#I love almost all of the WBs...
chimchiri · 8 months
I would LOVE to hear more about your wonderbolts hcs.
I don't see enough people talking about them, which is a real pity because I've been obsessed with them for 10+ years lol
(Side note, fucking in love with you Fleetfoot human design she's so cute)
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I love the Wonderbolts. So so much. And it's such a pity there isn't more fanart or fanfic with them.... Especially Spits and Fleets. But yeah absolutely ask me or tell me things about the WBs I LOVE IT.
Since Fleets is the one you mentioned why not go with her?
Ever since Rainbow Falls and seeing both her and Spitfire being ruthless in regards of winning (to the misfortune of Soarin unfortunately), I hc her as extremely competitive. I do that with all the WBs anyway, but I feel Spitfire and Fleetfoot and Rainbow, once she joins, are on another level. All the WBs love to win. It's a necessity to be kinda obsessed with flying and driven to win. But Fleets and Spitty? They live to win.
In regards to Rainbow I headcanon that, once Rainbow gets over her status of a Newbie and is seen as a true equal, she and Fleetfoot argue, compete and go head to head a lot of times. They will always one up each other. Be it a simple adhoc race on a vacation trip or them challenging each other to the chubby bunny challenge during lunch. They will compete for anything and everything. Usually it's Spitfire who has to put an end to it before it gets too crazy and they actually burn or break something.
That fits into Fleetfoot's general character I love which is that I hc her to be goddamn insane lmao. She is basically a warlord. She's not afraid to go crazy and is most definitely the one with the most experience in terms of drugs and alcohol. She just takes any risk which includes spontaneous hookups with either guys or girls on the many parties she goes to or loves. Honestly she's basically a fuckboy. Which doesn't mean she doesn't care or doesn't show empathy. She's willing to go to any length when one of her friends is down. But she's not one to open up easily herself.
Also I like to think she doesn't have many romantically intimate relationships and prefers simple hookups. Which intensified once High Winds (or Windy because I think it's a cute name) joined. I like to think Windy was the newest member before Rainbow joined and it lead to Fleets having a mental crisis lmao. I love Fleets crushing on Windy but keeping it to herself and not making a move on her. A sorta self-made one-sided romance.
And speaking of who joined when. I like to hc that Fleets is Spitfire's oldest companion next to Soarin. Soarin and Spitfire go way back to when they were younger. They're literal childhood friends. But Fleetfoot is after Soarin the oldest WB regaring years of service. Which makes her second in command to Soarin when Spitfire is either sick or gone for another reason.
Honestly I could talk about them for days. I love the WBs. I love Fleets. I love Spitty. Soarin. Rainbow. Windy. Surprise..... I love 'em.
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One Tree Hill Meme {1/187} Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot Nathan & Haley In Every Episode
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I wish studios were more willing to give us different forms of superhero media. Like, the Into the Spider-verse series has been so good at taking a well known IP and giving us a different approach to it, such that the movies have been doing really well despite other current superhero flicks underperforming and people screaming about “superhero fatigue” every two seconds (though I guess it also helps that Spider-Man is one of the most profitable comic book IPs out there).
It sucks that studios aren’t really thinking out of the box - especially Warner Brothers. The Flash would’ve been the perfect DC guinea pig for this imo, especially the flashpoint paradox which is tailor made for a multiverse type animated picture. Just thinking of how we could get the different people who have carried the mantle of the Flash (Barry, Wally, Jay) and also introduce key supers from the JL. Maybe even make Wally the protag of the animated feature because the general public already has the cw show in their conscious, so a different Flash in a different style might have been interesting (also people - rightfully - prefer Grant over Ezra so…). Idk there’s been a real missed opportunity here and it sucks.
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janedoeremi · 1 year
Tumblr Memes of 2023
January: Polls, Bug Race, Tumblr Sexyman Round 2, No Fly List Leak
February: Vanilla Extract, Tumblr Sexywoman Polls, Homestuck Fandom Commiting Voter Fraud, Miette decimating Todoroki in Blorbo Polls, Just so many polls
March: Dean Winchester and his Time Traveling Impala in The Winchesters, Celebrating Ides of March a week early, March 14th: The Day Krabs Fries, Ides of March, Autism Swag Poll, Ultimate Cat Girl (Gender Neutral) Poll, Putin having a warrent for his arrest, The Bots returned with a vengance
April: April Fools Day, Sonic the Hedgehog died, Trumps arrest, Barbie Arresting Trump, Everyone getting a Barbie description, Poll with Nina Tucker and Alexander needs them to tie to move on together, hyperspecific polls, Misha Collins assigned Bisexual by the WB, Elon Musk being the victim of Murphy's Law, It's gonna be May
May: Dracula Daily cast is stuck in a time loop, Trigun stan causes book: This Is How You Lose the Time War to become a bestseller, whatever the fuck happened with Eurovision, TOTK releases and gave us our feral Link back, Barbie and Ken arrested template.
June: Pride month, Across the Spiderverse... just all of it, trump getting arrested...again, The Great Reddit Migration & r/196, Horse Race, Meows Morales, The week long Titanic Oceangate Iron Lung Clusterfuck, Destial 'i love you' news meme trends at least 4 different times for different reasons, Papyrus says fuck day
July: Twitter post rationing causing Tumblr Migration 2: Electric Boogaloo, ao3 went down for 2 days, ao3 readers debating on going back to wattpad/ff.net, Barbieheimer double feature, Tree Law invoked, Elon renamed Twitter to X
August: Tiktok trying and failing to make their own Goncharov: Zepotha, Destiel confirmed canon again by not-so-rouge translator, Riverdale polycule finale, Trump mugshot, One Piece Live Action Pirate-Clown annoys Tumblr users
September: Mole Interest, Ice King became a Tumblr Sexyman again, 21st of September.
October: Spooky month, Merlin Twitter updates for first time in years to show streaming options confusing fans, The Amazing Digital Circus and Nerdy Prudes Must Die both trend for a week straight, trying to insert Markipler into the FNAF Movie
November: Nov. 5th 3rd year anniversary, Zach and Cody get their dinner reservation after 15 years. Goncharovs 1st 50th anniversary.
December: Gavle Goat being devoured by Jackdaws, Hbomberguy lives up to his name and nukes James Somerton's plagerism ridden channel, Its Dec 10th, We're gonna have to kill this guy template, almost Christmas, one more sleep til Christmas (screams internally), Halloween trends on Christmas Eve
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Little Things You Do That OP Men Love (SFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Katakuri, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace
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He loves watching you eat with him, whether it’s donuts or just some other snack he likes how your cheeks get almost as big as his when you relax and stuff your face
He enjoys watching you try to fight him. You tend to throw hands with him a lot in a playful way, he’s a big mf so he really doesn’t feel much when you climb, slap, punch or kick him. He views it very cute when you do it when you get jealous or pouty.
To add on to that he loves how you were never afraid of him. Of course it took him sometimes to get used to the affection you gave him, and honestly he thought you’d leave after he showed you his teeth, but you fell more in love with him and he will always cherish you for that
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He loves how easy it is to make you laugh. He loves your laugh so much. When he first heard it he did such a wide smile, Robin swears up and down the first time he made you laugh that’s when he fell for you, but Luffy never understood why she said that. He tried everyday to hear you laugh at least once regardless if you hate it or not. You look best when you smile.
The way you always share your food with him. I mean yeah there are many things you do for him and sharing your food is one. He loves eating with you and bonding over food. He secretly likes when you feed the food to him too.
The way you take and wear his hat. He has only allowed very few people to wear/hold his hat but he only gives you the privilege of taking it when you want. You look better in it anyways.
The way you run and hug him when you see him. He is a touchy person naturally so when you first hugged him he literally could have melted in your touch. He thinks you’re so soft and smell SOOOO good. Many times after hugging Luffy he keeps his body wrapped around you.
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He loves the way you talk. Whether you have an accent or not your voice gives him a peace of mind. You never yell at him or belittle him with your words. If you both aren’t bantering with each other Everything you speak towards him is all love and affirmation and he wouldn’t change it for the world
He loves how you admire small things about him. You always compliment his freckles, his hair, the way he dresses (even if he barely wears clothes) you’re just so positive around him. He does a small crooked smile when you do it.
The way you say “I love you.” To him. You’re one of the first few people next to his brothers and WB to show him what love really was and when Ace first heard you say that to him he cried.
How carefree you are around him. He notices the way you are more reserved with other around, but when you’re alone with him you are the complete opposite. Ace appreciate you have that kind of trust to be that vulnerable around him.
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Yes he loves everything about you BUT the one thing he loves the most is how your eyes light up every SINGLE time he walks into the room. Being played by so many women and not desired by many of them the fact that you’re probably the first to have a genuine happiness to have him around makes him feel so honored and loved.
The way you look at him has him on his knees. It’s similar to the first one, but sometimes you have this small low lidded gaze he can’t look away from. You make his cheeks on FIRE with that look! It’s not even intentional and he doesn’t even think you know but when your chin is rested on your hand and you watch him in admiration he gets so shy.
The way you touch him. He’s a touchy guy too, but how you sometimes fix his hair, adjust his tie, or even tie his shoes gets him going—-not ALWAYS in a sexual way but in a way where he will drown you in “I love you’s” for the gesture
He loves watching you talk about things you love to him. There were so many unknown and interesting facts about you he has learned while talking to you, you’re so expressive and fun to speak to. Some days when he isn’t having a love fit he just enjoys having a long and deep conversation.
How patient and gentle you are with him. You never have hit Sanji, pushed him away, cursed at him, or anything. You’ve always welcomed his lover boy antics and him as a whole. You’re so understanding when he screws up somehow that he believes one day you may leave him if he don’t get his act together, but you reassured him nothing could make you love him any less.
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How you motivate him, he doesn’t tell you of course but seeing you focused on getting stronger gives him the courage to keep going
The way you snap back at him. We all know this mf loves to make smart remarks but when you first clapped back he was so attracted to you . You don’t back down from talking crap to him and he loves that so much
The way you hold him., whether he admits it or not after a love making session or just when you both are sleeping he loves when you pull him into your chest and hold him tightly. Your touch is one of the few things that helps him have a sound mind and make him smile
When you fight, he does get a liiittllleee turned on seeing you work yourself up because you get so cocky and angry while fighting enemies, but he likes how quick you are on your feet (remember that scene where Zoro asks if Chopper is ganna be okay and he says yes and Zoro says “That’s my man” Akbshssskj he says “That’s my girl” to you when you fight )
How you trust him always made his heart flutter. You’re more than capable of fighting on your own, but it’s those moments where you don’t bat an eye to when an enemy is about to attack and you don’t worry because you know Zoro will come to your rescue. He’s asked you why tf do you act so careless when he is around but you smiled and told him, “Because I know a swordsman that will protect me.”
Ego boost.
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stillxnunpxidintern · 2 months
I just had this thought of if Rouge lived as WB came to Rouge rescue cause Roger told him about his future child and asked WB to look out for Rouge and his child.
So Rouge and Ace live on the Moby, Rouge ends up basically becoming Mum of WB pirates.
Rouge and WB become very close friends and confide in each other but there is no romantic feeling between them, no matter how many times some of the crew places bet on it.
When Ace is a baby WB take him and hold him in his left arm when Rouge was in need of sleep for an hour or two, so he would sit in deck with Ace telling him different parts of the ship.
As Ace grew he would start to climb and sit on WB shoulder, trying to mimic Marco, and say cause he was the tallest he was in charge, everyone would laugh and say aye aye Captain, as WB would "whisper" to Ace what had to be done
They stop on Dawn Island for what ever reason, some time after Shanks has been and Rouge finds Sabo & Luffy and adopted them almost instantly, especially when she sees Luffy wearing Shanks/Roger hat.
Ace is hesitant of both boys at first but quickly finds out having other kids around his age is so much better to have fun and can cause mayhem with
Nearly all the WB pirates loved their new youngest siblings with all the energy and chaos they bring to the ship.
Luffy from the get go doesn't like Teach and will avoid him/not talk much when he's around, putting people in between himself and Teach
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xamaxenta · 7 months
ASL all being raised on violence so they genuinely don’t understand softer touch, genuine kindness at first
Like these three feral jungle kids bit kicked scratched each other full on brawled one another because it was the only way they knew how to show affection
(Garp’s fist of love is not exactly a great point of reference for any of them, Dadan was also likewise heavy handed but lets be real these brats kicked her ass more than she kicked theirs lmao)
Luffy clicks with Zoro because Zoro’s just built like that, he’s built walls and his dreams to become the worlds greatest swordsman and nothings gonna stop him, So when Luffy decks him, hauls ass flings him about, its how Luffy shows affection, rocketing at top speed towards Zoro whilst yelling his name because he knows Zoro can take it, the same doesnt really go down well with Nami or Usopp, theyre not built the same way— bruises and bumps and scratches, Nami whacks him over the head all the time for stupid stuff she says and Luffy finds thats familiar, to which Usopp is like my guy my dude thats actually pretty effed up holy hell
Usopp and Sanji being the first of the crew to show Luffy that affection doesnt have to be violent (like usopp sharing a cool beetle he found, Sanji ruffling his hair because hes mad hes gotta wait until dinner for more food)
Ace fights a lot because it’s all he knows how to do right, hes good at it, he wins alot mostly but loses just as many times because he overestimates himself, maybe after fighting Whitebeard 100 times he doesnt let up and Whitebeard catches on immediately after Ace has taken his ink like son, just because i can kick your ass doesnt mean you have to go looking for it. Ace confused is like huh? But isnt this like a bonding activity and WB concerned asks Ace what his childhood was like and Ace shrugs uh. Absent everyone? Like everyone, kinda acted out a ton for attention and stuff, the WBP appalled at Ace’s viewpoint on violence versus affection look to multiple ways in which they can smother their newest brother with actual kind affection, naturally it starts with Marco approaching him with food and no other motive than to be kind — Ace used to fighting tooth and nail to eat looks so suspicious its almost heartbreaking
Sabo who’s never known a kind word from his blood parents and only begruding respect and tolerance from Dadan — hes perceptive, the fact this bandit lady with the crazy intense face is allowing him to freeload with Ace n Luffy tells him a ton about her, she’s coarse and rude and everything Sabo’s parents hate so naturally Sabo loves her, (its a shame we never got more Dadan and Sabo :(((((() gravitates towards Ace because he’s everythinf his parents hate too, wild uncouth loudmouthed and violent and they get along, they beat each other up bc its how they tell each other theyre strong ive got your back
And then he loses his memories and maybe thats a good thing because Sabo learns kindness with the revolutionaries, he feels seen and heard and respected (Big Applause to Dragon and Iva for listening to kid Sabo beg and plead not to go back to his old life and went okay hes ours now chadmindset love to see it) he learns that violence and affection are a double sided coin, that he can use his skills to fight and protect those that cant do it for themselves
ASL are a rowdy set of rabble rousin kiddos but its really nice to see how they develop as they got older bc of the people they encountered who help them understand theyre not alone as they think they are
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marisatomay · 5 months
i am cautiously extending my empty cup in hopes for some spilt tea. what's happening?
Today it was announced that Tom Cruise would be moving his production company to Warner Bros.
Now, Tom Cruise has had a long relationship with Paramount, starting in 1986 with Top Gun, so when he set up his production company in 1993 (31 years ago) they gave him a first-look deal and offices on their lot and—except for a brief stint in the late 00s, when he and his producing partner Paula Wagner had a falling out with former Paramount head Sumner Redstone and were kicked off the lot (it was said by Redstone to be because of Cruise’s public breakdown but everyone knew it was because Paramount was looking to cut costs and decided to slash and burn), which led to a brief stint where Cruise/Wagner co-ran United Artists with MGM for about 3 years before Redstone and co. got over themselves and brought Cruise back to Paramount—he has been until now.
His deal with Paramount was never exclusive and neither is his new deal with WB. He’s still working on MI8 and, as far as I know, plans to shoot that movie in space with Universal/NASA. He's worked with every studio (barring Disney and their subsidiaries since 1988) consistently over his career. It's just extremely notable that he would move his production company out of Paramount when he never has done so of his own volition before. The only comp I can think of (albeit on a smaller scale) is if Steven Spielberg suddenly moved Amblin out of Universal.
There are really fascinating business and creative implications here—What is the current state of Paramount? What are Shari Redstone et al doing that their biggest star has up and left? What does it say for Cruise’s late career that the press release seemed to really emphasize original theatrical releases?—BUT (!!) I love gossip. I want to know, blow by blow, exactly what, when, and how it happened that Tom Cruise decided to move his production company out of Paramount for the first time of his own volition.
I need to know. Is Cruise doing this as part of a larger effort to save WB from itself? Did Paramount know that Cruise was being courted by WB and so they intentionally fumbled the release of Dead Reckoning in hopes that it would flop in order to make a deal with Cruise look less desirable? Had Cruise noticed that almost all of his non-franchise work over the last 20 years had been with studios other than Paramount and, after one too many original ideas were shot down, he decided to start looking around? Did he fall out with Paramount leadership over something immensely stupid and catty? Did they fallout over his support for his agent who was being blacklisted for supporting Palestine? Is he being brought in to bring Zaslav to heel? I need to know everything. This is the juiciest thing to happen in Hollywood in a minute.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING & other sweets 🌃
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when i first saw this song being discussed earlier, i was confused cause i don’t know what’s happening. lol. what’s with the song. i cannot trace where the screenshot is from but it says one of WYB’s favorite song is this, one night in beijing.
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then a fan commented that XZ sang this in our song before ( not main performance ) and someone found a recording. did he discover the song because of that? was it on zz’s playlist at some point in the past and became his fave?
the song itself tho. very 👀👀👀
Don’t wish to ask where you have been
Don’t wish to wonder if you are ever returning
I’m thinking of your heart, I’m thinking of your face
I’m thinking of your embrace – I won’t let go, I just won’t
that’s just the first few lines and i’m here nodding my head that this fits his style of bittersweet song.
but this not even the interesting part….
Fans are thinking about how this relates to what’s been happening in the past few ways. The way we have speculated about 11/19 and WYB acting as the mystery driver again. Then him sharing a post on his weibo. One night in Beijing? Does he love that particular title cause it sometimes describes their meetings? They are often busy and one night is all they can get.
People are also pointing out the change in ZZ’s work schedule today. His LOCH sched starts early and ends in the evening or very late but the 5:30-6:00 AM call time for him is almost fixed. Yesterday, 11/22, WYB posts and we think they are together. What happens today? ZZ comes in “late” to work at 11:30 AM. So why the change? Was he spending time with Bobo? This reminds me of that time he was out of his schedule too when Bobo was sick.
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A common argument from haters is how is a relationship between them possible. They are busy! Well.. this is how. since 2020, they have been meeting (allegedly) and even going to each other’s workplace ( allegedly lol repeating this to be safe ) It doesn’t matter how long, they make it work. You will always find time for the important people in your life.
Next, let’s move on to XZS post. On a Thursday. Also it perfectly coincides with their WB account reaching 10 million followers. The photos shared are behind the scenes content from ad shoots but the contrast of the photos stands out. Day & Night. The kadian they use, 14:23 loving zhan forever. Which goes to show that they do use it!
The caption gives us more insight on the choice of photos. Sun & Moon. Another symbolism that is popular with CPFs Sun/Sunshine & Moon.
“It is the perfect moment, just like when the gentle light meets the rising moon.”
I think the english translation doesn’t give that much deeper meaning that we clowns love. so we gotta take it to the next level 🙃🙃🙃
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"Fuguang" and "Wangshu" are both important elements in Chinese culture. "Fuguang" comes from the works of Song poets in the Southern Dynasties, which means sunlight or sunlight."Wangshu" is a god in Chinese mythology and legend, representing the moon and can be used to describe moonlight'. The two can be combined to show that lovers support each other and move towards a bright future together.
This caption aligns to WYB posting a photo yesterday that shows the 🌙. So does this mean WYB is the Moon & ZZ is the Sun/light? I have to say that it fits with their personality ( tho Bobo is warm and ZZ has his moments of being cold too but you know what I mean, for symbolic purposes only ok. ) I am loving this imagery between them! I hope we can have more reference in the future.
I’m cackling at this tho. The progression of posts, WYB’s caption was a reminder that it’s getting colder > YBO reposts and says to wear warmer clothes > XZS posts and GG is wearing a cozy sweater 😂 As if saying that yep, he has worn warmer clothes. LOL.
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and xzs and ybo are at it again, the photo ybo shared yesterday was showing wyb’s back and xzs shared something similar today as the last photo in the grid. i’m sure they have lots of photos that show his face or close ups of his body like his hand but they had to choose this as the finale.
i mean thank you, this will make it easier for us to edit them together 😂😂😂
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Bonus, the “light” photos appear to form an 8 = bo. (p1) is a himalaya episode about the 8 of diamonds card forming an 8. What a coincidence!
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 month
Know this is random, but I have a theory about Sora: she was a D.
Like, the stuborness that her action means, being strong enough to drink poison when pregnant everyday during MONTHS and still being alive for 6 years, all the inconditional love she has for her kids, every single thing is like a D.
She did what she did knowing Judge could kill her, just bc she wanted her kids to be human.
And also? I don't believe her personality is actually all lovey-dovey. Maybe more like Sanji, still lovey-dovey but agressive if needed. She just acted 100% lovely bc it was her kid.
Now that I said the theory, now a au: single mom!Sora. She, while pergnant and after starting drink poison, takes Reiju and go away. Sora wants to kill her shitty husband but for now it's not possibly.
Sora starts to be a pirate after giving birth to her quadruplets, and the will of D. more the sword and gun skills make her strong. No one is able to catch her, bc the woman is smart and strategic.
Everything is fine, the 1234ji are all human and have emotions, Reiju is a smart girl and looks up to be like her mom. Until Judge kidnaps Sanji.
This makes Sora angry to the point she goes at Germa. And she finds her ex-husband, but there's no sign of her forth kid. Full of rage, Sora kills Judge, believing he killed one of her childs.
But Sanji had scaped and stoped at the rock, with Zeff. They starve until the day Sora and 0124ji finds them. After being saved by this women who is eggplant's mom and a pirate herself, he says that when Baratie opens, they're welcomed to come whenever they want.
Four years later, Sanji starts to work on the restaurant, under Uncle Zeff's care. Of course, his family sends letters and visit. With Sora being more and more strong and a bigger bounty every year. And a crew.
Then, when Sanji is 19, he meets a guy named Luffy and join his crew. Everything from the story happens until Marineford. Where Sora (a pirate with almost the strength of a Emperor of the Sea) go help WB, Ace and Luffy. She saves the three of them from dying and receives the title of Fifth Emperor of the Sea this day.
Of course, both Luffy and Ace notice this woman named Skylar D. Sora is identical to Sanji. And when they ask, she just says "Well, he's my kid. One of them."
She helps Rayleigh to train Luffy (bc she uses haki a lot + he's Sanji boyfriend), and after the TS, she + 0124ji go to see Sanji in the Strawhats reunion. Everyone surprised Sanji's mother is a Emperor.
(P.S.: also, I believe in this au Sanji would be normal about womans. And the Skylar D. is Sora and her kids lastname)
Amazing, so good. Judge does NOT understand the Will of D like Doffy does, that's for sure. Doffy hates it for a fucking reason and Sora is a stubborn bitch(loving) for a reason. She absolutely argues with Judge at every opportunity and chugs poison throughout BOTH her pregnancies. Then she just fucking leaves, she has to have Conqueror's haki as she makes her escape and just knocks everyone out and leaves with her sleeping toddler. So she leaves, still chugging poison and makes her escape and starts a pirate crew.
She gets a crew that she believes will help her and her kids after she gives birth, and they do, her crew is GREAT okay? Her crew is full of people who care about her and the kids. She's terrifying, absolutely terrifying and has earned A LOT of respect from the crews on the seas but also White Beard specifically. He's like their adopted grandpa and some of their first allies. They do not sail under him and Sora has made it VERY CLEAR she never wants to date again. She is all about her kids and piracy, she has done a full 180 of nobility and is so fucking pumped to fuck up the government and so are her kids and crew. She has gone full anarchisticly feral. She is so lovely to her crew and she puts up that lovey dovey front which lulls people and other pirates into a false sense of security. Then they see her shoot her guns or swing her swords or use her haki and she's terrifying god. GOD.
Her kids all grow up human and using training with swords and guns and using haki, a necessity in the New World and Grand Line. It's going great, they've all learned code, even Sora because she doesn't half ass things so she studied it and uses it as much as she can and learns from other older pirates. Then Sanji gets kidnapped while he's out with the cook and another crew member to get supplies. He's gone. They can't find him. Sora is pissed and 124ji are crying the set is broken because they've almost always been together, if you count them going with different people on the crew who specify in their interests to get supplies as breaking the set, so they're distraught. Sora immediately sets course for Germa and goes off after them. She will get her son back come Hell or high water. He's crossed her once with what he's done and now Germa will be sunk. Germa sails fast and they're self-sufficient so it feels like they can never catch up. It's a fruitless chase for a while until they find Germa.
But they don't find Sanji. Sora is pinning Judge to the ground by his haki demanding where her son is and Judge tells her that Sanji is dead. Sora takes Judges own sword and beheads him. She leaves and they sink all of Germa and her kids and crew see her come back. Furious and distraught as she orders the sinking of Germa, her hands empty except for swords. They follow the orders given and let the tears fall as they do. Sora explains everything Judge said in her Captain voice which is a lot like mom voice but far more intimidating to everyone. They do what they would for a funeral service and it just...hurts. The set is broken, her son is dead, the crew has lost a member. It's horrific. He's dead.
He's not, he's on a cruiseship cooking for his keep, he does enough for his bed and sometimes for food, more often than not eating half eaten garbage because i have to hurt baby lemon. I have to. He's already been starved in the dungeon and upon his escape having to go to work on a cruise ship to live. It's not like with his mom or his crew and he wants to go home. To the boat where he shares a room with his brothers, it's like a closet but it has four hammocks in it and Sanji and Niji would be on one side and Ichiji and Yonji would be on the other. He stays quiet and out of the way until the ship is boarded by pirates sometime later. Sanji will not die, he will find the All Blue and says so to the pirate. Then he's stuck on a rock with the geezer who was going to kill him. They'll be lucky if they make it off alive, even luckier if unscathed. So they wait, starving and dehydrated. Until they see a ship, finally, eighty-five days later sailing straight towards them. Sanji edges closer to the edge and yells for help until the jolly roger comes into view and is clear, then he starts crying and absolutely screaming 'MAMA' at the top of his lungs to Zeff's surprise. This kid, this absolutely shitty brat is Skylar D. Sora's kid? He's a fucking D? No, no Zeff's not going to think about that as they're rescued and taken to the infirmary aboard the ship. They make a deal about eating at Baratie whenever they're in the East Blue and if/when Sanji decides he will come work at Baratie and Zeff agrees. In exchange Zeff is taken care of and left with a decent sum of money to continue his care and start Baratie. It's wild. Zeff makes the eggplant promise to be good when he leaves. Sanji glares because he hates the name. Now everyone is using it. He's going to kill the old guy. DOESN'T MATTER HE'S THEIR UNCLE! NO! THEY ALREADY HAVE A TON THANKS TO GRANDPA WHITEBEARD! MAMA~!
Sanji goes to fully work there at like 14/15 and Zeff and learns a lot more, the kids been a pirate most of his life, save for his work on the Orbit and his mother is in the New World. He sends letters to his family and they send them back and Sanji is just happy to still be his mother's son. Then he joins the Strawhat Pirates and starts dating the captain and he's sending letters and no one recognizes him and his poster is awful. He doesn't mind though, his bounty raises quickly and it's not up to his siblings level yet, soon it will be. He knows that. He's also just the cook apparently. Sure he doesn't fight with his hands anymore but give him a gun sometime! It's good fun, Usopp! Promise! PROMISE!!
But then Sabaody happens and Luffy is separated not only from his crew but also his boyfriend and his brother is going to be executed so he makes his way to Impel Down and then to Marineford in order to try to save him. He has to try. He has to get to his brother. So he escapes with everyone from the Impel Down team and watches the start of the execution. Then the war starts as the White Beard fleet attacks. It's big and loud and terrifying but Luffy is making his to the execution platform and Sora and her crew show up, immediately joining the fray as Sora joins White Beard and smiles lightly as they join the fight. Of course the tides start turning when Teach starts fighting White Beard and and Ace goes back to fight, against what everyone has yelled at him for. Then Akainu punches Ace in the back and then Luffy lets out that wave of haki The hit didn't kill him because Yonji pushed them out of the wave, just full speared the brothers after the first gracing of skin and lava. The brothers are out of it as Jinbei comes to get them and he looks at the blond who shoos him away with them, yelling at him to get them away. Save them.
So Jinbei starts running and then lava graces his shoulder and hits Luffy in the chest as he boards the Polar Tang because Law says they're too interesting to die. Sora and White Beard are fighting Teach. Then Shanks shows up and ends the war, Sora of course is glaring at him as the crews and marines start collecting their dead and wounded. Sora has a half a mind to go yell at him, then again, she's a D so she walks up to him with a cold look. They stare at each other with hardened eyes before Sora shoves past him to make arrangements with the White Beard fleet to meet and discuss the next steps. Sora takes Luffy to meet with Rayleigh after and then they train him. Luffy is distraught about his crew and Ace being touch and go and not being able to be there. Sora is entrusting her crew to her first mate and her kids to go take care of her territory and the startings of the fleet she is amassing. When Ace comes to visit, like a year later, still rehabbing because that punch was nasty, he has Marco and White Beard with him because those two want to talk to Sora. Ace however is looking at Sora and points at her and asks Luffy if his boyfriend turned into a forty something year old woman, Marco immediately punches Ace as Sora and Whitebeard lose it. Sora explains Sanji is her child, her forth one and the second youngest. White Beard asks where he is and Sora says he's missing. Again. It's not the first time, hopefully it's the last but she doesn't count on it. White Beard is laughing harder as Sora explains it and is just thankful Sanji's a D and was raised a pirate so he should be fine. This is a lot for Ace and Luffy, not the D part but just everything else. It makes a lot of sense though so Luffy shrugs and says cool. Sanji looks like his mom.
Then Luffy leaves to go help Hancock so when the Strawhat crew is reuniting everyone is staring at this emperor of the sea and her four kids who all look like Sanji, except with different hair and one's a girl. She is hounding Sanji about Code who is assuring her he still follows it and keeps calling her 'Mama' and Zoro finally asks who the fuck she is outside of Sanji's mom and why people are paying her a lot of respect. Nami immediately yelling at him that's Captain Skylar D. Sora, Emperor of the Sea, and apparently Sanji's mom. She helped at Marineford.
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quinloki · 2 months
Okay so
Wb pirates but Yandere, they slip up and when teach stabs thatch(he survives cause I said so) he takes reader with him and everyone proceeds to freak the fuck out like a dog on cocaine
Like???? I think marco and thatch would have it the worst cause Marcos the most obsessed and grilling himself on how this could happen and thatch is sitting in the recovery room pissed he couldn’t protect them? But I can imagine everyone is spiraling.
How far would teach get? Would it still just be ace who goes after him?
I love the idea that at some point the reader had told Teach they really missed home. Like, they’ve come to terms with being a part of the crew no matter what, but it’d be nice to be able to go home.
So when Teach’s reason to bounce happens, he brings them along. (Grabbing the reader is what makes the stabbing job just sloppy enough that Thatch survives). In this way he’s almost a good guy? But even the reader’s like “I appreciate the intent, but turning traitor still not cool.”
Plus now that they’re off the ship and on the run, the reader’s a nervous wreck. Are they really free? Are they really going to be able to go home, even for just a little while? Is there really any place in the world they could disappear into and not have to worry?
And there are SO MANY WAYS this could go too.
Maybe they’re too attached to whoever and Teach’s plan to “save” them ends up with them stabbing him in the back? Whether it’s Ace or more, they find the reader sword in hand, covered in blood, just kind of losing it by Teach’s corpse.
Maybe they do manage to disappear and start a new life, and it’s not until it’s all said and done - where the news says everyone from the crew is dead or imprisoned and no one even knows where Marco is. They go to the island to pay their respects at the gravesite, not really guilty about leaving, but the crew did care for them, even if it was twisted.
I’m saying farewell they learn that Marco is indeed alive and well. Fully retired on the island. Doctor and protector. The sweet ending is the both of them apologizing - Marco for how they trapped the reader, the reader for how they left. It’s a long LONG road of hard conversations and compromises, but it works out in the end.
Or it’s just as it was and they’re chained and restrained in his home until they break again, accepting their fate and filling the void of his grief.
But maybe the four famous commanders catch up with Teach. The fight that ensues could go a few ways, but is the tragedy that the reader doesn’t survive the fight? Does the pain of that loss shatter the others that Teach ends up with far greater treasures? Izou and Thatch won’t survive, but who does the WG want more? The King’s brat, or Pops’ most beloved son? They could have both but Teach feels he’s earned the other as his own prize.
There’s certainly a lot in there to play around with. Including a real turning point where the reader foils Teach’s plans entirely and he dies on the Moby. The reader earns way more freedoms after that, even though the crew still essentially keeps them. But for them to risk life and limb to protect Thatch puts everyone at ease.
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SEMIFINALS: Max Goof (Disney)/Yakko Warner (Animaniacs) VS Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)/Jevil (Deltarune)
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Propaganda for Max Goof/Yakko Warner:
I just like them. I think its cute. Romeo and juliet vibes because theyre from different studios, Disney vs warner brothers. They're both funny, dorky guys, and they bring out the best in each other. Plus only child vs overworked older child turned parent is a really good dynamic too.
#yakko x max opened my third eye #this needs to be a thing
Cameo of Max's VA expressing approval of the ship~!
#yax propagandists ASSEMBLE
#yax sweep #they deserve it
Ok I keep forgetting to submit my own Yax propoganga but I have put so much thought into them.
They have the same sense of humor, we literally see them tell almost identical jokes. They’re both such dramatic showoffs and they both are schemers, they're both the brains of their group (friends v family)
They’re complimentary.
They’re foils.
Beause Yakko isn’t as open with his emotions, he’s more sarcasti. But Max has been truthful about what he feels since Goof Troop. It's there on the surface and he communicates and understands in ways that would be SO good for Yakko. They're two sides of the same coin. They are opposites but they support each others weaknesses. Yakko wants so badly to make people laugh, and it’s so important to him to do so. His self worth is connected to it, but Max doesn’t like his laugh and suppresses it. It practically writes itself. So yeah, there’s all the fun WB/Disney forbidden lovers, but it works off a dynamic that would already work really well. That's why I like them so much
Propaganda for Dimentio/Jevil:
They’re both insane clowns, they both have purple and yellow in their colors, they both (if you make it to Jevil’s fight) make an effort to kill the player, there’s so much in common.
Silly little guys who kill
#JEVENTIO SWEEP #I love my chaotic bastards
#as the number one jeventio fan i order ya'll to vote jeventio #PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS #I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SEEING THE SHIP GET RECOGNITION THO THIS IS INSANE
#yay for the clowns!!! #I hope they win this!!
#please vote jeventio!!! #it's a lot more fun!!
#JEVENTIO SWEEP!! #two chaotic clowns is a match made in heaven!!
#JEVENTIO?!???? #GO FOR THE CLOWNS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND #spm 🤝 deltarune (having a singular goofy jester. they’re in love btw) #manipulative evil bastard who almost destroyed the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE #x chaotic little ball whos fully convinced you’re all trapped and doomed #also they’re both non-binary. if you even care
I really feel like Jevil and Dimentio would level each other out well! Sure they’re both villains, but that doesn’t make their ship any less sweet!
#VOTE JEVENTIO!! just because something is chaotic doesn’t mean it’s any less loving!!
Art Credit: Max/Yakko art by @/doodle-poofes Jevil/Dimentio art by @/kannra-orhara
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Yo I know Whitebeard is the funniest man in your AU. In one of your posts you say hes like a big tattoo artist, imagine he has like tattoo shops EVERYWHERE (to make up for is crew in the actual one piece story). Almost everyone that hasn't got a tattoo there thinks its just like an undercover gang... Because they all are like "working" under Whitebeard💀 So now when Ace says "Yeah im currently working under Whitebeard" everyone is like; "So your in a gang?" and Ace is so confused.
(This is too long) -Kissy💞
That is a very fun thought to think about.
I know ace in response to that would be just “uhhh yah!” To scare whoever asked him ab it
White beard would absolutely be that bald guy covered top to bottom in elaborate and extravagant tattoos. Every one of them mean something profound to him, except for the one on his left elbow. That one is just there for shits and giggles.
I think ace met white beard in this au because one day when he was 16, he strolled right up to the store WB worked at and tried to get a tattoo on his arm. All of the employees refused to tattoo a literal child, but Ace caused such a commotion that WB (who was just chillin in the back) came out to see what the matter was.
He was met with the sight of Jozu holding ace up by his collar as if it was the scruff of his neck as he thrashed around in the air.
WB: “whats all the commotion about”
J: Pops, this kid wants to get a tattoo even though we’ve refused his service and now he’s getting all rowdy
[blah blah blah white beard / ace confrontation]
WB: why do you wanna get this tat so badly, kid?
[ace stops thrashing and sits criss cross apple sauce as hes hanging by his shirt]
A: My brother just got kicked out of his parent’s house. I want to get something that honors our brother-hood. So he knows that hes…[ace is very flustered at this point] loved, or whatever…
White beard winds up tattooing ace, himself. After a bit of a snappy start, Ace’s father-deprived brain goes 🥺an father figure…?🥺 and he starts hangin around with that gang for a while.
Eventually WB takes him under his wing as an apprentice,
Theyre all very happy
No one dies
Thanks for the ask!
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koiiiiijiii · 2 months
Also small announcement - i will try to post more in two weeks, but after and in May i definitely will be dead bc i will have exams and projects in uni, like a lot of stuff to pass and prepare for u know....
And i also start working (im the best at time management i swear🙄) so yeah, end of April and May - i probably be inactive, b-b-but in June/end of June i will be almost all yours!!!💞🎀💒
Big Love for all of you and good luck on exams if you will have some💋
⊹ xo - xo ⊹
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rose-of-pollux · 1 year
I’ve been seeing posts from @threephantomrey and others about how, given the poor treatment of the Scooby-Doo franchise by WB (and it undeniably has been poor, given the canning/delaying of legitimately promising projects in favor of a horrid monstrosity that bears no resemblance to the franchise at all), that we seem to be heading in the direction of a second Great Scooby Hiatus (the first, of course, being the 10-year-long gap between Pup and Zombie Island).
I’ll be honest... it is absolutely possible that we’re going to end up with that.  When actual good projects are being written off for tax purposes and a vocally disliked show is getting a second season, it almost seems like self-inflicted sabotage at this point--like they’ll use the poor response to the horrible project as justification for stopping any future good Scooby projects.  That’s just speculation on my part, however; I don’t know any more than you all do.
If we do end up with the Second Great Hiatus, as disappointing as it will be, we, as a fanbase, will make it through.
Let’s not kid ourselves--none of us are happy with the way the franchise is being treated by the powers that be at WB.  If a Second Great Hiatus means we don’t have to see our beloved gang--and friends--treated this way, then a break until we can get execs in place who will give this franchise the care it deserves may, in fact, be worth it in the long run.
I know the thought of no new Scooby material for an undetermined amount of time is not a happy thought, but as someone who grew up during the First Great Hiatus, Scooby-Doo was still a gigantic part of my childhood because there were decades’ worth of material--I didn’t even see it all until I got Boomerang streaming a few years back and was finally able to watch some of the early ‘80s stuff I’d missed.  And we have so much more material now--we are the curators for the next generations of fans who have over a half-century’s worth of material to dive into.
And we’ve got something else that wasn’t there during the First Great Hiatus--fanworks.  I’m sure that Scooby fanworks existed when I was a kid, but, growing up, I didn’t have ff.net or AO3 or any site like this where people shared fanworks.  When the HBO monstrosity was revealed, what was the first thing that happened?  People simultaneously went “Here’s how to do it better,” and the tags were full of people’s creative takes on a new Scooby series.
I don’t think the Second Great Hiatus (assuming there will be one) will be as long as the First; the fanbase is larger and louder than it was during the First, and the timelessness of the characters we love will inevitably bring them back once again.  And we, the fanbase, will keep Scooby-Doo going until we get some official material worthy of our beloved franchise once again.
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Gotham Knights has been consistently in the top 10 of most watched shows in HBO Max international in the last 3 weeks. it could change from 5th to 10th at most but everytime a new episode drops it rises to 3th or even 2nd position of most watched shows in HBO Max. What I didn't know is that it was only available in a few regions, mostly countries from Europe (in Spain is on their 3rd week) and Asia. Now that GK is also available in Latin America (and the first 3 episodes at once!), the show's position will only escalate even more, and it's already at the level of TLOU and Succession.
In the US, the live numbers in the CW and +3 +7 are pretty decent but nothing extraordinary; however, the audience demand for the show is almost 19x the average audience demand in the US (and only for the first 2 episodes, according to Parrot Analytics), which means most of the audience actually came from digitals (the CW app), which is also a mirror of the success once the show is released in HBO Max for US audiences.
I have to admit I started to watch this show only for Misha, but I'm now pleasently surprised because GK is actually a very good show, and not just for CW standards. The story is compelling and makes you want to know more and more, the production has quality, I love the characters and all the actors are doing a great job. It's so good that even many people who were initially very skeptical have changed their mind and are now loving and watching it.
There are still haters screaming into the void, mostly DC right-wing dudebros but also a few Misha haters downgrading the show ratings in imdb and rottentomatoes, but no matter their effort, it's offset by all the people who actually watch the show and enjoy it. I think (and I hope, because with WB's current policies you can't be totally sure) the show will be renewed for a 2nd season, and I couldn´t be happier for all the actors and the people working in this show but specially for Misha, who is finally getting all the respect he deserves.
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