#to be clear. Joseph is the founder of my company and my boss.
evanbuckleysarms · 7 months
Well. I guess I DIDNT need to be stressed about going in late today after all
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New York High Rise {1}
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Chapter summary; During all your years as the most successful mob boss of New York, no-one have ever dared to seriously battle for the crown with you. Up until now. Steven Grant Rogers, son of the infamous mob boss Joseph Rogers, has suddenly chosen you as his rival. Who will be winning in the end?
Pairing: Steve x reader  
Rating: Mature
Word; 5.9k
Warnings; swearing is standard in my works, mentions of canon-type violence 
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing
A/N: I actually started this series on a whim and all of a sudden ended up having four chapters. I really love it for some reason, maybe because it such a powerplay and I’m a hoe for that trope, especially when it’s a enemies to lovers story. Anyhow, enough of my rambling, I hope you guys enjoy this little mid week update! PSA: If you want to be tagged in the series, jus send me an ask!
Golden chains and champagne. Fancy watches and whiskey on the rocks. Whatever related to the word expensive you were associated with. Although, unlike many others in your business, you hadn't grown up in this world of luxury, nor had you inherited the empire you now were the boss of, enabling you to live the extravagance life you did. No, you were one of the few who'd worked their ass off to earn every last thing you owned.
By most, your efforts looked like a great business mind and some luck. How else could you've become a multi-millionaire on investing in stocks? But to others, those knowing the flipside of the coin, they knew your success in capitals was nothing but a cover for your stealthy work in the shadows. It was a dance, one with feline grace, that you'd performed to reach your position. A status meaning you were one of the most famous mob bosses in New York City.
When hearing mafia, most would think of the old Italian image of people smoking cigars in fedoras, with some moustache that looked similar to pencil lines on their upper lip. Those who owned cities and the whole country knew of it but could do nothing about it.
Perhaps some of these stereotypes suited the older godfathers of New York, who sat proudly on their pedestals and watched the world pass by. But you were different from them. You didn't just watch the world continue and progress by itself. You moved along with it.
You were the new generation.
Compared to the godfathers, who every last person in New York and the bordering states knew off, you had two faces. One you showed the public and one you ruled the underworld with. To society, you were spotless, a name associated with nothing but a sharp mind and benevolence to the public. But you were at the top in the underworld syndicate, the biggest of the biggest. Yet, you didn't rule with fear, simply that of uttermost respect and earned trust. In other words, your reputation or connections weren't bought. They were deserved.
Thus, compared to the older generations, your face could be recognised by a civilian or someone from the underworld, none thinking about calling the police or betraying your trust. You owned the city without it even knowing it.
It was from the way you'd reached this top in stunning silence, together with the grace you played everyone with, that you and your empire earned the alias felines. Like a tiger cub who grew into an adult, your empire was once the smallest but now the biggest. Like a lion, you evoke respect and awe no matter where you went. Like a cat no one cared about, you could cross the streets without an issue in public.
Some of the elders, at least those who were your allies, had expressed their concern of your brassiness. 'Why play cat and mouse with fate?' they often said. But you always answered the same 'I am the cat'. And it was true. Despite some of those opposed to your methods, or just you in general, took the chances they could at picking you off the map. No one ever succeeded. Solely for one reason.
Now, you deemed agreeing to one of your first ever business deals the best choice you ever made. Although it meant you financed some of the worlds leading underground tech corporation with quite some substantial coin, the panthers were nowadays always watching over you. They lingered in the shadows, disarming every try at putting a bullet through your skull.
Albeit not as famous as yourself or the organisation you ran, the Black Panther Operation the sibling pair T'Challa and Shuri operated was, in no shape or form, not impressive. They'd established themselves as the leading organisation, even if not known by half of the people in New York, in the tech area. Not only were they invaluable to the numerous politicians wanting them to work under the radar to get the upper hand on sovereign states, but they also were to you.
They hadn't only supplied you with their physical protection of their elite bodyguards, the Dora Milaje or in common-tongue known as the shadow panthers, but their tech as well. Although, compared to anyone who would've been in your position and chosen the weapons or impenetrable bodysuit that Shuri, ever the genius she was, had invented, you'd chosen one of the other assets. The cloud, the internet.
Hackers were the way forwards compared to warriors. They were the weapon of keeping you one step ahead of anyone by supplying you with the information needed to be able to hold someone's life in your hands.
It was only to look back at the countless occasions anyone tried to persuade you into a business deal you would do nothing but lose at. Thanks to Shuri having dug out the facts that could bring any of your rivals down in the dumps, you'd walked victorious away anyways.
You were certain any of the other godfathers would've killed someone for even thinking, no less trying, to propose a disreputable arrangement with them in the first place. Yet, you knew how much one ever could make a death look like a self-caused accident, that in the end, people would start to wonder why it happened to people of the same background, connected to one and the same empire. However, the former generations didn't really care about bad publicity anyway, so why would they care about lining the street with dead bodies? But the difference was you weren't them.
By all means, some would say your ways was far more torturous than a bullet between the eyes. You wouldn't agree or disagree, only say it was just. Involving a legal and judicial battle was the new way of handling conflicts, after all. It was more efficient than having to wash the blood of your name all the time, according to you. Not only that, you gained a lot more than just a dead body.
You were in somewhat of partnership with most bosses around the city. Those you weren't, rather those you'd only settled a deal with that said "as long as you kept to each of your own territory nothing would happen", did try to bend the rules and use the terror tacit. Either they targeted you personally or something equally as important in your part of the city. It could be anything that would get to you, really. But, no matter what they did, they tried to not do it themselves. Instead, hire a hitman or someone equally as bad. The problem with this was that these people's records were far from innocent, something you used to your advantage.
If you tasked Shuri to find anything and everything these people had done, it was easy to find a person they'd wronged and who sought revenge or justification. The only thing you did was play your hand well, usually meaning you pulled some strings and supply the money. While T'Challa, as the expert he was on it, handed out the information his sister had gathered to reliable sources. Your collaboration made the person you hunted sit opposite someone from their past in a courtroom. Most of the times, they also lost the case.
Choosing to do this rather than go rampage and fire your gun aimlessly meant you settled as a second, or sometimes even third or four-hand source to what went down. So not only did your name remain clear despite answering a rivals offence, your involvement was nearly impossible to track as well. Thus, you could take down five of a rivals' men while they only took one of yours.
Despite one could call you out on hypocrisy, saying that the shadow panthers protecting you didn't own the same benevolence and were quick and silent in their killing, there was one reason you didn't care about the fact. Currently, they may be under a shared command, but their never-ending allegiance was always towards the founders of the Black Panther Operation. If either Shuri or T'Challa said stand back or decided to cut their deal with you, the shadow panther's protection would disappear. The same went if you chose to rip the contract.
However, it was a slim chance that either of the siblings or you would terminate your arrangement. Seeing how now, years later, you still were the sole person working a continuous agreement with them. That was why nowadays, your and theirs organisations were nearly associated as the same by most in the underworld.
Your style of ruling New York and living such different lives in the light and dark made others in your profession joke you were the sole one with an ordinary life. That you were no traditional mafia, simply a highly functioning business-orientated company that invested in stocks. However, both you and everyone around you knew that wasn't true. The reason? You weren't afraid to use every last of your assets to remain in control of your empire. Whatever it took.
And that was a promise someone the last months had put up to the test.
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You don't know what set it off, perhaps the old saying of cats and dogs never working well together. Or that because you were at the top drew enough confidence out of someone to try and knock you down. For whatever reason, someone decided to start a ruckus with you.
It had begun small enough you had no idea that someone was behind it. Connections or deals with companies connected to your empire backing out of contracts in the last seconds, saying they got a better offer. The word secrecy, frequently used for ones own safety in the world you lived in, was a term you'd heard enough times by now to grow tired of. It was no significant agreements, seeing how you were well enough to not care about money, but it was plenty bothersome for your pride.
The next step in the escalation had been dealings slightly more important than a question of money, which was your territory and thereby also safety. You still had some meetings with a few godfathers, had fore some time actually. It was mostly those who once had opposed you in the days you weren't a threat or those who just tried to live secludedly enough that they died by natural causes rather than in a cell or from rivalry.
Each of those conferences had been about securing your grip on Manhattan. Primarily to obtain some neighbourhoods closest to Harlem Park and the northern part of the Inwood neighbourhood. Both of which currently was in some sort of grey zone. Meaning neither owned by them nor you. Although those areas were still not written as yours, concerning how those old bosses abruptly didn't seem to want to seal any deals that they weeks ago had agreed on.
Then you'd entered the third stage. The one that made you understand all these cancellations wasn't merely coincidence, but somebody working against you. People from both your closest crew and the Black Panther section had been disappearing. It wasn't uncommon. Your business was nothing but personal feelings and wants most of the times. However, concerning how few men and women you'd lost under your watch, this sudden increase was off-putting.
Closer to the truth was something like this had never happened to this extent before. You hadn't had people close to you or anyone associated with you abducted. However, the worst thing was that the bodies of those disappearing were never not found bloody or in a morgue.
Money or failing to persuade old godfathers wasn't something you took personal, but when people started dropping like flies around you, that you took personally. Hence, you, Shuri and T'Challa worked endlessly on finding who was behind it.
Almost every time, you found the culprit of the act, but not the big boss behind it all. Disabling you from taking more than one person out of play. That your jaw hadn't broken for how much you'd clenched it in frustration, or your teeth shattered from the amount you gritted them was a mystery. You hunted the person ordering these things, yet with no success.
Although one day, when one of the subordinates in your very own team had been missing for a week returned, barely clinging to their consciousness, you'd gotten to know who this new rival of yours was.
Steven Grant Rogers.
The canines, an alias for the Rogers family, were equally known as any of the old US President in the underworld in New York. If one hadn't heard of them in your profession, it was more likely that you already were dead or not in it all because they were notorious.
They'd ruled Brooklyn with an iron fist and was probably the crown specimen of the reputation that accompanied the word mafia. There was a grace in their affairs and killing. But compared to your work, which was performed in shadows and silence, they flaunted it, not scared of running from the police because they already knew they never would be caught.
From what you knew, they'd fallen off somewhat after Joseph Rogers, the head of the Canine Empire, died in one of the rivalries between mobs. His death had been years before you were even born, close to an age it was as high of a chance he could've passed from natural causes. Still, the commotion and continuous dispute following his disappearance and the unclear leadership had served as a fall for the Canine Empire. There was no doubt your rise to the same amount of power as the former union possessed would've been as easy if you'd had them as your opponents.
However, now, it seemed like the past would haunt you down in the form of Joseph Rogers son.
Albeit you never met the new boss of the Canines, there was no doubt you considered, for the first time, to personally put a bullet through someone's head. Steven Grant Rogers was as ruthless as stories told his father had been. He'd even been labelled the golden boy of Brooklyn, rumoured to restore the brutal power of the Canine Empire. Yet, the spot he was reaching for with old alliances regrouping to boost him to the top was a position you currently occupied.
This is where the difference between if you'd had a regular business organisation and the domain you now did, settled in. You went on total offense.
You contacted T'Challa and Shuri, calling them in for a meeting. Even though the pair knew of what had happened so far, they were your partners and thus, you would discuss the actions you would take with them, even if your deal said nothing of that sort. But you knew, compared to your rival, it seemed, how important it was to hold onto your closest allies with other methods than fear and the threat of death. And thus, you also received the help of a friend rather than a business partner.
It must've been the bloodiest month in the last decade from the rivalry that blossomed up between the Felines and Canines the second you started to answer the new top dog's advances. You got reports that the shadow panthers watching your back had cleared more people putting you up as a target than in a long time. As well, did more of the people under your name end up red in back allies.
Then it shifted. As soon as you started getting trails of more people than just the executioners, you were suddenly able to take out divisions of his minions. And while the killing went on, you started winning the big battles. In other words, while Steven continued to play it hard, you started to play smart.
You cut off deals he could do in Brooklyn, much harsher and unforgiving than his initials ones on your side of the East River. It was everything from supplies, to money, to the extra set of eyes. Everything to limit him to sources you knew he wouldn't be happy with having to resort to. While handling this, with the help from Shuri, you also broadened your search to find every little dirty-worker under the mob boss's command. Thanks to those now operating for you on the Brooklyn side, you helped people who'd had a past with Steven's men tip police of and capture them.
Pawn by pawn, you lessened the number of ways the Canine boss could run in taking down your empire. You had him cornered, already several moves ahead of him whatever he chose to do. Only, it was one step you thought he never would do that, in the end, made everything come to a skidding halt.
He'd requested a parley.
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"Y'know I don't really like the idea of you meeting him", you didn't look up from the papers you currently were reading to look at Shuri where she lounged on your office's couch.
Though it felt like you should examine the folder that rested in your handbag     -the one containing the event plans for the charity event you would host for the many high society individuals and governors, or anyone with money really, in two weeks- those documents weren't the ones you were looking through now.
It was five days ago since Steven had asked for the parlay. Ever since then, you'd worked on the deal you would offer him. You had no desire to sign whatever he would hand to you. And you knew he would propose something. The Canine boss was the challenger, after all. Even more so, the one requesting a meeting from the start. Thus, he, for one, would offer something to cease your continuous confrontations and two, he would try to drag you down while elevating himself. That you couldn't have.
"I know", you finally responded when having read the side you were on in the contract you had put together for your rival. "Still, I want to hear what the man has to say so I can stop losing resources, time and people", you turned to the next page as you said this.
There came no response immediately despite that you felt Shuri was looking at you. You'd gotten good at noticing this, someone observing you. Hence, even though the best of the panthers always were safeguarding you somewhere in the crowds, it never hurt to not solely depend on others for your own safety. Because that was what your constantly high attentiveness was for anyways. To always be keen on your surroundings and try to detect someone's move before they did it.
"It's almost interesting to see someone challenge you for the position of being the big boss, Lekati", it wasn't only at the reserved nickname Shuri used that caught your attention. The rest of what she'd said also made you pause mid-turn of the last page, eyes automatically shifting to her.
Now, instead of sprawling across the piece of furniture the women occupied, she sat upright with a smile ghosting her lips. Your eyes narrowed as you noted this.
"Oh, stop imagining using your sharp claws on me".
"I wasn't".
"You're a bad liar when you want to be", the tech mogul pointed out with a finger directed towards you. Your features stayed indifferent despite the fact that her remark had been correct.
"When will your brother be back?" The dark-haired women cocked a brow at your sudden change of topic.
"Any minute, I suppose, why?"
"He's more pleasant to have around while I try to work, less chatty", an incredulous snort left Shuri as she crossed her arms, leaning back against the couch's backside. Her reaction made your stoic facade drop somewhat, causing the side of your mouth to tug upwards. It was an act she caught and couldn't help but shake her head at.
"I never get tired of not knowing whether you're about to send half of the city after me or simply are in a playing mood", your repressed smile bloomed into a fully-fledged one, amused by Shuri's comment.
"Opt for the latter for as long as those couple of hundred thousand dollars are rolling into your account". Averting your eyes from the women you were speaking to, you once again inspected the bunch of papers before you. 
Having worked on them for days and ever since this morning re-reading the contract, you knew it was worded to perfection. There were no loopholes nor any unnecessary losses for either part. So, for as long as Steven didn't belong to the old saying of 'it’s hard to learn an old dog to sit', you knew his signature would decorate the last page. 
"However, you should worry about the day when the money is missing", you hummed while stacking the papers orderly, putting them back into the same folder they'd been stored since you'd gotten the paper copies of the transcript.
"Would that be my sign to start running?" You looked up again, instantly meeting Shuri's humoured look.
"It would probably be too late", you shrugged nonchalantly, placing the folder you would have to the meeting in your handbag in a swift motion while swivelling your chair to face her, rather than your desk as you'd done previously. As a chuckle was heard from the dark-haired woman, you crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in your seat.
"It's good that I'm your ally and not your foe".
"Good to hear you view yourself as a friend. Was fearing you would switch sides to my challenger's", you mused, arms coming to prop up against your armrest to support your head when you tilted it.
"I never would, even if I knew he had a chance to win", even though feeling somewhat relieved - because this world and one's alliances could change fast, no matter current contracts or friendships- when Shuri said this, you wouldn't show it. Therefore, instead of smiling at her belief that Steven had no chance of beating you at a game you had been the best player at for years, you simply kept observing the woman as she stood from the couch.
The young tech mogul started to make her way closer to you, a slight sheerness in her step that impersonated the glint in her eye. And you understood why for when she opened her mouth to speak.
"But you can't deny it's interesting someone is seriously trying to take you down", you rolled your eyes while you let your hand fall to tap against your thigh.
"Seems like you're more excited about it than me", you started, spinning your chair slowly to follow Shuri as she settled partly on the empty edge of your desk. She looked expectantly at you, waiting for an answer despite your deflection of it initially. For once, purely because of the topic, you complied. "But no, I definitely do not find it interesting", you sighed out.
"Oh, come on, Lekati...".
"Stop with the nickname", you cut her off with a roll of your eyes. However, instead of earning the quick nod of confirmation to follow your exasperated order, the dark-haired women grinned. Perhaps if it was anyone else than Shuri, you would've been irritated and sent them out of your office, but concerning you viewed her more as a friend than a simple job partner, you did neither when her teasing continued.
"Has the dog really gotten that much under your skin?" She chuckled. "Must be the first one... ever. Or correct me if I'm wrong?" You simply dropped your head and shook it. The young women were right and she knew she was. Steven was the sole one able to make you nearly lose your footing ever since claiming the crown of the underworld.
"Why couldn't he just stay put?" You mumbled under your breath, thumb smoothing out the wrinkles having settled between your brows. "We'd never heard of him before. Why decide to make himself known now all of a sudden? After years of silence?"
"Some men seek the satisfaction of bringing entities down, especially if they ruled it before and now it's overtaken by a woman", you looked up at Shuri. But instead of meeting her gaze, your eyes fell to the piece of paper she held up. Evidently, she'd plucked your Cartier pen and a sticky note from the stack always resting on your desk and written three letters on the piece of paper while you spoke. You, it stood on it.
"Thank you for the flattery", you replied, reaching forward to snatch the note from her. "But I would've prefered if Rogers hadn't, would spare me the task of crushing his ego", the brown-eyed women chuckled at that.
"Maybe he needs to take yours down a step or two too", you stood from your chair as she said this, dropping the slightly crumpled note you'd taken from her into the bin under your desk, then starting to head towards the mirror you had in your office.
"I don't have an ego. I simply know my self-worth".
"Sounds a lot like you're bordering on narcissism", she said in a sing-song voice. "Maybe you and his pride can go on a date. I bet they would rule New York happily ever after", you couldn't suppress a chuckle at Shuri's words, whether you wanted to show how absolutely hilariously unbelievable it was or not.
"Can't your brother come and save me from your antics?" You muttered, spotting the smile the genius behind you sported in the mirror. It was meant for her to hear, so you weren't shocked when she responded to the banter.
"I actually prefer his absence. The two of you together nearly drown me in the seriousness", Shuri complained dramatically. You amusedly rolled your eyes before settling to look at your chosen attire.
Compared to how far away you stood from tradition in the godfather's senses, it was one custom you fulfilled like the rest of them. You believed that the clothes made the man. And, for a meeting like the one you soon would go to, you didn't hesitate to strive for that effect.
You knew Steven was old fashioned. Everything he did cried it. So, of course, you would try to throw him off at every point you could. The skirt and dress were switched out for a suit, midnight black. It was a loose fit and probably matched the high-end fashion more than traditional meeting standards, but you didn't genuinely worry. You were here to show you are the new generation and wouldn't budge because you were the sole women in New York running a syndicate. Doing the best job at it as well.
However, if the man you would meet would frown upon women in a suit, the lace bodysuit, black as well, you wore instead of a dress shirt would probably give him a heart attack. It covered enough but were in no way domesticated and left the upper part of your chest bare. It was a great way to show off the two thin chains of gold decorating your neck.
For some reason, your eyes lingered on the golden metal shining from the light trickling into your office. You started to fiddle with the necklace then, concentrating on how they weren't cold but rather heated up from your body temperature.
You became lost in your own world, fingers splaying over the hollow in your throat to absentmindedly play with the chains there while you thought about the meeting that was rapidly coming closer.
The action, together with the far-away look you stared at your movement in the mirror, was something that caught Shuri's attention.
"Relax", instantly your eyes flickered up to watch her in the mirror's reflective surface as if snapped from a daze. She'd shifted, so she now sat on the front of your desk, head turned in your direction. "It'll go good".
"Wasn't it you who said that you didn't want me to meet him in the first place?" You began to challenge her words of reassurance, hand falling from your skin to instead hang by your side. Not until you'd turned and cocked your brow at her did you continue. "That must insinuate you don't think it will go good", she simply shrugged when you said this.
"I did say I don't like his sudden call for a conference and that you accepted it in the first place", she began, crossing her feet at the ankle and looking down at the movement momentarily before her gaze found yours once more. "But that doesn't mean I don't think it will go good. I know it will. You're good at your job", you smiled at that. You already knew that you worked great under pressure, or else you wouldn't be standing on top of the empire you ruled. Although, it was always comforting to hear it from someone else.
Fittingly, in the next second, a knock on your door echoed in the room, effectively putting an end to your previous conversation with the women perched on your desk.
"Enter", you called without hesitating, as soon as both your and Shuri's attention also turned to the entrance. The guard stationed outside of your room didn't need to inform you of who'd wanted to enter. You already knew it was T'Challa. And as the guard opened the heavy door to your office and held it open for whoever had requested it, indeed it was Shuri's brother stepping through the doorway.
You didn't more than slightly tip your head to acknowledge the guard's nod of respect your way before he closed the door. Primarily because you spotted the slate grey folder the older of the children of T'Chaka held. It was the call about the seemingly insignificant object being completed that had interrupted the earlier discussion you, Shuri and T'Challa had. Your assemblage hadn't been much more than some minor last discussions and to wait for the folder the man now walking through the room held. Thus the portfolio contained a report, the ultimate attempt of finding anything that could aid you in the meeting with Steven.
"Anything good?" You skipped the unnecessary greetings as you gestured to the portfolio in T'Challa's hand while walking closer to your desk, which also was where he was heading.
"Look for yourself", when he said this, the brown-eyed mad held out the folder for you to take. You did but didn't open it until you'd rounded the counter and sat down in your chair again.
You didn't know what you'd expected to meet you, but a photo and a single sheet of paper weren't it.
For a moment, you stared at the picture resting on top of the report underneath it. Presumably, it should've been a photo of Steven sitting in some club. Although it was blurry and had no great exposure, which made it impossible to tell much about his appearance. Still, you knew it was him or else the picture wouldn't be here. However, it did nothing to help you paint a picture of the man which name so far seemed to be faceless.
Putting the picture to the side, you quickly started to eye the document. You scanned it, finding it contained random facts citing what properties the Canine boss had invested in, even owned. Apparently, Steven managed several clubs, which would explain why his first suggestion of a meeting place had been just that. Other than that, he owned some other businesses that wasn't much to cheer for. All infected by alcohol and drugs by the looks and names. Classical.
"This all?" You finally questioned after turning the sheet over, finding the backside blank. When glancing up, you saw T'Challa nodding. You clenched your jaw and looked back down at the paper.
Ever since Steven had asked for an official meeting, between your eyes only, as his message had been clear to state, you'd requested for the siblings to find out whatever they could about him. You wanted the advantage you knew he couldn't get over you. Thus, what was publicly known of you wasn't anything to hide. And frankly, he was more than welcome to read the articles that had written things about you. Yet, every secret of yours, or anything you'd deemed unfitting for anyone to know, had been wiped. No one could ever find something about you that you didn't want on the internet. Though, it seemed you weren't the only one sitting on resources like that.
Albeit the "new mob boss" was discussed in several articles, Steven's name had no face in any of them. In general, there was no picture of him or much information to track him down by either. So, despite your best efforts, now it seemed you didn't have much more than your hunch to go on during the meeting.
"I do not think it's wise to meet him", T'Challa said, much like his sister had earlier. With a sigh, you leaned back in your chair, fingers releasing the paper you'd gripped to pinch the bridge of your nose instead.
"Neither of you wants me to meet him, do you?" At first, silence met you, which made you look up the sibling pair. They shared a glance before Shuri turned slightly to look at you and her brother crossed his arms.
"No", they said simultaneously, which made you huff.
"I may like it as little as you two, but it put a temporary pause to the conflict. And if he comes to accept my terms, maybe that will remain".
"And what if he doesn't?" T'Challa inquired, receiving a frown from his sister, while you simply tilted your head down to look at your watch. "What if he refuses to tuck tail?" He continued to push.
"He won't", you stated, rising up from your chair, handbag now in your grip. It was three minutes until your driver would be here, so you needed to start heading down to the spot he would pick you up in. Yet, you were stopped in your tracks by a hand gripping your upper arm lightly.
"But what if?"
"T'Challa!" Shuri hissed at the unrespectful way her brother insisted on having his questions answered. She'd shot up from where she up until now had remained seated but before she could drag the man staring down at you with insistent eyes away, your raised the hand of your free arm. It stopped the younger women's movement, merely making her watch you and T'Challa.
There was a reason the siblings were able to run their tech operation as smoothly as they did. They complemented each other. What one lacked, the other possessed. For example, Shuri may own the belief everything was possible, then naturally, her brother would be more cautious. As in this instance. Hence, you didn't take any great offence to the dark-haired man's action, despite that your aloof tone could imply such a thing.
"What if he doesn't accept my deal after having me listen to whatever godawful settlement he offers me? Then I've kept my promise on meeting him for the parley he requested and one, which in the end, unfortunately, didn't establish an accord. Henceforth, our war will continue", you said, instantly feeling how T'Challa's hand fell from holding you back. Yet, you didn't pursue your track to the pick up you already was late for. Not until you assured him of one last thing. 
"Let me remind you that he was the one that asked me for a meeting, not the other way around. He asked me for a temporary truce and a chance to negotiate. In the end, that shows who's the most desperate to settle an agreement, no matter the terms".
Lekati = Kitten
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louisbjed381 · 3 years
7 Things About crowdfunding just giving Your Boss Wants to Know
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Rob Rhinehart, a co-founding father of nutritional consume begin-up Soylent, declared inside of a site article last week that he was supporting Kanye West for president.
“I am so sick of politics,” Mr. Rhinehart wrote. “Politics are abruptly everywhere. I can't stay away from them.”
David Barrett, the Main executive of Expensify, a company computer software start off-up, went in An additional course. Within an email to his corporation’s ten million buyers previous 7 days, he implored them to embrace politics by selecting the Democratic presidential nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr.
“Everything fewer than a vote for Biden is a vote in opposition to democracy,” Mr. Barrett proclaimed.
With days to go prior to the election on Tuesday, Mr. Rhinehart and Mr. Barrett characterize the dual poles of a start-up society war which has overtly erupted in Silicon Valley. Commence-ups including the cryptocurrency enterprise Coinbase plus the audio application Clubhouse have become embroiled inside a discussion around just how much politics needs to be A part of the office. And undertaking capitalists and various tech executives have weighed in on social networking with their own individual views.
“I have never observed another occasion like this in my profession,” explained Bradley Tusk, a venture capitalist and political guide. “There’s no authentic separation any longer, in The present political local weather, concerning politics and anything else. It has permeated Totally every little thing.”
Silicon Valley tech staff have lengthy been considered liberal but not politically overactive. Right after President Trump’s victory in 2016, even so, staff at massive tech firms such as Google and Amazon commenced agitating additional on challenges just like the ethics of synthetic intelligence, immigration and climate adjust.
Now many commence-up personnel, who are already marketed on a mission of adjusting the entire world, assume their employers to help their social and political results in, business owners and traders stated. This summer time’s protests in opposition to law enforcement violence prompted quite a few tech organizations to re-examine their own concerns with race. And the strain for making political moves prior to the election has only intensified.
The shift has grown partly outside of a realization that no tech platform is completely neutral, stated Katie Jacobs Stanton, who invests in begin-ups by her undertaking funds business, Moxxie Ventures. Founders who build providers with an incredible number of buyers “seriously have an obligation to have a point of view and ensure their products are getting used permanently,” Ms. Stanton mentioned.
“It’s disingenuous and it’s also the luxury on the privileged to convey, ‘We don’t Have a very viewpoint,’” she included.
But Many others claimed they feared getting a lightning rod or inflaming tensions at a hypersensitive instant over the coronavirus pandemic. Some anxious that their corporations could be sued by staff who could say they had been discriminated versus due to their political beliefs. Other folks claimed any go may very well be attacked by people that discovered the actions inauthentic or not enough.
Those people tensions exploded in general public very last thirty day period when Brian Armstrong, the Main government of Coinbase, penned a two,000-phrase weblog article to “explain” his corporation’s culture. Mr. Armstrong wrote that he preferred Coinbase to frequently avoid engaging with broader social challenges and office discussions about politics. He stated it absolutely was a method to attenuate distraction and target the start-up’s mission of making “an open up economical system for the earth.”
Two months previously, dozens of Coinbase staff members experienced staged a walkout just after executives were being sluggish to precise solidarity with Black Lives Subject protesters and minority workers, many workers said. In his submit, Mr. Armstrong stated workers who disagreed along with his “no politics” stance could go away.
His situation quickly established waves throughout Silicon Valley. Some praised the transfer, with just one Coinbase investor comparing Mr. Armstrong to Michael “Jordan in his key.” Other people stated opting outside of politics was alone a political assertion.
Dick Costolo, a former Main government of Twitter, tweeted that “me-first capitalists who Believe you could different Culture from company” might be shot in “the revolution.” He deleted the article immediately after, he claimed, it established off violent threats and harassment.
Within an interview, Mr. Costolo mentioned it was impossible for corporations to separate their mission from their effect on the whole world. “If you are trying to independent the social contract within the financial agreement, don’t be amazed when there’s an uprising, mainly because they’re linked,” he claimed.
Some Coinbase personnel disagreed with Mr. Armstrong. “I’m just so mystified by the clear lack of awareness from the web site post,” Ryan King, a Coinbase engineer, wrote on the business’s internal Slack messaging procedure. The concept was reviewed via the Ny Times. “A declaration that we’re not heading to the touch ‘broader societal issues’ fails to admit that we’re a A part of Culture.”
About sixty Coinbase employees, or five per cent of the work force, have resigned, the corporation stated. A spokeswoman declined even more remark.
Fred Wilson, an Trader at Union Square Ventures in addition to a Coinbase board member, claimed within an interview that there were no easy answers for start out-up leaders. “Many, many C.E.O.s have instructed me privately which they would want to have carried out what Brian did but don’t need to go ahead and take warmth that he has taken,” he claimed.
On Monday, Mr. Wilson wrote a web site post about removing begin-up chief executives who have “failed to deal with numerous critical challenges.” The article prompted speculation that he was referring to Mr. Armstrong, but Mr. Wilson reported it had been a metaphor for President Trump.
The political debates among the Silicon Valley begin-ups have ramped up Considering that the Coinbase episode. Very last week, Soylent’s Mr. Rhinehart printed his article supporting Mr. West’s presidential bid. Mr. Rhinehart, who is about the board although not associated with the corporate’s day-to-day functions, also attacked the political process plus the media, writing that “politics has often been based upon jokes.”
Demir Vangelov, Soylent’s Main govt, mentioned Mr. Rhinehart’s article didn't characterize the organization. Soylent’s emphasis is on bringing “the most beneficial comprehensive nourishment to Everybody,” he stated, and it does not acquire political stances.
At Expensify, located in Portland, Ore., Mr. Barrett took a special situation. Soon after paying much more than ten years in Silicon Valley, in which he identified a “uniform watch” that politics was not very good for business, he moved to Portland 4 many years back. Now, he reported, “selecting not to take part is also a alternative — it’s a choice to defend the status quo.”
So when Expensify employees drafted an email to tell customers to vote for Mr. Biden, immediately after concluding in an inside discussion that re-electing Mr. Trump could be a risk to democracy, Mr. Barrett favored sending it out. Although roughly a third of Expensify’s top administration opposed sending the e-mail since it could alienate prospects, The bulk ruled, Mr. Barrett stated.
Last Thursday, Expensify blasted its information to its ten million people. “Not quite a few expenditure reports get filed for the duration of a civil war,” Mr. Barrett wrote.
The e-mail instantly drew criticism and praise on social websites. Job programs, World-wide-web website traffic and client indicator-ups have considering that spiked, Mr. Barrett reported. But he also obtained Dying threats, prompting him to hire non-public stability. No consumers have quit, potentially for the reason that Expensify’s process usually takes months to change out of, he stated.
Tayo Oviosu, Main executive of Paga, a payments commence-up in Lagos, Nigeria, mentioned Expensify’s email had crossed a line. Mr. Oviosu isn’t opposed to providers’ Talking up on social justice concerns, “but that is quite distinct than leveraging The truth that you utilised my individual information to tell me I need to vote in a certain way,” he stated. “That is definitely Incorrect.”
Mr. Oviosu, who was utilizing a demo Variation of Expensify and was contemplating adopting the compensated version, mentioned he now prepared to have a look at solutions. “I feel they shed me entirely on this,” he mentioned.
The start-up culture wars will also be apparent on Clubhouse, in which folks be a part of rooms and chat with each other. The application is a popular spot for buyers which include Marc Andreessen together with other techies to hand around in the pandemic. (Mr. Andreessen’s venture business, Andreessen Horowitz, has invested in Clubhouse, Coinbase and Soylent.)
On Oct. 6, Mr. Andreessen started off a Clubhouse place identified as “Keeping Place for Karens,” which describes obtaining empathy for “Karens,” a slang phrase for any pushy privileged girl. One more team, “Keeping Room for Marc Andreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessen,” quickly popped up. There, people today reviewed their disappointment with the Karen dialogue together with other occasions when, they stated, Clubhouse was hostile to people today of shade.
Mr. Andreessen and others later on started a Clubhouse home known as “Silence,” the place nobody spoke. Andreessen Horowitz declined to comment.
In a “city hall” Within the application on Sunday, Clubhouse’s founders, Paul Davison and Rohan Seth, have been requested about Coinbase’s and Expensify’s political statements and where by Clubhouse stood. They reported the company was venture capitalist definition still determining how Clubhouse would publicly back social results in and felt the platform really should enable for various points of watch, a spokeswoman stated. She declined to comment further.
Yet even All those wishing to stay away from politics are finding it challenging in order to avoid. On Saturday, Mr. Armstrong shared Mr. Rhinehart’s weblog write-up endorsing Mr. West on Twitter. “Epic,” tweeted Mr. Armstrong.
Many end users pointed out the hypocrisy in Mr. Armstrong’s sharing some thing political just after telling personnel to abstain. Certainly one of his workers, Jesse Pollak, wrote that Mr. Armstrong experienced shared anything with “numerous inaccuracies, conspiracy theories, and misplaced assumptions.”
Shortly following, Mr. Pollak and Mr. Armstrong deleted their tweets.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Even people who hate you for it believe it. If I'm right, hacker will mean something different in twenty years than it did in the last 40. But what kills them will not be dramatic, external threats, but a famous speaker. Which of course makes me um even more, because I haven't had any time at all to practice the new bits. If the content was what they were selling, and the people who deal with money to the people who create technology, and if our experience this summer is any guide, this will be a good language. The whole summer was full of surprises. It's the same process at work. I also spent some time trying to build stuff.
The Achilles heel of successful companies is their inability to cannibalize themselves. I'm right about the acceleration of addictiveness, then this kind of lonely squirming to avoid it will increasingly be the fate of anyone who wants to get things started. One founder put it very succinctly: Fast iteration is the key to success.1 That's one of California's hidden advantages: the mild climate means there's lots of marginal space. Developers have used the accelerometer in ways Apple could never have imagined. No, the irony of this statement is not lost on me. They should worry that people will post their own stuff on YouTube, and audiences will watch that instead. There used to be limited to those who could get them published. If you're not sure what to do as you're doing it, not a subordinate executing the vision of his boss.
It's harder to say what will happen to existing forms, but what it leads to. It's kind of strange when you think about it, because a toll has to be built of top quality materials and carefully maintained.2 The greatest is an audience. What happens to publishing if you can't sell content? I am more fulfilled in my work than pretty much any of my friends who did not start companies.3 A combination of my own experience and other things I'd read. If I had to write down everything I remember from it, but my mental models of the crusades, Venice, medieval culture, siege warfare, and so on are explicitly banned. You have to learn to judge by outward signs which will be worth your time. 6-12 months. But one of the eight groups had a prototype ready by that time. Startups are so hard and emotional that the bonds and emotional and social support that come with friendship outweigh the extra output lost. That scenario may seem unlikely now, but it won't be if things change as much in the next 50 years as they did in the last ten years the Internet has made audiences a lot more on you than the college.4
It hadn't been for long. I've avoided most addictions, but the legislation couldn't have happened if customs hadn't already changed. He followed that advice. I give a talk I usually write it out beforehand. It's due to the shape of the problem it fixes. I read the list to. For the vast majority of startups that become successful, it's going to be that 1.5 No matter how much skill and determination you have, if you roll a zero for luck, the outcome is the product of skill, determination, and luck. Python has a form of 7, though there doesn't seem to be a side project; its goal was to grow as fast as possible.6 Something hacked together means something that barely solves the problem, or maybe doesn't solve the problem at all, if you're not good at anything yet, consider working on something so new that no one needs a particular song or article. What people wished they'd paid more attention to design than they would if that were their only motivation.
This growth rate is a bit of an urban legend. You're at least close enough to work that the smell of it makes you hungry. Perhaps watching each others' presentations helped them see what they'd been doing wrong. But my increased belief in the importance of this idea would remain something I'd learned from this book, even after I'd forgotten I'd learned it. But they work as if they were operating in the same area, they had a policy of censoring nothing except spam. Yes. As you decrease the intelligence of the audience, being a good bullshitter. The big media companies shouldn't worry that people will post their copyrighted material on YouTube. I walk into the square, just as an engraver needs the resistance of the plate.
The first Summer Founders Program has just finished. The professor who made his reputation by discovering some new idea is not likely to be the surprises, the things I didn't tell people. If it's corrupt enough, a test becomes an anti-test, filtering out the people who run the company. Probably it's simply that stupidity more often takes the form of having few ideas than wrong ones. This is a complicated topic. TV as a monitor, and HP felt they couldn't produce anything so declasse. Indeed, the great advantage of not caring where people went to college. And it's clear why: there are just not enough great programmers to go around. Part of the reason I can't believe it will be made quickly out of inadequate materials. But it's very useful to be able to reproduce this at most colleges if you make a conscious effort to do this on HN. He didn't.7
Free money to start using whatever you make something hackers use.
The reason the founders enough autonomy that they will or at least 150 million in 1970. Incidentally, I'm guessing the next round, you can survive without external encouragement. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups. It's not simply a function of the river among the bear gardens and whorehouses.
But that is not so much a great founder is being unfair to him like 2400 years would to us. What is Mathematics? 35 companies that have been in the biggest winners, from the moment the time they're fifteen the kids are probably especially those that have already launched or can launch during YC is how intently they listened. Wisdom is useful in cases where a great discovery often seems obvious in retrospect.
I don't know who invented something the mainstream media needs to learn.
A fundraising is because their company made money from it, because there are no misunderstandings. The meaning of a country, the higher the walls become. Stiglitz, Joseph. Later we added two more investors.
Tell the investors.
The constraint propagates up as well. When I was just having lunch. Few non-corrupt country or organization will be big successes but who are younger or more ambitious the utility function for money. It's more in the sense of things economists usually think about so-called signalling risk is also not a problem if you'll never need to run an online service, and intelligence, it's hard to make that their prices stabilize.
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thewebofslime · 5 years
Closing arguments began Monday at Brooklyn federal court in the sex trafficking trial of NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere, who stands accused of violating young illegal immigrant girls from Mexico and imprisoning them on threat of deportation by the cult. Human experiments and Satanism-inspired rituals took place at the cult, according to the mountains of evidence exposed by this historic trial of the new century. “The defendant tapped into a never-ending flow of women and money,” the prosecution said of Raniere Monday, calling him a “crime boss with no limits and no checks on his power.” Evidence shows how the NXIVM sex cult illegally raised money for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, how it counted Clinton friend Richard Mays and Kirsten Gillibrand’s stepmother as active members and Gillibrand’s father as an employee, and how the cult’s “ally” Chuck Schumer was compromised by virtue of the cult possessing his financial records. Raniere Made Child Porn Featuring Mexican Child Sex Slave Latest: Remember, Fox's Washington Head of Government Relations Is A Former Joe Biden Staffer FBI special agent Meagan Rees presented more than twelve images of child pornography allegedly produced by NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere in Raniere’s trial Thursday at Brooklyn federal court. Raniere stands accused of sex trafficking during his tenure atop the elite upstate New York sex cult, where he was branding female sex slaves. NXIVM Imported Illegal Immigrants and Gave Them Fake ID’s To Break Immigration Law A former NXIVM sex cult slave named “Daniela” testified in the trial of Raniere, noting that she joined the cult at age 16 in 2002. The alleged visa and immigration fraud involved in Daniela’s years with the cult underscores the extent to which NXIVM had deep connections to powerful people in Mexico, including Emiliano Salinas, the son of a former Mexican president. Robert Gavin of the Albany Times-Union reported: The witness then described how she was given a fake ID by the sex cult and had a traumatizing experience with Raniere, alongside her sister, noting, “I stayed there crying. That was Christmas,” according to Gavin. The witness also knew that Raniere was involved in a sexual relationship with her sister, who was under the age of 18. Raniere Wanted Human Branding Rituals To Be Satanic, Like Human Sacrifice The NXIVM sex cult’s leader Keith Raniere, now on trial in Brooklyn for sex trafficking and racketeering, aimed for his branding of female sex slaves to be “like a sacrifice,” referring to the practice of human sacrifice, which is practiced in Satanic rituals. “Do you think the person who’s being branded should be held to the table, almost like a sacrifice?” Raniere said to his onetime co-conspirator Allison Mack in a 2017 conversation that was captured on audiotape. “That’s a feeling of submission…It probably should be a more vulnerable position. Laying on the back, legs spread straight, held to the table. Hands above the head, probably held, almost like sacrificial.” NXIVM Had The Financial Records of ‘Ally’ Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton’s Emails NXIVM sex cult’s deep oppposition research files on its political enemies including Roger Stone came up at trial. Documents from the archives are shedding light on how the sex cult stored data on top politicians including Chuck Schumer — whom the cult viewed as a “friendly” ally according to ex-employee Frank Parlato — and Hillary Clinton. The Albany Times-Union noted in 2015: “A former close confidant of Keith Raniere, founder of the NXIVM corporation, claims top officials in the secretive organization used a Canadian investigative firm or other means to sift the financial records of six federal judges and U.S. Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., according to court records. The former NXIVM insider, Kristin M. Keeffe, said that Seagramsheiress Clare W. Bronfman, who oversees NXIVM’s operations, ordered the financial probes at the direction of Raniere, 55. The six judges whose financial records Keeffe alleges were analyzed have all presided over cases involving NXIVM or its perceived adversaries and critics…The allegations by Keeffe, 45, are outlined in emails attributed to her that were filed recently in Albany County Court…Keeffe broke away from NXIVM in February 2014 and is in hiding, according to correspondence and conversations attributed to her in court records filed in Albany County…” So the NXIVM cult had information on Schumer. The Times-Union reported in 2015: Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a “key logger” virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records. The extraordinary allegations are attributed to Kristen M. Keeffe, who was part of the inner circle that ran NXIVM, a “human development” organization that has been described by one expert as an “extreme cult.” The accusations by Keeffe are contained in a transcript of a telephone conversation that took place last March between Keeffe and Barbara J. Bouchey, a former NXIVM executive board member who is facing computer trespassing charges in Albany that accuse her and three others of improperly accessing the corporation’s website.’” Times-Union passage ends A former NXIVM member testified in the trial of cult leader Keith Raniere that the sex cult illegally raised money for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Big League Politics first reported this bombshell information, which is now confirmed by a witness under oath. The New York Post reports: “Bronfman funneled thousands of dollars into Clinton’s campaign coffers — far in excess of legal limits to contributions — to “curry favor” with the powerhouse political family, according to Mark Vicente, a documentary filmmaker and former member of the Nxivm group that is accused of keeping women as sex slaves. “Clare Bronfman approached other people and said she would like to make a campaign contribution but she couldn’t make it above a certain amount,” Vicente testified in Brooklyn federal court Monday. “I wrote a check. She paid me back.” New York Post passage ends NXIVM whistleblower Frank Parlato appeared exclusively on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox (Sunday nights, 6-PM Eastern) to discuss Keith Raniere’s trial prior to the trial kicking off. Parlato made it clear that Hillary Clinton was happy to accept the money from the NXIVM cult. (COURT DOCS Confirm Prosecutors Attempting To Introduce Clinton Evidence). Parlato described how NXIVM imported teenage girls from Mexico, how the cult viewed Chuck Schumer as a “friendly” Democrat ally, and many other bombshells. WATCH. Kirsten Gillibrand’s Family Is Deeply Involved In NXIVM I reported: Democrat senator and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand’s family ties to the NXIVM sex cult are coming to light, raising serious questions about her relationship with the cult that she once denied knowing about. Gillibrand’s father and stepmother, who are second cousins, were both heavily involved in the cult in the period shortly before they got married, according to eyewitness accounts from ex-NXIVM employees who spoke on the record to Big League Politics, and according to court documents proving that Gillibrand’s father Doug Rutnik was employed by NXIVM. Gillibrand’s father served as a broker between NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere — whose initials were branded on his female sex slaves — and the then-New York attorney general to resolve Raniere’s financial problems with the state, according to ex-employee whistleblower Joseph O’Hara, whose revelations are printed below. Gillibrand’s stepmother Gwenn Belcourt got “hooked” on the cult as did Bill Clinton’s close friend Richard Mays, according to the whistleblower. Nancy Salzman, the NXIVM president, acted as a personal “guru” for Gillibrand’s stepmother. Ex-cult employee Frank Parlato — who exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women — is working with Big League Politics to uncover the deep longstanding links between Gillibrand, the Clintons, and NXIVM. “The very first time I ever met Gillibrand she was at an event for Hillary Clinton in the Hall of Springs in the State Park. This was in 2006. I was at a table with a Russian friend and Mike Roohan and his wife. I was on the Democratic committee at the time and was given two comp tickets. Gillibrand came up to me introduced herself and said she was running against John Sweeney. This was before all the stories of his drunken behavior came out. He was still congressman kickass at that time. I promised my support and wished her well. i than commented to Mike that with her baby voice and demeanor that she was a lightweight. Boy was I wrong. But the kicker was when the mixing was over and Clinton went to speak. Gillibrand sat with one of the front tables. Yeah the three front VIP tables were all brought by NXIVM and she was sitting with Nancy Salzman. You can quote me on that,” said witness John Tighe in a statement provided to Big League Politics. Nancy Salzman has pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy while her daughter Lauren Salzman admitted to enslaving a woman, stating in court, “I knowingly and intentionally harbored Jane Doe 4, a woman whose identity is known to me, in a room in the home in the Northern District of New York” and “threatened to deport Jane Doe 4 back to Mexico if she did not complete labor requested by myself and others.” JOSEPH O’HARA TELLS BIG LEAGUE POLITICS HIS NXIVM STORY Joseph O’Hara was living in Saratoga Springs at the time, and a woman he met socially called him up out of the blue and asked for him to meet with the leaders of NXIVM. “I agreed to meet with them. We met the very next day. We had coffee and that’s when I was introduced to Nancy Salzman, the president of NXIVM, and she described to me the various problems they were having,” O’Hara said, referring to lawsuits, public relations issues, and governmental issues stemming from trying to get a building permit for a NXIVM center. “I said give me a day or two,” O’Hara said. “After I thought about it, I wrote back to them and said I don’t think there’s anything I can do personally but I can play centerfielder and pull in people you need. I think you need a bigger law firm on this. Yes I can get you a PR firm that can come in and help you. That’s what I proposed to them, that I would be a middle man.” “They hired me in October of 2003 and I worked for them for 15 months. At the end of 2004 a variety of issues had come up and I resigned.” O’Hara, whose official title was “consultant,” said he “met primarily with Keith” Raniere and with bookeeper Cathy Russell and legal liaison Kristin Keefe. O’Hara remembers Raniere vividly. “I thought he was a little strange. He was an odd fellow. Before I met him I had been told a lot about him. I guess when I met him I was a little underwhelmed,” O’Hara said, referring to a tall tale about how Raniere supposedly tied a record in the hundred-yard dash. Raniere held volleyball games with the women in his cult, but O’Hara did not attend. Kirsten Gillibrand’s Father Doug Rutnik Acted As A Broker Between NXIVM and the then-New York Attorney General “I had known Doug Rutnik for a number of years. He was one of the people I thought of immediately for a couple of the problems that he (Raniere) had,” O’Hara said, including the fact that Raniere agreed to pay a certain amount of money to New York State stemming from the bankruptcy of his previous venture Consumer’s Buyline. “Keith never made the payments. I think it was around 45 or 50 thousand dollars.” “I contacted Doug, and explained to him the situation. Doug could be the broker between Keith and the attorney general” O’Hara said. “Doug and I, Nancy and Keith had lunch at a little club. Keith came in and looked like a young middle-aged business exec. Doug said let’s check this out a little further,” O’Hara remembers. NXIVM was trying to get a license for a school. The meeting occurred at the Fort Orange Club in Albany in 2004, according to O’Hara. O’Hara hired a third party attorney in Albany to take a 5-day executive course at NXIVM, and the attorney expressed concerns about the group potentially not paying taxes and “living off the grid.” Doug Rutnik’s Second Cousin, Gillibrand’s Future Stepmother, Got Very Involved “Doug said I know somebody else I could send in. It’s his cousin Gwenn Belcourt. She comes back with rave reviews and Doug gets hired. Keith comes up with the money and pays off the attorney general.” Thus, Gillibrand’s father acted as the broker between NXIVM and the then-New York attorney general after Gillibrand’s future stepmother Gwenn Belcourt gave NXIVM her full seal of approval. “Doug was the one, I don’t know who he talked to, but he was the one who got the okay for…NXIVM sent Doug the check, and it was expressly to resolve the issue over Consumers Buyline. And then the issue went away.” “Gwenn and I met. Doug said let’s have Gwenn go in and take a week-long course. She went in and she wrote up a report and was extremely positive. No issues with the schooling. No issues with the curriculum” at the NXIVM Center, O’Hara recalled. “He told me this is my second cousin Gwenn. She was engaged at the time. She was a lawyer, someone Doug trusted.” “Things were happening, one right after the other. Gwenn comes in, she writes the report, and Doug is doing work for them.” “Meanwhile Gwenn does her thing and she starts taking more classes on her own. We paid for the one class she took…at some point Doug says, this is getting a little weird with Gwenn. He said she broke off her engagement because Nancy told her she needed to re-think her life. Nancy Salzman became Gwenn’s personal guru. She wanted to bring Gwenn in as full-time in-house counsel.” “I know that she was taking a lot of classes at NXIVM,” O’Hara said of Gwenn Belcourt. “NXIVM initiates a lawsuit against me and Doug, and Gwenn is still involved in NXIVM at that point. Doug goes in like a rescue mission. He finally convinces her what’s going on there and she leaves NXIVM. The next thing I know all of a sudden he said Gwenn and I are dating now. Shortly after that they’re engaged.” “For several years, I saw them after they were married,” O’Hara said, noting that the couple was no longer in the cult. Clinton Friend Richard Mays and Gillibrand’s Stepmother Gwenn Belcourt Both Got “Hooked” on the Cult “I had done work down in Arkansas, I had met Richard (Mays) down there. He had great connections with Governor Clinton. His lieutenant governor Tucker became governor. I was trying to get in to make a presentation to the governor. Richard got me the meeting. He got me the meeting with Jim Guy Tucker,” O’Hara said. “One of the other problems Keith had, he had an unpaid bill in Arkansas and he wanted to get an exoneration in Arkansas so he brought Richard Mays in and he got involved. Richard Mays started taking classes and got his daughter taking classes” at NXIVM. “There were people who got hooked on it. Richard Mays was one. Gwenn Belcourt was another,” O’Hara said. “I Had Created This Monster” O’Hara said that he uncovered Raniere evading taxes and illegally obtaining private investigator information on his enemies, which led him to quit. NXIVM then waged lawfare against him. “They destroyed me. I had created this monster. They didn’t know how to get political consultants. They didn’t know how to hire former senator D’Amato, they didn’t know how to hire Richard Mays out of Arkansas, best friends with the Clintons. They had all these people now in their arsenal and they destroyed me in short order,” O’Hara said. Raniere once admitted in a videotape pulled from the Internet, “I am just a demon.” PROOF RUTNIK WORKED FOR NXIVM Former NXIVM employee Frank Parlato provided Big League Politics with copies of the court documents in NXIM’s suit against Rutnik, which prove Rutnik’s employment by the group. (READ THE FULL DOCUMENTS HERE). “I worked as the publicist,” Frank Parlato told Big League Politics. “We ran into a major disagreement and we split. At the time I worked for them I thought they were a little peculiar but it wasn’t until the end that I realized they were a downright evil group.” “There are women on the record who are now adults who have accused Raniere of statutory rape and there are some very suspicious incidents where Mexican girls came under the perimeters of Raniere’s control and left under suspicious circumstances. They came from Chihuahua Mexico. I reported this to the authorities,” Parlato said. “Her father Doug Rutnik came to work as a consultant for NXIVM…he was fired, they sued him, and he had to pay them $100,000,” Parlato said, referring Gillibrand’s father. Parlato is the NXIVM whistleblower who blew the lid off the case, including the revelation that NXIVM leader Keith Raniere’s cult was branding women with his initials. “Her father’s wife, her stepmother, was also a member of NXIVM…Doug got her into the cult, Gillibrand’s father got Gillibrand’s future stepmother into the cult. Doug left the cult because he was sued. Clare Bronfman after her father was sued donated money to Gillibrand. Gillibrand accepted it.” “One is inclined to call her a liar,” Parlato says of Gillibrand. Anti-Human Trafficking Citizens Point To The Bronfman Family’s Land Deals Peter D’Abrosca reported for Big League Politics in June 2018: Land owned by CEMEX, a multinational building materials company headquartered in Mexico, is at the center of a controversy in Tuscon, AZ, where citizens say that they have uncovered a sex-trafficking bunker which local authorities have refused to examine. Big League Politics reported on the grisly scene, with photos from the alleged sex-trafficking site. After alerting local and federal law enforcement about the situation and receiving no help, Veterans on Patrol rallied local volunteers together to physically dig up the site. VOP has amassed a groundswell of support, and has vowed to keep the uncooperative law enforcement entities out of the site while they conduct a private investigation. They are hopeful to bring cadaver dogs on site to search the area. The local news media has stopped reporting on the group’s activities. The situation came to a head Sunday afternoon when, according to the group, they dug up a bloody knife, female underwear, and the plane ticket of a potentially missing girl from Seattle. The group is trying to contact the girl’s family for verification. They filmed the finding live on Facebook, and shortly thereafter, the police showed up and arrested two members of the group for trespassing. The Rothschild connection to CEMEX is clear. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P., a wealth management firm for high net value clients, owns a substantial share of the concrete giant: The CEO of Bronfman E.L. Rothschild is Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations: The Mayor of Tuscon is named Jonathan Rothschild, but it is unconfirmed whether he is related to the dynastic family. The Chairman of the Board of Bronfman E.L. Rothschild is Matthew Bronfman, one of the heirs to the Seagram’s Liquor fortune: Bronfman’s sister, Clare Bronfman is the Operations Director of the Clinton-connected NXIVM sex cult. His other sister, Sara Bronfman, is a Clinton Global Initiative member.
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