#this is literally just my own personal feelings do not assign other motives to it bc I will throw worms at you
martianbugsbunny · 11 months
What this website really needs is a button that will allow me to filter all y/n content out of my feed so I don't ever have to see it because I absolutely can't stand it, my ass does not want to be in a relationship with my favorite characters my ass wants them to be dating each other
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visionofhope04 · 10 months
Here for the angst of neglected batsis, imagine or hc them of moving out if the house when they are 18 and let's say they meet some spirit and they have their memory wiped and transfer to the marvel universe to restart their life and more happy, then the dc/marvel merge together because of a big threat and batfam sees batsis is heavily pregnant and married to our favorite deadpool charater Colossus?
How would they reached if batsis just can't remember them and keeps on telling them they have the wrong person?
I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK. Guess who's back!! Sorry it took me so long to get this out, I haven't had the motivation to write until recently. Also OOC warning bc I don't really know him well besides the Deadpool movies. I almost freaked out bc I haven't used the tumblr website in so long and it got updated so I thought I lost all my drafts. So glad they're still here, whew. Not beta read so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes!
It's been a year since moving into your apartment and you couldn't be happier. College was going well and you were taking classes you enjoyed. However, you haven't made any friends yet which led you to spend your free time reading or surfing the web. Jason didn't come by much due to having his own life and vigilante things, which you understood. It didn't mean you couldn't be a little bit sad about it though.
Even though you were enjoying your life, you still felt as if there was something missing. You'd been trying to figure out why you had felt this way but nothing came to mind. Any time you tried to brush off the feeling, it came back stronger. You did your best to ignore it and continue on with life, but it was always there, nagging you.
It had been a long day. College was so stressful. Your professors kept hurling projects at you that had deadlines that were practically impossible to meet. You just wanted it to end already and be on summer break. Then, you’d be able to sleep how long you wanted to without the fear of being late for class or forgetting to complete an assignment.
You sat down at your desk and pulled out your laptop, preparing to continue an essay that was due in three days. Suddenly, you began to feel nauseous. Confused, you attempted to ignore the feeling in favor of completing the essay. A few seconds after trying to focus on your laptop screen, you saw a bright light.
"My child, you will be saved from this life." A strangely comforting voice said.
Then everything faded to black.
A voice. A voice? But you live alone and no one has the spare key to your apartment. You slowly opened your eyes, groaning and quickly shutting them again once a bright light blinded you.
"Oh you're alive, thank God. Can you speak?" Whoever this was seemed to have been panicking before, slightly less though now that you had indicated you were alive. You groan as you push yourself up off of what seems to be concrete. Concrete? You're definitely not in your apartment. You crack your eyes open again, this time with less difficulty, and come face to face with white lenses of a mask. Blinking again, you register that the lenses are attached to a red material with black lines.
"AH!" The figure yells and jumps back, startled by your sudden surprise.
"What the hell are you supposed to be?" You asked, tilting your head slightly to the side.
"What do you mean? I'm Spiderman." His voice was a bit high pitched, he sounded like a teen at most.
"Spiderman? You've got to be joking. There is no Spiderman. Go home kid, crime fighting isn't a game." Sure, you may be a hypocrite, seeing as you are an ex-assassin who began learning how to kill at around 5, but at least you had training. What did this Spiderman have? From how startled he was, you assumed he had barely been trained, if at all.
“What? I'm literally Spiderman! I'm Queens' hero!"
"Queens, New York?" You thought you'd still be in New Jersey at least.
"Uh yeah. I don't think there are any other places called Queens that have a Spiderman."
"Again, Spiderman? Seriously? You couldn't think of a better name at least?"
"Hey! There's nothing wrong with Spiderman!"
"Sure kid, keep telling yourself that."
He was about to protest when suddenly, someone else dropped into the alley.
"Hey Spidey, who's this lovely lady?" A person in an all red with black suit with two swords on his back and guns strapped to his waist called out. The person seemed to be a male, around 30 years old.
"This 'lovely lady' is very confused. Who are you?" They keep multiplying, and you'd never seen this person either.
"Did you hit your head or something? You've never heard of or seen Deadpool? The most handsomest, most awesomest, funniest, killer crime fighter?"
"Uh nope. Also, I'm from Jersey, how did I end up here?"
"Good question. What's your name?"
"Oh, it's-" You stopped in confusion. "I actually don't remember. It was just at the tip of my tongue but I don't remember."
"Oh great! Amnesia! Just what we need. I'll let you handle her Spidey and I'll go stop some bad guys, 'kay?"
"What! No, don't leave me here!" Deadpool was already sprinting away.
"Let's get you to the base. Colossus and the others will know what to do."
They did not, in fact, know what to do. Colossus sent Negasonic and Yukio to contact Professor X, while Spiderman went to contact Tony Stark (I'm still emotionally scarred from Endgame so no, he won't be dead, this is my fanfic and I can keep him alive if I want to) and Deadpool went back out to patrol. You were left alone with Colossus.
Uncomfortable silence sat between you. Just as you were beginning to get antsy, Colossus broke it first.
"Do you remember anything at all?"
"I'm... a college student. I live alone in an apartment in New Jersey, I think. I used to fight crime until... I don't know, it's fuzzy. I'm an ex-assassin who has been training since I was 5. That's all I remember."
"You can remember that but not your name?"
"Look, I don't know okay? I don't know what's happening or why I can't remember anything else. I want to remember who I am, but I can't. And it's so... so frustrating! Your suspicion is understandable, but it is not helping."
"I apologize. This is a stressful situation for you. I will be more considerate."
"Thank you."
They could not figure out what happened to you or why you suddenly appeared in Queens one day. Your memory remained fuzzy, so you were stuck. As time passed, you and Colossus grew closer. You became so close that he told you his real name, you became a couple, and you got married. Seven years passed, you were 25 and you'd been trying for a baby. You both felt the time was right and that you'd be able to handle parenting.
Colossus came home from work one day, spent and tired. There you were, waiting for him at the door as usual.
"Hi my love, long day?" You fiddled with the positive pregnancy test behind your back.
"Yes darling, when is it not?"
"Well, we're going to have to figure something out, because there's no way I'll wake up every night to take care of our baby."
He looked confused, then realization hit. "You're..?" He looked so happy and hopeful, you couldn't contain your happiness. A huge smile lit up your face.
"Yes, we're finally going to be parents!" You pulled out the pregnancy test and held it up to him.
He laughed a joyful laugh, tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes as he embraced you. It must've been infectious because you began to tear up too. You remained in each other's embrace for a while, just existing in the moment. Time felt irrelevant as you basked in your shared delight.
8 months later, your belly had swollen and grown. Everyone was happy for the both of you. You and Colossus were both eager for your little one to arrive. You'd both decided to wait for birth to find out the gender. It didn't matter to you whether it was a boy or girl, just that they were healthy (gender's a construct anyway). The pregnancy had been going great so far, but this time of easy-going was about to get ruined by your husband's job.
Your world had merged with another because of some cosmic threat. Great! Your husband would be preoccupied trying to fix the situation, which meant that you'd be alone. Selfishly, you wished that they could let your husband stay with you so close to your due date, but you knew he had a role to play in saving two worlds.
Seeing your loneliness, Colossus decided to bring you with him to the Avengers' base. He hoped you'd be able to befriend some of the people there. You entered the compound and your eyes were drawn to some men standing beside a set of double doors. They all had suits on, black hair (one guy had two white streaks in his hair) and most had blue eyes, except for one man who had green eyes. He was also noticeably the darkest of the group. They felt familiar to you, especially the man with green eyes. Have you met them before? Who were they?
As your husband was discussing some details about the meeting, you couldn't help but watch the group of men. Not knowing why you thought you knew them annoyed you. As if they could feel your eyes on them (they could), they turned around in sync and locked eyes with you.
Their eyes widened and they all exclaimed your name in various degrees of disbelief. They rushed over to you and your husband protectively stepped in front of you
"How do you know my wife?"
"Wife?!" Some of them shouted. They were beginning to cause a scene.
"You're pregnant." The one with green eyes observed. He seemed to be having some sort of crisis.
All their eyes darted to your belly, making you uncomfortable. You placed your hand over your stomach and attempted to discretely hide behind your husband. This did not go unnoticed by them.
"You don't remember us?" The shortest of them questioned.
"No, I've never met you guys." You were very confused.
The man who appeared to be the oldest said your name. You stared at him as he studied your eyes, presumably to see if you were lying. It made you feel vulnerable and unsettled, couldn't they leave you alone?
"We're your family."
The guy with the white streaks in his hair scoffed. "You didn't treat her like she was family. I was the only one who cared for her when she was younger while you all ignored her and let her suffer. I'm glad she doesn't remember what you all did to her. She's clearly living a much better life without you lot in it."
This was getting more confusing by the second, although you felt there was truth to his words. Did you forget these people? They seemed very convincing if they were lying.
"I'm sorry but I really don't remember you guys. Maybe you have the wrong person?"
"No we don't! You disappeared one day and now that we've finally found you, you're saying you forgot everything!"
"That is enough. Please leave my wife alone, she does not know you, and she does not need the unnecessary stress of trying to remember people she's never met. Do not approach her anymore." Colossus guided you away from the men, who stared longingly at you. The heartbroken expressions they had after your husband's speech would follow you often. Were you sure you'd never met them before?
Words: 1,847
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agreysexualromantic · 11 months
I've talked before about how much Lois soaks up the love and safety of the Kents, but I think we also need to talk about what Clark sees and learns from his entire relationship with Lois.
Outside of his family, Clark's relationships have consistently been struggles of boundaries and safety.
There's Lex: Clark sees so much good in him, they share so much and he wants so much to be able to trust him, but Lex simply cannot stop his fixation on Clark's "secret". As a result, it's a constant battle of boundaries and lies, leaving Clark with no true sense of safety there.
There's Chloe: Now, I adore Chloe, especially as the series progresses, but at the start her young, enthusiastic journalistic curiosity often resulted in massive violations of Clark's privacy. She finds out about his abilities not because he tells her, but through yet another huge violation of privacy by another person. She does a great job of working to change and becoming a safe place for Clark to be open, but once again he has a trusted relationship with constant pushes for him to be *more* vulnerable, to share *more* of himself, and people skirting around his boundaries for their own sake. Rough stuff.
Then we have Pete: the first person Clark *willingly* shares his full background with, only to have his abilities weaponized against him over and over again. Literally, Pete pulls out green and red kryptonite and uses it on Clark ALL THE DAMN TIME. He gets mad at Clark for NOT sharing his secret earlier, and then goes on to blame him when Pete's life is made more complicated and dangerous by the knowledge. No safety there, no real ability to just relax and be himself because Clark never really knows when Pete might once again throw his secret back in his face.
And then there's Lana: I want to be clear here, *I do not hate Lana*. I actually think very highly of her, especially when she's not dating Clark. And I mean that in both directions, neither Clark nor Lana feel truly safe or at ease with each other in their relationship. I'm just going to focus on Lana for a second here as it relates to my point about Clark and love. Lana wants Clark to be fully open and honest with her. But The Secret becomes The Thing that she just can't see around. Despite how well she knows Clark, she perpetually uses The Secret to assign the worst motives to his actions, and to assume that he has done terrible things despite having no evidence that The Secret has anything to do with the character of Clark that she already knows. (Again, I recognize Clark's nonsense in this relationship too, I'm just focusing on this one side for the moment). Clark never really feels safe with her as a result, because her fixation on KNOWING his secret becomes more important than knowing or understanding him, and again, boundaries are crossed and miscommunication abounds.
Enter Lois Lane. She is a lot of things, but one thing that Lois is for Clark from very early on is *safe*.
We see her repeatedly respect people's boundaries and choices. For all of her curiosity and her drive for truth and answers, she draws a very firm line around the personal lives of others. She waits to be invited rather than demanding vulnerability from Clark. Sure, she offers lots of advice that Clark didn't ask for, but she never tries to pry him open. She takes him as he is, with the belief that people should be allowed to share what they feel safe sharing.
That is mind blowing for Clark. Outside of his family, he's never experienced love like that, platonic or otherwise. There have always been strings, always been eyes looking closer than he wanted, always been people holding his privacy over his head like a weapon. We see Clark, time and again, truly *relax* with Lois in a way he can't with just about anyone else. Lois is safe, truly, in a world where Clark is consistently surrounded with emotional danger.
I saw a post recently that related Clark's secret to someone coming out (even though that's likely not what the writers were going for intentionally). It's so true. Clark always deserved the chance to share all of himself when and how HE wanted to, and over and over again that chance was taken from him or used against him. I think that's why I personally feel so strongly about all of the people in his life being SO insistent that Clark is deceitful, overly guarded, that he HAS to share his secret OR ELSE (or else they will dig it up anyway, or else they will leave him, or else he will tell them and they will use the knowledge against him, or else, or else....)
There's no or else with Lois. She's happy to accept Clark as Clark, and he needed that so much.
As always, Lois Lane is my hero.
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mixelation · 3 months
ok so I've been trying to figure out why this oc is so fun and interesting to me and there's a couple of reasons for it but the biggest one (to me!) is that she doesn't really attach to anyone in this deep or devoted sense. Tori is Tori and Tori focuses on her own needs and what she wants above everything else. her relationships are a byproduct of her lifestyle not her focus. how she is perceived is a huge motivator to do things to appear more outwardly normal or social but it's not her priority to be that way without some perceived gain. most female OCS have the tragic backstory and the need to save someone/protect them. I'm not saying that I don't get any of that from Tori but to me she seems more swlf-centered (in a good way!) . these are just some thoughts on it but Id be curious to know how you feel about this idea that she's not really attached to anyone?
hmm yeah, i think tori as a character ended up fundamentally pretty self-centered. it's not that she looks down on other people or is arrogant about her own place in the word; she just literally needs to be that way to survive. in plasticity she is loyal to akatsuki in exactly the right amount to maintain a roof over her head and not die. her affections go as far as she'd be upset over the idea of most of them dying, but she wouldn't lose her shit over it, and she would probably laugh in several members' faces over injuries
(mutagenicity is supposed to be sort of undoing that and learning to have normal-ish bonds again, and she starts off pretty maladapted and so it features such hits as "i need mangetsu to like me for my own ego" and "yeah yeah this romantic relationship is FAKE we're just normal friends i do NOT have any deeper feelings")
i think there IS a trend of OCs being assigned at least one Important Person. my hypothesis for why this is prevalent is one part an attempt to preserve shounen-style theming and one part that it's a good way to tie an OC to the plot, which a healthy sprinkling of it's just sort of fun to have your OC be cared about by fictional ninja.
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mbti-notes · 7 months
hi! im an entj and i wanted to know if you have any tips on how to be a better student whilst not thinking too much about grades or results. i feel like i place alot of emphasis on grades and results and i think it often hinders me at times. i often have trouble finding more ''meaning'' in my work and i'm not sure how to add more value into it other than achieving a good grade.
Your question is too vague because you haven't specified what level of schooling you're at and what your idea of a "better" student looks like. This "hinders you" how exactly? What is the exact nature or source of your discontent? What exactly are you aiming for? Without this context, it's hard to craft a response.
Did you know that professors in the US are witnessing a "literacy crisis" in their students that has never before been observed in the history of modern education? While there have always been unmotivated and underachieving students, nowadays, an alarming percentage of motivated students are barely able to handle more than ten pages of text at a time (the average assignment used to be 20-30 pages), nor are they able to analyze and comprehend the meaning, themes, or arguments being communicated in the text.
A literacy deficit poses a serious threat not just to the student's individual success, but also to the integrity of higher education and the functioning of society. Colleges have no choice but to "dumb down" their offerings over time. But more importantly, a successful democracy is difficult to sustain without intelligent and literate citizenry making sound judgments about complex social, political, and economic issues.
One obvious factor contributing to this problem is that many students have fallen behind due to the pandemic. Another obvious factor is the smartphone and the major role it has played in decimating people's attention spans. Extended focus and concentration are extremely important for learning, but endless internet scrolling trains the mind to expect rapid change and crave instant gratification. Yes, anyone who genuinely wants to be a good student should care deeply about the factors that hinder/inhibit their learning process. Increasingly, misuse of technology, such as smartphone addiction and excessive reliance on AI, is a major factor that prevents students from reaching their greater potential.
High school and college students are still in the early stages of ego development. Since their self-awareness hasn't had much time to develop, they don't tend to be aware of their own underlying motivations, for example, they will often just do something because it's just what everyone around them does. Additionally, heavy social media consumption at this stage of life leads them to believe that "success" is just for show or about obtaining likes/praise.
This brings us to the main factor to consider, which is that students are increasingly trained to be motivated by extrinsic rewards. For example, in the US, school funding is often tied to exam scores, so teachers have been forced to focus more and more on teaching only to exams, in order to secure funding. Higher education has also become much more competitive, which means excellent grades are essential for securing a seat in university.
While there is nothing wrong with extrinsic motivation per se, there is something wrong when a person is only motivated by extrinsic rewards, to the point where they are completely ignorant/neglectful of intrinsic rewards. The research strongly suggests: People who are more intrinsically (than extrinsically) motivated tend to be better learners because they assign their own value to learning and understand the inherent virtues of intellect, knowledge, and skill, apart from their real-world applications. The topic of intrinsic motivation comes up often, I suggest you read past posts.
Before you asked me for "tips", did you put in a reasonable effort to inquire into yourself and figure out why you overemphasize extrinsic rewards? Could you come up with the reasons/causes on your own, through self-reflection? It's difficult to find the right solution to a problem when you don't understand its origins. This is an important point because a common symptom of extreme extrinsic motivation is abnormally low self-awareness due to having little to no inner life. How's your inner life?
With regard to type development, people who are very extrinsically motivated tend to a) be too easily influenced by environmental factors, and b) lack introverted development. The answer to your question already lies within you, specifically, in the state of development of your introverted Ni and Fi functions:
1) Extrinsically motivated people tend to believe that their life lacks meaning because the world lacks meaning. What they don't realize is that meaning starts from within, so the actual problem is that they aren't able to generate enough meaning on their own.
Ni is a key function for constructing meaning, usually through patiently exploring context and connections to a bigger picture (of life as a whole and/or the world at large). As such, lack of Ni development commonly manifests as:
dislike of ambiguity (due to preferring clear categorical answers)
impatience for complexity (due to wanting easy answers)
superficiality (due to not going beyond the known/obvious)
lack of vision (due to overemphasis on rapid results)
Since you didn't provide any details about function development, I can't speak to how much you struggle with the above issues. The only thing I can say is that all of them are detrimental to learning. Clarify your aim: Do you want to be a good student in school or a good learner in life? Do you know the difference? It is the difference between lower order versus higher order learning, which I have already explained in previous posts.
A good student wants to know the final answer. A lifelong learner uses ambiguity as an opportunity to explore more nuanced truth.
A good student can handle some challenges but stops at the most difficult point. A lifelong learner takes the initiative to unravel complexity and eventually encounters profound wisdom.
A good student reads the book all the way through. A lifelong learner is intellectually curious, which leads them to discover new realms of knowledge far beyond the book.
A good student follows instructions and is reasonably competent as a result. A lifelong learner sees the greater potential of the field as a whole and gradually becomes an expert as they attempt to realize that potential.
If a certain activity or subject matter doesn't hold any meaning for you, is it because it's boring, or is it because you haven't really given it a proper look? This isn't to say that you have to be an expert on everything; it is only to say that you won't be able to truly appreciate something until you dig deeper into it and actively nurture appreciation for it. This brings us to the second point...
2) Extrinsically motivated TJs tend to believe that "utility" is the only measure of value. What they don't realize is that value is inherent to existence, so the actual problem is an inability to recognize value.
Fi is a key function for assigning value, usually through forming uniquely personal and intensely emotional attachments. As such, lack of Fi development often manifests as:
taking things for granted (due to not honoring their value)
dismissive attitude (due to lack of emotional attachments)
passionless existence (due to fear of emotional intensity)
Again, I can't speak to how much you struggle with the above issues. I can only inform you that they also tend to be quite detrimental to learning:
Human beings need to stay fed and sheltered in order to survive, but they also need activities that affirm their humanity and enrich their life. What happens to learning if your only concern is securing a comfortable material life?
Human beings learn best through feeling deeply moved and inspired by the best of what humanity has to offer. What happens to learning if you remove the human component of knowledge and only treat it as "data", just another object for your consumption and disposal?
Human beings discover themselves and express themselves through their varied interests, which is how every subject comes to have its fans, devotees, and experts. What happens to learning if you refuse to take an interest, downplay enthusiasm, and temper or repress passion?
If a certain activity or subject matter doesn't hold any value for you, is it because it is "worthless", or because you are blind to its value? This isn't to say that you must love everything; it is only to say that you won't be able to know yourself truly and feel energized about learning as long as you have a habit of dismissing every aspect of life that isn't immediately or practically "useful" to you.
Having intrinsic motivation basically means you generate your own personal reasons for learning. Nobody can force you to care or take an interest. Becoming an adult means you have to be the one to realize the virtues of going above and beyond whatever is required to ace exams. It may all sound very abstract, but this makes the difference in determining whether you will end up being just another cog in the machine of society or whether your life will always feel imbued with a greater sense of meaning.
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irkendogma · 12 days
do you like to think that tak had some sort of admiration for tallest miyuki? at least in my head, i love the idea of them having some sort of relationship (how i interpret that relationship depends entirely on the day) but it often leans on a little sister being fond of her older sibling
given how one of miyuki's few established character traits is having commissioned the massive, i could very easily see tak, similarly interested in technology and engineering enough that she created her own spaceship (and invader gear, doomsday device, etc), having a kind of distant appreciation for her or approving acknowledgement of her priorities beyond just miyuki's role as former tallest!
i do think that role makes it unlikely from a logistical standpoint that tak would know miyuki personally, as miyuki is both far taller than her and would likely look down on tak both literally and figuratively (even in the few canon lines she has, she asks "who is this little creature" about zim like he's not even there), which tak would probably anticipate from the tallest to begin with enough to blame it on circumstance rather than miyuki herself but still not particularly enjoy, and the additional factor that at the point miyuki was still alive tak was most likely preoccupied with her own elite training and thus wouldn't have had the opportunity to be in the role of a retainer that would theoretically allow regular interaction (though whether tak would actually want that role depends on the situation, i think, and would ultimately be a lot more self- than externally-motivated)
i'll admit, i lean pretty heavily away from assigning irkens familial relationships because i strongly enjoy the worldbuilding of the show casting them as existing with a kind of social-species loneliness inextricable from the fact that said species has overengineered itself to the point they no longer have familial structures or the native cultural concept thereof in any form that isn't atrophied beyond recognition, and i'm particularly leery about casting shorter irkens in younger roles because i feel like it relies solely on visual language rather than actual logistics - like, i don't want to get into any sort of age debate because it really is not fully answerable one way or the other, and ultimately the answer i would give is more complicated than a simple yes or no (in short, i think their developmental criteria are different as based in their society) but i do think that FAR more people headcanon tak or zim as children than the canonically-identically-aged tallest and i honestly do not like it
that said, though, i don't want to be a dick or a buzzkill, and i AM very fond of sibling relationships in other contexts. so minus my own inclinations, neuroses, or some combination thereof, i can fw it!
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pixelatedsticks · 3 months
Ok so hear me out on an idea for Boonboomger
So we have had about 2 episodes where Mira and (sometimes) Jou have yelled at Taiya and Ishiro about how they don’t have that much self preservation instincts and why are they so ok with risking their life’s? The episodes are both great and really go into depth about the characters past and their motives.
So why not add Genba to the mix?
Genba is the only other character to know Taiya before the first episode and is also very dedicated to his job and we have no idea what his past is about. So make him also prioritize the mission and be ok with risking his life.
The episode could be a Jou and Genba episode because
1. Mira already had her episode with Genba.
2. We haven’t had an episode that goes indepth about their relationship with eachother
The episode could start out with Taiya or someone else requesting Genba to procure something for them. With Jou either hearing about the assignment or running into Genba when he’s on his way. But once he hears about the location Genbas heading to he goes
Jou: but that’s in a really dangerous part of town! This is not a good idea!
Genba: it’s my job I have to
Jou: well it is my job to protect the BoonBoomgers, so I will be coming with you!
The location could either be a really messed up bad part of town crawling with thugs and stuff or it could be a really environmentally dangerous place like a mineshaft that will collapse if you breath wrong inside it. And the entire episode is Genba and Jou going through this place, Genba trying to complete his mission while Jou is trying to keep him safe while doing it. There could be situations like
Jou: ok the map says that the quickest way is to go straight but that part is really unstable so we should take a left to avoid-
Genba: *already walking down the straight path*
And then the hashiliens would of course cause problems like causing the area the requested item inside to collapse and Genba just straight up runs in while its collapsing and disappears under the rubble. Jou is of course panicking because “ohgodishealiveWhywouldhedothatIamsuchafailureIwassupposedtoprotecthimohmygod-”
And then Genba comes out with the item, completely recked and clearly putting all his energy into not collapsing right then and there and Jou is just like “you are a IDIOT why would you run in there while the place is collapsing!”
It’s then that Genba and Jou have a heart to heart with Genba explaining his past and why he is so dedicated to procuring things even if it means risking his own life. And Jou vowing to protect Genba so he can continue to procure items and make people happy. And then of course you have the big climax battle and Zords fight where they kick ass and take names.
The ending could be something really sweet like the item Genba got was something incredibly neesh like an item for a side project Taiya is working on that could literally just be a brighter lamp. Or just like a gemstone that a rich person just wanted because they could store it in their personal museum and brag about it infront of their friends. Jou of course is like
Jou: we went through all of that for something that small?
Genba: yep
Jou: feels like it wasn’t worth the trouble.
Genba: yes it was, it always is.
And the episode ends off with Genba and jou having a deeper understanding and appreciation for eachother.
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heartfluttered · 26 days
interview with the writer ♡♡♡
thank you so much for tagging me, @forget-me-maybe !! i don't have any mutuals who haven't been tagged yet... OTL so i'm assigning this to anyone who wants to do it!!
when did you start writing?
i wrote a couple of one shot fics on fanfiction.net and an artemis fowl fic that i only ever got to the third chapter of at age 11! i dropped fic writing for drawing digital fanart for the next 7 years, but BG3 got me so emotionally engrossed (and so horny OTL) that i started writing again, and i made new mutuals and actually talked to them!! ૮₍ˆ꜆ . ̫ .₎ა♡
are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
i like reading fairy tales a lot! wouldn't want to write my own, though— i'd worry too much about the specifics ( ඉ_ඉ )
is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
i don't get compared to them, but i'm really engrossed with the way 'prime' by caoilinn hughes is written. it's unlike anything i've ever read, and took me 4 rereads to start understanding the actual details. i don't want to copy the writing style persay, but i would love to make something that gives someone the same unease that this short story gave me!!
can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
before i moved into my college dorm, i wrote at my desk in my bedroom! the dorm's chair is too short for me and my elbows rest on the desk uncomfortably... these days i write on my bed. .. (。× ̫×) only time can tell if its effective...
what's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
i typically start with with a canon character that i want to write about! say, rolan BG3. from there, i think: what kind of character would bring out the most interesting dynamic in their relationship? and then i make that character! from there on, i think about scenarios between the two characters, how they talk to each other, how they mesh (or don't) etc!
in the apprentice's affections, said character is 'the reader', sure, but she has a personality of her own, and i wrote her the way i did because i thought she would bring out a cute/interesting side of rolan, and vice versa! TLDR: i make ocs >:3
are there any recurring themes in your writing? do they surprise you?
haven't written enough to see recurring themes! i have the one fic that i'm determined to finish before i start publishing others, because i'm worried i'll never finish my current... here's said fic!
what is your reason for writing?
i wanted to be a fic writer! that's.. literally it!! it sounds kind of shallow, but i was curious, and genuinely just wanted to see what i would do with fandom popular tropes like '5+1', 'hanahaki disease', 'red string of fate' etc ( . ̫.)
i've only written and published one fic thus far, but i literally have a bingo list that upon completion, i could choose to . stop writing fic entirely if i wanted to LMAO ig i'll see if writing fic is something i actually like!
is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
oh, i love all my comments so far; everyone's been so lovely!! i find that comments that delve into what the reader liked specifically / excitement & anticipation over what comes next especially motivates me, though!
how do you want to be thought about by your readers?
i'm not sure! friendly and genuine, i suppose! i use a lot of kaomojis that look cute in my authors notes because i want to give off a friendlier vibe, and i hope it doesn't come off as shallow / insincere / faking it... i just like cute things ♡♡♡
what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
don't want to seem like i'm fishing for reassurance, but i genuinely don't think i have any? at least, not yet! there's much for me to learn as a writer since i'm a beginner.. that said, i intend on doing my best to actually build writing strengths i can be proud of!! ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
how do you feel about your own writing?
highly insecure, if i'm being honest! i spend a lot of time mulling over chapters and going 'is this good? this reads like garbage! i wish there was a more interesting way for me to describe this. i wish i knew how to ____' etc, etc...
again, i hope to hone my skills until i'm comfortable saying 'i'm an okay writer!!' and actually believe it when i say it, the same way i'm comfortable saying "i'm an okay illustrator!" i'll do my best *⋆˚꒰ˊૢᵕˋૢෆ꒱
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starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
Gimme some of that Clone Wars AU pls! Stirring the Sky
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Hoooo ohhh man, Abby! The origin story to this one is actually pretty funny…and I know I’ve blathered on to you about my fics…BUT for everyone else…so a few months ago, an anon asked me if I had any sort of fic prompt ideas floating around in my head, which you can find here. And what do I do ofc??? Why, write out 5k worth of prompt ideas because a bitch over here can never stfu. And ONE of those ideas…I honestly got really attached to it and I was like…well oh NO I am going to have to write this, aren’t I?? It’s from the “Canonverse Divergent” section, I thought of this Clone Wars AU, and this is the original prompt I wrote:
“Clone Wars AU where Cal and Jaro are assigned to try and recruit the Nightsisters to try and get the upper hand in the war with Dooku (lol I wouldn’t say exactly a Dark Disciple route but that’s up to you). Merrin is voluntold (the opposite of volunteered) by Mother Talzin to try and become allies with the Jedi (they could have their own shady Nightsister ulterior motive going on as well), and Merrin reluctantly goes with the Jedi. And oooooooOoOooo wow the shenanigans that can ensue from that. (Merrin also has to try really hard not to lose her shit over leaving Dathomir for the first time in her life). I’d imagine a lot of frustrations from both parties. The clones mercilessly make fun of Cal and his Nightsister gf (but they also have to tell him what’s up). He thinks she’s unreasonably obtuse and rude, and she thinks he’s frustratingly smug/arrogant. Merrin could prove to be a definite asset in battle. Cal probably thinks it’s hawt 😳 OH NO SHE’S HOT SEE LOOK HOW WE GOT HERE WE LIKE TO HAVE FUN HERE.
Now suddenly she’s mysterious and complex, and he’s frustrated that he wants to know more. He’s actually the sweetest person she’s ever seen and she’s angry about it. She constantly has to check in with her sisters and it’s getting harder and harder to go behind his back or deny that she maybe might not hate him anymore she maybe even may want to smooch him WOAH who knows. They bond over feeling used in this war. Come on. You got it from here right?”
Soooo, YEAH…I gots a little too overindulgent in my thoughts and started writing THIS…but I am so very excited because it’s just the two of them being endlessly frustrated yet hotted up for each other at all times. All the clones ship it HARD. Merrin starts to grow attached to some of the clones that are very welcoming to her…actually fun fact…if you’ve read my fic “what’s grown between (surgery scars)” when Cal told Merrin about his clone trauma…I literally pulled what he was saying from this WIP…HEH…
ALSO, I honestly just want to live my best life and push forward my personal HC that I have of if Cal were older during order 66 or it never happened, him and Jaro would 100% have Jake and Holt energy from Brooklyn 99 agenda.
And I am so very excited to explore a lot of these themes that I’ve brought into my Merrical writing in a setting like this. Cal contemplating his feelings, his so naturally compassionate and empathetic spirit that wants to take care of everyone else before himself, and then someone like MERRIN steps into his life??? OOF I am gonna have some fun with this and the psychometric Jedi and space witch of it all. GOODNESS I am so excited for it.
AND SO…here is a long ass preview because I honestly didn’t know where to cut it off…Cal is answering a comm from their commander, Zand, on his and Jaro’s ship and well he may have sensed a presence while doing so…😏😏😏
When there was nothing there still, he turned once again to his original direction, but as soon as he did, there was a flash of green light and smoke, and suddenly, there was a figure there before him.
“There is no need to brandish weapons or administer threats Jedi,” she stated with her voice laced in malice, which ironically enough did feel like a bit of a threat.
Cal severely balked at this sudden interaction, “Who are you?”
The woman crossed her arms with still a severe expression on her face, “Does it matter? We are all just—unsettling to you anyway.”
His eyes narrowed as he put the pieces together in his head, “Were you—spying on me?”
Her expression changed to that of incredulity as she raised an eyebrow, “You left the door to your ship open.”
It was a bit shocking, her audacity as he bristled all over again, “Are you seriously blaming me for you trespassing onto my ship and listening in on my private conversation?”
This woman, who Cal only now after processing the last several moments did he start to take in her appearance, did give off such an intense energy in the force. Cal felt her ire, her disdain so much so that it almost made him feel dizzy.
A short breath escaped him as he shut off his lightsaber, and all she did was continue to glare at him. She was short statured with light gray skin and intense brown eyes. Her soft features on her face were adorned with tattoos that lined her forehead, her cheeks. And it was all coming to a head, feeling her emotions, his emotions of frustration, accost, but now he was also flustered, bewildered, and definitely anxious.
He hated to think, though it was sad, but true, that he thought she was astoundingly beautiful.
His mind tried to do a complete turnaround because that was very much besides the point, and he did his best to keep his mental shields up, having no idea what she was capable of as she finally continued to speak.
“Though Mother Talzin invited you here Jedi,” she said again with such derision to her words, “do not hold the false notion that you are in any way welcome.”
Cal almost wanted to laugh at her statement, his own ire stacking up again in his mind, and he actually welcomed it as it was much easier to process in the moment than anything else he was currently grappling with.
An exhale escaped his nostrils harshly as he kept up his glare, “Believe me,” he stated with his own contempt, clipping his lightsaber to his belt again, “I would like to get off this force forsaken planet as soon as possible.”
She tilted her head at him, seeming to descry in her own way, which caused the fringe of her silver blonde hair to slightly cascade into her eyes as they scanned over him. It made him—exceedingly uncomfortable for a multitude of reasons he really couldn’t dwell on at the moment.
“That is at least something we can agree on Jedi,” she uttered in a flatter tone than she had before, but still possessed an air of intolerance.
“I have a name you know. Don’t know how I’d get around the confusion of actually just going by the moniker of Jedi,” he stated in what was a mockery of her sardonic tone of voice.
She stood there still for several moments as she raised an eyebrow at him, which to him translated into some form of her being through with his banthashit.
“Jedi…the Jedi?” The Nightsister questioned with a genuine air of perplexment to her voice.
Honestly, once she said it out loud, Cal really wasn’t sure what he was even trying to accomplish. Was he trying to make a joke? Was he trying to be a smartass? Was he trying to break the tension? If Jaro was asked, he’d probably claim that Cal would try and accomplish all of the above.
“What, are you attempting to be clever or snide?” She asked as she began to take careful steps circumventing him, “Or just insulting? You think you can come to my home and disrespect me in such a way?”
Cal crossed his arms as he scoffed, “You’re the one who snuck onto my ship first, Nightsister.”
If she was going to address him in such a way he’d do it right back. He was feeling that petty.
Though, he very much resented himself when his mind flashed with the title ‘Nightsister, the Nightsister,’ and he had to hold back a stupid smirk.
She was temporarily out of his view, though he still felt her, always felt her as she too laughed humorlessly, “You are extremely full of yourself, aren’t you Jedi?”
The way she said it this time seemed to give off the same amount of snark he was emanating.
Cal waited until she was there in his vision again as he slightly upturned his chin to her.
“I bet you’d like to think so, wouldn’t you? Profile me, put me in a box of whatever your false perceptions of Jedi are,” Cal almost barked at her. Force, he didn’t even remember the last time he’d been so irritated with a person.
“And you are not doing the same to me? Making your own assumptions and insulting something you don’t even understand.”
Another scoff was in his throat, “Yeah, and let’s still not forget how you acquired such information from me.”
Her glare was fierce again as the disparagement was almost palpable on her face now, “I only was scoping out the situation because I have my people’s interest in mind.”
Cal realized he was flexing his arms now as they were still crossed over his chest out of sheer frustration, “You could have just asked me you know; I would have been more than willing to speak with you about any such matters that occur with my order.”
“And how was I to know this? All I have heard about Jedi is that they are liars and selfish thieves!” She exclaimed.
Again. He was taken such aback again at the gull.
“And where in the hell did you hear that? A Separatist the people The Republic is trying to stand against?” He said, but then he already had another retort on his tongue, “And for that matter, we were the ones that were invited here and ever since we arrived, all we have gotten from you is blatant disdain when we hadn’t even done anything!”
“None of us wanted you here!”
“That’s not my problem! Don’t take your misplaced frustration out on me!”
His statement seemed to give her pause, and Cal hadn’t even realized that they’d somehow managed to step closer and closer to one another in this skirmish and were definitely in one another’s personal space.
Kriff, how did I end up here?
Her eyes were narrowed up at him as he still found that anger, but he also cornered something else in them that was not easy to place.
“You should have never come to Dathomir Jedi,” she admonished in a strained tone.
A short sigh fell out of his mouth.
For the first time, he found actual confusion on her countenance, “What?”
“Cal, my name is Cal Kestis, not Jedi. Again, I don’t go by Jedi the Jedi.”
Honestly, he wasn’t exactly sure why he said it. At this point he recognized they were both being assholes to each other.
Her eyes were all over him again though as she leaned back to cross her arms, “Do you think you are exceedingly hilarious, Cal?”
He didn’t know what it was. The concept of his nomenclature was always simple, straightforward concept in his mind, but there was something in the way that she said it, the timbre of her voice, that drove him insane.
And that sort of insanity seemed to have many faces right now, many of which were irritation.
Still, he crossed his arms all the same, “I am starting up my own comedy tour, actually.”
And never in his life, as he was already trying to convince himself that it wasn’t true, had he ever been so…aroused by the utterance of his own name.
This…he needed to get himself out of this situation now.
Her eyes scanned him again, “I do not find your antics the least bit entertaining.”
“Well, I guess I won’t be reserving the cranky Nightsister a seat, now will I?”
A narrowed gaze in his direction now. And he wasn’t sure how he felt—about being under her scrutiny.
“You are extremely arrogant and insolent,” she declared, her eyes still fierce, “but it is not as if that really matters, Cal.”
He was very much resenting the shiver that was sent down his spine.
SOOO YEH, hope you guys are as excited for this one as I am!!! I literally think these two don't even have the ability to be around one another and NOT be super horni right off the bat for each other haha.
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narwhalandchill · 11 months
thinking back on skirks dialogue again and like. theres a tidbit on the narwhal that might end up inconsequential but caught my eye all the same so whatever here goes
bc skirk starts out noting that childe and the narwhal ran into each other/started throwing hands (unclear if shes surprised by them reuniting to begin with or just the fight breaking out part tho) much sooner than she wouldve expected right? and straight up referring to what to me logically has to be abt skirk herself letting those events occur as a "blunder" that she expects to be reprimanded for.
and like. obviously it could just as well also be that the blunder refers to the general messiness of what went down with the narwhal and fontaine at the time when skirks assignment was supposed to be just a simple training session with it. but idk i think its interesting she says this right after her comments on childe and the narwhal
bc as we all know the reason ajax was ever trained by skirk to begin with has everything to do with him awakening the narwhal and with 4.2 lore in all likelihood surtalogi himself taking note of this event and sending his own disciple to look after whoever managed such a feat after the narwhal had been inactive for who knows how long. and given surtalogi is, well, the guy keeping an all-devouring narwhal as a pet of all things despite how very. non ideal it is as one. he definitely has his reasons to be keeping it. just as he would have his reasons to send skirk to train a 14yo ajax freshly fallen into the abyss. and childes already told us that his training by skirk was said to be in preparation for some greater purpose in the future.
and this combined with how skirk describes the narwhal as uncooperative nuisance yet we Know it to possess a more complex sentience than just a simple beast to be used as a tool. just makes me wonder if theres any specific designs and potential motives in store from surtalogi regarding when/how/where childe and the narwhal are supposed to be allowed to encounter one another? and whether the narwhal explicitly calling for childe of its own accord is a part of that "uncooperative" nature if it very much led to them meeting much sooner than was supposed. like idk. its interesting. and if skirks blunder and ensuing penance is indeed about letting the narwhal successfully call for childe before surtalogis plans, why is keeping them apart such a big deal?
obviously could just be something straightforward along the lines of skirk/surtalogi wanting ajax at a specific power level before cultivating his connection with the narwhal to the next level as opposed to the current scenario where he did end up in an incredibly poor shape after the fight but. i also find it very curious to consider there possibly being something more to it too.
like the narwhals connection to childe is clearly deeply personal in nature? its literally his constellation and he physically carries traces of it on himself. but at the same time we really dont know how a being of its scale feels about being reduced to a "pet" dependent on another entity at all. and we really have no clue on the nature of surtalogis plans for the narwhal and ajax. if theres any conflict of interest there.... thatd be something. its interesting to speculate
but yeah none of this is anything concrete just yet im just Thinking. narwhal rent free in my head
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icypantherwrites · 1 year
Fic Roundup: August 14 - September 3
A compilation of all of my most recently updated fanfictions. Enjoy ♥
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Sword and Shield, Chapter Four
Summary: The Blade mission is dangerous but Keith is confident that between himself and Lance, who along with the Red Lion is integral to the success of it, they’ll be fine. However, as the mission progresses Keith is finding it harder and harder to ignore the fact that Lance keeps making himself a human shield and sacrificing his own safety for Keith’s and it's reminding him far too much of his own decision on Naxzela and what he almost did to keep the others safe.
But now that horrific pattern of self-sacrifice has come to a head as Lance is injured protecting Keith. And it's not just a terrible wound: Lance is poisoned and slowly, painfully dying before Keith's eyes. Unlike Naxzela where he could at least do something (even if it would have cost him everything) there's nothing he can do to save Lance. Except... this time Keith isn't alone. And help is coming.. if he can keep Lance alive that long.
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Found, Chapter Three
Summary: Lance is alive. He’s been alive this whole time as not just a prisoner of the Galra Empire… but as their assassin. Shiro’s head aches with his own press of memories as to what Lance must have suffered, how he’d been tortured, to become a cold-blooded killer that goes against every value Lance held dear. But while there’s nothing they can do to change the past they have a way to change the future and now it’s time to find Lance and bring him home.
Sniper is confused. He shouldn’t know those people, he doesn’t know those people and yet… yet there’s a whisper of familiarity that makes his chest ache and his hand pause on the trigger. But Mistress’ whispers are even louder and his screams as she forces him to forget them and replace them with only the faces and feelings of enemies are the loudest of them all.
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The Deadliest of Sins, Chapter Two
Summary: (Police/Detective AU) There’s a serial killer haunting the streets of Garrison City. Detective Lance Esposito is assigned the case, trying to solve the killer’s motive and identity before another victim shows up in a week. He can tell there’s something very personal to the killer about these crime scenes and kills. But even Lance had no idea how personal this case is about to become.
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Not a Joking Matter, Chapter One
[Sequel to A Mind of His Own] Matt’s plans to hang out with Katie at the Castle of the Lions is interrupted by an urgent, but quick, Rebel mission. The mission, to Matt’s relief, goes exactly as planned.
But the being abducted and strapped down on a table for medical experimentation part? Not so much.
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A (Literal) Little Problem
Summary: Lance is more than happy to assist Allura as she practices Altean magic. But this time one of her spells has gone a little awry… literally. And while Allura goes to get help, Lance finds himself in the care of the space mice who are very curious about their new tiny friend.
Some stories/updates are also on my AO3 at the time of this posting. All links in fic roundups and updates on Tumblr now default to Patreon as that is where all of my works are now originally published. If you'd like to join my Patreon check it out here. $5 and $10 tiers grant early release access to all of my currently publishing works :)
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missbeautyandherbeast · 3 months
Hello! How are you doing? I just wanted to ask, are you still active and able to do Match-Ups? If so, here’s everything about me! 
My name is Aylin (It means moon halo! 🌙) I’m 19 years old. (Yet, I have the mind of a thirteen year old.) My zodiac sign is Capricorn but I’m also a cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius according to Google. I’m not a Harry Potter fan but my house would probably be RavenClaw or Slytherin or possibly even both. I’m straight and polyamorous. I’m an Ambivert! My favorite movie genres are Action and Comedy. Bonus if the movie/show includes both lol. My favorite music genres are 2000’s Pop, 2000’s Electric Pop, Rock, and jazz!! My aesthetics are Y2K and Girly Girl!
So, um, I’m pretty stubborn lol. I’m also very crazy and chaotic. I’m VERY creative. (I’ve written hella crazy stories on Wattpad. My friends are now questioning whether or not I actually need a therapist from how unhinged I am or not because what I write is considered “Iconic” to them XD.) My friends say that I’m funny and to be honest, I sometimes even laugh at my own jokes and/or stories.
I’m a hopeless romantic. (I’m lonely and just need the bf of my dreams. 😭🙏) I’m an absolute crybaby when I’m feeling very stressed out and overwhelmed. I just snap. (In fact, when I was a kid, I would get yelled at and grounded for it. Thank you so much, dad!! 😃)
I also LOVEE animals!!!!! 😍💕💗✨ I would literally die protecting an animal, that’s how much I love them. They give me hope, they make me happy, I basically consider them my siblings. (I’m an only child :’).)
I can be pretty mean sometimes, but it’s not my fault that some people can be just TOTALLY unbearable. 🙄🤦‍♀️ I’m also pretty bratty at times, either because I feel like it or that person just really pisses me off. I’m really, REALLY sassy. My middle school friends could confirm that. I’m also brutally honest, at least that’s what my friends said back in middle school.
I’m VERY caring and overprotective and loyal to those that I REALLY care about and love. Seriously, I would DIE protecting them.
I KINDA have trust issues, there’s just a lot of toxic and bad people in the world, it’s almost impossible to let your guard down. Being naive got me nowhere but just sad days of crying my heart out. 
I used to like drawing but I barley have any motivation at all now. I don’t know if I’ll ever go back at it. It’s just a lot of hard work and it gets pretty frustrating at times when you make a small or big mistake. 
As I mentioned about my crazy stories on Wattpad, I LOVEE writing!! When I was a kid, my parents used to say that I would make a really good writer because of my creativity in English assignments lol. 
I love shopping! Especially with my friends, it just makes it a lot more fun and exciting. I really enjoy hanging out with my friends and talking to them instead of through a screen.
I really enjoy listening to music! 2000’s Pop music just makes me feel really good and happy. Music nowadays is just kinda…- No. 
For some reason, I just really love waking up early and taking a walk outside. I just really admire how beautiful and stunning the early mornings look like. 
Like the turtles, I LOVEE pizza! It just tastes so good!! It’s my most favorite food ever!
Mint ice cream is UNDERRATED. I don’t care about what people say about it tasting like toothpaste, they’re being over dramatic, it tastes SOO good!!
I just HATE it when people wear clothes that don’t even match at all!! Like, what confidence of yours made you wear THAT bizarre mess in public?!?! It just annoys me so much. Not only get a new brain but get a new and better fashion style. 
I absolutely hate and cringe at rap music. The only rapper that I make an exception of is Eminem. But other than that, it’s just- NO, NO, NO. I swear, all they ever say in those cringey songs is the N word and then they start talking about butts and stupid stuff like that. Maybe, you lowlife’s can actually learn to start making some REAL music instead. 
Another thing that I dislike is when people blame me for something that I DIDN’T DO or I DIDN’T START. Do they not know that there are always two sides to a story? I remember back in Kindergarten when these two little roach girls used to bully me and mock me, following me wherever I go in the playground. They were SO ANNOYING. So, I started attacking one of them because of how sick and tired I was of them and guess what? I GOT DRAGGED BY MY WRIST BY MY TEACHER TO THE STUPID PRINCIPALS OFFICE. That memory still angers me ‘till this day.
As I mentioned about me loving animals with my life, I HATE, HATE, HATE animal @buse or any type of @buse for that matter really. @buse in general is just disgusting and unnecessary. People seriously have sick and twisted minds to think that @buse is “Okay”. ITS NOT!!! It seriously needs to stop.
My father. 🤓
I really dislike pickles, ketchup, mustard, papaya, steak/beef, bacon, any cheese other than mozzarella, poptarts (They tastes SOOO fake, I’m really sorry, Donnie.😭✋) and many other things that I can’t seem to remember lol. They just gross me out SOO much, I don’t understand how people like them. 
My Body (If you don’t feel comfortable doing this section, just ignore it.):
I have VERY dark brown hair that can look black depending on the lighting and dark brown eyes (They look better and prettier when the sun hits them. 😩) I think I have a heart-shaped facial structure. I have the almond eye-type. I have a cupids bow lip. (I was actually kinda insecure about my lip when I was a teen, but now knowing that only 5% of people have my lip type made that insecurity go away!) I have fair skin as my skin color. I have “strong” nails that break, making them look ugly and unpleasant. Always annoys me so much. I do pretty simple makeup, multi-color eyeshadow makes me look ugly for some reason and I absolutely hate it.
I’m an hourglass (Yet, I hate my body with a passion.) I have stretch marks on my hips and thighs that I’m really insecure about. I also have cellulite but basically everyone has that since it’s just how your skin looks like when you squeeze it. (At least that’s what I think lol.) I also have a butterfly tattoo on the hip of my lower back.
Anyways, that’s all about me! Thank you so much for taking the time of your day to read this and give me my match-up!! (If you did.) I hope everyone reading this has an amazing and wonderful day!!! ❤️❤️❤️
*stumbles in late*
*uncovers laptop from moving boxes*
*sets up and takes a breath*
Apparently I am still doing match-ups because here we are. BUT BEFORE THAT REALLY QUICK IT'S BEEN A WHILE HI GUYS
so... I moved across the country... from Florida to a place where NYC is at my fingertips... so that REALLY hyped my hyperfixation for my boys. Lemme tell you when I started this blog I NEVER thought I'd be this close to the city.
Anyway, hey babes that was a TON of information but kudos to writing it all down bc I could never
But Honestly, I'm gonna go with you and Mikey here!
Hear me all the way out:
Pick any version of Mikey and you guys would vibe
You've both got a creative streak and a general overall tender heart that I think would work really well together
You know this dude has seen the end of Wattpad trying to find his favorite ships (and maybe even a few about him and his true love, hoping one day it might come true)
I really think he would be someone who could understand your trust issues, and even help you through it (and while I'm on the subject on a real note: there's a difference from naive and kind. you can still be kind and open, but know there are boundaries that you should have to keep yourself safe and in a place mentally and emotionally and away from toxic people bc girl TRUST ME I'VE BEEN THERE)
Okay, so Mikey is one of those guys who would try gross foods because it's there, so you'd never have to worry about not liking something because he would eat it without a second thought
(I think it would be SO FUNNY if the one thing he didn't like was mint chocolate chip ice cream and that's the ONE thing you two can't agree on)
("I've seen you eat ten day old pizza from the floor" "And I'd do it again if I never had to eat that monstrosity of cold toothpaste")
Of course he's protective of you and your heart and doesn't want to break it, and he has some of the highest emotional maturity of the brothers and I think it would really help you guys as a couple, but also just help over all with growing up as a young adult (BECAUSE IT'S ROUGH OUT HERE SHAWTY)
You guys would do so well together
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shadowynn · 1 year
I honestly get that the guys are not supposed to be good guys, and there are yandere themes going on... But I do feel for joong (and the rest) in the beginning of the chapter. It won't be fair for us to judge them in the same fabric as how we would humans, no? So... Yes, they might not be the best, and this is very toxic, but I do get where and why joong is coming from. And one has to take into consideration that they are trying to give mc space, so yeah, they do skirt the line but ig that's that. Wooyoung on the other hand... Yeah again, I get why he wants to access her memories, but that's something that definitely crosses that line so I'm actually glad the others were against it 🥰🥰
OoOoO, who's acting after so many years? Seems like they have history with ot8~ I agree with mc, they don't seem to be human oop— I get that mc is... Scarred and has had history that makes her not trust them... But I do kind of find it unfair that she's like "who's the real them?" I mean, not everything has to be black and white right? They can be both, the bloodthirsty daemons on the battlefield and the way they are in front of mc. It's not like they wanted the war anyways, it was the humans who did not agree to peace in the first place.
Oop— we're seeing HJ's mother soon aren't we? I'm kind of excited for the ✨spice✨ that she'll bring to the story hehehe (*cough*k-hotchillipeppers*cough) honestly though, I wish mc was kinder to herself T^T I FEEL BAD FOR HER ASDFGHJKL... Loved the chapter as usual, especially the little moment mc had with Jongho hehe~ 🥺🥺🥺🥺
(*peeps from behind the wall and waves before returning to the abyss of assignments* ~Sky)
you have no idea how excited i am right now. literally made my entire weekend hearing from you!! i hope life has been easing up on you and your assignments haven't been treating you too badly. literally sending all my love and all the motivation i can summon your way!! you've got this!! <333
i am right there with you with feeling for the guys. whenever i first started this piece, i didn't have their backstory fully fleshed out yet, so while, hongjoong's father was always going to be a terrible person, his effect on the others wasn't something i had thought of until i was writing chapter eight. and now, man, i have such a soft spot for them, like legit, i couldn't complete that chapter without joong getting a hug at the end.
as for the attackers, well... they're actually characters i also didn't plan on in the beginning, but an idea that came later that i'm actually really excited about and something that i feel is going to be really fun writing. i love the main character i have planned and am excited to delve more into it all here later on. (i have such a hard time keeping things i'm excited for secret, so you have no idea literally how much i just want to gush/talk ideas with you and others. but i will stay strong, no matter how hard it can be at times)
i really like you're take on mc. one thing that i've been trying is to make sure mc also has their own faults because sometimes i'm really bad at making my characters too mary sue. as much as i want them to be perfect, i know they can't be and having faults in a character makes them them. mc may be a kind person at heart, but despite all she's done for the daemons, she still harbors prejudice against them because of her upbringing and the daemons in front of her are so different than everything she's had engrained into her her whole life, she struggles to make sense of it all. just as the humans have made her feel less than human, she also has a lesser view on the daemons, so seeing them as real, complicated people just like her is almost strange and she can't help but feel like it's all an act based on her upbringing and past. ( and yes, both sides tell a very different story as to how the war actually began and why it continued on (always blaming the other). both leaders on both sides (talking joong's father here) lied to their people about it. so, while the guys might now the true history of it, mc doesn't and it certainly plays into her feelings/thoughts about them.
and, you have no idea how excited i am for joong's mother. originally she was going to be dead and seoyun was going to be the one adding *spice* but then i had a better idea for seoyun and kind of gave her original personality to his mother and i think it'll be really fun to delve into it.
as always, thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts and feedback. i always love reading and discussing it all with you. once again, wishing you all the luck on your future endeavors! <33
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fili-urzudel · 8 months
Whoops it looks like my threat to infodump backfired lol
I wanna let you guys get to know me without compromising my personal information online so if this seems vague in weird spots that's why.
Name: well I just looked through my several Name notes and saw the name Maewyn (the name of my future daughter in Stardew Valley lol) and I like that so why not, if you need to refer to me call me Maewyn or Mae.
Family: I live with my parents and sister, all of whom I adore! I'm the eldest child. We got our first dog when I was 12 and he's still with us.
Favorite Color: Purple. It's pretty and I look good in it ngl. I prefer more blue-tinted shades like indigo or periwinkle.
Favorite flower: it's insanely hard to choose! Botanical gardens and hikes through parks are some of my favorite activities and oh my goodness the pretty plants you see in those places. I might just have to say roses because I have three bushes of my own in the front garden that I tend to every summer and fall.
Favorite Animal: Elephants! I have reasons but I'm not going to articulate that right now sorry
Favorite metal: I'm not a very jewelry oriented person, mostly because of my eczema, but I own mostly silver jewelry.
Favorite stone: once again hard to choose, they're all so pretty. Opal is magnificent, but my only problem with it is it's so soft, so as a practical person who prefers day-to-day wear, it's not the best stone for me.
Zodiac (just in case you were thinking of asking): All I know is I'm a Scorpio.
Hogwarts House: I took the Pottermore quiz in fifth grade and got assigned Ravenclaw so that's what I'm sticking to. Not knowing anything about Harry Potter, I think I'm a Ravenclaw with Hufflepuff tendencies, or vice versa.
Favorite thing to study: I am a student of a lot of things so it's hard to choose, I think every subject has its charm. I love reading and thinking about themes and creative writing (obviously) but I couldn't see doing that for a living because I fear I either wouldn't be motivated enough or having to make money off of something artistic would take the joy out of it. I'm studying Computer Science, and it's very interesting. Biology and Anatomy are super cool as well, but once again I don't think I'm suited to the life of a researcher or a doctor.
Hopes and dreams: just to be a well-adjusted and kind person. I want to be the person that people are drawn to and feel like they can trust, the kind of person where "my door is always open" is a reliable statement. I'm a very shy and quiet person, and maybe not necessarily super emotive, so I feel like at the moment it's a bit hard for people to believe that I care or I'm someone who could care, even though I do, very deeply. Literally my personality goals are Peeta Mellark, Beth March, Samwise Gamgee, and I think my faith plays a lot into that.
Other Fandoms: Star Wars (esp. the Prequels and cartoons) and Star Trek for sure!! I have another sideblog dedicated to that. I'm watching ST:TOS right now and it is so unbelievably fun. I used to be a Marvel fan. I'm still a hardcore Spider-man fan (all media fr fr). I play Stardew Valley, a little Palia but just for the graphics if I'm honest. Uhhh I'm blanking right now so that must mean those are the really important ones.
Fun facts:
I need all four wisdom teeth removed and either braces or Invisalign in the next few years, along with a not-so-purely-cosmetic periodontal surgery.
I downloaded Goodreads maybe three weeks ago and I have 229 books on my Want to Read list.
I skipped all of my high school English classes through Dual Enrollment.
When I clean my room I clean clean but I only do it once every one or two months, and in between it kind of turns into a disaster zone.
I'm gonna get my hair cut from 18 inches to 4-6 inches in a couple months and I'm nervous and excited at the same time.
I want to make myself a capsule wardrobe soon.
I crochet and as soon as I have a little more free time I'm going to teach myself to knit. After that probably quilting, even though I suck at sewing.
I interviewed someone about his beard today.
I'm watching The Vow with my family right now when I probably should be working on my physics.
And if you know me irl, these fun facts will probably let you piece together that it's me running this blog.
That concludes this evening's infodump, I hope you enjoyed.
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v-anrouge · 2 years
exposing myself on the internet for a character assignment go brrrrr
also: *sweats in aroace*
Okay so I possess a distinct lack of hobbies because ✨ mental illness ✨ and also I am a total hikkineet. I do however, have less active hobbies like drawing, painting, reading/writing. I do enjoy rewatching Musicals from my childhood whenever I’m feeling down or generally empty. Some faves would be “The Sound Of Music”, “Mary Poppins” and “Anastasia”. Ya boi likes singing along with em even though I am terrible at it hehe ❤️
God okay. My personality. Uhh. I have a lot of feelings (and cry a lot) and I am extremely affection starved so show me positive attention and compliment me and I am fucking worshipping the ground you walk on so.. affectionate? I guess. Also Kind of quiet. I’m in my head a lot, and I have anxiety about voicing my opinion and thoughts to people. Especially irl. I’ll usually just remain silent or provide a few comments but otherwise mainly a listener. But if it’s a special interest and I can see that you are actively listening to me instead of waiting for me to stop talking I’ll turn into a walking Encyclopedia about Said thing. I do love physical affection but only when I am in the mood for it lol.
Giving love language is acts of service and gift giving (flashbacks to the time I offered to buy you something even though we barely knew each other). Receiving love language is words of affirmation probably idk i have 3 irl Friends outside of Family so my experience on the matter is limited.
Also people who are audibly/visibly angry will set off my fight/flight/freeze response and I will physically distance myself from them due to discomfort/fear. I’d also definitely go non-verbal as a result. This would be a time where touching me could result in a panic attack/me just crying lmao
Okay bare with me here because I have never actively considered my type so I’m only really thinking about it now
Type wise, perhaps someone kind but firm, I’d say? I lack a lot of motivation, self-discipline and self-respect, so a partner who is gentle, accomodating and understanding of my situation but isn’t afraid to call bullshit when they see it would definitely be preferable. Also direct communication because I CANNOT read between the lines. And.. someone who would go places with me. Not even for like the cute coupley things like Dates and Shopping or whatever (though that would be great too) but literally as a Support Person for stressful situations like dentists, doctors and other such appointments. Lord knows I need it because I stutter so badly when talking to strangers irl and stare straight at the ground and go silent when I inevitably become embarrassed at my lack of social skills💀 I don’t really have a strong preference for any hobbies a partner might have, but it would be cool to watch musicals together. And dress up and stuff. Maybe even cosplay. Idk just Indulging in each others hobbies would be fun. Also I struggle with like, mobile(?) communication and find it difficult to take the initiative to start text convos or call people, so they’d need to take the lead on that otherwise I may accidentally end up ghosting them. Not maliciously, but as I said, ya boy is stuck in his own little world a lot.
Also my favourite colour is green! HEX Code : #9AEEC8 (this probably wasn’t necessary but teehee)
And if a partner can’t handle spice I will constantly give them shit for it but in an affectionate way ❤️
I match you with...
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ROOK HUNT let me start this off by saying that this can be taken in both a platonic or romantic way and that in either way u and rook are like made for eachother im serious like u two are fucking inseparable, rook absolutely adores everything about you, you two have A LOT in common and he LIVES for it, rook and you can constantly be found almost sobbing over eachother and how much you mean to eachother, you two are so close people consider u both goals (couple or friendship it's up to u). rook is absolutely sure you two are soulmates he has never felt so connected to someone like he feels connected to you
rook loves spending time with you he adores talking to you even if to other ppl it might seem like he's being ignored rook knows he isn't he knows that you are listening intently to him and he loves it, most people hate it when he starts talking to them since he talks A LOT but you? you don't mind it! you stay there and listen to him ramble and sometimes even join him! rook always feel so warm when he manages to make you feel safe enough to ramble and infodump him and he'll be very happy if you allow him to do the same in exchange you two have a lot of interests in common and love talking about them to ppl that actually care so this normally ends w u both talking for hours non-stop and not even noticing as time goes by (not u two talking about vil for 5 hours straight)
rook absolutely adores your works, wether it's a drawing, a painting or a piece u wrote he'll love to see it, he could spend hours talking about your works seriously it became one of his special interests his ur number 1 fan now he'll always hype you up and even do some of them with you (like painting and reading together etc)
rook swears he can feel his heart exploding in his heart when u give him a gift this man won't stop smiling as he goes on and on about how much he absolutely adores you and how much he loves the gift and how he's so honored and happy to receive something like that and there's literal tears on his eyes as he does so, rook feels so happy when you offer to help him too, it means he gets more time to spend with you! and rook loves spending time with you<3
if you like words of affirmation than rook is the man for you, this man constantly writes poems about you and the special connection you two share and even though he has written multiple of them somehow they never ever look the same it's always so fresh as if it was his first time writing something like that, it also never fails to make you smile rook is very observant so he'll def know what makes you smile and he WILL be making a LOT of use of his privileged knowledge
rook knows how you get when someone is mad and being loud about it so whenever rook feels an situation escalating he'll immediately take you away from it and make sure you're okay, if rook ever happens to arrive to late he'll do his best to help you calm down, rook is super patient and even if you go non-verbal rook somehow still always know what to say and what to do, if you like company in times like these rook will not leave your side, he'll constantly be making sure you're feeling alright and comfortable and paying attention to your body language if you can't speak
rook will always encourage you to try new things at the same time he'll immediately take you out of any situations that make you extremely uncomfortable, for rook it isn't easy to trust people, however he trusts you, and he wants you to trust him back so he wants to be there for you, to show you he will always be by your side to support you and he wishes that you feel the same towards him
if you want to talk to someone or ask for anything but you're too nervous because they're a stranger rook will offer himself to do it for you, he has no problems doing that for you, rook would never shame anyone for not having good social skills because rook himself used to be very shy as a kid and he understands how hard it can be to talk to strangers
rook LOVES to watch and re-watch musicals with you! it's one of his favorite things to do, rook feels so happy when he's watching a musical you two like by your side he truly wishes that moments like these lasted forever, because there is no place rook would rather be than by your side
other possibilities: vil ( u two are like made for eachother seriously as i read ur info i was like omfg it makes sense why you love vil so much) lilia, cater & malleus
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dyke1 · 2 years
fuck my classes honestly...like I'm so pissed off at these professors... I really dont give a fuck at this point the guy who replaced my spanish professor who left on maternity leave does nothing in class but ask us about what we're supposed to be doing he doesn't know anything but loves making us look stupid for not knowing things he keeps telling everyone in class I've missed classes like that's personal why would u bring that up I hope this girl I class actually does something cause she almost fought with him last time I wish I would've dropped this class I'm actually so angry. but I didn't know she was going to leave like thank god I have this scholarship cause if I had to pay for these classes I would actually kms but I could've taken another class I really wanted to but whatever I'm just .whatever I dont even like school like I'm so glad this is my last semester cause I don't feel happy or motivated at all about anything why would I come to your class when all you do is talk about yourself which is what my other professor does too like he spends ALL class period talking about himself . I dont hate him but he's a little old and all he does is relive his glory days and literally has not assigned anything to us like whatever if im not going to learn anything fine but I want to make sure my grades are fine but I genuinely don't think he know how to use the computer cause he has not opened his grade book like it's been 6 weeks I don't know what this class is about or what I'm supposed to do .honestly though this is all just a manifestation of my own disappointment w myself beacuse I'm literally so dumb at getting work done like I just threw up cause I got so mad with myslef and now I'm like I hate his fuckigm school whatever
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