#to get off the phonecall and both scream and hug one another.
chqnified · 2 years
What am i going to do to celebrate getting the job offer?
Drink and buy more skz albums.
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simastysims · 3 years
SIMASTY Season 1 Episode 5 “An uninvited guest”
Originally posted February 2019 on www.simasty.com
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The wedding was less than an hour away. As the few selected guests gathered in the drawing room for drinks Fathom made her way into the ballroom of Siloli mansion. This was where the ceremony would be taking place and Fathom was casting her critical eye over it all.
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The phonecall the previous evening which she had overheard between Brystle and Mayhew Drysdale was still playing on her mind. Should she tell her father what she had heard? Would he be devastated to learn his bride had feelings for another man, an employee of his? Or should she sit on this information and use it at another time for her own advantage? As Fathom pondered on this dilemma, her father Burke walked into the ballroom. He smiled when he saw his daughter, the apple of his eye.
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Burke had been looking for his daughter and was glad to have found her as he had things he needed to say before the ceremony began. He loved his daughter dearly but he knew that she was very headstrong, a trait common in both Burke and Fathom’s mother. But he knew he could be frank with her and always took that approach in dealing with her.
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For the second time in the past couple of days Fathom felt she was being forced into committing into a relationship with her old teenage sweetheart Seth Dolby. First Cyril Dolby, Seth’s uncle and Fathom’s one night fling, had urged her to get back together with him and now her father. With Burke and Cyril both business rivals Fathom was quick to see what was really being asked of her and she had no trouble calling her father out on it.
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Burke’s terse response only angered Fathom and she quickly bit back in retaliation.
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Burke threw her a look that Fathom knew she had crossed a line. He was angry and ready to explode. Fathom sighed and back tracked a little.
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Daughter and father glared at one another and it appeared neither would back down. Fathom was about to tell Burke all about the phonecall but stopped herself. Perhaps it would be better to sit on the information for now. With that she was the first to backdown.
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Fathom sighed but agreed to nothing else. She moved forward and hugged her father. She loved him but he was stubborn and single minded. He probably would not believe her if she told him what she had overheard Brystle saying. Fathom would bide her time.
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Elsewhere in the house, Mrs Bummerson was furiously preparing a replacement wedding cake after the last one had been half eaten. It had been her masterpiece and as she had not followed a recipe and instead used her instincts (and her level 10 Baking Skill) trying to recreate it was proving to be quite a challenge. With so little time left before the ceremony began Mrs Bummerson whisked the cake mix faster and prayed she made it in time.
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Malaudia had been at home for a few hours now. She had spent the time unpacking her belongings and trying to get a feel for the unfamiliar house. It had been purchased while she had been in the simitarium recovering so today was the first she had laid eyes on it. All her furniture and décor from the previous house seemed to be gone. Every item seemed to be new here. Mayhew must’ve had a huge pay rise with his recent promotion at  WindenburgSimmington to afford all of this. Not only that but there was no way he had chosen this furniture or decorated as that was not his forte. No this was Mother Drysdale’s influence. It had been her choice of every item and stick of furniture. Almost as if she was planning on making this her house…Malaudia put aside those troublesome thoughts. Dr Broscanni had taught her in the hospital on how to manage such intrusions in her thought process. For overthinking things was Malaudia’s trouble. To further help her Malaudia sought out something else to do in the house and went into her daughter Mimsy’s room. Mimsy was at her computer and barely looked up at her mother as she entered her room.
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Mimsy continued staring at the screen and tapped away on her keyboard. Malaudia took a seat on the bed and tried to keep the conversation going.
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But Mimsy made no effort to respond prompting Malaudia to point out to her daughter that this was not acceptable behaviour.
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Malaudia wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Mimsy’s features seemed to contort in hatred as she leapt out of her chair and stomped her feet whilst screaming.
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Shocked to the core and unsure on what to say next Malaudia left her daughter’s room. She stood outside the room and felt her self tremble with nerves.
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Malaudia then went through to the kitchen where her mother-in-law Mother Drysdale sat at the kitchen island with glass of Grinot Piogio in hand. With Mayhew out for an afternoon jog Malaudia had no-one else to turn to.
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The vindictive old woman loved stinging Malaudia with her barbed comments and she could see that this one had hit home. Feeling content she tapped her daughter-in-laws hand and got up from the island and went to her room.
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Leaving an isolated Malaudia all alone.
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In her room Mother Drysdale chuckled away to her self and even then raised her glass in a toast to her wickedness.
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The guests were gathered in the ballroom of Siloli mansion as the wedding was just moments away. Fathom stood by the entrance into the opulent room and surveyed everyone attending. She smiled across at her brother as he sat at the front with his boyfriend Fred by his side. It made her happy to see that Heathen at last felt comfortable to bring a boyfriend home and that they were taking pride of place at the front. Burke was standing by the wedding arch at the front, his smarmy lawyer Andre Wayward by his side. It appeared to Fathom that Burke was saying something very quietly to his lawyer whilst looking at Heathen and Fred. Knowing her father as she did Fathom knew that look he was directing at them, the look of quiet disapproval. Fathom rolled her eyes and continued scanning the room. Mayor Flump and his wife Salamia were in attendance as were a select few of the staff including a flustered looking Mrs Bummerson and a put upon Nannette Bobbins. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel with these Z list guests! Fathom would have organised her wedding with more pizzazz and sparkle. This had all the hallmarks of someone with no class she thought. Not that marriage was on Fathom’s agenda, she didn’t see herself as the marrying type. While she stood there quietly judging another guest arrival caught her attention as Seth Dolby strolled in. Fathom hadn’t seen her ex beau in several years and she her heart momentarily began to race.The 2 ex lovers smiled at one another. Fathom couldn’t believe how handsome Seth looked. The intervening years they had been apart Seth obviously had been working out and taking care of himself. He looked hot! Perhaps getting back together with him might not be so bad after all Fathom thought. She took a step towards him but then quickly stopped as a pencil thin blonde joined Seth. It was Ditsy Von Klinkerhoffen, supermodel extraordinaire and frenemy to Fathom. The two had history from their college days where Ditsy was insanely jealous of Fathom. Their paths had not crossed in a few years either but Fathom decided to have some fun nevertheless. She approached Seth.
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This news delighted Fathom. She glanced over at Ditsy who was glaring daggers back at her. She smirked back at her before gently putting her arm on Seth’s arm and gently turning him away from Ditsy and therefore turning her back on Ditsy too.
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Before Fathom could say anything else Ditsy marched over to them both with a loud “Ahem!”. Both Fathom and Seth turned around to face her. Fathom continued in her playful manner.
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Ditsy Von Klinkerhoffen was quick to brush off Fathom’s obvious antagonistic put down.
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Seth was marched off by Ditsy to take their seats. Fathom was determined to have the last word and called after him.
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With a clap of thunder and the sound of rain beating against the French windows the wedding began. The guests were seated and Burke stood by the wedding arch. Brystle made her entrance into the ballroom and dazzled everyone with her beauty. Burke was enthralled and gazed lovingly as Brystle stepped towards him in time to her chosen wedding song “My Sims Will Go On” by Deline Cion played eloquently on the grand piano by the hired pianist. All eyes were on Brystle as she approached the wedding arch. Everyone agreed she looked stunning, even Fathom found herself for a split second thinking this too.
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Invited guest, Mayor Ronald Flump too was taken aback by Brystle’s beauty and found himself feeling quite jealous of Burke.
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At the back of the room was where invited staff members Nannette Bobbins and Gilda Bummerson stood. Nannette felt so happy for Brystle and did indeed wish her all the best without being jealous at all. Mrs Bummerson was just relieved to have got the wedding cake baked in the nick of time. But due to her time restraints she wasn’t able to change into her chosen wedding outfit and instead ended up wearing a rather mismatched outfit instead.
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Brystle and Burke stood facing one another at the wedding arch. No-one else mattered to them at this moment.
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Burke took Brystle’s hand in his and began to say his vows before placing a ring on her finger.
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Brystle then said her vows and she too had a ring to place on Burke’s finger.
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They continued their declarations of love and fidelity before holding together in a tight embrace.
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With that there was one final vow of love before the marriage was sealed with a loving kiss.
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Burke then swooped Brystle up in his arms to the rapturous applause of (almost) everyone. Brystle was ecstatic. At long last she had become Mrs Burke Simmington.
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The guests moved forward to congratulate the happy couple. Lots of handshaking and kissing on cheeks commenced. Amongst the first was Heathen and Fred. Heathen hugged his father then turned to Brystle leaving Fred momentarily alone with Burke. This was the first opportunity Burke had had with Fred after seeing him earlier that morning in the hallway.
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An underwear model!! Burke got an immediate feeling about this young man and it wasn’t good. No son of his was going to be seen cavorting around with someone who made living parading around in a pair of tighty whities. He needed to put a plan into action and quickly. Therefore he had a private word with his lawyer and confidante Andre Wayward.
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The celebrations continued and Mrs Bummerson was bursting with happiness.
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Mayor Flump caught sight of Ditsy Von Klinkerhoffen and was taken aback at how much she looked like his daughter Simvanka.
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As the wedding party progressed Seth sat down with Fathom. He wanted to tell her so much how much he loved her. And he couldn’t wait to hear her to say it back to him, after all that is what his uncle Cyril had told him – that Fathom wanted to get back together. As they talked Ditsy caught sight of them and immediately flew into a rage. She stomped out into the drawing room. Fathom watched her leave the ballroom. Without Ditsy here there was no point in continuing to play flirt with Seth and was determined to get away from him. Seth had other ideas.  
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This was Seth all over, always rushing in. It was one of the things that put Fathom off in the first place.
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Fathom felt like she had kicked a puppy when she looked at how sad she had made him. It was obvious Seth did still love her as Cyril had said. What Fathom didn’t know was that he had also told Seth the same thing about her!
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As the wedding party continued Fred’s mobile phone rang. He took the call from the withheld number for he knew exactly who it was calling him. This wasn’t really the time to take the call but he knew he would not be able to ignore it. He answered and listened as the caller spoke. He responded with one word answers. Brystle happened to be walking past and noticed him on the phone.
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Heathen was caught in a conversation with both Andre Wayward and Mayor Flump when he too looked up and saw Fred on his phone. He looked back after a few moments and saw that Fred was still on the call.
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Fred then hung up his phone and put it back into his pocket. Heathen thought that he looked rather uncomfortable. Fred looked around and realised he’s been spotted. He walked towards Heathen.
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Fred continued past Heathen and left the room leaving Heathen feeling both hurt and perplexed.
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Perhaps it had been a call from Fred’s sister, he was always getting dramatic phonecalls from her. Heathen put it down to that and thought nothing more of it…
As the evening progressed Burke had a special announcement to make to all the guests. Tonight singing exclusively in the mansion was a global superstar, none other than living legend and country singing sensation Polly Darton. The guests hollered with excitement and cheers and Brystle couldn’t believe it as her favourite singer sauntered into the ballroom and took the microphone.
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Everyone gazed in awe as the singing sensation began to warble her way through a medley of her back catalogue.
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Brystle held Burke’s hand as Polly sang her favourite song. If only there was an option to slow dance then then this would be the time….Heathen was on tenterhooks as he waited for his favourite Polly Darton hit and when she burst into song  he jumped for joy.
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The party was now in full swing. Brystle couldn’t even begin to wonder how many Motherlode’s Burke had to spend to get Polly to perform on their wedding day but it would have been lots. Polly was loving the adoration and whipped her audience into a frenzy.
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As the music continued Burke decided to show off his dancing skills and challenged Andre to a dance off.
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As the dance off continued, Fathom made her way into the drawing room to pick up a drink. Ditsy had been waiting for an opportunity to confront Fathom and decided now was the time. She strutted into the room after her.
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A battered and bruised Ditsy left the mansion. Fathom straightened her hair, redid her lipstick and re-joined the party. Boy that fight felt good!
A short time later major-domo Joseph Flanders was approached by one of the junior help at the mansion. There was an unexpected arrival at the mansion and this person was unknown to the staff member. Joseph felt he was the man to deal with this as no-one should have got past the security gates without an invite. He went into the hall to confront this uninvited guest.
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The immaculately dressed woman in the wide brimmed hat turned and faced Joseph and at all at once he realised that the Simmington’s lives were about to change for the worst.
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The woman merely smiled at Joseph to say that she simply did not care what he thought. Instead she walked brazenly into the house and made her way down the corridor leading to the ballroom wedding reception.
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Joseph knew it was pointless to tell this woman anything. All he knew was that he had failed in his duties to protect his boss.
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In the ballroom Brystle and Burke were continuing to enjoy their day blissfully unaware of the approaching storm.
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And at that moment the mystery woman made her dramatic entrance.
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The music stopped and all heads turned towards her.
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With the exception of Brystle it dawned on everyone else just who had arrived. Burke was livid and he turned to Andre.
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Heathen gasped in shock.
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The mystery woman scanned the room smiling triumphantly that her entrance had caused a disruption.
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Brystle was at a loss as to who this woman was but it was Fathom who said it.
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Texas Simmington had arrived……
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Who telephoned Fred? Will Malaudia ever settle back into family life or has Mother Drysdale totally poisoned young Mimsy against her? Will Seth forever be in love with Fathom? And why has Burke’s ex wife Texas returned and what havoc will she cause? Stay tuned for the next episode of Simasty!
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Previous Episode: https://simastysims.tumblr.com/post/642480976642080769/simasty-season-1-episode-4-the-homecoming/embed
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
pls,, may I request a Kirishima angst fic where his s/o is trapped in a burning building because she ran in to try to save people? and the authorities are being difficult and trying to stop him from going in. all the angst,, all the post angst comfort fluff.
a/n: thanks for requesting!! so sorry for getting to this so late! but i hope you still like it :) i really enjoyed writing this since i don’t do a lot of angsty/sad stuff, so thanks again for the awesome request!! 
pairing: eijiro kirishima x hero!reader 
word count: 1,686 
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Kirishima and Y/N arrived at the scene. A villain with a fire quirk had set an industrial complex aflame. While the villain was nowhere to be found, the two pro heroes arrive just in time. The building is old, and they fear it would collapse with so many civilians inside. 
The two heroes ran in together. Kirishima had activated his quirk and ran inside, Y/N by his side. It was an intense rescue mission like this that made Kirishima’s stomach churn. 
Y/N and Kirishima had worked side by side at the same agency from the time he had graduated UA High. Y/N had graduated from Shiketsu High. Despite the rivalry between alma maters, the two got incredibly close. Kirishima had developed feelings that led him to pine after them constantly, while Y/N was incredibly oblivious. He started his day bringing them tea and breakfast and ended it with face-times and phonecalls. Nothing made him happier than seeing her grin at the smell of warm tea or her name on his screen. And yet, despite all his efforts, Y/N was utterly clueless. Kirishima knew he loved her, but he’d never admit it to himself, or anyone else for that matter. 
They gave each other a quick nod of reassurance before parting ways in the building, helping as many people as they could. Kirishima picked up and held people upon his shoulders. Running back and forth, in and out of the building, he saved lives. But something was in the back of his mind. He knew Y/N’s quirk wasn’t fit for a place of smoke and immense heat. He shook his head and set another pair of civilians down outside. Y/N came rushing out, setting down more injured people. Their face was gray, covered in patches of smog and dust. They heaved a deep sigh and looked up at Kirishima with uncertainty. 
“There’s a boiler room that's been unchecked.” 
Kirishima furrowed his brows. 
“Boiler room? Y/N that's the pit of the flames, whoever’s in there is already dead-” 
“That's a guess I can’t believe in. Heroes risk their lives Red Riot,” They said with a soft smile. It was an attempt to reassure him, but it didn’t help. Before he could stop them, Y/N ran back inside. They were already inside, but something shifted. Literally. 
Kirishima’s eyes widened in horror as the ceilings of the complex began to crumble. The wood had already been set aflame, but now the floors above were beginning to collapse. The scream ripped through his chest before he could process what he was seeing. The building was going to collapse, with Y/N in it. They would be dead for sure. 
A police officer stopped him, placing their hand on his chest. 
“Red Riot, please do not risk your life-” 
“Shut up!” He growled. He became more animalistic, the fear of losing them filling his veins. He had to do something and he had to be fast. 
He watched as the floors above were beginning to fold in. Kirishima pushed back against the officers with strength and ran inside. Pleads for the Hero to come back, to not risk his life, were shouted, but he ignored them. His life meant nothing if Y/N wasn’t by his side. 
He groaned in pain as the ashes seared his eyes. He got down on his knees, his gaze averting the heavy smoke. His eyes darted around in search of the stairwell. Once it was spotted he ran towards it, skipping the steps with a leap. He was right, the flames were incredibly high here. 
“Y/N?” He shouted. He looked around, trying his best to ignore the burning ache the flames were conducting as they licked him. He tried his best to look through the smoke, and then he spotted them. 
Y/N was pinned down under a metal beam that fallen, crushing their lungs. Kirishima lunged forward, using as much possible force from his quirk to lift up the beam. He yelled as he held the beam on his back, balancing it while grabbing Y/N’s body. He dropped the beam and cradled them close. There was no time to check a pulse, he knew the building was seconds from crushing both of them. 
He rushed out, the clean air filling his lungs. He coughed, weakly clutching Y/N as tight as he could. As he ran, it seemed that the fire department had arrived and was beginning to hose down the flames. 
“Medic, please I need a medic!” 
Kirishima cried and looked down at the body in his arms. Y/N laid limply, unconscious and it seemed that they were breathing either. 
“No, no, no, NO!” He roared, his shout laced with agony. 
Before he knew it Y/N was whisked out of his arms and taken into an ambulance. He ran behind, weakly limping into the ambulance. 
“Red Riot, this is {hero name} correct?” 
He nodded to one of the many medics as the ambulance began to move. He coughed, his lungs still filled with smog. Another medic began tending to his burns and wounds. But his eyes were focused on Y/N.  
An oxygen tank had been attacked to their face, pumping air into her lungs. They were breathing, which assured Kirishima that they were alive. How ever, they hadn’t awakened. And yet, he questioned how much pain they were in. The thought brought tears to his eyes. He hated it when the two left a mission and Y/N wound up injured. He always blamed himself, but they always bounced back with a smile on their face, ready for the next mission. He always admired their tenacity, it was one of the many reasons he loved them. But now, he was angered. 
How could they put themselves in such deliberate danger? For pride? For a heroic moral code? He couldn’t understand. They put their lives on the line, proving that they were a better hero than himself. And that alone was another reason that he couldn’t risk to lose them. 
According to the doctors, the beam had initially fallen in Y/N’s head, causing blunt force trauma to the skull. Because of that hit, the had fallen unconscious. The beam thus rolled off and pinned them in place on the floor, and that's how Kirishima found them. This is what the doctors had gathered from examining the x-ray and wounds. Y/N had entered comatose from the head trauma and had broken 5 ribs and a spinal fracture. Not to mention the burns and cuts they had endured from the fire alone.
When Kirishima heard the list of injuries they had, he practically fainted. How was he able to leave unscathed and Y/N was now stuck with a coma. One thing that granted him relief was that their ribs took the most impact if the spinal fracture had been worse, it could have pinched a nerve or vertebra, leading to paralyzation. At least that was good. 
He never left Y/N’s side. Day and night he stayed at the hospital, keeping watch and waiting for any moment that they would wake up. He was missing out on missions, but it didn’t matter. No mission could be more important than missing out on seeing Y/N wake up. However, Kirishima greatly missed his daily routine. Bringing Y/N their morning tea. The smile on their face when smelling their favorite aroma. The squeeze of a grateful hug. The exciting way they’d pinch his cheeks when they wanted him to smile. The “oh my god Eijiro, you won’t believe what just happened to me” they’d shout into the phone when he would pick up. They were all his favorite parts of the day. 
Yet, he couldn’t be too upset, he was spending his entire day by their side. Although their head was bandaged and their chest was casted, he was able to hold their hand. Day in and day out he clutched their hand, rubbing circles on the back of their hand with his thumb. Despite the cuts and scratches, their skin was still soft, and it brought Kirishima peace. However, guilt consumed him when he would let go of Y/N’s hand to wipe his tears away. His eyes were buried in his palms as he sobbed. He was infuriated with himself. If he didn’t hold them back, it should’ve been his life on the line, that would’ve been the manly and dignified thing to do. But instead, he was faced with their unconscious image every morning when he woke up. He received countless of calls and visits, many to check on Y/N, but also to beg him to come home. It was degrading his mental health. He wasn’t eating, his sleep was minimal, trying his best to stay awake, and to be frank, he looked like a mess. He had left only a few times to get food and shower, but the rest of his time was dedicated to keeping watch on Y/N. He had lost his light and everyone else was able to notice it but him. Kirishima was more aware than ever of his feelings for Y/N however and had promised himself that he would tell them he loved them the moment they woke up. And that was the reason he rarely left their side. 
Kirishima had come back to the hospital after going home and taking a swift shower and grabbing food. He was once again saddened by seeing an unconscious Y/N. By instinct, he pulled their hand into his and took a sip of his drink. But this time was different. Y/N held back. 
The drink nearly flew out of his hand when he realized that Y/N fingers were wrapping around his hand. It was similar to that of a baby holding onto their mother’s finger. His eyes widened, he tried his best not to freak out. He wasn’t sure whether or not to call a doctor but he just froze, waiting to see what would move next. Kirishima’s breath hitched as he watched their cheekbones twitch. Slowly, after what seemed like forever, Y/N’s eyes flew open. Wincing slightly, they turned their head to see who was holding their hand. 
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sisterpiranha · 4 years
What to do when you nemesis gets a boyfriend and doesn't have time for your rivalry anymore? Ch. 2
Again, nobody beta this but my own conscience.
Also, I imagine Alex to look like Bobby Cannavale because he is the second person I think of when I think about middle aged Jersey dilfs. 
Summary: Johnny gets a boyfriend and Daniel's whole world is shaken.
Pairing: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel Larusso (endgame), Johnny Lawrence/omc
Rating: No sex, but there’s some explicit language, I guess.
Previous chapter
The beach party had been Sam and Aisha's solution to the problem of their dojos' rivalry. Every few weeks the students from both dojos would meet at the beach and spend a day together. At first, it seemed like the idea had been doomed to failure. But after a few awkward meetings and a handful of heart to hearts between certain key participants, things took a turn for the better. 
Daniel looked forward to these days as well, as Johnny and he had developed their own little routine. It would start when Johnny arrived late and with a cooler full of beer. Daniel would lecture him about underage drinking and Johnny would say that the beer wasn't for his students, but himself. Then Daniel would start another lecture about getting drunk when he should be supervising students. They'd exchange insults all through lunch and, after a short nap, once the children went away to do their own thing, Johnny would finally offer Daniel a beer and they would spend the rest of the day drinking together. A few memorable times, Daniel had badgered Johnny into putting some suncream and the blonde asked him to help him get it on his back. Which Daniel complained, but did it anyway because he wouldn't want the man to get skin cancer.
And Daniel was particularly looking forward to this beach day because, in the past few days, and after some stern talks from Sam and a few mocking phonecalls with Amanda, he had decided that he might have overreacted the day of the tournament and that he owed Johnny an apology. An apology that he had planned to offer on his third beer of the afternoon when both of them were alone, relaxed and the buzz of alcohol made everything more mellow. 
His hopes, however, seemed to have been dashed when he saw a shirtless Johnny, not with a cooler in hand, but with an equally shirtless lawyer. And it was fine for Johnny, he was an athlete and a Californian native, his strong, sun-kissed chest was acceptable in the beach. But Italian, Jersey natives in their fifties should not be exposing themselves like that. He had the shame enough to wear a T-shirt, even though Johnny had teased him about it and told him numerous times to take it off.
And yes, he knew the other man was Italian and from Jersey because he spent a whole night on LinkedIn tracking down this "Alex", a.k.a. Alessandro Di Santis, 50 years old, recently moved from Jersey,  practised civil law and worked a lot with at-risk kids and won awards for his LGBTQ activism. Sure, he looked fine on paper, but that didn't mean the guy wasn't an asshole. And you couldn't blame him for being worried, Robby was his student, after all, he just had to be sure he was safe.
"John," Daniel said dryly when the two men approached him
"Larusso," Johnny said smiling. "You're not still mad, are you?"
"I was never mad."
"Whatever. This is Alex, by the way. Robby invited him, before you say anything."
The man approached Daniel with a smile and an extended hand. His handshake was firm and strong. And sure, Daniel could admit that he was handsome, but nowhere near Johnny's league in looks.  
"It's nice to meet you, Johnny talks a lot about you," he said in a strong Jersey accent.
"You don't say." 
"I might have mentioned you a few times. You know, just in passing," Johnny added quickly. Alex laughed. 
"Nothing bad, he's a sweetheart when he wants to," Alex said and he had the gall to look at Johnny dreamily and drape himself around his muscled arm. And Johnny blushed. BLUSHED of all things!
"A sweetheart? I'm not sure we are talking about the same man."
"Maybe you just bring out the worst in me, Larusso," Johnny quipped, but he wasn't looking at him, but at Alex, and was smiling in a way Daniel had never seen him smile. His stomach turned painfully.
Loud voices screamed from a few meters away. Sam had just arrived with Miguel and Aisha. Even from the car, Miguel waved excitedly in their direction.
 "Sensei! Yaya made you some bolones de verde especially for you!" he shouted.
"Yes! I love that woman! I'd be right back!" Johnny said and practically ran towards them, leaving Alex behind.
Daniel looked with a fond expression as the man hugged his students and helped to unload the food. Here on the beach, happy and free, Johnny reminded Daniel of the boy he had been. It made him feel giddy for some reason.
"Look, Daniel," a voice said, and it took Daniel a moment to realise that it was Alex talking. "I'm sorry if I'm intruding, Robby insisted I had to come, and well, I couldn't really say no."
Daniel had a very different opinion regarding that, but he kept it to himself.
"It's fine, it's not like it's a private party."
"Still, with the history Johnny and you have, it can't be easy. "
"Well, we go back 34 years..."
"Of course! And I'm not trying to get in between that."
"Ok, good to know, I guess?" Daniel said confused.
"It's just that I know how awkward this situation can be?"
"This situation?"
"You know, your ex-boyfriend showing up with a new boyfriend."
"Erm ex-boyfriend... Didn't you and Johnny used to date?"
"No! Where did you get that idea? Did Johnny said that? Because I'm completely straight!" Daniel felt himself becoming agitated.
"No, I'm sorry, I just assumed. It's just the way he talks about you... And he said there was someone in his past. So that 34-year-old rivalry is really just about karate?"
"Yes, I mean, that's oversimplifying it a bit, there were other factors..."
"Hey Alex! Come try this! It's delicious!" Johnny called.
"Sorry, I didn't mean... I guess I'll just..." Alex said pointing at Johnny, obviously uncomfortable and looking for the perfect excuse to leave. Daniel could just nod. Then he saw the man joining Johnny. They were all smiles for one another. And when Johnny fed the other man something he was eating, Daniel had to look away, his mood soured.
A few hours later, the children started to leave and Daniel was sitting alone looking at the sun as it started to go down. Johnny and Alex had disappeared soon after lunch and he didn't want to think about where the man could have gone to. Daniel had been alone to pick after the trash and wave goodbye to the students going off to do something else and to the ones whose parents came pick them up. This was their day, they had a routine, he should have been there instead of doing god knows what in god knows were with that man.
He felt someone sitting next to him and a bottle of Coors beer was handed to him. He didn't have to look to see who it was.
"I thought you've left."
"Sorry, Alex had a work emergency and I had to drive him."
"But you came back. You didn't need to, everyone has already left."
"I couldn't miss the best part of the day. The beach, a sunset, a few beers, it's perfect. Pity you are here." 
Daniel rolled his eyes but laughed. Trading insults was second nature for them, so he felt right at ease.
"I'm surprised to see your shirt back on, did you even put any suncream today?" 
"Sure, Alex helped me, he's as much as a nag as you with that shit."
"Oh," Daniel said feeling a surge of anger in his chest. The image of a shirtless Johnny having his back rubbed by Alex came to his mind. Had he done it in Johnny's apartment, right in the kitchen, before leaving for the beach?  Or maybe they did it on the bed, with the blonde laying on his stomach and he could straddle him and comfortably access his back. And maybe he would moan as he rubbed the cream and the sound would vibrate through his body. And maybe, once he finished, he would kiss each of the little moles that dusted his back and maybe even go even further down...
Daniel choked on his beer as anger morphed into arousal and he realised he was no longer imagining Alex in that situation.
"Hey, you ok, man?" Johnny said patting his back.
"Yeah, yeah, it's just this cheap beer. Can't you get anything better?" Daniel said in between coughs, trying to recover.
"Oh, I'm sorry princess, guess my shitty beer doesn't suit your refined palate. Bring your own next time."
"Maybe I will," Daniel answered, not looking at the man. The image of Johnny and him still fresh in his mind and he wasn't sure what to do with it. Maybe he had been too long under the sun and he was starting to get sunstroke.
"Your accent is thicker today," Johnny commented.
"You sound more like you did back in high school."
"I don't think it's any different. I've always sound from Jersey."
"I mean, it was always there, but a lot less obvious. Today it's very noticeable."
"I really can't tell the difference."
"Is it because of Alex?"
"Why would my accent had anything to do with him?" Daniel asked, indignantly.
"He's from Jersey. Maybe being around him brought it back. He has a very strong accent."
"I thought he sounded more like from Long Island."
"No, he's from Jersey. It was one of the first things I noticed."
They were quiet for a moment as they looked at the sun and sipped their beers. Daniel decided it was time to speak.
"Look, John, I wanted to say... sorry for the night of the tournament. I was way out of line. It just took me by surprise, I didn't know you were... you know. It was a shock."
Johnny just laughed.
"You know you can say the word, it's ok."
"Fine, I didn't know you were gay, bi... whatever."
"Don't worry. A few months ago, I don't think I would have reacted any better, probably, if I had been in your shoes."
"But now you are ok with it?"
"I guess," Johnny shrugged. "It took a while."
"And all because of Alex?"
"God, no. It'd started before. There was... someone else. It didn't work out, but it helped me realise a lot of things about myself. When I met Alex, I was more or less on board with things already."
"Someone else? Who?" Daniel asked curiously.
"Doesn't matter. He wasn't interested."
Wasn't interested? What kind of idiot wouldn't be interested in Johnny. He could be a little rough around the edges, but he was man enough to admit the guy was charming when he wanted to, and caring. Not to mention how he looked, all golden hair, blue eyes and cocky smile...
Daniel decided to put a stop to his thoughts right there.
"Alex told me he thought we had been together at some point," he said instead.
"Yeah, he told me. Apparently, he can't believe two people would fight for so long like that without there being some sexual tension between them. I guess other people don't just have 34-year-old karate rivalries."
"Well, here's for 34 years more," Daniel said smiling, taking a swig of his beer.
"Well, Alex told me he's moving to Philly in a few months. His work here is only temporary. He asked me to consider going with him."
"You're moving!?"
"I haven't decided yet. It could be nice. The Valley doesn't have the best memories for me. Maybe it would be good to leave it behind."
"But what about Robby and Miguel, your students, the dojo? What about uh... everything?"
"It wouldn't be right away. Robby and Miguel are going to college soon, so it's not like they are going to be here much. And they can visit, it's not that far away. And I can visit them too.  My students would go to other dojos, yours probably. And Cobra Kai would close again. So actually, this is very good news for you."
"Sure, good news." Daniel put the beer on the floor and stood up suddenly.
"Where are you going?" Johnny asked surprised. Usually, they stayed drinking until late.
"Home," he just said sharply, walking away.
"Are you... are you angry with me?" Johnny stood up too and began following him, confused. 
Daniel turned around and focus all his anger at the man in front of him.
"Of course I'm angry, Johnny! You would just frolic away with your boyfriend and leave a huge mess for me to deal with. Well, I can't take your students, I don't have the space."
"What mess? What are you talking about? If you can't take them, another dojo will, it's not a problem!"
"And what about Cobra Kai? You reopening it started this whole mess and now you're leaving? After everything we did to get it back from Kreese? After everything you put me through? I ended up divorcing my wife of 17 years for this! I only get to see my children a few times a week! And now you're saying you're going to close it just like that!?"
"Larusso, you can't blame me for your divorce, that was all you. I didn't ask you to come knocking when I first opened. You were the one that had to get involved. You can't blame all your shit on me! And you can't blame me for wanting to be happy now!"
"I thought you had changed, you know? But it turns out you're still the same selfish dick you always were! Well, you can go fuck yourself to Philadelphia for all I care." 
And with that, Daniel drove away. He knew he was leaving all his belongings behind, but one look at his review mirror, at Johnny standing there looking hurt, and he knew that he didn't care. His chest hurt and tears of anger and frustration had started to slide through his cheeks. He knew he had to get away.
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
would it be ok to ask for hcs of the main 6 + vaderwood as parents to rebellious child that’s sometimes sneaks out and gets in fights please? :)
ok I got a little bit carried away but bear with me. i thought they would be extremely short but this is the longest i’ve ever written for a hc.
thank you for your suggestion!
It was supposed to be a fun story, but you found Yoosung grimacing when your son was telling you about some rank he had pulled at school. You decided to ignore it, mainly because your husband /did/ laugh at the end.
But that one morning, while he drove you both to your son’s school, you couldn’t stop thinking wheher it was a true smile or not.
It had been around 9 a.m. when you received the phonecall. Yoosung was about to leave to go to work and you were looking for your wallet, since he was going to drive you to your job as well. You were going to ignore the ringing, but when you saw it was the school calling, you got scared. Man, did that kid loved doing crazy stuff.
Last year, he had broken his arm while trying to climb a tree, trying to get a football that had accidentaly ended up there.
Instead of, you know, asking for help.
“It’s Hoon’s school”; you said, before answering your phone. Yoosung looked a you, worried.
It was a brief call. The Principal told you Hoon had gotten into a fight. When he hard your tone asking what happened, he added: “He initiated a fight with another boy. Apparently, it’s about a girl. The boy is being taken to the hospital as we speak”.
Well, fuck.
You looked at Yoosung, poor boy was so confused when you apologized to the Principal and said you both would be there immediately. You hung up the phone and told your husband what the call was about.
The ride to the school was silent.
When you entered the Principal’s office, you saw Hoon, sitting on a chair, some red marks on his face and arms, but nothing else.
The Principal repeated the story, adding the other boy was taken to the hospital because in the middle of the fight, he was pushed, fell on the ground and got a wound on his forehead. It seemed he would need a couple of stitched, but the school policy was to send them to the nearest hospital even if it wasn’t serious.
You apologized profusely over and over. You didn’t want Hoon to be kicked out. You explained it was the first time this had happened and that it wouldn’t happen again. You agreed to sign a document that said Hoon would be conditionally admitted next year, only if he didn’t get in anymore fights. You quickly signed it and handed it over to your husband.
He was giving death glares to your son.
“Honey” you said, making him look at you.
You both looked at each other for a couple of seconds. After that, he grabbed the paper and signed it as well.
On your way back home, you started telling Hoon about his punishment. No phone, no TV, no game consoles whatsoever, no going out with friends. You asked him to tell you what was the fight about, but he wouldn’t say. You sighed and decided to ask again a few days later.
When Yoosung parked in front of your home, he asked Hoon to go inside and wait for them. You looked at him, puzzled. Mostly surprised, since he hadn’t said anything since you first got the phonecall
You expected to discuss Hoon’s punishment.
“You’ve been enabling this behaviour” Yoosung muttered.
“I’m sorry how exactly I’ve been enabling this”
“Laughing at his pranks. Not taking them seriously”
“They were pranks, he had never punched someone before” you defended Hoon.
“That’s how it starts” Yoosung says, raising his voice.
Suddenly, you realize he’s been crying.
You take your husband’s hand and squeeze it softly.
“Honey, what’s going on?” you asked.
He didn’t answer. But the tears kept going.
You kissed his cheek and squeezed his hands again, reassuring him everything was fine.
“That’s how it starts” he repeated, more calmly. “It starts at pranks, constant pranks the other person doesn’t ever give back. And then suddenly, they feel the right to take it to the next level and punch you wheneer you feel like”.
Did… did this happen to Yoosung?
Oh God.
Oh God.
“Hey, c’mon, look at me. C’mon, honey”, you asked, cupping his cheeks and making him look at you. “Hoon is not a bad person. He’s not a bully. He’s, you’re right, he’s been behaving badly but he’s not a bad person. He’s…” you doubted. “He’s not on eof your bullies”.
Yoosung didn’t say anything.
He didn’t need to. You know understood.
“We’re great parents. We really are. And he’s just 14, He still has time to learn. More than that, we’re making sure he learns how to be gentler. Nicer to other people. More like you”.
Yoosung smiled.
Of course it was a fucking motorcycle gang
How he hated karma
One day, Jae came home with a leather jacket. Which was fine. He could spend his money on clothes, nothing new.
You smiled and kissed Jae on the cheek to welcome him home.
No, you didn’t care he was 17, when he comes home he has to kiss his mother.
“You know, Jae’s looking like you more and more with each day that goes by” you commented to your husband in a soft voice, trying to keep it quiet from Jae. “That jacket actually reminds me of the one you just to have when we first met” you teased Zen, grinning at him. Zen lowered his head and kissed your temple before looking at his son again. Indeed, that jacket was pretty similar to the one he used wh–
Wait a minute.
“What’s that symbol on your back?” he suddenly asked. Both you and Jae looked at him.
“What symb– ah, I don’t know. I got it from a thrift shop” Jae answered, shrugging.
Zen squinting, trying to detect the lie.
Bullshit detector 9000
“Show me your right wrist”
You looked at Jae. He was pale.
“Show me your right wrist” Zen repeated. You didn’t know why he was asking this?
“Why should I? I’m not five, you ca–”
“Show your dad your wrist” you said, supporting your husband. You decided Zen’s reason was important enough.
Relunctantly, Jae lifted his jacket and showed you both a small drawing of a skull on his wrist.
“Oh God, please tell me that’s not a tattoo” you whispered.
“It’s not” both Zen and Jae answered. Jae was now even more surprised his dad new about it.
“You know?”
“I don’t want you hanging around them anymore. Those people are bad news. You’ll start drinking and smoking and– I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.
It’s a long conversation. Zen ends up telling his son about the gang he was in when he was young and even though Jae thinking about using that information to get respected with the guys, he eventually agrees to spend less time with the gang.
He goes to his room and you hug Zen from the back, kissing him in the cheek.
“That’s some good parenting” you smiled, feeling him smile as well. “Hey, uhm- You think you still have your jacket?” you asked, whispering sweetly against your husband’s ear.
no fears
one fear
Both you and your son were terrified of Jaehee when she got angry.
So that one time Hyuk snaked out of the house to go to a party
oh boy, you feared for him
Jaehee was sitting on the couch, waiting for him.
You offered a cup of coffee and she declined.
it really was the end of the world.
Eventually, Hyuk came home, to find yuor concerned look and Jaehee’s disapproving look.
“Mom, this girl I like was going to I really, really, really–”
“I don’t care, go to your room”.
“But mom, let me explain”
“To your room”
“Mom, aren’t you going to say anything?” Hyuk asked you. You shook your head.
“You heard your mother, go to your room and think if it was really worth it”.
In the end, Jaehee took his cellphone and laptop for two weeks.
Then she had a stern talk with him.
You honestly wouldn’t have known how to deal with the situation if it weren’t for her.
god bless jaehee
It all started with a “shut up dad”
Jumin had brought her sweet little princess a car, a fancy and most of all trustworthy car.
She had solt it and bought a motorcycle instead.
When did his princess change so much?
It seemed just yesterday she was sitting on his lap, playing with his tie and grinning at him.
Once, Hae wanted to go to a party in one of the shadiest places in the city. You said no and left the penthouse quickly because you had a meeting with the lawfirm you owned. Hae stayed, arguing with Jumin.
“You can’t force me to stay!” she said, storming to her bedroom and starting to get ready.
Jumin didn’t know what to do. He tried calling you, but it went to voicemail. He thought you must be in the middle of your meeting.
So he did the next best thing.
He closed Hae’s bedroom and locked it.
He then proceeded to lock all doors (except the ones for the bathrooms) using his phone, with a fancy new security system.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“Open the door!
“What is your problem, Jumin Han?!”
“I’m going to tell mom!!!!!”
She knos Angry!MC is his one and only fear
Eventually Hae stops screaming. Jumin sighs. Best she could do is take a nap.
He decided to go to the main bathroom and take a shower to calm down.
He changed into new clothes and walked to the kitchen.
Poure himself a glass of wine ans took a sip.
He was startled when he saw you entering the penthouse.
“Wh– what are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry, Jumin, I felt bad leaving you  alone to deal with Hae. Aoki will continue without me”.
Jumin kept looking at you, wide-eyed.
“What’s wrong?”
“How did you get here?”
“I– Uhm, I opened the door?” you said, curious, jiggling th ekeys that were stil on your hand.
Jumin took out his phone, entering the security system again. Someone had turned it off.
You both entered Hae’s bedroom. It was empty.
Her laptop was on, some binary numbers on the screen both you and Jumin couldn’t understand.
“Yes, darling?”
“She can’t hang out with Saeyoung anymore”.
Double trouble
Double trouble
You gave him twins, because apparently it was a strong gene in the Choi family.
Two girls who were just trouble.
They would dress as each other sometimes and cover up for the other when one of them sneaked out the house.
You expected them to fight sometimes, but honestly they had a pretty good relationship. It was nice they were a united front.
The only thing was, it was a united front against Saeyoung and you.
You kept track of what they were doing on social media by asking Saeyoung to look over at their social media accounts.
Initially, you were against it.
But that one time, you were sure you had smelt alcohol on the breath.
Thanks to your husband’s hacking, you discovered they weren’t drinking (yet), but one of them had made out with a boy who was drinking vodka.
“Heavy hand on make out session” as your daughter had messaged her friend.
You decided it would be best to have the talk with them as a whole family, including Saeyoung.
It was not your brightest idea.
He couldn’t process the thought of his little girls doing things with boys.
“They aren’t kids anymore, babe” you had said.
But for him, they were.
So when you asked your girls if they knew what protection was, Saeyoung almost fainted.
“MC, why are you taking about s-e-x to the t-w-i-n-s?”
“We can spell, dad”
“We also know what a condom is, mom”
Rip Saeyoung
You told them all about sex education, not only about birth control, but how to cherish your body and wait for someone special. Also how important it was to me emotionally prepared for such a huge step.
They would always be trouble.
But that night after the talk, you made sure the four of you sat on the couch and watched an old kids movie together.
Just for Saeyoung’s sake.
Honestly, what were you expecting
He knew his dad used to solve his problems by punching them away
And his dad was his hero
So honestly, what did you expect
It started small,a few pushes at school.
You scolded Ryun, Vanderwood said it was okay for him to defend himself. You tried to teach there were better ways to solve problems.
But Ryun didn’t listen. And honestly, your husband didn’t either.
Once, your  son punched a guy so much, he got into big trouble.
The other parents were planning to sue and the school board was deciding whether to kick him out or not.
The only thing that stopped them was that your son was the lacrosse team’s captain.
This time, the other kid hadn’t been bothering your son. The only thing he did was asking out the girl your son was crazy about.
It was in that moment when Vanderwood knew it had gone too far.
He never went to school meetings, so when Ryun saw him entering your Principal’s office…
he knew he had fucked up
You drove them home after the Principal told you you had to wait and see it the family would sue.
You parked the car in front of your house and sighed, tired.
“MC, give us a minute, please”
You don’t know what exactly happened in that car but whatever Vanderwood said to him changed Ryun forever.
He wasn’t aggresive anymore and graduated without any more trouble.
Your husband was magic.
Pure magic.
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flightfoot · 5 years
In defense of Alya and Nino asking Marinette to babysit
I see them salted on this occasionally, and I don’t think it’s warranted.
For context, this has happened on two occasions, both times so that Alya and Nino can go on a movie date, in Timetagger and Chris Master.
In Timetagger Alya asked Marinette to babysit, but she declined so Alya made other arrangements.
Alya: (begin phonecall) Hey there! Ladybug: Alya, it's Marinette! I'm sorry I won't be able to look after Chris and your sisters this afternoon. I— I hadn't finished my presentation for Monday, I hope you're not mad at me. Alya: No, of course not, no biggy. A friend of mine said she'd take care of them, so Nino and I are going to see a movie. Ladybug: A friend? Alya: Yeah, don't worry, she'll take care of everything. Ladybug: Perfect, enjoy your movie then. See you later! (end phonecall) (Scene transition: Césaire apartment.) Alya: Okay, we're going. Nino: Thanks again, Lila. (they leave)
In Christmaster we see the tail end of Marinette’s babysitting, with Alya and Nino picking Chris up a couple minutes in.
Alya: Marinette, we're back. Nino: Did you guys have fun? Marinette: Sure we did. How was the movie? Nino: Awesome. Thanks for watching my bro, Marinette. What's wrong, little dude? Chris: (Chris starts crying) AH! I want it to be Christmas right now! Marinette: I have absolutely no idea where that came from. Alya: Okay, I guess we'd better get going. Bye, girl. (Marinette looks at the snow globe) Nino: See you at school tomorrow. Marinette: Yeah, bye Nino, see you soon Chris. (She closes her door)
Usually I see Nino and Alya salted on a few points regarding this:
They don’t tell their parents that they’re having Marinette babysit and are basically sneaking around behind their parents’ backs in order to go on dates. This one I really don’t get. It’s POSSIBLE, of course, but it’s not confirmed or even really implied. Alya and Nino DO appear to be the ones making arrangements here, but it’s not clear whether they ran those arrangements by their parents or not. It’s not even clear that they need to; the kids in ML seem to be fairly free-range, it’s reasonable that their parents may just trust Alya and Nino to make appropriate arrangements regarding babysitting for their younger siblings. I especially don’t see any element in these two exchanges to suggest that Marinette or Lila babysitting was in any way something they had to keep quiet about or weren’t allowed to do.
Marinette is too swamped to babysit so they shouldn’t have asked her. This one I can sort of see, but consider; they don’t know HOW swamped she is. They don’t know she’s Ladybug. They don’t know that she might have to leave at any moment to go fight akumas or sentimonsters, or that she needs to patrol or ANY of that. Alya might know about how busy she is with schoolwork and any commissions and extra stuff she decides to take on for one reason or another, but it’s not like these two times that she was asked to babysit happened during Gamer 2.0. She may not have been as busy during these two times. In fact, there’s good evidence that she WASN’T all that busy during Christmaster, which was the only time she actually ended up babysitting, since she had time to spend the rest of the day making Adrien’s 50th birthday gift, which isn’t exactly time-sensitive. Also in Timetagger when Marinette DID end up canceling babysitting on short notice because she was too swamped, Alya was completely cool with it.
They don’t pay Marinette for babysitting. Now for this one I’m going to need to bring up some other incidents. Because yes, there is no sign that money exchanged hands. But that’s because that’s not the currency here. I’m pretty sure Marinette did this as a favor - and not a one-sided favor. See, Marinette has her own little hellion that she’s regularly asked to babysit - Manon, Nadja’s daughter. But several times Alya has ended up either helping Marinette babysit her or taking over the babysitting entirely. Stormy Weather, for instance. 
Alya drops by Marinette’s house to tell her that Adrien’s having a photoshoot in the park, but discovers that Marinette is currently stuck babysitting as a favor to Nadja.
Manon: Uh, who's she? Marinette: Whoops! I forgot about this little detail. Alya: And who's she? Marinette: This is Manon, one of my mom's friends' daughters. I'm watching her all afternoon. (Gasps) Oh no! I can't go out! Alya: Let me guess. Another "you couldn't say no" favor? Marinette: No, I just couldn't... say... no... Alya: Look, no problem! I'll look after your little detail for you. (Manon runs off) Marinette: Thanks, but I'm responsible for her... Besides, I couldn't do that to you. She's... an absolute angel! (A crash is heard. Marinette screams and runs after Manon, who is carrying a pot and a spatula.) Manon! Put that down! Ugh! Come back! Alya: (Marinette continues to chase after Manon until Marinette and walks back to Alya and Manon continues to pull on her arm) You're just a pushover, Marinette. I have to babysit my sisters all the time, which makes me an expert in dealing with angels. Manon: Who are you, anyway? Alya: I'm a mythical unicorn from the world of Reespa, disguised as a totally fabulous human girl! I grant magical wishes, but only to little monkeys who behave! Manon: (laughs) No, you're not! ...Are you? (Alya grabs Manon in the air, and puts her on Marinette's shoulders.) Alya: Okay, let's all go to the park! Manon: Yay! Marinette: Okay!
When they go to the park and Marinette’s conflicted, wanting to try to get closer to Adrien but not wanting to abandon Manon when SHE was the one who was asked to babysit, Alya helps out.
Alya: They need an extra to pose with Adrien! Marinette: What? Seriously? Manon: Is that boy your boyfriend? Marinette: What? No, I mean, yes? No! Alya: Go on! What are you waiting for? Marinette: But, what about Manon? Alya: (Alya wagging finger towards Marinette and hand gesturing her move aside) You take care of Prince Charming, and I'll take care of Miss Unicorn here. You don't know how to control her anyway. Manon: No way, Marinette's my babysitter! Alya: Trust me. Unicorns unite! Let's go to Rispa and find us some sad little village kids and grant those wishes! Yee-haw! Manon: Yee-haw!
Alya volunteers to look after her so that Marinette can do what she REALLY wants to do. She even ends up looking after Manon for quite awhile since Ladybug had to go fight Stormy Weather and Alya and Manon were trapped. Honestly it’s a REALLY good thing Alya came and was so up for babysitting, or when Stormy Weather arrived Marinette would’ve been up a creek, since she would’ve still needed to leave to take care of the akuma but wouldn’t have had anyone to look after Manon.
Then in Prime Queen, Marinette ended up calling Alya over to babysit for her on false pretenses since she’d accidentally agreed to babysit during the same period of time that she was supposed to be interviewed, but she couldn’t exactly TELL anyone that.
Alya Césaire: Super Manon to the rescue, woohoo! Manon: To the Eiffel Tower and beyond! Marinette: Glad you could make it last minute, Alya. Alya: Of course, it's way more fun watching your favorite superhero on TV with my favorite girls. Commentator: (Marinette watches the live broadcast on air and gulps anxiously.) When we return from commercial, Nadja Chamack will be joined by Ladybug and Cat Noir for an incredible, exclusive interview. Manon: (Points at Nadja on the monitor.) Mommy, there's mommy! Alya: Why can't I get an exclusive interview like that for my Ladyblog? (Sighs.) Marinette: (Stutters) Oh, I forgot to err, tell my bakery something. They're in the parents downstairs. Do you mind keeping an eye on Manon while I'm not here? Alya: Don't you mean tell your parents something in the bakery? Marinette: (Continues stuttering.) Err, right. Well, err, sometimes, it can take a while - they don't always understand even when I explain. Err, actually, it's not their fault, they... Alya: Marinette? Marinette: Yes? Alya: Go! Marinette: Right! (Marinette then leaves with running down the stairs and starts talking to Tikki.) Alya's such a good friend, I feel so guilty for inviting her over just so I can leave her with Manon - then again, Alya is Ladybug's biggest fan - she'd be crushed if her favorite superhero didn't turn up for her favorite TV show.
Alya was completely cool with coming over last-minute to watch the interview with Marinette, and even totally fine with Marinette ditching her, leaving her to watch over Manon. She was even pretty cool afterwards, even though Marinette was missing for a LONG time.
Marinette: (coming up the stairs) I'm so sorry Alya! I had no idea it would take so long to talk to my parents! Alya: (walks over to her) You won't believe it, I was taken hostage by a supervillain! Marinette: (faking surprise) What? You're kidding! Alya: No joke! You missed everything! Luckily, Ladybug saved me! Marinette: (smiles then hugs Alya) I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. Alya: (pats Marinette's head) No biggie, girl. But the next time we decide to spend an evening together, you're not allowed to go anywhere near your parents. Marinette: (laughs) Deal.
Alya’s fine with being called over last minute, even though she basically just got babysitting dumped on her. But she’s fine with it. She’s not upset or even annoyed about it.
In Puppeteer 2 Alya AGAIN volunteers to look after Manon, though that one’s not as prominent since she basically sets the whole thing up in the first place, knowing that this would probably be needed. She and Nino look after Manon (though not all that well) while Marinette tries to work up the nerve to talk to Adrien.
Marinette occasionally babysitting for Alya and Nino so they can go on dates just seems like an exchange of favors, since Alya has covered for her babysitting several times, and often are very short notice too. And when Marinette DOES need to say no, Alya’s cool with that too.
I understand why people might write fics where Marinette IS babysitting for Alya and Nino a lot even when sees struggling to keep up, where their parents DON’T know about the arrangement and are upset about it, where Alya guilts Marinette if she says no or implies that she can’t. It’s not totally out of the realm of what might be possible with their characterizations.
But don’t confuse Fanon for Canon and salt Alya and Nino for Fanon actions.
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softestpatton · 5 years
19, 18, and 8 with thvi please?
@girl-with-cat-eyes Requested “Tie Him Up.” “Strugglings Only Gonna Make It Worse, My Dear.” And “What Are You Doing To Him?!” With ThVi
Pairing: ThVi/Thomxiety
Warnings: Kidnapping, Restraints, Gags, Injuries, Predatory Characters, Slight Rape Mention, Slight Nudity
Summary: Thomas Finds Himself In A Pretty Sticky Situation When He Bumps Into A Gang Of Criminals Outside Of The Bar. The Criminals Tie Him Up, Gag Him, And Throw Him In The Back Of A Van. Thomas Tries His Best To Call Out For Help, But Hes Afraid That It Might Be Too Late For Him. Will Virgil Rescue His Boyfriend Before It’s Too Late? Read To Find Out. (Spoiler Alrert: He Totally Does)
Thomas Waved Goodbye To His Friends As He Walked Out Of The Bar. He Pulled His Phone Out Of His Pocket To Text His Boyfriend, Virgil.
Thomas The Dank Engine: Can You Come Pick Me Up From The Bar? [Sent At 6:45 PM]
Emo Nightmare 💜🖤: I’m On My Way. [Sent At 6:47 PM]
Thomas Put His Phone Back In His Pocket And Saw Some Creeps Checking Him Out. “Can I Help You?” He Asked, Trying To Be Polite. But Politeness Wasn’t Getting Him Anywhere.
The Men Smirked As They Approached Thomas. The Shorter Male Chuckled Nervously And Backed Away, Bumping Into Another Guy That He Assumed Was With The Criminals. “I-I’m So Sorry, Sir, I Didn’t See You— Hey!” He Cried Out In Pain As He Felt A Pair Of Strong Arms Holding His Wrists Behind His Back.
“Tie Him Up.” One Of The Men Commanded, And The Other Did As He Was Told.
Thomas Struggled In The Mans Grasp, Trying To Break Free, But No Avail. “Strugglings Only Gonna Make It Worse, My Dear.” One Of The Criminals Chuckled.
“Look, I-I Don’t Know What You Creeps Want, But You Better Let Me Go..” Thomas Said, Trying To Show These Men That He Wasn’t Afraid Of Them.
One Of The Criminals Chuckled And Pulled Out A Roll Of Duct Tape. “Oh Dear.. We Just Want You.”
Before Thomas Could Say Anything, He Felt A Rag Being Shoved In His Mouth. He Couched And Tried To Push It Out With His Tongue, But One Of The Men Wrapped Duct Tape Around His Mouth So The Rag Would Stay In.
One Of The Other Men Threw Thomas Into The Back Of A Van And Got In After Him, Tying His Ankles So He Wouldn’t Run Away.
The Shorter Male Squirmed And Kicked The Criminal In The Nose, Looking Around The Van As He Whimpered Softly.
The Rest Of The Criminals Got In The Van And Drove Off As Thomas Screamed For Help.
The Criminals Took Thomas Out Of The Van And Carried Him Into An Abandoned Warehouse.
Thomas Whimpered Softly As He Looked Around. The Thought Of What These Men Were Going To Do To Him Made Him Scared.
One Of The Men Sat Thomas Down And Tied Him To A Chair, The Rope Making Thomas’ Skin Turn Red.
“Ungag Him.” One Of The Men Said, And The Other Did As Told.
Thomas Coughed As The Gag Was Removed. He Looked At The Men With Fear In His Eyes. “Please Let Me Go.. Please... I Swear, I Won’t Call The Police.. I-I’ll Do Whatever You Want, Just Let Me Go..” He Begged. “Can I At Least Make A Phonecall? Please?”
“You Have A Phone On You, Pretty Boy?” One Of The Criminals Asked. Thomas Quickly Nodded In Response. “I-It’s In My Pocket..” He Stuttered.
One Of The Men Reached Into Thomas’ Pocket And Grabbed His Phone, Looking In His Contacts. “Is This Your Boyfriend?” He Asked, Pointing At One Of The Contacts.
The Shorter Male Nodded Again. “Y-Yes.. Can I Call Him? Please?” He Asked. The Man Nodded And Pressed The Call Button, Holding The Phone Up To Thomas’ Ear.
“Thomas, I’m At The Bar And I Don’t See You Anywhere. Where Are You?” Virgil Said On The Other End, Clearly Worried About His Boyfriends Whereabouts.
“Virgil, You Have To Help Me.. I’ve Been Kidnapped By These Criminals... T-They Tied Me Up, And Took Me Into This Abandoned Warehouse And I Don’t Know What They’re Gonna Do To Me..” Thomas Explained, His Eyes Beginning To Tear Up. “Please, You Have To Come Help Me.. I’m Scared...”
“Let Me Talk To Them.” Virgil Growled On The Other End. The Man Put Thomas’ Phone On Speaker And Chuckled Darkly. “You Wanted To Talk To Us?”
“What Are You Doing To Him?!” Virgil Yelled, Clearly Pissed Off As The Criminals Heard Him Walking Out Of The Bar.
“Oh, Don’t Worry, Virgil. Your Little Boyfriend Is Safe.. For Now.” The Other Criminal Said. “Virgil, You Need To Get Here, Please! I’m Scared And I Don’t Know What They’re Gonna Do To Me!” Thomas Cried.
“Thomas, Listen To Me.. It’s Gonna Be Okay, Baby. I’m Coming To Get You. Just Stay Calm, Okay?” Virgil Reassured His Boyfriend.
“Okay... I-I Love You..” The Shorter Male Choked Out. “I Love You Too, Sweetheart.” Virgil Said As The Call Ended.
One Of The Men Shoved Thomas’ Phone Back Into The Males Pocket And Gagged Him Again. Thomas Whimpered Softly And Sniffled, Afraid Of What These Men Would Do To Him.
He Felt The Ropes From The Chair Come Undone And Struggled As He Was Thrown Onto An Old Matress That Was On The Floor.
The Shorter Male Shook His Head And Let Out Muffled Protests As One Of The Men Started To Grope And Fondle Him. He Struggled And Started To Cry As He Felt A Hand Go Down His Pants.
Much Later
Virgil Arrived At The Warehouse With Some Police Officers That He Called Ahead Of Time Just Incase Things Got Out Of Hand. He Got Out Of The Car And Walked Inside, Searching For His Boyfriend. “Thomas? Thomas, Where Are You?” He Called.
His Eyes Widened When He Heard Crying And He Ran To Where The Noise Was Coming From. And What Virgil Saw Made Him Sick To His Stomach.
Thomas Was Bound And Gagged With His Pants Undone, Hickeys And Bitemarks Were All Over His Neck, Some Of Them Were So Bad That They Made Thomas Bleed.
The Taller Male Kneeled Down In Front Of Thomas And Helped Him Sit Up On The Matress, Wiping The Tears Off Of His Face.
“Shh, It’s Okay, Baby, It’s Okay..” He Placed A Gentle Peck Onto His Boyfriends Forehead As He Untied Him And Took The Gag Out Of His Mouth, Hearing Thomas Cough And Let Out A Strangled Sob. “Don’t Cry, Don’t Cry, It’s Okay.. It’s All Gonna Be Over Soon...”
Thomas’ Body Was Shaking Like A Leaf As He Hugged His Boyfriend Tightly. “I’m Scared...” He Choked Out.
“Shh, I Know, Baby, I Know... I Know You’re Scared.. It’s Gonna Be Okay..” Virgil Helped Thomas Put His Pants Back On And Pulled Him Up On His Feet.
“The Police Are Outside. They’re Gonna Arrest The Scumbags That Did This To You, Okay?” He Held His Boyfriend Princess Style And Carried Him Outside.
The Shorter Male Held Onto Virgil Tightly, Whimpering Softly In His Arms As The Police Went Inside To Search For The Criminals.
Once The Criminals We’re Found, They Were Arrested For Kidnapping And Rape.
Later On That Evening
Once Thomas Was Home, He Was Carried Into The Bathroom By His Boyfriend, Virgil, Who Gave Him A Nice Warm Bath.
After Thomas Was All Cleaned Up, He Changed Into One Of Virgils Oversized Band T-Shirts And They Were Both Snuggled Up Together On The Bed.
Virgil Gently Ran His Fingers Through Thomas’ Hair To Help Him Fall Asleep.
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jjpmoans · 5 years
Broken - Part 4
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Love, as crazy as it sounds, really blinds people. You can see people blindly falling in love, ignoring those who really love them, falling for someone whom, they have sworn they will never fall for. Love, for Jinyoung is to watch his girl happy, even if it means it’s not him. Even if means it’s not Jinyoung who get to whisper sweet things. It’s not Jinyoung who can hold her hands. It’s not Jinyoung who’ll be laying down with her on her bed, talking countless of things. It’s not him that she’ll wake up to. It’s not him, who has her heart.
Genre: angst / romance
Inspired song : Heartbreak Girl by 5 Seconds of Summer
Character : Park Jinyoung x female reader
Word counts : 2k+ words
If you’ve seen the announcement, you’ll know that this is basically my first GOT7 fanfic which was posted on Amino. I apologise for the cringiness and all. I hope you enjoy the content! This is totally unedited (except for the grammar) but I’ll edit the Epilogue because that one was kind of bad. Anyways, enjoy!
Broken will be posted every Wednesday at 8pm MYT starting 21st August.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [Final] |
I know someday it's gonna happen And you'll finally forget the day you met him
____________________________________ "What are you and the boys doing tonight?" she asks as soon as she takes a sit next to Jinyoung. Jinyoung puts down the book he is holding and watch her looking at him intently. She is all smiling, her face. And there're no more dark circles right under her eyes. And no more pale face which Jinyoung suspects from lack of eating. She looks healthy. And happier. It has been three months from the last crying phonecall. The day she met Jin, Jinyoung followed her without her knowing. She really brought Youngjae with her. Jinyoung did not know what help would Youngjae contribute when she brought him— honestly Jinyoung was much better option. Or maybe not. She could take Mark instead. He got a better punch. He saw her talking face to face with Jin. And Youngjae just stood next to her so lifeless that Jinyoung even questioned if he's breathing or not. But his annoyed face was there— so he's definitely breathing. Like Jinyoung, the rest of GOT7 hate Jin and his friends — except for Yugyeom because apparently he has a friend in their circle. Well hate is a strong word,  maybe they dislike them because Jin and his friends are very good at breaking girls heart. But for Jinyoung, hate is the weakest word he could picture about Jin. He was raging and any curse word would not be enough. When he saw both of them talking and Jin was like smirking the whole time, it took his every ounce of patience not to barge inside the cafe and strangle the latter. How does she doesn't even slap him? When they finally finished talking, she had this calm face which Jinyoung recognised as you-cannot-cry-wait-until-you-got-home face. He sighed, of course he would be receiving another crying phone call tonight. While his thoughts were running through options to console her tonight, to his surprise, his phone started ringing inside his pocket. Then he realised that she was already calling him the moment she stepped out of the door. He fished his phone out and went for the green button where she spoke into the speaker furiously, "I don't know what's wrong with me BUT HOW DO I LIKE THOSE TYPE OF ARROGANT FUCKBOY?" she screamed into the phone. Jinyoung could clearly saw the horror in Youngjae's face when she screamed and kicked the flower pot outside the cafe when he chuckled at her response. "Well, I think that calls for some karaoke and food?" he suggested. "Call me in. And bring Jackson. I need his energy. And Yugyeom too. And Bambam—" "You should just say bring the whole GOT7. I think that is a less longer sentence." Youngjae cut in. "Whatever." she replies nonchalantly. "Jinyoung." she called him assure that he was still there. “I'm here, darling. Why?" he replied. “I'm such a stupid girl." she confessed. He laughed. Finally, his girl was back. "You are my stupid girl. Get out of that cafe and meet me at the field." "Jinyoung." she calls. "Yes?" "You are not answering me. What are you guys doing tonight?" Jinyoung widens his eyes, cursing himself for spacing out. He lets out a laugh and reply to her, "I think Youngjae has a date with Coco. Jaebum is up for a test. Jackson has a group discussion. Yugyeom and Bam— i don't remember." She hums, taking in every information he just told her. Once she registered all of them, she turns to him again with questioning eyes. "What are you doing tonight?" she emphasizes 'you' in her sentence. Jinyoung leans his head on top of the couch, he gives her a side glance before turning to her. "Well, apart from being alone in this house, I don't have anything else. Maybe a book date. What's up?" he asks. She takes a good stare at Jinyoung's face, thinking why hasn't she realise that Jinyoung is so handsome? She has been friend with him for years now— middle school to college. She even befriend his friends, the GOT7. But she never sets her eyes on him. Partly because she never take a good look at Jinyoung or maybe because if she did stare at him, she would not stare like a girl staring at her crush. But this moment she is staring at him, she couldn't help but to adore his look. She lets her eyes rake his whole face. His whisker smile, his thick eyebrows. His lips. His pointy ears. His black hair hanging just right on his forehead. Being friend with Jinyoung from middle school means she have gone through so much hairstyles Jinyoung put up on his head. But this hairstyle look so mature. It fits him so much that he looks so— boyfriend. "If you are going to stare at me for a longer time, I might think you are actually considering to make me your new boyfriend." he speaks. She jumps at his sudden intrudes but she laughs it away. "I just realises that you are handsome." she says honestly. Jinyoung and her has no secret to be honest. She is always talking her thoughts out. Like she thought that Jackson has a sexy body or that Jinyoung has a great peachy ass. She just blurt it out. "Do you say that to every single boy you are going to date? Because that works." he winks. If she doesn't know Jinyoung, she will think that he's really agreeing to a date. "No. Really Jinyoung. You are handsome. How come I never see you so handsome?" "Took you long enough to realise that." he flips his hair in cockiness. She laughs, agreed that it really took her long to realise that. "Obviously you are blind because don't you see how many girls are eyeing me in the field I was reading? It's disturbing." he complains. She did saw them. But she thought they were eyeing Jinyoung because he is reading. Well— in their college, it's hard to see a boy reading under a tree, his concentration is fully on the book. It's just new and interesting. "I saw them okay. I thought they just thought you are weird — which is true," she receives a slap from Jinyoung which she laughs even louder. "But I never see you the same way. At least not until now." she confesses. Really, it feels like suddenly, Jinyoung looks so perfect in her eyes. Call her stupid but she thinks that Jinyoung should be her first boyfriend. "You don't flatter me honey. Tell me what's up in your sleeves. I am not giving in to any of your antics. What do you want from me?" he asks curiously. She can't blame him though. He lives with 6 other boys who are always nice when they want something. If GOT7 are acting nice to you, please check your purse or credit card. They might already use up all your allowance. "Let's go on a date tonight." she says. Jinyoung blinks. He study her face carefully to find any prank she's pulling off. None. "Jinyoung." she snaps him from his trance. "What?" She moves forward to side hug Jinyoung and look at him expectantly. "Let's go on a date. I think it's been too long since we last went out together," so it's true. She's asking him out. A friend date but there's nothing happier for Jinyoung than going out with her. "Where do you want to go?" he asks softly. His hand reaches to fix her hair which has been a mess since she drops her head on the couch. "Anywhere with you." she replies. Her eyes show too much sincerity and reflects the happiness she is having, Jinyoung has no clue how swell his heart is by looking at her. God. He loves her so much. ________________________________________
Sometimes you're so close to your confession, I gotta get it through your head That you belong with me instead.
________________________________________ It's already September. One year from her breakup. Both of them are back being glued together, everyday and everywhere. 
Wherever she is, Jinyoung will be there. They are the talk of the college to be honest. There is even an unspoken rule where only she can end up with Jinyoung. If there is anyone who Jinyoung will date, it will be her. 
That is not really a concern for Jinyoung. It's true and he secretly thanked the crowd to rule this one because that stops all the girls eyeing him during his book date which irritate him to death. "Oh look! The campus couple." Yugyeom exclaims as he walk in the house and see both Jinyoung and his girl cuddling up on the couch, her head on his chest, scrolling her phone while there's a book in Jinyoung's hand. Both of them stops the job at their hand to look at the youngest housemate. "What brings you to disturb us at this holy time?" he ignores his greeting and asks him straight. "If this can ease you, there are 5 more people coming in—" the front door is greeted with boys noises, "— right now." he finishes his sentence. "Heyyy lovebirds." Jaebum comes in. "Yoooo campus hotties." Mark greets with plastic bags in his hands. "Why do you guys come home so early?" Jinyoung asks curiously. "The meeting is cancelled because the president wanted to see you, but you didn't come. So she lets us go." Jaebum says. "Wuhhhhh hi Jinyoung hyung and Jinyoung hyung's girlfriend." Bambam walks through the door, stumbling over the shoes. "That's kinda creepy. She calls the meeting off just because Jinyoung is not there? What is the meeting for? To meet Jinyoung?" she asks. "You!" Jackson exclaims as he struggles with the plastic bags. "Get off Jinyoung's chest! It's mine!" hearing that, she quickly tries to scramble off Jinyoung's chest when she feel his hand pushing her closer, not wanting her getting off him. "Stop scaring her." Jinyoung's voices rumbles through his lung. "Apparently, yes." Jaebum replies. "But it's good anyways. We got to restock the food." "Ohh. Hi soulmates. What are you guys doing?" Youngjae is the last one to walk through the door. He takes a seat on the nearest couch while Jaebum on his left and the others shuffling in the kitchen to organize the groceries they just bought. "You know about that 'When 40 people tell you the same thing, it might gonna happen' quote?" she asks. The rest of the boys nods, familiar with the quote. "If you guys make another 34 people call us campus couple. I'm not surprise if we really end up couple." she laughs. Of course they always tease them both about the campus couple. But she knows them enough not to take their words to heart. She's the only one who probably doesn't stoned when she said those words. Because apparently everyone stiffen and take a good look at Jinyoung. He himself is stoned when she said that casually. Yugyeom is the one who breaks the silence by laughing. "You guys aren't an item yet? Come on. Date already." Everyone knows Jinyoung likes her. But she's just too dense to sense. "I don't want to." Another silence surround them. This time, Jinyoung's heart drops at her reply. "If anything happens and we end up apart, I don't know how I can live without Jinyoung." she explains. The whole house echoes with awwws and hoots until she feel herself burning with embarrassment and hide her face in Jinyoung's chest. He laughs, hugging her tightly to his chest so that the boys cannot see her face. "I would never leave you. If that's what you are afraid of." Jinyoung states. "Ai wuvv myum pweas wow weave mwe," She mumbles incoherent words from his chest, which Jinyoung manages to catch as 'I love you please don't leave me.' His breath hitches, his heart thumping wildly at her mumble. Is that a confession? "What did you just say?" he detaches her from his chest. Her face is red which he assumes as an aftermath of embarrassment. When she opens her mouth to reply, disappointment greets him again. "Please don't leave me." "You look awful," Bambam greets him in the morning. He wakes up early and tiptoes toward the kitchen to be greeted by a messy Jinyoung. His hair is sticking out in every direction and his face look completely blank. "Thank you. That's so not obvious." he replies sarcastically. A verbal sigh escapes his lips and he shoves another glass of milk down his throat. "I certainly don't know what is your problem but there is a reason why that white thing is called milk." Jinyoung stares blankly at Bambam who tries to peel the glass of his fingers. "You don't drink milk in one shot. IN A HIGH GLASS NOT TO MENTION." he shrieks. "So I'd be forgiven if I drink milk in a vodka glass shot?" Jinyoung asks. Bambam grabs the milk carton and narrows his eyes to the older brother. "Drinking milk in one shot is not forgiven no matter how small the glass is." "You are going to stress him out. Stop that Bam." Mark walks toward the kitchen to join the two younger brothers. Bambam passes the glass and milk carton for Mark, not forgetting to glare at Jinyoung. "She's not awake yet?" Mark asks, sipping the milk. Jinyoung slides his eyes to the couch, where he sleeps with her last night. She's still there, cheeks pressed to the pillow and a blanket all over her body. "No. She's not a morning person." Jinyoung replies. "Tell me what's wrong with him." Bambam asks. "This morning he drank the milk in one shot using a normal glass. He could have died. Tell me I'm hallucinating." he whispers. "If this can assure you, I can hear clearly what you said to Mark hyung. You don't have to whisper." Jinyoung states flatly. Mark laughs at his blunt reply as Bambam tries to counter back. "I didn't whisper for you. I whispered because I want to." "Don't you think it's time to let her know that you loves her?" Mark cuts in. Jinyoung is staring holes at the couch and if stare can burn, the couch will be on fire. "I don't think she ever need to know." Jinyoung replies. He is afraid of everything. What if their friendship go down the drain because of his confession? "Why not?" Bambam asks. It actually irritate all of them with Jinyoung's persistence not to let her know about his feelings. He had been in love with her for years. But she irritates them even more. How can she be with Jinyoung but so dense to see that he loves her? "What if she doesn't love me? What if our friendship go down? What if she decides to hate me because I've been hiding it for so long and it disgust her?" Jinyoung's thoughts go out like a bullet train. It scares him to think that one day, she'll hate him. "Did she?" Three of them turn to the voice. Jaebum is standing by the fridge, arms crossed. "What?" Jinyoung asks. Jaebum tilts his head toward the girl sleeping on the couch. "Did she ever say that?" Jinyoung scoff. "Of course not. She—" "Then why are you assuming so much?" Jaebum's question throws him off guard. He never had an answer for that. "If she never said anything, then why are you assuming? Who are you to assume her actions?" Jaebum attacks. Honestly it irks him. And he wants both of them to get together. Certainly Jinyoung must make a move of he'll be stuck in the friendzone again. "But—" "Jaebum is right. Bring her out on date or spend your whole life drinking milk in one shot." Mark says. His threat seems ridiculous but Jinyoung knows too well that he's gonna stuck his whole life drinking milk in one shot if he doesn't try anytime soon. "Actually. I don't recommend drinking milk in one shot." Bambam tries to cut in. "It is certainly unhealthy. So please bring her out on a date." "We can help you plan if you want." Jackson says, coming out behind the wall, grinning while Yugyeom trails behind him sleepily. "You? Planning a date? No way. I'd rather Jinyoung hyung stucked drinking milk his whole life." Youngjae replies, emerging from under the counter. "How on earth do you appear from there?" Bambam shrieks when Youngjae appears. "You need to be more focus. Like right now." Youngjae signals Bambam to turn his head towards Jinyoung. He turns to see Jinyoung is already inhaling the milk, again finishing it completely in one shot. "Holy shit." Bambam, Jackson and Yugyeom exclaim. "He should be drunk by now." Jaebum laughs. He indeed look drunk. But his eyes are shooting heart and love as he watches his favorite person shifting under the blanket, rubbing her cheeks to feel the warmth of the pillow. ____________________________________________
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [Final] |
All rights reserved © jinyoungmoans
Posted on 18th September 2019, 8.30 pm MYT
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seokkgenie · 6 years
Number 4 and taehyung pleasee 💖
“I thought things were going great.” + college boyfriend Taehyung
If someone who knew you asked you why you were sleeping inyour boyfriend’s room, on his bed, for the second night in a row when he wasn’teven at home, you would tell them to fuck right off. How could you explain tothem that you were tired of being ignored by him all week, all texts answeredwith one word responses, phone calls shorter than ten seconds each. No onewould understand that the desperate need to understand the reason for hissudden one eighty degree personality change had you knocking on his door, beinglet in by his roommate and sleeping on his uncomfortable, lumpy single bed insteadof  your own soft, fluffy double bed.
You got up, tired of worrying alone and went to the livingroom. His roommate was watching TV whilst texting someone on her phone.
“Hey, Hana.” You greeted her before plopping down besideher. She put her phone down, biting her lower lip nervously.
“Hey, Taehyung still giving you the third degree?” sheasked, empathetically.
You nodded, “Ithought things were going great.” You lamented, “But, the last week has beenhorrible. It’s like he doesn’t care anymore.”
“I’m sure he’s just busy or something.” She said, offering asmall smile. “I’m really sorry, but I have plans tonight. I need to go rightnow.”
“It’s like 11 pm.” You stated, frowning.
“Yeah…” she hesitated, “It’s a party.”
You nodded, relaxing in your seat and crossing your legs. Itwas a Wednesday and she wasn’t the kind of person who would go to a late nightparty on a weekday. But, you didn’t want to pry into her personal life. She walkedout the door after giving you a meaningful glance. “Have fun!”
You decided to wait for a few more minutes, and youengrossed yourself into the trashy reality Tv that was playing the living roomwhen the door opened again.
The familiar dark haired boy walked in, his sun kissed skingleaming in the bright lights of the apartment.
He looked at you, and instead of smiling his cheeky grinlike usual, he frowned, “What are you doing here?”
“I…” you were a little taken aback by his attitude, butcleared you throat and continued, “I was just waiting for you.”
“I thought I told you I was busy.” He said, putting his bagdown and staring at you.
“Yeah, but you’ve been so distant lately that I was worried…..”your eyes wavered nervously.
“You should learn to take a hint.’ He said, sighing. “Andmaybe stop being so damn clingy.”
“Taehyung!” you yelled, quickly livid with anger, “How canyou say that to me after everything that we’ve been through?”
He didn’t reply. You saw his features soften a little forjust a millisecond before becoming stiff as a stone again.
“I give you all the space that you need, I don’t complain whenyou can only meet me once a week because of practice, I never come overunannounced. Imagine how worried I must have been to show up like this in themiddle of the night!” Small circlets of tears began to pool in your eyes, andyou rubbed at them as they fell onto your cheeks.
He crossed his arms across his chest, “I think you shouldleave.”
You stared at him, before making a decision, “If I do, I’mnever coming back.”
He looked away from you and at the floor, and you nodded, “I’mnever coming back to you. We’re done.”
As you brushed past him, walking out the door, he didn’t eventry to stop you. In just a week, your Taehyung seemed like a completely differentperson, one who didn’t love you anymore, one who didn’t give enough fucks toeven try and resolve whatever issue that he might have had with you. You were angry,frustrated and more than that, you felt betrayed and sad. You rubbed at your eyes as you made your wayinto the park nearby, sitting on a bench and reminiscing bitterly about the events ofthe week.
About an hour later you get a phonecall from Taehyung, butyou refused to pick it up. He sent messages, but you refused to read it. Thecalls and texts never stop, disturbing what you hoped could be silent moments inthe dark. You look at your phone again, and checked the time . 12:04 am. Youchuckled to yourself, almost like a madwoman, “Happy fucking Birthday, y/n.”you said.
There was another phonecall, this time from Hana. As soon asyou picked it up, she yelled, “Hello? Are you okay? We’ve been worried sick!Where the fuck are you?”
You were beyond confused, wondering if this was a drunkcall. “Hana? I’m okay. What happened?”
“You need to come here right now!” she said, her loud voicemaking you wince.
“Where?” you asked, worried about her.
“The apartment.” She replied.
Wasn’t she at a party? Maybe something went wrong? But, you couldn’tgo back there. Taehyung would be there, and you weren’t prepared to face him sosoon.
“I don’t think I can-“
“You have to!” she screamed, “It’s an emergency!” thedesperation was all too evident in her tone and you found yourself making yourway back towards their home, the fear of what might have happened over ridingyour fear of seeing Taehyung.
You braced yourself outside the door, breathing in deeplyand letting it out, turning the knob. The apartment was dark, and as soon asyou called out, “Hana?” the lights came on. You jumped back, startled at the figuresjumping up, yelling, “Happy Birthday!”
You blinked a few times, wondering what was happening. You lookedaround, spotting familiar faces. Hana, Jimin, Namjoon. Before you could sayanything, Taehyung ran towards you, enveloping you in his arms with so muchforce that you stumbled back. His hands were around your waist, his face buried inyour neck, “I was so worried! Holy fuck, I’m so sorry!”
“W-what?” you managed to ask, taken aback.
Namjoon came upto you with a dimpled smile, “Surprise!”
Taehyung let you go, and you looked around again, realizingthat this was your surprise birthday party.
Namjoon shook his head looking at the expression on yourface and then at Taehyung’s tense form. “You’re an idiot, Taehyung.” He stated,“When we said send her out of the apartment for an hour, we didn’t mean fightwith her!”
“I know!” Taehyung replied, “I wasn’t thinking straight!”
He took your hand in his, “I didn’t mean any of that! I wasjust pretending to be angry.”
Internally, you heaved a sigh of relief, his actions suddenlymaking sense. You had to give him credit for his acting skills and for havingthe patience keep up the front for a week.  “You were being an asshole.” You stated.
“I’m sorry!” he sounded desperately sorry. “This was astupid plan. I didn’t even realize how flawed it really was.”
You suppressed a smile seeing his pout, then said, “I can’t believeyou got Hana involved in your nonsense.”
Hana laughed, looking at you, muttering a brief apology.
Taehyung frowned, worry etched on his face, “y/n, please.Forgive me. I swear I didn’t mean anything that I said. You’re the bestgirlfriend and if anyone is clingy in this relationship, it’s me!”
You chuckled, thinking back to the times when Taehyungrefused to let go of you as he back hugged you as you tried to cook, or thetime he refused to leave your hand even when you insisted that you needed bothhands to drive.
He looked like he was about to cry, and you couldn’t helpbut hug him, putting your arms around his neck. “I know, idiot.” He relaxedunder your embrace and put his arms around you. “I forgive you.”
You mumbled into his ear, still holding him, “But Tae,please, no more surprises.”
He chuckled, his deep voice rumbling as his body shook withjoy, “Deal, babe.”
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tinydaegugang · 7 years
When you awake
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Pairing: Min Yoongi | reader
Genre: a lot of angst and some fluff
Word count:  2043
‘Y/N lost her partner in crime, her best friend. The loneliness eating away at her sanity, making her feel crazy. Nothing last forever, and Y/N found that out in the cruelest way possible. How will Y/N get through this?’
Part 1.2 - The visit 
You let out a little chuckle, thinking about the messages yoongi had left you. It had been so long since you’d seen him. Getting one of his hugs. It was weird not being able to meet him everyday, going outside to eat, having sleepovers and movie nights weekend after weekend. At times it made you feel lost, like a big part of you were missing. But you knew it was necessarily, yoongi needed to go. He felt lost more than any other, and this trip might have helped him find himself.
Yoongi had been abroad for three weeks this summer, visiting his biological parents. It had taken toll on him, broken him down. He was able to find out who his biological parents were form the age of 18, but he didn’t mutter up the courage before now, at the age of 21. You understood why it was hard a for him. Through his childhood he had been in and out of foster homes, finding it hard to accept himself. You would imagine what he felt from time to time, making scenarios in your head. You’d imagine bonding with a person or a pet, and after a while, it would get taken away from you, or leave you. Only to be replaced by a new person or pet. The more you thought into it, a growing sadness would overcome you. Sometimes you would cry, because in your mind, a guy like Yoongi deserved better than that.
You though back at his trip, It was hard to keep contact when he was on his visit with the time difference, but you would either stay up late to face time with him, or have you phone on sound so he could reach you. You knew that times like these would be hard for Yoongi, that he would need a friend. You remembered the night he had met his younger brother, how broken he was. His younger brother had come to visit his parents and him from college. It came to him as a surprise, Yoongis parents had never mentioned his younger brother. They wanted to surprise Yoongi, but it backfired. Sending Yoongi into a spiraling hell. Questioning himself, why wasn’t he good enough? Why didn’t they keep him? You were sitting comfortably in your bed ready for sleep. You’d had a long shift that night, filling inn for you colleague. As your slumber slowly crept in, you jumped as a familiar tone rang through the room.
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You sighed, a growing feeling of sorrow overwhelmed you. You’d grown up with Yoongi, at times he thinks he’s the master for disguising his feelings, but at the end of the day nobody knew him better than you. Through a couple of words, you could feels his pain and suffering. You imagined how he was cooping with all of this, and all you longed for, was to hold him and support him. You choked on a silent sob, trying to push the thoughts away. The only thing that was important now was that you supported him, and you couldn’t do that, if you weren’t the cheery fluff ball he knew. You sat an early alarm on, so you could wake up early, ready for Yoongis call. As soon as you put down your phone, you felt you eyelids grow heavy. Soon you found yourself in deep sleep.
You found yourself in an abandoned alley. You felt a sens of dread creeping in the back of your mind. You didn’t understand this irrational fear, but started to run. At the end of the ally you could see a figure. To you surprise rather than terrifying you, it made you feel safe. So you kept running and running, you kept your eyes on the figure in the distance. The closer you got to it, the farther away it got. It was impossible. Your focus was glued to the figure, until it screamed out. ‘Y/N watch out!’ You realized who it was, rather who he was. But before you could even respond, a blinding light caught you off guard. The sound of screeching roared through the alleyway. You turned around, but it was too late. You body collided with a hard a hard surface, knocking the wind out of you. Flying through the air, it felt like hours before your body ‘finally’ hit the ground, sending you to your untimely demise. The figured rushed by your side. ‘Y/N I’m here! Stay with me’. you could only utter a short whimper, before everything went black.
 With a gasp, you found yourself in your room. Covered in sweat, you tried to calm your breath down. ‘It was only a nightmare’ repeated itself through your mind, comforting yourself. You have woken up an hour before your alarm would go off, and there was no way you would be able to fall asleep after this. Stressful times would often eat away at you, making you especially prone to nightmares. It didn’t come to you as a surprise that you would have nightmares like these, when you worried so much about Yoongis well being.
An hour came and went, you felt a itching in your fingers, as you impatiently poked away at you phone. Your room felt cold, and the only thing you waited for was your one of your only forms of happiness to shine a light in your darkness. It didn’t matter if he would complain or be angry, as long as you heard his voice. Some form of confirmation that he was okay, and if he wasn’t okay, you would do your best to get him back at his feet. Trapped in your own thoughts, the silence in the room was abruptly cut off by one of your favorite songs. It played through the room, almost lighting up the once dark and cold area. You knew who it was. You fumble with your phone, clumsily accepting the call. “Geez lil’ fluff, calm down there, it’s only me!” You heard the familiar chuckle on the other line. “I forgot i had the phone in my hand okay! Why aren’t we face timing?” He paused at your question. “Good question. I’ll turn it on now.” He laughed for himself. Him gruff laughter instantly put a smile on your face, but faded as soon as you saw his face. He was paler and skinnier than ever, huge bags under his eyes. His hair once pink and shine, hand now become a matted clump on his head. He was not in good shape to say at least. He could see you brows furrow. “Hey smols, what’s wrong.” You could hear the nervousness in his voice. “Yoongi…I’m just worried about you, and to be honest, you look like shit right now.” “yeah yeah, i know.” He hated to get lectured by you, especially when you were right. “So…”Nervous for his reply, you scratch the nape of your neck.”How are you? Is your brother nice?” You swallowed, it was hard for you to tip toe around the subject, and probably harder for Yoongi to answer. But you wanted him to know that he could talk to you about these situations, and it was most likely necessarily for him to talk about this. For him to digest the situation.
After a long pause, he sighed, trying to into words how he felt. Yoongi wasn’t a guy that easily talked about his feelings, but you could see he was about to have a breakdown. At the way he rubbed his eyes and tugged at his hair, he wasn’t only frustrated, but deeply heartbroken.
“My brother is honestly very nice.” His voice croaked, “I just…I’m so confused. He’s only two years younger than me.” Yoongi paused, but you let him go on. You didn’t want to interrupt. “I’m just so confused Y/N! i would get it if he was like fiver of seven years younger than me, but fuckin’ hell man. He’s only two years younger? Why would they give me away, if they would have another child two years after? Am i not good enough?!” You could see the tears in his eyes, his voice cracking up. It broke your heart to see someone so strong and brave, be broken down. To question his value like that, sent a painful sting through your chest.
Thinking deeply of how to reply, you breathed in. “Yoongi, I know it’s hard. You are so strong and brave, i can’t imagine what you’re going through. But maybe it’s not about you not being good enough…maybe they got pregnant again, and the pain and guilt of giving you up, was something they couldn’t live through again? Maybe you meant so much to them, that the though of loosing another child would kill them.” You could see him calm down, and decided to keep going. “we both know giving up a child is a very hard decision, Yoongi…maybe they just couldn’t bare the process again?” a weak smile appeared on his face.”Yeah, you’re right Y/N. You’re so smart.” He let out a chuckle, wiping away his tears. “Don’t misunderstand me Yoongi, this doesn’t dismiss you’re feelings, you have every right to feel the way you feel! Hell, you are one of the strongest guys out there. Dealing with this shit, and still being able to talk about it. You have all right to feel what you feel, but it doesn’t mean that you deserve it. It doesn’t make you any less of a person for feeling this way.” You paused pointing at the camera, “because you, Min Yoongi, are the strongest man i know, and the strongest man alive.” And at this, the once broken man, smiled from ear to ear. His gummy smile was the most beautiful smile in the world, and there was nothing more you cherished than what you saw on you phonescreen right now. “thank you so much Y/N, for some odd reason you always seems to know what to say in situations like these. It’s getting kind of late so i need to sleep soon. But I’ll promise I’ll text you when i wake up!”
Yoongi tried to and the phonecall there, but you ended up talking for another hour. Laughing and singing together, showing each other stupid memes. You could see him drifting away, but before he fell asleep you were able to ask one more question. “When you come home, we still have some weeks left of the summer vacation. Maybe we could go on a roadtrip to Seoul?” He grinned at you question. “Hell yeah, we can go where ever you want”. He muttered. You could see his eyes slowly shutting. “Y/N would you mind singing for me?” you chuckled at his request. “you know I love your singing.” He tried to pout, but his sleepy face only made you laugh. Into the phone you sang one of his favorite songs, loser by Big Bang, and soon he was seep asleep.
Thinking back at it now, you felt like it was a healthy experience for Yoongi, something he could grow from. He had a minor setback when he arrived back home, so you had to postpone your roadtrip. But he was now picking you up in an hour. You gleefully got ready for your long awaited roadtrip. This would be the best end to your summer vacation, you thought to yourself.  
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smilingnct · 7 years
I’ll Give Up Everything For You - TEN  ( part 01 )
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“Morning princess.” Ten kissed your temples.
You smiled as you nuzzled against him and took in a deep breathe. God how much you wished you could stay in this moment forever. Ten wrapped his arms around your torso and hugged you close. 
“I don’t have any schedule’s today. let’s just stay like this forever.” right after he completed his sentence his phone rang.
He loosened his arms around you to reach out for his phone. you immediately frowned at the sudden coldness. you needed him. you needed his warmth.
“hello?....yes...yes okay...i understand.” He frowned and exhaled loudly right after the phonecall and rushed to your side to feel your warmth again.
“what’s wrong?” you looked up to meet his disappointed eyes.
“manager-nim just called and he said it was something important. the director of the company wanted to speak to me. but who cares let’s cuddleee~~” ten ran into your embrace.
“ten! no! if it’s important you’ve gotta go!” you pushed him away.
“everything can wait when im with you.” he muttered sweetly closing his eyes wanting to fall asleep again.
“fine i’ll go shower then. no more cuddles.” you warned and sat up.
“bu-but that’s not fair.” Ten pouted.
“nope your pouts are not gonna work.” you wriggled your finger.
“urgh. fine. but when im back, im gonna get what i want.” ten annoyingly stood up to prepare for his leave.
you smiled and walked him to the door. he doesn't live in your apartment because your relationship was a secret but he always make sure to visit. you guys were madly in love with each other and nothing could come in between your relationship.
you tip-toed to reach his height and planted a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“have a good day at work babe.” you gave him a tight hug.
“urgh bye.” he rolled his eyes and walked out.
“that was unnecessary...” i whispered to myself as i shut the door. before doing so i was knocked back and in came your boyfriend with a quick kiss on your cheek before running off to work.
Over To Ten’s POV:
The company was just a 5 minutes walk from y/n ‘s house so i got there super quick.
When i reached the front desk, Mrs Park gave me a stern look not the usual smile.
“they are waiting for you at the meeting room. please hurry ten.” she instructed. i bowed slightly and hurried to the meeting room.
i knocked gently before entering the cold room.  manager-nim and director Park came into sight. my eyes popped and i bowed deeply.
“take a seat ten-ssi.” 
i scurried to my seat and raised my head to see manager-nim looking at me with a disappointed look.
“sorry to call you at such a early time... i’ll cut the chase. i heard you’ve been dating one of your fans. is it true?” he spoke with a strict tone.
my eyes widened and i immediately came to my defence.
“no-no sir.” i tried to lie.
“THEN WHAT IS THIS?” he angrily slammed photos of me and y/n on the table. i was speechless. it was us hugging, kissing.. you name it everything. they even got pictures of him entering y/n’s house.
“you’ve been going straight off after schedules and often not returning to the dorms. are you crazy? you’ve barely debuted for a year and you’re already stirring up scandals like this? you’re really destroying the company’s image. these pictures are going to be released tonight. it’s either you cut it off with her and we will deny the rumors or you leave the company. after you do that, we would not be against of the release of the pictures.”
“wha-what do you mean sir?” i swallowed in fear. 
“CHOOSE! your career or your love life?” he demanded. 
i looked to my manager which looked like he was shocked at the directors words.
“bu- but sir you said you weren’t going to-” my manager tried to say good words for me.
“shut up byungsoon before i fire you too.” my manager immediately stopped talking.
his eyes were trembling, his throat was constricting, his lips were quivering but still he didn’t seem to falter and replied
“her.” that one word was enough to set off the bomb in both his director and manager.
“yah! ten! are you crazy? you’ve trained for-” my manager rushed over to convince me.
“great! i knew it would come to this. sign this.” he flinged the paper to me.
                                   CONTRACT TERMINATION
“uh.. mr park, our ten is still immature he isn’t seeing the importance-” my manager rushed to spoke for me.
i wasted no time and signed the paper slamming the pen down.
“i guess this is where we say our goodbyes mr. park.” he emphasized the name at the end.
he aggressively pushed out his chair and stormed out of the room. he fought back his tears and ran straight out of the building. he thought no where else but the nearest soju bar. he ignored the weird stares, fans who recognised him tried to ask for a picture were harshly rejected. 
upon reaching the soju bar, he immediately slumped down on the table shouting “one bottle of soju please!” with his foreign accent, the seller was hesitant as if a foreigner could handle this hard liquor. none the less, the seller popped open the cap and with a shotglass was served to him. Ten wasted no time and filled the shotglass with the fluid instantly gulping it down. even the owner was shocked at his drinking habits. “slow down young man.” the old man tried to persuade but was ignored. after the first bottle, he called for another one, other one and other one... with a total of 4 bottles wiped out, Ten was finally contended. he was so drunk he couldn’t even stand on his two feet. he stumbled around the store banging into tables, with angry customers coming at him the owner politely apologised and brought Ten out calling a taxi for him. 
“hey! what’s your address?” the owner patted Ten on his shoulder.
“cheong-cheong...cheongdam station.” Ten replied and knocked out onto the seats after.
“please take care of him thank you.” the owner bowed towards the taxi driver and was returned with a small smile,
The owner lightly shuted the door and the taxi drove off not long after. [ aw his so sweet :”) ]
Back To The Y/N’s POV:
I was lazing around at home and glanced at the clock. 
“it’s already 9pm.. Ten should be home by now..” you constantly checked your phone to see if there was any messages or calls from him. unfortunately not. there was not a single text nor call. Ten would usually call and ask you to have some takeout if he had to return home late. this boy was really worrying you.
at around 12am you couldn’t wait anymore. you didn’t have dinner and was famished. you climbed into the soft warm bed and huddled yourself in between the warm blankets. you convinced yourself to sleep and stop thinking, but jokes on who could? you were thinking about all the possibilities he was not home yet. when suddenly you received a call. you excitedly looked to see who was calling. to be honest you loved your bestfriend but sometimes she just calls at the wrong timing. 
“yo whats up-” 
“check your social media now! it’s important!” she screamed. you had to pratically pull your phone away from your ear. yes she was that loud. 
“okay hold on.” you put her on hold and checked facebook.
you gasped and dropped your phone. you could literally hear your bestfriend over the line trying to get a hold of you. you picked up your device and continued scrolling downwards. 
you hanged up on your bestfriend’s call and declined any of her incoming calls. you just couldn’t believe it. you clicked on the link and was shocked by the photos. it was photo’s of you and ten on a cafe date. there was even pictures of him hugging you at his door before sending you in and leaving. what’s worse you scrolled down to the comments section and was disgusted at the cunning comments.
1.[ +3791, -52 ] this is so disgusting..she’s such a cunning b*tch. she wouldn’t even let a rookie idol live his life what a selfish sl*ut. 
2.[ +230, -49 ] lol he’s old enough.. and she seems pretty nice let him date whoever he wants lol. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3.[ +894, -137 ] how dare she lay her hands on my oppa... she even made him leave the group for her. that neighbourhood looks awfully familiar. im gonna kill her.
your blood pounded in your ears. the loud pumping of your heart was the only thing you could hear. your hands shook in fear. your feet tingled and soon numbed. your vision disfigured, as if you were looking through a fish-eye lens. you rushed to take a seat to calm down. the abnormal rate of your heart pumping was so terrifying. it was as if your heart was just gonna stop pumping. you hugged your legs in fear, in guilt.
“is this my fault...?” you whispered slowly as you clutched onto your chest. 
you just sat there for god knows how long. blinking as each second went by, you blacked out in tiredness. 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
This could happen 2/3 (Trixya) - Toki
[Part 1]
AN: Thanks for the love! As requested, here’s a shorter part 2 of a now 3-part one shot real life Trixya. This was a lot of fun to write. Final part on its way.
Burger $9 Bun, patty, two slices of Monterey Jack, salad cream
Chicken Wrap $8 Tortilla wrap, chicken strips, lettuce, salad cream
Salad $7 Lettuce, tomatoes, salad cream
“Salad please. Hold the salad cream. Do you have any olive oil?” The waitress shook her head silently. She was probably 45, wearing a shirt that read a distorted ‘78’ dragged down tight over a pair of acid-washed jeans with rips in the knees. Trixie glanced down. Biscuit heel. The waitress snapped her gum. “We’ve got salt.” Salty salad. “Just the lettuce and tomatoes. And a coffee.” “Sure hon. Do you want it cold for 50 cents more?” Hot salty salad. “Uh.. yeah, is cold lettuce extra?” “The coffee hon. We do iced coffee.” Oh duh. “Oh yeah. No. Hot coffee, cold salad. Thanks.” Trixie slid down in her seat. It’d been a long morning. She’d spent the last five hours since that early and utterly confusing sunrise moment in her bed, deep in thought. As predicted, Katya hadn’t returned. She’d opted to sit up front with the driver and shoot the shit in her trademark goofball way, snatches of conversation floating back to Trixie from time to time. She’d heard the rest of the bus’s occupants gradually emerge one by one through the drive, bleary-eyed and groaning with heads clutched or sprightly and serene depending on their alcohol intake the night before. And Trixie had pulled out her guitar from her tightly packed locker by the tables, thumbed some quiet notes into the well-worn grooves along her fingers, had written a little melody that floated around her tongue as she hummed it softly, pulling it out from somewhere new in her mind. It felt like she was committing the memory of Katya’s skin from fingertips to strings, translating wordless meaning into the soft twangs of chords that filled up her warm chest. The driver had called out a lunch stop and they’d pulled into this tiny roadside dustbowl cafe with your typical creaking metal sign swinging from the rusty postbox and hot fucking salty salad on the menu.
The other queens were making their choice between nameless patty burger and salad cream chicken. No one was exactly thrilled. Apart from Katya, who was roaring out the punchline to a joke with a smile so wide her eyes were shut. Aja had both fists crammed under her chin and Violet was squeezed in between them, shaking one finger at Katya’s mirth. “No, bitch! No, bitch! You don’t even know!” How were they always so loud? Trixie glanced across at Max, who had ordered the salad and was now staring absentmindedly out of the window. There was zero cell reception and her book was probably still on the bus. “Hey Max.” “Mmm?” Trixie had always found it a little awkward making conversation with the typically silver-wigged queen. They’d known of each other in college, had run in fairly similar circles and had both dabbled in drag. A few Facebook comments, brief drunk hugs at gigs. That was where the friendship had rested, right until they ran into each other in the Drag Race dressing room. Trixie had better makeup, Max had a faux British accent, both were trying to forget they came from Wisconsin. “Do you remember that girl from college with the pink hair? The one who used to work at Applebees?” “Sure, Alexandra.” “I ran into her at Hamburger Mary’s the other day.” Max shifted in her seat. “Oh, how is she?” “She’s fine. She used to be your friend, right?” “Yeah, we did a few classes together. Never really spoke that much though.” “Funny how people reunite later in life.” “Yeah.” The conversation died, but it had never really begun. Trixie just wanted to drown out how Violet was screaming Katya’s name through breathless howls of laughter. Michelle slammed her phone down on the table and leaned into the conversation. “Jesus Christ, you’re worse than my kids. Shut up, settle down, breathe. I have a headache worse than every time I never wanted to fuck someone put together.” Katya turned to Michelle with a wide smile, undaunted. “Just like Trixie, mama!” Trixie snapped back into the conversation. “What?” Katya grinned at her. “I’ve been trying to bed this bitch for years. It’s always some excuse. She’s got a headache. She’s just done her face. She’s not attracted to me.” Don’t finish that thought. Don’t tell anyone. Michelle laughed, enjoying Trixie’s obvious discomfort. Violet leaned forward, linking arms with Katya for about the twentieth time that day. “I was easy though, girl. You just had to be in the same room as me.” “Yeah, but you’re a whore.” Trixie’s sudden snap was a little too real. Violet shrugged it off easily, not even glancing away from the side of Katya’s face. “Guilty. This bitch can wear a pigsuit. I mean not wear it.” She leaned closer to Katya’s ear. “I still have that by the way.” “Jesus, gross.” Trixie caught Katya’s gaze. “It’s not like you haven’t worn worse, either. That was probably just your day drag, right?” Katya grinned. “I’d wear a pigsuit for you anyday, mama. You just have to ask.” “I’ll remember that.” “When’s the fucking food getting here?” Alaska emerged from beyond Aja, eyes half-closed. “I’m starrrving.” As conversation turned away, Trixie relaxed against the cushions. Katya was playing along, and things still felt natural with her. Maybe everything was going to be fine. No harm. No change. Why is that kind of a disappointing thought? Like a 5% disappointing thought. A salad was placed in front of her, half a head of lettuce cut into palm-sized chunks and four sad-looking tomato slices disrupting her thoughts. She tried a bite. Salty.
Twenty minutes later she was outside and deep in a phonecall, trying to hide from the burning sun in the shadow of the rusty airconditioner unit. “When are the dates?” As her agent rattled off a few potential bookings, Trixie chewed a thumbnail. That’d take her out of town for most of the month of October, which would mean no shooting with Katya for the next series of UNHhhh. They’d been on another hiatus, but had planned a relaunch in November. Still, maybe September would provide enough time for filming. “Ok, wait a sec.” As she turned to head inside, the door creaked open and Katya emerged, shielding her eyes from the sunlight with one hand and lighting a cigarette with the other. Trixie waved her over. “Oh, perfect. Hey, I might have a tour coming up in October. Do you mind if we film in September?” Katya exhaled a cloud of smoke and glanced upwards, trying to figure out her availability. She was working hard on her Kickstarted one-woman comedy show, and Trixie knew timing was fairly tight. After a second she gave up and pulled out her phone. “Let me check, Deb.” Trixie glanced down and watched as Katya rubbed the back of one calf with the toes of the other foot. She was trying out this barefoot thing at the moment. Her springtime yoga break had left her with a couple of habits she hadn’t yet shaken off. It hadn’t stopped her smoking, either. “I could do the weekend of the 9th? Like the 9th morning, and morning of the 11th?” “Oh yeah, we could do enough for four a day. That’d be plenty for the relaunch in November I think.” Katya nodded. “More editing time, mama.” Trixie returned to her phonecall. “Ok, book the dates.” Her agent began to confirm the finer points of the travelling arrangements. Katya stubbed out her cigarette, pushed it through the little opening under the restaurant’s dumpster lid and flashed Trixie a grin before heading inside. The barbie queen found a slow smile spreading across her face. She’d been a little worried for the past few weeks about whether Katya had really wanted to keep going with UNHhhh. The little queen had begun to mention she might consider taking a break from the whole Katya thing, even. She still wanted to do drag, but in a typical Brian way she felt up to the task of perching Katya on a high shelf next to Trish and testing out a whole new character. She felt the world was ready for it. And Trixie thought she was fucking insane. Everyone was still lapping up the whorey Russian loopy evolution, eating up the whole thing, her gigs selling out in hours while fans crammed themselves back to front to catch a moment of her crazy grin or even a snatch of banter that might imply there was the slightest potential for Trixya to ever really happen. ‘Trixya’. The whole thing’s so weird. Trixie felt completely divorced from the concept of the two of them together. It was a marketing farce, an idea put together after she’d woken up on a Friday morning three years ago to a missed call from an unknown number. She’d called back, Katya had answered almost immediately. “I struck out. Kennedy kicked my fucking ass. Do you want to meet up?” And they’d texted back and forth while Katya had weathered the thunderstorm of depression and anxiety following her exit, eventually finding themselves in the same city one night and the same table at a restaurant an hour later. Trixie had felt so nervous. The whole real-world thing. Would their connection prove as funny and instant and fucking electric in person again? Of course it had. And more. Katya had been so real. So much more tangible without the cameras constantly on her. Bouncing knees, drumming fingers, enormous smile. Her ideas spilling out onto the table faster than Trixie could type them down on her phone. That had been the inception of Trixya - every duo was made more appealing via the romance angle. They could lay down a foundation of hints or even drop some flat-out comments about a mutual attraction, make sure a few kisses made their way onto Youtube and then take it from there in the ultimate will-they-won’t-they-why-don’t-they fuckfest of a fan-bait fiesta. It was brilliant, Trixie had assured Kyle on the phone later, and I’m definitely not even attracted to Katya so just ignore anything you hear because I love you, I’m just doing this for my career. She’d spent the next three years growing used to the back and forth of their supposed romantic journey. Trixya had been successful beyond their most optimistic forecasts. But then Katya had begun to push things a little, in private. And that had thrown the whole thing off balance. She’d instigated a few kisses. At first that was fine, drag queens fooled around on tour. Everyone knew that, no one had really talked about it, everything was cool. But then she’d started with some aggressive nighttime moves when Trixie had stayed over, even flat out asking for sex that one time. And she’d sunken a little under the weight of each hard rejection, failing to really recognise how much her friend needed to keep those boundaries rock solid. She’d taken it so personally. She’d stopped asking after a while. She’d backed off so far. Really far. Completely. Trixie had privately started to wonder if Trixya was over. Maybe it finally needed to be, they were both growing out of it, into good relationships and stronger career choices. But Katya’s touch from that morning had stirred really fucking deep inside her. It wasn’t a Trixya touch. It wasn’t on camera. It was an all-mutual full on Trixie and Katya are putting aside their careers and not even considering for a second where this might lead thing. For the first time she’d shelved her worries about the implications. She’d pulled the bunk curtain across all those career considerations and left the boundaries outside and Trixie needed to find Katya suddenly, like right now, she needed to get her mouth really close to her mouth to suck down the smokey air Katya breathed out and get back to that place where nothing was as important as how close their lips were to touching, and she quickly said goodbye to her agent and headed back to the bus with an urgency that caught in her throat the moment she saw that Katya wasn’t there.
“She’s dead, Jim.” “What?” “Totally dead. The battery never really held but I think it was everyone trying to charge their cellphones. Totally dead.” “And now what?” “You get flights.” Trixie turned to Frank, who was anxiously on his phone while running his hand through his hair. Even from here she could hear him talking animatedly to the replacement tour manager on the other end. The big tourbus had flat out refused to start up when everyone had boarded after lunch, and half of the cast along with their mountains of baggage were already in Ubers, screaming down the highway towards the nearest airport. Frank had gotten most of them on an earlier flight, but Trixie’s late appearance back at the bus had bumped her to a later bracket alongside Max, Michelle and Pandora, all of whom were leaning against the side of the bus looking bored (and in Michelle’s case, annoyed). Frank ended his call and marched up to Trixie. “I’ve got you on a 4:30, someone should be able to pick you up from the airport unless you can get yourself to the venue. Can you get an Uber now?” Trixie pulled out her phone. “Sure, do you need me to take care of my bags?” “No, Pete’s organised some help from the management company. They’re sending a truck later. Max, Pandora!” He waved the other queens over. “You’re on the flight with Trixie. Michelle, you’re not booked for the lineup tonight so you’ll get the later flight with me.” Trixie was already on the Uber app, waiting for confirmation. Her mind was running fast. She needed all her makeup, her guitar, her clothes and all the stuff out of her locker. What contacts did she have in her bags? Would she have enough gear for tonight if the truck didn’t get there in time? With everything on her mind she forgot about Katya, sitting almost silent amongst her friends until the car pulled into the airport departure lane an hour later. Frank had managed to book a few of them on business class. He’d had to, the flights were almost full. Trixie had traded a meet and greet with Pandora for a luxury seat, mostly because the airline was Delta and the business lounge probably had showers. She was hot. She felt stiff. She knew she wasn’t in a great shape for two hours on a plane, especially if there were any fans about that might recognise the famous queen and ask for photos. Trixie shouldered her bags from the end of the screening belt, walked through security and for the second time in two days bumped straight and unexpectedly right into Katya. At this point it was almost funny. The blonde was curled up in a private sofa booth, charging her phone and Periscoping to pass the time, no other queens in sight. Her boarding pass was on the table in front of her, bags either side, feet tucked into socks (thank God) and eyes totally locked on the screen, so much so that she didn’t notice Trixie until she’d slid onto the seat next to her and whispered, “Hey. Can we talk?” “Oh sure! Hey guys, look who it is. Your mother.” Katya turned the phone to Trixie’s tired face, who gave a little wave. “Hey Periscope. I’m taking your grandpa away.” “Sexy grandpa.” “Katya.” “Okay, let me.. Let me just..” As usual, Katya couldn’t figure out how to end the broadcast. Trixie sighed, leaned over her with a little smile and swiped up and off. The feed ended. Katya slid her phone onto the table and adjusted herself so she was facing her friend. “What’s up?” I guess now’s a good time. “I wanted to talk about this morning.” Do I? Trixie wasn’t really sure what she actually wanted to say. It felt right, though. Pretty sure this is what’s meant to happen now. We talk. Something’s said. Everything’s fine. We get to kiss more. “Yeah mama, what’s changed?” Katya broke into a huge grin. “What turned you on? What did I do right this time?” Trixie let out a laugh, surprised. “Katya, it wasn’t anything you did.” She paused for a sec, her dry wit winning out over her serious tone. “You couldn’t seduce me if you tried.” Katya let out a shriek, quickly hushing herself as a nearby businessman looked up with a grumpy expression. She scooted a little closer, her giggle subsiding into a light cough as she dropped her head onto Trixie’s shoulder. “I need a cigarette. But what did you want to know?” “Well, I guess I just wanted to make sure what happened didn’t change anything.” She glanced down, watching as Katya tore lines down the lid of the pack of Camels she was halfway through. “Trixie, you know what I feel about attraction. It’s just something that changes a lot. You’re having a dry spell, we were in bed together, I’m not suddenly convinced you’re in love with me or anything.” Katya pulled her head away and stared straight at her, blue eyes locked in and doing something funny to her heartbeat. What IS this? It’s just fucking Katya. Joker skeleton. Witch turd. Old dress wearing, stained blonde wig cramming crowd pleasing gross little drag queen. Blonde boy with an enormous heart and the most damaging skin. “Right,” Trixie managed. “I’m smarter than that, mama.” Katya pulled a cigarette from the pack and slid it into her mouth. “I’m glad you finally joined the loveless sex party though. Keys in the bowl.” The word had rolled so easily out of her mouth. They’d both slept with a lot of people since their stint on Drag Race, she talked about it literally every day, but the way she said sex sounded so dangerous now, hidden inside her casual commentary like a buried shard of glass in the sand. “We’re not going to start having sex, Katya.” A shrug. “Let’s see what happens, mama.” Trixie’s guards stood up and screamed. She checked Katya’s eyes for any hint of humour. “It’s not an open invitation, you asshole. We’re not doing that. Nothing’s changed.” Katya pulled the cigarette from her mouth, placing it on the table. She put one hand lightly on Trixie’s knee, one hand on the back of the seat, and she began to lean towards her in a slow, deliberate movement. Here was her mouth. Here were her lips, coming closer. Getting so close. Trixie couldn’t keep her eyes off them even though she felt Katya’s burning holes in her eyelids, watching and noticing and observing how she couldn’t stop staring, taking it as consent. Her heart was pounding. It had never felt like this before. Everything was quietly melting away and honestly all she wanted was to do, all she could do, was reach out and grab the back of Katya’s head and pull her in as hard as her muscles could manage to close those last few inches. Katya stopped her a second before their lips met, whispering in a soft growl that travelled straight down Trixie’s spine. “Something’s changed.” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. “Katya, I’m going to kiss you. But it’s not going to mean anything.” Their lips were brushing now. Trixie was stronger than Katya, and she knew she had the power to pull her right in in an instant. She needed the pressure. Needed the kiss to happen. Needed to get deep and frantic and they were in the airport lounge, and she was pretty sure she’d just heard the final boarding call for Katya’s flight. No. Not again. She tightened her grip, but Katya was already pushing her away. “No. Trixie.” The blonde jammed the cigarette back into her mouth. “I need to get this flight, and I need this fucking cigarette.” She was already reaching for the straps of her bags. “Jesus. Fine,” Trixie breathed out, running a hand through her short hair. She sat back and tried to refocus, but her heart was threatening to explode. She broke into an enormous smile despite herself. “You’re a terrible kisser anyway, Barbara.” Katya shot her a dirty grin. “Are you flirting with me?” “Is it working?” Trixie countered. This felt a little weird, flirting with Katya. Platonic comedy partner. No go area. Huge crush territory, instant teenage regression, danger signs. “Like I said, mama. Let’s see what happens. See you in Houston.”
From: Katya how’s the flight going?
Sent: Pandora will literally (seen)
Sent: Not shut up (seen)
From: Katya my flight x 3
Sent: Lol (seen)
Sent: Business class + free whiskey is litttt (seen)
From: Katya again??
Sent: Don’t judge asshole (seen)
Trixie glanced at her half-finished plastic cup of whiskey. Next to her fully finished cup of whiskey. It still burned in her throat, golden courage. She decided to push a little. Katya always did, so why not play her at her own game?
Sent: I think I got rejected earlier (seen)
Sent: By my post apocalypse backup backup backup (seen)
Sent: Like after all the zombies are gone (seen)
From: Katya haha
From: Katya bitch
From: Katya i’ve never seen you so forward
From: Katya total shock mama
Sent: So you did reject me
Katya started to type, but then the dots disappeared. Trixie scrolled up and reread the conversation, checking with momentary anxiety for any sign of desperation. She hadn’t really given herself much time to think this through. It was happening fast as hell, actually. Three weeks ago Katya had sent her a mock love poem, stirring absolutely zero in Trixie’s chest beyond annoyance at how she never ever capitalised her sentences. They’d filmed the first episode of the new UNHhhh series shortly afterwards, changing in the same room together under the glaring World of Wonder lightbulbs. The sight of Katya’s bare body as she switched outfits interested Trixie only in how the thick veins on her skinny legs cast spidery shadows as they moved. The blonde had reached over her to grab a foundation, junk tucked into her tight black pants, her dick rubbing slightly against Trixie’s shoulder for just a second. And the barbie-looking queen had only just noticed in time to suppress her revulsion. So why did the thought of Katya now have the power to make her check her phone for the third time in a minute? Jealousy’s a powerful fucking thing. She closed her eyes and tried to picture how she’d looked in the soft morning light. The gold of her eyelashes. The smooth skin of her collarbones tucking under the collar of her black shirt. The dip of her hipbone as she slid her pants down, thumb tucked into the hem. Her sleepy eyes. The sexy way her lips curved. It wasn’t really about jealousy. Trixie reached up unconsciously to run a fingertip over her lips. Imagined it was Katya’s thumb. She kissed it for just a second, and immediately pulled it away with embarrassment. God, where’s this come from? Her phone lit up, and she glanced down almost too quickly.
From: Katya i’ll make it up to you.
Her heart began to pound again as another message flashed up onscreen.
From: Katya we have three hours between landing and the show
From: Katya i’ll wait in arrivals
Oh fuck.
Katya is typing
From: Katya photo shoot?
Sent: Photo shoot??? (seen)
From: Katya trust me
From: Katya i met this guy a few weeks ago
From: Katya he’s soo good. been wanting to work with him. can you bring drag?
Trixie downed the last of her whiskey.
Sent: Why not. See you in arrivals. (seen)
From: Katya 😘
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invinciblewings · 8 years
What Are We?
Taehyung x Reader
sum: You can never lie. Your words do, your body doesn’t. 
genre : angst with a lil fluff
Cliche but try it out. This is pretty long.
The crowded city seemed never tired lighten up the night. Even when the hand of time pointing at 3 in the morning. Cold breeze caressing the trees outside, could be told by the window how low the temperature was that night. Your eyes staring blankly at the night sky, stars filled the darkness. Beautiful, but not you. You let the emptiness of the room swallowed you, leaving you with no marks.
He won’t come.
You never thought you’ll get the peace in your life, especially because of this guy, who was now in your bathroom brushing his teeth as if he owned the room. Your bestfriend. Who else? You thought.
You were in your dreamland when you woke up by the sound of running water. You walked to your bathroom, opened it widely to found the boy almost naked with a towel around his private area, holding toothbrush and your toothpaste. Well, it was nothing unfamiliar, actually you used to it. But you still need your sleep.
“It’s 6 in the morning, Tae. I repeat. It’s 6 fucking early in the morning!!!”
“Did I wake you up?” he looked at you innocently.
“When you don’t?” you slammed the door and slipped back under your blanket, but you couldn’t sleep. That’s why you always hate it everytime you wake up in the wrong time, you can never get back to sleep. 
You went to your kitchen, making yourself some toast and maybe chamomile tea. You made and extra toast for him so he would shut his mouth. You were busy in front of the stove when he suddenly appeared behind you. Luckily you didn’t hit him with the frying pan in your hand. You pushed him aside and put a perfect sunny side up you made for yourself. You told him to sit.
“I’m shooorry for whaking youf uph so eally.” He said while munching at his sandwich.
“I can’t hear what you said, swallow first. More important, what’s wrong with your bathroom?”
“Here. Listen.” He moved his body forward as if he was going to tell you a secret. “I’m in a hurry, and I run out of water. Since I have your separated key, I came here.”
“How cliché.” You pushed him away with. “Where are you going?” he put his finger in front of your mouth, shutting you up. You knew what was that mean. Her. His current girlfriend. You nodded and he smiled brightly showing his boxy smile a few inches from your face. You couldn’t help but frowned. You hit his forehead made him leaned back on his seat.
“Just go, don’t make her wait. She’s already poor enough to getting you to be her boyfriend.”
“What was that? Are you jealous?” your frown gotten deeper. “How about be my girlfriend instead?” now a sarcastic smirk formed in your face.
“Hell no. Having a fuckboy like you as a boyfriend never come even in my dream.” And his expression changed. Changed completely, but you didn’t catch it. He stood up, grabbed his things and walked to the door.
“At least I have been in relationship unlike you. No one would ever date you, you monster!” He shouted before putting his shoes and walking towards the door. Leaving you stunned with your chin in your hand, you rolled your eyes. Used to his unpredictable mood.
“At least I’m not dating a man who’s changing girlfriends like changing clothes.” you screamed back, followed by door being slammed.
You spoke the truth. How fast Kim Taehyung gets a different girl every once in a month. He would show you his girl as if she was a new toy, honestly you always think they are . And you just nodded. You’ve told him so many times, one day karma would hit him so hard and you would be the first to laugh, but he pretended he can’t hear you, so you let him.
Besides, You never see the point of being jealous over his girlfriend, cause’ he always have the time for you, and will come back to you no matter what. You are his bestfirend, he won’t leave you.
You never bother to ask him where he had been, he would always tell you, but lately it seemed like he forgot about your existence. You wondered why. You called him since you both promised to watch that film he bought last week. He answered almost in the first ring.
“Tae? Where’re you?” 
“Umm, I’m in my girlfriend’s place, we’re having a movie right now. What’s up?”
“What?” you didn’t misheard things did you?
“What is what?”
“Aren’t we supposed to— just forget it.” you inhaled deeply. So he forgot. “Enjoy your night.” With that you ended the call. 
He had a girlfriend so you couldn’t be selfish. It’s been a month since they started dating, it was unusual for him. Maybe his brain finally working and you giggled at the thought.
You drag your feet to the huge window in your living room, presenting the scenery of lights from the city and stars. One of your favorite place in your apartement aside from your bed. You love to do this, just sit there, thinking randomly, talking randomly when he was there, but he wasn’t. You should admit it, you was a little bit lonely.
When he paid you a visit, it was two weeks after. You just contacting each other by phonecalls or messages. You almost scold him for leaving you alone. But you didn’t, instead, you were joking. “I’m sorry but I’m not buying anything you sell mister.”
“Is that the new way of welcoming a guest?” he raised an eyebrow looking down on you because the height different.
“Guest? Maybe you got a wrong address?” 
“Oh come on y/n, move.” he pushed you aside and you didn’t fight back, you just let him in.
You both laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling. You didn’t ask why he didn’t come over to your place. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. So both of you just enjoying your time as usual. 
He told you a bad jokes, you let out your famous sarcastic laugh, he threw chips he bought at you and you hit him. You both were dissing at each other, like you were on a rap battle. When he lost to you, he rose up from his position and tickling you, made you laugh hard. Your eyes already blurred with tears, so you grabbed his wrist and tried to twist it. But he was faster. He pinned your hands above you head and smirk.
“I win.” He said, and you laughed at yourself feeling defeated. 
He was the first to stop laughing. He didn’t take his eyes off of you, instead he stared at you more intensely. 
You felt the awkwardness and asked him to move away. But his next action left you froze in place. He slowly moved closer and brushed his lips towards yours before really kissed you. You were taken aback by his action and moved slightly but he hold you still. You could feel the warmth radiated from his body, slowly made you closed your eyes and forget about what actually you both did.
His kisses were slow, letting each second past, felt every single inch of you in his lips. He kissed you like he missed you, and yes, he did, but you didn’t know. To be away from you was killing him, torture him in the way you could never understand, he missed you like a human needs air. He couldn’t help himself. Especially when he finally could see you again, could savoured your beauty again.
When his lips moved more passionately with yours, it was like reality just slammed you back to the ground so hard you couldn’t breathe. You pushed him away from you, his lips leaving yours as if your heart also being pulled away. But you couldn’t do this. He has a girlfriend.
“You have a girlfriend.” was what You could manage to say, above a whisper. A hurt look stained your face, and also his. You both hurt.
“I’m sorry. I’ve to go, she’s waiting for me” With that he left you alone. Tears formed in your eyes as soon as he dissapeared.
What are you to him? Are you one of his toy?
And what is this mess in your head?
You miss him whenever he’s not around, you feel save every time he holds you, and you smile every time he smiles. You didn’t know, or you didn’t want to admit it. Never comes to your mind, cause’ one thing you knew, you should never falling in love with your bestfriend. Especially, he had been with someone. You know that.
But these unfamiliar feelings you had for him was saying another words. It hurt you so bad. So bad you sure you bleed.
He never contact you after that. Not even a single message. You lost your bestfriend. Every night you spend your time staring out the window. Sitting on the floor folding your knees, hugging it tightly. Deep inside, you was waiting for him to barging inside your apartement like he used to, but he never came.
One night you decided to go out getting some cakes to make you feeling better. But maybe life said the opposite. Your eyes meet his, right in front of the café. You could see his hand intertwined with someone’s. His girlfriend. She was cute, tall and beautiful in the same time. No wonder his relationship last for almost 4 months now. 
He told her to go inside first. Leaving you both alone. You were about to leave when he dragged you to an empty hallway.
“Listen. Y/n, I’m very sorry. I want to say it earlier, I’m sorry. It was an incident. That was nothing serious. Just forget it okay? Can we be friends again?” hearing that, your blood boiling in your veins. Nothing?
“So it was nothing? Are you having fun playing with me? Yeah maybe that was nothing serious compared to other kisses you’ve been giving to those girls, but I’m not your hoe!” you exploded. How foolish you are to thinking it was something when it never was.
“I’m not toying you. Beside it was just a kiss, what’s so important?”
“It was my first.” You search for a reason.
“That was my first too.” He said looking at you.
“Liar, how I supposed to believe that?”
“I’m not lying. Even though I date so many girls, I never kiss them.”
“No, I can’t believe you. If you never kiss any of them so why me? We’re friends, Tae.”
“I love you.” and you felt your heart stop beating. Silence filling the air. You wished you were deaf for brief seconds
“You heard me Y/N. It’s because I love you. Not as bestfriend, but as a girl. But you always say we are friends, you treasure me as a friend. What was that? You made me scared that I’d break what we have. And break what’s so important for me too. You.” he breathe heavily. You stared at him, completely taken aback.
“Being with you is the hardest thing I have to face every damn day. So I started to date some girls, but the stupid me will always come back to you. Even if you don’t need me as I need you. Maybe this is the karma you’re talking about.”
“No. That’s not right.I need you. “ you denied it. You need him. Always.
“Do you ever realize how many times I ask you to be my girlfriend? But you just toss it aside. I never joking when I said that. Moreover, you joking about me being a fuckboy. Whose fault is that? What am I supposed to do? 
“Why are you telling me all of this now?” but he avoided your question.
“One day I thought to myself maybe this is the best way, at least I still have you by my side, spending my time with you, cuddling while watching movies, falling asleep together and wake up with you. Title isn’t important as long as I’m with the one I love. I couldn’t ask for anything. Until I let my selfishness killing all of that.” he bend down his head. Avoiding your eyes. You didn’t know what to say. He felt that way? All this time?
How cruel of a human you were from his story. He felt the same way as you, who was afraid to falling for him. The different was, the reason you buried your feelings was you, the reason he hide his feeling was also you, wasn’t himself.
“That kiss, I couldn’t hold my self any longer.” He raised his head back, staring at you. “I had decided to move on, with her, but the idea of not seeing you after so long made me crazy. I missed you so bad I couldn’t control myself. You got my hopes up by letting me kissed you, but then you pushed me with the expression I always hate to see. The hurt in your eyes.”
“How wouldn’t I? Every girl will think herself being played when the guy already has a girlfriend.” you tried to compose yourself.
“Then let’s make things clear. I love you. I really do love you Y/N. Please be mine. What do you say?” you paused, stunned like a statue. Then you remember about the girl inside the café. His girlfriend. You weren’t cruel enough to break an innocent girl’s heart. She didn’t deserve this.
“See? You can’t answer.” He said when you didn’t answer.
“Your girlfriend.” His eyes widened. “Go back to her. We can’t be selfish. She doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. Maybe we need times to think.” You said before really walked away. You heard him whisper ‘So, that’s it?’ but not looking back anymore. Not for him to saw you crying.
The melody of your ringtone was filling the darkness of the room, but you didn’t care. He stopped coming. Not even once. You didn’t contact him at all, as well as him. You were ready to cut all the ties you had with him. You and him were done.  
You spend your day as usual but strangely every night always turned out the same. The things never go back to how it was. 
You sat in your favorite spot in front of the window. Back then you had a company, now you were all alone. Only you and your repeated incoming calls ringtone as the back sound. You couldn’t feel your feet you sure you turned into an ice.
You missed him.
You never thought that words would come in your mind. You lost something so precious for you. Not just your bestfriend, you lost your soulmate. Not just your body felt numb, your heart also did.
When the silence finally returned, you heard a faint sound of footsteps.
The man who left you empty appeared behind you, meeting your eyes. You didn’t bother to move, just looking back at him with no emotion. He already took everything away. Little did you know, you did the same to him.
Then you turned your attention back out of the window. Your eyes started to feel hot. You were gonna break. He walked slowly towards you, eyes not leaving you. He noticed it.
He sat beside you close enough to make your shoulders met, but he said nothing. Just sat there brought his knees to his chest, same as what you did. 
“It’s over.” finally he whispered.
You knew what he was talking about but didn’t say a word.Your tears falling free from your eyes. He slowly took your hand in his, intertwined his fingers yours. It was cold as yours but as both connected, it became warm. 
“Can I say it once again?”
When you didn’t answer, he leaned closer placing a soft kiss on your lips. “I love you.” whipped your tears away. “Please, be mine.” and last, placing another kiss on your temple.
You closed your eyes feeling his presence.
He comes.
Long. just it. I don’t know where this came from, this is kinda cliche. I’m sorry if not hit your expectation.
and sorry for the grammatical errors.
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I finally found out what it is about Life is Strange that really resonates with me on such a deep level and draws me back to it in a way that other games may have managed, but not truly mastered.
From the very beginning, the game presents us with intricate relationships that obviously have much more depth than the mere fraction that we actually get to see. Don’t EVER tell me what to do. I’m so SICK of people trying to control me! Even the people that are detestable in the worst ways, demonstrating their violent tendencies openly, without them being swept under the rug, have something about them that evoke both pity and nostalgia, even if one of those things are so much bigger than the other when it comes to some characters.
And the game goes on, flaunting the flawed characters and all of their issues, as well as drawing the player deeper into it as the submersion works its magic. Chloe Price roars back into the life of Max Caulfield with screeching tires and it’s just so painfully obvious that between these two young women, who are still so young and feel both invincible and breakable at the same time, that there are some remnants of an old relationship that the world got in the way of. It just screams of hurt and a mutual lack of communication and understanding that was ultimately down to rotten luck and bad chance. Max?! Chloe?! Just those two words to each other and what do you know, despite one of them having been absent for five years and the other having undergone such a dramatic change that’s its bordering on comical, it took them around four seconds to recognize one another.
And we’re treated to a game of five episodes that feel simultaneously appropriately long and far too short, with a plot that’s overshadowed by a relationship that quickly falls back into what we can all recognize as an old dynamic that’s just been waiting to resurface. From the get-go it’s just so clear that Max and Chloe are so right for each other, even if they’ve both made mistakes and hurt each other and been stubborn and hard-headed and said and done the wrong things at the worst possible times. They’re still doing things they’d get in trouble for, like trespassing and smoking and whatnot. However, there are the better things too, like dancing in a room with the smoke of a cigarette filling the air with the clicking of a camera going off from the sidelines and goofing off in a junkyard.
There are so many horrible things in this game. There’s a girl who decides that the only way to get out of the living nightmare that she can’t seem to wake up from is to put herself to sleep, there’s a girl with a mother undergoing treatments at the hospital, there’s mental illness, drugs, PTSD, abuse of authority, violence, anger and hurt stemming from much more than the brief period of time we’re privileged enough to get to see.
But to me, that only makes the relationship between Max and Chloe that much more extraordinary, their bright moments of innocence that much more appreciable.
And then, there’s the ending. At its release, there was an outcry from the fanbase, universal disappointment in the two choices that glossed over all that we’d seen, done and gotten attached to.
But in my mind, these two endings were so tragically beautiful, with so many things and themes coming full-circle that I wouldn’t be able to tell you which of the two final paths is my favorite even if I wanted to make that choice.
Perhaps one day I’ll make a longer post about these two endings, but for now, here is my summary; Sacrificing Arcadia Bay? Chloe Elizabeth Price got the worst cards dealt to her when her father died, her best friend moved away, her grades plummeted and her new whirlwind-bestie suddenly up and disappeared, something that had to feel horribly familiar by that point. But suddenly, there’s a person who stomps back into her life and shouts NO! No, you’ve suffered enough. This could be the time for a selfless, heroic, faceless act, but I won’t make that choice. I am putting you first. I will not repeat my mistakes. I will not give you up again. I will hold on. I will not give up on you. I am putting you first. Fuck that! No way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me. To me, this choice shifts the entire focus of this game to Chloe. It effectively makes it all her story. The story of hurt feelings and bad choices and the worst luck in the world, yes, but also love, perseverance, courage and, most importantly, friendship. And sacrificing Chloe? At this time there is an ongoing police/faculty investigation but Max’s heroism is undisputed. This, in contrast to the alternative choice, makes the story belong to Max. A hipster with a polaroid camera was suddenly shoved into the spotlight and instead of falling flat on her face, she waded through psychopaths, deaths and sacrifices and came into her own and became a brilliant young woman with a story of epic proportions. Max Caulfield saved an entire town, her home, from a tornado, and she did it all with nothing but a camera, the best sidekick she could have ever asked for and some minor powers over space, time and reality. It hurt like hell doing all that. It’s painful and gritty and not happy at all. But then a blue butterfly lands on the coffin. And there’s a golden necklace in the shape of a doe around Max’s neck. Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours.
At my first school, I was bullied. My classmates would gang up on me, yell at me and I’d call my mom after a few short hours at school, sobbing and begging to go home, and I’d do that nearly every day of every week when the bullying and ostracizing was at its zenith. I had a teacher there. She was a decent teacher, a tad bit eccentric, but good enough. But then, suddenly, she wasn’t. She flat out told my parents that I would have to “dumb myself down”, because my skills in reading and spelling and general schoolwork was bringing down the confidence of my classmates. I also had a friend. She had red curls, glasses and a wide, white smile. We were different, silly and sometimes, very far apart in every way. But then, me and my family moved to another city because I was being bullied so much and my mental state was so wrecked my parents actually feared that I would take my own life. And my second school no doubt saved my life. The teachers were great. My friends were great. I was great. Things couldn’t be better. A new girl came to that school. Her hair was yellow and her laughter was dorky and her jokes were loud and sometimes stupid. I loved her so much. I’d visit her every week, sleep at her place, play with her dog and she’d come visit me and we’d laugh and laugh and laugh and oh, I loved her so much that it was almost painful. But then, a new girl started too. She was nice. A bit awkward. Much more quiet than me. But she and that girl that I felt outshone the sun hit it off from her first day and they were attached at the hips after that. I never hated any of them. How could I? I retreated. The visits stopped. Suddenly, me and my best friend that I’d longed to find every day of my life barely spoke once a month. I wasn’t angry, mind you. Just disappointed, sad and a little bit hurt. I haven’t spoken to any of them for years now. A new girl then started in that wonderful class and I decided to try again. The desire for a best friend, for weekly weekend visits, ice cream on the porch, silly photographs and someone who tried for me instead of the other way around, that was so strong and still is. I took her out for lunch, but she told me she never ate takeaway. Not in a bad way, just as a matter of fact. She grew close to another small circle of my friends. We rarely talked after that, but we had a decent relationship. Just not particularly close. I decided I needed more skills at socializing. I changed school again, despite that second one being the best place I’ve still yet to be. The third one was grand, impressive, with three trips to other countries in just one year. I lived on that school and the other five girls in my house were colorful, fun, supportive, but they were still down-to-earth. We still talk, but there have been no phonecalls, no promises to keep in touch, no casual ‘I love you’s. Now, I’m at my fourth school and I just can’t be bothered to try anymore. I’m too old, too withdrawn, too snappish and too strange for anyone to try now. I can’t see the point of relentlessly pursuing a heartfelt relationship if I’m the only one pursuing it. That’s the problem that’s always haunted me, that I expect that desperate desire for a friend who loves me, who would put me first, to be mutual.     Mind you, I have a best friend. I’ve never met her, but I know that she exists. I do love her, but it’s a distant love. I’ve only ever written to her. She’s an ocean away from me. There have been no photos, no laughter, no hugs, but I don’t blame her. I blame me. After all, she deserves better.
No matter how you twist and turn it, Long Max Silver and Captain Bluebeard will always be Max and Chloe, even when they’re apart. There is absolutely no doubt that they love each other, that they are such a big part of each other’s lives that they’re willing to risk and sacrifice ridiculous things for the other. That instant connection, that easy relationship that they fall back into the same day of their reunion is one that I’ve only ever been able to dream of and oh, how I do.
That’s what really resonates with me on such a deep level and draws me back to it in a way that no other game has done.
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