#to the new dream: dahlia (oc)
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puphoods · 1 year
flaps into here...would love to know your oldest & newest OCs and differences/similarities for you too...
SMILE. my oldest oc is asha and my newest im not 100% sure but i think is probably elliot. at the very least elliot is the most recent well developed so im going to talk about them
asha has remained quite similar to when i made her honestly just gotten more fleshed out... shes a young woman with necromancer abilities that travels around a lot and LOVES to resurrect animals especially cats ^-^ she has little regard for the consequences of life and death and the pain that what she does may cause because it doesnt really occur to her- to her, someone who has lost her family and is unable to do anything to get them back even in a world of magic that can quite literally bring people back from the dead, she cant imagine that it can be anything but good. she struggles with and comes to terms with her attachment issues over the course of the story shes in
what to say about elliot... theyre a person living in a post apocalyptic world almost completely isolated whos predisposition to paranoia + distrust worsens as they spend more and more time around people who they see as dangerous but the only safety net they have. they live in a refurbished and made up barn on the edge of a large farmland, with only two other people in the area, both of whom are the only safety net they have and both of whom do not like nor trust them, or each other. as time goes on they seek more control over the others while growing more fearful and feeling more powerless. i dont have a set idea of what a story would be for these three, theyre mainly just there making each other worse
id say now that i think of it there are a good amount of similaraties and differences between asha and elliot! ill start with the differences
personality wise theyre quite different id say... asha is very upbeat and social, quick to make friends and generally very "goes with the flow" when it comes to most things. she is stubborn, though, and quick to anger when challenged, and when this happens she digs in her heels and refuses to listen to anything that might go against what she believes. this causes difficulties with her friends and with her partner felicity, whose worldview and whole existence is antithetical to ashas. elliot on the other hand is the opposite in a lot of ways. they were already quite paranoid and asocial before the apocalypse happened, and now theyre extremely agoraphobic and distrustful of others, to the extent of relying on someone they think is unstable and dangerous because they think he can keep them safe. asha feels like her belief and her worldview is correct and stubbornly refuses to listen to anything that may contradict or disprove what she thinks, even when it hurts others, while elliot has no particularly strong morals or beliefs, mainly concerned with self preservation. one place i do think they are very similar personality wise though is that they both VERY much need to feel in control, either of their situation or thepeople around them, or they unravel and break down fairly quickly. both scramble to reassert themselves when they feel they dont have this, and both harm their relationships with others because of it
i think their stories are fairly different so i dont think theres much to compare there, though both are sort of fantasy- magic and zombies. its kind of interesting they both have undead creatures or people in them though i hadnt thought about that ^-^ elliots setting focuses much less on them as individuals though, while ressurections have a much more immediate focus for asha.
in terms of their ROLE- asha is the protagonist in her story, joined by felicity, her partner and deuteragonist, and a few other main cast members, with what i would imagine if i ever made it into a real thing to be a large cast of side + more one off characters. elliot is the deuteragonist of their setting, though, along with dahlia. the two of them are as vital and central to the story as cooper, the "main" character, but he is just the POV character so we see more of him of course. elliot has little influence over the overall setting and so the plot often centres around them trying to gain control in their personal situation, which is something that they share with asha- the plot largely follows a journey centred around the wants of felicity, which is something that asha disagrees with and does not want to see played out, but she has little control over
i think thats about it... ^_^ theyre not too similar in other ways like appearance and stuff. both of them are #bisexual... asha i made when i was maybe 15 or 16 and elliot i made only last year which is about 8 years difference. i think i would say ive come a decent way when it comes to the development of my ocs- asha was never intended to be any sort of self insert or anything but she was pretty heavily based on my personality (in ways that i saw it at least) when i made her but ive pulled her a bit away from that as she developed a bit more and ive changed too of course. elliot i would like to say i didnt really rely on any sort of inspiration for and hes not based on anything or anyone, other than subconsciously and since of course everything is drawn from inspiration i see around me. i think any more i go on about would just be minor details
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angstywaifu · 15 days
Black Dahlia. 13 - I'll Make This Quick
Dahlia makes it to Threshing. But even with a dragon already laying some claim to her, she's going to have her work cut out for her.
Set Pre Fourth Wing/Books
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
TW: Character death.
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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Threshing. The most important day of my time here. The one day where I would prove I was worthy of being a rider.
”No Dragon will ever bond you after what you’ve done.”
I shake my head to get his words out of my head. Words he’d uttered to me days after it had happened when I’d tried to speak to him. Tried to seek comfort from my own father. Only he wasn’t my father anymore. And I wasn’t his daughter. I was a disgrace. And now I would prove him wrong.
”Remember everything I’ve taught since you got here. But when it comes down to it, listen here,” Professor Kaori tells us as he taps his chest, something I can tell he’s done many times before. “If a dragon has already selected you as their rider, they will be calling to you.”
As if responding to my words, I feel a small tug pulling in my chest. Urging me forward towards the forest where we will look for our dragons. And I have no doubt that means a dragon has selected me as my own. I can’t help but think of the blue that had landed behind me in the clearing and burnt Eddie to a crisp. A dragon whose eye’s had plagued my dreams the last two nights.
”Make sure you pay attention to your surroundings, but also your feelings and go with them. And if those feelings tell you to go in the opposite direction…. Just listen to it.”
”Don’t have to tell me twice.” Bodhi mutters from next to me.
”Agreed. You feel anything yet?” I ask as I scan the first years standing around us, all looking extremely nervous.
”I think so. It’s faint, but I’m pretty sure it’s the feeling he’s talking about.” He says before turning to look at me. “I’d ask you, but I have a feeling you are after the other day.”
We’d barely talked since presentation day. Mostly keeping to myself after I’d bolted from the clearing. News had spread fast of what had happened in the clearing. Of the dragon that had flown in and defended me as soon as Eddie had laid his hands on me. And to top it off, Kaori had told us no blue’s were willing to bond this year. Since then I had felt everyone’s eyes on me, their whispers following me down the halls. I was the talk of the Quadrant again. And something told me word would have definitely gotten back to my father. My father who would be waiting in the flight field to see if I’d bonded a dragon. As if sensing my thoughts, a familiar pair of brown eyes turn and meet mine. Dain had tried to find me yesterday, but I’d managed to avoid him as well. But I couldn’t avoid him forever, and I knew he would have some choice words if he realised who that dragon was.
I turn and nod to Bodhi. “Yeah, I feel it. As if I’m connected to one by an invisible thread its tugging on.”
”Lucky, I can’t feel a thing.” Liz says nervously as she fiddles with her fingers.
”You will. Don’t worry.” I tell her as she smiles up at me.
In the distance, the faint sounds of the clock tower signalling the time can be heard in the distance, followed by a chorus of roars and beating wings. Above us dragons soar into view, all heading for the forest we stand in front of. All of us staring up at the sky in awe as they fly in. For many, this is the first time they’ve seen this many dragons flying in a formation. And even though it’s a sight I’ve seen many times in my life, I can’t help but marvel at the sight. Austin nudges my arm, her hand raised and pointing to my left. Soon the other cadets are pointing and looking at it. Only my squad had seen the blue dragon that day. And now that it was here, flying into the forest, everyone knew what had happened was true. Even Kaori is staring up at it in shock. The tug in my chest feels stronger now, as if pulling me upwards. There was no denying which dragon I needed to find today.
”Well, here goes nothing.” Bodhi mutters as the dragons descend into the forest.
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Hours have passed, the sun above my head indicating it was around midday. The tug in my chest pulling me further and further into the forest. One thing was for certain, this dragon was making me work for it. Despite being one of the only ones to have that feeling in my chest before today started, I was not the first to bond a dragon. I’d seen countless dragons take off into the air with a cadet, now a rider, on their back.
So far I had seen a few brown dragons, a green I nearly didn’t see due to its colouring and a few reds. I nearly thought I was gone when I’d crossed one of them. The red swordtail had walked over to me, its hot breath fanning over me as it had inspected me. But after a minute it had lost interest in me and moved on.
After another hour or so I’m still dragon less. But the pull in my chest was far stronger than it had been before. My chest feeling tight and restricted with every step I take. I had to be close. A loud snap echoes through the trees from my right, and I whirl to see another cadet move into the clearing. My heart drops as I take in who it is. It’s one of Eddie’s friends. I didn’t know his name, but I had heard the lie he had tried to spin around what had happened on Presentation Day. About how I had pushed Eddie into the path of the dragon fire, how the dragon had been aiming for me.
”Was hoping I’d run into you,” He drawls as he removes the sword from his back.
I stretch my arms out wide, “Well here I am.” I watch as he snarls at me, sensing the mocking tone in my voice.
”Yes, here you are. But you’re not what I’m looking for,” He drawls as he stalks towards me.
The dragon. He wants the dragon that had landed in the clearing on Presentation Day. Something told me a lot of cadets did. He was definitely the biggest dragon willing to bond in our year. And something told me he would be one of the biggest in the Quadrant to.
”Though in a way you are, because you will lead me to that dragon, and then your death will get me that dragon.”
I can’t help but laugh at his words as we start to circle each other, reaching behind me to pull the sword I’d strapped to my back this morning. I’d decided against the staff I had frequented during my time here so far, despite it giving me my first patch and the first weapons patch of my year. Today I had opted for some far sharper weapons, knowing all of us were out for blood today.
”You seem to have forgotten what happened to the last person that laid a hand on me around that dragon, might want to rethink your idea,” I throw back at him.
He face contorts with anger, his grip tightening on his sword as he picks up his pace. “Oh trust me, I haven’t forgotten Aetos. But I’ll make this quick, I promise.”
He lunges forward, thrusting his sword towards me in a sloppy attempt to run me through. I easily deflect his blow with my own sword, the metal ringing in the silence that follows. He clearly had experience with a sword, but it was clear he relied on his brute strength to wield it. Clearly not having the patience to perfect his form or footwork. I wouldn’t be surprised if he came from a family of infantry, most of them rushing into their training without taking the care to learn the basics properly. Which would be his downfall.
I’d spent nearly my entire life training, learning the basics before moving to the more technical skills. I knew how to read my opponents, knew how to predict how they would move. Which is how I know he was going to lash out at me. As if on queue he yells, swinging his sword wildly at me in hopes it would meet his mark. But I deflect every single blow. We dance around each other, well I do, he just flails around me in an effort to keep up with me as I back us towards the edge of the clearing. I watch as the panic sets in as he realises he clearly under estimated my abilities. Another reason I’d mostly kept to the staff during challenges.
Most people under estimated those who could wield a staff as it didn’t take a lot of strength to wield it. And right now it was paying off. Little did he know, but I had been trained in nearly every weapon available to us. Was I good at all of them? Hell no. But I knew enough to wield most of them confidently, or at least know how to handle myself against them. Just like Tavis, I was about to prove him wrong.
He realises he needs to do something drastic if he stands a chance of walking out of here alive or unscathed. He lunges forward, manging to make me stumble back as he flicks his sword around, the pommel hitting me perfectly in the nose, the crack reverberating through my skull as blood gushes down my face. I quickly pivot away knowing he will try to use my disorientation to his advantage. I feel the rush of wind as his sword swings where I had been moments earlier. I open my eyes to see him lose his footing, stumbling to the side as he tries to right himself.
I quickly rush forward, holding the hilt of my sword close to my side as I wait for the right moment. Which comes moments later as he turns back to me as he rights him self. My hand finding purpose on his shoulder as I step forward and look up at him. His eyes go wide, his mouth dropping open as I meet my mark. I feel the warm liquid trickle onto my hand as he gasps for air in front of me, his hands rushing to apply pressure to the wound as I slowly push him away from me. He stumbles back, falling to his knees, blood already pooling in his mouth from where I’ve pierced his lung as he stares up at me.
The sound of beating wings fills the clearing, before the ground rumbles beneath us as it lands. I don’t have to turn to know what’s behind me. The feeling in my chest wanting to tug me backwards as the ground rumbles with every step he takes. I watch as his eyes go wide, catching the faintest glimmer of blue in them as the sun breaks through the clouds. I feel the new presence make its way into my mind like I’m greeting an old friend. Like they were always meant to be there. As if they were completing me. Which they we’re. I’d never felt more complete in my life as I did right now.
”I’ll make this quick. I promise,” I utter as I sheathe the sword back onto my back.
As soon as the words leave my mouth, hot air rushes over my head, the familiar glint of orange flickering in his eyes before he’s engulfed in flames.
”Quick enough for you little flower?”
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94 @the-fandom-ness
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lynzishell · 7 months
OC Questions Tag
TYSM for tagging me @honeyjars-sims, @rebeldaydream, @rebouks, @igotsnothing, @elderwisp, @simulation-machine 🫶🏻
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NAME: Asher Goode
GENDER: Transmasc 🏳️‍⚧️
STAR SIGN: Pisces ♓
HEIGHT: 5’9”
NATIONALITY: Current resident of San Myshuno, originally from Brindleton Bay. I suppose irl he’d be American (residing in New York, originally from Rhode Island... though, what’s a 3-hour drive irl, I imagine is only a 1-1.5-hour drive in Sims).
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7-ish, not bad.
DOGS or CATS: Dogs! He doesn’t mind cats per se, but he doesn’t like them enough to ever own one. He’s a dog person through and through.
DREAM TRIP: Guys, he really wants to go to Batuu. He and Atlas are such geeky Star Wars fans… but it’s way too crowded and touristy for Atlas. For his second choice, he’d really enjoy exploring Windenburg.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Pfffff he is the blanket, he’s so gd snuggly. Exhibit A 👇🏻
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But fr no more than one, and most nights there’s nothing more than a thin sheet on their bed. He and Atlas are both fkin furnaces.
RANDOM FACT: His drink of choice is a whiskey sour.
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
oc questionnaire!!
I got tagged by @buttertrait !! Thank youuu (even tho it wasnt a direct tag AJUHSG) I'll be doing this for the one, the only, Roo 😈
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name: Harvey Norman
nicknames: Roo (best known as Roo, and really does not like being called Harvey)
gender: heavy genderfluid, but hes masc leaning 🙃
star sign: libra, just like me
height: 5'9-5'12, i always envision him being a little taller than me, but i always go back and say he's as tall as me, so 💀
orientation: gay, very, very, very gay
nationality/ethnicity: he's white, and he's Swedish! Very... very swedish
favourite fruit: Mangoes, this guy would eat a mango even if it said highly toxic, he FUCKS them up
favourite season: autumn, despite the fact that he gets depressed in colder seasons
favourite flower: Dahlias because they remind him of his sister, Deliahna (one of her nicknames is Dahlia), and Roses for story purposes 😈🙃
favourite scent: for a serious answer, and not really his favorite scent but one of his favs, new books... even though he doesnt even read that often. For an unserious answer, windex 😵‍💫 i dont blame him, it smells GOOD
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: anything but Tea
average hours of sleep: this guy basically dies in his sleep, so 8-9 hours, maybe 10-12 if he goes to sleep earlier (and yet, with all these hours, his ass is still tired)
dogs or cats: cats all the way, hes just like me fr
dream trip: going back to Sweden to see Deli, he can't go back cause it's far too expensive, but he really truly misses her and just wishes he could go back to Sweden, and take Deli alllllll around Sweden and maybe even Scandinavia, it'd be a sightseeing trip for the both of them :)
number of blankets: 2, a big ass comforter, and a small one, the small one always ends up on the floor despite it being literally tucked around him like a baby and the comforter is still intact around him when he wakes up LMFAOO
random fact: on the topic of sleep, Roo sleeps, again, like he fucking died (idk if this needs a TW so lmk ajdnbasj), so anytime he went over to other people's houses, as a kid, teen and adult, everyone would freak out because he just goes completely limp in his sleep, his heart rate also tends to drop to dangerous levels, anywhere from 20-30, but anytime he's gone to get his heart checked, they claim he's fine and that there's nothing actually wrong with his heart, he just has an abnormally low sleeping HR.
im tagging EVERYONE!! if you see this, tag YOUR IT 🫵🫵🫵
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bobbybutterfly · 5 months
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Ooooo! What’s this? An original character from my original story? Ignore the Disney Wish redesign tag. Heh. Heh. Glances nervously from side to side.
I tried doing a chicken scratch art style thing. Inspired by the artists elektricnka (on instagram) and @chasefoxart.
So this is my OC Viera (means faith, but I might change her name later). She did start as a redesign of Asha from Wish. Everyone was planning on doing rewrites of that movie when it came out. So I decided to join the band wagon. But I didn’t feel like keeping the original Spanish inspired setting. I’m already exhausted from doing endless research on early 20th century Korea. So I decided to change the setting to something inspired by my home country of Slovakia. Specifically 1950’s Slovakia. There’s still a lot of research to be done but having some basic knowledge makes things a whole lot easier.
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I gave her a modified version of the Kralovany Kroj. I mainly simplified the crazy amounts of detail. I liked Asha’s concept art design where her colour palette was orange red. This is the closest traditional dress I could find to that (each village in Slovakia has their own dress).
Viera is an introverted book worm like Asha in the concept art (if you can’t tell I really like Wish’s concept art). She dreams of becoming a magician. You could say it’s her wish! In my version instead of giving wishes to… president Magnifico (got to give him a new name) people give their ability to do magic to the government on their 18th birthday. The government claims that with the combined magic they can cast bigger better spells than any one individual.
Originally the people would use their magic to help their crops. Now the crops are dying because the government’s corrupt. To make matters worse the hospitals don’t work either and Viera’s father’s sick. She tries to heal him with her limited magic knowledge. But it’s not working. So she sings This Wish (she figures out on her own the government is lying). And who shows up? The star boy! Of course he’s in this! Except now he’s a god, based off of the Slavic pagan god Yarilo.
There’s far more to the story. Such as developing Viera’s (Asha’s) grandfather more. Developing more Dahlia (I got rid of the rest of the friends). Themes of being an outcast. Now this one I’m proud of. For a while I couldn’t figure out how to keep Viera biracial. Then I decided to make her mother a traveler. A wild spirit that couldn’t stay in one place for too long. Viera has a complicated relationship with her. She left when Viera was small. Because of Viera’s skin colour she’s often ostracised. As an outsider she can see the faults of the system better than anyone. But thanks to her father she has an undying love for the culture and wants the best for the people.
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What do you think of this story? I will probably get around to working on it in the summer. I’ve got a thing I still gotta finish.
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
His Perfect Victim (Mickey Altieri x OC!Dahlia Levine)
Chapter One: One Door Closes
Okay SO!!! I have been working on making this a series for such a long time and after a lot of trial and error it’s FINALLY in the works and the first chapter is DONE. It’s a lot shorter than the ones to come but it’s a good starting point I think!
Depending on how long you’ve been here you may no I did a one-shot for this fic a long ass time ago called Darling Dahlia. Well, I’ve changed the name but this is it! The first chapter! I wanna give a huge massive thank you to @bisexual-horror-fan for not only editing and beta reading the first chapter but for giving me the motivation to finally bring Dahlia to life after so many months of me getting so annoyed and frustrated at my lack of progress. THANK YOU DUDE!
Word count: Almost 1.5k
Warnings: The whole fic will be rated explicit, language, teasing, trauma, mentions of the Woodsbro murders, death (yes already but don’t worry!) Mickey being a complete ass, Dahlia being an ass right back to him
Dahlia’s face claim is below!
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Here we go! Chapter One!
You know them times where it seems like absolutely everything goes wrong all at once? You fail a test, forget to defrost the fucking chicken or your cousin decides to go on a murder spree all within the same day?
All three of these things happened to me. It’s easy to guess which hit hardest.
I can still see Stu’s hesitant eyes looking down at me as his accomplice and best friend Billy brought his blade down to my stomach, plunging it deep inside of me. I didn’t cry, I didn’t scream. I accepted the pain, I welcomed the darkness and just waited for it to be over. I see both of their faces every time I close my eyes, in every single dream I’ve had. Billy’s expression of pure undiluted concentration and Stu’s sad and torn blue eyes dragging themselves away from me as the knife imbedded into my torso.
The only things I know that happened after are what Sidney and Randy told me. Sid had managed to single-handedly kill them both, putting an end to the series of grisly murders they had committed and calling the police. I remember waking up in the hospital, parents sobbing at my bedside, telling me that I had in fact been legally dead for three minutes. I remember Stu’s parents visiting and my mom screaming at her brother to “Get the fuck out!”.
I remember Sid and Randy telling me that Billy and Stu had killed Tatum.
But despite all of it, I felt nothing. It was like after Billy stabbed me and I’d died, the part of me actually being able to feel things went along with it. In a way it was good. It meant the betrayal of my own flesh and blood didn’t hurt me as much as it hurt the rest of my family, my parents completely cut themselves off from my aunt and uncle after everything, not wanting to associate themselves with the Macher name. It was obvious this was for the sake of appearances and of course, their image. We were a well off family, not because my parents worked hard but because Stu and I’s grandparents were ridiculously wealthy and left just about everything to our respective parents.
But none of that mattered when I stepped foot in Windsor College. When I met him.
Everything changed in an instant. Leaving Woodsbro behind with two of my best friends and finally finding someone I could bear my soul too I was a whole new person. I got feeling back, I could feel again. It was the perfect time for all of us to reinvent ourselves and be happy again, new life, new friends, new boyfriends.
It was like the moment I laid eyes on Mickey something inside of me snapped back into place and began to heal me. It took a long time, a painfully long time for me to want to accept the fact that I wanted him. Part of me wishes I’d given into it sooner, soaked up every last part of the version of him I’d known at the time to be true whilst the more rational side wishes I’d never stepped foot onto this campus, never let him touch me, never let him know me. Everything about him was just magnetic and looking back at it now, that should have been the first of many red flags. No one can be that charismatic, that charming and not be hiding something dark and sinister, there is just no way.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about the first time I met Mickey Altieri.
“I think this will be good for you, you know? Make some new friends, start to move on.” Sid had her fingers wrapped around my wrist, tugging me gently over to her small circle of friends all sat crowded in the college square.
“I don’t need to make new friends. I’m fine by myself.” Of course I appreciated her concern for me, but I was getting really tired of being told what I needed to do. If I wanted to be alone, why couldn’t I be alone?
“Dahlia,” Sid abruptly stopped walking, turning to face me with those goddamned brown eyes looking down at me imploringly, “it’s been months. We all need to at least try and move on, you know?”
“I know, Sid.” I sighed a little, eyes nervously flickering up to the three people sitting perched on the bench, Randy luckily amongst them. I smiled a little as I saw him eagerly wave at Sidney and I, beckoning us over. “Just…” I struggled to hold her gaze, voice dropping to be a bit quieter, as if lowering the volume would make the admission and subsequent minor vulnerability easier to push out, “It’s hard.”
Sid’s expression turned sympathetic, her hand moving to grasp mine. Sidney has good hands, strong, grounding, firm yet soft, just like her. She speaks again, “I know, Dahlia. But I really think this could help. They’re all great, very understanding and they won’t push you to talk about…Well, what happened.”
“God, fine.” I mumbled and she nodded, looking just slightly smug as she gently tugged me closer to the group.
A chorus of “Hey, Sid” was uttered before Sid introduced me. “Dahlia, this is Derek, Hallie and Mickey. Guys, this is Dahlia.”
I couldn’t help but smile a little awkwardly as my eyes scanned the tight knit group. Randy was looking at me encouragingly and Sidney squeezed my hand a little.
I said nothing.
I still felt nothing.
Even then, I subconsciously noticed that Mickey was staring at me a little too hard. He was sitting with his back leaning against the wall with his foot propped up on the bench, toying with a video camera in his hand as he gave me a quick and not at all subtle once over. Despite the zombie-like trance I’d been in for the last few months, it made the blood rush to my cheeks and lightly stain them.
I mean, I wasn’t stupid. He was ridiculously good looking. His dark hair stuck up a little, he was toned and the thin fabric of his sweater clung to his body in a way that made it almost painful to look away and his brown eyes were just so…Full.
Full of mirth and life and so much I don’t think I could actually list it all. When was the last time I felt that full? Had I ever, even before that night? In his eyes I could see the excitement and wonder in them from where I stood and it was oddly enticing, I focused on that as opposed to my usual depressing internal monologue.
He managed to ruin my little initial fascination with him in about three seconds.
“Oh! You’re the chick who died, right, I- ow!” I watched as the girl, Hallie, darted out her hand and smacked Mickey upside of the head, “Jesus, what?”
“You can’t just say something like that to someone, God you’re an ass.” The mild disgust on her face twists to an apologetic smile as she continued on, “ I apologise for Mickey, he has zero fucking tact.” Hallie’s expression turned warmer as she was moving up the bench to make room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mickey roll his eyes a little before he settled his gaze back onto me.
“No, no it’s fine. Yeah, I am. Glad that’s so interesting to you Michael.”
He cocked an eyebrow at me, an amused smile cracking on his face. “Mickey.” He corrected me, sounding amused as he did so.
I held back a scoff as I told him, “Yeah, sure. Whatever.”
That was the first time I ever spoke directly to him. I can’t help but imagine how things would be now if I never bothered, never got so captivated with the way he’d look at me all through the rest of the day and every single day after.
It was never creepy, far from it. Instead it was almost as though he knew something I knew, like he knew me already.
Little did I know he did know me. He knew every single thing about me.
Chapter Two HERE
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phen-akism · 1 year
Hi! I’m Phen!
All my art and work is under #my art and #my work
I’m currently working on stuff with my bg3 tav Volya
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I also currently have coms open! Please dm if interested and refer to the sheet below
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My other current projects include:
Island of strangers- a vtm setting based in the Hebridean islands and west coast of Scotland. It features the kindred underbelly of a rural community with a rich, combative history. The struggles of the kindred there are a dark mirror to the class and land strife that have shaped the land there for over 800 years.
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Wulver- wulver takes placed in a land plagued by ghosts and hauntings. The monarchy led cities claim to be the only shelter from the restless spirits that roam the land, and paint the peoples that live outside their walls as tainted. After the death of her twin brother forces Saorise to the very outskirts of her city she discovers the truth.
There she meets Mòr, the exiled wulver, whose people are one of the three shapechanging clans that roam the world outside the walls as exorcists. Together they go on a journey across the land and through Saorise’s greif.
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North (working title) - when the spirit north is attacked by a band of hunters and the sacred deer they’re charged to protect are set stampeding across the land, the hunt chasing after, they enlist the help of the dark water spirit, the kelpie.
Using a golden bridle to control the horse spirit they set off on a journey to catch up with their herd, but along the way see for the first time the world outside the deer trails they follow and form a deep bond with the kelpie that carries them through it.
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The End Justifies - this follows the story of Dahlia, Elias and Colton as they attempt to carve out a life for themselves. Not an easy task as fugitive vampires escaping their tyrant sires and others who would hunt them. It follows them as they have to secure blood for themselves, but struggle to do so in a moral and stable way. Really what can they do but struggle, when they cannot even agree what is moral anymore and whether their end goal of survival justifies the means?
They ask if it’s even possible to do so, or is their only choice to become a roving band of hungry killers, creating more monsters to work as a swarm under their control to stay safe like their sires before them? Can they really forge a new path for themselves and those of their kind that may also chase that dream?
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Each project should be tagged with the title, other obviously appropriate tags (my ocs, vtm, …) and all are under “my writing”
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wheelie-butch · 7 months
Lupa Howl OC Lore Dump
Typed up all this for the monprom server so thought I might as well share it here too :) it's some basic background on my monster prom Oc Lupa and her main relationships.
Lupa Howl (23) is Scott and the Wolfpack’s *other* cousin. Her werewolf mum has her in prison and her human dad ran off, so she grew up passed around various mostly human relatives on her dad's side. This gave her strong abandonment issues and a shame attached to being a werewolf, as whenever she got passed onto a new family member she assumed it was because they couldn't handle how unruly she was or her monthly transformations. Growing up, she'd occasionally spend parts of the summer staying with her grandma + Scott + The Wolfpack and though she didn't know them well, those weeks were the highlight of her childhood.
She loves boxing and hoped to go pro, but those dreams were scuppered by an injury to her hand which limits her motor control. She's taken up kickboxing as an alternative, but she's lost her ambition. Her new disability is part of the reason she's come to live with her grandma + cousins now as she needs a bit more support at home, but she's so far hidden her disability from her cousins and everyone at school. Her abandonment issues contribute to her really valuing independence and seeing relying on anyone else as weakness, so it's difficult for her to ever admit she needs anything from others.
Now she's started at Spooky High, she's had some trouble fitting in. She doesn’t make friends easily, but she's hot-headed and competitive. The biggest issue is she's an incorrigible womaniser and serial heartbreaker, deliberately stringing along girls until they fall in love with her, then abruptly ghosting them. It's a coping mechanism for her abandonment issues (cant get abandoned again if you abandon everyone else first!!) but it pisses off a lot of people.
Her main friend is Dahlia, who she was unable to successfully ghost after seducing due to Dahlia's friendship with Scott and the Wolfpack so they're always running into each other. Dahlia doesn't seem bothered by their one night stand being a one time thing, she's just happy to hang out and do gym stuff together, and her constancy as a friend has led Lupa to start falling for her for real.
Lupa has a sometimes turbulent relationship with her cousins. She's only a month older than the Wolfpack but has always acted like she's much older and growing up she basically seemed like this super mature super cool awesome figure to them all. She had a fake ID first, bought the wolfpack their first beers, told them about dating girls, basically any cool teenager thing she did first and better and bragged to them about it. In the same way Scott looks up to the Wolfpack and thinks they're cool and wants their approval even though they're sometimes mean to him, the Wolfpack think Lupa rules and want her approval a lot even though she's often pretty mean to them. She often makes fun of them for being losers, not being able to date anyone, and especially she thinks they're very babyish for wanting to be a pack and not doing anything along. Since she sees relying on others as weakness, she thinks they're very lame and weak and that by bullying them she's actually helping because they 'need to toughen up' etc. Despite this, she does love them (will never admit out loud) and they have good times together too. Being closer in both age and temperment she can often get on better with them than Scott.
With Scott her relationship is difficult in other ways. He loves her and thinks she's great, and she thinks he's much more grownup and cool than the wolfpack (since he doesnt have the abandonment issues making him so pack-minded, he dates, and has hobbies beyond football), but she does still mostly see him as a kid. She doesn’t fully respect him as an equal which means he's easier to be around, but they cant be truly close yet. She'll often tell the wolfpack to be more like Scott and he's uncomfortable being put in the middle of their arguments. They share a room now she lives with him which he's happy about but it also puts strain on things. Lupa also slightly resents that Scott got to grow up in a werewolf household with his grandma and cousins and seems to love being a werewolf, as she was told when she was little she couldn't live with her grandma because she had her hands full with the Wolfpack, yet when Scott came along and then got abandoned he ended up with her. So sometimes Lupa compares herself to how cheerful and loveable Scott is and thinks maybe her grandma would have taken her in sooner if she was a better grandkid like him.
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Fic Friday
Hi, it's me again, and I have finally been able to put up a new chapter. Let's go!
Rating: E (canon-typical violence, explicit content, check the tags)
Genre: Romance, action, adventure, drama
Pairing: Dahlia Wintersnow (OC Dragonborn)/Ulfric Stormcloak
Link to AO3: An Invincible Summer
And, finally, there she is. Dahlia sleeps seemingly peacefully, head in her hands as if she had fallen asleep waiting for him. Again. Ulfric sighs as his tired eyes look her over as if on reflex, and by now, it probably is. Dark hair pools on her pillows, spilling over onto his side as if seeking him out--even if he is not there. His heart pangs painfully at the sight, and as his eyes look down, finding her stomach, his flips. She has been getting so big lately, and he has missed it. He shuts his eyes against the sting he feels there, shutting it out and showing it down. There is no time for such feeling at the moment. Not when there is so much at stake, so much he needs to resolve.
His feet carry him to the back of the room, and as he squats down to throw a few logs into the fire, sparks of ash spit back at him as if opposed to his request for more warmth, more light. Frowning, he grabs the iron poker from the floor swiftly and jabs at the logs, more and more sparks flying and burning his hands and face until, as if against their will, they alight.
At least that is done now.
He brushes off a few stray smudges from his arms and stands, back creaking in protest, as he makes his way to the wash basin.
"Ulfric..." A quiet and sleep-laden voice calls out to him, and he freezes.
He hears the voice again, and he turns to see Dahlia, eyes halfway open as she shifts on the bed, sheets pooling down her body and revealing her nightclothes.
"Go back to sleep, my heart." His voice is little more than a gruff whisper as if an echo of himself. It almost makes her doubt that she can see or hear him at all.
"Ulfric, is that you? Please..." She speaks again, the tone wavering somewhere between the uncertainty of doubt and a plea to beckon him to come closer--one which he cannot ignore.
Ulfric sighs. He had hoped to avoid her for as long as possible, but it would seem that tonight of all nights, his luck has run out. She should not see him like this. Despite every nerve in his body telling him that this is a bad idea and that he should turn back to what he was doing, he cannot. Not when she sounds like a dream and not when she looks like his every fantasy. He is truly a weak man. Instead of following his instincts, he walks forward until he can sit on the bed and look his wife in the eyes for the first time in weeks. "Hello, Dahlia."
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knightsheart-if · 1 year
I just played the demo, and I'm very intrigued!! I'm especially curious about Dahlia — a lot of players will be (quite rightfully) miffed at her after that banger of a prologue, so it'll be interesting to see how the interactions between Dahlia and the Knight play out. There's a lot of complicated threads to yank on there.
I don't think it'll be easy to act naturally friendly around her, not after that betrayal. Even if it was in a dream, the pain from that betrayal had to cut bone deep. The OC I'm using for my Knight values trust and loyalty above all, and never holds back on loving those he calls friends — so it's safe to say that Dahlia's betrayal essentially shattered a piece of his heart.
Personally, I think my Knight will be civil to her but will go out of his way to keep his distance. At first, anyway. Things may change if something like having to choose between helping Dahlia or ignoring her pops up, thus forcing him to break out of the distant neutrality he'd been keeping up with her. Of course, this is all hypothetical. Very very excited to see how the Dahlia situation unfolds!!
That aside, I!! The prologue!!! I have so many things to say?! The prologue was short, but so much emotion was packed in. The Knight's internal monologue, the way you describe the ROs' reactions, the setting, everything — my chest was twinging from the very first page, and by the end of it all, my heart was full on hurting.
I rarely get attached to a story so quickly. I want to see how this all plays out. I want to see my Knight lead this story to a happy ending (Assuming there is one, and if there is, my Knight will grab hold of it, because he's stubborn as steel and wants All his friends to be happy).
And I have to make a special mention of Oscar's scene. Because damn. So much raw pain. That fury, that heartbreak, that helplessness. The Knight's internal commentary, both pained and resigned.
I actually found myself connecting with Oscar the most out of all the characters present in the prologue. I think I'd react the same way, if I ever had to watch my beloved friend be executed for crimes that they may or may not have committed (I would refuse to believe it till the end, probably). I'd probably be furious — I'd go feral. Get complete tunnel vision. Do something stupid like try to attack a king. To hell with duties and titles and pretenses such as the crown and the king, for what's the use of those if I can't even save a loved one? And I'd rage at myself for being so helpless.
Then break down and cry, because I'm angry and filled with so much hatred that I wish I could burn them all to ashes with the heat of my fury — but I can't. I'm not some powerful magical being who can make everything right if I'm angry enough, if I'm stubborn enough. I'm a helpless bastard who can only bend and buckle under the weight of their duties and helplessness and watch as their beloved friend is sent to die an unjust death.
So the raging fury turns into a roaring tide and floods out of my eyes in fiery streams.
So, anyways. Yeah. I love Oscar. If that wasn't already clear <3
I just!! I'm currently the epitome of that one meme where some crazed looking skrunkly is grabbing you very very tightly by the shoulders. Your prologue made me feel so much! It made me feel so angry and so so sad!! It made me love and adore a completely new character with just one scene!!!
Logically, I know that was a (possibly definitely prophetic) dream. My Knight knows as well. Normally, I'd play an MC who's skeptical of anything that comes from dreams. But the emotions and heartbreak felt so, so real. It's hard to rationalize away all that raw emotion. It's hard to believe that none of that was real. My Knight can't summon an ounce of skepticism right now. You could say that the level of your writing made me change my play style from the get go :D I imagine that the weight of it all is going to leave the Knight more than a little out of sorts... and they'll probably have a hell of a time figuring out how they want to react to it.
Is the Knight even friends with half of the RO's in the Present Time, the time after they wake up from their dream? There's a possibility they don't even know each other yet, or aren't very familiar with each other yet. I only thought about that possibility just now :o
I feel like my Knight's thought process would be something like this...
Knight: Alright, so that was a dream. I think it was. Should I really trust a dream?
Knight: But damn did that hurt though *still feeling the echoes of the utter heartbreak wrought by the betrayal of dream!Dahlia, who was supposedly a friend*
Knight: You know what. Maybe I should just be a Mysterious Stoic Loner from now on. Avoid everyone. What's human connection? Who needs love and friendship anywa—
Ahem. What I'm saying is, I'm hopelessly enamored with your story and world and characters, and I'm very much looking forward to going on this journey with you :D
Good luck with your writing!! The prologue is incredible, if you didn't get that from all the ramblings I've done in this monstrosity of an ask! I love Oscar! Thank you for sharing this amazing world with us. Take all the time you need for your next update. We'll be here :D I hope you have a very very good day! And week! And if you managed to read this till the very end, you're a real trooper! 😌✨
Thank you for your kinds words! It's very interesting to hear people's opinions in such strong detail. I agree that most people will be miffed with Dahlia and that was the reaction I was intentionally looking for (at the time). Despite me changing my plan on what I want to do with her, I wouldn't change the prologue at all. As for interactions...well, I plan to leave that as a surprise for now.
I agree that it'd be hard to trust someone who you knew would end being responsible for your death in the future, but I'd like to add that the MC has been having these dreams forever, but they aren't all negative. They also don't all connect to the same future, i.e a dream with a friendly Dahlia is not (necessarily) in the same timeline as one with an antagonistic Dahlia. So depending on the MC, that makes it either more heartbreaking or confusing (cause remember, the MC doesn't even know who Dahlia is).
"Things may change if something like having to choose between helping Dahlia or ignoring her pops up, thus forcing him to break out of the distant neutrality he'd been keeping up with her." Funny how I have such a scenario planned out >:) of course, there will be times where it's necessary to interact with her...because it's your job. I won't spoil anything, but there is a section of the game where you'll have to protect her...or not. When people aren't looking, anything can happen.
I wanted to leave it as a surprise, but for the next update, I've added another reaction the prologue, along with some...little additions.
Oscar's scene was the one I think I wrote the best. I think I wrote it a bit too well because it's leaving me unhappy with how I wrote Oran's. I can't wait to write out the entire prologue again when we reach that point in game. Of course, things will be very different depending on your choices and relationships.
I'm not too sure how I'd react in a situation like the prologue. I feel like I'd be a mix of Oscar and Oran; being so emotional, yet driven to such despair. No one wants to see someone they love be put to death, whether it be justified or not. It's hard to think about until you're put in such a situation. Everyone in that dream (even Dahlia) held some kind of love for the MC.
The weight of the dreams definitely leaves the MC a lot confused! I plan to have the events of them mentioned from time to time, especially in regards to Dahlia. It'd be difficult for the MC...just as it was for a certain someone...
The only people the MC knows when they wake up from the dream is Oscar, obviously, and Oran, although they aren't close at all. Adrean is non existent until the summoning, Dahlia isn't even on Hollas and Rionna has never been to Vol and as such, never met the MC. MC has had a very isolated childhood and has only really interacted with royalty and such.
I relate to your MC's thought process! But I shall disturb that by introducing likeable characters that will in no way affect your ending 😈 You come in with the mindset of distancing yourself and go away with lifelong friends and memories.
Once again, thank you for your kind words! Your ask was very nice to read and has really lifted my spirits with your enthusiasm! I hope to hear from you again in the future! I hope you have a lovely week and a very good day.
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not proud with how tempo looks, and i excluded felicia bc even if she didn't have some of her hair up in a ponytail she'd still look the same and arghena bc i drew her with her hair down once already
anywayzzzz hair down!
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namig42 · 6 months
random OC ask: if your OC inexplicably had access to real-world media, what character would be their favorite? what character would they unreasoningly despise? why?
Alright, I'm gonna speed round their favorites, then I'll come back in another post with the ones they loathe.
Also hello, sorry I took forever to respond, I have been on vacation and also got a pretty ring from my new fiancee (I have been saying that word too much lol)
My OCs Favorite Fictional Characters!
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Wyn would adore Zarya from Overwatch. She would see the badass buff babe who talks about hugging like Siberian bear and want to be just like her. (This is absolutely not based on real life experience.)
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Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai. Helena would think that she's sooo cool and complex, finding comfort in someone who isolates themselves still managing to find connections in the world. She would also buy a sword and cosplay as her.
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Aang from ATLA. She'd love Aang's goofy, playful nature and his whole character arc, from a kid running from his duties to a powerful bender that finds a way to maintain his beliefs, no matter the obstacle.
Dahlia would love the Avatar series, and since she grew up so sheltered, she'd have no idea that it's actually a super popular show that there's a huge community for. She'd definitely bring it up in conversation thinking that she's introducing something cool and new to people, then quickly learn how many people have loved the show for years and be pleasantly surprised that she can just gush with people.
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Vero would be a big fan of musicals and classic films. She strikes me as someone that would resonate and admire Veronica from Heathers a lot, and when she learns about the musical version of Heathers? Forget about it. She's learning all of Veronica's parts in a day.
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Sahed is definitely a DnD and LotR nerd that has the lore memorized from both franchises. He has all the books and a bunch of art, posters, and figurines of his favorite character Smaug that would clutter up his room. Smaug would also inspire him to become a scaley, just sayin.
Sahed would also love the Fire Emblem series, and his favorite character would probably be someone like Tharja (practices curses on her own daughter) or Arvis (the main antagonist in FE4 who wipes out a whole army with one meteor shower).
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Velora is a cozy gamer for sure. She'd love building her island to perfection in Animal Crossing and marrying every townie in Stardew Valley. Though she'd optimize her gameplay and romance everyone in town, her favorite character in Stardew that she would always come back to would be Shane. She likes being able to help him and earning his affection, since it always seems really genuine during his supports.
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Gardon would love a conflicted father archetype like Joel from The Last of Us. He would gravitate towards flawed characters who find some redemption in the world, and Joel is the epitome of that.
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Lin would love Marceline from Adventure Time and ship Bubbline so hard. Her dream girl is very similar to PB, and she sees a lot of herself in Marcy. She'd also be a Steven Universe fan who relates a lot to Pearl and simps over Rose Quartz, even though she knows how problematic Rose is. Mystery Girl from the episode "Last One Out of Beach City" would also be high on her crush list.
Okay, this took way more thought than I anticipated, but this all tracks pretty well.
My partner saw Vero being into Heathers and went, "really??" He didn't think Vero would be a Veronica/Heathers person, but when I asked what he thought she'd like, he was like, "I don't know, I just didn't get Veronica vibes."
Useless. I can't wait to marry this dingus.
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wvbaandtheboys · 1 year
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new oc! woo!~ Name: Doting Dahlia Real Name: Sandra Beck Age: 20 Weight: 145 lbs From: California, USA Record: 14-8 (5 KOs) A charming, almost doll like boxer in the Major Circuit. She is the infamous rival of Dollie Darling, being the daughterly figure of Desirae Delight, Dollie and Daria’s manager and cosmetic/makeup artist of the WVBA. Though seemingly naively sweet and kind, she has been shown to be quite temperamental and immature when she doesn’t get her way. Under her mother’s guidance, Daria achieved her life’s goal of becoming famous from a lowly theatre child. From being an aspiring girl with a dream to a radiant star on the big screen, you could say that the fame got to her head. However, you can kind of blame Desirae for being that influence towards her horrid personality and mindset. Desirae is not a nice person. At all. Dahlia very much envies Dollie to the point where she could say she sort of hates her, even though she refers to the other boxer as her “big sis.” Having a desperate need for validation thanks to Desirae’s emotionally tolling expectations of Dollie’s “little sister” to live up to nearly the same fame Dollie has, she will do anything to make a fool of Dollie and anyone else she sees as a threat to her gaining fame. She may act like a child but trust me, she knows how to scheme some horrible things.
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angstyaches · 1 year
WIP Ask Game
I was tagged by @tiny-loves-rubs, thank you, Tiny! I love an excuse to talk about my WIPs because I have an inconceivable number of them.
Tagging @tomato-sickfics / anyone else who feels like it!
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
You’re all about to see how much of a mess my head is. Proceed at your own risk.
Here goes! I’m just going to pop them down in alphabetical order. There are a few more on my other laptop, but this is basically every word document I’ve ever opened to start writing something for my blog OCs (impulse control? I don’t know her), most of which are either abandoned, retconned, or condemned to some future storyline that I’ll eventually reach.
I’m censoring titles that are either too spoiler-y or which contain triggering topics.
after we*****
a**** f*** charlie reaction
a**** f*** charlie shayne fight
a***** f*** lilith shayne elliott
a***** f*** memories
autumn hunger
autumn sleepy
back there
beach shayne and charlie
captured au
casual caretaking shayne
chaarlie and patrick
charlie and jon
charlie and mikey kiss
charlie and shayne kiss in the garden
charlie bug again
charlie bug next day
charlie drunk angst
charlie goes to visit jon
charlie headaches early days
charlie homoph****
charlie kink
charlie migraine
charlie panic belle
charlie runs into mikey
charlie shayne k***** arc
charlie sick
charlie sickkk
charlie soft
Charlie talks while kissing
charlie whumper
Charlie work panic attack aquarium
Charlie’s fears
Christmas 2021 henry bug
claudette a*******
claudette sad
d and h reading
Dani sickfic
demon hunting
demon research and shayne hunger
demon school AU 2
demon school AU
Did you study for this
Donnacha comfort
donnacha first date with josh
dragged back
early days elliott wants to help felix
eliott first meets shayne
elliott beach
elliott first meets shayne (?)
Elliott hand of orion
elliott steals little shayne
exam results
fee and shayne in the car
fee elli meet (AutoRecovered)
feel elli meet
felix and elliott dance drabble
felix and shayne talk about patricia
felix crying
felix grief
felix origin
felix over indulges on blood
felix sleepy
felix transformation
felix transformation2
first date
frost bite 2
go to him part 4
henry agoraphobia
henry donnacha fluff
henry donnacha hunger
henry donnacha whump
henry drunk
henry panic attack
henry trauma
i don’t even know
ingrid mentions the boxes
ingrid picks up shayne
jealous felix
kazu hunger
kazu origin
k***** arc part one
little mnster
look at me
lucy and henry rewrite 2
lucy and henry rewrite
Lucy asks Henry to live with her
madame a’s stuff
Mikey and CHarlie
mitch and shayne
mitch bastian first date
mitch bastian meet
mitch ed
mitch hunger
mitch sick
more shayne angst
more shayne x charlie random
morning after lovely
mothers day
name change and keys
nancy and ryan
nancy ryan meet
Payton angst hunger
payton dragon
PLOT the devines take *******
post-grad hangover
pplate food
radioactive butterflies
random  payton x autumn early days
random sad shayne
recaptured au
rin and charlie talk at school
rin college exhaustion
rin secret santa
Rin visits shayne and three
rin visits shayne
sacrifice au
shayen and ingrid
shayen remembers dahlia didn’t eat
shayen teases charlie (*i can’t believe how often I mistype his name, good lord)
shayne ace
shayne aldridge au
shayne aldridge
shayne and charlie angst
Shayne and charlie both sick
shayne and charlie christmas 2021 notes
shayne and charlie demon world
shayne and charlie talk in the training room
shayne and felix plot
Shayne and Lilith
Shayne and Ryan bad news
shayne and three
shayne and trish
shayne angst storyline
shayne anniversary birthday
shayne anniversary grave
shayne anniversary tree
shayne arrives at townhouse
shayne beach
shayne car
shayne charlie early days
shayne charlie first date
shayne charlie funeral
shayne charlie lucy meet up
shayne cherry coke
shayne college
shayne ed2
shayne ed
shayne elli fee car
shayne elliott and fee
shayne elliott
shayne exhaustion college au
shayne falling asleep at charlie’s
shayne falling asleep on charlie’s bed
shayne felix walk
Shayne first week with aldridges
shayne gazes at charlie
Shayne grief redrafting
shayne grief
shayne hunger
shayne hungerr
shayne ingrid
shayne maybe
shayne misses charlie
shayne mulberry
shayne nausea in bed
shayne nervous
shayne nightmare alone
shayne not feeling good
shayne one of the worst follow up
shayne overeats
shayne panic at aldridges
shayne plans on k****** m***
shayne prepares to see charlie again
shayne random opening up and pr*******
shayne randoms
shayne recovering
shayne runs into Lucy
shayne sick alone
shayne sick in sleep
shayne sick school
shayne sit ups
shayne stays the night
shayne stomach ache
shayne stress
shayne talks about loving charlie
Shayne talks to Three about his anxiet1
Shayne talks to Three about his anxiet2
Shayne talks to Three about his anxiety
shayne teasing charlie
shayne trish f****** mads
shayne waits for felix and elliott
shayne with charlie’s parents
shayne’s breakdown a year before repeating
shayne’s first week
silas meets shayne
sleepy charlie
some random bits
start maybe
three (AutoRecovered)
townhouse sleepover
wallis and nancy
wallis boat
Edit: wait, sorry, there’s more, in other folder. This one, I named “New September 2022″
charlie migraine anon inspired
shayne fear when charlie g*** c*******
lilith complains about nadya
lilith comforts blake
meet shayne and charlie rewrite
shayne in the mask
beach drabbles:
beach seashell
beach shayne and charlie2
shayne charlie drinking game
shayne charlie drinking game2
summer Elliott
requested WIPs:
charlie drunk angst part two rowan request
shayne recovering from chest infection
Madame A’s
astrophel comes out to nancy
astrophel overworked
blake and lilith f**** k***
blake and rex and lilith
blake confesses to lilith
Blake couldn
blake curse
blake fire
blake leaves for summer magic school
blake panic attack
Lilith brushed their hair to one side
performance evaluation
Rex and Oli announce their engagement
rex angst
rex hungover
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voidthewanderer · 11 months
OC Meme
Found this on one of the RP meme blogs! Repost don't reblog!
OC information - fill out information about an OC of yours!
No pressure tags: Anybody who'd like to do this, I'm not feeling too keen on actually tagging right now, I apologize.
I'm doing Arsenic, mostly because I'm currently at a rewrite point in my one fic where he's involved the most.
Name: Tommy "Arsenic" Gespin
Nickname(s): Arsen, chef
Gender: Cis Male
Star Sign: Taurus (May 7, 2045)
Height: 6'2" (190.5cm)
Orientation: Skoliosexual
Nationality: American
Favourite Fruit: Black Currant (it's very versatile)
Favourite Season: Summer
Favorite Flower: Dahlia (they're pretty and they have edible tubers)
Favourite Scent: Campfire; there's just something about that particular smell that just is so right
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee, prepared specifically this way
Average hours of sleep: Between 5-7 hours
Dog or cat person: Dog
Dream trip: New Zealand
Favourite fictional character: Nathan Wallace
Number of blankets they sleep with: One
Random fact: I suppose it's pretty common knowledge at this point that he's actually a big ol' softie, but just puts on that gruff exterior to keep people he doesn't want close at bay.
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