satelitis · 10 months
that one riff in tmwstw gives me chills and ultimately makes me fall off my bed and into the abyss. thank you very much. iykyk
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burke-juliet · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨
thanks chance 💕 hope you're doing okay! i'm going with the 5 songs i've been listening to the most in the last weeks according to the stats
• the man who sold the world – david bowie (i mean this is my song so i'm never surprised)
• downhill – lincoln
• song 2 – blur (this feels kinda random lol)
• what makes you a man – the ninth wave (thanks tua for this banger)
• twin size mattress – the front bottoms
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
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It's so amazing how far this account has gone for me. I remember just jokingly posting something about Sirius celebrating the fact he finally got a date with Remus. And ig that set a chain reaction and now we're here.
I'm so thankful for all of you guys, especially my moots. I love you guys<3333 Thanks for supporting me throughout this entire thing:))) it means a lot to me.
It's 12 am here but it's your favourite insomniac taking the stage. So here's a small celebration for you guys.
Fandoms I'm willing to write for:
Harry potter (Golden trio and Marauder's Era)
Stranger things
I swear I loved you 'til my dying day🥀 - Give me a character and a song and I'll create a little blurb that fits the song's vibe.
Why'd I have to break what I love so much💔 - give me a prompt or quote with a character and I'll write something with it
Please don't be in love with someone else💐 - Give me a ship and I'll write a lil' dialogue between them, maybe give me a quote to add in if you want
This love came back to me💌 - free pass, ask what you want to know about me:)
My lovely moots<3 (sorry if I missed a lot, my memory is shit at 12 am)
@natti-ice @ghostofscarley @my-my-only-angel @robynlilyblack @persephone13 @l0nelylibra @hcusbsjsn @tmwstw @dreaandreams @eddieslxt @iamprobablydeadlol @x-trinitx-x @m1ss1ng-1n-act1on
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mgs-boss · 9 months
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Tired but restless boy.
Mods shown:
Less Scarred More Showered Snake (body)
TMWSTW (head)
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lgsoul · 7 years
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Julian Wasser, 1971
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anxhelotosuni · 6 years
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fixing your mistakes, featuring friends(?)
Bonus Cian
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elextric-eye · 2 years
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Hello hey hi! Here are my fave songs from bowies 70s-ish albums that no one asked for! I also made the comp above^
(Inspired by @snapsspan)
💚💙Space oddity(1969): “space oddity” and “cygnet committee.” I like “memory of a free festival”too, it has kind of cult vibes for some reason.
💙💛The man who sold the world (1970): “the man who sold the world” and “all the madmen”. “Tmwstw” has such a cool spooky vibe, and “all the madmen” reflects on his schizophrenic brother, terry. I find this so interesting, as to how terry and his family influenced Bowie in his personas! Sorry I could go on all day about this topic </3
💛💚Hunky dory (1971): Queen bitch and changes. Ok this album is SOOO GOOD and it was so hard to choose honestly. Oh u pretty things, quicksand and life on mars are def up there too.
❤️💜Ziggy (1972): “rock n roll suicide”. This has got to be my all time favourite song by him (sobs 😭), “lady stardust,” and “suffragette city”. This is in my top 3 albums along with Aladdin sane and hunky dory. Literally nothing compares to the spiders from mars
❤️🤍Aladdin sane (1973): “The Jean genie”, “drive in Saturday,” “time,” and “cracked actor” (sorry I just love this album too much) This is literally my favourite album EVER. Every song is just soo good and I get so excited when I hear any track from this one.
❤️💜Diamond dogs (1974): “diamond dogs”, “rebel rebel” and “rock n roll with me.” This one is so good in my opinion. Also I never realised how low his voice could be (have u HEARD the start of “sweet thing” 😭)
🧡❤️Young Americans (1975): “young Americans” and “fame” (thank u John Lennon). I like bowies voice in this one. It sounds kind of heavier yk?
🖤🤍Station to station (1976): “station to station”, “stay” and “golden years”. I ADOREEE THIS ALBUM OMG it is so powerful. I was kind of neutral on it at first but now it’s def in my top 5! I love those 3 songs but actually “stay” has to be my fave. It is just superior.
🤍🤎Changesonebowie (1976): “John, I’m only dancing”, “The Jean Genie,” and “suffragette city” HELP this album is a compilation of literally my favourite songs by him so this was so hard to choose. Literally every song in this album is my favourite.
🧡💛Low (1977): “sound + vision” and “speed of life”. This album is really cool, because a lot of the songs are only instrumental. Turns out some of these songs were gonna be used on the soundtrack of “the man who fell to earth” movie starring Bowie in 1976 (directed by nick roeg). But the songs didn’t end up being used so he put them into “low”. Anyways stan the Berlin trilogy.
💜🖤🤍Heroes (1977): “heroes” and “beauty and the beast.” “Beauty and the beast” is rlly cool and perplexing for some reason.
(I would put lodger but I don’t rlly listen to it much, I like “boys keep swinging” and “fantastic voyage” tho!)
K That’s it bye :)
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briefcaseprince · 3 years
Favourite Bowie albums so far
Labyrinth (1984) Original Sound Track, of course
Not an album—everything between David Bowie 2 and TMWSTW
David Bowie 2 (what do we call this, Space Oddity?)
Ziggy Stardust & Aladdin Sane (bonus: Diamond Dogs)
The Manish Boys 
David Bowie 1, Hunky Dory, TMWSTW, and Young Americans
Labyrinth but for real this time 
The Berlin trilogy and Scary Monsters (it just leaves a sad taste)
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((The cover of TmwstW that mg/sv opens with is not only fitting given the circumstances it also slaps.))
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
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Somehow I've managed to get 300 of you guys to actually follow me which is insane! Pretty amazed at how many of you just thought "this blog is cool, I should follow them". I'm so thankful for all of you guys for just being there and liking what I make.
I honestly never even saw myself getting 100 followers on this site, let alone 300. It's honestly pretty cool when I think about how this platform has grown so much. Thanks again for everything<3
As a thanks, I'll do a little celebration. I can write for the Harry Potter, Marauders and Stranger things fandom. I'm in need for some inspiration since it's almost time for me to start up my academics again😔. So enjoy everyone:)
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars🌌 - Give me a character and a song and I'll create a little blurb that fits the song's vibe.
Tie a lasso around the moon, And bring it on down to you🌙 - Give me a prompt/quote along with a character and I'll either write it into a blurb or a short dialogue (you can specify which, if you want)
Talking to the moon, trying to get to you🌃 - Ask me random questions on what you want to know about me:) (Honestly pretty bored atm, so you can spam my inbox)
So I noticed when people do these type of celebrations, they tag their mutuals. So I'm just gonna tag some really cool blogs down here who've always been lovely and supportive towards me:) love you guys<333
these are just the people who I can remember off the top of my head cause it's currently 1am while I'm making this:)
Taglist: @natti-ice @robynlilyblack @my-my-only-angel @ellora-brekker @loopy-lupinn @tmwstw @dreaandreams @persephone13 @hehehhe1d @l0nelylibra
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tigerdukescourt · 4 years
Literally EVERY David Bowie biopic is like:
Nothing or almost nothing about what he did before Space Oddity
"Angie was his great inspiration, I think"
Nothing said about TMWSTW and Hunky Dory
Mixing Ziggy and Aladdin into one persona
"he wasn't bisexual, it was for the style only"
Completely ignoring Diamond Dogs
"I was very upset when he ended glam rock era and started singing plastic soul"
"when on cocaine, he was a bit weird"
Completely ignoring how dangerous were his fascinations at this point
Calling his Berlin era persona "Thin White Duke"
"maybe let's dance was more pop than rock, but at least he sold it"
Nothing good ever said about Tin Machine
Maybe a few words about Iman, but nothing more.
Ignoring BTWN
Saying, that Outside was a trash, and Earthling too.
Almost nothing about hours, heathen and reality
"the next day shows, that unlike young people act, not all things have to be shown on the internet nowadays"
If this biopic was after his death, everyone cries while talking about Blackstar and says "I knew he was planning something great at the end"
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dekayingtree · 5 years
Can you lick the Bowie? An abbreviated list
Mod: Yes, but be warned, he's ticklish.
Space Oddity: Look, if your dedication to lick Uranus is enough to get Major Tom home, so be it.
TMWSTW: Maybe ask first.
Hunky Dory: Probably, but it might taste like a horrible musical
Ziggy Stardust: Sometimes necessary, sometimes poisonous.
Alladin Sane: He'll stab you. Do NOT.
Halloween Jack/Diamond Dogs: Sure, but this Bowie will lick you back.
Thin White Duke: Yes, if you have time and dedication and a willingness to piss him off.
Berlin: Do not. Unless make out???
Perriot: You can try, but you'll get a mouthful of sad clown makeup.
Serious Moonlight: Careful, he's horny.
Tonight: Careful, his cock is still sore.
Jareth: NO!!! DO NOT!!!
Glass Spider: Despite the name, you actually can and probably should.
Black Tie White Noise: Best not.
Buddha Of Suburbia: You'll burn your mouth on the incense. Maybe no.
Outside: You might hallucinate or die, OR it might be delicious.
Earthling: The tingle of electricity on your tongue is how you know it's working.
Hours: Tastes bad, like self loathing.
Heathen: bad plan bad plan BAD PLAN
Reality: If you can catch him before he yeets off the face of the earth, go ahead
Elder Statesman: Nothing else has made him smile so you might as well try it.
Blackstar: ????How????
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ytyuzhihan · 5 years
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TMWSTW quick draw
Process is on my Patreon!
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I recently created an OC Twitter Account, where i’ll be tweeting inside facts about oc’s, their creation, their plots, certain character traits, posting art/writing, and more! 
If you’re interested, give it a follow (here)! 
If not, look at the pretty pictures.
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bushdog · 5 years
(via Bowie – TMWSTW, TVC15 & Boys Keep Swinging SNL 79 on Vimeo)
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