#to all you new users from twitter
mokeonn · 2 years
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Never again.
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
once again i am asking tumblr to hold public polls for users to vote on potential changes. imagine if you were the 'respect our users opinion website'. like that could be us but apparently not.
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babytreepiig · 11 months
sick and tired of tumblr rearranging the furniture in the house (pushing updates that no one (generally speaking) wants to see)
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tiercel · 11 months
Tumblr talking about making its site the same algorithmic slop pile as every other social media bc the users migrating here are too soft brained to curate their own feeds
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#You dont understand tumblr is the only site that im able to use bc its not algorithmic slop#I can barely use youtube anymore bc i will get trapped in the vortex of shorts and suggested videos#I like tumblr bc unlike instagram twitter etc it allows you to create your own feed rather than force feeding you random posts#But lately it HAS been doing that & staff just released a statement basically amounting to ''new users are too confused so we're gonna pad#everything out'' corpspeak for ''we need to make the twitter refugees feel more at home by copying their dogshit falling apart site''#Tbh i actually enjoy tumblr as a much more niche site i think that by making other ppl realize its just a regular ass blogging site theyre#gonna clog it all up more than it already is. Not like it isnt already crammed to the gills with reactionary assholes#Like the reasons i stopped going to twitter was A. stupid bullshit like locking me out 4 no phone number and B. people driving me insane#I do NOT need the people that would trigger my mental illness on a nightly basis coming here to spread their spores#Namely the dramabrained weirdos looking for problems in everything and reactionaries that already exist here but will proliferate#Tumblr ALREADY isnt doing jackshit about t€rves or fash why the fuck would they do anything about a massive influx of them#Sorry i needed to bitch a little. Love this site but also hate the web3.0 philosophy of dumbing everything down#When are we crawling back into the primordial sea we came from (neocities and forums)#emf
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mkzmerryfriend · 11 months
You misunderstand the reason tumblr works: we do not want to be presented with content that is high quality and will keep our attention. This is a blogging website, for casual blogging. We need features that help the casual blogging experience, not the social media experience.
If you add an algorithm to tumblr all you will do is make the user base feel less in control of their content and their experience, which should be your goal. If you try to accommodate everyone, you will alienate everyone. Do not make tumblr more like twitter. Do not make it more like reddit. Do not use other sites as blueprints.
This site is one of the last holding onto a semblance of user-friendliness, and to be more like other sites is to lose that user-friendliness.
You say certain things are confusing to new users. That is a good thing. It should be a learning curve, where they get to learn how to use it and have it be notably different from other sites. This is called individuality and for a thing like tumblr it is so goddamn important.
You will lose so many by assimilating into the expected visual and technical functions of other sites that are hostile toward casual users. I've been here for years, and I will keep coming back as long as tumblr retains the thing I love about it, which is that I can choose what shows up on my dashboard and keep things I don't want to see off of it. There are other ways to keep this site running, you are simply looking for the easiest. You are going to fail if you go the easy route. Please proceed with caution.
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tariah23 · 4 months
> Be me
> Scrolling through Twitter
> Sees gay East Asian artist
> Their art is good
> Checks media tab
> Shota art, pedophilia ships, downright child porn
Many such cases
Can’t really generalize Asian artists (can come off as racist, given the context of just how the world seems to view Asian cultures as repressed perverts who lack morals and accept anything in their media as a monolith just because they like anime and don’t see them as real people) when literally Everyone does it tbh..
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azuneekun · 2 years
the reblogs to like ratio is so bad i could puke blood
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butchpeabody · 8 months
it frustrates me to no end that twitter is unable to talk about serious world issues (i.e. palestinian genocide) without fearmongering and guilting people who are already on their side. i absolutely think that you should be spreading every resource you can whether it's news or donation and if you aren't doing that you're a tool but saying that if you post about anything else even if you're doing everything you can you have blood on your hands is a bit much
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madamescarlette · 2 years
I can't believe YOU of all people got flagged as explicit! Like, does tumblr even KNOW you?!?!?! 😭😭😭
It is truly WILD to me, I'm bewildered. Part of me is so tempted to send them an email that's just like, my dears all I use this blog for is posting TS lyrics and art of fields and stars, it's not that deep fam, give me back my icon already!!
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1nvad3rz1m · 2 years
I only watched the movie once, so maybe my mind twisted the things that happened in it, so if I am wrong about any of these, people will probably proove me wrong anyway, which is fine, I'd appreaciate that, because getting a new/clearer perspective is always nice.
First: One of the things I liked about the original series that it didn't want me to feel sorry for the characters, (it just showed the situation and the audience could judge it themselves,) but I did anyway, however I felt like the film wanted me to feel sad for Dib and take his side? I don't like when the source material tries to spoon-feed me what to feel about the character, whether it's positive or negative.
Besides Membrane's "I am proud of you" feeling rushed, it is only me or Gaz standing up for Clembrane has something odd about it? I cannot put my finger on what it is really. It feels like to me it is supposed to be a cute moment, but similarly to the "proud of you" I think it needed more development? Maybe I am just underestimating Gaz's niceness...
And the "I only hurt you when/because I know you can handle it" or something like that leaved a bad taste in my mouth, I know it's probably supposed to be the: "Aww, cute sibling moment! Gaz knows Dib's limits! And she wouldn't let her brother seriously hurt!" but it feels it's there to make Gaz look better and have an emotional moment. The only explanation I can come up with is that Gaz doesn't recognize the severe consequences of her actions to her brother's mental health, which with the father they have I am not suprised about.
+This one is just a personal preference, but I thought Tak's ship's attitude in the comics was funnier about hating Dib and Zim than in the movie. In the movie they convince her to help in a kinda cliché way? I mean it's not bad, and it doesn't feel out of character, and I know they needed it for the plot, but it feels kinda underwhelming to me considering how the show (and a lot of the comics) goes against the clichés without feeling "just for the sake of it" and it makes logical sense, like in the issue where Dib outs Zim to the pants "he'll just betray you" and you'd think the pants join him, and later become friends/allies because that's how it is in other media, but they are like "Thank you for telling us, we defeat him and when he is out of the way, the planet is ours". They literally just used the information for their own advantage without feeling guilty about it and it's so refreshing! I wish they didn't cut out the ship going rescuing Tak, because it would have made the relatively easy co-operation make more sense. (Although maybe the ship just listens to Gaz better than to Dib) But probably time/budget issues came up.
Also it's probably gonna sound contradictory because of what I said prior, but I felt like at some point the writers tried to make us stop caring about Zim in the comics and they kinda successeeded in that for me, because I just started to find him so annoying and tiring and idiotic that I wouldn't have cared if he would have just got written out of them. Why is it so common when a villain goes down in a huge self-destructive path, they become the most boring, pathetic characters in the story? If you want them to get worse than they already are why not have them go completely apeshit? A more competent, vile douchebag, who doesn't let anyone to get in their way? Why not show their true potential? It seemed like it was something like that where it was going first, Dib getting a hero arc, Zim becoming a better bad guy, but it was dropped? (Yeah, Zim didn't like his future self, but come on...) Maybe the problem is me not appreaciating that, because this isn't illogical, people can stop caring and become aimless/self-sabotaging, but I am kinda tired of them being treated like a joke, while we're supposed to take the opposing team seriously. And they didn't really did anything with the changed dynamic? I mean beetween the two main ones, since at least they continued the Membrane family plotline...
That makes it sound like I hate the movie, but I am not. I am more mixed about it if anything. I could talk about in a similar amount what I liked about, but for this I just focused on the aspects I found negative. And for the comics: I like most of them actually, don't let me fool you with me focusing on mostly what I don't like.
Again: Disagreements or other arguments are also great. This is not meant to insult people who enjoy those aspects, these just didn't work for me.
hoo boy * rubs my hands together * under read more for length!
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YES exactly. i couldnt put it into words before but yes, this is it. the series you just kind of...incidentally feel bad for the characters because theyre so pathetic and self destructive. its not something they WANT you to do, it just kind of happens naturally. the movie tries HARD to make you feel bad for dib and side with him and feel satisfied that his family was "fixed". and it did the opposite for me at least LOL
on gaz, yeah, it was funnier when she was just fucked up and horrible. she kind of sort of cares about dib, but shes also similarly affected by her fathers neglect and dibs shunning from society. she has a reason to act out and be horrible and it just made more sense character wise. in the movie it feels like thats missing, because now membrane is a better dad and dib is "growing" or something and idk! cheapens her overall.
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i hadnt put much thought into it before but yeah ur right, probably just needed to move the plot along somehow unfortunately because they declawed zim and dib and usually they play off each other enough to progress plots loll. theres been a reliance on taks ship to me that i dont understand considering shes like barely present in the show but u know...sci fi stuff
for zim: yes. absolutely yes TO ME it seems like the writers now mostly related to dib which...find me an iz fan that doesnt. but they simultaneously dont have any appreciation for zim, and treat him more as only a thorn in dibs side than his only salvation in the face of a world that doesnt give a rats ass about him. zim is an obstacle to dibs happiness, or a tool to get it,and not his happiness in and of itself.
i feel this happens a lot as series are getting revivals especially when the series are decades old, opinions shift and even sometimes new writers who were previous fans may have skewed opinions because of fan content they participated in. sometimes this can be great, sometimes...eh.
and its no secret jhonen has grown so tired of iz and i truly do not blame him. and in an age of revivals and reboots...it only worsens creators attitudes towards franchises that have had their runs but companies want to milk more out of it (see craig mccracken and the ppg, for example)
i dont want people to think i hate florpus (or the comics) either because i really, truly dont! like i said, its a good movie on its own and id watch it again. my only gripes is how disconnected it is from the og material, and how that contributes to discourse amongst fans and interpreting the characters.
to me etf is like..an alternate timeline almost. it doesnt feel like a continuation, it feels like something else entirely different. im glad it brings in traffic, im glad people like it and discover the series and decades of fan love and appreciation even if they like etf more. i just have complex opinions abut it ig, and why it feels like invader zim lite instead of invader zim. invader zim as a series was so distinct from everything else and it still is, and etf just doesnt have that same spark to me!
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kommunisti · 1 year
oh i only now realized tumblr changed their app to have the post button in the lower right corner because that’s how it’s on twitter. they want to cater to twitter users so bad it’s pathetic
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yupyupppippi · 1 year
twitter randomly putting me back at the top of my feed when I'm hundreds of tweets down vs tumblr randomly setting me back 4 posts and letting me go on my merry way
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nyctoheart · 2 years
honestly…. I wish I could blacklist all “tell me your fave—” or “reblog with whether or not—” posts….
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greenflowerceo · 28 days
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Here's how you can help Palestine!!
Educate yourself and spread awareness with the help of these sites:
Al Jazeera - This is a news site that gives constant updates and information on Palestine.
Decolonize Palestine - This is a website that informs you about the history of Palestine, debunk myths, and gives out a lot of resources to look into.
Visualizing Palestine - This site creates infographics that can help people visualize the statistics from data collected about Palestine. They are free to download and share around.
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights - This website includes numerous campaigns and resources you can look into and support.
The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive - This site features a collection of many things from Palestine that archives documents, letters, and other items that show the lives and experiences of Palestinians.
Ways you can donate to/support families in Palestine:
Arab.org - Just do your daily clicks and you get to donate for free. Please take the time to donate to all of the causes.
Gaza Funds - Every time you refresh the site, it leads you to a different GoFundMe page for the people who need help.
Care for Gaza - This is an organization that sends aid out to Palestine, you can find more in their Twitter/X account. They also have a PayPal.
eSims for Gaza - You can send an eSim to people in Palestine to help them connect and reach out.
Emergency Relief for Gaza - This is a campaign that gives food, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid to families from donations.
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) - They also give medical aid to the people in Palestine and you can also support by donating to them as well.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) - Donate here to give funds and support to the children in Palestine as they specialize in pediatric care.
Google Docs/Spreadsheets:
Make sure to look at the other tabs within the spreadsheets as they lead to more options/resources!
Help Gaza - This is a spreadsheet with a list of fundraisers for different families/causes that need support! Look through and donate when you can!
Operation Olive Branch - This is a spreadsheet with many links and ways to help in the project! There are campaigns, fundraisers, volunteer work for other parts of the causes and such! Make sure to check it out!
★RESOURCE LINKS AND INFO★ - A google document made from Twitter/X user: para_docx. This includes links, resources, and information for the other ongoing genocides as well.
Some of these documents intersect and have similar resources and links, but I'm adding them just to make sure as they may also have some that aren't listed in this post either.
Free Palestine.
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
April 28, 2023
I’m so sorry for the long post but please please please pay attention and spread this
What is the EARN IT Act?
The EARN IT Act (s. 1207) has been roundly condemned by nearly every major LGBTQ+ advocacy and human rights organization in the country.
This is the third time the Senate has been trying to force this through, and I talked about it last year. It is a bill that claims "protects children and victims against CSAM" by creating an unelected and politically appointed national commission of law enforcement specialists to dictate "best practices" that websites all across the nation will be forced to follow. (Keep in mind, most websites in the world are created in the US, so this has global ramifications). These "best practices" would include killing encryption so that any law enforcement can scan and see every single message, dm, photo, cloud storage, data, and any website you have every so much as glanced at. Contrary to popular belief, no they actually can't already do that. These "best practices" also create new laws for "removing CSAM" online, leading to mass censorship of non-CSAM content like what happened to tumblr. Keep in mind that groups like NCOSE, an anti-LGBT hate group, will be allowed on this commission. If websites don't follow these best practices, they lose their Section 230 protections, leading to mass censorship either way.
Section 230 is foundational to modern online communications. It's the entire reason social media exists. It grants legal protection to users and websites, and says that websites aren't responsible for what users upload online unless it's criminal. Without Section 230, websites are at the mercy of whatever bullshit regulatory laws any and every US state passes. Imagine if Texas and Florida were allowed to say what you can and can't publish and access online. That is what will happen if EARN IT passes. (For context, Trump wanted to get rid of Section 230 because he knew it would lead to mass govt surveillance and censorship of minorities online.)
This is really not a drill. Anyone who makes or consume anything “adult” and LGBT online has to be prepared to fight Sen. Blumenthal’s EARN IT Act, brought back from the grave by a bipartisan consensus to destroy Section 230. If this bill passes, we’re going to see most, if not all, adult content and accounts removed from mainstream platforms. This will include anything related to LGBT content, including SFW fanfiction, for example. Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, Tiktok, Tumblr, all of them will be completely gutted of anything related to LGBT content, abortion healthcare, resources for victims of any type of abuse, etc. It is a right-wing fascists wet dream, which is why NCOSE is behind this bill and why another name for this bill is named in reference to NCOSE.
NCOSE used to be named Morality in Media, and has rebranded into an "anti-trafficking" organization. They are a hate group that has made millions off of being "against trafficking" while helping almost no victims and pushing for homophobic laws globally. They have successfully pushing the idea that any form of sexual expression, including talking about HEALTH, leads to sex trafficking. That's how SESTA passed. Their goal is to eliminate all sex, anything gay, and everything that goes against their idea of ‘God’ from the internet and hyper disney-fy and sanitize it. This is a highly coordinated attack on multiple fronts.
The EARN IT Act will lead to mass online censorship and surveillance. Platforms will be forced to scan their users’ communications and censor all sex-related content, including sex education, literally anything lgbt, transgender or non-binary education and support systems, aything related to abortion, and sex worker communication according to the ACLU. All this in the name of “protecting kids” and “fighting CSAM”, both of which the bill does nothing of the sort. In fact it makes fighting CSEM even harder.
EARN IT will open the way for politicians to define the category of “pornography" as they — or the lobbies that fund them — please. The same way that right-wing groups have successfully banned books about race and LGBT, are banning trans people from existing, all under the guise of protecting children from "grooming and exploitation", is how they will successfully censor the internet.
As long as state legislatures can tie in "fighting CSAM" to their bullshit laws, they can use EARN IT to censor and surveill whatever they want.
This is already a nightmare enough. But the bill also DESTROYS ENCRYPTION, you know, the thing protecting literally anyone or any govt entity from going into your private messages and emails and anything on your devices and spying on you.
This bill is going to finish what FOSTA/SESTA started. And that should terrify you.
Senator Blumenthal (Same guy who said ‘Facebook should ban finsta’) pushed this bill all of 2020, literally every activist (There were more than half a million signatures on this site opposing this act!) pushed hard to stop this bill. Now he brings it back, doesn’t show the text of the bill until hours later, and it’s WORSE. Instead of fixing literally anything in the bill that might actually protect kids online, Bluemnthal is hoping to fast track this and shove it through, hoping to get little media attention other than propaganda of “protecting kids” to support this shitty legislation that will harm kids. Blumental doesn't care about protecting anyone, and only wants his name in headlines.
It will make CSAM much much worse.
One of the many reasons this bill is so dangerous: It totally misunderstands how Section 230 works, and in doing so (as with FOSTA) it is likely to make the very real problem of CSAM worse, not better. Section 230 gives companies the flexibility to try different approaches to dealing with various content moderation challenges. It allows for greater and greater experimentation and adjustments as they learn what works – without fear of liability for any “failure.” Removing Section 230 protections does the opposite. It says if you do anything, you may face crippling legal liability. This actually makes companies less willing to do anything that involves trying to seek out, take down, and report CSAM because of the greatly increased liability that comes with admitting that there is CSAM on your platform to search for and deal with. This liability would allow anyone for any reason to sue any platform they want, suing smaller ones out of existence. Look at what is happening right now with book bans across the nation with far right groups. This is going to happen to the internet if this bill passes.
(Remember, the state department released a report in December 2021 recommending that the government crack down on “obscenity” as hard the Reagan Administration did. If this bill passes, it could easily go way beyond shit red states are currently trying. It is a goldmine for the fascist right that is currently in the middle of banning every book that talks about race and sexuality across the US.)
The reason these bills keep showing up is because there is this false lie spread by organizations like NCOSE that platforms do nothing about CSEM online. However, platforms are already liable for child sexual exploitation under federal law. Tech companies sent more than 45 million+ instances of CSAM to the DOJ in 2019 alone, most of which they declined to investigate. This shows that platforms are actually doing everything in their power already to stop CSEM by following already existing laws. The Earn It Act includes zero resources for proven investigation or prevention programs. If Senator Bluementhal actually cared about protecting youth, why wouldn’t he include anything to actually protect them in his shitty horrible bill? EARN IT is actually likely to make prosecuting child molesters more difficult since evidence collected this way likely violates the Fourth Amendment and would be inadmissible in court.
I don’t know why so many Senators are eager to cosponsor the “make child pornography worse” bill, but here we are.
EARN IT Act was introduced just two weeks ago and is already being fast-tracked. It will be marked up the week of May 1st and head to the Senate floor immediately after. If there is no loud and consistent opposition, it will be law by JUNE! Most bills never go to markup, so this means they are putting pressure to move this through. There are already 20 co-sponsors, a fifth of the entire Senate. This is an uphill battle and it is very much all hands on deck.
This website takes you to your Senator / House members contact info. EMAIL, MESSAGE, SEND LETTERS, CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL. Calling is the BEST way to get a message through. Get your family and friends to send calls too. This is literally the end of free speech online.
(202) 224-3121 connects you to the congressional hotline. Here is a call script if you don't know what to say. Call them every day. Even on the weekends, leaving voicemails are fine.
2. Sign these petitions!
Link to Petition 1
Link to Petition 2
If you have any social media, spread this online. One of the best ways we fought back against this last year was MASSIVE spread online. Tiktok, reddit, twitter, discord, whatever means you have at least mention it. We could see most social media die out by this fall if we don't fight back.
Here is a linktree with more information on this bill including a masterpost of articles, the links to petitions, and the call script.
TLDR: The EARN IT Act will lead to online censorship of any and all adult & lgbt content across the entire internet, open the floodgates to mass surveillance the likes which we haven’t seen before, lead to much more CSEM being distributed online, and destroy encryption. Call 202-224-3121 to connect to your house and senate representative and tell them to VOTE NO on this bill that does not protect anyone and harms everyone.
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dragongirlsnout · 11 months
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