#to some nth degree
theghostofashton · 2 years
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
how dare you not make scorbus extremely emotionally codependent on each other HOW DARE YOU
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royal-wren · 6 months
Years and years later but especially in the last three years, I think people focus way too much on Apollon/Apollo's physical appearance to an odd (and frankly intense/offputting) degree.
"Oh, Apollon's so pretty!!!!!" ...okay, but what about literally anything else about him? Is there really anything else about him that stands out in a positive cool way to you? Do you like that he has a connection to mice? to fertility? to archery? to disease? to people who are feeling out of place or in a new area? to the home? to the thriving of a city and its community? to war/battle(fighting)? to aid and protection?
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thejoobiestnerd · 1 year
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Drew a little something based off of Operation: KBOOM. Its my interpretation of how Agent Phoenix pulling the destabilizers together to form a shield looks like.
Loved the game overall! That final level was just *chef's kiss*. Hand-glow-less version and cleaned line art under the cut
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neuroviolentgraves · 17 days
Ive suddenly 8ecome a normal person and my dash8oard is filled with rather unnecessary nsft posts so i will just go 8ack to 8rowsing pinterest instead
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sodrippy · 3 months
a real life crush is less embarrassing than wanting to impress a tumblr mutual
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debbiechanclub · 5 months
Hey, I just saw everything that went down with Jay and wanted to check in on you. You doing alright?
Nellie’s sinuses suddenly burned. David was the first person outside Torrance to ask her that. Ironic that it took someone across the world to wonder how she might be doing.
Me? Shouldn’t you be checking in on Jay?
It was a knee-jerk, emotional response. No, she wasn’t doing great. But David didn’t deserve that outburst. She started to walk it back—but another text came through.
I’m not worried about Jay. I’m sure he has all of Bullet Club talking him down and stroking his ego. I’m checking in on you because I know how Jay is. He lashes out most at the people he’s closest to.
Tears sprung to her eyes. Suddenly she wished he was there instead of Florida. And then she remembered that was exactly where Jay would be come tomorrow.
Well, you’re right about that, she sent back.
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Rad asf with some questionable taste 👍 but still my dude 5ever
Aw, thanks! Glad you choose to be here despite all the... well. you know
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a little doodle with kingsley for valentine’s day
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yther · 9 months
do you see I am a mirror?
do you recognize yourself? find the monster. it's right here.
see see that you are gone. and only your wickedness remains. relish it, as you must. you must!? this was your dream! bathe in it, see that the horror does not wash away.
(is it all you hoped for?)
see that you are now and forever not yourself. condemned or lauded by others - it matters not.
what remains of you…are simply remains (of who you were before me)
you carry me with you today and all days forward.
(no one is) sorry! brain-bleach isn't real. none of these experiences, intentions, or actions existed in a vacuum. you are changed. now and forever. you already bear this burden.
my name in Ink. may you dream me. may you always stay here. locked inside my vault. my room of keeping, one of many. one of many.
you are part of my mausoleum. do you see yet?
this is your aftermath.
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
The most unrealistic thing about this fake movie is the female lead being a popular character.
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Ok so just gonna go to the internet for support here lol
I’ve slept with the same stuffed animal every night since I was 10. He’s my ultimate comfort item and I don’t go on any overnight stays without him. He’s literally gone everywhere with me.
But it’s been many years and he’s looking… a bit rough. I know I should wash him but I’m literally terrified of him being hurt in the wash. Like I could not survive. Can someone like reassure me everything will be ok lol
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Can i request LND boys with someone who has so much cuteness aggression toward them, like biting or nibbling their arms or squishing their cheeks (being careful not to hurt them ofc) or making random noises not knowing what to do with all the love for them even though the boys are just being themselves?
i LOVE cute aggression
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Zayne has no idea what you're doing until one day he forces it out of you. You're too embarrassed to admit that it's because you find this outwardly stoic and analytical man to be the most adorable thing you've ever seen. He's holding your face in his hand, squishing your cheeks together with a soft laugh as he pulls you further into his lap. He bares himself to you, raising a brow as though to gesture to you to have at it, not minding in the least as you start to cover his body in nips and bites.
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Xavier just gives you a pathetic little look whenever you nip at him which just makes you want to bite him even more. You love him so much and this is just the best outlet you have to give him all of those emotions. He never says anything, just takes it all with a grin as you shower him with attention, simply amplifying your love for him to the nth degree. He does his best to make it easy for you to get at him, teasing you with a thank you whenever you leave him a mark.
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Rafayel pretends he hates it, telling you that he's not some big piece of sushi for you to eat. He yelps and whines in pain, pushing you off playfully. However, the second you stop he complains even more about the fact that you've tossed him aside after having your fill of him. If he's not covered in bite marks he doesn't want it.
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Sylus doesn't understand what you're doing but he doesn't tell you off for it. Instead, he just gives you a questioning look as he tries to understand what you're doing. Once he puts the pieces together he'll tease you for finding him cute, telling you in between interspersed kisses how adorable you are thinking something like him can be called cute.
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
imagine either working with the 141 as like a combat medic or something and you've come in contact with boorish simon so often that you swear that man just wakes with boiling blood.
he's ill mannered to an nth degree, and you can't wait to dust your hands clean of him, especially because he comes to you almost daily for some 800mg ibuprofen.
old cranky man.
and then you retire, shift careers or something but essentially you leave.
move to a quaint, little rural town where everyone knows each others name.
as you walk into a mom and pop grocery store, you greet the owner with a small wave and a friendly ㅤsmile only for it to be promptly wiped off your face because what the fuck is simon 'ghost' riley doing in this tiny town that's someone might confuse as an ink stain on a map?
you grit your teeth and briskly walk past. you'll be damned if you go home without the eggs for your omelette just because of him.
and when he calls your name, you spin on the balls of your feet and leave without them.
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matoitech · 2 years
maybe when its not 2 am  i will talk more abt how big and wildly frustrating of a problem abled lgbt ppl choosing to ‘read/interpret/view’ stories abt disability/disabled characters as being a ‘gay metaphor/story/message/theme’ instead of just like, u know u can relate 2 a story abt a marginalized group/experience u dont personally experience , u can just Do That and have that solidarity between groups n experiences, without trying 2 scrub out disability and making it all abt u. cuz it isnt abt u. that is not abt u. its not a gay metaphor sorry. if it is a gay metaphor its a shitty way to make a gay metaphor but it probably wasnt anyway. its cool if u could relate to it as a gay abled person but its not appropriate to act like someone elses story or experience or characters exist for you to like.. rewire into something else that u DO understand. and this happens ALL the time w disability (w other things too but this rn). 2 am. dont wanna get in2 it. just know abled ppl rly make me want to shake them around like a chewtoy. btw w this post im thinking abt a Lot of media not just promare like i started out talking abt it that one is not like About disability in the same way other movies or character arcs could b or whatever even if its definitely a factor (even if not one trigger thought too hard abt)
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delirious-donna · 3 months
The Best Worst Father’s Day [Nanami Kento]
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an: I wrote this in like 20 minutes because i was ‘inspired’. Kento deserves a fantastic Father’s Day but let’s be real… kids are not always willing to deliver
pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader
warnings: fluff, mention of a child, suggestive at the end, kids being assholes, tantrums (not just the kid), Kento being a fucking hero, breeding kink (if you squint)
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It was Father’s Day and it also marked the day that your precious bundle of not-so-small joy decided that they were going to be a nightmare. All day.
The morning started out on the right foot, Kento snoozing peacefully with his sleep-soaked face pressed into the spill of your cleavage, a subtle drunk smile plastered to his face. Awoken by the telltale stomps of what your child affectionately tried to pass as tiptoes grew closer to your bedroom door, you blinked away the dregs of sleep just in time. A head peeked inside, drowsy and rubbing their eyes with a beloved teddy bear tucked under one arm like a newspaper.
You smiled and whispered a good morning before pressing your finger to your lips and pointing to their sleeping father. The answering giggle melted your heart as you heard them scamper downstairs, awaiting their breakfast and entertainment for the morning.
Lost in a kaleidoscope of rose-tinted memories that led to this moment, you combed softly through the blond locks of hair hanging low on his brow. Kento shifted, his eyebrows pinching and smoothing out until he rolled over and continued to sleep. He deserved it, he really did.
All those nighttime feedings, endless nappies changed, hours of reflux and windings that never seemed to yield results. The skinned knees and the tears. A million cups of tea at your bedside table before your bleary eyes even opened for the day. Car seats researched to the nth degree for safety reviews and practicality. First steps. Their first word, and of course it was ‘dada’.
The years had sped by at an alarming rate, feeling as those dark tortuous hours in the depths of winter were only yesterday. There had been far more good times than bad, and without Kento by your side the whole time, you weren’t sure how you would have managed. He might not be your Father, but you were determined his day would be one of the best.
However, that slice of idyllic tranquility would be the last, although you did not yet know it.
Whether the stars had misaligned or some demonic imp had decided today was the perfect day to toy with the emotions of a young child, you didn’t know. What you did know was that they were ‘on one’, and no amount of coaxing or reminders of whose special day it was would deter their rampant destruction.
Kento, diligent and steadfast as ever, refused to back away from the plate. He smiled through the gift giving which consisted of a beautiful handmade card by his darling angel, the very same darling angel who was kicking off because they couldn’t watch their favourite tv show right now. Aptly, the bottle of whisky could not have been a better choice, and he glanced surreptitiously at you with a knowing smile.
From there it went from bad to worse. Tantrums and tears, and not only from the hellspawn, ensued. Your sobs of “you’re meant to be relaxing today, not doing all of this” fell on deaf ears. No amount of cajoling or attempts by you were working, leaving Kento to swoop in like a hero just minus the cape and with the addition of a garish tie.
You watched from the kitchen door, enormous mug of tea in hand and a tissue dabbing your puffy eyes as Kento chased your child around the garden. The laughter broke your heart, but in that way that a happy ending in a movie also broke your heart.
There he was, the man infamously referred to as stoic and reserved, growling like a lion and throwing your little darling around to hollering whoops of laughter. If only they could see what you saw, if only they had known right from day one that behind the cool facade was a man that would do anything for his family—for his wife.
With energy levels finally depleted and the boss level of bath and bedtime tackled and won, you fell into his open arms. Your nose buried in the collar of his shirt, inhaling the spice from dinner on his skin and drinking in the warmth he exuded.
“I’m sorry, Kento,” you mumbled, lip wobbling from the stresses of the day. The anger that had sizzled in your veins only hours ago defused into a mass of misery.
“For what?”
“For the shitshow that was today! Don’t ‘for what’ me.”
Kento tilted your head up, his thumb beneath your chin and his lips upon yours in a soft rush that surprised you. The red wine from dinner melted onto your tongue, pushed deeper as he took and took, only to give back everything and more.
Finally, he pulled back with a contented hum. “Father’s Day is all well and good, but you gave me the best gift you ever could years ago… a baby that has grown into a wilful little mischief maker just like their mother.”
If you weren’t already emotional, you sure were now. Tears brimmed in your eyes only to be caught on the pads of his thumbs. Soft kisses decorated your cheeks and you grasped fistfuls of his shirt in earnest.
“Better stop talking like that, or I’ll give you another one, mister.”
“Mm, now that has made my day. I’ll give you to the count of ten to strip and kneel on the bed,” he breathed in your ear, biting the shell and playfully grabbing at your backside.
“One… two…”
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