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romanticatheartt · 23 hours
You always have to bring feysand into everything specially in your gwynriel or elucien posts. Can you not do that? Some of us doesn't like their content in the tags
I've rarely seen a feysand also loving gwynriel and elucien and it seems you're the only one
You know I always wondered why some of Feysands who have already stated that they ship Gwynriel or Elucien, never talk about them. I got my answer. Because y'all are so welcoming, thank you so much!!
I'm not the only one who ship Feysand and also ship G and E, there are so many out there but I admit that Feysand might not be their otp.
And first of all, this is my blog and I post anything that I want. Either you can like and engage with it OR, this might be shocking to you I know you can block me. That way you will never see any of my posts. (do you want me to make a tutorial for it? just ask!)
Second, if you have problem with my post and you still, for some weird reasons, don't want to block me you can always filter the tags. (I can also make a tutorial for this too)
I'm sorry that your brain can't comprehend the fact that I can be a multi-shipper without being a hater and enjoying my time being in this fandom.
I never noticed that I bring Feysand into everything, guilty as charged... I can't stop talking about them.😔
I didn't want to answer this because it seems you're just a child and no mature person would ever talk like that but if this is a problem of anyone out there and is bothered by my posts I want them to block me. Don't worry I wouldn't be offended... I'd actually appreciate it<3
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cellberry · 2 years
I think I might be ironing out the final kinks in my feelings on this finale, right now it appears to be something along the lines of “tommy has story about breaking free from hurt and influence of Dream, only for ending to be Dream”
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
A Kemetic prayer to Bast for Jellie
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Hail to You, O' Bast, Who guards the Two Lands! Hail to You, Iryt Ra! You who are swift and cunning, You who strike down enemies and nurture children. I ask that You protect and nurture the cat Jellie as she crosses into Your domain, through the Duat and into Your Hour. I ask that she is kept from harm and given safety and shelter in the cradle of Your arms. Hail to You, O' Bast, Devouring Lady, Mother of my Soul! I offer sweet cheese and fruits. I offer spiced tea and toasted nuts. I offer the ring of my sistrum. May Jellie only know warmth and good food with You, the comfort of the sun. May she hunt on under Your guidance. May she find peace and joy within Your company. Hail to You, O' Bast, Lady of the Ointments, the Knowledge through which death cannot approach too closely! I light this candle and ask that all those who have called this cat family find comfort and peace in this time of her absence. I ask that Your Light guides her to You, and that she remains safely within Your domain. May her name be forever remembered. May her ba be forever nourished through the shrines and images made in her honor. Thus it is done. Dua Bast!
this is free to reblog if you so choose, and i hope whoever reads it can find even a small measure of comfort in it❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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semi-sketchy · 7 months
I know this is beating a dead horse at this point, but I just started thinking about this the other day and...
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How many people that were previously enemies has Sonic ACTUALLY befriended?
Like my knowledge of some old games and the handhelds ain't great, but...
There was Knuckles, who I think is the only one in the classic era.
He never really befriended Gamma in SA1, just left him to Amy.
Also he didn't befriend Chaos, just beat the anger out of him.
The next one was Shadow in SA2, although they're still kinda rivals?
I don't think Rouge counts in SA2 since she wasn't really an enemy of Sonic specifically, even in Heroes it's really Sonic and Shadow that start the fight.
Gemerl is a robot who was reprogrammed to be friendly, I wouldn't count that as "befriending someone".
Him and Jet are rivals in every Riders game, this never changes.
Blaze in Rush is someone that fought him and they became friends, so it's clear cut, she counts.
Silver in '06 does as well.
Do we count Shade from Chronicles? I think she had a boss fight. I know very little about that game but it's not canon, right?
Merlina is kinda a grey area? Like they were friends, he stopped her evil plans and was still nice to her. I don't know if in context that meets the criteria.
On top of that I don't think the Knights of the Round Table count. Sonic is there to take the swords and they work together at the end. I don't think there's any hard feelings, but don't know if this counts as "friends".
Sage could be the next example, but she's still loyal to Eggman. I don't think what they briefly shared was friendship as much as Sage wanting to save Eggman.
I haven't played Superstars but Trip doesn't even have a bossfight, does she? I don't think she counts.
Not looking at the method, just purely if they became friends down the line. Out of all of those, there's 4 total (if you count Shadow, which I do) with 1 it's complicated and 1 non-canon. That's very few when you consider how large the game cast is.
An overwhelming majority of his friends weren't ever hostile with him to begin with, like the Chaotix, Amy, Tails, Cream, Emerl, Big, ect. There's plenty of other cast members that are still have him on their shit list, like Eggman, Infinite (if he's alive), Fang, Metal, Eggman Nega, the Deadly Six...
Now I'm starting to wonder where this idea of it being a frequent even came from.
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nattikay · 1 year
@ avatar fandom:
it is perfectly ok to find a fictional character attractive, but constantly explicitly obsessing over your own lust for them is creepy and unhealthy
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
My thoughts,
I feel like the biggest disconnect with all the discourse going around is that, (mainly twitter) users automatically assume that combining two peoples names is 'shipping' when that's really not why.
If you were looking for content surrounding 2 certain people but only tagged their names separately you would be getting EVERY single post. Posts that could have other people in it, and not be the two you were looking for (if I were to look for posts about Ian and Anthony, I would trust the Ianthony tag more than just looking through their regular tags, because people tag them in a lot of other Smosh related content)(same thing for Damien and Shayne, if I was looking for them as a duo I would look through the Shaymien tag)(it simply sorts posts better)
They don't seem to grasp the fact that tagging 'Damangela' is because that's how the tagging culture works over here, and not because we're 'shipping' them.
I thought it was common practice, everyone understands in the fandom world that when you combine people's names it's at it's CORE, a 'Duo Name' before ANYTHING ELSE.
I'm just going to automatically assume that most people getting their feathers all ruffled, just haven't been in fandoms spaces as much, AND THAT'S OKAY!!!
But please, if you take anything away from this, most people doing a lot of shipping is young people, so keep that in mind.
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kismetmoon · 2 months
i thought my tbob copy was arriving today. it’s only being shipped today. and will arrive in 2 weeks.
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[ID: a doodle of a character with a comically strained fake smile and wide eyes on a white background. End ID].
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itslilacmoon · 5 days
will you guys still love me if i make the occasional lunter shitpost
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
but unlike AO3's tagging system i do kind of consider TVA!Loki and Movies!Loki to be separate characters, similar to how Alligator!Loki and Sylvie are, to the point where i at first actually assumed everyone in the fandom (both the series-specific one and the mcu) would think the same on this topic especially since that series was about alternate universes and their associated different versions of characters.
so in my innocent imagined world there were - for instance - no long posts about how the main Loki in the series was "OOC" because well it's a different guy of course he's not the exactly same as that other guy. though there would i am sure be equally long posts comparing and contrasting and declaring one superior to the other, and doubtless people would argue about whether an alternate version was what the existing fanbase had wanted from the series and whether it was a good idea generally. so in my little bizarro-world the discourse is a bit different (as befits an alternate universe).
so like i still think of them as separate characters, but i am at least aware now that this is apparently an odd view of the situation somehow.
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
What this website really needs is a button that will allow me to filter all y/n content out of my feed so I don't ever have to see it because I absolutely can't stand it, my ass does not want to be in a relationship with my favorite characters my ass wants them to be dating each other
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moongothic · 3 months
I'm a simple person
I see untagged Crocodile genderbends, I block on sight
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gaydogmarriage · 8 months
ppl are always depicting cyno in fanon as a comic relief annoying idiot partner to tighnari that cannot read the room and is always making him angry and yeah he doesn't have the best social skills and doesn't understand other people that well, but he knows that. and he also knows tighnari well enough to know that if he truly was annoyed with his behavior to the point of getting angry, he would shut that shit down real quick. he's not the type of person to just sit there and take it if he's genuinely bothered, i think. cyno's just putting himself out there without letting himself be paralyzed by his own shortcomings or insecurities, and it's pretty clear tighnari doesn't want him to repress himself either.
if anything, i can see tighnari being the one with an annoying habit in private that he has 0 self awareness about because he's so used to being the one dealing with other people's bullshit that he may not realize when he's the culprit for once, and cyno is too much of an unbothered king to say anything about it, and too madly in love to stay annoyed for long lol
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raskies456 · 3 months
on second thought, most of y’all never did actually figure out the whole aphobia being perpetuated by joke posts equating asexuality with cringiness thing so idk why im surprised to see so many of y’all falling for the same exact shit when it comes to polyamory
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seithr · 2 years
my favourite.. well i guess it could be called "happening" in media, i think is when I'm reading about some edgy/dark, horror-adjacent "everyone's constantly having a bad time" setting or story, in a book or a game, and one if not several of the guys in there are just gay offhand. it's a very specific thing i enjoy when its in these horrible (in-universe, emotionally) environments but they're still there
no homophobia no titilation. romantic relationships (even het ones) have zero presence or importance really. but Just Letting You Know: this character is probably a closeted lesbian
diversity win: this mercenary is bisexual! he mentions he has sex with men. diversity ????: a coin flip rng roll can sever both of his arms and crush his sanity for the rest of the game. diversity i-don't-know: this can happen to anyone so its not because hes into men, you just have shit rolls
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theghoulboysblog · 22 days
Also! I’m sorry! I should’ve put a trigger warning on that ask I just realized because although they found it funny, more so Ryan, it was borderline harassment in my opinion 😭
no, you’re good anon! 🫶
you didn’t really go into detail about the situation at all in your ask, just referenced it and said that you thought the situation was odd, so i do *believe* that it is fine without a tag! 🙏
i did, however, make sure to put a TW on my response to your ask just to be safe! (not because of what you said but because i went into depth a little more and i wanted to make sure it wasn’t possibly triggering to anyone!)
so don’t worry about it anon! it has been tagged accordingly and in a safe way! :) 💛
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Its so funny thinking about the different things people know me as in the yokai watch fandom. That one person who loves Babblong. The Roughraff guy. The one who drew way too much Casanuva at one point. The one with the goofy aus. One of the three (3) McKraken fans. Or when I used to be a Zote Hollow Knight/Captain Charlie Pikmin account (if you know me from those days DAMN)
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