID is a Texas one which means by the time she went missing 3 years ago, she was registered as a Texas resident and probably alongside her husband Ethan. (which i know about the "he's a systems engineer from LA" databook thing but he could both be a systems engineer from LA and be a Texas resident)
Now this bit i think is a little more...take with a grain of salt cause it's not verified but also; Ethan has always been "the ordinary man". so what would an ordinary man do when his wife goes missing around the same time there's a fucking HURRICANE in the gulf of mexico? He'd report it! Missing person's report! cause he's not a psycho with something to hide! His wife is missing! she was babysitting some rich brat along the coastline and he'd lost all contact after the Hurricane hit Louisiana! if her body were to wash up, the boat she was found, anything having to do with her disappearance, there'd already be a papertrail of proper protocol without the question "Why didn't you report her missing?"
So Texas may be different? idk, I think I heard something somewhere "after two years, a missing person's case is closed and legally declared dead" or something. maybe that's why ETHAN WINTERS GOES TO LOUISIANA ALONE TO FIND HIS PRESUMINGLY DEAD WIFE.
the "maybe this is all a prank" comment I'm willfully ignoring cause wtf Ethan what about the relationship with your wife made it okay to disappear for three years all for an elaborate ruse? Except somehow the "it's just a prank" is probably what pushed him beyond the limits of rationality. Abandoned van outside the house with "accept her gift"? obvious a mystery treasure hunt. Weird carcass effigy? gross and wow this prank is getting fancy. dilapidated house full of rot and rank? nice movie set bro, where are the cameras? especially with all the "fabricated" evidence of twenty people having gone missing around here and oh wow a convenient VHS about "paranormal investigators" to show where the secret chambers are. but goddamn his mental fortitude is strong to be able to jump in putrid basement water to go find his wife. dead corpse rising out of the waters and he just presses on, probably thinking it was fake or something.
Okay so then we meet Mia and Ethan's slow realization that this is totally NOT A PRANK cause of evil possession or whatever (honestly RE7 in Ethan's POV is hilarious cause he probably isn't thinking how this all ties in with bioweapons, legit thinking demons are the answer) but Ethan gets more talkative in a very interesting way; upon finding Mia, he is immediately interrogative. He's not the overly worried dad friend trying to make sure Mia is fine and that they should escape, no it's Mia who takes the lead in trying to escape cause Ethan is already "you've been missing for three years what the hell is going on?"
And...when Mia claims that she doesn't remember shit (telling the truth) Ethan doesn't believe her. He pulls away to investigate the next room over. and honestly it's understandable in his POV, even if he stops believing this is all a prank; his wife has been missing for 3 years and claims to not remember why she'd ended up here (also there's a history of Mia having lied about some pretty important details in the past?)
As we go on through the story, Ethan...personal opinion here, but he reads as pretty calloused. I know the fandom jokes/remarks about Ethan's "fuck this especially" meter throughout the games but goddamn in the beginning of RE7 his meter was already damn high. He's...bitter? prickly? i don't have the word for it, but he's definitely a man who'd gone to Louisiana to finally get some fucking answers from his wife.
You know what I found super interesting? His interaction with the sheriff. So policeman shows up in front of house Ethan is trapped in and like a regular person he goes "hey there's some crazy people here you gotta help me" and sheriff is understandably wary of the whole situation. But Ethan Winters takes a risk in manipulating the policeman to get what he wants "do you want to read about me in tomorrow's obituary or do you want to be the hero?" which is so interesting to me. Why would he use this tactic? and this is something Ethan decided to do, there's no game mechanic where the player chooses his response, this is Ethan Winters using the cop's ego to try to get immediate help.
Throughout the game, Ethan is shown to be...honestly he's damn quiet. Yeah, sure he talks and shows his personality but he keeps his cards close to the chest. All his talks with Zoe make it pretty clear that he is motivated on a singular goal and he isn't persuaded by this "we" talk Zoe keeps bringing up. Looking at fandom, I honestly thought Ethan was going to be a little more chatty and while he does have some one-liners and quips, they are not at the same level as...let's say Leon Kennedy. Also, his humor is different from Leon's. I watched RE2 and 4 and whereas Leon has a love for ironic+witty humor (also can't shut up), Ethan has more of a dry wit.
Watches older woman crawling down tunnel on four legs like a bug, "That's special."
Figures out shadow operated puzzle doors "Who builds this shit?"
manages to clear out bioweapon cesspit by himself and the professionals arrive "What took you so long?"
Hmmm, and I know fandom loves to rib about his IT guy attire throughout RE7 but have y'all noticed his fucking shoes? ankle cowboy boots. Understated, completely speaks about where he's coming from, but also fits with the "i'm modern and know software engineering" typecast. And his car? A 1971 Dodge Challenger (could be a Vanishing Point reference but honestly if it's not ment to be-) it's a retro muscle car. A classic. Our boy loves his cars and did you see how nice it was in the beginning? spic-and-span paint job with the nice interior finish, it looks like it was well taken care of and Ethan was confident enough to actually drive it out to cross-state roadtrip.
Another interesting thing that only adds to what we've already seen of him was when Zoe makes two serums, she offers both probably just to show Ethan that they were made and he takes both. Why? ...I'm not sure. If he was only grabbing for Mia, he'd just taken one and let Zoe have her own syringe. But he took both. thoughtlessness? or was it an added show of his character in COMBINATION of whatever the fuck was going on during his interaction with the sheriff? In actuality, it was probably just the videogame needing Ethan to have the two so that he can use one on Jack and he'd have the "hard" choice of choosing between Mia and Zoe. It's still a pretty interesting detail if someone would want to further look into it.
then there's the "Thanks Ethan for choosing me" "Who the hell else could I choose?" "Ethan!" which only solidifies Ethan's character for me; He's a jaded man in a desperate search of answers, not really doing all this for the heroics. makes me wonder if there had been a 3rd choice, would he have made a different one. (but i digress because that's stepping into potential shipping territory)
Ethan once again tries to get answers from Mia and when she isn't able to give anything more concrete, he just lets the silence hang. Admittingly, the silence could've been the videogame setting up for the epic reveal of the boat and mold tentacles but this is also repeated behavior. Ethan asks Mia questions twice, once in the beginning and the second time right now and when Mia claims to not remember anything/have told him everything, he distances himself. No, wait, I'm dumb, Ethan pushes for Mia to try to start remembering. Which...idk maybe I'm reading too far into this, was kinda sardonic? "I honestly don't remember." "Try." and then the silence happens...before the boat comes into view.
Sardonic isn't the right word. In my opinion, Ethan is a "quiet" man, not as outspoken as the rest of the RE cast, so it's really hard to read tone when i ain't given much to compare/contrast to. All his dialogue have a different weight because he talks so little. Compare his dialogue with Chris, Leon, Jill, anyone else within the franchise and his character is immediately drowned out by the titans of other personalities. But get him by himself? reflect on his circumstances, context, and what he does say? He's a deeply complex character, alot of his reasoning and background is hidden and left to be inferred.
He's not a "heroic" character. He's not doing all of this to defeat evil or get justice or make the world a better place. Of course he's a survivor but...he's got a "get 'er done" personality. Ethan goes to Louisiana for answers. The truth as he told Mia multiple times. If he has to go fight a family with a bad case of swamp fever to get those answers then so be it.
Headcanon time: I honestly think Ethan is a born and bred Texan. He might have gone to LA to get his degree and a job as a systems engineer (which may explain how he knew how to build a flamethrower) but there is something about Ethan that is more than just "he now lives in Texas so he wears cowboy ankle boots and drives a muscle car". it's the "get 'er done" attitude. Maybe part of the reason why he's so mentally resilient when faced with horror is because of this cultural mental state of "get 'er done". Also explains how he's so adept with a wide range of guns.
And...wow this has grown awefully long and I haven't even gotten started on RE8 Ethan Winters character study yet so lemme make a second post.
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charlies-trainhopping · 10 months
Rottmnt headcanon - Bandana Bros
When mikey was younger, his older brothers, leo and raph were often too busy to pay any attention to him when it came to his favorite hobby projects: his artistic DIYs that was a creative catalyst for his other brother, donnie, who took mikeys concepts and created inventions for convience or fun. Not only did donnie hang out with his littlest brother for his 'creative genius', as he said-he geniunely enjoyed mikeys company as they spent hours together in donnies workshop. When they weren't training or pulling pranks, they were almost always together. They constantly exchanged gifts, donnie with his tech, mikey with his DIYs.
A few days after the four made their signature masks, mikey got a hold of the orange and purple fabrics and made himself a purple bandana 'bracelet' and tied it aroud his left wrist securely. satisfied, he ran to donnies workshop where donnie was tinkering with a defective machine. Enthusiastically, mikey got donnies attention and hurriedly explained his idea, waving the orange cloth around while he spoke. Donnie didn't hesitate to agree and sat on the floor patiently as mikey tied an orange bandana on his right wrist. they agreed that until a day came where one of them died (not so subtle foreshadowing-) they would always wear a bandana to match together.
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(fast forward to the canonical bad timeline in the movie)
Years, decades even, had passed and they still kept their promise. the kraang invasion destroyed the world so completely, but leos, donnies and even mikeys slim hope and resolve for a better future shattered when raph was killed as he saved survivors. None of them truly recovered from their grief, but leo grimly led his brothers and the remaining survivors with unwavering leadership. Leo kept them going-if just barely. But mikey was destroyed from the inside when donnie was killed saving mikey from a kraang attack no one noticied...except donnie, who pushed mikey away when he was pierced. It crushed mikeys spirit, but leaned down and untied donnies bracelet, hearing that childish promise echo in his head:
"if one of us dies, we have to make sure we keep the other's bracelet." mikey had said. "why?" donnie murmured, tilting his head slightly. "so we can stay together, silly!" mikey laughed. "if we keep something that holds a memory of one another, are they really gone?"
"are they really gone?"
Mikey clutched the worn out, torn and faded orange fabric and tied it on his right wrist. No, he told himself. They will never be gone, as long as i continue to remember.
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yellowgreendinno · 11 months
Gauche/Marie Adlai headcanons
The door to his room, against popular belief, does not have a Marie carving in it, but its still recognizable. Its a wooden... thingy. nobody knows how to get in. Except Gordon and Grey. One day, Grey was gonna go talk to Gauche into his room, and Vanessa happened to be in the hallway, and saw Grey crouching down on the floor. She knocked thrice, and pushed. When the door moved VERTICALLY, Vanessa realised the door was a fucking mirror. A full body mirror turned around and used 👏 as 👏 a 👏 door 👏 so it can be pushed to the other side, right? here's where Gordon comes in. He just runs and jumps up, kicks the upper part with his feet and goes in without knocking. When Marie grew up and visited Gauche at the HQ, she was smart as fuck. She twisted a thingy the mirror had on the side, and it disconnected itself from one side, making it a door. Nobody knows aside from Gauche, though.
Gauche is able to resist Marie's eye magic. And Julius was like OmAiGodEyEMaGic. Gauche did not hesitate.
Marie had resembled child innocence, but as she grew up, she took after her brother's resting bitch face when she wanted.
She and Gauche are very similar in personality, know each other's favourite things, they have inside jokes...
like this one time, Marie told bullies as a kid that "my brother's a magic knight and he'll put you in jail" so now whenever anyone annoys Gauche after Marie became a magic knight he'll say "and my sister's a magic knight and she'll put you in jail".
Gauche has a shirt Theresia gave him that says "Mad Man", so Marie got one that says "I'm with Mad Man"
They prank Theresia to piss her off.
And they both know Mereoleona and Fuegoleon to a personal level.
Gauche's mirror eye was caused my Marie.
When she was a baby, she couldn't control her eye magic, so she basically made Gauche's eye turn into a mirror as a combination of eye and mirror magic.
Marie joined the Coral Peacocks squad, and whenever she hears there'll be a joint mission, she crosses her fingers and prays to gods above for it to be with the Black Bulls.
Both of them became really busy people, but once a month they go to park in their hometown to chill out
She knows Nash and Recca, both magic knights themselves.
Once, Marie heard the famous "Gauche, you hurt Grey and I'll hurt you" and Marie said "No, you hurt him and I'll hurt you" and slapped her across the face.
Gauche knows how to sing. Like he knows how to sing. Its a sight only Marie has seen, but if you hear him, you'll fall in love.
Which takes me to the next point, Marie also knows how to sing, and they both play various instruments, so they often do music duos with songs they wrote together in a treehouse in their hometown.
They sound something like the Bon Iver band and Taylor Swift, but younger.
She understood Gauche's reason to protect her so much over time, and ended up protecting him as well.
They have nightmares about the day Gauche almost died at the same time.
They just feel it, and Marie just waits at the door of the church and Gauche takes a broom there, and they ask "are you okay?" at the same time its so cute ^_^. Then they fly in their brooms (Gauche has an amulet Marie gave to him and she has a piece of Gauche's old shirt tied to it, mind you) to their old treehouse.
In Marie's fifteenth birthday, Gauche gave her a box full of their mother's clothes.
Marie didn't like Grey at first, she thought she'd take her big bro away.
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gabykatttt · 4 months
Velvet and Veneer in one day in Horrorland
Chapter 3
Velvet woke up with the sound of knocking on the front door.
Ugh I’m coming Velvet said letting out a yawn and stretched before answering it.
Velvet began to unlock the door and opened it. No one was there.
Velvet looked down and saw to tickets on the front porch.
What the hell who would send us tickets for Velvet thought grabbing the tickets and closed the door locking it.
Who was at the door sis? Veneer asked eating his toast.
No one maybe just a wiredo pulling a prank on us Velvet replied letting out a sigh.
What’s that on your hands? Veneer asked.
Well someone left us two tickets and I don’t know where this theme park is Velvet said sitting on the chair.
Veneer grabbed the ticket from Velvet’s hand and read it
It saids dear Velvet and Veneer come to join in a horrifying terror experience Horrorland where nightmares come to life better beware you’re in for a scare Veneer said placing the tickets on the table.
Who would give us tickets to go to a theme park? Veneer asked.
I don’t know little bro it’s probably Poppy and Viva pulling pranks on us again Velvet said eating her cereal.
It could be them Veneer agreed drinking his coffee.
Velvet took a look at the tickets one last time.
Well we better get ready sis Veneer said finishing his coffee and placed it on the sink.
Okay brother Velvet said finishing her bowl of cereal placing it on the sink as well.
In Horrorland
I gave the twins the tickets to come to Horrorland your highness the horror said bending down.
Good job my little horror the queen said.
Is there anything else I can do? The horror asked.
Make sure that everyone is ready before those twins come they won’t suspect a thing the queen said.
Yes your majesty The horror said exiting the building.
Are you sure this is a good Idea Amy? Garrison asked.
Yes I’m sure Amy replied getting up from her seat and left.
I have a bad feeling about this Garrison thought following Amy.
You’re never getting away with this Brittany and Molly said tied up into chains.
Aww I already have Amy said smirking evilly and left laughing.
That demon queen is dangerous why is Amy the queen of Horrorland? Molly said asking.
Cuz Amy is doing this after Slappy got destroyed once again Brittany said struggling to get out but no use.
I hope those twins don’t come here it’s a trap Molly said to herself.
Not to mention Amy will sure try to bring the dummy back to life Brittany thought worried that Slappy would come back to life
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Part 5
Blake Bradley
Had bad/abusive/neglectful parents and got sent into foster care when he was very little
He doesn’t remember his bio parents (just that he looked liked his mom, but smiled like his dad)
Has a bio sister (younger) that he doesn’t know about because she was born after he went into foster care
Hunter is his big brother best friend forever and he will bite anyone who says otherwise
He is a biter (as most younger siblings are)
Will also bite Hunter but hasn’t since they were kids
Is just as protective of Hunter as Hunter is of him
Gets very scared when Hunter gets hurt (which is rare)
Freaked the fuck out when Hunter attacked him while brainwashed
He’s never had to fight his brother like that and he hopes he never has to again
Is so relieved when he knocks out of it
They don’t fight a lot, so when they do it’s kind of a big deal
Are quick to make up though, they’re just a bit hotheaded
Tori is his unapologetic favorite
He was not expecting to find the enemy attractive but uh, Tori’s a pretty lady
Talked to her whenever she was at the track or they were at Storm Chargers
Blake: I’m just getting closer so we can execute our plan, Hunter: Sure dude. Whatever you say.
Gets teased for his flirting a lot
Trusts Tori like no other, which is a little scary, but he’s always had Hunter at his back so if he falls, he’ll be fine
Unlike Shane’s and Hunter’s rivalry as reds, Tori and Blake share a special connections as blues
While both able to keep their team level-headed and focused, they are also just as likely to jump on stupid shit (Blake because he thinks it’s fun/ny and Tori because someone challenged her)
Blake’s more chill tho
He really, really, really likes Tori
Dustin is cool in his eyes
Dustin makes his brother happy so he’s a good egg
Found him either annoyingly stupid or annoyingly competent (usually one right after the other) at first and was kind of confused about his whole thing
But he’s actually pretty chill after he gets to know him
He’s also pretty funny, Blake ain’t gonna lie
They bond over motocross and are healthily competitive
Also didn’t like Shane, but not nearly as much as Hunter
Thinks their rivalry is stupid and tends to stand clear whenever they go at it (he shares popcorn with Dustin)
Shane is actually really cool, it turns out
Another brother from another mother
They bond over their parents and shit talk Shane’s dad (and maybe his brother but shh)
Blake finds himself trusting in Shane like he would Hunter, which is weird because he’s never really had anyone else but Hunter
But a good weird
He and Cam bond over being the youngest/littlest (Blake is the actual youngest, but he and Cam are both treated like it)
Thinks Cam is badass and asks for a lot of ninja (and later samurai) tips, much to the surprise and mild delight of Cam
He likes working with Cam to come up with new weapon and zord ideas (Dustin sits in with them and adds to the conversation now and again) (it’s bro time)
Gets how annoying the overprotectiveness is and they work together to prank and tease the others
The chillest of the team (tied with Dustin, technically)
Much more clever and conniving than Hunter
He came up with most of the plan while Hunter set the pieces into motion
Feels really bad about tricking Tori, but both he and Hunter are going to see it through
Well, they were before the whole cave thing
Speaking of which CANON DIVERGENCE
They do make it to the cave and are about to use the crystal to break sensei’s bubble, but then the rangers drop in and they tussle and then Lothor pops in and tells them to destroy the bubble so he can destroy their sensei like he (Lothor) did their parents
Blake and Hunter: ...You mean like he did our parents. Lothor, sweating buckets: That’s what I said. Blake and Hunter: No, it wasn’t. Sensei: I didn’t kill anyone. Lothor: Shut up, this doesn’t concern you! Blake and Hunter: Did you kill our parents? Lothor: Does it matter? We’re so close to fulfilling our agreement, are you going to back out now because of a little technicality? Dustin shouting from the background: That seems like a pretty big technicality to me!
They still use the crystal to block Lothor’s blast but the explosion of it knocks Hunter out and he has a ~vision~ with his parents and they tell him they love him and Blake and they’re so proud of him and they’ll always be with him and they died helping sensei and now they’ll help carry on that legacy
Tears and crying all around
The boys end up leaving to see if they can find another power source like the crystal to connect with their parents, but they don’t find anything (Hunter still hides that small part of the crystal)
Has so many nightmares about his parent’s death and then of Hunter’s death during the whole brainwashing thing
Blake wants to prove he can fight and protect Hunter too so Hunter doesn’t have to give up anymore of himself protecting Blake
Is very efficient in weaponry (like Shane) even though his main focus was the thunder staff
His first weapon to learn outside of his thunder staff was that double-sided blade
Omino’s daughter taught him how to use it and was the one to give him the advice about “not letting you anger get the best of you”
They got close but she moved away because her dad is ~toxic~ and feels bad for leaving the boys behind, especially when the academy gets attacked
She’s technically no longer a ninja which is why she wasn’t zapped up to space
If Hunter is the thunder, then Blake is the lightning
Fast, silent, and deadly
He has more fine control like Tori
Can’t control the weather since he’s not quite as big, overwhelming, anger/feelings, but he is magnetic
Him and Hunter are wary of water because of their powers and tend to stay on the sand when they visit the beach
Still a powerhouse tho and can absolutely wreck your shit
His and Hunter’s eyes do that electricity eye glowing thing when they go into overdrive or are really mad
He can beatbox to Hunter’s rapping
Hangs with Dustin since he’s always with Hunter, but Hunter also hangs with Tori a lot since she’s always with him sooo
Very happy to have found his people
Goes into pro racing after the show
He and Dustin compete against each other a lot
Hunter is often there to support them both along with Tori, Shane and Cam
Main post
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
you got any thoughts on Firebrand and Thunderhand? Personally I love the idea
Oh yes my favorite things.
It is possible for multiple people to wield these, given Merri and Gigi have the hand abilities in their tutorial for them.
I also like the idea that the Fire Flower is just a weaker form of the Firebrand. Maybe the flowers were imbued with the powers of the Firebrand. I like to think Mario still uses them out of habit, which explains why he uses them in the Mainline games despite having the Firebrand.
Also the bros totally use their powers for domestic reasons. Mario uses the Firebrand to cook and sometimes as a torch if the power goes out, at least, until Luigi gets the power back on. Luigi tends to use the Thunderhand for fixing technology. Also he uses it to lovingly prank Mario. They definitely mess with each other using their hand powers
And yes the powers are tied to their emotions, so when they’re more upset their powers act up. This is one of the few ways people are able to tell when Mario is upset, since he represses his emotions often
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swagreecrow · 2 months
Leo 2018: Hey Dontron, I had a brilliant idea!😃😆💡✨
Donnie 2018: *Removes scanning device* Really?🙄🤨 ...I hope this isn't something I'll be ashamed of later😒😓
Leo 2018: No, bro, this is just a little prank on our girls😉😁💗🩷💝💕 Let's take off our blindfolds, dye our skin one color to hide your spots and my stripes on our eyes, and put on sweaters that hide our shells😃😄
Donnie 2018: Why do we need to do this?🤨🫤
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Leo 2018: Well, we are sometimes called disaster twins, right?😏💙💜✨
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Donnie 2018: Who the heck calls us that way?🤨😒
*After some time. In the skateboard room*
Stefany 2018: April, have you seen Leo?🤨😕 Since this morning I can’t find my little rub turtle anywhere🥺💓💖💞
April 2018: No, Stefany, unfortunately, I don’t know where he might be😟😔 Moreover, I myself cannot find my lovely Donnie anywhere🥺💝💗💘💕
Leo 2018 and Donnie 2018: *Enter the room and speak in one voice* Morning, beauties~😄😄💖💘❣️💕 *Stand back to back* Guess which of us is Donnie and which of us is Leo😏😏💜💙💗💞
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*Esa imagen no es mía lo encontré en pines*
Stefany 2018 and April 2018 :*mirá a Leo y Donnie*Oh dios 😲😯¿por que se vistieron a uno al otro ustedes? 😕🤨💙🔄💜
Leo 2018 :*imita la voz de Donnie* Lo siento señoritas pero no podemos decirles tienen que decir cuál es el verdadero Leo o Donnie😏😁💞💖💗*guiña*porque yo soy el genio más brillante verdad Leo 😉🤓✨
Donnie 2018 :*imita la voz de Leo* Sí, lo que dijo el nerd decidan Cuáles somos los verdaderos 😄😉💞💗❣️
Stefany 2018 :*señala a Leo la derecha con el dedo* bueno porque tú eres el verdadero Leo🥰😄💓💖💕
Leo 2018 :*se acerca a Stefany*vaya gatita cómo lo supiste que soy el verdadero Leo 😏😊💘💝💞
Stefany 2018 :*acaricia a Leo en la mejilla* jajaja, tortuguita te conozco por tus lindos ojitos y guiño por tu linda sonrisa ☺️😄💗💝💞💕Por qué a veces Donnie te llama nardo, no Leo aveces 😁🤭💖💞💝
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Leo 2018 :*abraza a Stefany en la cintura* vaya mi amor Eres realmente muy lista es correcto😘😊💗💕❣️*besa a Stefany en la mejilla *Muah~😚💋💕💝🩷
April 2018 :*señala a Donnie izquierda* tu eres el verdadero Donnie 😃😏💗💞💖
Donnie 2018 :*se acerca a April* bien mi pastelito de limón así supiste que era yo 😉😏💗💖💘
April 2018 :*se cruza los brazos* Oh cariño yo que sé conozco también reconozco tu apariencia tu atractivo cuerpo y tu lado que te enojas mucho😉😁💓💖💕
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Donnie 2018 :*abraza a April*bien necho mi bella Sirenita😘🥰💗💝❤️‍🔥💕Leo ya podemos cambiar de ropa es Que es incómodo porque me parezco a ti😅🙄
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okay but @spookyblazecoffee I need more Lahey bros canon pls bcuz can you imagine Theo’s first meeting with the brothers/Stiles & Scott
Theo mistakes Scott & Stiles for being the Laheys. Scott & Stiles decide to prank him. All while Liam is at a University class.
The actual Lahey bros get there and Theo thinks they are Scott & Stiles. The four of them decide to continue the charade.
Theo thinks he’s messing up, esp. when Stiles and Isaac mention things about Liam he didn’t even know.
Theo runs off after texting Liam that he was going to stay at his own apartment that night.
Liam gets home pissed off. Puppy pack in tow. Stiles, Scott, Issac & Jordan/Camden have to fix it. Corey, Tracy & Josh join them in finding Theo.
Theo realised that they were pranking him just because Liam’s the baby of the family. Theo tells them they are a bunch of assholes that Liam is an absolute angel for dealing with them.
Liam wakes up to a knock on the door and it’s Theo with breakfast all tied up in a bow with a note. He drags his boyfriend in and they have ‘the talk’. Theo proposes while Liam asks if he wanted to move in together.
Laheys & Stiles & Scott are with the puppy pack. They find out Liam was dating Theo ever since HS and Theo was Liam’s first. Overprotective brother instincts kick in but Hayden, Gabe, Josh & Mason keep them from going back to the apartment. Esp. When Liam messages them a ring on his finger.
All I can think of is all of Liam’s brothers/brother-figures going “OVER MY DEAD BODY”.
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ethtyn · 1 year
etho's limlife #5 pov liveblog
oh good. bdubs is just. here.
not the boogeyman. so my initial supposition was incorrect [squints]
uhmmm the group screenie moment with bdubs halfway up a ladder to look shorter 😭 goodbye.
"i'm washed up at pvp, i don't know the answers to these questions anymore" WAAAAAAH
"the BITES lawncare service" HELP LOL
this post
"if they ask me why we did it, i have no clue, to be honest (laughs)" GHGNFNF. (from between gritted teeth, affectionately) i can't stand you.
SCREAM i am dying at Etho crouching in the water elevator listening to jimmy monologue to his commenters. "wait, where are you??" PLEASE.
...shrieker in the TIES base. 🫵🏻 Cleo.
"why does everybody call me a traitor?!" "you put a shrieker in our base!" "(laughs) oh, yeah, Mom told me to do that." SEE. CLEO.
"i love it when we're pranked by people who don't know how things work" pfffft damn tango go off
obsessed w Etho apparently immediately sniffing out the bad boys in TIES' base. "this is just embarrassing at this point" to hysterical laughter from the BBs. j'adore.
"Jimmy. you're a BAD BOY." "i'm a very bad boy." 🥴🥴🥴
tell me the bad boys are not wearing priest skins. like i'm sure they're supposed to look like regular suits but THEY LOOK LIKE PRIESTS i'm. this is. hm
deviation for. this post
"i would be here all the time if it was allowed!" "you're allowed. you could be a Clocker." IMMEDIATELY LOOKS AT BDUBS. "i could, couldn't i" in the softest voice. i am ripping up my pillow with my teeth.
"i especially like that Cleo's been quiet. that's my favourite part of this whole supper." first of all it's dinner not supper you Canadian fuck (/aff), SECONDABLE you are. really going hard on the "not afraid of Cleo anymore" exposure therapy today sir. i love it keep going
fucking JCNCKFNCKDNCKF. insults Cleo, fails to find the button to the iron door, gets slapped for his troubles. I AM EATING SO GOOD RN
bro i. my mouth is open. jaw is flapping. this is some roleplay all right. also i love being right, there are TNT minecarts involved which means this is going to end Horribly.
IM SCREAMING. I WATCHED THAT BACK LIKE FIVE TIMES. there are literal tears in my eyes that was funnier than i possibly could ever have anticipated. AND ALSO BOTH OF THEM DIED IM FUCKING CACKLING.
i feel like i can HEAR Etho wondering if he'll need to edit out Scar's "banging" comment LMFAO
aaddhdnckfkg Joel's "ETHO?! disgusting" after Scar tattled on him in chat HELLO?
??????????? Scar crits him like. at least twice when they go back inside and Etho's just. so blasé about it. "he's going through his angsty teenage phase, i should leave" and Scar LETS HIM. the dynamics here are confusing me. i need to watch Scar's video. (i will confess to not keeping up with the Clockers since the first couple of episodes since Bdubs isn't uploading 😔)
Grian's "WHAT?!" after Etho admitted he didn't know why he blew up the bridge made me go into a coughing fit i laughed so hard. don't smoke, kids /srs
"i still have your sword, so if you ever need something from me—" sicko ha ha yessss dot jpeg. GIVE ME GRITHOOOOOO
bdubs crouching in a corner pointing a crossbow at Etho with his shield up and Etho is Still having a casual conversation. WHAT ARE THE DYNAMICS HERE?!
sorry, are you telling me. that Scott heard Etho say "uhhhh....yep" LIKE THAT in response to his question about whether that spot was how you access the farm loot and STILL WENT DOWN THERE? i'm also shocked that Martyn wasn't like "what do you mean, "tell them""
GODDAMMIT. who triggered it. i wanted to see that dynamic shift so bad.
KCNCMFMFM he is SO BAD at lying. it was a good decision to interrogate Jimmy first to confirm the Mean Gills' findings bc i don't think that man can tell when someone is lying to him Ever.
the unconvincing "whaaaat"s when Etho then goes to Joel & Grian 😭😭😭😭😭😭
uhm. episode conclusion: Etho is the Disneyland Dad™.
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