#the finale is starting: felys (oc)
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jinxxangel13 · 9 months
Phantom of the Night
Chapter 1
This will be a 141/female oc, with possible variations down the line depending on the route I take with a pairing.
Updates will hopefully be once a week, depending on my work schedule. So thank you everyone for being so patient with me!
Hope you enjoy!
~Masterlist~ -Next-
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The helo finally started its descent. The front of the vehicle housed a quiet man with a bright smile as he spoke into his headset to the only other person in the air with him. The woman sitting behind him held onto her seat with a joyous laugh at the man's jokes.
“Nik, stop or my stomach is going to burst!” The woman was finally gaining control of her breathing as he landed on the helipad perfectly. Not that she expected anything less from the Russian man who had become a friend over the course of the last few years they had known each other.
With a deep chuckle, Nikolai shuts everything down as she unbuckles herself and starts to gather her backpack and two large duffles, dropping them to the ground out of the door before tossing another duffle towards him.
“Come on, Nik. We’re already late because of you.” She joked towards him, jumping down from the helo without difficulty. Funny now that she thinks about it; she had seen recruits hit the ground like a sack of potatoes more times than she could count, and here she is able to do it in her sleep most likely.
“Says the one who made me late, Kitty Kat.” He rolled his eyes and followed after her onto the tarmac.
She shook her head at the nickname, taking the hair tie out of her hair to let her braid out of its bun and grabbing her bags to find her way through the new base in search of only one person.
The two of them were attracting many looks, Nik seemingly used to it, but the woman next to him was definitely uncomfortable with the eyes on her but kept her head up as they made their way through a set of doors.
Nikolai stopped at a standard wood door, knocking before walking right in. The woman followed behind him and set her bags right next to the door before looking around the room.
It was a moderate sized meeting room of sorts, multiple swivel chairs scattered around a large mahogany table that took up a majority of the room. Two fairly large men were standing in the corner farthest from where Nikolai and Kit were at the door, one of which sported a black balaclava with a white skull imprint on the front and a UK flag on the front of his tac vest, while the slightly shorter man had some sort of weird mohawk and an SAS patch on his chest. There was another man, younger than the other two, dark skin and short hair sitting on the opposite side of the table.
There was a TV stand set up in the corner behind an open laptop between the larger men and the youngest, with the woman the pair came in looking for was standing. The person in question was standing just behind the small screen, an average size woman in her mid forties with brown hair pulled out of her face. She was standing hunched over the laptop with a man in his mid to late 30’s, brown mutton chops and some kind of odd looking fisherman hat. 
A boonie hat? She hadn’t seen anyone wear one since she was younger.
“Kate Laswell, good to see you again, old friend.” The woman finally spoke up from next to Nik.
The older woman across from her snapped her head up to the voice. Kate's hard set eyes softened after taking the other woman in for the first time in what seemed like years, a smile appeared on her face as she relaxed slightly at the sight of the 5’9” woman. 
The woman next to Nikolai had dark hair that tumbled down her back in a long braid, piercing silver eyes that seem to observe everything all of the time, and olive skin that was only disrupted by the sight of freckles across her face. She wore a grey long sleeve shirt under a camo jacket, black cargo pants and boots expertly laced up, with a small neck wrap tucked into the back of her jacket,
“Captain Felis. You know it is always a pleasure.” Kate walked around the man next to her, holding her hand out to Felis, to which Kate was pulled into a much needed hug.
Both women checkled as they stepped back from each other, Kate turning to address everyone else in the room but looking towards Nikolai.
“Thank you for the safe travels, Nik. I appreciate not being thrown from a plane this time.” Kit nagged, shaking his hand before he nodded with a chuckle.
“One time, Kit. Laswell, Price, a pleasure.” Nik turned and walked back out of the door and shut it behind him.
Kit sighed as he left, looking back towards the group in front of herself and Laswell.
“Captain Felis, I'd like for you to meet Task Force 141. This is Captain John Price,” Kate motioned to the older man she was conversing with before Felis came in.
Price walked around to shake Kit’s hand, with her returning the firm handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Captain Price. Most people just call me Kitty, or Kit.” She shrugged with a gentle smile.
“This is Lieutenant Ghost Riley,” He motioned to the larger man with the skull mask. “These are my Sergeants, Gaz Garrick and Soap MacTavish.” Price nodded towards the younger dark skinned man as Gaz, and the mohawk as Soap.
Kit nodded to the three of them, recognition flashing in her eyes at their names, having seen their files from Laswell a few months prior to being requested on this particular base.
Laswell waved her hands towards the table to get everyone seated. Kit took a seat closer to the door with her back to the far wall and the door in her line of sight. Old habits die hard.
Price sat next to Laswell at the other end of the table, with Soap sitting next to him, Ghost standing behind them and next to the door, and Kyle sitting to Kit’s right on the other side of Laswells and across from Price.
“Gaz, Soap, Ghost. Captain Felis is going to be your doctor on base, and a field medic when needed.” Laswell passed a folder to Price, most likely Kit’s if she guessed correctly. “As well as a strategist and stealth specialist.” 
Kit took a deep breath, leaning her elbow on the table.
“I hope that’s the redacted version, Kate.” Kit chuckled softly, meeting Laswell’s eyes. 
Laswell shook her head with a gentle smile. “As if you’d give me access to any other.”
Both women laughed softly together, much to the confusion of the four men in the room.
“And don’t worry, boys, I know how to handle myself with anything thrown at me. That’s a guarantee.” Kit shrugged, eyes meeting everyone's gaze head on with no fear.
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morgenlich · 1 year
ig i should write out a more complete feliks timeline from the partitions until the 1990s lol, um. spoilers for last light and its planned sequel tho, also i'm writing this off the top of my head and not looking up specific dates so [gestures]
so, while in my hcs tolys got stuck w ivan full time (though he ran off more than a few times lol he was never successful in escape endeavors for very long), feliks was after the partitions initially shunted between gil and rod (ivan imo just. absolutely hates his guts and wanted nothing to do with him lmao and besides he had new full time prizes like tolys he didn't need to split custody of another one); he managed to run off for good shortly before the napoleonic wars started and met up with francis (this is also when i have him changing his name from mieczyslaw to feliks), fought alongside him for a bit, established the republic of warsaw, then basically sent himself into exile after its collapse because he felt that staying in his own land would be too risky; he didn't want to go back to being a hostage after all
(he does return for some later rebellions of course)
he's not really in the mood to deal with francis for a bit after that, he just strikes out on his own, not really paying much attention to where he goes. he ends up all over because of this, like he'll literally stow away on a ship he has no idea of the destination of so he sees not only a good bit of europe but also ends up in asia and i think also probably in the us, somewhat briefly, and he wants to avoid the attention of other nation reps so he doesn't actually meet up with any of them intentionally. he works a bunch of odd jobs during this time because he basically only owns the clothes on his back (and his wedding ring. he manages to keep hanging onto that), inlcuding some sw which he hates (i hc him as very firmly demisexual)
eventually in the 1870s-ish, he winds up in france again. he's living on the street and ends up with tuberculosis, which gets bad enough it actually kills him. when he revives from this, he realizes he's still ill and is going to need to like. properly recover, so he swallows his pride and goes to look for francis, who takes him in for a while; they end up staying in the south for a bit, i wrote a little fic about this a couple years ago lol. eventually though they get fed up with each other and feliks dips again, resumes wandering around but now he has fucked up lungs :) also it's around this time that he discovers opium which also becomes a lasting problem for him. but it helps his lungs not feel like they're constantly being stabbed so wcyd
he ends up in france again around the start of w/w1 and initially fights w the french but eventually makes his way east, finally back on his own land. the war ends, he's independent again, etc etc. 1918 is also the first time since the partitions that he's able to meet up with tolys again, imo--even in shared rebellions the two just never quite managed to be in the same place at the same time--though ofc this just ends up with tolys wanting nothing to do with him for a couple decades (i go. back and forth on what feliks himself actually thought about the war between them tbh)
ok here's where we get into last light + sequel spoilers
w/w2 starts, feliks initially fights in warsaw and is captured in late september. spends like a week or two in prison before gil arrives in warsaw and is put in charge of him, at which point he's put under house arrest. manages to keep his Connections to the resistance (how? idk it's not important and no it will not be explained in LL lmao), stays there until the spring of 1944 when [massive spoilers that otherwise don't involve feliks] and he's forced to go into hiding for a few months (along with my human oc irena kowalczykowa), until the AK fighting starts and then ofc he (and irena) is involved in that until he's captured again; the ak is able to get him back for a few minutes before some russian spies attack them and feliks and irena end up with them
at this point feliks is too exhausted and weak to really put up any resistance to this fact, and he just stays in russian custody, hiding in the mountains with some partisans until the spring of 45 when they make their way to krakow where ivan has temporarily set up camp; feliks continues to stay in russian custody from this point though like he's not officially a prisoner and they make him agree to cooperate so he does end up with like his own apartment and stuff. but he doesn't stay there very long because in 1948 ivan finally is allowed to return home and he's been told to bring all the other ussr and satellite reps with him so feliks gets dragged to moscow to live in an extremely overcrowded house until 1952.
after stalin dies policy toward the reps changes and the satellites are going to be allowed to return to their own land; feliks is the first to do so because as mentioned all the way at the beginning ivan just hates him and doesn't want to live with him at all lol so he ends up back in warsaw where he stays, remaining more or less cooperative (by his standards at least) until the ussr collapses.
he spent some time in the 90s trying to participate somewhat actively in his new government but realized that 1. he'd kind of gotten used to just doing his own thing 2. he's too vocally queer, etc, to get along with them, so nowadays he does the absolute bare minimum in this regard (mostly interacting w other reps for them) and spends his free time doing whatever he wants instead. also he lives in krakow, not warsaw, bc he likes krakow more (aside from like. in my heart feeling like he's a krakowiak, i think he just associates warsaw with war and the comm. regime and really wants very little to do with it) and hey he's not got v many gov't responsibilities so it doesn't matter lol
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theshadowsong · 1 year
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★ Welcome ★
This is my main blog for FFXIV & BG3, it's nice to have you here! You can find my ramblings about my Characters. I'm not currently into rp, but maybe one day, who knows. I like to write about my characters, post aesthetics and draw them. Feel free to send me questions, I love them!
Right now I'm trying to structure things differently, both here on Tumblr and in game. I've started a completely new journey with Rem and you may not see the appropriate glamour on him for now, as I have no idea how to use mods lol. I also moved to Dynamis with my old main Fine, feel free to add me :)
Character Profiles:
Rem Amber - here & here Other Characters - here
Feli - WIP
I will occasionally post artwork for my own project, Winds of Illdur, and give it the hashtag #Illdur for anyone interested in Fantasy World Building.
You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram!
I also have a side blog for World of Warcraft and Diablo so check it out if you want. @iny-jays
About me: I'm an 27 old design student from Germany who will soon be in her finals. I love to draw and have a way too many OCs. I wish I could write as fast as I could think, but unfortunately I'm very slow. Started playing FFXIV two years ago and I'm exited to see what will happen in 7.0!
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Flower Beetle: Small Tree
So I written a one-shot of my Puyo Puyo Sig x Oc ship for this Christmas season. I hope you like it.
After discovering the success of growing a Christmas Tree, not as big as they hoped to be, Sig and Carmen have it decorated regardless to celebrate their achievement before Christmas arrives.
Carmen bounced up and down with glee at the sight as the achievement that is her very own Christmas Tree well rather hers and Sig’s as they decided to grow the pine tree together even if it’s not as large as they hoped to be at first. “Oh my gosh, Sig! We did it! We actually grew our very own Christmas tree~!!” She grinned still bouncing with hands grasping each side of her face. It stood at least thirty inches according to the measurements the two enthusiasts have taken during the months of it growing. It looked taller than them mostly because of the height support of the table beneath it, take it away and it would look like Lidelle and Feli would be giant beanstalks in comparison. Who knew a pine tree used as a Christmas Tree can be propagated? There were some guesses that it can from a single fresh cutting like flower bushes like roses or hydrangea however a tree wasn’t a flower bush as she, Lidelle and Mandrake discussed in one of their many times they’ve hang out together, but Carmen wouldn’t call herself a gardener if she didn’t at least take this challenge and see for herself if she can. But it would have been meaningless if she did this alone, it was fun if Sig had a go trying this experience with her, even if the rest of the others turned down her offer to share this opportunity with her. For her, it took a lot of studying of what kind of soil was appropriate down to the right place to have the cutting grow into the miniature tree that stands before them. The project had its ups and downs but in the end they succeeded and she did it with him. Sig watched as the platinum blonde expressed her joy of their project that they achieved together with team effort, but was it really team effort? He didn’t get exactly why she’s insisting this tree was just his as much as hers, to him, she did most of the work, all he did was just water the tree and checked its measurements when it was his turn sometimes reminding Carmen that is if he hasn’t forgotten about it himself. Granted growing a tree would have taken a very long time so of course forgetting about it was bound to happen. If anything, he should have put in more effort to grow this tree after all she chose him to help her make this happen out of everyone in their circle of friends but then again… Carmen did want to know if one could propagate a pine tree even if there was a chance that they can’t, it’s a wonder that she hasn’t done this before but she didn’t know and neither did he so it wasn’t worth the effort to question it. This was a big deal to her and the fact he was made a part of it, who was he to complain? She was happy she got to do this with him and that’s what matters. Which begs the question… “So where are we going to decorate this tree?” He asked still looking at the evergreen plant. Carmen stops her celebration to look at him and reply, “I was thinking maybe we should decorate it in your place, you did mention you don’t have a tree there, right?” Of course. Sig was asked a lot of times by everyone about him not having a tree yet, thinking about it made him mentally roll his eyes. “What about your place?” “It already has a tree, my mothers already put it up and we had it decorated last week.” “Oh, my place it is then.” The boy decided as he scratched the side his hair. Looks like he’s going to have that tree after all which is good, unbeknownst to him, his antenna proceeded to twitch. “Sig... did your hair just twitch...?” Carmen’s eye was caught as it twitches again twice beckoning to step forward to take a closer look to see if it wasn’t just her imagination. “Hm??” It twitches for the final time before it stopped entirely. “It did what? Carmen?” She started a moment in silence before shaking her head, it probably was her imagination, maybe? “Oh never mind, let’s just get this tree to your place so we can decorate it.” “Okay~!” Taking the tree was no easy feat as it wasn’t exactly lightweight for the two of them to carry, taking turns and all. Didn’t help that flowerpot that Sig personally customised with insect drawings added the weight, but it was here, in the front room of the house the entomophile resided in and the box of ornaments for the tree was taken out in preparation to decorate. “Mr. Akuma isn’t here?” Carmen asked as she scanned around the place in any signs for the bear doll demon. “No. Museum again, the usual.” Sig replied as simply as possible without looking at her as he was sorting out the ornaments from the box to see where they would go in the small pine tree. “Ah, alright. Wanted to ask if he was here, we could ask him if he wanted to join us decorate the tree. I take it he’s not always here for that?” “Sometimes, he’s usually busy.” Another simple reply from him, rather typical of Sig. Carmen chose to say no more after that, turning her attention to the tree that’s now standing the opposite of the fireplace with logs that need burning. So, it’ll be just her and him decorating the tree, the thought of it made her smile and feeling aflutter. Sure, they decorated a tree before but that was in class at Primp Magic School with everyone, but this felt a bit more… exciting for some reason. And Sig was contributing more which was all the better, he seemed a bit more motivated to decorate then he was at school, she liked it. “So cutting to the chase, what kind of ornaments do you have?” She asked turning her gaze teal haired male as he approaches her with a few in hand, held by the golden ribbons, glass baubles in different colours as a size of his normal palm clicking as they keep colliding with each other with each gentle swing, Sig didn’t seem to be holding any with his larger red one as it was clutching the blue tinsel that seemed long enough to decorate the small pine tree head to stump alone. “These and other stuff, now let’s do this.” And thus, the decorating began with the tinsel being wrapped around first and then the baubles hung with in every area they can find without them being too close to each other. It was a good thing it wasn’t a tall tree, or they would be having a struggle hanging the ornaments in the higher branches. “Oh. We don’t have candy canes…” Sig noted as he looked at the nearly dressed up tree, it wasn’t a Christmas tree without a few sweet treats hanging off the branch. “That’s too bad- “ “Is it though~?” Carmen cooed as the male turned his attention to her holding a candy cane between her thumb and index finger smirking mischievously. Sig rolled his eyes at this and swipes the candy of her hand provoking a string of giggles that slips out of her, he felt a tug at the corner of his mouth as he watched her. “Well that was rather convenient, mind telling me why you didn’t tell me you had these?” “You didn’t ask.” Carmen snickered reaching out to her brown leather thigh bag to fish out more candy canes. “Before you ask, I only have six in total which is probably enough for the tree.” “Lemres gave them to you?” He guessed rather correctly as the platinum blonde nodded with a hum of confirmation. “He somehow knew about the pine tree project and handed me these recently in case of decorating.” Of course, that guy knew somehow, he seems to know everything, Sig dropped his smirk at the thought about the candy warlock, he really didn’t want to, not when he’s in a middle of decorating with Carmen. Hanging the first candy cane on the free spot he can find; he’s handed the rest to place into the tree. It was nearly ready but there was something missing this time. “A star or an angel on the top of the tree…” Carmen says then she looks at Sig who’s kneeling and at the box looking for a topper. “You have any of those?” “Nope.” He turns around for a moment. “Not with a size for a small tree. Only tall ones.” “Figures. We’ll need to think of a good topper for the tree.” “Or we can do without one.” “You sure?” Sig hummed in confirmation as Carmen goes to sit down on the sofa to look at the Christmas tree in a better distance with him joining her. “We did a lot to it. Seems finished to me.” One look at from what was a plain tree was now seemed like it was a treasure they found with the baubles glittering like jewels with the blue tinsel. It was just lovely. “Seems like it.” Carmen sighed as she stared at the beauty that was her and Sig’s tree. “You know, I had really fun with this, Sig.” She turns her head, and he follows as they now exchange gazes, she beams at him. “I’m very glad I got to do this with you.” Sig could only do but smile softly as he returns the sentient. “Likewise.” It was all he could say though he felt his heartbeat start to increase its tempo but chose to ignore it as the two look at the tree one more time. “The only thing I’m a bit bummed out is that Amitie and the others aren’t here to see our tree, much less help decorate. I’m very sure they would have liked to see it.” Carmen admitted still keeping her smile it became sombre. She had been looking forward to growing a pine tree with as many people as possible but with them being occupied with their lives, she couldn’t be too upset with them as it couldn’t be helped. Even Mandrake wasn’t too interested in this once in a lifetime experience which did leave the gardener and florist rather disappointed but respected the plant girl’s wishes. The entomophile nodded his head once more in agreement. “Yeah… We can always take it to the school to show them.” He simply says causing Carmen to look at him again with her amber yellow eyes gleaming. “You think so?” She asked excitedly grabbing his red clawed hand with excitement in turn caused him to look with the heartbeat tempo picking up the speed then back at her. “I don’t see why not.” She takes her eyes off him for a moment to think about the suggestion and began to nod a bit. “Yeah, you are right about that. It does make sense we should, we did work hard on this, and everyone has got to see the team effort we made.” “Sounds nice.” He simply says once more turning back to the pretty, pretty tree. “Yeah, I guess so... Sig, thank you for- “Carmen’s sentence was cut off by the sound of snoring and felt Sig’s head leaning on her shoulder. Oh... he was asleep, and eyes were open as well. She couldn’t help but giggle at this, how on earth is he able to do that was beyond her but he must have been rather tired out from doing all that decorating he decided to nod off. He’s honestly cute when he does that. Keeping her hand encase with his, she proceeds to shut his eyelids with her other hand and stayed next to him and closes her eyes to rest them. “Sounds nice indeed.”
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lukatheselkie · 4 years
HMC - Candle in the dark (2/2)
Pairing: Possible future South Italy x OC Alrik; Fika
Warnings: Fighting drowning, attempted suicide, serious conversation about attempt, characterized depression, brief mention of a previous death
    Lovino feels like he’s drowning. Maybe he is. It wouldn’t be a surprise to him, honestly. It’s been a weird few days. Weeks. Months. Years. Life. He sighs, letting out as much air as he can into the water on purpose. The people in his life would be better off without him. Of course they would. He only ever gets in the way. But there’s a tiny voice in the back of his head that tells him maybe, just maybe, someone cares about him. But that’s preposterous. ...Isn’t it? Whether he believes it or not, his mind catches on the words. Maybe somebody cares about you. It’s enough to get him to start fighting.
    First, he needs to get as many clothes off himself as he can. He can feel them dragging down on his body harshly. He kicks off his shoes, pulling his shirt over his head at the same time. His pants are going to have to stay, but he thinks he can toe off his socks. He struggles with that as he searches for the surface with his hands. One pops out for just a moment, but it’s enough to give him a goal. He stops trying to remove his socks since it’s not working well anyway, and focuses on struggling toward the surface. Toward air he can breathe.
    Both his hands are out now, but for some reason he can’t lift his head out. Just as he’s about to rest his flailing arms, his hand scrapes against something large and solid. That gives him a small energy boost, and he grabs hold of the thing. He tries pulling himself out using the solid object, but the waves around it are particularly choppy. He bangs his head into it quite a few times, but does eventually manage to drag himself up it. He pants heavily as he splays himself across the somewhat flat top. It occurs to him that he’s laying on a boulder somewhere at sea before his vision goes dark.
    Blinding white. That’s the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes. Within a second, two familiar faces pop into his vision as well; his brother and his crush. “Oh thank goodness! You’re finally awake! We’ve been so worried! I told you to be careful around the cliffs!” Cliffs? ...Oh. That’s right. He jumped off a cliff into the ocean as a sucide attempt. Why had he changed his mind? He closes his eyes tightly. “Did you trip on a rock or something?” His stomach twists painfully. He doesn’t want to tell them the truth. “Ah, it doesn’t matter! What matters now is that you’re awake.” Feli hugs him tightly. It’s almost crushing. It’s oddly reassuring. Someone squeezes his hand, and he opens his eyes to see which one of them it is. It’s Alrik, and his heart leaps into his throat at the sight and sensation. His eyes are filled with sorrow. Lovino wants to touch him, reassure him, maybe even say something. But when he opens his mouth to speak, nothing comes out.
    “Please don’t strain yourself.” His voice lacks its usual energy. He grips his hand tighter. “You’ve been in a coma for two months. Don’t try speaking yet. Let the doctors check that everything is alright.” He releases his hands, and shrinks into a corner. Lovino longs for the warmth of his hand back. He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. Now he knows why he stayed. It’s such a selfish reason. Seeing Alrik for even a second is worth all the pain of existing. All the pain of being overshadowed by his younger brother, who seems worried to death about him. He doesn’t deserve a dead brother, especially since he’s not overshadowing him on purpose. It’s just something that happens. He nods, focuses on the sounds of the room, and eventually the sound of the doctors checking on him.
    When they finally leave, he moves the bed into a sitting position. Most of his injuries healed during the coma, but he got a concussion that’s still affecting him. “Lovi.” Feliciano pulls him into a gentle, loving hug. “I was so worried!” He crawls onto the bed with him. “We were worried.” He motions at Alrik, who’s still tucked into the corner. The Swede nods, then looks away. He’s acting strange. Why? “Does your head hurt? Do you need a drink? Maybe more medicine?” He nods, pauses, nods again, then shakes his head. Feli practically launches himself out of the room in an effort to get him water as soon as possible. Lovino looks over at Alrik.
    “Tack for not dying,” he mumbles, wrapping his arms around himself. There’s tears on his cheeks.
    “Are you okay?” His throat is a bit scratchy, and his voice comes out mostly hoarse. Alrik nods solemnly. “Come here. Please.” He scoots over a bit, so the man has a place to sit if he wants to be that close. He doesn’t, as he drags a chair to his side. “Can I wipe away your tears?”
    “I’d rather you not.” Alrik bristles slightly. Lovino sighs heavily.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing I want to talk about.” He wipes at the tears on his face hard enough to agitate the skin. An awkward silence falls between them. A few minutes pass before Alrik lets out a groan. “Fine! If you want me to talk, Feli, I’ll talk! And I know you’re out there, listening! Go away. Please. I only want Lovi to hear this.” He presses his forehead into the bed, and lowers his voice to a whisper. “I’ve lost someone important to me before. I thought I did again.” He lets out a bitter, shaky laugh. “Opposite elements,” he mumbles. This leads Lovino to believe that maybe there was fire involved in the last one, and it breaks his heart a bit.
    “I’m alive. I promise.” He lifts up his hand. “Can I run my fingers through your hair?” When he doesn’t get a response, he slowly lowers his hand into Alrik’s hair. He plays with his hair a bit, trying to be soothing. His breathing evens out after a few minutes, and he chuckles. “Feli, you can come in.” Feliciano pokes his head in, then walks over with a cup of water in his hand. He holds it out to Lovino, who gratefully downs it. “Thank you. That feels much better.”
    “Sounds better, too. You’re welcome.” He looks down at Alrik. “Is he asleep?” A nod. “Then I have something to tell you.” He doesn’t like the sound of that. “I know you love him.” Lovino stiffens immediately. “Relax. Please. There’s much more to be tense about.” Of course there is. He forces himself to relax, though he doesn’t want to. “I think he’s in love with me.” He feels his heart drop. “However, he spoke with me about growing feelings for you.” His head snaps up to look at his little brother. “When you were found, he mentioned that he would have thrown himself after you had he been there to see it. He would have tried his hardest to keep you from those injuries, and from the coma. Even if it meant putting himself through it. He seemed to surprise himself with those words. He told me he’s only ever felt like that two other times. One with a human lover, and another with one of us. Since the one of us is much more recent, he compared that to what he’s feeling for you. He’s the protective type. He couldn’t look at me anytime he was speaking about this mystery person, so I feel like it must be me. He loves us both. He didn’t realize his feelings for you until you went into a coma.”
    “Of course he loves you, Feli. Everyone loves you.” Lovino sighs.
    “Not everyone. But that wasn’t my point. He cares about you too.”
    “And he’s going to choose you. Go ahead and ask him out.” Feliciano shakes his head.
    “I’m not interested in him. I realize now I may have been leading him on, but I never meant to. Besides, the two of you fit together better. I want you both happy.” Silence. It’s so thick it almost seems to dull the sounds of the hospital. It stretches out for a few minutes before he can’t take it anymore. “I know this was a suicide attempt, Lovi. Someone saw you jump off. Why did you change your mind? Why did you do it to begin with?”
    “Sometimes it’s hard, living in your shadow. And I always seem to mess everything up. I just thought… Maybe without me, things would be more smooth.” He blinks rapidly, forcing the tears back. Felciano wraps his arms around him tightly.
    “Please don’t think that. I love you. You’re my brother. You’re so so so important to me! And our people! And others. So many care about you. I’m sorry I never noticed your distress.” Lovino takes a deep breath.
    “I’m sorry for not realizing the support and love I have. Or for seeking out help. I know it’s uncommon for us to…”
    “You don’t have to say it. I know what you mean. And I promise, we’re going to get help. For both of us. I didn’t know you felt overshadowed. There’s probably more to that. So much more. But we can tackle that another day. Was he the reason you started fighting the waves?” He shakes his head slowly.
    “Not entirely. I thought that maybe someone cares even a small amount about me, and it gave me enough hope to fight. I wasn’t thinking about anyone in particular. But he’s been the reason I’ve gone out before. Just seeing him for a second lights up my day.”
    “I’m happy for you. Not everyone finds their light.”
    “Their light?”
    “You’re at a dark point, right? But he, and I suppose to a lesser extent I, are lit candles in that darkness. There will be others. We may light them, or others might come to. It doesn’t matter either way. The most important part is that more and more candles are being lit, until you can’t see the darkness anymore. If you think he’s going to light more of those candles, I think it would benefit both of you to date. At least consider speaking with him about it when you’re released.” He smiles reassuringly. “I love you. So much. Try not to forget that. I’ll say it as often as I have to. Believe it or not, I love you.” He buries his face in the crook of his neck. “Others do, too.” Lovino rubs a bit of Alrik’s hair between his fingers thoughtfully. Maybe Feli’s right. He should at least give it a chance.
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scary-lasagna · 4 years
XD ok then. I’m going to warn everyone that my oc’s backstory does mention p3dophillia and r4pe. It also got holes in it lol. So her name is Sephrina Felis, but the public calls her Copycat. She’s 14. Its important to note that this is in a world where the government is so corrupted that it could be called an oligarchy. Some people are also born with powers that also contributes to one part of their personality. For example, Jeff was born with enhanced strength and to match that, — (1/??)
—he’s naturally stubborn. Of course if people get powers, arranged marriages would pop up again to form a powerful bloodline. These are called Power Marriages. This is what Sephrina is a product of. Unfortunately for her, she was born with a mutated power that came from neither of her parents. Her mom did everything in her power to give her the best life. However, she mysteriously died when Sephrina was around 5. Her father is a part of this oligarchy so he gets away with basically— (2/??)
—Sephrina’s dad is also an alcoholic, abusive, perv of an asshole. With his wife finally gone, he now has full control over the entirety of his staff and daughter. He started grooming her until she was around 7. It was always, “a lady should always obey without a word.” and “a lady is always a servant to the men.” and, of course the classic “a lady should be seen, not heard.” Because of this and the constant publicity, her independent personality never had a chance to form. All she knew is—
—that she didn’t like it and had a nagging but weak feeling that it wasn’t right. Her dad made sure nothing of his and the government true nature got out, but there was nothing he could do about the rumors. He became frustrated that he eventually ends up taking it out on Sephrina. Around the age of 8, she was forced to take gymnastics classes. It was one of, if not THE, best thing his dad has done to her. The young co-owner, Lyra Rogers as she later finds out, befriends the little girl. —
— She felt safe, had some kind of food after being starved for days, and most importantly, she eventually found a family. Lyra introduces her to her energetic little brother, Toby. Even though he was four years older than her, they became best of the best of friends. Later that month, Liu Woods came to visit Lyra to work on a school project they had with his little brother being dragged behind him. (
—rushed to the hospital twice that year. Once for the Rogers siblings’ car crash and another for Jeff’s attack. Her already broken heart shatters when Jeff’s heart monitor flattened. (
— In a fit of anger, Sphrina’s dad pinned her and slit her throat. He then killed the family cat that she was very attached to and rand off to bed. The maid was the first to see the corpses. She followed a shadow of a cat down to Sephrina’s head body. Sephrina’s blonde hair and her blood turned black and her tear tracks turned into black blood. The maid calls the police. The news of the murder of a government official’s daughter made the police and the news team arrive faster than usual.—
—With some money and corruption, the blame was removed from her dad to the maid. Well into the investigation and the news story, her body rises to its feet like how a newly turned zombie would get up from the ground. Before the viewers could process what was happening, the now undead Sephrina broke the newscaster’s neck and the camera turned sideways. The viewers were left horrified as all they could hear were screaming and bones breaking. A shadow of a cat with a wide, monstrous smile—
— stared into the camera and the cameras cut to static. As the months go by, priceless items from museums started to disappear, explosions went off, and the black market hit a growth spurt. Copycat got her name from her ability to copy powers for a very short period of time (5-10 minutes) just by watching her victims use it and by touching her victims (
—Her fighting style is like Ty-lee’s from TLA mixed with Catwoman from the DC universe. She would take any excuse to show off her gymnastics skills as she fights as paralyze her enemies. She’s also highly manipulative. She uses her innocent nature as a weapon. She eventually caught the walking lamppost’s attention. He sends the proxies to investigate her and to report back. Sephrina’s first words to Slendy were “Woah. You’re tall…” before Slendy takes her and her cat to the mansion.
— Anon
sorry I ended up confusing myself trying to put these posts together so I just copied and pasted them xd
Bro Sphrina is so gnarly?? Like??? Also I really like this whole Oligarchy and powers thing, it’s really unique and adds a whole lot to the story.
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Send ❥ For the Mun to write some positivity for a blog of their choice! | Quota Reached
// Anon you’re a damn cheat lol OK I’ll post a few but not all of those hearts. My God. 
@rk800isalive​ > OK you know the love drill for Eme but it’s fully here > Click
@stayhuman-genevieve​ > Same thing with my babes Lea and that love > Click
@coffee-and-guns​ > Feli I love you to death. You are one of my best friends. I’m blessed you commented on that one fic (I can’t remember lol) when you did. Such a long time ago it seems but that’s the moment we were in this. Your writing is wonderful. You make me laugh all the time with our mutual insatiable thirst. And our OTP? Lotixty? They were born from crack originally and damn I cannot imagine NOT having the 60 x Lotus ship. I’m glad to share that with you and even happier to call you a friend for life. 
@diivinerose​ > Curls! We’ve been doing this for so long and I’m just so happy we met across the other side of this fandom. Even happier that we get to do this together. You’re a literal babe. You’ve been there for me during some really rough shit especially now. We can talk about anything and you’re a literal best friend. Your writing is so much better than you give yourself credit for. Same goes for your muse who my muses adore. That good DD60 x Main!D? OTP BABY. Let’s not forget the OTP to top OTP’s with Det!D and Corvus. Finally we get to bring our problematic loves to full swing here. I missed them. I’m so happy to call you a friend for life too babes. I love you too much.
@ninehartx​ > My canon Nines right here! The only Nines of my life! Iron you are simply amazing. That goes for you as a person, friend and your muses. All of them, especially the wonderful boy that is Aiden Barnes, deserves so much recognition. Your writing is wonderful. I love when we plot. I love when we just chat. You’ve done some amazing things for me while I’ve been going through ish but I will never forget it. Chatting with you daily just brightens my life. You’re one of a kind. And Sixden? My OTP boys are absolute love. I adore you. 
@creatorofclay​ > Waifu! WAIFU # 2! Kam, Ash, Clay you’re such a delight. I mean I’m super stoked that we’re finally interacting so much. You are my Kamski. The canon Kamski of my life and 60 secretly (and not so secretly) has a thing for his creator. Then again so does Corvus in that killer human au but you know what I mean. ;) Platonic murder husbands otp? Never thought that dynamic would come about but damn it’s gonna be a blast. Talking to you is always a blast. You’re so chill and down to earth. I love hearing you in VC and damn I still haven’t been able to go live in VC with you there. Hopefully soon. I adore the hell out of you Kam. Your writing is amazing. 
@rxseguided​ > Cupcake! My sweet angel babe! I love you a lot. We’ve only just started really interacting but damn do I love every minute of it. I’m all on that Jesse x Corvus. You have no idea. He’s just so stuck on her in almost every verse but the killer au? Oh man that’s juicy. 60 never expected to gain an adoptive mother but he’s rolling with it. He just loves his angel mom. Every time you pop on I’m just so down to chat. You’re super fun, chill and amazing all around. That writing tho! You’re so good and let me tell you this. Jesse is an amazing original muse and deserves all the damn love in the world. 
@dulcis-pythonissam​ > My baby Hime you are wonderful. I am so happy you followed me when you did. I’m even happier we started chatting. You’re such a sweet person even if you might not see it. Please just have my hugs. You deserve them. Shizu is absolutely adorable and needs more love! All my muses are here to give her that but I’m already hype on this cute Shizu x Nines. Look what you started with that ask. I love to read your threads. I love to read your plotting. Your Kara is wonderful and 60 is totally in love. I love you lots!
@deviant-by-design​ > Already gave my love to my baby Crow and their amazing Connor here > Click
@vexeddetective​​ > Lots of love for Vex my babe already gushed here > Click
@nightofthefall​ > Cherub I will tell you this as I have always. You are a talented writer and you will go far. I remember when you first started talking to me in the other side of this fandom. You were the last good thing to come out of that before I moved away from that mess into here. Your muse deserves more. She’s very well thought and unique. I will always give you writing advice, tell you that your writing is better than you think. Just know you are the sweetest!
@musesdivine​ > I know you’re on a break here right now but Tori you are an absolute doll. When you followed me I saw Alex and immediately fell in love. 60 was just “ha! a new foil!” And Connor? Well, Connor loves Alex with all of his synthetic heart. Conlex is here and is waiting to set sail again. Then came the rest of your muses. I love them all. I love your writing. I love you! You deserve all good things. I’m glad to have met you through this fandom and will always be grateful we made the choice to dm each at the same time. lol It was too good! And you’re too precious ok? 
@amyriadofmuses​ > A literal babe. You were one of the first people to follow this blog and I’m just so blessed to know you. You’re so sweet and just I love when we get the chance to interact. 60 is all in for Vanessa. He fooled around and fell in love. You tackle so many muses in so many different fandoms and I just adore reading all of yours threads. Please give me all of your DBH muses. I want to interact with each one. With all of my muses. Your writing is lovely. You put so much effort into every single muse and you’re a mutual for life. 
@fearlessandchaotic​ > OK let me just say I missed all the plotting and just being chill in chat. Shenanigans are afoot! Shenanigans are being had! I’m so happy we’re back at it. All of my muses just want to pounce and 60? Oh boy 60 is a hyper puppy with his precious fox around. Let me give love to your Chloe as well. I’m so ready ok? It’s been so great getting back to it. Here’s to  more and more my baby Ely! 
@theveryfirst​ > Angel babe who is the Dove to 60′s stone cold heart. I’ve missed you a lot and whenever you manage to pop back up, I just gush. You’re super sweet and were one of the early ones to follow this blog. I’m happy you gave 60 a chance because Sixloe? SIXLOE. I ADORE THEM SO MUCH. She’s so soft and he’s so hard. They just fit so well. All of that good plot we’ve done I’m still ready to do. Whenever you’re ready babes. I love your Chloe so much. Your writing is just beautiful. 
@beeutifulmuses​ > Bee! My precious Bee! I adore you! You’re just so wonderful and such a pleasure to chat with! I’m super happy you dropped on Corvus and I love the added dynamic we’ve plotted with your Forgiveness (tommy) for the demon au. Let me say that you have many a muse that are just so well thought out, canons and oc’s alike. I love reading you on my dash. I love plotting. I am so looking forward to more threads together. You’re just a wonderful writer and I’m so glad to know you! 
@negotiiator​ > Andrew! While we haven’t interacted in a thread lately I just want to give love to this wonderful Connor. Your blog is always so aesthetically pleasing. I love to read you when you pop up on my dash. 60 is just always gritting his teeth and wanting to pounce. He has to suck it up because you’re a pleasure to see. Your writing is just too good. I’m glad you followed when you did. Slap me up in dms again. 60 wants to love on you....with his fist but still. 
@anderson-residence​ > My baby Alley! All the muses. Give me all the muses for all my muses! You’ve been nothing but a doll from the moment you followed me on my Connor blog. That was the first and then you followed me here and beyond. I love seeing all of your plot, ideas and just your enthusiasm for all of your muses. It’s infectious. You have such a great sense of humor and I love you to pieces! 
@idontkillorphans​ > FLO! I love you to death. Sleip is such a mood and a wonderful OC. Whenever you’re on the dash I smile because I know he’s up to something. lol I want to interact more especially with my devil man Corvus. You’re super sweet and just an all around wonderful person. <3 
@jericholeader​ > OK but the Markus queen herself. Always a pleasure to see on the dash. I just adore the way you write Markus. I love your writing. It’s just so good. Becca you’re an angel and I have to toss my muses more at you. 60 is just shaking his head whenever he sees Markus doing good. He hates it but secretly respects him for standing his ground. You’re amazing OK? OK. 
@dpd-detective-in-training​ > 60 is in love with one Isles Turney and I can’t stop him. Seeing you on the dash whenever you are able just makes me smile. I’m super glad you followed me. I adore Isles so much. She deserves way more love. Honestly, she deserves the damn world and no one will tell me otherwise. That’s the truth. 
// OK I lied. I posted more than the hearts you sent lol Give all of these babes some love. Oh and shout outs to > 
@gracioustwin​ > Whenever you come back let me love on you with my muses. You’re such a sweetheart. Hannah is love.
@cyberlifefortune​ > While you just followed me here and on a few of my other blogs, I can already say you are a pleasure. I’ve been reading everything you write on my dash and I’m super excited to start writing with you!
@electricshxxp​ > Just started following but already I’m so hype to interact. 60 is ready for Kamski. Been reading you on my dash and I’m loving it.  I’m super excited to start writing and plotting! 
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empyreanturtle · 7 years
The Darkest Hour, Chapter 1 (A Final Fantasy XV Story)
A/N: This was originally planned as a prologue to a larger Gladio/OC romance fic. I only have a couple of scenes completed, and have no plans on writing more right now, but I do want to share what I have! Gladiolus was my #1 chocobro from the early demo and forever on. My plan was to explain some deeper motivations to his in-game actions, as well as introduce a more permanent love interest for him. This first chapter/prologue is the introduction of that character, Felicity. It is mostly canon-compliant with the main game, and also canon-compliant with my good friend’s story, Solstice.
A very special thanks to @captain-zajjy for encouraging and beta-reading this work!
Full work: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11896992
Felicity Surrigo watched from the bow of the fishing vessel, Cormoran, as the city of Altissia floated into sight from behind a cliff. Even after five years of the same view nearly every day, the beauty of the city never failed to fill her with a moment of hope.
Felicity cringed as the feeling was ripped away by the grating voice of Captain Gifre. She hurried to coil the rest of the rope as she made her way towards the mast and tied it down to the deck.
“I swear yer slower than a sea slug,” Captain Gifre complained.
Around the boat, the crew prepared to offload their catch from the last two days. The first mate Dax yelled at the greenhorn Tym for making the same mistakes the first mate had made just a few hours earlier. The fiery Roux skittered around the mast and yards tying up the sails beneath the distinctive flags of a white sea bird on navy blue. The ironsmith - the man so silent he had never even given the crew his name, so they just called him by his primary job - was inspecting each bit of their gear, taking stock of what repairs he would have to make on the ship while docked. Felicity was on clean up, as usual, finishing all the jobs the others had abandoned or never even started.
Roux swung down to the deck in front of Felicity. The seawater and sweat had made his bright red hair curl even more than usual. He had only joined the crew a few months ago, not long after Gifre had taken over as captain, but had spent most of his life serving other vessels on the sea.
“Hey, Surrigo,” he said with a lopsided smile.
“Hey, Roux,” Felicity replied. She avoided eye contact with him, as usual. Not that it ever discouraged him.
“We’re coming into port soon,” Roux stated. “When are you gonna let me show you around?”
She knew reminding him that she had lived in Altissa for the last five years wouldn’t make a difference. “That all depends on the Captain,” she replied.
“He’s planning on staying in harbor the next two days,” Roux said with a smirk. Of course he already talked to the captain. Felicity kept a straight face, revealing neither her annoyance at Roux’s persistence or her joy at the news. The next morning, the Oracle was going to summon the goddess Leviathan, and two days off meant Felicity would actually be able to attend the ceremony.
“So how about it?” Roux asked, interrupting her thoughts.
“We’ll see,” she replied vaguely. The last time she had said no outright - at least two months ago - Roux had cornered her until she agreed to a ‘maybe.’ Captain Gifre had done nothing, just looked on with mild amusement.
“Surrigo!” The captain yelled at her again for her delay of tasks, conveniently ignoring Roux’s similar offense. Ever since Gifre had taken over the ship six months prior, his favorite display of power was singling Felicity out every chance he had. She had never been disrespectful to him - she knew better than that - but the previous captain had favored her, something Gifre always hated.
Still, Felicity went back to her chores on the ship without any complaint. No matter how much the crew taunted and tormented her, it was still better than her life had been in Lestallum. She’d tolerate Gifre and Roux twice over, so long as she had work, food, and a place to sleep.
Just over an hour later, Felicity watched as Dax lowered the last of their fish onto the delivery boat below. She swung her legs over the rail - one part of the job she actually enjoyed was bringing the fish to the various restaurants and vendors - but stopped when she heard the captain yell her name again.
“Where d’you think yer going?” he asked. Felicity didn’t bother to answer, and instead swung back onto the boat.
“My ship needs to be spotless for the awakening tomorrow,” Captain Gifre continued. “All of us know yer the only bitch stupid enough to stick around and do it.”
Felicity sucked in a breath to prevent her sigh from escaping. Only stupid enough to follow your orders. “Yes, Captain,” she replied instead. Cleaning the ship had always been Tym’s task, before Gifre had taken over. Nearly seven years younger than her, the boy earned a place on the ship under the old Captain Aarao doing all the tasks a person can do before they learn how to fish. But Gifre was buying loyalty, and he didn’t seem interested in earning hers.
While she got out the mop and bucket, she heard the captain assign delivery of the fish to Tym, then walk off with Dax and Roux not far behind. The ironsmith lingered on the ship, inspecting the outer hull for any damage sustained during their voyage.
Once the captain and his two lackeys were out of sight, a whisper came from the delivery boat below, “Surrigo?” Felicity leaned over the rail.
Tym sat in the boat looking up at her, bewildered. “I don’t know where to go, or how much to deliver, or…”
“The First Secretary’s estate. Then the stalls outside the Leville. Then Mhaago. The stalls and Mhaago each get half of whatever the estate doesn’t want. Tell them you’re from the Cormoran , and they won’t give you any trouble with the payments,” she explained. Gifre was still earning his reputation with the vendors - or failing to, in some cases. But the fishing boat’s name was still one held in high regard.
“Thanks, Surrigo,” the boy replied and shoved off.
Felicity smiled and returned to cleaning. Good luck, kid.
“You are nice to him,” the rare, deep voice of the ironsmith rumbled. Most of the crew had never heard more than a few words from the man, but Felicity always tried to be friendly to him, especially when they were left behind on the boat alone.
Felicity nodded. “Someone needs to be.”
“He will turn on you,” the man declared. “Captain will see to it.”
Felicity sighed inwardly. “I know,” she said truthfully. “But Captain Aarao would have wanted it this way.”
The ironsmith clucked his tongue at her. “You should be more careful. Captain does not like to hear that name. He does not want anyone to know.”
Know? “Know what?” she asked.
“It is nothing,” he replied. “What is in the past cannot be undone.”
Felicity felt her heart begin to race. Captain Aarao’s death six months prior had been attributed to a sharp decline in health. But Felicity had spent every day with the man for nearly five years, and Gifre’s sudden elevation to captain afterwards seemed to go a bit too smoothly. If there was a reason, a real one, for why Captain Aarao died so suddenly, she had to know it.
“Please,” she begged, “Do you know something?” She knew from experience that quiet people were often mistaken to be hard of hearing as well. What have you heard?
The man shook his head. “It is too dangerous for you.”
“I don’t care,” Felicity said in a rare moment of rashness.
The ironsmith shook his head again more vigorously. “I made a mistake in saying. Please do not ask again.”
Felicity sighed, but nodded her agreement. She didn’t want to press her luck with the one person on board that was genuinely nice to her.
“Would you like help cleaning?” the ironsmith asked her.
“No, but thank you,” Felicity replied. The empty ship reminds me of when Captain Aarao was still alive. “Please, go enjoy yourself.”
The man gave a nod of his head and exited the ship.
By the time Felicity finished cleaning the boat, the sun was low on the horizon. She rushed to her cabin and began filling a bag with a few clothes, her gil, and a couple meal bars. On top, she placed her two most prized possessions - a fishing knife with the Hydraean’s image carved into the hilt, and her ragged copy of Cosmogeny. Captain Aarao had given both to her as a gift when she first joined his crew.
If you are faithful to the Gods, they will be kind in return, he had promised. She started praying with him to Leviathan and the rest of the Six that very same day, and their fishing haul that day was the largest of the season. Felicity earned enough money to buy a real meal and a room for herself at the inn for the first time in years.
Ever since that day, Felicity’s life had improved. She learned how to fish and navigate the sea. Captain Aarao was kind to her. The rest of the crew were a rough group, but they never hit her or forced anything on her. One man had tried, only a month after she came aboard, but Captain Aarao intervened and left the man’s fate to Leviathan.
But more important than the rest, from the day she started praying to the Six, Felicity knew she would never have to live dependant on anyone ever again. Of all Her blessings, Felicity thanked Leviathan for that one the most.
Felicity cinched the top of her bag and slung it over her shoulder. It was too late to go to the Hydraean’s altar that night, but Mhaago would still be open. Weskham’s stories of his travels across Lucis always made the long days seem worth it. She stepped into the passageway and saw a dark silhouette leaning against the doorframe at the other end.
“In a hurry to leave, Surrigo?” Gifre’s voice echoed down the wood paneling.
Gods damn it. She managed to keep her face emotionless, but averted her eyes downward. “Just finished all the cleaning, Captain,” she replied.
Gifre looked around the hallway and seemed to nod in approval. “I guess it’ll be good enough. We’ll see when my guests come on board for the awakening tomorrow.”
Felicity tightened her grip on her bag, waiting for the Captain to reveal what he really wanted from her. Gifre took a long draw from an unlabeled bottle. After several seconds of silence, Felicity walked towards the captain. Please let me just leave. When she got within three paces, the stench of liquor hit her like a wall, and as she tried to step through the door, he braced his arm against the opposite frame to block her path.
“Everything I do for you, and not even a ‘thank you,’” he sneered.
Felicity swallowed back several retorts that came to mind. He’s drunk. Just find a way to get past him. “I appreciate everything you do for us, Captain,” she said as genuinely as she could manage. “We’re lucky to have you on the ship.”
Gifre shook his head and chuckled. “Not for the crew, Surrigo. For you. Y’think Roux would’ve let you be if I hadn’t given you the ship to clean? Damn ginger wouldn’t shut up about how I ruined his night.”
Felicity clamped her mouth shut. He really thinks he did me a favor? she thought with horror.
“And all I get in return is yer judging me all the time,” Gifre continued. “Don’t think I don’t know what’s goin’ on in that head of yers.” He tapped her temple with his finger, as if to prove his point.
Felicity recoiled, and shook her head to disguise the reaction. “It’s not my place to judge, Captain.”
“Damn right it’s not!” He took another long draw from his bottle. “Listen, Surrigo. One day you’ll wake up and realize I did ye a favor. And when ye do, I expect somethin’ in return. Got it?”
“Yes, Captain,” Felicity said automatically. She wasn’t sure what favor he thought he did for her. She certainly couldn’t think of anything in all the time she knew him. I hope I never find out, she thought to herself, And never owe him anything for it.
“Yer a sweet girl, and a pretty good fisher,” Gifre said as he finally moved out of her way. “You’ll see one day what I can really do for you.”
As the captain walked down the passageway to his quarters, Felicity let out a long breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding. Leviathan, please save me from this mad man, she prayed, then left the boat as quickly as she could.
The next morning, Felicity stood among the throngs of people gathered in front of podium where the Oracle would be giving her address. After visiting Weskham at his restaurant, she had spent most of the night scrubbing her clothes spotless and shining the blade of the Hydraean knife. She even spent far too much time in the mirror that morning tying up her hair in something vaguely resembling a style she once saw in a photo of Lady Lunafreya. Today was likely to be one of the most important days of her life, and Felicity wanted to look her best for it.
She went to the plaza early to guarantee a close view. She was faithful to the Six, and both admired and revered the Oracle for her connection to them. The Hydraean knife hung on her belt; it was her only possession that seemed worthy enough for the occasion. What I wouldn’t give for the chance to hear Leviathan’s response as I lay it on Her altar!
Felicity waited for what seemed like an eternity before the Oracle finally approached the podium. Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret brought her hands together in prayer, and it sent a tingling rush through Felicity’s body. We will be praying together, she realized.
“Dear friends,” the Oracle began. “I stand before you today with little hope the words I speak shall reach beyond these walls...”
Felicity listened intently as the Oracle continued on about the darkness of the world. Ever since the first news that Lady Lunafreya would be marrying the prince of Lucis, Felicity had been glued to her radio. She had gone through an entire spectrum of emotion through news that Lady Lunafreya and Prince Noctis had died, that the Oracle had lived, and rumors that the Prince had made it out of Insomnia as well. Now, the Oracle was in Altissia, Felicity’s home, standing barely thirty feet away, informing the crowd of her intent to summon Leviathan.
Felicity swallowed back the swell of emotion that threatened to escape her. The news reports from the last couple of weeks had said that Titan had already been awakened, and Ramuh as well, if the rumors were to be believed. Felicity worshipped all of the Six, but Leviathan had always been her favorite. She had faith that even out in the middle of the sea, far away from any altar, Leviathan could still hear her prayers and would protect her from any harm.
As Lady Lunafreya spoke of Lucis, Felicity’s mind began to wander to what Leviathan might do once awakened. Will She give us Her blessing? Will the Oracle allow us to speak to Her, and present our gifts in person? Felicity fingers brushed along the knife’s hilt at her belt. I will give it to Her from the both of us, Captain Aarao, she silently promised to her deceased friend.
Cheers from the crowd broke Felicity’s train of thought. The Oracle, having finished her speech, gave a small nod, then withdrew from the podium. This is it, Felicity thought as she sucked in a breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She gripped the hilt of the knife as the crowd surged around her.
The people of Altissia rushed to get as close to the summoning altar as the city guard would allow. Areas directly on the water were blocked off, which meant people pressed their way to the platforms and open areas just above. Felicity was among them, but despite her height, she couldn’t see beyond the shoulders and heads of those who had managed to get in front of her.
This is worthless, she thought dejectedly. I have to find a better place to see. She backed away from her spot, one that was filled in an instant by those nearby, and made her way to the edge of the crowd. An idea came to her, and Felicity quickly made her way back up the steps to the First Secretary’s estate, around the side, and to the channel she so often used to deliver fish. She ran along the edge of its frame, following its path towards the harbor.
When she reached the loch between the two levels, Felicity jumped from the channel’s edge to the sidewalk nearby. From there, she moved past abandoned buildings - evacuated at the First Secretary’s request - across a bridge and down an alley way she once used to hide from Roux. At the end of the alley, Felicity pressed up against a fence that prevented people from getting too close to the level’s edge.
Felicity let out a sigh of relief as the Oracle’s voice rang out in song. Thank the Six. Through the bars, she could make out the Oracle standing on a platform a level below. She wasn’t close by any definition of the word, but the silence and seclusion of her viewing point allowed her to just barely hear the Oracle’s song and words.
In the sea beyond, Felicity saw the outlines of various fishing and pleasure boats, owned by the captains brave enough to go against the First Secretary’s docking orders. She was sure the Cormoran was among them, after Gifre had ordered the ship cleaned. Felicity tried to make out the navy blue sails of the boat, but all of them were too far away to be sure.
As Lady Lunafreya’s song faded away, a sound like nothing Felicity had ever heard before echoed across the water. It was like a thousand voices in unison speaking a language the world had long forgotten. Felicity seemed to hear the sound all around her and feel it deep within her soul.
Felicity grasped the bars of the fence in front of her tightly. Her entire body felt like it was sparked by lightning. She searched the water below looking for any sign of the Goddess as the Oracle spoke to Her. The world seemed to slow down. Felicity knew her heart was racing, but in that moment waiting for the Goddess to appear, each beat felt like an eternity from the last.
Then, from the calm waters before the Oracle’s platform, a serpent-like creature rose straight into the air. It had to be nearly fifty fathoms tall. Felicity fell backwards from the fence as she tried to look up at Her. The breath Felicity has been holding finally came out whispering, “Goddess.”
Felicity felt like her heart was going to explode. The last five years she had worshipped the Hydraean. In that time, she had felt the first sort of peace or happiness since before her father had been killed by the Imperials while on one of his journeys. Leviathan had protected her, listened to her prayers, and answered them.  Leviathan, the being rising from the water below, had blessed her with a better life.
Felicity rose to her feet with her eyes transfixed on the Goddess of the Sea. The Oracle continued to speak to Her, and Her voice filled the air in response.
Then an explosion erupted at the back Leviathan’s head, and another along Her long spine. Felicity jerked her head in the direction the blast came from, only to see an Imperial ship smoking with the aftermath of a fired cannon.
No, Felicity thought angrily, You can’t take Her, too. She pressed herself against the fence again. “Leviathan, please,” she prayed, “Sink these Imperials once and for…” Felicity’s voice trailed off as the Goddess sent a wave of water directly at the Oracle, knocking her to her knees. Felicity felt her brow furrow. Why would She try to harm the Oracle?
In between the Imperial blasts and Leviathan’s increasingly menacing voice, Felicity heard Lady Lunafreya scold the Astral regarding the worship and praise She received. Leviathan made a sound that could only be described as a growl, and clamped her jaws around the Oracle. Felicity could hardly believe what she was seeing. The Goddess of the Sea, the guardian deity of Altissia, had angrily taken the only human capable of communing with Her and tried… to eat her.
The Oracle’s voice rang out over the water and a beam of light shot straight into the air. A blast sounded from the platform, and the Hydraean recoiled back, revealing the Oracle safely standing there. Felicity’s relief was quickly cut short as Leviathan roared into the sky once again. The tone of Her voice dropped low. Felicity couldn’t understand the words She spoke, but it was a tone she recognized all too well - an ominous and brazen threat.
Felicity turned away from the fence and leaned back against a wall. She felt like her lungs had filled with water. Every breath she tried to take came up short. How could this angry, hostile serpent be the same Goddess that protected and blessed her so many times?
Felicity felt sick.
Another roar from the Goddess of the Sea pulled Felicity’s attention once again to the water below. Leviathan had begun spiraling in the air. In the distance, the boats viewing the ceremony rose with a wave larger than any Felicity had seen in even the worst storms. The Imperial ships continued their assault despite their moving target. One of their blasts hit a portion of the lowest level of the city after Leviathan avoided the attack, and another followed shortly after.
It’s become a warzone, she thought in horror.
A rumbling sound behind her made Felicity turn her attention away from the battle below. It sounded like a wave crashing against the side of a hundred boats all at once. The ground beneath her began to vibrate and the glass on the windows rattled like marbles in a jar.
“Shit,” Felicity exclaimed as water began to pour around the corners of the buildings at the end of the alleyway. She quickly climbed to the top of the fence, steadying herself against the building, before jumping for a balcony further away than she cared to worry about.
Her hands hit the railing and her body collided with the stone base. Her fingers curled tightly as she try to get a grip on the metal. Beneath her, the water rushed out of the alleyway and onto the next level below.
You’re dead if you fall, she scolded herself. She let one hand slip from the upper railing and grasped one of the lower bars tightly. The secure hold allowed her to fix her grip of the other hand, and pull herself up and over the rail. Felicity looked down to where she had been standing only moments prior to see a wall of crates, tables, and debris crushed against the metal rails as the fence filtered the water passing through.
Leviathan protect me, she thought, more out of habit than any belief that the being causing this destruction had any concern for her. She grabbed for the knife at her waist. The wooden hilt, once beautifully carved with the Hydraean’s image, was now cracked and missing several chunks from her impact with the balcony. But the blade was still intact, and she used it to pry open the door to the building.
Felicity found herself in someone’s home full of children’s toys and knickknacks that were left behind when the family evacuated. After securing the knife to her belt once again, she moved through to the windows on the opposite side, looking out of each one. Finally, at the back of the home, one of the windows opened above a support column for the bridge crossing the overflowing waterway below.
Felicity climbed onto the stone ledge made slick with water. She was more used to ropes and wooden beams, but the ornate carvings along the edge of the bridge gave her enough hand and foot holds to pull herself up and over the wall. She rushed to the opposite side where she could once again see the Oracle’s platform among the chaos below.
Felicity’s eyes focused on the Oracle just as she was stabbed by a man dressed in black.
“No!” she screamed out in horror. But the man calmly bowed to the Oracle, as his long coat flowed behind him, and left on an Imperial ship. Felicity backed away from the stone wall of the bridge. Her world, and her city, was falling apart, and she was helpless to it all. A voice echoed in her mind, What good is it to pray when the Goddess you worship is the cause of this chaos?
The sound of twenty footsteps in unison made Felicity focus her attention to the street. A unit of magitek soldiers marched directly at her. With a gasp, she ducked behind the bridge’s column, but she was sure they had seen her.
This can’t be it. Felicity squeezed her eyes shut as she waited for their bullets to hit her. The guns fired, but she felt no impact or injury. She slowly opened one eye, then the other. The unit had gone to the crest of the bridge and fired on the Hydraean instead. Felicity didn’t wait for them to change their minds. She jumped to her feet and ran in the direction they came.
As she turned the first corner she came to, she nearly collided with a wooden beam. She ducked and slid underneath, immediately backpedaling to avoid collision with a wooden wall. It was a sailboat with red flag, laying on its side and blocking Felicity’s path. One of the ones that had been out viewing the summoning, Felicity surmised.
She used the ropes to pull herself on top of the hull. From her new vantage point, she could see several other ships had met a similar fate. The swirling wall of water Leviathan raised had taken all the boats from the sea and spun them directly into the city.
But even more concerning was that the route she had planned to take, to get to the higher ground at the First Secretary’s estate, was just gone. The bridges and rooftops that would have kept Felicity above the water were just broken remnants floating in the water beyond.
The ship beneath her groaned and began to slide back into the rising water. Felicity ran along the hull and jumped from the bow, landing in ankle-deep water on the next rooftop. Behind her, Leviathan’s roars and growls had become eerily absent. Felicity turned back to the water to see Her falling downwards as water sprayed from her underside.
She is finished, Felicity thought. She knew she should feel horrified at the thought, but she couldn’t help feeling some relief.
Leviathan laboriously raised Herself into the air one last time and let out a noise of desperation. Around Her, the water glowed with yellow light as a rock rose from the surface.
Not a rock, Felicity realized. It’s the Archaean.
Felicity fell to her knees, and the water on the roof came up to her waist. Please, Titan, she silently prayed. Please protect Altissia. Make Leviathan see the devastation She is causing.
The building beneath her suddenly began to tremble as Titan raised his fist into the air. She tried to stand, but was almost immediately knocked off her feet. She crawled towards a doorway at the far edge of the rooftop as quickly as the quaking and rushing water would allow.
Just as she reached the door, Titan slammed his fist into the water before him. Towers of glowing, yellow rock appeared out of nowhere. All around her, Felicity could hear the snaps of rock and stone breaking apart. One of the bell towers tilted, then fell to the city below. Buildings broke apart, the stone edges of the higher levels of the city collapsed. The entire world seemed to shudder in pain.
The only pieces of the city that had remained untouched from Leviathan’s fury were crumbling to the ground.
The water around Felicity started to rise rapidly. The towering wave surrounding Altissia began to fall with an impending white wall rushing across the city. Felicity struggled to open the door, hoping the stone would provide relative safety and an air pocket inside. She threw her weight against the door, then did so again and again until finally she heard the wood crack. She stepped back readied herself for one last push.
The water of Leviathan’s wall rushed over Felicity with the power of a thousand waves. She tried to reach for the door, the stone, anything to hold on to. But everything was out of her grasp, and she was swept away in the wave.
Open your eyes to Their light, and you will never be lost.
Captain Aarao’s voice echoed in Felicity’s head. She felt weightless, like she was soaring with the clouds. She reluctantly opened her eyes to a world of blue. She was soaring. She was above the city of Altissia, looking down on the lowest level at the sidewalks surrounding Mhaago. The canals nearby looked strangely empty, yet she could see fish swimming within their walls. In fact, there were fish everywhere, floating in the air with her.
I’m under water.
As the realization swept over her, Felicity heard the memory of Captain Aarao’s voice again. Even in the darkest depths of the seas, Their light will guide you. She pushed back the fear and panic that threatened to drown her and searched for the brightest light in the water and the infallible path to the surface it would provide.
It was nowhere to be found.
She clamped a hand over her nose and mouth to prevent them from sucking water into her lungs. Up, she resolved. Go up. Keeping Mhaago beneath her, Felicity kicked and pulled her way through the water. Her lungs burned with desperation as she made her way towards what she hoped was the surface.
Air rushed into Felicity’s lungs as her head finally came above the water.
The remnants of Leviathan’s wall descended on Altissia as a steady rain. Both the Hydraean and the Archaean were nowhere to be found. In their place, a chorus of a hundred cries for help echoed over the water. People clung to anything they could get their hands on to stay afloat.
Felicity swam towards the part of the city that now made up the shore. She pulled herself onto a stairway that once connected the second and third levels of Altissia. The bottom of the stairs were underwater, and the top led to a crater left by one of the Imperial shells. Felicity spun around in horror as she realized exactly how much destruction had come to Altissia.
As she turned away from the First Secretary’s estate, Felicity saw the wreckage of a boat several streets away that had met its demise colliding into a stone structure that was once a large platform looking over the canals. It was only one of many that had met a similar fate, but what caught Felicity’s attention was the mast. One of the only pieces of the ship still intact, it boasted navy blue flags with a white sea bird.
The Cormoran.
Felicity carefully navigated her way through the rubble towards the ship. A feeling of apprehension grew steadily in her chest the closer she got. Her crewmates may not have been her favorite people in the world, but they were still her crewmates. As Felicity moved closer, she could see more and more of the damage.
The stern was broken off entirely, and by the splintered wood at the tear, Felicity suspected it was from an Imperial shell. The mast, despite standing vertical, was leaning significantly from its base. Several dark stains blemished the deck she had so meticulously cleaned the night before. The bow had a gaping hole ripped into its side from the impact with the stone, revealing the hallway where Gifre had cornered her just before she left the ship. To Felicity, it felt like an eternity had gone by since then.
She inhaled sharply when she saw a crumpled form at the end of that hallway, only recognizable by his bright red hair. Roux. She immediately felt guilty at the twinge of freedom his fate meant for her when she saw the smaller shape of Tym a bit further away.
As she scanned the wreckage for any sign of life - and finding none - her prayer from the previous night, the request to be saved from Gifre, echoed in her mind. I didn’t mean it like this, she thought. I would have endured a thousand years of his madness if it would have saved their lives.
With a sigh, Felicity stepped away from the boat and turned her attention to the ship’s debris strewn across the platform. She found a compass that she fastened to her belt next to the Hydraean knife, a few articles of the clothing she had left behind, and a small knapsack to stuff them in. She didn’t bother with the broken pieces of other navigation tools, or things that had belonged to the others. After gathering what she could, she knelt overlooking the edge of the platform and tied off her sack.
“Surrigo,” a grating voice sneered from behind her before dissolving into a coughing fit.
Felicity stiffened. It can’t be. She slowly stood and turned to the source to see Gifre leaning wearily against a broken wall of stone.
“Of all my crew to survive, of course it was ye,” he said. Felicity was frozen in disbelief, but her mind echoed the captain’s sentiment.
“Were all yer prayers answered by the Goddess of the Sea?” he mocked. He walked towards her, and it looked like a lungful of water was the worst that had happened to him that day. “Did you pray for my ship to be destroyed?”
“N-no,” Felicity stammered out. “Of course not.” I never wanted this to happen.
“O’ course not,” he repeated with a sinister smile. He motioned with his arms to the rubble around them. “A little hard for yer prayers to be answered when the ‘gods’ yer prayin’ to are too busy with all this.”
The words twisted like a knife in Felicity’s chest. She didn’t want to believe him, believe that all her prayers had been for nothing, but after what she had seen that day, she couldn’t find the will to disagree.
Gifre moved through the debris from the ship, picking out various items that survived the wreck, many of which weren’t his to begin with. He made a noise of disappointment as he looked over the boat. “A shame, really,” he said. “I was gettin’ close to expanding to a fleet, y’know.”
Felicity stayed silent. What would he do if I just walked away? she wondered.
“Ye could’ve had yer own boat,” he said, intriguing her enough to stay. He stood and crossed his arms, staring at her. “I had the money for a second ship, a bit smaller. Wasn’t gonna be free, o’ course. But I was waitin’ fer the right time. Waitin’ on ye.”
Felicity’s brow furrowed. “Me? But wouldn’t Dax...”
Gifre cut her off, “That stupid oaf? His sorry ass couldn’t tell north from south. Ye had the skill for it, Surrigo, so It would’ve been ye, if ye had woken up any sooner. But there wasn’t gonna be any ‘Goddess of the Sea’ shit on any boat in my fleet.”
Woken up? What is he talking about? Ever since Captain Aarao had died, Gifre and his lackeys always taunted her faith in Leviathan. Felicity attributed their lower pay to less fish, a result of their offending Her with their comments. He was pocketing most of it for himself, she realized. Leviathan had nothing to do with it.
When Felicity didn’t respond, Gifre continued, “It was bad enough with Aarao leavin’ good people’s fates to Leviathan.” He spit at the ground in disgust. “My brother didn’t die because Leviathan decided it. He died because the bastard walked him off the plank in the middle of the sea.”
Felicity remembered the first time Captain Aarao ordered one of the crew to go overboard, only a few months after she had joined up. ‘The Hydraean will determine his punishment,’ Captain Aarao had said that day. And she believed him, and believed Leviathan would protect the man if he was innocent.
Gifre let out a cynical chuckle. “But he realized, in the end, there’s no goddess deciding who should live and who should die. Not for my brother, and not for Aarao either. He died foolishly believing Leviathan would save him.”
“Don’t talk about the Captain that way,” Felicity said, a bit more forcefully that she intended.
“The Captain?” A look of disdain came over Gifre’s face and he lunged at her. Before she could react, he closed the distance between them. His fist connected with her jaw, knocking her to her knees.
“I am your Captain!” he shouted. He pushed the sole of his boot against Felicity’s shoulder until her back was on the stone. “Ye think without a ship, that suddenly I ain’t yer Captain anymore?”
Felicity tried to squirm away, but Captain Gifre pinned her beneath his foot. Leviathan, why did you destroy so much, yet leave this man? But she knew the Hydraean wasn’t listening, and probably never had been.
Gifre dropped to his knees over her and leaned down into her face. “This is the thanks I get, is it? I did ye a favor and gave ye a chance to be something more than the bastard’s acolyte,” he said, his voice growing louder and angrier on each word. “An’ after all this time, yer loyalty is still only to him!” His hands encircled her throat and pushed down threateningly on it. “I should’ve gotten rid of ye as soon as I took over!”
“No!” Felicity struggled beneath him. Her hands grasped for anything she could find, anything that could help her get away from him. “Please,” she begged in ragged gasps, “Gods, please stop.”
“Yer ‘gods’ didn’t save Aarao from what I did to him, and they can’t save you now,” he hissed.
Felicity’s eyes went wide with clarity. He killed him. And he’s going to kill me too. Her fingers frantically searched at her belt before finally making contact with the Hydraean knife. Without a second thought, she ripped it from its fastenings, and sunk the blade into Gifre’s side.
Gifre jumped to his feet as she pulled the blade out. For the second time that day, air rushed into Felicity’s lungs, and she scrambled to her feet. Her body felt like it was on fire from adrenaline. Gifre examined his hemorrhaging wound, then looked up at her with contempt. “Ye bitch,” he slurred. His face was already beginning to lose color, but he grabbed at her once again. Felicity dodged around his outstretched hand and plunged the knife into his chest.
“I don’t need gods to save me anymore,” she said, then pushed the captain and the knife over the platform and into the water below.
I’m free.
The moment of serenity quickly gave way to a tidal wave of thoughts and emotions from everything that had happened to Felicity that day. She felt heartbroken, forsaken, liberated, and terrified all at the same time. Her head felt lighter than air, but her chest was thick and heavy.
Felicity Surrigo fell to her knees, buried her head in her hands, and wept.
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✧ Apprentice asks ✧
 So I’ve found this a m a z i n g Arcana Apprentice Ask Meme created by @gooddoctorjules and ofc i had to fill it because i like to talk about my OCs and omg this questions were so GOOD!  Answers under cut cause some of them were pretty long
 1. What is their full name? What does it mean? Do they go by any nicknames/aliases?
His name is Morpheus Rhiannon. “Morpheus” is the Greek God of Dreams and “Rhiannon” is one of the Celtic Goddesses of the Moon (I have a thing for naming characters after mythological figures). When he was younger people used to call him “stormy” due to his spitfire personality and impulsive behavior. He didn’t change his ways, but he lost touch with the people who nicknamed him that. During some years he ran his exoteric shop under a pseudonym, “Felis” (named after the cat constellation). But nowadays everyone just call him Morpheus.
2. Do they have a familiar? What is it?
Morpheus has a small Egyptian Fruit Bat called Boo. She is tiny and scared of everything and everyone. Boo likes to hide in Morpheus scarf sometimes. Also, not a familiar but Morpheus has a lot of cactuses. All named George. All. Of. Them. Don’t question it.
3. What type/s of magic do they specialize in?
I’m not really sure how magic works in The Arcana. Besides from fortune-telling (he used to read runes before Asra taught him his tarot skills) and a very strong sixth sense, I believe Morpheus would be an Oneiromancer (a mage who interprets dreams) and have a few lightning-related attack spells.
4. Which of the major arcana best represents them?
I guess all the apprentices are meant to be The Fool card, at least in the beginning of the story, since it means, among other things, “Set forth on a new journey, one that is completely unknown and will take you to uncharted territories”, pretty fitting. But I think Morpheus can also be represented by a Reversed Moon card: It means he’s living in a moment of unhappiness and discomfort but he doesn’t know what he can do about it. Past experiences made him doubt himself, doubt if he is able to move forward. The Reversed Moon also means he is in a more intuitive phase than a reasoned one, though his intuition feels confusing which leads to possible misinterpretation.
Also, if I had to pick a future card for Morpheus, it’d be The Judgement: “With its theme of awakening to new life, the Judgement card suggests that you have reviewed and evaluated your past experiences and have learned from them. All the pieces of the puzzle of your life are finally coming together to form one, integrated picture of your life story. This integration has healed any deep wounds and you are now in a position to put the past behind you.”  
And since I’m super into runes, I’d like to add that Morpheus runes are Perthro (Secrets, mystery, occult abilities. Determining your path in the future.) and Algiz (Awakening, connection with higher powers. Follow your intuition. A desire to protect yourself or others.)  
 5. What animal best represents them?
Either a raccoon or a peacock. Raccoon because he is small (kinda, he is 5’7/171cm), has dark circles under his eyes, looks cute but will fight you and peacock because he’s super flamboyant. As for his spirit animal, I think the one that fits him best is the bat (maybe that’s why he has a pet bat). The bat represents people that are aware and sensitive of their surroundings, that can have high psychic levels, have high chances of have prophetic dreams and are not easily fooled by illusions.
6. Describe their grimoire profile.
The spitfire apprentice who’s trying to find meaning to his life. ♐
✧Favorite food: Plum Pie ✧Favorite drink: Iced Tea
✧Favorite flower: Night-blooming jasmine
 7. What is their Myers-Briggs type?
INTP – (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
8. What is their natural alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic good/neutral/evil)?
Chaotic Neutral leaning towards Chaotic Good.
9. Which Hogwarts house would they be in?
Probably Slytherin. Morpheus personality is loosely based on mine, and I’m a slytherin, so…
10. Of the nine intelligences (logical-mathematical, existential, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist, musical, linguistic), which is their greatest strength? Their greatest weakness?
In order of the greatest strength to the weakness: Linguistic, Spatial, Existential, Musical, Naturalist, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Logical-Mathematical, Intrapersonal.
Basically he is great at writing, loves books and sucks at understanding his own feelings.
11. What did they think of Asra leaving? Of his gift? 
Morpheus relationship with Asra is… complicated, as the baker said. Morpheus likes Asra, he really enjoys his company. But every time he feels they are getting closer, Asra leaves. In the beginning, he didn’t mind the secrecy around Asra’s travels but as the time passed, it started to bother Morpheus. A lot. He doesn’t understand why his master doesn’t trust him after all this time. So when Asra said he was leaving again, Morpheus got really pissed. About the gift, well… It’s not like Morpheus wasn’t marveled by the tarot deck but his sixth sense tells him that cards are trouble. He didn’t really want to accept the deck, he doesn’t need it, he can very well use his runes for guidance. Plus, the fact that it’s the first time Asra leaves that bloody cards behind is suspicious.
12. What do they think of Nadia’s request that they go to the palace?
First of all, Morpheus doesn’t like Countess Nadia at all. He thinks she is tyrant who doesn’t care about her people. So when she shows up in the middle of the night demanding that he goes to the palace his first thoughts are “Who does she think she is? I mean she is the Countess and all but still??”. He was planning in ignoring her request, but after the card telling him she has a plan in motion he got curious about it and decided to give it a chance. When he actually went to the palace and heard what Nadia had in mind he was like “Nope. I don’t want to be a part of it. Nonononono NO”. However, even though Morpheus made it very clear he wouldn’t cooperate with the Countess, she didn’t really care, so… yeah. Let’s just say “curiosity killed the cat” is a very fitting proverb.  
13. What do they think of the various animals they encounter at the palace?
MUST. PET. THEM. ALL. Yes, even the vampire eels. Seriously now, Morpheus really like animals, but knows how to respect them. He has plenty conscience that some creatures are only to be admired from a distance, which seems to be the case with most of the animals he encountered in the palace, unfortunately.
14. What is their day-to-day outfit? What do they wear when the dress up (such as for the masquerade)?
In his day-to-day Morpheus likes to wear comfortable clothes, usually tapered harem pants and a tunic or a gypsy shirt, with flats on his shoes. His clothes are mostly in shades of purple and black, with some sea-green accessory. In a fancier meeting, he’ll go more flamboyant. The pants would be less baggy, the shirt would be more open with the classic Arcana Tiddy Window™ and he’d probably wear a shawl around his waist. He would wear lace-up boots with a short heel. The color palette would be the same but more sparkly. In his head he’ll use a silver circlet, and some bracelets with fake coins.   As for the masquerade, I picture him with a very open dark red shirt, which pretty much just covers his shoulders and arms, matching colors with an asymmetrical sarong skirt, over the shirt and skirt he wears a purple corset with some jades decorating it. Bellow the shirt he wears a light brownish flare pants. As for shoes, he wears bright red ankle strap high heels. And last, but not least, he wears a bright red choker on his neck, to match the shoes.
15. What is their favorite type of weather/environment?
Morpheus likes cold and rainy weather. He hates when it gets too hot, it makes him grumpy and even lazier than he usually is. Also the earthy smell after the rain reminds him of home.
16. Do they have any prized possessions?
Even though Morpheus is not the type to get attached to things, he has two very prized possessions. One is a small and rusty green dream-catcher with a single agate stone stuck in the middle. When Morpheus was younger he had terrible nightmares every night, he’d wake up screaming and crying and had a really hard time going back to sleep. So his mother made that dream-catcher to help him out. He never find out if it was actually enchanted at that time or it just helped ease Morpheus mind. The second thing is his set of runes. His older brother made it to him out of red wood once they started noticing Morpheus had a gift for fortune telling. Morpheus used those runes to read the fortune to some people in his home-town, earning a few extra coins for his family. Nowadays he uses another set, made of tourmaline stones, but every time he needs guidance to himself, he runs back to his old redwood runes. 17. Do they collect anything?
Yes, he collects cactuses, heartbreaks, and untrustworthy friendships.
18. What sort of first impression do they make?
Looks wise most people mistake him for a woman. Not that he minds, he’s fine with it. Morpheus has a very androgynous face, wears quite feminine clothes and a lot of make-up, so it’s easy to get confused. Now, about his personality, people often think he is cocky, they think Morpheus thinks he is better than anyone else. This is totally not the case. Morpheus is quite shy, so sometimes his answers may sound a bit cocky due to being short. I mean, he can be sassy sometimes and talk without thinking but he usually tries to be nice with strangers and costumers.
19. How do they deal with conflict?
He throws bottles at them. Morpheus is extremely impulsive, he acts before he thinks, and it applies to conflict as well. When it’s a physical conflict, he’ll attack even if the odds of him winning the fight are very unlikely. I mean, he did throw a bottle at Julian even though the doctor is like 17cm/3inches taller than him. In verbal conflict, he says everything that comes to his mind without paying much attention to what he’s actually saying, which may ended up being more harmful than he intended or, sometimes, he may accidentally let information slip. 20. What are their principal goals?
Morpheus believes that everyone comes to the world for a reason; everyone has one meaning in life. He just doesn’t know what his reason and meaning are. He wants to figure out what is his role in the world.  
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kodokugumon · 7 years
Tell me all about ur pokemon ocs I'm curious abt them :00
Ohhhhh boi. Get ready because this probably will be long and confusing. So I've already mentioned Alexandra. Who's a no nonsense sort of leader of this group of scrafty that live with her while her mom tries her best to recover. Alexandra is also a diabetic fghjhf But basically what happens is that her mom gets really sick when she was young and their outside family refuses to help. Since they never approved of mom taking in Alexandra. [Alexandra's biological mother ends up dying while she was still baby. But mom and bio mom were friends so she got taken in] And mom can't work anymore. She can barely move. And the hospital bills were getting ridiculous. Luckily, Mom's boss takes pity on them and makes a deal with Alexandra. Basically if she works for his company, he could cover the costs of the medical stuff, and the payment for the house. Unfortunately, that means Alexandra has to dropout of school. So she does. This all happens when she's fourteen. Now she's nineteen. But there's this gang of scrafty she leads because they don't have a home to go to. Which is kind of a problem. Costs lots of money. Since her mom is starting to work again. Which means she's out of the job and needs to find work. Kind of hard without graduating. But the rest of the Scrafty gang. That includes Sara. [Her own story has to do with school and her family becoming more emotionally abusive to her after her friend dies in a car crash. Because it's revealed she was never a child genius. She was always going off of her friend who was. So all those honors and shit went down the drain. Because the truth was, she has a learning disability. And her family only ever was happy with her as long as she proved to be smart. But once the death happened, school ends up being too much. And she falls behind big time. Running away to Alexandra And is on the verge of being a dropout. Which falls on top of her becoming more suicidal.] Sara is eighteen. And then there's Charlie. He's actually in college because he graduated early. Studying to be a doctor. He's eighteen as well. And there might be some jealousy issues between him and Sara. But what happened is that his parents sent him off to some college, covering all the expenses. Including a dorm. But they ended up gambling all the money away. So that means he has to make his own money to cover for everything else. But no more dorm. So he moved in. There's Shiny. Who is not actually a shiny pokemon. Just always covered in paint. He grows plants and paints. And was happy living with his parents until they mysteriously disappeared one day?? He had no where to go. But by this point everyone had already moved in with Alexandra so might as well. He's 17. Finally, there's Taddy. [Who is most definitely a furry] He put up with his alcoholic parents for a long time before one day, they actually end up hurting him. So he ran off to Alexandra bleeding and bruised up. She took him in and is hoping for his parents to get over their addiction but they haven't so far.... Taddy is sixteen and has recently evolved! Yay! Also Alexandra's mom is named Bertha! But this gang of Scrafty also messes around with this Krokorok gang lead by Yula. Then a harem that's led by this Salazzle named Azar. They're all around the same age and big shenanigans happen. And Sexual tension. Lots of it. This also gets appearances from other pokemon not in gangs. Like Luna and her younger brother Freddy. And Stella, Gi, ect. Friends. --Now there's also the UnderGround story which isn't as pleasant. Lots of bad things happen in this one. So basically in my universe there's underground criminal activity and then there's the UnderGround. Which is connected to the UnderEarth. This story is basically me mucking around with an idea of a god reborn as a mortal to free other gods from their imprisonment. And ends up having to go to huge lengths to do it. But eh. That's story. So these characters are probably the least likable ones. With many of them murders are participating in trafficking. Or mess around in necrophilia and actively destroy the cities they live in. They ain't good. And it mostly follows around the God's 10 dark and 7 ghost types. I shall list them off. Dark types: Heidi - weavile - unpredictable, a killing machine, Blaire - hydreigon - big ass fierce dragon type, she's blind, masochist Luce - Zoroark - manipulative, sassy, Rea - Absol - doesn't like strangers, cold, Feli - alolan persian - he doesn't kill, drug addict, seems calm but most of the time is freaking out in the inside Jeremiah - mightyena - also doesn't kill, alcoholic, when he's not drunk he's always panicking Marley - Houndoom - always aggressive towards others, has really sick jokes Charlotte - liepard - sneaky, is actually unsure and insecure about herself but loves a nice murder Remy - bisharp - quiet, goes along with everything Tony - Scrafty- is described as a slut by everyone, is a sad murder dad Ghost types: Xal - gengar - possessive, controlling Maggie - mismagius - emotionally sadistic, intelligent Ethel - shiny chandelure - is the "straight man" of the group, she calls out their bullshit, sarcastic Rose - Banette - demanding, quick, has lots of guilt issues Rain - Dusknoir - loud, physically sadistic, has a soft spot for Feli Lizz - froslass - judgemental, very pretty, doesn't like sylveons Neale - mimikyu - humorous, makes sure the dark types don't kill each other ~ That's basically a rundown of these awful fucks. There's a lot more to them and this story. Since they're actually my most developed but it would take a lot of time to explain and stuff. But the UnderGround story is basically my try at making characters you should hate but find yourself feeling bad for. Because things happened to them that made them this way. But then there's characters you can also like, such as Ronnie. She's 14. And basically Tony's daughter. He found her when she was 10, since some messed up things happened to her. She's aware of the bad things that he does but Tony was the first one who showed any kind of kindness towards her so,, [I really love her okay]Then there's the murder kids. Who are supposed to be a part of this story but scrapped. They're a group of kids who are eeveelutions who go around murdering other kids for fun. -- That's some of my ocs!
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labyrinthofleah · 7 years
Second Chances | Felice/Annie fic
[It’s fic time with Felice Button (my OC kid with Roberto) and Annie Lemieux (@autorhythmicity​’s OC kid with Louis)! Also Leigh’s OC kid Rin. Heavily inspired by this post and this post.]
I get older and life fades but you remain Open up again I believe in second chances 
– “Second Chances,” Imagine Dragons
Felice, Crown Prince of Altaria, stood alone in his room and stared at the pristine royal uniform hanging in his wardrobe. Tomorrow, he was to be wed.
He was experiencing many emotions at the moment, but not one of them felt like ‘joy.’
He started, then cleared his throat and turned towards the door. “Who is it?”
“You know who it is. I’m coming in, okay?”
Before he could say anything, Rin stepped into the room, hair pulled back into a messy bun and sporting fluffy llama-shaped slippers. She leveled a disgusted glare at the uniform.
“Ugh,” she said.
He just smiled at her like he hadn’t heard. “What’s up? Something important?”
She redirected the glare at him. “Yeah, it’s important. You’re about to screw up your life, dumbass.”
His shoulders slumped as he rubbed a hand over his eyes wearily, which didn’t require much faking. “Rin, I’m really tired and I still have some stuff to do before tomorrow, so if all you’re going to do is lecture—“
“Oh, no,” she snapped. “I am not letting you slither out of this like usual. You can’t marry that princess.”
“Whyever not?” He asked, voice carefully light.
“Damn it, Feli, you know why!” Her voice rose. “Annie—“
“—is just a friend. She has been for a while. Is that all?”
Rin looked livid, and Felice knew she was probably only seconds away from shaking him. “You think you can fool us with your bullshit, but you’re wrong. I know you’re taking the throne for Alvise, and that’s fine, but what about you? Do you think he wants to see you being miserable in his place?”
He took a deep breath. “I can handle this easily. Al couldn’t.”
“It’s not about you handling it—ARRGH!” She threw up her hands. “And it’s not just about you, anyway! What about what you’re doing to Annie?”
“She was the one who ended our relationship in the first place, in case you’ve forgotten.” For the first time, his voice turned slightly frigid. “Don’t you think I wanted…?”
He broke off, rubbing his eyes again as he turned away. “Look, just… just go.”
“I want to be alone.”
He heard the door click shut as she left. Sinking down onto the bed, he groaned as he buried his face in his hands.
“I just wanted…”
The next morning:
Annie sat in her parents’ kitchen, determinedly eating an omelet loaded with all her favorite toppings. She had splurged on expensive coffee, and bought some gourmet bread that was currently toasting. Olive oil sat in a small bowl to be used in lieu of the usual margarine. It was a scrumptious breakfast, the meal of her dreams.
Because if she couldn’t have the man of her dreams, food was obviously the next best option.
At least it would be, if she actually had an appetite. She put down her fork.
There was no one around to hear. Her parents and siblings had all left for Altaria the night before, so as to have time to catch up with their friends the King and Queen before they attended their son’s wedding as guests.
Annie had flat-out refused to go with them. She didn’t know whether to feel grateful or humiliated that they had not pressed the issue.
And now she was alone, with only her irritated thoughts and broken heart for company. Slumping back in her chair, she shut her eyes tightly.
“You wanted this,” she reminded herself bitterly.
You had your chance years ago. He was ready… and you weren’t.
And now you’re paying for it.
The doorbell chimed. She groaned. “Seriously?”
She’d already thrown on a bathrobe, so she stalked to the front door and pulled it open. She was expecting it to be a delivery, or maybe one of the servants from the castle who hadn’t gotten the memo that her father was out of town.
“Hi,” Felice said, wearing one of his unreadable smiles.
Annie gaped at him.
“Can I come in?” He clearly thought he would be invited in whether or not he asked, and that presumptuous attitude quickly jolted her from her shock.
“What—no! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting married?”
He shrugged as he made his way past her into the house. “Probably.”
“Hey!” She hurried after him as he strode down the front hallway. “You didn’t answer me, what are you—“
He turned to face her at the end of the hall, and she suddenly couldn’t speak. Set into the back wall was a large stained glass window, a wedding gift to her parents from Prince Edward. Small white roses twined gracefully around a large red rose in full bloom, and the sunlight streaming through the colored glass illuminated Felice from behind to a glorious effect.
“Annie.” The way he said her name made her breath catch in her throat. “I’m here because I need to ask you something.”
“You couldn’t have just—“
“This is important, so no. Just a phone call wouldn’t cut it.” His lips finally quirked up into an actual smile—his smile. “You remember what day it is?”
You mean the day you become permanently unavailable and I resign myself to spinsterhood?
She shook her head slowly.
“Today’s the day I was officially declared the new Crown Prince, three years ago. The day…” His voice grew softer. “I asked you to marry me.”
She wrapped her arms around herself and squeezed. “Oh. Right.”
“I understand why you said no. And why you ended it between us.”
If I could go back to that day, I would slap myself into next week so I couldn’t ruin anything.
“You were right. The crown is a heavy burden, one my wife would have to share. I would never want to force that on you or make you feel like you owe it to me because of our past. I just… wanted to ask one more time.” He swallowed. “Before it’s too late.”
He reached out. Hesitated. Drew his hand back and clenched it into a fist at his side. Then he looked directly into her eyes.
“Annie, I love you. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. Even when we weren’t dating, just being with you was one of the few things that actually made me happy. Like I had somewhere I could come back to.”
Now he did take her hand, and she didn’t pull away.
“My heart belongs with you. No matter where you are, or how you feel about me, it will always be yours. I know it’s been a while. I know we can’t expect to fix things right away, but… I had to know if there was even the slightest chance you feel the same.”
She looked down at their joined hands, realizing he was trembling.
No… it was her.
“But I hurt you.” Her voice was anything but steady.
“Yeah… but that’s in the past. What matters is how you feel now.” He squeezed her hand gently.
“I was an idiot.” Her voice cracked. And still he looked at her like that. Like she held all the star shine and wonder of galaxies inside her, and he was the only one who could see.
“Annie,” he said. “How do you feel about me? Do you want to try again?”
That soft voice was the last straw; she started bawling. She hated herself for it, but he just drew her into his arms.
“I… I don’t… It’s not that easy!”
“No, it’s not.” He kissed the top of her head.
“I still don’t know if I can, Felice…”
“But do you want to?”
Do you love me?
Do you want to be with me?
Do you think we’re worth a second chance?
She buried her face in his chest, clutching his shirt in her fists.
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malicamistyface · 5 years
° a little animatiom ° [ Fely, second mascot?] (Not final design) ___ A little animation i haven't touch in some time, Puppet seem quite easy here, tho i don't know how to do them on other program ___ Decided to post this 'cause i have nothing else to post, Currently drawing 4 piece, fan arts, 2 chibis and 2 full body, will be using them as reference for commission sheets;;  really want to start them soon,  will be accepting Rupiah and Dollar (?). Different prices 'cause i have no clue anymore- ___ - sharing this in your story would be appreciated!💝 - ___ - I always always except (constructive?) Critism! - ___ -Please ignore tags!💝- #animation #chibi #art #drawing #digitalart #illustration #animated #oc #chibiart #originalcharacter #draw #test https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8I88nnSQu/?igshid=1j9hskrdomgci
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guys i thought he fucking loved me guys. i cannot believe this. i am Hurt /nsrs
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celebratory felys doodle bc i somewhat pm'd the past chart in arcaea
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ah! so joyous!
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