#to talk about philosophy and make silly jokes and feel like a person
tyepwriter · 1 year
Im a horny bitch
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in-another-april · 6 months
I’m so obsessed with the idea of Spencer finally finding someone he feels comfortable around!! Someone who loves him for who he is!! Who’s actually interested in him and what he has to say!!
It’s a bit overwhelming for him in the beginning, starting on one of his infodumps and realizing that you’re still listening, genuinely interested and encouraging him to keep going. He’s so used to the annoyed “sorry I asked”s and the sarcastic “wow, so interesting”s, and he worries that it’ll always be like this.
But then he meets you! And here you are, trying on ridiculous Halloween costumes with him, helping him pick out his funky socks for the day, accompanying him to every film festival and convention. And here he is, smiley and heart-eyed as ever, getting emotional in the best way because wow this is his person!! and he loves you so so so much!!
He can let his guard down around you, not having to worry about being Genius Dr. Reid and getting to just be Spencer. Making his cheesy philosophy jokes, showing you his silly magic tricks, ranting about his favorite Doctor Who episodes or the book he’s currently reading.
You cuddle up with him on the couch while you’re watching one of his Russian Sci-Fi films together, you ask him to ramble because you love his voice, you kiss him after he finishes saying something super smart because he’s so ridiculously attractive when he talks and ugh, yeah. he loves you so much.
masterlist | inbox ← requests open! ♡
taglist - @lover-of-books-and-tea @maskysluvr @aurorsworld @wisteriaspencer @radioactiveinvisible @mandarinmoons (send an ask or message to be added/removed!)
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machiavellli · 1 month
I don't know why, but I never took you for liking men in beards ( personally I like them clean shaved, but to each their own <3<3<3)!
I wish you both the best!!! 💕
Could you please give us some cute anecdotes between you two ( we don't even know each other, but I really think you're both cute together, I remember reading the post in which you talk about him and it's so cute!) ?
I just wish to have a good caring loyal romantic boyfriend and find the one! 😭😭😭 I've been single all my life.
oh well, this was unexpected but at the same time really sweet, so thank you so much anon🫶
gonna write under the cut, ‘cause I don’t want to annoy everyone (that’s also the reason why I don’t talk about him too much here)
a lot to unpack, let’s go by the order of your ask
1. The beard thing
I have to say that I used to be of the same opinion, even because when we first got together he was a BABYYYYY (we were 16 jk) and he had no beard, no hair chest, no nothing lol. But as we grew up he obviously grow into his features and if at first I was not really intrigued by it, I have to say that it does looks so nice on him (I will never admit it tho, cause I complained about it at first). Also, even if he would shave it completely, I don’t think he would be able to reach again that level of smoothness again lol. He is quite hairy in general, so it is what is, but I don’t complain, since now I definitely prefer the beard.
idk if you are referring to that post where I answered the question if I believed in true love (in that case, wow you know the LORE).
But anyway…some anecdotes mhh
he is like very smart. bro could learn literally anything and I’m glad that he sticks to the scientific/economic side of academia or he would also steal my thing lol. He is smart in an “academia term”, like, again, when it comes to learning, understanding complex concepts he is the best at it. but when it comes to the most simple stuff he becomes silly😭😭
he is so slow when he has to do certain tasks, like cooking, choosing clothes,… Or like one time, he studied computer engineering for a year before switching major btw, so he knows it all about computer, programming, software, whatever, but I discovered that he had no idea that you could select multiple pictures when deleting them in your camera roll. LIKE I KNOW IS NOT THAT SERIOUS, but it was so silly. bro could program a tracker from scratch in 30 minutes and it would take him more for deleting 50 pictures.
he is like very passionate about me. I’m his favourite person or thing to do in general and it’s not my impression, he tells me. when you ask him “what do you want to do?” he will always say “stay with you”.
brotha is clingy af. like I did know that his love language was physical touch, but he could pass an enter it’s hugging me and it would still no be enough.
he once told me that the goal of his life was to make me happy and to make me free from work, so that I can write and do the things I’m most passionate about, without having to worry about anything. THE GOAL OF HIS LIFE. apparently he also told this goal to his father.
actually very interested in philosophy, he knows more than me, he said that he would never peruse a career with it, but it’s an important hobby of his.
now. I’m not a bad person. But when I say that he has no red flag expect the fact that he is with me, I mean it. Like he gives so much and I don’t feel like I ever give enough in return, just because he is unmatchable (also mind you, this is from my pov, he would absolutely say that this isn’t true)
tells his friends how they should treat their gf and calls them out if they do bullshit.
Very kind soul.
Very silly man. Sometimes I hate how much I can’t. stop. laughing. when I am around him. Just because he doesn’t the most out of pockets jokes, but just when he is around me
Cat coded. He loves dogs, but if he was an animal he would be a cat. There has been not one time where he would lay down and ask me to scratch his back or hair.
Brotha got the most beautiful curls on this planet earth and no it’s not an exaggeration. His hair are curly, but it’s like this perfect “boccolo” form.
I said in the past and I’ll said it again, he looks like he belongs in ancient Rome. That nose. Beautiful.
He is definitely the one that suffer distance the most, when I am away on holiday he used to get so sad if I didn’t call him everyday.
He definitely would like to do me surprise, but has no clue on how to organise them. He is romantic but would like to do more, but he is like how????????? Again, struggle with simple things.
He hates his brown eyes, but to me they are the cutest, they look gold in the sunshine :,)
I am more of a nerd than him, I’m the one who drags him to anything that has to do with Star Trek, Star Wars, marvel,…and people are always a bit surprised by that
He lets me tap for hours!!!!!!!!! Because he loves to hear about my interests and he smiles while I do it😭
He is a shy dancer (not like I know how to dance too, but with a glass of wine I really start to not care)
But the only thing he is shy with me personally is speaking in English. Because my accent “scares him”. BROTHA. So if I start to talk in English he will answer “baguette”. I’m not kidding.
Very entrepreneurial type of person. He did a lot and does a lot.
Doesn’t really have a favourite artist, but his top artist on Spotify is Chopin. But he used to like a lot Elton John
He works on fixation, this month we have the ✨rubric cube✨ (he wasn’t to do it in less than a minute) and ✨biking✨
You will never know what to gift to him, because he will always answer he wants “you”🙄
He is loyal and so am I. One time a girl tried to approach him by talking about philosophy and i told him that she was flirting probably, he apologised (even if he did nothing wrong, brotha was only talking about Schopenhauer and had no idea of the girl’s intentions) and blocked her on the spot without me saying a word.
Very passionate about health in general, his and the people close to him. Fan of eating well and exercising.
my mom calls him “Saint” because he has to deal with me. I have to say, I don’t always behave so well (YALL IM TRYING), like when he was doing the major I previously mention, he would return from uni on Fridays at 22:00, so the first thing he would do was taking the car and coming to my house. A couple of time, I didn’t even reached the door to say hello, I was to tired, but he never got mad.
He never gets mad in general. He is just a little sad when I cancel plans, I’m the only one between the two that cancels (I swear I’m good too, BUT I DONT STAND A CHANCE IN COMPARISON)
Bought me many plushies, ‘cause he knows I love them.
Will say to me multiple times in a day “you are beautiful” just beacuse I smiled
Only person in the world that told me I look better without glasses. Usually people tell me I look like an alien-
Makes fun of me for not having a driver license, but he would take me anywhere with his car if I asked.
we write each other a letter every three months, beacuse I just love everything about this too much. He always says that he loves me, really, but on a letter we all get deeper.
we are from the same year, but I am 5 months older
he really would do anything for me and I don’t think it’s beacuse we are young, or because we have been together only for 4 years (even if I would say it’s a big number at my age), but because his family was the once to teach him how to love unconditionally (yall they are all so beautiful together😭).
he gives, gives and gives and would never ask back
My blanket man<33 even if during summer it’s insufferable
When we swim together I can just hang on him and he will drag us around LOL
We call each other other “amore” (love) or “tesoro” (treasure)
Never pressed me into doing anything, not once, at it should be, but I sometimes look at my friends relationships and it’s not always like this sadly.
My strength. If I am studying those days it’s just because he is giving me the strength to do it. I’ve been studying in his room and I can’t only really concentrate when someone is around, so he has been helping me endlessly lately. And I know it means so much to him, because I know how much he would rather talk or hold me instead of watching me studying.
We are both a tad old on the inside, we are very chill, not really social, the type of people that wouldn’t talk at a function.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve been over sharing tooooo much, but who doesn’t love a question about something they are passionate about? Hehehe
There are good men out here, I have the proof, you just gotta keep your standards high :))
I was lucky that I got introduced to him through a friend (@/indac0) and after a month we got together. I love the idea of growing with, many people, even adults (ew) told me that I should go out and “experience” instead of staying in my very healthy relationship. But I would rather have grown with someone kind and learned what love is, than trying situationships that I know what would take me to anything. And I believe that this road it’s actually the only one that makes you understand what you like and the only one that won’t make your time feel wasted, because you already know that you are going nowhere with flings and that you will have lost time anywhere. Why not try something serious? Why not try to become a unique piece of puzzle with someone?
This is personally how I view this.
I wish you all the luck with love anon and thanks again for your kind words💖🫶🌷✨
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beevean · 1 year
Especially the justifications ranging from "Sonic is neurodivergent-coded" to "Sonic is canonically neurodivergent" in Prime grind my gears. I'm certain many of the same people are gushing about how awesome it is that Sonic Prime is CaNoN tO tHe GaMeS... as in, the games where Sonic:
knew that simply defeating and sealing away Chaos again would do NOTHING except make its hurt and anger only worse.
gave Blaze a kind and supportive pep talk, acknowledging what she had been through because of her pyrokinesis and duties as Sol Emerald Guardian and offering her his friendship with a reminder she can count on the people she's got to know during her adventure.
defeated Merlina but expressed sympathy with her hurt about her world ending while sharing his own philosophy of needing to live life to the fullest, without any call-outs about her attacking him earlier, boasts about defeating her, or scoldings about her negative view on it all.
Immediately came rushing back from Cannon's Core in the ARK even though he was seconds away from foiling the entirety of Eggman's plan with the fake Emerald because Eggman and Tails informed him Amy was in danger.
And those are only the examples I know for certain on the top of my head, without even touching upon everything that happens in games like Sonic Battle and Sonic Forces. It's not even that Prime!Sonic is particularly nasty or rude, he clearly adores his friends, but he can't read a room to save his life and he is legitimately just stupid. Which is clearly done because it can be used to write jokes, but he is stupid, in a way that a properly-written game!Sonic could not be even if he tried. And you mean to tell me the Sonic from the above examples is the occasionally-insensitive constantly-dumb hyperactive chatterbox that Prime presents him as? Please.
(I'm sorry, I figure you might have gotten tired of Prime discourse now, but in general the whole He's Totes Neurodivergent fandom perception annoy me, because they use that card to completely disregard any (in my opinion valid) counterarguments about any poor portrayal...)
Oh wait I forgot to add: the reason I came up with those examples is apparently because people think that Sonic (aka Prime!Sonic) has low empathy. Stolen from some probably-shady and possibly-unreliable site on the internet whose definition of empathy does otherwise seem to check out: "In general, empathy is the ability to understand or sense another person’s perspective, feelings, needs, or intentions, even when you don’t share the same circumstances. It can sometimes involve acting on that understanding, including offering help." And I ask, in what world does Sonic from the games lack empathy?????? He's literally the most empathic pep-talk-giving perspective-seeing help-providing understanding sweetheart on the entire planet with that definition!
I remember reading a post that proposed that Tails had high empathy and Sonic had low empathy, before Prime was a thing. And I had your identical "bruh???????" reaction. Sonic has low empathy? Literally where. Show me proof that any version of Sonic struggles to empathize with people. My man is actually pretty good at understanding others, as you accurately pointed out.
Anyway, I don't have ADHD and even I am getting annoyed at how it's been reduced to "hehe i'm soooooo silly and quirky and kiddy 🤪". If it's not Sonic, then it's characters like Tangle who has pretty much become a womanchild and fans defend her because she's "neurodivergent-coded".
Also, speaking of differences between Prime and Canon Sonic, while the latter was also relatively slow to the uptake to accept that he was not meeting his actual friends in Secret Rings and Black Knight, it was still not as ridiculous as the former, who apparently could not recognize that he was in the third different AU in a row and still was all "oh Tails am I glad to see you!".
And apparently Apple Metal was built to be like Sonic but way more obnoxious about it, which prompts Sonic to say "if I'm half as annoying as you I need to change". Which. *sigh*
and i'm pretty sure there was a boom character like that, but boom apparently sucks ass now while prime is the best western show ever. okay
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anulithots · 3 months
i hath returned (I'm the one who asked about the difference between friendship and QPR)!
So... again if this is intrusive don't answer, but... I ❤️ listening to ppl ramble about their friends/partners and now I suppose I can add qp crushes to the list, cause I actually self destructed reading your posts about them....
Going the long way to ask if you would mind rambling more cause it's very sweet
/not forced
HELLO HELLO!!!! <3 <3 <3
youuu readd thoseee holy herbbsss /pos. Lkjalkfjaksldfadsf.asdkf.
THANk you for the ask but also... by the end of this I'm going to make it too obvious who I'm having a queer platonic crush on but IT"S OKAY... they only follow me and... umm... I don't know if they reciprocate... it's fine if they don't but also I'm too shy to ask...
In the eternal words of Norma Khan from dead end, 'her details make me happy'
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(and that honestly made crushes make a whole lot more sense in my head. Queer platonic included. Autistic representation is important so that I can understand how the world works actually /hj
No but actually Extraordinary attorney Woo had the autistic MC describe her crush as 'thinking about them along with whales (her hyperfixation) and I was like... oh.
Okay time to RANT heheh.
So this morning in fact, I made attempts at jokes in my strange sense of humor. None of my family laughed or even thought it was funny. The reason I did that? Even though I knew none of them ever liked my sillies? Because I talked to ✨the person✨ and they not only thought they were silly, but went along with the puedo-roleplay absolute ridiculousness? ANother person on this planet shares my sense of humor and i never thought that was possible ever ever ever.
And they are Hilarious and wondeorus and has the most dramatic sense of humor ever and I love it so much so much and
SO if I make a dark/self-depricating joke then others usually respond with discomfort or reassurance. Which never felt liek the right repsonse and I wondered why I kept asking them only for ✨the person✨ to laugh at it and tell me how silly I was in a silly tone and I think my heart burst.
OH and there's this little Prince quote that's like 'once you love someone you'll see them everywhere because everything will remind you of them' AND YES. HOLY HERBS YES. Sees something from a shared hyper fixation? A neurodivergence thing? Somethign from one of thier hyperfixations and it's like 'oh they would love that' and THEY DO and I can send them all sorts of random things and it's completely okay and
Like we'd be chatting about a hyperfixation and it'd morph into a discussion on philosophy/society/suches and such and I LOVE THOSE. ANd ✨the person✨ has such nice way of phrasing those? AMazing points and it's a DISSUCSSION. BEFORE I'VE ONLY EVER INFODUMPED OR BEEN QUIET AND LISTENED BUT THIS? THIs? Back and forth disscussion? It's happiness sparkle explosion inducing.
(Also they don't mind if I vent and it's okay and they say things that make me feel a lot better and kadfjasdfjsakdf)
now I want to say a thing but it's... way too hyperspecific... hmmm... Okay I feel like I can be myself with this person. All my weird questions and comments have responses that are halrious and wonderous and it's okay if it fades into silence and it's okay to get distracted and say random things and it's okay to say sappy things kafjkasd
Also also the way their personality is. Just... hmmm how to describe.... like they act in a way that feels so genuine and.. endearing? I suppose that's the right word. Probably the right word. The way they describe situations like thunder or ladybugs or their favorite games in an overdramatic way or the way they'll say what they think and it's the truth and it's their truth. The way they like things to be semi-the same and the stories they tell and the way the write and the ideas they have. The way their mind works and they way they express those ideas and their mannerisms, what they struggle with and thier greatest strenghts is sooo wonderous and it makes me very happy to talk to them and just.... gah I wish I could know them better and be with them more often but alas.
The obligatory keyboard smash: aklfasldkfjasldkjfkdsaj klasjfklasdfj
hmmm perhaps that's enough for now /pos
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hi! i’m not sure if your still doing the ship asks but if ur not just ignore my yapping 😋
i’m a girl, my pronouns are she/her and i’m straight
so appearance wise, i’ve got blonde hair that goes a little past my shoulders. my hair curls naturally but when it gets wet it gets crazy. my skin is tan and i’ve got SO many freckles. on my face and going all up my arms and down to my hands. my eyes are a blue/gray (i can never really tell if it’s one or the other). i’m short 💀 like 5”3. i don’t have any super distinguishing features except a little beauty spot under my right eye, a little bit below my lashes.
i’m glad that you asked for people not to use those letter personality things because i have no idea what they are. in terms of personality, id say ima chill person. i definitely feel instead of think, i try to be nice to everyone but if you do something fucked up then i won’t be mean i just won’t talk to you. i LOVE a girls girl. im a morning person and i like to be outside. im smart. i like to read and learn and school come pretty easy to me. i like asking questions about others more than talking about myself. if i was a character, my friends say i would be a mix of rory gilmore, charlie dalton, and ferb (phineas and ferb).
hobbies: reading (philosophy and history books are my favorite), surfing, photography, collage, rock climbing, drawing during math class (fuck math. i hate math with a passion), beach
fun facts: i’m really good at poker, i scaled my first rock wall when i was six, i run cross country, its easy to make me laugh, my favorite artist is the beatles, my favorite song is either kiss her you fool, or brazil (declan mckenna)
idk what else to put, i appreciate you for this!! i love reading the ships you do for other anons i like peeking into these random people’s lives.
Your Fandom Ship: Sokka (Avatar The Last Airbender)
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Explanation: appearance wise I think that he loves the way that you look I mean from your blonde hair to your face that’s just failed the freckles which he makes a lot of jokes about but I just think he loves it. I just really think that he would like your features. He thinks your eyes are gorgeous and would definitely joke about you being super short. I think he would like poking your beauty mark if you didn’t find that too annoying. He really likes your relaxed personality and it kind of contrast to his in sense of him being a little bit more chaotic and cocky. I feel like he would balance him out and just kind of remind him that he needs to sit back and chill sometimes. he’s also kind of sexist in the beginning and I feel like you’re the kind of person that would also like Suki kind of change his mind and turn him around about how women aren’t really that way, but just being your bad ass women loving self so I just yeah, I feel like he would definitely you would definitely be good for him in that sense. He’s not great with school or learning in general so I think he would be able to help him a lot with that with your kind of academic personality. You’re in luck because I also believe that soccer hates math with a passion and you guys could shit talk for hours on end together and make fun of your math teacher. He would love going rockclimbing with you and surfing with you as well. I think that he’s not very used to the idea of surfing because of where he grew up and kind of icy waters and when you introduce him to him, I can totally see him as being a surfer dude. I think he wouldn’t like reading himself, but if you read him an interesting section of your books, he would be fascinated. Maybe ask you some questions. anyway, I think he’s really goofy and kind of silly more comedic personality would contrast really well with your more serious academic one and I definitely love this dynamic and ship this duo 🧡🧡
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sweetpiccolo-blog · 1 year
Hi love! Here for the mash up!
Well, I’m a light skinned Black Latina with a big dark Afro and brown eyes. I’m about 163cm (minus the hair) and I wear glasses.
I speak Portuguese, English and French which makes learning languages a hobbie for me. I love studying, especially if it involves history or philosophy. I also love reading, watching movies and talking about them, and I’m a huge Disney fan. I also love some good homemade food, traveling and music is my oxygen - I’m into a little bit of everything.
I’m a Sagittarius with a Gemini rising — don’t ask me what that means, I don’t get much about astrology. I’m a INFJ-T and a very introverted person until I get to know someone better! Very grumpy in the morning, talkative to the extreme and sometimes funny and silly. I’m very determined and creative in my life.
My love language is quality time with a hint of physical touch. I love to spend time with the people I love no matter if it is staying in, going out or crossing an ocean to explore a new country. I love good communication and vulnerability, makes me feel safe!
I dislike petty, annoying people, repeating noises, not being heard, disorganization and lack of compromise - just to name a few!
Just please don’t match me with Max or Checo! Not my favorites hihihi
Thank you already 🤍 lots of love!
Hi love! Sorry for the wait. I absolutely love your ask because I can see some similarities we have and I tried really to work on it. Hope you like it! <3💙
This is only my opinion, so be sure to let me know what you think about it later : )
Header by @dvluc
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Your match is...
☆George Russell☆
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You are a language girl? He loves that about you. George would start learning new languages with you. He was never really into studying, but with you it´s much more fun plus you are his motivation. You get to test each other randomly if you didn´t forget some new words. You both would encourage each other when needed to use that certain language instead of English like usually.
He would have incredible respect for your culture. He would ask you to tell him something from your history or about your traditions. He wants to learn because he is naturally curious and interested. Plus he cherishes you a lot.
Your enthusiasm with history and philosophy is great for museum dates. When he travels for a race and you are with him you totally go on dates. If the weather is bad, then you visit a gallery or museum where you spend hours. There you tell him everything you know and he listens while smiling at you. He looks at you absolutely smitten. If he wants you to talk more, he asks a question and he just lets you talk. Even if it´s something he already knows. You talk, he listens.
Disney-world trip is happening for sure - because you love Disney ofc. He takes you and Alex with Lily and all 4 of you run around the whole day. And this trip wouldn´t be a one time thing for sure. 
George would watch whatever you like and then talk about it with you for the next few days. Sharing opinions, complaining about the storyline, appreciating characters, anything and everything. 
I feel like you two would kinda have a different taste in music but that´s no problem. Listening to the songs the other person likes is your love language. Just being able to learn about each other through music is very special.
You both are a little introverted. You spend time together the most. You don´t mind being around others but neither alone, just you two together. Meeting people is not really an issue but you like being with your comfort group of homies more.
You would be silly and funny together. You make jokes with him and about him. Its the same way around. Having a laugh is the main goal. And you absolutely don´t mind. He would have you grinning like silly even making you laugh so much you are on the floor holding your tummy.
George would be the first one to speak in the morning, slowly pulling you out of your tiredness and charging you with good energy from the moment you open your eyes. He charges your social battery.
Physical touch? No problem. You want it, he gives it to you and doesn´t let you go until you say you had enough. He doesn´t mind either way. He is there for you however you want. Even sitting next to each other and watching anything in silence is fine by him.
You share determination for things you are passionate about. And that´s what always reminds you how in love you two are. Just seeing the other person not give up and try harder is so admirable.
He knows he can be himself with you so sometimes, when the racing and everything gets to him and vents a bit, he knows you are there for him. Even if there are tears, he is not afraid to show it. He sees no point in hiding how he feels. 
When someone speaks over you, George stands up for you. He makes sure you are not ignored. He also remembers everything you like or are telling him and makes mental notes not to ignore it. If there are some annoying people and he sees you in discomfort, he tries to to take you away from them. He wants you to be comfortable.
His mom loves cooking for you! Or she invites you over and cooks something with you. George can´t help himself in those moment and just fall in love with you more. 
ENJOY! 💙💙💙
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angela-the-fox · 1 year
Color wheel of Dave and Bambi oc's.
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Personality:Kind,innocent,friendly,silly,goofy elf.
Likes:asking too many questions(because he got amnesia),help every situation,gets a lot of head pets,belly rubs,and ear scratches.
Dislikes:Get really annoyed while teasing,homophobic people(he supports LGBTQ),poked too many times(he'll get brain damage).
The sweet elf is Genderfluff.
He likes ambient music from Spotify.
He sometimes talks with Dante whenever he gets confused and curious.
He really doesn't understand or anything.
He really loves cuddles whenever he's lonely.
Personality:So serious,strict,sometimes bossy(jeez,rude old man),talkative like a serious man.
Likes:Drinking coffee, reading books, writing on papers/newspapers/notebooks etc,sometimes back massages,comfort words,serious advice.
Dislikes:Loud noises/voices/volumes,argument/complaining/dealing,being such a silly old man(i'm not really wanted to be rude).
He is Aromantic(but anti-romantic)
He sometimes loves to help with any situation.
Personality:Very calm,chill,less talkative,kind to everyone,satisfied.
Likes: Philosophy quotes and advice,makes conversation with their companions(Gabbi and Umbrella(Umbri),drinking tea,meditating.
Dislikes:Languages of bad things,crazy memories,random situations,arguments,complain.
He is Aesthetigender
He usually drinks any tea he has his own taste.
Personality:Positive:Kind,friendly,super positive,really nice to everyone,very energetic,supportive.
Negative:Angered,rage,disgust, delusional.
Likes:Helps everyone with so many issues,share some nice sweets,funny jokes.
Dislikes:Getting annoyed,angry with him,harmless jokes,homophobic.
He is Straight(but supports LGBTQ).
He sometimes gets really annoyed with his negative side.
Personality:Humorous,funny like a clown,cheeky,obsessive.
Likes:Annoy everyone with hilarious jokes, painting everyone's hair with his green paint,tell harmless jokes.
Dislikes:Head bumps,large keys and get really annoyed,sometimes act jealous of Umbri, interact with the puns from them,homophobic.
He is Demi-boy.
He sometimes teases Umbrella with his paint to his hair.
Personality:very nervous, fluttered,really nice,super shy,friendly but sometimes nervous, nauseous.
Likes:Painting,drinking tea/coffee/juice and eating cookies,standing under the rain with his own umbrella(☔) outside when the weather is rainy,help with everyone.
Dislike:Get insulted,hurt his feelings,emotional damages,abuses,pedophiles and homophobic.
He is Transgender and Polysexual.
He uses his umbrella for sunny heat and rainy weather.
Color:Cool blue
Name:Romeo(Rommy)(From Romeo and Juliet)
Personality:Flirty,humorous, romantically talkative,overprotective to women's.
Likes:Girls,shares love letters, rhymes,love compliments,pinky promises,romantic jokes,comforts,hugs and kisses.
Dislikes:Heartbreaking the feelings,seamless jokes,homopobic romance,abuses,pedophiles.
He is Poly and Pan.
He sometimes thinks about romance and he always hides it before taking a relationship and friend zoning.
Personality:Grumpy,super serious,sometimes devastated and nauseous.
Likes:Being alone,having own privacy,a private conversation with one of his allies.
Dislikes:Annoying him,arguing and complaining,throwing someone with his large golden key,Varu's harmless jokes,name-calling.
He is Asexual and Achillean
His pupils sometimes change whenever he gets mad and softened.
(That's my 8 color wheel Bambisona's from another original character,but different personalities and mood).
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paladinwife · 2 years
I don't go looking for fics too often because of my small (and negative) experiences looking for Roland ones, but honestly? I can understand not liking how people write Binah.
I actually feel a lot of people don't get most of the Project Moon characters. They usually take one aspect of their personality and twist it to fit whatever they want. I get making memes and jokes--heck, a ton of my silly quotes while playing are just that--but I like the Librarians because of their complexity.
They're shown to be complex, multifaceted characters with flaws. And seeing them overcome those flaws is really what makes the games so good in my opinion!
And Binah ... yes, she's intimidating. But in a way that's hard for me to describe. And even then, she's shown to be caring and wants to interact with the other Librarians within LoR (if you watch the side stories she's a part of). I feel she was harsher on the Manager because of what he did to her, and I can't blame her. And when she was Garion she was simply doing her job.
In LoR, though, Binah is much more laid back. She's shown to be patient and intelligent, thinking and observing before taking action. She also is kind, though not in the way most people are familiar with--the best example I can think of being how she talks to Roland after her Realization and comforts him in her own way. And by the end of the Floor of Philosophy's story, they've grown to be on better terms--Roland doesn't outright dislike Binah, and Binah finds Roland to be good company.
Plus, she likes inviting everyone for tea--even Chesed (their little tea vs. coffee squabble is amusing as heck). She's trying to get to know people more than she could in the past, and it's sweet.
All this is to say there is so much more to Binah than "scary woman"--I agree with you.
This got ... long. And honestly I don't get this in depth with my opinions on the characters with most people because I fear being annoying--
But I had to reach out because I agree with you 100%. It gets so tiring seeing my faves made OOC or having a single aspect of their personality over exaggerated, and it's nice to have someone else who understands how rough it can be.
~ librarian-lover 📖
@librarian-lover oh no no need to apologize - you’re absolutely right!
I feel like the LoboCorp/LOR fandom does just have a really bad tendency to do this in general. While I think usually Gebura is handled better than Binah, if just because she’s easier to read, there’s still a pretty strong tendency to overplay her anger.
But it’s definitely worse for Binah, who intentionally seems to make herself as difficult to read as possible. I think a lot of people, especially people who first encountered her in LoboCorp, get very caught up on the way she presents herself and never really dig any deeper. Certainly a problem, given that to understand her at all, you really do have to get past that front of hers.
And don’t even get me started on how people who only care about shipping her with Gebura or Angela treat her. Blech.
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cometmystic · 2 years
-3 : Hisui Oshawott
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(dont look at the typing in the image)im giving myself a handicap for the least favourite list which is making it wayyyyyy harder (more on that later) so were starting weird spicy,,
the arceus folk were always going to struggle because mixing and matching starters is a dangerous game to play,, theres the very distinct feeling that these creatures dont go together, because they Dont; they have different philosophies informing their designs and you cant avoid that. taken away from their original context, decidueye and oshawott are a little too similar geometry wise in a way starter choices within a gen oft never are.
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but hey, ones a samurai, ones an archer, and the other can do the ghostie flames; they fit a little too well thematically for the region not to be picked. what can you do ? ...aside from shrine maiden fennekin line. or a momotarou bulbasaur line. ...thats not what im talking about
what knocks oshawott specifically here is the new final evos. cyndaquil and rowlett march steadily enough towards their final forms; rowletts colours already darken in its middle stage, so the autumn colouring is not a huge shift, and cyndaquil is still becoming upright with flames that envelop it more and more (which hisuian does actually better than vanilla here). oshawotts line is now even less cohesive. it doesnt address a problem with the original that its armour plating is just kind of,, there, haphazardly placed and making it look More naked, but now the drastic colour palette, with less contrast for ease of readability than the original, just make the oshawott line feel that much more unrelated to itself.
i think what kills thiese guys the most is that they stopped at a new final evo. a new second form or, hell, make them variants from the start and call them something else; then i think itd be way more fun
+3 : Snivy
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complete transparency here; this one is mostly personal bias. see the most fun time ive ever had with pokémon, which im becoming increasingly confident is gonna stay that way, was spearheaded by this guy. blowing a kiss at the clouds for drayano
but its not like these designs dont have anything going for them on their own !! the way this frilly, pompous jacket collar design it has grasually grows into a snakey cocoon that engulfs all of its limbs is first of all pretty bold of an idea and second of all really really fun !!
the consistent yellow highlights and eyeshadow elements the designs have do a really good job of communicating what a smug regal air this thing puts on, despite some of that not being quite as present as id like. i mean like the smugleaf jokes certainly didnt come outof nowhere yea ?
thanks for the good times, eden. sorry i never took you and the girls to post game
-2 : Fuecoco
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FUECOCO IS GOOD!! i need to get this out of the way because judging these as lines rather than individually means that sometimes good designs end up getting the short end of the stick. which super is whats going on here
the first thing that strikes me is that it feels like they design a perfectly fine and fun fire croco butremembered it was a spaniard animal, and decided to toss spanish things at it midway through. the use of different words there was deliberate
the second is that... wow where the hell is skeledirge coming from. like the progression from fuecoco to crocalor is perfectly reasonable, and it does its job as a jump to an awkward offputting midstage (compliment), but then,,, the entire head just suddenly crashes straight to a wall unceremoniously, with this unappealing strident geometry to it all, with a thermometer on its face and pencil sharpener on its torso that has Nothing to do with anything the previous evolutions were communicating. the cool things they had going for it were in fact completely abandoned; the silly lil chompy jaws and teeth turn into ugly skin formations, the overt roundness of the creature just becomes a regular crocos with a decreased polycount, and the cool fire headdressings just become this ugly, lampshaded absence. ...doesnt do anything good for me
+2 : Bulbasaur
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i think this ones just the platonic ideal for pokémon evolution. it does EXACTLY what it should do without missing a beat. to the point where im struggling to even talk about it
it starts cute and simple but interesting, cute huge bulb in its back, nice green patterns dotting its body, non standard friendly frog face,, and it grows into this huge, flowering beast with warts with a menacing, yet still cute (in a delightfully off way) face. half lidded eyes, sharp fangs in a wide mouth... and in pokémon stadium it does this
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it just.... i donno !!! its so creature !!!! it communicates itself well, offers something different but still cohesive from its contemporaries, and its like !!! really unique for their first go at a grass starter !!! like,, a poisonous plant dinosaur ? on their first go ?? yes girl !!!!!
the one thing that leaves me wanting about the line is the slight change in body colour; it feels too slight to communicate much to me and it ends up being a bit distracting ? but as you can see, its such a minor thing, and im just saying it to make it seem like i have more to say than i actually do
-1 : Galar
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yeah see theres the handicap i was talking about.
ugh theres just... so much going on here and i really dont want to elaborate much. first of all all the base forms feel so naked. scorbunny is the only one i feel is communicating something worth much with the sports tape designs, but thats so little to begin with,,
then the rest of the evo lines come in and. why does the sobble line go from naked sad lizard to naked spy lizard. why does socrbunny get a stupid ugly jacket and then lose it. why is grookey line so boring.
theres not a single hit here. 9 chances to make me feel anything other than uninspired and despondent and bored, and they missed Every single one. i hate them.
+1 : Popplio
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what id bet is a very surprising pick for anyone who Knows me because i dont think id ever ever ever pick popplio as my starter in lieu of incineroar. but thats incineroar. this is popplio, brionne, and primarina
so this is every principle from bulbasaur lines design executed with utmost elegance and at a higher scale. first of all, its an interesting idea executed in a novel and fun way. its a little seal !!! it goes bwark !!! it has very sillybab paws that dont let it walk right !!! and it evolves very naturally into a graceful otherworldly singer and performer, keeping your attention in how the colour palette enrichens and grows as it evolves, and reiterating every interesting design element it has with each iteration !!! little clown collar into a gorgeous frilly design, silly little ears into magical ethereal hair, stumpy tail into a majestic mermaids tail !!! ws all around !!!!
another strength it has is,, i think brionne is one of few starter midstages i like in its own merits ? often any attachment i have to midstages work more as,, appreciation of a blueprint. like... "wow i see where this is going to go and i cant wait to get there". i mean, by design, theyre supposed to be awkward, a little "incomplete". but brionne, like,,, baillerina !!! the ears are pigtails now !!! look at that earnest but lil weird smile its got !!!! dawww its my friend !!!!
the finally, it has a lot of strengths on a macro level worth pointing out. and these are compliments i extend to gens 6 and 7 as a whole.
firstly, each starter right off the bat offers something very different. different silhouettes, different vibes, completely different target demographics as soon as you get to look at them in the starter selection.
and secondly, theming. i really like how in gen 6 you have the rpg class and in gen 7 you have the circus performer thing going on; it all feels natural and fun, and ties with the previous point to really inform and shape your preference when you pick one of these creatures, while still having them fit together with each other. its what i wish pokémon had more of
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variantia · 2 years
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Anonymous said : Would I be right in saying that Chara is the most mature of the kids outwardly/aesthetically - using long, grown-up words, referring to Frisk and Asriel as little, smart collared shirts - but is just as much of a kiddish goofball internally when it comes to how they think and play?
BELLUM.   hm ... you’re half right, at least !
for the most part, their maturity isn’t necessarily JUST aesthetic ; they think of themself as a very mature, grown up little person, and often they view things more seriously than their siblings might.   in that, they THINK about things Frisk and Asriel don’t always think about.   consequences, philosophy, things that really are too heavy for a kid to be worrying about, but those things are on their mind anyway.
it seems to be a common thread among people who were abused as children, like Chara, that they ‘grow up’ too quickly because they were forced to.   in Chara’s case, they learned rapidly about things like consequences.   i.e., if they didn’t try hard enough to manifest magic, their father would lock them in the basement.   (and that’s something they can’t control, because they HAVE no magic ability, so that kind of thing also reinforced their belief that other people are going to hurt them no matter what they do.)
I hesitate to really call them kiddish or a goofball ... they’re not.   they WILL have moments where they act like a kid, but they’re not really ... silly ?   in the way that Frisk and Asriel are willing to be.   they can be, just not often, and usually it’s at someone else’s prompting rather than an idea of their own.
that said, Chara’s thought processes are VERY much childish, in the sense that they use childish logic.   but it’s still logic, even if it isn’t correct logic !   after all, their plan for freeing monsters was to get their brother to help them kill themself, so that Asriel could absorb their SOUL and they could have enough power to kill a couple of humans and break the barrier.   that’s not the plan of a well-adjusted adult.   it’s the plan of a desperate child struggling with suicidal thoughts, who’s following logic that only makes sense to a troubled kid.
they ARE mature ... but they’re also still a kid.   they like to play games, but the games they like to play are chess and Scrabble.   they don’t read books about a dinosaur going to school, they read books about war and forbidden romances.
honestly, the time they’re MOST like a child is when someone they love treats them as a child.   they’ve been through SO MUCH trauma, even they seem to forget that they’re a child, not a child-sized adult, because that’s how they feel with how much they’ve lived through.
they don’t like acting like a kid, because it’s not how they perceive themself.   which really is a whole other problem, because whether they like it or not, no matter how mature they are, they are a kid.   they just never got the chance to be one and so have a hard time doing things that other children do, because that maturity is deeply ingrained into them.   they almost don’t realize they’re safe to act a little silly.
it’s actually interesting, because they’re a whole adult before they start to act childishly, like teasing their siblings or cracking jokes more often or letting themself snort while they laugh.   they have this game with Frisk called “Popcorn Goalie” wherein they just toss popcorn at Frisk and Frisk tries to catch it in their mouth, but they have only ever played it as an adult, they never did that as a child, and even then they’re extremely calm while playing.
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
You know, sometimes I’m in awe of how you can just post your thoughts, opinions and artworks freely on your blog. I can never do that without feeling inadequate & deleting it right after. You’re a big inspiration honestly!
Wow that is really sweet and kind.
Please don't put yourself down though, I do have felt like that, the reason I am able to now is I guess I have developed self-acceptance and I have deeply evaluated things that matter to me and honestly I do care what people think I just am more accepting of it or I have groups of people I care less about what they think.
I'm not immune to the normal human psychology that gets tangled up there in the human mind I am just *sometimes* aware of it and ty to shift through it.
Honestly II have made progress over my lifetime I still have demons but I have settled a lot , and I really think time is a great healer, knowledge is a great fuel and humility is a great grounder. I wish I could tell 14-19 year old me how being 21+ helped .
I guess learning to admit when Im wrong, trying to be aware of my human emotions and desires, being forgiving to yourself as much as you can and treating yourself as a human and learning about yourself, for example my cringy sense of humor its not like I am 100 percent confident laughing while making penis warmer jokes and having people roll their eyes its I have thought about my silly sense of humor and accepted it as pretty harmless and ok to have so when I get the chance to share it with people I try.
I still am insecure and learning , I have pitfalls and I have places where I only present some parts of myself.
So honestly I think you being shy at times is super normal and doesnt make me any way above you or an inspiration because I am the exact same , we all can develop opinions when we read and engage enough with topics with wiser people, there all different types of spaces we can express different parts of ourselves and places we are more reserved
(any time I have ever sounded smart or just have opinions I am secure with sharing it is because I read and talked to people smarter than me xD and even those people have human flaws ,that is why in philosophy epistemic humility is  an cognitive virtue not a failure
William Shakespeare — 'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.' and Plato writing about Socrates 'The true wisdom is knowing you know nothing ' (this just means humans are flawed vessels for knowledge and opinions and we have to work together over years to make social,moral and scientific progress. ( I always imagine if lab grown meats takes off finally and slaughterhouses are finally rightfully banned will our ancestors look back on current modern society as barbaric oppressor's of animals ? I personally all ready do man ;(((((( )
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theinconveniencing · 2 years
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damn go crazy thank you so much abby. this got long so
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
cop out answer but 1. my mom and my sister but like truly I do not think I would be anywhere near the person I am today without them. and when I had nobody (often) I always had them god bless 2. pinterest. just everything about it. it inspired me to join tumblr. It shaped my humor. it taught me to cook. it kept me busy. it raised me more than my father. no joke. 3. I didn’t want to have another person answer but my oldest and dearest friend [readcted] she’s like a year and a half older than me and we grew up three houses down from one another and hung out all the time and I cannot recall a time in my life when I didn’t look up to her. she was always such an inspiration to be the most confident and real version of myself. I don’t see her as much anymore bc college but to this day when I’m worried I said something horrible I always ask myself “what would [redacted] think if she heard I said that?” And it’s not even like I’m putting her up on a pedestal she really is just one of the most amazing human beings I’ve ever met in my life
3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
HUSTLERS 2019 ocean’s 8 and the goonies 
what made you start your blog?
I was really into skam and pinterest wasn’t cutting it anymore so I started lurking then actually liking posts then reblogging then posting and. here we are.
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
best part is all the people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made I love you all so sincerely sometimes it feels as if my heart could explode. worst is having to block twenty million tags and phrases to avoid t*ylor sw*ft and h*rry styles. and having to see the most abysmal takes known to man from my own MUTAULS no less. love y’all regardless it’s okay when you do it
what scares you the most and why?
well. first of all getting shots because holy shit keep needles out of my body. and a more philosophical answer is being a bad person without even realizing it
would you say you’re an emotional person?
oh my god yeah. I used to consider myself a logical person in like middle school and I look back at that and I’m like what the hell were you talking about. I make every decision with my heart and honestly like half the time I feel like my emotions are so big they could explode out of my body. lol.
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
aliens yes absolutely. they’re out there and they’re so real. they are the teeniest tiniest bacteria ever and little green men and beings as big as the moon i truly to believe that. ghosts? no unless I get literally thrown across a room.
what do you do when you’re sad?
take a shower listening to my silly little music. never fails. also helps to put on a fancy dress. idk.
any pet peeves?
girl where do I even start. obviously slow walkers I’m a fast bitch. chewing with your mouth open. pronouncing frustrating as “fustrating” men speaking in philosophy class. people looking at my phone over my shoulder. people not using their sleeves to open doors (this one is actually ridiculous but you don’t know who touched that fucking door handle what is wrong with you). saying jokes I literally saw online and claiming them as your own who do you think you’re fooling. off pitch singing just do not fucking sing #chiorkid. coughing into your hand like I bet you went and touched a door handle afterwards huh. when people pull out their phone (without a reason) when you’re in the middle of talking to them like okay. condescension. I could go on but I’ll stop.
hopefully I didn’t take any and this took a lot of time so sorry but I had fun so thank you again!!!
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We live in a state of nature, redux
So I’m going to try and tread VERY CAREFULLY, but the fact of the matter is I am an old, white cis-woman and I have not actively read any philosophy since college, and mostly get it from The Good Place and Breadtube philosophy channels (Philosophy Tube’s recent video “The Hidden Rules of Modern Society” is what set me thinking about this in the first place. I highly recommend; she’s absolutely brilliant), so I am prolly not the person who should be talking about this. Should I slip, I invite criticism.
That said, it is objectively weird to put the phrase “We live in a state of nature” in Jim’s mouth, right?
On the one hand, it’s just a silly joke playing on “We live in a society…” as the “state of nature” is the theoretical state in which humans exist naturally (“nasty, poor, brutish, and short” per Thomas Hobbes, “man is born free” per Jean-Jacques Rousseau), and “society” is all the rules, responsibilities, and (theoretical) benefits we (theoretically) collectively agree to overlay in order to control and channel those natural impulses. On the other hand, well…
The inherent lawlessness of the “state of nature” is what permitted the Siete Gallos to take what they wanted without fear of consequence - to steal the fruits of Jim’s family’s orchard because they wanted them and had the means to enact their will, to slaughter Jim’s father when he got in the way.
Isn’t it strange that Jim would uphold the “state of nature” that took from them everything that was dear?
The “state of nature” is also the way white colonizers justified (justify?) imposing their version of “society” on native inhabitants - native peoples being assumed to be living in a “state of nature'', and therefore be in need of “civilization.”
Jim’s light, but still brown, skin and mother tongue mark them as the product of Spanish colonization, but not considered white enough to enjoy all the benefits of the white colonizer.
Isn’t it strange that Jim would perpetuate the lie of the colonizer? Isn’t it strange they would say it to the one black character who has a full, non-colonized name?
Jim’s Nana is a nun, the product and perpetuation of the colonizing force of missionary work. To a nun, the “state of nature” would be synonymous with man’s fallen state of original sin.
Isn’t it strange that Jim, having been raised and trained by Nana, would glorify the antithesis of the state of grace that would have been central to Nana’s Catholic belief system? Maybe Nana is not your typical nun, but the whole original sin thing is a pretty central tenant of the Catholic faith. Like, literal wars have been fought over it. Pretty sure you can't be a nun and not believe in it.
This show’s writer’s don't strike me as the type to make a thoughtless throw-away joke. Is this meant to be a satirical critique of the supposed freedoms afforded by the lawlessness of the “state of nature”, the way “We live in a society” was originally meant to critique the contradictions and deficiencies of the social contract (went down a whole internet rabbit hole researching that. Do NOT recommend unless you have a strong stomach)? Is it meant to signal the cognitive dissonance Jim has to employ in order to justify their “oodles of justice” vengeance quest, and thereby foreshadow their ultimate abandonment thereof?  I mostly feel like maybe there’s something I’m not getting. Can someone smarter than me please take this one out of my hands?
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alonfic · 4 years
in conclusion (i love you)
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pairing: tsukishima kei x reader genre: college + fwb to lovers au | fluff, suggestive wc: 3,742 description: In which Tsukishima discovers that love can bloom in inconspicuous ways, even when you and him are supposed to be conducting a (not so) simple experiment. author’s note: cross-posted onto my ao3. still not sure if i’ll be posting here frequently, but i thought i’d see how i like it first.
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Tsukishima doesn’t understand romantic relationships. 
He thinks they’re illogical, impossible, and most of all, irrelevant. They seem like too much hassle when it comes to the ordeal of courting. From the hours spent preparing complicated banners for asking significant others out to the extensive search for gifts that are supposed to appease pointless “monthiversaries,” Tsukishima finds it all to be a waste of time. 
Just acts for appearances. Sure, they’re cute, heartwarming even, but what does all of that show for anyway? What happened to qualitative experiences?  
He ascertains that he may never truly understand what it means to love another person by modern day standards; for those standards are all full of overhyped bullshit trying to make a trending post on Twitter and Instagram. If avoiding those things means saving himself from love, then so be it. (Irrationality and heartache be damned!)
Tsukishima decides in his first year of university that he won’t do any of those things. 
How? His friends ask, guffaws in tow.
He simply tells them that he won’t fall in love. 
Not many people share in this same ideal, Tsukishima finds. 
He can’t say he’s very surprised or disappointed to have his philosophy rejected, especially by those same friends who have questioned his goal, Yamaguchi and Hinata. They’re fools who deem love as something akin to fate’s gift. 
Love is a choice, Tsukishima tells them, and this is his decision. 
They think he’s being a little silly for not wanting to fall in love. They say he’ll get bit in the ass when he least expects it and he’ll go back on his word, but he hardly thinks that’s true. 
If he doesn’t want to fall in love, then he won’t, and that’s perfectly okay. At the very least, you agree with him. 
You have always understood him on wavelengths that others simply could not. You have always stood by his side when it came to debates on this matter, and even more so when he really thinks about it. 
Tsukishima has been able to lean on you even in high school. Him being so introverted has made things difficult, and what he needed then was patience, something many people lacked, but unlike those people, you took the time to understand him and his struggles. 
It’s made him grateful to you. Even now. Scratch that, especially now. 
These days he isn’t just shooting you texts about how he could’ve let someone down easier. Sometimes it’s checking out hot pot places at 8PM on a Tuesday; other times, it’s going to the library until 5 AM because statistics midterms suck at an unbearable level, but you take the 8AM class with him anyway, just because it’s him, and General Education requirements may suck but they’re mandatory. 
It’s also sharing jokes that no one else gets, and teaming up against the rest of the group when they heckle you two about being the only ones who sees love as the bane of both your existences. 
Tsukishima has heard plenty of love advice and received Cosmopolitan articles on how to woo a friend from those same punks who think that love is given by chance. He has seen the knowing stares exchanged at kickbacks. Hell, he’s heard all the whispers, too. But it means nothing. 
This is friendship. No matter what anyone else tries to insinuate, you both know it means nothing for either of you. 
What you are together is simply platonic. 
Friends, that’s all. 
Somewhere along the way benefits become a factor for you two. 
These are the sort of benefits that forgo late night convenience store runs for ramen and other delicious, overly processed foods that Yamagchi and Sugawara blanch at the two of you over. Instead it’s the kind that means heated kisses in one another’s bedroom and wandering hands in places very few people have become privy to in both your two-decades long reign on this planet. 
And, it all starts over a simple experiment. 
At least that’s what you and Tsukishima like to call it. 
“Isn’t it stupid that Ennoshita would say that?” Tsukishima asks, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. “We can be friends. How can he say it’s impossible for us to be just friends? I mean there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to one another, right? You’re good looking. I’m good looking. We’re acknowledging each other’s attractiveness.” 
He pats the open space beside him on his bed, feeling it dip a little soon afterwards. You’re visiting him after he blew off the post-kickback get together. He shouldn’t be surprised that you came by to check on him.
You smile at him as one of your fingers pokes his cheek. “You sound awfully bothered over something that shouldn’t matter.” 
He frowns at your nonchalant tone, even if you are messing with him. 
Tsukishima has never been that particularly fond of other people telling him that his friendship with you is only the stepping stone to something more, that it would only be a matter of time before you two were calling one another cutesy pet names and holding hands for other reasons than as a precaution from getting lost in crowds, and that if he didn’t step up to the plate now, then he would lose you to someone else. 
But how could he? If anything, you’ve been more against love than him. Seeing you with someone else is as impossible as seeing Hinata at Aone’s height. Possibly with some help, but still highly unlikely. 
“I mean, aren’t you? So what if we’re attracted to each other? That doesn’t mean we’re going to start dating because of that.” 
You hum in affirmation. 
You know he has a point. It’s silly to expect two friends to date when both your admissions came as a result from a simple game of “truth or dare.” While it comes from a place of truth, it isn’t like either of you admitted to harboring deep-seated feelings for one another or anything. It’s simply an admission of truth. 
He thinks you’re attractive, beautiful even, and it helps that you share the same opinion as him when it comes to love. And, you think he’s attractive, handsome even, and it’s because you both share the same opinion on love that he doesn’t have to worry about frivolous things like falling in love with you. Or you with him. Your dynamics just work like that. 
“You know, there are other alternatives to relationships anyway, right?” you ask him, watching as he turns to face you on the bed. 
“Like what? Hooking up?” He feels a little dumbfounded. The idea of hooking up with you never really occurred to him. Clearly not because he wasn’t attracted to you, but didn’t those end up… badly? 
You nod. 
Seeing the instant confusion wash over his face, you explain, “Yeah, hook-ups aren’t so bad. It’s like a one and done. It doesn’t even have to lead to anything more. It’s like a preliminary thing. Trial or whatever. We give it a go and if it doesn’t work out, then we can just go back to being friends.” 
“And if it does? Work out, I mean,” he gulps. He doesn’t want to think of an option that means losing you or this friendship. But he’s intrigued, he wouldn’t have asked if he wasn’t, and you know it. 
“Then we have one of two options.” 
He blinks. “Which are?” 
“Well, if it does, then we can continue and enjoy the fun. Or, we really fuck ourselves over and do exactly what our friends have been betting on for years.” You lean in closer, eyes alight with mischief and interest. 
He feels a tug within him to concede, as if his own body knows its answer, while his mind’s doubts seem to lower in volume the longer he’s under your gaze. 
“What do you say? Up for an experiment?”
He still has to ask: “And, what if we can’t go back from this?”  
“I don’t know,” you whisper, eyes softening as you note his hesitancy. “Even that’s something I can’t answer. This is just a risk we both have to be willing to take. Truthfully, I’m in. But, are you? I-it’s okay if you aren’t, though, Kei. This was just a suggestion, of course—”
He doesn’t take a second longer to tell you his decision.
“I’m in.” 
After all, it couldn’t hurt… right?
Tsukishima discovers many things in this time. 
Things that he never really gave a second thought on. Somewhere between how you look bathed in moonlight with the curtains half-open to the just-right way you feel beside him, he realizes how soft your skin is, how low and husky your voice can get when you’re feeling a particular way, and how powerful you are. 
There’s something enticing about you. Not just in the way you look bare, but the way you can make him feel even without the lack of clothing. He realizes that he enjoys the lingering taste of your lips against his, the heat that your fingertips leave behind, and the small voice you use when you call his name. 
It’s normal, he tries to convince himself. This is how it should be. 
It would be ridiculous to hate the way you feel or sound when it comes to him. And while that is true, that becomes a whole different matter when it bleeds into everyday life outside of the bedroom.
He swears there are moments where he can hear you say his name and you aren’t even in the room. His eyes catch sight of something familiar, at least enough to remind him of you, and suddenly you’re popping up front and center in his mind. He can’t help but smile, of course. 
Even just the taste of last night’s kiss rears its head when he’s doing homework, suddenly taking him right back to that night you two shared talking about the latest fantastical escapade in his reading arsenal. 
He believes the simplicity of these exchanges is the best part of this entire experiment. 
Being able to switch between friendship and, well, sex. And he isn’t sure if the consistent exposure to your presence has brought him to think of you constantly or if it’s some other seed blooming in the vestiges of his chest. He can’t say. Partially because he’s scared to. Because admitting to the second possibility means changing something good, something normal. And change, in this regard, often means a relationship. One that he isn’t sure if such feelings will truck through or crash and burn the moment he mentions it. 
Instead when you call out his name, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows and a fingertip tapping his cheek, he flashes one of his heartwarming smiles your way and brushes aside the concern. 
“It’s nothing,” he tells you. “I’m fine. Everything is perfect.” 
And while you aren’t convinced, you simply nod and take note to ask another day. 
The thing that bothers Tsukishima most is being fickle. 
He doesn’t like being fickle. He knows it is transcribed in the stars that he is a fickle being. And it doesn’t help that everyone is constantly telling him that he is indecisive. He knows already. He knows it well. He hates it, but only when it comes to you. 
He is never indecisive with you. Well, only because you’re the assurance he needs when it comes to decision-making. Maybe it’s your influence. You’re bullheaded and more self-assured than Patrick Verona from “Ten Things I Hate About You.” (Mind you, you’re the one who forced him to watch it. And, fortunately, he wound up loving it.) 
He constantly thinks about how opposed those two main leads are about love, simply because it is exactly against what everyone else expects from high school teenagers. They don’t conform to the status quo. They make their own status quo. Perhaps that is where Tsukishima garnered such a strong stance against love from. Partially from the movie and mostly from you. 
While everyone is banking on your relationship to become more than just friends, he truly can’t help but consider the possibility of a ‘more’ with you anymore. He realizes this when he sees you underneath the incandescent fairy lights hanging around your room. 
Your tranquil visage, how effortless you look sporting one of his T-shirts with a giant crescent moon on the back, and the way your limbs so effortlessly remain entangled. This is comfortable. This is… right. 
He doesn’t stop himself from brushing aside the stray locks covering your face. Normally, he might like to turn over and occupy another part of the bed, but he prefers to remain where he is with you in his arms, just so he can listen for your soft and steady breathing like his own personal lullaby. If he was brave enough, he probably would’ve kissed your cheek. 
Truthfully, if he were in a relationship with you, he truly wouldn’t mind. Not even a little bit. 
Realization strikes him then. A simple, yet vital question crosses his mind, one that he hadn’t thought needed to be asked before—could you feel the same way about him? 
Tsukishima doesn’t have any other answer besides I don’t know. 
When Tsukishima said he could never be as irrational as any other lovestruck fool, he never imagined what it would be like to see you in the arms of another man. 
Given, this is a man he knows well. Trusts, even. He can’t help but feel a large pang in his chest when Kuroo spins you around on the dancefloor. It’s a drunken habit that everyone either loves or hates depending on their sobriety levels, but even while sober, you seem to bask in this treatment with glee. 
It makes Tsukishima grumble under his breath, “What’s so good about him anyway?” 
He doesn’t ask anyone in particular and expects no one to answer him back, but a nudge and a pointed look from Sugawara tells him that his ruminations have not gone unnoticed. 
Sugawara nods his head in your direction. “You finally realize you’re in love with her?” 
“W-what? I am not in love… with her,” he says. It’s all weak and unconvincing.
The smirk on the silver-haired man’s face says it all, much to Tsukishima’s annoyance. 
“Shut up.” 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
“You’re thinking about it.” He doesn’t want to say it aloud. He hardly feels right feeling what he does when you probably don’t even feel the same way anyway.
“What am I thinking that has you so peeved, Tsukishima?” Sugawara raises his eyebrow. “The truth?” 
The tone elicits a wince from Tsukishima, making him frown. Not that he’s unhappy, he’s just frustrated that the proverbial cat is now out of the bag. 
Tsukishima simply shakes his head, wanting nothing more than to escape from the scene. Maybe go home and burrow away into his bed, away from all of this. Afterparty milk tea trip with the rest of the group be damned. Did he really have to go when he was this emotionally compromised? Stewing right here just spells trouble, and not just for him, but for your friendship with him as well. 
“You should just be honest, dude. None of this ‘experiment’ bullshit. You both lost. Own up to the results.” 
Tsukishima raises an eyebrow at Sugawara. The rest of the party seems to cease with more drinks getting passed around, which he receives one quite graciously. “What are you talking about ‘both?’ It’s just me. I fell first.” 
Sugawara snorts. 
Tsukishima shoots him an accusatory glare, but when he receives nothing in response, he chugs down the red Solo cup without thinking of what’s inside. 
The mixture kind of tastes like shit, and it makes him feel even worse, because now his mind won’t stop fixating on you and Kuroo. A match that could be made in heaven. 
The dark-haired man has always been handsome, adorable at times, funny without trying particularly hard, caring, and worst of all, certain. God, was Kuroo a certain bastard. He always seemed to know what he wanted. He did as he pleased and got whatever he set his heart on too. 
It’s cruel, really. The way fate has metaphorically bit him in the ass like Yamaguchi and Hinata predicted. 
Tsukishima can’t stand the thought that maybe you would choose Kuroo’s sauve side tonight. He particularly dislikes that he really did lose his chance thinking that this experiment would last forever. A few months should’ve sufficed. Should’ve. But only an idiot would let something as good as you be a temporary fling. 
“Maybe I’m the idiot,” he mutters, shutting his eyes.
Sugawara doesn’t respond immediately, in fact, he doesn’t respond at all. Instead a voice he swears is yours does. 
“Who’s an idiot?” Fingertips digging into his sides are unlike Yamaguchi or even Sugawara. In fact, these ones are all too familiar, even with two layers of clothing blocking access to his bare flesh. “Kei?” 
When he looks at the perpetrator, he nearly tumbles over to see you in Sugawara’s place. 
You immediately steady him by interlocking one of his arms with yours, and it’s only you. No Kuroo trailing behind you. No Sugawara in sight either. It’s just you and him walking toward an empty section of the house. Milk tea trip really be damned, you seemed to tell him. 
“Are you alright?” He notices you make eye contact with Yamaguchi before you two round the corner into the surprisingly unoccupied hallway. 
Tsukishima’s begrudgingly grateful that Kageyama’s place is a lot spacier than he remembers. It’s enough that he’s been granted some relief—no trip or an audience to bear witness to his major crash and burn.
He sighs. “N—yeah. Er, no.” 
“Yes or no? Which it is.” You flash him a half-smile as he sways inside the empty guest bedroom. 
He looks around after noting just how quiet it is without the thumping bass of music or the chatter of others drowning out just about everything else. It feels bare here somehow. 
He shakes his head. 
“Why?” Your eyebrows screw together. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I fucked up,” he whispers. Looking from the beige walls covered bare of any sentiments, he meets your softened gaze. “I fucked up the experiment.” 
“How did you do that?” 
“T-the results are inconclusive. I can’t continue, because,” he rubs the back of his head, “well, I caught feelings.”
The surprise is evident on your visage, even from the weak lighting created by the moon and street lamp outside. But he can’t deny seeing the sight of a smile beginning to grace your features either. Amusement, he can discern with absolute certainty. Relief, dare he say? All of the things he never imagined in any of his scenarios about this moment. 
“Leave it to you to be able to use big words when you’re buzzed.” 
“It’s true. We can’t continue this. I mean I’d love to have something with you, but this isn’t a one and done for me. Not anymore. Maybe not ever.”
“Really? You mean that?” Even though you won’t say it directly, he knows there’s a huge burden of thoughts on your mind from the way your bottom lip gets captured by your teeth. 
“Yeah, I mean it. I—I can’t pretend that I don’t love you anymore. I just can’t. I don’t think I ever expected to feel this way for anyone, but spending so much time with you in and out of bed has shown me that whatever shit I said before has gone completely out of the window. I mean I’m not asking you to be with me if that’s not what you want, but if at all, you feel something too, then…” He can’t help but fiddle with his fingers. Why is his heart beating so loudly? Can’t you hear it? 
“You love me?” 
He swears then that you probably can. 
Slowly, he nods. “I don’t know how I came to love you exactly, but it just struck me when you were sleeping. It felt right that you were beside me. Easy and comfortable, even. I debated so hard about what these feelings were when it came to you. I didn’t think I could like someone this much. But I just do. I just love you for you, for being there... for existing.” 
The last part has his cheeks burning, and Tsukishima can’t help but look away to save himself the humiliation of looking like a fresh tomato. You laugh when he does this, and he can’t even help himself from trying to catch a glimpse.  
He loves your soft exhale, it’s one that he relishes in. Somehow you don’t look as perturbed or aghast as he expects. If anything, you look quite content. It makes him wonder if Sugawara was right, if everyone else was right all along. 
He asks, “Well, what do you say?” 
This time you laugh again. A much louder, but he can’t help but break out into a broad grin, because the atmosphere feels lighter than any tension breaking to grip the room. He knows without being told.
“Only you, Kei. Of course, I love you too.” 
His heart swells, and a greedy part of him wants to hear you say it again. “Really?”
You nod and look at him as if there couldn’t possibly be any other answer out there. “There’s no one else in this world that could understand me the way you do. No one could touch me like you, make me laugh like you, and certainly not watch ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’ five million times with me like you.” 
“Five million and one times,” he corrects. 
His fingers shyly brush away the hair threatening to cover your face, and he refuses to be denied that luxury. Not when he can’t seem to get enough of you. He can’t even bear to move his hand away after he’s done it. “And I’d watch it over and over again with you, by the way.” 
“Good.” You smile at him, cupping your hand over his. “I’m glad we finally came to a conclusion on this.” 
“Even if it means getting ‘I-told-you-so’s’ and teased to all hell?” He smiles when you nod. “Good, ‘cuz I don’t think I’d have it any other way.” 
“Yeah, me either,” you say, leaning in to peck his lips. Of course, he returns the gesture (and then some). 
(The room is empty, after all.)
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raazberry · 2 years
Character’s full name: Mars. That’s it.
Reason or meaning of name: I like the name. Also, I was really into Roman Mythology as a kid.
Character’s nickname: Six. It’s what Nine calls me! He’s so funny sometimes…
Reason for nickname: It’s a 69 joke…
Birth date: 26th February.
Age: 19
How old does he/she appear: Depending on how messy my hair is, either 15 or 25, give or take.
Height: 5’9, but that was like a year ago. I’m taller than both Saya and Nine, though! 
Eye color: Pink?
Glasses or contacts: Yes :(
Predominant features: Most people say that it’s my eyes and my height.
Hair color: Dark blue
Type of hair: Straight
Voice: I think that I sound like Abed from Community, but I’m not sure. Maybe ask Saya, she’d give you a better answer.
Overall attractiveness: I’m… not sure how to answer that?
Usual fashion of dress: Whatever’s comfortable. I have a lot of graphic t-shirts with silly things written on them.
Likes: Sleeping, playing the piano, dogs, playing video games with my friends, hyperpop, the colour green, talking to people, dating sims, debating with people (not really “debating” - more like I like it when people make me reconsider my own worldview and think about things I normally wouldn’t.) making silly art just for myself, and slice-of-life anime.
Dislikes: Isolation, wearing jeans, anything that’s too sour, any kind of argument or confrontation (I panic easily..), crowded rooms, champagne, bugs or flies or whatever.
Good personality traits: I’m kind of intelligent, and I have a lot of opinions… if that’s good to you?
Bad personality traits: I know that this is a debatable thing, but I get jealous really easily. Like not in the romantic sense, just generally.
Mood character is most often in: I’m mostly just annoyed, to be honest.
Sense of humor: I am very funny if I do say so myself (Nine note: +1) (Saya note: +1)
Character’s greatest joy in life: There was this one time when Saya, Nine, and I went to an arcade together. Nine was really nervous, but Saya comforted him and then he won like a huge number of tickets at the racing game we were playing! It was so fun, he got both of us a teddy bear out of it! I still have it, if you want to see it.
Character’s greatest fear: I’m really, really scared of heights. Also just being alone in general.
Why? It’s self-explanatory, no?
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? If Nine and Saya broke up and stopped talking to me, or each other, I think I might be the one more affected by it than either of them. (Raaz note: Haha so about that…) 
Character is most at ease when: I’m studying. Physics and Uni are my greatest enemies and I shall conquer them at all costs :D
Most ill at ease when: I don’t enjoy being in public all alone, I need like… a support person at all times.
Enraged when: I hate it when people talk shit about my friends. 
Depressed or sad when: I don’t really feel real when there’s no one to talk to about things, so I guess that. 
Priorities: I don’t know… I care about a lot of things all at once and work on all of them simultaneously… It’s a mess, I know…
Life philosophy: When in doubt, ask Saya. (Saya note: So true)
If granted one wish, it would be: To have the will to do anything, I think. My answer is vague on purpose :)
Why? There’s so much I can’t get myself to do now just because I don’t have the willpower to! Imagine how much better things would be if that wasn’t the case!
Character’s soft spot: I really, really like it when people send me pictures of things saying, “Oh, that’s so you!” It makes me so happy! Thank you for thinking of me! (Saya note: You are literally so adorable.)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? I guess..? (Nine note: It’s not, but also it is. I dunno how to explain it.)
Greatest strength: I don’t think I have one. (Nine note: YOU’RE SO SMART CAN’T YOU JUST SAY THAT???)
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Um, if you isolate me, I die. Which means that I die pretty often, lol.
Biggest regret: Coming out to my parents.
Minor regret: Introducing Nine to a certain open-world RPG… (Saya note: I still hate you for doing that. He’s been OBSESSED.)
Biggest accomplishment: My teachers are always proud of me for my grades!
Minor accomplishment: This isn’t really an accomplishment, but I was really into Star Wars in middle school and wrote fanfiction that got like, a million kudos on ao3 so that’s… something, I guess. Hmm? You want to read it? I deleted it the day I turned 18, so….
Character’s darkest secret: I’m really fucking jealous of my friends.
Does anyone else know? I hope not.
raaz note: if you have any questions about him, or anything you're curious about, feel free to ask :) he's gonna be the main character in the visual novel i'm currently working on called "mars in retrograde".
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