#to tell them Gladys says hello
mollymagician · 1 year
Dreamling Week Day 2: stuck in an elevator
Hi guys!! *shows up three days late with a Starbucks, two immortals and an old lady stuck in an elevator*
It was June 7th. Not THE June 7th, not the big one, they’re a few years off from that yet, but a random rainy 7th of June, and Hob was off doing errands. He’d have been a lot more disgruntled about slogging half way around the city in a pelting downpour if he hadn’t known that Dream would pop up somewhere, he always somehow managed it on this specific date.
But it’s still a surprise when he suddenly comes into being just as Hob is about to hop onto the lift at stop #2 on his to-do list.
Hob shoots him a grin. “Fancy seeing you out and about on such a miserable day.”
Dream replied with the small smile that seemed to be his grin-equivalent. “I thought you could use…assistance holding your umbrella?”
There was a ding as the doors slid open, and then began to close behind them as they stepped inside. Suddenly, Dream’s arm shot out, inhumanly quick and totally lacking the primal human fear of getting one’s fingers squished.
The doors sprang back open, revealing a stooped and wrinkled figure shuffling along behind a walker. Her gray hair was bundled into a messy bun, and gray eyes were magnified enormously by the thickest glasses Hob had ever seen.
Her name was Gladys, they would soon come to find out.
She didn’t seem to notice that Dream somehow knew what floor to push for her without asking, just crackled, “Oh, thank you kindly, dearie!” and Hob stifled a snicker. Dearie.
The lift began to rise. They made it to the sixth floor before the power went out.
Gladys sighed and pronounced with feeling, “Oh bugger!”
Gladys was eighty-two years old, never trusted elevators, but was delighted to be stuck in one with “two such handsome young men!”
“Er…I’m sure the power will be back up in a tick,” Hob said. Gladys settled comfortably on the seat of her walker, seemingly very content with her lot.
“So romantic, eh boys? Just like those little stories my granddaughter likes to write!” She gave Hob a wink. Dream’s head tilted and he took on the far-away look he got whenever he was accessing his mental metaphysical Google, or whatever it was he did. Hob could tell when he finally found what he was looking for, because his eyebrows shot up so high they nearly cleared the top of his head.
Fifteen minutes later:
“Well lads, thank the good Lord I had a piddle before I came or we’d be in dire straights right about now!”
Standing behind Gladys, Dream reached into his coat and produced his pouch of sand, giving Hob a look that he could only translate as is it really necessary for us all to be stuck in this box?
Hob wasn’t sure how to telegraph we cannot throw sand at a little old woman and teleport her out of a lift because she will have a STROKE with nothing but expressive eyebrows so he just shook his head and shot Dream his sternest look. It worked on his students…usually. Dream signed and put the sand away obediently.
Another fifteen minutes:
They had heard about Gladys’ late husband, her three grandchildren and how lovely the cardiologist was that she’d been on her way to visit before her morning got derailed. She rummaged around in her purse. “Like a mint, dears?”
Hob swore under his breath at his phone. “Connection is wretched in here. I can’t get through to anyone.” Dream patted him awkwardly on the shoulder. Hob could FEEL him restraining himself from pulling his sand out and dangling it in Hob’s face.
“I’m sure everything will be fine, lovie. I think I have a deck of cards about, somewhere…” More purse-rummaging. “Oh, and a sandwich! Bless, I forgot that was there.”
Ten more minutes:
“So,” Gladys said, “How long have you two been together, eh? I’d have been celebrating fifty years with my Bert this July.”
Silence. Distantly, Hob could hear the rain pounding against the building, echoing down the elevator shaft.
“Er…” he began, eloquently.
“That is…” he continued.
“Oh go on, it’s all right,” Gladys chirped. “My grandson, the one at university, he’s got himself a nice boyfriend. I said to myself, I said, Gladys, you can tell when two lads are sweet on one another, so don’t go challenging anyone to strip poker.” She pulled the deck of cards out of her purse and winked. “Yet.”
“Um,” Hob said.
“Sometimes it feels like six hundred years,” Dream intoned.
Gladys cackled and bopped the Immortal Endless King of Dreams and Nightmares on the arm with her purse. “Oh, listen to this one here!”
“It is…our anniversary,” Dream added.
He reached over to nudge Hob’s jaw shut with a little click, and then tugged Hob into his side like…like it was just something they did. And yes, that was definitely a smirk.
The power chose that moment to come back on.
“Oh…bugger,” Hob said.
They made it back down to the lobby with little incident. Gladys shuffled off to call her daughter, she said, since her doctors appointment was a bust. But first, she gave Hob a surprisingly crushing handshake and thumped Dream on the shoulder and said, loudly, “Well, thank you for the LOVELY time, boys. Let’s hope that the next time you’re stuck in a lift on your anniversary it’s not with an old bird like me hanging around, eh?” She executed a frankly indecent eyebrow wiggle, and shuffled away, humming to herself.
Hob stood for a moment watching her go, and realized he didn’t have the patience for any more of that day’s to-do list. He was to-do’ed out, as it were. Except for one thing. He glanced up at Dream and tried hard to control the idiot grin attempting to take over his face.
“We need to talk,” Hob said.
“That was partially my intent when I came to visit you today,” Dream said, still smirking, the bastard.
“I must admit, I’d hoped that talking wouldn’t be our only activity.”
Hob sighed. “Right. I’m not hiking back to the tube in this weather. Get back in the lift, dearie. This time you can sand us all you like.”
Dream said, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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elvisabutler · 1 year
down home southern cookin'
fandom: elvis 2022 | elvis presley rating: m pairing: elvis presley ( fameless big daddy electrician/handyman ) x female original character word count: 3069 warnings: housewife kink. big daddy elvis. pregnant sex. minor pregnancy kink and breastfeeding kink. sex around food ( the food isn't harmed ). p in v sex ( unprotected ). minor praise kink. talk of sweat. bags thumping on floors making you feel things. author’s note: welcome to day 14 of ally’s wet hot smut summer, breastfeeding kink with spark elvis and lilly. so, hi. i've been having a rough go around on actually finishing the main fic but i have made a bit more progress after moving past the block i've had formed for a while. that being said, enjoy this little one shot in the meantime. also if you have no idea what this series/verse is, the masterlist is right here. in addition, i truly do thrive on your comments and messages and love reading them.
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"Is that meatloaf 'm smellin' darlin'?"
Lilly hears the door open before she ever hears Elvis's voice but at the sound of his voice, she can feel their children inside her move about, kicking and trying to roll around. It's been getting harder and harder to bend to reach the oven but she manages well enough, free hand on her belly as she opens the oven.
Elvis's thudding steps tell Lilly that he's heading to the kitchen to investigate not entirely unlike a bloodhound and she smiles softly to herself even as the twin she has taken to calling Gladys kicks her square in the rib. Her hand rubs at the spot as she stays bent over looking into the oven when she hears Elvis's whistle, low and appreciative.
"Wasn't expectin' that sorta greetin'. Ain't complainin', though." His voice is pitched low as she hears his bag thump on the floor. The thought of moving to a standing position enters Lilly's mind and yet she's just that slight bit curious as to what Elvis plans on doing.
After all, wasn't the proof of his appreciation for her backside growing healthy and strong within her? Wasn't his appreciation for a warm meal evident by the way so many of her dresses are slightly ruined? Wasn't he her husband not just in theory but in name?
It doesn't take long for her to feel the press of his front against her behind, the warmth of his body seeping through her dress. His hand moves to cup her stomach as he guides her into a standing position, nipping at her ear as she does. "They givin' ya trouble? Gotta get a lecture from Daddy?"
Lilly's laughter is always music to Elvis's ears and today is no exception. His lips curl into a soft smile as he kisses down her neck, hands wandering across her body. She makes no move to remove them. "They only started giving me trouble when they heard you."
"That so?" Elvis hums as one of his hands settles on her breast, squeezing it just light enough that Lilly's mouth falls open in a gasp. "They just missed their daddy as much as their mama did, didn't they? Jus' wanted to say hello."
He's not wrong, Lilly reasons. Jesse is the same way, trying to come crawling at the sound of his Daddy's voice as soon as he hears it if Elvis doesn't beat the boy to it. Still, there's nothing that says she has to boost her husband's ego any more than it already is tonight. It makes it easy to just hum quietly with a small grin on her face.
"They missed daddy, I don't know if mama did." Lilly teases even as she feels Elvis's hand tighten on her breast and feels the hand that had been cupping her lower stomach move ever so slightly lower. "I had the best company all day."
A huff of his warm breath tickles the hair on the back of her neck as he starts to use his hand to pull up her dress. "Jesse asleep?"
He knows it's too early for Jesse to be asleep, knows that Lilly keeps his son up just so that he can give him a kiss goodnight and help get him ready for bed even if he ran late arriving home. Yet, he feels the need to ask, to make sure Jesse isn't crawling around underfoot in a way that gets him into trouble. Elvis knows he should be a good husband and take a shower and make it so Lilly can rest her aching little sooties. Even with them not in heels he can see them a little swollen and he's sure if he touched them they'd be pounding. Elvis knows he should be a good husband like he always is and yet he can feel his cock swelling up in his jumpsuit. Seeing Lilly- seeing his *wife* bent over making food for him all while so *full* of him does something to him. It'd do something to any man worth his salt. Maybe he'd ask Charlie or Jerry how they feel about their wives when they've been pregnant. Though, Jerry's answer is damn nearly explained with his new niece or nephew Melly's got growing inside of her.
His cock had gotten them into this mess, first with her and him against the sink and even know their twins were merely the result of his cock seeing her backside as she bathed Jesse. If he were a different man, if he were the man he was almost two years ago he'd be embarrassed, mortified that his cock's acting like it's attached to a twenty year old. And yet, right now all he can think about is how thankful he is for it. Thankful it's proven its worth to satisfy Lilly in ways he knows now she had craved during her previous marriage. Thankful it's proven its worth by providing him with a healthy gift from God of a son and hopefully healthy strong little ones in a couple of months.
"You know he's awake," Lilly murmurs, moving closer to the sink for some leverage to lean on. "Wouldn't dream of putting our baby boy to sleep without letting him say goodnight to his Daddy." She pauses and leans back against Elvis, his body heat seeping through his jumpsuit and her dress. She can feel the sweat of the day on his skin and it should be nauseating and off putting but as she inhales deeply she merely smells the unique scent of her husband. A shiver passes through her. "What are you really trying to ask, Elvis?"
An idea of what he wants is on the tip of her tongue but she doesn't want to be too forward even after a child was born that was conceived in the strangest of ways or after he pleasured her with a garden hose. No, somehow asking him point blank if he was trying to enjoy what was between her legs was too much.
"If you'd let me- If ya'd mind bendin' over again. Or if ya'd mind if I put ya between the sink and me. Mindin' the yittle ones, course."
Lilly wonders if the way Elvis talks to her and the way Elvis seems to be completely and utterly in love with every part of her is ever going to get old. If it'll ever stop making her heart race and ever stop making her lose her breath. Maybe it's just because she had gotten so used to things with Nathan that it's still novel. The twins inside her do their own separate flips as she licks her lips.
"Minding them, of course." Her voice sounds airy, like it's floating into the air as she tries to remember how to breathe. "Facing you, right?"
Not looking out the window, pleasure crossing her face at every moment as she leaned against him, her legs too shaky to support the weight of her body. Not facing the window, watching the sun go down on another day, wishing this could be her afternoons forever more. No, she'd be able to face Elvis, see his face as it scrunched up when he grunted inside of her. She'd be able to see how he works up such a sweat that it drips down on her as they fuck. It's not that she hasn't since they've been married but this is another thing entirely. This is being able to see how Elvis's face looked like when he pleasured her against the sink almost two years ago. This is a reward for a hard day's work as she cooks their little buns inside of her and cooks a hearty filling meal for him.
His hands finally reach the destination he wants them to, her underwear. A hand slides against her clothed entrance, chuckling at how drenched has already made her. The pregnancy had heightened so many things and yet somehow she surprises him even with this. With a vagina that aches and yearns for him so much it cries out every second it's not filled. He finally speaks.
"Facin' me," his voice is a murmur and a growl as he shifts her underwear to the side just enough to slide his fingers where he knows she wants them. "Maybe I'll even lift ya up on the counter."
Lilly shakes her head, not trusting her mouth's ability to form words. Another time, she figures, when she wasn't carrying these precious little buns inside her. No, she wants to be pinned just as she was that first afternoon. Her hand reaches out to grab at Elvis's wrist, her hand trailing over her swollen stomach, an action watched with rapt attention by Elvis. A quiet but noticeable squelch is heard as he pulls his fingers from her. He opens up his mouth to speak only to watch as he realized something shifted inside of Lilly when she heard that squelch of his fingers. The look she has on her face is one he's gotten to know well both through her pregnancy with Jesse and now her pregnancy with the twins. She wants him and every second that she don't have him she'll get more and more frustrated. His hands move to undo and start to unzip his jumpsuit only to have her swat them away. Lilly's hand are deft little things, suited for sewing and domestic tasks even he struggles with despite his ample skills.
The rush of the cold air against his sweaty chest has him inhaling and has his overheated body shivering just a hair. Lilly's eyes watch the action and take it to mean that she needs to hurry, needs to reach down low enough to free his already swollen cock from the confines of his underwear. Elvis opens up his mouth to speak only to have Lilly's hand finally pull his zipper down low enough to yank down his underwear, his cock bobbing out of them not entirely unlike a goddamn Jack in the Box. Lilly isn't forceful except for these times when she's needy and he's already promised to give her what she needs. How's a man supposed to talk when he sees her hand around his cock, slathering the ample precum across his length.
"Just against it, Elvis. Please," Lily begs ever so softly, though she knows she doesn't need to. Any request she makes of Elvis he does and this would be no exception. She watches as he looks down at her with such a rush of love and clenches her thighs. Her nipples brush against the fabric of her bra and she whimpers at the mere feeling of his hand against her hip as he walks her back against the sink. She needs and wants every bit of him and he's determined to give it to her.
In bed, he would take his time undressing her, watching her dress fall to the floor and watching her ample milk filled breasts spill from her bra. He would suckle at her nipples until he saw her chest heave and her body shake with release. But right now? Right now against the sink he doesn't bother to even pull down her underwear. He should, and yet he can feel how aroused she is and just how she is craving him. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she's reminded this isn't proper, that she should insist he take his time and undress her and yet that voice is smothered by realizing no part of their relationship would be considered proper to her two years ago.
His actions make her happy so why should there be any shame attached to them. Her thoughts swirl in her mind with such force that she is caught off guard by Elvis removing her hand and entering her with very little preparation. A choked off sob of pleasure leaves her mouth as she looks up at him.
"Elvis," she whispers, her hands finding purchase on his chest and down his stomach. The hair on his body that rubs up against her skin every time they make love feels different in her hands in this moment, somehow softer while being just a little bit rougher. One of her hands plays with his chest, laughing breathlessly as one of his hands mirrors her, cupping her breast. "You can go— oh."
Elvis knows Lilly like he knows the back of his hand, he figures. Knows what makes his wife turn to pure putty in hands and knows how to have her pleasured in every way she had always deserved to be pleasured. It's easy to figure out just by watching her face and watching how it shifts when he thrusts just right and cups her breasts just right. "I can what, darlin'? Ya want it faster? Want your husband to move faster? Make it so ya comin' faster than anythin'?"
Lilly's eyes drift to the stove for a moment and then to the clock. She should tell him she wants him to take his time. That she wants to feel every thrust and feel his foreskin as it drags inside of her despite how aroused she is. She knows she doesn't have enough time though, knows that in about ten minutes she has to pull the meatloaf from the oven. Her vagina clenches and earns a slight curse from Elvis as he kisses her softly, waiting for an answer.
"We— the meatloaf. I don't want it to burn." As if she needs to explain why she needs him to go faster. "Tonight—If we can it can be slower."
Her skin is flushed and Elvis just takes a moment in between thrusts to marvel at the way it starts at her cheeks and how there's small splotches of it heading down to her chest. He's done that to her, not just the embarrassment she still holds on to about asking just what she would like him to do to her. His perfect wife, his lil darlin' is worried about meatloaf and can't always put into words what she desires. How had he gotten so lucky? How had God saw fit to put the nearest earthly thing to perfection in front of him? How had he found himself married with a son and young ones on the way to this woman?
"Even if 'm not. Ya— ya always know ya can get my engine revving," Elvis's voice is a murmur against Lilly's neck as he kisses and nips at it, his hips quickening their pace. "How long we got, Lil?"
"Nine," she answers, trying to buck against Elvis as best she can with her stomach and his own in the way. "I'll— I've been wanting—"
The words she wants to say are left in her head as his hand drifts down her chest and down her swollen belly to between her legs. Another time and another place she'd question what he's doing but she knows where his hand is headed. She knows before she feels the press of the calloused pads of his fingertips against her throbbing clit. It's been like that nearly all day and she knows better than to take care of it herself on days like this. Knows that what she needs is the warmth of his hands and the roughness of them to bring her to completion. So lost in her own pleasure she nearly misses the words leaving Elvis's lips.
"My perfect wife. My perfect lil darlin'. Takin' care of our yittle one and growing the other yittle buns. Could be like some of the other women and relax, sh—should be like 'em but here you are makin' me dinner and keepin' everythin' as it should be. Gonna show ya how much I love ya for this. How thankful I am for ya."
He pants it against her skin, one hand gripping at her hip while the other works against her clit as she's pinned against the skin. It should hurt, the way the counter digs into her back just a bit but any pain she feels is overtaken by the throbbing between her legs and the scrape of her nipples against her bra. Everything feels so warm and safe and loving that she feels herself starting to reach a crescendo, clawing at his chest before her hands slide to his lower back and down to his behind, pulling him somehow impossibly closer. An almost inhuman noise leaves his lips, a howl and a growl and a groan all mixed into one as he feels her clenching around him.
"That's it, Lilly. That's it my lil darlin'. God— Like a vice—" His words are lost in a haze of her orgasm and his own following closely after. Somehow both of their grips on each other get tighter as they try to catch their breath. Elvis makes sure to not lean too hard on Lilly, careful to protect their children inside of her. Time doesn't have a meaning for either of them until the shrill ring of a timer sounds signalling the fact that the meatloaf is finished.
"I— I need to get that, Elvis." Lilly whispers, still trying to remember how to breathe and walk properly. His only answer is a slow nod as he steps away. It's easy for him to watch Lilly's hips move as she walks the short distance between the sink and oven. A part of him thinks he should turn away when she starts to bend over but then he thinks of how she's leaking his release standing there and how she still likely has to finish one thing or another on the stove. He licks his lips and with a speed that surprises even him, he finds himself on his knees in front of her once she's pulled the meatloaf from the oven and set it down.
"Elvis, what are you— what are you doing?" Her voice is light and her eyes sparkle in a way they only do when she's amused at him and his antics.
In lieu of answering, his large hands grab at the edges of her dress and start to pull it up and up and up until her underwear is exposed to him. It's then and only then that he answers her, looking up through his eyelashes with a practically devilish smirk. "Felt like havin' dessert while you're doin' your work."
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @be-my-ally,  @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted, @marriedtopresley, @memphis-menace, @steph-speaks, @doll-elvis, @vintageshanny, @j-v-9-2, @sexystarfish, @jessicarcates, @chirssycrumble9456789, @shantellescrivener, @yomammalolha, @honey6578, @urmom11111111111119, @myradiaz, @elvispresleyxoxo, @joegramoe, @rainblue-art, @fav-fanficssss, @misspresley, @fallinlovewithurlove, @ash-omalley, @yynneessmons if you're missing from this list, you either changed your username or tumblr is tumblr.
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
More Than Friends
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Summary: You and Elvis have been best friends since birth. You have been each others' first for pretty much everything so you couldn't picture yourself losing your virginity to anyone else.
Word count: 4,4K
Warning(s): fluff, inaccurate timelines etc, reader and Elvis are both 17 (you can picture them a lil older if you want), 1950s!Elvis, virgin!reader, virgin!Elvis, smut; oral (f. and m. receiving), vaginal penetration, accidental creampie, unprotected sex.
Author's note: this was requested by (i believe) anon a while ago but i never got around to write it, woops. something light and cute this time - enjoy luvs <3
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You and Elvis had been friends for as long as you could remember.
Gladys and your mother went to school together and had been inseperable the moment they exchanged ‘hello’s’, so it was only natural for them to let their kids grow up together.
The two women were pregnant around the same time and you were born on the 8th of February, exactly one month after Elvis. Just like your mothers, you and Elvis were glued to the hip ever since you could walk and talk.
Once the Presley’s moved out of Tupelo to Memphis, your family followed not long after. Sunday dinners and holidays were always spend together, as well as birthdays.
Elvis was the only boy who was allowed to stay the night in your household, your parents not too worried about anything happening as you two got older because you could bicker like brother and sister.
What they didn’t know was that Elvis had been your first kiss and you were his. And the older you got, the further you two were taking things.
In your adolescence mind, you weren’t in love with Elvis and he wasn’t in love with you.
You couldn't be. He was your best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
You hated how he flirted with every girl in school and his young arrogance. You hated how loud he was whenever his male friends were around and he put up this facade of a bad boy to appear cooler. You hated that stupid sailor hat he started wearing everywhere he went.
He hated how every boy, including his friends, fawned over you when you’d walk down the halls. He hated how every year the tops and dresses you wore filled up more and more. And he especially hated that you were entertaining those boys that gave you attention.
Because truth was, you both were jealous of the attention the other received. Despite you telling yourself it wasn’t so, you were in love with your best friend and he was in love with you. But both of you were too stupid and too scared to admit it, not wanting jeopardize your friendship.
Both of you were at an age where you wanted to experiment, getting more and more curious about sex. While you and Elvis had enough people to choose from to do this with, because you were confident enough to say you belonged to the popular crowds at school, it just felt right to do this together.
Maybe this could ruin your friendship, maybe things would never be the same anymore but the more you thought about the deal you and Elvis made, the more excited you got.
Your parents trusted you both enough to go out on a Saturday night and leave the house in your hands. Because both your parents were all together, you knew it wouldn’t be a while until they’d come home and that was exactly what you hoped for.
“A-Are you sure?” Elvis whispered softly as you sat on the edge of your bed together, the reason why you were in this position very obvious tonight.
The bad boy that he’d often pretend to be around his guys was nowhere to be seen. It never was when you had him alone.
“Yes.. yes, I’m sure. I’m a little nervous though,” you laughed softly, looking at him as you kept your hands in your lap, picking at the fabric of your dress. You decided to wear your favorite one tonight; baby blue, tight on top and flowy skirt sprawling out graciously. You had worn white flats with it, but kicked them off minutes ago.
“Do you still want this?”
“Yes!” Elvis immediately exclaimed, clearing his throat a little before he spoke again – this time hopefully not as eager and desperate he did the first time. “Yes, I-I still want this.. I wouldn’t want this with anyone else,”
You smiled at him and nodded, swinging your legs back and forth a little as silence fell over you two again.
You two had kissed before – had full out make out sessions during sleep overs and study sessions. He had touched your boobs over the fabric of your clothing a few times and you felt him up, feeling how kissing you got him hard every time. But you had never touched each other without clothing, never been able to give each other the pleasure you heard your girlfriends brag about so many times.
They had all lost their virginities already, so other than their stories, you had nothing to go off on. The only education you got was in school and you never paid attention, feeling too awkward at the young age of 13. But now you and Elvis were both 17 and you felt like you were blossoming into your womanhood – this was simply the last step that needed to be taken for you to turn into the flower that you wanted to become.
Elvis startled you by jumping up from the bed and walking to your record player in the corner of your room. He turned it on, letting the record that was already in there play. He didn’t care what it was, he just needed something to fill the silence that hung above your heads.
Your heartbeat quickened alarmingly fast as he walked over to you, looking down at you as he stood in front of you. A small gasp got stuck in your throat as he leaned forward, your body automatically moving back until you were laying on your bed. He was on top of you now, his lips pressed against yours.
Kissing him wasn’t foreign, but knowing that wasn’t the only thing about to happen tonight got you even more nervous.
Elvis wasn’t doing much better than you. Just like you, he had nothing to go off on other than stories he had heard from friends. While nervous, he was excited as well, blood rushing to his cock from the feeling of you sucking on his lower lip.
He was curious how your lips would feel on other parts of his body.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispered after you managed to crawl further up your bed, laying against your pillows with Elvis still hovering above you. He had managed to get in between your legs now, your skirt tightening around your thighs as he pressed his pelvis against you firmly. No friction was created due to the fabric in between your bodies, but the pressure was enough for arousal to tingle in between your legs. “Just.. just do like we always do,”
You nodded your head slowly, kissing him again when he leaned back down into you. You held your arms around his neck, gasping softly as he creeped one hand underneath the skirt of your dress to caress your thigh. His hand was moving closer and closer to your panties and it felt as if your entire body was set ablaze, your heart thumping in your ears.
Sliding your hands down over his shoulders to plant them against his chest, he pulled back and looked at you. Before he had time to question if you were okay, you pushed him further back and sat up. Reaching your hand behind your back, your fingers were quick to pull down the zipper of your dress, pulling the fabric down your torso.
Elvis immediately mimicked your actions, pulling his shirt over his head and taking off his trousers with shaky hands. He took his socks along with it, knowing from the stories of his friends that girls didn’t like if boys kept them on in bed. He wanted this to be perfect, a fond memory to look back on – not only for himself, but also for you.
Especially for you.
When the both of you were in nothing but your underwear, he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering down your body, drinking in every detail of your bare skin as if you were the sweetest tea on a hot summer’s day. He had only ever seen you in a bikini and this was so much more intense and exciting.
He was as hard as rock, his underwear sitting tight around his waist. And when he noticed the white panties you were wearing, a small stain of arousal seeped into them, he could feel his cock twitching as if his body had a mind on its own.
At this point, he was pretty sure it did.
“Y-You’re p-pretty,” he complimented, sitting on his knees in front of you. A blush crept upon your cheeks as you squeezed your thighs together, embarrassed at the view he had of you.
“You too,” you whispered, watching as he placed his hands on your knees, spreading your legs again. Although a little shy, you didn’t stop him because you wanted him just as bad. You wanted him to touch and kiss and taste you in places no one ever had.
As he placed shaky kisses along your thighs and hooked his fingertips behind the elastic of your panties to pull them down, you grabbed onto the small stuffed panda bear that was on your bed.
He had gotten it for you at last summer’s fair and you hadn’t slept without it ever since.
While you usually cuddled it up to you, now you were squeezing its face so firm the eyes nearly bulged out. Neither you or Elvis paid attention to it, far too occupied with other things.
Elvis let out a shaky breath, the cool wind of it accidentally hitting your clit and it made your hips stutter at the feeling. He looked up at you, wide eyed. “S-Sorry,”
“N-No.. It felt nice..”
He licked his lips as he smiled softly, looking down at your exposed pussy in front of him. He could see the slick of your arousal and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, too turned on and too curious to wait any longer. Leaning in, he licked hesitantly.
The taste was nothing like he had ever tasted before, but he soon found himself wanting more of it. He went in again, his movements gaining confidence as he heard the moans leaving your mouth. He didn’t know if it were those pretty little noises coming from you or the way you tasted so good that made him more and more turned on, but he didn’t have control over his hips as he grinded himself against the bed.
His tongue flicked at your clit curiously and when your moans got a little louder, he realised that was probably your most sensitive spot. He did it again, and again, and again, until he suddenly sucked on it and your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your back arching off the bed.
“Does that feel good?” he asked as he pulled back, his fingers slipping through the wetness of your folds as he looked up at you. His voice was raspy and deep, making you look at him as a moan rolled off your tongue.
“Y-yes.. Elvis.. please.. please don’t stop,” you whined, bucking your hips up at him and he smiled as he leaned back in to repeat the action. You were greatly stroking his ego, but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
He decided to take things a step further, slowly sinking in his middlefinger. Your hand let go of the stuffed animal, clasping both of your palms over your mouth to muffle the shriek that left you. He looked up at you with worried eyes, afraid that he was hurting you but before he could pull his mouth away from you once more, your hand flew into his hair. He let out a small huff as you pushed him firmly against you but immediately went back to stimulating your clit as he slowly moved his finger in and out of you.
You never had an orgasm before. You’d touch yourself now and then but you always stopped it as soon as you felt that knot in your tummy threatening to explode. You were afraid of making too much noise all alone in your bedroom or dirtying the sheets, because your mother was the one who did the laundry.
The fact that Elvis was about to give you your first one was almost poetic to you. After all, he had already given you so many of your firsts.
You didn’t want anyone else to be in his place.
Elvis kept his eyes on you the entire time as you came undone, grinding harder against the bed as he felt your walls tightening firmly around his digit. The way you were moaning and writhing on the bed made him nearly lose his mind and while he removed his finger out of you, he didn’t pull back. Not yet. He wanted more.
You weren’t able to keep your hips still as his mouth nearly engulfed your entire pussy, tongue eagerly lapping up your essence. It was becoming too much but you didn’t have the strength to pull him away – all you could do was moan and whine and tug at your own hair.
Once he did pull away and raised his head to look at you with his lips and nose glistening of your arousal, your heart skipped a beat. His hair was messy because of your hands and he looked so pretty, you never wanted this night to end.
“W-was that good?” he asked as he laid down beside you, throwing the stuffed animal to the end of the bed. You laughed softly, still catching your breath as you nodded.
“Really.. really good,” you told him honestly and he smiled, leaning closer to you to kiss the corner of your lips.
“It was good for me too,” he whispered, his eyes meeting your eyes as you turned your head to look at him. He brought his hand up to your face, thumb caressing your lower lip. “You taste sweet,”
You blushed at his words and at the way he was looking at you. As far as you knew, he had never looked at you like this. As if you were the only person on the planet.
It made your heart jump for joy against your ribcage.
“I want to taste you too,” you whispered as you smiled sweetly at him, moving away from him and further down the bed. You sat on your knees as you pulled his underwear down, watching how prettily his cock bounced free against his lower abdomen before standing upright in front of you.
He spread his legs a little as you got in between them, making yourself comfortable by laying on your tummy. You kept your eyes on his cock as you wrapped your hand around it, moving it up and down once, taking his foreskin down to expose the tip. A drip of pre-cum wandered down his shaft and to your fingertips, making him let out a deep breath.
He raised himself up by pressing his elbows in the bed, too curious to look away as you stuck out your tongue and lapped at the head of his cock once, his toes curling.
“Oh my God,” he whispered to himself as you looked up at him and boldly wrapped your lips around him, slowly sinking down onto his length. He gasped, hands grasping onto the sheets firmly as he tried his best to keep his hips from thrusting upwards.
He had no idea where you learned all of this, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining as you were bobbing your head up and down, sucking him off hungrily. The sight of saliva dribbling down the corner of your mouth and your hand wrapped around him to help your movements had him moaning freely, shamelessly.
He was turning to putty in your hands, hips rolling up out of his control and his head hanging back as his eyes fluttered shut. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning, not caring that some of them sounded high pitched. He remembered his friends telling him girls didn’t like that, but he simply did not give a damn.
Just like you had been doing to him, he was feeding your ego now as well, motivating you to pick up your pace.
And when your other hand found his balls to fondle them softly, he was an absolute goner.
“Fuck.. my G-God.. yes.. Y/N,” he looked back down at you, his breathing growing more erratic as he couldn’t keep himself quiet even if he wanted to. “So good, baby.. shit.. M’close, so close,”
Compared to you, Elvis had given himself an orgasm plenty of times and he was familiar with the feeling, but now that you were the one giving it to him, it was so much more intense.
So so so much better.
You weren’t sure how you could tell, but you pulled back just in time, watching as he came undone right before your eyes. He painted your fingers that were still wrapped around him and his own abdomen white, a long moan escaping his throat. His head was pressed in the pillow, hips stuttering up into nothingness.
You slowly took your hand off him and giggled softly as you laid down next to him, watching him catch his breath as his eyes were screwed shut, shade of crimson on his cheeks.
“You taste sweet too,” you whispered to him as you snuggled up to him, kissing his neck. He tilted his head, wrapping one arm around you to tangle his fingers in your hair, keeping you in his neck.
“Fuck,” he sighed, biting his lip as you were ghosting your lips over the shell of his ear now. “Where’d ya learn that, baby? You were so good,”
The both of you froze at the pet name. He called you the same when you had his cock in your mouth but you figured it was because he was close to climax. Maybe it was because of the sex haze you were still in, but the sound of it made the beat of your heart speed up again.
He had never called you that. Sure, he used pet names with you occasionally, but in this moment it felt… different.
Like you were the only girl he had a name for. Something you knew definitely wasn’t true, but you liked the delusion of it.
His eyes met yours as you pulled your head out of his neck, a small smile on your face. He let out a soft sigh of relief, pushing your head closer to him with the hand that was still in your hair. You kissed him back immediately when he firmly pressed his lips against yours and allowed him to push you back onto the bed.
In your state of arousal, you quickly took off your bra and threw it over his shoulder. His eyes wandered down to your exposed breasts immediately, leaning in to kiss his way across your chest, dipping down further. Your hands flew into his hair again as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud.
“Wanna be inside of you,” he whispered against your skin as he had kissed his way back up to your neck after giving both nipples equal attention. He couldn’t keep himself in one place, wanting to kiss you all over. As he pulled back and raised himself on his hands to hover above you, both of you looked down and you giggled softly at the way he was hard already again.
“Don’t laugh,” he whined softly with a chuckle of his own as he hid his face in your neck, his cock heavy against your folds because he pushed his hips forward. “S’because of you… you make me so excited,”
“I’m not laughing,” you whispered with a smile on your face, kissing his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. “I want you, Elvis,”
He pulled back to look at you, smiling sweetly as he nodded and kissed your lips. Moving his hand in between your bodies, he wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped himself into his fist a few times before he aligned himself at your entrance.
“P-Please go slow,” you warned him with a shaky voice as you looked up at him, hands holding onto his shoulders. He nodded as he frowned in concetration, slowly pushing himself into you. Your nails dug into his skin, thighs shaking as you let out a soft cry, squeezing your eyes shut.
It took him a while to bottom out and once he did, he was too afraid to move. You were so incredibly warm and tight and he had no idea how long he would last once he’d start to move. The fact that you were close to tears and shaking like a leaf underneath him didn’t help either.
“Baby, do you want to stop?” he whispered as he looked down at you with worried eyes, one of his hands reaching up to caress some hair out of your face. He was leaning on the bed with his forearms on either side of your head, chest pressed against yours while he was buried deep inside of you. “You’re cryin’,”
You could hear the worry in his voice and opened your eyes, shaking your head. It hurt – God, it hurt like hell, but you didn’t want to stop.
You wanted him to take your first time, even if it meant you would have to bite down on your teeth for a little bit.
“S-Sorry,” you apologized, not wanting to ruin this experience for him. He leaned down and kissed your tears away, shaking his head.
“Don’t say that. You’re allowed to cry,” he smiled softly, pecking your lips before looking at you again. “We’ll go at your.. at your tempo, okay? I’ll go slow,”
You sniffed, nodding your head as you cupped his cheeks. You told him to move, because it had to happen eventually and despite the sting and the feeling of being so full, you were curious.
You were positive the pain would go away soon.
He thrusted slowly and gentle, moaning softly as he watched your face the entire time. You couldn’t seem to relax around him, walls firmly tightening around him as you held onto him for dear life. But the longer he thrusted, the more pleasure crept its way into your bones to take over the sting between your legs.
“F-Feels good now,” you moaned softly and his eyes lit up a little, grin tugging at his lips.
“Can I go.. go f-faster?”
All you could do was nod, the both of you moaning together as he picked up his pace a bit and kept himself up, fingers sprawled out against your sheets. You lifted your legs a little, wrapping them around his waist and grabbed onto his arms.
He looked so pretty on top of you like this – upper lip tugged upwards as he grunted, eyes squeezed shut as he snapped his hips forward faster every time to chase his second release of the night. Despite it not being completely painless, you couldn’t care less. You didn’t want him to ever leave you, wanted him inside of you every minute of the day from now on.
You didn’t want this to be the first and last time you’d ever see him like this.
Due to his inexperience, he didn’t have much control yet. His orgasm reared its head around the corner sooner than he wanted and he couldn’t stop it – nor did he have enough self control to pull out of you before he came.
You were both too far gone to think about using a condom or about the fact you were playing a dangerous game. You weren’t on birth control.
Your mother would have a heart attack if you would ask her to put you on it.
The thought of pregnancy never occured to you and Elvis, not even right now.
You were too enchanted by the way his hips stuttered into you, your name falling off his tongue in a string of moans and grunts as his eyes were boring into yours.
You didn’t cum the second time, but you didn’t care. To you, it was just as good and seeing your best friend like this was worth it.
As he slowly pulled out of you, you whined softly and kissed his lips before he rolled off of you and next to you on the bed. Other than the sounds of both of you catching your breath and the music from the record player, silence lingered between you.
Before you could, Elvis was the first to break it. “That was… really nice,”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed softly, turning your head to look at him. “I’m glad it was with you,”
He looked at you and smiled, nodding. “Me too,” he mumbled as he reached his hand out to caress his finger along your cheek, to your lips. “I wanna ask you somethin’,”
You turned on your side and watched him do the same, leaning on his elbow as his hand wandered to your hair. He didn’t look at you, rather at his fingers and the way he was tugging a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I-I wanted.. wanted to ask this b-before, but, uh..” he cleared his throat a little, looking at you for a second but he avoided eye contact as soon as he continued. “Do you.. Would you like.. d-do you wanna be.. be my g-girlfriend?”
You stared at him, feeling your cheeks heat up as your heart was embarrassingly skipping beats again before it’d drum in your ears. You were quiet longer than you realised and Elvis pulled his hand from your hair, coughing a little as he looked at the bracelet around his wrist as if he had never seen it before.
“I mean, it’s okay.. if you don’t want to,” he mumbled, his ego bruised. “You can just tell me,”
“I want to!” you immediately said, laughing softly as he looked up at you with wide eyes. “But only if you stop feeling sorry for yourself,”
He gasped softly, about to tell you he definitely wasn’t feeling that way, but you had already pressed your lips against his. He laughed softly before he kissed you back, pulling you into his arms as he let himself fall back on the bed.
Maybe your friends and Elvis’ friends had plenty of stories to tell about how they slept with different people already, bragging about what they had done in the bedroom. Maybe you and Elvis were more inexperienced and still had a lot to learn.
But at least, you got to do it together. Being intimate with someone you truly cared for and loved sounded way better to you than with a person you barely knew.
Your best friend was your first everything, maybe he’d even be your last. And nobody in this whole wide world could take that away from you.
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docholligay · 9 months
Dr. Holligay Tries Things That Aren't Running: Zumba
It's January second! The air is cold, the frost decorates the windows, and the gym is heaving with bodies, people assured that this is the year for them. It is my month of the year that recalibrates me into remembering how to streamline my daughter's morning so we get out of the house in time to get a slot at childwatch.
So, Jewlet annoyed that I rushed along the intricate ritual of "sitting and reading 80 books at least halfway" we go into the YMCA, and get a spot in childwatch, and all is well. I dress out into my running gear. I walk by the front desk. There is a--oh hello, what's this?
Every year, my YMCA holds a fitness bingo. This is mostly for the benefit of newbies, in that it encourages a sampler of all kinds of classes to see what you'll take to. I do not do the fitness bingo. I do not explore. I run. I put my headphones on and jog on a track, and I think about absolutely nothing. Or everything. Perspective. Once a week I physically toss myself into a strength class so that I have some semblance of bone density when I get older. I love my fitness routine. But. On the countertop, my Achilles heel.
An expensive and indefensibly unitasking kitchen item. I would never buy this. Ever. I would not consider spending three hundred dollars on this. But it is free. For the low price of luck and being willing to diversify my portfolio. I take a bingo card and consider my options.
The good thing, about being a generally social and cheerful person with a recognizable fluff of red hair, is that people notice me, they remember me, they think of me. This is also the bad thing, because as I'm looking this over and absent-mindedly walking toward the track, a gal we'll call Martha, who was actually my neighbor as a child, calls out to me.
"Oh, Doc! Are you gonna come to class with us?"
Something like six women including the instructor are staring at me, smiling, and I realize I have no good defense. I want that stupid kitchen item. I'm sitting here thinking about how to take classes every day and obtain kitchen item. It may as well be this.
"What IS this?" I ask.
Friends, it is Zumba. Zumba, for the uninitiated, is a latin-based jazzercise type situation, with full choreo and salsa steps. There will be many older woman in this class, should you walk in, but do not let that fool you. They will absolutely make you look a fool. "Idiot can't even do a grapevine into three toe taps into a spin!" Says Gladys.
But I don't have a defense! It's on the bingo card, it's even in the row where Boot Camp is, which I do attend every week anyhow, and I'm standing there. NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT. I know this is a bad idea, I know it is, and yet I walk in.
As it turns out, I'm more than willing to tolerate mild humiliation for the promise of an unnecessary and expensive kitchen item.
Let me tell you what, I am giving it my all. I am dancing with the stars, and by 'with the stars' I mean, 'Gladys and her compatriots are wiping the floor with me.' But I am me in all things, and I am giving it my all. I'm giving baby deer gambols across a field ten minutes after being born, I'm giving drunk Midwestern drag queen, I'm giving enthusiastic and untalented Mexican toddler at the annual Fiesta Mexicana. I am jumping and doing the full jumping jack every time I can, because my functional knees are my only stranglehold over Gladys.
I don't like to pay attention ever when I work out, and this was nothing but attention. I got to the end of a 50 minute silver shoe latin dance party and I felt like I had just done my taxes by hand. The instructor has the audacity to come up to me, who tripped over her own water bottle while trying to serve up a hip thrust, and tell me I did a great job for my first time.
I thrust forward my bingo card for her to mark with their special stickers.
I will keep you posted as to the rest of the month. I will have that stupid as shit appliance.
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aliypop · 7 months
Anyway You Want Me: Chapter 3
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Word Count: 2,667
Writers Note: I abandoned this fic, but I'm rewriting it now that I've expanded on Cecelia and Elvis, This is an au idea as stated last time! Well let us try this again
Warning: None so far except for language and historic language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: In 1953, in Memphis Tennessee, Cecelia and her mother Denise Valmos move to Shelby County as Her mother Calpurnia's Nashville home is going through renovations, but when asked to keep a low profile by her mother, Cecelia makes friends with the quirkiest, shy, yet charming kid in class, at least Friends is what she'd call them.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Memphis, Tennessee, Saturday, May 1953
"When are you going to see him again?"
"Tomorrow, after church," She blushed, sitting on the couch as she swooned. Cecelia didn't have a crush at all. Besides, he was her friend, and friends don't crush each other. At least, she didn't think so,
 "So what else did you two do,"
"We went dancin," She giggled, "We saw Beale Street." Clutching her heart as she began to dance around. Oh, she was lovesick,
"Then what happened, Booby," Gladys asked as she was mopping the floor, 
"Then we talked, he smiled, "And when she talked, well..." He blushed as she looked up at her son, 
"I believed everything she said I could be." He sighed. He was giddy and wishful, 
"I think I got a thing for her." He laughed, "I mean today. We were at Lanksy's. She had me try on stuff 'cause she believed I-I could buy it one day!" He laughed,
"Sounds like someone you'd want around you." She kissed his cheek as he smiled,
 "Well, good night, mama."
"Night." She winked,
"So, what's that all about?" Vernon asked as Gladys chuckled, 
"Elvis is in love." 
Memphis, Tennessee, Sunday, May 1953
Cecelia was in the kitchen baking snacks for when Elvis came over. She'd been out of her church clothes and wearing a blouse and pink. Humming a tune as she was whisking away at the brownie batter. Everyone also appreciated her pastries, especially her brownies. "You've been baking up a storm, haven't you?" Denise looked at the flour on her daughter's face, a sigh from when she'd do the same thing. 
"Well, did you give him your address..." Cecelia paused as she heard the phone ring. She'd hoped it was him because she clearly forgot to do so. 
"And Who's this calling..." Denise said, 
"E-Elvis M'am."
"Cece, it's for you." Cecelia rushed to the phone as she answered, "El, hi!" She blushed as Denise shook her head, laughing, 
"Cece, so uh..."
"I know. I forgot to give you my address." She said. Telling him as he wrote it down, 
"So, do you need me to bring anything?"
"Just yourself," 
"Val, you sure?"
"Pres, I've baked treats and made lemonade." She smiled as he shook his head. Was it too soon to say he'd want to marry her? or was he just simply hungry. 
"Alright, I'll be there." 
"See you." She was giggling and twirling her hair as her mother cleared her throat, 
"Oh! Uh!"
"You like him, don't you."
"A-As friends..."
"Okay, okay, a little." Denise looked at her, "A lot." Cecelia blushed. A few minutes later, a knock on their door and Denise went to answer it. Standing there was the cutest little button of a teenager she had seen. He had a somewhat choppy haircut, the cutest blue eyes, and he was a bit pimply, but he was dressed nicely, but he must have been in the wrong neighborhood. After all, this was the black suburbs,
"Hello, Mrs." 
"Mrs. Denise and you are?"
"El, you made it!" Cecelia blushed. So this was Elvis. Denise chuckled a bit as she shook her head. Seeing them interact. It made sense. They'd make a cute couple, but it was also 1953, so that wouldn't be so likely.
"I'm Elvis. I uh bought a pie, my mama refused, I come empty-handed." He smiled as Denise's heart melted. He was so sweet already and nothing like the guys Cecelia had liked in the past. 
"Well, I'll be in the basement working on some things. If you need me, call." She smiled as they nodded,
"Your mother looks familiar." 
"Oh, does she?" Cecelia began to sweat, hoping he wouldn't ask her a question she didn't want to answer, "Yeah, but I can't trace it," he shrugged, "So about last night?"
"I had a great time." Walking to the dining room, which was furnished with a few of her mother's awards, Elvis glanced at them as he put his attention back on her. 
"Me too." He smiled. Sitting at the kitchen table, watching her, "I'd like to hang around you more." She smiled, making him a plate of pastries, "You should come over sometime for dinner!" Elvis smiled. His parents would have loved to meet her. After all, he'd been talking about her for two days non-stop. 
"I'd like that!" 
"And maybe you'd like to go to prom with me?" Cecelia froze as she was trying to figure out how to respond, putting his plate in front of him as he looked at her face. He seemed doubtful until he heard her say, 
"Oh, Elvis!"
"Is that a ..."
"Yes, I'd love to. We could wear pink together!" She said as Elvis laughed. He loved her enthusiasm and her energy. And he also loved her brownies, reaching for another as he kept eating. 
"Unless you don't wanna wear pink," pouring a glass of lemonade into a crystal glass as she was getting excited, "We could do purple or white, or-" Elvis kissed her cheek. He was feeling bold. Scared, she almost dropped the glass, and he caught it. 
"Pink is perfect, Cece." He smiled, 
"Did you kiss me on the cheek?" She asked. 
"Yes, I did." 
"Mhmm..." She kissed him on the cheek as sweet revenge until she landed in his lap. Her temperature rose as she looked at him, 
"Hello." He took in the features of her face as she did the same, the two leaning in closer and closer.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Midge shouted as Cecelia broke apart from Elvis,
 "He had dust in his eye!" She panicked, Elvis laughed at the lie as Midge rolled her eyes, 
"Names Midge and you?"
"Elvis Presley." He stuck his hand out towards her, and Midge shook it, "I won't tell your mother that you two were gonna go to Makeout City if you pay me in those cookies."
"We were not! We're just friends!" Cecelia shouted as she got up and gave her the plate, Elvis laughed. They were indeed friends, for now. "We're prom dates." He smirked as Midge nodded, 
"Let me ask you a question, kid."
"BB King or Frank Sinatra,"
"BB King, Easy!" 
"I like this kid," Midge winked as she kept walking, 
"That's my mother's assistant. She's like a sister to me." 
Memphis, Tennessee, Monday, May 1953
"So, did you ask her?" Red asked as Elvis nodded, a few of his friends gathering around him in the hallway, 
"She's my prom date." Elvis smiled. 
"Well, I wanna meet her. You keep calling us about her," Darla said, as she rolled her eyes, "Oh, here she comes." Red smiled as Cecelia walked in, her skirt swaying in motion. She smelled like roses. Her hair was in a bumper bang and a ponytail. A few of his friends figured she was way out of his league. She was beautiful, charismatic, and brave for breaking barriers. 
"Hi, I'm Cecelia," 
"Darla, this is, Betty, and-"
"Red West?" Cecelia smiled as he nodded, "Elvis told me a lot about you yesterday,"
"Yeah, we hung out at her house," Elvis said as they snickered. He had to be lying. 
"Oh, speaking of! Here's those Captain Marvel Jr comics I promised."
"Thanks, Cece." They all nodded, noticing her Jay Garrick lunchbox. It all made sense now. 
"So, you two going study or..." the pair blushed as Elvis's hand brushed against Cecelia's, her cheeks flushing, "They're together, but they don't know it yet..." Red whispered. Walking to class, Cecelia still got a few stares, but she didn't care. She had something that they wished they did, friends. 
"So you think you'd like to come for dinner tonight?" Elvis asked as Cecelia whispered back.
 "It's a school night..."
"I know, I know, but they want to meet'cha." He smiled,
"I suppose I could." Cecelia smiled,
When the bell rang, Cecelia dashed to her house to tell her mother the news, "I'm having dinner at Elvis's house!" She shouted as Denise poked her head out of the kitchen, "I'm glad. I'm having dinner with Cab tonight. So take Midge with you."She smiled as Cecelia groaned. Midge came from the basement as if she were summoned. "Does the kid's parents know you're not exactly uh-"
"Midge!" Cecelia sighed,
"Hey, only stating facts. I mean, if he's gonna be your prom date."
"Prom date?" Denise blinked, "You got asked to prom?"
"Yeah, yesterday." Cecelia smiled, "It's nothing," she blushed, "Nothing, that young man asked you a black girl to prom, automatically that is something." Denise sighed, trying not to panic.
"The kid likes BB King, so..." Midge smirked, "He's kinda black in my book." Cecelia high-fived Midge as Denise burst out in laughter, 
"You two, I swear," Denise chuckled, 
"Well, I'm gonna get changed and make a pie,"
"Wouldn't you make the pie first?" Denise smiled,
"What's she like?" Gladys asked, Elvis was smiling from ear to ear, "Oh, uh, food. I guess, I mean, she bakes good, so I assume good cookin?" He said. He had finished his homework and finished getting ready. As Vernon walked in, he could tell everyone was up to something. "Cecelia's comin over, an I want it perfect. Cause she's going to be my prom date." He swooned, and Vernon and Gladys and Minnie perked up, 
"You asked her!"
"I did."
"Oh, she must be special." Vernon smiled as he helped get their apartment ready.
Midge parked her car in front of the high-rise apartment as she stared in awe, "You know I lived in one of these growing up in New York." She smiled, "Broke some girl's hearts on those steps, ah good times." Cecelia was nervous. She was meeting his parents. And she had a wild berry pie, a sweet potato pie, and honey rolls in the car. Carrying as much as they could up. They walked into the building and towards the door. Opening the door, Elvis was stunned. Cecelia was wearing a pink Gingham dress with matching pink heels, and he was smitten. 
"Oh, Elvis." Gladys smiled as she saw Cecelia. She was as cute as a button, short. But, she could tell she was sweet by her spirit, 
"You must be Mrs. Presley." Cecelia smiled as she nodded, "I hope you don't mind, but I brought my friend Midge with me." Midge waved as they came in. 
"I see you made desserts," Vernon mentioned,
"Oh yes, I didn't wanna be rude and not bring anythang." She was southern, thank the lord, Gladys praised as she helped her carry in the food, "All handmade too." And she could cook! As the night went on, there was laughing, love, and a lot to learn from the Presley family,
 "So tell me, what do your parents do?"
"They sin-" Midge tried to say
"They're, uh. Trying to get into the singing business." Cecelia said she wasn't lying, just bending the truth,
"I take it you sing?" Vernon asked,
"Like an angel, and she plays guitar," Elvis mentioned, making her blush. 
"The angel is Elvis. Honestly, he's never treated me like the other kids do. He's sweet and kind and..." Cecelia got lost in his eyes as Elvis blushed. Everyone at the table was looking at them. There was definitely something there. Gladys could feel it, 
"I'm glad to be his prom date, it's an honor,"
"Oh, it ain't nothing, really, I just think you're the prettiest girl in school." Elvis smiled, holding her hand as her cheeks flushed, Midge was proud. She'd seen Cecelia through her breakups, but this may have been a soulmate. 
"These pies are delicious," Vernon smiled, breaking up the tension as Cecelia held Elvis's hand back, 
"The secret recipe is love," Cecelia smiled. As the night wrapped up, Midge went to start the car, Cecelia said her goodbyes, and Elvis walked her downstairs, 
"I hope what I said wasn't too much on ya." 
"I never had someone say any of those sweet things." 
"Well, you do now, say. Uh, you wanna catch a movie at the drive-in?"
"I'd like that." She smiled as he pushed a loose hair behind her ear. 
"It'll, uh, be a couple of friends and-" Cecelia kissed him on the cheek, 
"Pick me up at 7." She smirked, walking to her car as Midge pretended she wasn't listening in, 
"Ooo, Cece's got a date..."
"It's not a date!"
"Then what is it?"
"An outing between two friends..." 
"At the passion pit..." She looked over at Cecelia
Memphis, Tennessee, Tuesday, May 1953
"I'm going out, Mother, I'll see you tonight!" Cecelia said, racing out of the house in her blouse, a long poodle skirt, bobby socks, and loafers. Her pink scarf tied in her ponytail as she giggled, 
"Who are you going out with ?"
"Elvis~" Midge laughed as Denise shook her head, Denise did like him, but he was still a boy, and boys always liked to try things, 
"Be careful and remember-"
"We're just friends..."
"I know, I know, nothing below this here belt." She sighed, 
"I mean, how would you know... She's wearing a skirt..." Midge mumbled as Cecelia blushed, Denise glaring at her.
"Damnit, you're eighteen," Midge said. Sniffling, "Just don't do anything I wouldn't do." 
"Considering she likes boys that's not much," Denise mumbled,
"Would you look at that... Elvis is here!" Cecelia gulped, running out of the house and into his car, 
"You look..."
"Do you not like it? Are the pearls too much?" 
"Perfect..." He smiled, kissing her cheek as she blushed again, 
"Say, did you change your hair?" She asked as he blushed,
 "I-I-I ah uh yeah I did..." He blushed, 
"Black hair suits you. It brings out your eyes and makes you look like Superman or Captain Marvel Jr."
"Then maybe you could be my Lois Lane."
"But I do, also like the blonde and blue, which makes you look like Captain America." She gushed until she looked at him, 
"Did you just..."
"I might've." He smiled as he kept driving. They got to the drive-in, and he parked his car next to his friends, the two getting out as Elvis held her near him. 
"French Fry?" Cecelia offered as Elvis took some, sipping out of her cup of Pepsi cola,
"Gross... E You're a Memphian now. We drink Coke!"
"Taste the same to me."
"Pepsi is the drink of the Carolinas, but I'd say you ain't never lived til you had a Cheerwine," Cecelia smirked, 
"The hell is that?" Red asked as she grinned,
"Only the fuel of a Carolinian." Cecelia laughed as she looked back and saw Elvis nibbling on her burger, 
The movie started, and everyone was watching the big screen. The movie, of choice was Dracula, a classic creature feature for a date that wasn't a date, 
"Would you uh like to sit in the back with me?" He asked as she looked at him, "It's got more room, in case you get tired! I mean, uh-"
"I'd like that." She moved to the back seat as he followed. It was comfortable. As she got close to him, his arm around her shoulder, 
"Is this okay?" He asked as her head was on his shoulder,
"Perfect." She smiled, looking up at him. His smile was warm and inviting, he was charming and peaceful, and she was falling in deep for him, 
"Cece, can I tell you something?"
"Anything El," She smiled, 
"KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS." Was all they could hear being chanted from the window of the car, 
Later that night, Elvis drove Cecelia home and walked her to her door as she smiled at him. 
"I had a great time, Pres..." 
"Me too, Val." He kissed her cheek, "I guess this is uh goodnight?" taking his arm, she pulled him close. She was hypnotized by his beauty, 
"You're staring at me like I'm a cake slice."
"Cause maybe I wanna..."
"Wanna what-"
"Say good night to your friend," Denise said as she opened the door. 
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mariusperkins · 5 months
HI HELLO so I am on my rewatch of s2 (I haven't actually seen the whole thing again 🫣 - I did however watch s1 3 times lol) AND I am obsessed with the Bertha vs her kids situation. Love that when Larry is trying to play the "but moooom my friends go to prostitutes" card re: Mrs Blane, and raises his voice at her she just. Cuts him down. Sit your ass down son who do u think you're talking to. And of course the famous Gladys/Oscar exchange in which he's like "I'll never bully you" and she's there like "???Men bully their wives???" bc she's used to the GeorgeBertha dynamics. This is not the most coherent ask - but I think I would love to see the Russell kids actually comprehend how insane their parents are and have to deal with society without Bertha for a bit in s3 - bc she is controlling and exacting but her mix of Anxiety&Ambition gives her a preternatural sense of How Society Works. Anyway rambling ask aside - say the s3 scandal makes Bertha retreat for a bit, how do you think the Russells would pull it off without her?
hello!!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about one of the things I am most Obsessed with in this show, Larry and Gladys' perception of Bertha vs Bertha as she actually is (vs, sort of, Bertha's perception of Larry and Gladys, although I think that leaves less of an impact because most of the time I think her assessment of them is basically accurate and, as always, her treatment and conception of her children as an extension of her/as pieces that you're supposed to place in the best position possible regardless of how they feel about it is kind of norm for a woman in her position in that time period (I know this sounds very The Bertha Russell Defender Has Logged On and it's because I am and I have, but like, just because she's not sorry that she's doing it that doesn't mean she's wrong to do it!!)).
The Larry thing is like, he is right that young men going to sex workers would have been like handwave-excused but at that point in s2 they're still so on the line socially that Bertha is absolutely right to call him out about it, and she's definitely right to call him out about Mrs Blaine (I mean, she's almost immediately proved right about it being a potentially family-ruining scandal by there being a blind item about it in the paper - way to be subtle about your affairs Larry, Marian best of luck with that in s3). The thing about it that's so telling to me is that he looks so shocked to be yelled at, and to me it doesn't read as like 'slightly spoiled first born son faces consequences for the first time', to me it reads as like 'Bertha never gets upset at them, Bertha never yells' (which - yet another thing of thousands that she only lets herself do in front of George!!).
The Gladys and Oscar thing is also just like....... girl maybe Bertha is right that she should be picking your suitors for you. I mean I know she has George looking out for her in that area but also, wow is she sheltered, even considering the time period/etc. I doubt Carrie Astor would have been so surprised. Speaking of, I would love for there to be a Carrie-and-Gladys scene in s3 to that effect (especially since the real Mrs and Mr Astor's marriage was Bad and the real Carrie Astor herself went on something of a one-woman hunger strike to be able to marry for love).
But onto your actual question!! I would love to see something like this in s3, like, I would love for them to try to do something without her and for it be just a complete disaster and for Bertha to save them at the last minute (and look out for a fic with this premise some time in the future from me lol).
I think something like a small dinner could be pulled off by George and/or Gladys without Bertha's help. I suspect most of the actual work of it in that case would be pushed to Church+Mrs Bruce+etc and they're certainly competent enough for it run smoothly enough, although perhaps with some kind of 'person is served a dish or ingredient they Notoriously Hate' or 'conversation has to be extremely obviously diverted away from some topic because Bertha isn't there to smooth things out' type of incident, because Bertha might share a lot of society knowledge with George but a) there's no way he remembers every single in and out of society stuff even though he is listening, and b) I bet a lot of that stuff just lives in Bertha's head, not because it's secret but because it's so minor and not relevant to The Thing She's Telling George About her Day (like Marian saying at the opera that she wished she had a fan, and then her gift at the lunch being a fan - too minor to mention, but Bertha files it away).
For anything bigger... I mean, literally no one in that family has the experience in doing it because Bertha has been there to do it, and there's only so much you can ask Church and Mrs Bruce to handle on your behalf. Running a business empire has some crossover, but it's not totally transferable, and for all Gladys complains about Bertha's control over her I kind of doubt that she's ever asked Bertha how she manages or organises anything. Honestly, Marian would have a better chance of organising something on Bertha's level than anyone else in Bertha's family (but she also has enough good sense, and respect for Bertha, to ask for Bertha's help).
In summary: can they please start filming season 3
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pokemondarkpathau · 5 months
A Dark Path Walked Chapter 11: A change in everything
Kieran and Juliana had a long ride to the Central Plaza since they had to climb a lot with Koraidon. As promised, Gladys was waiting for them.
“Sorry we’re late, Gladys.” Kieran said.
“Did we make you wait?” Juliana asked.
“Don’t worry.” Gladys smiled. “I just got here too.”
“What did you want to talk about that is related to Carmine?” Juliana said.
“There is something I need to tell you.” Glady said. “Kieran, you said that Carmine only eats purple mochi, right?” “Yes.” Kieran nodded.
“It seems that Carmine is mostly seen with four Pokémon.” Gladys explained. “One of them is similar to a Peach-shaped toy, a dog-like Pokémom, a monkey-like Pokémon and a pheasant-like Pokémon. These four were seen around her one time. I got a machine called the Synchro Machine and I was using Comfey as surveillance, and one time she saw these four Pokémon with her. They must have terrified her since she sensed some sort of toxic aura.” As they heard Gladys’ explanation, terror went towards Juliana and Kieran. They have some idea in mind, yet they don’t know how to tell her.
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“The only other person I told about this observation is Lacey.” Gladys continued. “It’s difficult to keep a conversation with Amarys, Crispin is an airhead and everything I say to Drayton goes from one ear to the other.”
“Alright.” Juliana tried to stay calm. “Thanks for everything.” “You’re welcome. I have to go.” Gladys waved as she walked away.
“Th-th-this is bad…” Kieran shook her head. “Is Gladys saying… th-that S-Sis caught the LOYAL THREE?!”
“I can’t believe it…” Juliana said. “Okidogi, Munkidori and Fezandipiti?” “What do we do?” Kieran said. “If she uses these Pokémon and you use Ogerpon-” “Don’t worry, Kieran.” Juliana said. “I’ll fight the BB League Elite Four and challenge Carmine. Keep an eye just in case.”
“Alright, thanks, Juliana.” Kieran nodded and smiled.
Meanwhile, Carmine and Pecharunt went to a hidden section of the Savannah Biome. Florian and Terapagos were waiting for her.
“Apologies for the delay.” Carmine said. “The outsider is falling for the trap. Crispin, Drayton and Amarys are playing their roles very well.”
“So it is working.” Florian smiled. He is never seen with a negative expression. “Now the trap will be unleashed when you win and beat that girl. Isn’t that right, Terapagos?” “Tera-Tera.” Terapagos chirped.
“Pecha!” Pecharunt said.
“The outsider WON’T SEE WHAT’S COMING.” Carmine smiled darkly. “The ULTIMATE STAGE will begin and the TOXIC CHAIN will do its part. Pecharunt and Terapagos will be the main stars while we will play our roles.”
“Terapagos and Pecharunt will pass the torch to us as the main stars.” Florian said. “The other students will be part of our army as soon as you do your thing.”
“THE OUTSIDER WON’T SEE WHAT’S COMING!” Carmine laughed darkly.
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On the other side, Juliana strategized for her challenges at the BB League if she wanted to face the Elite Four and Carmine. She kept Skeledirge and Ogerpon while she did some BBQs for BP to unlock more Pokémon for the Biome and also pay for the Elite Trials.
Once her strategy was done, she decided to face the BB League Elite Four with Skeledirge, Ogerpon, Overquil, Serperior, Alolan Muk and Alolan Golem. She also caught a Delphox and Minior for a certain Elite Trial.
The first Trial she went to was the Fairy Elite Trial, where Lacey was waiting for her. “Hello, Juliana.” Lacey said. “I apologize for voting against you joining the League Club and facing the BB League. I didn’t want to involve you in any drama regarding the club since I heard Carmine is not on good terms with you.”
“Carmine is not on good terms with me?” Juliana was saddened. “But she was very-”
“I know it’s hard to accept.” Lacey shook her head. “But don’t let that take you down. I owe you a trial.”
“Of course.” Juliana nods. They went to a small corner of the Coastal Biome, where Lacey does her trial, which is a quiz regarding Cute Pokémon.
Juliana knew the details of some Pokémon since she did some Pokédex work while doing the BBQs. She knew Pikachu stored electricity on its cheeks, Venonat could see better in the night thanks to its eyes and could tell the different colored Miniors and spotted the Authentic Sinistea.
“Now, for the final question.” Lacey said. “Come on out, Granbull!” A Granbull stood beside Lacey. “My buddy Granbull is very cute, don’t you think? Now for our question… which body part do I use as a pillow?”
Juliana was not confused by the question since she heard Lacey had a secret.
“The… tummy.” The Paldean girl answered.
“Ding ding ding!” Lacey clapped. “You are correct! Granbull’s belly is so soft that you can use it as a pillow! Congratulations! You passed my test! Your prize is a battle against me! Once you are ready, we can begin.”
Juliana used Overquil and Alolan Muk for Lacey’s Whimsicott, Granbull, Primarina and Alcremeie and swapped Overquill to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon for Lacey’s Galarian Slowbro and Skeledirge for Lacey’s Excadrill, which she did not know was Terastalized to a Fairy Type so her Torch Songs were worse than helpful.
But it didn’t matter, despite Lacey knocking down her Skeledirge, she managed to defeat the Fairy BB League Elite Four. Lacey praised the Pokémon for their cuteness and their battling styles. After they took a picture Juliana got a badge that had the similar design as the Gym Badges, which Arven and Team Star got the inspiration from, and was given the Technical Move Alluring Voice.
As Juliana left the Coastal Plaza, she ran into Florian.
“Well, if it isn’t Juliana.” He said. “I heard so much about you from Carmine.”
“Who are you?!” Juliana asked.
“I am Florian.” Florian said. “I used to be a student just like you. I was a student of Uva Academy, but I had to abandon my studies because some Pokémon trio took down everyone at my party except Terapagos. Now I am Carmine’s advisor. You know Carmine is strong, so there is no way you will win. Give up.”
“I won’t give up!” Juliana said. “And I won’t be held back!”
“You remind me of myself.” Florian’s smile never dropped. “But you will regret not abandoning your challenge.”
With that, Florian left.
“Who is that boy?” Juliana thought to herself. “And why does he look like me? Except for the attire and the eyes.”
Kieran was heard arriving. “Hey, Juliana, are you ok?” He asked. “I heard you defeated Lacey from Gladys’ Confey. Congratulations.
“I’m…” Juliana changed her expression. “By the way, did you see a boy who looks like me?”
“No, I haven’t.” Kieran shook his head. “Good luck with the other BB League members.”
As Juliana did Crispin, Amarys and Drayton’s trials and fought them, she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Everytime she defeated each and one of them, they would change behind her back as she left and Florian would always tell her to not fight Carmine, despite the fact that Carmine is more than happy to battle her.
Kieran went to Juliana.
“Juliana, are you ok?” He asked.
“Hey, Kieran?” Juliana said. “I need to tell you something… can we go to your room? And can you bring Gladys?”
“Ok…” Kieran was getting nervous.
They went to Kieran’s room. Gladys and Lacey arrived. Kieran was shocked to see Lacey.
“Oh. Hi, Lacey.” Kieran said. “I didn’t notice you.”
“Sorry for startling you.” Lacey said. “I can’t help but feel suspicious of Crispin, Amarys and Drayton’s behavior.”
“I know how you feel.” Juliana said. “I cannot help but… say that I have been seeing a strange boy who looks just like me. I asked Kieran, but he didn’t see anything.”
“So you’re not the only one who is suspecting something?” Gladys shook her head.
“What did that boy say?” Lacey asked.
“He apparently doesn’t want me to fight Carmine.” Juliana said.
“But Sis is more than excited to battle you.” Kieran said. “Why would he not want you to battle her?”
“Are they… planning something?” Lacey asked.
“We’ll investigate as Juliana battles Carmine.” Gladys said. “Maybe we’ll get some answers.”
Kieran hugged Juliana and silently wished her good luck. The Paldean girl went to the Academy Entrance’s reception desk and told the receptionist that she would like to battle Carmine. The receptionist nodded and grabbed a microphone. “Attention, everyone.” The receptionist said. “Please gather at the Academy Entrance’s Battle Court. The battle between Exchange Student Juliana and Champion Carmine is about to begin.”
Later after everyone gathered around the court, Juliana and Carmine faced each other on opposite sides of the field.
“It is finally time.” Carmine said. “I risked everything to get here. I tossed away everything. Friends, acquaintances, dreams and family. I trained and trained everyday. I fought and defeated the Blueberry League Elite Four and Became Champion. Everything I did… all of it.” She glared at Juliana. “ALL OF THIS IS TO DEFEAT YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!!!!” Carmine sent out Hatterenne and Kingdra while Juliana sent out Skeledirge and Wellspring Mask Ogerpon.
“Today will be the day that you lose to me!” Carmine said. Then she saw Ogerpon. She then laughed darkly. “YOU REALLY HAVE SOME NERVE, BRINGING THAT OGRE NOW OF ALL TIME?!”
“Pon…” Ogerpon was sad to see how much Carmine changed in a bad way.
“Sis was spiteful towards Ogerpon…” Kieran thought to himself. “Even though she did tell everyone in Mossui Town that Ogerpon is innocent… then why is she hating Ogerpon now…?”
The battle against Carmine was difficult, Juliana had to figure out how to fight Venasaur, Hatterene, Kingdra and Metagross, the latter two being Pokémon Drayton and Amarys have respectively. She still prevailed.
“I warned you.” Florian appeared from behind the crowd. “I warned you not to fight Carmine. The show is about to begin.” “Show?” A Blueberry student said in confusion.
Carmine smiled darkly as she sent out Pecharunt.
“That’s one of the Pokémon Comfey saw!” Gladys gasped.
“Graaaah!!” Ogerpon was angry upon the sight of Pecharunt. “Pon! Pon!”
“Ogerpon knows that Pokémon?!” Kieran gasped.
Carmine laughed as her appearance completely changed.
Pecharunt first fired Mochi at everyone present and everyone took a bite except for Juliana, Kieran, Lacey and Gladys.
Pecharunt unleashed a toxic chain that wraps the entirety of Blueberry Academy.
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“Let’s get out of here!!” Lacey said as she grabbed Juliana’s hand, since she was frozen in horror and she, Juliana, Kieran and Gladys ran towards the docks where planes land.
“I don’t believe this…” Gladys said. “Carmine, why?” “This is all my fault…” Kieran said. “If only I didn’t lie to her….” “You had a reason, Kieran…” Gladys said.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Lacey said, crossing her hands into an X. “Carmine is supposed to surrender her position as champion and give it to Juliana. And Crispin would be dropped out of the BB League Elite Four.”
“Um, Lacey…” Gladys said. “Juliana is not talking at all…” “Juliana?” Kieran said.
“I can’t believe these two would do something like this…” Juliana said, all the light having gotten out of her eyes. “I’ve… never been betrayed…”
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“What do we do?” Kieran said. “There is only one place left to hide so we can plan something.” Juliana said.
“Where is it?” Gladys asked.
“The Great Crater of Paldea.” Juliana answered. “The one place known as Area Zero.”
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Mama How Do You Fix A Broken Heart?
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A/N: Here is the sequel to Should've Known You'd Bring Me Heartache! @navia3000 Thank you for sending in the request for Should've and I'm sorry it took me so long to get this sequel out lol. It took a bit to figure out how to write what I had planned, but I'm happy with the end product! I hope you and everyone else likes this! As always it's unedited and not proofread 💙.
Warnings: none? Maybe slight cussing if that bothers you. Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff. (This one actually ends happy 😂)
Word Count: 5.7K
You were laying in your bed, just as you had been since you left Club Handy three days ago. Your rooms four walls becoming your sanctuary to hide from the world in. As you lay in your bed watching the morning rays seep through your curtains onto your wall you faintly hear the phone ring. You hear you mother go to answer it and when you hear her voice say, “Hello Gladys! I’m having an alright morning, how about yourself?” shortly after the ringing stop it cemented your decision to stay in bed for the day again. If your mama was talking to Gladys, that meant there was probably a chance of you having to run into or see a Presley if you left your room. As you heard the muffled sound of your mother on the phone, you rolled over and shoved your face into your pillow. You should’ve never gone out to Club Handy, you would’ve never have made a fool out of yourself or seen Elvis. You’d still be miserable and heartbroken though, but you’d probably wouldn’t be hiding in your room.
As you laid there, the last time you saw Elvis replays in your head. Why did you have to act like a drunken fool in front of him? Why did you refuse the ride, when you could’ve had all, you wanted for weeks, a moment with him? Why did you spit the vicious lie at him? Yes, part of you wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt you but know he believed you hated him. Cementing the fact, you’ll never get him back. As you moped in your room, your mom was talking to the woman that had surprisingly become her best friend over the past few years since you met Elvis. “She’s not left her room except to go to the bathroom for three days, and even thin she’s like a damn ghost.” Your mother tells Gladys before adding, “You know when she told me she was going dancing the other night I thought either she was getting better or he got his head out of his ass, but now I don’t know what happened but she’s worse. “The Presley matriarch sighs on the other line, usually she didn’t care too much for the girls in her Bewbie’s life, but you were special. She liked you though, and while she’d never fully admit it out loud, she didn’t mind sharing her Bewbie with you.
“Usually, I’d get offended someone talking about my Bewbie like that, but to be honest I don’t understand why he’s being such a damned fool like this for. I swear he loves her Charlotte.” Gladys tells your mom as she paces the kitchen, the whole conversation going unheard by you. “I don’t know what happened that night, all I know is he left late saying he had to get Y/N and came back later looking like his world was crushed. “She continues to admit to your mom, both women getting confused and concerned at the shared information. “I don’t know what’s going on with them, they obviously still love each other.” Your mom comments as Gladys hums in agreement. “I don’t know what happened that night, Y/N came home drunker than a skunk and she’s been moping ever since.” Your mother tells Gladys as they talk. “Do you think I could visit her? I don’t know, I know it’s pushy but maybe these kids need us to step in a bit?” Gladys asks your mother after a moment and continuing when she notices your mother’s slight hesitancy, “Just to talk to her, maybe figure out a way to help them kids not end something that could give us the cutest grandbabies?” The joke making your mother laugh as she stretches the cord as she paces a small path at the phone. “Oh, I know, and well maybe that might work.” Your mother tells her before uttering,” Lord knows she ain’t talking to me about it.”.
“Alright well let me get ready and say I’ll be over in an hour? I’ll get Vernon to take me.” Gladys tells your mother after hearing her agreement. “Maybe we can get these kids back together.” She comments before they say their goodbyes. The whole conversation went unheard by you as you moped in your bed. So, after some time when you heard a knock on your bedroom door you assumed it was your mother. “Mom! I just wanna be left alone!” You pitifully call out pulling the covers over your head in attempt to drown out the world more. “I’m not the Mama you’re talking about, so does that mean you still want to be left alone?” You hear the familiar voice of Gladys Presley ask as you hear your door creak open making your heart still for a moment. As you pause under the blanket you have an internal battle with yourself. Part of you wants to tell her that it especially includes her and to leave, but another part of you would never want to be that rude to Gladys. You had grown to love the woman over the years, and while you may be hurt and angry from her son; she never did anything to you.
“No, you can come in Mrs. Gladys. “, You softly comment from under your lump as you hear her step into your room. As you heard your door shut you slowly uncovered yourself and sat up to stare at the older woman. “What happened to Mama P? Just cause my Bewbie’s an idiot I get bumped down to Mrs. Gladys?” Gladys softly jokes as she fully steps into your room as you try to ignore her pitying look at your unkept appearance. “Sorry Mama P., though I never thought I’d hear that last part.” You tell the woman giving a ghost of a smile as you pat the corner of your bed. “If you say it again you can sit on my bed.” You joke making the older woman laugh as she sits on your bed. “Well, I never thought my Bewbie would act so stupid I’d have to call him an idiot.” She jokes with you as she glances over at you before biting her lip. “How have you been little girl? I ain’t seen you in months.” She asks as you bow your head and start to play with frayed strings on your blanket. “I’ve been better Mama P. “You admit softly as you toy with the stray string. “Sorry I ain’t seen you, I didn’t really know with us uh splittin’ if you would want me to still.” You tell her honestly as you two quietly sit on your bed. “Plus, I kinda knew it would hurt too much to see you.” You confess to the woman that had become like another mother to you. “Oh sweetheart, it wouldn’t matter I like you for you.” She tells you softly as she softly moves a piece of your hair before adding, “You’re like the daughter I never got to have, and I’m sorry my Bewbie’s put both of ya’ll through this. I don’t know what goes through that boy’s mind.”
As you listen to her, you couldn’t help but feel curious and lightly agitated at her words. “You know you’re like another Mama to me too and saying that Mama P I gotta ask you somethin’.” You tell her as you lift your head up, your heart breaking as Elvis starts to flood your mind as you looked at his Mama. “What do you mean both of us? He wanted it, he was the one to end it.” You tell her as you watch her bit her lip as she gives the barest shake of her head. “I know sweetheart, but I don’t know why. Lord knows he didn’t really want it, and the boy’s been torn up since then. “Gladys tells answers you giving you a soft sad look. “Especially since the other night, he’s been a wreck. “She comments giving you a look as you bite your lip. While childishly a small part of you was glad to know he was just as affected by the break-up as you were, you felt guilty knowing what you had said to him when you last seen him. Biting your lip, you looked at the older woman as you felt the familiar sting of tears building up and asked, “Then why did he break me?”. The older woman softly coos as she pulls you into a hug as you continue to fight your tears. “I don’t know little girl, and I hate to see both of ya’ll hurtin’ like this.” She tells you as she tries to comfort you. “Maybe if you tell me why he’s barely leavin’ his room muttering you hate him?” She asks after a moment as she pulls back from you slightly to look down at you.
You tearfully stare at the older woman as the guilt swelled up in you as you remembered how you yelled at him, then you told him that awful lie at Club Handy. “Oh, Mama P I made a damned fool out of myself at Club Handy.” You tell her sniffing back the tears as you swallow a lump, letting the woman pull you back against her. “I’m sure whatever happened wasn’t that bad little girl.” She comments as she runs a hand comfortingly through your hair. “Oh, but it was. Not only did I make a fool outta myself, but I said the most awful things to Elvis.” You lament as you start to lose the fight with your tears. “I got as drunk as skunk and almost started a bar fight.” You begin to explain tearfully as you sniffle against her, your words surprising her. “Bar fights? What happened that night little girl?” She questions you stunned slightly, while you were a bit of a firecracker bar fights were something way out of your nature. “Well, I don’t know. I got tired of moping around like I had been for months, and I started out just wanting to have some fun. Then when I got there it changed, I started to drink and dance. I wanted to just forget for one night that I was hurtin’ as much as I was. “You continue to explain as you continue to sniffle and cry, the walls finally breaking as she listens to you. “I danced with some guys, and well one thought I owed him something for my drink and didn’t like it when I told him I didn’t owe him anything. I guess that’s when B.B. called your house.” You continue your story as Gladys comforts you, holding you tighter as you mention the altercation before interrupting you slightly. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” She asked as she pulled away from you briefly to look into your eyes, your words worrying the older woman. “No, No. Sammy handled it before he could hit me.” You tell her as your tear-filled eyes stared into her worried ones, thinking how Elvis looked like her. She hums calmed slightly by your answer uttering a small, “Good” as she waited to listen to the rest of your story.
“Well after Sammy handled it and B.B called Elvis, B.B took me into the back office of the club to keep me from makin’ more trouble. Well, we got to talking, and I was telling him about how I was feeling when Elvis showed up. God I was just so drunk, and seeing him and all the hurt rushing forward made me so angry Mama P.”  You tell her through tears as she rubs her hand up and down your back as she softly tells you, “It’s alright sweetheart we all say things we don’t mean when we’re drunk or angry, and especially when the two mix.” You sniffle as you listen to her words and shake your head against her. “No, I was horrible to him. I told him I hated him and wished I’d never met him.” You admit to the older woman before you choke out a cry as she comforts you. “I didn’t mean to tell him that.” You tell as you move you hand to wipe your eyes as she runs her hand through your hair again. “I know sweetheart, I know. It’s also not the end of it all though.” She tells you softly before she pulls back to see your tear-stained face. “You know how many times I’ve told Vernon I’ve hated him over the years?” She lightly asks giving you a half-smile.
You wipe your eyes and shake your head with a sniffle as you try to calm yourself down from finally unleashing some of your guilt from the past few days. “That’s hard to believe Mama P., you and Vern were made for each other.” You comment as you finish wiping your tears before looking at Gladys as she slides your hair behind your ear before putting her hand down. “That’s real sweet of you to say sweetie, but of course I have. Lord knows that man’s drove me up the walls too many times to count over the years.” She tells you softly as she looks at you for a moment. “Why don’t you get out of this bed, and get ready and you can drive me home? I know Elvis taught you how, and maybe you and Bewbie can talk some?” She asks softly after a pause making you shake your head. “I’ll drive you home Mama P, but I don’t know if I can talk to Elvis. “You tell her as your heart hammers at the thought of it. “Plus, would he even wanna talk to me after the way I acted?” You ask pitifully as you started to play with the strings on your blanket again. “Oh, Y/N sweetheart of course he’d wanna talk to you.” She tells you softly but sweetly as she glances at you. “I think he’d wanna talk to you as much as you regret those words.” She comments with a sad smile as she waits for you to say or do something. Chewing on your bottom lip you looked up at her and nodded. “Alright I will, you care to wait for me to get ready?” You ask her making her smile wide and nod.
“Of course, little girl I’ll go talk with your Mama while you get ready.” She tells you as she gets off your bed and you follow suit. You give her a hug before she leaves your room. Going to your closet, the blue dress that Elvis always commented on. Grabbing it you gathered your underclothes and headed to the shower. Quickly taking a shower, you take more time getting dressed. You felt your hands shake as you dressed as your anxieties and nerves felt frayed as your heart hammered in your ears. You wanted to talk to him, you wanted to take back those words, but he broke you. Elvis broke you and you don’t know how you’re going to talk to him. Which also broke your heart even more, because he was supposed to be the one person you never had that problem with. Looking at yourself in the mirror you debated on putting on make-up. Part of you wanted to put it on, but really it would be worse. You knew you wouldn’t leave Graceland without crying so you decided to forgo the makeup. Smoothing your dress, you put on your shoes and head out of your room.
You find Gladys and your mom sitting on the couch drinking iced tea as they talked, your mom pausing as she noticed you. “You look good Y/N, you ready to take Gladys home?” She asks you with a small smile, silently reminding herself to call her friend later and sing her praises for getting you out and dressed. “Thank you, Mom and yeah you care to give me your keys ma’am?” You ask her with a smile as you fiddled with your dress. “Of course, if you’re ready Mama P?” You check looking at the curly haired woman as you chew on your lip. “Your Mom’s right, you look beautiful in that dress little girl. “She compliments you making your heart swell with affection for her. “I’m ready whenever you are sweetheart.”  She answers your question as she stands from the couch. As she goes to take her glass through, your mom grabs it. “I’ll take it for you Gladys, I’m glad you came over. “She tells her warmly as she takes the glass, and as she goes to the kitchen, she pauses to hand you her keys. “Be careful Y/N.” She warns you with a smile before going to the kitchen.
“Alright then, I guess we better head on.” You state fiddling with the keys as you nervously smile at the Presley matriarch. “I guess so sweetheart, let’s go see if you kids can fix this mess.” She comments warmly as walks up to you and wraps and arm around your shoulder. You two head to the car and get in, and with shaky hands you start the car. Carefully you pull out of the driveway and start to drive down a familiar route. “Thank you for coming to see me Mama P.” You finally tell her breaking the small silence as you drove down the road. “No problem little girl.” She tells you warmly before adding, “Though I can’t deny I selfishly did it for Bewbie too. You kids have something special, and it shouldn’t end for no real reason when you both love each other.” You bite your lip as her honest confession pulls at your heart as your emotions create a chaotic battle inside seeing if either your anxieties, misery, or nerves would break you first. “Do you really think he still loves me? Did he tell you what he told me when he ended?” You ask her softly as you stared at the rode ahead chewing on your lip. “He told me that we should see other people, that we were too young to be tied to each other and the Puppy love was fun while it lasted, and maybe we could be friends one day. “You tell answering your own question with a small scoff. “I feel bad he's torn up, and despite that I don’t want him to think I hate him. But can you see where I worry if he still loves me? That there could be someway to get back to what we had?” You ask her honestly as she bites her lip, not seeing the sad look in her eyes as a flash of anger filtered through them at your admission.
“I swear I’mma hit that boy after you two talk.” Gladys comments as she places a comforting hand on your arm as you try to keep an eye on the road ahead. “I don’t know why he said that sweetheart, but I know a lick of it ain’t true. I know he loves you Y/N. “She tells you kindly before she removes her hand. “I’m scared.” You admit after a moment as you take the ramp to get on Highway 51. “That’s cause love’s scary.” She tells you wisely as you bite your lip. “Thank you, Mama P.,” You tell her after a pause as you briefly glance over at her, and you give her a small smile. The rest of the drive to Graceland was spent in mostly pleasant silence as you mentally prepared yourself. Pulling up to the gate your heart starts to beat so fast you wonder if it’ll burst out of your chest. Nervously swallowing you drive the car forward as the gate opens. Pulling up the driveway you park the car and turn off the ignition. You both sit in silence as you hold onto the steering wheel for dear life. “I I I don’t think I can do this.” You shakily state breaking the silence after a long pause. “Sweetheart I know it’s scary, but I’m sure that heartache hurts worse then the fear don’t it?” She asks as she places her hand on your arm again, and you try to focus on the feeling of her soft hand as you feel like your chest it about to cave in.
Slowly breathing you try to slow your heart as you try to focus on her and think on her answer. Despite your anxiety hitting you full force, you knew she was right. The pain of not having Elvis in your life was a thousand times worse than what your fear felt like. After taking a few more breaths you nod and shakily grab the keys. “You’re right, but please take these till we talk so I don’t run.” You tell her softly as you hand her the keys. Taking her other hand, she grabs them and soothing rubs your shoulder as she says, “It’s gonna be ok little girl, despite this mess he’s still that boy that would walk you home from school like a puppy all those years ago.” Her words comforting more, you give her the best smile you could as you take a deep breath. Getting out of the car, you shut your door and stare at the huge familiar house. In spite of your internal emotional storm raging inside you, you follow Gladys into the house.
Closing the door behind you she points up the stairs as she tells you, “He’s in his room, just knock. It’s gonna be fine Y/N.” You nod and stare at the stairs for a moment as she starts to walk pass you, pausing to pat your shoulder she softly tells you, “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”. You nod as you chew on your lip, as she continues her way to the kitchen you take a moment to prepare. Closing your eyes, you try to clear your head some before you open them and start to head up the stairs. Slowly ascending them you grip onto the wooden rail, trying to think of what you were going to say. Coming up you look down the hall and see his door. Uneasily you walk toward it pausing for a moment and just starting at the door when you stop in front of it. Breathing in you bring your hand up and knock on the door. “Leave me alone Mama! I don’t wanna be bothered.” You hear his deep voice shout after a brief silence after your knock. Frozen it takes you a minute or two before you call out to him through the door. “It’s not your Mama Elvis, it’s me.” Biting your lip, you start to fidget with your dress as you hear silence before a thump and his deep voice call out, “Y/N? That really you?” As you hear shuffling you go to answer before the door is ripped open and he’s standing in front of you. Despite the red eyes accompanied by dark circles and slump posture, you still thought he was a dreamboat. “Y/N.” He breathes your name out, making you freeze. The moment was here, and you had no idea what to say or do, all you could do was stare back at him. “C-Can we talk?” You finally ask slightly stuttering as you struggle to keep a grip on yourself.
“Of course, Y/N!” He tells you as he opens his door for you to come into his room. “Uh What did you want to talk about doll?” He asks you as he closes the door, the pet name naturally slipping off his tongue and harshly tugging on your heartstrings. Walking into his room you sit on the corner of his bed as you stare at him, chewing on your lip as you try to think of how to start this and how to tell him everything that was burning under your tongue. Fiddling with your fingers you take a deep breath before you end up blurting out, “I don’t hate you, in all honesty I could never hate you, Elvis.” You watch as his dark eyebrows arch up and something flash across his eyes as he sucks on his bottom lip. “Do you mean that Y/N?” He asks you softly, his voice coming out raspy as he stares at you seemingly frozen in his spot next to the door. Timidly nodding you stop chewing your lip as you moved your gaze to the carpet. “It’s true, while I don’t understand why you ended it, but I can’t hate you.” You tell him as you stare at the carpet, still fiddling with your fingers. “I was drunk, angry, and hurt. “You begin to explain, suddenly lifting your head up and taking breath to ward off the tears that start to build again. “Plus, to be honest in that moment I just wanted to make you feel an ounce of the hurt I have been for months. “You admit to him as you stare at the ceiling, feeling his eyes burn into you from the corner. 
As you heard his soft footsteps pad a few steps toward you, you decided to continue speaking before your feelings took over. “The whole night was shit. I went there to forget the hurt and you, and all I could think of was you. Haunted by your memories I made a fool of myself, and then seeing you looking just fine made all that hurt come rushing back stronger. “You tell him before you finally bring your head down, and glance at his tall form in front of you. “I’m sorry for all the awful things I said.” You apologize as you stare into his eyes, seeing the blue orbs gloss over you felt your own eyes sting. “Just why did you end it, Elvis? Why did you say that all those years and everything was just some puppy love?” You ask him as you begin asking the questions that burned your mind since that night. As you fight your own tears you watch him fight his own as you watch him inhale sharply at your question, fueling you to continue your inquisition as hurt bubbled beneath your skin. “Was there someone else? Was I not enough for you anymore? What did I do for you to just toss me and everything away?” You ask as you continue to stare at him, your voice squeaking as it cracked at the end of your questions.
Taking a deep breath in you try to blink back the tears as you watch him stare at you. Glossy blue eyes gazing into yours as he reflexes his hand before fiddling with the side of his pants. As the tears finally start to slip out, you finally ask, “Why did you promise me all of those future dreams like you were gonna be my forever when you were gonna break em’? Why did you break me after you promised not to?” Your voice thickening with each word as they stab his heart, you watch as he softly brings his hands up and wipes your tears away with his thumb. Breathing in you freeze as you watch him, waiting for some answer. “Oh Y/N, baby, don’t ever think you’re not enough. You didn’t do anything. It’s all on me, I was the damned fool.” He tells you softly, his deep voice rasping over you as you exhale trying to stop the tears. “That doesn’t answer my question Elvis, there has to be a reason why.” You thickly insist as you watch him take a deep breath before he pauses his thumb and moves to cup your face. “I-I thought I was doing you a favor. I thought it would be better to let you go.” He answers and while the hurt still bubbled underneath, anger flared at his words. “A favor? You thought you were doing me a favor by breaking my heart? You thought it would be better to let me go thinking that you didn’t believe any of it fucking mattered?” You ask as your tears continued to fall and your eyes light with fire.
“I thought that I was doing the right thing darlin’, I thought I was setting you free so another Jack could give you all the things I couldn’t” He admits as he watches you stand, reaching out to hold you as you begin to poke into his chest. “The right thing? What bullshit is that Elvis Aaron Presley?” You ask him angrily as you get more upset. “What do you think you weren’t giving me when you gave me all I ever wanted?” You ask as you stare up to see his own tear-filled eyes gazing back into yours as he holds you. “You deserve someone that can be there for you Y/N. You deserve someone that can take you out to the movies any weekend you want. You deserve to have someone that doesn’t keep you waiting for weeks.” He admits to you as he wills himself not to cry, his honest answer tugging you on your cracked heart. “Where’s all this comin’ from? Who said I wasn’t more than fine waiting on you while you flew? Who said I gave a damn if we could go to the theatre or not? All I ever cared about was spending time with you and loving you.” You ask him as you move your finger to hold onto his shirt, realizing how much you’ve missed feeling his arms holding you. “Why the hell would you break me before talking to me about all those ridiculous thoughts?” You ask him after he just stares at you chewing on his lip for a moment.
“You can’t tell me I don’t see disappointment flash in your eyes every time I have to say no to a date you wanna go on? That I can’t take you out without crowds?” He asks as his raspy voice shakes with each word as he nervously moves his hand up to swipe some of your hair behind your ear. “You think I don’t notice how down and low you sound when I call you on tour? You don’t think you deserve someone that doesn’t make you hide from the world or is barely around at times?” He continues his questions, each one tugging your heart at his insecurities he was releasing. Shaking your head, you wondered why he couldn’t have talked to you about this stuff before. “Any disappoint you saw was simply due to adjusting and that the fans that loved you couldn’t let you have some peace. “You tell him as you reach up to cup his face. “Of course, I sounded down and low, I missed you Elvis. I don’t care about the tours; it just makes the time with you more special.” You continue as you swipe your thumb against his face as he stares as you. Sucking on his bottom lip he moves his hand to hold yours against his cheek.
“I love you so much, that I want is for you to be happy. Even if that means I gotta let you go.” He tells you as a few tears slip past his eyes. “I love you and all I want is for you to be happy too. “You tell him softly as you bite your lip, moving your hand moving from under his to wipe his tears. “I love you so damn much Elvis, I’ve been living half a life without you.” You tell him as you both tearily gaze at each other. “I ain’t really been livin’ a full life either darlin’. “He admits to you softly as he reaches his hand and grabs yours again, closing his eyes as he holds it to his cheek for a moment. Opening back up he stares at you tenderly behind the tears. “I wish you would’ve talked to me about those things, it might’ve saved us this pain.” You comment as he nods his head under your hand. “I wish I did too, I’m so sorry for hurting you Y/N. I swear I’ll never forgive myself for it.” Elvis tells you as he stares down at you tugging on your heart even more.
As you two stay frozen standing in his room staring at each other you both take the time to soak in each other’s appearances having missed each other. “How do we fix this? I wanna just fall back into your arms, kiss you, and forget about the past few months but I know it ain’t that easy.”  You ask him softly breaking the silent pause as you searched his eyes for a hint at an answer. “Maybe it is, we still love each other.” He softly begins to answer as he tenderly stares at you. “I know you won’t forget my damned mistake of letting you go, but if you give me the chance, I’ll do everything to make up for it.”  Elvis tells you honestly as you stare up at him. Leaning up you softly press your lips against his, barely a moment later he’s cupping your face holding you as he kisses back. Both of your pouring your emotions into the kiss before breaking apart. “I love you Elvis, I just want to be with you.” You softly tell him as he caresses your face. “I just wanna be with you too doll.” He tells you before kissing you again, “Please just talk to me next time, I can’t handle you breaking my heart again.” You tell him as you two break apart again, as he nods with your words. “Course darlin, I promise I ain’t ever gonna put us through something like this again.” He softly swears to you as you bite your lip and nod. “You better keep it then Elvis Presley.” You tell him before softly smiling up at him, moving your hand to play with his hair. “I swear I will Y/N. “ Elvis tells you softly as he starts to smile back at you. Staring into his blue eyes you believed him, and while you knew it wasn’t going to instantly go back to how it was, you knew you two would get there. You knew that because life was bound to be better now that you were back with the person that truly held your heart.
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3seven-gambler · 3 years
#⌁꒰Hɑjime, Fuγuhiko ɑnd Gundhɑm hɑving to keep the GN!ɾeɑdeɾ ɑwɑγ fɾom theiɾ dɑd scenɑɾios꒱
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⋆ word count: 1306 ⋆ genre: a bit of angst and fluff
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࿐♡Ꮋꭺꭻꮖꮇꭼ Ꮋꮖɴꭺꭲꭺ:
You and Hajime were in his room, just chilling. He could see that something was bothering you, so he started to cuddle you.
-“Hey sweety, is somehting wrong?”
-“N-no, i-it’s nothing” you hugged him a little more tight.
-“Are you sure?”
-“Y-yes, i-i’st just…” Tears appaeared on your eyes.
-“What is it, S/O? You can tell me if you want”.
-“I-it’s about my dad”.
-“What happend with him?”
-“H-he wants me to go and live with him, and I-I don’t want to” you were now crying.
-“I don’t know what to do Hajime, I can´t actually do anything about it”.
Hajime was about to speak up, but your phone started to ring. You grabbed it and saw who was calling.
-“Talking about the fucking king of Rome” you answered.
-”What do you want?” you said with a harsh tone.
-“Is that the way of talking with your father Y/N? You really need someone to teach you some manners, glady I’ll the one doing that, come and grab your things, you are coming with me”.
-“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” You separated yourself from Hajime’s arms. -“THERE’S NOW WAY THAT I’M GOING WITH YOU!”
-“I don’t care, Y/N, you’re going to do what I say because I’m your father, end of the discussion”.
You were about to answer, but Hajime took off your phone from you.
-“Hello Mr. (l/n), I’m S/O’s boyfriend, Hajime Hinata, just wanted to tell you that if you really love your child then you’ll let them decide what to do”.
-”Wha…” And not waiting for your dad to finish talking, Hajime hanged up.
-“I did what I needed to do S/O, I’ll always defend you, because I love you and I don’t want to see you cry” he smiled at you, while removing one of your falling tears. You smiled back.
-“T-thank you Hajime, it means a lot, really”.
Hajime grabbed your face with both of his hands and kissed you slowly, trying to transmit you all the love he has for you. After a while, both of you broke the kiss looking for some air. He looked at you with lot’s of love in his eyes and then cuddle you again, while telling yo that everything is going to be alright.
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࿐♡ Fꮜꭹꮜꮋꮖꮶꮻ Ꮶꮜꮓꮜꭱꭹꮜ:
You were waiting for your boyfriend Fuyuhiko to come and get you for your date. You were just going to his house and spent time together in there, but you always loved that idea. While waiting, you heared the door bell ring. You went over the door with a smile, expecting to see the little yakuza boy, but when you opened the door you saw your dad, with some boxes in his hand.
-“Hey little one! Ready to pack up some stuff?”
-”What are you doing here, dad?”
-“Isn’t it obious? You’re coming with me! You’ll need all of your things, because you know that I live a little far from here”.
-”Hell no dad! There’s no way I’m coming with you!”
-“Yes Y/N, you are!”
-“B-but all of my friends are here, and m-my boyfriend!” you were starting to feel sadness aproche you.
-“Your boyfriend?! maybe he’s the reason why you’re becoming so irresponsible. I’m sure he must be just some stupid boy, believe me, you’re not going to miss him at all, I’m doing a favor to you Y/N. Now, where’s your room?”  
-“And who the fuck are you?” You heared a very familar voice, you turned up and saw Fuyuhiko, with his typical suit and his hat.
-“Oh, you must be Y/N’s boyfriend! Are you really dating him, Y/N? He looks like a kinder garden boy looking for his mom! You! -he pointed at Fuyuhiko- get out of here before I hurt you” your dad was about to close the door, but Fuyuhiko stopped him.
-“How the fuck did you call me?!” Fuyuhiko was very pissed, you could notice.
-“I called you a kinder garden boy, now, out!”
Fuyuhiko grabbed you by the arm and pulled you outside, putting you behind him. He snapped his fingers; two body guards and Peko came out and walked over Fuyuhiko’s side.
-“Wha- what the hell Y/N?! W-who are they?!”
-“Shall I slide him now, Master?”
-“Not yet, Peko” he walked over your dad “My name is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, your child’s boyfriend. Now I’ll let you go only for this time, next time I see you bothering them, I’ll let her do sushi with you, understood?”
-“Y-you a-a-are a K-Kuzuryu?” you saw your father getting pale.
-“Are fucking deaf or something?”
-“N-No sir! I-I’m so sorry for everything, I understood, I-I’ll get going now, b-bye Y/N, nice to meet you Mr. Kuzuryu!”
And with that, your dad run away from your house, leaving you and Fuyuhiko alone -the two body guards and Peko went over where they were hidding before-.
-“T-Thank you Fuyu, I was actually scared for a moment, just the idea of leaving you I-I…” you started to cry.
-“Hey is ok now, he’s gone, and I doubt he’ll bother again any time soon” he gave you a quick kiss.
-“I love you, baby gangsta” you giggled.
-“D-don’t call me that S/O! you have luck that I love you too” he chuckled.
Then both of you went over Fuyuhiko’s house, were you both spent hours together, giving one each other lot’s of love.
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࿐♡Ꮐꮜɴꭰꮋꭺꮇ Ꭲꭺɴꭺꮶꭺ:
You and Gundham were in his house, taking care of some animals. You were helping him with some stuff, when both of you heared a very hard knock in the door. You went over the door and open it, wanting pale when you saw who it was.
-“Here you are Y/N! Let’s go, your things are alredy in the car”.
-“D-dad?! What are you doing here, how did you find me?!”
-“I tracked your phone, what kind of father would I be if I don’t know were my child is?”
-“W-what?! You tracked my phone?! Dad what’s wrong with you?!”
Your dad was about to answer your questions, but his eyes wento over Gundham.
-“And who is he Y/N?” He looked Gundham from head to toe.
-“He’s non of your bussiness, now go! I don’t want to see you!” you felt anger mixed with some sadness.
-“Oh no, you are coming with me!” he grabbed you by the arm, pulling you towards the exit. He pushed you so hard that your body impacted with a wall. You let out a little scream, indicating that you got hurt. Gundham rushed to help you to get up again, making sure you were not seriosly injoured.
-“What do you think you are doing, filthy demon? How do you dare to touch my dark companion? I, the great Gundham Tanaka, Overlord of Ice, will stop you!”
-”W-what are you saying? Are you crazy? Y/N w…”
-“The only one who is crazy here is you, evil being, hurting such an angel like S/O, you should be ashamed”.
-“Now, I warn you to leave before I release my full power!”
Your dad was walking backwards slowly and then he run fast and got into the car.
-“We’ll talk later about this Y/N” and with that, your dad was gone.
-“Are you alright S/O?”
-“Y-yes Gundham, thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here with me” tears started to fall from your eyes.
-“It’s alright, S/O, you are here with me now, I shall always protect you” he gifted you a smile.
-“Thank you Gundham, I love you” you grabbed his face and plant a kiss on his lips, leaving a very flustered Gundham.
-“I-I love you as well, my dark companion, now let’s keep on our mission with the Twelve Zodiac Generals”.
Both of you kept spending the time together, taking care of the animals and saying how much you love each other.
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❥ 𝖱𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽. || 𝖣𝖮 𝖭𝖮𝖳 𝖱𝖤𝖯𝖮𝖲𝖳/𝖳𝖱𝖠𝖭𝖲𝖫𝖠𝖳𝖤.
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
hello, i LOVE your elvis work!
a request, if i may: reader has an anxiety/panic attack and he helps them through it/comforts them. feel free to get creative!
thanks <3
Keeping Promises
tw: anxiety/panic attacks + angst || word count: 947 || rating: pg
A/N: hi nonnie and thank u thank u! this is super cute, but i can't think of a good plot line for it, so i'm just gonna do a lil blurb!
You fall into the armchair in the corner of the living room, gripping the arms with your fingernails. Your eyes are trapped on the television screen even though it's blank. You can't tear your glare away, even when you feel the stinging tears gathering in your eyes.
"No," Gladys says sharply. "There's no way my baby's goin to Germany."
"It's this or jail..." the Colonel starts going on and on, his irritating voice droning into your ears.
You feel Elvis' fingers on your back, gently settling onto the skin. But the sensation doesn't soothe you at all. In fact, it actually upsets you more when you begin to think about how much you'll miss his touch while he's gone. As you grip the chair with all your strength and try to block out the Colonel's voice, your breathing starts to increase.
At first, you close your eyes, trying to keep it from becoming a problem. But as the Colonel tries to justify his ideas, Gladys grows more hysterical by the moment, and Vernon sits still saying nothing, you start to feel your body rock back and forth manically. Elvis has left your side to go defend his daddy's honor, and you feel all but unstable. With each rock forward and back, forward and back, your chest starts to rise and fall more heavily and quickly. You feel your blood and the tips of your fingers running cold. And the rocking begins to turn into full-on shaking.
You lift your hands in front of your face. Even though you're unable to focus your eyes on each finger, you can still see them shaking and shuddering through your blurry tears. Your stomach convulses over and over, and you can tell your erratic breathing is becoming more noticeable. You fling yourself out of your seat and race to the bathroom before the full fury of your panic attack hits you.
Crashing to the floor, you try to slam the door shut, but something stops it. On your hands and knees in the bathroom, you can't bring yourself to look up to even see who it is. But when you feel hands on you, you can just tell that it's Elvis. Waves of shudders and hyperventilating breaths shock through you, and there's nothing you can do about it other than make it worse. You try to hold your breath and regulate it, but you just can't make your brain listen to your words. You wish your brain is strong enough to turn it off, but it just isn't.
You hear the door close and feel Elvis' arms wrap around your body. His weight on top of you helps to push some pressure out of your lungs. You close your eyes trying to refocus your attention on one thing at a time.
"It's aright, baby, everythin's gonna be okay," he says reassuringly in that calming deep southern drawl. He leans back, pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms securely around you. You shudder in his grasp, trying once again to breathe deeply. You can't. Elvis softly strokes your hair and squeezes you tightly.
"Shhh, shhh. Just breathe, darlin, just breath my love," he says softly. "Here gimme ya hand."
You can't move, but he takes your hand and places it on his chest. You curl your fingers into the skin.
"Tell me what ya feel. Describe it to me."
You both know that no words will come out of your mouth, but just thinking about something, focusing on something else, will help calm you down. You run your fingers over his soft skin, feeling the coarse hairs of his chest, the black flaps of fabric from his mostly unbuttoned shirt. As your fingers get busy feeling and trying to identify the textures, your breath begins to slow and your body returns to normal.
"Aright now, that's it, honey," he encourages you. "That's better, ain't it."
He's still stroking your hair, and while his tenderness is comforting, it also destroys you. You feel a tense pressure in your chest before tears begin to explode out of your eyes. Your head drops into the crook of his neck, and he repositions to hold you closer, wrapping an arm around your waist and the other behind your head to support you.
"Shhh, shhh. I'm here for ya, baby," he says, the deep rumbling of his chest soothing you. "I'll always be here for ya. You're my bestest girl."
You let the tears flow out, feeling guilty for staining his chest and probably for upsetting him even more. He just rocks you back and forth, kissing the top of your head, and talking to you in a smooth, deep voice until you're all cried out. He tilts your chin up and smiles down at you so incredibly sweetly.
"Everythin's gonna be okay, love," he says. "Imma be back before ya even know I'm gone. Imma come back to ya, I swear to god. Ya gonna keep me goin up there, I just know it. Hey and whatever happens..."
He pauses to grab your face gently.
"Whatever happens, you never, ever forget that I love you. I'll always love ya, more than anythin in this world or the next one. You're everythin to me, and Imma come back to ya. I'll bring ya somethin nice from Europe. Somethin real pretty that you can wear, so everybody'll know you're mine."
You smile weakly, pulling him down for a kiss, a soft one stained with the salt from your tears. It's hardly a kiss at all, but it's enough for that moment. Enough to let you know that he'll keep his promise no matter what.
🦋 mila
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zozo-01 · 2 years
Welcome to 'Projecting Parts of Me onto Darlin' and Starlight'!!!! Buckle up Bitches, This is Gonna be a Wild Ass Ride <3 (Part One)
Hi! Hello! I have been threatened by @yetdevout to write down all of my Desi Darlin' and Starlight hcs and you know what? Imma do it. As I am writing this, this is getting reallyyyy long, so I'm gonna split this up into two <3. This willll be featuring both listeners being females, so if that's something you're not cool with, this is your warning!
[hehe, lets play a game and we'll call it 'which hcs are things that Zo doooo]
So we're gonna start with my darlin' Darlin'. (She doesn't have a name but shhhhhhh)
I have made it very clear that my Darlin' is from Toronto, and if anyone knows about Toronto, it has a diverse group of people within the South Asian diaspora.
Meaning that she picked up a little bit of every language, from bangla, punjabi, gujrathi, sindhi etc etc
It's not enough to speak fluently, but enough to get by with understanding the main points of what people are saying.
Her mother language is Urdu, but she's also fluent in hindi. (because they are the same language with different words and ahhhhhhh)
She gets her pronouns mixed up though. (ie, referring to masc items with fem pronouns)(Her family giver her shit, but she's trying T-T)
People who call urdu a "language impossible to make sound mean" pisssss her offfff. She'll glady be the proof to prove them wrong.
And she's inable to read Urdu because she learned how to read arabic instead. *sighhhh* Please don't ask.
Adoresss fucking with people.
It's not just Sam though, she's fucked with the entire pack.
Marie had to be the one who stopped her.
Poor Gabe and Asher were manipulated soooo much like this.
David doesn't even let her speak in Urdu around him because he's convinced that she's lying to him, which like fair.
(Doesn't help that the last time they spoke before she went to Washington, David asked if she'll be fine and she responded with 'I'll be fine' in urdu
It's just that Sam is her favourite target at the moment.
She'll tell the poor vampire the wrong meaning of certain words.
"Tum to meri chaan hai." "Hm? You say something, Darlin'?" "Just that you're a fucking bastard." (She literally called him her moon.)
"Paghal!" "What was that?" "I love you <3" (in her defence, she called him an idiot out of love)
Sam can never trust Darlin' on her word, so he goes to Milo (who is also desi because I said so <3) to decipher what Darlin's saying.
"Pffft- ya do realize that she's been messin' with ya since the beginnin'???"
Darlin' beats Milo up for ruining her fun. :(
Speaking of Milo, him and Darlin' were best friends growing up!!
Darlin' was always over at the Greer house and Marie loves her.
She truly believes that Darlin' was the daughter she never got.
Marie became Darlin's connection back home.
She'd cook her alllll of her favourite dishes (briyani, pulao, kalegi etc), order her lenghas, ghararas, shararas, tell her stories from back home and so on and so forth.
Most of Darlin's jewelry either is jewelry she inherited from her mother's family or gift from Marie.
Marie's the aunty who you can truly vent to and she'll give good advice and keep it a secret.
She admires the shit out of Marie for leaving her husband because she felt unhappy 'cus that shits unheard of!
Which begs the question, why didn't Darlin' tell Marie about Quinn?
There is a culture of 'taking it' in many South Asian communities. You can't complain about anything, lest it makes you seem weak.
And with Darlin's father... oh you better believe Darlin' kept quiet about any pain they were in.
A habit that unfortunately followed them to this day.
Another reason is because she doesn't wanna mess up her mom's reputation.
Despite her wild and rebellious nature, she is obedient to a degree because she cares for her mom's reputation. Absolutely kills her though because her actions shouldn't reflect her mother, but she rather shut up and let Quinn drain her then 'ruin' her mom's life.
Apologies for it getting dark, but I did say that it was 'Projecting Parts of Me onto Darlin'.'
But anywho back to the happier things, LUDO!!!!
For those who don't know, Ludo is a board game that is common in a lot of desi households. It's our version of Monopoly and shit. Gets. Intense.
Darlin's the Queennnn of Ludo in her family. She beat her nani, that's enough of a coronation for her.
Like imagine Vincent, Lovely, Sam and Darlin' playing Ludo for a game nightttt.
Vincent (who is also also desi because I said so <3) and Darlin' are screaming at each other because Vincent 'killed' one of Darlin's pieces. At one point, they both started screaming in urdu.
Sam and Lovely decided to grab popcorn and watched the shit show go down.
Despite her hatred of formal settings, Darlin' really does like to dress up.
Like she'll do her make up and put on a gharara and run through the woods (Sam's backyard).
He adores watching them dress up because it's one of the few moments where Darlin' will talk about her life prior to coming to Dahlia.
"This chudiyan set was from my great-grandmother and was one of the few things she kept with her during the partition."
Her favourite piece of jewelry is her mother's wedding day tikkah because she vows to wear it on her wedding day and have a better marriage than her parents did.
Poor girl just wants to be a bollywood heroine but she's got shit to deal withhhh.
Speaking of bollywood movies, she freaking adores them!!
From classics to modern day, she'll eat that shit up!
Doesn't watches movie with subtitles because she doesn't have the need to.
Her favourite is 'Chak De India.' (Its reallyyyy good and I am telling you to go watch itttt)
She changes this habit once Sam comes into her life.
Sings alongs to all of the songs and has the prettiest voice when she does it.
Explains some of the cultural significance behind some of the movies actions to Sam.
"There's just... this expectation to listen to your parents. And if you don't, they'll lash out. That doesn't make then bad people, it just... I don't know how to explain it." "Culture varies from place to place, darlin'. I get that."
Bollywood movies are how Sam tries to learn urdu so he can impress her. (Yes I know hindi and urdu are two different languages but shhhhhhh)
Food preferences!!!
Loves anything with rice. Briyani, pulao, white rice, it does not matter, she'll eat it.
Not really the biggest fan of any kind of roti, paratha or naan, but she'll stomach if she must.
Does not like chai at alllll. Visibly gags at the taste. (Yes I know, disgrace to all brown people, but she cannotttt be bothered to care.)
Also the food has to be spicy, no exceptions.
She once spit out food at a restaurant because it was too bland.
Adoressss mangos. But like, she's really picky with them. They haveeee to be from south asia or else she doesn't want them.
Sam has taken upon himself to order mango seeds to plant in their garden <3.
As for drinks, adoresss lassi! But she has to make her own separately in a glass cuz she adds extra salt in hers.
See this tik tok???? Darlin' has sent it to everyone she's had an argument with.
Here are their reactions:
David: Tank you can't use a tiktok to win a damn argument.
Asher: Sigh, Tank no-
Sam: Maturing is also realizing that help is ok and that you need to take care of yourself.
some miscellaneous things
Darlin' once pushed Sam away from her because she thought an auntie she knew was approaching.
Milo has 'Desi Girl' as his ringtone for Darlin' and once Sam learned the meaning behind the lyrics, he made it his ringtone too.
Darlin' exudes 'technically an only child, bur has relatives who treat her like a younger sister' vibes. [This is a specific role that I can't explain but it makes sense.]
Considers men who are called 'mama's boys' a red flag. [BECAUSE THEY FUCKING ARE (in brown communities at least).]
Sam once called himself a 'mama's boy' and Darlin' was deadass considering leaving him.
Has her wedding planned out. She has walked Sam through every single step of their wedding.
I don't really have a clear idea of their home life, just that her parents aren't bad people, just a product of the environment they were brought up in.
Can't do mehndi to save their lives, so they spend a shit ton of money to get it done for events.
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
hi! may i have a yandere!sheldon and static (both from animal crossing) fighting over a male reader? you don't have to do this if you don't want to!!!
(It okay but this will be a shorta headcanonish but i love getting request and thay you, for viewers like you, thank you plus sorry if its short, plus sorry if sheldon and static aren’t in it this much first request nervousness )
Sheldon walking to m/n’s house excited to give some of his snacks knowing m/n loves them but stopped as he saw, that other squirrel static of course why did it have to be him of everyone. “Oooo~ I can show you how to get some styles like mine!” the purple squirrel chirped, Sheldon walked up the two and m/n looks over to see the jock squirrel himself "oh hello Sheldon!" M/n said happily with static looking and having hatred take over him but hide it well "good morning Sheldon" static saying with a disgust tone to the name of sheldon. But m/n getting distracted as he did catchs bugs, fish the he as he would run around the island he’d find static sitting at a tree or sitting at m/n’s house, “hey m/n how’s it been?” The peacock gladys said happily as the two squirrel’s fighting in the back saw the peacock but hide in a blind spot to listen in on the conversation “so um….m/n I’ve been wanting to tell you this, can you please….GO ON A DATE WITH ME!!!!!” glady’s screamed the last part as she waited for m/n’s response “I’d love to!” but as night fell m/n went Inside for a nice rest for tomorrow “so we going now?” static said to Sheldon as static had a axe slumped over his shoulder as Sheldon got a shovel "this is the only time we will work together and that's it"
M/n woke up and his mail box had a letter opening it with a present attached 'dear m/n, I've wanted to say this but I wish we could meet but someone asked you first and I couldn't handle that but as a gift of your first ever date, here is a present! With much love your secret admirer' opening the gift to find the severed wing of Gladys the box inside blood soaked as in the distance in the purple squirrels backyard was flowers planted with the root tangled in fresh meat.......to love is to take....even if......it means taking people that try to steal what's yours......
(sorry if you don't like it, it's my first time writing for someone's request and tired to make it as well as I could, sorry if it's bad)
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
Also! Firstly I just wanted to say that i really like your writing and slow pace in the Empress series! Its really poggers. Secondly if you're taking request: could you maybe write something where Phil helps Techno ask out (y/n)? I just think that Phil would be such a great wingman (pun maybe intended lmao). I really like the way you write your Empress series' setting and characters so maybe you could do some sort of royal au similar to it? Not cannon to the series of course. If not then the dsmp still works :D (sorry if i sent the ask twice! My internet's shit lol) ~🌻
Awh! Your all good!!🖤 and thank you!! one Prince Techno comin up! (Im so sorry i got this out late, and that its poor, I was stumped hard on this for what to put!
My darling- Technoblade
Warnings: none
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Techno was a pretty well known and loved Prince. He was elegant, kind, gentle, sarcastic, funny, talented. He was just perfect. To Techno you were perfect. You were one of the servants sure, but he didn't mind that. You had the most gentle outset he had ever seen on someone. You could just walk into a room and somehow everyone was in love with you. 
Techno had feelings for you for a awfully long time however, no matter what he did he couldn't push himself to tell you. Far to afraid of what you would say to him in response. He rather sit suffering in silence as your friend, than risk loosing you completely.
You felt the same way. Techno was always so gentle with you. always asking if you were comfortable, if you felt safe, he would even make sure that you wouldn't be over worked. You couldn't count the nights that he read you to sleep in the library. Everyone found you two utterly adorable with your hesitance towards each other, they couldn't wait for the day one of you slipped up and confessed.
Phil on the other hand? Oh, oh he found this scenario hilarious. See Phil was often the one that helped get you two alone together. Ranging from distracting advisors, governors, consorts, you name it and Phil probably has diverted them at least once. Phil would go as far to joke that he was the one that had set you and Techno up originally. 
Although Phil found this whole situation hilarious, he did feel bad for his friend. Techno was a hard worker, he often put a lot of time into his country and his people. but, sadly techno would rarely take care of himself. Now Phil wasn't setting you up with techno so you would become his care taker. Rather he knew with you around, Techno would be more conscious of himself as to not worry you. like always, Phil was right too. 
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It was a off day. Techno had himself rested in one of the lounge chairs that resided in the library. Lately his feelings had become painful to hold back. Even the voices started banding together, telling him he had to confess.
Phil had to return some books so when he walked into the library and saw techno, he wouldn't have said he was suprised. "What's on your mind now?" Phil mused. Placing the books back on there specific shelf. He earned a sigh and groan from Techno. "Its (y/n) isnt it" he mused. "Mate you should just tell her. Get it over with. You know she'll like you back"
"Phil I.. I can't- she's- shes just so perfect" Techno's heart melted at the thought of you. He rested the crook of his elbow over his eyes. "I.. i dont even know how or where to ask her.." Techno started sounded almost defeated. Phil couldn't bare to watch his friend mope about anymore. He knew somthing had to be done.
Phil didn't waist time on his new plan. He was determined to see you together by the end of the night. He found you outside hanging the laundry. When you saw Phil you smiled brightly.
"Hello Philza" you said, folding a sheet in your arms. Phil leaned on the post well he watched you. Amusement lacing his lips.
"Hello, (y/n) i was talking to Techno the other day. He mentioned you quite alot" you felt your cheeks heat up as you looked to him. Hearing that he talked about you made your heart beat faster.
"H-he was? W..what did he say?" You asked, now fully invested in him more than your work.
"Oh he was just rambling off, you know how he can be. However, he uh, did mention that you were quite beautiful. Smart, funny. You know all that fun stuff" he said casually. If your heart could have did a leap it would have. The idea of Techno call you beautiful was beyond you.
You moved closer to Phil, "w..was that all he said?.." you hoped there was more than he was telling you.
Phil pondered a moment and smiled. "Well he was curious if you would meet him at the stables for a date. You know, let him take you for a ride in the country side" you were speechless, but filled with utter excitement at the idea of a date with him. "Want me to tell him you'll be there?" You nodded fast.
"Please, ill take off early to meet him there even" you said with the widest smile. This warmed Phil's heart to see how in love you were with his best friend.
"Alright' ill tell him you'll be there" Phil said smiling. His plan falling into motion. Now he had to corral the stubborn bull named Technoblade.
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"You should take (y/n) for a horseback ride" Phil said upon entering his friends office. Techno's brow furrowed, causing him to look up from his papers.
"Take her for a... why?" Techno said mid confusion. Phil shrugged casually.
"Well I was just talking to (y/n) and you know she had off-hand mentioned it that she really liked fhe horse rides with you." At this statement techno blinked a bit. He pressed his lips and thought breifly.
"Well i uh.. I mean if she wants to, i'll glady take her". Techno said. Moving his few papers asside. Looking at Phil. "When does she want to leave?"
Phil hummed and looked at the clock. Mentally assuming your work schedule. "What about four-ish? Get there early for her?
Techno nodded. "Dosnt she work until five?" Techno knew your schedule mostly because he was the one that would meet you after it for casual walks.
"Normally. But she said she would take it off early to go with you" Phil wanted to keep semi to the truth. But he knew as soon as you two were alone talking, it would be over. The two of you would quickly discover that Phil was behind this.
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When you waked up to the stables you smiled happily. Waiting with a horse in hand was Techno. He gave you a kind smile. Happy to see you in such a joyful mood.
"Ready to go?" He asked gently. You nodded fast, excited to spend the evening with him. He offered his hand to you. When you took it he gently pulled you close. Lifting you up onto his horse. After you were situated on the sattle he climbed on behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist securely, wanting to assure you wouldn't fall off eather way.
You relaxed into him like you always did. Content with his company. With the nudge of his heel's you both were off on your way.
Well you two toured the country side casually. You decided to thank him for the date. Seeing as you felt it was the beginning of somthing great. "Thank you for taking me on this date Techno... It really means alot to me..." you herd techno give a 'heh?'.
"Princess I adore your company. But what on earth are you talking about?" This was your turn to be confused. You looked up at him to see if he was joking.
"Phil said you wanted to take me on a date..." your eyes grew saddened. "W...was this a lie?..." Techno's heart weighed heavier at the sight of your sad eyes.
Techno felt like he hit a wall. Does he explain he wants to take you for a date more than anything? Or keep quiet. After seeing your eyes, he knew he couldn't break your heart more.
"I... I do want to take you for a date... I've wanted a date with you more than you realize... However, I didnt ask you... Im assuming Phil actually set us up..." he said, looking away a light red. You gave a soft gentle smile.
"Hey..." you tilted his head to look down at you. "Even if he set us up... I'm glad he did" Techno looked down into your eyes. His going gentle.
"You are?..." you nodded gently. Giving a gentle kiss to his cheek.
"I got a date out of it with you"
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ela-loomis · 3 years
Hello ❤ can I please get a slasher match up? I'm fem, bisexual, 5'8, INFP, 9w8, virgo. Introvert that kinda carve connections. I'm naive but not innocent, pretty smart and know a lot of random facts. Mother of IDGF. Quite lazy, phlegmatic, mellow, empathetic, and have a demeanor of a child, sensitive, curious, and friendly. I tend to be cold and distance at times (cuz i can) but super loyal to my close circle. Some people say I behave like a cat, easily annoyed and annoying. I have a lot of imagination, crazy ideas, and concept in my head. Wide range of interests and likes, science, history, philosphy, and drawing, etc. Just pretty open minded. (I have a thing for yautja yk) I dislike hot weather, people who'd step on my moral and value, and loud noise❤
Hi ducky! It's a good thing you have a thing for Yautja, because I ship you with...
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- Your Yautja thinks your crazy ideas are positively adorable!  Sure, they don’t exactly understand the concepts you’re telling them about, but they love to listen to you talk and watch you get excited as you explain your wild ideas to them! The same applies when it comes to history and philosophy. They have no idea why Rome fell, but they can’t wait to hear about it!
- Don’t let your mate know that you’re easily annoyed, or they’re going to start annoying you on purpose, because they think you’re cute when you’re yelling at them lol. 
- The main reason your Yautja was drawn to you in the first place is your intelligence! Who better to help them navigate the world than a genius like yourself? If you tell them some of your random knowledge, they’ll look at you like you’re Albert Einstein honestly.
- Your Yautja wants to model for you if you draw using real life references! They’ll get into any pose you’d like and stay there for as long as you need, so long as you show them the finished product.
- One thing you might get easily annoyed by is your mate’s need to keep you from getting too curious. If you’re the type to go poking around when you hear a noise in the distance, your Yautja will straight up pick you up and walk away with you to keep you from going that way. 
- Your Yautja has the oddest habit; if you’re doing something idle, they’ll come over and start petting your hair. When you inevitably ask them about it, they take your phone and show you a picture of someone petting a house cat. 
- They will absolutely cover your ears when something makes a loud noise in public, and you’ll probably have to convince them not to pick a fight with whoever made the noise. No one hurts their mate’s ears and survives!
- When you’re in a lazy mood, just plop down onto their lap. So long as they’re not doing something important, your Yautja will glady be your full length pillow! They enjoy being close to you in all forms. 💙
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javajunkieao3 · 3 years
Never Have I Ever: Post-Series Fic
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Ben Gross prided himself on being smart.  And falling in love with Devi Vishwakumar?  Well, that was just about the dumbest thing he could do.
           But, it happened anyway.
           He didn’t exactly know when, but somewhere between first grade and watching her dance with that tool, Paxton Hall-Yoshida, she had gone from the person he always wanted to beat to someone he genuinely hoped would win.  Because she deserved that.  After everything she went through with her dad and then everything after, she deserved a win.
           But, did that win have to be him?
           “Of course, it’s him,” Ben said, voice colored with defeat and just a hint of indignation.  He still hated losing.  Even if he technically wasn’t in this game.  Aneesa was waiting for him over by the punch.  “It’s always been him.”  
           Beside him, Eleanor said, “What?  No, it hasn’t.  After you took her to Malibu, she wanted to choose you.”
           Ben listened incredulously as Eleanor explained how she and Fabiana had talked Devi out of choosing him.  It was fucked up, and he was going to tell her as much, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Devi, imagining how different things would have been. It would have been him with her, not that glorified meat puppet.
           “So, just for the record, it hasn’t always been him.”
           Eleanor walked off after dropping her figurative bomb and he stayed rooted in place, not knowing what to do or think next.  He wasn’t used to this level of indecisiveness and he probably would have just stayed there, staring at Devi dance with another guy, if Aneesa hadn’t come over, sliding her hand over his shoulder.
           “Hey, I thought you were meeting me over by the punch,” she said, glancing over at where he had just been staring.  “Oh wow, good for Devi.”
           Aneesa looked up at Ben, noting the tense set of his jaw.  “But…you don’t think that.”
           “What?” he said immediately, finally looking away from the slow train wreck happening across the dance floor.  “I don’t care about them.  I mean, he’s a tool who, based on what I’ve seen, can barely read above an eighth grade level.  But, I don’t care.”
           “Uh, yeah, you do.”
           “Ben, I saw the way you were looking at them. At her.”
           He went to argue, but then realized he had no defense.  Aneesa ducked her chin to her chest.
           “Okay.  So, I guess I’m going to go now.”  She turned to leave, but then stopped, turning back.  “Don’t mess this up for her?”
           He didn’t know what he hated more, the implication that he would mess things up or the fact that Aneesa was maybe a little right. The song ended and he watched Paxton and Devi kiss before Paxton dipped his mouth to her ear.  Devi nodded at whatever he said, and then Paxton walked away, not letting go of her hand until the distance made it necessary.  Devi’s grin widened and Ben hated Paxton even more.
           Devi stood alone on the dance floor for a moment, seeming blissfully content, and then she caught his gaze.  Ben noticed that her grin dimmed slightly and then she walked over, clasping her hands nervously in front of her.
           “Look, I know what you’re going to say,” she began.
           “No, actually, you don’t.”
           She widened her eyes slightly.  “Okay.  Then, what are you going to say?”
           I know you wanted to choose me.
           “I’m happy for you, Devi.”
           It wasn’t what she expected, and not what he wanted, so they both felt out of sorts.  But then her shoulders slackened, a genuine smile spreading on her face, and Ben knew he did the right thing.  Because she deserved the win.  Even if it wasn’t him.
           “Thanks, Ben.”
           Paxton came over with two glasses of punch and handed Devi one, his now free arm going around her waist.  He gave Ben a lukewarm hello which, given their history, wasn’t entirely unfounded.
           “Anyway, I’ll see you around,” Devi said.
           “See you around, David.”
           Paxton looked at him strangely, but Devi only smiled wider.
           There were only a few weeks left in the school year after the dance, and Ben did his best to keep his distance from Devi.  She hovered a bit after learning about his and Aneesa’s breakup, but then they all got busy with finals and then the schoolyear ended.  Ben was grateful for the time apart.  He didn’t know how long it took to fall out of love with someone, but he figured summer break’s three Devi-free-months should do the trick.
           That summer, he lined up a volunteer program to pad his college applications just like every other summer.  He was supposed to help out with pro bono work at his dad’s firm, but at the last minute his dad hired a law clerk instead so that he could bill out his time at a markup.  So, he was stuck with a retirement home.  Everyone volunteered at retirement homes, which meant it was the last thing Ben wanted to put on his resume.  But, there was nothing else left and it was better than nothing, so he grudgingly accepted a spot at one about fifteen minutes from his house and prepared himself for a summer of moth balls and stories about “the war”.
           Instead, he got Devi.
           “I thought you were working at your dad’s firm this summer,” Devi said.
           “Something came up.  Weren’t you supposed to do Habitat for Humanity?”
           Devi nodded.  “I had an incident with a hammer.  Apparently, you aren’t supposed to bedazzle it.”
           Ben smirked.  “You bedazzled your hammer?”
           “Oh, yeah.  I added feathers, too.  Honestly, it was an upgrade.”
           “I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want to take you,” he mocked.
           Devi shrugged.  “Probably for the best.  I mean, would you want a house built by me?”
           “You make a fair point.”
           “So, here we are,” Devi said.  “Slumming it at the retirement home.”
           “You may want to say that a little louder.  I don’t think the guy in the back with the hearing aid heard you.”
           “But, you know what, if anyone can make the best out this, it’s you and me, Gross.”
           She flashed him a smile and he felt it all the way down to his toes.  This was going to be a long three months.
           It turned out, Ben was surprisingly adept at being around old people, and Devi was an immediate crowd pleaser.
           “Even Marvin likes me,” Devi said.  “And I’m pretty sure he’s a low-key racist.”
           “Not that low key.  He specifically asked me to help him fill out a banking form yesterday because, as he put it, your people are good at that.”
           “Damn.  Remind me to not give him an extra pudding cup.”
           One of the long-time residents, Gladys, rolled by with her walker and said, “Benjamin, don’t forget my granddaughter is visiting this afternoon.  I told her all about you.”
           “I won’t forget, Gladys.”
           “Look at you, Benjamin.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Using the residents to get a date.  Honestly, it’s sort of genius.  If I wasn’t dating Paxton, I would totally use these guys to pimp myself out.”
           “Slow down, David.  Gladys came to me about her granddaughter.  I’m not that desperate.  I have options.”
           “Sure, you do, Ben.”
           “But, um, you and Paxton?  That’s going well?”
           He didn’t know why he asked.  You don’t ask the girl you’re in love with how her relationship is going, but he asked, and now he had no choice but to hear the answer.
           “Yeah, it is,” Devi said.  She tucked her hair behind her ears as she smiled, and Ben wished he could sink directly down into the ground.
           “That’s great.”
           “Yeah.  It is.”
           That afternoon, he asked Gladys’ granddaughter out on a date.
           Ben could always tell when Devi and Paxton were fighting by her mood.  She had never been good at hiding her emotions, and while in a relationship, that hadn’t changed.  He noticed it a few weeks in.  She went back into the employees’ area and shoved her bag forcefully into the cubby hole.
           “Did the cubby hole do something to you?” he asked.
           “No,” she said stubbornly.  “The cubby hole is doing nothing.  Which is the problem.  The cubby hole just sits there playing video games all day.  Which, sure, I can play some Mario Kart here and there.  I’m a team player.  But, at a certain point, enough with the stupid video games.  I am not dating freaking Yoshi!”
           Ben was quiet for a moment and then said, “I didn’t know a cubby hole had apposable thumbs to play video games.”
           She shot him a look, but then couldn’t help but laugh.
           “The cubby hole was a metaphor.”
           “Yeah, I caught on to that.”
           Ben found it remarkably easy to be around her, even as his feelings stayed rooted to the core, and at a certain point he became resigned to it all.  Maybe Devi was just one of those people he would always have feelings for.  Isn’t that what they said about your first love?  You could move on, but you never really forgot it.  So, he would love her and just move on.
           He dated Gladys’ granddaughter, enjoying himself but never really feeling anything beneath surface level.  But, she was nice enough, and Gladys was delighted by the pairing, even as the volunteer coordinator was not.
           “Just don’t have sex anywhere on property,” she had said in a huff.
           “I, uh, won’t.  Thanks for the clarification.”
           He was dating someone else.  He and Devi were finally sort of back to how they were before.  And then he accidentally ate pecans.
           “Oh my God, Ben, your mouth is getting huge,” Devi said, eyes wide with concern.
           “I am so sorry,” Gladys’ granddaughter said. “I thought the muffin was banana-walnut, not banana-pecan.”
           “Do you have an Epi-Pen or something?”  Devi barked at the terrified looking volunteer coordinator.
           “No, and even if we did, I don’t think we can technically use it on a non-resident.”
           “Are you freaking kidding me right now?  Do you see him?”  She pointed at Ben, whose face was rapidly growing in size.  “You know what, I’ll just handle it myself.”
           Devi dragged him out to her car, which was concerning since he knew she only just got her license the week before, and he also knew based on what she told him that her passing was a total fluke.  
           “I think I’d rather go into anaphylactic shock in there,” he said, already turning back toward the retirement home.
           “Don’t be dumb, Ben,” she said, forcefully pulling him back to the car.  “You are not going into anaphylactic shock.  I’ll take you to my mom’s office and she can give you a shot or something. She’s only a few minutes away.”
           He reluctantly got into the car, and Devi started her car, forgetting to put it into reverse before she pressed on the gas. The car lurched forward, nearly hitting the one parked in front of them, and Ben said, “Please don’t let me die in this car.”
           “No one is dying today, Ben Gross.  So, calm down, okay?  I got this.”
           It was not exactly a smooth ride, but true to her word, five minutes later they pulled into a parking spot in front of Dr. Vishwakumar’s office.  They burst into the office, Ben now leaning a bit on Devi as it became harder to breath.
           “I’m pretty sure I’m going into anaphylactic shock,” he gasped.
           “No, you are not.  You are fine.”  Devi’s words were calm, but her tone was not.
           Nalini Vishwakumar walked out of her office and stopped short when she saw Devi and Ben.
           “What in the world – Benjamin, what happened to your face?”
           “He ate pecans which, turns out, he’s also allergic to,” Devi said quickly.  “Can you give him a shot or something?”
           “Devi, you should have taken him to the emergency room!” Nalini said, rushing over to her daughter and Ben and bringing them back to an examination room.
           “The hospital was farther away.”
           Ben became to gasp for breath and Nalini hissed, “He’s going into anaphylactic shock.”
           Ben could barely breathe, but he managed a, “Told you.”
           “Well, how was I supposed to know!”  Devi said loudly.
           One shot of epinephrine and an IV full of antihistamines and cortisone later, Ben could breathe again, but Nilani made him stay for a while longer so that she could observe him.  She put he and Devi in one of the unused examination rooms, and told them to let her know if he had any more trouble breathing.  Devi sat next to him, her knees pulled tight into her chest.
           “I’m sorry that I almost killed you.”
           “You’re not getting valedictorian that easily.”
           He was joking because, yeah, his throat had almost closed up and she probably should have taken him to the hospital and not her mom’s office, but it was fine now.  Except, when he looked over at Devi, she still looked scared.  After a beat, she launched herself toward him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.  
           “Hey, it’s okay,” he said, rubbing her back.  “I’m okay.”
           She pulled away and gave his arm a light punch. “You really scared me.”
           “Yeah, well, next time I’ll double check my banana-walnut muffin actually has walnuts.”
           “And I’ll believe you when you say your throat is closing up.”
           Devi’s phone rang and he saw Paxton’s name flash on the screen.  He asked her, “Do you need to get that?”
           He watched her hesitate before sending it to voicemail.
           Devi and Paxton broke up a week later.  He found out from one of the retirement home residents, who he overheard telling Devi, “You’re better off, Devi.  Take it from an old woman.  You have the rest of your life to be with one person.  Now is the time to be free.  Sow your wild oats, if you will.”
           “Um, I don’t really know what that last part means, but I feel you.  I mean, I’m too young and hot to be tied down, right?”
           “Exactly.  You know, I have a grandson you might be interested in.  He’s pre-med.”
           “I appreciate the offer, Beatrice.  And offering me your grandson after I just broke up with my boyfriend?  Savage. But, I think I need to take some time by myself.”
           That afternoon during bingo, Ben casually brought up the breakup after calling out B-27.
           “Are you okay?” he asked.
           “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said.  She ran the machine and picked out the next ball.  “B-13!”  She put the ball down and said in a regular volume voice, “We just didn’t have that much in common.”
           “Yeah, I bet,” Ben said automatically.
           “Wow, okay,” Devi said with a laugh that didn’t exactly sound reassuring.
           “I didn’t mean,..” he trailed off, because he kind of did.  “Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay.”  He paused and picked up the next ball.  “N-7!”
           Summer was coming to a close, and so was their time at the retirement home.  For some reason, Ben felt an impending sense of dread.  Sure, he would still see Devi, but it would be different.  Everyone else would be added back to the mix, including Paxton.  
           Their last big event at the retirement home was a movie night.  They set up a projector in one of the recreation rooms and made it up like an old theater, complete with velvet ropes and individual little bags of popcorn. They even wore old-timey usher costumes they rented from a local costume shop.
           “Does yours also smell like nachos?”  Devi asked.
           “Yeah.  I’m trying not to think about it.”
           The movie was It Happened One Night, and Devi and Ben sat in the back, watching the movie along with the residents.  It was secretly one of Ben’s favorites.  He and his mom had spent little time together when he was growing up, but she shared with him her love of old movies.
           It was the Jericho scene, where Clark Gable’s character was setting up a sheet between him and Claudette Colbert in their motel room.  He stripped down to just his undershirt, and Devi mused, “Clark Gable was super bangable.”
           “Shh,” Ben said.  “This is my favorite part.”
           Devi looked over at him and grinned.  Feeling her gaze, he glanced over and felt his breath stop when their eyes met.  They were close, and in the darkness her eyes seemed to glow.  He always thought she had pretty eyes.  Even before, when he hated her more times than he liked her. He felt an urge to lean forward. It would be so easy.  Just the slightest lean and his mouth would be against hers.  But, that would just be a kiss in the back of a dark room.  He wanted more.
           “Eleanor told me that you wanted to choose me after Malibu.”
           She blinked rapidly.  “What?”
           “After you scattered your dad’s ashes.  She said you wanted to choose me, but they made you also consider Paxton.”
           “Is that true?”
           Devi didn’t answer, so he kept talking.
           “And she said that you started the rumor about Aneesa because you thought that we were dating and you were jealous.  And, you see, I’ve had it in my mind all this time that it was always Paxton.  And that I was, I don’t know, some detour on the way, but-“
           “You were not a detour,” Devi said immediately. “You were…you were perfect.  And I messed us up.”
           “So, Eleanor was telling the truth?”
           Devi nodded.  “Yeah, she was.”
           Ben took a deep breath.  “Devi.  I’m going to kiss you now.”
           She nodded, all business, but he could hear the nerves in her voice when she said, “Okay.  Thank you for the advanced warning.”
           He leaned in and captured her mouth with his.  The kiss was sweet and unhurried, like they had all the time in the world.  And in a way, they did.  There was a noise behind them, and they pulled apart abruptly.  Their supervisor stood over them and said, "Remember what I said about no sex on property?"
"Are you kidding me right now?"  Devi said.  "Who is having sex in these gross costumes?"
"You'd be surprised."
The supervisor walked away, and Devi looked at Ben.  "You don't think she meant..."
"I think she absolutely did."
"I need to take this off immediately."
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What happens in New York... Part 5 - Birthday Boy
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Anna (OFC)
Warnings: language, talk of sex, alcohol
Words: 3170
Summary: Anna’s event is almost over and it is a complete success. It still tales a little convincing from her assistans Sandra, but Anna finally decides to join Sebastian at his birthday party at some club. She allowes herself to give in to her feelings for him and it is getting steamy pretty quickly...
Previous chapters:  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
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It was getting late and a few guests had already left but there were still enough people that it was loud enough in the Grand Ballroom that you had to raise your voice when you weren’t able to catch a quiet corner or were standing or sitting quite close to your conversation partner. But Anna didn’t mind that because it meant everybody was having a good time.
It was well past 11 PM and Anna treated herself to her first glass of champagne of the night. She was standing next to Sandra who also had a glass in her hand. “To a great first event that couldn’t have gone any better, boss”, she said and clinked glasses with Anna. “Yes, it went well, didn’t it?”, she said with a bright smile and took a big sip of her drink. But the well-going of the party wasn’t the only thing Anna was smiling about.
About 1 hour ago… “Flowers for the pretty lady”, she heard a voice behind her and as she looked up, she found a single pedicel of paperwhites in front of her face. A surprised smile appeared on her face as she laid eyes on her favorite flowers. She took it out of the hand and turned around to face Sebastian.
“From all the flowers you could have ripped out of the bouquet, why this one?”, she asked curiously, trying eagerly to hold back that big smile that was about to creep up on her. “I don’t know, it just seemed right”, he shrugged his shoulders, his hands in the pockets of his dress pants. Anna bit down on her lip to still hold back the smile but he seemed to notice. “Was it a good choice?”, he asked with a cheeky grin. “You could say so”, she said as she twisted the flower between her fingers and looked down at it.
“Alright, give me your number, I’ll call you up when I’m done here”, she gave in and fished for her phone in the décolleté of her dress. “Whoa, what else have you got in there?”, he asked both surprised and amused. “Only what mother nature gave me”, she said as she scrolled threw her phone and clicked to create a new contact. “Oh, I’m well aware”, he said with a wink. “More typing, less talking”, she said and handed him her phone. With quick fingers he typed in his number and handed her back her phone. “I’m waiting for your call”, he said with a wink and now it was his turn to step closer and kiss her on the cheek as a temporary goodbye. He really hoped he would see her again tonight.
“What are you smiling about?”, Sandra pulled her out of her daydreaming. “The party, of course”, Anna said and quickly took another sip. “I know you love your work, but that was a boy-smile…You’re thinking about that Sebastian-guy, am I right?”, Sandra asked with a lowered voice and poked Annas ribs with her elbow. “I’m not”, Anna insisted, but couldn’t wipe that smile off her face. “Oh, yes you are! Look at yourself, you’re blushing”, Sandra said and started laughing. Anna instinctively reached up to touch her cheek with her free hand. “Come on, you know you want to tell me”, Sandra wiggled her eyebrows.
“He wants to meet up after I’m done here”, Anna finally admitted and felt her cheeks burning up. “Oh god, and what are you still doing here then?”, she asked with big eyes. “Hello? My work? I can’t leave before the Hastings did. Clarice would kill me if she found out”, Anna rolled her eyes. “Speaking of the devil”, Sandra mumbled and took a sip of her champagne, nodding to the front.
When Anna looked up, she saw the Hastings and her boss Clarice walk up to her. She quickly put her glass down on the nearby table and smoothened out the skirt of her dress. “Anna, darling, what a wonderful night. I can’t remember having such a wonderful time at my own charity”, Mrs. Hastings came over to give her little air kisses on each side of her face again. “I’m glad you had such a wonderful time, Mrs. Hastings”, Anna said with a nervous smile. “It was really a magnificent party. Well done”, Mr. Hastings said and congratulated Anna with a strong handshake. After a little polite chitchat, Mrs. Hastings kissed Anna again for goodbye and linked arms with her husband as they started to walk towards the exit.
“Come by my office on Monday and let’s talk about your performance tonight”, Clarice said and gave Anna a little kiss on one cheek before she left with the Hastings. “Oh my god”, Anna formed with her lips as she turned around to Sandra and she resisted the urge to jump up and down like teenagers. “I told you everything would go fine”, Sandra said with an I-told-you-so expression on her face, but you could see that she was hyped too.
“Oh god, this is so amazing, I could cry”, Anna said and felt her eyes getting wet. “Should I get us another glass?”, she asked instead and emptied hers with one big sip. “Are you kidding me?”, Sandra asked with big eyes. “Okay, then just for me”, Anna said a bit irritated and pulled up her eyebrows. “No, I mean, what are you still doing here?”, Sandra asked. Anna looked at her confused. “The Hastings are gone as well as Clarice. You should be in a cab right now, calling that hot guy where to meet up”, Sandra explained and took the glass out of Anna’s hand. “You’re right…you’re right”, Anna said and nodded her head in accordance with her words. “But the caterer and the band…”, Anna pointed towards the kitchen and the stage, where the band was still playing since they were booked until midnight.
“Don’t worry about it, I will take care of anything. Now go, get laid”, Sandra said and only resisted slapping Annas ass by still having a glass in each hand. “Sandra!”, Anna called out indignantly just to burst out laughing the next second. “Go!”, Sandra said and Anna finally got going. She kissed Sandra goodbye on her cheek, mumbled an embraced “Thank you” at her ear and almost ran out of the ballroom. She took the elevator up to the room where she had gotten ready in the afternoon and grabbed her purse. Sandra would take care of her clothes and bring them to her office on Monday.
While she rode back down to the lobby, she typed “I’m done here, where are you?”, into her phone. Just a few seconds later he texted her the address of a club Downtown. A big smile appeared on her face and her heart raced. She had butterflies in her stomach as she thought about seeing him again and couldn’t wait to finally get into a cab.
While she was on her way to the club, Anna opened up her ponytail and combed out the hairspray Gladys had used to fix everything. She knew how much Sebastian liked it when she wore her hair down. She put the little brush back into her purse and pulled out her cosmetic bag. Anna freshened up her make-up and was finished just as she arrived at the club. She paid the driver and got out.
Anna walked up to the bouncer and told him her name. Sebastian had texted her that he would put her on the list. With a nod towards another man at the entrance, he ticked her off the list and she was able to walk through the open doors.
It was almost midnight and the club was stacked with people. Anna had problems getting through the big crowd. She squeezed past people towards the back of the club where the booths were. She had to check in again with a bouncer and when he had ticked her off his list, she was finally able to get to the seating area. Her eyes wandered over the booths and spotted him before he saw her. The butterflies in her stomach were wide awake again. He had the top of his dress shirt unbuttoned and his jacket laid next to him on the big sofa.
Anna walked straight towards Sebastian and he stood up with a big smile as soon as he spotted her, so happy that she had actually come. Before he could even say something, her hands reached up to cup his face and pull it close for a deep, passionate kiss. His arms immediately wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. It took her a few seconds before she pulled back, her hands still on his face. “Happy Birthday”, she said and licked her lips. “It really is”, he said a bit out of breath.
“Uhm, those are my friends”, he said after a few moments and after realizing they were still at a club and not alone in his apartment. “Oops”, Anna said to him and turned around to face four surprised faces. “Guys, this is Anna”, Sebastian said and Anna leaned a little forward to shake everyone’s hand as Sebastian introduced them since they were sitting in a little booth-like corner. “We heard a lot about you”, a big, tall, muscled guy on the other end of the table said as she came to shake his hand, but she didn’t catch his name because it was too loud in here.
“Oh, I hope only good things”, she said and took a seat next to Sebastian, who immediately pulled her close and didn’t let go of her hand. “As if I could say anything bad about you”, Sebastian muttered at her ear and his breath tickled her neck. She turned her head to face him and got lost in his eyes again.
“I heard you had your first self-planned event tonight. How was it?”, the guy from before asked. “Yes, I did and it was really great. But I’m really glad it is over. Those were some stressful weeks”, Anna told him and rolled her eyes. “Yes, she was really stressed out, but I’m glad I was able to help her with that a bit”, Sebastian said and winked. Anna’s elbow hit his ribs and he coughed down a laugh. “So what do you guys do?”, Anna looked at Sebastians friends in a need to change the subject.
The small talk went on for a little while until a waiter came to take the next drink orders. “What do you want to drink? A Jack Daniels maybe?”, Sebastian asked with wiggling eyebrows. “Oh no, thanks. I always end up having sex with you when that drink is near me”, she said to him. “We’ll take two Jack Daniels”, Sebastian turned to the waiter and placed his order. “You’re so stupid”, she playfully slapped his shoulder. “But you like me”, he said with a big smile and it didn’t sound like a question. “Maybe, but for the sake of your birthday, let’s say I do”, she flirted with him and casually rested her hand on his thigh.
Their drinks came just a moment later and everybody raised their glasses for a toast. “To Sebastian, a great man, a great friend and a great actor. Happy Birthday, buddy!”, Don, his friend and personal trainer said. Anna was able to catch his name from the conversation before when one of the other guys asked him a question. “To Sebastian!”, everybody else joined in and took a sip of their drinks. “Oh, I’m gonna regret this tomorrow”, Anna said to herself as she felt the burning liquid pouring down her throat. She didn’t even like the drink itself but what it reminded her of.
“Hey, let’s go dance”, Anna said and got up. “I don’t know”, Sebastian shook his head. “Come on. I had to dance with you at my party, now you have to dance with me at your party”, Anna said to him and pulled on his hand to get him to stand up. “Yeah, but I don’t know how to move to that music”, he said and pointed up towards the boxes. “Oh, I see”, Anna said and nodded her head with a playful smile. “You’re afraid you can’t bring it out there”, she said and recreated his little speech from her charity event when he wanted to get her to dance with him.
“I see what you’re doing and it’s not going to work”, he called her out and pulled on her hand to get her to sit back down again. “But maybe this will”, she said and bent down to give him a deep kiss. “Let’s dance!”, Sebastian almost jumped up when Anna broke the kiss again which caused her to laugh out loud. He grabbed her hand and together they walked out of the booth area and downstairs to the dancefloor.
A remixed version of Ariana Grande’s Into You started playing. Anna had to smile about the song since she knew a bit of the lyrics from hearing it on the radio all the time. Sebastian led her to almost the middle of the dancefloor, surrounded by dozens of people. Anna immediately got hot, but maybe it was just Sebastian standing so close to her. His hands were on her hips and one of them started a little journey on its own.
Anna started moving to the beat of the music, feeling the vibrations of the bass wandering through her body. She looked up and met with Sebastians eyes that were completely focused on her. Her arms reached up and wrapped around his neck. It only took her a second to forget where she was and only saw him. Every move she made, every sway of her hips, every body-roll, she did it just for him. She wanted to turn him on and make him go crazy just as he made her crazy by just being so close to her, looking the way he did.
Anna turned around, took his arms and wrapped them around her waist from behind and moved with him. She stuck her ass out and pressed it against his pelvis, circling her hips. It looked like they almost had sex on the dancefloor. Normally, Anna would never act so over the top, so intimate with someone in public but they didn’t even had the chance to have some space between them even if they had wanted to because of all the people. But she lost herself in him in a way she had never experienced before with anyone.
She turned back around and looked up at his face. Anna couldn’t resist and got on her tiptoes to kiss him right there on the dancefloor. She put her arms around his neck again and deepened the kiss. She wanted more and more of him and there was only one way to get that.
“Let’s get out of here”, she said by his ear and had to scream to fight the loud music. Instead of answering her with words, he just started nodding heavily and made Anna laugh. They trudged their way through the crowd back to their booth so Anna could get her purse. “We’re leaving”, Sebastian said to his friends. “Yeah, we figured that. We saw you ‘dancing’”, Don said and made quotation marks in the air with his fingers. Sebastian rolled his eyes at him, but then said goodbye with a handshake to him and his friends. Anna waved in the round and they got going.
Outside, Anna was finally able to catch some fresh air. Only now she noticed how stifling the air was in the club. She took a few deep breaths as Sebastian tried to get a cab and just then she realized what she was about to do. She would have sex with him…again! And, oh boy, she couldn’t wait.
“Anna!”, he called her over and held the cab door open for her. He told the driver his address and the cab started to move as Anna intervened. “Please take us to 122nd and Manhattan, thank you”, she said and dropped back into her seat. Sebastian looked at her with a questioning look. “It’s my address…it’s closer”, she mumbled and blushed a bit.
He should be happy that she had just invited him to her apartment for the first time, but he only heard “Let’s have sex immediately”. Sebastian leaned over and started kissing her, he got really into it. “Sebastian, not here”, she pushed him back a little with a shy smile and looked to the front of the cab to check if the driver was watching them instead of the street. “Come on, I bet he has seen way more than two people kissing”, Sebastian tried to calm her. “Oh yes, I did”, the driver said from his seat.
The fact that he was listening and actually felt the need to join their conversation also convinced Sebastian to hold back until they arrived at Annas apartment. Sebastian paid the cab driver and as soon as the cab was gone, he was alone with Anna. Weirdly enough, nobody was around at the moment and it was just a bit over midnight on a Saturday night.
“So…”, Sebastian said and walked over to her. “So…”, she replied. “Are we moving this upstairs?”, he asked her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “You are eager to see my apartment”, she said with a playful smile and wrapped her arms around his neck, her purse in one hand.
“Yeah, let’s say that and also I can’t wait to get my birthday present”, he winked at her with a smug smile. “Birthday present? It’s past midnight, your birthday is over. How long are you intending to ride the birthday train?”, she asked back. “As long as it takes to get you to ride the birthday boy”, he answered and Anna was surely surprised by his answer. Not because how direct it was but how accurate to what she was thinking.
“Okay, that was cheesy. Thank god I know you can do better or else I wouldn’t even take you upstairs”, Anna said and got out of Sebastians grip. She turned around to walk over to the buildings entrance and immediately felt Sebastian’s arms wrapped around her waist again, his mouth at her neck, kissing upwards to her ear.
“Can I please come up and see your apartment?”, he asked in the sweetest voice and placed further kisses on her neck and behind her ear as he waited for her answer. “That’s how you ask a girl”, Anna mumbled with closed eyes and bit down on her lip. She needed to take him up and into her apartment because she wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. So, she took his hands off her waist and kept holding his hand with her left one as she dragged him behind her towards the apartment building.
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