mazerunnermusical · 2 years
1. The shank who got sliced in half from trying to go down the Box Hole and then his dead body put on display in the Deadheads
2. Alby when he runs into a pack of wild Grievers to supposedly save everyone off the idea of the one-person-a-night rule but it does nothing
3. Frankie when his head turns into a bowling ball
4. Teresa when she gets smashed by a ceiling saving Thomas’ life with her final words being “I only ever cared for…” only to have him makeout with someone else a few hours later
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thewalking-weeb · 6 years
Half The World Away || Newt x Reader|| Part 2 of 2
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Part 1: Here
"Jeff what's wrong?" Clint asked once Newt left. "Something doesn't seem right, Clint. Y/N clearly isn't alright, even if she says it" Jeff said, as Clint looked outside. "She looks healthy, though. The box comes up with the same supplies as always. If there was something else, then it would've given a clear view that something wasn't alright with her" Clint said, as Jeff nodded.
Early in the morning, Y/N woke up feeling cold. She got up and walked to where the group sat and walked next to Newt. "Bloody hell, Y/N! What are you doing here? You should be resting" Newt said, as Y/N sat down. The doors opened, and Newt helped Y/N up, as they looked inside. "They're not coming back" Y/N eyes welled up, as everyone turned their backs.
"No way..." Zart said, as Y/N turned around. Minho and Thomas were in view, helping Alby. "Yeah!" Chuck said, as everyone cheered. "Alby!" Y/N called out, as Minho and Thomas placed him down. "He got stung" Minho said, as Y/N hugged him and Thomas. They both felt how she trembled, and guilt started to fill them. "You saw a griever?" Chuck asked Thomas once Y/N released them from her hug. "He didn't just see it... he killed it" Minho said, as Y/N froze.
Thomas sat as Gally started to talk. After what happened, Y/N and Alby were taken to the med-jacks hut, as Y/N was drained and Alby had to be restrained. "I'd say make him s Runner" Minho said, as everyone disagreed. Suddenly, they heard the box come up. It wasn't suppose to come today, so everyone went out.
What they found was shocking. A girl was there, almost sleeping, with supplies surrounding her. When they took her out, she woke up and looked at them, as th boys gawked. "Ah- um... Hi, I'm Newt. Welcome to the glade, what's your name?" Newt asked, coming out of the shock. "Teresa... Why am I here?" She asked, as Newt explained.
After Teresa's arrival, Y/N noticed a change in the boys. They saw her as a goddess. She cured Alby from the sting, and everyone was on her. Y/N didn't mind, she got to know Teresa, and kept each other secrets safely. But what she did mind was the fact Newt payed more attention to Teresa.
"Y/N..." Chuck called out and she looked at him. Everyone was having a bonfire for the new greenie, Teresa. All the Gladers paid more attention to her, but Y/N didn't mind, she still had Chuck and Thomas to talk too. "What you guys doing here?" Thomas voice rang, as he handed a glass of Gally's secret recipe to Y/N.
Y/N looked at the maze, before looking at Thomas and Chuck. "What do you guys think is on the other side?" Y/N asked, as Thomas thought. "Freedom?" Chuck guessed, as Y/N smiled. She looked behind to see the group of boys surrounding Teresa, asking her questions, especially Newt. Y/N looked at Thomas and Chuck, and decided that get up and used a stick.
"I would like to leave this city
This old town don't smell too pretty
And I can feel the warning signs running around my mind" Y/N started to sing, as Thomas and Chuck smiled.
"And when I leave this island
I book myself into a soul asylum
I can feel the warning signs running around my mind" Thomas and Chuck swayed their hands in the air from side to side, Y/N smiling and closing her eyes.
"So here I go
I'm still scratching around in the same old hole
My body feels young but my mind is very old..." Teresa looked up when she heard a voice. "Who's singing?" Teresa asked the group of clingy boys, who looked confused once they heard it. Teresa got up to listen.
"So what do you say?
You can't give me the dreams that are mine anyway
You're half the world away
You're half the world away" Teresa followed the voice and stopped when she saw Y/N singing, Thomas and Chuck relaxed. When Teresa looked back, the group of boys looked as shock as her.
"And when I leave this planet
You know I'd stay but I just can't stand it
And I can feel the warning signs running around my mind" Thomas and Chuck chuckled, as Y/N smile grew.
"And if I can leave this spirit
I'll find me a hole and I'll live in it
And I can feel the warning signs running around my mind" Y/N then looked at the wall, where the names were carved. Y/N traced her name, before tracing Chuck, Alby, Thomas, Teresa, and Gally.
"So here I go
I'm still scratching around in the same old hole
My body feels young but my mind is very old" Y/N then stopped and stared at the Newt's name. Everyone looked at Newt, who's cheeks were tinted pink, possibly from Gally's secret recipe or from his thumping heart.
"So what do you say?
You can't give me the dreams that are mine anyway
You're half the world away
You're half the world away" Y/N traced Newt name, as everyone saw the warmth in her as she looked at the wall, and the names.
"You're half the world away
I've been lost, I've been found
But I don't feel down" Y/N twirled and sat down in between Thomas and Chuck, who gave her te drink.
"You're half the world away
I've been lost, I've been found
But I don't feel down" Y/N twirled and sat down in between Thomas and Chuck, who gave her the drink.
"You're half the world away
I've been lost, I've been found
But I don't feel down
I don't feel down" Y/N finished singing, as she drank. Slowly, Thomas, Chuck, and Y/N heard clapping and looked behind them. Teresa was clapping, as the boys. Y/N got up and looked at them, before locking eyes with Newt.
Thump thump thump thump
Y/N walked back before looking around, panicking. She looked at Chuck and Thomas, before bottling to the forest. Chuck followed, as Thomas looked at everyone. "What the fuck guys!" Thomas yelled angrily, as Newt snapped. "What the fuck? What the fuck, Tommy! Why didn't you fucking tell us she can sing!" Newt yelled back, walking up to Thomas and pushing him. They started to argue, before Alby broke them both up. Thomas shook his head, before walking to the forest to find Y/N and Chuck, who were sitting under a tree, visible to Thomas.
The next day, Y/N sat with Thomas and Chuck, looking down as whispers went through the glade. "Hey Y/N..." Teresa started with a smile, but the smile faltered when Y/N got up and walked to the homestead, Chuck following, and Thomas apologizing to Teresa, before following. "I want to be alone, please" Y/N said once Thomas and Chuck caught up to her.
"We'll be outside if you need us" Thomas said, tugging Chuck. Y/N nodded, and waited for both to be out of eyesight, before collapsing and gasping for air, holding her chest tightly.
"Chuck, come sit" Y/N said, as she coughed into a cloth. "Are you okay? Do you want me to call Jeff or Clint?" Chuck asked, as Y/N smiled weakly. "I'm fine, Chuck. Show me the little art you created" Y/N said, as Chuck took it out. "It's beautiful Chuck. Your parents will love it" Y/N said, as Chuck looked at Y/N. "You and Thomas will be there when I see my parents, right?" Chuck asked, as Y/N nodded, coughing again.
Thomas later joined, bringing blankets to sleep on. Once Chuck and Thomas fell asleep, she got up and went a bit further away, before throwing up what she ate, and blood. She kept on coughing and throwing up, as her mind became woozy. She started to crawl to Thomas and Chuck, her eyes pleading for a bit more time. She kissed Chuck forehead, before kissing Thomas forehead. "I'm sorry..." Y/N whispered, before darkness engulfed her.
The next morning, Chuck woke up to Thomas coming with food. "Did Y/N wake up yet?" Thomas asked, as Chuck shook his head. "Alright, Y/N, rise and shine. It's time to work!" Thomas said, walking to Y/N unmoving body. "Y/N, did you hear... me..." Thomas stopped as he saw the image in front of him. "Chuck... Chuck! Get Jeff and Clint!" Thomas yelled, as he picked up Y/N. "Help! Help!" Chuck screamed, grabbing the attention of the Gladers.
"Chuck what's wrong?" Alby asked, as Chuck cried. "I don't know... Y/N... she isn't... Thomas said... Jeff and Clint..." Chuck cried out, as everyone saw Thomas running with Y/N body. There eyes widen when they saw how pale she was, and dried blood stain near her mouth. Jeff and Clint quickly rushed and started to examine her, everyone waiting outside. "What happened?" Minho asked Thomas. "I... I don't know..." Thomas said, trying not to break down.
A gruesome hour passes, before Jeff and Clint come out. Everyone looks at them with hope, but it soon disappears when Jeff shakes his head. Chuck cries grew louder, as Thomas hugged him. Teresa started to cry, as the whole Gladers looked shock, and sad. "Alby" Jeff called out, as Alby looked. Jeff gave him a letter, which read;
Dear Gladers,
Writing this is the most hardest thing I've ever done, energy wise. The truth is, I was dying, but of what is unknown. You see, when I went to Jeff to get my arm bandage, Jeff realized I had irregular breathing, and told me to rest. But it grew worse. Suddenly I would get coughing fits, and blood would come out. Then I couldn't keep Fry delicious food down, and I knew my time was being cut shorter and shorter.
Thomas, take care of Chuck, he's going to need you the most. Chuck, don't cry, please. Even if I'm gone, that doesn't mean I won't be there in spirit. Teresa, thank you. Don't blame Teresa. I asked and begged her to keep the attention on her, even if it hurt me, but it would allow me to distance myself from you guys. But when you caught me singing, I had to distance myself even more. Alby, thank you for being the best leader. Minho, you shucking perverted minded Asian shuck face, keep focus and find a way out of this maze.
Fry, I always loved your cooking. Gally, You shuck face... your a teddy bear in my eyes. Clint... Jeff... I'm sorry for not relying on you, but there are other people who need you. Newt... Sweet, lovable, calm, beautiful shuck faced with an accent... I hate you... but my mind and heart forgives you because I always loved you, still have and always will. And for the others who I didn't name, I'm sorry but my mind is woozy and I'm trying to stay awake before my hourly passing out starts. I hope you all get out, and I will miss you all. I won't say goodbye, but I will say thank you for everything.
The forgotten girl, Y/N
Not everything was the same. Everything came crashing down. Alby's death, the way out of the maze. But as Chuck took his last breathe, Thomas cried out in anger. He let Y/N down... Chuck was dead. And a blink of an eye, now he was leading his friends away from WCKD into the scorch. Winston died, but they learned about the people who were not immune to the flare. And then they met Brenda and Jorge, who help them.
Then came the betrayal of Teresa, and their friends were captured. Newt wasn't immune, but he didn't mind. He would do anything to be with Y/N in the sky...
And that's what was going to happen. Thomas had fire at Newt, after Newt begged Thomas to not let it make him into a crank. Thomas did what he was told, and Newt felt the bullet hit him in the head, but he didn't feel dead.
"Newt... Sweet, lovable, calm, beautiful shuck faced with an accent... I hate you... but my mind and heart forgives you because I always loved you, still have and always will"
"Newt, I love you"
"I love you"
Newt woke up gasping, as Thomas stood there. "Tommy... where- why am I not dead?" He asked. "Because I didn't want you dead" Newt froze. That voice wasn't suppose to be heard. "Y/N..." Newt whispered, as Y/B stood there, wearing a doctor outfit. "Hello Newt" She said, as he hugged her. Y/N hugged back, kissing in the process. "How?" He asked, as Y/N sighed.
"After I was buried, I woke up and felt the coffin being dragged. I heard metal, and figured that a griever dragged me into the maze. I then was greeted by Dr Paige and others, and taken to become a doctor. Without their knowledge I figure out something and check on how the flare worked, which gave me the time to create the cure" Y/N said, helping Newt.
"I love you, you shucking shebean" Newt whispered, kissing her again. "I love you too. C'mon. They're waiting" Y/N said, as they went to the plane. Y/N was greeted like an old friend, but they waited for Thomas and Teresa. "Teresa hurry up and get in!" She heard Thomas said, as she check on his wounds. "Thank you..." Teresa said, as Y/N eyes slipped tears. The building collapsed, as Teresa plunged to her death.
Once in the safe haven, Newt hugged Y/N, who was humming a tune. "We made it..." Newt said, kissing her neck. "Mhm. And were going to create a better world, without the scorch nor the flare" Y/N said, as they kissed off into the sunset.
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diazevan · 6 years
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First and Last Words On-Screen (1 / 2)
(I didn’t include flashbacks for Teresa because I went by her first proper appearance, and I also did not include Newt’s letter because technically they weren’t his last lines on-screen.)
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dearren · 9 years
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Chapter 17
Words: 659 Warnings: suicide and death mention, referenced mental illness, attempted suicide Summary: “That what you want, then” said Newt dryly. “That you don't have to worry about me anymore?”
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wickedisgood · 9 years
Why is Alby so nice in the movie but so mean in the book?!?!?!
because book alby and movie alby are completely different people
movie alby was there right at the start on his own for a month and dealt with everything that came with that. he felt responsible for every person that came through the box and was always the leader and the person who decided how things were going to work. he has had time to learn the best way of doing things and what works and what doesn’t, and how to best deal with the greenies
book alby was leader for less than a month. thomas was the first greenie he had to deal with due to the previous leader (nick) dying. this means not only was he new to the job and finding it stressful, he was probably still mourning a friend. he found things harder than his movie counterpart because he was still relatively new to the position and had a lot of other things going on at the same time and i suppose if that came across as mean, well, them’s the breaks
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brendresa-blog · 10 years
Get your runtcheeks down those stairs, right now,"Alby ordered...“If I see you again before tomorrow morning, you ain't reachin' another one alive. I'll throw you off the cliff myself"...Thomas was humiliated and scared. He felt like he'd shrunk to the size of a small rat.
Bless Alby
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thewalking-weeb · 6 years
Half The World Away || Newt x Reader|| Part 1 of 2
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A/N: This is a recreation of what I had in mind since my dumbass forgot to save before closing the app
Part 2: Here
WCKD is good...
I'm sorry...
WCKD is good...
I hope you will survive...
WCKD is good...
Wake up Y/N...
Wake up...
Wake up Y/N...
¡¡¡WAKE UP!!!
She violently woke up by the cage movement. She looked around, breathing heavily. "Help... Help!" She screamed, tears welling in her eyes. Her heart sunk when the cage halted, and voices could be heard from the outside. She held her knees tightly, closing her eyes shut, concentrating on her breath.
"Found the greenie!" She froze at the accent, and her eyes welled up with tears. "Greenie is a shebean" Another voice said, as she could hear responses.
"Girl? Aw yeah!"
"I call dibs"
"I saw her first!"
"Alright, Alright! Everyone get back to work!" Another voice called. She started to tremble, her breath becoming irregular. "She's scared" the accent said. "No shuck! I thought she was happy!" A voice said. "Shuck off, Minho" the accent said. "Hey..." she looked up to see a dark skinned man a couple feet away. "It's okay, we won't hurt you... Your scared, we all feel the same when we were in your position. But your the only girl, so I know you might be frightened to death" The man started, as she tried to back away when he tried to get near.
"My name is Alby. The one to my right is Newt, my second in command... Thats Gally, Keeper of the builders. And that's Minho, Keeper of the Runners. It's oka-" She didn't know why, but she ran and hugged Alby, her hands trembling violently, as she cried. Alby froze, but hugged her back, trying to soothe her. "Why..." she whimpered, as Alby looked at Minho and Newt, who eyes seemed to pity, as Gally ordered the boys to take out the supplies.
Once she calmed down, Newt and Minho helped her out and she sat on the grass, shyness overtaking her. "You think shebean got a name?" She heard Minho asked to Newt. "Y/N..." She whispered, as they looked at her. "What?" Minho asked. "Y-Y/N... My name... it's Y/N" she said a little louder, still looking at the grass.
Couple Months later...
Y/N was quiet and sometimes distant, working in the kitchen with Frypan, the only person who wouldn't ask her question after question. "Y/N, can you get veggies from Newt" Frypan asked, as she nodded. Picking up the basket, she went off to where the track-goes were busy farming. "Ah, Y/N! Fancy seeing you here! Fry needs something from the gardens?" Y/N nodded to Newt, who placed veggies on the basket.
Y/N smiled, and bowed her head, before walking off. "She still doesn't talk to anyone?" Zart asked, as Newt shook his head. "Only speaks to Alby and Fry when needed. Oh, the box is coming up" Newt said as they walked towards it. "It's another boy!" Someone yelled. "He klunked himself!" Another yelled, as everyone laughed. Y/N looked as they picked s chubby boy out from the box.
"Fry..." Y/N called out, as Fry nodded. Y/N walked out and towards Alby, who was talking to the boy. "Oh, Y/n, what's u-" Minho didn't finish when he saw Y/N hug the chubby boy, who seemed startled. "It's okay... I was in your shoes..." Y/N whispered to him, as the boy hugged her. "It's okay to cry... Crying always help with the shock" She said, as sniffles left the boys mouth.
"My name is Y/N, that's Alby, he's the leader. Oh, and that's Newt, he's Alby second in command. And that's Minho, Keeper of the Runners" Y/N whispered to him, pointing at the people. "Do you remember your name?" She asked, as the kid shook his head. "Don't worry, it'll come today or tomorrow, or the next day. Alby will give you the tour, then it'll be lunch. I'll see you then, okay?" She said, as he nodded.
Y/N looked at Alby, nodding and walking back to the kitchen-like hut. When lunch was being served, Y/N found the chubby boy sitting alone and sat down with him. "Hello" She said smiling, as the boy smiled back. “What’s your name again?” The boy asked, as Y/N smiled. “My name is Y/N” the boy smiled. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Chuck” he said, as Y/N hugged him, happy to know that he remembered his name.
One month later...
"Why don't you tell him?" Chuck asked, as Y/N sighed. "He doesn't see me like that. He sees me as a sister..." Y/N said,  as she glanced at Newt. "Isn't the box suppose to be coming?" Chuck asked, as Y/N nodded, smiling. "Oh, it seems like it's here" Y/N said happily, as boys gathered. "Are you going to see?" Chuck asked, as Y/N shook her head. "I want to meet up with Jeff. I got injured the other day and he told me to go and change the bandage today" Y/N said, waving Chuck goodbye.
"Jeff?" Y/N called out, as the scrawny dark skinned boy came in. "Y/N! Came to change the bandage right now?" Jeff asked, as Y/N nodded, sitting down. "How have you been? Still with irregular breathing or..." Jeff started, as Y/N thought. "I'm fine" She said, smiling brightly. Jeff only nodded warily, but decided not to push her. "Are you going to the bonfire tonight?" Jeff asked. "No, I want some time alone and relax. Partying isn't my thing, especially with Gally's drink around" Y/N said, before walking away.
"Y/N" She looked up and saw Chuck standing in the door. "Come in Chuck" Y/N said, patting the spot next to her. "Why aren't you outside?" He asked, as Y/N thought for a while. "Chuck, would you like to hear something?" Y/N asked, as Chuck nodded.
"I would like to leave this city
This old town don't smell too pretty
And I can feel the warning signs running around my mind" Y/N sang, as Chuck looked at her in awe.
"I didn't know you can sing!" Chuck said happily, as Y/N placed her finger to her lips. "Please keep it a secret?" Y/N asked, as Chuck nodded. She bid Chuck goodnight, and looked out her window, to see Newt with a boy she never seen before, which might be the new greenie.
"Oh, Thomas, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Thomas. He's the new greenie" Chuck said. Y/N was walking to the destheads when she bumped into Chuck with the greenie. "Hello Thomas, I'm Y/N" She said, smiling. "Are you an angel?" Thomas said aloud, before turning red. Y/N giggled, before laughing. "I don't see myself as an angel, Your the first to say it" Y/N said.
Across the field, Alby, Newt and Minho stood looking at Thomas, Chuck, and Y/N talking. "She laughed at something he said" Minho said. "She's smiling too" Newt said, bitterly. "He's flirting Alby, do something!" Minho whined, as Alby sighed. "Let her talk to whoever. This is the first time she's talked to someone that isn't me or Fry or Chuck" Alby said, walking away.
"She grabbed his hand" Minho said, as Y/N said something. "Bloody shank" Newt said, bitterly, before walking away, Minho going to the map room. "So... your telling me that me and Chuck are the only ones who know you can sing?" Thomas asked during dinner, as Y/N nodded. "And you l i k e Newt?" Y/N nodded again, her cheeks red. "More like in love with him" Chuck whispered to Thomas, who snickered.
"You guys stop it!" Y/N whined, her cheeks turned a darker red. Thomas and Chuck started laughing, as Y/N joined them, coughing time by time during the laughing fit. When they finished with their laughing fit, they noticed that the glade was starring at them, especially Newt, Minho, and Alby. Y/N shrunk a bit,  looking at Thomas, who thought of something. "Let's go to the forest, I think I saw some fireflies" Thomas said, as Y/N eyes were bright.
"She was laughing at something he said" Minho said. "And they're leaving to the forest" Newt said. "He's flirting with her Alby!" Minho whined again, as Alby gave them a warning glance. "I think she's breaking out of her shell" Alby said, telling all the Gladers to finish food and call it a night.
At the forest, Y/N coughed some more, using a cloth to cover her mouth. "Are you allergic to something?" Thomas asked, as she shook her head. "I think I ate too quickly, that's all" Y/N said, swallowing down the feeling of throwing up.
The next day, Y/N was at the med-jacks hut, as Jeff gave her some medication for her nausea. "Are you sure your alright?" Jeff asked, as Y/N nodded, drinking water. "Help!" Jeff got up and looked out. "Jeff..?" Y/N called out. "Stay here, I'll be back" Jeff said, as Y/N stay sitting. "Y/N!" Chuck called out as Y/N looked at him, before noticing Thomas. "Are you alright?" Y/N asked, worriedly. "Ben was stung and attacked Thomas" Chuck explained, as Y/N bandage Thomas. "Stung? In broad daylight?" Y/N questioned, as Thomas nodded.
"What will happen to him?" Thomas asked, as Y/N froze. "Well... he broke one of the three main rules. Alby might punish him badly" Y/N said, as Chuck stayed silent. "How?" Thomas asked, as both shrugged.
Later on that day, Y/N was next to Thomas, as Ben begged Minho and Alby to spare him. "What are they doing?" Thomas asked, as Y/N lips trembled. "B-Banishment..." Y/N whispered. Thomas noticed and held her hand, as she saw them all push Ben in, his cries and pleas reaching deaf ears. Y/N closed her eyes, as she heard the doors close shut. "He belongs to the maze now" Y/N whispered, pulling Thomas to find Chuck.
"They're holding her hand" Minho stated, as Newt looked. "He's going to break her heart" Newt said to Alby, who rolled his eyes. "They're just friends, she told me" Alby said, as Newt scoffed. "Yeah, I don't believe a single klunk" Newt said, as Alby gave him a warning glance.
"Talk to him" Fry said, as Y/N was cutting vegetables. "Fry..." Y/N started, before running and throwing up breakfast. "Are you okay?" Fry asked, worried. "Yes... I'm okay, just have stomach flu I guess" Y/N said, as Fry grabbed her and pushed her to the gardens. Y/N sighed and walked to the gardens, noticing Chuck and Thomas sitting, and Newt and Zart cutting a tree out.
"Your suppose to be helping, not slacking" Y/N said, as Chuck, Thomas, Newt and Zart jumped. Y/N smiled, and waved at them. "Fry told me to take some time off, and I saw that Thomas wasn't doing his job" Y/N said, picking up the machete from Thomas. "What are you-" Y/N swung at the tree roots, as Zart and Newt took a step back.
"Holy shuck" Zart said, as Thomas looked scared. "Try, Thomas" Y/N said, smiling, as Thomas grabbed the machete and started. Y/N looked at Newt, and smiled innocently, making Neet blush. They all stopped when they heard thunder, and went to take cover, as rain started to pour. "What happens if they don't make it?" Thomas asked, as Y/N looked confused. "They're going to make it" Newt said. "But what if they don't?" Thomas asked again. "They're going to make it" Newt said, avoiding eye contact with Y/N.
"Alby... No..." Y/N said, sprinting to the maze door once the rain stopped. "Y/N, wait!" Newt called our, running after her. He stopped her from getting any closer to the door, and held her as everyone waited patiently. "Look!" Thomas said, as Y/N saw Minho with Alby. "Somethings wrong" Newt said, as Y/N realized.
"C'mon Minho!"
"You can do it!"
"You gotta leave him"
"Please don't leave him..." Minho didn't let go, he couldn't. Y/N was standing there, her eyes filled with fear, hugging Newt, who had a grip on her. "They're not going to make it" Thomas said. It went in slow motion, but Y/N struggled, screaming at Thomas, who ran into the maze. "No!" She screamed, but the doors closed, as tears fell from her eyes.
"Y/N... Y/N!!!" Y/N fainted in Newt arms, as he picked her up and went to the end-jacks but, Jeff and Clint on his tail. "Fainted due to shock" Clint said, as Chuck saw Newt hold her hand, his eyes worried. "He loves you too, Y/N" Chuck said, before walking and sitting a couple feet away from the maze.
"Alby... Minho... Thomas..." Y/N whispered out, as she gained consciousness. Blinking, she looked to see Newt smiling, his eyes holding worry. "You alright, love. Just fainted due to shock" Newt said, as Y/N got up. "The maze... Minho... Thomas... Alby..." Y/N said, as Newt tried stopping her. "Rest. I'll go and check for you. The first sign that they're back I'll send Chuck to tell you, okay?" Newt said, as Y/N nodded, before she went to sleep.
"Jeff what's wrong?" Clint asked once Newt left. "Something doesn't seem right, Clint. Y/N clearly isn't alright, even if she says it" Jeff said, as Clint looked outside. "She looks healthy, though. The box comes up with the same supplies as always. If there was something else, then it would've given a clear view that something wasn't alright with her" Clint said, as Jeff nodded.
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spidergwens65 · 10 years
hit with sudden alby, minho & newt sad feelings listening to Sam Smith's Lay Me Down
like haha
my sweet precious darlings
why you gotta make me hurt
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dearren · 9 years
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Chapter 15
Words: 605 Warnings: referenced suicidal thoughts Summary: I love you, Alby thought. I love you so much. And I am so sorry I can't do anything about it all.
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medjackjeff · 10 years
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One of Minho's more underrated quotes, and I just felt like pointing out the parallels here. Both Newt and Minho break the second rule - never harm another Glader - as Ben and Alby get stung. They hit the other over the head to incapacitate them, it is necessary to keep them from hurting themselves and others, and both Minho and Newt know that and don't hesitate to act. What's interesting though, is that Ben is Minho's running partner, and Alby's Newt's best friend - Minho and Newt had to take out the respective other's companion. And that shot in WICKED HQ had no link to that until Wes Ball revealed the two corpses the two of them are looking at are actually Alby and Ben. The message is clear: they have failed in trying to save their friends, despite their best efforts. Only the two of them are left, to take care of each other, to get each other to safety. And Minho doesn't know it yet, but he'll fail there as well.
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newtttheglue · 10 years
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newtdaily-blog · 10 years
I’d choose drinking salt water until my heart stops beating, than go through another day without you by my side.
Open your eyes and fix me like you did before.
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stormtropr · 10 years
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Do your part
Never harm another glader
Never go beyond those walls
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waiting4kraven · 10 years
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How could this be my fault ?
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i-8-ur-soul · 10 years
The adventures of mama Newt and his kids from the Glade
*Newt and Alby are eating at Frypan's*
Newt: *scratches Alby's cheek* Man, you got something ya on cheek
Alby: *wipes the spot with his sleeve* Better?
Newt: No, let me help *licks his finger*
Alby: hey shuck face, back off
Newt: *approaches slowly to Alby's face*
Alby: Newt, I'm serious, back off
*Alby tries to stand up but Newt grabs him by the collar of his shirt*
Newt: Ah, bloody hell, Alby, just stay still *wipes off the food of Alby's cheek*
Alby: Ugh, dude, what's wrong with you?
Newt: *shrugs and keeps eating*
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mahealaheys · 10 years
If Newt and Alby had snapchats, what would their names be?
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