#and then disappearing into thin air
sleepanonymous · 4 months
Two quick things (since I've seen confusion about one and panic around the other). Firstly, "Nothing lasts forever" has been a theme of Sleep Token's social media for a long time now (since at least the Sundowning era). Here's a screenshot of a Facebook post from November 2019 with the quote.
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Sleep Token aren't ending, I promise. They're just switching gears. Sundowning + Tomb + Eden was a trilogy, and now Vessel and Sleep Token are working on something new. I'd bet money they're writing/recording new music right now. We might not see it until the end of this year but it fits their timeline of record releases.
Secondly, "Teeth of God" comes from a poem that was on a Sleep Token jumper back in Jan/Feb 2023. The full poem is as follows.
I am hunting something And in turn That same thing is hunting me The beholder The void beyond I am the line between I am the Teeth of God.
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duriens · 1 year
so we all agree that kirkwall is both horrifying and fascinating and i wish they'd delved more into its bloody history beyond the snippets we get from the codexes of the band of three. like hello?? three seekers of truth - among which a dalish mage - scurrying about the sewers and lower passages of the city, discovering that kirkwall was designed as some sort of magical symbol, has grooves in the sewers allowing the flood of blood downward for blood magic purposes, and last but not least realizing that its circle of magi had a much higher number of failed harrowings & episodes of blood magic hysteria than basically any other circle in existence??? you cant leave me hanging like that. why was the veil so thin there even before tevinter came? why were they weakening it further?? what was tevinter doing with all those disappeared slaves every year and the huge blood magic ritual involving thousands of slaves and the city itself being a magic symbol??? did the band ever find out if the Forbidden Ones are the same Forgotten Ones of dalish lore??? why was xebenkeck called 'forgotten one'??? hello????? what the fuck is up in kirkwall??????
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bamsara · 8 months
The Rehabilitation of Death
Chapter 5: Of Silliness and Scythes
Narinder continues to dream, unfortunately.
Rumors continue to circulate about the strange demonic cat as the God of Death stays isolated, and Lambert has lunch at his doorstep while the two discuss a certain demonic fox.
Where the lamb rushes headfirst into battle, Narinder, like most cats, prefers to hunt, stalk, and ambush. A tactic that he uses well on the lamb in his own way, all the way into a pocket dimension that smells like bird, and where a godly item sits inconspicuously on a podium. A new ability is gained. Nothing huge, but progress.
A rather unethical experiment is conducted by Narinder so he may know why he feels the deaths (or near-deaths) of the flock's followers, but not for the enemies in the wilds. Lambert's own forgetfulness puts a pause on a crusade that had already gone for days longer than it should have been. His tolerance is running out, and his tongue wags when he's tired.
His patience is rewarded with a weapon that looks suspiciously like one he used to carry before all went to hell.
Chapter Wordcount: 15,032 | Read tags and Warnings. Thank you for reading!
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envysparkler · 23 days
In dry, desert sands far, far away, a fifteen-year-old gasps out his last breath, knowing that no one is coming.
(Bruce never finds Jason after he runs away.  This changes everything.  And nothing.) 
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blackkat15 · 5 months
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(Left: PJ Heywood - Voice Actor for William Afton and Michael Afton in game. Right: Matthew Lillard - Actor for William Afton in movie.)
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK talking about himself vs. Other people talking about TK
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
I know the clip of Tubbo disappearing in front of Fits eyes is supposed to be angsty and sad but it makes me laugh entirely too hard
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turrondeluxe · 8 months
TMNT au where Mikey becomes god in order to erase all the suffering that the Shredder did to his family and ends up being forgotten but Leo still remembers him and Yoshi still becomes Splinter but he has Tang Shen and Karai and they still adopted the turtles but there are only three because Mikey restarted everything and doesn't exist they are all mutated except Karai but Tang Shen is a rat as well because she touched Splinter when he had mutagen on his skin when he was transforming along with the turtles and everything stays the same with how they were raised on scraps but when Karai reaches a certain age she is taught to go up the surface and steal food for them down below in the sewers she also the oldest and still a ninja. Leo ends up experiencing weird and vivded dreams of an orange turtle with freckles he has never seen before but feels like he knows him and he keeps this to himself and the dreams start to feel even more real they all go up to the surface to fight the kraang save April and fight the other villain's that have no ties to the Shredder since he's gone and Leo starts looking around for Mikey since he's been in his dreams and he learned that the mutagen he came from was from the kraang and that's it mutated other animals and humans so now he's trying to figure out if there is an orange turtle.
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petracozbi · 2 months
Thinking about Normal and Rebecca’s relationship ):
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remix-of-your-guts · 10 months
i feel like y'all took "respecting our gender" as trans men too far when you started disrespecting our lived experiences of misogyny, lesbophobia, transphobia, antimasculism, etc. (or we could just call it transandrophobia but clearly no one's ready for that yet)
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spotlightstudios · 8 days
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Final version of that Sessle piece! look at my stupid Highlighter Orange rogue :)
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cosmicmakos · 2 years
imagine holding your f/o when they need comfort from their lover (even if they don't make it known and/or try to deny it). they feel safe in your presence and can finally let their walls down and release all of their pent-up emotions while in your embrace.
#my favorite war criminal <3 would sometimes avoid letting herself let her emotions out#half the time its because her mission takes priority and she wants to avoid distractions and the other times she denies she needs it#when she first came back to the citadel after she died and got brought back she shoved all her emotions down when she saw me again#a friend of hers convinced her to go over to me while i was watching skycars go past in the market area#she came up right next to me and said my name quietly to get my attention - all i could do was stare at her confused#she started to stumble out what happened and to tell me everything but she started talking too fast and the tears made it worse#i pulled her close to me and told her it was a story for another time while she mumbled apologies into my neck#she held on to me like i was going to disappear into thin air#during the war she just refuses to give herself a moment's rest since the galaxy is depending on her to save it#she always tells me her emotions can wait and goes off on her next important mission#unless we're all alone between missions she won't let her emotions out as they could compromise the task at hand#if those conditions are met she finally lets her emotions out while i hold her close to me for as long as i can#corporate necromancer has a hard time letting her walls down and at one point it caused an argument between the two of us#she doesn't like/want people to see the vulnerable side of her#she thinks it'll make people think less of her or make her look weaker#she slowly opens up to me and after some time she doesn't keep her walls up around me#its hard for her to admit she wants to be held while she lets her emotions out but one of the times she did was before the o4 relay mission#oops only two characters on this one since i have too many thoughts on this#f/o imagines#imagine your f/o
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siliconforbrains · 5 months
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seijorhi · 9 months
im so in love with the new fic, rhi ♥️ may i ask how kuroo was able to kidnap reader? I was just thinking abt the gone girl reference like how was daishou interrogated by the police? Was he painted as abusive (verbally) or there’s a third party in the relationship?
good ol chloroform :))
but in essence, kinda similar to how it went down with daishou, but with drugs instead of brute force. he couldn't afford to be seen with her before that, and breaking in and taking her from home would've been risky.
plus, it lends itself to painting daishou as the bad guy. people see her leave work, she doesn't come home, and daishou doesn't even realise. not right away. not for a few hours, after a late practice. and then, like it says in the fic, he starts to rationalise and justify it – she might've been held up at work, or gone for some drinks with her friends and her phone's gone dead. maybe she told him she'd be out and he forgot.
but she's not answering her phone.
and it looks bad when it's the next morning that daishou finally goes to the cops to report her missing.
no enemies, no suspicious behaviour, no sign of a break in or anything violent. everyone loved her. but they've heard this story before. 9 times out of 10, it's the boyfriend. they don't give a fuck how wholesome and loving he paints the relationship, how vehemently he swears up and down that he's not that kind of guy, he's gonna be the number one suspect.
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nikolajrostovs · 10 months
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Worst book ive ever read i never think about it or the characters or the themes and motifs
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someidiot-withadhd · 4 months
Celbit’s dad’s ghost is a ducking mood
If I die I wanna end up like him lmao
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