#to the bangs being all grown out and her hair being long again
intramoon · 10 months
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My Favorite Ways Wednesday Hides Wears Her Hair
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rachey899 · 29 days
Superhero's Don't Get Sick
I’ve been really sick this week and thought I’d take my illness out on Luke, sorry Luke I love you, I swear I do!
This will be a short story in which Luke comes down with a cold causing his sizeshifting abilities to go haywire! Matt calls in reinforcements and we meet a grown-up Ivy! Enjoy!
Approx 3k words
“Yes I’m sure, I’ve never seen him like this before, what do I do?”
Matt’s phone call was rudely interrupted by another strong gust of wet air that resulted in the dining room table being thrown across the room, luckily Matt was swift and had ducked out of the way. He stood once again with eyebrows raised in amazement, that eruption had caused his sick friend to shoot up a few more feet, his head bumping into their ceiling and showering them both in plaster and dust.
Luke’s nose twitched again agitated by the dust he had caused, Matt snapped out of his stupor quickly though and sprinted toward his friend.
“NOPE! Pinch your nose and lay down! Miss Waren would kill us if your gigantic head popped through her floor!”
There was a giggle through the phone as Ivy listened through the speaker at the absurdity of the scenario she was listening in on.
Meanwhile Matt had scaled his mini-giant of a friend and was pushing his head down, instructing him roughly to lay on the floor lest he cause more damage.
Another eruption and this time Matt was in the blast zone. “Fuck man!” Matt grimaced and wiped his wet hands on Luke’s shirt. “Ivy get your ass over here now!” Matt shouted into the phone before hanging up and throwing it across the room lest it get even more wet than it already was.
Luke’s chest shuddered under him, and Matt held onto the seems of Luke’s shirt for dear life. “Don’t you dare sneeze again.” He groaned.
“Actually, I think I’m good now, thanks.” Luke’s croaky voice reverberated; Matt rolled his eyes. “Thank the lord, now stay put, I need a fucking towel or something.”
Luke did as he was told, holding still while his friend manoeuvred around him in search of something to clean himself up with. He felt positively awful, his throat was scratchy, and it hurt each time he swallowed, not only that but the sneezing fits were getting worse as he’d just witnessed. Thankfully he hadn’t outgrown the apartment, but he was close to it, closing his eyes he took some careful breathes in through his mouth and tried to concentrate on shrinking.
His whole body shuddered and itched all over and soon he was overtaken by intense light-headedness, the world began to spin as it grew around him.
His head pulsed and a short while later there was a loud banging on the door, each thump sending shockwaves of pain through his skull and he clutched his head wishing the loud sounds would disappear. He had no such luck though as thundering footsteps resounded nearby and the creak of the immense door opened.
“THANK GOD YOU’RE HERE” Matt’s annoyingly booming voice assaulted Luke and he curled in on himself as he lay there amidst the rubble he had created.
“Shut Up!” Luke shouted as loud as his weak body would allow.
Matt meanwhile, heard no such command, he’d made note that his friend was no longer a giant as he’d passed through the living room to the front door, for that he was grateful. They’d need to get him out of here while they could until he was in a healthier state and better able to control his ability.
“Nice to see you too Matt, you’ve got a little something-“ Ivy’s slender fingers twinkled around a particularly soggy clump of hair. He batted her hand away “You try taking a giant size sneeze to the face and see how you look afterwards.” He growled in response.
She giggled and stepped past him and into the apartment, flicking her long wavy brown hair over her shoulder as she went.
“You’re lucky I was working in town actually.” She said stepping into the living room, eyes immediately scanning the area for any sign of her ill brother.
She paused, soft brown eyes landing on a small figure curled tightly into himself on the floor and miniscule hands over his ears. Her face fell and she kneeled gently beside him, hands reaching to scoop him up, a natural reflex to hold her brother protectively when he was so small.
“You have to help me, I don’t know what to-“ Matt started but Ivy quickly shushed him, holding up her small brother in her hands. “Quiet.” She whispered.
Her attention focused back on Luke as she looked him over, he was paler than normal and shaking like a leaf, though she knew he wasn’t fearful of her, she surmised he must have a fever. She placed a finger gently to his forehead and brushed the brown curls away from his sweaty forehead, he was definitely hotter than he should have been.
She held him gently to her chest encasing him in her fingers before she spoke to Matt again.
“Okay, pack whatever medicines you have, all the blankets in the house, water and food if you have it, otherwise I’ll stop by the grocer on the way.” She instructed quietly.
“Where are we going?” Matt asked as he started filling garbage bags of any throw blankets and doona’s he could find.
“Whatever large forest is nearby, he will keep fluctuating like this until he’s better, so we need to get him somewhere safe and away from prying eyes.”
Ivy looked down her eyebrows furrowing in concern, and she shushed Luke gently like one might do for an unwell child.
“Your okay Luke, we’ll get you back to normal soon, I promise.” Within five minutes both Ivy’s and Matt’s cars were packed with anything they deemed might be useful and Luke had grown to a semi average height, but his body was wobbly on his feet, and he felt weak.
They headed to South Mountain Reservation, only a forty-minute drive away that was hopefully not going to be too crowded in the middle of the week, Luke slept in Ivy’s back seat while they drove, in that time he’d only had one other fluctuation but by her estimates had only grown to about 12 feet and he’d scrunched himself further into a ball. She took a deep breath pushing down on the accelerator, almost there.
Once they arrived and parked their cars, Ivy’s main goal was to get Luke into the woods off the beaten track.
“Can you walk?” She asked up to her big brother who currently stood more than twice her height, he gave a slow nod and stepped forward, lucky no one else seemed to be around, they just needed to keep walking.
A short way in Ivy deemed they had walked as far as they would go today, she prayed no rangers would wonder by and follow her brother’s tracks. She turned to see Matt trailing behind them with a few of the garbage bags and then the ground shook with a resounding thud like a tree had fallen.
Ivy turned to see what had happened only to be knocked square in the chest and sent flying a few short feet away, the air knocked out of her and shaking the dizziness from her eyes she saw Luke had now fully grown and lay limp on the forest floor his immense hand resting innocently beside her.
“Fuck, Ivy are you okay?” Matt came rushing over, he’d just barely dodged a car sized shoe as it barrelled toward him, but Ivy hadn’t been so lucky.
Ivy shakily pushed herself to a stand, brushing the leaves out of her hair and pressing her fingers to her ribs searching for any extensive injuries, it had hurt like hell, but nothing was broken, she’d get a few bruises but she’d live.
“I’m fine, not my first rodeo with a delirious giant.” She smiled and waved him off.
“I’ve never seen him sick before, I was beginning to think he couldn’t get sick, well until now.” Matt said staring in astonishment at his large friend, currently unconscious with his face in the dirt.
“This will be the third time that I know of, he doesn’t get sick often but when he does…well you can see.” Her expression softened again, he was going to feel like shit when he woke up, she’d be careful not to mention the close call she and Matt had just experienced.
Working as a team Matt and Ivy managed to get all their supplies to their secluded little area and took turns in patting Luke’s warm temple with cold wet blankets they’d dunked in the river. A short while later Luke began to stir, his vision blurry and his head throbbing, he wracked a wet cough that disturbed the nearby wildlife, but Ivy and Matt kept a safe distance this time.
“Luke?” Ivy called gently, stepping closer to her brothers face in concern.
Luke’s eyes blinked slowly clearing his vision until it settled upon his little sister, she looked so small, there was no fear in her eyes, only concern for him and his heart beat quickened reminding him how lucky he was to have her in his life. Then he noted a purplish bruise along her collar bone and his eyes widened in worry, ready to push himself back and away from her.
Ivy quickly pulled her cardigan around her shoulders tighter to cover the bruise and held a hand up to him stepping closer confidently.
“It’s okay Luke, I’m not hurt, only a few bruises, I’m okay.” She reassured him gently, he brought a hand up to his mouth and coughed as gently as he could to clear his throat.
“D-did I do t-that?” He croakily asked, a finger stretching out toward her and brushing the cardigan off her shoulder.
“I swear I’m fine Luke.” She insisted but Luke wasn’t so easily convinced, a tear fell down his cheek and splashed onto the damp forest floor.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
Ivy only sighed, her heart breaking for him, she stepped closer still and pressed her body against his damp cheek, spreading her arms out across his face in a hug. A gesture she’d done so many times throughout her life and came naturally living with a brother who tended to change sizes rather frequently.
He brought his larger hand up behind her and carefully held her to his face, reciprocating the hug all the while repeating ‘sorry’ over and over. The moment between the two siblings was broken however as another body joined the group hug, Matt had flung himself beside Ivy, wriggling himself between the massive fingers and being mindful of the Giant’s nose, his arms spread around Ivy and over his friends cheek.
Luke’s hand pulled away and Ivy and Luke both gave Matt an odd look to which Matt was immediately offended, throwing his arms up in the air and stepping away with a hurt look on his face.
“What! I need hugs too you know!” Matt said in exasperation.
“Aww were you feeling left out?” Ivy teased, hand on her hip as she leant against her brother’s face.
With a mischievous smirk on his lips, Luke quickly scooped Matt up in one hand and brought him to his chest, turning to lay on his back he pressed Matt against his shirt in a tight but not too tight squeeze.
“You should have just said so.” Luke laughed, while Matt squirmed in his grasp.
“Alright, alright! Hug time’s over now!” Matt banged his fists on the warm surface underneath him until the Giant relented and removed his hand.
Amidst the laughter that kept Matt from gaining footing on his friend’s chest, he noticed a change in the rhythm of the quakes, almost like he was going to…
“Ahhhh, ahhhh.” Luke pinched his nose and Matt practically dived off of his chest, rolling onto the ground.
“Choooooo!” Luke leaned to the side sneezing in the opposite direction of Matt and Ivy and successfully stripping a nearby tree completely of its leaves.
Ivy walked around him carefully and held up a large blue bedsheet as though it were a hanky, he took it gratefully and proceeded to loudly blow his nose while the smaller people around him covered their ears.
“I’m sorry guys, this all sucks.” Luke groaned, he pushed himself up and sat crossed legged looking down miserably at the two people who cared about him the most.
“Hey at least you didn’t sneeze on me this time.” Matt smiled, trying to cheer his friend up.
Luke cringed, he had been so out of it at the apartment and had almost forgotten that embarrassing experience, at least Matt seemed okay.
“Sorry.” Luke muttered yet again.
Matt rolled his eyes. “Quit saying your sorry, none of this is your fault, your just sick.”
“I don’t get sick.” Luke said firmly to which Ivy just raised her eyebrows.
“Oh, so the cough of 2010 was just you teaching the horse how to fly was it?” Ivy quipped.
“Okay fine, I don’t get sick often, not like you guys do.” Luke mumbled, and it was true, he would bet any money that his strong immune system was all because of his unique ability, however that didn’t mean he never got sick. And when he did, it was bad.
“Even superhero’s get sick dude, remember that episode of Smallville! This is just like that!” Matt said excitedly comparing the two vastly different scenarios.
“Once again, I’m not a superhero and I’m certainly not Clark Kent.” Luke pinched the bridge on his nose and sighed, his stomach gave a groan and he realised he hadn’t eaten all day. “Did you bring any food? I’m starving.”
Ivy nodded. “We did…do you think your able to shift? I’d like to give you some medicine as well but I’d prefer to give it to you when you’re a bit smaller and not likely to overdose if I give you too much.”
Luke concentrated, unlike last time where he was borderline conscious, he was able to focus his body to shrink to his average human height without getting dizzy.
“Alright let’s get some food and meds into you now then before you fluctuate again.” Ivy said grasping his arm and leading him over to the small fire they had made, she wrapped him up in a warm blanket, handing him a bowl of vegetable soup and a handful of pills.
Once he’d finished his bowl to satisfaction, Ivy took it from him and laid a hand over his forehead, sighing with relief. “Your fevers broken, thank god.” She said.
Now that the worst seemed to be over, the three of them sat in contented silence, watching the fire and chewing on jerky.
“So… I’ve been thinking about names…” Matt said into the open air, Ivy turned to peer at him curiously. “Names?”
“No.” Was all Luke said, knowing full well his best friend was about to try and give him a superhero name….again!
“Just hear me out!” Matt insisted.
“What names? What the hell are you two talking about?” Ivy snapped, currently agitated that she was somehow not included in this inside joke of theirs.
“Luke’s superhero name.” Matt said wiggling his eyebrows to which Luke just held his face in his hands in embarrassment.
“Ooooooh I like this game!” Ivy said giddy in her seat and rubbing her hands together. “How about Ant Man!”
Matt looked at her like she was crazy. “Ivy, that name is already taken, you have to be original, I was thinking ‘Shifter’.”
“Oh my god! Stop! Both of you!” Luke groaned. “It just sounds like your saying spells from Harry Potter now.”
Ivy and Matt laughed together at Luke’s expense, he was too sick and too tired to argue with them further on the subject. They continued to list stupid names and when Luke had had enough, he announced that he was going to bed. He stood and carefully pulled his sleeping bag a good distance from the fire, just in case he grew in the night when the pills wore off.
As much as they were bugging him, he wouldn’t risk turning them both into pancakes in his sleep.
Ivy and Matt sat up talking and catching up for a little while longer and Luke was just about to drift off to sleep when soft footsteps crunched through the leaves on the ground as they approached him. Without a word, Ivy took off her shoes lifting the corner of the sleeping bag and wriggled in beside him just as they had done as kids.
Luke always had a twin sized sleeping bag, he was always afraid of growing in the night, and figured better to have a larger one he can get out of quickly if he did start to grow. Ivy was also not very big, her slim frame left heaps of room between them so they were both comfortable.
“What are you doing?” Luke asked her, as she turned in the sleeping bag to face him, she buried her face in his chest and he wrapped her arms around her. He hadn’t known till now just how much he missed his little sister and how grateful he was that she was here right now.
“I was worried something might happen in the night.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, I could grow and hurt you…again.” He said quietly.
“Or you could shrink and become an owls next meal, I’m a light sleeper, I’ll wake either way if anything happens.” She insisted.
He gave her a kiss on the forehead, brushing away her curls, the same shade of brown as his own and breathed a contented sigh.
“Thank you, Ivy.” He whispered.
“Any time bro, also just for the record, I always believed you’d be a superhero.”
“Not you too.” Luke sighed impatiently. “Just, go to sleep.”
There was silence once more and Luke really did think that Ivy had gone off to sleep, so he let his own breathes even out before unconsciousness took a hold of him. However, Ivy was not yet asleep and instead holding back laughter as she said the final words of the night.
“Goodnight… Expando.”
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linomilkers · 1 year
lee minho x reader x bang chan
[warnings: bdsm dynamics, spanking, degradation]
. . .
Normally, when they do this, the roles are reversed.
Chan is always composed and careful with Y/N; his touch is tender, feathery sometimes but firm when it needs to be. He coos sweet words to her, cards the hair from her face when she mewls, gives her what she wants when she asks. He can be rough with her but there's always an undercurrent of fondness and warmth that slithers through his stony gaze. And again, he's lenient with her -- if she took whatever he gave her, she reaped the benefits by the end of the night.
Minho was rougher with her; much less tolerant to her whining and begging, and more likely to dole out punishment for much less. He squeezed tighter, grabbed harder, moved and positioned her body however he liked. She was always marked up in some way when they were finished, bruises from his mouth littered all around her body. He thought it was cute when she cried, would mock her whimpers while he stroked her tears away. "Aww," he'd sigh, almost dreamily "You must want it so badly don't you? If you'd listened to me then maybe you'd have it by now." And no matter how rough he was, the aftercare following was always sweet and gentle.
Both were good. Y/N liked it, and she liked that, no matter who she was with, she did feel cared for and loved. She'd grown used to the dynamics of their relationship and would want for nothing while she was with them -- she knew that. And she knew that she was lucky.
What she didn't know, was how different it would be for their assigned roles to switch.
Because right now, Chan is the one who pushed her onto the bed. He's the one who yanked her hips up so that her bum was in the air and hastily snatched her cotton underwear down her thighs. Minho had lazed his way in before he could actually start swatting at her, making a confused sound in his throat as he ambled to the bed, hovering over her.
"She doesn't listen." Chan replied gruffly to his silent question, and Y/N hardly thought that was fair. Maybe she was being a bit bratty, but all she wanted to do was hang out and he'd said he only needed thirty minutes. They were supposed to go out for lunch, her stomach felt hollowed out even though she'd eaten breakfast, and thirty minutes came and went. She wasn't in the mood to play "how long can Chan extend the amount of time he originally allotted himself on a file before he really had to leave". So when he tried to shoo her off for another thirty minutes, she'd stood her ground.
"I'm not going anywhere."
And it probably would have gone over better a different day. If he wasn't already overstressed and overtired, and not in a particularly playful mood, he probably would have laughed. Closed his laptop, asked what she wanted to eat, and tease her for huffing over being hungry.
He wasn't in the mood for it, Y/N could tell, but she kept pushing. Kept complaining, arguing with him to shut out of the tab, telling him he does this all the fucking time. He closed his eyes, took another slow, deep inhale before ordering, "Go wait for me in the bedroom." Which might as well have been saying You're getting punished for this. Usually that's Minho's line, so she's a little taken aback, especially when he follows up with, "You're already getting fifteen, do you want to make it thirty?"
Her heart was thudding in her chest -- this is new for them, really. Y/N is only ever a brat with Minho and that's just because she knew he liked it. To not only be a brat toward him, but for him to react this way. . .she was a little excited. Nervous, but excited, and she knew that if she really didn't want to do this -- if she wasn't in the mood to play, all she had to do was say their safe word and she'd be off the hook. They would talk it out, each would say their piece, they'd kiss and make up and they would eat.
But Y/N was interested to see where this went -- how it went.
So there they were, Y/N with her hips in the air, frowning as she tried to plead her case to Minho, "I was hungry!" She argued, "And he said thirty more minutes, and he did that fucking thing again where he tries to push it off."
Y/N doesn't know what she expected from Minho -- honestly, probably for him to take Chan's side, and encourage him to be firm with her. To uphold that No Brat Policy that he claimed to have. But she's pleasantly surprised when he makes a soft, understanding noise, "Ahhh," he hums, before crawling in the bed in front of her, ushering her upper half into his lap, letting her wrap her arms around his waist, "The poor thing was just hungry," he stroked her head, smoothing her hair down like she was his pet.
Chan was in the middle of removing his rings. She could hear them clatter in the dish on the dresser as he moved around behind them, "There was a better way to communicate that," he dismissed him, "We spoil her too much."
"Mm, you're to blame the most for it."
"Well, I'm fixing it now."
Chan rarely spanks her, and when he does, it's typically one fleeting swat after he guides her from one position to the next. She had no idea what she was about to experience, but from the way Minho was coddling her, she could only expect it would be intense.
The first was on her right cheek, the flat of his palm echoes with her skin and a gasp leaves her mouth. She clings tighter to Minho's waist, who shushes her, "Show him how good you are," he murmured, "Just like when you take them from me." The sting of it radiates from her bottom in outward spirals, encircling her lower half. Her heart still thuds against her sternum, her blood roaring in her ears, and the second comes quick, before she can even think.
"Count them." He ordered impassively, and his in-expression only makes her want to please him, which is the very same with Minho. Y/N wondered if Minho had coached him through this, told him what to do if he ever wanted to punish her effectively. To send her deep and floaty, in that space she likes -- the one Minho can get her to so easily.
The third makes her jolt forward, her face nuzzles into the soft fabric of Minho's quarter-zip pullover, "3!" Her voice is muffled against his stomach but Chan doesn't seem to mind. He allows her to be cooed and petted at by Minho, who is showing an unexpected amount of tenderness with her. But he usually just lets Minho do whatever he wants anyway without question, so that's really the one unsurprising thing. He's comforting, he smells good, and he's warm.
By the time Chan finishes, her bum is sore and radiating warmth around it. Tears make her vision bleary, she's sniffling and whining, but the complaint playing at her lips is replaced with a startled moan. He buries two fingers inside of her easily, down to his knuckle, curling them up, "It's scorching in here," he murmured, "And so wet. Fucking whore."
Minho guides her up so she's got her hands flattened out on the mattress, supporting her own weight. Y/N gets a good look at her when she looks at him to pout, and he presses the hair from his own face. His eyes are big, brown and beneath them is puffy, like he might have fallen asleep on the sofa, heard the both of them arguing, then made his way to the scene. "Put that lip away," he thumbs at it, pushing it back into her mouth.
"He's being mean." That works a laugh out of both of them, Minho presses a kiss to her mouth while Chan squeezes over the burning flesh.
"Don't act like you don't love it." Minho teases.
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aflame4goinghome · 7 months
Part Of The Band
j.t.k. x f.reader
part four
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part three
word count: 6.3k
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, lots of sexually implicit language, mentions of sex, flirting, yearning, kissing, i guess some groping/heavy petting(?), shameless nicknames once again; nothing too bad this time around... for now ;)
She turns around and gives you a cute little wave before heading inside her front door, making your heart flutter slightly. You find yourself just staring at the closed door with a stupid smile on your face before you finally snap out of it, pulling off the shoulder of the street and driving off. You’re 27 years old, Jake. Stop acting like a teenager.
It’s still hard to believe that this is where your day had taken you. You just wanted to take a quick look at the selection at the record store after so many long, exhausting hours in meetings this morning. You hardly believed it when you saw her there; you didn’t even know it was her at first but something pulled you toward her, telling you to say something.
She looked different than she did when you met her years ago, her hair had grown out longer and she added those bangs that framed her face just right. The look in her eyes remained the same, however- focused, passionate, and kind- something that seems to have only strengthened with time. It was something that you admired about her.
You knew that you had no right to be upset with her for not reaching out, it wasn’t like you had either. When you found yourself in Anaheim four months ago, calling her did cross your mind but you were unsure that she’d answer. It had been nearly two years, surely someone would have swept her off her feet by now, loving her and giving her everything she desired.
This was something that you knew you wouldn’t be able to do. With tour picking back up, interviews, and more album production, you didn’t feel like you could give her the life that she deserved. How could you love and cherish her enough while being gone so frequently? She deserved someone who could love her wholly without compromises. You’d rather keep her at a distance than break her heart. So, you didn’t call. But it seems like fate had other plans.
You stop at a stoplight, reach into your back pocket for your phone, and pull it out. You open it up and pull up Josh’s contact, pressing call. The dial rings a few times through the speakers in the car before he picks up. “Hello?”
“Josh, hi… are you busy?” you ask. “No, I’m just at home, why? All good?” he asks with a concerned tone. “Can I come over? It’s been a weird day,” you reply, your voice a bit shaky. “Yeah, Jake. Of course,” he says. “I’m just in Midtown. I’ll be there soon.” “Okay, see you soon.”
About ten minutes later, you pull into Josh’s driveway and walk up to the front porch. You lay a few knocks on the front door and then the door flings open, revealing your kind-faced brother, smiling from ear to ear. You enter the threshold and pull him in for a hug, holding it a bit longer than you usually do.
“…Everything okay?” he asks, pulling away and walking into his kitchen, reaching into the cabinet to pull out two wine glasses. You watch him take out a bottle of Pinot Grigio from his wine rack and pour it into your glasses as you approach the kitchen and lean against the counter.
“I’m not really sure. I think it might be soon. But I’m feeling pretty lousy at the moment,” you reply as he hands you one of the glasses. “What happened?” he asks you, looking over for an answer. You take a sip, taking in a deep breath.
“I had some free time after my meetings today, so I decided to check out a record store on Broadway in Midtown that I saw on my drive back. I walked in and started to browse some of the records when I looked up and saw a head of long dark hair in front of me looking through the CDs. It felt so familiar, I couldn’t comprehend why, so I approached her to find out. It was Y/N, Josh. She’s just moved here…” you finally spit out, feeling the weight lift off your shoulders. You watch as his face lights up a bit, seemingly pleased by the news.
“I see… how did that make you feel? You seem stressed… didn’t you like her?” he asks, with a subtle smile on his face. Your brother knows you better than anyone, and he can see right through you in an instant. He knows what the feeling you’re having is, but he wants you to say it and come to terms with it yourself.
“Well… of course I liked her—a lot. I just never thought I’d see her again. And now that I have… I don’t know. It’s all so overwhelming. But I’ll know how I feel better after I take her out to dinner this Friday. I guess we’re trying to start over, whatever that means. It’s been a long time, and neither of us ever reached out.”
“And why is that, Jake?” your brother asks, smirking. You scoff and roll your eyes, knowing that he's messing with you. You decide to continue the bit, checking your watch jokingly. “Josh, should I be paying you by the hour? Considering you’re behaving like my therapist.” He chuckles at that, taking a sip of his wine. “I came here to get a little drunk and tell you about my day, not for you to psychoanalyze me with your freaky twin telepathy bullshit,” you continue, laughing along with him.
The two of you stand there for a while longer, discussing the results of your meetings this morning and the plans for the album release next weekend. You knew what Josh was getting at, asking you all those questions. You’re just not quite ready to think that seriously yet. You’ve only just seen her again, after all these years, you don’t want to rush it with ideas of love and deeper feelings. Now really wasn’t the time for all of that. At least, that’s what you’re telling yourself.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
You spend the rest of the week working a few shifts at the record store and spending time brainstorming ideas for your novel. Nothing is really jumping out at you, though, so you’re putting the writing on hold for now. It’s finally Friday and the nerves are really getting to you. You’re not sure how this evening with Jake will go, and that scares you.
Of course, taking you out to a nice dinner will allow the two of you to get to know each other better, but what about after? And what if he isn’t the same man that he was two years ago? Will that person still be someone that you might want to spend time with? You hope so, but you suppose that you’ll find out soon.
It’s about 6:30 now, so you decide that it’s time to start getting ready. You take a shower and then blow dry your hair, styling it with a loose curl. You apply some makeup, nothing too out of the ordinary but you opt for a red lip and some mascara.
Then, you head over to your closet to pick out something to wear. It’s ridiculously hot in Nashville this weekend, so you decide on a short black sundress with little white flowers on it, which is cute enough for dinner while also allowing you to stay cool on this hot summer evening. You slip on a pair of black wedged heels, grab your keys, and then go downstairs to wait for Jake’s arrival.
You hear a light knock at the door right on time and rise from the couch to answer it. You open the door and see Jake standing there, looking down at his feet as he waits. He’s holding a bouquet of baby’s breath, fiddling with the ribbon around it with his fingers.
He’s subbed out his usual distressed blue jeans for some black dress pants, seemingly tailored to fit him just right. He has on a cream button-down, half unbuttoned as usual, with chains dangling from his neck. He’s acquired more of those since you last saw him years ago, but you’re certainly not complaining. He has on his usual black sunglasses, of course, but you can see his eyes slightly through the glass as he looks up at you.
His distracted expression turns into one of adoration as he sees you open the door. All dressed up, modest yet beautiful. Everything that he’s always known you to be. His lips curl up slightly into a small smile as he goes to speak.
“Y/N, you are an absolute vision,” he says, reaching up to brush your cheek ever-so-slightly with his thumb. He looks into your eyes for a moment before pulling back and handing you your flowers. “I saw these at a market down the street from my place this morning and they reminded me of you…”
You blush lightly as you gesture for him to step inside with you and head into the kitchen to find a vase. “They’re beautiful, Jake. Thank you. No one’s ever given me flowers before…” you say, looking over at him with a shy smile before turning around to fill the vase with water at the sink. You cut the stems slightly at the bottom before placing them into the vase and setting it on the kitchen island in the center of the room. “Perfect,” he says, smiling. “Shall we?” He reaches his hand out to yours and you take it, following him out to his car.
He opens your door for you, allowing you to get inside before closing it and rounding the car to get in as well. He turns the car on and looks over at you for a moment with a smile before pulling out onto the street. The sun is starting to set as he drives you both to the restaurant, which he says isn’t too far away. He tells you that he lives in East Nashville, so he’s taking you to his favorite Italian restaurant on that side of town.
As you look out the window to admire the beautiful night, you feel him reach over and place his hand on your bare thigh. He lightly grazes his thumb over your soft skin as he continues to drive, which makes your breath hitch in your chest for a moment.
The action, while subtle, still manages to fluster you, causing you to take a deep breath and lean your head back against the headrest. You’re still looking out the window, trying not to acknowledge it or how it makes you feel, not seeing that he has a smirk on his face. You finally arrive at the restaurant and you sigh in relief, not feeling very prepared for the night you have ahead of you.
Jake gets out of the car and walks over to your side, opening the door for you and taking your hand in his. You smile up at him as you get out of the car, and he places his hand on the small of your back as you walk to the entrance of the restaurant. As you approach the hostess stand, his hand moves from your back to your waist, holding onto you.
Your face turns a light shade of pink as he asks for a table and rubs his thumb along the fabric of your dress. He drops his hand as the hostess brings you both to the table, which is a secluded two-person booth. The table is adorned with the subtle light of a single candle and there is some dimmed lighting above, which certainly sets the romantic mood.
He sits down across from you and removes his sunglasses, setting them down on the table before glancing at the menu. You decide to look down at the menu yourself for a moment, then decide to ask him for his opinion. “What’s your favorite?” you ask, looking over to him. He lifts his head from the menu and smiles at you, answering “Well, I usually get the chicken parmesan. But the carbonara is also quite good.” You nod and smile down at the menu as the waiter approaches the table and asks for your order.
Jake looks up at you and raises an eyebrow to suggest that you go first. “I’ll take a glass of Riesling and the pasta carbonara, please,” you say to the waiter, then look over at Jake and smile timidly. “I’ll have a glass of Pinot Noir and the chicken parmesan. Thank you,” he says as the waiter writes it down and then walks back toward the kitchen. “Good choice, love,” he says to you, the corners of his mouth curling up ever so slightly.
You smile back timidly, softening your gaze a bit to admire him. You think to yourself that he’s never looked better, though you wouldn’t dare to tell him that now, lest you fuel his ego. He seems to notice that you’re deep in thought. “What’s on your mind?” he asks, raising an eyebrow as he locks his eyes on yours. “Nothing… I think I might just be a bit nervous,” you admit, looking up at him, trying to gauge his reaction to your honesty.
The waiter comes by to drop off your wine and then heads back to the kitchen. “There’s nothing to be nervous about, sweetheart,” Jake answers, taking a sip of his wine. “It’s only me,” he continues, leaning over the table slightly now to get a closer look at you as he talks. You take a deep breath and then meet his eyes. There’s a glimpse of something in them, but you can’t quite place it right now. It intrigues you, though.
“So, this new album of yours. What is it like?” you ask, bringing your hands up and crossing your fingers together, placing them on top of the table in front of you. “I have to admit that I haven’t listened to any of the singles yet, it’s been an overwhelming couple of months. Besides, a part of me wanted it to be a surprise…” He smiles at your question, seemingly eager to talk about his music. You know that it’s something he cares deeply about. If anything was a good icebreaker for the evening, this would be it.
 “If I’m honest, I think it might be our best work yet. I know that sounds like a bit of a stretch but truly, it’s spectacular. We recorded a lot of it live together in the studio and it just came together so well,” he says, practically beaming. “I really think you’ll like it. At least, I hope you will,” he continues, catching your eyes. You smile back at him and nod.
“Considering you’re so proud of it, I’m sure I’ll love it. I look forward to hearing it,” you tell him, reaching your hand over and placing it on top of his on the table. He looks down at your hand, then back up at your face as he embraces your touch and smooths his thumb over the back of your hand. “Well Y/N, now you know what I’ve been doing for the past year and a half… care to fill me in about what you’ve been up to?” he asks, still keeping his hand in yours.
“Nothing nearly as interesting. I finished school in May, finally. I couldn’t stay in LA though. I’ve lived in California my whole life, I just want to explore, you know? I’m 23, I should be taking advantage of my time while I still have it,” you tell him, looking up at him as you continue. “Being a freelance writer requires a bit more adventure than I had before. You can’t write exciting stories without living them a little, right? I’ve just been needing some inspiration.”
He dons a closed-lip smile as he nods in agreement. “Have you found it? Inspiration?” he asks, his lips turning up into more of a smirk. “That remains to be seen,” you reply, intending to tease him. You know what he’s implying with the question, but you’re not sure that you know the answer quite yet. You hope for it to be “yes,” but you won’t get ahead of yourself.
The waiter brings your food and places it on the table, encouraging you to enjoy it before leaving you both alone once again. It looks delicious and you both eat your food in comfortable silence. When you’re finished, you push your plate away slightly and look up at Jake, who’s seemingly finished as well. He pays the bill then steps out of the booth and takes your hand to help you out. As you exit the restaurant and approach his car, you stop and turn to him.
“This was an amazing dinner, Jake. Thank you for taking me here,” you say, smiling at him. He leans his back against his car as he looks down at you and caresses your cheek softly. “It was my pleasure, love. I consider myself to be quite lucky to have the privilege of your company tonight,” he says, moving his hand to cup your cheek.
“You look so beautiful, like a work of art. So delicate, makes me feel like I have to be careful or else you might shatter in my hands,” he continues, looking down at you with a subtle smile. You sigh at the feeling of his hand on your face, as though it was always meant to be there. You look up at him through your eyelashes, feeling the all too familiar butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you meet his gaze.
He’s searching your eyes for any hesitation but he doesn’t find it, only seeing a look of adoration in them. It tells him all he needs to know before he leans down to capture your lips in his. It’s soft and sweet, unlike any time you’ve kissed him before. His thumb smooths over your cheek as his other hand falls to your waist and pulls you closer to him. You place your hands on his waist as you fall into him with a quiet hum and smile against his lips.
One of your hands travels up to grip the back of his neck, tangling your fingers in his now short hair, something you still have to get used to. This elicits a low groan into your mouth as he pulls you harder against him. Before he gets carried away, he pulls out of the kiss, but still keeps his face only inches from yours as you feel his hot breath against your skin.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Y/N. Mark my words,” he says, his face flush as he keeps his eyes on yours. He leans down to kiss your cheek softly, then places his lips on the shell of your ear and says, “I should take you home now before I lose control of myself.”
With that, he takes your hand in his and walks around the front of the car to open the door for you, allowing you to get inside. The ride home is quick, spent mostly with you still trying to catch your breath after what just happened. Before you know it, you’re in front of your house again. This time, however, Jake gets out of the car. He comes over to your side and opens the door for you, helping you out and taking your hand in his as he walks you up to your porch.
He places his hands on your waist and pulls you into him, placing a soft kiss on your lips. You smile as he pulls away, looking down at you. “We’re having a release party next Friday night at Josh’s place, just a small group of our friends and our management team… I’d really like it if you could be there. You can bring Sophie too, it’ll be fun, I promise,” he says, reaching up to push your bangs slightly out of your eyes and smiling.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you answer, causing him to smile wider. “Send me the details, we’ll be there.” You lean up to kiss his cheek before turning to unlock your front door. “Goodnight, Jake,” you say, turning around to face him. “Goodnight, sweetheart,” he replies before turning to walk back to his car.
You watch him walk away for a moment before stepping inside and closing the door behind you. You smile to yourself as you walk upstairs to your room, saying hi to Sophie before getting ready for bed.
Jake had been such a gentleman tonight, which was expected, but you can tell that he’s matured a lot since you’d last seen him. There was an aura about him now that was just so enticing and hard to resist. It excites you, this feeling of desire, but it could also prove to be quite dangerous. You try to remind yourself to be careful with your heart before you give it away again so freely.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
The rest of the weekend and the beginning of the week pass by quickly, between working a few shifts at the record store and spending time with Sophie during her time off. The party is in two days and you’re starting to feel slightly nervous. You’re not sure if you’ll be able to fit in with their friends, or even what the nature of your relationship with Jake even is. Are you going to this party as his date or just a guest? What do the rest of the guys know about it? All these questions will soon be answered, of course, but that didn’t stop you from worrying.
You opened the store today, working until the mid-afternoon. It’s only you and Iris at the moment and business has been pretty slow. You’re just leaning against the counter scrolling mindlessly on your phone when you hear the bells ring on the front door. You look up to acknowledge the customer walking in, trying to look as though you were doing something productive. Much to your surprise, you are met with Josh Kiszka’s face beaming at you as he approaches the counter.
“I was told I might find you here,” he says proudly. “Josh, hi! I see you’ve spoken to Jake,” you reply, going around the counter to speak to him. “I have. Come here!” he says, opening his arms to embrace you. You wrap your arms around his torso and hug him, placing your head on his shoulder as he squeezes his arms tightly around you. “It’s been too long, darling.” He pulls away and looks you up and down with a smile.
“Look at you! I just love what you’ve done with your hair. You look like one of Charlie’s angels, absolutely gorgeous,” he says, causing your cheeks to turn a shade of pink. Josh always had a certain way of describing things that no one else in the world does.
You take a moment to look at him. He’s changed his hair as well; what used to be a full head of curly hair was now shaved bare at the sides, leaving just a small section in the middle going down to the back of his neck. His rosy cheeks are adorned with a few little white dots that lift upward as he smiles.
He’s wearing a patterned button-down with a white t-shirt underneath and khaki pants, which isn’t much different than the style you knew him to have before, just a little more elevated as the years went on. His perfectly white Vans complement the outfit and make it very him. Most of all, he looks happy. Not that he didn’t before, but he especially does now.
“Oh, stop it, Josh. You look fantastic- not that I expected anything less,” you answer with a soft smile. “Did you just want to stop in to say hello? Or did you come here for something else?” you ask.
“Ah, well when my brother told me you were here, I had to check for myself to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. He’s rather off his rocker these days, y’know?” he chuckles to himself. You laugh with him, answering “I see. Well, luckily for him, I am very much actually here.”
“Lucky for me, too! With all the press for the album release and the endless tour rehearsals, the only people I ever see these days are the guys, it’s been dreadfully boring. But now I’ll have you to keep me company. You’re like a breath of fresh air, my dear,” he says, smiling wide. “Here, let me give you my cellphone number. Utterly useless thing but alas, I suppose we need it on occasion.”
You hand him your phone and he puts in his contact information, sending himself a message to save yours. He hands you your phone back and then takes his own out of his back pocket, opening your message and saving you into his contacts. “Sadly, I have to run. This visit was rather spontaneous. I was on my way to a meeting just down the road with my brothers and our managers, which I remember was supposed to start 20 minutes ago… Oops. Oh well. I’ll see you on Friday, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you reply with a smile, giggling at the lack of concern he had for his tardiness. “Perfect. See you then, angel. Bring wine! Lots and lots of it!” he exclaims as he walks out the door. You laugh as he walks out the door, seeing him start to jog a little bit out the window toward his car.
What a nice surprise, you think. He certainly knows how to brighten up a person’s day. You’re looking forward to spending more time to get to know him. One of your coworkers comes in to relieve you, so you clock out and head home. It was your last shift before what you assume is going to be a very long weekend.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
You awake on Friday feeling refreshed from your day off yesterday. Surprisingly, your usual feelings of nervousness are absent today, replaced with only excitement. You and Sophie went shopping yesterday for dresses to wear to the party since events like album release parties are very out of the ordinary for you both. You weren’t entirely sure what the dress code was, but you wanted to look your best.
You looked into the album and its concept, still opting to not listen to the singles in hopes of having an unbiased experience of the album this evening when they play it start-to-finish. Its name, Starcatcher, was already beautiful in and of itself. You can only imagine how it must sound and you’re really looking forward to it.
In hopes of fitting in with the theme, you picked out a silver matte midi dress with a slit on your right leg, to pair with a pair of black heels. Sophie picked out a deep blue cocktail dress that complimented her equally blue eyes quite well. Before you know it, it’s time to get ready to go to the party. Jake texted you the address yesterday and said to arrive any time after 6 P.M.
He also tells you that Josh asked him to remind you to bring wine, which made you laugh. You picked out a nicer bottle of Chardonnay at Publix this morning, hoping that it will suffice since you’re still unfamiliar with their preferences and the expectations for this kind of event.
You apply your base makeup and then put on some light silver eyeshadow to complement your dress, as well as tight eyeliner and mascara. You leave your hair down and wavy, pinning some of the front pieces back to keep them out of your face. You finally slip on your dress and heels then meet Sophie downstairs and head out to the car.
Josh’s place isn’t too far from where you live, only about a 15-minute drive. Sophie pulls into his driveway and parks behind a long line of cars, and then the two of you approach the front porch. You knock on the door and you’re greeted by Josh’s smiling face. “Ah! My angel! Thank god you’re here,” he says, pulling you in for a tight hug.
“Sophie, my darling, it’s nice to see you. And you’ve brought wine! I knew I could count on you. Come in!” He leads you both through the threshold and into the kitchen, where there are different arrangements of charcuterie and other finger foods spread out on the kitchen island. He takes you over to his bar cart and wine rack and then reaches over to the counter next to it and grabs a few wine glasses for you.
He reaches out to Sophie to take the wine from her, taking a glance at the label first before opening it. “Lovely choice of wine, angel. My favorite,” he says to you with a wink before using a wine opener to take out the cork and pour you both a glass before pouring one for himself. “To new music and new beginnings!” he says, raising his glass. “To new beginnings,” you answer, with a timid smile as the three of you clink your glasses together and take a sip.
You look up from your glass and see Sam and Danny approaching from the dining room, noticing that Sam’s face lights up when he catches sight of you. “Y/N, I can’t believe you’re here!” he exclaims, coming over to hug you. “You know, I’ve seen all of your pictures with your new look but I still can’t believe it,” you say, reaching up to touch his scruffy beard.
“You better believe it, I’m a man now,” Sam says proudly, chuckling to himself as Danny pipes in. “Yeah, right. On the outside, maybe” he jokes, elbowing Sam’s side and eliciting laughs from the group of you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says, leaning over to give you a hug, then pulls back and turns his attention to Sophie. “Sophie… still as gorgeous as ever, of course.” She blushes faintly at his compliment and you giggle a bit to yourself as you watch him look down to admire her outfit. His eyes go back up to meet hers and you take that moment to excuse yourself and allow them to talk.
“I’m going to go find Jake,” you say to them, “Soph, are you good staying here with the guys?” She nods and Daniel takes your spot as you turn around and walk toward the living area where there’s an old jazz record playing on the turntable.
You see Jake there, standing and leaning against the side of the couch speaking with someone you assume works with them. As you approach, it seems like he sees you in his periphery and turns to look at you, his lips turning into a subtle smile. He licks his lips and looks down at your dress, then back up at you, making your stomach turn into knots.
He’s dressed in entirely black- a vest underneath a blazer, dress pants, and his usual black boots. His chest is peeking out of the vest in the same way it always does with his button-downs. He replaced his usual many necklaces with one small coin pendant, a subtle difference but quite classy. The all-black outfit paired with his short dark hair is enough to make your knees buckle and the look he’s giving you now certainly doesn’t help the matter.
You watch as he says something to whoever he’s talking to and gestures over to you, and then the gentleman walks away toward the dining room. You finally reach him and he straightens his posture a bit against the couch to talk to you. “Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly get more beautiful, you’ve proved me wrong once again. You look positively stunning, sweetheart, I’m at a loss for words.”
He places his hands on your waist and pulls you toward him, leaning down to kiss your cheek and then you feel his lips linger at your ear. “If I could have my way, I would bring you far away from here right now… how unfortunate that we have to stay here. I guess we’ll just have to behave, huh baby?” he whispers, then pulls away slightly and flicks his eyes from your glossy lips back up to your eyes.
Your cheeks turn pink as you smile up at him, trying not to show how much his words are affecting you. “What about you, Mr. Dark and Mysterious? You look like an Oxford professor,” you tease, gesturing to his vest with a smirk. “Ah yes, this old thing? Well, I was a professor once, you know, in an old life,” he says, straightening out his vest a bit and smiling at you. “Whatever you say, Jake,” you say, giggling at him.
You spend the remainder of the night at Jake’s side, standing with him as he talks to his colleagues and friends about the album. You enjoy listening to him talk about something he felt so passionate about, it makes you happy seeing him in his element. It’s nearing the end of the night now, which means it’s time for them to play the album before you all depart.
You and Jake are seated on the couch together with Sophie, Danny, and Sam on the couch next to you. You have one leg crossed over the other with Jake’s hand resting on your knee softly. The rest of the crowd is standing around in the back of the living room or talking in the dining room.
Josh walks over to the record player and takes out his brand-new Starcatcher vinyl, which is black and decorated with speckles of silver glitter. He places it down and moves the needle delicately to the start of the album before turning around to sit down next to you on the couch. The first notes of the song start and you look over at Jake and smile, seeing him beaming with pride.
The album really is spectacular, just as Jake said. Each song tells a story that is so profound and the production is truly amazing. At the end of it, Josh gets up to put the record away and then turns around to address everybody. “So? Thoughts?” he says with a smile. The room erupts into applause and he gets his answer, returning to sit back down next to you.
“That was… wow. You were right, Jake, it was just perfect. I loved it,” you say with a smile, looking over at him and you see his smile widen at your words. “Thank you, baby…” he says, squeezing your knee in his hand. “And Josh, your vocals were just out of this world. It was wonderful,” you continued, turning to face him. He thanks you and then people start to say their goodbyes and leave for the night.
Sophie stands to say goodbye to the guys and says she’ll wait for you in the car with a wink, knowing you’d want to say goodbye to Jake privately. You nod and turn back around to say your goodbyes. “Well, this has been lovely. It was nice to see you all! Josh, thank you for having me, I hope we can do this again soon,” you say, turning to Josh. He smiles and pulls you in for a hug, nodding. “Of course, darling. I’ll see you very soon, I’m sure of it.” You pull back from him and turn to Jake with a timid smile.
“I’ll walk you out,” he says, placing his hand on the small of your back. He follows you over to the foyer, allowing for the two of you to be somewhat alone. He pulls you in by your waist and smiles down at you. “Thank you for being here, love. It means a lot to me. You’re my good luck charm, remember?”
“Anything for you. You know that,” you say, smiling up at him. He moves his hand up to cup your cheek and leans down to kiss you softly, smiling against your lips. He pulls away and keeps his hand on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “The tour is starting up on Monday, here in Nashville. I need my lucky charm there. Will you come?” he asks, looking down at you hopefully. “Of course I’ll come, Jake,” you answer, reaching up to tuck a piece of his hair back behind his ear.
He smiles widely. “I’ll text you the details about where to go this weekend, I can call Jenn in the morning and have her set aside two tickets for you. You can sit side-stage by the catwalk, right where I can see you.” You nod and he opens the front door for you, then leans against it to give you another kiss goodbye before you turn around and walk toward your car.
The ride home is full of lots of questions and squeals of excitement from Sophie. You have some questions of your own, asking about her time spent talking to Danny this evening. You’re overcome with a feeling of excitement and anticipation over this new era for the band, and for yourself.
You’re not sure what the implications of tonight and Monday will be for your relationship with Jake, but you know that you can hardly get enough of him. His energy and kindness consume you completely, pulling you in and making it impossible for you to let go. There was something about him that you just couldn’t resist. The dynamic you have now makes you feel extremely flustered and nervous, so you fear the intensity of what might come next. You suppose you will find out soon…
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
comment or message me if you want to be added to the taglist! see you all soon :)
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coupleoffanfics · 11 months
Hello! I hope you doing well, that you have inspiration and good health.
I came here for a request, feel free to ignore if you don’t like the idea:
By chance of fate a villain transform Y/n into a child, with all her memories erased.
How the BatFamily would react? Will they tried to reconnect or something else? What will happen when the effects of being a child banished?
Thank you!!!
Thank you for the request! The idea sounds fun to write. I'm not sure if you wanted a headcanon or a one-shot. So I went with writing a one-shot, but then quickly diverted into writing a headcanon. If you are unsatisfied with it, feel free to reach out. Also hope you are doing well too and I had to split this into 2 parts as I went over the character limit again.
The night was winding down as everyone made it back to the cave from patrol. Everyone lingered in the cave a little longer before deciding to call it a night. That's when Jason drove in on his motorcycle. He didn't speed in like usual and he didn't have his helmet on despite having his Red Hood attire on. It was a little odd, but something must have happened if he was visiting the family.
He gets off the motorcycle revealing a young girl. Damian is the first to tell Jason off for bringing someone to the Batcave. Bruce is the first to recognize that the child was y/n. She looked exactly like the first time he met her when he was Batman. Messy [hair color] hair that hasn't been washed in god knows how long. Her bangs are slightly overgrown needing a haircut. An oversize work jacket that seemed to have been well worn and markings on her cheeks. He learned that the pink heart on her left cheek and the two [favorite color] lines on her face were from her marker.
It took Barbara a little longer because she was finding it hard to believe that it was y/n. She looked just like y/n when she was younger, but it wasn't until the girl talked that Barbara knew that was her. "Sir, where are my parents? You said they were here, are they still hiding?" Her voice was high-pitched compared to her older version. Her [eye color] eyes seemed brighter and innocent like a doe.
"Tt, your parents aren't here and you shouldn't be here." Damian hissed at the girl. She took a step back with slightly widened eyes not prepared for a harsh response. It must have upset her because the sides of her mouth was pulled down and her shoulders tensed up. "Shut it, gremlin! y/n come on." The mention of his estranged older sister made Damian freeze.
The young y/n looked up at Bruce making his heart tighten. He looks at Jason and has him explain everything. Not before calling Alfred to draw a bath for their guest. Alfred seemed unfazed by the situation, but the look in his eyes said that he was just as surprised as everyone else.
Jason explained that he was chasing down Jerome who was dragging y/n along with him. They were a laboratory and that dumb little shit was messing around with things. He disarmed Jerome who was holding some sort of ray gun. The trigger sensitivity must have been low because y/n was hit by it and became a younger version of herself.
A younger version that didn’t meet Batman.
It was going to be a long night.
Out of everyone in the family, Dick and Damian are the most excited. Dick has never been that close to y/n when she was younger or a teen, so this feels like a perfect opportunity to interact. Damian wasn’t around when y/n was young, but he often ostracized her during her teen years. Having a little y/n who hasn’t been harmed by his words is perfect for him to learn more about her. Since growing up y/n has rightfully avoided him.
Bruce, Barbara, and Tim are all in the same boat. Yeah, seeing little y/n run around the manor is cute and all, but it's not y/n. They’re the ones who are working towards reversing the effects the most. Tim and Babs want the old y/n.
Bruce may like seeing little y/n, but seeing the child just reminds him of how he messed up. Grown y/n does remind him of how he unintentionally messed up, yet he's able to converse with her. Having her be reset to a child isn’t atoning for what he’s done. More like what he hasn’t done.
Jason is raddled by the whole thing. He’s constantly reminded of the big brother role he had with her before he died. Remembering those little moments of how she looked at him with stars in her eyes. Then he’d be brought back to how he tried to kill her when still a bit fresh from the pit.
She’s always been too sensitive. Too soft and that’s why he attacked her before Tim. She’s an easy target. His mind has been cleansed, and he’d never lay a finger on her. Still, in his mind, he’s scared that he’ll somehow hurt her again.
y/n’s memories are erased, but she still seems to have that gravitational pull toward Jason. Anywhere Jason goes she wants to go too.
Dick is not at all peeved that she prefers Jason after being given a second chance. Of course, he is. His showing his acrobatic skills only to get the same dry response like the first time is disappointing.
They need to go shopping for clothing. Older y/n and younger y/n have a real contrast in what they like. The older one liked dark clothing and blending into the crowd. The younger one wants sparkles, polka dots, and bright almost pastel colors. Little y/n is grabbing dresses and Bruce finds it amusing. Older y/n always hated getting into dresses for a gala and often opted to wear a suit. Telling him that they felt uncomfortable and that she wasn’t pretty enough to wear them.
The first few nights y/n doesn’t want to be too far away from Jason. Forcing him to not only stay at the manor but be with y/n the whole time. If he were to ever complain about it this, Dick would roll his eyes while muttering, “You don’t know how good you got it.”
Damian will follow y/n around the manor. Watching her every move like a hawk. She doesn’t seem to be put off by this like the adult y/n. She actually might like it because she won’t get lost in the manor since she has a personal map with her at all times. She's also not alone, so that's a big plus in her books.
He’ll start up conversations and let y/n ramble on. He wonders if the adult version talks this much as well. That doesn't matter right now. He’ll introduce her to all his pets. Taking note that she showed the most interest in Alfred the cat. Will use his pets to lure her into spending more time with him.
Part 2 Here
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l3xdrigo · 3 months
Since it's my birthday today and whatnot, this is gonna be a special post :D. I'm gonna show some drabbles and short stories that I've been wanting to share for a while so enjoy.
(also thank you to that one moot(@acesw) that has probably read most of these already and has suffered through my ramblings, appreciate you a lot<3)
(Most of these are Vernetto and Vertin-centric cuz they've been taking over my mind for months)
It's over, the fight between the storm and Manus, it was all over. Many are bloodied, injured and tired yet cheered for their victory. Just outside the Manus's hide out was a new world that will greet them, time will no longer move backwards yet only forward. Opening the door, many arcanist and some humans alike rushes out, yet a figure stood still in front of the open door. What a familiar sight, someone steps outside and looks back and holds out their hand "Timekeeper.. It's okay now, we won, let's go and see the outside world together. Where we are all free" Vertin gave a smile, a somber smile, "I would love that.. but unfortunately I can't join you.."
A click inside the darkness of the building
" I'm sorry Sonetto, enjoy your freedom"
A loud bang echoed into the walls.
doesn't this feel so familiar for you, little puppy.
Sonetto was in a state of shock, her mind not processing what happened as the blood seeped out and spread. "Sonetto! What are you standing there for, come get Vertin and come over here" Lilya was the one who shouted, being meters away from them but her voice still reached her ears. Then, the whole situation sinked in... Sonetto dropped to her knees as it seemed all the strength left in her body was gone.
The hound couldn't protect her, it's bellwether.
(Or the foundation didn't need their timekeeper anymore, so time to let her rest)
The last drop of rain had risen and the sun began to rise, the storm was over. Bodies gone and only clothing was left, the Manus's dark ink-like substance stained the concrete ground. After grueling hours and days of fighting, it was all over, time is moving forward again, both sides had an abundance of followers and martyrs fighting for two seperate cause, they all fought rigorously yet only one remained.
Vertin on her knees stayed there, unable to move as fatigue and the strain of injuries took a toll, but also loneliness. She fought side by side with her team, her family, her herd but she was the only one remaining. Sotheby, Lilya,Regulus, Ms. Druvis, Mr. Apple.. Sonetto, they were all gone, her suitcase was destroyed, the arcanist and humans she's grown accustomed to were also gone. Was it worth it? For the mission of returning to the present but to lose everything to the past.
"One man shall fall and one man shall live to bear the consequences of thy sins" were the last words that left Arcana; the mission is over, take off your hat and face the scene in front, repent and walk to the light, a new tomorrow awaits you, Vertin.
("Are we all alone once again"- The Gleaming)
Sonetto was walking through the halls, passing staff members and managers and exchanging greetings. She was called to get on set today as they needed to record a new scene for the show "Reverse 1999"
Being a part of this project has been great, she's met a lot of directors and producers with a platter of amazing ideas, actors who have made some show-stopping scenes with their talents and.. as she opens the door, there she is. Vertin, with her ash-gray hair tied up in a messy bun, wearing her outfit as the Timekeeper of the show, just minus the coat, talking with one of the managers, smiling and giggling at times as they both talk about how a recent interview went. Oh how gorgeous she was, even after all these years, Vertin was still the one who holds Sonetto's heart captive and it's both a heart warming yet painful feeling.
Both of them have been friends since they were 4, it took Sonetto to grow fond of Vertin as she's been known to be quite a troublemaker but eventually she warmed up to her antics, even if she had to get her out of them most of the time. They both shared a passion for arts and literature, they were interested in theater and would watch them as their bond grew more and more throughout the years. Those times had to end however, as Sonetto flew abroad for college, leaving Vertin and the rest of her friends behind. She's gotten busy and due to that, both her and Vertin have somewhat drifted away from each other, the regret is still eating her even today, to be able to go back in time and fix that mistake. Now, Vertin has grown into an amazing actress and also has made a lot of new friends, she's met some of them, like a girl named Schneider, a bit of a flirt but she's great. There were times where she has gotten a bit envious of their bond, to be able to be so close to Vertin and not feel like her airways collapsed when she tried to utter a word.
She's here now but the distance still feels far, funny isn't it, she thought, 'how are characters we play fight against the reversal of time yet all I want is to go back and experience the past we had before' Sonetto could only sigh deeply, taking one last glance before one of the staff had called her, maybe she wasn't so different from the character she plays.
(Or maybe it wasn't just the lack of communication but another event that left them distant; actor au)
"How the moon states at the sun"
Vertin stared at Sonetto as she smiles in the sunlight, gently reaching out to a butterfly. Sonetto looked ethereal, her orange hair slightly flowing in the wind, green eyes almost shining as brightly as the sun. Vertin knew how beautiful Sonetto was before ever since they were children of the foundation but right now really proved that thought a hundred times more. Warmth spreading to her cheeks as she just stared at her for what felt like an eternity but the moment Sonetto looked back at her, she immediately hid behind the safety of her hat.
"Timekeeper, are you alright?"
"... yes Sonetto, I am fine"
Sonetto tilted her head a bit, like a curious puppy who's also worried. It took a while for the "stoic" timekeeper to regain her composure again, though still feeling her heart beating like a drum.
"Let's go back shall we, Sonetto"
"Of course timekeeper!"
Sonetto happily followed as Vertin gave a small smile;the moon cannot shine without its sun.
(Look, lesbians)
Vertin fought against forget me not and some manus followers, both are in equal battle but Fmn has the upper hand, catching Vertin off guard and using an attack that exploded a chunk of the right side of her head to bits. Her body falls to the ground, blood seeping almost immediately as in Fmn eyes, he won, she's dead, there's no way she could get up now, the deep wounds of the fight and a good chunk of her head and skull destroyed, she's dead. They retreat as the storm is here, leaving the timekeeper's body to rot.
As raindrops rise from the ground, it hits the corpse, but instead of just rising to the top, some of the raindrops were starting to affect the body. Vertin is immune to the storm's effects, but it seems that some part of that was false. Colorful liquid like substance starts to form on the sounds and the side of her head, being reversed to their original state, slowly but surely. Reversing the atoms and nerves and bringing life to her once more. She awoke again after a while, breathing heavily as the storm do it's job. Slightly touching the side of her head that was originally exploded, it still feels like liquid but she can feel some part of the bones restoring, it's best not to touch it as it actually quite hurts. Slowly getting up, and seeing the Manus nowhere to be found, she needs to head back to her team, she's worried that the Manus might try to do something.
Fmn attacks were getting stronger as the timekeeper squad casted incantation after incantation, just when Forget me not was going to land a tremendous attack, a strong attack from behind the head was enough to knock him out. The group looked at the source of the attack and spotted a familiar blue hat, Vertin stood there, clothes bloodied and parts of her body weirdly had clusters of colorful liquid. They stared for a moment, not really knowing how to process.
"I'm guessing you would like to know what happened?"
Regulus quickly answered back, Vertin internally sighed, this is going to be a long explanation.
(Vertin being able to heal in the storm was an interesting idea I've had)
"Clinging onto a thread"
As Vertin, Regulus, Sonetto, Mr. Apple and lilya are walking to Madam Z's office after getting back from the island and that god-forsaken first field mission, Vertin speaks up.
"Umm...Regulus, you know it's okay to let go of me now right? "
Regulus could be seen clinging onto Vertin's left arm and Mr. Apple was holding onto a small part of Vertin's hat, she shook her head.
"Nah mate, from the amount of bull crap we just went through, I'm not letting you go. And besides, I'm not the only one clinging to you"
At her right, Sonetto could also be seen clutching at her arm, looking somewhat calm but the way she firmly holds her arm says otherwise.
Vertin just stays silent for a while, and continues to walk. It would be pretty hypocritical of her to make them let go, as she herself has been holding Lilya's hand, the eagle has been guiding them back the entire time.
(It's crazy to think that the island thing was their first-field mission)
"Can you please stop taking their timekeeper away every 5 minutes"
The timekeeper squad was in Madam Z's room, currently talking about some important matters as there was a knock on the door, Madam Z gave the permission to enter as a foundation staff walked into the room.
"excuse me Madam Z, we need to take the Timekeeper for a few moments to evaluate some reports about the recent storm."
The staff was immediately bombarded with questions.
Regulus: You're taking her already?? When will she come back?
Foundation staff: in maybe a few hours
Lilya: And how long are those "few" hours?
Foundation staff: it is estimated to be around 1 or 2 if the evaluation goes smoothly
Sotheby: You're not going to bring her anywhere else right?
Foundation staff: of course not, just to the research Center.
Druvis: After the evaluation, is there anything else she would do after?
Foundation staff: umm,, it depends but I'm certain that it's only an evaluation, nothing more after that.
The foundation staff looks at Madam Z if she can take the timekeeper who's been standing next to the foundation staff and seemingly waiting patiently.
"Just let her take her leave as soon as the evaluation is over, but other than that, yes the both of you may be excused."
The two left the room and it felt very awkward. Vertin apologized for what happened, telling the poor staff that they were just worried about her after the recent events, the staff brushed it off, saying that it's fine. Though deep inside it was incredibly scary, even the Apple seemed intimidating.
(Can we please stop taking their timekeeper away, they need her as much as she needs them🥹)
"Sleeping in"
Vertin slowly woke up, the fresh sunlight hitting here skin through the windowsill of her room. It's been a few days since the disastrous mission that her team just went through, being put on break as all recovers. Something was missing, or she should say someone, getting up groggily, she drags her body out of bed and outside her room. After walking in the suitcase for a bit, she spots what she was missing, Sonetto.
She spotted her right away and was about to greet her when Vertin wrapped her arms around her waist, bringing her to a hug. Sonetto lets out a small squeak from the unexpected action but quickly recovers and wraps her arms around her as well. "Are you still tired? " the timekeeper only let out a small hum as a response, the two have gotten closer since that mission, finding it hard when both were seperated, so the two prompted to sleep in together, not like both of them minded it(Sonetto was a flustered mess at first but hey, she's fine) . Finding comfort and solace with one another, through their aching pains and injuries, both have enjoyed each other's company and warmth.
Sonetto looks at one of the clocks for the time, it still seems too early for the two of them to be up, the rest of their team still asleep. "It seems a bit too early for you to be up timekeeper, would you like to head back to bed?" Earning another hum from the timekeeper, both make their way back to the bedroom. Maybe sleeping in wouldn't be so bad, they are on break after all.
(They deserve some eepy and cuddles. Again, lesbians)
(Idk if I'll add more to this later but damn this took a while)
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peachiemilkytea · 7 months
ᴘʀɪᴢᴇ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ
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Pt 1 , Pt 2
Summary: you’ve always worked at Frebear’s diner as an engineer. Since your dad is long time friends with Henry Emily. Though life gets overwhelming with home life and work.
Parings: Michael Afton x Reader
Warnings: slowburn, semi strangers to enemies to lovers, more so strangers to friends to lovers, mention of Y/N, AFAB!reader,
A/N: I am so excited to be bringing this series onto Tumblr. I am a little nervous considering this is the first series I am purring onto tumblr- please enjoy! I love hearing about critical criticism from others. Tumblr writers are like.. deities to me so 😭 I’m really nervous.
WC: 28K
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In greek mythology, humans had four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Zeus split them into two separate people. They long for their other have. they throw themselves into relationships to search their lives for their other halves. A woman who was split from a woman looks for her other half, a man who was split from a man looks for his other half, and a man who was split from a woman looks for his other half. When a person meets their other half they are struck by their senses of love. A sense of belonging to one another. They don't want to be seperated from each other, not even a moment. The soul of every lover longs to be whole. We look for our other half to find ourselves. This is apart of Aristophanes Tale of Love.
I hope I can find my other half soon so I can get out of this house. I muffled myself further into my pillow. Making it cover my ears. Yet no matter how much I rolled back and forth I'm still hungry! I sighed and got up from my bed. Passing by my mirror. My hair was a bird's nest. I strike a pose in the mirror with a smile. Then walked downstairs where all the noise was coming from.
In the kitchen was my mom leaning on the kitchen counter. A red turtleneck, fluffy curly outward hair, and mom jeans with a belt. Another woman known as my best friend's mother, Darlene Jo. Brunette big curly hair going down to her shoulders with bangs leaning to the side. Chestnut eyes with natural shadows. In a green striped suit jacket, a collared ruffle shirt, and a pendant on the collar. A black skirt with black heels. Sitting at the table. Always a sweet face. Gossiping like they always do.
"Mom, do we have anything to eat?" I whined annoyingly.
"Did you look, Dottie?" Mom says calling me by my nickname. I opened the fridge, looked at it, then closed it again. I turned to my mother, holding out my hands to the fridge. My mother looked down and shook her head.
"Oh (Y/n)! You're becoming so big, how old are you sweetie?" Darlene asked.
"I'm nineteen," I answered causally, pulling out leftover lasagna out of the fridge. Reaching up past my mom to grab a plate. I put the lasagna on a pan and lit up the stove.
"You're growing up too fast, you've certainly grown into a young woman. Oh do you remember the times you and Cheryl would go to the park? Then you would push her on the swing? Oh memories~" Darlene swooned in memory lane with nostalgia twinkling in her eyes. I chuckled at the memory and nodded my head subtly.
They went back to gossiping. I got curious and listened in while I reheated the lasagna. Apparently a new girl named Betty just got stationed at my moms office. Going on about how Betty doesn't do her job right and bosses other people around. She would boss my mom around about what should be in the paper and what not should be. Which was just a bunch of bogus. Then my mom told her off politely, schooled her. She is a journalist. Darlene is a lawyer. I always loved listening to her cases and crime stories. Though it's classified I'm an expectation.
There was this one case where four employees were killed at Chuck E Cheese, one was injured. The shooter was Nathan Dunlap, a 19 year old former worker. He was full of rage after being fired 5 months after the incident. He went into the restaurant and ordered a sandwich then played arcade games. Dunlap hid in the bathroom till closing time. Once it was closing time he came out of the bathroom with a pistol. Dunlap shot Sylvia Crowell, she was cleaning the salad bar. She was 19. Shot closed range from her right ear. Ben Grant was vacuuming till he was shot close to his left eye. He was 17. Colleen O'Connor begged for her life on her knees till she was shot by Dunlap in the top of her head. She was 17. Bobby Stephens survived the shooting. When he came back from taking a smoke break out in the back. He thought the noise inside the restaurant was kids popping balloons. He was 20.
When Stephens came back inside he unloaded the dishwasher. Though Dunlap came through the kitchen door and shot him in the jaw. Stephens played dead. Dunlap made Marge Kohlberg unlock the safe. She was 50. Once it was opened Kohlberg was shot in the ear. He took the money and shot her in the other ear after he saw her move. The manager that fired him wasn't there. Stephens escaped through the back door. There was an apartment complex, Mill Pond. He alerted the people there that others had been attacked and shot. He was hospitalized at Denver General Hospital. When the police arrived they found the bodies. Crowell was half alive and they hospitalized her. Though she was brain dead and died from her injuries in Aurora Regional Medical Center.
Dunlap ran away with 1,500 dollars of cash and game tokens. He was arrested at his mothers apartment a few hours later. Darlene actually met Stephens and Dunlap. She got more facts on the shooter and the full story from the survivor. She said how he was behind bars when she interrogated him.
Nathan Jerard Dunlap, born April 8, 1974, was raised by his adoptive father and biological mother, who married each other when Nathan was a few months old. He had never met his biological father. His mother had schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Atleast twice in Dunlap'slife, he tried to commit suicide.When Dunlap was 14, his adoptive father asked the psychologist at Overland High School to evaluate him, and testing revealed signs of hypomania. Scary stuff, I know. I don't know how Darlene does these cases.
"Vivian, don't worry about that girl. Sometimes we need to put up with arrogant people." Darlene says, taking a sip of her coffee. I noticed my mom's coffee on the counter next to me. I slowly snuck my hand over to her coffee. It looked good! I wanted a sip! Mom smacked my hand away. I jumped away holding my wrist jokingly offended.
"I guess you're right, Dottie, you left your comic books all over the table in the living room." Mom said, stroking my cheek and holding my chin.
"I'll go clean it in a second mom, Darlene what's been happening? Any cases?" I asked, rubbing my hands together.
"Nothing you need to know Missy, that is until Viv leaves." Darlene winked, leaning her cheek on her hand. My mom gasps dramatically and holds her hand on her chest.
I chuckled and left the kitchen. There was a pile of my magazines on the coffee table. I groaned at the sight. Since when did I become such a slob? It's fun being a slob though. Lazing around all day. Now that's the dream. I picked up my comics. It consisted of Akira, Vampirella, Daredevil, Spider man, and etc. The phone rang on the nearest coffee table next to the couch. I dropped my comics back on the middle table. If it's another advertisement call. I picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I asked, holding it up on my shoulder and picking up my scattered comics again.
"Hello (Y/n)! Can you come down to the diner? I have some new plans to show you." My good friend Henry Emily, a close friend of mine. He was friends with my dad in high school. Henry was invited over by him to have dinner with my family. Ever since I first met him at dinner I warmed up to him. I could sneak out sometimes to see him and helped him around the diner. He is a family man, very joyful. A ray of sunshine. He always had bright ideas to make others happy and do what he loves. If he would be a flower he would be a sunflower. Sweet as honey. A teddy bear of a man. His smarts were outstanding! It always amazes me at how his brain works. My best friend!
"Yeah I can come down, I'm excited to see those plans. I'll be down there soon." I said and hung up. I dropped all my comics again and put the phone down.
"Mom! I'm going to the diner!" I yelled and ran to the kitchen. Peeking out from the hallway. I don't need permission to leave but I should at least tell her where I'm going.
"Okay Dottie be safe!" Mom said and walked over to me. Holding my face and kissing my cheek. That's going to leave a mark. She's wearing red lipstcik. My nose scrunched from all the love and affection.
"Mooommm!" I whined.
"Bye (Y/n)!" Darlene waved.
"Thank you for coming (Y/n), I got some new ideas for the animatronic I'm working for you." Henry said, waving his hands around excitedly.
"Is this about Trickster? Oh! Now you got me all excited!" I said with a bounce in my step.
"Yes it is! I got the blue prints all ready and I was hoping you'd come and help me pick out the materials you want her to be made with." Henry asks, looking down at me. Trickster was a jester animatronic that he was making for me that is inspired off of me. This little project has been going on for months now. He led me inside his office and opened the door for me.
I looked over his desk. There were blueprints of Trickster. A clown animatronic with (h/c) (h/l) hair and a hat that has outstretched on two sides with jingle bells. The hat was (f/c) and white. Around her neck was a ruffled collar that stood out at every end. There were light reddish pinks on her cheeks and nose, red lips, and blue eye shadows. Jingle bell dangle earrings hung from her ears. A (f/c) corset with a ribbon tying in the middle. Ribbon bow straps around her arms that were also (f/c). Pearls that slung down her arms, neck, and thighs. A (f/c) tutu that pointed outwards with jingle bells on the ends of it. A lace thigh harness. Jingle bell ribbons around her wrists and thigh. Lastly was Mary Janes with white Lace ruffled socks to top it all off.
My pride and joy. I came up with this design with Henry. I remember the awe on our faces when the final design came to be. Now it's time to choose what to make it out of. What I didn't notice was how Henry was admiring me. My fingertips traced the thin lining of the blue prints drawing.
"I was thinking that for its endoskeleton we would give it a thin skeleton with all the wires connecting in the middle. The shape of it will be similar to the human skeleton. The head should be smaller than the body. The wires will make it move and the control flannel. That will be in the center. The chest capsule. The control planned will be programmed with movement and commands to give to Trickster. Then we'll have a voice box in the throat that you've picked out." Henry rambled writing what he was saying on another piece of paper next to the blueprints on top of a folder labeled 'Trickster prototype.'
"You should probably make her out of light-ish things. Nothing too heavy that the endoskeleton couldn't take. Maybe something like aluminum and steel? For the wires we can use rubber. The servos will be all around. Arms, legs, hips, you know the rest. The sphero RVR will be in the parts that most need support like the chest, legs, head, and arm. The tensorflow will be with the motherboard in the chest or it can be in the head. Either one is okay really. It's just to do tasks. The cameras should be in the eyes too. How does that sound?" I explained tapping the pencil on the desk against my lips. Moving my fingers to what parts should be where.
I learned this geeky computer and robotics stuff from my science robots club. It's an engineering club that they held when I was back in high school. I took what I learned and ran wild with it. Though I was teased for it. Always being called a nerd and being thrown in trash cans.
"You always amaze me (Y/n)," Henry said, pushing his hair back with a grin looking down at his newly made list of things I rambled about. I nodded bashfully.
"I should get back to work now but we'll hang out later (Y/n), how does a movie and dinner sound?" Henry asks, rubbing his hands together.
"Sure! I'd love to see the twins again." I beamed. Sammy would always jump in my arms and make me hold him. He would never leave even for his parents. Always a quiet little sweetheart. He would read books with me. He would sit on my lap and flip through the pages after I read them to him.
"I'm sure he and Charlie would love to see you. Now I should get back to work, we'll have it on Friday at eight." Henry said and sat down at his desk. I was leaning on it using my arms as support.
"I'll see ya later Henry," I hugged him leaning into his touch. He held me back and rested his head on mine. Henry pulled away but I was still holding onto him. He chuckled and hugged me again. I finally pulled away. I closed the door behind me.
Maybe I should go bother Will. I walked to the office that wasn't too far away from Henry's office. On the door read 'W.A." I knocked on the door and walked right inside. There William Afton sat at his desk tapping his finger on his desk while his other hand held his head stressfully.
"Sod off, I didn't even tell you to come in." William groaned not looking up from his work.
"Wow, not even a hello?" I said smirking, leaning against the doorway. He finally looked up from his work. He softened with a smile, lifting his head from his work.
My friend, William Afton. A sophisticated man. He is practical and cold. Though at the same time he is a tease. I met him through Henry. He is known as Henry's best friend and partner in the business. Henry brought me in to work to have me help around and spend more time with him. Henry introduced me to Will when he was coming out of the spring Bonnie suit. We would see each other more and more around the diner. Though he ignored me and was annoyed at me trying to talk to him every time, till I dealt with animatronic fix. I repaired the broken Spring Fredbear parts. He was actually amazed at my work! Though he wouldn't admit it, it still showed. Since then we've been friends. Let's just say, it took a year for him to warm up to me...
"Come here dearest, have you come to help us again?" William asked, his British accent slipping out. He went back to working on the papers.
"Yes I have, I just got done talking to Henry about our little project. Relax a bit, Will." I said, walking behind him and rubbing his shoulders.
"You know how I love that, duchess." He sat back leaning into my hands. When he gets stressed he gets snappy. The last thing I need is him being snappy. I love little moments like this. He's rarely showing his sweet side. I feel him relax under me.
"Now what's got you so stressed out?" I asked him palming his back. He sighed happily leaning his head back.
"Just work. I have so many papers on the company's taxes and ordering more supplies. Food for the chiefs, materials for the animatronics, more plates and silverware, and you know the rest. Just keeping the building running. It's been so stressful lately." William pauses on his words as if he was forgetting his worries.
"Adulting is hard. I feel bad for you. Why don't you take a break?" I patted his shoulder. He picked up his pen and started signing off his papers.
"Because my job is very important, (Y/n)." William said not looking up from his papers.
"When's the due date?" I asked, tilting my head.
"In two weeks." William said. I picked up his pencil and threw it far away. He looked up at me with a gruff on his face. The corners of his lip twitched.
"Oops." I said smiling. William sighed leaning back in his chair. Tapping his finger against the desk.
"Guess I'll have a break, so dearest, what did you have in mind?" William asked, putting his elbows on the table, his fingers intertwining together, and resting his hand on the back of his hands.
"Want to play cards?" I suggested pulling out his card deck in his desk side drawer. I shuffled them on his desk.
"What will we play?"
The door slammed behind me. I was kicked out of William's office by yours truly. All because I won a game of monopoly.
Maybe I should become a millionaire.
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empressofmankind · 6 months
[Crocodile x F!OC]
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(A/N) Better known as the 'Impel Down' fic, I kept mentioning the past two weeks. This is Part One. Of five? Of ten? I've given up. The total draft was > 12k. So, I split it in 3x 4k. And then, I noticed today the 'first part' had grown to >7k. So, I've split it again. I have a clear end in mind, but how long it'll take me to get there...
Originally, this fic was meant to focus around Buggy, but then a 2.53m unit of absolute bullshit got in the way. Shivs and her world class plans, good gods. Post-Alabaste, the mens are stuck in Impel Down. Shivs is dead set on springing the clown from prison. However, she'll first need to figure out where they're keeping him. On account of his devil fruit powers, she suspects level 6. And she has an excellent alibi to demand visitation to level 6. For once, the legal quagmire of technically still being married to Crocodile is going to work for her. Right? RIGHT??
In this first part, we'll join Shivs and Benji (and Mani!) as they get ready to, and make their way for, Impel Down. That's it, that's all that happens, and it took me near 4k. I am so long-winded. It's a terminal condition, I know.
Tag(s): Considering this is the entré, there isn't actually much to tag for? There's fluff and humour. There's a 10-year-old running around saying the absolute funniest shit as things go straight over her head. We got Mani the scaly golden retriever Bananawani along? Oh, and one (1) good marine.
🐊 🐊 🐊 
Beggars Shan't Be Choosers - Part I
“They're stupid clothes,” Benji said, her brow wrinkling with petulant annoyance. She was wearing a crispy white dress shirt, a green-on-ochre striped vest and grey slacks. She'd refused a dress of any sort. Her flame orange hair was neatly brushed and her small face wasn't covered in grease paint for once.
“I think you look handsome,” Shivs said as she pinned her own red hair up with a two-pronged kanzashi fashioned with golden lotuses whose inlaid blue diamonds had not seen the light of day in years.
“I look stupid.”
“Look. I am not comfortable in my clothes either,” Shivs said and indicated the mid-thigh sheath dress of black lace on dark grey broadcloth she wore. She'd decided on sheer stockings to go with it, but no gloves. 
“You look pretty in them.”
Shivs turned back to the mirror to finish pinning her hair and adjusting her bangs to fall neatly from under the strings of her eyepatch. “That is the idea, yes.”
Benji put her hands in her pockets, kicking her foot, making squeaky noises against the deck boards. “What am I supposed to look like? I don't want to be pretty.”
“You are supposed to look like the most capable and well-behaved child to ever grace the Blue.” Shivs pinched her cheek, gilt bangles jangling. “And you do when you don't stand with your hands wearing out your pockets like that.”
Benji took her hands out of her pockets. They idled a moment, undecided, but then she clasped them behind her back. “Your neck looks naked.” 
Shivs laughed at that because the bateau neckline of the dress could certainly use something. “Yours too.”
She plucked one of Buggy's patterned neck scarves from a drawer and tied it around her daughter's neck, tucking the ends into the vest. “There.”
“You should wear a pretty necklace,” Benji said, though her eyes were on the scarf. She seemed to like that, at least.
Shivs didn't have all that many necklaces conventionally considered ‘nice’. Going through the few she had in her thoughts, she picked up her modest jewellery box. Then paused as her gaze lingered on the bottom drawer of her vanity. Maybe she should… She pulled the drawer open and reached among clothes she rarely wore, patting around until she found the old music box.
Its silver had blackened with age and negligence, but even so, its delicate engravings of waves and tall ships were fine. If she polished it now, the oxidation remaining in the fine creases would help pick out its details better than ever before. She didn’t, of course. And she didn’t open the lid either. She couldn’t remember if it was wound up, and didn’t want to hear its melody if it was.
Instead, she held it with both hands and turned its engraved body as if removing a lid from a jar. With a click, the top section came off. Within the tiny compartment revealed lay a small, gold hoop with a bent hinge. She’d long since let the earlobe puncture it used to occupy close. Taking a thin string from her jewellery box, she suspended it from that instead.
“Like so?” Shivs asked, drawing Benji’s attention as she fastened it around her neck.
“Don’t you have anything sparklier, like your hair thing?”
Shivs brushed the kanzashi. Though the era of having such things aplenty was long behind her, she was loath to detract from the last one that remained to her with lesser gems. Besides, he’d notice.
“Sadly, no.”
“Oh?” Benji gave her the thumbs up. “Gold is pretty too, I guess!”
Part of the reason she’d picked it was that it was 24-carat gold. Just like the kanzashi.
“Can I do your makeup?”
“Only if you do not turn me into a clown,” Shivs said as she sat down at her vanity so the girl could reach her face. Benji grinned and set to work.
When Benji declared she was done, Shivs turned to the mirror and had to admit the little girl was now officially better at this than her. She’d gone for a dark burgundy smokey eye with a flawlessly thin line of gold right at the root of her eyelashes and a touch of white on the waterline. It made the hazel of her good eye pop like nobody’s business. She was pretty sure the dark red lipstick was Buggy’s favourite to use himself.
“I like it,” Shivs said and Benji beamed. “Now, I just need shoes.”
“I'll fetch some!” 
Benji was up and running out of the cabin before Shivs could protest. It was only a few minutes before the girl returned, clutching shoes in her arms. And not just any shoes, either. She held up gold-tinted, faux leather gladiator sandals with six-inch stiletto heels that would be a trick and a half to walk on. Where had she even found those?
“These will look awesome with your hair thing and necklace!”
She didn’t disagree as she put them on, but hoped the floors of Impel Down would be neatly packed concrete and nothing else. She hadn’t walked on heels like these in half a decade. Throwing a long bridge coat the rosy beige of dunes about her shoulders, she turned to the floor-length mirror.
Benji looked her up and down with the pinched expression of a critical, pint-sized costume designer grading their latest creation. “You look very pretty.”
Benji wasn’t wrong. She did look nice. Her mood sank, settling like an anchor in the pit of her stomach. She looked like his wife.
“Why is it OK to lie today?”
“It's not a lie.” Shivs shook the morose feeling and picked up her small black bag, its gilded chain rattling as she double checked its content. “More like, hm.”
“Make believe?”
“Yes. Yes, I suppose it is,” Shivs said as she snapped the bag closed and hung it from her shoulder. “It will be easier to convince them to let us visit if we look the way they’d expect.”
“Why would they let us visit uncle Crocodile? Aren’t those visits for, like, if you’re his mom or sister or baby or something?” Benji’s small face was filled with healthy scepticism, hands in her pockets once again. “We should pretend he’s my dad.”
Shivs flinched and struggled to keep her smile from faltering. “Well, only if we have to.”
“They’d have to be pretty bad people to stop a kid from visiting their father.” Benji took her hand. “I hope uncle Crocodile knows where dad is.”
“I am sure he knows.” Shivs gave Benji’s hand a squeeze. She’d no idea how she’d find out where Buggy was if Crocodile didn’t know. She couldn’t exactly demand that information on legal grounds like she had done with him. “Is Mani ready, too?”
“Yes! I scrubbed her squeaky clean and even picked her teeth and scales. She’s eaten and done a big poop.” Shivs tried to let the girl’s bubbly chatter lift her spirits. “I borrowed one of Richie’s sparkly collars and she looks flashy in it!”
“Sparkly? That sounds amazing.”
“It is! She likes sparkly things.”
“Let’s fetch her then and go before we are too late.”
Benji glanced up at her as they left the cabin. “How can we be late for an appointment we didn’t make?”
“We can be late for the only ship going there today.”
🐊 🐊 🐊 
Benji had wanted to stand upon the prow as the government ship approached the Gate of Justice out of Enbies Lobby, because the skipper had said the Tarai current that would see them to Impel Down was chock full of sea kings. Shivs sat on a deck chair with a glass of wine, watching the girl run back and forth with binoculars she’d weedled from a matelot. On account of the seastone laminated hull, she doubted they would see any. However, there was no need to dunk on her chipper mood.
They were not the only visitors, more had trickled aboard to form a modest but motley company on the deck. She’d caught snippets of conversations as they walked by: a mother visiting her son; a brother, his sister. And she had a good guess what some of them were whispering about as they stole glances her way. She’d neglected to list any details regarding who they’d be visiting, but, in hindsight, she supposed the pony-sized bananawani lounging beside her gave it away. 
She’d tied Mani’s rhinestone-infested lilac leash to her chair leg, to discourage the reptile from wandering or - worse - deciding to take a swim. Not that she had any illusion as to its ability to pull the chair straight from under her if it wanted to go. But Mani was a creature of habit and minimal effort. A minor inconvenience such as this would be enough to keep her snoozing on the deck.
“Spotted any big ones?” Shivs said when Benji came towards her for a sip of lychee ramune.
“Not yet.” Benji plopped down beside Mani, putting her skinny arm around her scaly neck as she slurped lemonade. “Did you know bananawani hunt sea kings?”
Shivs remembered the way the casino halls would darken as they swam by, their shadows passing beyond the glass as they glided towards the feeding platform. The unwitting sea king never stood a chance.
“They are their only known predator and totally hunt them,” Benji babbled happily while enjoying her drink. Mani’s eyes were still closed, but she’d shifted to lean into the little girl’s petting. “Do you think sea king tastes good?”
The water would run red but only for a short while, only until the currents whisked it away. Theoretically, the creature could make it out for the Rainbase oasis connected to the Sandora river.
“I bet Mani would prefer sea king chow,” Shivs said.
“I don't think they sell that at the pet stores.” Benji pouted as she hugged Mani. “She won’t be able to have a sea king snack until she’s big enough to hunt them herself.”
Hopefully, that would take a while yet. Bananawani could grow to colossal sizes, dwarfing mid-class tall ships. Shivs had no idea what they were supposed to do with a fully grown one. Or how to afford feeding the beast if there was no prey for her to hunt on her own. Rain Dinners’ bananawani never hunted alone.
Benji emptied her bottle with a big, noisy slurp, waking Mani. “Maybe we should have brought something?”
“A deck would have been nice,” Shivs said as she watched them. “We could have played slapjack.”
“No, I mean, for uncle Crocodile?” 
Shivs flinched.
“You always say that it is nice to bring something when you visit someone. Especially if you want something from them in turn?” Benji scrunched up her face, rubbing Mani’s thick scaly neck. “I have, like, half a bag of marshmallows, but I didn’t think to bring them.”
“I have something for him, don’t worry about it.”
🐊 🐊 🐊 
Impel Down was a fortress as ugly as it was unimaginative. It spilled onto the rapidly approaching horizon as a grey stain overtaking the limitless freedom of the open sea. And as they drew near on the Tarai current, its squat towers and crenellated battlements came into ever sharper focus until they dominated their entire surroundings. Curiously, there were no cannon embrasures, machicolations or any such defences one might expect from a proper bastion. 
A fleet of warships rested at anchor along the approach to the underwater prison. The modest passenger ship they were on was dwarfed by the marine dreadnoughts they passed as the current pulled them inexorably towards the prison’s colossal gatehouse.
Benji had returned to the prow for the approach, and Shivs joined her there.
“It’s so huge!” Benji stared wide-eyed at the thick walls as they sailed under the barbican and into the secured harbour proper beyond. Mani sat beside her, holding her own leash.
“The vast majority of the complex is actually underwater.” Shivs counted the cannons peeking down at them through the embrasures, out of habit more than anything. She wondered if they had a standing firing crew to man them.
“Are we going underwater?” Benji hopped from one leg unto the other. “The Calm Belts are supposed to be full of Sea Kings! Maybe there will be a window, and I can see one? Maybe there will be wild Bananawani too!”
“It is a prison, so I don’t think there will be windows,” Shivs said in an attempt to calm the girl’s excitement and avoid utter disappointment if that turned out to be true. “It does reach quite a ways below the water surface. A few kilometres, perhaps? Yes, I think so.”
“Wow.” Turning to Mani, Benji added: “Let's find a window, I bet there will be wild Bananawani! You can say ‘hi’!”
Shivs took her by the shoulder when she saw the other visitors disembark. “Come, let’s not be late.”
Benji glanced up at her as they walked to the gangplank. “For the visit we didn-?”
“Don’t say that,” Shivs interrupted her with a quelling look.
“Right.” Benji smiled again and took Mani’s leash. “Come on Mani. Can’t be late!”
They were funnelled through the gatehouse and into a courtyard patrolled by marine sentries. Here, too, cannons peered through embrasures on all sides. Evidently, the prison was more concerned about threats to its security rising from within than without.
“Visitors for level 1 and 2 inmates, that way,” a young marine officer said as he gestured to a colleague. “Level 3 and up, with me.” The few people that joined them as they went to the marine officer gave the juvenile Bananawani plodding beside them a wide breadth. 
The officer led them up steps and into an wholly uninviting lobby. With its worn plaster walls and dirty grey linoleum floor it did its very best to make you want to leave as soon as possible. No seats, no plants, no windows, no nothing. 
“Registration check.” The marine officer motioned them towards the looming concrete counter on the other side of the unpleasant space. “In an orderly manner, gentlefolk.”
Benji put her arm around Mani, leaning into the large reptile and putting her nose against its scales as she eyed their casually hostile surroundings.
“What’s his name?” The marine officer’s tone was amiable, conversational.
“Hers!” Benji said, holding on tighter to the Bananawani.
He tried to catch her gaze with a smile. “Big girls, both of you.”
“Her name is Mani.”
“Ah, ‘she who averts harm’,” he said, and Shivs appreciated his attempts to make Benji feel comfortable. “A wise choice for such a hardy animal.”
“She’s very sweet and tough,” Benji agreed as she snuggled Mani. “I love her.”
“I am sure she loves you very much too.”
“What is your name?” Benji asked. “Mine is Benji!”
“Nice to meet you, Benji,” the young marine said. “Mine is Toby.”
By then it was their turn, and Shivs approached the desk. It was higher than such things normally were, for she was not a particularly short woman and yet she need not bend down to meet the registrar’s gaze.
“State your name and purpose?” the woman said, hands poised to take down the information.
“Figarland Seonaid. Conjugal visit,” Then added when she saw her transcribe it as ‘Sheona’: “That is without the H, and spelled with N-A-I-D.”
The registrar gave a sign of neither interest nor recognition. “Visiting?”
“Crocodile Niall.”
The woman paused when she heard that name. And Shivs ignored the whispers she could not quite catch from those behind her in line.
“Niall. N-I-A-L-L. Not ‘Nile’.”
The registrar flipped through a thick binder, finger running down a table packed with dense handwriting. “No visitation registered.”
“Preposterous,” Shivs said, overacting an affronted tone. “A signed request for visitation has been approved weeks ago.” 
“There is no record of it, ma'am.”
Benji let go of Mani to fling her arms around Shivs’ waist instead, and gave the registrar and marine officer her most watery of wobbly baby looks. “Mommy, I want to see daddy!”
Shivs rubbed her shoulder, giving the registrar the pleading look of parents the world across trying to desperately manage a child on the brink of wailing. Benji's little sob into the fabric of her dress was very convincing. Mani paced around them, uncertain but riled by the sudden change of mood.
“Can't you put in an expedited request?” Shivs suggested, trying her damndest to sound sincere. “She'd been looking forward to it, and we get so few chances.”
“No registration, no visitation,” the woman said as Benji took in a breath to start a wail.
Toby shook his head. “Let me see what I can do,” he said as he produced a small, earpiece Den Den Mushi and put the sea snail against his ear. A few transmissions later, he turned to the registrar and held up his hand. “Two visitor badges, please.”
With due reluctance the registrar handed them over to him and he turned to Benji. “There you go, kiddo,” he said as he gave her one, and then Shivs as well. “Courtesy of the vice-admiral making the curator see reason.”
“You're the best!” Benji beamed. “Look, mom, I am number 17! What is yours?”
Shivs looked at the scuffed 13 on the badge. It reminded her of a poker table she used to deal at, and the memory settled in the pit of her stomach like a fetch of cannon balls. “Not as high as yours, sweetie.”
“Come, I will see you two down to the right level,” Toby said, and led them to the elevator room beyond the lobby. There were four, two on the left and two on the right. He took them to the far right one, the doors opening as they approached.
“Awesome!” Benji said as she rushed inside, Mani hot on her heels. For the elevator was made entirely of armoured glass and provided a grand view of the ocean sprawling all the way across the horizon. The afternoon sun kissed the waves, setting sparkles to the white-capped water. And Shivs felt it beckon in her bones. 
Benji gave him a hopeful look. “Are we going underwater?”
“We are,” Toby said as he put a key in the control panel and turned it.
When the doors slid closed, Shivs suppressed the sudden and overwhelming urge to get out, to leave and never look back. To stay at the surface, where they belonged. I have to, she told herself as she clenched her hands into fists around the chain of her handbag. Bugs is down there, and he hates the dark beneath the waves.
The elevator jolted to life and Shivs closed her eyes, ignoring the sound of the lapping waves against the glass as they submerged, focussing on Benji’s excited noises instead. When she opened them again, they were enveloped in blue. Sunlight still penetrated, sending curtains of light through the water. Less so with every foot they descended, as the blue grew deeper, darker.
“A Sea King!” Benji screamed, spooking Mani as she glued herself against the glass. In the far distance, blurred in the shifting hues of the blue, swam a long, serpentine creature, its body undulating as it made its way from somewhere to elsewhere. 
“It could be the Prince of the Deep,” Toby said as he came to stand beside her. “It has about the right shape. Colour too, perhaps.”
Benji glanced at him, her eyes large and eager. “Prince?”
“Yes, because he is a prince among his kind. The largest Sea King in this part of the Calm Belt,” Toby said. “Ten times larger than Coral Grove, our largest dreadnought.”
“Wow.” Benji pressed her face against the glass. “Mani could snack on that for years.”
“Wouldn’t it be tough for her to hunt such a large creature?” Toby said, not without humour.
Benji rolled her eyes. “Not right now, she’s a baby. But she’ll be big and strong one day! Bananawani hunt Sea Kings, did you know?” she said and babbled the poor marine’s ears off about the large reptiles for some minutes.
As the armoured glass elevator descended to deeper water, their surroundings became steadily darker. Shivs put her gaze on the glass floor and the pitch black abyss below. It was easier to face the darkness approaching than the light receding, the sparkle of the sun on the water surface dwindling as you sank. The sea has never been friendly to man.
Beside her, Benji had put her arm around Mani as she looked up. No more sea kings down here.
“The 6th level is also called ‘The Basement’,” Toby said, making the girl glance away from the ever more distant sunlight. “Do you know why?”
Ghosts in the attic and monsters in the basement, Shivs thought as she recalled the sailors’ idiom about grief with its haunting memories and stowed feelings.
Benji eyed him, holding on to Mani still. “Because it's dark and far down?”
Because nobody goes there if they can help it. Shivs stared at the watery dark beneath their feet. The sea floor might never come and she'd not be surprised.
“Nope!” Toby said, his smile bright in the dimming light. “Because it is where all the cool people stay.”
Benji’s mood lit up. “My unc- Dad, is super cool! He's actually made out of sand, like, for real.”
“Are you made out of sand?”
Shivs gaze snapped onto him like a hawk. He was looking at Benji, fondness soft on his youthful face. He couldn't be much older than 20 or 22.
“I don't think so?” Benji let go of Mani to brush at her clothes, then glanced at him. “Do you want to pet her?”
Toby smiled. “Absolutely.”
🐊 🐊 🐊 
Horny hell seat reservations - @tiredemomama @smut-goblin @ruledbyproblematique @momodwriter @littlemountainwolf @fanaticsnail @feral-artistry - except there's no horny. Croc isn't even in it either. I feel like a cheat.
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acefantasyy · 1 year
Peaceful Moments
✦- Eriks x gn. reader
✦cw. none, 98 Eriks coded, perhaps a little bit of kissing
✦note. thank you @chris-continues for feeding me ideas to make me write this. I am hella rusty on writing so forgive me if its all jumbly haha. this is also going to be split into two parts just because I don't want to cram so much onto one post.
✦word count- 791
Comfortable. That’s what this moment felt like. Pure comfortable bliss between two people who shared the same feeling of adoration and love for one another.
This had become the norm between you and Eriks, the mysterious man who showed up one day in your town almost a year ago that you had grown very fond of since then. The once lonely evenings of your days were now spent in the presence of the kind blonde at the town’s pub but as of late it had progressed to being in the comfort of your home.
Tonight was nonetheless different, the two of you sat on your couch with drinks in hand idly chatting away about today’s adventures. The suns having gone down was a clear indicator of just how long the two of you had been conversing for along with the now almost empty bottle of liquor sitting on your table. The liquor you had stashed in your cabinets wasn’t strong by any means, but from the way that the two of you had been pouring drink after drink it had slowly but surely done its job of rendering you both drunk and giddy. 
A brief moment of silence falls between you two once your laughing comes to a halt, your frazzled brain running a fraction slower than the rest of your body as your hand now rested in the blond’s hair, your fingers gently combing through the soft locks of hair.
“You know, you should let me do something with your hair,” you gently quipped at Eriks, his gaze locked with yours out of curiosity, “it's long enough to put it up or even style it.”
You quickly demonstrate, your hands taking gentle hold of his face to turn it to the side so you could gather his hair together to form what you could of a ponytail. Raising a brow at your work you set a hair tie in before releasing Eriks’ hair and tucking some of his bangs behind his ear. Your hand slowly travels down, now caressing Eriks’ cheek fondly for a few seconds. There’s a pause in your hands movement, the blond’s own having taken hold of your wrist to keep your hand in place as he leaned into your palm with a quiet hum.
There’s hushed words that have you leaning in as quick as they’re said, “Can I.. tell you something? Something that I haven’t said to anyone in a long time.” 
Oh that voice. That sweet voice that you loved to listen to even on the downest of days, it sounded so forlorn and scared like if the wrong thing were said it would shatter the sweet man’s soul.
Smiling gently at him you nod giving him your full attention, your thumb now running across his cheekbone, “What is it, Eriks?”
“I think.. no, actually I know this. I have feelings for you, romantic ones from what Lina said I was describing to her. And I know that it hasn’t been that long since we’ve met but,” there’s the lightest and most soft kiss to your palm, slight stubble scratching across your hand as Eriks’ eyes looking into yours once again now full of raw emotion, “you’ve been so nice to me and you’re such a sweetheart, both to me and everyone here in town which I love. To be honest, you do a lot of things that make my chest feel all warm and fuzzy. I haven’t ever felt anything like it before and it makes me really nervous, scared even."
There’s a silence for a short moment after that, his words leaving you absolutely awestruck. And that silence seems horrifying to him from the way he begins to pull away and release you all while muttering apologies under his breath as he goes to stand. You’re quick to catch him before he can actually stand up and link one of your hands with his while your other takes hold of his face again to guide him back to you. Looking from his eyes then to his lips and then back up to his eyes you sit there for a moment before leaning in and closing the distance, leaving a soft kiss full of love on his lips.
“I love you too, Eriks. I have for quite awhile actually, I just wasn’t sure how or when I’d get to tell you.” You whisper as you lean your forehead against the blonde’s, a loving smile gracing your features as you look at him, “You know, now that I think about it Lina was trying to tell me something a few days ago, I think it might’ve been your sweet heartfelt secret. Good thing I was too busy paying attention to you though when she tried to tell me.”
✦tags. @chris-continues
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dreamnants-mis · 6 months
The newest chapter made me think about something make another analysis/essay about. Today's subject is about hair styles (and change).
Spoilers for up to Chapter 187!
Throughout this series, the concept of change has been a reoccurring one, from Gina (Unchange) to the fact the whole series began because of Andy wanting "the greatest death ever". Which is also fitting because we discovered one of the Master Rules is indeed Change. A subtle aspect of this comes from how a character's appearance changes throughout the series. For brevity, I focus more on hairstyles here.
Of course, we can't talk about this subject without discussing Fuuko!
Fuuko begins the series about to jump off a bridge with this hairstyle:
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The hair is styled in a manner where it's evident it's much, much longer than it seems, by how it's bunched to have most of the length hidden by the jacket she's wearing. The middle bang in particular separates her eyes in a pretty striking matter. It highlights how Fuuko has closed herself off to the world out of fear of hurting people with Unluck, leading to her deciding the world is better off with her dead.
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In this case, the long hair is a visual representation of Fuuko's loneliness and despair knowing she killed both her parents and hundreds of other people and hurt her friends. She can't even get it cut because she would risk someone's life.
But here is where Andy gives her a haircut, because he's Undead and therefore unable to die, without any fear, perhaps the first moment of kindness she's had in years.
This results in the short haircut we see her in throughout the 100th loop, where Fuuko steadily grows into someone that becomes the beacon of hope for the people around her, but especially Andy:
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Come the 101st loop where Fuuko is now the new Union leader, her hairstyle changes again:
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Her hairstyle now is actually a mix of both her appearance in the beginning of the series and the shorter haircut Andy gave her. Her bangs retain the ragged ones Andy's haircut gave her, but her hair has grown out again to the point she has to tuck her hair inside her clothes which resembles how she hid her hair in the beginning. The difference being sometimes, said hair is bunched in a manner that resembles a side plait.
However, the long hair this time isn't a symbol of Fuuko's despair but rather how she's grown into an endlessly kind and determined but also unhinged leader of Union. It's in fact implied Fuuko deliberately grew her hair out instead of simply being unable to cut it, making it more a conscious choice. Fuuko weaponizes her hair even to use Unluck to protect and help others instead of making herself an unwitting doom magnet to those she loves.
In fact, her outfit in the 101st loop actually is pretty similar to her original outfit in the early chapters, but it also symbolizes how Fuuko has changed from the suicidal shut-in we begin the series with.
There's actually another character that has had a lot of hairstyle changes: Juiz.
Which is natural considering she was living for billions of years over countless loops. She begins looping with this hairstyle (when Juiz is all but stated to have been androgynous):
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The shorter cut represents a sort of openness in Juiz when she was an emotional crybaby crying over Victor living over 2 billion years in the vacuum of space and the beginning of Earth that as we know slowly was beaten down by countless failures throughout the loops.
This leads to her hairstyle we see her through most of the series:
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Juiz lacks clear bangs in her hairstyle (and its best described as a fringe instead), which may be because she's often wearing her helmet and that might have been for practical purposes. But the most striking element of it is how long her hair is. As we learn, Juiz has been trying and failing to kill God for 99 loops, and similar to how Fuuko's long hair in Chapter 1 represented her despair over her ability, Juiz's long hair could be both a symbol of her determination to keep trying but also her despair she hides over her failures that makes her become increasingly less connected to her own humanity out of desperation to succeed.
But as shown in a flashback earlier in the 100th loop, there was another instance of a hairstyle change:
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AKA the moment Victor tried to cut her head off but ended up chopping off most of her hair instead. In an ironic parallel to how Andy and Fuuko's relationship began because of Andy's haircut, Juiz and Victor's partnership ended starting with an unintentional haircut. This incident also gave Victor a haircut, but I'll save that for a different section.
In this moment, Juiz looks a little more like her original style, but also with the fringe she's most commonly associated with. It does play into how Juiz sought out Remember to figure out where they went wrong but ultimately was forced to use it to seal away Victor.
So the haircut could also be a symbol of parting from the person she loved. In fact, considering this event was perhaps a major factor in the actions Juiz took in the 100th loop, it also was a point Juiz realized she was truly alone.
And now for what inspired this post from Chapter 187:
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It's 101st loop Juiz time! Notably, while this Juiz looks more feminine than the androgynous Juiz, this Juiz also doesn't quite look like the Juiz we've become familiar with either, whether that be due to being much younger or another reason. Perhaps playing into what Juiz once said about reincarnation?
Regardless, this Juiz has a very short haircut and is an ever more close cut than the 1st incarnation of Juiz. But what is especially different is this Juiz has clear bangs that were absent in the hairstyle from the 100th Juiz (long-haired Juiz) but were present in the 1st incarnation of Juiz.
This shorter haircut could how this Juiz was freed from the burden of responsibility and despair the original Juiz had, and potentially a new beginning for this Juiz to finally accomplish the dream the original Juiz was unable to achieve. Perhaps this Juiz may end up a superior successor to the original by having a new interpretation of Unjustice that the original Juiz could never have achieved? Who knows?
I'd said I talk a bit about Victor earlier.
Something interesting about Victor is his hairstyle pretty much stays the same throughout the series.
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Victor pretty much looks the same in the earliest loops save for being smaller and lacking the muscles we're familiar with now.
Even when he's in control of the main body in present day, his hair style is still pretty much the same.
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Victor's hairstyle being the same does play into the fact he's lived for over 455 billion years and has therefore stagnated in a sense. He hasn't changed meaningfully or in any positive way in a very long time and constant failures have left him utterly nihilistic.
There's only one moment where his hairstyle changes:
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When Juiz cut his hair counterattacking after his first attempt to kill her failed, it leaves a shorter cut. It's perhaps Victor at his most honest, which unfortunately means him at perhaps the height of his despair thinking the only way for Juiz to be happy is for her to die. What makes it more significant is that this haircut is when Juiz sealed him away, resulting in Andy having the hairstyle he does. So similar to Juiz, his haircut here is a symbol of parting in that this action of Juiz stabbing him with Remember and sealing him away creates Andy, who becomes the dominant personality.
Considering how the 101st loop version of Juiz from first glance already looks significantly different from how Juiz looked even in her earliest loops, will Victor also look different by the time we see him in the flesh again?
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hezzabeth · 6 months
Revati stormed out into the hot, heavy darkness. Everything was quiet and still, the dead hair dryer was smoking. In the distance, someone was singing. Revati walked towards it, her feet stumbling over tree roots. Bridgadeiro Bun was sitting next to a tree.
"I told you to wait at camp," Revati gently scolded him.
"I got bored! Are you ready to go? Mama hates it when I'm late for Apple day Dinner," Bridgadeiro taking her hand.
It was a new vibrant gesture.
One that for a long time Revati never dared wished for.
A gesture that began a few short months ago with a dance.
Bridgadeiro's eyes suddenly widened with surprise and he gasped. A thick plastic cord had sprung from the feel, wrapping itself around his neck.
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Three hair dryers remained, and Revati had one more to confront.
"Will you please just let him go? I have a weapon," Revati addressed the darkness.
An older hair dryer appeared, its black cord attached to its base.
"You humans killed my husband, the least I can do is kill yours," the hair dryer said in a lady's voice. Strictly speaking, the appliances didn't actually need electric cords or genders, or spouses for that matter. For a species that despises humans, they did seem to copy them quite a bit.
"He's not my husband!" Revati pointed out. In truth, she wasn't sure what Bridgadeiro was. When she said goodbye to him four years ago at the end of an empty train ride, she was sure she'd never see him again. But then a week or so later, he appeared "just to check up on his tent." This happened quite often, no matter where Revati went. When he wasn't visiting, he sent messages to Revati's bangle, photos of random things he had spotted, such as a butterfly on a garbage bin, sincere questions about what she was up to. Every year, Revati put her foot down and insisted on traveling back to Olde Landon for Diwali, and every year for three years running, Bridgadeiro Bun was waiting at the gates.
One year he had actually, much to everyone's horror, brought the infamous ex-girlfriend, Margarine. She was a short and extraordinarily pretty girl with freckles and Snow White hair. Whenever she stood next to Bridgadeiro, she clung to his arm in a way that showed off her cleavage. They stayed for the entire two-week festival. Margarine kept exclaiming over how "adorable" everything was while also bragging about her family's "modern living orb." She insisted on sleeping with Bridgadeiro in the greenhouse but complained the next morning about how the soil bags hurt her back. It seemed like she was obsessed with getting every single resident's name wrong. Needless to say, everyone was happy when Bridgadeiro arrived alone the next year.
"Then you don't care if I kill him?" the hair dryer asked.
"Of course I care!" Revati protested. Last Diwali, during Lakshmi Pujan, Bridgadeiro had helped her walk up and down Baker Street, handing out firecrackers to all the residents.
"I can't believe you brought these all the way from your space station!" Revati remarked.
"Well, your Nanni said last year she missed being able to say goodbye to your ancestors properly," he said with a small shrug.
"You're far too helpful! Look at everything you've done," Revati remarked, gesturing about. The plants Bridgadeiro had grown on Baker Street were still thriving. Several of Dusk's students were picking winter berries.
"It's not that much, and it's the least I can do," he replied.
"You repaid me for saving your life a long time ago," Revati said, glancing toward him. They were standing so close together their hands were almost touching. When Revati turned her head toward him, she briefly felt one of his cotton candy curls brush against her cheek.
"Oh no, I do all these things because I like you," he replied. The space between them was very close. In the distance, Revati could hear the whoosh and bang of firecrackers.
Revati swung the mace with a practiced, perfect motion, slamming it into the hair dryer. The air filled with beautiful bright sunlight, and the hair dryer collapsed. Bridgadeiro fell to the ground, still gasping desperately.
"Did you... have to kill her?" Bridgadeiro gasped.
"She's an AI machine; they're probably uploading her brain into a new dishwasher as we speak," Revati reassured him.
There was a clanking sound, and the android appeared.
"Good evening, your majesty," Bridgadeiro wheezed.
"I thought you told your pet clown to wait at the tent," the android remarked coldly as Revati helped Bridgadeiro up.
"He got bored," Revati said as Bridgadeiro brushed down the front of his blue-checked shirt.
"No real harm done! Do you want to head back to the tent to get your luggage?" Bridgadeiro asked Revati, who nodded as something twisted in her stomach. Nerves.
In the year 3556, there were exactly four hundred and eighty-seven major religions across the solar system. There were the old classics such as Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. There were the meta religions such as the Lovecraftians who worshiped fictional kings in yellow. There were the cults that worshiped objects such as carrots and shoes. Then there were the historical figure faiths. The Church of Dollyhart. The Temple of Sweet Baby Elvis. One of the largest historical religions was, of course, "Goupism," or as Nanni called it, "That parasite cult."
As far as Revati could tell, Goupism centered around a beautiful lady who long ago stole hundreds of ideologies. Of course, "Goupers" didn't call it that. They called it "mindful integration."
Bridgadeiro wasn't a religious nut. He didn't force people to wear nothing but an assigned color. He also didn't spray people with "psychic vampire" spray. He did, however, have faith. Faith wasn't something Revati really encountered.
"So, this holiday you're taking me to is to celebrate the existence of apples?" Revati confirmed as they stumbled upwards in the dark.
"Apples, ridiculous! In my court, we only attend festivals that are at least a thousand years old," the android remarked, its eyes lighting the way.
"It's to celebrate both apples and the goddess's daughter. It's about how such a simple universal fruit can be used to fulfill so many needs," Bridgadeiro explained to the android.
"I do like apple juice and apple pie," Revati conceded.
"Not to mention apple cider," Bridgadeiro added.
Up ahead, Bridgadeiro's tent shimmered in the dark. When Revati first heard about Bridgadeiro's tent, she was expecting an all-terrain raincoat propped up on a stick. Instead, the tent was a massive blood-red bioluminescent mushroom. As they approached the tent, Bridgadeiro gently pushed aside some of the fungus, creating a small opening. Once they were inside, the fungus sealed behind them. The inside of the tent was filled with sinister red light. A light Revati had long ago gotten used to.
"You know in my court, we have a massive Chocovale festival! We create an entire palace using only the finest Neptunian cocoa," the android declared as Revati grabbed her luggage. Her luggage consisted of a battered backpack stuffed to the top.
"That's nice," Revati replied. It was best to act as polite and dull as possible whenever the android went on one of her "court" rants.
"Never settle for apples when you can have chocolate, my dear," the android replied, and Revati smacked the android with the side of her bag.
"I thought we agreed when I signed my working contract that you would stay out of my personal life!" Revati snapped back.
Four years ago, Revati had been nothing more than an unpaid sidekick. Three years ago, however, when it became obvious that Dityaa did not want to be found, Revati almost went home. Then the android started doing something extraordinary. The android started paying her. Paying her to follow along, changing parts, and polishing metal as they traveled from city to city. Paying her to fight off bandits who were trying to steal the android's eyes. Sometimes it seemed like she paid Revati just to listen. Revati didn't want to think about being a ghost haunting an android for money.
"We did, but your personal life is interfering with your work! We are so close to finding Perdita! Closer than we've ever been! And you're running off to pick apples with your beau," the android snapped.
Revati glared at the android before grabbing Bridagdeiro by shirt and defiantly kissing him.
"My holiday break started twenty minutes ago! If I want to pick apples, I will pick apples," Revati spat back after letting a shocked Bridgadeiro go.
"We don't actually pick the apples on apple day; we did that two weeks ago," Bridgadeiro remarked, touching his lips and looking stunned.
"Really, Revati? You can do so much better than this! Once I find Perdita, I can find you a spouse that rules an entire moon," the android sighed, and Revati folded her arms.
"Maternity droid, open up battery-saving mode," Revati said.
"Don't you dare!" The android shrieked.
"Enter sleep mode until the battery is fully charged," Revati said, and the android slowly made a clicking sound as it powered down.
"Her battery won't start charging until the sun rises, and then we'll have ten hours," Revati said, pulling a small eye dropper out of her pants pocket. Carefully, she squeezed a drop of liquid onto the tent's walls, and they exploded in a cloud of glittery spores. Revati put the eye dropper away and pulled out a small plastic box, using it to scoop up some of the spores.
Revati was going to reluctantly miss the rainforest; it was nice being able to go out at night without freezing to death.
"You kissed me," Bridgadeiro stammered as Revati put the box away.
"I kissed you to prove a point," Revati replied, holding up a hand.
"The last time you did that, you said it was never going to happen again," Bridgadeiro replied, gently grabbing her hand.
Revati stared at it briefly, remembering last Diwali, the fireworks crackling in the sky, Bridgadeiro's hair smelling like lemon and spices.
"Because of Margarine! You kept breaking up and getting back together with her so many times it gave me psychic whiplash," Revati said, snatching her hand away.
"And I told you that night it was done," Bridgadeiro said gently. It was that same gentle voice that so many fell in love with. Everyone adored Bridgadeiro, the way people loved marshmallows and pillows.
"And I told you I'm nobody's second choice," Revati said firmly before scanning the dark, trying to find the track that eventually led to the forest's main town.
The sort of people who loved Revati were the crazy ones who loved ghost peppers and hardback chairs.
"You're not second! I invited you to Apple day," Bridgadeiro said as Revati began to walk down the path, leaving the sleeping android behind.
"Let's just keep going! The town is an hour's walk away," Revati replied.
"Can I hold your hand? You might slip in the dark," Bridgadeiro replied.
"Fine," Revati conceded. In the buzzing insect darkness, someone watched them go.
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timelessstardust99 · 6 months
❝i hate goodbye's...❞ | 11th doctor x gn! reader & ganger! 11th doctor x gn! reader
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pairing: the doctor & the reader | ganger! doctor x gn! reader
summary: the doctor has to leave his best friend on Earth for reasons unknown to them, and it sets a whole slew of emotions tumbling out their mouth, but he knew that it wasn't him that they loved.
warning: angst with a happy ending (for y/n, sorry doc).
y/n stood in front of the man they had grown to love, the frown on his face telling them everything they needed to know. What had they done to make him look at them with a look like that?
"doctor...?" The young adult asked, feeling their eyes become moist with their unshed tears. "... Have I done something wrong...?" They asked, afraid of what his answer might be. Had they really done something so bad the doctor was putting them back where he found them.
He ignored their question, his gaze looking anywhere but them. Then, after a beat, he caught their gaze, his own eyes caught the e/c color he'd always loved. There were unshed tears gathered at the corner of them. They could hear the crackling and loud bangs of the thunder and lightning, both being drowned out by their holding stare. The TARDIS was behind the bow tie wearing man, tall and ominous as it always was.
He sighed, his voice wavering as the salty tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the heavy rain the two had stood in. "Why... Why..." He whimpered, grabbing at his hair, a pained sob rippled through his lips.
"doctor." They took a cautious step towards him, but he shied away.
"why does it always have to end this way?" He asked no one in particular, remembering his times with Donna before he had to erase her memories of him. Why did this always have to happen to him? Every person he comes into contact with either dies or he has to leave them. Why couldn't he have one thing? Why wouldn't the universe grant him this one thing?
"doctor, you're scaring me." They spoke, looking at him with concern, "what's happening?" He caught her gaze again, his eyes tired with exhaustion.
"I'm sorry y/n..." He said, remembering the exact words y/n had said to him years ago, when he first regenerated into this face, and way before he lost Amy and Rory. They were smiling at him, their hand clasped tightly in his as they both watched the married couple snowball fight. It had been Christmas that year and the four of them decided to battle it out with the snow. Rory and the doctor vs y/n and Amy, but it had turned into a war between the husband and wife. Laughter was all the two heard.
"how long are you going to stay with me?" He had asked them. It gave him a sense of deja vu. They looked up and smiled.
"Forever." The sincerity of their words made his heart swell, for they were the exact words Rose told him. He looked at them, to see they were watching Rory and Amy having fun, a smile on their face. The love they felt for y/n was Rose all over again, he would lose them too, and he'd be heartbroken.
"Sorry?" They asked, "I don't... I don't understand." They said, tears falling down their own cheeks.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, this time it was clearer. He wiped his tear stained face away, "I wasn't fast enough to save him." He told them. y/n looked at him with sorrow, but masked it with confusion.
"doctor, you're not making sense. There has never been anybody else but you." They said, the next words tumbling out with how much raw emotion they held, "I love you, please. I love you." The words tumbled from their lips. He knew that they hadn't meant it towards him.
"Stop." He said, turning to the TARDIS and walking towards it with slow steps, with his head down. y/n went to go after him, just as he opened the doors. Was he gonna leave them, here, on the streets in the rain? "You can come out now," he said solemnly, holding the door open, y/n stopped their chase, eyes widening when they landed on a familiar face. He wore the same outfit that he'd had when they first met after he was accidentally cloned by the Flesh.
"hello." Was his first response, the doctor leaned against the wall of the TARDIS, his arms crossed and his eyes watched both of them, his hearts aching. y/n's tears fell harder as they broke into a run, the Ganger doing the exact thing, catching them with his arms and lifting them up off the ground and spun them around, a happy laugh leaving his lips.
"how? How are you alive?" he put them down as they put their hands on his cheeks, feeling his skin, "I saw you melt from the sonic. You died," they whimpered, their tears still running down their face.
"the doctor," he looked from them and to the hurting man, who gave them both a small smile, "he saved me. Made me again, so we could be together again, my love." The Ganger said, looking back lovingly at them. y/n turned their head to the doctor, a sad smile on their face. He kicked off the wall, stopping far from the two.
"I can't grow old with you y/n, but he can. He'll give you a life you deserve. One that I can't," the doctor admitted to her, as she got out of the Gangers arms to step forward a bit, with concern. "Don't give me that look, okay." He chuckled darkly "I'm sorry I couldn't save him sooner," he said.
"doctor... I do care about you, you know that, don't you?" They asked, the Ganger watching with a frown. Why was it so hard to watch?
"but not love. I know, and I care about you just as deeply, and i want you to be happy. With someone who can give you a chance," he said, his hand now resting against the cool TARDIS door. The rain has finally stopped, leaving them in their cold and wet clothes, but they didn't care. The Ganger doctor walked up beside them, and took their hand in his and brought it up to his lips to kiss it softly. He sighed, bowing his head, "I hate goodbyes," he said.
"then don't think of this as a goodbye, doctor. Think of it as a "hello"." The Ganger said, smiling at him. The doctor returned it sadly.
"will we ever see you again doctor?" They asked. He looked at them.
"the universe is a big place. But I'm certain our paths will cross again." And then he entered the TARDIS, the door closing as the machine started to disappear right before them. The Ganger doctor wrapped an arm around their shoulder, and gently guided them around, their own arm wrapping around his waist as they started their trek down the street.
The Ganger leaned slightly down to their ear, whispering the name not many would know, and y/n was one of the lucky souls in the universe who would know. They stopped, fresh tears running down their cheeks as they turned in his arms, before pulling his head to them, softly kissing his lips.
Hopefully, the Universe would give the doctor a chance. Just one chance, so he's not alone anymore. y/n wished nothing more than to see her best friend happy. And in return, he gave her someone to be happy with, even if it wasn't him.
So, how was the angst? I'm not the best at it, but I hope I did pretty well, especially referencing Rose T-T the doctor just can't seem to be happy, not even in little fanfics, my poor baby. Does anyone have a recommendation of the doctor angst?
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rotworld · 8 months
8: Roadkill
the drift has changed. you set off on your next job and run into some trouble.
->sexually explicit. contains noncon, mild gore, gangbang, mild feral behavior, mention of breeding
The shift is a shimmering oil spill across the sky. Horizons tremble. Clouds spin. Rain from another world drizzles the roads, leaving quivering stains behind. Compass Hill’s children name constellations that will never exist again: Butterfly Eating Bird, Flying Seegris, Srivin Who Ate His Lovers. You bask in the tendriled shadow of a creature that is not there. The Drift stabilizes with the startling swiftness of a door slamming shut. The gray dawn comes.
Compass Hill’s couriers are those children who could not weave—grown now, fiercely loyal to the Singer and the haven he made. Some have gone home and found only disappointment. Some have not dared to try. The tug at the heart grows weaker, they say. Someday, they truly believe there will be no pull at all. Only the whisper of wind through silk and the scent of mulberries. But for now, they help you, plucking those old, unwanted threads to see where they lead. 
Rivermouth is up north. Splitrock Junction is just west of there. The University is a fair distance southeast. You share an egg basket, the fragrant shells painted with edible floral art. The girl comes running to see you one more time, trailed at a distance by other children who have yet to grow their wings. She hands you a thin, handwoven cord long enough to make a necklace. You recognize the colors immediately; it’s her hopesilk.
“You made this?” you ask her. She nods proudly. “It’s beautiful. You should keep it, it’s very valuable.” 
She shakes her head. “Take,” she insists. “Make more later.” She sits with you and the couriers for a while, enjoying the warm breeze and weak, watery light. Her hair has been washed and braided, little butterfly-shaped clips keeping her bangs out of her eyes. She looks so much more at ease than when you first met her, but also older. The roads have left their mark. “Go home?” 
“Maybe,” you say. Home is west now, so far west that your map isn’t big enough to mark it. 
She walks you back to your car. The Song is a mournful farewell, a keening that rolls through town. The Singer is waiting for you. He’s brought more food than you need. He presses his mandibles against your forehead and helps you load your car. A new egg box for the front seat. A new bag of dried meat and salty snacks in the back. A heavy box slid into the trunk, bound for the University.
“Painsilk shipment. They paid in advance,” he hums. “There’s anchorware in the box to keep it in one piece, in case you get stuck in a shift.”
“Thank you. I’ll try to visit again soon.” 
He takes your hand and squeezes it gently. Your missing finger no longer aches, properly cleaned and healed, no longer hidden. The Singer touches the spot where something used to be with aching tenderness, bringing it to his hand to kiss. “Be safe. I’ll wait for the road to bring you back to me.” 
You pass through a different gate on your way out. Chiffon is there to nuzzle against you one last time and wish you well. The colorful silks of Compass Hill wither and fade in your rearview mirror, vanishing into the gray. Home is west, says the heart. You try to conjure a fantasy of homecoming but you can’t picture the town, can’t even imagine what the people would look like. You take a deep breath, wipe your eyes, and keep driving.
The road going south is smooth and peaceful, but there’s a lingering sense of unease. The car feels too quiet somehow. Something is missing. You find yourself glancing into the backseat every so often, staring at the empty space, the seatbelt no longer being worn. No curious eyes look back at you. No one scribbles softly on your map, or shares your snacks. She was only with you for a few days and she was so quiet and unobtrusive, but you’re keenly aware of where she used to be, the spot that was hers. 
You’d never had company before, you realize. Some couriers offer the occasional taxi service but you’ve never taken work like that. Too much trouble, you thought, too uncomfortable having someone in your space, someone else to look after and take into consideration. You’re used to stopping on your own schedule, rationing your food for a single person. Any deviation didn’t seem feasible. 
Loneliness is a bad trait for couriers. Unproductive. The silence won’t feel so heavy after a while, you think. You’ll stop looking back for a face that isn’t there.
The scenery changes. Rocky terrain turns to smooth, rolling hills. The trees thicken, clustered at the narrowing roadside. You’re in a town with dizzying suddenness, a lost and overgrown place. Vines strangle a flickering streetlamp. Old, crumbling houses appear and vanish in the distance like mirages in the fog. This is Verlinda again, a town in the throes of being devoured by ravenous forest. You drive slowly and watch for moving shadows. Something is shrieking in the fog.
There’s a car in the ditch. You slow down even further. It’s compact, bags and boxes stacked against the back window; probably another courier. There are no skid marks off the road but the driver side door is hanging open. Pulled over, jumped out in a hurry? It doesn’t look like it’s been there too long. It’s not rusted or overgrown like the rest of the city. Just up the road, you find scraps of clothing and a crescent of splattered blood. 
Something screams again. You turn the corner and your headlights sweep across a body lying in the grass. It’s a woman. Her blouse is ripped open and one of her legs is twisted and mangled, a glistening mess of blood, bone and shredded denim. You pull over but not beside her, putting some distance between the two of you. She writhes in your rearview mirror, trying to pull herself out of the ditch. 
“Help me! Please help me!” she wails. Your fingers curl around the door handle but you hesitate. She’s either a courier, or the mimic that ate her. 
You look at her again in the mirror, thoughts racing. If she’s the driver of the car you saw earlier, she would’ve seen something just like this, you think, would’ve seen somebody injured lying near the road and stopped to help. It might’ve lunged at her when she was close enough. It might’ve chased her a while, might’ve wandered off to wait for her to bleed out for an easier kill. She might be dying, cold and alone, on the side of the road. 
She looks human. She’s solid, her shape stable, not warping or transparent. She’s talking to you—begging you to help her. “Please help me, please!” she cries, and is the simple repetition from fear and delirium or a restricted vocabulary, not understanding what she’s saying but knowing other things have said it? If she’s a mimic, she must be a crywolf. You won’t see anything unusual until you’re within arm’s reach, and by then it’ll be too late.
Suddenly, it’s quiet. She’s no longer screaming. She’s not even moving. You get out of the car and she’s lying there, nearly motionless. Her shoulders rise and sink with weak, shallow breaths. She’s thrown herself forward on her stomach and tried to crawl towards you, but she didn’t make it far. You hear her wheeze, wet, rattling breaths trapped in her throat. You don’t have much for medical supplies but you could be there, at least. You could sit with her, hold her hand. 
You have a vivid memory of being young, so young you don’t think you should remember it—of being out here, along the road. Of lying in the grass. Of cars whizzing past, wind that rocked your small body and sent you sprawling, too weak to lift yourself. Sometimes you have dreams about that instead of forgetting how to breathe.
You step closer. She tries to lift her head but she just shivers, shoulders twitching, and gives up. A miserable sound comes out of her and you’re going to her without thinking about the consequences, without caution. 
You’re halfway there when something else, something you didn’t hear coming, didn’t see in the underbrush, lurches out of the trees behind her. She twists and screeches and starts to come apart, splitting into sharp, drooling maws, no longer a woman but coils of flesh and teeth. The crywolf is like a snake with mouths for scales, hissing and contorting itself to lunge at the new threat.
It’s badly outmatched. The thing from the trees is far larger. You see a blur of legs, a centipede’s worth of hooves stomping and stampeding, antlers like forest canopy, and you are sprinting back to your car. The roar of your car’s engine struggles to drown out the unsettling sounds behind you, the nightmarish squealing of a frightened crywolf. 
You almost swerve when you see a deer. It’s not quite in the road, just grazing beside it. You don’t want to slow down but there’s another one up ahead, a couple standing on a grass bank watching you go by. The next one is right in front of you, staring directly into your headlights with shining eyes and large antlers still fuzzy with velvet. It’s agitated, pawing the road with its hoof. You try to edge around it, pulling very slowly into the other lane. It rams against the side of your car and there’s a terrifying, breathless moment as you lurch in your seat where you aren’t sure if you’re about to tip over and end up trapped in an overturned vehicle. 
The thundering footsteps of a colossal beast shake the ground and rattle your windows. You’re afraid to look in the rearview mirror. You hear hoofbeats—enough for a whole herd of deer. A dark shadow falls across you, an enormous shape blotting out the sky. Clutching the steering wheel, you turn to look out the window and it’s—
just a man.
There is no looming shadow. No enormous beast. But you feel it, even if you can’t see it. There’s a chill in the air, the instinctive terror of staring down something that could easily outrun you. The man is unusually tall but not monstrous. He has to bend slightly, tilt his head so he can peer into your window, one arm braced above it. He glares at you disinterestedly, occasionally glancing off into the distance as though he’d rather be doing something else. His hair is long, tumbling in unkempt tangles down his back. He’s not wearing a shirt. 
You’ve never seen him before, but you’ve heard enough stories to know you’re looking at the Verlinda Stag.
He taps his index finger against your window. The nail is curved like a wolf claw. His hand is slick with fresh blood all the way up to his wrist. “Courier,” he says, voice low and rough like gravel. “We need to talk.” 
“I didn’t hit anyone,” you insist. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Reluctantly, you roll the window down. There’s more blood freckling his face and splashed down his chest, a wide, arcing spray of red dripping all the way down his hips and—
He’s not wearing anything, you realize. Not just a shirt. No pants or shoes, either. By the time you realize you’ve been staring, he’s stuck his arm through the window and unlocked your door. You’re yanked outside and slammed into the pavement without a word, lying in the glare of your own headlights. Footsteps close in around you. There were deer here earlier, you’re sure of it, but all you see is people. Men with irritated scowls and curious smiles, just as naked as the Stag and visibly excited.
You make yourself sit up in a hurry. The Stag crouches beside you, catching your shoulder before you can stand. “Where are you from?” he asks, sneering. “And where are you going?” 
“West. Somewhere west. I’m going to the University.” 
You’re not sure he’s even listening. He’s looking up, past you, and you hear someone going through your car. One of the men passes him your map. He scrutinizes it briefly, scoffing, then hands it back. “You’re going to do something for me,” he says. They’re rummaging around in your trunk now, moving things around. You try to look back and see what’s going on, but the Stag catches your chin and makes you look at him. “I’m giving you something very important. You’re going to deliver it to the University. You’re going to take it straight to Dr. Loyola at the College of Medicine. If you don’t, I’ll know.”
You nod quickly. The Stag nods at someone behind you and you hear the trunk slam shut. His hand drops from your chin but it’s on your shoulder again, firm enough that you know he doesn’t want you moving. “Is there…something else?” you ask nervously. You’re aware that you’re surrounded again, the other men milling around, standing in a wide circle around the two of you. They’re talking quietly, whispering sometimes. They keep looking at you with hunger in their eyes.
“You should’ve known that was a crywolf,” the Stag says. 
You avoid his gaze. “I figured it might be.” 
“I know. You reeked of fear. But you still got out of your car. Talked yourself into ignoring your instincts.” He shoves you suddenly and you’re on your back, pinned there by his hand on your sternum. “Desperation,” he says the word with disgust, “is going to get you killed, courier. I can’t have you doing something stupid when you’re making a delivery for me. If it doesn’t make it to its destination, I’ll be very upset.”
“It will, I swear it will!”
He lifts his hand only for one of the other men to take his place. This one is smaller, his build more slender, and he keeps a hand on your throat to choke you whenever you start to squirm, the other tugging at your pants. The Stag stands and begins to pace around you, just outside the circle of eager faces looming above you. “You will,” he agrees. “But it doesn’t hurt to make sure.” 
The man on top of you works his hands into your clothes. You flinch when he touches you, rough, calloused fingers stroking you hard and fast. He leans in, inhaling against your neck, and then he laughs. “Ohh…this one’s been here recently,” he says. “Smells like rabbit.” You try to buck him off again and his thumb digs into your windpipe. Your hands go instinctively to his wrist, trying to scratch him, pry him off. One of the others is there, kneeling by your face. He pins both of your hands above your head.
The Stag leers at you. “Rabbit, eh? We don’t have to go easy on you, then, do we?”
They let you keep your shirt on, stripping only your lower half. The road is cold and hard against the backs of your legs. The man on top of you watches tears fill your eyes with a condescending smile, stroking his hardening cock. “It’s not gonna be so bad,” he assures you. “We’re just gonna mark you. Anything with a brain’ll smell Verlinda all over you. Keep you nice and safe and protected.” 
You shake your head desperately. “Please just let me go. I’ll go straight to the University. I won’t take any detours, I swear, I’ll be fast—” 
“Will you hurry the fuck up?” one of the others snaps. It’s the one holding your wrists, one large, clawed hand trapping both yours. “Stop jacking off and fuck them, we don’t have all day.” 
The one on top of you laughs. He bites his lip watching you twist and try to kick him away, easily catching one of your ankles. “Don’t do that,” he scolds you. “By the end of this, I’ll be your favorite. You’ll beg me to have a turn again.” You wheeze when he surges forward, bending you nearly in half. He hooks your knees over his shoulders and you feel his tip at your entrance, rubbing and prodding. 
He goes agonizingly slowly. Every thrust is shallow and teasing, just kissing your hole. When he starts to push, it’s with the same infuriating patience, gentle motions that give you time to breathe, adjust, and feel everything. The wind is cold on your skin but his skin is scalding. The pavement digs into your back. He rests his palms on either side of your head, savoring every small gasp and whimper. 
“What’s it like to fuck a human?” one of them jeers. 
“Mm…tight.” His next thrust is harder, squeezing the head of his cock inside. “And they smell good. Makes my mouth water.” 
The Stag saunters back into view, circling behind the man on top of you with his claws trailing over his bare shoulders. For just a moment, his silhouette seems larger, crowned with arching antler shapes. “They’re not just human, Garvan. Not just of this world. Little lost thing doesn’t know where they’re from.” 
“Ohh?” Garvan grins as he leans in, resting his weight on top of you. He rocks forward and you feel him sink deeper, more of his length pushing past your resistance. “Poor thing. Does this one have to go? We could keep them. You don’t have a mate for the season, do you?” He withdraws to the tip and then slams into you, making you keen. All that gentleness is suddenly gone. His pace is slow and brutal, deep, pounding thrusts that scrape your back against the concrete.
The Stag hums thoughtfully. You’re barely aware of the sound over your own panting and gasping, Garvan’s moans, the harsh slap of skin on skin. “Hmm. You’re right, I don’t. But I can’t keep every cute thing that wanders into my territory, tempting as it is.” 
Garvan hilts inside you and rests there, grinding his hips in a slow circle. To your horror, a bolt of pleasure shoots up your spine. Maybe you can’t hold your voice in, or maybe he scents your arousal; he knows. You see his smile widen, feel his cock twitch inside you. “That’s alright. Verlinda’s a big place. You’ll be back before long, won’t you, courier? Back here, under me…”
Slowly, he pulls out. You expect another harsh thrust but then he’s letting your legs down, stroking himself over your chest. He never looks away from you, holding your gaze with half-lidded eyes and a sick, delirious smile, until he throws his head back with a curse. Cum splatters your skin and he doesn’t stop until he’s wrung himself dry, emptying everything has onto your thighs and stomach. 
“Next time I’ll fuck you properly,” he groans. “In my den…during my rut…breed you all night long.” 
There's barely time to struggle before someone else takes his place and you're being flipped over, shoved onto your belly with somebody heavier on top of you. "You're gonna share, right, Garvan? Not gonna keep 'em all to yourself." You're dragged partially upright and wince, skinning your knees on the road. The next one is not slow or gentle. A hand grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls just as he slams inside you in one merciless thrust.
The sight of them surrounding you, all sharp teeth and glinting eyes, makes a whimper slip out involuntarily. They're all watching. Pleasuring themselves to your pain and humiliation, eager to be the next to tear you apart. The Stag takes the spot directly in front of you, hooking his fingers beneath your chin. It's hard to focus on him when someone's slamming into you from behind. "You look good on your knees, courier. But you'd look even better in your own skin." The Stag drags his claw over your lips, tracing the shape of your mouth. "Come find us again when your teeth come in. I want to taste the real you."
You don't know how long they take you like that, ravaging you in the middle of the road. You scratch up your palms on the asphalt trying to crawl away, your knees raw and bleeding. One will mount you, fuck you senseless, and then finish across your ass or back. Your vision swims and your head feels hazy. Your insides are sore and your body is a bloodied canvas from raking claws and nipping teeth. The Stag is always there, stroking your hair or dragging his claws down your back. When the others have finished, panting and satisfied all around you, he forces you up onto your knees and takes your throat.
You don't fight him. You don't have the strength. Your arms are sore and weak, dangling limp at your sides as he holds you by the back of the head and fucks your mouth. You choke on his girth, jaw stretched uncomfortably. You look up at him through blurry, tear-filled eyes and that makes him worse, more excited and demanding. He slams into your throat all the way to the base, balls slapping your chin, and then he holds you there. Your throat spasms and your nails dig weakly into his thighs. You can't breathe.
"Shhh." He strokes your head like he's soothing a startled animal. "Relax. You did well. Just take it." His hips jerk and you feel him cumming, thick and bitter on your tongue. You try to pull away and his grip tights, claws digging into your scalp in warning. You don't have to ask; you know he wants you to swallow. He hushes you again when you gag, gently pressing his fingers into the side of your neck in massaging motions. You're surprised at how much it relaxes you, melting against him. You swallow and his eyes follow the movement of your throat, his cock twitching against your tongue.
“I can almost feel it,” he murmurs. The pads of his fingers rub up and down your throat, massaging something tender beneath the skin. “Right here, deep down…there you are, courier.” When he steps back, you collapse on your hands and knees. You’re cold and in pain, sick to your stomach. Garvan offers you your clothes, chuckling when you snatch them from him.
They leave you there without a word. The men split off in different directions. The Stag cross your headlights, stepping off the road. You see him slip between the trees. That paralyzing feeling of being beheld by something so much larger and stronger, being pinned by its gaze, finally fades away.
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together again - lee taemin x reader
summary: it’s been two god awful long years with your boyfriend being in the military, but it’s all worth it in the end to see him come through those doors again.
mn!reader x lee taemin
2.8k words
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It was late into the evening as you paced around the apartment. The TV played at a low hum in your ears, hearing the occasional collar bell ring as a small cat zoomed her way around the apartment without a care in the world. Taemin had told you he would be back at around seven o’clock, respecting his wishes not to meet him as he came back into Seoul—there would be an infinite amount of people there just to see him, let alone his actual family and friends. He told you, in his soft voice over the phone, that he would be home straight away and to not worry. All you really could do was trust him and resist the urge every half hour not to call him. 
It was also six-thirty, which meant it was food time, the little cat making her way around you in circles, squeaking out little meows now and again for attention. You smiled, making your way to the kitchen to prepare a can of cat food in a bowl. She liked it warmed up, and you often sprinkled a few treats in there when Taemin wouldn’t see, just because she was so damn cute. 
“It’ll be done soon,” you told her with a smile as she trotted her way around the kitchen. There were a few picture frames littered throughout the kitchen as well as pictures taped to the refrigerator. Everything from Kkoong herself, his parents, his members, and his friends, as well as pictures of the both of you taken in many different places around the world. You were fortunate enough to be able to travel along with him, being able to sneak your way out of the public eye; as long as you weren’t considered famous, you were basically unstoppable. There was nothing wrong or suspicious in the media about a “male friend of Taemin’s”; it made just enough sense to work, and it did. You crouched down onto your knees, holding out a hand to the small cat who excitedly sniffed your clothes. “Kkoong! Hand? Hand!” You clapped at her obedience, standing back up to approach the microwave that had finished heating up the warm cat food. “Ready? Are you ready, Kkoongie?” You set the bowl down on a dish towel on the floor in the kitchen, carefully sitting down next to her as she intently ate from her bowl. These days, especially without Taemin, it was hard not to be lonely; besides the rest of your friends, Kkoong was the only one you came home to. Sure, getting the occasional call or face chat from him here and there meant the world, but it wasn’t the same as him actually being next to you with his arms around you.
You stood up from the kitchen floor, wiping off the dust now on your pants. You had already changed into your pajamas for the night, waiting no time for Taemin to come home so the two of you could cuddle up and watch TV, like how you used to. Kkoong’s head perked up, but not from the sound of the toys you had been carelessly kicking around; her ears shifted, looking to the back door which, in turn, raised your attention as well. There was now shuffling that had grown louder, and heavy footsteps, ones that would only be because of large boots. You had no time to think as the door creaked open, revealing a mop of dark hair, covering the eyes of Taemin who had come in. In one hand he held his hat, in the other, a very large bag filled with his things. He had dawned the full military apparel set from head to toe, aside from the cap he held in his hand. His hair had grown out quite a bit from when it had been shaved prior; it was dark black, something you hadn’t seen for a while after multiple episodes of dying his hair for different promotions and such. His grown-out bangs were now lazily dangling over his eyes, a small smile creeping up on his face as he opened the door a bit wider upon seeing you. 
“Hi,” you said in a small voice, still not expecting to see Taemin despite the fact that you had spent the whole day waiting for him. You saw his smile grow wider, his eyes crinkling up as he set down his bag onto the ground and carelessly threw his hat to the floor as well. Closing the door behind him, he pushed his bangs out of his face.
“Y/N,” was all he said. There was no need to exchange hellos anymore when he was right in front of you, especially after being unable to see him for a few years now. He had never been one to easily be swayed or get emotional by things, even often making fun of you for getting emotional just at small things like an old couple at a restaurant or beautifully grown-out flowers you knew would soon wilt. His cute, crinkled-up eyes fell, not necessarily in a sad way, but he felt himself get emotional. “You’re here.”
“Of course, I’m here,” you said, still not moving from your position in the kitchen. “Where else would I be?” You chuckled to yourself, feeling your throat start to close up as the waterworks began to make their way out. 
“I dunno,” he said softly, standing there still as a board. “For some reason, a part of me didn’t think you’d be here waiting for me.” You frowned, your face falling completely at his answer as you made your way over to him. 
“Don’t say that,” you told him, throwing your arms around his neck, and pulling him closer in an embrace. You heard him snicker as he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder and breathing in your scent. “Don’t you ever say that again.” He was quiet for a moment, just holding you in his arms, swaying you in his arms as if he’d never let you go.
“Some days,” he started, taking a deep breath and running a hand through your hair, “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again…” You felt your chest tighten at his words, whining and holding him closer which elicited another chuckle from him. “I missed you, Y/N.” He never often vocalized how he felt to you, even to the people closest to him. You knew that he didn’t even need to say it, either; the both of you knew without having to exchange a single word, but hearing it come directly from him in his voice stirred something inside.
“I missed you, too,” you said, enjoying finally feeling his body up against yours again. “Please don’t ever leave again.” He nodded in agreement, keeping his hand up to cup the back of your head. 
“I won’t,” he responded, holding you tight. “I’m not going anywhere.” You removed yourself from him, seeing his brows furrow up in confusion for a moment before you cupped his face in your shaky hands, bringing his face closer to yours to kiss him. Sighing against his lips, you could’ve sworn you would’ve gone through Hell and back just to get Taemin back into your life. Each night got harder without seeing him, and now that he was finally here, in front of you, you were not going to let him go. “Mmm… Y/N?”
“Hm?” He removed your lips from his, a small smile creeping up on his lips. 
“I want to sit down,” he told you with a laugh, caressing the sides of your face carefully in his hands. “My legs hurt.” He attempted to move forward one step as you continued to cling onto him, arms wrapped adamantly around his torso. “Y/N!”
“Fine,” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you let him go. He laughed, almost like the sound of a sweet bell ringing. He carefully set his things down before leaning down to pick up Kkoong who was still excitedly running around his feet. 
“Oh, Kkoongie!” He held the cat in his arms like a baby, swaying her back and forth. “It’s okay—Daddy’s home.”
“I told you not to call yourself Daddy,” you told him snarkily as you helped him move his things. “It’s creepy.”
“I’m her dad!” he exclaimed in response, motioning to the cat. “I gave birth to her!” You snickered, putting her bowl back up on the counter before approaching Taemin again.
“Go get changed,” you said, patting your hand on his chest. “I’ll put on a movie.” You watched him as he retreated back to the bedroom with a low groan of aching pain in his muscles. He almost ripped the uniform off of him, throwing it to the ground before looking at it warily, then kicking it away so he wouldn’t have to see it anymore. He sat down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, putting his head in his hands. He sat on the edge of the bed in a white t-shirt and boxers as well as some black socks. You wanted nothing more than to console him, as you usually did, but something told about his vulnerable position in the room that kept you from bothering him, allowing him to sit alone.
“I’m putting on something random,” you told him offhandedly, not expecting him to respond. You held the remote to the TV monitor that had a list of movies on it, pressing your finger on the arrow and randomly taking it off to see what movie you would watch. Streaming services always did more harm than good, and you never really knew what you wanted to watch; the two of you unanimously decided that a randomly selected movie by a game of chance would work just as well. You lifted your finger off the button: “Spiderman.” You fixed the cushions on the couch, not expecting an answer from him until he slowly walked out, now in a pair of pajama pants. 
“Cool,” he murmured, throwing himself down onto the couch with a grunt, opening his arms out. “C’mon…”
You laughed, turning away from the screen to walk away. “I need my glasses,” you told him with a smile, starting to walk away before you felt a hand grab your waist. 
“No,” he grumbled, pulling you down onto the couch. “I wanna cuddle.”
“I won’t be able to see the movie,” you said, moving to lean back against him. 
“I don’t wanna watch it,” he responded in a low voice, resting his head on your shoulder. He moved his eyes up so that he was looking at you as you turned your head back to look at him. “Wanna kiss you.”
“Okay,” you replied, turning so that you were facing him as he laid you both down on the couch. “I missed you, Taem…” He didn’t respond, instead pulling you in closer by your waist to kiss you. He always liked kissing you, but this one felt needy, almost lonely by the way he held you tight close to him and barely came up for breath. You separated yourself from him for a moment: “Slow down…”
“I hated it,” he mumbled, pressing your foreheads together. “I don’t ever wanna think about it again—I just wanna focus on you, I-I…” He trailed off, running out of breath after talking fast. “I don’t wanna go back.”
“You’re not going back,” you told him, holding his face in your hands. “You’re not. You’re staying here.”
“They kept me there for so long,” he responded in a hushed voice. “It-it’s like I couldn’t escape. I woke up every night, and… I didn’t know where I was. I didn’t get any sleep…”
“I’m sorry.” There wasn’t much you could offer to him other than a pitiful apology and holding him close to you like he was a baby who needed to be swaddled. “I’m sorry, Taem…”
“I just wanna be with you,” he muttered into your chest, taking a hand to run it through his hair which elicited a sigh of relief from him. You already knew that you both would be staying on the couch all night; to be fair, you had no idea what he wanted to do or expect from him. He was a wild card, which wasn’t a bad thing, per se, but you learned to expect the unexpected. He was always in different moods depending on how the day went: He could’ve easily come home overjoyed and giddy or even very horny. You figured today it was a mixture of every feeling that made its way through his brain, simply just holding him close to you to slow down his panicked breathing and to begin to relax.
“I’m glad you’re back,” you told him, holding his head in your hand, caressing his hair softly. “It was so quiet… all the time.”
“It won’t be anymore,” he murmured from your chest, earning a laugh from you. He poked his head up, tilting his face upwards to make eye contact with you. His eyes were sparkly and affectionate, reaching a hand up to touch your face. “Just wanted to feel your touch.”
“We can do anything you want,” you said as he held your face in his hand, feeling his thumb rub up against your jawline. 
“I don’t wanna do anything right now.” He blinked slowly, eyes heavy with sleep as he brought your face down to his to kiss you again. You separated yourself from him before he took it any further, sitting up slightly. 
“Taemin,” you started, seeing Taemin’s twinkling eyes flash with confusion. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked in a hushed voice, still too tired to raise his voice any more. 
“I…” You shook your head, feeling your heart pound a million times a minute. “I’m so sorry… I wanted to tell you before you left, but… I got so caught up in other stuff, and…”
“What is it?” he said, interrupting your trailing off thoughts. “Tell me.”
“I-I love you,” you told him, watching his eyes widen as he sat up from laying on your chest. As he sat up, he no longer looked like a small, helpless child. He had a bit more muscle on him compared to before he had left, and he appeared even physically bigger, already being quite tall as well. 
“Y/N,” he started, blinking rapidly and cocking his head to the side. “I…”
“You don’t have to say it back,” you said quickly, reaching out a hand to rest on his shoulder. You had meant to tell him so long ago, but you never realized how much you loved him until you couldn’t have him.
“I love you, too,” he responded, his pupils wide. The room was dark, dilating his already large eyes, darkening the irises completely. “I love you.” He said it again, almost as if it didn’t come out right the first time; he watched your reaction closely as you did his. 
You chuckled: “I’ll say it a million times if I have to… I love you.” A large grin grew on his face, the sudden confession lifting the mood that he was in as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You wrapped you arms around him, enjoying being able to hold him and smell his scent against you again.
“I don’t ever wanna move from this spot,” he murmured, holding you tight. “I wanna stay here forever… with you.”
“Now you’re getting too cheesy,” you said, earning a small chuckle from him. 
“I am,” he started, taking a shaky breath, “but I mean it. Thank you for being here for me.”
“I’m always going to be here,” you replied. You sounded like a broken record at this point, but there was nothing he needed more right now than the comfort of constant reassurance, and you would readily provide that to him if he so needed it. 
“I kinda wanna watch Spiderman now,” he said softly. You removed yourself from him with a chuckle to reach over for the remote.
“I figured you would,” you responded, earning a playful shove from him. “What?”
“No!” he exclaimed with a toothy grin, almost whining like a child.
“You’re very predictable!” He rolled his eyes as he slumped back into the couch, crossing his arms over his chest indignantly, plastering a pout on his face.
“Oh, quit the pouting,” you told him, giving him a playful nudge in return. “Just accept the fact that I know you well.”
“Is this the Tobey Maguire one?”
“No, it’s Tom Holland.”
“I want Tobey Maguire.”
“That one isn’t on here.”
“I want the Tobey Maguire one. You’re telling me that I come back from the military… the military… and I can’t watch Spiderman with Tobey Maguire.”
“Stop gaslighting me, Taemin.”
TAGLIST: @keyloml​, @jjongolese​, @taeminscheesetouch​, @dayskz​, @jonghyuns-husband​, @taeminscult1​, @taeminspussylips​ 
hi thank you SO SO much for being so patient with me recently. this originally was a request from one of my followers, and i was very happy to be able to write a male reader insert for this one! 
please feel free to let me know what you would like to see next!
- anne <3
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memethebum · 1 year
Decided to write something super cheesy and kinda bordering on crack at the beginning for @soulxmakaweek Day 2: love language!!
“Oh my Death look, it’s Soul Evans!” a girl screeched from behind them, causing the unnerving sound to be tripled by a few other girls in the crowd.
Maka had grown used to Soul’s fangirls by now, but that didn’t deter her from angling both their bodies towards the opposite direction of the crowd.
She could hear her fiancé chuckle at the action, probing her into letting out a small hum as they continued to stroll home from a Spartoi reunion.
However, their moment of peace was cut drastically short after something came flying towards the back of Soul’s head.
The Deathscythe let out a yelp in shock as Maka realized what had been caught within Soul’s hair.
“YOU DROPPED SOMETHING,” Maka shouted before plucking the bra out of Soul’s unruly bangs and launching it at a topless girl standing a few feet away from them.
The woman could only stand in shock as the undergarment went flying so fast that it knocked the girl unconscious once making contact with her face.
Fuck Maka thought before noticing that the other girls had been recording the whole thing.
-Soul Evans Fiancé Brutally Takes Down Fangirl- Maka read from her phone screen before opening the comment section.
-I get being annoyed by a crazy fan, but throwing a bra so hard it knocks someone out is wild 😭- she then noticed.
-That fangirl kinda had it coming tho, especially since Soul is about to be a married man next week- another comment elaborated, causing Maka to let out a shaky breath at how tame the comments had been so far.
Unfortunately, that didn’t last too long as she continued to scroll downwards.
-She’s probably just trying to stay relevant 💀- Maka read to herself from the screen.
-Umm, that’s a whole red flag. Soul had better run 🚩🚩🚩- the woman then read a moment afterward before putting her phone down and trying to ignore the swell of tears that had been threatening to spill out ever since the whole fiasco had started.
“Hey, were you on Deathtok again?” Soul questioned with a meek smile, causing Maka to pout as he layered a face mask across her puffed cheeks.
He’d been pampering her even more than usual after the video had started to trend on social media.
That entailed a lot more fancy takeout, cuddling at random times of the day, foot massages, and even a few extra steps towards their weekly spa day.
“It’s a little hard to avoid things when I did mess up…a little,” Maka added while feeling Soul massage her shoulders in small circles.
“Ya’ don’t even bat an eye at those girls anymore, so it’s definitely not jealousy Maka. In fact, I’m glad you were there to help me deal with all that creepy shit,” he elaborated as she took in his razor-toothed grin.
Soul’s right…why should I keep beating myself up over some random people on the internet Maka thought before pressing a few buttons on her phone and tossing it towards a corner of the couch.
“You’re right. I’ll have to own up to all this stuff eventually, but I just want us both to relax for now,” Maka added as she began to stand and pulled him up as well.
“Sure, what do you wanna do?” her fiancé asked while raising a clay-mask covered eyebrow.
“Dance,” the woman replied as she tapped on her phone again and allowed the music to fill the room while they shifted into position.
She then watched Soul’s eyes widen at her mediocre piano performance of Elvis’ Falling In Love With You before looking down at her.
“It was supposed to be a wedding gift, but it sounds really bad so I was just going to delete it after-“
“But I can’t help..falling in love with you,” Soul sang before swaying them into a dance, causing Maka’s eyes to widen.
She’d (reluctantly) only heard the Deathscythe sing a handful of times for a performance or while doing small chores like folding laundry, which made the moment even more endearing since she didn’t have to request it out of him.
The pair then began to clumsily twirl around their living room while laughing at how Soul was attempting to match the lyrics with her performance.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
“For I can’t help…falling in love with you,” they both finished before standing in a blissful silence. Soul then began to awkwardly rub his neck, causing Maka to giggle at his delayed sense of embarrassment.
The woman was able to chase his bashful expression away by guiding their lips together for a kiss.
“Shit, the masks,” her fiancé chuckled once they’d pulled away, probing Maka to clumsily fix the moist patches around his face as he surveyed her own face.
They then heard her phone begin to vibrate from the sofa, eliciting the woman into walking over and pinpointing a new message from Black*Star.
-Damage control was successful 🫡- she read before opening Twitter and gawking at a picture of Black*Star wearing nothing but a pair of boxers patterned with small yellow rubber ducks.
-Wearing this to my bro’s wedding next week- the caption read, earning a bewildered huff out of Maka as she noticed how the post had been able to gain 5k likes in just an hour.
“Guess we owe Star now,” she heard Soul exclaim behind her before leaning back and letting out an amused hum against his lips.
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sableflynn · 1 year
In which Volkan cuts Felicia's bangs for her.
contents: references to/implications of noncon and torture
He was drunk when he cut her bangs.
No, not drunk, he would insist: Volkan would never concede to such a flawed human state as inebriation. He prized his control of himself and others above all else; he did not lose that control to alcohol the way weaker men did. Regardless, he was several drinks in when he pulled Felicia into his lap and brushed aside her curtain of bangs.
“These are getting too long,” he murmured as the bangs fell to cover her eyes.
He wasn’t wrong. They’d grown long enough to obstruct her vision, longer than she’d ever let them grow. And that was what she was steadfastly refusing to acknowledge: she couldn’t allow herself to recognize that she’d been here long enough for her bangs to grow out so much. Her hair was a physical marker of the passage of time, a reminder that this wasn’t normal and she wasn’t safe.
“Your hair still looks good, at least.” He demonstrated his point by winding his hand through the long tangles of her hair, punctuating with a jerk of her head that forced her to arch back and grab his arms to stabilize herself. “I like this. But these bangs,” and his free hand brushed them again in vain before they fell back into place. “They cover half your face. You shouldn’t be able to hide your eyes like that.”
Her body tensed in unconscious recognition of his fucked-up sort of foreplay, the precursor to pain or to sex, which was just another sort of pain. He hadn’t hurt her yet, really—he wasn’t even hard—but every molecule of her being was attuned to him, and the animal part of her picked up on the cues of his pleasure at her discomfort, and the logical part of her knew this sort of attention always ended the same way.
He shifted, forcing her to grip his biceps tighter, and pulled a knife from his pocket. The lamplight glinted off the sharp blade as he flicked it open.
She tried to ignore the way her stomach dropped at the sight of it. “You’re going to cut my hair with a knife like that?”
“I can’t exactly bring you to a salon, can I?”
She hated him in these moments in particular, when he teased and joked with her like they were a normal couple, almost pretending that he saw her as a person. She hated herself even more for playing along with it, for almost yearning for it, because she was desperate for anything but the monotony of torture and degredation.
“Hold still.” The command was redundant when his knife was inches from her face. She held her breath as he gathered her bangs in his hand and sliced with deceptive gentleness. His face was close enough that she could smell the lingering mix of liquor and cigar smoke that clung to him like a perfume, could feel his hot breath on her skin as he cut away her bangs as easily as he’d cut away her strength, her self-worth, her sense of being. The past few weeks fell away in tufts of soft red hair that littered the hardwood floor.
When he was done, he took her face in both hands, pulling her back to examine his work. “Much better,” he said, thumbs pressing into her cheekbones a touch harder than necessary. She didn’t need to see her reflection to know she looked like shit. She could feel it like the absence of a limb: the cool air hitting her face, bangs irritating the very top of her forehead, cut higher than she’d ever choose to have them. Her eyes uncovered, unprotected from the lingering veil of her hair. Nothing to shield her as Volkan studied her. Nowhere for her to hide as his manner took the turn she’d known was coming, and he pushed her onto her back on the couch and climbed on top of her, the knife in his hand once again.
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