#to private events as well....
chimchiri · 8 months
I would LOVE to hear more about your wonderbolts hcs.
I don't see enough people talking about them, which is a real pity because I've been obsessed with them for 10+ years lol
(Side note, fucking in love with you Fleetfoot human design she's so cute)
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I love the Wonderbolts. So so much. And it's such a pity there isn't more fanart or fanfic with them.... Especially Spits and Fleets. But yeah absolutely ask me or tell me things about the WBs I LOVE IT.
Since Fleets is the one you mentioned why not go with her?
Ever since Rainbow Falls and seeing both her and Spitfire being ruthless in regards of winning (to the misfortune of Soarin unfortunately), I hc her as extremely competitive. I do that with all the WBs anyway, but I feel Spitfire and Fleetfoot and Rainbow, once she joins, are on another level. All the WBs love to win. It's a necessity to be kinda obsessed with flying and driven to win. But Fleets and Spitty? They live to win.
In regards to Rainbow I headcanon that, once Rainbow gets over her status of a Newbie and is seen as a true equal, she and Fleetfoot argue, compete and go head to head a lot of times. They will always one up each other. Be it a simple adhoc race on a vacation trip or them challenging each other to the chubby bunny challenge during lunch. They will compete for anything and everything. Usually it's Spitfire who has to put an end to it before it gets too crazy and they actually burn or break something.
That fits into Fleetfoot's general character I love which is that I hc her to be goddamn insane lmao. She is basically a warlord. She's not afraid to go crazy and is most definitely the one with the most experience in terms of drugs and alcohol. She just takes any risk which includes spontaneous hookups with either guys or girls on the many parties she goes to or loves. Honestly she's basically a fuckboy. Which doesn't mean she doesn't care or doesn't show empathy. She's willing to go to any length when one of her friends is down. But she's not one to open up easily herself.
Also I like to think she doesn't have many romantically intimate relationships and prefers simple hookups. Which intensified once High Winds (or Windy because I think it's a cute name) joined. I like to think Windy was the newest member before Rainbow joined and it lead to Fleets having a mental crisis lmao. I love Fleets crushing on Windy but keeping it to herself and not making a move on her. A sorta self-made one-sided romance.
And speaking of who joined when. I like to hc that Fleets is Spitfire's oldest companion next to Soarin. Soarin and Spitfire go way back to when they were younger. They're literal childhood friends. But Fleetfoot is after Soarin the oldest WB regaring years of service. Which makes her second in command to Soarin when Spitfire is either sick or gone for another reason.
Honestly I could talk about them for days. I love the WBs. I love Fleets. I love Spitty. Soarin. Rainbow. Windy. Surprise..... I love 'em.
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fidgetspringer-art · 1 month
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The Shimmer Shields - Uniform design
#digital art#illustration#artists on tumblr#art#dungeons and dragons#dnd#ttrpg#homebrew#concept art#original characters#ocs#my ocs#Fen tag#Alowin tag#Setting: Heim#I was gonna do this rendered all pretty and stuff#but i've already spent too much time fiddling with this so flats will have to do#i really wanted to get the Shields uniform down on paper#as well as two of my silly little guys#Fen is wearing the standard officer uniform that people would commonly see on the streets of Novo-Mellior#Alowin is wearing the private hire uniform since he gets assigned to Tethry after a failed attempt on his life#The private hire uniform comes with a cape meant to cover the sword at their hip during formal events.#also anyone who ends up on private hire is ribbed pretty heavily by the rest of the soldiers since#that often means they get assigned either to some arrogant noble or an important caster (like an archmage)#and with the way that Shields and casters don't get along very well you'll get bullied for babysitting one.#The Shields value their uniforms and gear very highly since to a lot of them it's the only thing of significance that they own.#Their bracers and shields (not pictured cause idk what i want to do for them yet) are tiled with flail snail shell#which allows them to both block and reflect any spells cast at them back on the caster#it's also where the name of their order comes from cause shiny#I had big plans for this piece but at the end of the day it's just a design sheet
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purpleapplebird · 8 months
WxS Fixer: Computer Viruses, Invasion, and Trust
The more that I look at the WxS Fixer MV, the more I feel that Rui is being depicted as, or at least is analogous to, a computer virus.
(All translated lyrics are from MML!opinions!Fun!Chocolate! on the Vocaloid Lyrics wiki)
Exhibit 1: "permission..."
The main thing that I noted from the following two shots is the word "permission…" like when a program is asking to be run on a computer.
The first verse has Xs and ?s, showing that the program (Rui in this case) is asking for permission but is being blocked out.
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The 2nd verse, meanwhile, has =) and glitch effects surrounding Tsukasa, as if the program has successfully hacked in / been given permission to run.
(The smiley faces are also a neat nod to the lyrics, though they also remind me of the "YOU ARE AN IDIOT" virus LMAO)
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Exhibit 2: "this is right" -> "hello, world"
The first few pictures are from the 1st verse. The words "this is right" at the bottom are initially normal, but in the next few shots, the letters "h" and "t" turn purple and shift downwards. The apple is also changing color here.
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In the 2nd verse, "this is right" appears yet again with the imagery of the changing apple, but at the very end we see a shot of Rui with "hello, world"* in purple. Notably, this is also right before the shot of Tsukasa mentioned earlier with the smiley faces and glitchy parts.
*(For those who don't know, a "hello world" program is a computer program that prints out the words "hello world", used to showcase a programming language's syntax. It's often the first program one writes when they are learning a programming language.)
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Exhibit 3: INVASION
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Tsukasa's "INVASION" text is purple while Rui's text is just white, as if Rui IS the invasion while Tsukasa is being subjected to it.
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Exhibit 4: Changing colors
AKA Easily the most discussed part of the MV. The text progressively gets more purple and, at the very end, Tsukasa and Rui switch their initial colors. The ending makes me think that though Rui is the invader / fixer (haha), he has also been influenced by Tsukasa.
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My thoughts? Well, this 2DMV is fucking awesome. Like, if you're going to give me one of my favorite Vocaloid songs even prior to PRSK with my two favorite PRSK characters AND give them at 2DMV of said song, I'm going to overanalyze the shit out of it.
To me, the MV shows how much Tsukasa and Rui's relationship has developed from the main story to now. Though Tsukasa is the one who invites Rui to WxS, Rui at first joins for more self-fufilling purposes (getting a chance to do the best show)* and Tsukasa is more apprehensive and suspicious of Rui, though he also doesn't back away from the challenges Rui throws at him due to his goal to become a "world future star".
*he also initially joins more to get Nene to break out of her shell as opposed to anything for Tsukasa's sake
As Tsukasa and Rui become more familiar with each other, Tsukasa wants him and Rui to trust each other more, as seen in the Potato event. Tsukasa becomes the one who wants Rui to go all out while Rui is apprehensive.
By Smile of a Dreamer, it's clear that Rui isn't just in WxS to just "put on the best show" anymore. He's doing it for the friendships he's formed there and to be with people who see him for how he is as opposed to a weirdo. Tsukasa and the rest of WxS are willing to take risks for Rui without turning on his back, something that Rui learns in Potato event and RMD.
In that case, Tsukasa blocks out Rui at first, but, through working together in WxS, Tsukasa ends up accepting Rui for how his is, letting Rui's stage directions influence / "invade" him to become a better actor. In turn, Tsukasa's acceptance changes Rui as well, breaking him out of the shell of loneliness he built for himself and making him more willing to trust others.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 3 months
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Drawing from class two weeks ago, prof was introducing us to photoshop because not everyone had used it before, so those of us that were already familiar with it were goofing off lol
Small update; I have recently been given courage to come out and say that this blog will be temporarily put on hold. I'm not falling behind in my studies per se, but they've become such a massive source of stress that I can't focus/don't have time to draw for myself lately. I can confidently say my mental health is the worst it's been since last year; guilt for not talking to people and for not being more active on here is eating me alive, so I think it's best if I take at least one of those pressures off of myself.
When I'm back I'll likely have some classwork to show off, and maybe if the stars align, some personal drawings too haha. Until then, I'll still be somewhat active on my alt (@dawntheduckrb) and might even post some doodles there, so feel free take a peeksies if you want :D (posts are all over the place there though, so don't follow if you don't want dash clutter lol)
Sorry for any worry I caused; see y'all in May :)
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alright. know what? with Secrets of the Obscure right around the corner and plenty of new Mists-related sky island settings coming with it, I'll just bite the bullet and interest-check a little something I've been turning in my head for a long, long while.
would YOU be interested in a Mists-based GW2 roleplay guild that uses a lore compliant multiverse system to allow canon, canon-adjacent, lore-breaking, and otherwise 'contradictory' muses to coexist in the same setting?
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simply put: every writer's cast would be set in their own self-contained universe. as such, everyone could bring whatever muses they want with their own personal headcanons, and no one could dictate what is or isn't canon for anyone else. so long as your muses are GW2-based, you're good to go! bring your Commanders, bring your canon-divergent OCs, bring your canon muses-- and yes, even the ones that are 'supposed' to be dead. who can say what might have happened in a strange world far across the Mists, after all?
neutral hubs and in-character safety guardrails would be in place to keep all muses on a relatively even playing field regardless of their power, history, and prestige, too. play hardball if you like, but it might not end quite the way you'd hope. the main rule would be to maintain good OOC etiquette at all times: no godmodding, no metagaming, no theft, don't blend IC and OOC, and so-on.
if that sounds like something you might have interest in, please interact with this post! and if you've got questions or concerns, I'd love to hear them; feel free to send an ask or a DM, or just reply to this post!
#GW2 roleplay#GW2 rp#GW2#my posts#so there's a LOT of reasons why I'm putting this forward#but the biggest is that I really want there to be a place that's actually inclusive for all the creativity that exists in this fandom#there was exactly one Mists multiverse event a while back and it was well-received from everything I saw!#i know i for one had a lot of fun AND felt a lot more welcome and comfortable than i have at any other event#and then... we proceeded to just never have another again.#like. we could have more of that. that niche could still use filling! we can do SO much more with this!!!#and especially with SotO coming out we could have some REALLY interesting locations to meet up too!#I'd be happy to kickstart this stuff but the thing is: it WILL need support. I just can't do it all alone and that's a fact#example: if we want a guild hall in-game we'd have to work together to get one; that'd be great for hosting public and private events#my personal goal is 5-10 participants so that we can have enough to run small events and mingle muses a bit#IF there's enough interest i'll roll out more information at that time. for now tho i'll just leave it at this to test the waters#reblogs are HIGHLY appreciate here: i'm a smallfry in a big sea and not many people check the tags. spread the word if you want to see this#on that note: thanks for reading and hopefully i'll hear from some of you soon. o/#(side detail: that sky pic is a screen i snapped at night in Istan. it's so pretty there ok)
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shiraishi-kanade · 2 months
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Having opinions today
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hopewrought · 1 year
regarding duyen/valentine/laurel/rom aka exorkizein/royalgore
Those who were in darp a few years back may have known them as hemorrhaged, apocryphorum, throatkissed, and countless other urls.
Consider this a DNI and my reasons as to why.
I never wanted things to get to this point. All I’ve ever desired is to be able to stay in my own lane, and Valentine stay in theirs. But unfortunately things couldn’t be that simple, and it’s been three years of bs. The tl;dr version is that I unfollowed Valentine back in 2019, and ever since then they have held a wildly disproportionate grudge that involves confronting my friends, spreading lies about me and claiming I did various things to them, attempting to force others to unfollow me, stalking my blog, and those are only the things that I know about. Despite my own distaste for petty drama or airing dirty laundry publicly, at this point I feel I have no other option than to tell my side to those who are willing to hear it. 
Here it is. 
TWs for transphobia, rape mention, pedophilia, stalking, and harassment.
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brontes · 10 months
i hate loud music I should be allowed to shoot out large speakers with a sawed-off shotgun without consequences
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Via Twitter
*frantically looks up train tickets to Berlin*
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defunctforworms · 9 months
There is NO fanfic on Ao3 about Weir fucking the Event Horizon. None.
I'm going to have to do this myself, oh god.
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iwtvbigbang · 1 year
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"Let the tale seduce you . . . "
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Calling all creatives! There's one week left to sign up for the big bang - we welcome all characters, all ships, and all ratings (with applicable tags) - and our goal is to create exclusive content for the Vampire Chronicles fandom uploading all month long in October 2023.
If you'd like to participate, please check out our info page for all the links, and feel free to signal boost! But hurry, our open call applications close on the 31st of December.
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scyaxe · 10 months
so i recently started classes at Real College, and idk why i expected it to be like the community college i went to, but they just threw us in the deep end. classes started monday and i've already had a 1 page paper due. but also all of my professors have been like "call me by my first name" which i think is very funny, but also, respectfully, that is scary.
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whimsical-westbrook · 10 months
Shh. I'm still sorting through my phone to see what pictures I asked @lavender-town-radio to take I'm willing to post. Some of these are more embarrassing than others.
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deathwis-arc · 1 year
honestly, it's really interesting thinking about how the events of the desert dream in 1998 would get blown out of proportion in the coming years ; hell, it already kinda is twenty-four hours later. not only does the fbi get involved ( and they get involved quick ) but the entire thing is immediately labeled as 'the desert dream massacre' which is ... simply not true. if tyler doesn't kill joyce and michelle isn't shot then the total body count is four cops, with two on life support from the motel burning down. this is literally confirmed in game!
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events get labeled as massacres if there's a huge body count, or if it's violent enough. the desert dream killings were neither. all the victims were shot, usually at a distance, or they suffered from burns ; which, while violent, it was more of an escape attempt on the holts' part than anything else. i also find it telling that, even if the holts kill a hostage or two, agent bradley doesn't bother mentioning that in private. all he cares about is the cops lost to the standoff. it's no surprise that killing an officer will get you a more severe punishment then if you kill a regular person, that it can sometimes send you straight to death row on its own, but the fact they don't even care about the deaths of any of the hostages ... it sure is something.
especially since the only hostage deaths in the desert dream can turn the only two kids in the game into orphans. or on the flip side, if the holts didn't harm a hostage, there's no mention of that either. or how the hostages were treated, which compared to usual hostage situations, they got it better than most. it's just the fact that they killed cops ( who were under the thumb of a corrupt sheriff, by the way ) that made this into a massacre. though i wouldn't be surprised if to the public the force would then heavily focus on any other victims, that's usually what happens normally, after all.
anyway, point is, classism does play a role in how cases and crimes are treated -- especially back then. the holts were poor, notoriously so, and they were a family full of drop-outs with nothing to their names. the very second they escape the motel, their names are plastered all over the country and their fates ( including jay's, who's merely an eighteen year old who was an accomplice at best ) are decided : they're going straight to death row. even if jay tries to do the right thing and come clean to agent bradley, tries to turn on his family, said guy immediately goes to pin all the murders on him, for seemingly no reason at all! it's very unjust, and ah ... shady!
the news and papers hype up their crime spree and i wouldn't be shocked that within a couple years, the holts would be presented as bloodthirsty rednecks who were simply greedy rather than a family that didn't have any help and got in way over their heads. the narrative would be twisted so much, especially if three of the holts were never found. there'd be no word from their side, no mention of the thugs who were threatening to kill them, just a true crime story where they were at the forefront of a very unfortunate situation and got away with it. leaving gossips to fill in the blanks as they please, and considering the police's and the fbi's behavior towards this case, they would only fuel the narrative that the holts were a family who did all this on purpose and relished in the aftermath, a family who loved doing the crime.
anyway, it's just something i love thinking about for post canon stuff when it comes to my adf muses. how wildly inaccurate the story's become in time, simply because people got bored or because of the classism back then that was so woven into the broadcasted crime that it's become impossible to separate the two. they'd paint the holts out to be wildly dangerous, cruel individuals and probably spin tales about unsolved murders and robberies and how it could be the work of a holt who had got away. their entire motivation would be obscured and would've gone unsaid, leaving random civilians and a force who hates them to speak for them instead. it'd be a whole thing! and the desert dream was dramatic, sure, but by the time everything is said and done you'd probably barely recognize what the media was talking about had you actually been there.
#╰   *  OOC      :      mun      ⧽   ramblings of a fevered spirit .#(( don't mind me ... just musing about this because i find it endlessly fun haha#like. cannot stress enough tyler getting death row makes sense but JAY?#the fact they literally frame him for everything ... even if he hasn't committed a single murder ... speaks volumes imo#they did not care about any of the holts being innocent nor their reasons they wanted them to suffer that's it!#except sharon who doesn't get death row for some reason? like ... this entire case is so unfair and makes no sense#it's the way dante threatens the lives of all the hostages way more than the holts ever did and still got to keep his badge#as well as his corruption and assault on the motel not being brought up to the public. it's a matter that gets privately dealt with#like ugghh it really is about how little the justice system cares for poor people.#it's about how the holts felt like they had to deal with their lives being threatened by themselves!#they didn't feel like they could go to the police! or publicly ask for help! they didn't think there was another way#and in the end their original plan was harmless and was only hurting someone who deserved it ... they didn't just rob some establishment#they robbed a sheriff their ma had history with and who was literally corrupt#anyway. anyway! as much as it's crazy to me how the media would run with this story and make it about a family that was simply deranged#it's also ... fun to think about <3 for the victims of the desert dream and the holts#not only do they all have to live with this traumatic event that's changed all of them forever#they have to also live with a fabricated version of it -- a warped version of themselves being presented#imo this sleepy town in arizona was simply bored and they had one huge thing happen to them and so they exaggerated details#and the cops were just. well cops about it <3#ahem anyway your muse knowing about the desert dream from what the public's painted it out to be when? :smirk: ))#tw long post
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higherhell · 2 years
sometimes I do wish tumblr had something like private accounts on twitter where I could post art and only my mutuals could see...the internet is scary and it's sooooo hard to warm myself up to the idea of posting my characters in public, there is just something mortifying to me about having things so precious and close to my heart be so exposed. I imagine seeing my original art come up in google image results and a shiver runs down my spine. and yet... the allure of sharing things you love with your peers... alas
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sovamurka · 1 year
Бесобой: Сгоняй в магаз - PART 7
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Yay! You ran away from the security guards and reached your home’s foyer entrance. Write what you chose in the comment section. After 50 minutes, the last comment’s option will affect the result.
💬 Go to another food store (most people flooded the comments with this)
💬 Go upstairs to your flat 
💬 Remain where you stand (judging by the next post, ironically, it was the final option)
Yana: You didn’t buy bread, just as usual... What are we going to do now?
Balor: Well, we can’t go back, that’s for sure... Do you have any ideas? 
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