#to replace the void that is my fave
secretsandwriting · 6 months
Even the Destruction of the World Couldn't Keep Me From You
Xisumavoid x reader supervillain au
This is the longest thing I've written in years it feels like. A whole 4.2k words. Also I'm well aware some of their villain names are silly. I just didn't know what to do for them so this is what you got.
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You weren’t sure why you of all people were kidnapped. You had of course ran into the Hermits. They were the most notorious group of villains in the area. That was as far as your relationship with any of them went. If you saw a Hermit, you ran, just like how you ran when you saw heroes. The damage from the fights was enough reason to run. 
Yet here you were, changed to a wall and locked in a room by so called heroes. To make matters worse, they weren’t even from your city. They were from the city 50 miles away that had the Villain group Empires and yet they kidnapped you to get answers about the Hermits. You didn’t know why they wanted the information or why they wanted it from you. If you had known anything you would have already reported it. But instead here you were chained to a wall and told to shut up when you asked any questions.
You were rethinking your stance on the heroes. This was ridiculous.
“Alright, let’s get started.” The heroes walked in, “What do you know about the Hermits?” He spun a knife around, a clear threat in the movements. “And don’t tell us ‘nothing’. We have proof you know the hermits.”
“But I don’t know the Hermits! I’ve seen them around, and I’ve run from the chaos they’ve caused but other then that all I know is what the heroes have told us!” The guy with the knife sneered. 
“You don’t know the Hermits? Then why do I have pictures of you making out with Void?”
Apparently silence wasn’t an accepted thing because his knife sliced through part of your arm and stuck into the wall with a dull thud. 
“Do you think I’m stupid? I did my research! I have pictures of you kissing Void! I have videos of you bringing Ninja and Hotguy lunch, dragging G.O.A.T off the battlefield, guiding Zombie to the others and more! You know who they are, so tell me and I might just let you live!”
For what seemed like hours, you were asked questions he claimed you knew the answers to, and when you didn’t give them the right answer another cut was added. Finally something caused them to leave you and let the darkness finally take you. The darkness was kind to you this time and took your pain and replaced it with one of your favorite dreams.
“Come on!” You dragged the taller man behind you, “We have to hurry!” 
“I’m sure there will still be cats when we get there.” The male responded. You couldn’t see his fave and his voice was distorted but his hair was black and right across where his face would be was a scar in the shape of an X. You always figured the X met over his nose but there was no way to really know.
“I know, I just don’t want to risk you changing your mind again.” He scoffed. 
“I would never change my mind!”
“You’ve changed it 5 times about getting a cat already!” The rest of the way to the shelter was filled with teasing and laughter. The time at the shelter was pretty short however. A small black cat climbed into your lap purring and begging for scratches while a chunky orange cat started attacking the guy. You left the shelter with both.
“She’s waking up X.” A female voice ended your dream. “You can have a few minutes but then we need to check her out and make sure we didn’t miss anything.” Thankfully the room wasn’t too bright when you opened your eyes. Your left hand was gently picked  up and squeezed, what felt like a kiss was placed on your palm.
“I’ve missed you darling.” You turned to look at him. The first thing you noticed was the large X scar across his face, the next thing was the soft and gentle look of pure adoration, the third, was his armor. That was Void’s armor. Void the leader of the hermits. Jerking out of his grasp you tried to get away from him.
You can hear someone else trying to calm you down but all you could focus on was Void. The pain that crosses his face the more you try to get away confuses you but not enough to stop. Someone moves between you, blocking your view of him and replacing it with another Hermit. G.O.A.T. Glancing around the large room, you're met with the sight of every single hermit. You were screwed.
The youngest one, the one the new describes as the only non-powered Hermit who seems to be like their child, quickly moved up to you and attached some weird cuffs to your left wrist and his right.
“Anything that happens to you will happen to me while we have these cuffs on.” He then went on to demonstrate it by shocking his finger, when you felt the shock to your own finger you started calming down. Once deemed calm enough, Medic asked you a simple question. 
“Why did you panic when you saw X?” Today must be the day of stupid questions.
“Because He’s Void.” The entire room looked at you in confusion.
“He’s your fiance. You have your engagement ring around your neck.” You glanced down at the ring hanging from your necklace then back to the boy handcuffed to you. “Do you-Do you not remember?”
I woke up in the hospital 2 years ago with no memories. Thorn told me my name and where I worked and lived. At the mention of Thorn, X left the room, there was some murmuring from the other hermits before a few of them followed X out. G.O.A.T sent the rest of them out shortly after. 
“Even if you don’t remember us, we remember you. Therefore you have nothing to worry about. To us, you are a dear friend and out Brother’s fiance.” G.O.A.T Rested a hand on yours and squeezed softly. “No harm will come to you from us. My name is Doc, Stress and I will be taking care of your medical care. Mumbo is the one cuffed to you.”
You let Mumbo undo the cuffs shortly after and allowed them to treat anything that was left. When they were done, X came back in. Doc had told you his name was Xisuma but most people called him X or some rendition of Xisuma. He was quiet when he came back in, eyes red and cheeks wet from tears. You were perched on the edge of the bed, facing the chair he sat down in.
“Let me be selfish.” You looked up from the spot on the floor you were staring at to look at him. All you could see in his face was desperation and pain. “I know you don’t remember but please let me be selfish. Let me hold you at night and stay by your side through the day. I’ve been looking for you for 2 years and 4 months. Now that I have you back I want to keep you close. So please let me be selfish and allow me to stay with you.”
You weren’t really sure what to say. Void, one of the highest ranking villains in the world, was begging you for something. Not only was he begging, but he was sobbing. You really wanted to go home and forget this ever happened but that didn’t really seem like a choice. A part of you questioned if this was a trap. For what, you didn’t know. Another part of your brain reminds you of your dreams with the man and the X on his face. You weren’t really sure how this was going to go, but maybe saying yes would work out better for you.
“Ok.” You had never seen hope grow in a person so fast.
“Ok as in I can?” At your nod, you found yourself wrapped in strong arms and cradled to his chest. Unsure of what to do, you awkwardly wrapped your arms around him and softly rubbed his back through his armor, you weren’t even sure he could feel it. It seemed to be the right thing however because he held you tighter while he sobbed into your neck.
You weren’t sure how long you were there for, just that when he was done crying, he just stayed in your embrace. When he finally parted from you, he took ahold of your hand and guided you through the halls to a room.
“This is our room.” His voice was soft as he spoke. He guided you through it. Telling you were all of your things were and where his was too. You noticed a ring box on what he said was your side. Probably to hold the supposed engagement ring that was around your neck. After your toured the room, you were given a tour of the whole building. The kitchen, living rooms, dining rooms, bathrooms, otter Hermits rooms and so on. Once he was sure he showed you everything, you were guided back to the kitchen. 
Xisuma started cooking, as you watched him work you realized he was making your favorite dish. Not only was he making your favorite, but he was making it exactly how you liked it, with all the little changes and tweaks you preferred. 
Not much was said during dinner, but one of your hands was always intertwined with his. After dinner, you were given a tour of the gardens in the back. You made sure to ignore the wavering in his voice like you had earlier. Once that was finished, you went back to your room for the night. Xisuma handed you one of his shirts and some of your shorts before letting you go change in the bathroom. When the door was slightly open, 2 cats shot out and immediately wrapped around your ankles screaming for attention. One of them decided that wasn’t enough, and the orange one started trying to climb up your leg.
“Des and Ed calm down!” Xisuma scolded the cats before detaching the one that was climbing you and snatching the one still around your ankles before it could start climbing you too. “Sorry, they missed you too, and they won’t let me trim their claws.” They were the cats from your dreams. Xisuma clearly took your staring for something else. “You probably don’t remember their names,” He held out the orange cat. “This is Edgar Allen Paw,” next was the black cat. “This i-”
“Furious the Destroyer.” Xisuma lit up and nodded, “I don’t know how I remember that.” The cats were placed back on the floor and you were pulled into another hug. 
“Eventually you’ll remember everything, but for now, we’ll take it one day at a time.” He gave a small squeeze before letting you go change. The shorts fit perfectly, but Xisuma’s shirt was big on you. It ended shortly before your knees. The smell of it was familiar and comforting but you couldn’t place why exactly it felt like that. So you left the bathroom and found yourself tucked into bed with Xisuma curled up around you. 
“I’m always comfortable when I’m laying with you!” the faceless man with the scar exclaimed, you laughed and dodged a lazy hand swung at you, the force behind it was so weak his arm fell shortly after. 
“You say that, but if we stay like this you’ll be complaining your back hurts tomorrow and I’ll have to listen to it all day!” He sighed before burying his head in your neck and placing feather light kisses on any skin he could reach.
“Let's just stay for a little longer.” The request was murmured against your skin. “We’ll go to bed in a minute but for now I just want to stay here with you.” You sighed but let one of your hands wander to his dark hair. 
“If you fall asleep, I don’t want to hear a single word about your back hurting.” He hummed in agreement, and nuzzled his head closer to your neck. He fell asleep in seconds and you felt yourself shaking your head before joining him in sleep.
When you woke up, it was still dark and Xisuma was still curled into your side, sound asleep. You checked the clock on the nightstand, 12:46 am. Lovely. Xisuma must have noticed your sigh in his sleep and moved closer. 
The thought that Hypno’s dream manipulation powers was the cause for your dreams crossed your mind again. The dreams seemed so personal and intimate that the thought that they weren’t actually yours felt so wrong. 
You turned your gaze towards Xisuma. You couldn’t see much in the dark and his head was tucked into your neck, but the rest of him was somehow curled around you too. Everytime you twitched or moved, he immediately moved closer. 
The thought flew through your head and you had to fight the urge to laugh. It didn’t work. You found yourself giggling in the dark desperately trying to stop so you didn’t wake Xisuma. It was too late for that.
“Whats so funny?” Xisuma’s voice was groggy and he was clearly trying not to move from his spot. You weren’t sure you wanted to tell him but you were probably going to have to. If you could ever catch your breath between giggles. 
“The big bad Void who’s known for his ruthlessness and path of destruction is clingy.” You started giggling harder as he groaned. 
“You said that when you found out the first time. But you went with a clingy simp then.” The giggling got worse at the addition of simp. Something you could see with how the day had been. Xisuma just groaned again. “Is this going to last for an hour again?” 
As the days went on, you got used to the hermits and Xisuma’s constant need to touch you. No one ever told you anything that could explain how or why you lost your memory. Well, that was until you were kidnapped again. This time by someone who looked identical to Xisuma but with red armor and white hair. You found yourself seated in a comfortable chair with a mug of your favorite tea in your hands. 
“So, what did Xisuma do to make you leave for 2 years?” He asked as he settled into his chair and sipped his tea. Something about him seemed familiar, and not just his similar looks to Xisuma. He felt almost comfortable to be around.
“I lost my memory 2 years ago and they found me about a week ago when a hero kidnapped me and tortured me for information. He just stared at you for a second before putting his drink down.
“So you don’t remember anything from before 2 years ago?” You nodded. “Explains why you went radio silent for 2 years… Well in that case, I’m Xavier, Xisuma’s clone… Whats the first thing you remember?”
“Waking up in the hospital and Thorn explaining I had been caught in a hero villain fight. When I said I couldn’t remember anything he found where I lived and worked.”
“Of course it was Thorn.” He seemed to notice your interest. “They didn’t tell you about Thorn did they?” He sighed and picked up his drink, taking a sip while he gathered his thoughts. “Of course they didn’t.”
“Thorn didn’t start as a hero, he was originally a vigilante. Well, he caught the hermits' attention. Thorn was hoping they would ask him to join them, but they weren’t interested in him joining. They wanted him gone, not because he was trying to stop them or too heroic or something like that. They wanted him gone because he had gone off the deep end and while the hermits are villains, they have morals. Thorn does not.” He sipped his tea.
“When he realized they were after him for reasons he didn’t want. He told them he would make them regret it, especially Xisuma. He thought the same thing most people think, because Xisuma is called the leader. Most people think he makes all the decisions when in reality, it's a group vote. While it’s not confirmed, it is theorized that Thorns powers are memory related due to some past things.”
“So that’s why Xisuma left the room when I mentioned him.” Xavier nodded. Taking a sip of your own drink, you mulled over the information. “How do I get my memories back then?”
“No idea. No one’s said anything about it before. Have you gotten any back?” Your dreams popped into your head. 
“I’ve been having dreams… But I don’t know if they’re actually memories. I can’t see anyone specific, just a form with a recognizable feature I guess.” Xavier nodded. 
“If it’s dreams, maybe Hypno could help unlock more. I don’t really know how it works but it's worth a shot.” After that, the conversation just flowed through other much lighter topics until Xavier decided it was time to return you back to Xisuma. 
You didn’t bring it up to Hypno until a week later. You requested that Xisuma not know about it yet and while reluctant Hypno understood your reasoning. Better not to get his hopes up when no one knew if it would work. One night a week, Hypno would try to make your dreams become clearer without messing them up. It didn’t make a difference, but you both decided to continue trying. 
As the weeks dragged on, you found yourself becoming attached to the hermits, not minding it when Xisuma came to you and wrapped you into some sort of physical touch and anxiety and nervousness of being around them went away. 
Weeks turned into months and nothing new had come back in the terms of memories. You could tell it was bothering Xisuma and the other hermits as much as it did you. Hypno continued trying to help you in your dreams, but it wasn’t doing anything. 
So you did the only thing you could think of. Think back on that hospital visit with Thorn to see if you could remember anything that he might have given away. You spent hours every day trying to think of something but it wasn’t until XB invited you to go swimming in the pool like you used to that something popped into your mind. 
“Make sure to avoid ocean water. We found you there and I would hate for you to have a PTSD episode.”
That’s how you found yourself at the beach, starting at the ocean waves in front of you. You were far enough away that the water didn’t even touch you. Just taking a moment to prepare yourself for the cold water. Thankfully, due to the late hour, no one else was there. Which also meant if anything happened, no one would be there to help.
Taking a deep breath, you walked forwards. Not stopping until your head was underwater.
“Your usual?” You asked Xisuma.
“Of course, are you going to spell my name completely wrong again?” You smiled.
“Of course!” He laughed and shook his head before moving down the line to wait at the counter that the finished drinks went too. 
While you were writing a horrible rendition of his name that was so far off it didn’t even sound similar, one of your coworkers gave you a wink and a look, clearly trying to convince you to go through with writing your number on his cup. Sighing, you finally committed to it, writing the digits down while your coworkers silently celebrated behind you. 
Two hours later, you got a text from him.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” Xisuma stared at you from his spot on the bench next to you. 
“What’s stopping you?” Xisuma hesitated for a second before taking it as the invitation it was. He was so gentle and careful and he pulled you closer, one of his hands resting against your waist the other at the back of your neck. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for months.”
“Why do you want me to let you into Xisuma’s room?” You asked Grian and Scar who stood in the doorway. Xisuma had left for some sort of meeting and you were getting ready to go to work when Grian and Scar knocked on the door.
“We want to dye some of his clothes pink.” 
“Just make sure he still has one white button up and a pair of nice black pants when your done, we have a date Friday and if it gets postponed because you messed all his clothes up I will personally arrange your torture and death.” They both shivered and nodded. You made sure to ignore them while you finished getting ready.
“I have something I need to tell you.” Xisuma pulled you away from your project and to a nearby couch in your room. “I’m the villain Void.” You blinked at him.
“Did you really have to pull me from my project for a joke?” You sighed.
“No, I’m serious, I’m Void.” He opened a small rift next to you, hoping that this wouldn’t be the end of the relationship. He struggled to read anything off of you as you stared at the rift. 
“But you're just a clingy simp who can barely remember where you leave things.” Xisuma snorted. Of course you would say that. “Is that why you always have so many bruises, why your gone so late sometimes and why you always give such bad excuses for not being able to do things?” Xisuma nodded, holding his breath.
“I understand it's a lot to process but I need you to know this doesn’t change anything. I love you and always have loved you and will always continue to love you.” 
“I just need some time to think about this.”
Later that night, you woke him up with your giggling. 
“They’re so lucky I like all of them.” You sighed as you tried calling Xisuma again. He didn’t answer. Neither did Tango, Etho, Impulse or Doc. There was one other person you could call who could find them easily. 
“Hey Iskall, sorry to bother you. Do you know where Xisuma, Etho, Tango, Impulse and Doc are? They didn’t eat breakfast or take lunch so I’m trying to bring them some but no one will answer their phone.” Within seconds, Iskall had hacked their phones and gave you a location. Thankfully it wasn’t too far away. 
When you showed up. All five were huddled over some contraption they were making, not paying much attention to their surroundings. 
“It’s a good thing I’m not a hero or you all would have been captured in seconds.” The entire group turned to look at you like deer in the headlights. “I brought you lunch since none of you have eaten today, but considering how none of you answered my texts or calls I’m not sure you really want it.”
Immediately there were apologies and protests. You just laughed at them as they tried to defend themselves. Eventually you decided to accept whatever they were saying as good enough and handed out the lunches to the five. Xisuma was kind enough to give you a kiss before he dug in like the rest of the group. 
“More of the hermits need to get into relationships if this is the treatment we get from it!” You laughed at Etho’s statement before saying goodbye and heading to work. 
“This way!” Xisuma tugged you over to the Gazebo in the middle of the gardens you were visiting. “It has the best view of all the flowers.”
Xisuma wasn’t lying when he claimed it was the best view. Fields of flowers of all types were laid out in front of you. The sunlight made the bright colors pop out of the green, the smell of the flowers was strong and sweet, making it so you never wanted to leave.
You turned to Xisuma to see his reaction, only to find him down on one knee with a ring in his hand. You didn’t even let him give the little speech he had clearly practiced before saying yes and letting yourself drop into his arms. There in his arms, he whispered something in your ear.
“Even the destruction of the earth couldn’t keep me away from you.”
The ring was slid onto your fingers and when you got back to the main building, the other hermits swarmed the two of you.
You were pulled out of the water, gasping for breath. You hadn’t realized you had been under for that long. Glancing up, you were met with Xisuma’s terrified face. Xisuma, your fiance, the love of your life. You didn’t even know how you could have forgotten. 
Xisuma clearly wasn’t expecting to be pulled into a kiss after pulling you up from the bottom of the ocean but he melted into it either way. His arms tightened around your waist and one of your hands found it’s way to the back of Xisuma’s head. 
“Even the destruction of the earth couldn’t keep me away from you.” Xisuma teared up, desperately searching your eyes. “I remember Xisuma. I remember everything!” You found yourself being pulled back down into another kiss. 
“We should head back to shore.” Xisuma’s voice was thick and shaking against your lips, you wiped his tears from his face before stealing another kiss.
“Let's go home Xisuma.”
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skybristle · 10 months
my local group is done!!! short descriptions r below cut!!!! im so so excited guys omg. please ask abt them [also pls rb this took ages and im rlly proud of them!] toyhouse link here that also has full individual images!!! point out ur faves! im so excited to present them to you all [please like them please like them please l- /lh]
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without further ado, here we go! in seniority [and image] order
Plunging Flows of Ash [PFA] - he/him [woman!!] He’s definitely winning his senior of the cycle award! He’s been pretty depressed and poorly functioning from the jump, but would often rely on his partner, Sparks, for help and support. When she’s in her darkest hour, and his privileges as senior are needed, he consistently fails to deliver despite her constant aid in return… and after the mass ascension, he just falls off the face of the earth, sleeping through his own depression even as his dysfunctional group desperately needs him. The catalyst for everything- as he fractured his group in two with his actions and fails to rise to their needs, and he has a chronic inability to accept his own wrongdoings and the fact things have changed. Associated Slugcat: The Colorburst Countless Swirling Sparks [CSS] - she/any Well known among iterators for her many, many methods of iteration and other inventions, Sparks was built with an unusually large [and haphazard] structure that she uses to its full advantage. Always with countless screens pulled up around her, always on some project, eating up her own escapism. She was failed by her creators long ago, but is so desperate to see her fellow iterators happy she keeps pushing on. In lieu of Ash, she has risen to a faux senior status - though lacking any powers to enforce her position. Only about half of the group [Ochre, Chimes, and Aurora] answer to her with any respect of authority- she has not been able to reach the others. Her resentment for her situation with her former lover is festering, and may explode violently once things go awry… Associated Slugcat: The Brainiac
Erupting Maw [EM] - she/her She’s fucking crazy!!! Worshiped as a god by her colony, she has not coped with their loss well. Originally seeking to replace the void left by their departure, she created purposed organisms to inhabit her city and later her can… but watching them rip eachother apart was simply so much more cathartic. She has full control! Her ego and disdain for other iterators as lowly in comparison only grows. Over the cycles, her can has become notorious for having some of the most deadly creatures. She’s an expert of bioengineering… but is the danger in seeking her aid worth it? Associated Slugcat: The Gladiator
Budding Ochre Opportunities [BOO] - she/flor Based on solarpunk aesthetics, flors city and can truly is a delight! With a colony full of roof gardens and brilliant colors, she herself has taken to turning her puppet chamber into a garden. Kind and compassionate, though cutting and assertive, she has made peace with her situation as an iterator and is just trying to live a good life. As flor adds to flors collection, she doesn’t consider any of it may posit a danger to her structure. But she would be at peace with that, too, if it were to occur. The only question is if those who care about her, such as her dearest Chimes, would be. Associated Slugcat: The Recon
Resonant Chimes [RC] - he/him He’s really just chilling, hanging out. No secret problems here, no deep-seated depression over the loss of his colony that he hangs onto, no karma flowers being poured into his puppet coolant just to feel something, none of that! Collecting music, friends with slugcats and scavs alike, having a good time. He’s surprisingly intelligent and has his morals more sorted than just about anyone here, but he’s held back by general apathy and his losses. Maybe, so many cycles detached from their creators, he won’t have to worry about losing anyone again. As long as he drinks the tea, he doesn’t have to think about it, and can pull himself closer to those below who left him. Associated Slugcat: The Gardener
Reaching for Caged Starlight [RCS] - she/it/ast Frustrated endlessly, as most iterators are, by being locked in a box, she’s determined to put an end to this. Not by ascension, though. She’s determined to free them from their cans- allow an escape from this maze. Ast wants to remove the puppet from the umbilical, in a manner where they don’t lose themself completely. Much easier said than done! Its undoing, however, is its cautious and methodical nature. She is too light on her feet to simply dare and cut the wire, let alone having the experience to snap the mechanical arm entrapping her. But, she has all the time in the world, and she will one day see the stars they made her mocking name after. They’ll all see. Ast will get there, by any cost necessary, even if her fellow iterators are disposable to this goal. Associated Slugcat: The Seamstress
A Glittering Aurora [AGA] - she/he Need some gossip? He’s your guy, all right! She burns her endless time away on global chats, basking in the amusement and the knowledge. A bit of a nuisance to her own local group, as she simply can not keep a secret, but… what happens when technology degrades, the message board is silent, he no longer can block out his circumstances,,, and the drama reaches a bit too close to home? Associated Slugcat: The Copycat Wandering Whispers [WW] - they/them A very quiet, lonely iterator, Whispers strays to themself. Only allowed to speak to their fellow iterators for shipments, or, occasionally, their senior for guidance, there were few connections for them besides to the one who vanished off the face of the earth. With their personality thoroughly destroyed by the iron fist of their colony, they simply… quietly observe. But they may hear something they’re not supposed to, and, desperate for a replacement for their mentor, lead themself astray. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and they will glimpse the void in the end and take the plunge. Associated Slugcat: The Mercy
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kirby-n-co · 2 years
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Welcome to Kirby ‘n Co!
This is a Kirby ask blog run by 5 mods. Feel free to ask any of our characters (or their buddies) questions! Please be aware that our blog may feature sensitive content (e.g. blood or violence); we will do our best to tag appropriately.
Curious about the world of this ask blog? Wanna know more about the mods? Look under the read more:
The world of Kirby ‘n Co
TL;DR – This blog is basically just a multiverse. Kirby first talked about his experience here!
This ask blog takes place in a shared universe. One day, certain key figures (like Kirby!) mysteriously disappeared, and a doomer concerned with continuity needed to find people to act as replacements until the originals could be found. Characters from all sorts of different universes were plucked and thrown into this shared universe… Kirby’s response to being thrown into a completely new environment was naturally to make a blog. For finding friends, of course.
This blog features 5 artists who all have separate sets of headcanons and lore, so having a multiverse allows our differing interpretations of characters to co-exist.
The mods
Mod Mod
hi I'm Mod Mod. my name is mod. any pronouns. socials: splitster (tumblr) or splitsterart (twitter) favorite game: idk. forgotten land? favorite character: kirby n gala favorite anime episode: i dont watch the anime uhhhh that one episode with max flexer Favorite Kirby: olimar i like kirby and gala. actually i like all the kirby guys. i also like kirby ocs
Mod Fishy
Hiiii I'm Mod Fishy! I go by He/She/They Fave Game: Star Allies Fave Character: Sailor Waddle Dee Fave Kirby: what the fuck does this mean Socials: @letolimarseehisfamily on Tumblr Fave Anime Episode: The Hour of the Wolfwrath Sailor is sassy and I call the reincarnated void Niru
Mod Paint
Hi there i’m Mod Paint! She/They Socials: @kallulily on Twitter, Instagram, and tumblr! Favorite game: Kirby Triple Deluxe! I’m so emotional over Taranza and the ost. That game also debuted Paintra, who I have a HUUUGE BIAS towards. Favorite Character: Falspar, Paintra, Meta Knight, Dedede, Kirby, Falspar, Tiff, Taranza, Falspar Favorite Anime episode; Ask me again when I make my 3 hour Kirby Right Back At Ya retrospective video bc that’s such a loaded question I cannot answer. Anyway its Falspar Favorite Kirby: Kirby and Falspar
I have a huge brain rotted bias towards the Kirby anime to where I have an entire webcomic and story planned. Literally me grabbing the 100 episodes of the anime and brushing it down with a fine comb and making a solid lore filled world. But it’s all 99% head-cannons. I can talk for hours about this anime.
Mod Cosmic
Howdy, I'm Mod Cosmic! I go by she/they, though I'm fine with any. Socials: cosmicoCoffee(Twitter & Tumblr) Favorite Game: Forgotten Land! My first Kirby game. Favorite Character: Meta Knight and King Dedede Favorite Anime Episode: Hoshi no Kaabi Episode 64! Fave Kirby: Every Kirby!!!
Nimbus is full of the passion I have for this franchise, and I hope to share that through him! I hope you like him as much as I did creating him!
Mod Nova
Hey there! I'm Mod Nova! I use (she/he/they) pronouns! socials: @soupvnova (tumblr, insta, twitter) @soupvnova-draws (art blog on tumblr)
favorite game: return to dreamland deluxe is based but i also love forgotten land and star allies..
favorite character: magolor if i had to choose. idk i love a lot of characters. (including OCs.)
favorite anime episode: I never watched the anime but every meta knight appearance is pretty based.
Favorite Kirby: all the Kirbys
OC: I got a couple of OCs but one of the one's i'll draw the most is Vivi the Vividria. She reminds me of everything I love about Kirby and I love her dearly. Feel free to ask questions bout em. She's also the only good thing about star allies, play star allies do it now.
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batataaurdoodh · 5 months
A,E,L,P Bunal <3
oh boy i get to yap to a void HEHEHE /j
A- Ships that you currently like a lot
ohhhughhhhh canon wise... atsutaku... bokutaku... rokayuzu.... eats....
OC, im always a sucker for polyoka <33
E- Have you added anything cracky / hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
These in the discord server
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L- Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn't one of your faves
Shoutout to Musha. Thank you for carrying my dumbass all the way through the starting era of mine before you got replaced by my one and only. Ily.
P- Invent a Random AU
I literally just want an AU where the library is instead a shelter and the librarian has to take care of like 85 cats instead. It's silly maybe.
Does that even count.
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 10 months
Top 5 melodeath albums?
(I'd also love to hear about what you find is the difference in good death metal and good melodic death metal 👉👈😳)
So, to answer the second part of your ask first: generally I think that the term"melodic death metal", due to pure happenstance, ended up referring to two completely different genres that just happened to covergently evolve around the same time:
Traditional death metal but with a bit more emphasis on lead guitar melodic hooks, e.g. At The Gates, Bloodshot Dawn, Carcass starting with their Necroticism/Heartwork era
Basically just power (or sometimes prog) metal but with blast beats and death metal growls, e.g. Children of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth
And the later style is by far much more common than the former, at least in my experience. So a lot of melodic death metal inherits most of its musical elements less from traditional death metal and more from power metal.
This is not a BAD thing, but it does mean that the vast majority of melodic death metal is written less like a subgenre of death metal and more like a completely different genre that has very little in common with traditional death metal aside from the vocal style. Which means that a lot of things that work in trad death metal (abrupt stops and rythm changes, chromatic solos, loose song structures with no defined verse/chorus structure) don't work that well with the style that most melodeath bands play.
That being said, a couple of the albums I'm gonna include here DO play that first style that is closer to trad death metal, i just don't think it's really representative of what most of the melodeath scene sounds like.
So anyway here's my list of fave melodeath albums.
Do have in mind that compared to other genres, I haven't listened to melodeath that frequently since my late teens, so my taste might be a little underdeveloped compared to my taste in other genres
Carcass - Heartwork
Eyes in the Void - Self-titled EP
(Kind of an unknown band, and kinda rough around the edges especially when it comes to the vocals, but this was the album that got me into the genre)
At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness
Brymir - Slayer of Gods
Aether - Tale of Fire
(Hopefully the contrast between Carcass, At The Gates and everything else on this list illustrates what I said about "melodeath" referring to two almost completely different genres. Carcass and At The Gates are melodic but they're still very distinctly rooted in traditional death metal, while everything else on this list could perfectly pass for power metal if you replaced the growls with clean vocals)
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if-one-of-us-falls · 4 months
Morning View XXXII first impressions
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or: one of my fave albums got re-recorded after 23 years and I'm here to shout about it into the void
My overall impression is that they did a decent job! It's still an enjoyable listen. I've read they added in some of the changes they do while performing live, and it did give an almost live-like experience, but with studio quality. Brandon Boyd's voice became annoyingly nasally, I think due to some kind of surgery, and I miss the original's beautiful and clear vocals. He still sounds great in the high notes though, and he can definitely still rock. Kudos to the drummer for consistently kicking ass throughout the album. A lot of the fun was from getting excited every time I realized which song was coming on. I still really want to see them live.
Nice To Know You The new intro is so ethereal! I'm not sure what to make of the choir-like backing vocals along the entire song. They don't hurt.
Circles The riffs in the beginning feel a little stiff and disconnected, but once the verse kicks in it feels better. I love the energy in the bridge. The ending is also pretty cool.
Wish You Were Here This one was a miss for me :( it lacks the flowing, almost liquidy sound of the original that made it one of my favorite songs. I don't know what kind of magic sauce they put in the original, but it's missing here, and the vocals don't make it any better.
Just a Phase Again, something is missing. It's like the guitar is slightly stiffer, more blunt than the original. The vocals at the final chorus don't rise high enough above the instrumentals, which spoils the awesome cathartic feeling that moment had in the original song. The feminine backing vocals caught me by surprise, but they sound good! And they make sense, with this song likely being from a woman's perspective ("call it women's intuition..."). The sneaky metallic sound at "they'll be throwing quarters at you on stage" was also a nice touch.
11 am The little "please" added before the last verse has my entire heart. The high notes don't quite hold up in this one :( I was sorry to see the moody, kind of muddy instrumentals replaced. Overall it feels like the same song with slightly less pleasing vocals.
Blood on the Ground I enjoyed this one! It has great energy, and the high notes are actually great. Brandon's rhythmic almost rap verses hold up way better than the rest of his vocals, it really just feels like a live performance. And the lyrics are so fun hehe
Mexico Beautiful song, and I would have been perfectly content with it if I hadn't heard the even more beautiful vocals of the original.
Warning nope. That nasally voice is taking over. no thank you.
Echo I'm torn about this one because it's one of my most listened to songs. I just love the original so much, mostly because of those lovely smooth vocals. The new version feel rougher, less floaty. The feminine back up vocals are back to soften it, which is nice. I do really like the new outro, and the drums are wonderful. It’s probably the best adaptation on the album, because it simply makes the song into something new.
Have You Ever Don't record me on that, but I think I might actually like this version better than the original 😮 It has such great energy! I love their heavy sound, it gets me completely in the zone.
Are You In The intro is nice, the instrumentals are smooth and flowing... I don't like the vocals in the beginning. It's sad because Brandon's technique and delivery are just as good as the original, but the voice itself is not as nice. Not his fault. After that, though, when we're back to the higher register, he sounds great.
Under My Umbrella This one I definitely like better than the original. Nice rhythm, nice energy, and the effect on the vocals in the beginning is a lot more subtle and less sterile. It just works better for me. I also liked the oriental bit before the final chorus.
Aqueous Transmission I was worried about this one, but it worked out. It's not as relaxing as the original, it's almost overwhelming at times, but it's still beautifully done. I'm glad they kept the frogs.
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saturntheocto · 2 years
Nintendo direct splatoon 3 paid dlc Over view
Ok ok okayy, my overview might not be the same as others because i did not play the first game, so i will not find the nostalgia of it the same.
Okay so there is ALLOT to unpack here.
I will be starting with wave one of the DLC: Inkopolis
Then move to wave two: Side Order
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Soo, inkopolis is back! You can now experience this nostalgic city on your Nintendo switch! There’s not much to unpack other than a few things
Lets start with probably (almost) everyone’s favorite news,
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I know there are some Sheldon fans out there but im pretty sure we can agree that its nice to have a change of a shopkeeper that has beeen the same since the first game. Makes sense canonically to how would Sheldon be able to run two shops in two separate city’s at the same time.
There also this guy:
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He honestly looks terrifying, like this is something I would find climbing out of my little sister’s closet.
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they said splatfests work the same here and that squid sisters will preform during splatfests. Im not sure what that means considering there are three teams and only two squid sisters, judging by this shot im starting to wonder if the zapfish represents the third team lol.
Another thing im wondering is if we will be able to go to octo valley in inkopolis, i dont see why not but it also seems very likely that we wont be able to, the only part of this expansion that contains story looks to be wave two but i could be completely wrong.
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Okay next up we have wave two: side order
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At firs5t glance this looks like a compleatly normal octoling in a strange white area. But if we take a closer look, this octoling appears to be agent eight? The promo hairstyle is the same and the outfit looks similar.
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If we take another good look, their skin color appear to be the same as well.
Now unfourtunatly there is zero sign of agent four. Wait- what’s this?:
Another thing that happens when we take a good look is we can see that this ‘strange white place’ is actually SPLATOON 2’S INKOPOLIS
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sadly we cannot assume that this is the doings of agent 4, but knowing that Nintendo likes to listen to their fans, we will likely be getting four back in this DLC.
Now what could have happened here?
Well, first off lets start with the pictures flashing across the screen during this scene.
Okay so first off we have uh- strange lights? I dunno theres not realy much to make of this picture
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Next up is some kind of room. Now at first i thought this was an elevator or something. And i might be right, but it also might be a containment chamber according to the next pictures
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Next we got some kind of fight science or something- i really dont know the only thing that caught my eye was the blue and green thing behind out octo friend that made me say: “SANITIZED OCTO” for some reason lol. But ig it looks like out octo is fighting someone with orange ink… FOUR???(hj)
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Okayyyy now this im going to call hand, because uhh hand?or atleast thats what I thought at first, but now its starting to look like a cepholapod? The floor seems really reflective and we can see… AN INKLING?? HOLLY SHIT FOUR PLEASEEE TELL ME ITS YOU IM GOING TO EXPLODE. This inkling looks a bit.. difirent though,, its hard to see their ink color but it looks like a bit of a brownish color like the octo. Another thing that is off about this squid is its a normaly long arms, im not the only one seeIng how long their fucking arms are right?
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uh void,, Thing?there are a bunch of spikes and out fave octo friend chillin in the center of it all. There seems to be a reoccurring theme of black and white even though splatoon is a colorful game.
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Ooo glitchy marina! This one dosent have allot of info other than shes in her old outfit or the took her orange jacket off but it sure would make an awesome wallpaper!
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this one seems to be of our octo buddy looking into glass. Now one of two things could be happening here.. or both, 1: this octo just came into existence and is seeing their own face for the first time, or 2: their looking at something out the window. Thwew is another person in the background as we can see a black shoe in the top left corner
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I dont even fucking know what this is but it reminds me of those stress toys with the colored balls inside them that you try to push in
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now THOSE are some LONG ASS TENTACLES. This seems to be another elevator of some sort, or just a big door. It seems to be surounded by plants and collums to.
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This honestly looks like a splatoon 2 hero mode stage on anistetics (/pos). Our lil octo guy seems to be in the middle of it
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what the fuck do i even call this?? It’s just s blur of gray back and white.
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We got pearl in the fucked up inkopolis. Y’know, maybe we fell over and shes helpin us up :) this also explains her huge jacket because it must be freezing out there lol
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This looks like something from breath of the wild. But the longer i look at it, the more it looks like a stegosaurus. That red pupil is scary tho ngl
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now the ink may look back and a bit of red ink. But what if thats orange ink? Honestly im trying to find anny excuse i have to say agent 4 is back. But this placer looks strange, there is white plants everywhere and the pillars a weird.
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That’s fucking bright. but the ink color is starting to look closer and closer to agent eight’s ink color
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this reminds me of the splatoon2 hero mode art with all the octo weapons and callie at the top and four at the bottom of all of it and i feeling the refirence. I dont have the time to turn up the brightness right now but i will later and i will let you guys know what i find
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Okay now were really getting close to agent eight’s hair color. This is most likely agent eight like there is almost no denial
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oh shit now there are two of them. One of them looks like their saying something to the other. There is also a massive difference in brightness which is strange. Also where are they? This place looks strange with stuff just everywhere.
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i cant add more so the last two will be in a rb of this
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echo · 1 year
whattt a tumblr tag post game??? amazing!!
Tagged by: @theromaboo
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to know better! (eds note: rules are only guidelines unless enforced by violence, you do you)
Relationship Status: putting sexual/romantic relationships in a separate category from my other relations is against my ethos as a relationship anarchist and is a capitalist colonialist tool of oppression (AKA it's complicated)
Favorite Color: the void between the stars
Song Stuck in Head: well it's only #7 for the past month's spotify stats but Reunion by Linea Aspera fuckin' bops
Last Song I Listened To: Love is God by Minuit Machine bc french dark wave is great tho tbh i'd recc DRGS more if you don't know them
Three Favorite Foods: sushi ofc, fried chicken, chocolate. tho tbh i'm the kind of person who has less of a fave and more wants to try new things endlessly?? i'd prefer this question was more three strangest foods altho the cultural perspectives of "strange" would have complications hrmmmm
Last Thing I Googled: ethylene glycol bc a science fiction series i'm reading mentioned using it as a replacement for gunpowder and i went what??? and looked into it and it doesn't seem feasible but also my chemistry knowledge is limited to Nile Red putting things in his mouth
Dream Trip: alpha centauri. but i'd settle for new zealand?
Anything I Want Right Now: an end to capitalism, but mostly maia crimew to be CEO of tumblr for at least a week
Tagging: @cyle, @jv, @defiledcinephile bc anyone who is a Fern fan is good in my book, @ex bc all my cool coworkers use two character blog names apparently, @moonriot, @non-threatening-feminist-boy as that blog name is majestic, @maveriquemagpie, @rockemsockemrocket, @blowery, and @kat
optional extra credit questions i'm making up bc those are boring:
Pets: two tinyyyy kitties, Missy and Molly! they are the size of ~6mo kittens but are 5 and 4 yo respectively. pics available on request.
Favorite hobby (current or desired): wellll i run queer parties and that's a ton of fun but exhausting, but i guess that's a hobby bc i don't like profit or anything. but also that's kinda work- i also do larps around the world, so far i think it's been six countries and counting! my favorite was the one i played a courtesan in a game that was a Marxist reading of Hamlet i think.
Best article of clothing: i have a leather harness that looks like a ribcage with giant spikes in the spine! it's made with rainbow black patent leather (like an oilslick) and gold rivets w/ little stars. it's custom made and sexy af
What do you want your funeral to be: i want my friends to have a secret magical ritual and commit gay crimes by hiding my ashes in construction sites around nyc so my bones are integrated in this city and my ghost can dwell here till there is no city left
i spent way too long on this post but its technically work bc i am on tumblr right? ....right??
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inkperch · 11 months
What I would change: El
starting off strong with my all around faves (and buying more time for me to actually finish BLs but shh), the Black Eagles.
And swinging right for the fences: Edelgard.
No notes, perfection.
Jokes aside, first thing that comes to mind is getting rid of the stupid joke options in her rat support. Like, god I hated that- I didn't pick either, on my playthrough, and remember that support as one of her more interesting ones, only to see most people remember it for El's scream being cute. Which. Sigh.
Other than that, absolutely give her supports outside of her own house+ Lysithea. Even more than the other Lords, she's the one who needed that, and it baffles me she didn't get it, they would not only allow her to get some juicy conflicting stances on her whole plan, but they would give the game a chance to justify why the other characters are willing to fight and die against their own country. As for the neat character stuff of her only supporting with those in her own house (The whole 'she doesn't let anyone get closer than the mask she wears' thing Edge of Dawn is all about-), just keep all of her other supports locked to post timeskip- hammering home that your actions have allowed her to let down her walls, just a little, and believe that people will follow her even when they know the real her-
Probably for the specifics I'd say the feargus four would need it most on their end of it (to explain why those three would follow her against their actual, genuine, friend in CF) (I'll go into that more when I finish BL when I do the Lions) , Leonie could get a pretty neat one about the fact El is. Kinda sorta absolutely complicit in Jeralts death, and shes going to honour her promise to Jeralt to look out for Byleth, but she's not best pleased with where that path has lead her. And just to even it out between BL and GD, Lorenz would have a fascinating tension with El, given that he'd be aligned with her whether he wanted to be or not, placing him on significantly more shaky ground on whether or not she trusts him-
(Mercedes would also be a good shout for a support, especially seeing as there's a certain someone to motivate you to recruit her on CF, but I feel that would, execution wise, likely end up too similar to Manuela's supports)
Which yeah, just a general aside, I'm absolutely giving all four (yeah four, I'm doing Ashen Wolves too) Lords more supports all around. Lord Supports are like, the place to explore the different routes differing character motives- (not applicable to AW, but doesn't need to be all four of them are getting more supports)
And, one that may be more of a hot take than above: downplay the fuck out of the romantic implications, replace them with Byleth filling the parental void in El's life. This is, to be completely honest, my read of canon anyway, the 'oh look, El's got a crush' moments all read a lot more of a general 'oh look, El's embarrassed to admit she's got a softer side,', and it really enhances the foil status between her and Rhea/Serios to read her relationship with Byleth as her seeing them as a parent and mentor- for. Somewhat self explanatory reasons. Rhea is commiting atrocities to get her mother back, El softens enough to commit far less atrocities because she has someone who can fill that role in her life (and also. She just really needs good parental figures yall-) (I have no doubt I'm gonna feel the same about Dmitri when I'm done with BL, these kids just need parents who aren't dead-)
Also: give her a way to get her hands on Seiros' stuff. Hell, give her only the shield (odds you're using SwordEl are low anyway), tweak Rhea's stats to accommodate and have her always discard it as a sign of just how much she's slipping on a CF route- she's so thoroughly stopped giving a damn about her own safety it's sword only time, get ready to be stabbed-
Let El find it on some routes as like a side quest or a map specific thing (The overall lack of late game optional quests does annoy me a bit overall)
Also on gameplay: pleeeeease let me use El's cool armour look as Wyvern Knight. I wanna see her cool badass armour but I can't because I like being able to move--
One last story note: give us more about El's siblings. Tell us about them, make us feel their absence in the narrative. Probably easier to do through Hubie than through El herself, given her absolute point blank refusal to dwell on the past, but if handled right could work as a show of her character development- she's no longer charging blindly into the future, shes willing to confront the pain of her past. (especially could work if you actually got to fight the Slithers, preferably pre-final-boss, and so get too actually see the part where she finally gets out of her abusers thumb which oh yeah that's a whole chunk of her character I would handle differently that I'm saving for when I get to talking about the Slithers-)
I think that's about it? And yes I did go back to doing these as one per character, it was getting long shh, gonna go through the BE in whatever the hell that order they default too in menus is meant to be, then the Golden Deer, Blue Lions, Ashen Wolves, the church, and then the Slithers (and then probably one or two 'oops I forgot to mention this' posts lol) gonna try and do at least one a day.
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jupujuu · 1 year
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Chester 06.06.2006 - 16.06.2023
My sweet boy left me last week due to old age -related health issues, and it is incredibly difficult to put into words how much I miss him and how empty I feel. I keep thinking I see him sleeping on my bed but when I take a closer look it's just a bunch of clothes with a similar black/white ratio. I keep calling out to him along with my other cats only to remember he's not there anymore.
It's not the first time I've lost a pet so these feelings aren't completely new to me, but losing him definitely hit the hardest and it is pretty overwhelming. He was my first cat, and like, the first pet my family got that was all my responsibility, back when I was in high school. Before that we had only had dogs and they were mostly my mom's.
Chester recently turned 17, which means he was with me half my life. He was there for every major event in my adult life; he was the ideal, extremely patient and gentle boy. 100% the friendliest cat I've ever known, he'd be friends with any animal or human. Some people told me he looked super serious, but honestly he was very playful and excitable all his life. And very silly. (That video is extremely old and has the worst quality but it's still a fave)
I always saw Chester as the glue holding my pack of three cats together, so it's weird to think it's just Milka and Sissel now. Sissel misses his snuggle buddy every day, and how could he not, when Chester was always there for him for his entire life so far. I'll do my best to fill that void for him but I know nothing will ever replace Chester. Milka seems unaffected but that's just how she is, dense old lady, haha..
As much as it hurts to think I'll never see Chester again, I'm so grateful for all the years we had together. 17 years worth of memories is a massive achievement and if it weren't for him, I might not even be here today. He helped me through so much and in turn I hope the life he spent with me was a pleasant one for him.
Rest in peace, old friend. I'll never forget you.
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defelala · 3 years
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self portrait go brrrr but actually brrr
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mellointheory · 2 years
Happy BHM! Hi! I'm Mello and I write fics mostly focused on the ppcrew members of the dsmp (Punz, Ant, occasional Foolish and Velvet as well). I tend to write a lot of religious themes and aus, and if I ever write a fic that does not involve blood or smoking in some capacity you will know that I have been killed and replaced. Here are some of my fave/best ones, with some snippets from them as well!
Hallowed Devourer, a gods and angels au where Punz is an angel of DreamXD wandering the mortal realm.
“I’ve cleansed you.” XD says in satisfaction. “Not a trace of rot remains. You’re pure now, and so I send you to those who are not.”
Punz reaches up and stretches his arms over his head, opens his wings wide until the feathers seem to reach from end to end of the island they stand upon. The hunger gnaws at his belly like a living thing.
“What do you want me to do?”
XD grins with the void of his face.
“Make them fear me.”
Broken Mirrors, Bleeding Hands, a himbros-focused au where Punz is a demon summoner and Foolish is his guardian angel
“Maybe it was compassion that I lost,” Foolish says finally. “But I don’t really know.”
“If you were really compassionate you would have just killed me by now.” Punz isn’t sure if they’re even being fair, but nor do they care.
“I will,” Foolish says gently. It sounds like a promise, and it’s more soothing than it ever really should be. 
“I’ll kill you when you fall too far,” the angel promises. It’s the kindest Foolish has ever really sounded.
God's Favorite Angel, a canon compliant fic exploring the concept of Punz and Foolish as the favored entertainment of DreamXD
Punz forces one last breath into their fragile lungs and XD pulls them under.
It’s like being on fire, being submerged in that pool of bled gold, dragged in by the hand around their throat. Then an arm slides under their shoulders and lifts them from depths. Molten gold streams from his skin as XD bends over him. The god’s arms are wrapped around him, keeping him from sinking back under the surface of the pool. He’s whole again, fractured body healed by the liquid they float in.
“I can fix you,” XD says tenderly, setting Punz down. It holds out a hand to them, taking a step back. The surface of the pool ripples around its robes.
“And I feed you, that’s the way it goes.” Punz reaches up and takes his hand.
Rafflesia Hearts, a velvetfrost focused superhero au following villain Velvet and hero Ant as they get way too mixed up in both the Crimson and each other.
“You saw the video. I can’t fucking do that again. That’s not hard to understand, right, cutie?”
“Don’t call me–”
“I’m not trying to manipulate you. I’m being dead fucking honest here.” Rafflesia takes a deep breath and lowers his hands. His fingers wind around each other and for a moment he’s almost entirely motionless, just standing there and staring Ant in the eyes. “I need your help, Grimalkin. I need you to save me.”
Ant growls.
There’s no way he’s this weak, right? There’s no way he’ll just give in and agree again, help the desperate, shaking man who stands in front of him. 
These are just a few examples of my more popular ones; I hope you enjoy!
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leqclerc · 3 years
Hi! I’ve seen a post about reddit people saying charles has caused a lot of dnfs (up to 2020 i think it said he caused 12) saying he’s worse than kvyat etc, and like I know he does tend to go for the slightest of margins to get the best results so I kind of get why he has that driving mentality but do you think it’s fair to say that he is worse than the likes of romain? And like obvs we are slightly more biased but I do prefer criticizing on a more educated basis so I just wanted your opinion as well.
A short view back to the past...The penalty system, as we know it today, was introduced in 2014. No one will ever state it outright, but it's sort of generally accepted that this new system was introduced as a direct response to Pastor Maldonado and, to a lesser extent, Romain Grosjean's, on track, er...antics, shall we say.
I only caught the tail end of Pastor's (whose recklessness earned him the nickname Crashtor among the online community) career in 2015, but there are many Youtube compilations of his crashes and incidents if anyone wants to catch up on that era of F1. For starters, he was the most reprimanded Formula One driver in 2012 (two years before the current penalty system was introduced.) Out of 96 grands prix (that he raced in), there were 29 retirements, and he incurred 39 penalties in his colourful F1 career (that's one every 2.4 races and 12 were for causing a collision.) When you start being recognised for your crashing more than your driving...there's a problem.
Similarly Romain was a...definitely an interesting figure over the years? Opinions on him were divided. A lot of people saw him as a bit of an on-track troublemaker, an accident-prone driver who could probably be replaced by someone "better." On the other hand, though, he'd earned himself a following of loyal fans who travelled around as much as they could to meet him and make their support for him felt. He was also one of the first drivers of the modern era (afaik) to publicly speak out about mental health and the fact that he's been working with a sports psychologist throughout his career.
And then there's Max. As of right now, the current championship leader. He's generally praised for his on-the-limit but relatively incident-free driving, certainly this season. But here's the thing about Max: he's been in F1 since 2015, in a top team since May 2016 (in a curious twist of fate he was switched with Daniil after Seb complained about Daniil crashing into him at the previous race). No matter which way you spin it (no pun intended), he's got seasons of experience over Charles, never mind the gang that joined as rookies in 2019. That can't be overstated. Especially since the beginning was rough. After Pastor's departure in 2015 it seemed Max was on a mission to fill the void - sure, he had moments of on-track brilliance (Brazil 2016 comes to mind) but my god did it come at a cost. I remember being lowkey scared every time he was anywhere near Nico (my then-fave driver) or Seb or anyone I cared about sjdjef More stats because why the hell not... between Monaco 2015 and Monaco 2019 he'd accumulated a whopping 21 penalty points (sharing the top spot with Romain) for what the stewards deemed dangerous driving - four instances of causing a collision, three instances of gaining an advantage, etc.) Despite all this, I remember even back in the day he gained a following for being "balls to the wall" about his approach and just going for it where others would've probably backed off. Whether he made it work or not didn't seem to matter - people were impressed that he was doing it. Now he's obviously grown as a person and as a driver and you can clearly see that in the way he drives and chases and overtakes today. Still ballsy, still on the limit, but it seldom results in an incident these days, whereas a few years back it likely would've put him and possibly someone else as well out of the race.
Not gonna open this particular can of worms but there are other drivers out there that also turned to on-the-limit tactics and often ended up forcing other drivers wide, including their teammate (since there seems to be this idea of be more lenient when it's your teammate, think of the team.) Again, it was...praise-worthy if anything and rarely resulted in penalties. Comparing these incidents and accidents is like comparing apples and oranges, but I'm just saying...this isn't new.
I think Charles is a mix of these. Add into that the frustration and desperation of 2020, the way he knew that his best chance of a decent finish came if he just catapulted himself up the grid on the first lap, and, well. Sometimes he's on the limit but clever about it and it pays off, other times it doesn't work out so well (for him or for someone else or both.) Do I wish he were fast, an effective overtaker, and incident-free all the time? Sure. But realistically that's not going to happen. All drivers, regardless of age or team or experience, will end up tangling with other drivers at some point. That's just racing. It doesn't mean they have some kind of personal vendetta or agenda against said person. He said he's learning from his mistakes and trying to be a bit more mindful about his approach, and that's good enough for me. Ultimately if he goes too hard he'll likely end up hurting his own chances and I think he gets that.
And regarding penalties...I mean, look. He's not a steward, is he? It's not up to him to make those decisions. They've been inconsistent since way before Charles ever showed up in F1, so claiming the system is rigged to benefit him is ludicrous imo. But people will believe what they want to believe so, whatever.
TL;DR: No, I genuinely don't think Charles's incident history is comparable to the likes of Maldonado or Romain at the "worst" stage of his career. I'll put it this way: if you think of his career, do his accidents overshadow his race craft and qualy and race results and overtakes? I don't think that's the case. If it were...then it'd be a problem.
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mimiri22-6 · 4 years
Let's do this. One last time.
Ducktales 2017. I didn't think I was ready for the end, but the finale was too perfect to be sad nor angry.
There's so much to say-too much to say...and I'm going to try my best to say all of it.
Seeing Webby and Scrooge interactions now, after watching this once, is just-They're So Soft! AND everything is just-AH I love it. It's so weird, but when is the family tree not screwy(also, Webby=Scrooge's clone? Webby=female? Trans Scrooge=Cannon?! I think Fucking So!)
Aaaaaaannd that's all we get from Gladstone and Fethry. If there's one thing I wish was in this episode more it would be more cousin interactions and Daisy. Though, Daisy not being too into it makes sense. Loved what we got of her tho. At least we got a little bit of them this episode, it was already pretty character packed
Well...Launchpad is only half wrong.
Oh wow. Oh Wow, I love this dynamic between LP, Drake, and Fenton...ot4? because I refuse to leave Gandra out. I love how Drake doesn't know about Fenton and Gizmo while it seems like everyone else in the world does. Still, LP/Drake and Gandra/Fenton some of my faves. So good
OH YEAH! Even the other 2 Caballeros are here!!
And the last adventure STARTS
I find it Fantastic how Dewey and Launchpad will probably die thinking F.O.W.L used the last level of a videogame as their secret layer layout
*sigh* This is why I avoid previews and wish I was better at avoiding theories from after those previews. I would have been more surprised and probably would have enjoyed this ep even more if I had Nothing to expect. But the theories were right. Tho, I did not expect how (or should I say Who) Webby was cloned from...though also I was spoiled by that when I was looking for the ep. Some ass used "Scrooge is Webby's dad" as a video title. I didn't think it was real, but I was wrong.
Awwww. Don has such a soft spot for kids
I love Lena and her development.
...*sigh* ok. "you've already got sisters" with this line, I am obligated to drop the Webby/Lena ship. I'm sorry, but it's one of my many rules for being ok with a ship. If the characters Ever say, even just once as an afterthought, they see each other as siblings or something similar, I will see them as that. It's why I've never been ok and have been uncomfortable with Shiro/Keith since Keith saved Shiro from...his clones...huh. So, from now on, I'm going to be Very uncomfortable with anything Weblena...even though the thought of them in the future was cute
HOW does a show about building ottomans have plot???
I wasn't sure how to feel about the clones All throughout this
Oooooh. That picture of Webby's parents...is fake. It's like some picture Beakley took off the internet.
I saw a post saying how Della had to convince Donald to go on one last adventure and how she had to watch him almost die, but she really Didn't. She helped him pack and she was ready to let Donald go on his adventure("but Daisy's my adventure" They are too damn cute for their own damn good. I love them. donsy for the win), but an actual Crisis came up and he had to stay. Donald nearly dying by void was not Della's fault and if I see any more posts about how she roped Donald into a death mission, I will go up a wall and break a neck on my way down
Man, it's weird hearing this and knowing that Webby's parents don't exist
Wow! Beakley just knocked out Scrooge! Damn!
Oooh! The girls are fighting
...Woah. I just realized, the blood and brain of Scrooge McDuck and the training of Bentina Beakley. Webby is even more of a beast than we knew.
Pepper. Just Pepper. She seems like one of your parent's nice coworkers that brings you brownies and pinches your cheeks
I also really like that you can't tell which Gyro is telling that to
God, I Fucking Love the concept that is Manny. He's one of those things that if someone asked you about him outside of the fandom, you wouldn't even know where to start. It's absolutely FanFuckingTastic. He's the most magical thing in the universe? Fuck Yes, give that to me Now!
HE SPEAKS!!!!!!(I couldn't place his voice actor, but I when I looked him up I realized recognized him for Glossaryck from SVTFOE)
(Edit: Just found out that the scene with Manny was a Gargoyles ref. Nice!)
Once again, I love everything about LP, Drake, and Fenton
And then Lena Died
Aww, they both have such soft spots for children
(that had to be a different font because really, what the fuck)
He really did just say he was too busy to die. This duck is too powerful
(I really just don't have too much to say between all of this. I just love all of it)
Woo! Louie with the motivation!
Pft-how both of them are singing? Love to see it...wait, we don't see Don Karnage after this...DID HE DIE IN THAT CRASH?! DID DEWEY COMMIT HIS FIRST MURDER?!
"Welcome home, April." I hate you.
Of course he dabs
"he was like this when we found him." Nice to know Gos knows what to do in the event that she kills someone
Oh that's horrendous. I hate that
"Now, let's get down to business." TO DEF[get's shot]
Why is Manny like actually the best?
God, Drake and LP really are two halves of a whole idiot huh? They're soulmates, your honor
"I. Am." "Not alone in this." That was so sweet, but also JUST TELL HIM!!
And now Glom is dead
Oh, that's a lot of mind control
"Even by our standards, this is a weird day." Couldn't say it better, Lena
"How do you think Della found out about the Spear of Selene?" OH, YOU MOTHERFU
"Oh, Bradford, how villainous." DAMN! HE REALLY DID JUST DO THAT, HUH?!
"Do you know how replaceable clones are?" Oh yeah, that's right. You're probably not the og Gyro
Man, we don't ever have Von Drake for long but I always love him
Those lights are really only there for dramatic effect, aren't they?
...Close enough.
Launchpad moment! Yeah!!!
HEY! I just noticed. While wearing the suit, Launchpad didn't crash...idk what to do with this info
The fine print is usually good to read...we people just don't do it apparently
"...your most trusted ally?" *picks Donald* Wow. That's right there with the feels ain't it
"it's not worth the risk." Fuck, I love them
Oh that sounds so weird. Scrooge has never been a dad, always Uncle. So Weird
And Gandra, Gyro, and Von Drake are dead. There is a Body Count this episode
"Donald Duck." "Uncle Scrooge." I SEE YOU! I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! AND I LOVE IT!
Hehe. From Bitchford to bird brain.
Beakley thinking she's no longer accepted? Nah, she was granny first and foremost
"We're smarter" "We're tougher" "We're sharper" And we'll earn our way square." AH-I'M GOING DOWN LIKE THE SUNCHASER, GUYS
I don't know what else to say.
This show was amazing from beginning to end. I may not have cried, but I didn't need to cry. It wasn't sad and there was nothing bittersweet about it. Just pure perfection, just like the rest of the show.
Perfectly Preen, not a fether out of place.
Goodnight Ducktales, you were perfect
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supercorp-exile · 3 years
Didn't write anything new for Supercorptober today, but this is my fave thing I've ever written and I feel it fits the theme, so here goes.
Summary: National City enjoys a quiet night, and Kara and Lena are lonely
Read on AO3
13. quiet
National City was still. Way too still for Kara’s taste. It was gray and stilted and suspended in time. No crime. No movement. No people going about their lives. It felt too much like her own life. Even the wind was static, silent and allay as it so rarely was here, blowing soft and lazy to conceal its presence. The sky was clear, but there were no stars to be seen. Numb. Void.
Kara felt bleak. It seemed the whole world had stopped and tilted on its axis. She hadn't felt like herself for a long time now. Everything seemed wrong. And now, it seems, the world outside was reflecting her inner mood, all the turmoil she had felt not too long ago gone and replaced by quiet resignation.
She cradled her mug closer to her chest, blowing a little on the hot cocoa still unfinished in her hands. Sitting on her windowsill felt, watching the world outside in its dead stupor, she felt disturbed. Unsettled. Like something was missing. She looks at the frame again, resting by her feet. She was happy then. If only she'd been braver.
A sigh escaped her lips, and she closed her eyes, resting her head on the window. Her face was sore from crying so much earlier. Kara took a deep breath and released, concentrating on the sound around her. The faint wind moving the leaves on the trees almost imperceptibly; the sound on the TV on in the next apartment, showing a rerun of The Bachelorette; a mother singing her baby to sleep; a lone car passing by a few streets over; the sound of water running while someone did the dishes; a teenager in bed, humming along to a song blasting on his ears; a husband and wife having a discussion about something silly.
Proof that life still went on around her, even though she couldn't see it. It was soothing. A smile crept up on her face, unannounced. Kara hadn't smiled much lately. She tried. It felt off of her not to. But was crooked and pale and it never quite reached her eyes. She breathed again, slower, and focused, searching for her city’s pulse.
She found Lena’s instead. A strong heartbeat, like a drum playing sweet music to her ears. She tried to imagine what she would be doing. Sitting at her kitchen counter, a leg up pressed against her chest, one hand holding a fancy glass of wine and the other going fast through paper, doing the sudoku puzzles she loved so much. Kara felt her eyes well up again and her chest tightened.
She was tired of crying. Tired of missing Lena, of trying to mend the bridge she’s broken between them and only managing to widen the gap, of feeling like a coward, and feeling angry at Lena for not telling her she knew and then angry at herself for judging Lena like that. Tired of longing.
Releasing the sob she couldn't hold anymore, Kara let herself cry once again. She searched the city for a sound, a scream, a sign of trouble, anything to keep her mind off Lena for another 10 minutes. But there was nothing. Today, National City was still. And Kara felt it in her bones.
Chapter 2
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eolewyn1010 · 3 years
Back to rewatching Tatort München? Betcha!
So, since I've been talking with both @fanpersoningfox and @xxdreamiiloeyxx about "Am Ende des Flurs" recently, I thought I'd bring it up as a discussion topic because... I take issues. Mind spoilers for this episode as you go.
This episode caught a bit of upset at its initial release because it ends with one of our Kriminalhaupkommissare getting stabbed in the back. And everyone was like, "ooohh, but will he survive it???" Which he did, obv, and to be honest, the cliffhanger wouldn't have bothered me much anyway. It would have been fucking annoying if Franz would have died this way, but for other reasons. Down into this shithole of an episode that got some very impressed critics and left me more than a little put-off.
They make this whole big deal out of the dead lady, Lisa, having been Franz' girlfriend, one he was really serious about, and yet he didn't know that she was a prostitute. That's the absolute worst, you know. That she was a sex worker. That his lovely, golden-haired, perfect angel did dirty sex work.
Not, you know, that she wasn't honest with him.
Not that she aborted his baby without communicating it to him. (No, I'm not saying she should have had the child if she didn't want it. I'm saying he had a right to know that it existed and there was ever a decision for her to make.)
Not that she'd been pregnant by him, so apparently at some point decided to have unprotected sex with him, still without informing him that she worked as a prostitute. Urgh. That's just the peak of asshole-y irresponsibility.
So, in short, I hate our angelic victim that everyone is just SO taken with and that everyone falls in love with and that everything is revolving around and whose praises even people sing who've only ever met her dead (Mary Sue effect much?), and definitely not because she dared to sleep with more than one person. Fuck your ill-thought out biases, BR. At least be consequential and get to the real issues of this constellation.
Also, everyone is super defensive about Lisa the Angelic. One of her friends gets on Franz' case for letting her down... except it was her who ended the relationship and chose not to see him again. Get your perspectives straight, geez.
Then, the stabby-happy murderer. Is a good old, cliché, psychotic lesbian. Not the first one Tatort München brings up, mind you, and not the last. I'm so fucking tired of it. Problematic queer characters, brought on by your German television. In 2014. Shove it, BR.
The only beam of light I could find in all of this was that Ivo was trying to take care of Franz (I appreciate the moment when he says he's sending Franz to Croatia to stay with his, Ivo's, family for a while because he needs the time-out; nice try), but even that is not going in a satisfying way. Franz ignores him completely, doesn't try to take the help Ivo offers, and at some point, Ivo's just left yelling at the void, so everyone's just pissy all the time and it's not a nice team atmosphere. And where's Franz' brain this episode? I'm sure he sometimes has one. He doesn't have one here, because of this woman. Do I ever so appreciate driving my faves OOC.
Also, this was Kalli's debut episode. Baby boy really would have deserved something better than this mess and the audience begrudging him because they thought he was brought in to replace Franz.
Last but not least, the whole episode feels kinda trippy? There was a lot of dreamy, wishy-washy looking sequences with soft music and melancholic memories and it really didn't feel like it was making a whole lot of sense. Cue the two leading ladies who didn't convince me at all. They were playing kinda affected; it just all seemed very artificial, the mimics and how they delivered their lines.
This episode was bad and it should feel bad. Does feel bad to me, anyway. And this dead lady should have a Mary Sue complex the size of Sweden. Thanks for coming to my brat talk, take a detour to "Gefallene Engel" on your way out if you wanna see a better approach to many of these takes.
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