#to kick a god in the teeth
wantonlywindswept · 2 months
Definitely True Facts About Commander Vertex #3
He has negative Force bacteria.
[forgotten Fox AU tag]
"Midichlorians," Patches said, for the third time, his head in his hands. "They're called midichlorians."
"Tiny little buggers that live in your body," Jek scoffed. "I might have barely scraped by my biology modules, but that sounds like bacteria to me."
Patches whimpered.
Jek grinned and reached over to pat his babiest of brothers on the head. Their youngest medic really was too easy to rile up. 
Still, at least Patches was capable of taking a break on occasion, even if it was just to sit at Jek's bedside in the medbay while he recovered from a round of Force cleansing. He always felt a little like the mess hall slop after every session, squishy and mostly-liquid, though the effects had been lessening as the treatments went on. 
Turned out that working in close proximity to an evil Sith overlord for an extended period of time could be 'damaging' and 'harmful to the spirit', and as soon as the Jedi got the okay from Marshal Commander Thorn they'd instituted regular healing sessions for the Guard. Some of them weren't overly affected--the ARF division hadn't been allowed in the Senate Dome that often anyway, and the medics rarely left the infirmary, much less Guard HQ--but the majority of them were on rotating schedules to get their minds checked for Sith residue or whatever.
It was even worse for the Force-sensitives.
No one was more surprised to find Force-sensitive clones than the clones themselves, and a frankly unsettling percentage of the Guard tested for above-average midichlorian counts. That was just those who agreed to submit to the assessment, too--a lot of the Guard refused to do even that. It wasn't like they could be Jedi, and with the war over, what did it even matter?
(Except it did matter, a lot, because apparently evil Sith overlords could also drain the life force from sentients around them, and particularly enjoyed ones with the Force. Palpatine got a little tasty burst of power like they were some kind of energy snack, and it wasn't like the Guard weren't already exhausted anyway.
That kind of siphoning left even worse traces of Sith influence; Jek's cleansing sessions made his bones feel like wobbly gelatin, but Glitch's sessions hurt.)
"I bet Defib's m-count is the highest in the Guard," Jek mused absently as he watched their CMO stalk around the medbay between the beds--and the Jedi--with a scowl on his face. 
Patches lifted his head to give Jek a horrified look.
"Don't say that where he can hear you."
Jek, who lacked both bones and a sense of self-preservation, merely shrugged. Defib had refused testing, scoffing that he didn't need the Force to heal, but he wasn't named after a defibrillator for nothing: he'd brought more than one brother back from the brink of death against impossible odds.
Jek had his suspicions about Patches, too. 
Even with Defib hovering suspiciously over their shoulders, the Jedi healers--there were four of them, led by Master Rig Nema--moved around the medbay with an almost unearthly poise. Jek was more familiar with ordered chaos in the infirmary: medics shouting across the room to each other, rushing back and forth to see how far their meager supplies could stretch. The Jedi were quiet, coordinating with each other soundlessly while still seeming to be aware of everything else happening in the room.
The mesmerizing little dance wasn't even interrupted by the main doors opening, which drew Jek's attention to Commander Vertex stepping into the medbay. The commander had his bucket tucked under one arm, and sharp eyes surveyed the room in a quick glance.
Patches waved at Vertex, because he was adorable. 
Vertex waved back, because he was a sap.
Defib immediately veered off his self-appointed task of looming to intercept Vertex before he got too far into the room. They ducked their heads together in a brief conversation with far too much angry gesticulating on Defib's part, and the calm competency Jek had come to expect on Vertex's. Jek watched, fascinated, as Vertex managed to settle the fuming medic with just a few words and a gentle touch to his shoulder. 
Defib made a bitchy face, but he did seem to lose some of his protective bristling; at Vertex's nudge he sidled over to his desk in the corner of the medbay, dropping into his chair to finally take a break and...to angrily chew on a ration bar?
The Jedi, meanwhile, had continued on with their Force nonsense, which lasted up until Vertex tapped one of the healers on the shoulder and their serenity shattered with a resounding squawk.
The poor Rodian who made the noise spun around, flailing wildly, and would have fallen back onto one of the beds if Vertex hadn't grabbed her to keep her upright. The other three Jedi's heads snapped up in eerie synchronicity, startled expressions on their faces, and Master Nema took a jolting step forward before seeming to register what had happened.
In the frozen stillness that followed, Defib's sullen crunching took on a distinctive note of glee.
"Apologies," Vertex said. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"When did you even..." 
"How can we be of assistance, Commander Vertex?" Master Nema asked, stepping away from her patient to take the place of the still-baffled apprentice healer. Both she and Vertex smoothly ignored the disbelief radiating off the other Jedi, who were looking at Vertex like they didn't know how he had appeared. 
Jek wondered that sometimes, too, but it didn't bother him.
"Hey," he said, nudging Patches with his elbow as the two bigwigs conversed, "What do you bet that Commander Vertex has negative Force bacteria?"
Patches stared at Jek like he'd kicked a baby massiff, and then slowly sunk lower in his chair with a low, despairing whine.
So easy.
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bylertruther · 2 years
people who think will byers hates himself for being gay when will byers is one of the very few characters on the show that has refused to change himself to fit anyone else's idea of what he should be despite the fact that people, including his own father, have been harassing, bullying, and abusing him for it literally his entire fucking life are just...... so weird.
will's entire POINT is that he will survive and brave whatever you throw his way against all odds and come out on the other side of it still clutching on to his sense of self and hope that tomorrow will be a better day. the entire point of his character is that he loves what he loves without apology or shame.
he sings "that weird song he loves" in the middle of hell because it reminds him of his brother and offers him comfort in a place where there is none. he creates art because he loves it and doesn't care if it isn't something boys do, then he gifts it to his friends because he loves them and wants them to know it, too. he loves dnd and writes campaigns and dresses up for them because they bring him joy and he just wants to spend time with his friends even if they think they're "too cool" for it now.
he knows that sometimes it's harder than it should be to be gay in a homophobic society and has been harassed for that literally his entire fucking life it's LITERALLY how they introduce him to us not even twenty minutes into this fucking show and YET !!!!!!! he doesn't back away from that. ever.
he gets picked on for his clothes, but he doesn't change them. he gets called names, but he doesn't make any attempt to conform. his best friend, the boy that he's in love with and his very first friend ever, tells him it isn't his fault that he doesn't like girls and shamefully asks him if he really thought they were going to play games together in his basement for the rest of their lives and never get girlfriends, and what does will do?
he says yeah. i guess i did. i really did.
will faces all of that and goes to a new place where he has the golden opportunity of a clean slate, and what does he do? when assigned to do a presentation on his hero... he picks alan turing of all people. and when his brother later on tells him that he loves him no matter what, essentially giving him the It's Okay To Be Gay I Love You So Much And Always Will talk, still there is no denial on will's part here either.
will has NEVER, EVER denied being gay. he has NEVER tried to change that part of himself. he has ALWAYS stood tall and braved another day even when it was scary and hard. he has ALWAYS remained true to himself even though that has only ever made his life that much harder.
he said that sometimes he feels like a mistake for being so different from other people, but that being loved and accepted makes him feel like he isn't one at all and like he's better for being different and that gives him the courage to fight on.
literally what the fuck are you guys on about when you talk about will being self-hating for being gay. where is the canonical evidence for that? and more than that, why are you so keen on throwing away all of his acts of bravery and the sheer fucking strength of character that he's had since the very beginning? it would've been so much easier for him to conform, to be the "man" that everyone has always pushed him to be, but he doesn't ever do that. he stays true to himself no matter what. so, again, where the hell are these self-hating receipts?!
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grumpyghostdoodles · 9 months
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Its them, the greatest deputy of them all, Clover!!
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
Two quick things (since I've seen confusion about one and panic around the other). Firstly, "Nothing lasts forever" has been a theme of Sleep Token's social media for a long time now (since at least the Sundowning era). Here's a screenshot of a Facebook post from November 2019 with the quote.
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Sleep Token aren't ending, I promise. They're just switching gears. Sundowning + Tomb + Eden was a trilogy, and now Vessel and Sleep Token are working on something new. I'd bet money they're writing/recording new music right now. We might not see it until the end of this year but it fits their timeline of record releases.
Secondly, "Teeth of God" comes from a poem that was on a Sleep Token jumper back in Jan/Feb 2023. The full poem is as follows.
I am hunting something And in turn That same thing is hunting me The beholder The void beyond I am the line between I am the Teeth of God.
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clownsalot · 8 months
anyways i finished binge reading all of dungeon meshi like last thursday or something but never talked about it so here's what i think
dungeon meshi is sooo evil and twisted it makes me want to learn to cook a decent balanced meal and break bread with my friends and come to accept death as a natural part of life and actually take care of my health. what the fuck that's soo twisted and evil
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vagueconfusion · 1 month
Different angle of III's Rain dance; from the Teeth of God Montreal ritual [05/25/2024]
Video taken by _dreamwaves on tiktok
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andellaheartz · 1 year
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Couple of gifs i made for the socialstuck carrd (Carrd, trigender, he/him in this)
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batcavescolony · 5 months
S5 E1 Supernatural
I SWEAR TO GOD! They need to take shots of holy water everytime they see each other! Bring back Cristo, this is ridiculous. But Meg's back! Bobby, sadly got possessed, but he resisted cus they were gonna make him hurt one of his boys 😭😭😭 John could never. This poor Nick dude is going through it, but he is funny. 'Ok Satan 🙄 tell me to quit drinking before bed' 'if it's all the same to you I'd like to wake up now' 'why the hell would I do something like that'. Dean is the vessel for Michael. All but two Angels are massive dicks. But guess who's back to save the boys? Castiel, being a bad ass and....carving things into the boys ribs.
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the-cornuthaum · 7 months
IS4, preliminary impressions
significantly harder than IS3 on a per-map basis initially; almost all maps have at least one mean gimmick to fuck you with that you will probably counterpick or prepare for in the future once you know all the maps
much meaner enemies in general. is3 mostly just had stat sticks but not so much in terms of special abilities, while you will totally run into some of the more technically complex enemies from the last year in IS4 (I'm looking at you, surprise monster hunter enemies)
much better skill expression in play. the foldartal system is so, so goddamn good like holy shit I love it so much
oh yeah the same is true for the Index because you can choose information clarity of what's ahead vs. lateral connectors to squeeze in more fights
no more ending RNG holy shit they did it
so far I don't think there's been a single thing that was really negative, at most there's the annoyance of gimmicky "haha, gotcha" maps that kill you the first time you run into them... but that's absolutely nothing compared to the light system and particularly nothing as bad as metastatic aberration
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mushruumtea · 3 months
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wolfgirl-valentine · 1 year
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Retired Dream AU, lyrics from “(I love you) For Sentimental Reasons” by Nat King Cole
It was a quiet evening, the interior of the apartment warm and cozy in contrast with the freezing temperature outside. 
It felt…domestic. A concept that was still a novelty for Morpheus. A companionable quietness  between them as they prepare dinner together, only the sound of the utensils as they are used and the music coming from Hobs speaker breaking the silence. 
Morpheus have acclimated to his new…situation, more easily that he expected, and he is sure Hob have played a key role in that. They have rekindled their friendship before his change of status, and when he and Death have showed at his doorstep a rainy night, he only looked at his drenched, shivering and very human shape before opening his home for him.
It was supposed to be a temporary thing, only until he found his footing, but the more Morpheus spent time with him, the less he wanted to leave.
When after a year living together, he confessed his change in feelings (so tentatively, so scared of rejection) and Hob responded with a bright smile and teary eyes so full of love, Morpheus feel his chest filling with a warmth that has stayed ever since.
Right now he can feel it from the tip of his toes to the top of his head, as he help chopping the vegetables meanwhile Hob stir the pots on the stove. It pulses as a beating heart as Hob places a sweet kiss on his cheek when he comes closer to pass the cut carrots to be added to the stew.
The song from the speaker ends, and as Hob places the lid of the pot and adjust the heat another begins.
"Oh I love this song!" Suddenly Morpheus founds himself being dragged to the middle of the small kitchen, embraced by the warm of Hob arms, being rocked softly to the rhythm of the music, Hob humming quietly next to him.
" I have told you Hob, I do not dance." There is not real heat behind his remark, and by Hob chuckle he knows that.
" Ah but we are not dancing Love, we are…just embracing in our kitchen, moving together, with background music…" Morpheus huffing gains him another chuckle, and he lets himself enjoy the moment, so many things he is experiencing at the side of this ridiculous, wonderful man.
When the next verse starts, Hob voice joins it, and as Morpheus finally pay attention to the lyrics, a coil starts to burn in his chest.
"I love you,
and you alone were meant for me,
please give your loving heart to me
and say we'll never part"
Morpheus vision becomes blurry, and he is mortified to realize he is crying, but this time there is no negative feeling involved, just warm, Hobs warm, the comfortable warm of their kitchen, and the warm inside Morpheus own chest, and he realize that warm is love, a sob left his lips, but a smile is stretching them, and Hob just hug him tighter("It's ok love"), still rocking him as he whispers the next verse, and Morpheus only let the tears run free, because he can have this, Hob, their home, their love…nothing, nobody is going to take this from him, and as the last line repeats again, he joins Hob voice, his own hoarse but firm.
"I've given you my heart"
(sorry for any grammatical error, english is not my first lenguage)
(photos of my drawings taken with my phone)
This idea make me get out of my bed at 3 am, going to let it in pencil because I’m sure if I try to ink it I’ll make it worse.
Dedicated to my people in the “Dreamling con ñ” server
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erinchavi · 10 months
re: my last post
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starw1sh · 5 months
Having to read The Spirit Bears Its Teeth in small bits and pieces because every page is a violent reflection of myself and I can't handle it
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ontargetmadders · 7 months
Wow okay I've just been hit with a massive bomb shell this morning with no warning whatsoever... apparently there's funding issues in my company and they have to reduce my working hours to one day??!! What the actual fuck! It’s bad enough I've never bene appreciated in this company but now they're basically nearly making me redundant?? Unbelievable! I really have to loo for something new asap. This is just unfair and unacceptable!! Especially considering how long I've worked there now. They didn’t even warn me in advance!
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thatfinewine · 1 year
Silly little oneshot that turned in a direction I hadn't intended but went with anyway. Prompt from @potetosaradas was "Blips and Chitz", and the pairing Rick Prime/(young) Rick C-137. It isn't explicitly shippy, but hopefully it's still enjoyable. 🙏
Every so often Rick has to acknowledge that he can't handle all of who Prime is.
(Prime truly does not give a shit. Rick gives too much of a shit.)
“Eh, you win some you lose some,” Prime shrugged nonchalantly as he tossed the helmet game controller down onto the dashboard of the machine, where it landed precariously close to the edge.  He got up from the cramped-but-plush seats and made a show of stretching his long legs, while Rick followed and stood up after him from the opposite chair.
“We wouldn’t ‘lose some’ if you’d quit making us lose!” Rick snapped as he (much more carefully) set his own helmet down and readjusted Prime’s closer to the center of the console without thinking.
Prime reached down and tore off the measly amount of tickets the machine spit out for them.  “Hey; I was having fun shooting Space Fascists—”
“—Instead of protecting the civilians!  Like the objective told us to do!”
“I mean, you made it sound like you had that part pretty handled—”
“—until you blew the whole left wing of the Feds’ ship off and it crashed down on top of us and killed everyone!”
“—which wouldn’t have happened if those pig bastards knew how to steer their own ship.  They drive like male Obravadians!  Man, it’s like they were aiming for you guys – actually, it was kinda funny.”
Prime had already started moving on towards his next objective, leaving Rick to catch up with him.  Rick, mood visibly soured from the loss, didn’t find any of it even slightly amusing.  When Prime caught the look, he rolled his eyes in a comically obvious way.  “Anyone who has taste would find it funny, anyway,” he grumbled, purposefully loud enough to be heard over the ambient noise of the arcade.
“Sorry I don’t find watching innocents being crushed to death funny.”
The air around Prime shifted, the growing tension seemingly choking out the oxygen between them.
“Rick,” Prime said, emphasizing the name with the condescending sort of tone of a teacher who’s disappointed in a student.  “You know you can’t let yourself get all tangled up in small stuff like that.”
Rick felt his face and chest grow hot with embarrassed anger.  Prime spoke about other living beings as if they were hardly more than a footnote to him, but the loss of life never felt ‘small’ to Rick.  That was a conscious being, snuffed right out of existence, losing the most precious thing ever gifted to any of them – life.  A single life that could never be brought back once it was gone.  But the two of them had argued about this so many times before, and this was supposed to be a fun, low-stakes day out playing video games…
“I know,” he answered quietly, sounding simultaneously defeated and bitter about it.
It was moments like these that were chilling reminders of what Prime was like to everyone else.  He was generally good to Rick because he liked Rick.  But Prime didn’t harbor any sort of meaningful fondness for anything else besides creation and discovery.  Rick was an anomaly to him, something that had such a low chance of happening that it was basically a nonexistence; an impossibility.  It made the heat inside of him run cold; as if a block of ice settled into Rick’s ribcage, where it slowly melted into his veins, as he stood in the face of their reality.
Prime found the universe fascinating as he watched life crop up and die as if it were nothing but cells under a microscope.
Rick thought it was wrong to see a disaster happening and do nothing to stop it when he very well had the power to.
Prime said that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are societal constructs and aren’t even real.  In the beginning he thought that Rick’s ‘planetary mindset’ was… cute.  But as the same conversation kept circling back around… he was getting annoyed at having to repeat himself.
“You’re not stupid, Rick.  I know you’re not stupid.”
Rick hated those words so much it made him feel sick.
“I know you’re not stupid.  So why do you keep acting like it?”
The feeling of how finite the universe truly was became heavier around Rick, putting pressure on his heart to the point where it hurt to keep beating.  How could two people stay by each other's sides and make a relationship work when their fundamental moral compasses couldn’t align?
“Why does it matter, then?  I-I-I’m not asking you to— to do anything, I’ll do it all myself.  If nothing matters, why does it pi-p-pi-piss you off so much that I want to save lives?”
“Is that really what you’re going to spend the rest of your life doing?  You could be inventing literally anything!  You could be doing anything!  And you’re choosing to waste your own invaluable time simply postponing death for some thing that’s not even going to benefit you?  They’re going to die, Rick.  They’re all going to die.  So you spend a week stopping a flood and helping rebuild a town – then what?  You’re going to leave, feeling all proud of yourself for earning these hero points you invented as a reward and to feel like there’s a balance to the universe and it’s not all chaos – and after you leave, the dam breaks again, or a volcano erupts, or an asteroid slams into the planet, or a burst of solar radiation hits them and wipes out everything.”
“—Or another space-faring alien shows up and decides they want the resources and have no use for the people and pick them all off!  Maybe sell them as slaves for a quick buck!  And this is happening to millions of planets - all with sapient life - right now, in this very universe, right this very second, and here you are helping none of them.  So then what, are you choosing which life deserves to survive with your benevolent help?”
“No, I-I’ll—” 
“—Are you going to clone yourself so you can be in billions of places at once, stopping every single disaster on every single planet?  Are you going to lay awake at night beating yourself up over the ones you didn’t save, wasting even more of your time?”
“…Do you see how ridiculous you sound to me now?  Come on, Rick.  Look out for yourself - and if a stupid fucking species is going to wipe themselves out with nuclear war, let them.  You’ve fooled yourself into believing that you care.  …If you want to then just do it, but don’t act like it makes you a saint.  You’re not.  You’re Rick Sanchez.”
They usually don’t talk for days afterward.
“I’ll give you time to calm down and actually use that brain of yours.  I know you’re not stupid, Rick.”
Rick didn’t even look over as he heard Prime let loose an exaggerated groan.  “Oh my God,” he complained, drawing out the title into a word that took two whole seconds to say, “stop pouting.”
“I’m not pouting,” Rick snapped back, as he actively made an effort to stop pursing his lips and slumping his shoulders.  It wasn’t pouting.  It was… it was…
“We came here to have fun – it’s a fucking space arcade!   You really can ruin anything, huh?”
The good times were so good, but the bad times were so bad.
“It’s a talent,” Rick muttered, trying not to sound like he was marking up a list in his head of the pros and cons of choosing this man as his partner.
Prime shot him a sidelong glance and gave his cosmic twin’s face a quick once-over.  Rick often wondered what Prime’s mental list was.  How long did Rick even have before the scales tipped out of his favor and he lost his appeal?  What would happen to him then?
Existence was finite, after all.
Even for Gods.
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moocowmoocow · 9 months
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