gammija · 4 months
im being so serious btw if any of you have links to an influencer speaking exactly like Madam E, please send them. cus atm, this is living rent-free, as they say. my roman empire
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detective-pigeon · 4 months
Maybe the true horror was the internet slang we were forced to listen to along the way.
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novaispan · 4 months
⚠️this is actual TMP ep 16 spoilers ⚠️
ok so assuming your all still here for no reason, imma continue anyway.
When does gwen meet inksoul? also, does this mean that inksoul has more control over the tattoos than we first thought?
along with this, Dig. Dig. DIG.
oh and alice… atleast celia believes you, and it’s totally because of the cases… no other reason.
i also think that they are communicating through the cases, “the views are cutting me” is very very much a communication idea.
anyway, there are my theories. feel free to repost and tag in with your own
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bobbycrabman · 4 months
I didn't get a lot from this one I don't think, I like Ink5oul's voice, I dislike madam E's voice, and oh our poor poor alice, send post
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thatrandombystander · 4 months
I cannot BELIEVE this episode managed to Hello Jon. Apologies for the deception but I wanted to-
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ashefvll · 4 months
There weren't nearly enough sound effects in tmagp16. I fixed it.
[Loud noise warning]
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The hello Jon jumpscare at the beginning of tmagp16 made me flail and choke on my sandwich💔 He is a EVIL man
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spooksnett · 4 months
no one can understand how excited I got when I saw Ink5oul in the cast list. I KNEW THEY WERE COMING UP SOON CAUSE OF THE AUDITIONS BACK LAST YEAR. I love them. so much. they are so funny. doxxing and calling out God they are so funny
gwendolyn bouchard you have me staring blankly into the void. she's so :(
the lena and gwen scene had me screaming that was so cool
I'm going insane over this episode AAAAAA
also gwen thinking Lady Mowbray is less of a threat than Mr Bonzo purely because she's a lady married into the Lords is SO FUNNY. GOD SHES SO POSH
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magpod-confessions · 4 months
(spoilers for tmagp16)
Ink5oul was perfectly justified in murdering madam e
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ceaselessims · 4 months
tmagp16 live tweet thoughts
i have a twitter account where i live tweet as i listen BUT also thought i would share here too
- the protocule is thriving i see
- of course CELIA is the one who believes Alice
- ink5oul my beloved !!!!
- oh dear it seems not even the writing team at rusty quill is immune to bad gen z slang writing
Tumblr media
- finna ???? situationship ?????? kill me
- what's scarier: the possessed tattoo or the dialogue of this "gen z" blogger
- OH ?? oh i'm actually gonna cry a little bit
- this started off so cringe but now i feel really awful
- jonathan sims, shaking the computer screen from the inside: DONT GO LOOKING FOR THE HORRORS THEY WILL GET YOU AND YOU WILL DIE STAY AWAY LEAVE GO HOME
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gammija · 4 months
sorry that i cant shut up about this silly little case that's only like 10 mins long, but i went through the tmagp tag again. and its also amusing how the "the appropriation of AAVE and overuse of genZ slang this ep was believably executed and intentionally done as a commentary on influencers" interpretation will both have people saying, "well it was meant to be annoying and unnatural because it's a white character using it" without knowing the VA is black, and then people who do know, apparently making an argument along the lines of, "well it mustve been appropriate usage of AAVE because a British black person was saying the lines."
Because nuance is a thing, i don't think it's necessarily all the same people saying both things at once, but it does once again speaks to how this case really wasn't all that well-written, vague in it's intentions and themes, and gave Madam E very little characterization, making a well-founded interpretation difficult and messy
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gammija · 4 months
You are SO RIGHT about this episode. I get that it's meant to be satire but it feels shallow. It feels like Alex has never watched the content he's parodying, only other parodies of it.
the fact that he came on twitter like 'ugh, cant believe i have to clarify that madam e is *supposed* to sound like a try-hard' already shows it failed in its intention. should've written a better case then. she doesn't sound like a try-hard, she sounds like a bad parody
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gammija · 4 months
I definitely think people are reading way more depth into this episode than it deserves. I absolutely agree that it felt very much like he was setting up a straw man to make fun of when no one actually talks like that. It wasn't a deep critique on social media or cultural appropriation. It was just irritating.
imo it's not necessarily unlikely that they meant the over-the-top slang to function as a kind of commentary on appropriation, or even more likely, 'online authenticity'. i just think it failed because it didn't seem to genuinely understand or be interested in investigating those things beyond noting that they exist
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gammija · 4 months
laughing at the fact that the two interpretations of this case ('even 'fake' tiktok influencers talk more naturally than this' and 'no there are people who talk like this and ive seen them i swear') are both accusing the other of not being online enough to know the difference
should also say that i genuinely dont mind if you disagree... we're discussing minutiae of exactly how much internet speak is too much internet speak. it's not that big a deal. i just find it fun to chew on, for how this tiny aspect of online culture interacts with underlying discussions about things like intergenerational conflict, cultural appropriation and misogyny
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gammija · 4 months
Tbh i don't think the sound effects were unrealistic at all for a longform video, they reminded me a lot of curtis conner and jerm bot (at least like 2-3 years ago, havent seen theit newer stuff). For the slang thing, i have def seen medium-sized influencers using too much in a try-hard way (jack in the books comes to mind, esp a year or two ago. Which is p mean bc i do like him and he's very sweet, and it's not NEARLY as bad as madame e, but it does still get grating when you can tell it's an act). But in general yeah i agree with your take, i think they were going for a semi-sympathetic tryhard and some kind of commentary, but the execution fell flat
thanks for giving me some more names to check out! Took me a while to answer this ask cause i wanted to watch a few clips of all of them.
Respectfully, I disagree that the sound effects are used in the same way as Kurtis and Jermbot use them. granted it's not completely unrealistic that an amateur influencer would try and fail in the way madam E does to rlly capture the style while taking some of the superficial elements (like the kinds of sound effects used), but i dont think this eps case could be mistaken for a video edited by one of these guys. Again it's mostly down to amount, timing and pacing. and also every example yall send me included at least one, usually more, reverbed voice for dramatic effect, something which iirc Madam E again fails to imitate
i also watched some of jack in the books, and lankybox which @ohmytiredheart said Madam E reminded them of. Lankybox is the first where i actually hit on some clips of them using the slang in a way that sounded a bit unnatural, and i definitely did not enjoy their obnoxious video style. but again, the idea isn't that these aren't words that people use, or even that there aren't influencers who use them wrong or too much, but that no one actually talks like madam e even when they're faking for clout, and thus the commentary falls flat, like you said
as with all these posts, its not like im tuned into the entire tma fandom let alone the entire internet, so i am trying to leave room for the possibility that a counter-example will pop up. we'll see.
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gammija · 4 months
I will add a third perspective of it sounded fine to me? I didn’t notice any overuse of slang or weird words. I didn’t have trouble understanding anything. I didn’t find Madam E annoying. I’m surprised by the response because I really didn’t notice anything odd at all. I guess that means it sounded like natural speech to me.
That's fair! There were a lot of parts of the case that, taken in isolation, i had no problem with (on the level of vocab, at least). I also didn't have any trouble understanding her, and I think the voice actor did a great job with the lines given.
Now i am curious though, what kind of youtubers/tiktokers/influencers do you watch? Maybe then i can finally find an example of a Madam E-speaker in the wild
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