#to both of us is not bc of antisemitism or oppression but just bc it's our homeland
torahtot · 10 months
sth that always frustrates me is when people on here say things like "jewish ppl u can let go of connection to israel bc you can be at home in the countries you live in!" and someone responds with a whole essay on how antisemitism is alive and well.. bc that still accepts the original premise. you're saying yes, i agree, we would not feel a connection to the land if antisemitism didn't exist, but it does. this ignores the root misconception that makes someone say things like that, which is that they deny (or simply don't realize/understand) our connection to the land, which transcends the existence of antisemitism in the diaspora. walk into any orthodox school that doesn't even consider itself zionist, and you'll find the kids having conversations with their teachers about how to reconcile feeling comfortable in galut with the desire to properly mourn the beit hamikdash & yearn for mashiach so that we can return. this isn't metaphorical in the slightest; many of them will make aliyah whether mashiach comes or not (and it won't have anything to do with secular zionism or antisemitism). eradicating antisemitism in the diaspora would never change the fact that we are in galut. if they were smart they would actually shift the conversation to why we don't need an explicitly/exclusively jewish state in order to live safely & thrive in eretz yisrael, but they won't bc a) that would require accepting the validity of our connection to it and b) they consider it "validating settler fears" or wtvr the fuck. so instead they will continue to be totally inept at realpolitik solutions & fail to see eye to eye in conversation with jews bc they fundamentally misunderstand.. everything about us.
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rodeodeparis · 2 months
sorry if this isn't that deep but could you clarify what you meant on your last post? i'm just not sure if you're saying these people would've fallen for zionism or if i'm misunderstanding you really badly
that is exactly what i'm saying
#israeli propaganda about how antisemitic the world is wouldn't work if it had zero truth to it. fascist propaganda takes people's#feelings about real problems they have and maneuvers it to the direction of an easy ''solution''#i think it's easier for said jewish antizionists to imagine themselves solely as a Corrupted Colonizer#(at least in the us where i'm living. compounded w/ the fact that like 90% of jews here are ashkenazim#i know the race/ethnicity-relation-to-judaism dynamic is similar in occupied palestine. tbh this is a White People Thing to some degree)#bc to them acknowledging that yes oppressed people can do apartheid will somehow erase the fact that they're oppressed#(ultimately the same main issue jewish zionists have)#may i remind you shafiq ades was executed by the iraqi government for allegedly spying for israel despite being a dedicated antizionist#who worked to improve things for jews in iraq and syria. let alone that he did not spy for israel#i'm sure the iraqi govt did that because he was corrupted by zionism and not#because he was a prominent jewish political figure and they took out their postcolonial wrath on jews after getting a convenient excuse#and continue to persecute assyrians kurds turkmen and yazidi today in much the same manner not dissimilar to the way other countries#have treated their minorities let alone jews#since Oppressed People Cant Do Bad Things that has to be it right 👍😃👍#moral: if you want to be an effective antizionist you need to call out antisemitism where you see it let alone recognize it#even if this is inconvenient#and yes this means even if you're afraid you'll get called a zionist for it. bc if you're not a zionist they're being antisemitic#the antizionists i am talking about are not comfortable doing that just like zionists are not#in both cases the ''real'' antisemite is just whoever they feel ruins their image of jews (collective)#and they're both seeing antisemitism in the problem and have different Ways they think it'll be solved#and the antizionists are more on track than the zionists are but by not addressing antisemitism at its face they run into the same trap
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starlightomatic · 5 months
"there are many jews involved in the columbia encampment, and there was even a kabbalat shabbat service and a seder" and "antisemitic things have been chanted at the columbia protests and there's a serious unaddressed (and dismissed) antisemitism problem in the movement" can both be true
like. portraying this as "a group of people who hate jews and want to intimidate and block them" isn't correct, but neither is "it's all a smear and nothing we've ever said or done could ever be antisemitic."
ugh. i just. its so frustrating bc on the one hand you've got people lobbing around the word antisemitism like a club to be used on political opponents, and on the other hand you have people who respond to that be closing their ears to any and every attempt to be called in for antisemitism. and then you get labeled a zionist and not-worth-listening-to for attempting that call-in, so the people who are trying to address it get pushed out
and the jews who remain often feel that as allies it's their duty to squash any internal sense that something in the movement is antisemitic, believing that it's really their white/jewish fragility or their zionist brainwashing coming up.
the upshot of which is that the antisemitism problem doesn't get resolved when oh my god, it would be so easy. just listen to folks calling you in and learn about antisemitism and how it functions just like allies do for any oppression. empower jews in your space to speak up, with love and firmness. stop assuming every call-in is a threat by bad actors.
like there really are ways to move forward. why can't we take them?
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just-illegal · 5 months
we all know ab how accusing people of being zionists (but specifically a definition of the word that means both cartoonishly evil and jew, regardless of political views) is antisemitic but it just hit me how fucking insane it is to call someone that for being jewish/ israeli/ having relatives who are those. bc, like. leftist antisemites don't think of evil (or even just privileged) people as people (they think of them as Evil People™), and they hate the US more than they love any oppressed groups they claim to. but most of them still think of some americans as people, a lot of online leftists are american and are still welcome, and there's still a sense that there are lots of anti-america americans and that the rapture revolution is sure to come! and of course they don't boycott everything even vaguely american, that won't do anything about imperialism! (also the latent america-centrism of your core belief being "america Bad")
but they don't give (((zionists))) that.
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captainimprobable · 5 months
Happy Jewish Heritage Month!
PART 1 OF 2 bc Tumblr wouldn't let me post such a long thing. Pls read both parts. Thanks. For this month I'd like every single person who has made Jews feel unsafe on college campuses in the name of revolution to grow the fuck up!!!! The pro palestine movement is such a good, important movement with absolutely genuinely positive intentions, but I am sick and tired of pretending that, over the past few months, a great many people haven't used this movement to take their masks off. Not only have antisemites completely infiltrated the movement, but actually good, well intentioned people are spouting antisemitic rhetoric, not out of hate, but because they don't know that it's antisemitic. I should not feel unsafe at protests. I should not have to keep hearing people telling me that the things they are saying and doing are not antisemitic, as though Jews do not know exactly what is and isn't dangerous and awful to us. As time goes on it is harder and harder for me to interact with people who call themselves pro palestine, because no matter how much I agree with their views, their intentions mean NOTHING when they are contributing actively to the harassment of Jews. A good portion of us are TERRIFIED. Everyone seems to be celebrating things that actively call for our downfall, we are being CONSTANTLY gaslit into believing that the antisemitism we are actively experiencing doesn't exist, and literal Holocaust survivors have been warning us that it is starting to look like 1930s Germany and telling us to GET OUT. And I know. I just KNOW. The responses to this are going to be "No we just hate Zionists" or "stop victimizing yourself when there's a genocide going on" or something like that. To that! I say! Fuck all the way off. Why is it that every single fucking minority or oppressed group is allowed to tell you when they are experiencing hatred and oppression except Jews? Since October 7th I've been treated like shit by people I thought were friends, I've watched the entire world talk about how much they hate me. Nobody appears to give a shit about the hostages, nobody appears to give a shit about the people raped and murdered on October 7th, nobody appears to give a shit about Jews at all.
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omarera · 1 year
Wish Omar would leave twitter the people on there will jump at any chance to make him out to be this hateful person when he is far from it. Why don’t they spend their time going after actual bad people instead of sending death threats to him all because he expressed his feelings about war in general
People will always put his words into their own narratives and make extrapolations and claim he said things and took stances he didn’t. They do it based on their own perceptions of a situation and then they push that narrative hard and think they are absolutely right about what he said and what he thinks since that is their perception. Twitter is very polarized and polarizing.
The conflicts and wars going on and especially the Israel- Palestine conflict is very very complex. I understand that people get tired of celebs doing general statements and honestly, also knowing Twitter, he should have said nothing. We do see people on both sides dehumanizing people on the other side of the conflict. He humanize and recognize innocent kids and families of both sides of conflicts and he is right about that and it should not be considered controversial. He expressed his feelings. But in this case it is better if he didn’t.
Maybe it’s better if I say nothing either but below is just some info on how this conflict is discussed in Sweden and the Swedish government’s stance.
We all know Israel oppress the Palestinian people and has for a very long time and Israel control everything in the Gaza area electricity, water supply, food supply, gas etc etc. etc. Palestine people needs justice and end of occupation.
2014 the Swedish state recognized Palestine as a State “ A two-state solution requires mutual recognition and a will to peaceful co-existence. Sweden will therefore recognize the State of Palestine” (Swedish prime minister at the time).
Sweden has always supported the Palestine people with aid and support to build a state and we have also received many refugees from that area.
We now see the actions of Hamas,a terror organization, killing people in Israel. We also see the response from Israel on Hamas that will affect the Palestinian people horribly and also kill Palestinians. It’s all very terrifying.
We see both sides dehumanizing people on the other side. It’s horrible when watching interviews both to see the victims and also the dehumanizing. People from both sides very vocally dehumanize all the people on the other side.
We in Sweden also notice the conflict in our country (in a much much smaller scale of course and not comparable at all) We have people celebrating Hamas terror actions and killings on the streets in some cities, for example Malmö. We have for years had thousands of Jewish people moving out of some cities bc they feel it’s too unsafe for them, for example Malmö. Jewish people hiding their symbols. Being told to not use their language in public bc it’s not safe. Antisemitism is growing.
There has always been a strong commitment to support Palestine and a two state solution, and end occupation both from the Swedish state and a large commitment among a lot of Swedish people. What is extra sad atm is that the actions of Hamas makes some politicians wanting Sweden to take back their recognition of the state of Palestine due to actions and focus of Hamas. They are not considered to be working towards a two-state solution and seeking peaceful co-existence, which were the hopes of Swedish politicians for Palestine and Israel. The Swedish government strongly condemns the actions of Hamas and state that Israel have a right to defend themselves (and they still want justice for Palestine people it can all happen at the same time…but the Swedish government do not accept the Hamas way). Aid is now withdrawn in order to make an evaluation to make sure means do not end up with Hamas.
We also learn that Swedish citizens living in Gaza has been killed, we hear about the ones who have relatives stuck in Gaza atm. We also have Swedish citizens in Israel affected by the Hamas actions.
The conflict is geographically located very far away from us, but is also in a much much smaller scale noticed in Sweden. Polarizing is strong and ongoing also here. Dehumanization is happening also here. We are also here scared of how the conflict will escalate and the consequences for the Palestine and Israel people in the area and the escalation of conflicts and confrontations between groups in our country.
Sweden will now evacuate Swedish citizens from Palestine and Israel. Estimations are that it could be 800 in Palestine and around 3000 in Israel.
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
yknow what, to add onto this blog being multipurpose ( a mixture between personal, rpc, vent, queerness, alterhumanity, plurality, indigeneity & occultism, among other things!! ), I'll& be using this as an academia / writeblr / langblr / studyblr / studyplace blog, too, especially considering that is a big step for me& considering I& dropped out of college a few years ago due to mental health reasons, so I'll& be taking a mental health class, the Be There Certificate under the Born This Way Foundation which was founded by the queen Lady Gaga herself, hopefully in the future taking online free yeshiva classes & I'm& also taking free university classes bc we stan indigenous students in quote on quote "higher education" striving for education in post-secondary educational institutions that were never created for us in mind, particularly because so often academia is inaccessible to natives, especially disabled & neurodivergent natives !! we're building nations & the revolution will be indigenized !!
with that said, though, as much as we& love the academia aesthetic, imma& just say this now. to anybody who's an academic who ends up looking here: do NOT come here expecting to only see a bunch of content exclusively related to staple white academia movies & poets & writers & philosophers like william shakespeare, edgar allan poe, h.p lovecraft, j.r.r. tolkien, jane austen, sylvia plath, oscar wilde, sappho, etc. or studying van gogh's art or learning latin or listening to mozart, vivaldi or tchaikovsky, particularly where cis white men ( & sometimes cis white women ) are idolized uncritically, which isn't to say that there won't be any european works being studied here nor that they don't have their place at all bc ofc they do, it's just that i& see this so often & because of that we& intend to incorporate international world history & world literature into our& decolonized curriculum. only studying white european cultures doesn't make you an academic, bc academia, music, art, architecture & literature have existed for millennia all around the world outside of europe. you also won't be seeing any glorification of parts of the aesthetic with roots in the obsession over white/pale skin, ivy league & old money worship, the glorification of the 1%, putting cis white academics & oftentimes white eurocentric academia on a pedestal while blatantly ignoring other underrepresented cultures ( & even when poc are represented it's primarily east asian i.e han chinese, yamato japanese or korean or generally lightskinned aesthetics ), antiblack racism, antinative racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, classism, ableism, sanism, oppression & discrimination.
it's also important to note that in our& academic studies we& will be using etuaptmumk which literally translates to two-eyed seeing in mi'kmawi'simk which essentially means learning to see from one eye with the strengths of indigenous knowledges & ways of knowing, & from the other eye with the strengths of western knowledges & ways of knowing & learning to use both these eyes together, for the benefit of all, as envisaged by elder dr. albert marshall.
here's a preview of our& studies so far, with some of our& names being censored for system safety reasons:
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botslayer · 11 months
“I don't feel bad about any of the things I've said that were bigoted in the past because I never meant any of it” bestie you need to feel bad for being bigoted in the past lmao There Is Something Wrong With You. the same justification is used by a large number of reactive antisemites and their defenders rn that they’re just upset and angry about palestine, don’t mean it “like that” and that they don’t feel bad about it bc there’s other worse things going on. In both scenarios it’s bullshit because you’re still facilitating oppressive power structures!! what we say and do matters more than what we “mean” and the presence of a greater evil does not absolve anyone of their lesser evils. i would rather you don’t even say anything about us at all if you’re going to finish some shit about not feeling bad about being bigoted, that’s so self absorbed and wholly inappropriate in the moment! we’re not a fucking monolith i promise whatever bigotry you spewed in the past has also applied to a number of jews as well! goyim be actually useful and considerate allies challenge: impossible
"I never meant any of it." I never believed it. I'm just from an era where people could say shit and we knew it was bad and that's why it was funny. Didn't matter what race or preference you were/had. Everyone made fun of everyone.
You understand that murder isn't funny, but if a character just casually throws a cleaver over their shoulder and a side character behind them drops dead because it hit them directly in the face, there's a comedy to that, isn't there? But someone just died.
Also, who said I was a goy? What, my nose not big enough for ya?
And again. I don't say that because I think other Jews have big noses. I say it because I'm from a time when cracks like that were understood to be bad. Actual genuine antisemitism is worse than a joke. Sorry not sorry.
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thatnerdyqueer · 1 year
lmao ok so I just finished watching V for Vendetta
and I have a lot of ThoughtsTM
before you read HUGE TW OK. homophobia, transphobia, racism, antisemitism
Ok so I should preface this by saying the movie itself isn't homophobic, transphobic, particularly racist (as far as I know, I'm white so I've probably missed stuff and I apologise if I have), antisemetic (but again, maybe I missed stuff) or any of that.
in fact in my opinion it was an amazing, and extrememly terrifying movie.
But, it did feel like watching a highlight reel of all the worst parts of the political climate of 1930s germany and of course of the past few years.
now onto the funny bit:
I was watching the credits and I saw that it was a Wachowski sisters movie and omfg god it immediately made SO MUCH SENSE lol
when I say that V for Vendetta was SO TRANS I mean it. Like, in ways that I can't really articulate now bc I'm too tired but I might explain later, it was so trans. So. Trans.
It was soooo white lmaooooooooo. Like it kept talking about evil conservative politics and how gay people and shit are used as scapegoats, and while that was super powerful I was kinda confused as to why they like, totally glossed over intersectionality and other methods of oppression. It was weird to watch such a "progressive" film that didn't touch on race, like, at all. The closest they came was a guy getting arrested for owning a Koran. And the guy was white. (played by Stephen Fry My Beloved, no hate to him, he was fantastic as always and also I'm super scared about that fall he had I hope hes ok :( anyways). And then the second I saw that the Wachowski sisters made it I was like ooooooooooooooohhhhh thats why it just blatantly ignored racsim and had 0 (zero) characters from ANY ETHNIC BACKGROUND OTHER THAN FUCKING ENGLAND :/ Which, yknow, aside from being hurtful to the vast majority of the population of earth, just makes for a less interesting, less vibrant, less powerful story. It's about freedom, willingness to die for a cause, and rebellion for fucks sake. It shouldn't just be white.
Ok other ThoughsTM
It was weird, but also kinda touching to have V be the "guy" that fought for it all.
I don't really have the words for it at the moment, but in as simple terms as I can.
I was surprised at the unrealistic, but also extrememly important suggestion that a striaght, white, cis guy (assuming V was all of those things, even though he was hella fruity and queer coded) could ever allow himself to become the revolution, to become something bigger than himself, and more importantly, to be selfless enough to devote himself to the liberation of completely separate groups of people.
And, look, I'm not saying that they can't do that (Neil Gaiman as a shoutout, you stand up unabashedly for queer people, trans people, refugees, women, sex workers, disabled people, people of colour, etc etc and maybe thats because you're jewish so you know what fucking happens when you ignore discrimination for a little bit and allow it to fester because it aint you thats getting attacked so why should you care and anyway thats not a rant that I want to have), but I was just surprised, and kinda dissapointed that they did
Because its unrealistic. When as a white person ever been the champion of a a movement against racism? When has a man ever been a figurehead for feminism? Etc etc.
which brings me to my next point.
V's arc still disappointingly revolved around falling in love with a woman. Which really just felt like a way to distract straight viewers from his actual character arc so it was less confronting for them and they will never actually understand him or connect with him properly. I watched it with my parents (both straight), and there were moments when I felt completely sure that they were not grasping the point of a scene, or a line, or whatever. And they felt all righteous and content because they watched a movie about gay people fighting back or whatever, but the main character was still A FCUKING STRIAHGT MAN WTF.
And let me be clear. I DONT HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS TO HIM FALLING IN LOVE. I DONT AHVE ANY OBJECTIONS TO HIS LOVE INTEREST BEING A WOMAN. I'm just annoyed that the messaging was subtle enough that straight people and allo people distracted by a heterosexual romance would miss it. Yes, his love for Evey was tragic. Yes, it was beautiful. But no scene with them was ever actually about their love. It was about something bigger. Which I don't think my parents quite grasped.
Anyway. Conclusions.
Was it a good movie? Absolutely yes!
Will I be watching it again? Absolutely yes!
Was it a terrifying documentary about the world as we know it? Yes!
But could it have been more effective by diversifying slightly more? Yes.
(btw I am fully aware that this movie was made in 2005 and we need context and shit)
So yeah. Those are my thoughts. If you made it this far, wow. You're either a bit V for Vendetta fan, very passionate about activism, or not really concentrating properly.
So uh yeah.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
antisemitism faq in regards to rooster teeth / rwby / camp camp bc i’m tired of arguing with goy in all these fandoms who argue with jewish people to defend their fave white men.
“but dolph is a joke about hitler!”
no, dolph is a mini hitler. the joke is actually on the jewish character in the episode, the methods that the nazis used to oppress & murder jewish people & dolph is “rewarded” by the end of the episode. fans in the comments of both episodes also laugh about how “funny” the nazi regime was & how rt nailed all the “references” towards it.
idk what’s funny about jewish genocide but, go off.
“but the director for camp camp is jewish!”
just because he’s jewish doesn’t mean he’s not actively contributing to the “jokes” that further antisemitism in the company. also, the two men who actually wrote the episodes  —  miles luna & kerry shawcross  —  are both white goy.
“but neil points out how inappropriate it is!”
doesn’t change the overall theme of both episodes is yet again mocking the methods that the nazis used while implementing their final solution; methods people who are alive today barely escaped from with their lives.
“coco is based on the designer aspect of coco chanel, not the nazi!”
you cannot separate coco chanel into a fashion designer & a nazi anymore than you can separate hitler into an animal rights activist & a nazi. furthermore, the fashion company she had that made her empire was built on the back off & stolen from a jewish man. coco chanel was a violent antisemite who’s actions contributed to the deaths of jewish people, roma, disabled people, queer people & so many more.
“but maybe miles & kerry / rt didn’t know!”
by the time coco adel was introduced into rwby in 2014; the news that coco chanel was a nazi informant, whore & spy for them had long been public knowledge & was in fact resurfacing in the news at the time due to the exposure of her deal with winston churchill.
also; mk have prided themselves on sneaking in all the “references” to the nazi regime in camp camp, alongside not being above referencing other awful monsters like mao zedong in their character may zedong. do not believe them that it is a “mistake” or “coincidence” when they clearly have no issue with this form of prejudice.
& if they hadn’t known, the fact that it’s been brought up in the fandom & that ignorance is not an excuse for bigotry; the fact that coco has not only remained in the show but was given a starring role in the book & her sexuality used as a marketing hook shows that potential profit & queer rep, in both the eyes of the creators & fndm, far outweighs any antisemitism. which is just incredibly horrific but not disappointing for the rwby fndm.
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karlnaping · 3 years
// ranboo situation
im gonna say this as as my opinion and lesbians feel free to drop your opinions bc im curious about what the rest of you think too
if you havent yet heard about ranboos apolgoy, he basically was apologizing for screenshots of his discord back in october when he joked about being a "lesbian himbo man" and generally being told that he dresses like a lesbian
now, as a lesbian i was originally very confused about why he was apologizing, and it's because that joke came from lesbians. same with the "cant believe tommys a lesbian" clip and people calling george a cottagecore lesbian with his mushroom house. it was a very popular joke among lesbians at the time, and obviously its almost impossible to know if a chat member or a dono is coming from a lesbian, but in the situation that it is or generally lesbians making the joke, i feel like its fair game for streamers to play along/repeat it, because for the most part lesbians arent uncomfortable abt it because they were the ones who started it
obviously, the issue is when non-lesbians start to make the joke. because i do get the "dont enforce lesbian stereotypes/use them as an aesthetic/make them the butt of jokes" when it comes to non-lesbians, which is the same for like,,, any sexuality really. (for any lesbians, tho, feel free to make the joke because you Are allowed to)
the issue is that mcyttwt and the fandom in general just keeps coming back to digging up old clips and screenshots over and over again even though we keep saying stop, and its always a minority that doesnt actually affect them. (90% sure the person who first brought up the screenshot wasnt even lesbian) this happened with the karl situation, despite it being obvious that he changed and obviously doesnt support any form of antisemitism/homophibia/racism. ranboos situation may seem a little bit different because it was only 6 months ago, but even still, ranboo caught himself and deleted the screenshots a While before they were brought up recently. he's been nothing but supportive to the entire lgbtq+ community, of course he's not going to be lesphobic. (personally i dont even consider the comments lesphobic, bc again, popular joke at the time, but to each their own) literally all youre achieving is reminding minorities that sometimes people suck.
at the same time though, people change, which is why bringing up screenshots and clips that dont reflect who ccs are anymore is just ridiculous at this point imo
i also think its different sexuality-wise compared to jokes about race or religion because unlike race which you can see right away, or typical religious indicators, sexuality isnt something that can exactly be defined unless verbally being told. like a lot of people say, youre white before youre anything else. thats not something that you can hide. (again, saying this as a white lesbian, so lmk if im out of line for this. also not trying to say that lgbtq+ oppression isnt real, relevant, or severe)
i will say, although i personally believe the apology was unnecessary and just kind of annoying that mcyttwt does this like once a month (i say as a member of mcyttwt), im glad he owned up to something and told people to both not say he did anything wrong because he Did make a mistake, telling people its ok and understandable if they dont support him anymore/he wont be mad, as well as turn off chat and ask people to not accept the apology if theyre not lesbian, as well as make multiple tweets about it. i think going forward in the event that a cc DOES make that kind of mistake and its ACTUALLY recent and not an old screensh, if they choose to address it on stream this should be the standard
and thats not to say that its not valid if it did make you uncomfortable if you are lesbian because no lesbian is the same nor have the same experiences. so however you choose to take the situation/his apology is up to you.
tl;dr i personally accept ranboo's apology as a lesbian even though i think it wasn't rly necessary bc he was just repeating a joke that lesbians had already made (as well as one i personally do not find offensive) and we should once again stop bringing up old screenshots and clips from ccs if they dont reflect their opinions anymore, ESPECIALLY if its a minority group youre not in because its not actually helping anyone. i do think his apology was well executed tho for being on stream and should be the standard for the future.
at the end of the day, watch who you wanna watch, support who you wanna support, just dont speak over minority groups, bring up old stuff thats not relevant to any minority group youre in, or accept apolgies if youre not apart of the affected minority group
feel free to yell at me, this is just my opinion. lesbians lmk y'alls takes
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menalez · 2 years
Dude croc has receipts. The main issue on radblr is some lesbains claiming that bi women who date men deserve any and all abuse they get because "well you could have picked a woman." Meanwhile aristocats crazy ex girlfriend has taken over her account without permission! Abuse is inherent to both sexes, just more prominent in men. No one deserves abuse, and saying bi women deserve it is biphobic. Why is there such a huge divide here? I'm so thankful irl I've only found solidarity with my lesbian sisters. But on here....half the time it feels like bi women are viewed even worse than straight women who date. Because we should pick women. There is such a thing as biphobia, no one is claiming its as bad as lesphobia or homophobia, but it would be nice if radblr could maybe listen to bi womens struggles a little more openly without just jumping to us "deserving" what we get.
from what ive seen a significant portion of the women who say that about bi women ARE bi women. or even het women. but they’re always assumed to be lesbians and then lesbians are framed as crazy victim blamers over what is at most 2 or 3 lesbians on the entire platform. meanwhile there’s significantly more women on here shitting on lesbians and arguing heterosexual women have no kind of privilege over lesbians and that actually lesbians are the privileged class among other blatantly homophobic shit. u argue that “no one is claiming it’s as bad as lesbophobia or homophobia!!” but yes that’s literally what rantingcrocodile does. you claim “she provides receipts!!” but actually when u click on her link spams a lot of it is twisted out of context or downright questionable based on the results provided (eg: the study arguing iirc that woc have better health outcomes than white women despite this being repeatedly shown to not be true by many other studies) or that one study she linked where it says lesbians earn even better than het women, alluding to some sort of lesbian privilege. she even straight up said she thinks lesbians can/do oppress bi women but when u try to confront her on it she’s like “i didn’t say that but i did but no i didn’t <3” nvm how often she will go after bi women over any little disagreement, the same way im sure she’d go after you if you said to her that you don’t think biphobia is on par with homophobia. or if you’re a bi person who merely says biphobia is a form of prejudice not oppression. or that time she equated lesbians to incels for talking about how hurtful it is when our partners treat us as 2nd best to men or leave us to be with men bc they “want to be normal / want to have kids / want to make their parents happy” etc. yes no one deserves abuse and yes women in relationships with women can face abuse too (i know this firsthand cmon now) and it’s difficult to find lesbians that argue otherwise to begin with. regardless rantingcroc is full of shit and fr rabid. i can’t give her the benefit of the doubt after she wrote a 20 paragraph rant to a 10 word sentence i wrote, blocked me, then claimed i blocked her, and then took that as an opportunity to lie that im an antisemite that lies about being poor for attention. she’s gonna act holier than thou while being that blatant of a liar and lesbophobe and yet y’all will clap and praise her regardless bc u aren’t looking at the content of what shes saying and how she treats ppl. try challenging her on anything and ull see it for urself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
I do not like talking about Israel because. It's very hard as a gentile to identify the ways in which the background radiation of antisemitism affects how i think and talk.
but the point I am 100% sure about is: Israel is a state, it's not Judaism itself, and it should be criticised as a state not as a representation of Jewishness. Its oppression of Palestine is not Jews Oppressing Muslims but a state oppressing disenfranchised subjects on occupied land. we can't remove antisemitism from the equation because antisemitism is baked into the history and present of Israel and it's dangerous to act like we can ignore the degree to which antisemitism colours the idea of the conflict. but it is vital to remember that Israel represents the interests of Israel and its allies, not the interests of all Jews, because apart from anything else the idea that Jews are all responsible for the actions of Israel or that the actions of Israel represents the beliefs of all Jews is like. the basic assumption driving a metric fuckton of antisemitism.
'Israel is not synonymous with Judaism and some Palestinians are Jewish' is is an objective fact. it's not. a denial that antisemitism is a part of the conflict. it also isn't even a partisan statement - if, as a state, you believe Israel is behaving in an acceptable and appropriate way, what exactly changes if you acknowledge the objective fact that not all Jews are Israeli or aligned with Israel and that Israel exists as a state not an abstract concept?
Conceptualising Israel and Jewishness as synonymous is a great way to deflect accountability for a state's actions off the state and government and onto a whole diaspora group. it benefits Israel as a state to do this because it means the government escapes accountability. it also benefits antisemitism, because it's a stick to beat Every Jewish Person with.
and the same is true of other states and religions. Both Islamophobia and the state are served when repressive regimes put a sticker on themselves saying 'This Islamic Republic Is Islam'. why do you think the American right is so committed to treating America and Christianity as synonymous? it takes the responsibility and accountability off the state and its actions and puts it onto a massive group of people who largely don't have any direct power over the state and who have a massive range of ideas, opinions, political and social beliefs and so on. and then either you support the state's actions or your criticism of the state instead gets redirected and projected onto an entire global religious group of random people just trying to live their lives, some of whom may agree with the state, some who may not, some who may agree with some bits but not others, almost none of whom are making the actual decisions. and that works really good for state governments and really badly for the majority of people they claim to represent bc people supportive of the state's actions will erase the existence and validity of religious people who disagree with it, and people critical of the state's actions will turn their ire off the state and onto like. the local mosque or their Jewish coworker.
that doesn't mean there's nothing Jewish about Israel or Christian about the US or Muslim about Iran. it doesn't mean that you can pick and choose who counts as a valid religious person based on their views about religious States. but the state is not the faith.
and the example of this is that when I say Palestine is not antithetical to Jewishness and Israel is not synonymous with Jewishness people immediately jump to arguing the validity of Israel's political position. like 'oh but what about the Arab invasion' 'oh but what about Hamas explosives' and it's like. yeah but that's not actually answering my point? because "is Israel synonymous with Jewishness" is a separate question to "is Israel justified in instituting violent apartheid" unless you already think Israel is synonymous with all Jewishness which it provably isn't.
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tbh i immediately distrust anyone criticizing dracula for antisemitism alone and i blame the popular notion on here that vampires are inherently antisemitic. i think my favorite thing ive read abt antisemitism in vampire lore was this one paper that argues antisemitism & vampire narratives support each other rather than a linear cause and effect bc to me thats the best way to read dracula like i think the vast majority of ppl on here dont really get that u need to understand late 19th century british antisemitism specifically to unpack this. which i am far from claiming to be an expert on but am informed abt enough to say its crucial to understand the primary motive behind antisemitisms prevalence in britain at the time was xenophobia & the rise of race science which did not only apply to jews and most "antisemitic" things in the novel could just as easily be connected to xenophobia regarding others--which is where the argument abt jews/vampires in pop culture having a reciprocal relationship becomes most useful, as that allows for the acknowledgement that stokers bigotry was not limited to antisemitism without diminishing it.
and considering the whole dd thing is at the part where other stuff is arguably most prevalent i find it especially disturbing that for instance i literally havent seen a single mention in any post about stokers depiction of romani people which is more overt and severe than any antisemitic aspect of dracula like theyre literally draculas minions who help procure him children to eat want everyone to read that multiple times like both the text itself and everyones reaction to it should bother everyone. a lot. and if you know anything about jewish history i would think it requires no explanation to know that the histories of romani and jewish oppression in europe are deeply intertwined and its no service to jews to ignore it.
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janiedean · 3 years
I somehow remember saw your post being pro israel few years ago? (cmiiw). Given current situation, Do your stance stay the same or have it change? Mine does.
with the premise that this is the first and last ask I answer on this topic because again I think the israel-palestine conflict is the most complicated issue to discuss in existence when it comes to current politics and I am in no way shape or form informed on it enough to talk about it in depth or have OPINIONS™ and I don’t want to be the umpteenth person declaring themselves an expert on it:
that post wasn’t me being pro-israel per se 
that post was me pointing out that I personally think that the state of israel as it is cannot exist in this way not counting the fact that they can afford to have the politics they have because of continuous support by the us/uk who also provided it in the sixties therefore cementing the colonial approach they have had until this point
I also think the ways in which it was created were not what they should have been and they should have made an agreement from the get-go instead of imposing it on people who already lived there
I loathe the current israeli government and I absolutely abhor their politics and given the current situation again I don’t think it’s acceptable
on the other side I would like to point out that israel exists as reparation for two thousand years of antisemitism in europe just after wwii, that it’s like the only place on the planet where if you’re jewish you can actually like live without antisemitic repercussions and that if anyone brings out the z-word imvho they don’t get what that word even means and why it exists so it’s not like you can ignore that specific part of it too
and I also would like ppl to realize there’s jewish ppl critical of israel’s politics that both live there and don’t
now: I personally am not against the existence of the state of israel for what it represents in that sense ie a) reparations b) a state for the jewish people only given their history of oppression that cannot be exactly erased/forgotten, however I am wholly thoroughly absolutely against its current incarnation, I don’t believe that there should be any place in the world where everyone is obligated to serve in the army in this point in time, the current situation is absolutely unacceptable from a humanitarian pov and believe me I despise as people/historical figures/politicians 90% of the prime ministers they elected, but idt the solution is that easy and idt that at this point you can presume that you can go back to how things were pre-wwii, but idt that makes me pro-israel or the z-word.
anyway the current situation imvho is what they invented the ONU for and more proof that the ONU is a useless organization for how they don’t act when they should and there is no viable excuse for their treatment of palestinian people and I wholly despise it and I don’t know what’s the solution to it except saying someone with the background and knowledge should try and do what they were trying in the mid-nineties before you know extremists went and put themselves in the middle of treating instead of killing innocent civilians and colonizing them and treating them that way, but as stated I’m not an expert and I would like to presume I can admit my ignorance when it’s the case, so that’s my very humble opinion.
any other ask on this subject that puts words in my mouth is getting ignored/deleted bc the last time this discussion happened I had to close anons and as stated idt it’s a question you can discuss on tumblr or on social media like everyone who read the newspaper yesterday is now an expert on that specific background. I said my piece.
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afro-elf · 4 years
I promise I'm not trying to mess w your rn or be antisemitic but I'm asking on anon bc I don't want other people to see this ask and assume it's in bad faith. I'm curious about why so many of the Black bloggers I follow talk about Black-Jewish solidarity, including non-Black Jews in the latter category, when to my understanding that's not much different from POC solidarity which never works bc non-Blacks have privilege over us the same way non-Black Jewish people do and don't prioritize us
Like I think I might just need to learn more about Jewish people because I understand that they've been persecuted similarly to Black people historically and to this day. But I've seen a lot of white Jewish people be antisemitic and in my mind I don't see how they're any different from, say, disabled white people or LGBT white people who are also persecuted but not on the same level as us. Because white and non-Black Jewish people still act just as anti-Black as gentiles oftentimes.
non-black jewish people, like any non-black group, have the capacity to be anti-black, but they have also been historical allies with our fights often lumped together sometimes incidentally and sometimes deliberately. our paths, especially in the US, have always been linked, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, with many of us living very close to each other and in similar conditions in some places while also both being the targets of klansmen and other hate groups. their oppression is different but i wouldn't put it on the level of white gentiles in relation to us. like i'm no historian but the white gentile group most similar to them in the historical american privilege hierarchy (in my mind) would be irish americans and they are not at all that similar these days and certainly not treated the same way. no one's vandalizing irish american cemeteries on a regular fuckin basis fgdfhdfhbc
on a personal level i think this idea of abandoning solidarity because of anti-blackness in non-black communities is a little bit extreme considering that there are black people who spout extremely bigoted shit at other marginalized people, which is not to say we have their privilege, we don't, but i can't imagine it feels Great when jewish people of all colors see these old ass rappers spouting old school antisemitism on twitter and shit, just a thought. like i want us all to make it and i think that when you're in a country like this, if one group is getting targeted that's a sign that you aren't safe either
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