#to elaborate on the first one: i cleaned the servers table off and she came by and got her cash tip which was well over 20 dollars
dykediitsi · 2 years
to recap my day
- a server accused me of stealing 35 cents off her table and went to the MANAGER about it AFTER i handed it directly to her
- 2nd job, my section was literally empty for over an hour and another server got sat 3 times so i asked her if i could have one of the tables and she said yes. manager got MAD at us about this because apparently we’re not supposed to pick up each others tables. i said ok i havent been sat in over an hour and T got 3 tables in the meantime so i picked one up. die.
- this stupid fucking bedframe doesnt have instructions in the box so i spent 15 minutes on google trying to find the instructions only to find out this box also doesnt have the screws in it. so im sleeping on the mattress on the floor AGAIN tonight
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leelee10898 · 4 years
A miss match Christmas: matched for disaster.
Hello everyone! Hope you all are having fun reading and writing these awesome Christmas fics! This is my submission for our 12 days of fictmas: 2020 edition, hosted by myself and @emichelle . This comes from the VIP book miss match.. granted the book is not over but, im my head Jack x MC (Callie) have both become CEO of two's company and are married.. this jumps a few years into the future.
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The sound of heels could be heard on the slick marbled floor from down the hall. He kept his head forward, eyes trained on the laptop in front of him. As the clicking grew closer, his lips curled up into a smile. "I thought you were heading home?" He could hear the laugh in her voice, he finally looked up to meet her eyes. Those eyes, that intoxicating smile, it was what drew him in the first time they met. It was 4 years ago on valentines day, in her fathers crowded bar. "I could say the same for you." He chuckled. 
She walked over to the desk, standing behind him leaning down to see what he was working on. Her long brown hair brushed against his cheek.   "Last minute additions to the Christmas party, Jack?" She eyed him, he casually shrugged his shoulders. "And how many clients will be in attendance now?" Her fingers hovered over the mouse, clicking the guest list, her eyes widened in shock.  "He is coming?" Jack gave her a knowing look as she stood up striaght.  "Now Callie, I know what you're thinking but, wasn't it you who said, and I quote 'everyone deserves to find love, no matter what' ?" He gave her a smug smile. 
"Yes," Callie spoke through gritted teeth. "But this guy is accident prone. We will have to tie the decorations down with steel ropes, not to mention no open flames. The wait staff will need helmets.." she began to ramble. Jack chuckled as he stood to calm his pacing partner. "It will be ok,Callie. Just relax." 
Two weeks later… 
Callie stood toeards the back of the room, her eyes constantly scanning for the one person she would have to be on constant look out for. The worry leaving a crease between her eyes. "Have you moved from this spot at all?" She heard his smooth baritone come up beside her. 
"No." She casually spoke, not taking her eyes off the door. Jack shook his head, a small chuckle escaping him as he handed her a champagne flute. "You're cute when you're flustered,Cal. Just Relax." 
Just as he spoke a tall man came into view, callie sucked in a panicked breath and sat her glass on the table. Jack placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and turned her face towards his with his free hand. "We will approach him together, he is here to find a match just like everyone else is." Callie nodded and the two crossed the room.  
"Thomas Haught, it's good to see you again. You remember my partner,Callie?" Jack spoke, extending his hand. Thomas reached out to shake it, missing completely and knocking the glass out of Jack's other hand. 
"Jack." Callie groaned under her breath. 
"I am so, so sorry Jack." Thomas apologized. "I am such a klutz, maybe I shouldn't have come." 
"It's ok Tom,You are perfectly fine. Try to relax, everyone is here for the same reason. Why dont you grab a bite to eat and we will meet up in a few." Jack smiled politely. 
Thomas nodded and headed towards the elaborate buffet table,Callie began to panick "Jack, you just sent him to get food, alone. There are flames under those trays, what if he," callies eyes widened in horror as she watched Thomas's sleeve catch fire.  It was quickly put out by a server. "You see!" She shrieked. 
"Ok, so maybe Toms a little bit accident prone. Which is why we need to find someone who is a great care giver for him." He chuckled, Callie rolled her eyes and walked away. 
As the night went on Callie tailed Thomas. In his wake he managed to trip a waiter carrying a full tray of cranberry and brie with crackers. Knocked over the ice sculpture and elbowed a match maker in the face, blackening his eye.  Tom sat at a table alone, Callie was able to relax a little as she watched him slump his shoulders in defeat. If he was sitting, he couldn't be that much of a threat. 
Thomas was a handsome man, he was tall and had a thin build. He was in his early thirties and a client of the company's for several years. He was thought to be an 'un matchable' but that didn't stop Jack from trying. She recalled his file in her head. The man volunteered with underprivileged children, he owned his own company and was a volunteer fire fighter.  How he managed to not cause more damage with that last part was beyond her. 
As she stood there staring at him, she began to feel that familar feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had spent so much time preparing for disaster that she could not let herself willingly try to match this man. That's when the match maker spark came to life.  "I know that look, you found your fire." Jacks strong arms wrapped around her waist. "I told you to stop fighting yourself, you were going to lose." He chuckled as his lips found the base of her neck. 
"Why is it that the man can rush into burning buildings without falling through the steps, or the place falling in on him. But he can't walk an open room without tripping on a loose thread in the carpet?" She softly hummed. 
"It's probably the adrenaline, that and a mix of confidence." Jack answered.  "When is this party over again?" His lips exploring her exposed skin. 
"That's it!" She quickly spun around in his arms. "You're a genius,Jack! And that's why I married you." She quickly kissed him. "You're a genius." She murder against his lips before turning and walking away. 
"What did I do? No clue?" He spoke to himself, shaking his head and following her across the room. 
"Having a good time, Thomas?" The sound of  Callies voice made Thomas jump up. His knees hit the table and knocked over several drinks and his chair. "I'm so sorry, why am I such a spaz?" Thomas groaned as he lifted a glass off the table. "It's ok Tom, just leave it. The staff will clean it up." By this time Jack had joined the two, giving Callie a confused look. 
"Walk with us, will you?"  Callie motioned to Thomas. Thomas wrung his hands nervously, tripping over his own feet. "This is hopeless, maybe I should just go home.  I can't even walk without tripping over my own feet, how am I supposed to find love? I would probably accidentally harm them somehow." 
Callie held up her hand, motioning around the room at the various people. Some couples that had just connected, others just mingling trying to find a spark. "Do you think any one of these people are perfect? That they don't all have some kind of quirk? Some personal issues? Because I will tell you, nobody is perfect. Tell me Thomas do you have any mishaps when you're running into a burning building?" 
Tomas searched his mind. "Ah, no. No I can't say that I have." 
"And why do you think that is?" She pressed.  
"Adrenaline? I don't have time to think I just do it." He shrugged, a smile spread across her face as Thomas began to connect the dots. 
"I think you have the potential to be a great someone to somebody, you just need to stop over thinking it and be yourself." Callie patted him on the shoulder. Thomas looked to Jack who nodded his head in agreement.  "She's right you know. She's always right." 
As the three stood there, Jack with his arms around Callie and Thomas scanning the room with a new found sense of pride, he noticed a couple getting a little too hot and heavy by the enormous 10 foot Christmas tree. He watched in horror as it began to sway just as a pretty petite dark haired woman stood right in the path of destruction.  Thomas set off in a sprint across the room, he grabbed the woman by the waist yanking her out of the way just in time as the tree crashed to the ground. The pair tumbled on the floor, Thomas landing practically on top of the woman. 
Callie and Jack ran over to the pair as Thomas perched up to look down on the raven haired beauty, shock written all over her face.
"I'm sorry for the crash landing miss but, I couldn't let such a gorgeous creature be crushed to death by a massive tree." He gave her a cheesy grin as he helped her up. 
"Oh my god, Maggie are you ok?" Callie wrapped her assistant in her arms. 
"I'm perfect, thanks to my Hero over here. " Maggie blushed as she motioned towards Thomas. 
" oh im no hero miss." He gave her a bashful smile. 
"Anyone who risks being impaled by a rogue tree is definitely a hero in my book. I owe you one." Maggie flirted.  
"All in a day's work, mam." Thomas blushed awkwardly.  He looked to callie and Jack, callie giving him an encouraging nod. 
"Would you ah, would you like to grab a drink?" 
Maggie looked to Callie and Jack, twos companys no dating clients or co-workers policy used to be iron clad, until Jack and Callie showed Veronica just how stupid the rule could be. Technically it wasn't encouraged to date clients but, Maggie wasn't a match maker and Thomas was actually perfect for her. 
"You two have fun." Callie winked as she grabbed Jack by the arm leading him away as the banquet halls staff began cleaning up the tree fiasco. They walked out onto the balcony, the cold New York air causing immediate goosebumps on callies skin. Jack noticed, shrugging off his jacket and draping it Over her shoulders. "You know if you asked me 4 years ago if I would be here, like this in this moment I would have told you, you were crazy." He spoke softly, his gaze fixed on his wife. " of course I always knew I would be CEO." He gave a cocky chuckle. 
"And now?" She challenged. 
"Now I cant begin to believe my life. I never thought I would share everything with someone I am truly head over heels in love with. I love you Callie Munroe, you never stop amazing me with everything you do. And just when I think you couldn't possibly amaze me more, you go and give us a family." 
Callies eyes widened, she hadn't told him yet. She found out they were expecting a week ago and planned on telling him Christmas morning. "How did you know?" 
"I know everything about you, Callie. I can not wait to be a dad, this will be our greatest chapter yet. Merry Christmas." He leaned in placing a soft kiss to her forehead.  
"Merry Christmas, Jack." 
Tag list : Writers : @texaskitten30 @Leelee10898 @emichelle @zaffrenotes @alj4890 @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 @darley1101 @msjr0119 @annekebbphotography @god-save-the-keen @plumeriavibes @ofpixelsandscribbles @camillemontespan @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow @katedrakeohd  
Readers : @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject  
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
25 Days of Christmas.
wildest dreams - part one
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The city that stretched out far below where he stood was absolutely stunning, but entirely too stifling. Inside, everyone was enjoying themselves, downing flutes of champagne and milling about in their finest attire. Black and silver balloons floated to the ceiling, had been scattered about the floor, and tied to the chairs. Confetti had been sprinkled over the tables; hors d'oeuvres were being carried around on polished silver trays by men in tails. It was the perfect New Years celebration, except that it wasn’t. 
Rhysand leaned against the balcony, eyes glazed over as he stared out over the city below. Random bits of snow flurried in the cold and crisp night air, disappearing into the mountainside that the house was perched on. A cigarette was tucked between his pointer and middle finger, the end of it sending curls of smoke into the air. He brought it to his lips and took a long drag. It was bad for him, he knew that, but he smoked when he was stressed; it was a compulsion that seemed to be the only thing to take the edge off, and it seemed to be a better idea than getting blackout drunk. 
It wasn’t that he was upset about the breakup, he wasn’t. He’d fallen out of love a long time ago, and the relationship he had with Amarantha had been abusive and toxic at best. It’d never been good for him, it was unhealthy almost from the get go, but there had always been a reason that the timing was wrong. He couldn’t leave her because she was already having a bad week, or problems at work. Then her sister died, and he couldn’t leave her while she was grieving over that loss. It took some time, but he finally cut those ties, and it felt good. He felt like he was getting back to his old self. 
But Rhys was tired. He was so tired that it felt like he wasn’t able to get a good clean breath of air. Velaris was his favorite place in the world, it was beautiful and had a pulse that no other place ever had. There was nothing like the City of Starlight. But there were so many people, and that pulse became a little too much to handle sometimes. 
“Are you okay?” He had just put the cigarette to his lips and began to inhale when her voice pulled him from his thoughts. His eyes, unfocused on the landscape, refocused as he turned to look over his right shoulder. Feyre Archeron stood steps away from him, wearing a glittering gown that sparkled even under the moonlight. With every breath, it caught the low light, shimmering and glowing like she herself was one of the stars, plucked straight out of the heavens and dropped at his feet. He looked back out to the city and took another slow drag, a slight shrug of his shoulders. 
“I guess so,” he said, trying to keep himself from looking back over at her. It was hard not to stare at her when she was dressed in plainclothes, much less like she was now, in a dress that made her look like liquid starlight, when she had rosy cheeks and a matte red lip. Her eyes were too stunning, especially when they were smudged with navy blue that matched her dress, the chilling gray-blue of her irises stark and alert. Mother above, she was the picture of beauty. Always had been, if he were to admit the honest truth. Feyre Archeron was someone he’d had one too many a wet dream about, someone he’d had a perpetual crush on that just wouldn’t go away. 
Feyre leaned against the railing, her shoulders bunched up. Up close, he could see the sprinkling of glitter across her cheekbones, could make out the row of earrings that lined up her ears. Stars and mountains. How fitting. How completely and utterly stunning. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Her voice was soft, calm. There was no pressure in her words, just an open invitation. They weren’t great friends, their relationship mostly just carried on running in the same circle. The two had never hung out alone, save for the times Morrigan was late to this or that, and they ended up making small talk until she or the rest of the group arrived. They knew each other well enough to be comfortable around each other. They’d joked around, she’d borrowed his jacket at college sporting events and had even slept in one of his t-shirts once. Friendly enough, but nothing more than that. Just friendly. 
“I want…” he trailed off, midnight black hair ruffling in the icy breeze that swept through the mountains. Feyre looked over at him, a perfectly arched brow raised in question. “I want out of here. I feel like I can’t fucking breathe.” As soon as the words left his mouth his shoulders sagged and he dropped his head down onto his arms where they lay folded atop the railing. He flicked the cigarette, ashes from the end of it scattering into the wind. 
Rhysand’s heart thundered in his chest, which felt more constricting with every icy breath. The anxiety wasn’t as extreme now as it had been earlier this evening, or as bad as it was when he was alone, but it was still suffocating. Mildly embarrassing even, given that his lifelong crush was mere footsteps away. It almost made it worse, until her hand slid over his arm and her fingernails began scratching light circles between his shoulder blades. A movement meant to soothe, and soothe it did. After a few minutes he lifted his head and she dropped her hand, taking a fraction of a step away. He took a moment to look at her, his eyes raking down her body before he took her face in his hands and kissed her.
It wasn’t necessarily how he’d imagined their first kiss. It wasn’t soft like he had imagined, but was hard and bruising in its intensity. She made no movement to stumble away from him, the only stumbling that occured at all was the way they both stumbled until her back was pressed flush against the wall. She tasted like champagne, and despite the chill in the air, her skin was warm.  So was his - the flush of his cheeks spreading down his neck as he tugged on her bottom lip until he pulled away, her lip slipped from his teeth. Their breath mingled between them, hanging in thick clouds as they looked at one another. Feyre’s face was just as red as his surely was, both from the kiss and the frigid air nipping at their skin. Her lipstick was surely smeared across his mouth, but he didn’t particularly care as he dropped his hands from her face, his eyes flashing with mischief for the first time in quite awhile. 
“Where are you going?” she asked him as he jerked the door to the house back open. He paused, light coming back to his eyes as he took a final drag of the cigarette before tossing it over the balcony. 
“For a drive.” His tongue flicked out over his bottom lip before he added, “Are you coming or not?” He grinned at her before he slipped inside and after a dazed moment standing on the balcony alone, she moved after him, the skirts of her dress fluttering around her. Rhysand only paused to snag two bottles of champagne from a bucket of ice, one of which he held behind his back and Feyre took it into her own hands. He snagged an entire platter of hor d'oeuvres from one of the many servers that milled about the room, cleverly ducked behind a large gentleman to avoid Morrigan hailing him down, and then slipped out the front door.
 Rhysand was an expert at ducking out of his own parties, everyone often reaching a point in the evening where they asked each other if they’d seen him lately. It was bizarre to Feyre, as she followed him down the stairs toward his garage, that he would throw such elaborate get-togethers only to bail before they were even over. The ball hadn’t even dropped yet this new years, and wouldn’t for quite some time. Some guests were still in the process of arriving, very late, to the party in their elaborate gowns and tuxedos and the host was already sneaking out. 
They drove for what felt like ages until they came to a stop on a cliff at the top of a mountain. The horizon was already starting to cast a deep purple glow - a promise of the sunrise that was to come. The stars were still shining brightly, twinkling and shooting across the dark sky as Rhysand opened the convertible top of his car. He reached behind Feyre and tugged the headrest out of her chair as she watched with confused eyes. He did the same to his own then pushed himself up so he was sitting where it had been moments before. Feyre followed suit, noting how vaguely uncomfortable the sitting arrangement was, but supposed there was no better way to watch the sun come up over the earth. 
Reaching behind them, Rhys tugged one of the bottles of champagne out and held it over the side of the car to open it. It popped, bubbles fizzing and oozing out of the top in a dramatic arc. Feyre couldn’t help the bubbled laughter that slipped from her lips as she took the bottle from him and sipped. 
“What made you drive all the way up here with a stranger?” Rhysand asked her, taking the bottle and having a swig of his own. Feyre arched her brows. 
“You’re not a stranger.”
“No?” His brows were raised in surprise, and Feyre snorted.
“Your brother of sorts is married to my sister, we’ve been around each other plenty. I’ve seen you around most of my life. Maybe we have something in common. Maybe we’re both getting away from the people and the noise… and all the insincerity.” She shrugged then, her eyes shifting back out to the horizon that was slowly started to glow shades of lavender, pink, and light blue. 
What she didn’t say was that Rhysand tended to be the most sincere person she had ever met. But instead of tacking that onto her quiet confession, she kept her eyes fixed on the horizon as she brought the bottle of champagne to her lips. 
tags: @starseternalnighttriumphant @mariamuses @keshavomit @faefromthenorth @ifyouwouldseemysoul @murlymoo150 @faerie-queen-fireheart @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @feyre-therabeaux​ @runawayrowan​ @someonemagical @starseternalnighttriumphant​stormymeow @singme-t0sleep @tswaney17 @shyvioletcat​ @city-of-fae​ @kandasboi​ @mynewdreamwasyou @tangledraysofsunshine​ @aelin-is-my-heart​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @mynameiscelaenasardothien​ @myfeyrelady​ @schmlip-scribble​ @musicmaam​ @nalgenewhore​ @westofmoon​ @aaronwarnvrs @acourtofrowaelinandfeysand​ @im-not-rare-im-rarr​ @darlingod​ @darling-cas​ @goldfishh20​ @crackedship​
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ephemeral-writings · 6 years
Everything I Need // 02
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oh sehun x reader
genre: angst
word count: 1.7k
Everything I Need // oh sehun teaches you a thing or two about life. but falling for the boy who lived across from you was not what you had anticipated. 
Part 01 / Part 02 / Part 03 / Part 04 / Part 05
TL @snowflakesandkisses 
You woke up at ten the next morning, stomach empty and begging to be filled. Your last meal was a protein bar and extra leftover fries from your co-worker, it was no wonder you were starving. Your mother would surely frown upon the poor excuse of a meal that was a bar and a bag of chips from the school’s vending machine.
It wasn’t too cold out, but you grabbed a jacket on your way out anyways. Down the street, at the corner of an intersection, was a cheap diner that you frequented, especially when you’ve yet to restock on groceries. What your mom never told you was how expensive it could be to fill the cupboards and fridge with food.
You ordered your usual, a sausage omelette with a hefty side of potatoes because you loved potatoes like it was your lover. As much as you ate at the diner, you hated being outside in general. As you played with your phone, you tried your best to ignore the gnawing loneliness that crept up. You drowned out the sounds of chatter as people of all ages shared a meal together, and you were mostly successful with food to distract you, but then they walked in.
The group was the same age as you, and you knew that because one out of three of them was your classmate. You prayed a silent prayer that they wouldn’t notice you. Kim Jongdae was a social butterfly, and despite you being anything but, he had never failed to flash you a smile and gave you a simple greeting whenever you bumped into each other.
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Jongdae chirped as his friends walked by to sit in the booth behind you.
“Morning, Jongdae.” You hoped there wasn’t a piece of potato skin stuck in your teeth. Jongdae was a pretty good looking guy, just not your type and you most certainly weren’t his. He asked you about the paper that was due in two weeks time, whether you had started working on it or not, and of course you did. There wasn’t much in your life besides work to distract you.
After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Jongdae rejoined his friends. You overheard one of them ask, “Who was that?”
“She’s in my econ class, we did a project together a while back.”
They quickly dropped the subject, and you stopped listening.
Your phone stopped being entertaining when you’ve gone through your e-mails(mostly spam and school related). You never understood how people could stare at their devices for hours on end, two hours was enough to give you a headache. It was twelve by the time you left the diner. On the way back, you stopped by a market and picked up some essentials. You needed at least some source of food before re-stocking with your next paycheck which was due by the end of the next week. Eggs, bread, milk, ramyeon, and a new box of cereal would be more than enough to feed one girl.
You walked back to the apartment with all the items stuffed in one bag, except for the carton of eggs which you held. You decided to stop by the mailroom to check if you had any, which you did. Spam mails from your bank, credit cards ads, and a letter addressed from a correctional facility.
You snapped your head in the direction of the voice calling your name. Sehun, standing a few feet away, was looking at you with a questioning look.
“You okay?”
You looked at him and back to the letter in your egg carton-free hand. What the hell was it even doing in your mailbox?
You nodded even though you could feel the blood draining from your face. “I’m fine. I gotta go, I’ll see you around. Bye.”
To say Sehun was surprised by how abruptly you had left would be an understatement. Your face had looked pale, but more than that, your hands were shaking as you locked up your mailbox.
As soon as you were in your apartment, you ripped open the envelope. The letter was creased and torn on a few edges  and the writing wasn’t in any better condition. It had, after all, traveled all the way from a penitentiary miles and miles from here.
The day before your high school graduation, your father was incriminated for fraud. Unbeknownst to you and your mother, he had gambled away everything your family owned, including any little money left that was keeping your mother on chemo. In the end, the cancer wasn’t what killed your mother but your father, and for that, you never forgave him. After the funeral and sentencing, you packed everything you could carry and walked out of the empty home. So your father, whom you’ve lost contact with for three years now, how did he find out where’d you lived?
You thought you’d never be faced with the man who was the cause of all your sufferings, but somehow he’s managed to creep back in your life in the form of a letter. Like hell you were going to allow anything further than that. The letter tells you that he was sorry for his mistakes, that he’s repented, and wishes for nothing more than to make things right. His mistakes? They costed your mother’s life. Him realizing his mistakes now wasn’t going to bring her back. Repentment? According to the police, your father had been falsifying fake documents in order to cheat money from the government since before you were born. That was twenty plus years of coming clean of his sins, but of course he’s finally had time to reflect after being caught.
You heaved a few deep breaths, realizing the constriction in your chest. You tear the paper into shreds, until the words were no longer decipherable, much like the father figure in your life.
You brushed whatever tears that unwillingly escaped, and quietly prepared for work.
If it was one thing you could count on, it was work being the worst distraction possible. A bad start to the day just makes the shift that much harder to get through. Your boss lectures you for not properly garnishing dishes, in the middle of a goddamn dinner rush, and you accidentally burn your hand with hot soup in the middle of it all. Just the cherry on top of it all, a man then yells at you for not giving him his food before another table’s when his order came in one minute after.
“Sir, we are working on your order right now. It should be done in any moment.” You try to stay as calm as you possibly can, and placate the angry man. “Why don’t I go check on it, okay?”
Everything was apparently not okay when he hollers back, “Are you even doing your job right?”
Chanyeol, the other server tonight, meets you in the kitchen and murmured under his breath, “You want me to handle it?” You shook your head, willing the hot tears away, but your face was no doubt burning red.
“I’m fine. I got this,” you flashed smile in thanks, but he still looks at you, unsure, as you turn on your heels and head towards the table with the man’s order in your hand. Everyone, and literally everyone, watched as you present it to the man and he all but acknowledges you. Instead, he shot up from his seat, muttering to his wife to stand as well, and promptly stomped out of the restaurant.
To think that was the most that could go wrong. Your boss proceeded to blame you for your lack of competence for not bringing the food to the angry man first, “Because their table only had two orders! You could’ve finished that table’s order before starting on the bigger table! Use your brain, Y/N!”  
You bit your tongue so hard that you broke off a tiny piece, and all you could think of while going through that second round of verbal abuse was how you might possibly choke on your own blood.
You finished off your shift with little encouragements from your co-workers, but other than that, you were ready to go home and sleep until the next ice age.
The next day, on Friday, you didn’t have class or work, so you decided to head to the police station. Last night you barely slept a wink. Even though the letter had been physically rid of, you couldn’t ignore the unsettling feeling in your stomach. How easily it had manage to find its way into your mailbox, it scared you half to death to imagine the man himself showing up on your doorsteps unannounced.
The bus ride took half an hour, with morning traffic, before you finally arrived with questions prepared in your head.
Despite your father being a convict, it was your first time stepping foot in a police station. On the bus there, you imagined it to be hectic, dangerous even, but all you were greeted with was a bunch of middle-aged men and two women sitting in front of computers, some looking like they haven’t slept in days. There’s a man in one of the cells behind the cubicles, snoring loudly, which explains the annoyed looks on the officers’ faces.
“Good morning,” you greeted a man at what you think is the front desk.
He’s not one of the ones who looks tired, but his movements are sluggish as he looked up from his computer screen to see who was the random girl so early in the morning. “Morning. Can I help you with something?”
“Yes, I have a question.” You took a moment to find the proper words to ask, “Would you know if it is possible to rejected letters from someone in prison?”
The man peered curiously at you, and asked, “Is there someone harassing you, miss?” You shook your head without elaborating. The officer noticed that, so he went on. “Well, I’m going to assume that the inmate is your immediate family. They don’t send letters out unless the content’s been approved of, and sense no danger in forwarding the message.”
“So, if I can request for the letters to not send, may I?”
He nodded. “You would have to contact the facility directly, and handle it from there, miss.”
You gathered as much from that that your father doesn’t actually know where you live. Now all you had to do was make sure it stayed that way.
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sian265 · 5 years
Legio autem Arcarius Legion of Archer Chapter 13
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The party was in full swing, Magnus having made all his rounds and greeted all his guests, was now settled in with a drink and surrounded by his closest friends. Alec took this opportunity to make his rounds of his Legion and check in with the Shadowhunters on duty. He left Izzy and Clary in the group around Magnus and spoke with Jace first. Taking the stares down, Alec found the Shadowhunter pacing, glamored, near the front of the building.
 “Anything?” he asked.
 Jace stopped twirling his stele and moved to stand next to Alec. “No, nothing. I think everyone who is coming has arrived, the last guest was about a half hour ago.”
 Alec patted Jace on the shoulder. “Okay, stay sharp.” He ordered before turning back to the entrance. He waved a hand at Jace’s parting, “Always.”
 Entering the apartment, Alec caught Underhill’s eye and nodded his head for his second to join him. Once the other man stood next to him, Alec swept his eyes over the party-goers. “Anything from our archers?”
 Andrew also watched the colorful attired guests. “No, it’s quiet, too quiet if you ask me.”
 Alec frowned, taking in the mingling guest, he swept his gaze around the room. No one had raised any internal alarms and Magnus hadn’t felt anything off with any of his guests. He observed that windbag Rey as his female guest rejoined him. Lorenzo handed her a drink and nodded at something she said, both looking towards Magnus. He watched as Rey lead her over to the group Magnus stood in and they exchanged some words before Magnus held out a hand to the female. The pair then turned towards where Alec and Andrew stood. They moved to stand aside as the pair made for the front door.
 “Commander, it was a pleasure meeting you. However my companion is not feeling well so we are going to depart.” Rey handed off their drinks to a server and held out a now free hand to Alec.
 “I am sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon.” He shook the hand Rey offered and addressed the female Warlock, what was her name? Alec couldn’t recall, but she seemed timid and hadn’t said much earlier when they had been introduced.
 She must have seen that on Alec’s face because she replied with a hint of offense. “Shinyun Jung.”
 Alec bowed his head briefly in apology. “Of course, Ms. Jung, I do hope you feel better soon and it was a pleasure to meet you.” Alec might hate small talk, parties, and false platitudes, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t good at them. He got barely a curl of a lip in response before she and Rey departed. Shrugging his shoulders at Underhill, Alec went to rejoin Magnus.
 When he returned to Magnus’ side, Cat was telling a funny story about Peru and a monkey, that Magnus was trying to shush her over, but the guests around them were laughing so hard they were in tears. Magnus wore a pout which Alec thought was adorable.
 “Catarina I don’t know why I call you my friend.” Magnus scowled the nurse.
 Cat just raised a brow, daring Magnus to dispute her tale and when he only pouted more, she finally laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Alec could honestly say the rest of the evening was bearable. Oh he didn’t let his guard down, but when he did mingle with Magnus by his side, he enjoyed himself.
 Alec was surprised how many introduced themselves and remarked that they had the pleasure of either seeing the Legion or had been on the end of their efforts. He got many a heartfelt thanks and Alec made mental note of each and every one. Very seldom did they get to stick around for thanks, or even to meet those who they had a hand in saving. He wanted to make sure and tell all his archers their stories and their thanks. It made what they did meaningful.
 By the time the party wound down, Alec was exhausted. Only friends and family remained, Cat ad Magnus spread out on the sofa, Izzy and Clary both in chairs with their shoes removed, and Jace sat at the foot of Clary’s chair rubbing his girlfriend’s tired feet. Izzy got a scowl when she stated that she was next for a foot rub. Alec stood by the balcony with Underhill, finishing up a briefing of the night, sharing their observations, and giving orders for the overnight shift. In the background were the sounds of the hired staff cleaning up and departing.
 Alec gave Andrew his final orders and moved along the back of the sofa where Magnus lay. He ran a hand gently through Magnus’ hair, messing up the carefully styled strands. When the other man looked up at him, Alec leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, earning himself a sleepy smile in return. “Hey, once the cleaning crew leaves can you reactivate your wards for me?”
 “Absolutely, darling.” Magnus replied, earning himself a bit of a flush along Alec’s high cheekbones.
 Once everyone except for the Legion had gone home, Magnus shut the door behind the last of the crew and with a flourish of his hands, reactivated his wards. Turning to Alec he offered a nightcap which Alec gladly accepted. They moved out onto the balcony with their drinks. The night sounds of the city and their own silence were strangely comforting. After a couple of minutes Magnus broke the quite. “Is it wrong that tonight felt anti-climatic?”
 Alec shook his head. “No not at all. They would have been fools to attack with all our security tonight.”
 Magnus observed Alec’s features for several seconds. “But you still have a feeling?” he asked.
 “I can’t explain it, but yea my thoughts have been uneasy all day.” Alec turned his body towards Magnus. “How’d you know?” At Magnus’ blank look, Alec elaborated. “That I felt uneasy all day, how’d you know?”
 Magnus smiled at first a little sadly. “Perhaps because I too have felt like we are playing their game?” Letting out a sigh and giving himself a small shake to banish the gloom, he gave Alec a little happier smile. “Or it could be that I am figuring you out, Commander Lightwood.”
 “And once you have me all figured out, what then?” Alec asked, turning serious and unsure.
 Magnus frowned. “What do you mean, Alexander?”
 Alec cleared his throat and ran a nervous hand through his hair. “I mean – uhm – what happens when all this is over and we are back in Idris, what happens with this-?“ he waved a hand, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. “What happens with us, Magnus?”
 Magnus’ smile was gentle. He often forgot with how confident Alec appeared that his Commander was a babe in the woods when it came to relationships. He watched him for years always keeping an eagle eye on any who approached the handsome archer. Oh Magnus was a stalker, well not much anyway. He could admit to himself and perhaps also now to Alec himself that he had been captivated with the Commander for a number of years, since the archer came of age. Reaching out, Magnus ran a soft finger across the flush that rode high across Alec’s cheeks. His voice when it came was almost filled with awe as he opened his heart completed for the first time in over a century.
 “I’ve watched you grow into this stunning, commanding man, standing in front of me. I’ve waited for the chance to show you what else this world offers beside duty. Oh Alexander, I haven’t even begun to court you and I hope to show you all that we can become, together.” Magnus watched Alec’s eyes carefully as he spoke, pouring his heart out and seeing the answer in those amazing hazel eyes before the archer even opened his mouth.
 The small pleased smile of Alec’s lips was precious and Magnus could not resist reaching up, a hand behind Alec’s head to draw him down into a deep passionate kiss. Finally, pulling away with a gasp of breath and a laugh, Alec’s now swollen lips stretched into a wide smile. “Well that’s good then, we’re on the same page.” Magnus could only laugh at the Commander’s usual way of expressing personal feelings.
 After the long night they all had, everyone except the Legion on duty slept in the next morning. Finally, dragging himself out of the bed, Alec stumbled into the living room . There he found Magnus sprawled out in a chair, wearing black silk pajama bottoms and a black silk robe. Speech deserted Alec for several moments as he stood there, mostly asleep, mouth hanging open. Magnus waved a hand in greeting and indicated the cup of coffee that awaited Alec on the table. He gratefully headed for that, spying his second sprawled out on the sofa also nursing the necessary brew. Alec squinted at the bright sunlight coming through the balcony doors, he’s slept late according the sun. It took half the cup drowned before he could clear his throat enough to speak.
 Alec moved back towards Magnus. “Morning,” he said, voice gruff and scratchy.
 Magnus looked like a big lazy cat as he replied, “Morning to you also, Alexander.”
 His eyes could not help but fall to the gaping robe as Magnus stretched, revealing several inches of honey-colored skin. Alec felt weird. He would swear that his head was swimming. He stumbled a little as he tried to move closer to where Magnus sat. He was having trouble focusing, Magnus’ image dancing around his eyes. Alec’s tongue felt swollen in his mouth as he tried to say, “M- Magnus.” He took another stumbling step forward. Alec didn’t notice the cup falling from his limp fingers, coffee staining the rug.
 His eyes unwilling became fixed as if in slow motion watching the cup slip from Magnus’ fingers also falling to the floor. Alec did not register the hard impact his knees made as he fell to the floor. He was sure he said Magnus once more. He began to crawl, fingers outreached, and trying desperately to reach Magnus. Alec’s cheek rested against something soft, and his fingers were clenched tightly it something cool and silky to the touch. He tightened his grip on the leg of Magnus’ pants. He blinked and all Alec could see was moving shapes, in white. It was everywhere, all around him, a sea of white.
 Something tugged at him harshly, pulling, trying to rip something away from him, something he did not want to let go of. Alec fought, he felt he was fighting, knew he would. Then it was ripped away and Alec felt pain, his fingers trying to curl, the harsh bite of pain making him moan. Then Alec knew only darkness.
 The shaking and voices were so loud. Alec groaned and tried to get away from them, but they wouldn’t leave him alone. The shaking of his body got more insistent and when he attempted to move away from it, Alec cried out in pain and automatically cradled his injured hand. It all came back in fast flashes of black and white, the black of Magnus’ clothes, and the white of the robes that carried him away from Alec. He shot up with a cry, MAGNUS!
 He looked around at the faces staring at him in shock and worry. Alec held his mangled hand tighter against his chest. Andrew moved into his line of sight and Alec searched his face, which bore the same paleness and anger that Alec’s own did. “Where is he?” Alec demanded.
 Underhill shook his head before answering, and Alec already knew what he was going to tell him. “He’s gone, Alec. They took him.”
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hoodoo12 · 6 years
The Old College Try
Barkeep has her sights on Tailor Rick. Spoiler alert: she’s got her work cut out for her.  Extra thanks to @porkchop-ao3 for letting me play with her character! Due to some references made in my story, it is set after her great Charlie Foxtrot (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Mature. 
It was a hopping busy night. You ran back and forth between patrons, supplying fresh drinks, clearing empty glasses, making small talk and filling server’s orders nonstop. Something major must have happened on the Citadel, because there were more Ricks patronizing the place than normal, and more of them than not were focused on getting plastered. But when that uppity Rick who’d burst into the Bar months ago, the one who’d wrecked your chances with Ice Cream Rick, you vowed to yourself to spend some time with him.
He was as well-put together as the time you’d seen him before: a smartly fitted teal suit, an equally fitted shirt with the faintest hint of a baroque pattern woven into it, an expertly knotted tie, and--here you leaned over the bar to look--the same leather wingtips polished to a high shine. You also didn’t miss how well his trousers fit. They had to be tailored, to support and emphasize the bulge at his crotch.
The color of his suit didn’t do much for you, but the way his blue eyes seemed to dismiss most of his surroundings did, and you grinned to yourself at the challenge he was going to be. It’d be an extra sweet victory to get him into your bed.
He moved smoothly through the crowd, twisting so he didn’t touch any of the other patrons. He steadfastly ignored them too, whether they cursed him when there was an accidental bump or called to him in recognition. It was obvious his goal was a seat along the table built into the side wall, where he’d be able to look over the crowd, but someone else slid into it before he could get there.
Knowing you were going to regret saying this, you called, “Rick!” just over the buzz of the bar.
The noise level dropped immediately as so many of them swiveled their heads to you. Pointedly you ignored them but kept your gaze directly on your target. He grimaced. Not exactly the response you were hoping for, but you smiled at him anyway and tapped the bar in front of a lone stool.
With a resigned sigh that you could almost hear, he made his way over.
Normal sounds of the bar--the crack of pool balls, bragging, laughter--started up again as he sat down.
“Hey,” you said in greeting, setting a napkin in front of him. “Nice to see you again, Rick.”
“Don’t call me that,” he said, looking over the crowd instead of at you.
Even though he grumbled, he sounded sophisticated. You hadn’t forgotten he was one of the only Ricks you’d met with a British accent.
It was on the tip of your tongue to point out that “Rick” got his attention a moment ago, but you let it slide. “Okay. What do you prefer? Richard? Mr. Sanchez? Daddy?”
That got his attention even faster. He spun around with a startled expression that melted into a snarl of distaste when he saw you grinning at him.
“Did I get one of them right?”
He ground out, “I’m called Tailor,” in a definitive tone.
You shrugged. “Whatever you’d like. I would have expected Mr. Sanchez. Or maybe Sir Richard Sanchez, habadasher to the Queen--”
You cut yourself off with a chuckle.
“Your mirth is misplaced, since you obviously have no clue that word has different meanings in England versus the Colonies,” he interrupted coldly. “I do more than simply sell clothing. I design and create high fashion for men and women. Therefore, Tailor. Not that I expected you to be familiar with even that word . . .”
He finished by making a show of looking you over, taking in your standard work outfit: a tank top and jeans. He couldn’t see your feet, thank god; he’d probably have a heart attack if he saw you wearing clunky server’s shoes! With the least amount of self-consciousness you could manage, you slipped your thumb under your bra strap--it had slipped!--to situate it properly on your shoulder and under the strap of your tank again.
He waited expectantly for your reply.
You narrowed your eyes and decided you couldn’t wait to fuck him. You’d win when you both were yanking each other clothes off. You decided maybe you’d keep one of his jacket’s buttons as a souvenir.
Laughing out loud, you said, “Tailor, I like you. Let me buy you a drink! What’ll it be?”
Tailor didn’t return your laughter. He simply told you he wanted a whisky on the rocks. You made it a double in a more expensive brand, and let your fingers linger on his as he accepted it from you.
He didn’t jerk back or scowl again, so you figured that was a chink in his armor.
Leaving him be for the moment, you decided round one was yours.
There were plenty more Ricks to flirt with; just because you had your eyes on someone specific tonight didn’t mean you wanted to close the door on others who may be back later. Most seemed more interested in drinking steadily, but some flirted back. Any other night you’d have taken one (or two, or three) home, but your sights were set on Tailor.
You kept him plied with drink and tried to carry on a conversation with him when you had a free moment. His answers were curt at first, but looser after a few glasses. You got out of him that the correct name for the color of his suit was Caribbean Blue, not teal; that he had designed gowns for the Queen and several other Royals as well; that his assistant was a nice woman but much too smitten with someone he called Mr. Whippy; that he usually didn’t come to places like this but he’d been in the neighborhood and--
Tailor, who’d not once given you full attention even as he tipsily spilled some of his guts, broke off his own sentence. Glancing in the direction he was looking, you saw a few members of the Council of Ricks enter the Bar: Riq IV, Maximums Rickimus, and Zeta Alpha Rick. The door almost closed again when Rick Prime came through as well. They were easily recognizable, even in new outfits you’d never seen before.
Tailor threw back the remainder of his drink and asked for another without turning to you.
He wasn’t the only Rick who’d stopped and stared at the Council members as they came in. For the second time tonight, the Bar fell oddly quiet.
“Where’s the rest of the Council, assholes?” someone shouted. “Too afraid to show their faces after that farce?”
“Suck my dick!” Riq IV spit back indiscriminately to all the patrons. Then, reverting more to the politician he was, his gaze seemed to meet every single person’s--including yours--in the place, like he was talking to everyone personally. “Our ruling stands. If you don’t like it, fucking run for Council yourself. For everyone else who’s not a complete fucking idiot, a round of drinks on me.”
A cheer went up. Whatever went down on the Citadel, free alcohol could smooth things over. You called a couple of servers over to help pull taps for the crowd, while you poured another double for Tailor and set up a vodka martini for Riq IV, who accepted it from you with a nod before heading to the table the other Council members had taken over.
You carried the new drink to Tailor, who was staring hard at the Council.
“Some Ricks seem a little anti-Council tonight,” you said conversationally.
“They better not get sloppy in those suits,” he groused, not taking his eyes from them, and not in the least replying to your statement.
Your gaze drifted to them again. You had to admit their new outfits were less obnoxious than the previous ones; they still declared “official” and “high-standing” but with subtlety, without the over-the-top gild and frippery that you were accustomed seeing on them. Or in the case of Riq, on your bedroom floor.
“What are they thinking, wearing those here? They could have worn burlap sacks and everyone would still know who they are! That fabric is hand woven and bloody expensive! If they fucking spill beer on it, who’s going to be the one getting the call to have it cleaned properly? Goddamn me, that’s who!”
It dawned on you that Tailor was muttering angrily to himself.
“So those are your designs?” you asked.
He shot you a look that advertised he couldn’t believe how stupid you were. “Of course they are! I’ve been after them to allow me to redesign those horrors they’d been wearing--they finally let me, and now they’re parading them around in a shit hole like this?!”
You took a second, then said, “I like them. They’re not so ugly. And it looks like the fabric is more substantial. Those other ones were pretty thin.”
“Yes they fucking were--” Tailor replied automatically, then cut himself off to appraise you with a keen eye. “How do you know the weight of the fabric from their old monstrosities?”
“Oh, you know. Just a guess,” you answered mildly, waving your hand. You knew you had a reputation among Ricks, but you weren’t sure if this particular Rick would be more disgusted than eager about it.
“You know them?” he asked sharply.
You nodded. “I’ve met a couple.”
“You’ve met a couple, and were able to feel how thin their robes were,” he said, as a statement of fact.
You shrugged and smiled, but didn’t elaborate.
Calculations were going on in Tailor’s head. You could tell. You had no idea what they may be, but you were called away again before he could say anything more. You hoped whatever it was burned him up, and he’d be more excited when you returned.
Typically with a Rick that you had your sights on, you’d flirt, you’d play up your cleavage. You’d joke and flatter; Ricks tended to eat that up. Occasionally, you’d be more up-front, but with your reputation and Ricks’ standard willingness to get down and dirty that wasn’t common. This Rick, however--
Tailor was either obtuse or a eunuch. Those were the only two explanations you could come up with for him repeatedly brushing you off. You dismissed the idea he may be gay; you supposed it could be possible but you’d never met a Rick that didn’t swing at least a little bit both ways.
So you turned on the charm. You were flattering, you were witty, you continued to ply him with doubles and made sure to lean far enough over the wooden bar to display your boobs whenever possible. He remained steadfastly annoyed with you.
The rest of the patrons seemed to loosen up regarding the Council being there--free booze helped--but Tailor continued to stare them down with laser-like intensity. The Council themselves seemed to be having a grand time laughing and swaggering. Several times Riq IV caught your eye; he raised his eyebrows and smirked at Tailor too. He also elbowed the Council members near him and made it obvious he was talking about the Rick at the bar. Each time that happened you noticed Tailor scowled and took a bigger mouthful of alcohol.
You decided to try and use whatever hatred Tailor was feeling towards them to your advantage, and once more struck up a conversation with him when work slowed down a little.
“So those new Council outfits. Tell me about them.”
He replied with only an eyeroll, to demonstrate how little he thought of your attempt to engage him.
Undeterred, you continued, “Did you have to take individual measurements, or could you just work from one of them?”
That ridiculous ice-breaker of a question made him pause and gulp for some reason. You thought maybe he didn’t hear you, or you didn’t phrase it correctly.
“I don’t know much about sewing,” you continued. “I thought that for tailored clothing all these measurements had to be taken, to get all the seams or whatever right. With Ricks, though, most of them are pretty much the same body type, so maybe it’s different? You could even just take measurements of yourself and work from it, right?”
Tailor closed his eyes for longer than a blink and his lips moved a little. You swear he was counting to ten. When he finally turned back to you, you could tell he was trying to keep his cool.
“Working from a mannequin or my own personal measurements doesn’t take into account variations of individuals. Yes, we’re all Ricks, but we’re not all the same. I’m sure you’ve been able to note the differences between the multitudes?”
It was meant to be a stinging shut down, and truthfully, it did hurt a bit. But eyes on the prize! It wasn’t enough to make you wilt.
“I have,” you admitted, leaning in close. “So you’ve had your hands on at least the Ricks that make up the Council members. Wanna go back to my place and compare notes?”
In the middle of a dismissive sip of whisky, Tailor choked. You laughed while passing him a handful of napkins, plus a glass of water; you always liked to be able to catch Ricks off their guard. You rubbed his shoulder soothingly as he caught his breath. 
The slight commotion he caused made a few other patrons, including the Council, look your way.
“You okay?”
Even though his eyes were watering, Tailor managed to pull himself together and radiate distain. He slapped your hand away, not caring he was in front of an audience.
“I-I-I’m fine,” he stuttered in a croak.
There was an aura around him now, something dark and angry and it dawned on you there was a line you weren’t aware of but crossed. You get the sense he wanted to storm away, make a scene, but with people still looking over he cleared his throat and slipped off the barstool with a grace you knew he had to fight for due to how much he drank. Once standing, he pulled at his jacket to straighten it, and tossed a handful of folded bills on the bar.
“Good day,” he told you, barely moving his lips, in a tone that inferred the opposite.
He grabbed his tumbler and stalked away.
“Huh,” you said out loud, mostly to yourself.
Apparently it was loud enough for some co-workers behind you to hear; they were twittering, and more than one of them lay a hand in mock sympathy on your shoulder. Bruce, the bouncer with a mouth as full of teeth and wide as a shark’s--you couldn’t pronounce his real name in whatever his native language was; you just nicknamed him Bruce after the mechanical shark in the movie Jaws--even came over to whisper how disappointed he was you didn’t take Tailor home. He had money riding on you that you’d succeed.
You knocked him in the shoulder. Even a light punch made your knuckles ache.
Oh well. They can’t all be winners, you consoled yourself. Licking your wounds, you continued to flirt with the increasingly drunk Ricks still seated at the Bar, but none of them were going to be good companions for the rest of the evening.
As the night wore down, the Bar started leaking patrons. Maximums Rickimus--whom you had a hard time talking to after how your evening ended with him the last time you took him and Riq home--left. Other Council members peeled off their original group to speak to other people. You caught sight of Tailor sidling up to and chatting with a Council member you only knew by name. Rick Prime. You watched him straighten the other Rick’s jacket across the shoulders and swipe his hands down the other man’s back to smooth the fabric. You didn’t miss him giving a subtle squeeze to Rick Prime’s ass, and it all became clear to you why you couldn’t close the deal with Tailor.
Growling obscenities to and at yourself, mindless that there was still a bit of time till last call, you set yourself up a gimlet and drank half of it in one go.
“Not just downing a s-shot?”
“This is classier,” you snapped at Riq, who’d made his way to the bar. “And it’s bigger than a shot, so I get two swallows out of it.”
You proved yourself right by finishing it off with one more drink.
“Much classier,” he remarked drily. “Get me-set me up another vodka martini, so you don’t have to drink alone.”
Grumbling, but quietly, you complied. You didn’t give Riq his glass until your next gimlet was prepared. When you finally passed his over, he lifted it in a silent cheers to you, and took a sip. You took another large mouthful of gin and lime, staring daggers at Tailor and Rick Prime, who seemed to be sharing a private joke at the moment. Tailor hadn’t taken his hand from Rick Prime’s lower back.
Riq’s eyes slid over to the object of your attention, and he grinned.
“Ah,” he said in what sounded like sudden understanding.
With that one syllable it suddenly struck you that Riq had watched you all evening trying your damnedest to get with Tailor! You dragged your gaze away from Tailor back to him, and you exclaimed,
“You knew all along! You knew I was wasting my time!”
Riq’s grin widened, and he agreed easily, “Yes.”
“Goddamn it!’ you pouted, but it was more towards yourself than him. He heard that.
In faux sympathy, he put his gloved hand over yours. “I’m sorry you struck out with Tailor. I would have been happy to tell you he only hooks up with other Ricks, and that he’s been itching to get Rick Prime in bed . . . but what fun would that have been?”
“Oh, you’re a prick.”
“I’ll drink to-to that. Let me buy you another, and I’ll fill you in on all the shit that hit the fan today on the Citadel.”
Whatever victory it was that put him in a chatty, generous mood, it was fine by you. Anything to take away the anger at yourself for not realizing you were barking way up the wrong tree with the British Rick known as Tailor. 
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uzumaki-rebellion · 6 years
Black Boys Bloom Thorns First Chapter 15
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"Ain't see this side of me Fluent in the sheets Can you read in between me? I ain't a stranger to the foreplay So we can skip the wordplay
Leave the lights on Leave the, leave the lights on Leave 'em lights on…"
H.E.R. – "Lights On"
The Blue Rose was a nondescript tan industrial building set inside a cul de sac. The only signage outside were the numbers of the address lit in neon blue colors. N'Jobu sat in his car to gather himself. What did he really plan to do? Drag her outside and berate her for working in a place like that? Stand in front of a stripper pole and yell at her for shaming herself in public? The blood in his veins surged through his hands as he gripped his steering wheel. How did he not know she worked in a place like this? He had assumed it was an all-night diner.
He saw several boisterous men walking in, and when he saw the dark mahogany double doors open, he could hear the loud thump of bass music, and various catcalls and whistles. When the doors closed again, he heard nothing. He closed his eyes. She was a grown woman. This was just a job. She was just earning money to support herself—
The thought of her naked and writhing on a stage propelled him out of his car, his hands balled into agitated fists. He entered the building and found a young fair-skinned Black woman behind an elaborate register. She was wearing a baseball top that was entirely too small for her large bosomed frame and the shortest shorts that displayed all her assets. She was re-supplying paper to her credit card machine. When she glanced back up, she took a long hard look at his clothes and his face before releasing a seductive grin.
"Hello there," she said.
N'Jobu handed her a black credit card and she swiped it. A separate set of doors led to the main room, and when he walked through, the smell of desperate horny men assailed his nostrils. Flashing laser lights, deafening music, and monetary notes were thrown on three separate stages. The two stages on the side were small and flanked by a larger one with a shining silver pole that ran through the ceiling. N'Jobu posted himself up at one of the three bars in the establishment, his eyes watching the stage as three women pranced out into position and began a new set.
Big tits, big asses, and thick thighs were the preference of this space, and the multi-ethnic male audience was appreciative and generous with their cash. The women were good-looking, athletic and limber. Also, completely nude. Glancing around N'Jobu already noticed a tent city with some of the men having intimate lap dances. He already felt a tension in his neck. Bast forbid he should see his woman grinding on some undeserving cock. He needed a drink.
Ordering a scotch on the rocks, N'Jobu leaned in towards the shapely rainbow-haired bartender to pay for his drink. She took one look at N'Jobu, then his credit card, and saw dollar signs.
"You look like a man who needs his own V.I.P. space," Rainbow girl said.
"Is that right?"
She nodded her head towards a space behind him. He looked in the direction she wanted him to see.
"Up there are private sections. I can set you up with bottle service. Exclusive. Private server…very private."
He caught her drift. He didn't even bother to ask her how much, just waved at his card.
"Set me up, I'll run a tab," he said.
Her eyes traced the outline of his expensive designer shirt. She saw his watch and the tasteful white gold chain around his neck. Rainbow grabbed another woman walking behind her with a tray of empty shot glasses.
"Misty, take this customer to booth twenty and set him up."
Misty, a Black and Vietnamese beauty, scanned N'Jobu with her dark eyes and her face lit up. Rainbow handed N'Jobu his scotch and Misty took him by his hand and led him to the steps that propped him up above the rest of the patrons. A man dressed in a decent suit and worked security for the V.I.P. section bent down to hear Misty talk. The suit unlinked a blue velvet rope allowing N'Jobu to walk up to his private perch.
The set up was decent; some Moroccan style couches and two black velvet chairs that sat close to a glass railing to see the action below. N'Jobu stood looking down at the main stage, his eyes darting to and fro for any sign of Califia among the women giving lap dances in the audience. The Blue Rose was huge and a bit chaotic.
"I'll be your personal server Mr., …?"
He didn't give her his name, just walked over to her and looked down at her face.
"Just bring me a bottle of champagne. Top shelf."
"Would you like any food, we have an excellent—"
N'Jobu shook his head. His mind was speeding ahead to what he would say when he saw Califia, or even what he would do. He needed privacy.
"Just bring me the champagne, for now, Misty," he said, enunciating her name so that his accent had the desired effect. She was swooning.
"Be right back," she said, adding extra swerves to her walk going down the steps.
He went back to standing near the railing. The dancer on the stage was being switched out again, the voice of an MC introduced the next performer. N'Jobu held his breath until he saw a slender Latina with ginormous knockers shimmy her way onstage to a fast trap beat.
"Shit," N'Jobu whispered to himself.
Scanning the room, he saw female servers catering to male customers and a few scattered handfuls of women patrons. The main dancer on stage held the pole with her hands and shook her naked ass so hard he thought it would snap off and fall to the ground. Laser lights and theatrical smoke, reeking of the dry ice that created it, wafted throughout the space, and a certain server caught his eye from afar. It was the two braids in her hair. He watched the server hand out drinks, take a few orders and then move past the main stage towards a bar in the back that was out of his field of vision.
He felt his body relax. She only presented food and drinks. She wasn't on the pole. A part of him, the lascivious part of himself was a bit disappointed. Did he really think he was going to stand there in an elevated private section and watch her gyrate while sliding up and down a pole with her legs open with an audience? Did he really want to see that?
Sitting in his car earlier he envisioned all kinds of scenarios, men running up to the stage and throwing money on her, dudebros making filthy monetary notes full of damp sweat rain down on her breasts and ass. Drunk guys trying to press their faces into her chest to be motorboated, their dirty hands rubbing their sad crotches and then rubbing some part of her.
Misty returned with a fancy bottle inside a bucket of ice, and a single champagne flute held out to him. She placed the bucket on a table and pulled open the cork that had been popped before she came up the stairs. She poured his glass to the top. He drank until the flute was half empty.
"Will you need anything else?" Misty licked her lips and ran her fingertips across her nipples. Her hustle was not subtle. She may just be a server, but she was willing to give N'Jobu whatever he desired. A lap dance or even more. Had this been weeks in the past, N'Jobu may just as well sat on one of the couches, spread his legs and let this beauty climb on him, but he had something more valuable downstairs. And he wanted her in his presence. Immediately.
He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his wallet and lifted out a fifty-dollar bill.
"There's a server downstairs with two braids and freckles near the stage. Send her up here to me, please."
Misty's face didn't fail to hide her disappointment.
"The girls downstairs have their sections that they are assigned…"
"I want her. Now."
Misty took the fifty and shuffled downstairs.
N'Jobu went to lord over the crowd and watch for his woman. She was making her rounds with a large tray of drinks that she balanced in one hand while fending off overzealous hands with the other.
The high heels she wore made her legs look longer and even sexier, and her uniform, the same as all the women servers and bartenders in the spot, was a tighter baseball top and short shorts that allowed lesser men to see nearly all of her curvy behind. He watched her bend over near the stage to listen to a man, and even from that distance, he could tell the other men watching her were salivating at the view she displayed. How many of them in that moment were fantasizing about getting up behind her, holding her waist and thrusting forward into that round piece of heaven?
He saw Misty approach her. He waited.
Califia was making bank tonight. Her push up bra was stuffed with fives, tens and a few twenties. She was going to have to run to the staff room soon to place her collected tips into her backpack located inside her personal locker so she could make room for more. She guestimated that she already had around two-hundred dollars, and her shift was still early. She would be working until six in the morning.
Making her way towards a few tables close to the stage, Califia saw Misty, a club favorite, come bounding up to her.
"Li Li, there's a guy up in twenty who wants you to be the server."
Califia glanced at Misty's pouting lips.
"I'm cleaning up here. Get someone else," Califia said, writing down two separate orders for two different tables.
She purposely had her hip thrust out, trying to finesse hard-up men with eye candy. The men she was taking orders from were definitely into big legs, so she wanted to make sure they could see her extra cocoa-buttered thighs. The club DJ was playing a hard banger of a classic Big Freedia bounce re-mix, so Califia added a few subtle body rolls as she took drink and food orders much to the delight of the men and two women in her section.
Misty rolled her eyes at Califia, but she seemed a little happy with the response she received.
"I'll let him know," Misty said flouncing away.
Califia looked up towards V.I.P., but the distance, bright lights, and smoky atmosphere made it impossible to see the person above them. Clearly, they had the paper to be up there, but Califia just wanted to take orders and serve drinks. V.I.P. work got a little handsy and often illicit. God bless the working girls that went that route, but she was good for the evening.
Califia made sure to give special attention to the two women patrons in her section. She checked in with them often, making sure they had plenty of water and the free salted snacks on each table.
"Let me know if you need anything," was her refrain for them. She did it not because she wanted tips from them, but to make them comfortable in the den of snakes men could turn into in a spot like that. Califia could handle herself with disrespectful clientele, but she had witnessed too many times the sharp turn a night could take with drunk touchy-feely males who could quickly forget a woman sitting in the audience wasn't a worker for the club.
"Come give me a dance, Ma," a guy called to her when she swept past with her empty tray on her way back to the bar.
Califia smiled sweetly, blew him a kiss, but kept it moving.
When Misty sauntered back up the stairs, she had a mischievous smile on her face.
"She doesn't want to come up here. Like I told you, all of our ladies have sections they are assigned to. And right now, Li Li is very content where she is."
N'Jobu glanced back down towards the main floor. He saw a man reach out and slap Califia's ass while she was carrying a full tray of beer bottles. He swallowed hard and turned his eyes back towards Misty.
"I can take care of you," Misty said.
N'Jobu took slow deliberate strides over to Misty. He towered over her but brought his lips to her ear.
"Go back down there and tell her this, …inyanga."
"Inyanga?" Misty asked, her face scrunched up in confusion.
"Tell her to come up here again, but if she refuses, get close to her and whisper in her ear, inyanga."
N'Jobu held up another fifty.
Misty stared at him.
"Inyanga?" she said again.
"Perfect," he said. He handed her the fifty and returned to the glass railing. His patience was waning. He didn't want to go down there and cause a scene, but if Califia didn't get her ass up there within the next ten minutes he was liable to go ballistic and bellow her name from the balcony.
"What?" Califia asked when Misty crowded her space again.
"That guy in twenty still wants you up there."
"Forget it," Califia said, tucking a wad of bills down into her bra.
Misty stepped closer to her, put her hands onto Califia's arms, and whispered in her ear.
"He told me if you refused to come up again, he wanted me to tell you this…inyanga."
"What? Speak louder, I can't hear you."
"He said if you refused to come to him that I was to tell you this word…inyanga."
Califia eased back from Misty and took a step forward towards the balcony. She still couldn't see the shadowy figure perched up there because of the bright lights and the smoke.
"I'll take your spot," Misty said pulling the empty serving tray from Califia's hand.
Already on autopilot, Califia's legs carried her to the rear of the club, but her eyes were focused up, and eventually, she was able to make out his form and features. She stopped below him. Standing there, eyes raised up to him, the cacophony of action around her became white noise.
Staring down at her, his hands caressing the balcony railing, N'Jobu looked like some ancient haughty Cesar watching a riotous colosseum of bawdy women and lecherous men. How long had he been up there, watching her work? She tried to temper her breathing, but his face in the red glow of the V.I.P. lights had her guessing what he was thinking and feeling. From where she stood, she could clearly see the arch in his eyebrow, the tension in his eyes, and the way his lips poked forward, he was giving her the same stare he had right before he dragged her out of his car and spanked her in the back seat of his BMW. He was giving off molten lava levels of heat. And it was directed at her. She felt her legs quake like she was sinking into quicksand. She waited there like a very bad girl deserving of punishment. The thought made her mouth water.
"N'Jobu," she whispered to herself. His name felt hot and heavy in her mouth, a solid restless thing that needed a release. The moment he saw her lips move with his name, he beckoned with one hand for her to come up.
He was drinking champagne when she reached him. Standing near the top of the stairs, Califia watched N'Jobu turn to look at her as he leaned against the balcony.
"Li Li," he said, a smirk dancing on his lips.
She held out her hands.
"What are you doing here?"
"Why are you so far away from me?"
She sauntered in, self-conscious of what she was wearing as his eyes swept across her work uniform.
"Why are you here?" she asked.
"You forgot to take the pie I made for you from my car. I was heading home and thought I'd drop it off. Bakari gave me the name of where you were. So here I am."
She glanced around the V.I.P. room.
"So, where's the pie?"
"Come here."
Califia hesitated then took some tentative steps until she was four feet from him.
"You want a drink? It's their best," he said handing his glass to her. She took it, the only time she ever had the opportunity to taste the best bottle her job had to offer. The champagne went down extra bubbly and extra dry. It was quite excellent. She held the glass out for more and N'Jobu walked over to a table and pulled the bottle out of the ice. He replenished the glass and watched her drink her fill. She offered the rest to him and he finished it, placing the glass on the table.
"Does it upset you that I work here in a place like this?"
"A little. If we weren't together, I probably wouldn't care, but it does irk me a bit if there are people here who touch you or look at you. It is your body, but…"
"But what?"
He shrugged.
"No, I want to hear what you have to say. It's my body, but…?"
"All I see in front of me is mine. Just mine. I don't want these cretins touching my treasure. That's all. And you look so damn hot right now, girl."
She pivoted around nice and slow for him then sashayed close to him so that her chest touched his. She played with the collar of his shirt.
"I've been working here for two years. I know how to handle myself. You don't have to worry, and you don't have to check up on me."
"I wasn't checking up, I just wanted to make sure you had your pie. I'm just surprised that this isn't a restaurant."
"Did you think I was dancing on the pole?"
N'Jobu's eyes looked away from her and he pressed his lips together tight searching for an answer.
"You thought you would see me down there on stage doing the do, huh? Admit it!"
N'Jobu tried to play it off, but she pushed her hand into his chest to make him confess the truth.
"Are you disappointed that you didn't catch me in the act?" she asked staring into his face as he tried to avoid direct eye contact. He was embarrassed. She thought he was so adorable when he was embarrassed. He couldn't even look at her when he was in that state.
"Do you want me to go down there and climb on the stage to fulfill your fantasy, sir?" she joked with him, pretending to walk towards the stairs, "I could get Misty up here because God knows she loves to give lap dances."
N'Jobu walked over to her and pulled her hand into his.
"How about you give me a lap dance, Li Li?"
Califia held his gaze, and then she heard the intro beat to a neo-soul jam, heralding the coming of Califia's favorite performer, Medusa.
"Come watch Medusa with me first," she said, pulling N'Jobu back over to the railing, pushing the velvet chairs together.
A woman with long thick honey-brown braids and dark olive skin took the stage, leaping onto the pole by her legs and spinning, her hair spiraling out of control as gravity whipped it around her turns.
Califia watched N'Jobu watch Medusa do her thing as men in the audience began tossing money and catcalling their appreciation for the level of skill Medusa brought.
The woman climbed her way to the ceiling, flipped upside down, released her hands and just allowed herself to slide down all the way to the bottom without hitting the floor with just her thighs. N'Jobu's eyes squinted hard.
"Wow," he said.
"I know," Califia answered.
Medusa pranced around the stage, her movement accentuating and punctuating the lyrics to the song she danced to.
"Not that I would want it, but you would probably be badass down there," N'Jobu said.
"Nah, that's a whole different skill set, baby," Califia said, patting his thigh.
The music switched up and Medusa elevated her game, causing Califia to jump up and clap.
"Get it, Medusa!" Califia yelled.
Medusa grabbed her own braids and swung her body around, dropping into the splits where they could all admire her abundant ass cheeks as they jiggled in time to the beat.
"I see you all still do that twerking thing," N'Jobu said.
"You think she's hot?" Califia asked.
"Yes. She's beautiful," he said looking up at Califia. He stayed seated and watched her gyrate in her shorts, her decadent thighs having the same effect on him as the patrons that sat downstairs. She raised her arms above her head and shook them with the music, and she felt his intense focus on her face without looking at him. When she did allow herself to look at him again, his eyes drifted to her neck and the cleavage she displayed that had money spilling from it.
"Califia," he said, his voice going low, constrained by what she guessed was his need to touch her.
Califia kept winding her body, her butt flexing and bouncing a bit as she moved in her heels. He tapped her arm.
"Califia," he said again.
She turned to look at him and noticed a change in his demeanor. That heat was back in his eyes.
"I want you to give me a lap dance," he said, patting his thigh.
Her head tilted.
"Well sir, we have rules," she said, running her fingers over her two braids and straightening them on her shoulders.
"I will abide by all of them," he said.
She gave him a long contemplative look then became all business.
"Give me a minute," she said and rushed downstairs.
Califia met Misty at the entrance bar.
"So," Misty said, looking Califia up and down, "how is that guy in twenty treating you? He's fucking hot."
Califia reached for four shots of the most expensive tequila the club had and placed them on a tray.
"That guy happens to be my boyfriend."
"No shit?"
"The guy with the black American Express card, Rolex, Hugo Boss fits and come-hither eyes?"
"That's my man."
Misty looked her up and down again.
"He seems a little refined for what I'd expect you to catch."
Califia knew Misty could get a little greasy when she was jealous, which was rare. It made Califia wonder how hard she tried to persuade N'Jobu to keep her as his server.
"How long have you two been together?"
"A year," Califia lied.
"Okay, girl. Still waters run deep, I guess. Wouldn't think you could pull someone like that."
Califia picked up her drinks.
"Darla knows this already, but he doesn't want anyone else coming up there. So pass the word along, would you?" Califia said, walking away with the tray and swiveling her hips. When she faced the security guard she nudged him with her elbow.
"The gentleman upstairs doesn't want to be bothered. Please make sure no one comes up unless he requests them personally. Especially Misty."
Califia and N'Jobu tossed back both shots of the tequila she brought up. She made him sit on one of the couches furthest away from the railing where they couldn't be seen. Above the couch were adjustable lights in various colors to set any type of mood. Califia chose a soft white light that allowed him to see, but not harsh enough to kill the mood.
Standing before him she held her hands on her hips.
"Rule number one. No touching."
"Got it," he said.
"Rule number two. No means no. Rule number three, I can stop at any time I choose, and if you make me feel uncomfortable, I will call Rusty, the security guard at the bottom of the stairs."
"Anything else?"
"Have fun."
Califia felt the tequila coursing through her as it chased the champagne she had earlier. She could feel the spreading warmth move from her throat and ease down into her chest. N'Jobu watched her face, his legs slightly parted with his hands resting on the sides of his hips.
The boom bap of the music down below was piped into their V.I.P. area with small but powerful JBL speakers above them. She didn't like the song that was playing, and once Medusa left the stage, the DJ returned to bargain basement beats.
"Is something wrong?" he asked, trying to read her facial expression.
"This song sucks…," she said, wishing she could have an on/off switch to shut down the music.
"I don't care about the music," he said.
She was ready to answer him when a slower seductive instrumental piped in.
"That'll work," she said as the tequila-infused her with liquid courage.
She bent down and kissed him softly on his lips then eased back.
Lord, please don't let this come off corny, she thought as she slid her hands down her waist and onto her knees. She spread her legs and dropped down to the floor. She kept her eyes on him until she spun around in her heels so that she was facing opposite him and eased herself back up so that her ass was near his face. She dropped down onto his lap and heard a slight groan escape him as his hands reached out to hold her waist. She already knew he wanted to lift her up and down.
"I said no touching."
She slapped his hands away as she did slow gyrations on his thighs then lowered her hands to grab her ankles, her legs in an upside-down V formation. She flexed the muscles in her ass causing small spasms of movement in each cheek.
N'Jobu said something in his own language as her fingers did a slow glide back up her legs. She angled her torso so that she could look back at him. She dropped back onto his thighs and inched her way further back on his lap until she could feel herself sitting on his dick.
She rested her hands on his knees, leaned forward and bounced, feeling his semi-erection grow under her. He thrust his hips a bit and she gripped his knees tighter to keep herself steady. The silky thin material of her short shorts was really a poor barrier, and she could feel him stiffening more beneath her wiggling. The tiny black G-string she wore tugged on her labia, the friction causing a pleasurable tingling sensation. She found herself exhaling through her mouth. She wanted to see his face.
Turning her body around, she rolled her hips on his lap, feeling her clit rub against his bulge. She exhaled harder, finding herself losing a bit of focus on the task at hand as she made small circles with her hips. She reached up and pushed her breasts together, her tight shirt forcing her tits to spill from her push up bra. Her nipples perked up, and she tweaked them through the shirt and bra with her fingers. N'Jobu's eyes darted between her face, chest, and waist. Her shorts were sticking to the shape of her vulva and she saw his eyes narrow as he noticed the evidence of her arousal.
"Califia," he whispered, still thrusting his constricted erection between her thighs, "let me see your pussy."
Her eyes closed involuntarily at the sound of his request. She was supposed to be running this lap dance. Not him. When she re-opened her eyes, she saw him staring at her mound, his lips parted, and his face constricted in a way that could be read as both pleasure and pain. He stopped thrusting into her, eyes still on her lower half.
"Ahhh, please…let me see your pussy."
She took her right hand and patted her vulva.
"You want to see it, baby?"
"Yesssss, please," he murmured.
She took her time reaching down between them to slide the material of her shorts to the side with one hand. Her other hand plucked at the G-string and they both saw a shiny thread of her arousal sticking to the panties. She tugged on it so that the thin black material spread open the right side of her inner lips and he could see her opening.
"Califia, shit," he groaned, his index and middle finger reaching over and scissoring her clit. He stared at the small trimmed thatch of her reddish pubic hairs on her mound and the freshly waxed smoothness of her vulva. She felt the flow of blood causing her to engorge, making her pussy a succulent oasis for the perfect dick.
"There are rules. No touching," she said brushing away his fingers, but patting her clit herself. N'Jobu's lips were pressed together in a tight line, his eyes steady on her hand slapping her own skin.
"Look at your fat pussy, baby," he said, his fingers on both hands twitching, trying to hold back from fingering her. His eyes raised to gaze at her again. His face looked twisted in anguish, and it turned her on. She unfastened his pants and he helped her slide his slacks and silk boxers down. She slid her fingers around his fat cock and placed it between her legs so that her slickened labia spread right below the head. She shifted her weight and began rubbing her pussy on his dick. They both could hear the sound of it slipping and sliding on him. N'Jobu's hands made another pitiful attempt to touch her, this time groping for her ass, but she slapped them away again and reached for his white gold neck chain necklace, twisting it in her hand so that she was actually choking him with it.
"I said no touching! Can't you follow the rules, sir?"
His eyes widened a bit with surprise, but she felt his cock pulse underneath her. She held onto the twisted chain and kept grinding on him, a slow tickling building up in her clit. She looked down at her labia pressed onto him. A thin drizzle of pre-cum spilled from his tip and she watched it roll down and coat her lower lips. She gasped and released his chain.
"Bay-bee…," she moaned out to him.
"Go ahead, girl. Give me that pussy."
"Uh, huh, uh, huh,…hmmmm…," was all she got out.
"That's your dick…that's your dick…that's all yours," he uttered, encouraging her to keep grinding on him.
"Huh, Jobu…," she said. She felt her voice straining, the wet evidence of her desire flowing out, making his dick shiny.
"Open up your pussy, let me see it," he said.
Califia reached down, lifted up from his dick and spread open her labia, her slippery fingers barely able to keep her folds spread apart. She saw his mouth drop open again while a deeply felt groan tumbled from his lips.
"You're coming home with me tonight," he said, still staring at her pussy.
"Bay-bee…," she whimpered.
"Look at me…I said look at me, Califia."
She kept her pussy spread open for him but allowed her eyes to rest on his face. The intensity she saw there brought her anxious desire for him to the surface. She closed her eyes seeking a little shelter from his gorgeous face, just enough of a break to let her gather her wits and keep from being overwhelmed by his forceful energy.
"Tell me you want me inside you tonight," he said.
She needed to rub herself against him, needed that fat dick to be buried in her balls deep. She couldn't take any more waiting.
"I want you inside me," she blurted out, "I need to be in your bed. I need you to be in my pussy, Jobu."
She spread her thighs so that her pussy splayed open wider.
"Shit," he said, his eyes wrenched back to her opening, "I'm going to be in there deep, baby."
Califia yelped and dropped back on him with her clit on his dick, rocking him with a frantic energy.
"You want me in there deep?" he asked.
"Yes!" she snapped, her body lurched forward as she held onto his shoulders. He enclosed his fingers around her waist to balance her.
"You'll take all this dick?"
"Yes, baby."
"All of it?"
"All this dick. Right?!"
"Say it then! All of it!"
"I'll take all of it! All your dick…all your dick…all of it…Oh…God….Jobu…Jobu…Jobu…"
Califia's head fell forward onto his shoulder and she was cumming,…hard…all over his dick. She trembled in his lap as the spasms in her core rocked her into a state of bliss, her skin thrumming with the feverish release of her orgasm. She felt her toes bunch up as her thighs squeezed his hips.
She felt N'Jobu pull her close to him and she felt the warm breath of his mouth blowing in her ear. He was talking to her in his language again, the soft dulcet tones bringing her back to her senses. She felt his fingers pulling her G-string and shorts back into place despite the stickiness she felt still dripping out of her.
"Go get your things. We're leaving," he said.
"But I have to finish my shift—"
"Fuck that shift," he said, pulling her off of him and fixing his own clothes, "Go. Hurry up. I'll meet you down by the bar near the exit. I need to close out my tab."
She stared at him. They were finally going to do this.
"Call your grandmother and tell her you're not coming home," he said.
Califia saw the heat growing in his eyes again. She was still giddy from her orgasm.
"Don't even bother changing, just get your stuff," he said.
She ran down the stairs. All she could think about was his bed and him on top of her. At last.
N'Jobu paid for his time and drinks in V.I.P. Rainbow girl and Misty watched him as he waited for Califia. Misty, in particular, was giving him stares that made him feel like she was upset about something. Their manager, Darla, was not happy when N'Jobu announced in a brisk tone that they needed to find someone else to replace Califia for good.
When Califia walked back from getting her backpack and helmet, N'Jobu interlaced his fingers with hers and guided her out of the club.
"My bike is in the employee parking—"
"We'll come back for it tomorrow," he said shoving open the front double doors of the club.
Outside, the staccato click-clack of her heels echoed in his ears. When they reached his car, he opened the passenger side for her and couldn't keep his eyes off her backside when she climbed in.
He wanted to spank her.
The compulsion rose up in him so fast he had to catch his breath. But he had to get her home first, get her naked, make her understand that he wasn't playing about getting deep inside of her. His dick was a solid mass of neediness. She had him wound up tight, and now that he saw her pussy, and what awaited his cock, he had to fight an inner battle not to fuck her in the backseat right there in the parking lot. He prayed that the fresh box of ultra-thin condoms he had waiting at home could withstand the intense thrusts he had planned for her. He had to close his eyes for a moment when he opened his driver's side door. He hadn't felt this type of anticipation in a long ass time. It was making him feel punch drunk.
Watching her face when she orgasmed gave him such a rush. Even though he loved to hear his women talk back to him when he shared pleasure with them, Califia made his dick even harder with just the sounds and facial expressions she made. Those soft but desperate pants…the way her voice went "Oh!" when his dick rubbed her delicate folds just right, spreading his wetness all over her juicy clit. When he was on the edge, his lips parting as he watched her chase her orgasm, she seemed to pick up on his heightened pleasure, creating a feedback loop that spun him into his tortuous goal of not cumming until they were between his sheets. His balls had become so heavy that he thought he was going to lose it when thankfully, she let go first. He felt that Califia-induced tunnel vision closing in on him.
He started up the car and led them out of the cul-de-sac and away from the club. The first red light he came to, he looked over at her and knew he was in trouble. She had taken off her push up bra, and he could see her hard nipples poking through her top. And those fucking thighs of hers. He reached over and tugged on her shorts.
"Pull those down. To your ankles," he said.
Her eyes drifted across his face. The hard-line look in his eyes let her know he wanted it done right away. She pulled them down, letting her shorts and G-string sit atop her heels. He reached over with his right hand giving her mound a gentle tap.
"Open your legs," he said.
"Hmphh,…baby," she sighed, spreading her thighs a little bit. He tapped her there again a little harder with two fingers. She let her head fall back onto the headrest, but she kept her fervent eyes on him while twisting her lips.
"Show me your pussy again," he demanded, "use both of your hands."
Califia gently peeled back her inner lips and opened her center up to him. He checked the traffic light again. It was still red. He wet his ring and index finger with his mouth, then reached over and teased her opening. When her strained whimpering got the best of him, he inserted his fingers inside of her, just to the first knuckle.
"Jobu," she gasped. He pressed in more, all the way in, curling his fingers a bit. He started to tap along her wall.
The light turned green and he kept his fingers inside of her, giving slow rhythmic thrusts as he drove.
"I'm getting this pussy ready," he said, "don't move."
Driving closer to his apartment, he made his digits work a little faster. She dropped her fingers from her opening when they reached another red light.
"No, …put them back. Keep your pussy open for me, just like that…yes…wider…you're so wet for me…open it wider…yesssss… look at that pretty pussy…"
Her whimpering devolved into raw tremulous pants. Her eyes were still on him but at half-mast. He pulled his fingers out and yanked her top up so he could see her breasts.
"Fuck…," he said, squeezing her left breast and fussing with her nipple, "keep that pussy open."
She did. He played with her tits, then stuck three fingers inside of her. She kept her eyes on him.
"I like how you hold that pussy open for me," he said stroking her insides. She squirmed in the seat.
They came to another red light and he pulled his fingers out.
"Play with your tits for me."
Califia cradled and kneaded her breasts with such sensual touches that he found himself mumbling curse words in Wakandan. He told her how nice and ripe her breasts were, how he couldn't wait to suck on them after he fucked the shit out of her. She had no idea what he was saying, but he sensed the tone in which he spoke to her was getting his message across. Crude thoughts consumed his mind and he couldn't help it. He felt intoxicated watching her while also watching for the light to change.
Her thumbs and index fingers massaged her nipples, plucking them at intervals that made him forget to check the light. His escalating desire was making him impatient. He slipped his fingers back inside of her, hooking them so that he could tease her clit with the rest of his hand. He drove on while still giving her thrusts with his fingers. His dick jumping in his pants was almost unbearable.
"Jobu," she whined, and he couldn't look at her, his eyes fixed on the road, trying to make it safely to his apartment without crashing because of her distracting wet pussy. He spoke to her again in Wakandan, his tongue hitting the roof of his mouth brushing near his incisors as his words now incorporated the traditional clicks of his language. It was when he was telling her how she was making him feel and his tongue made a loud "clop" sound that she lost it.
He felt a tightening on his fingers and heard a long drawn out moan stagger from her mouth in waves.
"Yes, baby," he shouted at her as he felt her thighs slam shut around his fingers, "cum on my hand!"
He pulled up to the security gate of his apartment and put his car in park awkwardly with his left hand. Turning his head, he stared down at his fingers between her legs and then dragged his eyes up to her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she had her hands cupping her breasts like a divine offering. He wanted to reach into his pants and pull out his erection so he could decorate her tits with his semen, but his bed was mere seconds away in his mind.
He gently removed his fingers from inside of her, and her eyes parted open slightly, barely registering his face. He stuck his fingers in his mouth to taste her.
"Fuck," he said, licking his fingers with deliberate care as she watched him with sated eyes.
He found his parking spot and watched her slowly pull up her G-string and shorts. Hopping out of the driver's side, he wasted no time grabbing her backpack from the backseat and helping her out on wobbly legs. He clasped her hand and walked her up the stairs and into his home.
She felt like she was floating.
The minute they were inside the apartment, N'Jobu tossed her backpack on the couch and began kissing her without turning any lights on. She matched his intensity as he backed her towards his bedroom. When he had her in front of his open bedroom door he released her lips but kept his face near hers. She could feel heat radiating from his body. Draping her hands around his neck, she waited for him to say something.
"Is everything okay?" she finally asked when a minute seemed to pass and he didn't move or say anything. Was he changing his mind? His enthusiasm seemed to taper off.
She touched his face, unable to see him well in the dark hallway. He reached behind her and turned on his bedroom lights. His face illuminated, she realized she was mistaken about his excitement tapering off. She could see a yearning in his eyes, and his lips made her ache to kiss him again.
"I want to take my time with you," he finally said, touching one of her braids.
"Okay," she answered, giving him a shy smile.
He stared at her a bit longer, like he was trying to figure out the words he wanted to say. In the car, his voice rumbled foreign words that coaxed her into a state of uninhibited physical abandon. Sitting in a car with her legs spread open, the old torments of worrying that she would take forever to relax and climax was gone. She tumbled so fast into her orgasm that she almost forgot where she was when he helped her out of his car.
Trusting her instincts, Califia stepped into his bedroom backward, slowly unbuttoning her top. The track lights in his bedroom were ultra-bright. N'Jobu reached over and tried to lower the intensity of the lighting.
"Keep them all the way up. I want to see all of you," she said, kicking off her heels and sliding her shorts and panties off.
She stepped away from her clothes and kept easing back until her calves hit the bed. It was a lot lower than she expected. Glancing around she saw that all his furniture was dark chestnut, and he had a wing-backed chair propped near his mirrored sliding closet doors.
Looking back at him, she watched him unbutton his shirt, taking it off along with a black t-shirt and tossing them onto the chair. As he slipped off his shoes and socks, Califia crawled onto his bed, resting on her knees with her thighs spread wide. She skimmed her fingers around her breasts, cupping them in her hands and holding them up for him. His eyes were glued to her nipples as he slipped out of his pants and underwear.
Her eyes drifted down to look at his cock.
He was still semi-erect, but if he had more to fill out…
She felt a fiery electric spark race up her spine. He was the most beautiful naked man she had ever seen. Every ratio on his body was in proportion for complete perfection, and she couldn't get over the even rich color of skin. His white-gold necklace glowed against his ebony skin. Her eyes raked up and down his body and she was especially intrigued by the deep V lines that ran from his waist to his groin.
Plucking her nipples again, she rested her thighs back on her haunches. His eyes never left her breasts and she saw his dick grow to full hardness without him touching it, the weight of it making it bob up and down. A small gasp left her mouth and her fingers found their way between her legs as she played with her prominent slick folds. His eyes caught that movement as she teased her opening. She was learning all the things that got him off, and opening up her pussy lips and displaying them was a big turn on for him, so she tormented him a bit by opening and closing her folds while bouncing a bit on his bed, letting her pussy touch the expensive duvet. It worked. He grabbed his dick in one hand and slapped the weight of it in the other.
"Ooh..shit…" she whispered and fell all the way back on the bed, stunned by the loud thwack sound his dick made as he struck his palm several times with it. She bent her knees and spread her legs, working her fingers in small circles around her clit as she watched him approach her.
N'Jobu stroked his dick and kept his eyes fixed on her eyes. Califia sunk her fingers back inside herself, already super-charged by the sight of his cock and that fat sack of his. Her nose was crinkled and she felt her eyes squeeze shut as she smooshed her lips together. She craved another orgasm.
She felt her thighs being hooked and dragged to the edge of the bed. Eyes snapping open, she found N'Jobu down on his knees by the side of the bed with his face between her legs. Her thighs were hanging over his muscular arms.
"Lay back," he said in a soft voice.
"But I want to watch you," she whispered back.
He stared in her eyes for a few seconds.
"Then watch," he said, placing his entire mouth over her pussy.
N'Jobu sucked pussy liked he sucked on her tits; Gentle. Probing. And oh, so slow.
The hair on his goatee gave a delicious tickle to her private parts, and he flattened his wide tongue to roll over her folds. His tongue explored each side of her labia, and when he feasted on her clit with delicate licks and circular sucking motions, she felt like she wanted to cry because he was gazing at her with such adoration as he did it. Every now and then his eyes would close and he would use his mouth to hum and vibrate her pussy. Lapping up her juices, he dipped his tongue in and out, still holding her thighs apart.
"Hunnhhhhhh," came out of her mouth, and he slowed down to an even more excruciating snail-like pace. All she could think was, This nigga is tryna kill me before I even get the dick.
His fingers slid up her waist and ribcage, gripping her breasts in each hand, squeezing, shaking, and claiming their fullness. Once he toyed with her nipples, an inner connection was made and a strong sexual current shot down to her clit. She began to moan and he lifted his head to stare at her pussy.
"Damn…Califia…girl….look at your pussy twitching…."
She lifted herself higher on her elbows and looked down at his glistening lips, goatee, and cheeks as his eyes were riveted to her clit. She could see herself jumping down there. He was mesmerized, allowing his tongue to dip and lick inside her juicy wet opening, then watch the reaction of her clit as it continued to quiver on its own. He took his thumb and pressed down on her clit with light pressure, then gave a slow delicate swirl to it with his tongue.
"Bay-bee," she said, wanting to cum all in his mouth at that point.
"Califia, I need to cum, real quick. I just…I have to… I can't…ah…shit…"
N'Jobu released her thighs and she saw his right hand grab his dick and stroke it.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Was he about to bust one while he hadn't finished her off?
Legs splayed open, and her pussy on the verge of imploding from his mouth, she watched him stare at her pussy while he long stroked himself. He placed his fingers under the fat head and tugged hard.
"Your pussy is still twitching, girl. Goddammit….goddammit…your pussy—"
He gritted his teeth as he aimed his dick towards the hem of the duvet and released a stream of semen along with a painful groan that excited her even more. After draining his dick, N'Jobu looked at the puddle of cum he left on the bottom of the bed cover.
"Fuck," he said, his breathing unsteady, his fingers releasing his cock.
Before she could bitch to him, he was back on her pussy with a vengeance, and this time she fell all the way on her back, letting him have his way. Staring at the ceiling all she could hear was the smacking of his lush lips, the sublime gushy sounds escaping between her thighs with each lap of his tongue. She reached down and stroked his head with her fingers. He nipped, sucked, and swallowed everything that she gave him, and when he started humming and making her skin vibrate at her core once more, she gratefully came undone, her hips and legs bucking with unrestrained ardor. He had to hold her thighs apart to keep her from smothering him.
Looking down at him, he had a smile on his face as he studied her reaction.
"Oh my God…Jobu…baby…what the fuck?!"
Her body jerked a bit, and she closed her eyes, drawing in deep breaths to control her trembling. N'Jobu crawled up alongside her and kissed her. She sucked her own taste from his mouth and loved every moment of it as he fingered her right breast.
Drawing her in closer, he draped his arm over her stomach and kissed her cheek.
"You taste so fucking good," he said.
She beamed as she felt her body sink into a languorous state. She was so happy that she didn't have to leave his bed right away. She had texted Soliel at the club that she wouldn't be coming to spend the night with her, so there was no need to tell her grandmother anything. She wasn't expected anywhere until Saturday evening.
She stretched her body like a well-fed cat and threw her arm across N'Jobu's, looking him in his eyes.
"You made me feel so good. Three orgasms…"
She stretched again, a small yawn escaping her lips.
"Tired?" he asked.
"It's been a long day."
"It has," he said, kissing her cheek again, "you want to take a shower?"
The fingers on his left hand were still stroking and plying her breasts with light caresses, and she felt hypnotized by the motion. He would circle a nipple, then squeeze her breasts so that her large areolas would peek out from his hand. He bent his head to suck and bite at them as he was talking to her.
"I can give you a long clean t-shirt, and I have a lot of different body washes you can choose from…"
She tried to concentrate on his words but his handling of her breasts had her revving up again.
"Damn, you suck titties so good, boy…" she said, arching her back as his nipple play had her opening her legs again.
She reached up and pulled his hand back down between her legs, then reached for his dick. It had gone slightly soft. Slightly.
"So, a shower?" he said.
"I want you in me," she said showing no restraint as she worked his cock.
His eyes bulged when she squeezed his balls.
"Didn't you promise me you would go deep inside me?"
She massaged his cock until it was standing at attention. He grabbed it away from her and dragged it up and down and around her opening. When he pressed it against her center, she looked down at it nervously. It was so big. She watched him tease circles in her folds. He didn't think he wasn't going to use a condom, did he? She tensed a bit when she thought he was going to shove himself inside her unprotected and placed her hand on his hand to stop him from trying.
He kissed her again and rolled over towards a pillow. He reached under and pulled out a condom. She felt her body go slack with relief. He tore open the packet and rolled the condom onto himself. It was clear and fit his huge dick like a thin layer of skin. It was a brand she was unfamiliar with. Of course, he had a dick size that was new to her too.
N'Jobu pulled her closer and kissed her, and she eased into his full lips. In all honesty, they could kiss all night and she would be enthralled with him, but his dick was jutting out and striking her belly. He brushed a finger over her breasts again then whispered in her ear.
"Are you ready for me?"
He stroked her clit again, then dipped his fingers lower.
"So wet," he muttered.
He positioned himself between her legs, and she rested her thighs in her own hands, lifting them up a bit, presenting herself to him. She saw his face quake when she did that. There was something about serving herself up to him that just sent him over the edge. He reached over and grabbed a pillow for her lifting her up a bit and placing it under her back for comfort.
He looked down into her eyes, and she felt a swelling in her heart. He kept his eyes on her, then looked down for a second as he lined up his cock. She felt him press the head of his dick inside her, and then his eyes were back on her.
He pushed in slowly, watching the expression on her face. She shifted her hips as he eased in more. He was a third of the way in when the sensation of being too full too fast overtook her and she tensed.
"Am I hurting you?" The concern in his voice made her more comfortable.
"Give me a second to get used to it," she gritted through her teeth. He pulled back a little.
"No, don't pull out…just…take it slow…I'll be okay," she said.
The sensation felt so good, and so overwhelming at the same time. There was no dick like new dick, and N'Jobu was packing the good stuff. She wiggled on him a bit, and he exhaled hard, still gazing at her face.
"You're so juicy… pussy gripping me tight…," he said. She watched a sheen of perspiration accumulate on his brow.
He gave her small shallow thrusts and she got used to the shocking fullness. She spread her legs wider, removing her hands from her thighs and resting them on the planes of his chest. He looked down at his dick going inside of her.
"You okay?" he asked, staring into her eyes again.
"Go deeper," she said.
His eyes reacted to her words and he shifted his hips and thrust in further, making her lips press together then open suddenly.
"Oh…shit…," she said wrapping her arms around his neck, gently scraping her nails on his nape.
They both could hear his dick going inside of her. He pulled out a few inches, then slid back in a little further than he was before. He was stretching her out and it felt incredible. She laid back to watch him. His eyes fixed on hers, but they took on an intimate unguarded look. She could tell he was turned on by her and probably wanted to do more but also wanted to make her comfortable with his restraint.
She couldn't take it anymore.
"Fuck me."
N'Jobu lifted up his knees throwing her legs over his arms and plunged his cock as deep as he could get. She tried to watch his dick going in and out of her, but at that point, she needed to be fucked well by him, and just clung to his neck. His hips slamming into her were unwavering as he stroked deep inside her tight walls. She could feel her juices spilling against his thighs thanks to all those orgasms he gave her earlier. She couldn't hold onto him any longer and just fell back on the bed. He shifted again and pressed himself on top of her, his mouth searing the side of her neck as he sucked on it while slamming his cock into her. She felt his mouth angle up her face until he was rasping into her ear, "I'm balls deep, girl…shit…you're taking all this dick…fuck."
She wrapped her legs around his waist and held tight to his back.
He was hers.
She laid back and pondered every sensation he gave her, his lips right at her ear as he whispered things to her and only her.
"Jobu, you feel so good in my pussy."
"This pussy is all mine, right?'
"Yes," she moaned, "you're in so deep baby…so deep…"
"I should've been fucking you a long time ago," he said, pulling out slowly. He swiveled his hips and slid back in even slower. She wanted him fast and hard and began bucking her hips.
"Harder, baby…," she said, wanting his balls to slap against her ass.
"Yes…harder…and faster… I want you to cum."
He stopped moving and lifted up to stare down at her.
"Is that what you want?" He said pulling his dick all the way out and slamming it back into her fast. Her eyes snapped shut. She took a deep shaky breath and opened them again.
"Fuck me," she whimpered, her eyes watery, her legs becoming tired and heavy. He lifted her legs up and threw them over his shoulder and drove his cock in until he bottomed out.
"You asked for this…is this what you wanted?"
His thighs were so strong pressed into her and she was so deliriously happy that they could be loud, nasty, and alone.
"I want it, baby. Give it," she answered.
N'Jobu's face was like a man possessed. He fucked her with abandon and precise dickmanship. She thought of the time when Serah told her about the way he fucked, and that bitch wasn't lying at all. She just let him go, and he was hitting angles and spots in her pussy that she didn't know she had. She was going to be sore later, that was a given because his dick was relentless. And she was taking it. His bed rattled and she allowed her fingers to graze across his taut nipples. His deep penetration worked her back out, and she relished every pull on her muscles that he dragged out of her.
"Damn this pussy is so good," he said.
"It's all yours," she said, reaching up and twisting his gold chain.
"Say that again," he urged, his voice straining.
She pulled and twisted his chain, choking him a bit.
"This pussy is all yours. Take it. Take it all baby," she said, squeezing her thighs tight.
"Ah fuck…." His lips parted and he was exhaling through his mouth now. She wiggled her ass and internally, she squeezed her walls now that she was fully comfortable with his dick.
"I feel you," he said, closing his eyes above her. She still pulled on his chain.
"You want to cum?" she asked him, her own voice sounded like it was going to crack. She released his necklace.
"Fuck my dick," he said, spreading her legs out further and pressing them down into the mattress. He reached up and squeezed her tits, then reached down to grip her waist. He was losing it. She wiggled on him, matching his thrusts and tightening her pussy on his dick, the friction between them a molten wet mess. He looked down at where they were joined.
"Damn, you're creaming everywhere!"
Lifting her head, she looked down and saw that it was true.
"You made me do that," she said.
"That's my fault?"
He gave her the biggest smile and then his face contorted when she gyrated and clenched his dick at the same time.
"This… good…pussy…fuck...I'm cumming!"
They both looked down at his surging cock and watched as it pumped semen into the condom.
"That's it, baby, give it to me," she said, taking her fingers and widening her labia for him.
"You're so good, girl…I'm filling this shit up-"
His voice broke and then he was speaking Wakandan to her until his hips jerked.
He squeezed her left breast hard, then collapsed in a satisfied heap on top of her. She held him tight and kissed his forehead. When his breathing returned to normal she heard him say, "You better call whoever you need to. You aren't leaving here for the next two days."
Chapter 16 HERE.
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blacklister214 · 6 years
Second Son Update: Guardian Felon
Another chapter of Second Son ready to go! Enjoy!
Liz had chosen to face Wing Yee's primary entrance when she'd taken her seat. She may not have been an official law enforcement agent yet, but it was good to practice the appropriate habits. Even without Quantico training, she had her concealed carry permit, and thanks to Sam, the know-how to use her personal weapon. In the unlikely event of a violent incident, for example a rampage shooter, she was well positioned to see it first and respond.
Liz sipped her tea, remembering the other lessons her ex-grifter father had imparted. It was ironic that the skills she absorbed at the conman's knee were the same skills government agents were expected to hone. Sam had trained her to be constantly be aware of her surroundings, and to observe the habits of people in her vicinity. He'd used to take her to places like this and they'd play games where she's have to name the number of people in the restaurant or the color shirt of the person sitting behind her. Those games were the reason she'd chosen to eat in, rather than simply picking up her order and heading home. She needed the distraction after the day she'd had. Something to focus on besides the memory of the woman who'd died in her arms. The woman she'd failed to save. Liz slammed the breaks on that thought. She would not allow herself to get sucked down in that pool of self-recrimination.
A new customer emerged from behind the brick wall and Liz felt an immense wave of gratitude. He a perfectly timed diversion from her mind's darker musings. She cut a piece of her garlic chicken, using only her peripheral vision and her initial first glance to compile her list of attributes. Lean, athletic build. Around six foot. Grey wool overcoat. Black suit jacket, with a white collared shirt underneath. Black suit pants. Black leather dress shoes. Short dark hair. Stubble. Handsome...and familiar. There was a tickle in her mind, telling Liz she had seen this man before.
She resisted the urge to lift her gaze. The whole point of the exercise was to observe without drawing attention. The server seated the man directly across from Liz, albeit a few tables down. At least she'd have the time to place him. Liz decided a casual glance wouldn't be cheating, not if it appeared natural. She raised her teacup to her lips, and gazing over the top, found herself unexpectedly making eye contact with her subject. He offered her the small, polite smile of stranger, before looking down at his menu, but it was enough for Liz to trigger a spark of recognition.
"You!" The words were out of Liz's mouth before she had the sense to censor them. The man looked up, his eyebrow raised, and glanced briefly over his shoulder. After verifying there was no one there, he turned back to Liz.
"I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" Liz stood and slowly walked toward the man's table. Yes, it was him. She knew that voice. She knew that slightly cocky smile. Frank. Bacon. A flipped kitchen table. A waiting room in a government building. Singing Destiny's Child in a grey Mustang.
"You used to work as an investigator in Omaha. You broke into my apartment once and made me breakfast?" The man blinked, tilted his head slightly, and then smiled.
"Elizabeth Scott. My apologies. You look different from when I last saw you." She supposed she would, given that in her teen years she favored dark tees, leather jackets, and blue jeans. These days her go to was blazers and blouse. She noticed she wasn't the only one to clean up her look.
"As do you. Nice suit." His outfit suggested young urban professional. Successful. His clothing was tailored, not off the rack. Not exactly how she would expect a PI to dress...unless he was undercover, looking to blend with a corporate world.
"Thanks. Care to join me? Unless you're running home to your boyfriend?" Liz found herself unsure how to respond. The invitation was unexpected. They weren't exactly old friends who had bumped into each. Their brief relationship, if it could be termed that, had been largely antagonistic. Well...maybe not so such at the tail end. He'd been surprisingly kind to her after she'd learned the truth about her parents. In hindsight she had to admit getting her that information on her birth family and getting rid of Frank had helped her enormously. God knew where she would have ended up if this man hadn't brought their crime spree to an abrupt conclusion.
"What makes you think I have a boyfriend?" A stall, yes, but it might help her determine the intentions of her potential dining companion.
He gestured back to her table, where Nik's To-Go box was sitting. "Most people don't order a secondary meal for themselves." It seemed Liz wasn't the only one making observations.
"I could have a roommate." She wasn't sure why she was arguing the point. Maybe it was the absolute assuredness with which the PI had made his pronouncement.
The server arrived, forcing Liz to take a step back as a bowl of steaming soup was placed before him. After thanking the woman, he turned his attention back to her.
"True, but I went with boyfriend." Instead of elaborating he picked up his spoon, and dipped it into the dish. Raising it to his lips, he blew gently on the broth.
"You're an only child raised by a single Dad. Living with a man is probably easier for you than living with another woman." Liz wished she could tell him to stick his assumption up his ass, but the sad truth was, he wasn't wrong. If college had taught her nothing else, it was that cohabiting with other women was more drama than she'd care to take.
"I am living with my boyfriend, but he's at work right now." She'd stated very clearly she was in a relationship, therefore she was in no danger of him interpreting her choice to join him as flirtation.
"Well I insist, then. You owe me a meal, after all." Now it was Liz's turn to raise her eyebrows.
"I do?"
"Yes. I cooked a delicious breakfast, and you flipped it all onto the floor. I didn't even get to finish my famous gluten-free pancakes." Liz couldn't suppress a giggle at the PI's exaggeratedly woeful expression.
"Fine." Liz turned back toward her table, but the man gestured at the chair across from him and stood.
"Please, allow me." As he passed her to retrieve her dishes, Liz couldn't help but notice he'd left his overcoat behind. It bulging ever so slightly at the pocket, suggesting an untended wallet. That type of thing that used to send a thrill of excitement through her. An easy score. It would be so easy to pluck it right out before he came back. Finally learn the name of PI she'd been unable to track down after he'd sped away eight years ago. Suddenly the man was back at her elbow, the window of opportunity closed. He deposited her meal before her, and set Nik's off to the side.
He settled back into his seat and smiled at her, "So...what do you do for work these days? Still boosting cars?" He shot her such a knowing look she had the fleeting, but frightening worry that the man had somehow read her mind. Well two could play at that game.
"Retired. How about you? Are you still breaking and entering into people's homes?"
"Only on very special occasions." His tone was playful, and if under oath she honestly wouldn't be able to say if the man teasing her. Liz wondered if that was deliberate, to avoid incriminating himself.
"If that really is the case I should inform you that anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." She dug out her wallet and flashed him her ID. It would have been hard to miss the large 'FBI' printed on it, and yet the PI looked distinctly unphased.
"Employed by the FBI? Interesting line of work for someone like you." Liz's enjoyment of their banter fizzled out immediately.
"You mean someone with my background?" She felt her anger slowly rising. How dare he judge based on the private things he knew about her biological family? It was especially galling coming from him, who insisted blood relationships meant nothing by themselves. She wasn't her genes. She wasn't those people in that file.
"No, I mean someone who, as a teenager, pulled off a four month crime spree without getting caught." Liz had to admit that was...fairer than she thought he was being. Her actions were on her...but still she'd been a kid. Lots of people were less than perfect when they were young. She'd straightened herself out, moved past it.
"You caught me. On film, as I recall." Of course he'd mailed the negatives to Sam about a week after she'd returned home. They'd burned them together along with the copies.
"Well, I'm exceptional."
"Humble too." He wasn't wrong though. Exceptional was an apt term for this man. He couldn't have been more than a few years older than she was when he'd managed to track her down, and bring her to heel. He'd gotten rid of Frank, and in such a way that had made her never want to see him again. He'd convinced a government employ to break policy. He'd demonstrated intelligence, resourcefulness, and a disregard for the law. Had he changed course as she had, or was he the same, just with a few more years of experience under his belt?
"How's your brother?" If she recalled correctly that had been a topic he'd been eager, or at least willing to discuss with her. Liz's recollection earned her, yet another smile from her dinner companion. This one was slightly different, not mocking, but warm. Genuine.
"Good. He came back from Africa unscathed. We both work for our foster father now, so I get to see him pretty regularly. How's your Dad?" Liz snorted thinking back to her last conversation with Sam. He'd management to sprain his ankle hopping off the tractor.
"Good. Still living in the farm house. Flatly refuses to sell it and retire. Says it would make him insane and that he has no interest in spending his days golfing or taking pottery classes." She shook her head. The man was stubborn as a mule.
"It's funny isn't it?" The PI has cocked his head to the side as though an odd thought had just struck him.
"What's funny?"
"Most people spend their whole lives waiting for retirement. Waiting for a time when they have no obligations, when they spend their days doing exactly what they want. For your father, though, that sounds like torture. Pure utter torture. I think it's funny that the things that give some people pleasure, for example your boyfriend's Kung Po Chicken over there, can be unspeakably awful to someone else." His eyes were oddly intense, locked on hers as he made his point. Was he trying to tell her something? Her eyes drifted over to the take-out box. Was that what was bothering him?
"If your nose is that sensitive, I'll put it away." Liz moved to picked up the box, but the PI waved her off with a laugh.
"That not necessary. My point is that what's injurious or unbearable to people is not one size fits all. Wouldn't you agree?" Liz shrugged. Certain things most people had an aversion to, but what was the worst varied. Some people hated bugs, others snakes, others heights. What some found to be torture…...torture…...torture…..
Liz's thoughts slowed to trickle, that one word on a loop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Torture. Torture. Torture. Suddenly her mind sped up ten times faster than before, visions of the victims flashing through her mind. The medicals reports. Different, all different. No pattern, unless the lack of pattern WAS the pattern. Individual. Not the same.
"Would you excuse me a moment?" She stood up and head toward the bathroom. After checking the stalls for occupantants, she pulled out her phone and selected a number from her contacts. After about six rings a familiar voice was in her ear.
"It's late Scott. What do you want?" His lack of enthusiasm was unsurprising. The fact she'd been called up from New York to join a DC task force had rubbed some of her new coworkers the wrong way. Colin Worth was one such individual. Unfortunately she knew he was also the person most likely to still be at the office at 6 pm.
"Colin. Great! I was hoping someone was still there." She needed to keep it friendly. Liz was going ask a favor, so it would help if she was nice to the jackass. She could do it. Really, she could.
"I was just grabbing my coat. I got some place I need to be tonight." Somehow Liz doubted that, but there was no point in calling the man on it.
"I just had theory about the case. We've tried to find connections between the victims and there was nothing. What if we look for a link between the victim and their injuries?" While talking to that PI something had jarred loose in her mind and she couldn't shake the feeling it was the key to the entire case.
"What are you talking about?" This wasn't good. Colin didn't sound at all interested in what she was saying. Liz had an instinct she was about thirty seconds away from being hung up on.
"There has to be a reason the killer's methods are so varied. What if he's tailoring them to the victims? What if they were injuries the victims had gotten before or maybe someone else they knew had gotten them before?" One size doesn't fit all. Wasn't that what the PI had said?
"Why would the killer do that?" Liz felt like throwing into the bathroom's tile wall. As far as she was aware this was the only theory any of them had come up with in the past month.
"I don't know!" Whoops, that hadn't exactly been calm or friendly. Liz took a deep breath. "Look Colin, I know it's late. I know this could be nothing. I know you think I'm a bitch. Honestly, you're probably right. If I could, I would head over there now and look into this myself, but I can't. I've been ordered to take a 48 hour leave. That psychopath is still out there, maybe choosing his next victim, so please, please look into this for me." There was a long pause at the other end of the line. Liz had started to think Colin had hung up when he voice once again came through.
"I'll call you back if it comes to anything." Then he hung up. No "Good idea!", no "Goodbye!" but it was enough. More than enough.
Liz walked back to the table feeling better than she had in month. There was a chance she'd done something right tonight. It felt good.
The good feeling stopped when she reached the table. No grey overcoat. No PI. Just her plate where she left it, across from a nearly full bowl of Wantong soup. Seeing her standing there, the server hurried over.
"Your friend got a call right after you left. He said it was a work emergency and he had to go. He paid for his food and yours. He said to say 'It had been a pleasure to see you again' and to 'give his regards to your father.'" Liz felt inexplicably let down. He'd vanished again, and she still didn't have clue who he was. She'd hadn't even managed to learn his name.
"I don't suppose he paid with his credit card did he?"
"No, cash." Of course. Liz dropped into her chair, a foul mood replacing her lighter one. Full circle. She dug into her chicken with renewed vigor. She was being ridiculous and she knew it. So what if the phantom PI had once again dropped off the face of the earth. He'd been there just long enough to have been an enormous help to her, just like he had been eight years ago. He was like her own personal guardian angel...That is if guardian angels did things like commit blackmail and B and E. So maybe not an angel. A felon. She raised her teacup in silent salute. To her guardian felon, whoever or wherever the hell he was.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Hunting Ground (Part 6)
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Summary: Reader’s in a bad situation but she’s not giving up so easily...
Teaser Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairing: suspect!Dean x cop!reader
Word Count: 2,200ish
Warnings: language, murder
A/N: Last part after this!...
You were in uncharted territory. The killer, you were pretty sure his name was Hank, he’d always disposed of his victims after about a day. You were getting more certain he wasn’t going to kill you after all. He honestly did want you to be his friend, partner, murder killing buddy...who knew what, but he was trying pretty hard to get you see things from his perspective.
“Alright crazy, let’s see how you do today,” you said, leaning against the wall. You were still pretty pissed about the whole shooting Dean, probably killing him thing. It’d been five days and no sign of Dean, no sign of anyone.
“Morning, Y/N,” said Hank coming into the room, smiling at you for staying on the other side like you were supposed to. “You look happy.”
“I have good reason to be,” you said with a shrug.
“Why’s that,” he asked, narrowing his eyes.
“Evidence. The fourth vic. But I assumed you already knew that,” you said, smiling wickedly.
“I don’t understand, Y/N,” he said, setting your breakfast down on the floor and taking a step inside.
“Well I mean, obviously we found Dean’s DNA but there was another unknown male. When they look at the security camera at the motel...I thought you’d have realized they’ll know it was you, not him,” you said, holding up your hands.
“The motel has no-”
“It didn’t but once there was a murder they kind of put them in,” you said. “Only a matter of time before they know it was you Hank.”
He left and came back about two minutes later, throwing a cooler in your room with what you suspected was a day’s worth of food.
“I’ll be back tonight,” he said, pulling the door shut and locking you in. You waited until you heard him drive off.
“Oh you are such a fucking idiot,” you said. You walked over to your mattress, pulling the broken spring out and wedging it in the lock, undoing it quickly. You knew the door was bolted on the other side but the hinges were older and with the right angle of the spring against the wood, you forced it to split. A few hard kicks later and another jab on the other hinges and you were out in a hall.
You made your way to the kitchen, gulping down the drug free water from the faucet. You found your shoes but your gun was missing, mostly likely on Hank. There was a map on the wall, about thirty miles from town if you were guessing. Two minutes later after filling up some water bottles and tossing a box of cereal in a bag, you were gone.
You’d walked all day and night before finally making it back to Hunting Ground. Your first stop probably should have been the police station but Dean’s house was closest and you had to know what happened to him. The house was dark and quiet as you approached it, no lights on from what you could tell. You knocked anyways, planning on stealing some water if no one answered.
“What do you...” asked Dean, looking overhead before back down at you. “Fuck, you just don’t give up, sweetheart,” he said, wrapping his arms around you, wincing some.
“I thought...” you said, hiding your head away in his chest. He ran his hand over your head, a light shush falling from his lips.
“Me too. You look like you’ve been through Hell,” he said, pulling you inside, making you aware of the shotgun leaned up against the door.
“I got away but he’ll know I’m out by now, probably come looking for me soon. We should get to town, somewhere public,” you said. Dean nodded and went to grab his coat, pulling you along with him. He stopped in his kitchen, wiping off your face for you and giving you chance to clean up your hands.
“I got out, called the cops. Police still think I came up with some elaborate plan to kidnap you, shoot myself,” he said, handing you a drink. You chugged it as Dean pulled you along, not daring let you out of his sight. “I’m still the prime suspect in their book, that I made you say that stuff about me getting taken under duress.”
“I know it’s not you, Dean,” you said, his hand catching yours.
“You’re going to get into a shit ton of trouble if you work with me. Lose your badge kind of trouble, Y/N,” said Dean. You pulled him forward and outside. “Y/N-”
“Trapper’s. I need some food and there’s plenty of people,” you said, Dean getting the two of you into the truck quickly and towards someplace safer. “Dean?”
“Yeah?” he asked.
“I don’t give a shit about losing my badge. We’re catching this guy. We know his face and he is not going to hurt anyone else, not anymore,” you said, climbing in the passenger seat. You turned to buckle your seat belt as you heard Dean shift beside you. When you looked up he was moving towards you, stopping when he caught your gaze. “Were you going to kiss me just now?”
“If I said no would you believe me?” he said, moving back to his seat, a flush spreading over his cheeks. He started for Trapper’s, quiet the whole way there. When you were about to go inside, you tugged on Dean’s arm, making him look around like there was a problem.
“Dean,” you said, tilting your head up at him. He saw the smile on your face and he raised an eyebrow. “Well?”
“Well...” he said, shaking his head.
“Well are you going to kiss me or not?” you asked.
“I thought...maybe you weren’t interested after all,” said Dean, pointing back at the truck. “You seemed...”
“No matter how much I’d love to kiss you in that truck of yours, it’d leave us exposed. This...this is safer if you want to...” you said, swiveling your hips slightly.
“Let me buy you a drink first,” he said, reaching his arm over your head, holding open the door for you. “I still owe you one.”
“You do?” you asked, Dean following you inside, finding a nice corner table for yourselves.
“I wanted to ask you out the first time I saw you, remember,” he said, taking a seat across from you, watching the room.
“That was a week ago,” you said. You groaned and ran your hands over your face. “God I was there almost a whole week.”
“How you holding up?” he asked. When you didn’t pull your hands away you felt his hand pull yours down. “You want to talk about it?”
“No,” you said, your gaze falling down to where he was running his finger tips over the back of your hand. He didn’t say anything but you knew what he was doing. “I thought...”
“Well that’s good, I like smart women,” he said, smirking at you. “It was nothing a few stitches didn’t fix.”
“You kept telling me-”
“You had every right to not trust me,” he said, picking up one of the menus, sliding it over to you.
“I do now,” you said, pointing at a burger and then sliding it over to him.
“Hey, you’ve gotten away twice now. I think this guy finally met his match with you,” said Dean, waving over the server who looked annoyed at having to work. “You like that one?” You hummed and he smiled. “Drink?”
“The whole bottle,” you said, Dean cocking his head. “Jack and coke.”
“You really are a woman after my heart,” he said. He ordered the same burger as you, pulling off his coat and sliding it over. “Here.”
“I’m fine,” you said. Dean held it out, not taking no for an answer. You rolled your eyes but dragged it over to your side of the table. It was too big and the sleeves went far past your hands but you couldn’t help the happy sigh that left your lips. It was so warm you had to wrap your arms around yourself and try to get all that heat in your body.
“You were shaking there sweetheart,” said Dean. “I wish there was a place we could go and get you not so-”
“Do I look bad?” you asked, wiping at your face with his sleeve, listening to him laugh quietly.
“No, you’re great. It’s only you look a little like...” he said with a shrug.
“Like I was kidnapped and just hiked through thirty miles of woods to escape?” you asked, giving him a smile.
“I was going to say cold was all,” he said. You were positive you looked like absolute crap, the dirt and grime in every inch of your skin. But he was looking at you again, the same way he had when you first laid eyes on him. 
He liked you.
“Dean, when all this is over-”
“You think I just want sex, right?” he asked, your eyes going wide. “I said I wanted to bring you home and you’ve heard my reputation around here. I can reason why you’d think that.”
“Do you just want sex?” you asked. Dean laughed just as your drinks were brought over, taking a sip as you watched him carefully.
“I don’t give my favorite jacket to anyone, Y/N,” said Dean, chuckling as you struggled to roll up your sleeves before moving in to help you. With his assistance you were able to get them to stay in place, picking up your drink and taking a long swallow. “Don’t believe me I see.”
“I already told you that I believe you,” you said, staring into your glass. “Curious is all.”
“Oh,” he said, sitting back. “You’re the one who only wants...”
“Excuse me?” you said, whipping your head up, glaring at him. 
“Okay, my bad,” he said, holding up his hands. “Not looking for a hookup, got it.”
“I’m not looking for anything,” you said, your burger being set down in front of you as Dean pressed his lips together. After the server had gone, you picked up a fry, starving but knowing Dean had more to say.
“Listen. I’m not good at the whole being open with people thing or even caring for another person after what happened to Jo. Being closed off was so much easier and safer. I didn’t ask to like you. I just do,” he said, munching on a fry before picking the ones on his plate up and putting them on yours. You stared over at him, watching him take his burger in his hands. “What?”
“You’re nice,” you said, trying to give him some of his food back but meeting a hand instead.
“Giving a starving girl some french fries isn’t kindness, it’s the right thing to do,” said Dean. “I’d give you this burger too if I didn’t think you’d smack me in the head for it.”
“This is a weird first date huh?” you said. Dean stilled and then shook his head, a sliver of a smile showing up.
“A week ago you thought I was a serial killer. I’m not doing too bad for myself,” he said, ripping his burger in half, setting part of it on your plate. You stood up and went to the bar, coming back a minute later. “What was that?”
“Ordered you another burger, casanova,” you said, patting him on the arm. “You need some fuel in you and then we’re coming up with a game plan.”
“Y/N, you’re going to get in trouble-”
“I need a partner on this. I can’t do it on my own. You going to help me take him down?” you asked. You put your food down, Dean opening and closing his mouth a few times to speak. “I need you babe.” He smiled to himself.
“I got your back sweetheart. Let’s catch this son of a bitch,” said Dean, nodding in agreement.
“Good. I’ve got an idea,” you said. But Dean was already ahead of you.
“I will kidnap you myself if you think I’m letting you be bait,” said Dean, just as your server brought Dean’s burger over. 
“Did he do it?” she asked you, watching the scowl on your face.
“No, he didn’t do it. He’s innocent,” you said. “Feel free to gossip about it.”
“I’ll take that back then,” she said, taking away Dean’s burger and pointing at the half portion on your plate. “Don’t eat that.”
“Thanks Maggie,” said Dean, squinting at her.
“If you like spit in your food then by all means. Three fresh burgers, coming up,” she said, stealing your plate too even though you were still eating your fries.
“It better be free,” you said, crossing your arms, tucking your legs up so you could sit against the back wall and lean against the bench. You shut your eyes but forced them open.
“When’s the last time you slept?” asked Dean.
“I need some hot food is all,” you said. “Then we can come up with a plan we agree on.”
“You aren’t being bait,” he said. “I’m not risking it again.”
“We’ll be smart. Trust me, Dean. This is the only way we stop this once and for all,” you said.
“If something happens to you-”
“You’ll have my back. I know you will.”
A/N: Read Part 7 here!
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