#to obi wan being detective of the year by going to the same man he got information from in aotc
weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
Okay I’ve read a couple more chapters of Brotherhood and so far it’s just Attack of the Clones but a different plot. I am enjoying it.
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phoeebsbuffay · 10 months
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Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi’s complex journey…to the dark side.
Warnings: drama, angst, violence, inappropriate/adult language—explicit smut and fluff as usual.
Warnings 2: *long* post.
Recommendations: “Lavender Haze” by Taylor Swift; “Yellow Flicker Beat” by Lorde.
No minors.
“When there is too much light”, you tell him, “one might lose the sight for it.”
“But when there is too much dark”, so the red haired male muses, “the fate seems to be all the same”.
You tilt your head.
“The whole point is that every excess leads to suffering. Those who claim to possess the true core of goodness are blinded by their vanity, although those who are plunged by darkness is similarly lost.”
“Then what should I do?”, you detect a hint of misery in his voice.
“I am not the wisest of beings, Obi”, you smile candidly. “You’re not on your own. You should not pick up the broken petals and try to glue them to what they used to form. No. The damage is done, but it can be mended and transformed in something better.”
There is so much to be said, but, to your disappointment, words die in his thoughts. His eyes divert away and the magic is gone.
“Obi?”, now he detects despair in your voice.
The Jedi looks back at you. His blue eyes little by little lose the spark that once colored such tempest irises.
An eclipse rises.
“I must depart”, it’s all he mutters. “Unfortunately I cannot stay, Senator Y/N.”
You don’t have to say goodbye. Obi-Wan is gone with the wind.
• Part I: The Creed.
“You look too sad, Master”, Anakin tells him concerned. “This sadness of yours has remained there in your eyes longer than I’d thought it would take. I must say I am concerned.”
“This is exhaustion to you, Anakin”, Obi-Wan remarks. “I’ve been working per usual, that is all.”
“You have been burying yourself in work since that incident with the Duchess has…”
“It was not an incident!”, Obi-Wan snaps at Anakin, who stares at his Master in bewilderment. He sighs before softening: “I just…appreciate your concern over me, Anakin. It’s going to be fine. But there are moments when I wonder where this will end. Frankly, it frustrates me that two years later Maul isn’t entirely wiped out of the galaxy.”
“He’s not like any other we faced, Master. That creature is a Sith Lord, therefore we ought to be very careful when dealing with the man”, Anakin smiles quietly, eyes filled with comprehension. “But be mindful that grief should not overcome you, after all…”
“Fear leads to anger that leads to hate that leads to suffering”, so Obi-Wan completes. “I shall not forget that. It pleases me to see you learned that well, Anakin. I forget at times how good you can actually be.”
Anakin rolls his eyes, about to say something in return when the thread is interrupted by Master Windu, who requests Obi-Wan’s presence for a mission to planet Y/C.
“It’s farther than we had formerly judged”, the said Master tells Obi-Wan. “But we understand this is an important mission in order to prevent this region to fall to the Separatists. Apparently Count Dooku has sent a spy to convert Lady Y/N to his side. You must not fail, Obi-Wan.”
“I’m sure everything will be conducted most appropriately”, assures the other male.
By then the two part in friendly terms. But Anakin, the witness of the moment, is suddenly plagued with a strange feeling. However, he has not time to uncover it or even share with his Master, for Obi-Wan doesn’t want to waste anymore of his time in Coruscant, a planet he’s grown to dislike.
When he meets you after a long time spent journeying to your planet, Obi-Wan is dressing somber shades of red, opting for a dark cape that falls over his shoulders. But the growing shadow within is momentarily eclipsed by your glowing beauty.
Your long and wavy y/c hair is tied in a single braid; your face is painted in delicate colors that seem to bring your beauty in a most natural way; your light red gown reinforces your curves and after two years, Obi-Wan finds himself desiring a woman again.
His eyes linger at the swell of your breasts and for one moment, his mind takes him to a dark spot, where he allows to imagine taking each breast with his tongue—hungry for affection, wishing to be provided with what he hopes to find a sweet lullaby coming out of your lips, singing out his name—; but the moment you clear your throat, he sweeps away such pictured scene, burying it deep—mostly because he doesn’t want to have a boner right now.
“Master Kenobi”, you greet him with a sweet voice, eyeing him with a mix of curiosity and awe. He knows by the careful glance you give him that you find him handsome. Apparently, the attraction is mutual. “Thank you for getting to us. Welcome to our planet. I pray the journey has not been too hard on you.”
As you lead him to a seat next to the window, from where he can see the landscape outside, Obi-Wan smiles at you when answering:
“It has not, thank you for asking, my lady. I do hope, though, that your ladyship may forgive me for the delay in our mission. I had other matters to attend.”
“There is nothing to be forgiven for, Master Kenobi”, you smile again and Obi-Wan hates how the light that comes from you makes him feel like a teenager in his hormone days. “Before we begin to discuss our points, allow me to serve you some tea. Do tell your favourite.”
This is how it begins.
Lord forbid, but as each day goes by, you find yourself desiring to hear more of the serious and meticulous Master Jedi. His redhair and his blue eyes are difficult not to draw your eyes, but his muscles—perfectly well hidden under such robes—leave so much to your imagination.
Often seen by others as cold, unreachable woman, always avoiding relationships of any nature, it seems this man has managed to make you go to your knees—though you’d gladly turn this metaphor into literal.
You’ve heard the other day a lady in waiting describing to another exactly how she went to her knees to please her husband—a way the said lady in question found out from a maid of her trust—and how deliciously it was to feel his manhood pumping into her mouth. As you enter into the salon, your eyes scam after him, with that scene in the back of your mind.
What would be like to please him? To make this sacred Jedi feel profane, mundane things? It’s when your own conscience admonishes for such thinking. You are a governor, a member of the Senate who vowed never to marry or get yourself involved romantically—specially after one particular man, Senator H/N, broke your heart.
“Ah, Master Kenobi! There you are!”, you greet him with glee. “I must admit I am worried about how the Senate will respond to our request. I do wish to remain neutral in this war.”
Obi-Wan comes to perceive that he’s been growing intolerant to his impatience with this unending war. Or perhaps he’s mistaking it with frustration? The man cannot tell and he has no intention in letting obvious his discontent.
“I wouldn’t worry about it, Senator Y/LN”, and so suddenly your desire for peace reminds him of…
“Are you well, Master Kenobi?” You ask him gently, concerned about the shadows that so suddenly take grip of his reasoning. “Come, let us go outside. A stroll around the gardens might suit you.”
“No, I appreciate your concern, but…”
You surprise him by being an effective adversary.
“I don’t take no as answer, good man. I know distress when I see one.”
“And here I thought I was hiding well”, Obi-Wan muses sarcastically.
“Oh, didn’t you?”
How you snap back at him earns the Jedi some smile. And you are pleased your effort is finally coming to something.
“Is it weird to live by peace in a world plunged by extremisms?” You think out loud as you two share a stroll in a quiet, content pace around many green walls.
Obi-Wan, who’s been studying you more often than he’d sensibly admit, side eyes you and discreetly responds:
“I don’t think so. When disease begins to make sense, reason starts to find illogical healthy musings. We’ve been too sick to realize that peace could’ve been reached by a simple dialogue with some compromising”.
“Why do we expect better attitudes from others when we ourselves lack them?”, you sigh. “I suppose it’s because our enemies reflect our darkest fears.”
Obi-Wan’s eyebrows furrow at the thought. Seeing a good point you make, he finds himself uncomfortable for the first time in a long time.
We make demands of others. We fight for others. We expect better of others when we are not better than them.
Has the good cause been corrupted? Suddenly, Obi-Wan’s conviction starts to be shaken by his own beliefs.
“I’m sorry. I was meant to bring you some solace, not providing you this uneasiness”, you apologize by reading the Jedi’s awkward steps.
When finding your y/c eyes, Obi-Wan’s first instinct is to flee. You too get this sensation and perhaps you let it show more than you’d know. But he resists it.
You are not Satine. I cannot expect you to be like her. But you bring me to a different light… and I fear where this path will lead me.
“Don’t apologize”, though his arms remain folded, his features are now softened. “I’ve been under stress for two years in a roll. You deserve better, my lady, and I haven’t been a most proper guess, have I?”
You chuckle softly and the sound that comes with it makes any burden his heart’s been carrying loose…
“I understand more than you know, Master Kenobi. I fear to say I tend to overthink about what surrounds me”, you smile at him, your eyes not ready to let go of the gaze that captured them. “It’s a hopeless world we live in and yet I think it’s my duty to bring some joy to it.”
“And how’d you do that?”, he inquires, too intrigued by your web not to play with it.
“By living to a personal creed”, you give the Jedi a mysterious smile. “Live righteously through every beating of your heart. Do so by providing others some cheerfulness.”
That being said, you actually succeed to distract the very grave Jedi close to a fountain and with one small push, get him into it.
Soon, the silence is broken by a sound of cheerful laughters and for the very first time Obi-Wan joins them, not burdened, but free of it.
Part II: Duty Is The Death of Love.
Obi-Wan is requested to go back to Coruscant once the situation in your planet is partially resolved. But there is reluctance on his part going and you fear for his departure too.
By then, an unspoken attachment had developed between you two—but neither felt the urge to make it obvious, in other words: to make the first step.
“You are too quiet, dear Y/N”, Obi-Wan remarks, his eyes never letting go of your sight for a moment.
This evening you are having dinner. A private one, very personal and intimate in many shades—but the Jedi realizes you’ve been far from his grasp. It so appears to him that your brightness has been stolen away.
“Am I?”, you raise your eyes to meet those sparkling blue ones that have been searching for yours. You blush lightly as a result. “I’ve always been quiet, Obi.”
“This is hardly the truth”, he smiles. “You’ve been always the one to speak, my dear. Please, tell me what’s been troubling you.”
Your pride advises you not to tell him how you feel. Obi-Wan sees through you the struggle, but these are trying days. What’s there to lose if you speak your mind?
“I will miss you”, it’s all you can say.
He reaches for your hand, gently lacing fingers. Never before duty felt so strained, so… suffocating.
“I’m not really leaving. You know that.”
You don’t realize a puddle of tears is forming in your eyes before you say:
“You’ve always shone brighter than anyone I’ve known. I shall not eclipse that.”
Obi-Wan quickly leaves his seat to console you. On his knees before you, he takes each hand and presses there a kiss.
“Dear love”, he rushes to say. “You are a poetry to my soul. I’ve been numbed for a long time and thought myself dead inside until you brought me back to life. How can you say I shine bright when you are the sun who feeds me light to do so? No. I’m nothing if not a moon in need of your light.”
When did the desperation rise so eminently? You don’t know, neither does he. But all so suddenly, your lips are collided against his and Obi-Wan is rising you from your seat to pull yourself into him.
Your hands are now playing with his hair all the whilst his own are gripping tight your waist. His kisses are urgent and fervent, warming you in every possible way.
His lips are now going to your neck and you throw your head back, feeling exposed under his gaze. Indeed, had you had the ability to read mind, you’d find nothing but indecent thoughts there.
Hungry for your affection, his lust draws unspeakable ideas to you. His lips enjoy your soft skin and his eager hands are already unlacing your gown. On your turn, the tingles that his beard make on you are enough to make you sigh.
You promptly rest your hands over his shoulders in an attempt to find balance. As you do, you pursuit his lips once more as your hands begin to work in his fabric.
“Obi..”, you heavily sigh as you now kiss his jawline and move to his neck, gently biting his skin.
“Yes, dear Y/Nickname?”, he groans lightly as you have control over him.
You don’t know what you are doing, but you do. Moved by a strange house instinct, your hands toss his fabric away, going down to his manhood, all the whilst you pepper his neck and shoulders with a loving kiss.
“You are mine”, you whisper against his skin, as your delicate fingers find what they are looking for. “Aren’t you?”
You raise your eyes and Obi-Wan finds mischief in them, much to his arousal, specially when you start holding his manhood very gently.
“I am, yes”, he sighs heavily. “Maker knows I belong with you entirely, dear one.”
His words are like charm, evoking your sudden confidence. Suddenly, you flip positions, starting to get the best of him. Your eyes are glued on his heavy breathing and when he thinks he’s about to come undone…
You take him all.
Using your red lips.
But he is not a man to be easily subdued—he is the one who subdues, and here you are submitted at his will.
Obi-Wan knows you well and he enjoys driving you crazy by doing all he wants to do with you slowly.
“Beg, dear one”, he smirks at you, his fingers gently stroking your feminine core, not yet slipping them inside you. “This is what you want to do…”
You hiss under your breath, eyes already painted with desperation. But your pride is simply useless before the strength, the physique, the beauty and perfection that stand right before you.
“Please”, you whimper, much to his delight.
And he does so. His lips looking for yours, he takes no more of your time before pleasing you the way you deserve.
“I love you”, you sing your feelings out, followed by another whimper.
“I love you too”, he kisses you hungrily, enjoying the effect he has on you.
There is nothing but the alluring dark to light the way, and no sense of goodbye is perceived when one body collides with the other. Never before Obi-Wan felt so alive. A sensation that he does not want to let go of.
Towards the end of the night, when you two are bathed by salt, you turn at him and say:
“You should stay.”
Obi-Wan sighs. It feels as if he’s living that night again… when it was whispered that the duty was the death of love. When looking back at your y/c eyes, the good there is in them, a voice in the back of his mind says again: must you repeat old mistakes?
Must you?
However, for now the Jedi does not wish to dwell in such thinking. Internal riots are briefly quieted. He turns at you and peppers your face with kisses before cuddling you in his arms.
“Let us enjoy the today, my dove. It’s all I ask for.”
A response that does not content you, but would have to suffice now.
When you wake up the next day, he is gone. The warmth in his side of bed is replaced by a cold, a void of goodness you feel so abruptly deprived of.
It hurts, it aches too much the sound of heartbreaking. You should know that what was going to happen.
But the images of both of you speaking of the past as if the future would be one with the other roll in the back of your mind. Is there anything you could do?
But that day you weep as sacred moments are remembered too well by your soul, broken like a secret you kept, an oath that now sounds meaningless.
And here your pain becomes a growing angst that paints your heart blue, all alone trying to find how to deal with all the intensity that crushed you like a tide that took you far from the shore, letting you drown by a heavy wave.
A knock on the door, however, disrupts you from your thought. You barely notice the tears rolling down in your cheeks until you taste the salt these come to your mouth. And now you must regain your composure.
Oh you must.
“Duty awaits”, you think out loud before granting the permission for the door to open and soon coming inside your bedchambers.
A moment so sacred is now profaned. As it should be.
Part III: Midnight.
“Have you heard the tale of Darth Plagueis, the Wise?”, the chancellor asks him.
Obi-Wan is wearing his usual suits this evening for an encounter with the man behind the Senate, the one whom the Jedis asked him to spy for. Palpatine is the said man’s name and although his behavior is rather…unique for a man of his position, it comes at being too odd to spy him.
“I believe I am rather familiar with it, yes”, replies the red headed Jedi, stroking his beard, as he casts his cold blue eyes towards the other one. “Why’d you ask, Chancellor?”
Giving Obi-Wan a smirk, Palpatine carefully shrugs.
“This is a tale often misconstructed by the Jedis.” He pauses carefully, waiting for some reaction coming from Obi-Wan. Once it did not, he continues. “Duty not always must be the death of love, Obi-Wan. Once upon a time, love was the main weapon of the Jedis. Now it appears to have been poisoned by the ambitions of such an Order.”
Silence hangs in between the two men, heavy like grey clouds announcing an upcoming storm.
“What you suggest is treason”, whispers Obi-Wan, avoiding the male’s gaze. “The Jedis have been the keepers of peace in Galaxy for centuries.”
“The endings often bear good intentions”, remarks Palpatine. “How about the means, though? The means justify the endings, and you cannot look away the pride and arrogance that have flickered the Order.”
No answer. Slowly, like a snake spotting a prey, Palpatine surrounds Obi-Wan.
“My dear, your duty has been rewarded with nothing but disdain. Your name has once been shouted by your fellow Jedis, but now it’s been whispered like a poison. Is this what you’ve become, Obi-Wan? A name, a number…a mere saber?”
“I don’t need recognition”, Obi-Wan retorts, but even he can feel the emptiness of his belief.
What has changed?
“Oh, but we do. We do. What are we without the applauses of those we love? Not beasts to be served to other’s purposes”, Palpatine smiles. “You have doubled your powers, Obi-Wan. But your path of blood… when will it end? They say fear leads to anger and anger leads to suffering. But has duty emptied your sentiments? Blind devotion also leads to suffering, Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
A sweet melody is sang. To see it’s effect, however, Palpatine slowly removes himself from the scene. The prey is at long last trapped by the snake’s trap.
Obi-Wan knows it. He feels it. The tentacles of darkness tempt him, seducing him like the sweet embrace of a lover.
Indeed, the list of dissatisfaction is too long to ignore. The anguish within never ceases to torment him. The temptation is too great to bear.
Nonetheless, it’s close to midnight when the Jedi leaves everything aside to look for you. Perhaps you have every answer for him; perhaps you might be the savior he needs.
You are located at your lavender garden, even though it’s past midnight. Chaos surrounds you, war destroys everything you know. You grew strangely comforted by it. You learned to play coy, to be the player you planet needed. Neutrality was merely a disguise. But politics was never a clean game in the first place.
Two nights ago, you’d met him. You thought you’d lost him again, but the silent steps caught you out of your guard.
“I knew I’d find you here, Y/Nickname”, his husky voice brings out a smile of your lips. “A lavender field is most proper to your ladyship.”
You raise your eyes, not surprised for seeing Obi-Wan Kenobi dressing a dark robe, a somber shade of red in his suit, standing powerful before you.
“I do not wish to forget the lavender haze creeping upon me.” You tilt your head, pleased to find a secret smirk twisting in the corner of his lips. “What are you here for, my dear? End this the way it should be.”
“It pains me to hear this is your conclusion”, he muses somberly.
You promptly stand and move to where he stands. Very gently, you remove his hood and run your hands over his short red locks, before cupping his face and tiptoeing to rest your forehead against his.
“I wouldn’t take you as a man who understands everything literally”, you make a small jest, pleased to make him chuckle.
“Darkness is so much more alluring than I’d ever consider it to be”, he whispers. “I’ve tripled my powers since I left you. I shall not lose you, my dear Y/N. The Jedis and the Sith…both took everything I’ve loved.”
He sobs and seems to fall on his knees, but you hold him, able to prevent him to lose his strength. But because he’s heavier than you’d able to carry him, you manage to lead him back to your lavender garden.
“This doesn’t have to be the way”, you tell him. “There is more in the world than Jedis and Siths, Obi.”
As he glances to you, you spot a swift change in the color of his irises, spot an unending suffering in the dark waters of his soul.
“I hate them”, he whispers, and the sound is like that of a whip. “I hate them all.”
“Let us run away then”, you speak gently, caressing his hair. “Those who step in our way shall be destroyed. Simply as that.”
Obi-Wan chews your solution for a moment. It’s reasonable and makes sense. When admiring your beauty and the gentleness that comes from your good heart, he takes your suggestion.
But then… a question rises.
What if there is no more Jedi nor Sith?
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duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
Idk if you still do Obitine fanfic requests, but I was wondering if you could do one where Obi-Wan and Satine almost get caught by the Jedi Council and Anakin (and maybe Padmé) have to frantically cover for them left and right? I adore your work, been reading them all day if you can't tell 😅
- Lies, Sweet Lies -
While Obi-Wan had never explicitly stated his reasoning for leaving Coruscant so abruptly Anakin knew - in the uncanny way he had always been able to read his master - that he was jetting off to Mandalore to see Satine. 
He wouldn't say anything, of course. How could he? He himself had spent the entire morning with Padme. Out of everyone in the Order he had no right to chastise Obi-Wan. 
Still, at least he and Padme were more often than not on the same planet. He doesn't quite know how Obi-Wan does it; being so far from Mandalore. Then again, his Master had gone literal years without seeing Satine. He's certain both of them have a patience that neither he nor Padme posses. 
He had been standing outside the entrance of the Senate chamber, chatting idly with Padme about his latest mission when Mace Windu shouted his name. 
"Master Windu," Anakin greeted, "Is something the matter?"
The Jedi Master eyes both he and Padme cautiously, gaze shifting from one to the other for a bit longer than Anakin was particuarly comfortable with. 
To his relief though, the older man didn't comment on them. 
"I'm looking for General Kenobi." He says gruffly, "But it seems your master has vanished and hasn't answered his Comlink. Any idea where he may be?"
Anakin felt his blood run cold. Surely Obi-Wan wouldn't have been so careless as to leave the planet without coming up with a valid reason. 
To his relief, its Padme that jumps in. 
"I actually just saw Master Kenobi only this morning."
He knows immediately that his wife is lying; Obi-Wan had left late last night, a fact that Padme is more than aware of. 
"Did you?" Mace questions, "I don't suppose he had mentioned where he would been heading today, did he?"
Padme froze, unprepared for the question. As much as she was a quick thinker on her feet, and could convince someone of even the most outrageous lie by sheer virtue of her honest demeanor, he knows that she doesn't know enough about Obi-Wans day to day and missions to come up with something plausible. 
"As far as I know sir, he had mentioned going to the medical station. Some of the 501st were injured just before we returned. I suppose he wanted to check in on our men."
Mace narrows his eyes, clearly unconvinced. 
"You mean to tell me Obi-Wan pulled himself away from the temple to pay a visit to the clones medical station?"
Anakin hoped that Mace couldn't detect the slight panic that was bubbling in the pit of his stomach. 
"I recall you saying that his com was lost during their mission, didn't you Anakin?" Padme asks, looking pointedly at him. 
God bless Padme and her quick thinking. 
"You're right," Anakin says in a tone he hopes is convincing enough, "Cody had found it after we cleared out. I assume he had taken it with him to the Medical Station; it's likely Obi-Wan went out to retrieve it." 
Mace looks back and forth between the two of them. If he isn't convinced by the story, he doesn't vocalize it.
"Contact the Medical Station, would you? Tell them if Obi-Wan hasn't already left his presence is required by tomorrow morning, Master Billaba is returning from Chalacta with an urgent update for the Council."
Anakin nods enthusiastically. 
"Of course, Master Windu. I'll get in contact with them immediately."
Without so much as a goodbye the older man saunters off, and with him went all the tension Anakin had been holding in his chest. 
"That was a close one." He looks at Padme, "Thank you, for that. I don't think I could have come up with a cover story that quickly. The lost com was a brilliant idea."
"Working in the Senate has certainly helped my quick thinking skills," She says, "You need to contact Obi-Wan now and tell him the council is looking for him."
"If he isn't answering for the council I doubt he'll answer for me." Anakin say with a shake of his head.
Padme grins, "He might not be answering, but I'm certain Satine will."
He can't help but return her grin. 
Obi-Wan watches as Satine looks out the windows that lead to the balcony. It was nearing sundown on Mandalore, and the skies were lit up in an array of orange and red. It wasn't often she was given the opportunity to gaze out onto the sunset, and it wasn't often he was given the opportunity to gaze at her. 
"Does the sunset interest you more than my presence, dear?" He teases, coming to stand beside her. 
Satine chuckles softly, "Can't I admire the presence of both?"
He had arrived hours earlier, sneaking into Sundari Palace undetected. He had wanted to surprise her, and so he hadn't alerted her of his arrival. Instead, he had waited in her private chambers until she returned from her conference with the neutral systems. 
To say she was surprised to see him would have been an understatement. Had she not been so shocked to see him standing in the middle of her room he's certain she would have panicked at the intruder.
Not that he gave her much time to react, by the time he saw the initial panic leave her eyes he was already kissing her. 
He places a hand on her hip and looks out towards the skyline. As much as he loves to tease her he can't help but understand her fascination with the sky. It was a sight to behold. 
"I suppose," He says, "So long as the sunset doesn't overshadow my visit."
Satine chuckles before leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss against his lips. 
"I would never allow it."
Reconnecting with Satine felt like both the most daunting task and yet the most simple decision he's ever made. He was a man that valued truth above all else, and he could not deny one truth more than the other. He loved Satine just as he loved being a Jedi. It was a conundrum that plagued him more often than not. He knew he was going against the code that he held so dear, yet he cannot being himself to pretend as though being in love with Satine is wrong when it is something that felt so conclusively right. 
"I'm glad you're here," Satine says, resting her head on his shoulder, "It was a lovely surprise."
"I thought so," He presses a kiss to the top of her head, lips lingering for just a fraction longer than necessary, "It's been too long."
"It has." She agrees, voice a bit more solemn than before.
He feels guilty every time he leaves, knowing that she would be waiting anywhere from weeks to months to hear from him. He hated it, jetting off around the galaxy with the knowledge that she was waiting for him. 
But Satine was nothing if not dedicated to her duty, and she understood as well as he did that if they were going to act on their feelings for one another it would only be allowed in fleeting moments. 
It wasn't fair but then, neither was the war they were both thrust in. She fighting to keep her people out of it, and he entering the fray and fighting for the republic. 
"I miss you terribly." Satine admits, "More so than normal, which is why I'm overjoyed to have you here."
Another pang of guilt hits him square in the chest. 
"I'm sorry," He says, "For always leaving."
She looks up at him, eyes narrowed in a way that lets him know she's deadly serious. 
"Don't you dare apologize," She tells him, "I made my choice just as you did. There is no place for apologies in that. They do no good to us."
"You're right," He takes her hand in his own and raises it to his lips, "No dwelling on the what ifs. It's a waste of the time we have."
There's a wicked grin gracing her lips as he speaks, "I can think of a few more productive use of our time."
The hand he held in his own was suddenly tugging him in the direction of her bed, and who was he to deny her anything?
He had just collapsed on top of her and pressed his lips to the base of her neck when the familiar chirping of Hololink sounded throughout the room. 
"Ignore it." He requests. 
She hums contentedly but still tries to squirm out of his embrace. 
"Obi-Wan." She huffs. 
"How often are we alone, Satine?"
"Not often enough," She relents, "But no one knows you're here, and they're likely to send guards this way if it's important and I ignore it."
He sighs in defeat and rolls off of her.
He watches as she finger combs her hair and adjusts the collar of her dress. The last thing she would need is someone questioning her dishevelment. All the better for him too; best not to alert anyone she has a consort in her private chambers. People would start to suspect things.
When Satine accepts the call, the last face he expects to see is Padmes.
“Satine!” The younger woman exclaims, though her voice is lacking in its normal excitement.
“Hello Padme,” Satine greets, voice as even as ever. “Is everything alright?”
He watches as Padme opens her mouth to answer, but is cut off when the holo is taken out of her hands. When it settles back into focus, it’s his Padawans face that he’s greeted with.
“We have a problem,” Anakin says, forgoing a hello, “The council is asking me where Obi-Wan is.”
Upon hearing that Obi-Wan scrambles off the bed, grabbing his discarded tunic and pulling it over his bare chest. Anakin might have been made privy to his relationship with Satine, but that didn’t mean he wanted to hear the teasing that would surely come from the younger man.
“Anakin,” He says, coming to stand behind Satine, “What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“Other than having to make up a complete lie to Mace Windu about your whereabouts, everything is going fine.”
He groans, not even bothering to hide his displeasure. If there was one thing he didn’t want to happen, it was for Anakin to be tangled in his web of lies when it came to his relationship with Satine.
“You what?”
The projection flickers for moment and obscures his padawans face but he’s certain he caught a glimpse of an eye roll.
“Lied to Mace Windu, to cover for you. Padme and I both.”
Having Anakin lying to the council is one thing, but dragging Padme into his mess was worse.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan places a hand on Satines should, “You shouldn’t have lied to a council member, and certainly shouldn’t have involved Padme.”
“I involved myself, Obi-Wan.” Padme assures him, “And we didn’t have much of a choice.”
“Still,” Obi-Wan says, “I dislike the idea of someone lying on my behalf.”
“I very well couldn’t tell them you jetted off to Mandalore to see your girlfriend, could I?”
He doesn’t need to look at Satine to know the both of them are blushing at Anakins brash description of their relationship.
“What did Mace want, Anakin?”
His thumb gently rubs the exposed skin of her shoulder; trying his best to soothe the worry he knows is bubbling inside her at the thought of their relationship being exposed. He can’t say he blames her. If anyone less friendly than Anakin and Padme found out it would be a disaster for the both of them.
“Master Billaba is due to return shortly from Chalacta, evidently they’ll be holding a council meeting tomorrow morning to discuss whatever information she found. Master Windu was looking to inform you, I’m assuming, but you weren’t answering your comlink.”
His mind briefly wanders to the comlink he has hidden safely in the pocket of his robes, which lay somewhere discarded on the floor. No doubt he was too preoccupied with other things to have heard it.
“Yes, I mustn’t have heard it.”
Though out of view, he can hear Padme giggle lightly in the background.
“Thank you, Anakin, for being gracious enough to cover for the both of us. Don’t let his feigned annoyance fool you, Obi-Wan is just as grateful.” Satine says in the same tone she uses to address her people. Clear and crisp but sincere.
“If anyone asks,” Anakin says, “Particularly Master Windu, you were at the medical station with the 501st retrieving your lost comlink, which Cody so graciously found and held on to for you.”
It worries him a bit how well Anakin was able to lie to a council member. But then, he had been lying about his relationship with the Senator for years now.
“Very clever.” He says with a shake of his head, “I suppose I’ll be departing soon, then.”
The thought saddens him and he can tell by the slight slumping of her shoulders Satine feels the same way.
“We’ll see you soon then, Master.”
“Thank you both again,” Satine says, “Truly. Time is precious and I appreciate you doing what you can to provide us with it.”
He may have been given the moniker ‘The Negotiator’ due to his impeccable social and verbal skills, but he knows Satine could give him a run for his money any day on that front. She was as articulate and sincere as she was serious and dedicated.
“Anytime, Duchess.” Anakin says.
“I’ll be talking to you soon I’m sure,” Padme says to Satine, “Take care in the meantime.”
“You too, my friend.” Satine says warmly.
“See you soon, Master.”
The image flickers for a moment before vanishing completely and Obi-Wan releases the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.
“I apologize.” He says, sliding the hand on her shoulder up to cup the back of her neck, “It seems my impromptu visit turned into more trouble than intended.”
“Isn’t that how it always goes?” Satine asks. Her tone is light and teasing but he knows there’s an undercurrent of truth to it.
“I had truly intended to stay for at least another day.”
Satine leans forward, her hands flattened against his chest, and kisses him sweetly.
“I am grateful just to have been able to see you, even if our time was cut short.”
There’s something about the way the evening sun illuminates her pale hair that makes him feel a bit weak at the knees. It always seemed that she somehow became even more of a breathtaking sight when he had to leave.
And he thinks in some regard it would be easy to walk away from the order if this - the love of his life drenched in the evening sun - was waiting for him when he did.
But he knows as well as she does that they both have a duty to their people, one that must be carried out by them.
“If I could give you all the time, I would.” He says sincerely.
“And I would do the same for you,” She kisses him again, slower and sweeter than the one before and he suddenly feels like he can’t breathe, “But we have our duty, and it must remain that way.”
He doesn’t know what else to do but loop his arms around her smaller frame and draw her close to him.
She tucks her head into the crook of his neck, fitting against him like a puzzle piece he hadn’t known he was missing in the first place.
How can something that goes against the code feel so right?
“I should go,” He says reluctantly, “Before Anakin slips and gets us caught.”
He can feel her chuckle against him as she presses a kiss to his neck before retracting herself from his grasp.
“I will be patiently awaiting your next return, Master Kenobi.”
He smiles, “I will always return to you, Duchess.”
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elrondsscribe · 2 years
(Someone’s gotta take the star wars away from me because damnit this keeps happening)
So I’m getting super salty (which is apparently the fastest way to get large chunks of meta out of me) because I’m bumping into more of this “love isn’t the same as attachment” bullshit.
Okay. That’s not fair. I’ll concede: sure, love and attachment aren’t synonymous. It’s definitely possible to be attached to people in entitled, toxic, and even murderous ways.
But for the love of God—
Are we really calling it unhealthy attachment for an enslaved mom to want to contact her (to our knowledge) only child? Is it unhealthy attachment for a child to miss his only parent whom he’s not allowed to see again? Is it unhealthy attachment for a teenager to want to ascertain that his enslaved mother, whom he hasn’t seen or heard from in ten years, is alive? Is it unhealthy attachment for a man to fear for the death of his wife in a repeat of the extremely traumatic way his mother did?
And I know someone’s going to say “would you stop harping on the slavery already!” but that’s kind of the point: whatever the philosophical dimensions of the Jedi’s version of “no attachment,” this is how it plays out in practice. And in the US at least, the way that Shmi just kinda lost access to Anakin because the Jedi have the power to enforce their specific dogma — well, it has a lot of real-world parallels. Including the assumption that enslaved black mothers just didn’t have the right to insist on keeping their children.
(Actually, considering the common accusation that only a white Christian, bigoted against Far Eastern religions, would take issue with the Jedi and their “no attachment practices,” it’s kinda ironic to remember who ran real-world US residential schools. Not to mention who currently dominates the adoption of non-white kids from poor backgrounds.)
Okay, I got off-topic. The point is, sure, we can argue about the theoretical merits of different understandings of non-attachment, but at the end of the day, the way the Jedi practiced it was harmful and abusive.
And it’s also hypocritical.
You want to know why?
Because all the motherfuckers have attachments! Obi-Wan Kenobi, for example, was originally incredibly attached to Qui-Gon Jinn, and later to Anakin. But because Attachment Forbidden, Obi-Wan can’t actually show Anakin love in any proactive or helpful way — he can only scold, or silence, or focus on the task at hand. He tells Anakin directly “I’m proud of you” one time in ROTS, but that’s about it. Until Mustafar when he’d just cut off Vader’s legs.
And for all Yoda was eager to tell Anakin to “let go,” he himself was so attached — to the Order, and to Grandmastering everyone in it! He was the oldest, wisest, most powerful, and ostensibly the most spiritually sensitive, and yet he couldn’t detect the Order’s major systemic problems until its Fall smacked him in the face. After which he promptly exiled himself.
So the “no attachments” thing doesn’t even really work, because all of the Jedi are deeply, fatally attached — it’s just that most of the other Jedi are attached to the Order and/or obeying the Code (as well as their individual Master and/or Padawan, if they got there).
Because, surprise surprise, attachment (or at least what the films define as attachment) is kinda what happens when sentient beings live together for a while.
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monamourbladie-mb · 4 years
19 Years Later... (Darth Vader x reader miniseries chapter 1)
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19 years have passed since Y/n’s husband Anakin’s death, and she has become the leading General of the newly founded Rebellion alongside her past Jedi friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, now known as Ben Kenobi. When her children Luke and Leia Skywalker gets kidnapped by Darth Vader, the man who killed her husband; her and Obi-Wan Kenobi must come rescue her. But when she finds out who’s behind Darth Vader’s mask, the truth is something she never thought she had to prepare herself for.
1. prologue
2. chapter 1
3. chapter 2 [Coming soon]
wc: 2.3k
warnings: cursing
Being the leader of the new Rebellion against the evil Galactic Empire had its perks. One of the things that was not a perk, however, was hiding one’s actual name from their people, and past.
None of Y/n’s rebels knew of her past as a former Jedi Knight that fought in the Clone Wars. Though she fought like a cunning warrior, the thought had never once crossed their minds, seeing as all the Jedi were dead.
She had raised her children Luke and Leia with Obi-Wan’s guidance to be trained as Jedi, seeing as both of them were very Force-Sensitive.
Watching Luke wield his father’s lightsaber brought such bittersweet feelings to both old Jedi Knights. Anakin was such a big part of both of their lives, that it was almost painful to see this without him there.
Anakin would be beyond proud of his son and daughter, for sure.
Y/n recalled the first time he and Leia held their lightsabers. They were both 9, the same age their Father was when he was brought him by Qui-Gon Jyn from Tattooine.
Luke had rushed up to Obi’s old trunk excitedly, admiring the strange silver object with big eyes as Leia crowded behind him, “What’s that, Uncle Obi?”
“This is your father’s lightsaber, my dear. He would’ve wanted you to have it,” Obi replied, a sad smile on his face as he held onto the hilt, activating its stellar blue glow.
“This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster—“ Obi handed it to Luke and his eyes widened, waving it around gently so he didn’t break it. “—an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.”
“Is it mine?” Luke’s eyes beamed in excitement. Obi-Wan nodded, sitting down as he picked up Leia, putting her on his knee.
“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice. The old republic. Before the Empire...” he trailed off, turning his head towards the window.
Y/n rushed into the room, hearing the lightsaber and fearing there was an intruder, “Obi-Wan! What’s going on, I’m—“ she ignited her brilliant (l/c) saber, holding it in a protective stance before she realized it was just Luke. She sighed heavily and disengaged her saber, attaching it back to her belt loop, “Obi, you didn’t tell me you were doing this now...” she crossed her arms.
“Mom! Obi-Wan told me this was Dad’s! Look!” he started swinging it gently, making sure it didn’t hit anyone since he knew how deadly they could be. She began to smile sadly as she remembered a young Anakin as a padawan, rushing in to show her his lightsaber he constructed the day he finally got one.
She smiled sadly, tears welling up in her eyes. “You look so much like your father, Luke,” she said sadly. Obi looked back at Luke, and for a split moment, he was reminded of the small slave his old master brought back with him. He smiled to himself remembering how he helped Anakin with his padawan braid.
“Princess, come here. I’ll let you hold my lightsaber, okay?” she handed Leia her saber gently, and she took gingerly from her hand. Leia took it and igniting it, the blade’s glow reflecting in her excited little eyes.
“Mom? How did dad die? You never answered me,” Luke asked. Y/n felt herself freeze in place, a large lump in her throat forming. “Luke, I...”
“I’ll tell them, Y/n,” Obi-Wan replied solemnly. “Your father was killed by a young Jedi named Darth Vader. He was a close friend of mine before he fell. He helped the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.” The room fell silent, until Luke asked another question, “So you and Uncle Obi are the last remaining Jedi?”
Obi-Wan shook his head no, “There are others, but sparse. To name a few, Master Yoda and Ahsoka Tano, your father’s Padawan learner. The last remaining Jedi are being hunted down by Vader, which is why we hide.”
Leia spoke up softly, “Is that why we don’t use our actual last name, mommy?”
“Yes, sweetheart. As long as Vader’s reign continues, we must hide our names. Darth Vader does not know about the two of you, so you are safe. For us, on the other hand...” she trailed off, and the kids understood.
“Mom... Mom,” Leia spoke loudly. Y/n blinked in confusion and turned back around, looking at her daughter, “Yeah, my love?”
“Are you okay mom?” Leia asked, frowning. “We need to look at the Death Star plans.”
“Right,” she sighed heavily, turning to face from the window out looking Yavin 4. “I’m fine, princess. I just... was remembering Anakin, that’s all.” Leia sighed and laid her hand on her mother’s back, rubbing it gently, “Dad would be proud of everything you’ve done, mom.” She began to tear up as she pulled Leia into a tight hug, “I hope so. It’s been about 20 years and it still doesn’t feel right,” silent tears fell down her cheeks into her daughter’s bunned hair.
“I’m proud of you, Leia. If you were to be trained within the Order now, you’d be the same age your father was when he became a Jedi Knight, and when he married me...” she sniffled, wiping her tears. Leia smiled softly, holding her mom’s hand, “Do you think he’d be proud of me, too?”
“I know he would,” she rubbed her fingertips against hers, “He would pull you into the tightest hug, spin you a little and say softly, ‘That’s my baby girl,’” she replied, her voice cracking slightly. Leia began to tear up as she hugged her back, “I wish I knew him...” she said softly. “I wish so too, babe, so bad...” Y/n sighed. But I won’t let his memory be in vain. Let’s go look at these plans and destroy that Death Star, yeah?”
Leia and Y/n walked to the main board room, seeing how the map was already up on display. “General Jonas, we’ve been examining the Death Star plans. They’re on screen now,” one of her commanding officers recited. “Good, thank you, officer. Have we discovered a weak point yet? Or at least some form of entry point?”
“No, ma’am. We haven’t studied long enough. There are many ways in, but all most likely heavily guarded. We will have to find a way to go under the radar without getting detected, somehow,” he replied. She nodded, walking closer to examine it. She closed her eyes and felt out through the Force for some answer. No surprise to her, she could barely feel anything at all but an empty void. Ever since Anakin had died, she had felt more distanced from the Force than ever. Maybe she and Anakin possessed a rare Dyad, or maybe she had simply lost touch with the Force; but no matter what she did, she was nowhere near as powerful in the Force as she used to be.
“Alert me if you find anything, Officer, I would love to have this Death Star in shambles by the end of the month,” Y/n left to walk out and to ask Obi-Wan on the matter. “Yes, ma’am,” he responded, turning back to his computer to get back to work.
Elsewhere, Leia was pacing in Luke’s room, grumbling to herself, “I know Obi-Wan has taught us to not let our emotions guide us, but I can’t when it comes to him. He killed our father, he should be dead!” Leia huffed in anger, collapsing down onto her twin’s bed.
Luke grunted in response, his mouth full of food still, “It’s not like you can take him on yourself. You’d die!” he said, or at least, sounded like he said. “I will not let the lives of those lost who got us the plans in the first place’s memories die. We wouldn’t be this close to planning an attack without their sacrifices. Moreover, Mom has had these plans for two days now, and she hasn’t done a single thing about it!” Leia responded quickly. Luke shrugged, “Leia. Be real. It’s not like we can steal a ship and fly to the Death Star, find it’s a weak point, and get back in time for dinner.”
Leia sat up, looking at Luke as if he had just committed mass murder. “...What?” Luke asked warily. Leia grinned, “That’s it! We’ll do just that, Luke! We’ll take one of mom’s ships, fly around the death star undetected and find weak entry points, and get back like we were never even gone!”
“Leia, you can not be serious right now!” Luke gasped, setting his food down, “We can’t do this, we could get in so much trouble! Or spotted!”
“Do you want to sit idly while our mother and uncle do nothing, whereas our Father’s murderer is out on the lose on that moon!” Leia snapped at him. He narrowed his eyes, “That’s no moon, Leia. Also, no, I don’t! But do we have a choice? No. We’re staying here.”
“No, we’re leaving. Whether I go alone is up to you entirely, but at this point, I just want the man who killed my father dead,” Leia said, glaring at him. Luke huffed, “You think I don’t want him dead, too? But we are children, we literally can’t do anything!”
“We are 19 years old and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sit at home here and wait for Vader to kill more innocent people,” Leia frowned, crossing her arms. “I really need you with me, Luke. But I get it if you don’t go.” she stood up, grabbing her stuff to leave when Luke grumbled “Wait!” under his breath. “I’ll... go. Just to protect you. But this is a bad idea, and I don’t want to get caught,” he raised a brow to her. Leia grinned and hugged Luke tightly, “Thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this! But bring your lightsaber maybe, just in case?”
“What do you mean, YOU LET THEM GO?” Y/n snapped to C3-PO, enraged. Threepio raised his hands in defense, “I couldn’t stop them, mistress! I tried my best, I swear!”
“You let my children go confront Vader ALONE? You’re so lucky I don’t shut you down for that!” she growled, shoving past him with Obi-Wan following close behind her. “Oh, dear. I’m doomed,” Threepio whined.
“We have to go after them, we... I can’t... I can’t lose my kids,” Y/n said nervously, starting to pace once Obi got close. “Y/n, calm down sweetheart. I need you to breathe and think,” Obi said, holding onto her shoulders gently. “If we go, we have an equal chance of being caught since they’ll already be on high alert.”
She sighed heavily, shaking her head, “I hate you for being so levelheaded and smart, Obi,” she frowned. “That’s my specialty,” he winked. “Now, we need to stop and make sure that we can pull this rescue off without risking our lives, too.”
Meanwhile, at the Death Star, Vader was summoned by his leading captain because of an alert of an enemy ship flying nearby. “Bring them in, search them. They may know General Jonas.” “Yes, My Lord.”
Vader turned to leave the bridge towards the docking bay, to meet his guests personally. As he walked, his mind was filled with visions and memories from his dream the night before. Of her.
He sighed heavily, picking up speed as he neared the docking bay. Passing a group of stormtroopers, he pushed past them to be in front, crossing his arms. The door opened, and two stormtroopers walked out holding a young girl and boy, yelling at them to let go of them.
As soon as Vader looked at the two, he felt something... strange. A certain presence in the Force he had never felt before. What is this? Why do they feel familiar?
Vader dropped his arms, walking forward and raising his hand to stop the troopers, “Who are you? And why were you near my Death Star?”
His unmerciful, robotic voice rumbled through their chests, terrifying them. In all their years, they had never seen something so cold and unforgiving. “Don’t be petrified, answer me if you want to live,” Vader challenged, staring right at the boy.
“You killed our father,” Leia’s voice was cold, sad, and broken. She knew this was a bad idea, but it was too late now. “I wanted revenge.”
“You’ll have to forgive me, my princess, but I’ve killed many men. Your father was just another tick on my list, whoever he may be.”
“You son of a—!” Luke yelled, rushing to jump at him when the stormtroopers all turned their weapons on him, making him stop. Vader growled, “Insolent children. I don’t think you know who I am, truly. I’d crush you in a heartbeat, but seeing as you could have something of use to me... take them away, both of them,” Vader commanded. The two shouted in disagreement, and Vader simply stood and watched them struggle.
“You bitch! You’ll pay for what you did to our dad!” Luke yelled as he was taken away. Vader rolled his eyes from under the mask and walked back to his quarters. He knelt on the floor, taking his mask off as he called out to his Emperor through the force.
“What do you want, Lord Vader?” Palpatine growled, looking down at Vader’s hologram. “I felt something through the Force a few moments ago. My new hostages... they seem to be strong with it.”
“Really? Are you sure, my apprentice?”
“Yes, Master. More sure than anything.”
“Well, you know what you must do. Kill them. They could be Jedi if they tried opposing you,” Palpatine smirked. “They’re only children, which means they’re newer Jedi. Someone had to have trained them.”
“Children never stopped you before, don’t let it stop you now. Do it.”
“...Yes, my Master.” Vader ended the holomessage, sighing.
“Who are you two...?” he asked himself, reaching out through the Force and feeling they were still there.
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secretsolarsystem · 2 years
Does Obi-Wan ever find out about Anakin being Vader?
Like does he fell in love with both of them and panic because he doesn't know how you can love two people at the same time?
Or does he fell for anakin after he knows?
Is he even in love? Or only anakin?
So many questions....
Loved the new chapter!
I'm gonna try to answer this coherently and without spoiling anything.....(even though we all know that at some point the boys WILL! end up together)
the way I understand Obi-Wan's feelings in this fic is that he really, really admires Vader. here is a man getting work done, for a purpose beyond himself. and he's also mysterious and bulky and competent. Obi-Wan is intrigued and very much interested
and then here is this other man who he truly does look at and think 'the poor boy's been through so much. I still remember that dazed look in his red, wet eyes.....' and he admires Anakin, too, for how strong he is and how happy he seems to be despite the loss he's suffered. he's managed to hold onto his childlike charisma and it makes Obi-Wan's so happy to see
but then the incident at the club happened, and then there was that weepy 'this isn't like my parents' hug. and Obi-Wan is confused – not necessarily by Anakin's actions, but by his own feelings. he would have taken that man home that night, but then he didn't when he realized it was Anakin. but how old is Anakin now? had he always been that pretty? was he actually disgusted that it was Obi-Wan? he did seem upset when Obi-Wan left...and if the getting shot ordeal was nothing like his parents, then how exactly does Anakin view Obi-Wan? but no, no, he shouldn't even be asking those kinds of questions, because he can't abuse the trust Anakin placed in him those fifteen years ago......
plus, he does very much like Vader and would very much like to Do Things with Vader. he likes his capability and physique and the way they work together and how flustered Obi-Wan can make him. its all very...conflicting
I struggled with justifying Obi-Wan, after seven years, not figuring out Vader's identity. he's a very smart detective, that Obi-Wan, who loves puzzles and figuring things out. I think he'd be observant enough to figure it out. but he hasn't. and in my mind, it's because Vader has not ever suggested his wanting Obi-Wan to know. and Obi-Wan respects that – respects him enough to sort of...let it go. he wonders constantly of course, especially since he knows he's met Vader outside the mask, but he's not actively trying to figure it out. (but if he decided to, I don't think it would take him very long to do so)
(thank you so much!!! I’m glad you enjoyed it!)
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thesith · 4 years
Chapter 3: 
Each mechanic was given three pairs of shoes. 
Two for working, one for other purposes like after work when getting food to eat. 
You only wore two of your three pairs. The third pair of books gave your feet blisters, which is why you opted for leaving your lightsaber in there. 
Lord Vader wouldn’t look in there, right? 
You’d previously hidden your lightsaber in a drawer, but there’s no point in that anymore. Who knew what inspections Darth Vader would hold. 
You shoved your metal alloy and carbon hilt through the top of your shoe, hiding it by putting a pair of socks on top of it. 
If Vader discovered you were a Jedi, you’d be a dead woman. 
You barely slept through the night. You were worried Vader could sense your dreams. 
Nightmares, more like. 
A few times during the night you felt prodding around your head. 
‘Damn,’ You thought, ‘Anakin’s a persistent one.’ 
Your mental shields never halted for a second. 
‘Why?’ Ran through your head. For hours on end, you tried to compile a valid reason Anakin would’ve turned to the dark side. Was it stress? Was he sick of the war and was willing to do anything to end it? Or did somebody push him to the point where he was going to destroy himself and everything he loved?
You never met the man, but you’d seen holo-reports of what he’d done in the war for the Republic. He was the poster boy. 
Now that you thought of it, maybe it had to do with the Chancellor who deemed himself Emperor. Anakin was seen with him quite a bit, wasn’t he?
Once your alarm went off, you stared at it. You were so caught in your thoughts that you didn’t realize it was already oh-four hundred hours. You slammed your hand on the button for the chimes to cease. 
Now that you were moved into Vader’s block, you had your own refresher and didn’t need to trek to your female stormtrooper friends’ quarters to use theirs. 
You grasped your new uniform which instead of being a navy-blue shade was black and red. Now you were going to stand out even more than usual. Lovely. You sat the uniform on your bed and walked to the refresher. 
You stripped your nightclothes from your body and entered your personal refresher. 
You bathed yourself, mind wandering to Jedi. 
Poor Obi-Wan. Your parents had told you many stories of their adventures with the young Padawan and his Master, Qui-Gon. 
It was awful that he was killed by his own Padawan. 
At least they were both at peace in the Force.
You then started thinking about the entire order. Could Anakin have been powerful enough to destroy Master Yoda? 
In your youth you had the pleasure of meeting the Grand Master. He taught you quite a bit about the Force. 
You wished the best for him. Though you’d only met him once, you could tell he was very passionate about teaching the youth. 
Even now you still kept some of his advice in mind. 
“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” 
“How can you do something without trying?” Eight-year-old you asked. His words confused you. 
He then proceeded to whack you with his gimer stick in the shin, knocking you off balance. 
You laughed at the memory. At the time you thought it wasn’t funny, but now you thought that entire interaction was hilarious. 
You raked your hands through your hair, washing out everything that could’ve possibly gotten in it yesterday. 
You were one of the few people in the Empire that took showers that were as cold as ice. The stormtroopers were grateful for that, as they liked theirs steaming. 
You continued your frigid shower until you were sure every single speck of dirt was off of you. You were always thorough.
You wrapped a towel around your torso and a smaller one around your hair. 
You’d gotten out of bed three hours before you were required to attend your new job, which gave you extra time to yourself. 
You sat on your bed and started using the Force to levitate random objects. You hadn’t used the Force to move things in so long, you started to wonder if you forgot how to. 
You started with the brush sat on your dresser. You brought it to your hand and placed it on your bed. You unraveled the towel in your head and brought the brush up to your Y/H/C locks. 
The brush struggled to go all the way through your hair, but with some vigorous strokes your hair complied, leaving your hair absent of any knots. 
When you finished brushing every part of your hair twice, you stood and released the towel from your body. You slid on your underwear and trousers. 
Luckily this uniform was much more comfortable than your last. 
You put on your bra, then your white tank top that goes under your jacket. 
There was a knock at your door. 
“One second!” You threw on your black jacket with red stripes down the sides. The front of it has a red Empire logo. 
“The Republic logo looked much better.” You muttered to yourself, walking to the door. You were met with the same hooded figure as last night. 
Even though these were your quarters, you kneeled. It was only proper as he was your superior. 
“Lord Vader.” Now that you knew his true identity, the words dripped like poison off your tongue. 
“You may rise, Miss Y/L/N.” He used your last name. Surely he detected the distaste towards his name in your voice, yet he ignored it. “I wanted to confirm you were awake and ready.” 
You rose from your knee and kept your eyes everywhere but him. He was a betrayer.  You opted for not speaking. You thought anything that left your mouth would be disrespectful. You just nodded your head. 
“It would be wise of you to use your words.” His voice was barely recognizable. It’s no wonder why people didn’t know he was Anakin Skywalker. From the reports he gave to the news after a battle or mission, this voice was almost completely different. 
You cleared your throat. The prodding came towards your head again. He was trying it. Again. 
You rolled your eyes. This time, you forcefully pushed him out. 
“Yes, my Lord.” You sarcastically spoke those words. It was almost as if you were trying to get yourself killed. 
“Tell me, Y/N, where did you learn such strong mental shields? Is there something you’re trying to hide from your superior?” He emphasized his title. 
“We were taught in our training in case we were captured by Rebels for information, My Lord.” You slickly lied. You disguised the lie as the truth through the Force. 
“Very well. I expect to see you in the hangar soon.” With that, he walked out of your room. He believed it. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. That was close. 
You finished getting ready and pull your hair into a bun on the top of your head. You walk from your quarters to the private hangar next door. You enter the hangar to be met by Anakin. 
“Miss Y/L/N, I would like some adjustments to be made to my fighter. I’d specifically like a new hyperdrive as well as adjustments to my navicomputer for a widened range. And also, a new targeting computer.” 
A new hyperdrive? The one he has currently isn’t even a full rotation old!
“Yes, Lord Vader.” The name dripped like venom. 
“Good. I will return to see your progress later.” He spoke before exiting. 
You had no clue where to start. 
The hyperdrive and targeting computer would need to come from an outside source, so you decided to start with adjusting the navicomputer. 
You had to take the panel off of the technology inside of the fighter, so you climbed up and jumped into the TIE Advanced x1. You used your screwdriver to remove the outward panel from the top of the wires. 
Some of the wires were on the verge of tearing, so you also needed to fix those too. 
‘Wait... Jedi don’t need targeting computers. They- we use the Force.’ You thought. Maybe his usage of the Force sucked more than you thought. 
Also, you thought Anakin was a good mechanic. Maybe better than yourself. So, why doesn’t he do this himself? Is it because he’s superior and doesn’t want to do his own handiwork?
So many thoughts ran through your head as you adjusted his navicomputer for a wider range. You rearranged the wires as well as added some new ones to account for the new space that was being added. 
You also put new protectors atop the wires that were close to becoming exposed. 
Before you knew it, Vader was back. You felt him through the Force. 
You decided to ignore his presence. You continued rewiring and cutting unneeded wires. 
You bent into a squat to adjust the remaining wires. You felt a jolt on the TIE. Soon, there was a sound of boots hitting the floor of the fighter. 
Vader bent down to look at your work. “That wire’s wrong.” 
You rolled your eyes. “No, it’s not. You see this?” You pointed to part of your work. “I added that for the extra range. This wire supports it for the screen, which I have yet to adjust.” 
He was appalled by your disrespect, yet he respected how you didn’t fear him. It was a nice change. 
“Miss Y/L/N, are you sure you didn’t cross any wires?” His low voice spoke, radiating through the TIE. 
“Once I place the new screen on the panel, we’ll know for sure, but no, I did not. I’m positive.” 
You moved from your position and placed your hands through the top hole on the roof of the tie. You couldn’t use your normal tactics, as they required calling upon the Force. 
You used your upper body strength plus your quads to lift yourself out of the Tie and jumped down to the ground. You walked to the metal table that held the new screen. 
Once you acquired the technology, you reclaimed your old position in the fighter. You placed the panel back where it belongs, used cutters to make a larger place for the screen, and shoved it into the panel.
You tried to remove old bolts from the panel but they wouldn’t budge. You kept pulling and tugging, but they were relentless. Eventually, one came out. You weren’t expecting the sudden change, so you stumbled. 
Vader placed two hands atop your hips to keep you from hitting your head on something. 
“Thank you.” You spoke once you were stabilized. He lifted his hands from your hips and turned on the navicomputer. 
Luckily for you, the technology booted right up, showing an enhanced screen that was much larger than his last. 
“I have to retrieve a new hyperdrive and targeting computer. May I leave the ship to get them?” 
“What ship are you planning on taking, mechanic?” He emphasized your title. He thought just because you’re a mechanic means you can’t pilot as well. 
“Lord Vader, I am an excellent pilot. I can take whatever ship’s available for use.” You told him. 
“If you’re an excellent pilot, why are you a mechanic?” He questioned. 
“I enjoy fixing things. I think it was a pastime I had when I was younger. I fixed droids, especially Artoo units.” You replied. 
He looked taken aback at the mention of Artoos. “Very well. We may take a small shuttle. Where are we going?” 
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N. We. Where are we going?” 
“Um, I was planning on Naboo. Thats where the best vendors are located.” You said. 
“All right. We leave tomorrow.” He spoke before he left to return to his personal quarters. 
Maybe this would be okay. Maybe you’d finally be able to come to terms with the fact it was Anakin under that hood. 
“Oh, Y/N?” He asked, turning back. 
“Yes, Lord Vader?” You respectfully said. 
“I will have someone bring a cloak to your quarters tonight. I would prefer us not to be recognized by locals and people of authority.”
That’s right. Senator Amidala was there. You’d recalled seeing photos of the two together. 
“Yes, sir.” 
With that, Anakin left the hangar. You were stood there staring at where he previously was. 
You were going with Darth Vader to another planet where his former best friend resides. 
TAGS: @rogerinasthong @liziihorta
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soggyjulpod · 4 years
— flowers of flesh and blood
chapter one: youth
[anakin skywalker x reader]
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summary: the reader’s father returns home with two jedi assigned to protect them.
warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
the first time [y/n] met anakin was when she was 15 years old.
the morning was groggy and the rinton manor had gloomy uneasiness throughout. the day previous, word had reached cisora of the assassination attempt on their senator on coruscant. the news had sent [y/n] into a panic. she had desperately tried to contact her father several times but only got a vague hologram message informing her of his arrival the following day.
she ate breakfast alone, anxiously waiting for her father. the oatmeal that the chef had made was quite bland, but the girl never had the heart to tell him, her father on the other hand never had a problem berating the staff, she stifled a laugh at the memory. she glanced down at her dog, bee, who laid at the foot of her chair. the dog whined and stood up, snuggling against [y/n]’s leg, she smiled and pet the dog.
“since you’ve been a good boy recently, i’ll give you a little treat” she speaks softly to her dog. the girl takes the bowl of oatmeal and places it on the floor. the dog eagerly eats it up at the speed of light. [y/n] giggles at bee’s silly behavior.
“come on bee let's go outside, it's getting stuffy in here.” she remarks, leaving the table and walking outside to the gardens, bee happily trotting along beside her. the gardens have always been her favorite part of her home. she felt that here, she could finally breathe.
as [y/n] was messing around with her dog, she heard commotion outside of the main entrance. she stopped what she was doing and ran towards the door, bee following closely after her, “father!” she yells out as she opens the door and hugs him.
behind her father there were two figures she didn’t recognize, a man and a boy about her age. bee startled by the strangers, started barking at them.
her father barely acknowledged her, “control your mutt, [y/n]. we have guests.” he orders in a stern voice. the girl muttered a quick apology with a frown and picks up bee in her arms. she follows behind her father and the two strangers whom her father seems to trust.
[y/n] studies the two figures with curiosity, from the robes she assumed that they were jedi. the younger one had short dirty blonde hair along with the signature padawan braid, the older one had reddish short hair and a beard.
the four entered the grand meeting room, [y/n] barely got to go into the room as her father often had cisora official over to discuss plans and other government decisions. the jedi sat across from the two rintons.
“this is my daughter, [y/n] rinton,” her father introduces her. she gives the jedi a weak smile.
“hello young one, i’m jedi master, obi-wan kenobi and this is my padawan, anakin skywalker.” the bearded man says gesturing to the boy sitting next to him. without a missed beat, her father started to discuss his next political meetings. the girl practically stared in disbelief that her father seemed to be unfazed that someone tried to kill him.
“pardon my interruption senator, but i believe it's best if we inform your daughter of our arrangement” obi-wan addresses her father, he gives the jedi a curt nod.
obi-wan turns to the girl, “as you know there has been an attempt on your father, the jedi council has assigned us to protect you two for the time being.”
“the two of us?” [y/n] inquires. “yes, we haven't ruled out that whoever is after your father won’t come for you as a way to get him.”
“that’s just fantastic.” she mumbles sarcastically to herself, in front of her the padawan cracks a small smile from her sarcastic comment.
the senator continued his discussion over political plans with obi-wan. [y/n]’s mind drifted off to the plans she had for that night, like most days she would sneak off to meet with friends, but the jedi threw a wrench in her plans.
the manor was always easy to sneak out of, it was not often guarded. she didn't have to go through any extra measures to make sure that she's able to sneak away undetected. but now with the jedi and their force detection she wasn't sure if it would be that simple.
a voice distracted her from her thoughts, “you are dismissed [y/n]”. she smiles, “thank you father.” she remarks and picks up the dog on her lap into her arms. she quickly dashes out of the room.
“anakin go.” obi-wan motions for his apprentice to follow the girl. “yes master.” anakin says as he follows behind her.
[y/n] felt his presence behind her, “why are you following me?” she asks the padawan who hurried up to catch her pace. “i’m assigned to protect you. it is my duty as a jedi to-”
“you mean padawan?” she interrupted the blond’s speech. he glares at her, “for your information, miss.rinton i’m very capable and skilled even if i am a padawan” he sneers, emphasizing her name.
“great!” she exclaims sarcastically, “you’re my glorified babysitter.”
“if you want to put it that way then yes, i am to be with you at all times.” he retorts.
“lucky me.” she sighs and rolls her eyes. bee starts to wiggle in her arms, curious to inspect the person in front of them. [y/n] put bee down and he races to anakin, jumping at his legs.
the padawan laughs nervously trying to pet and calm down the dog, “your dog’s very friendly.” he laughs as he kneels down and bee licks his face. causing him to lose his balance and fall on the floor. the girl lets out a small giggle before quickly contorting her face into the same bored expression.
“bee, come on, leave the padawan alone.” she commands, emphasizing anakin’s title. the dog whines and sprints next to [y/n]. 
“if you’ll excuse me, i’ll be in my room.” [y/n] digresses and turns around leaving anakin on the floor. 
“hey, wait up!” the blond calls after her as he gets up and chases after her. right as he was going to reach the entrance to her room, the door slammed shut in front of his face. 
“leave me alone, padawan!” [y/n]’s muffled voice is heard from the other side.
“maker, how am i going to deal with that girl?” anakin sighs to himself as he leaning on the door.
tldr: [y/n] is angry that the jedi ruined her hot girl summer smh
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: Here’s more of that former criminal Anakin as a single parent who dates Obi-Wan. This time featuring the rest of Obi-Wan’s family.
Read on AO3
Family meant everything to Dooku. It was the reason he supported Qui-Gon when his son decided to become a florist and take in the three terrors he called his children. Like any good grandparent, Dooku invested in Feemor’s little bookshop, quite pleased when the store became popular, paid the bail and defended Xanatos in court when he fell in with the wrong people and tolerated Obi-Wan dropping out of university to become a cop of all things, even if he had become the CPD’s star detective.
Dooku was patient and he loved his family, but it took all his willpower not to shut the door in Obi-Wan’s face when he saw who exactly his mystery boyfriend was.
But perhaps to understand why Dooku nearly screamed bloody murder when he saw seemingly innocent Anakin Lars standing in front of him, we need to start at the beginning, which would be the week before The Confrontation.
Qui-Gon, much to his family’s annoyance at times, insisted on monthly family dinners. They usually took place on the first Saturday of the month and every time they’d all meet up in one place, one person cooking for the rest of them. This time, it was Feemor’s turn. Now, Feemor owned a little bookshop in an alley right off the city’s main shopping district. He dealt in second-hand books and was quite favored by desperate and broke students. He, out of everyone, was also the only one who actually knew his youngest brother had a boyfriend because Obi-Wan had more or less stormed his shop to ask for appropriate children’s books for five-year-old twins. This particular conversation had ended with Feemor giving his younger brother a stack of books and catching a glimpse of his phone background displaying a smiling blond man with two laughing children thrown over his shoulders.
Then, a couple of weeks later, the aforementioned blond man walked into the shop, accompanying Obi-Wan. In Feemor’s opinion, Anakin Lars was a charming man and suited his brother well. He was happy for the two and due to that fact, was chosen to be the person to introduce the rest of their family to the Larses.
So, one week before the Confrontation, Feemor let it slip that Obi-Wan would be bringing guests with him. He told Xanatos first because for that he liked to act like a rebel and Dooku pretended to be the embodiment of high society, both were fairly similar when it came to their reactions.
Xanatos thought it was hilarious that Obi-Wan had a secret boyfriend like he was a high schooler and not a grown man in his thirties with a mortgage. The only reason he didn’t go bother Obi-Wan about it immediately was the fact that he knew for sure his younger brother wasn’t above blackmail. From Xanatos’s reaction, Feemor concluded that their grandfather would probably be alright.
Their father would be alright with it, probably start celebrating and begin planning a wedding. Feemor didn’t want a relationship and Xanatos wasn’t the kind of guy who wanted kids, but since Obi-Wan managed to score both at the same time, he was guaranteed to be the favorite child for yet another ten years. So Feemor decided to inform Qui-Gon and Dooku both, asking them to stick to the “no talk about work, the economy, politics and all things that usually end with us fighting” rule even more than usual and give Obi-Wan and his boyfriend some space and not bother them beforehand.
He only texted Obi-Wan back to ask whether Anakin and the twins had any food preferences or intolerances and assured him that everything would be alright.
Now, to return to the starting point: Dooku loved his family and he enjoyed his work, a reason he often fought with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was probably one of the few people working for the police who actually did it to help others. Dooku, on the other hand, was a lawyer who preferred handling difficult cases. Sometimes, that meant protecting people who definitely had committed the crime they’d been accused of.
Hence there being a rule forbidding talking about work.
Dooku had a large variety of criminals, one of them being the notorious mobster Grievous who had managed to escape a prison sentence again and again due to Dooku’s rhetoric skills, forcing Obi-Wan to apprehend him again and again. Currently, he actually was in jail because even Dooku couldn’t act like holding a gun to someone’s head wasn’t a serious or falsified threat. And maybe he was also a little too proud of Obi-Wan for arresting Grievous the last time.
Nevertheless, this pride was the reason Dooku did not run a background check on Anakin Lars. He trusted his grandson to be dating an upstanding citizen.
He did not expect to open the door to Darth Vader, holding nervously onto a bottle of wine while two excited children were blabbering and pushed fairly quickly past Dooku’s legs since they had spotted Feemor behind him.
Dooku, of course, knew about Darth Vader. Every high caliber lawyer dealing with organized crime actually knew of him. He’d been Sidious’s terror and then, five years ago, his greatest betrayer. The bounty on his head was unreasonably high and there were countless rumors about why Vader had blown Sidious’s operations wide open. He’d never appeared to be a person, merely as a shadow hiding behind the mask Sidious forced him to wear whenever he was acting as his enforcer.
Dooku, however, had actually seen Vader once without the mask. It had been almost ten years ago now, and only by accident. Dooku had been shocked then that Vader was only a teenager, nineteen at most, and he’d never forget staring at those bright while the kid told him to leave his cut off arm behind for a quicker get-away.
Normal people didn’t shrug off losing an arm, but Vader had.
It had been also the last time Dooku had allowed himself to get so close to Sidious. Dooku had been more than thankful Sidious had been put behind bars just a few years later.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, could have prepared him for seeing Vader on the doorstep of grandson #1, and apparently dating grandson #3.
He felt like he deserved a medal for subtly hinting at Obi-Wan to go greet the rest of the family while he had some words with his boyfriend.
“Obi-Wan, go talk to your father.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Good evening to you too, grandfather. This is Anakin Lars, my boyfriend.”
“I know, now go, boy.”
Obi-Wan muttered an apology to his boyfriend, glared at Dooku, but for once in his life actually listened and went to collect Vader’s utterly adorable children. Vader tracked Obi-Wan’s movements with his eyes, then turned to Dooku.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
What indeed.
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disneydreamlights · 4 years
Across the Stars: Chapter 2
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
Summary: Tensions between the Separatists and the Republic are climbing as the Senate debates whether there is need for an army. Anakin Skywalker, Senator of Tatooine, has recently returned to Coruscant to speak against its formation, resulting in an assassination attempt that forces him to reunite with long time friends Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and the newly knighted Padme Naberrie for his own protection. [Anidala]
(Or, an Attack of the Clones Roleswap AU)
The elevator ride up to the senator's apartment couldn't be over sooner, in Padmé's opinion, yet if it never ended she would have been thrilled. She looked out the window, trying to ignore the impossibly bright presence at the top of the building as they got closer and closer to the top floor of the building.
"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan pulled her attention away from the window she was gazing out of, and onto the ride up. The truth was, she wasn't sure. The elevator ride up to the senator's apartment felt impossibly long as it came nearer to the top floor of the building. "You're not normally this nervous, my Padawan."
Padmé laughed and gave a smile, hoping to seem more at ease. "I'm not your Padawan anymore." She had recently completed her trials, which probably helped explain her nerves. It was the first mission the council had deemed to give her since she'd been knighted, a matter of pride to her and Obi-Wan, and it was expected for her to be a little nervous. Though the nature of the mission, and who they were protecting, were more the cause than her new promotion.
An assassination attempt had been made on the Senator of Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker, and so she and Obi-Wan, by request of both the Chancellor and the council, had been assigned guard duty to the young man. To make sure no other attempts were made on his life. It was a compromise, she was sure, but Anakin knew them best after all. It was only natural they'd be sent to help.
Obi-Wan smiled at her. "So I keep forgetting." It was clear he hadn't, he'd been there when she was knighted after all. "But I'm sure it doesn't make things less nerve-wracking, I remember my first mission after being knighted wasn't much easier."
She couldn't imagine it would have been, he'd had a Padawan following him for the entire mission after all. "It was probably harder, you had to watch out for me too."
"So I did, though I'm sure that's probably not all that's plaguing you." Obi-Wan indicated her to express her worries. "So what else is wrong?"
"Not wrong, not necessarily." At this, Padmé couldn't help but keep the smile off her face. "I'm worried about Senator Skywalker, of course, but I'm also excited to get the chance to see him. It's been too long since we've seen him." Five years had passed since their last trip to Tatooine, and Padmé still remembered the young fourteen year old.
"That it has. Hopefully Anakin's been taking care of himself." They knew he had to have been, to some degree. He was a senator right now, and one didn't become a senator overnight with no hard work involved.
"I'm sure." She smiled. The elevator opened up, and Padmé and Obi-Wan walked into the apartment, watching the senator's advisors and Anakin himself discussing what they would need to do for the next meeting of the Senate.
It wasn't long before they were noticed. "Padmé, Obi-Wan." Before Anakin could even greet them, Shmi had come over, giving both Padmé and her Master a hug. "It's good to see you."
"Good to see you as well, Shmi." Obi-Wan bowed to the woman after being released from the quick hug. Padmé hugged the woman back, happy to see her again as well. She was a compassionate woman, and Padmé couldn't deny a bit of excitement at seeing her alongside her son. "How has retirement from the Senate been serving you."
"I'm glad I'm not in it right now. The stress Ani has to deal with to stop this bill…" Shmi gave them a tired smile. Admittedly, Padmé hadn't been able to follow Coruscant's politics with her preparation for the trials, so for once she had little idea what Shmi was talking about. "You'll protect him, right?"
"We'll do our best." Padmé gave the woman a smile. That was what they were here for.
"Mom, what are you–" From the kitchen, Anakin's voice stopped as he looked at the two Jedi, a smile forming on his face. Padmé couldn't stop one from forming on hers as well.
In the five years since they had last seen each other, Anakin had grown up from the gangly young teen into an adult. His blond hair had grown longer, but darker, likely due to him having spent less time under the twin suns on Tatooine. He'd also grown considerably more attractive, and Padmé felt her face warm up several degrees. She tried not to think about it. "Ani?"
"Hello Knight Naberrie," so he knew she was no longer a Padawan, "Obi-Wan. It's nice to see you both. I'm surprised you two didn't try to stop by sooner."
"We've been off world on missions, with the Separatist unrest stirring, it's been difficult to find a moment of rest for any Jedi." Obi-Wan gave an exhausted smile to Anakin. "Not to mention, Padmé had to study for her trials."
"I heard." Anakin smirked. "I've been keeping an ear in the Jedi Temple's business to see what I could hear about you two." That surprised Padmé, at least a little bit. She knew they had parted as friends, but she hadn't expected he'd be able to keep tabs on them. "Congrats, Padmé. I knew you'd be able to do it. I'm sure you'll make a fine Jedi."
"Thank you, Anakin." She was flattered for sure. "I only with you could share this moment with me. I know how much you wanted to be a Jedi too." The little slave boy from Tatooine who'd been so eager to learn how to use a lightsaber when she'd shown him hers as an initiate was a far cry from the man sitting in front of her now.
"It's the past." He waved her off, though she detected a small wave of irritation in the Force at the reminder. "Besides, I can do just as much good for the world without one. That's why I'm a Senator now." He indicated for the two of them to follow him to another room. "Mom, can you discuss the plan for dealing with the Military Creation Act? I need to discuss security with Padmé and Obi-Wan."
"Of course." Shmi nodded, her voice turning slightly more serious. The reminder of why they had reunited was a slight damper on the mood. It should have been under much better circumstances. All of them agreed on that. "I'll keep everybody occupied." She returned to the Tatooine senatorial delegation as Anakin entered into the kitchen, grabbing a seat with the Force for Padmé and Obi-Wan to sit down on.
"Somebody's still been practicing." Obi-Wan noted, watching as Anakin looked away.
"I didn't want the training you both gave me to go to waste. I try not to use it around others. You both warned me to keep it a secret for a reason, after all." Anakin's position likely meant the Force wasn't useful for much, but Padmé didn't blame him for keeping up with it. She likely would've done the same in his position. "Which means I think we can rule out the whole extremely powerful Force sensitive thing as the reason I'm being targeted, though I'm pretty sure it's the only reason I've survived so far."
"I agree." Obi-Wan nodded. "Not that we're here to help you solve the mystery of whoever's trying to kill you. We're merely here to serve as your protection."
Anakin frowned. "What do you mean you're not here to help me figure it out. That's the most important thing. Bail and I both agreed I need to be there to help deal with the Military Creation Act. I can't do that if I'm being hunted down by assassins."
"It's not our mandate." Padmé explained, almost feeling bad for Anakin as she felt a wave of irritation come from him in the Force. "The Jedi Council didn't assign us to solve the mystery of the attempts, just to guard you from them until they stop."
"And? That doesn't help any of us." Anakin wasn't wrong with that sentiment. "If you're here, you can't help deal with the Separatists and try to pacify them like the Jedi are supposed to do, and so long as I'm under threat I'm not supposed to be making anymore public appearances."
"No Obi-Wan, I'm not going to pretend that you should 'just' be protecting me." Anakin crossed his arms in irritation, clearly unhappy with Obi-Wan's attempt at an argument. "A part of protecting me is stopping who's doing this. My bodyguards and Force sensitivity would've been enough if that wasn't the case."
Neither Jedi knew what to say to argue against that, because technically, Anakin wasn't wrong. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. "We understand Anakin, we'll do our best, we just can't go out of the way to find them." Padmé smiled, trying to placate the senator. It seemed to work, as the moment she gave the explanation, he seemed to calm down just a bit. "But if we learn anything while serving as part of your security, we'll make sure to look into it."
Anakin smiled. "Right, I knew I could count on you guys. So, shall we discuss plans for my protection? I have an idea."
"An idea? I'm not sure I want to know given how infamous some of your ideas are." Despite having not run into him in their visits to the Senate, both Padmé and Obi-Wan knew of just some of the insanity Anakin was known to get into. The borderline fights with other Senators just to prove that he was right and that they should follow his ideas and policies. Still, Obi-Wan indicated for Anakin to continue. "But I'm willing to hear them out."
"Use me as bait."
"Use you as what?" Padmé stared at Anakin as though she couldn't believe what the Senator was saying.
"It's the best way to lure out my assassin. If he thinks my defenses have minimally increased, then he'll attack again. The Force can give me warnings, but if not then you two can sense what's going on too and keep me safe." Anakin leaned back in his chair. Padmé had to admit, the idea had merit. If they lured them out, at minimum they could kill whoever was targeting him, or perhaps even learn why. Either way, it was an idea that held promise.
"Absolutely not." Obi-Wan crossed his arms, denying the idea before Padmé could voice her opinion on it. "Anakin you can't play with your life like that. You're far too important." He didn't object, merely listened and looked to Padmé, waiting for her answer.
"Obi-Wan is right." In spite of the fact that she wanted to solve the mystery for Anakin, she knew her Master was right. "Your life is the first priority here Senator. We can't leave your life to chance."
Anakin sighed, relenting far too quickly on the matter. "Right then, if you're both decided, Padmé, would you mind coming with me. I'd like to discuss some extra security details with you. Alone." Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. So Anakin did. "I want her watching the security feeds."
"Anakin are you sure?" She saw why Obi-Wan was unsure, she was unsure herself why the Senator felt more comfortable with her watching him sleep over Obi-Wan.
"I trust Knight Naberrie with the task. She'll be faster to alert the team, she's not as old as you." There was a teasing note to Anakin's voice, and Padmé started to laugh as she watched her master start sputtering, clearly taken off guard.
"I'm not that old."
"Aren't you pushing thirty-five, Master?" Padmé smiled, joining Anakin on his teasing. "That's old in my books."
"Yours aren't the only ones that matter, my Padawan." Obi-Wan sighed. "I can see when I'm not wanted. I'll discuss with the rest of your team about where they think I might be of most use."
"Thank you, Obi-Wan." Anakin watched the Jedi Knight walk out of the room. "Padmé, if you'll follow me." He led the way, leading her into a room with dozens of monitors and a single blue Astromech droid, plugged into the main console to watch the feed.
"Artoo?" Padmé looked at the droid in surprise. "Artoo's on your security team?" She remembered the eccentric droid. He'd stayed behind back when Padmé and Obi-Wan had returned to Tatooine to inform Anakin that they wouldn't be training him, but she still couldn't imagine him doing so much for him.
"I trust Artoo to keep an eye on any intruders, he's pretty good at keeping an eye on everything." He put his hand on the Astromech's dome with a smile, and the droid let out a series of beeps in return. But if R2D2 was going to be keeping an eye on everything, then…
"Anakin, why did you want me here if you have Artoo covering security?" She wasn't necessary for the job. The droid would be able to activate the system instantly so long as he was watching.
"Because, I know you don't agree with Obi-Wan's or the council's mandate just to stay here and guard me." Anakin looked to her, waiting for her to deny what he said. When she didn't, he continued. "You want to get down to the bottom of this just as much as I do."
"Of course I do, but Ani, I can't just go around the command I'm supposed to follow by putting you in more danger." He was right, she wanted to investigate and put an end to the threat, but not by putting him at risk.
Anakin laughed. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm not the little kid from Tatooine anymore. Artoo here will alert you the moment something goes wrong, and between the three of us we should have enough Force powers to recognize when something's going to go wrong."
It took Padmé a lot of effort to respond. "What if we don't?"
"If I die, then we can use it as proof that people are targeting senators opposing the Military Creation Act. Maybe then the Senate will listen to people saying it's a bad idea." Was that the bill Anakin was working so hard against?
"Anakin, your life isn't something you can just throw away like that." She needed him to see reason.
"This bill is wrong. If it takes my life to stop it, then it's a life I'm willing to give. I'm willing to die to stop something I don't believe in."
"You're that against creating a military?" That was...unlike Anakin, to say the least. He wasn't afraid of conflict, at least with what she'd seen. He was the one who freed all the slaves on Tatooine when he was still so young. She wasn't for the creation of one, of course, but it surprised her to hear that he wasn't either.
"Don't get me wrong, a lot of times a fight is the easiest way to handle things, but it's not that simple, not this time." Anakin pulled his data pad, letting Padmé scroll through the files to see the data the Senators had gathered. "A war would take the attention off of what needs fixing in the galaxy, take funds from where they're needed, and most importantly, it won't cause the Separatists to fold back into the Republic. Not fast enough to make it worth forcing thousands of sentients to fight in a war they don't believe in."
Padmé smiled, it made all too much sense that the boy from Tatooine would be against an army formed by a draft. The way he'd thought out his position to come to the conclusion that violence wasn't the answer was a far cry from the boy he had been as well. "You really have grown up, haven't you?"
She noticed Anakin's cheeks turn red, as though he was embarrassed by her comment. "I have. I wanted to become somebody you'd be proud of. Y-you and my mom, of course."
Padmé smiled, and she noticed Anakin's face had turned redder. If she didn't know any better, she'd assume it was the same puppy crush he'd had on her all those years ago. She decided better than to dwell on that, instead returning to the topic at hand. "You have, but that doesn't mean I want you throwing your life away for a cause."
Anakin was snapped out of his embarrassed state. "I won't be. I trust you." He looked at her with the same intense, blue eyes that hadn't changed a bit, and she met his gaze. He believed in her, the least she could do was believe in him and his plan too.
"We'll do it." Padmé relented, and Anakin's face broke into a grin.
"Thank you, Padmé. I knew you'd help me."
What had she signed herself up for.
"You spent an awful lot of time with the Senator." Padmé stepped out of the security room a couple hours later, having listened in on Anakin's plan as best as she could. "Was everything alright?"
"Anakin had...a lot of details to go over." She sat down next to him, hoping Obi-Wan wouldn't ask too much about just what those details entailed.
"I see...so what plan has he come up with this time." So she wouldn't be able to hide the change of plans from Obi-Wan. "I can't imagine it was more dangerous than his last one."
"It's...slightly better." She grimaced at the hesitation in her words, but it was true. Slightly better really was the only way to describe it. "Anakin has Artoo serving as the one in charge of monitoring the cameras, we both figured it'd be a better idea than having somebody watching that the assassin could see."
"Artoo?" Obi-Wan stopped for a moment. "Is he really sure an Astromech, us, and a couple of his normal bodyguards will be enough to deter whoever's after him." She didn't answer, causing Obi-Wan to prod her again. "Padmé?"
"Anakin's insisting that we use him as bait," she admitted to her indulging the Senator in what was a terrible idea. "He wouldn't listen to me when I asked otherwise."
Obi-Wan sighed. "Of course he wouldn't, Anakin is far too impulsive and willing to take risks. I suppose judging by the way you're talking, you agree?"
"The best way to protect him is to ensure that the assassin can't return. We won't be able to get them to make another attempt if they know that the security around him is tighter. It solves the case faster, so we can help try to get peace with the Separatists." She took a deep breath, feeling slightly ill at ease, awaiting the reprimands from Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan, however, simply nodded. "Very well, though I'm disappointed in you for trying to work around our orders, I accept your judgement."
Wait, what? "Master?"
"Padmé, you're a Jedi Knight now. You should be making your own decisions by now, rather than relying on mine. Whether it's the right or wrong one, it's too late to do anything about it now. You have to stay firm in the belief that you chose right" He stood up, walking over to the window to check to see if anything was out of the ordinary. "We can only hope Anakin knows what he's doing."
"I think he does. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked us to do it." She watched Obi-Wan's behavior as he paced around, seemingly anxious. "Everything alright?"
"I'm not sure, something–" They both felt it from Anakin's room. Something different. Something wrong. "Padmé."
"Right!" She ran into the room, shortly after followed by Obi-Wan to see two worm like creatures and a probe droid. Without another thought, she sliced through the worms, unwilling to let them come close to harming the Senator.
"Obi-Wan, Padmé?" Anakin looked at the two of them. But before either of them could say anything, Obi-Wan took matters into his own hands, and jumped right out the window onto the droid just outside, likely the culprit in letting the worms into his room. "What the kriff?"
Padmé sighed. "You were right when you said they'd make another move tonight." She gave him a slightly embarrassed smile. "You wouldn't happen to have a speeder I can borrow, would you?"
"I've got something better."
Better, as it turned out, was Padmé clinging to the seat of a four person speeder as Anakin zoomed through the Coruscanti skies at a speed that had to have been downright illegal for your average person to be going at. "Anakin! I could've driven myself."
"Where's the fun in that?" Anakin gave her a smile, clearly in his element. Despite that, Padmé clung her hands onto the seat. "Besides, you need to keep up with Obi-Wan. I'm the better driver."
"You don't know that?"
"You didn't win a podrace when you were nine." Anakin swerved out of the way of an incoming speeder, keeping an eye on the droid above them and the dangling Obi-Wan. "Somebody fast has to keep up with the droid."
"Somebody safe could have kept up with it too." She wanted Anakin to stop for literally one minute, but she did know he was right. If they didn't keep up, Obi-Wan would fall a lot farther than even a Jedi using the Force could survive. Loathe as she was to admit it, Anakin's help was probably for the best. "Or somebody who doesn't have an assassin after him."
"I'll be fine. The assassin will be too busy running from Obi-Wan to attempt to take me out." Anakin positioned himself underneath Obi-Wan in preparation for the knight to fall. "So, when did Obi-Wan get such a reckless streak?"
"You're one to talk." Padmé huffed, but Anakin just laughed. After a moment, she answered. "Always. He follows the rules, but he's not afraid to take a risk or two if it gets what he needs. But only if it's his own life at stake." If Padmé had decided to jump out of a window attached to a droid, she'd be murdered as soon as she was back on the ground. But Obi-Wan could do it without so much of a reprimand.
She was going to have to lecture her Master on safety, that was for sure.
As though her concern had been enough to will the worst case scenario into existence, the droid Obi-Wan had been clinging to was shot at and destroyed, and he landed in the speeder's back seat. He sat up moments later. "Nice catch Pad-Anakin?"
"Hey Obi-Wan." Anakin waved to him, but didn't look back, thankfully keeping his eyes in front of him. "Hope you don't mind."
Obi-Wan gave Padmé a look, almost as though saying that she should have stopped this. To which she gave a helpless shrug. "Never mind, we'll discuss this later. After that speeder." He pointed to a green speeder ahead of them, likely where the shot that destroyed the droid had come from.
Anakin nodded, and if anything started to move faster, causing both Padmé and Obi-Wan to grip the seats beneath them. "Has anybody ever told you to learn how to fly properly."
"What's wrong with the way I fly?"
"It's not flying, it's suicide." But there was no room for arguing further as Anakin cut around a building, noting the green speeder moving almost constantly at the same speed as him, no matter how much he pushed the speeder.
As if in response, Anakin made a sharp right turn. "Anakin, what are you planning?" Padmé asked. "He's going that way."
"Short cut, don't worry." He grinned at Padmé, and she couldn't help but wonder just how often Anakin had raced around the streets of Coruscant since Tatooine got the seat on the Senate. How much chaos he had caused that had to be cleaned up. "I know what I'm doing..." She heard under his breath a mumbled "I think" as Anakin weaved in and out of the buildings, having a few close calls that she was pretty sure she and Obi-Wan would need therapy for before stopping just outside of an intersection.
"Short cut…" Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, though was clearly relieved to not be moving for a moment. "We've lost the assassin."
Anakin had the humility to look embarrassed at least, even if it was clear to anybody with any skill in the Force that he wasn't bothered at all, but before he could say anything, the green speeder had plunged down, going into one of the lower levels of Coruscant's underbelly. "You were saying, Obi-Wan?"
"Anakin. We need to go after him!" Padmé pointed down, and Anakin flew down with them, angling towards the ground and pulling up to a club, several hundred floors lower than the apartment in which they had started their evening.
The two Jedi jumped out, holding their lightsabers in their hands in case they had to stop any more attacks. Anakin jumped out with them, and went to follow, but Padmé stopped him. "No, Anakin. The assassin's after you. You need to stay in the speeder."
"Wouldn't I be safer with my two Jedi protectors than alone?" If he'd hoped that would win them over, he was definitely mistaken.
"In a bar like this, doubtful." Obi-Wan frowned, clearly full of distaste for the location they'd need to enter. "It's more likely we'd be separated. At least here, we know where you are."
Obi-Wan's denial must have gotten through to him, because although Anakin had frowned, he didn't try anything, instead sitting in the driver's seat. "If they escape, I'll try to track them down. Good luck."
With Anakin, for now, deciding not to follow, Padmé and Obi-Wan slipped into the club. Obi-Wan went to the bar while she slipped in with the other patrons, closing her eyes as she attempted to feel for any presence out of place. Something that might have indicated the assassin that had attempted to kill Anakin. She remembered vaguely what they looked like. Feminine in form, and from what little she'd managed to sense their Force presence, they'd felt slippery. Not somebody she'd want to run into without a method to protect herself.
Her eyes opened. In the corner, edging towards the front door. She'd felt their presence. They had to have noticed Anakin. "Obi-Wan!" He looked up at her and nodded, and the two activated their lightsabers, letting the blue plasma beams ignite.
The assassin must have noticed them, for they bolted out the door. "Official Jedi Business, nothing to see here." Obi-Wan covered for them as they ran outside. Obi-Wan reached the assassin, knocking them to the floor before they could make another attack on Anakin, and Padmé fell in behind him.
"Let go of me!" The assassin attempted to fight them off, but Obi-Wan held her down, unwilling to let her up. "It was just a job."
Ah, a bounty hunter. Somebody must have really wanted Anakin dead if they were willing to pay off a bounty hunter to do it. "Do you have any idea who you were trying to kill?"
"Tatooine Senator. Look I'm serious, he was paying me, it's just business.."
Padmé and Obi-Wan shared a look. "What was his name?" Obi-Wan asked. Before the bounty hunter could answer, something flew through the air and hit them, causing the hunter to go slack, their face transforming into that of another, greener face. A species with the ability to shapeshift. Obi-Wan reached into their neck, pulling out a dart before turning to Padmé.
"Looks like we have another mystery to solve." Several, if Padmé could give her opinion based on the events that had just occurred.
Anakin wasn't going to like this.
[Next Part]
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Moving Day
@cripplemaul :3
Today was the day they were finally leaving Tatooine.
He and Obi-wan had been discussing it for a while now, weighing the pros and cons, what they would do to prevent being found, and so on. It wasn’t an easy decision, of course, but one of the factors that went into deciding to leave was Obi-wan’s worry over Leia, Luke’s twin sister.
“Alderaan was chosen because it seemed safer to split them up, and at the time it was, especially with order sixty-six and Palpatine. Even now, I worry, if going there and reuniting Luke with his sister would only somehow bring attention to the both of them by the Empire, by Palpatine. What would he do if he found them? Alive and well? Would he kill Anakin’s children, or would he sink his poisoned claws into them like he did my s- my Padawan?.... I don’t know what I’d do if that happened, but I know they deserve to grow up together, and they deserve to grow up knowing the truth. I know that now, though I was too grief-ridden to do anything about it before. I trust the King and Queen of Alderaan to help hide us, but I hope it does not bring them any unwanted danger.”
Of course, for all the bravery and stableness Obi-wan tries to show, especially for Maul as he adjusted to the idea of safety and family, things he feared being taken from him yet again, even now, though the feeling has eased over time. The Jedi was far from free of anxiety and fear. Sometimes he would wake, screaming in the night the name of their children, or Anakin’s name, and the danger in these nightmares was always the same; Palpatine, or Sidious as Maul called him. He was so frightened. Not for himself, but for those he was charged with keeping safe. Maul sometimes feared that Obi-wan would loose himself completely if anything happened to the children or himself.
It felt nice to be so loved, and to know someone cares for you so deeply, but the stress it brought Obi-wan was painful to see.
Maul was dragged from his thoughts by a tugging on his arm. He looked down, only to find his youngest, little Kubo, staring up at him in concern. It would be heartwarming if the child did not look so silly, with little horn-shaped rocks taped and glued to his furry head, crudely painted. Maul picked the five year old up carefully, holding the tiny boy at arms length, his legs dangling below him.
“Yes, little warrior? What is it you want?”
“You looked sad, Papa, are you okay?” Ah, so that’s it.
“Yes little one, your Papa is just fine, I was just thinking. Where is Luke? Have the two of you finished packing your things? We leave soon.”
“Mh-hm! All done, big brother went to see Dad, so I went to see you. They’re outside I think!”
Maul quickly shifted the Cathar child to sit on his shoulders, and crouched to get outside the door without hitting Kubo’s head. Just up ahead of them was Obi-wan and Luke, talking about something or other. Likely about the coming trip. This affected Luke more than the rest of them, after all.
“So, I finally get to meet Leia?”
“Indeed, son, you do. And I’m certain she’s going to be happy to meet you.”
“Shes like, my twin right? Do we look the same? Does she like the same foods? Is she nice? Is she-”
Obi-wan laughed gently, placing a hand on the six-year old’s shoulder. “Calm yourself, young man, you can ask her most of those questions yourself once we get there! But no, you two do not look identical, you have the same mother, but different faces.”
“Sorry.. I’m just really excited! I’ll be careful though! I know you said that, that this’ll be dangerous.”
As Luke said this, Maul approached. It seems everyone’s things had already been brought outside. “When is Quinlan getting here?” He asked, putting Kubo on the ground, who ran over to Luke and tackled him to the ground. The two of them tussled and played like a couple of little ruffians as their father’s spoke. “We haven’t heard from them in a few days, I’m starting to worry they were found.”
“Don’t be worried, Quinlan is clever, and likely stopped communicating deliberately to prevent detection.”
“I suppose that makes sense, but you understand my concern.”
“I do. I worry too, a little bit. Anything could go wrong.”
“Very helpful, Kenobi. I feel so much better.”
“What? It could! But things could go just fine as well. I’m trying to keep neutral feelings, so I don’t get lower my guard, or have it too high. The last thing we need is to scare the children.”
Obi-wan sighed, the bags under his eyes more prominent than ever. Maul could relate, this was a big undertaking they were doing, and dangerous if they were found. But, Maul took a deep breath and steadied himself. Obi-wan was his rock when he needed him to be, so he would do the same. The man took Obi-wan’s hand in his and held it tight, urging the Jedi to look him in the eyes. “We’ll be ok, Obi-wan. If anything happens we’ll work through it together, as we have been for the past few years. I think we’re getting rather good at this whole ‘love’ and ‘support’ thing, personally.”
Obi-wan laughed. A genuine, happy laugh. It was soft, and made Maul’s heart flutter, though he tried not to show it too clearly. There were.. feelings, between them, certainly.. But they weren’t... not yet. Maybe later down the line they could, but not yet.
They had a lot to do in the meantime, but for the first time in a long time Maul isn’t all that scared inside.
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padme-amitabha · 4 years
Heya so could you write one where jania solo and ben skywalker go back in time and save their gandfather anakin from falling becoming Darth Vader. They have to go back because they were the last of their family line because of the Vong war which they would have had better chance of surviving if anakin didn't fall and oh killing palpatine lol.
I couldn’t fit killing Palpy in this one but I might continue this if anyone’s interested. 
‘How strange,’ thought Anakin as he looked over at the new pair to arrive at Coruscant. They introduced themselves as siblings - Jaina and Ben Solo. The woman looked in her early thirties while the boy was in his teenage years.
They had arrived earlier this week and claimed to be war refugees. It wasn’t difficult to detect they were force-sensitives. He had asked them about it to which they had replied that they were born in the Outer Rim so they had never been identified by the Order. While the answer had been convincing enough, something troubled him about the pair. It was one of those inexplicable feelings that he had experienced several times in the past. It was the same intuition that had told him Qui-Gon Jinn was a Jedi knight, it was the same intuition that had told him he would marry Padmé someday and it was the same intuition that warned him his mother was in danger. Yet, he could not sense any ill-intent from the Solo siblings.
In fact, the woman Jaina had been very keen to befriend Padmé to the point they were regular visitors in her apartment. Perhaps he would have been more wary of them if the war and his nightmares hadn’t been plaguing him. But there was something oddly familiar about them. He was certain he had never met Jaina Solo before but something about her strongly reminded him of his mother. He had asked Padmé if he was imagining it but she had confirmed there was a resemblance. Padmé, ever the optimist, had remarked it was good fortune they had found new friends. He wasn’t so certain. The boy was quite young and very amiable. He had approached him and had been eager to learn from him; he seemed harmless enough. But Anakin wasn’t taking any chances – Padmé’s life was in danger and he had to be wary towards strangers.
Padmé had invited the pair for dinner and Anakin had joined them with the excuse of having something important to discuss with the Senator. Ben was currently complimenting Padmé on her excellent culinary skills, something that greatly amused him for he had done the cooking himself. His wife couldn’t cook if her life depended on it – not that Anakin would let her of course. He enjoyed being able to contribute in domestic chores since they could never be a married couple in public. However, he was in no mood for pleasant conversation. How could he when that particular dream had seemed so real? He excused himself saying he needed some air and walked over to the balcony. He took in a deep breath and tried to calm his turbulent mind. He had promised Padmé he would save her, even though he didn’t know how he would accomplish it. Even Master Yoda had provided a cryptic answer and Anakin wasn’t certain he could share it with Obi-Wan without raising suspicion from the latter. ‘Perhaps the Chancellor could help,’ he thinks. Palpatine was a father-figure to him and he was a good listener.
“You seem troubled, General Skywalker.”
He had been so lost in his train of thoughts he hadn’t noticed Jaina join him. He glanced at her – she always had a strange way of reading him. Perhaps it just had to do with her connection to the Force but she could read his own emotions even when he wasn’t so sure of himself. He decided it was no use denying it; if she had no ill-motive there was no harm in sharing part of it. Her insight might even prove helpful.
“I dream of pain and suffering sometimes, and losing people who are close to me.”
She didn’t seem surprised. “Death is a part of life, you know. Besides, what can you do to beat the inevitable?”
Annoyance rose in him. Why did he share this with her in the first place? He hardly knew her.  No one would understand what he was going through. He just couldn’t lose Padmé.
“If someone is very dear to you, it doesn’t come that easily.”
“Doesn’t your code prevent such attachments in the first place?”
She sounded amused. He doesn’t answer.
“Let me give you a piece of advice, Anakin” she says softly.
“It’s not easy to let go of someone. I should know better than anybody. I lost a twin.”
There was no mistaking the sorrow in her tone.
“But in trying to prevent the inevitable sometimes you lose a part of yourself – and end up causing something you dreaded in the first place. Let me tell you about a man, a man who made all the wrong choices. He wished to save his beloved and he went on to do terrible things in the name of love and in the end, he lost his mind and ended up being the cause of her death.”
Why was she telling him any of this? Yet the tale hit so close to home; her story was strangely immersive. But of course, he would never do that.
“What happened to him then?” he asked as he met her brown eyes – eyes that very much reminded him of Shmi and held untold wisdom.
“He was never the same again. He had lost everything – not just the woman he loved but himself as well. It was a fate worse than death.”
“You’re telling me it was inevitable then? That there’s no sense in trying? That you can’t change the story?”
“I’m saying terrible things happen when you put all the burden on yourself. There are always people around you who love you - trust and confide in them. Let them help you as well.”
This conversation had taken a strange turn, he decided. He had a feeling they weren’t talking about the tale anymore. He felt weary.
“Maybe you’re right,” he relented. She flashed one of her all-knowing smiles and left to join Padmé and her brother.
A trivial and short conversation but his mind couldn’t let go of the tale.
‘A man who made all the wrong choices…wished to save his beloved…went on to do terrible things in the name of love…lost his mind…ended up being the cause of her death.’
It rang in his mind over and over. He couldn’t help but pity the wretched man from Jaina’s tale. 
Of course, he would have done no such thing. But perhaps Obi-Wan would understand. Perhaps, sharing would ease his burden. If Obi-Wan didn’t approve, he could always leave the Order. He would not make the same mistake as the man. The future was uncertain but he was certain of one thing: he would not be the cause of Padmé’s death.
Part 2 
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Rewatching “Revenge of the Sith”
Ohhhh yeahhh, I’m going there.
My apologies in advance because this post is so long...
*silently boogies out to 20th Century Fox jingle and ends up throwing popcorn everywhere*
*mouths along to opening theme*
“Evil is everywhere.”  Dude, this is Star Wars we’re talking about...
Just a heads up, I am so freaking glad that we have The Clone Wars because honestly, it has a lot more flowing character development when it comes from jumping from “Attack of the Clones” to this movie, especially Anakin.
Lens flare!
Holy snot how many Republic ships are there?!?  Did the Separatists come with every single ship imaginable?  Is that why?
Aaaaand that’s a dead body.
The hell are those things?
“Nothing too fancy.”  Says the man [Obi-Wan] who dramatically drops his robes whenever possible.
*imitates the buzz droids*
“IN THE NAME OF-”  Finish the sentence, Obi-Wan!
R2′s taser thingy looks like the Twelfth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver.
What if they didn’t notice the shield in time?
Boom!  End of saga.  Cue end credits music.
Ohhhh this asshole.
*imitates the droids saying “Roger roger”*
How come Anakin and Obi-Wan aren’t getting jostled around when the elevator car first stops?
*quotes the entire “No loose wire jokes” conversation in the elevator*
Is that the same freaking chair that’s gonna pop up in “Return of the Jedi?”
Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Dooku but every time their lightsabers clash, it’s Obi-Wan going “Hello there”
Did Dooku just backwards kick Anakin away?  Oh my God...
 *Anakin kills Count Dooku*  Well done, prequels.  You done didn’t use your Christopher Lee effectively enough.
Wilhelm Scream!
*imitates droid saying “Reversing stabilizers...”*
Holy crap, you can actually see Grievous’s face kind of twitching with anger when he commands the droids to level out the ship.  Dang.
Freaking Obi-Wan’s little yell of horror when he wakes up...
*ugly cackles*
*quotes the entire ray shields scene*
I cannot freaking believe that the TV show took the time to make freaking sure that Anakin never met Grievous until this movie.
Actually, yes I can.  They have a goddamn script continuity department.
How come one of them didn’t take one of the electrostaffs?
The Separatist flagship just tore in half when it entered the atmosphere and yet I remain completely unfazed.
“8 plus 16...”  Pfftt, what the heck does that mean?
Guys, I think I found the origin for the Dramatic Hair Flop of Angst in TCW
Pretty sure that’s the Millenium Falcon at the bottom hangar
“Oh, I’m not brave enough for politics.”  *cough cough*
Obi-Wan gets a whole freaking bus to himself.  Chaos will ensue.
How has no one noticed Padme just hanging out next to one of the pillars?
“There were whispers... that you [Anakin] had been killed...”  Really?
Anakin’s reaction to Padme telling him that she’s pregnant is actually really good.
Wasn’t there like a deleted interaction where Anakin first accused Padme of sleeping with someone else while he was gone but then they decided that was not that great of an idea?
The music that plays when Grievous exits the shuttle is pretty sweet
*imitates Grievous saying “Yes, Lord Sidious?”*
*claps with each word*  This is not how you write romance, [George] Lucas!
Oh I didn’t realize that you could actually hear Anakin’s robotic arm move when he puts his face in his hands
“How long is it gonna take before we start being honest with each other?”  You [Padme] should have asked that before you two got hitched in the first place.
Ladies and gentlemen, the absolute worst therapy lesson in the history of Star Wars:  Yoda telling Anakin to basically get over himself and accept the sudden, incoming death of the people he loves.
“What must I do, Master Yoda?”  MOTHEREFFING IGNORE HIM!
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”  NOOO, OH MY GOD...
There’s actually a whole video by Pop Culture Detective that went into detail how terrible the Jedi Council were when it came to giving Anakin emotional support.
“Be careful of your friend Palpatine.”  And your pal, Friend-patine.
I just noticed that there are less chairs in the Jedi Council room
“The Council doesn’t like it when he [Palpatine] interferes with Jedi affairs.”  Then why the heck don’t they confront Palpatine about it?
Holy crap, I just realized that this movie came out 13 years ago.
“Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo...” Was that really “holding” though?
Anakin’s delivery of “At last!” sounds like Darth Maul when he said “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi” in the first movie.
This entire opera scene should be a dead give away to Anakin learning about Palpatine being the Sith Lord.  The minute Palpatine even said the word “Sith” should have raised a few red flags...
This entire Darth Plaguesis explanation is so good and ominous.  Just the minute Palpatine finishes the story and tells Anakin that there are other ways to gain that sort of power, you can just gradually feel the dread setting in for the rest of the movie.  You just know something bad is gonna happen (besides Anakin becoming Darth Vader)...
Look at the way Obi-Wan’s sitting in his chair!
Oh my God... the Wookies just did a Tarzan yell...
Headcanon:  he’s [Anakin] checking for updates about the Siege of Mandalore
OK, everyone craps on the Utapau storyline with the fight scene between Obi-Wan and Grievous but I actually think this is one of the best parts in the movie.
I love the design for the Pau’ans
Someone get me a plush animal of her on my desk pronto!
That pose though!
That spinning helicopter move Grievous does while stalking toward Obi-Wan was always really cool to me.  A little extra, but still cool.
Oh I don’t think so!
*imitates Obi-Wan using the Force to throw Grievous*
Wait, so how many times has Cody had to hold onto Obi-Wan’s lightsaber when Obi-Wan freaking drops it?
Death Star plans?
Big question:  so how old is Anakin here?  He’s 19/20 in “Attack of the Clones” and there’s at least a one or two year time jump in S3 of TCW.
Yo, that means he was like late 30s/early 40s when he died in “Return of the Jedi.”  Well shoot, man...
Yeah, Obi-Wan, let’s freaking kick the crazy homicidal cyborg.  Great idea.
Is Grievous just covered in gasoline or something because he just went up in flames *snaps* just like that.
Ohhhh this scene with Anakin and Padme looking at the windows of their respective places is really good...
Look at freaking Anakin here! 
George Lucas deserves any and all sins for the bad dialogue for Anakin because Hayden Christensen can really act when he’s not given any dialogue and he’s just told to react. 
So, with that, henceforth, there shall be no dissing Hayden Christensen on my blog.
Dramatic window break!
Palpatine’s lightsaber just freaking deactivated as soon as Windu kicked it out the window
Wowwww... the prosthetics on Palpatine look.. bad....
I just realized that Anakin kind of walks over to Palpatine on his knees before he pledges himself to Palpatine
Why Darth “Vader” though?  Is there any special reasoning for that?
AN:  Holy crap, there’s an hour left and Anakin has just turned to the Dark Side...
Man, I need to download more tracks from this soundtrack...
You can tell that that’s green screen behind Cody
*in best Palpatine impression*  Execute Order 66!
Nooooooooooooo, Boga!
Aaaaand everyone dies and it sucks now!
Ughh, Aayla Secura...
What planet is that?
Here’s my question:  in Rebels, how the heck did Thrawn get Gree’s helmet?  Was there an imperial campaign out on Kashyyyk and he found it somewhere?
That small matte painting shot of the Jedi Temple burning is actually really pretty now that I see it again
Yooooo can we talk about this padawan though?
Kashyyyk has twin moons...
So what happens to Chewie after this and before the Han Solo movie?
Heeeyyyyyyy I know that kind of ship!
“Have faith, my love [Padme]...”  Uhhhh... Padme should have picked up on how... off that line was
How has NO ONE in the Senate (besides Organa and probably Mon Mothma) picked up on Padme’s pregnancy?
*imitates Palpatine*  Mustafaaarrrrr....
“Could be a trap.”  It’s Star Wars.  There’s always a trap.
What’s that planet right next to Mustafar?
Random xylophone scales!
Yoda is taking no prisoners!
Where are the lightsaber/balster holes in the younglings?  Yoda said that they were probably killed by lightsaber so where are the marks on their bodies?
Yellow eyes...
“So this is how liberty dies:  with thunderous applause.”  Best.  line.  Ever.  Someone send flowers and chocolates to Natalie Portman.
“I've recalibrated the code, warning all surviving Jedi to stay away.”  Aaaagghh and we see it in Rebels and in the Last Padawan comic!
Don’t mind me casually dying
I just noticed that gradually throughout this movie, you can see Obi-Wan get grey hairs in his sideburns
*Obi-Wan sneaks onto Padme’s ship to Mustafar*  Where did he come from?!?
“You [Darth Vader] have restored peace and balance to the galaxy.”  *in best Anakin voice*  OK... now what?
“And together, you [Padme] and I [Anakin] can rule the galaxy! We can make things the way we want them to be!”  Wow, “The Last Jedi” is just smackin’ me in the face right now
Anakin... you’re breaking my heart!
That is just extremely bad timing on Obi-Wan’s part
Your new Empire?!?
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”  A what?
That’s a pretty nasty lisp you have there.  Might wanna do something about that.
You know how this Yoda vs. Palpatine fight could be more amazing?  Just add helium
Honestly, for the BIG DEAL fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan, it just goes on for a little bit too long.
Plus when it’s intercut with the Yoda vs. Palpatine, the latter is way more entertaining (hello, two most powerful peope going head to head with actual Force lightning being involved?)
Are they [Anakin and Obi-Wan] just kicking each other with the Force now?  Wow...
Seriously, they’re just banging their lightsabers together and calling that a fight.  C’mon... actually try to hit the opponent!
Duel of the Fates!
*Palpatine throws the Senate chairs at Yoda with the Force* So I threw the Senate at him!
Honestly, you could cut out this whole balance thing on the sinking balcony and mining buildings/walkways
Commander Fox?
Noooo... cut this out...
“Into exile, I [Yoda] must go.  Failed, I have.”  And yet people complain about Luke doing the exact same thing in the sequel trilogy
You’re not even trying to hit each other!
“You were my brother, Anakin.  I loved you.”  Uuuggghhhh....
I actually read somewhere that Ewan McGregor actually asked George Lucas to change the line to past tense instead of the original present tense.  Which is sad, so thanks Ewan.
Can’t you just put out the fire with the Force?
How did 3PO and R2 get an unconscious Padme on board?
Where is this?
*Palpatine’s shuttle lands in Coruscant*  It was a dark and stormy night...
Y’know, at this point, me comparing Anakin being repaired and transformed into Darth Vader and the creation of Frakenstein’s monster is almost inevitable at this point...
Stupid question, but what’s the significance of the names “Luke” and “Leia” concerning the themes present in the movies?  Or is that up to people like me who enjoy the meta to find that out?
He [Darth Vader] just killed that medical droid next to him...
Do not want....
“...[Qui Gon] learned the path to immortality...” In the TV show!
I like how the last line in this freaking movie is “Oh no!” and it’s from 3PO...
Triceratops rams!
The design for Padme’s funeral garb is actually Iain McCaig’s favorite concept art
How did they develop TIE fighters so quickly?
Oh my God, the dude they got to play Tarkin... oh God...
Definitely not Peter Cushing
*gasp*  Leia’s theme!
Random eopie noise!
Oh my God, “Binary Suns”...
Obi-Wan’s like “Great, now I gotta help a pair of random, separate Force-sensitive teenagers and their astromechs in the near future...”
Wait, they put Ewan McGregor in top billing?
“With Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu”  Thamuel El Jackthson!
Holy crap, I forgot Joel Edgerton plays young Uncle Owen
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years
SW AU - Fate of the Master Chapter 13
<- Previous Chapter
Anakin stirred, surprised to see Luke asleep huddled against him as though he was cold. He remembered that feeling well when he'd first left the desert planet to cooler climates. He reached to the side and grabbed a blanket to throw over him. He'd been scared when Padmé had first told him she was pregnant. He had never considered being a father. He'd been living his life with the assumption that it could never happen. They had both been in too precarious of situations to risk it. But it had happened anyways. And the moment she'd told him, he had felt his whole world start unraveling.
As he gazed down at Luke, now, and then to Leia asleep in the bed nearby, he wondered what he'd been so afraid of. His main concern now was wondering what kind of life he could offer them. He had no home, no career, no stability. He'd told Bail that if Leia wanted to stay with him and Breha that was fine. He wouldn't force her to come live with him wherever he ended up. But Luke was a different story. His aunt and uncle must be worried sick about him, there'd been too much going on since they'd left Tatooine to work in getting a message to them to tell them he was safe. And now that Luke had found his twin, he didn't want to stray too far from her. Their bond was so strong already, it would be difficult to separate them again. Bail had offered to take the boy in too. But Luke had said he wanted to stay with Anakin and Ahsoka, as long as it meant not being too far from his sister. Anakin had no idea how they were going to work that out. He planned to talk it over with Ahsoka in the morning. Obi wan had left with Kanan and Ezra to help out the other two systems that had been hit by this attack. They'd agreed the rest of them would join them later.
Anakin liked the feel of Luke curled up into him, but he'd been worried about Ahsoka all evening and wanted to go check on her. Ever since the gray Jedi talk, she'd seemed a little peakish, like something they discussed had really bothered her. It was a lot to take in, but what he'd felt coming off of her was the force equivalent to hyperventilating.
She'd done so much in the effort to protect him. Was finding out it had been foretold all that scary? Or was it something else entirely? He'd sensed there was more to the dreams she'd mentioned, but she had refused to tell it. What could it be?
He tried to shift a bit so that Luke would lean the other way, and eventually he managed to get up. He put another blanket over him and then slipped out of the room trying not to disturb anyone.
Anakin froze in the doorway of Ahsoka's room. The bed was made, the hospital gown was neatly folded on the edge, with the robe she'd been wearing next to it. She was gone, and so were her clothes and her lightsabers. He hadn't thought she'd been upset enough to run away. What was going on?
He turned to run down the hallway only to almost trip over a little blue and white astromech droid. "Artoo!" The droid beeped back at him. "Do you know where Ahsoka went?" R2 turned on his projector in the quiet hallway of the hospital wing.
"If you're watching this," the holoimage of Ahsoka said, "you've probably noticed I'm gone. But don't worry about me, Anakin. There's something I have to do on my own. Questions that need answering. I'm not abandoning you, I promise. I'll be back. But until then, trust yourself, you'll be alright. I love you." The image flickered out.
Anakin crouched down in front of the droid as if staring into its ocular sensors would reveal where Ahsoka had gone. "Could you play it again?" He asked R2D2. The droid replayed the recording and Anakin felt tears in his eyes. She'd told him that she loved him, but she'd left without saying anything. Had she felt like she didn't belong in his life now that he had two kids? It had been hard to admit all the stuff about Padmé, afraid that she'd be hurt. But Ahsoka had taken it as though it hadn't phased her. She'd always known, she had claimed. And she'd purposely held back her own feelings for his sake. Was she doing that again?
He knew Ahsoka better than he knew anyone. She'd always worn her emotions on her sleeve. When she was struggling to understand something, she wouldn't hesitate to ask. She'd seek advice when she needed. And through it all, he had trusted her completely. Believing that he knew her soul.
But something had changed in her since she'd left the temple all those years ago. He'd first noticed it when she'd come to him seeking help to restore Mandalore and end Maul's chaotic rule there.
He hadn't known what it meant. And he hadn't had time to find out. Because shortly after they'd gathered the troops to go, he'd gotten the call that the chancellor had been kidnapped. He'd been forced to leave her to fight Maul alone. She'd watched him from the open blast door of the gunship as it had lifted off. Something in her expression... as the memory stirred it reminded him of his first op as general, leading a squadron as it left Coruscant. He'd stared out the transparisteel glass of the battle ship as though he'd never see it again. He'd left countless times before, but for some reason that day, he had felt as though nothing would ever be the same again. He'd been partially right, of course, everything had changed. In spite of returning time and time again. Ahsoka had been there that day too. Standing by his side feeling the fear and pain coming off of him in waves. She'd stuck it out with him anyways.
Had she known when she left on that mission to Mandalore that things would be changing again? As the memory of the expression on her face washed over him, he felt a spear of ice hit his heart. He shivered remembering the cold that had consumed him after that. He'd never put two and two together, but now that he thought about it... there had been something so final about that goodbye. This wasn't another one of those, was it?
"I don't suppose she told you where she was going?" Anakin asked the little droid. R2 responded that it didn't know then beeped sadly. "I know, buddy, I'm going to miss her too."
Shili was controlled by the empire now. The space ports were locked down, she'd had to mask the code of her ship so it wouldn't be detected. As she flew low, relying on scanners to keep her out of range, she was disheartened by the industrialization of the planet. It had once been a beautiful place, but as usual, the empire had swooped in and stripped it bare; leaving it ruined for the natives. Ahsoka guided her ship away from the villages, especially the sectors the empire occupied and landed in the early evening near the tree line on the far edge of the plains. From what she'd been able to see from the air, there was likely a curfew and she wouldn't be noticed as long as she stayed away from the populated areas.
It was weird to return to her home planet; it was only the second time she'd been here since she'd left to become a Jedi. Her people were tribal, but she walked a totally different path. It wasn't exactly rare for Togruta to be force sensitive; after all they were a deeply spiritual people connected very strongly to nature and the energy of the universe; the force. It wasn't typical for her people to wander through the galaxy, so unless a Jedi had reason, like a conflict, to come to their planet... many Togruta force wielders were unknown. There had been only a handful of them to have been discovered in the last century. Even less that could survive the solitary life of a Jedi. Her people weren't meant to be loners. They thrived in groups, and watching out for each other.
She glanced in the direction of the nearest village. Did her parents miss her? If they were still alive, would they want to see her? Would they even recognize her? Would she recognize them? To the Togrutan people, being discovered by the Jedi was an incredible honor. So much so, they would gladly give up their children for life to hold the honor that they'd given birth to a force sensitive child. It was an easy weakness to exploit and one that had almost cost her life. The other child had not been as lucky.
She often told people that she had no memories of her life before the temple, but that wasn't true. Some of them, she was sure she'd never forget. Like that day, when this horrible man had stumbled into town. He looked like a Jedi. He talked like a Jedi and he had everyone convinced he was one. Everyone except her. She was too young to know what a Jedi was, but she knew he was lying. Her family and the rest of the tribe had paraded her in front of this man, along with another child; a boy named Sanshe. The man had demanded shows of their abilities, and she had refused. The boy, a year older, loved showing off what he could do. When it was her turn, she'd bit him on the hand and run from the village. Her family had yelled after her; angry, disappointed, unforgiving. She had embarrassed them. She'd run for her life.
She had accidentally stumbled on the man's camp, in her haste to get away. She had smelled his stench all over it. She'd climbed a tree nearby to watch for his return. But she would never forget what she'd witnessed. The man had brought Sanshe back to the camp and forced him to fight a juvenile akul for sport. At the age of 5, that boy never had a chance. It was rare even for adults to beat them; force sensitive or not. She'd had to keep from crying out as she watched him ripped to shreds. The man jeering the whole time. For someone who was born and bred to be a predator, the image of his mangled body had turned even her stomach.
With the akul on the loose and the man still nearby, she'd been forced to stay up in the trees. Quiet as she could be, so neither of them noticed her. Eventually the man had killed the akul and packed up and left, leaving the boys remains.
She'd tried to return to the village after the man had left, but she had disgraced them by not going with the false Jedi and they had turned her away. She'd tried to tell them about what had happened to the boy, why she'd refused to go with the man, but they'd ignored her. From that day on, she was alone. In some ways, she still was.
She put up the hood of her robe, tucking it in so it wouldn't fly off as she burst into a run across the plains. She let the force and memory guide her steps across the familiar landscape. She reached the mountains by nightfall, and wove amongst the rocks up to her secret cave. As she studied the entry, there was no evidence it had been found or disturbed. Unsurprising really, this was a dangerous place for the Togruta to be. It was where the akul liked to hide.  
She effortlessly moved the boulder that disguised the entrance to her hideout and stepped inside. She traced her fingers over the drawings she'd left as a child on the cave walls. She was starting to remember every one. Each of them had been drawn after a dream. And as she walked along, the story they showed progressed. She'd been four when she'd drawn these images. Yet everything in her life had played out exactly as they had foretold.
She stopped in front of the drawing of her great trial. Well at least, the great trial of the Togruta culture. Your first solo akul kill. She'd been thirteen when Master Shaak Ti had brought her back to Shili to participate in the hunt. Armed only with a spear and a time limit, the children of the villages were released to complete their rite of passage into adulthood; Togruta mature sooner than most species. The rules were simple; find one, kill it, bring back their teeth or don't come back.
In retrospect, it wouldn't have mattered if she'd succeeded or not. She'd already dishonored her family years before. Not even going with master Plo when he'd found her had gained her favor in their eyes again, at least not the eyes of her family. But she'd still tried. If not for them, for herself. She had to prove she was worthy. She'd isolated an akul, but just as she'd been poised and ready, she had stopped. It wasn't injured, it would have been an impressive prize, but she couldn't kill it. It had stared at her with knowing eyes. And then she'd spoken to it. She'd poured her heart out to an animal! A deadly predator that could snap her bones in two in one movement.
But it had just sat there, across from her in the turu-grass. Watching her as if it understood every word she'd said. She had told it about her parents, about the hunt, about how lonely she was, about the Jedi... everything she'd been needing to get off her chest for years. And then it had done the strangest thing. It had walked over to a rock, hit the side of its face hard against it and then dropped 7 teeth from its mouth into her hands.
Her fingers rubbed across the image of the headdress she'd fashioned from the akul's teeth. She'd never told anyone the truth about what had happened. Because she'd returned with the trophy of the hunt, she had passed the trial. It had always been strange to her how after nine years of feeling so lonely, her first real friend had supposedly been the enemy.
Two days after returning from the hunt to the temple, Master Yoda had sent her to Christophsis to meet her new master. Could master Yoda tell that that experience had changed her? Had it had any bearing on the events that followed? Was the akul a symbol for Anakin? The very first person that really saw her? The first one that really listened? The first one that really cared?
After all, Anakin may not have given her teeth in such a dramatic fashion, but he had risked so much throughout the years to keep her safe. The only one to stand by her and defend her when everyone else had turned against her. He had even brought her back to life! And then... he'd become the enemy to everyone but her. Just as the akul were the enemy to the Togruta people.
She glanced to the entry of the cave. In the moonlight sat a large, hairy akul. It's sheen of orange fur reflected the soft light making it look almost ethereal. Its eyes were sharp, ears tucked back, shoulders muscular, rear end lean. Its huge paws had long lethal claws splayed out in four directions. It's snout extended forward just below the eyes. And its mouth sat open revealing seven missing teeth.
She walked over to it and knelt in front of it. It watched her curiously, like it had all those years ago. She threw her arms around its neck. Fully aware that this whole scenario was completely unheard of by her people.
"No," she whispered in its ear. "The only thing I need this time is your presence."
"You've done well, child," The familiar voice permeated the air around her as she meditated in the cave.
           "When master Yoda had told me to reach into the force and discover who my master was supposed to be, you're the one that told me to choose Anakin, aren't you?" Ahsoka asked aloud.
           "Yes," the voice whispered
           "Did you know?"
           "Did I know what he'd become? What he would do? Yes."
           "And you still wanted him trained? Wouldn't the galaxy have been better off if the Chosen One had never been found?" Ahsoka tried not to cry, how could she say that? She loved Anakin, she'd loved him from the first time they met. She loved him still, in spite of everything he'd done. She should not be wishing to have never known him.
           "Search your feelings, child. If none of the events had occurred that were set into motion by his discovery, what state would the galaxy be in?"
           "I don't know! But it would have been better than all those deaths! All that suffering!" She cried out, angry at this voice. How could it speak of annihilation so easily? She stared at her hands. There was so much blood on them. To be a survivor, to know that the choices you'd made had helped cause it... She'd lived most of her life as an outcast. She'd spent so much time with the voices in her head. She'd always believed in the goodness of the force. But the force wasn't good. It wasn't evil either. It just was. It dictated all at such horrendous costs. Masquerading as comfort and light and love. Few get to see what a cruel overseer it is. Why'd she have to be one of them?
           "What has to happen to restore balance will happen. We all play our parts. You were chosen to keep the balance, just as those before you." The voice said, without any emotion or acknowledgement of her pain.
           "You're master Qui-Gon, aren't you?" She asked trying to restore her own peace. "You're the one that's been guiding me for years."
           "I am."
           "You told your student to train the Chosen One. And he did as you asked. Why did you need me?"
           "Obi wan, like the majority of the Jedi, interpreted the prophecy of the Chosen One to mean balance in the light. Or he denied the prophecy all together. He could not teach the boy in the dark. To be balance, he must know both sides."
           "So I was needed to make him dark?" She didn't like what the voice was implying.
           "No, he had the darkness before you entered his life. But you could walk the dark with him without being touched by it. Many Jedi fall to the promise of the dark side. It was destiny for the Daughter to give herself to you. In her act, she shielded you with light. You could then enter the dark and bring him back to the middle. All others would have failed."
           "So then the emperor, Sidious, was the one that could walk in the light to lead him down the path to the dark?"
           "He played his role just like the rest." The voice said. She didn't like the sound of that.
           "Why me?"
           "When a predator can lay down their weapon in the face of certain death, only then can they understand how everything is interconnected; how two extremes can find common ground. The Chosen One is but a conduit through which flows both good and evil. You, child, were bred to kill, but when it could have cost you your life, you chose not to. You found middle ground with the sworn enemy of your people. In your great trial, you became a soldier of balance. ”
           Ahsoka stood up so fast, she startled the akul that had been sleeping next to her. It leapt up between her and the cave entrance as though to protect her from danger. But sensing none, it looked at her with confusion.
           “You know he's a person, right? He is more than just a tool to be molded and manipulated and used. And so am I!” Ahsoka yelled into the empty cave, anger rising in her like she’d never known. “I’m tired of all this talk of fate and destiny and prophecies! They only cause insanity! Each living creature should get a say in their own lives! You’re not the ones that have to live with the outcome of these paths. We are! Anakin was, IS, a good man. He loved people deeply, would do anything to protect them. But because of some stupid force designed prophesy, he was seen only as a weapon, a THING to be controlled. He was USED by so many for their own gains. Each one trying to turn him their way. He played his part, he fulfilled your prophecy. And now? Now he has to live the rest of his life with the guilt of what it cost to do that! And that is a burden no one should have to carry!” She was fuming. She meant everything she said, but was it even possible to defy the force?
Next Chapter ->
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glare-gryphon · 7 years
Horizon Light - Part 6
2750 Words
Chapter Tags: Violence, References to Alcoholism
First/ Previous/ Ao3
The air outside the Shatterdome is unseasonably cold. Coruscant has a fairly temperate climate, but sometimes a cold front will roll in, sending its citizens digging through the backs of their wardrobes for a coat previously forgotten. Obi-Wan is bundled up in his leather bomber, the Horizon Light's insignia spread proudly across his back. He takes in the city skyline as a cigarette slowly burns itself out between his fingers, legs hanging over the edge of the landing pad and dangling over the dark, swirling seas below. There is nowhere out here at this time of night—too dark for any real work to be done. The landing pad has served as an escape whenever he can’t find peace within the Shatterdome’s walls. Just him, and the sea, and the lights of the city. It never ceases to amaze him how the population of Coruscant continues to thrive. They are a hardy people, stubborn to the last, clinging to the lives they've carved for themselves in their city by the shore. Living and working and carrying on despite the threat of monsters lurking in the deep. Cars whizz along lanes with shelters carved beneath; apartment complexes grow around foundations of bone. It is a city built upon skeletons of the monsters that would destroy them—the ultimate demonstration of human resiliency. Behind him, a door opens. Obi-Wan wasn't expecting anyone to find him out here, and fumbles with his cigarette as he tries to make himself seem less suspicious. Fortunately, when he turns to identify the newcomer, he doesn't think this particular person will be turning him in for possession of contraband. Skywalker pads out onto the landing pad, hands stuffed in the pockets of his own coat, lapel turned up against the chill. He joins Obi-Wan at the edge, settling down on the cool asphalt at his side, but says nothing. There is nothing to be said between them; they've hardly spoken since the day of their incident in the Kwoon. Instead he pulls a box of his own cigs from his pocket—cheaper than Obi-Wan'd preferred brand—and begins to dig around for something to light the one he slips between his lips. At his frustrated grunt, clearly having left his lighter indoors, Obi-Wan fishes his own out and flips it open. He offers the flame to Skywalker, who eyes him warily for a moment before leaning in to light the end of his cig as though this is some sort of devious trap that Obi-Wan has devised. It isn't. He's simply offering his copilot a light. The look on Skywalker's face when he came out informed Obi-Wan that he probably needed it. What's driven him out into the chill for a drag is probably the same thing that's chased Obi-Wan from the Shatterdome's controlled climate: the row Skywalker had with the medical staff in charge of Tano's treatment. While paramedics had been able to restart the girl’s heart after they fished the pair out of their submerged conn-pod (after Skywalker stabbed one of the medics in a blind panic), there has been very little development in her condition since then. Skywalker spends most of his free time in the ward at her side, reading to her or simply telling her about his day. Complaining about Obi-Wan. He would think it cute that he keeps her in the loop if Skywalker didn’t say some horrible things about him during those venting sessions. Of course, there is no guarantee that Tano can even hear him. Skywalker is convinced she can, but Obi-Wan has noticed the pitying looks the medics flash him when they pass by. They believe he’s talking to a dead woman.
It’s why they’d summoned the pair to the medical bay earlier. The suggestion that it was, perhaps, time to let the girl go had not been well received. Obi-Wan can't particularly blame Skywalker for his upset; if it were Qui laying there on that bed, he wouldn't be able to flip that switch either. He would never willingly say goodbye. Still, the chances of her recovery grow slimmer with every passing day. Obi-Wan suspects that Skywalker knows this, but he stubbornly holds out hope that the impossible may become real—that he may be granted this one small miracle. For some reason the medical staff seemed to think him capable of talking sense into the ranger. As if! The only thing he seems capable of doing is riling Skywalker up, even when he has no intention of doing it. The silence between them as they stare out at the ocean is broken by the wailing of a siren—flashing warning lights lighting up the dark of night. Both men are on their feet in an instant, cigarettes tossed to the churning seas below. There is not a being on earth who doesn't recognize the rhythmic pattern of the siren, providing a jarring counterbalance to the frantic beating of their hearts in their ears. Movement in the Breach. Obi-Wan doesn't feel himself falling into step with Skywalker as they jog through the Shatterdome, but he must have. He must have, because they stumble into LOCCENT at the same time, drawing to a halt behind a crowd of other rangers. They are among the last to arrive due to the distance from the landing pad to Shatterdome's central command. Mace is already launching into his speech. "At 21:00 hours, we detected movement in the Breach. Category Four—Codename Frogmouth.” The screens behind him light up with the Kaiju’s projected trajectory. “It seems to be headed here—to Coruscant. This will be a two Jaeger team drop. Ironclad Glory, I want you to frontline the harbor. Cerulean Hound, you'll be their backup. Stick close to the shore and engage at your discretion. Are we clear?" The chosen pilots salute, cleaner and sharper than anything Obi-Wan's ever done, then push their way through the crowd to go get suited up. The rest of the rangers mill around LOCCENT, finding somewhere to watch the feeds out of the way of the technicians' paths. Helicopters relay footage as they track Frogmouth’s progress, providing LOCCENT and the pilots with some basic information before they meet the beast head on. Falling into Category Four, the Kaiju is massive. Even partially submerged, Obi-Wan finds himself marveling at its size. Four powerful forearms break waves, propelling it through the tempestuous ocean as though it were no obstacle at all. The beast lacks a tail, but two stocky hind legs denote it to be at least partially bipedal. Its skin is the same reptilian texture of the Kaiju that came before it, outlined with green and blue bioluminescent veins. What makes Frogmouth unique, beyond its namesake wide mouth, are a series of plated ridges flowing from between its eyes down to the base of its spine. It’s armor, rendering the top half of the Kaiju nearly impervious to attack. If they boys are going to have any chance of taking it down, they're going to have to get at its exposed underbelly. Still, if there is any Jaeger team who can handle it, it's the crews of Ironclad Glory and Cerulean Hound. Rex and Cody Fett, Glory’s pilots, are two of the best rangers to ever go through the Jaeger Academy. Twins, born into the Fett military dynasty by way of their father, Jango. They are clever, loyal, and good in a fight. Obi-Wan has spoken to Cody some, his brother less so. Still, if their drop to kill ratio is to be believed, they're a highly successful pair. Their Jaeger, now appearing on the feeds as she’s air-dropped into the harbor by a squadron of helicopters, is a heavy-set, sturdy build made for both giving and taking a beating. She's primarily white, with blue and gold accents painted here and there. Her weapons systems are short-range plasma blasters, though she is equipped with retractable sting blades should they become engaged in close combat and their blasters are disabled. Glory hits the water with a great splash, turning to watch as her backup is also dropped down into the waves. The Cerulean Hound is a smaller Jaeger, built more for support and ranged attacks than direct confrontation. Blue with white accents, like an inverse of Glory, and armed with several different projectile weapons. Obi-Wan doesn't know her pilot's legal names, instead accustomed to the monikers given to the pair at the Academy: Jesse and Dogma. Another set of Fett brothers, younger than the Glory's pilots. Jesse is known for his wild, often unorthodox strategy while Dogma has a tendency to play things by the book. Still, they've managed to survive this long despite the differences in their personality. That has to count for something. At Obi-Wan's side, Skywalker is tense, staring up at the feeds with narrowed eyes. This is the first time either of them have been allowed to witness a fight since the fall of their own Jaegers, and Obi-Wan can't help but mirror the man's anxiety. A small part of him whispers that he should be out there with them—has whispered it since the very first Kaiju made landfall so many years ago—but it's easy to silence that voice now. All he has to do is remember what happened the last time he faced down one of these beasts. The disaster it brought upon him. On the feeds, Frogmouth has finally made its way into the harbor. It pushes out of the water and onto its hind legs, roaring in challenge at the Ironclad Glory. If its mouth was impressive when closed, it's even more so when open. Stretching across its face and opening to an impressive width, its drooping lips draw back to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth. Serrated, mostly likely, to help it tear through a Jaeger's iron hull. Glory answers its call with a blaring of her sirens. Most Jaegers are equipped with them, though Obi-Wan has never used the Horizon's. Some rangers believe the noise frightens the Kaiju; Obi-Wan believes that any creature that large is unlikely to be frightened by anything less than god itself. He hasn't seen any footage of Skywalker's Primal Brawler in combat, but suspects him to be among the crowd fond of the loud horns. LOCCENT watches with anticipation as Frogmouth charges Glory, the Jaeger's weapons systems activating just a second too slow to prevent it from being rammed by the Kaiju's plated skull. Obi-Wan flinches, watching the Glory thrown backwards, and doesn't notice the concerned look Skywalker throws his way. Frogmouth gives chase, leaping at the prone Jaeger and battering at her hull with its fists. Glory activates her sting blades, the daggers sliding from their sheath along the Jaeger's forearm before locking into place against its wrist. Obi-Wan feels his teeth grit as the blades slice through the Kaiju's soft underbelly, spilling its bioluminescent blood into the harbor. There is a reason most Jaegers only use bladed weapons as a last resort—a reason the Horizon's sword is heated with the same plasma generators that generate the Glory's projectiles. A Kaiju is a carefully crafted biochemical weapon, its blood laced with so much ammonia that erodes everything that it touches. When a Kaiju falls, it can destroy entire ecosystems if not properly dealt with. Plasma weapons cauterize on contact, preventing the spread of its toxic blood; regular weapons leave open wounds that leave a trail of destruction wherever the Kaiju goes. Frogmouth continued to batter at Glory, snapping at the Jaeger's arms with teeth as Rex and Cody try to drive the beast off them. The Hound launches a series of projectiles from its chest canons. The worst they do is singe the Kaiju's heavily plated hide, but it's enough to distract Frogmouth from its assault on Glory. As desired, the Kaiju turns the bulk of its attention to the smaller Jaeger, approaching more slowly than it had with the Glory. It appears to be sizing the Hound up, its head cocking one way and the other as it prowls closer. The injuries it has sustained are beginning to take a toll, giving the Kaiju a definite limp as it moves, but Frogmouth is still far larger than the Hound. The Glory meanwhile works at pushing herself to her feet, trying and failing to activate her plasma blasters. She’s taken some serious damage to her hull and limbs, visibly smoking and sparking even on the screen. LOCCENT technicians scramble to figure out what's gone wrong, shouting out readings from sensors and surveys as the Kaiju draws steadily closer to the Hound. Jesse and Dogma are a good team, but their Jaeger isn't built for this—isn’t built for a direct assault by a Category Four Kaiju. Obi-Wan watches, horrified, as the Kaiju seems to make up its mind. With one final glance at the struggling Glory, Frogmouth charges full-tilt at the smaller Jaeger. He doesn't want to watch, but can't seem to tear his eyes away from the screen as the Hound launches another series of projectiles—a desperate attempt to slow the monster's approach. Though the Kaiju does falter, it doesn't stop. It doesn't stop until it tackles the Hound, toppling the Jaeger backwards and tearing at the hull with teeth and claws. The Hound's pilots launch attack after attack, wounds delivered by the Glory targeted and torn open by the Jaeger's weapons. Still, it won't be enough. Sirens are blaring through the room, Windu is yelling for another team to get suited up, and Obi-Wan suddenly can't watch this a moment more.  He pushes his way through the gathered crowd and flees to their quarters with the solemn knowledge that a Kaiju will fall, but it will not fall alone
By the time Skywalker storms back into their room, Obi-Wan has managed to down most of the bottle of liquor that he'd stashed away for a rainy day and is curled, shaking, on the floor of their bathroom. He hears Skywalker’s entry, hears him crashing around, but can't seem to summon the will to get up and discover just what kind of mess the younger ranger is making. He has a tendency to be destructive in his rage. He doesn't remember that he didn't locked the bathroom door until Skywalker throws it open, sweeping into the room. The sneer on his lips tells him exactly what he thinks of Obi-Wan's condition, and the older man quickly finds himself grabbed by the front of his shirt and hauled to his feet. Skywalker slams him into the wall, taking Obi-Wan's weight when the older man can't keep his balance on his own. The bottle falls from Obi-Wan's grip, shattering on the floor. "We should have been out there!" Skywalker snarls. "We would have been out there if you had your shit together!" "What happened to not wanting another copilot?" Obi-Wan slurs, closing his eyes against the way the world is spinning. “I thought you didn’t want to pilot with anyone but Tano?” "I don't want another copilot! And even if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't pick you!" Skywalker shakes him, frustration written across his face. "But like it or not, I need you, old man. They all need you, so get your head out of your ass. Or are you so heartless that you're prepared to watch your fellow rangers die? Because I'm not! "If I die before the end of this war, I'm going to do it in a Jaeger, fighting Kaiju, making a difference. What about you?" Obi-Wan cracks his eyes open, and finds himself struck by Skywalker's open expression: desperate, beseeching, terrified. He doesn't flinch when Obi-Wan reaches a hand up, brushing uncoordinated fingers over the scarring across then younger man's cheek. Sitting locked in his quarters, isolated from everything but his own sorrow, is different from watching his fellow rangers going into battle. Watching the Hound's fall has made it real. He isn't the only one who's lost in this war; he isn't the only one who's scared. Skywalker is just as terrified as he is, but instead of falling into a bottle, he got angry. Skywalker doesn't know what to do but fight, and Obi-Wan is holding him back from that. He's like a wounded predator in a too-small cage: powerful and angry and ready to draw blood. But maybe—maybe—Obi-Wan can get angry, too. Even if he can't, maybe Skywalker is angry enough for the both of them. "Ok," Obi-Wan breathes. "Ok."
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kandrakelsier · 8 years
Fandom Fic Rec
Alrighty, so this is apparently a thing, and I’ve been meaning to do recs for a while so... here’s a long list of my favorite fanfiction works, with links to each of them. I recommend all of them.
Hanover Chronicles-Katriona_Subasa (@agronadb​)
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka No Ken, Fire Emblem 6- Fuuin No Tsurugi
A series of four fics, spanning just over a thousand years of history in the Fire Emblem world of Elibe. This series is one of my favorites; the characters are well developed, there are little tie-ins and easter eggs between fics, the writing style (particularly the dialogue) feels super realistic, and the pacing is excellent. Also would like to point out that the series is approaching 1 million words, so if you start, you’ll have plenty of material to keep you going, particularly since the last fic is still in progress.
Fandom: Star Wars
A series of time-travel fix-it fics where Obi-Wan is sent back in time after his duel with Darth Vader on the Death Star. The humor is great; imagine Qui-Gon trying to deal with two Obi-Wans at once. There’s also cameos from characters in the True EU, which was fun to see, and some great philosophizing about the nature of the Force. Lots of good meta, and overall just very well written.
Messenger-HundredHanded (@hundred-handed​)
Fandom: Overwatch
An Ancient Greek AU. Angela travels with Reinhardt as he tries to take down Talon, and Fareeha is a bodyguard. Very clean writing; you can tell a lot of research went into this one. No character feels out of place, even if the entire thing takes place in Greece, and the names are absolutely brilliant. Good fic, good pairing.
Beneath the Stars-StarlightWalking 
Fandom: LOTR
A finished fic covering the travels and life of Tauriel after the Hobbit and through the War of the Ring. Really fleshes out the brief relationship between Tauriel and Kili. Provides a lovely conclusion to her story, which was more or less left hanging at the end of the movie. Shout out to TolkienGuardians for always posting updates on this so I could go read new chapters. 
Fandom: Star Wars
A canon divergent fic covering the Clone Wars, where Ahsoka wasn’t expelled from the Jedi Order and instead was promoted to a unique position. Proceeding relatively slowly, but has a lot of material, and each one is well done. Covers battle, politics, and slices of life, which very few other sources do. Contains a whole bunch of fics, so pick your poison.
Love, Life, and Peril-LiamReyes
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka No Ken
A unique take on the story of FE7, involving a tactician with a checkered past. This is an older fic that is progressing slowly, but is well written, with enough AU tossed in to keep the story fresh. The background adds a nice twist to the story, and some character deaths are left out, which I think makes the fic much better,
A Fresh Cup of Coffee-Lydia_Rogue (@marykay91​)
Fandom: RWBY
Hoo boy. Another favorite fic of mine, involving the formation and adventures of Team CFVY (You know, the ones that got maybe ten minutes of screen time?). Super well done, and covers some serious issues within the show that the actual series does not (Racism, Ableism, etc). Bonus points for having the team be in a super cute poly relationship, and for fully fleshing out the most badass team on the show.
Overwatch Emergency Communication Channel-ArcaneAdagio 
Fandom: Overwatch
This is... a legendary crackfic. Just, imaging the entire Overwatch team on a chat server during day to day life. Absolutely hilarious, and the format is great. Lots of pairings, lots of shenanigans. 
It's Basically Discord-Hanzo Shimada (Ubercharge)
Fandom: Overwatch
Same as the last one, another crack chatlog fic. This one starts in the days of Overwatch before the fall, so you get to see some of the interactions between the old soldiers when they were still young and snarky.
Reaping Dragons-MegsBlackFire 
Fandom: Overwatch
A series featuring genderbent Reyes and Hanzo, and covering their recruitment into Overwatch before the fall. McHanzo and Reaper76 feature prominently, and there’s plenty of OC characters to help flesh out the story. Well written, and ongoing through the current storyline of Overwatch (Whatever that is Blizzard’s timeline is so messed up)
The Young Never Sleep-CerealMilk (@cerealwatch​)
Fandom: Overwatch
A much, much darker fic, but one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Details D.Va’s life and current status in Overwatch, and explores how being a child soldier who’s been fighting omnics for years might fuck you up a bit. Lots of triggers, read the description before you start. Goes a lot into recovery and in how D.Va deals with life and death, and doesn’t treat her like a child. Basically the anti-gremlin D.Va; Hana Song and D.Va are very much not the same person here. 
Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts-Unpretty (@unpretty​)
Fandom: DC
Ah yes, another legendary series of fics. You’ve probably seen at least one of these floating around. Covers a wide range of topics, mostly Batman related, but all of them are well written, and most are hilarious. Hard to sum up this one since there’s so many fics, but all of them are worth a read.
The Stars Our Destination-CommanderRoastedWolf 
Fandom: Overwatch
A fantasy AU centering around Pharmercy, with Pharah as knight and Mercy as priest. Gorgeous worldbuilding and character development, and I love how other characters are portrayed. Ongoing, updates fairly slowly.
Imagine the Ocean-Damkianna
Fandom: AtLA
An Avatar AU where Katara is the Avatar, instead of Aang. Supremely well written, and adds touches of details to the original that improve the already incredible story. A few OCs provide some nice contrasting points of view.
Kingdom of Rust-Colms (@kelsiers​)
Fandom: Cosmere
Ah yes, this was a fun one. Wayne and Marasi go do shooty-shooty stabby-stabby detective work. I love this one because the writing style is so similar to Sanderson’s; the dialogue is spot on, and the plot fits right in with canon. Love the characterization of Marasi, who I at least feel is slightly underdeveloped in canon. 
Fandom: Overwatch/Pacific Rim
A crossover fic with Angela as a Jaeger pilot. Has both Pharmercy and Gency, and most of the other characters make appearances at one point or another. This one is plenty long, and the style/viewpoint of the writing is unique and makes for an interesting read.
Once There Was-Peradi 
Fandom: Star Wars
A series that examines the fall of the First Order from within, inspired by the actions of Finn when he dared to break off and become a traitor. Written almost like poetry, this one strikes deep and is a good read for fans of Star Wars from any era; it applied regardless.
In Loco Pirates-IzzyTheHutt 
Fandom: Star Wars
So what if Hondo (Yes, that Weequay pirate with impeccable business sense and a great sense of humor) ran into Luke Skywalker and then sold helped him reconnect with his father? Good stuff. Definitely AU, but so far everything is believable. Does some great character analysis of Darth Vader and Palpatine as well.
Fandom: TF2
A TF2 fandom? In 2017? Yep. An AU where the fem!mercs end up in the canon universe, and the two teams join forces to take down Grey Mann. A fun read, with all the characters behaving about as you’d expect them to when confronted with themselves. Lots of adorable couples too.
Wayward Son-Gunlord500 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka No Ken
Hoo boy. This fic. Over a million words across (I believe) six years and almost eighty chapters. In universe, it covers a few hundred years, following the story of a single enigmatic man as he lives, fights, loves, and dies. Very interesting backstory on one of the most mysterious characters in the canon, and contains loads upon loads of philosophy and religion that I, at least, found very useful.
The Last Red Shoulder-Gunlord500
Fandom: Fire Emblem 6-Fuuin No Tsurugi
In the same universe as the above, covering a side story about corruption and a horrifyingly evil artifact. Same praise as the above, basically, and well worth the read. Would recommend reading Wayward Son at least to about chapter 50ish first though, as there is some backstory that you’ll be better off knowing.
Six Shots to Go-CourierNinetyTwo 
Fandom: RWBY
Another CFVY fic, covering all six possible pairings in the team. Each one is explored in detail, and seems true to the characters from what we know of them. Overall, a cute fic (I think there might be some NSFW in this one, careful)
Silly: In Defense of Parvati Patil-DirgeWithoutMusic 
Fandom: Harry Potter
A look into life after the books, focusing on Pavarti and how she deals with the trauma of going through a full blown war before the age of eighteen. Fills in the gaps that JK Rowling left behind, and offers a much more realistic view of what life would be like after seeing your friends die.
Sealed In Silence-MorriganFearn 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
A look into the life of the Eight Heroes, focused around Bramimond, the Dark Druid. It’s told as a series of small interactions between Bramimond and the other heroes. An older fic, but it has aged well.
The Dusk of Our Revolution-LittleGreenBudgie 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
An AU where Matthew is trying to escape the Black Fang gang; a well written side fic that covers one of my rarepairs from this ancient fandom. Each of the Four Fangs makes an appearance as well, as do other characters, and the whole thing fits neatly into the new setting.
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
A quick meeting between Matthew and Leila. This is the rarepair I mentioned above, but it’s cute, and this little fic covers their interaction very well, I think.
End of An Era: Unholy Alliance-LordHippoman 
Fandom: League of Legends
The League falls to a combined assault from the Void, Noxus, and the Shadow Isles. An older fic that I read back when I played League super regularly, but it’s a good read overall.
Another Hope-Rose of the Nile
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed IV
This beautiful fic is another time travel fic, where Edward is sent back in time after the events of AC4. Knowing what he does, he tries to fix his mistakes. This one made me happy mainly because of the pairing and improved character development, and is a great read for anyone who loved Kiddway as much as I did.
Deep Breaths-CrimsonNoble
Fandom: League of Legends
An AU fic with Riven and Irelia. Basic Cop and Gang fic, with each of the major factions being a different gang member. Older fic, but done well, with interesting perspective shifts and descriptions.
More Than Words-Kitten Kisses 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
Sadly, this fic was taken down, but you should be able to email the author for a copy. A post game fic where Hector and Farina get back together. Very fluffy and angsty; poor Farina doesn’t catch a break in this one, but it all turns out lovely.
The Ice Girl-Meelu the Bold
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
Linus and Lloyd save Nino when she’s abducted by faeries; bit of a strange premise, but it leads to some classic puzzling and hack and slash action. Very old fic, but a good read.
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