#to hayato or about hayato
suosage · 3 months
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i'll pass...
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thecmaly · 2 months
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harem squad said deal's off folks
more windbreaker comics
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queen-slayer-13 · 14 days
Sakura's house then:
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Sakura's house now:
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"You can start a family who will always show you love". ♡
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all about lily chou-chou (2001)
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revasserium · 2 months
know, know better
suo hayato; 3,591 words; fluff, fem!reader, no "y/n", banter, so much flirting, mentions of bodily harm (its wind breaker lol), first!kisses, semi-whipped!suo, suo will break the world for the one he loves likes, suo is a jackass gentleman exhibit 329048293
summary: the only difference between a garden and a graveyard is what you decide to put in the ground
a/n: yes, i know i've used that metaphor before in another fic for another fandom. no, i do not care. yes, i will continue to reuse this metaphor bc i love it.
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He sees you for the first time on the roof, and for a second, he wonders if he’s hallucinating because — well, no one else wears dresses at Fuurin other than Tsubaki-chan and he’s certain he just saw them downstairs, arm slung through Umemiya’s, squealing about a new line of glittery eyeshadows that just launched over the weekend.
“Ah — excuse me!”
“I know, I know — but I couldn’t just let the poor cherry tomatoes suffer like this! Go tell Ume-nii that he’s been neglecting — oh!”
By the time you look up, Suo is already bending over your shoulder to peer politely down into the garden trough, his single eye wide and bright and curious.
“Uwah… you seem really good at this!”
You lick your lips, tasting salt, feeling an unfamiliar heat creep up the back of your neck.
“Uhm… yeah — well —” your clear your throat and turn back towards the cherry tomato plants, reaching out with a gloved hand to flick one of the budding green tomatoes, “these lil guys need a lot of sunlight and Ume-nii let them in a patch of shade, so I couldn’t just leave them there, yknow?”
You smile as you get to your feet, Suo backing up politely, his hands tucked behind his back, his eye following the graceful lilt of your movements, the lithe, slenderness of your arms and legs. He can’t help the way his gaze catches on the hem of your skirt, the way it brushes the creamy skin of your leg just above your knees.
He forces himself to look away.
“You… must be one of the new first-years, right? I heard Kotoha-chan talking about you guys!”
Your voice is clear as a bell-chime, and almost as sweet, but its your eyes he can’t stop himself from coming back to. Irises purled with gold, limned by dark lashes that cast shadows against the round of your cheeks. He feels something inside him stutter as he tries to focus back on the way you’re reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, how the other errant strands frame your face so perfectly that he has to fight down the urge to reach out and tug the slip of hair back down.
“… your name?”
“Hm?” Suo smiles before he realizes you’re waiting for him to say something, “Ah — apologies — how rude of me. Suo Hayato, it’s a pleasure.”
He dips his head in greeting as you extend a hand.
“Pleasure, huh?” you giggle as he takes your hand in his and shakes. Your skin is warm and soft, and Suo finds — for the first time in a long while — that he doesn’t really want to let go.
He sees you the second time at Cafe Pothos, laughing behind the counter with Kotoha. He pauses in the doorway and lets the sound wash over him, even as you both look over at the sound of the doorbell.
“Oh! It’s you!” your smile sets his world spinning off on it’s axis and it’s all he can do to keep it from showing. Beside him, Sakura frowns.
“You know each other?”
Suo grins, stepping over the threshold to slip into one of the bar chairs.
“Yep! We met on the school roof the other day!”
“School roof — wait, I thought there weren’t any girls in Fuurin — unless —” Sakura cuts off as he whips back towards you, his eyes wide as he looks you over once, twice — before Kotoha rolls her eyes and snaps her fingers in front of his face.
“Oi! Quit ogling my friend — and no, there aren’t any girls in Fuurin, but we do have a delivery service for the VIP clients.” Kotoha winks as Sakura’s cheeks go pink. Suo props his chin on the heel of his hand and offers you a bright smile; your mirrored smile back makes his chest squeeze.
“So… how’re the cherry tomatoes doing?” you ask, reaching out to set a traditional tea service in front of Suo, your fingers light as they pluck a tiny porcelain cup from a shelf to place it on a small, bamboo tray.
“They’re getting really ripe! I’ve been checking on them like you asked…” Suo’s voice trails off as you go about the work of putting loose leaf tea in a tea bowl and warming it before pouring out the first wash of liquid.
“How… did you know I’d like this kind of tea?”
You grin, shrugging, “I just… had a feeling.”
“It’s her superpower,” Kotoha leans over with a sly smile, “she can usually guess a person’s favorite kind of food and drink within… about five minutes of getting to know them!”
“Oh stop it — it’s nothing like that! I just… had a hunch is all.” You glance up to catch Suo staring, his gaze so intense you almost fumble the teapot in your hands. It clinks against the empty cup, but before the cup has a chance to tumble off the table, Suo reaches out with a deft hand to catch it, placing it smoothly back onto the tea tray.
There’s a faint stutter in the fluidity of your movements as you blink at the cup now sitting innocently, perfectly centered, on the tray. And then you’re reaching out to fill the cup with a steaming, golden liquid, fragrant enough to fill half the room. Even Sakura leans over with a curious sniff.
“Whoa. Smells good,” he says, “smells like…”
Suo smiles, reaching down to trace a finger along the razor-thin rim of the tiny glass, “Smells like flowers.”
You are young in all the ways that teenage girls can be young, and old in the all the ways that people have to be in Makochi. Your ribs hurt, your lip’s split, and there’s an ache settling over your right eye that tells you there’s probably an incredible bruise blooming into existence there.
“Ouch… damnit… I’ve really… done it this time…” you groan as you try to push yourself up off the dark alley wall. You wiggle each of your fingers in turn and say a silent prayer when you find that they all respond. Good, you think, so nothing’s broken. **
Not yet, at least.
Footsteps to your right. Light, but hurried. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace for the worst but instead — there’s only warmth, and a soft palm cupping the curve of your face.
“Hey… it’s okay — you’re alright.”
“That’s right — it’s me —” a soft, exasperated sigh, “we were looking for you afternoon —” arms wrapping around you, lifting you up. You hear the soft rustle of bags and groan as you try to reach out but a firm hand stops you.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it.”
He doesn’t sound angry. If anything, he sounds just as measured as he usually is. But pressed up against his chest like this, you can feel the wild, racehorse hoofbeats of his heart, feel the shakiness in his every breath. His fingers are tight as he cradles you to him, carrying you from the alleyway.
“I wanted… yokan…” your voice is hoarse, and a bit ragged. Suo casts his eyes up toward the sunset sky and counts down from ten.
When he’s certain his voice won’t shake, he says —
“Eh? But the Minami tea store always sells really good yokan — why’d you… ah… you wanted to get the famous mizu yokan from across the tracks, didn’t you?” Suo sighs, gently adjusting his hold around your body, pressing you ever closer to his chest. Your breathing is shallow but even; like this, he can almost hear the faint fluttering of your heart deep inside your chest, see the soft quiver of your lashes as you shift in his arms.
“Silly girl,” he whispers, leaning down to press his lips into the seam of your hair, “next time, just tell me and I’ll go with you.”
He can sense your consciousness fading, and though the logical part of him knows that you’re in no immediate danger, he still hastens his steps, his stomach twisting inside him like a wrung-out towel, dry and aching.
“But…” he leans in; your voice is barely a whisper. He almost jumps as you reach up to trace a finger along his eyepatch, “Then it wouldn’t have been… a surprise.”
“Happy Birthday!”
“Wow! Thank you!” Suo blinks for a second before his expression breaks into a bright smile. He’d had an inkling, after the “yokan-incident”, that this might’ve been the reason. But still, it twists something deep inside his gut to know that you’d gotten so hurt because of — well — something to do with him.
Even unsolicited. Even then. He detests the thought of it.
Nearly the entire first year class is there, and a good few students from the second and third years, crammed into Cafe Pothos. There’s a full traditional tea service set out on the tables, pieced together into the center of the room, and an array of tea snacks enough to make even the most ascetic eaters take pause.
“Suo-kun! C’mon, you shouldn’t keep everyone waiting, right?” Kotoha waves him towards the center table, where a multicolored display of mochis are placed in a barely legible “Happy Birthday”, each with a matching colored candle shoved into the middle.
“Sakura-kun did the mochis!” Nirei offers, pointing, seconds before Sakura smacks him upside the head.
“You don’t have’ta single it out!”
Suo takes his time, moving from person to person, chatting and laughing and thanking them in turn. There’s a softness pulsing inside him, something warm and growing, purring, curling up with a creamy, spine-deep contentment. Until he gets to you, busy wowing a group of first-year boys with your kung-fu tea skills, pouring the steaming water from higher and higher, never spilling a single drop.
“— the water can’t be too hot, or else the tea will get burnt — and that’s why sometimes —”
“Sometimes, when you make tea at home, it tastes awful and bitter, right?” Suo sits down, smiling even as he purposefully encroaches on the personal space of the freshman closest to you. To his credit, the freshman boy laughs, inching back as Suo props his chin on his palm and turns to look at them.
“A-ah… that’s really uh — cool! Wow — those shortcakes over there look really good — guys, let’s go grab some before they’re all gone!”
They scurry off, dipping their heads in your direction before ducking away.
“Mm… you’re lucky its your birthday,” you say, placing a warmed cup of tea in front of him, reaching over to slide over a glistening piece of mizu-yokan.
“Hm?” Suo takes a sip of the tea, savoring it’s depth of flavor, before taking a bite of the tea-snack.
“Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so nice to someone who’s driving off all my best customers,” you say, flashing him a knowing, indulgent smile. Suo doesn’t miss a beat.
“Your best customers?” he makes a show of pivoting towards where the clueless freshmen boys had run off to, now crowded around Sakura, laughing all too loudly, “if I didn’t know better… I’d say you need to raise your standards.”
You cock your head, hands pausing over a fresh pour of tea.
“But you do, don’t you?” you ask, resuming your movements. A second later, you place a fresh cup of tea in front of him.
“Don’t I… what?” he asks, playing at innocence.
“You should,” you parry, propping open the lid of the tiny teapot with two fingers, bending down to take a deep breath of the fragrant leaves.
The lid snaps back onto the pot with a solid click.
Suo blows at the surface of his teacup, pausing at the sound. He looks up to meet your knife-sharp gaze.
“Know — better.”
A shiver kisses up the length of his spine, and he nearly drops the fresh cup of tea. He clears his throat and takes a long sip. The heat drips down his throat, unfurling in his stomach, setting his whole body ablaze with the kind of fire that refuses to go out.
“Mm… this tea is delicious! Where’s it from?”
You shake your head, the motion just on the other side of innocent. But as you said — he knows better now.
“Somewhere… over the rainbow, I suppose.”
In a flicker, faster than a flash, he reaches out, fingers skimming along a thin line marring the perfect skin of your left cheek.
“This wasn’t there two days ago,” he says, almost casually, before his voice drops in register and his eyes go dark beneath his curtain of too-long lashes, “where’s it from?”
You make you shake off his hand but he’s too quick, catching your chin between two fingers.
“Don’t know. Must’ve been an accident.”
Suo tugs you towards him, his grip now bordering on too tight, “Ah… pretty girls like you shouldn’t make a habit of lying so much.”
You lick your lips, breath caught in your chest as you tug your face from his grasp, flicking a strand of hair over your shoulder.
“And pretty boys like you should really know better than to ask questions they don’t want to know the answers to.”
“And if I don’t?” Suo’s voice is sweet and soft and low. He sets down his empty teacup; you reach out to refill it.
“Don’t what?” you ask, feigning ignorance.
He catches your wrist, pulling up your sleeve before you can protest to reveal a series of dark bruises scattered up the length of your arm. The air around him seems to condense and cool as he stares for a second before his expression fixes itself back into one of detached sweetness.
“Know — better,” he answers, simply, letting his hand fall as you snatch your arm back, massaging the place where his fingers had been.
You narrow your eyes, but before you can say anything else, a group of boys all stumble over, singing loudly as they pull Suo back towards the center of the room, where yet another cake has materialized out of god knows where. He laughs, clapping along, blowing out the candles on instruction.
But for the rest of the night, you can’t help feeling the weight of his eyes on you, though you never again catch him staring.
“They’re doing well, aren’t they?”
You jump, jerking upright even as Suo approaches you on the rooftop garden, hands laced behind his back, his earrings fluttering in the light breeze.
“Y-yeah. They really are.” You turn back to your cherry tomato plants, a few of them ripe to bursting. You reach out to pluck one off a vine, turning to offer it to the boy crouching down next to you.
He takes it from you, examining it for a second before popping into his mouth.
“Mm… sweet!”
You laugh, reaching out to tug another one off the vine. You bite into the soft flesh, feeling the explosion of flavor on your tongue.
“So much better than the ones from the supermarket, right?”
Suo sighs, nodding, but his expression sobers a second later.
“You shouldn’t have done that — just for my birthday.”
You pause, hands halfway towards another tomato. Suo reaches out to pluck it for you. As he presses it into your hand, you sigh, shaking your head.
“I didn’t do it just for you.”
You roll the bright red fruit between your thumb and forefingers, holding it up to the light.
“Do you know what the difference is between a garden and a graveyard?” you ask, dropping your hand back down, your eyes trained on the plump little tomato now sitting in the palm of your hand.
“Tell me,” Suo says, watching you intently.
You turn to glance at him, a sad little smile on your lips.
“What you choose to put in the ground,” you say, before reaching out to press the cherry tomato to his lips. Suo blinks at you for a second before slowly opening his mouth to let the tomato slip through. He bites down, doesn’t reach up to wipe at the thin streak of juice slicking down his chin. He watches as your eyes flicker down, feels the pad of your thumb swipe across his skin.
He’s tugging you forward before he can stop himself; you taste the bright burst of sweet and sour on your tongue seconds before he pulls back, eyes wide. You lick your lips, expression half-shocked, half-satisfied. He opens his mouth to apologize —
“S-sorry, I should’ve asked — mmphf!”
You reach up and pull him towards you by the collar of his school uniform. It’s all he can do to catch himself against the rough ground of the rooftop garden, bits of gravel biting into his palm.
The kiss is sweet, is savory, is tentative — and then, suddenly, it bursts into something more — like a bite of over-ripe fruit, with juice sluicing down it’s seams — he surges forward, catching you around the waist. He savors in the friction of your lips against his, the teeth-aching sweetness of your warm breath as you gasp open for him, and only him. And by the gods, he tries to be a good man — a respectful man, but the tiny noise you make as he curls his fingers into the bend of your waist threatens to render all his flighty codes and morals to ash.
It is a noble pursuit, he decides later on, this of all things — to kiss you until there is no other way for you to be kissed. To kiss you just like this, until your mouth is ruined for all other tastes but the one of his tongue. He’s never thought himself a greedy man, but like this — with your body pressed to his on this rooftop garden, he thinks he might’ve learned a few more things about the depths and widths of why greed is considered such a cardinal sin.
When he finally lets you go, he’s satisfied to see there’s a dazed, unfocused haze to your eyes as you blink up at him, fingers fisted into the front of his school uniform.
“You still haven’t told me —” he leans down to press his forehead to yours, reveling in the way you gasp, the hitch in your voice as you lick your lips and he fights back a thick groan.
“Told you what?”
“Why you’d go out of the city bounds to get all those things for my birthday.”
You sigh, pursing your kiss-swollen lips.
“Because… those stores, like the earth, they… they might just need one good seed — one nice interaction —” your lashes flutter and Suo has to physically bat down the urge to lean down and kiss you again. Perhaps, he thinks, this is how dragons are made of fairy tale princes — perhaps, all the dragons ever needed was just one more kiss from their fairy tale princess.
“So… you thought to take it upon yourself to be that one nice interaction? To turn all those graveyards… into gardens?”
You crinkle your nose, glancing up at him from beneath your lashes as he pulls back to stare down at you.
“It’s a stupid thing to do, I know.”
Suo nods, “It is. But… only because you thought you could do it by yourself.”
He shifts, tugging you up into his lap as he readjusts himself to lean back against one of the taller planter boxes, his arms now comfortably looped around your middle.
“Well, if I’d told anyone… they would’ve tried to stop me.”
Suo tuts, reaching up to flick your nose with a gentle finger, “Oh ye of little faith,” he admonishes, grinning as you swat at his hand. He catches you by the wrist, pulling it in to press his lips to your palm, sighing as he nuzzles into your warmth.
“Do you really think we would’ve written off your feelings that easily? That I wouldn’t have at least tried to listen?”
You make to look away, embarrassed at your own oversight, but he tugs your chin back, forcing you to face him properly again.
“C’mon now… smart girl like you… should know better than that, shouldn’t you?”
You narrow your eyes, a feline glint alighting behind your eyes as you reach up to lace your fingers through his, leaning in with a challenge clear in your voice.
“And… if I don’t?”
Suo meets your gaze, a wide smile splitting his face as he tugs you closer, shifting your legs to settle on either side of his hips, his fingers now digging into the plush of your thighs, inching up to tease at the hemline of your skirt.
“Then I suppose… someone’ll just have to teach you better, won’t they?”
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citycrows · 2 months
Does anyone else think about how Sakura was so excited and FRIENDLY to Suo when he thought he was a foreigner? If I had to count how often I think about that I'd say I'm never not thinking about it.
He introduced himself so POLITELY. Even tried to accommodate him by greeting him in English. He was so fuckin stoked thinking he was being kind to a foreigner.
(I'm also always thinking about how he got out the "I am-" and the part he got stuck at was his name my booooyyyy 😭)
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the-original-skipps · 4 months
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The simple fact that he’s not wearing his usual style of clothes is making me feral
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theloveinc · 3 months
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windbreaker x reader - sakura, suo, sugishita, kiryu, ume + togame AS DADS 🤍🤌🏻
(warning - mentions of bio kids/birth/nursing + etc!)
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HARUKA SAKURA - goes from the panicked dad to the dad who can handle five children at once...
His first year of parenthood is mainly... chaos. It's him struggling to change a diaper with less than six baby wipes. It's him going on patrol with spit up on his shirt. It's falling asleep as soon as his head his the pillow, barely any spare moments left in the day to spend with you without baby by your sides.
His third year of parenthood, however? His third year has him with two kids on his hip and one hanging off his back, all while he's in the kitchen warming up bottles and scrambling eggs for lunch with enough time once everyone's down for a nap for him to sneak you into your bedroom to spend a surprise hour under the sheets.
It doesn't matter if the kids are his or not, he runs his household like a preschool military... even if, at the end of the day, he can't tell you how he managed to do it. Sakura always knows where every kid is stationed in the house, what they're all doing and want to do next, and who needs a meal or a nap or anything in between. It's like he's psychic of sorts, because one kid could just be popping out of their bedroom and he'd already have their milk and afternoon snacks at the ready.
He's also a miracle at handling fights and spats, able to sit down every single child involved and help them talk it out before making them apologize. It's almost as though he was made to be a dad... if his main purpose on earth wasn't already... fighting people?
(It makes sense, though; he's grown to be such a peace keeper.
That being said, just because he can handle five kids at once doesn't mean they can handle him. He can really be Mr. Tough Love sometimes, especially to kids that aren't his own and don't yet know he means everything with love.)
(Also, he will jog around the neighborhood with a stroller lmao, or power walk with the youngest on his back. The neighborhood ladies LOVE him. Keep him locked up for his own safety. Eventual dilf.)
HAYATO SUO - the dad to an extremely fussy baby...
Suo being the type of man that he is (and has always been)... you never would've guessed that one of the few things able to sway such an infallible man could be his very own baby.
That first year after your... very expressive... daughter is born is mostly spent with Suo in shambles. Neither of you are sure if it's just the lack of sleep and all the other emotions that come with being a first time dad that are making him so flustered when he can't figure out why she's crying or what she wants... or if your daughter really is just that powerful to have the almost-always-unfazed Suo so pissed at a piece of broccoli for simply existing under his daughter's nose.
Every patrol around town or date night or time spent without your daughter on his lap is time he spends PONDERING how he can master the whole... "being a good dad" thing. One of the few things he's not able to immediately master and pull off with grace.
He eentually gets the hang of it though, once his kids grow into their security and start acting just like him.
(For every kid you have, there's at least a year spent like this. No matter how much he's learned or how easy it becomes for him to read his children, it's like the process resets as soon another bugger shows up.
Of course, all his kids are born fussy because HE was a fussy baby. But don't tell him that.)
KYOTARO SUGISHITA - the "go get my wallet" dad...
Like all the time he spent in Ume's garden during his youth, when Sugishita becomes a dad, the best way he knows how to spoil his girls is by investing every single spare moment of his time at their side... and heeding every. single. one of their requests.
As soon as they're old enough to walk (and no longer need him carrying them around everywhere, which he is devastated about, btw)... he's not only trailing behind them everywhere, but also insisting they get whatever their little hearts could desire.
...which sometimes means he's secretly pulling out his wallet and paying off the employee at the zoo to let them stay another hour after their tickets expire... and sometimes means he's coming home from the grocery store with three extra bags of snacks and four, brand new toys.
(This indulgence of his does not go away even as they age. If his daughters want a caviar bento every day for lunch, they're getting that caviar bento no matter what. No matter the cost. No matter the labor. And yes, before you ask, he makes their lunches too.)
Discipline also doesn't really exist for this guy, it's lowkey embarrassing because YOU WOULD THINK it would, wouldn't you?
MITSUKI KIRYU - the dad whose kid ends up wearing mad drip to day care...
You know those memes that sometimes come around that are like... "hispter" or "swaggy" baby? Kiryu ends up with one of those, sort of... unintentionally, even if the outfits don't stop when you point out how much needless concern he has for his son's fashion.
(It's not even that he's trying to make your child is fashionable... it's just how naturally good he is at buying clothes; he always comes home from the department store with a whole ensemble rather than just the two or three pairs of shirts and pants you asked for.
It's a little... self-conscious-making, honestly... to walk into a preschool with the nicest dressed toddler in tow, wearing clothes even he doesn't care about, and that are obviously going to get dirty the second he starts playing in the dirt (which he does, practically the second you let go of his hand. He's a wanderer, lol.)
Not that Kiryu cares a thing about your baby making a mess in his specially chosen, mini flannel (not that I need to say so, but he does his share of laundry)... but when all the other kids are in regular leggings and Minecraft t-shirts... it's definitely sort of funny that yours wears baby converse and button-ups.
HAJIME UMEMIYA - picture man dad…
Not only does Ume have pictures of all his kids happiest moments and biggest milestones, he has pictures of every second in between:
Pictures from between your legs of your baby literally being born, videos of the next one crowning. Pictures of your kid's first poop, or of their diaper rash from when he panicked and tried to emergency contact your doctor. Pictures from the first night they slept in their big kid beds, to pictures of their first (and worst) pimples.
He's lowkey (highkey) a vlog dad without the youtube channel; similarly, he also tries to record everything. Birthdays, sibling fashion shows, nighttime routines, wake-ups on holidays, fights, YOU NAME IT, he's pulling out his phone.
You honestly wouldn't think he does anything with the pictures but sometimes you find him asleep in bed just going through everything... he loves his kiddos that much <3
(He never forgets to take pictures of you both, either. Mostly you, but also some of the moments you're together, like your outfits or when you're on a date. He wants to be able to hold on to his memories forever, and give his kids something to remember you both by when they grow up.)
(Almost everyone has him muted on social media too except for Sugi lmaooo because he posts way. too. many. pictures and writes 500 word captions even over something as small as a lost tooth...)
(And lmao, he has at least one kid who is always ready to strike a pose, and in fact, does strike a pose whenever there's a camera out.)
JO TOGAME - the most hands-on father who will NOT put his child down...
For Togame... fatherhood essentially turns him into a willing jungle gym... likely due to the fact that when your baby was first born, he happily took on the night feeds and changings and often fell asleep in the armchair right next their crib just waiting for the next time he could hold them...
But you know those dads you sometimes see out in public, who play with their kids the way they'd play with a monkey? No sooner than he's finally able to is he holding your child up on his shoulders or swinging them around by the ankles like a sack of potatoes every time they're together; causing you to have a heart attack whenever you witness it, and everyone in the general vicinity with a shitty partner to ask how you "got him to be so involved with raising with your kids."
(Of the two of you, he's actually the one who gets antsy when people who aren't close to either of you ask to see or touch the baby. He's the one who hovers cautiously when his cousins pester you about letting them have a turn holding the baby, or when another relative makes a joke about you hiding them from family when you just went off to nurse in private. He is Pissed and is not afraid to express that lmao.)
It's really a blessing and a curse... because on one hand it's sooo sweet to watch them together... but then on another, your child is just, if not more, clingy than him... and cries louder than any other kid in the room when Togame finally lets go of the hug on their first day of preschool.)
Thank you for reading!
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chocoboco · 3 months
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So i started watching windbreaker
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vinomino · 2 months
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You can’t help it (,,>﹏<,,)
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What do they do with their oral fixation girlfriend ?! ( *`ω´)
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Featuring: Suo.H, Sakura.H, x f!reader
Contents: mdni 18+ super suggestive, oral fixation, lotsa licking, food play, dom!reader in sakura’s part(???)
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❀ Suo.H
Intently watching the tea rivulets snake down his chin and neck, following its path down onto his Adams apple and collar bone, disappearing under his shirt. You know he’s doing this on purpose.
The itch under you skin, the itch to be closer to him. Abandoning all logic, you push yourself off the cushion, onto the floor board towards as you crawl into his lap. His lone maroon eye studies your movement in amusement. Extending your knees, you start lapping up the drizzle. Running your tongue over his smooth skin, lightly tasting the floral tea on your buds. Beginning at the bottom you lick a line up to the corner of his mouth. He shifts, settling you between his legs.
“You’re quite the handful, you know that?” He mused.
Taking the cup into your hand you press it against his lips, “Drink up Suo, it’s my apology,” you give him a cheeky grin while tipping it. He obliges, taking a sip from the rim, the warm liquid flowing down his throat. With the tilt of your hand it overflows out the rim, all over him. Suo’s smile disappears momentarily, sitting there stunned as the tea soaks through his clothes. “Hehe, oopsies…”
“You did that on purpose.” The smile returns to his face.
“Yeah I did, let’s get you cleaned up.” You coo before lowering your face and begin to lick him clean.
“Insatiable…Are you going to lick all the tea off my body?” Suo murmurs.
Letting out a hum, you continue to erase the tea from him. “You just wanted an excuse to have your tongue on me, didn’t you? Go ahead then,” He drawls, voice thick with a playful challenge, “Help me clean up your little mistake.” You made no attempt of denying his implication, determined to get every last drop.
❀ Sakura.H
Sitting awkwardly on the bed besides Sakura as the movie progresses because all you can think about was the crème from the cake you two were eating at Pothos sliding down his chin a bit.
Pressing your thighs together to try and quell the heat inside you. Sakura noticed you’ve been more quiet since leaving the café, “Is something wrong?”
His two colored eyes stare into yours, “N-Nothing!”
Sakura doesn’t buy it, scrutinizing you with his stare.
Relenting you end up confessing to him that you can’t stop thinking about the crème on his skin. When you finish, the movie is forgotten and an awkward silence fills the room. “Why can’t you stop thinking about it?” He’s confused.
“I wanted to lick it off you.”
“Hah? But…but wouldn’t that…be gross…?” He quirks his brow at you.
“Am I gross to you?” You murmur dejectedly.
“N-No! Definitely not. You’re not…gross to me at all.” The thought of you being gross to him is absurd, but the thought of you cleaning the crème off his with your tongue has him blushing profusely.
You lower your head and glance up at him, giving him puppy eyes. “What is it…?”
Steeling yourself, “Can I try it?”
Now you’ve run off to the kitchen to try and find something to lick off him, you return with a bottle of chocolate syrup. Sakura’s eyes widen and his heartbeat quickens as he sees you return with the tube of chocolate in hand. He swallows hard, his body growing hotter at the thoughts in his mind. His voice comes out shaky as he speaks, “You…you want to use that?”
“Mhm! Take off your shirt!”
Sakura’s face flushes to even deeper red, he hesitates for a moment, not sure if he should go through with this, but he can’t resist the excited look in your eyes. Taking a deep breathe, he peels his shirt off, revealing this toned and muscular upper body to you. You instruct him to lay back, he does, and you sit on top of him. He intently watches you uncap the lid and tip the nozzle down, the thick dark brown liquid drizzles down and over him. Sakura lets out a small gasp. The cold, sticky, sensation of syrup contrasting against his pale skin makes him shiver. Placing the tube down, you take in the sight, he looks like a dessert.
As you bend down and start licking the syrup off, he lets out a soft moan, his hands clenching the sheets so tightly his knuckles turn white.
“Mmmnnh—that’s…that’s….” Sakura can’t form coherent words as you run your lips all over his skin, lapping up the chocolate from every crevice. When you reach his nipples, you lick at them. His body involuntarily arches up, responding to the intense sensation. He lets out ragged pants, feeling pleasure pool up in his stomach.
“Nnnghh…please…m-more…don’t…don’t stop….” He chokes out, a needy and desire filled voice.
You continue to feast on him, the room is now filled with sounds of his labored breathing and soft, guttural noises. Finishing, you sit back up, licking your lips. Sakura’s face was blissed out, tears clinging onto his bottom lashes, hair all ruffled and messy.
“Looks like you need a shower now.” You grin.
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bluntloyalist · 3 months
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sakura's tormented and unsure glances...suo observing with a completely neutral face not a smile in sight....nirei getting legitimately angry for maybe the first time ever......suosakurei nation how we doing
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leeknowslaughh · 2 months
I have so many feelings about this latest chapter!!!!
First! Sakura and his unintentional rizz is killing me
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Baby boy Endo is not a safe human (although I have a feeling Satoru Nii is going to FORCE me to like him by the end of this arc). His love obsession with Sakura is SO understandable. Like I get it. Sakura is my favorite too! (Suo , Hiragi, Ume, Kaji, Nirei, please look away). I LOVE Sakura’s kindness and forgiving nature, I think it’s one of the best things about his character. But I also hate that Endo is on the receiving end of it maybe that’s just me
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I am not mentally prepared but also how am I supposed to wait???? Like to read this chapter I literally scheduled out a fake Zoom meeting at my work so I could read in the conference room in peace.
Am I supposed to try and be normal for a whole week? I don’t know if that’s possible.
ALSO the ARTWORK!!!!! Satoru!!!! Wow!! I LOVE of expressive his work is and UMEMIYA LOOKS BREATHTAKING AND ANGRY AND I AM HERE FOR IT
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This part too, like Takiishi’s design is phenomenal and the pure CRAZY radiating off of him in this is perfection.
And good lord Endo pull yourself together
In summary: this chapter was once again amazing. The artwork was perfect, the writing is going in an amazing direction and I’m REALLY looking forward to next chapter. Umemiya is still my beloved and I can’t wait to watch him kick ass
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euphietea · 4 months
a few Wind Breaker hcs.
umemiya. would really love and adore having a family of his own. signs up for every parenting class available and has a notebook of every piece of advice from each person in town. surprisingly doesn't freak out about the things that can go wrong and instead talks about the future.
suo. is a romantic at heart. not that he swoons at romance, but he is naturally very confident in his approach to it, but not obviously so. it's a subtle type of romance. he isn't shy to give compliments, gifts, signs of affection. if anyone says something about the person he enjoys, he'd be sure to repay the favor.
jou. into adulthood, he would have a completed horimono. they tell a story and were done by a friend of a friend of an elderly man he jokes with at the bath house. it would most likely be in the munewari style. while getting it done, he is relatively quiet and uses the time to reflect.
kaji. very gentle with his partner in most realms. doesn't have a lot of romantic history and so any affection is treated like a precious stone. he cherishes that stone, but holding it in his hands terrifies him. the thought of breaking it is too much for him handle, so he would rather look at it from afar.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 3 months
since it's canon that sakura doesn't listen to music, i want everyone constantly recommending him songs to listen to and sending him links in the group chat but he gets so overwhelmed that he either doesn't or turns his phone off and forgets about it. plus he doesn't have headphones so he doesn't see the point in listening to anything (since he probably thinks it'll be a distraction)
then one day in class, kiryu and suo basically just slap a pair of headphones on sakura and start blasting him with music
unsurprisingly, sakura likes heavy metal and punk rock music. he doesn't really care for the lyrics, he just likes the vibes and tone
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revasserium · 24 days
teach me, teach me
suo hayato; 2,587 words; nsfw, senpai-kink, college!suo, aged up characters, fem! reader, senpai/kouhai dynamic, piv sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering, mentions of birth control, simp!suo, internal cumshot, allusions to suo w/ a praise!kink, no "y/n", lapslock
summary: in which ur only a few months older than suo but he won’t stop calling you “senpai”
a/n: u cannot convince me that suo wouldn't lose his mind if u called him a "good boy".
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“bet i could teach you a thing or two about girls.”
famous last words — so you think, later, pinned beneath suo, breathless, your fingers curling into your own palms, back arching as he slowly works two fingers in and out of you, his grin loping to one side.
“senpai… does that feel good? you have to tell me — teach me what feels good for you, hm?”
a broken whine works its way out the back of your throat as light fizzles at the edges of your vision. vaguely, you can feel your own hips kicking up as he twists his fingers, thumb circling your clit. if you were any more coherent, you might’ve wondered where he picked this up — the thought of suo casually watching porn for nothing more than pure academic interest doesn’t entirely escape the wild machinations of your mind.
“t-there —! ngh… please —”
“ah… right there? is that it, senpai?” there’s a bright, unassuming smile on his face, but you catch the dark glint that flashes behind his damnably long lashes. there’s a quickness to his breath that wasn’t there five minutes ago and god — has it only been five minutes?
“fuck — yes —” you keen, head tossing back into the pillows, the coil in your belly twisting fit to burst. your toes curl, your breath hitches, champagne sparklers flash behind your eyes.
and then —
“mm… senpai… you’re so wet…”
you peer up at him through damp lashes, your body still fizzling with the almost of your now rapidly fading orgasm.
“h-hayato —”
“hm? what is it? have i been doing something wrong?” his voice is level, innocent, even. you bite down on your bottom lip and swallow back the whine threatening to spill from your mouth.
“no, you’re —” your breath hitches as you feel him trail sticky fingers along the insides of your thighs before grinning and pillowing his cheek on your bent knee.
“y-you’re doing —” you swallow, watching as he slowly lowers himself down till he’s resting between your legs; you shiver at the heat of his breath on your pulsing clit, “good —”
“yeah? but… good isn’t good enough for me, senpai…” you catch a glimpse of the devious glint in his eyes a second before he dips down and licks a long strip along your cunt; you clench around nothing and moan.
it had started three weeks ago, when suo had overhead kotoha talking about your birthday. and maybe it was the fact that he’d never paused to think about it too hard, but he’d always just assumed that you were his age.
“— want for your birthday this year? it’s soon, right?”
“yeah — but i don’t wanna do anything big this year…” you’d pushed your half-finished omurice around your plate as suo, sitting three seats down from you, pauses and looks up.
“hmmm but it’s not every day that a girl turns 21! i heard in america — it’s a huge deal!”
suo had blinked, cocking his head, his mind spinning into overdrive as he does the math. outside, a light dusting of snow had fallen over the entire city, and beside him, sakura was complaining about getting stuck with “snow patrol”.
even as college students, the work of boufuurin never really ends.
when you get up to leave, suo smiles, “let us know if you need any help with your birthday!”
you turn, frowning slightly, “uhm — sure! i don’t know if i’ll need much help but…”
suo had felt something in his chest kick at the color rising in your cheeks; he’d wondered how pretty you might look blushing properly.
“well, it’s only natural for us kouhai to want to help out, right senpai?”
and he’d gotten his wish — your cheeks flaring the most gorgeous shade of pink as you bite down on your bottom lip. the thing in his chest thuds again, more insistently this time, and he tries not to pay too much attention to another kind of pressure, building just behind his navel as he smiles and watches you leave with hooded eyes.
now, with his mouth latched to your sopping cunt, suo can’t help but groan at the way your thighs quiver on either side of his face. he reaches up to lace his fingers between yours, soothing a thumb over your knuckles in what would be an innocent gesture, before he pulls your hand towards his hair.
“you don’t have to be so gentle with me, senpai — i can take it.”
he grins, licking his lips clean of your sticky juices, feeling a familiar tension coil inside his own belly as he watches you squirm, panting, your skirt hiked up, your panties still hanging around your one ankle, the creamy expanse of your thighs now dotted with tiny blossoming bruises, the evidence of his hungry mouth and diligent fingers.
“hayato…” you say his name like a prayer, and a part of him wonders if he’ll ever be the same after this. or, if it keeps on going like this, if you keep on staring up at him with those dark, watery eyes of yours, calling his name like it’s the only name you might ever want to say again — if you might just ruin him for every other girl out there.
“hm? what is it, senpai?” he tries, fruitlessly, to maintain his calm, to keep his composure. though he knows he’s fighting a losing war; he nearly breaks as he shifts and feels his straining cock skim along your leg.
you lick your lips, and just like that, he knows you have him; your hand hasn’t left his hair, but when you trail it down to cup his cheek, suo feels his mind going blissfully blank.
“ngh — stop teasing —” your voice is broken, in a way that has suo questioning his own sanity.
he lets out a shaky breath, “teasing? i’m just trying to treat you well, senpai —”
“i — i want you.”
“me? i’m right here…” he bends down over you, but he doesn’t expect you to arch up into him, to pull him down for a kiss that can only be called bruising, for your legs to wrap around his waist and pull him down hard enough for his clothed cock to rut against your slick pussy in a way that has him reeling.
“f-fuck —” he lets the word slip just as you reach down far enough to push at his belt.
“i w-want you — here —” you make your intentions plenty clear as you dig a finger passed the waistline of his loose-fitting pants.
suo pauses, his chest heaving, his single eye wide a bit unfocused. he licks his lips and swallows hard.
“are you — do you have something for —” he gestures vaguely towards where the two of you are so damnably close to being connected and you have the gall to sigh and roll your eyes.
“hayato,” you say, your voice firmer and steadier than he’d heard all afternoon, “there’s a thing called birth control.”
suo blinks, and then, he breaks into a soft fit of laughter, “ah… of course. should’ve known senpai would be so well prepared.”
“mm — actually, it’s a free service. the university covers it for anyone who wants to —”
suo groans as he dips down to bury his face in your neck, skimming his teeth along your collarbones.
“senpai… now who’s the one teasing?”
you let out a breathy laugh, “d-didn’t know you’d be so turned on b-by student health services —”
suo takes a deep breath, reveling in the milky smell of your skin, “no… i just love it when you try to stall.”
“mhm,” he pulls back, his smile at once devilish and indulgent.
“’m not stalling…”
“sure you are — you were so close —” he lets his voice sink into a deeper, smokier tone, his intonation caressing a lewder implication, so much so that you feel your pussy clench again, a flood of warmth slicking along your folds, “to telling me where exactly you wanted me.”
he ruts down against you and both of you groan out at the friction.
“w-why ask a q-question… you already know the a-answer to?” you say, arching up against him, fingers now threading through his hair, tugging on it just hard enough to make him hiss.
“because senpai — i wanna hear you say it.”
he trails his lips along your neck, sucking a dark, angry hickey into the junction of your shoulder even as you whine.
“fuck — hayato — want you inside me —”
“mm… that wasn’t so hard, now was it?”
he pulls back just far enough to mouth at your lips, groaning as he feels your hands fumbling at his belt; he reaches down to help you, shucking his pants and boxers in one and kicking them off his legs a second before your palm meets his throbbing cock.
“mphf — f*-fuck* —” he swears again as you shimmy yourself down, stroking his cock till its head is pushing at your entrance, “s-senpai —”
you run your thumb along his slit and he jerks forward, making a sound just between a groan and a whimper.
“a-ah…” he drops his head into your shoulder, if only to look down at where your hand is still wrapped around him, your thighs spread so tantalizingly wide, your body resting on the tangle of his sheets in this tiny college dorm.
“ha-hayato…” your free hand curls into his hair, pulling him down till his nose grazes yours; there’s a moment’s pause as you look up into his singular eye and he looks down into yours. like this, he can count each and every one of your individual eyelashes.
“are you gonna fuck me or not?” you ask, your voice nothing more than a puff of breath along his lips.
suo hisses, his vision flickering as his mind goes white with heat. he leans down to capture your lips with his, his hand coming up to curl around your wrists as he fucks down into you, groaning as he feels your cunt stretching out around him inch by inch by inch.
“s-senpai… so tight — “
“m-mngh — h-hayato —!”
he loses himself in the feeling of you, in your tightness, in the way he can feel you fluttering around him even as you scrabble at his back with loose, desperate fingers.
he groans, pulling back slightly just to fuck himself back into your heat. and like this, he can see the threads of your mind slowly coming undone until you’re keening, thrashing beneath him, begging and so, so close to incoherence.
“ha - hah — hayato — m-more — your cock —”
“s-senpai — you gotta tell me — what — you — want — remember?” he punctuates his words with harsh thrusts, reaching down to hoist your legs over his shoulders, pressing you in half as he fucks down into you.
the schlick of his cock ramming into you, the wet slap of skin on skin, the high-pitched squeak you make every time he feels his cock bottoming out inside you, nudging against the one particular spot that has you jerking away from him —
“w-want you t-to cum —” you’re a babbling mess beneath him now, your eyes squeezing shut, your body soft and pliant as he manipulates you into a better position.
“a-ah — senpai — you’re not b-being fair —” suo pants, digging his fingers into your thighs as he folds you nearly in half, your knees almost kissing your shoulders as you keen, eyes rolling back into your head at the slight shift in angle as he continues to pound into you.
the walls of the tiny dorm room reverberate with the sound of your desperate cries, and suo spares a moment to wonder if he might get reported for this.
“wanna — wanna feel you c-cum —” your voice lilts up as he lets out another wanton groan, leaning down to mouth at your exposed tits, bouncing with the force of his thrusts. he grunts as he tugs your shirts open wider, popping off one of your buttons in the process.
“senpai — senpai — t-tell me — am — do i feel good?” he doesn’t mean to sound so desperate, but he hears the imploring edge to his voice as you keen, nodding fervently, tugging at his hair, your expression fucked out, your eyes so dazed.
“so g-good — hayato — please, wanna feel you cum — wanna be full —”
and that’s all it takes for the coil in his stomach to twist and burst. he ruts forward, clamping down on his lips as he feel his orgasm ram into him with the force and speed of a runaway train. a second later, he feels you clench down around him, your walls fluttering as you hit your own climax, and vaguely, he finds himself thankful that at least he’d made you cum too.
he fights not to collapse on top of you, rolling to one side, his arm looping around your waist to pull you into him.
he takes a deep breath, and then another, trying to gather himself. you roll onto him, squeaking as you feel his softening cock threaten to slip out of you, but a second later, you’re perched over his hips, your thighs straddling his sides.
“mm… still not satisfied, senpai?” he asks, a bit breathless, his chest heaving, his bangs sticking to his forehead as he stares lovingly up at the shape of you, your hands steadying yourself on his shoulders.
“i am…” you say, grinning lazily down at him as you slowly lay down, pressing your cheek to his chest, “just… like the feeling of you inside me.”
suo bites back a thick moan as he feels his dick kick, even after all that, the way you say those words so casually has him reaching up to tug at your hair.
“you… really weren’t kidding when you said you’d teach me a thing or two, hm?”
you giggle, pillowing your chin on his chest as you stare up at him.
“dunno what you mean.”
he scoffs, brushing a few strands of hair from your forehead, “it’s not nice to tease…”
you lick your lips; suo gasps as he feels you squeeze down around him, his sensitive cock hardening again despite himself.
“like i said,” you trace an idle finger up the length of his neck before pushing yourself back up to swirl your hips around his now rapidly hardening cock, “i don’t know what you mean — i think you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific.”
suo lets a whine snake out from inside his throat, dropping his head back into the sweat-soaked sheets, his palms coming to rest on the round of your hips.
“sen-senpai… go easy on me… please?”
“not a chance,” you say, “now be a good boy and take it.”
suo moans, long and loud and unabashed. your voice rings out in his head like a curse or an incantation and he feels his body go rigid at your words — good boy.
and it’s all he can do to keep from cumming on the spot.
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101suouexpressions · 3 months
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Does it ever hit you like a fucking truck just how beautiful and gorgeous he is?
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