#today i am woken up by someone telling me that i need to already be awake even though i have had less than a fucking hour of sleep and that
dreamwritesimagines · 6 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [14] - Wedding
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: A wedding can be a good place for clarity.  
Word Count: 3400
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, stabbing, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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Well, this was going to be fun.
The wedding was tonight and your phone already had way too many text notifications. You would be meeting Becca and Sarah today to get ready, so you had woken up way too early just like Bucky. After taking a quick shower, you made your way downstairs to see him in the kitchen, making coffee.
Bucky's head snapped up and he turned around to look at you better.
“Whoa,” he said, “This is a surprise."
You pulled your brows together.
“Um, we've been staying in the same honeymoon suite for a while now, in case it has escaped your notice.”
“No no, as in— am I allowed to see you?”
You blinked a couple of times. “What are you talking about?”
“I mean—” he said, motioning between you. “Isn’t it bad luck? If I see you before the wedding?”
You shrugged your shoulders, then jumped to sit on the kitchen island.
“We’re going to get a divorce anyway,” you said. “That whole tradition is for actual couples, not us.”
Bucky pursed his lips and cleared his throat before holding up a mug.
“Coffee, my romantic wife?”
“Stop calling me that, and yes.”
He chuckled, filling the mug with coffee before handing it to you.
“There you go.”
“Thanks,” you said. “So, we’re getting married then.”
“Mm hm.”
“So I’ve been thinking,” you said. “There’ll be a lot of important guests there as well as alcohol. A good way to start alliances.”
“You’re going to use our wedding to make business deals?”
“You’re not?” you asked back and he thought for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders.
“Yeah I see what you mean.”
“And I need to talk to Stark tonight.”
Bucky grimaced.
“I did that earlier this week,” he said. “Would not recommend, it’s not a nice experience.”
You stifled a laugh.
“Well, we need him,” you said. “As much as I hate to admit.”
“I mean—” he started but was cut off when someone pounded on the door, making both of you turn your heads before Becca’s voice reached inside.
“You’d better not be seeing each other right now!”
Bucky threw his head back and you made your way to the door to open the door, smiling already. When you opened it, you found Becca and Sarah standing there and Sarah looked amused already while Becca let out a gasp.
“Just as I thought!” she said, walking past you to step inside and you hugged Sarah when she stepped inside.
“Hey there,” she said. “I held her back as long as I could.”
“Appreciate it,” you said and pressed a kiss on her cheek, then turned around to see Becca who made her way to Bucky.
“Are you trying to get bad luck? Why are you seeing the bride?!”
“Ask the bride,” Bucky said and you rolled your eyes.
“Come on, everyone in this room knows that this is more of a business deal than a wedding.”
Sarah shook her head slightly and you stole a look at her.
“It is,” you insisted and she held up her hands.
“I didn’t even say anything.”
“And where is my coffee?” Becca asked and Bucky nodded at the coffee machine.
“It’s right there, help yourself.”
“Did mom teach you nothing?” she asked while you leaned your head on Sarah’s shoulder, watching them bicker. “Is this your first time interacting with a guest in your place?”
“We don’t have the time to get coffee Becca, we can get it on our way to the weekend house,” Sarah stated and you checked your phone when you received another text, then heaved a sigh.
“Why is everyone texting me?”
“It’s just my theory but maybe because it’s your wedding day?” Sarah asked and motioned at you. “Give me your phone, you’ll be busy the whole day.”
“Oh my God thank you.”
“I already talked to Steve and Sam and I know when exactly you’re supposed to arrive there,” Becca said. “Which means, if you’re late as you like to be all the time—”
“It’s my own wedding Becca, I couldn’t be late if I tried.”
“Well forgive me if I don’t trust you,” Becca said. “I’m serious, my brother or not, I’ll shoot you if you’re late.”
“Does this have something to with the fact that you don’t know if your girlfriend is coming to come to the wedding so you’re channeling all your anger to me?”
“Bucky!” you hissed and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Maybe worry less about my relationship and more about yours since we’re still not sure your wife who happens to be my best friend won’t kill you in your sleep,” Becca said airily and Bucky scoffed.
“She won’t kill me in my sleep.”
“She might.”
“She won’t— Y/N, tell her.”
“My dad raised me better than that,” you pointed out. “You don’t even kill enemies in their sleep, let alone allies.”
A happy smile lit up Bucky’s face as if you had just proclaimed your undying love to him on a bent knee and he motioned at you.
“See?” he asked Becca, pride clear in his voice. “We’re allies.”
“You’d have to be awake for it,” you added and Bucky’s head whipped around so that he could see you better.
“Come again?”
“Because honor—”
“Alright!” Sarah cut you both off. “Let’s go. Bucky, Sam and Steve are on their way here.”
“Yeah they just told me on group chat.”
“You have a group chat?” you asked and shook your head. “Of course you do.”
“Come on,” Becca said as she walked outside and Sarah followed her. You lingered there for a moment before you nodding at Bucky.
“I’ll see you at the wedding then.”
“See you, wife.”
“Stop calling me that!” you said and quickly left the suite before he could reply, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat.
The majority of the day had gone pretty fast. Thanks to your wedding planner, everything looked exactly how you described her. Barnes weekend residence and its huge yard were already gorgeous, and as the night fell, it looked almost magical. All the guests were seated, Becca and Sarah were already by the altar and so was Bucky, Steve and Sam. Even though you had tried to keep this wedding simple and with as few people as possible, it still looked like there were too many people and you brushed a hair over the skirt of your wedding gown, shifting your weight from one foot to other.
Your head shot up and you smiled at your father.
“I’m fine,” you said before he could ask, leaning your back to the wall, waiting for your cue. He kept his gaze on you before giving you a teary smile.
“Your mother would be so proud of you.”
“I haven’t done anything to make her proud yet,” the reply left your mouth before you had a chance to stop it and he pulled his brows together.
“Sweetheart,” he said. “You don’t have to do anything.”
No you did have to.
You hadn’t done anything at all to prove yourself yet thanks to your father pushing you out of the picture so that Ian could be his heir instead of you, but you were going to fix that.
Whether he liked it or not.
“Right,” you managed to say. “Sorry. I’m just kind of nervous, that’s all.”
“That’s understandable,” he said. “But I assure you, tonight will go the way you’ve always dreamed of.”
Well, you had dreamt of actually being in love with the groom when you dreamt of your wedding but your father didn’t need to hear that.
This was going to be yet another thing you would keep from him, along with the car chase incident.
“Your aunt texted me by the way,” he said. “She sends her apologies for not making it to the wedding but she’s going to visit soon, she says.”
You tried not to roll your eyes and nodded your head.
“Y/N, I know things haven’t been great lately but I—” he started but was cut off when the music started and you pushed yourself off the wall, rolling your shoulders back. He offered you his arm, and you took a deep breath, trying to calm your wild heartbeat down.
“Ready?” he asked and you bit inside your cheek, then took his arm.
“Ready,” you said and you both started walking down the aisle.
It was alright. This whole marriage was just going to last until you took over, and then you were going to get a divorce and you and Bucky would go your separate ways.
Bucky, who was now looking at you like you were the most beautiful woman he had seen.
You averted your gaze from his as your father and you reached the altar, and he squeezed at your arm before nodding at Bucky, then took his seat. You let out a breath and stole a look at Becca and Sarah, then turned to face the priest, forcing yourself to focus.
Fine, from an objective viewpoint he did look very handsome today.
Not that it changed anything. He was still the most arrogant man you had ever met.
Your heart was still beating so fast that you could hardly focus on what the priest was saying. You and Bucky had informed him earlier on that you would skip the speeches, considering that you had nothing to say other than lies, and you didn’t want to risk people seeing through your lie.
You could swear your head was spinning but you tried to see through the nervousness making its way through your system. You just needed to do this to take over, and then you’d get a divorce and you were hardly going to think about Bucky after that point, except for—
Technically you were going to have to do business with your ex-husband but that slight detail aside, it was going to be fine.
Blood was muffling your ears as you heard Bucky speak and you dug your fingernails into your palms, then your head shot up when you heard your name.
“Y/N?” the priest said and you blinked a couple of times, then cleared your throat.
“I—I do,” you said almost automatically and Bucky let out a relieved breath as the priest smiled calmly.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he said. “You may now kiss the bride.”
Fuck, this right here had escaped your attention while planning the wedding and from the look of surprise on Bucky’s face, it had escaped his attention as well. He stared at you for a moment as if he didn’t know what to do, and the priest coughed as if trying to signal him.
“You may kiss the bride,” he repeated and you gave a small nod of your head, making Bucky swallow thickly before taking a step to you. Your heart skipped an excited beat as his arm sneaked around your waist and he pulled you closer, the warmth of his body pressed against yours, then he dipped you slightly backwards, then leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss.
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamed about this before. Back when you still had the biggest crush on Bucky, you would spend hours thinking about how it would feel if he kissed you, even imagining your wedding sometimes but—
You hadn’t thought that his kiss would feel this good.
Before you could even stop yourself, your arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against yours like he wanted to make the moment last. You exhaled, your breath mixing into his but when the applause started, you both snapped out of it. Bucky helped you gain your balance as you tried to catch your breath, then rolled your shoulders back and stepped back from him to smile at the crowd, ignoring the way Bucky’s eyes were glued to you.
You were quite certain you were the first bride who was going out of her way to avoid the groom on her wedding, but in your defense, you had a lot to think about.
Not that kiss.
You had to think about anything and everything except that kiss.
You passed through the huge garden to approach the bar, stealing a look at Leila and Becca who seemed to be in a deep conversation but judging by the small smile on Leila’s face, it was going well. Bucky was talking to Steve and Sam by the corner and Sarah was listening to Winnifred who seemed very enthusiastic to tell her something, motioning at the garden.
Probably something about the wedding.
You ordered your drink and smiled at Ryan who was sipping his drink by the bar and he smiled back.
“Hi Ryan,” you said and looked around. “Please tell me Ian left early.”
“He’s in the bathroom ma’am,” Ryan said and you rolled your eyes.
“Great,” you said. “So are you having fun?”
“I am, thank you,” he said and looked down to his glass. “It’s a nice wedding and you…you look very nice if you don’t mind me saying.”
“Oh thank you!” you said. “You know, if you ever—”
“Mrs. Barnes,” another voice cut you off and you looked over your shoulder, then turned around to see him better.
“Mr. Stark,” you managed to say and the bartender put your glass on the counter. You took it into your hand and leaned back to the counter.
“Tony is alright.”
“Y/N is alright,” you quipped and Tony smiled at you.
“Very well.”
Ryan’s phone beeped and he cleared his throat, then put his glass down and walked away from you to make his way to the house.
“How do you like the wedding so far?” you asked and Tony thought for a moment.
“No one is shooting at anyone,” he said. “I’d say it’s going well.”
“The night is still young,” you said and he chuckled.
“I suppose,” he said. “But the drinks are pretty good.”
“Food is gonna be better,” you said. “We just figured people shooting at people would be less of a possibility if we made them drink first.”
“Your idea or Bucky’s?”
Tony hummed and ordered his drink while you sipped yours.
“My father says you’re not exactly happy about this wedding,” you told him and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m thinking about how it will affect the balance of things now that you mention it,” he said. “Your father is a very powerful man, and you and Bucky uniting families…”
“I understand your concern perfectly,” you said in a calm tone even if your heartbeat sped up. “But I assure you, this will change nothing.”
“Is that right?”
You clicked your tongue.
“In your business it will change nothing,” you corrected yourself. “I’m quite familiar with your deals with my father, and the Barnes family. I’ll make sure they remain as they are.”
“As Bucky’s wife or as your father’s new heir?” he asked back and you arched a brow, but managed to keep your expression straight as the bartender gave him his drink as well.
“Is that what people say?”
“Well you’re marrying into Barnes family, your father still hasn’t announced his heir, and you have a way of making people talk about you lately,” Tony pointed out. “Not to mention, Natasha seems impressed with you.”
Your eyes found Natasha who was drinking with Clint before you turned your glances to Tony again.
“But you are not?”
“I don’t know you enough yet,” Tony said. “I mean I’ve had the time to figure Ian out and let me tell you, I am absolutely not impressed. But you? You’re a mystery.”
“I’m not,” you told him. “I want the same thing as you do. To keep the truce going, and to keep the town safe.”
“So you claim,” Tony said. “Even you can’t admit, this wedding gave you a huge advantage in power and allies.”
“Let’s be serious here Tony, it didn’t give me any advantage over any of the bosses here.”
“Yet,” Tony added and you hummed, then shrugged your shoulders.
“But you want it to.”
“I want to make sure my family continues the truce after my father retires,” you stated. “I think that’s what we all want, no?”
Tony huffed out a laugh and raised his glass slightly.
“It is,” he said. “But we also want to make sure your fight for the crown doesn’t hurt the town.”
You opened your mouth to say it would never happen, but heard Pepper calling out for Tony so you both turned your heads before Tony cleared his throat.
“I should go,” he said. “I’ll be in touch. Maybe a dinner with the newlyweds?”
“We’d love to host you and Pepper,” you said and he downed his drink, then put it on the counter and walked away. You let out a breath, then finished your drink as well before motioning at another.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with your husband?” Ian’s voice reached you and you rolled your eyes, then leaned sideways to the bar.
“What do you want?”
He held up his hands, gesturing surrender. “I come in peace.”
“As if.”
“Come on Y/N, it’s your wedding,” he said. “I would have thought you’d be in a better mood.”
“I was, then you started talking to me,” you said and he hummed.
“Listen,” he said. “I’m being completely serious here. Congratulations for the wedding, I’m happy for you. I know we’ve had our differences but we both want your father to be happy, and this wedding is a huge relief for him.”
You pulled your brows together.
“A relief?”
“Yeah,” he said. “It’s a relief for me as well. Now you can just be happy with Barnes and focus on your marriage and your family.”
That bitter taste climbed up your throat but you managed to scoff a laugh and motioned for another drink.
“Is that what you think will happen?” you asked him. “Me and Bucky get married and… then what? I get out of your hair?”
“We’re family,” he reminded you. “That’s not what I—that’s not it. You’ll just have different priorities.”
“Did you give the same speech to Bucky or is it just for me?” you asked and he rolled his eyes.
“You know how the business works Y/N, you don’t need me to tell you.”
You bit inside your cheek hard enough to hurt, then reached out to grab your glass of drink the bartender just placed on the counter.
“You’re the daughter of one of the most important men in the business,” he said. “This marriage will be good for the family, uncle knows that. Not to mention…”
You lowered your glass and tilted your head.
“Not to mention?”
“You’re a wild card,” he said. “It’s hard to play you.”
Your grip around the glass tightened and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Maybe I’ll play you.”
“Spouses don’t get involved, you know the rules,” he said with a snort and your smirk widened before you took a sip, keeping quiet. That confident look on his face faltered when you didn’t reply and he pulled back slightly.
“You can’t,” he said as if trying to convince himself. “You wouldn’t.”
“Here you are!” Bucky’s voice cut through the momentary silence between you and Ian and you turned your head to give him a smile. “Was wondering where you were sweetheart.”
“Time for the food?”
“Mm hm, let’s go.”
Ian gawked at you in silence while you narrowed your eyes at him, dragging the tip of your tongue over your teeth.
“You wouldn’t,” Ian repeated, making Bucky looked between you before he casually stepped closer to you without saying a word, as if making sure you knew he was there to interfere at the slightest sign of you wanting him to. Your stomach did a pleasant flip and you downed your drink, then put it on the counter to turn to Ian.
“Enjoy the wedding, Ian,” you said, grabbing Bucky's hand. “And make sure to rest tonight, will you? Tomorrow will be a new day for both of us.”
With that, you walked away from Ian with Bucky right behind you, a proud smile warming your face.
Chapter 15
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vanesycho · 25 days
The chenle one has woken up smth in me so idk...Can you write smth w older Jisung where the reader cannot find her peace w boys her age until she meets jisung which is the "wattpad" kind of older man (ifykwim) caring and basically knows how to give reader the comfort that she needs
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hi hii🤍 I would like to thank the person who wrote the request, I am not very satisfied with what I wrote, but I hope I was able to write something as you wanted<3
wc: 1,8k
You left the bar crying, your girlfriend was trying to catch up to you, you ignored her even when she called your name.
"Y/n stop! Stop!"
She caught up to you and grabbed your arm, turning you towards her, you didn't let her when she tried to hug you.
"You called me here even though you knew that boy had bad intentions."
"I swear I didn't know, would I have called you here if I knew he would touch you without your permission?"
You laughed hysterically through your tears.
"Really? Fuck it, I'm going home."
You couldn't stand listening to her anymore.You quickly left there and started walking home. Continued walking down the deserted street while crying, cursing everything, your friend, that boy, yourself. While you thought he was a different person again, he turned out to be no different from the other boys, they were all the same, each and every one of them.They would use you for their body, and if you didn't let them, they would throw you in the corner.
You were falling onto the pavement, tripping as you could barely see through your tears, until someone grabbed you by the arms. You looked up and saw a tall figure, the streetlight illuminating his face.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, you didn't feel okay but did it matter? You freed yourself from his arms and regained your balance.
"I am good, thanks."
You were about to walk past him when you heard his voice again and stopped in your tracks.
"It might not be a good idea to pass through that street at this time of night."
You turned around, he was watching you with his hands in his pockets, you laughed hysterically.
"Anyway, what worse could happen to me today?"
He bowed his head slightly and walked a few steps towards you. You didn't back away, you were with a stranger on this street but you didn't have the strength to care.
"I was just warning you, you seem to be in a bad situation already, we wouldn't want them to take advantage of that, would we?"
You laughed, not because it was funny, you were tired, and this guy you didn't know cared about you?
"So? Like I said, I can't be in a worse situation, I can't trust your word either, who knows, maybe after you gain my trust, you'll try to take me to bed too."
He frowned, looking at a tear that was streaming down your cheek. You were definitely not in a good state, and he wasn't planning on leaving you like that.
"I don't know how you've gotten men into your life, but I suggest you don't lump everyone together.You're here all alone, you look weak and tired, if I wanted to take you to bed I'd do it now."
You kept quiet, you had nothing to say, you sat on the pavement, your high heels were starting to hurt your feet. You turned to him as he sat down next to you.
"I'm Y/n."
He looked at your outstretched hand and laughed, he reached out his hand which was bigger than yours and shook it, you just realized how cold your hands were at that moment.He had a warm hand unlike yours.
"Park Jisung."
'Jisung' you repeated that name in your head.
"Are you planning on sitting here quietly?"
You grinned and glanced at him.
"You expect me to tell you? I don't have anything else to do though, do I?"
You took a deep breath, watching the couple pass in front of you, smiling as they walked hand in hand.
"I don't know if it's my bad luck or my fate, but all the men in my life have tried to use me. They're all the same, stupid teenagers, all they think about is sex."
He put his hands behind his back and tilted his head up in thought. You watched him, his adam's apple moving as he swallowed. He caught your gaze and spoke.
"Aren't you young? Don't expect anything else from boys your age, we men mature late, unlike you girls.Either don't take anyone in your life for a long time, or forget about men your age and try people a few years older."
You thought about it, you hadn't thought about being with someone older than your age. You watched the man next to you, he was obviously older than you. He stood out with his suit and face. He smiled when he realized she was watching him.
"Like what you see?"
You turned your head away in embarrassment.
"No. You're just standing here in a suit. Where do you come from?"
Now he was the one who took a deep breath.
"I was at a party with my friends but I got bored quickly, it seems like those kinds of places are not for me, I prefer to stay here quietly and alone, until you come."
You rolled your eyes laughing when he said the last sentence with a laugh, he grabbed your wrist as you were about to stand up, you looked at where he was holding you, he wasn't harsh, but when he noticed your look he quickly pulled his hand away.
"Oh sorry. I was just kidding, it's nice to have someone to talk to."
You sat down.You looked at each other, an awkward silence taking over you. The wind caressed your hair,he brushed the few strands that had fallen into your face.You flinched when you felt his fingertips on your cheek, he quickly pulled his hand away.You were letting a guy you just met get close to you like that, maybe that's why you always experience the same things, but this guy named Jisung... He had awakened different things in you.
"You might as well go home now."
"What is it? You don't want me with you?"
He paused, trying to find the right words, you laughed and standing up.
"Just kidding, I know what you mean."
He stood up with you, you looked at him, noticing the difference in his gaze. You looked away as his eyes looked into yours without fear, what was happening to you?
"Well...See you then?"
You stopped as you turned around, he cleared his throat and spoke.
"It might be unsafe there, don't go alone, do you want me to come with you?"
You didn't know what to say, you didn't want to say no, you liked talking to him even a little, After some thought you nodded your head.
A few minutes had passed, you were walking towards your house, talking about your own lives.
"So you don't have anyone in your life? Really?"
You looked at him in disbelief, well he was handsome, you didn't know him but from what you knew he seemed like a kind person. How could someone like him live alone?
"Yes, it was my choice, but you never know who fate will bring to me. Just like it brought you."
You turned your head to the road when he said this with a smile, looking into your eyes. Damn, you shouldn't have been fooled so easily, but every sentence he said sounded so real and beautiful. When you finally arrived in front of your house, you turned to him.
"Thank you for coming with me."
"It's not even worth mentioning. I'd feel bad if I didn't do this, just take care of yourself, okay?"
You pressed your lips together and nodded in affirmation, talking before walking in.
"Good night."
"Good night Y/n"
Hearing your name on his lips made you shiver and soon you were inside your house.
The rest of the week went by normally, you hadn't even left the house. You tried not to think about Jisung when your mind thought about him most of the time.It happened and it was over, there was no point in thinking about it anymore. But your mind was playing tricks on you and you cursed when you thought his face.
You threw yourself out of the house, you obviously needed to clear your head. You went into the cafe near your house, ordered your coffee and sat down. While you were busy with your phone and waiting for your coffee, the tall figure standing in front of you caught your attention
"Was this place empty, little lady?"
The voice you heard sent shivers down your spine. You laughed at the encounter with him at the cafe you came to not think about him, you wet your dry lips and nodded your head.
"Yes, it's empty."
He came across from you and sat down. When your coffee arrived, you took a sip and tried to calm down. Seeing him again made your heart beat faster, and you hated this feeling already.
"I hope you're...okay now?"
He placed his arms on the table and leaned towards you slightly, you swallowed nervously and turned your head away.
"I'm fine, thanks for your concern."
He smiled at your shyness, damn even his smile was pretty.
"Why did you come?"
"What do you mean?"
He frowned at your sudden reaction, well that was the last reaction he expected but he could understand.
"I was worried about you, you seemed really sad that day, and you...well, you've been on my mind for a while. I was wondering if you were okay now. And when I saw you here I wanted to come and make sure."
You listened to him as your eyes widened in surprise, meaning you weren’t the only one thinking about him. The thought of someone caring about you brought up strange feelings inside you.
"I see. I'm fine, I guess I shouldn't let anyone into my life for a long time like you said."
He coughed as he drank his drink, pulling himself together and looking at you as you looked at him curiously.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah I just-"
He took a sip of his drink and took a deep breath before speaking.
"I mean, I didn't think you would make a decision like that."
"Well? You're the one who told me that."
He was the one who avoided your gaze, you frowned, was he embarrassed of you? You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked, he turned to you when he heard your laugh.
"Okay Jisung, maybe I should try the other thing you suggested to me."
You couldn't help but smile as you saw a small expression of happiness on his face. He hid his smile and tried to remain serious.
"I didn't say that, but it's your decision."
You continued to smile as you took a sip from your drink.
"Hmm...Yeah, definitely."
You looked at him when the silence intervened, you bit your lip involuntarily when you realized he was watching you, his eyes fell on your lips and he tried to collect himself by looking away.
"So...now, would you like to come somewhere else with me?"
"So...A date?"
He smiled as he looked away from you.
"Yes, yes, a date. I mean if you want?"
You stood up, he watched you, you turned to him and pointed to the exit.
"Let's go then, there's no point in waiting."
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ilypaigebuckets · 5 months
kate martin x competitive swimmer reader por favorrrrrrr
Someone Who Isn’t Me - K.M.
u cannot tell me i didn’t eat with the title right there it’s literally swim i feel like a genius. literally wrote half of this and went to finish it and i guess i forgot to save it bc it was all gone :(
pairing: reader x kate martin
plot: kate has a game the same day as your swim meet and can’t make it to watch you, which makes her feel like you need someone else who can make more time for you.
you had woken up at 7 am sharp and had starting to get ready for your swim meet that afternoon. you were doing the 100 free and were pretty nervous for it. you tried to calm your nerves by playing some music and taking your time to get ready. you heard a ping on your phone and ignored it, trying to stay in the zone. you heard a second ping a while later and decided to see who was texting you. you looked down and smiled as you recognized the notification to be your girlfriend.
k ❤️
sent an image.
I’m so sad lovely 😔😭
you quickly typed in your password to see what the image was. turns out, it was an email from her coach to her team saying that her game’s start time would be postponed for 2 hours later.
awe :( i’ll miss you teddy bear
good luck at your game i love you!
you were going to miss kate and kate was going to miss you. it was hard when the two of you couldn’t make it to each others games and events. you knew it would be especially hard on kate, she had a tendency to overthink and think the worst of herself when she couldn’t show up for you.
on the court, kate was a mess. “kate!” her coach called to her, “whatever’s going on with you, i need it to stop. you need to focus on what’s on the court, you’re our glue.” kate nodded, absentmindedly and ran back to the court. in the end, iowa ended up losing 56-67. kate walked back to the locker room defeated. ‘great’ she thought ‘another reason this is the shittiest day ever.’
she got back to her apartment and saw you’d texted her again.
My love 💕
hi kate kat!! how was your game? do you wanna come over :)
kate smiled faintly at your message. you were so positive, even when plans didn’t turn out the way you two had expected.
i love you so much i’ll be over in 10 🤗🥰😘❤️
kate grabbed her backpack and packed some clothes and her toothbrush into it, she figured she’d spend the night at your place. you two had a tendency to have sleepovers a few times a week and she didn’t want to be alone tonight after this tough loss.
about 8 minutes later, you heard a knock at your door. you opened it and there you saw her. your beautiful girl standing there with a pout on her face. you grabbed her bag from her and stood on your toes so you could reach up to kiss her nose. you grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch.
“i missed you today baby!” you said to her as you sat down on the couch next to you. she groaned and pulled you onto her lap, wanting to be closer to you after a day apart.
“you aren’t close enough!!” kate whined as she hugged your body close to hers. “i was having such a hard day already and not seeing you just ruined it. i was starting to think that.. i don’t know maybe you need someone who can be there, who can show up for you. i feel terrible. god.” she buried her head into the crevice of your neck and inhaled your scent. “god y/n i was thinking maybe you need someone who isn’t me. but now i’m here and i can’t imagine not having you. we lost and i should be so upset about it, and i was, but it’s like now i’m with you and none of it matters anymore.”
you simply giggled and kissed kate soundly on her pink lips, tasting her chapstick as you did so. kate started to perk up and smiled too. her spirit seemed to brighten the more time she spent with you. she put her hands on your shoulders, shaking you, “how do you make me so happy, y/n? hm? how do you do that? tell me your secrets!”
in that moment you wanted to cry. you loved how you and kate could overcome seemingly anything, not letting a bad day come between you guys. “i hate seeing you upset, kate. you’re my person. i wish i could be around you all the time.”
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verstappentime · 6 days
divorce verse for your wednesday <3 this is from after max & dan break up. (the rest of this verse is here) (the scene previous to this will get finished but this is what i have today <3) The first night Daniel’s gone, Max walks into a fucking wall trying to go to the bathroom.
It’s happened before, because his depth perception is awful and worse in the dark and worse sometimes than others, but usually he hits knee-first or something. Nope, just a wall right to the orbital bone. 
It’s not something Daniel could have saved him from, but it still doesn’t make it any easier. Daniel’s not there to be woken up by his cursing a blue streak and ask if he’s alright, to sit him down and put ice on it and make him feel less pathetic.
His head is throbbing, in a normal person kind of way. He’s going to have a massive goose egg. He finally gets to the light switch, very, very carefully, and tempts himself to go down the hall with the promise of crying about it afterward.
It’s easier, with the bedroom light illuminating the way. He makes it there and back okay. 
He needs to not call Daniel, but he’s groggy and worked up and he gets confused at night and– he’s just going to lose it if he can’t talk to someone. 
Daniel picks up on the first ring. He must still have Max excluded from do not disturb. Must be sleeping with the ringer on.
“I walked into the wall,” he says, before Daniel can get anything out. 
“What?” He can hear Daniel sitting up, sheets rustling. He should be scolding Max for calling in the middle of the night. He doesn’t. “Are you hurt?” 
“I hit my head. Or, like, my face. Both.” Max touches where the bruise is forming on his head. He kind of forgot what hurt that’s not coming from the inside feels like. He pokes it again. He’s lucky he hit on bone, probably, and that it wasn’t a corner and he’s not bleeding. “I don’t know,” he says, voice cracking. 
“Okay.” Daniel’s all calm. This kind of stuff never bothers him. Max wants him to be here. “You sound alright. You weren’t, like, running, right? Do you have a headache?”  “No. I think– I think I am okay.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, just to see how bad it hurts. “This is shit, Daniel.”
“We need to get you some of those lights you can turn on with your voice, yeah? I’ll look in the morning.” We. He’s going to have to stop that. Not right now.
“I can– I’ll do it.” 
“I’ll remind you, then. What do you want to do right now?” 
“I don’t know,” Max says again. “I don’t want to get up again.” He presses his knuckles to his teeth, something awful in his chest. “I feel shit that I called you already.” 
“I don’t care. It’s good you did. I was scared that you wouldn’t. Makes me feel better.” Daniel pauses. “Not that I’m like, glad you walked into a wall.” 
“It sounds very stupid when you say it out loud.” He knows it’s his fault, but he can’t help it: “What am I going to do? Just call you always?” 
“You can, baby.” Daniel never tells him no. Daniel let him leave because he never tells him no. “You have other people, though. They’ll be happy to answer. You can call your mum or Victoria or Charles. But also me, if you want to.” 
Max wants Daniel to tell him that’s unfair. But the idea of being cut off from the only person that really knows what it’s like for him makes him want to throw up. Charles would laugh at him for this one, even though he wouldn’t mean to. Max says, “I think I want to go back to sleep.” 
“Good idea. You want me to stay on?” 
“No. That will be very boring for you.” Max lays down, turning over on his side, his back to where Daniel should be. “Are you sleeping too?” 
“Yeah, Maxy, I’m going to.” 
“Okay. Then we will both go to sleep.” 
“Yeah,” Daniel says, all gentle. “I’m going to text you tomorrow, okay? It’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me after that. But I’ll remind you about the lights and ask about your face.” 
“That’s fine.” He can’t know if he’ll remember, and he really does not want this to happen again, and– and now he knows for sure he’ll hear from Daniel tomorrow. 
There’s a beat where neither of them know what to say, but Daniel’s the bravest and he says, “I love you. Goodnight.” 
“I– Me too, Daniel.” He can’t lie. Not about that.
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deepestnightcolor · 1 month
Hi,hi!! I absolutely love your fics; they keep me fed 🙏🙏 and I've come to make a Sam x afab!Reader request.
As much as I love Penny, her one sin is being Sam's counterpart. That said, if you're comfortable with it, maybe Penny's finally ready to confess her feelings to Sam, and she's walking to his house when she knows he's most likely to be home alone but she hears faint moans from his window..🙈
ᴀ/ɴ: I hope this delivers, hehe
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam x Fem!Reader (x Penny)
ᴡᴄ: 1554
ᴍᴅɴɪ ✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: exhibitionism, someone watches you having sex, masturbation, cursing, dirty talk, angst
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☾ ᴅʀᴏᴘ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴘᴇɴɴʏ ☽
Penny would do it. Yeah, she would finally do it. Today. Or maybe tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow would work better, right? She could go through what she wanted to say today and tell him tomorrow, yes. That sounded like a plan. A good plan. Perfect plan. Like she hadn't had that damn plan five consecutive days in a (censored) row.
Penny had decided: it had to be today. Or she would never do it.
The ginger had memerized the words by now, knew them by heart. If someone had woken her up at 3 in the night and yelled at her to speak, her practiced confession would be the first thing to fall from her lips. "Sam - I really like you. And I feel there is some kind of connection between us that I'd love to act upon. Would you perhaps like to go on a date with me?" Solid statement, clearly structured, giving him an option, just like she had read in all these books. The words even jumped off her tongue as she made her way to Sam's house - today would be a great day for this. She knew Jodi would be out with Caroline and Vincent would be with Jas - what could *possibly* go wrong? There was his window already, so why worry? It would be nice!
"Alright, Penny. You can do this. He probably won't even say no! Why am I beating myself up about it? Jee," she murmured, trying to hype herself up and dragging her feet at the same time. She tugged at her skirt as if it would grow any longer, tucked away strands of hair as if she hadn't stood in front of the mirror to brush them like that. She took another deep breath. She was 20 steps away from a nice date with her crush. So why didn't she take these last few steps?
Closing her eyes, she finally walked forward. 1, 2, 3, 456789- "Sam - I really like you-"
The words got stuck in her throat as soon as she heard it. Coming from Sam's window was a subtle sound, but she was close enough to hear it. It couldn't be, could it? Small huffs and puffs that definitely belonged to the blond. But then again- he was alone, so maybe he used the time to take care of "business"? She had read that taking care of "business" was healthy, so he wasn't really to blame. But what now? Should she just turn around and go? Probably, yes. Anything else would have been a breach of trust - and Penny had always had a good morale compass. So why did it feel like her legs were chained to the ground? Why was there this sickening twist in her stomach, urging her to step closer? And why, for heaven's sake, were her legs obeying that?
She had taken another step closer. And another. "Just another small one," she told herself, promised herself. There wasn't any need to step closer, there wasn't- oh God, she had heard him groan. It was low, deep. A little like his voice, and yet so much more gravelly. "That's it, fuuuuuuck, yeah, that's fuckin' it!"
Her ears were burning with hot embarrassment, hearing those words, so obviously moaned, hearing him curse- she felt a pulse go through her like a lightning bolt, making her clit throb in her panties. Penny frantically looked over her shoulders, one way, then the other, quickly pressing her thighs together. She should really go now, go home and wait for Sam to be done. Return tomorrow. Totally not step up to the window like she was doing now!
Then again- it was okay, right? They'd probably be dating by tonight anyway, right?
Another pulse, this time going through her core. She could feel that she was getting slick down there, nervosity bleeding into excitement. She would have never admitted it, but she had always wondered what Sam looked like naked. She knew he was athletic and strong, very well aware of the fact that he could easily pick her up- God, the thought alone made her feel all giddy.
"Fuuuuuuck, yes, Yoba, fuck."
If she hadn't been sure by then, she was now. Finger tips pressing to the windowsill out of Sam's window, Penny got onto her tippy toes to take a peek. Just a tiny, little peek, promise!
There he was, making her heart skip a beat in her chest. Muscular back turned toward the window, head thrown back in his neck, his blond hair all messy as his hips worked forward. Penny almost *moaned* at the sight, seeing her crush so vulnerable, in such a state of bliss.
She was so enthralled that it took her a while to realize that there were a pair of legs wrapped around these slender bucking hips, and the fact that there was another string of moans bleeding into Sam's. It took her a while to realize that Sam wasn't alone, and that he wasn't taking care of his "business" by himself. That he wasn't moaning for whatever scenario he made up in his head, but for you.
"Saaahammm," your voice whined, strained with the rough fucks that made your body shake.
All color drained from Penny's face. Sam...Sam...was having sex with the farmer?
Her hands clasped over her mouth, eyes wide open as she started at the two figures. She couldn't see much of you, but she could hear you now, loud and clear, loud and *full of pleasure*. You babbled his name in hiccuped moans, your legs clenching tighter around him whenever he hit a spot, your hands sprawled our on his back, scratching down the pale skin whenever your moans grew a little more high-pitched.
"That's it, baby, thaaaaats fuckin it! Love th-this Lil pussy, baby, *shiiiit*, don't want anyone else's," he panted, thrusting faster inside of you as if to make a point. Penny could feel tears well in her eyes, but that didn't mean she looked away. No, quite the opposite. She pressed her upper body against the window sill, leaning in a little further, trying to make out more of the two of you.
Sam was fucking you quickly, fucking you like she deserved. She had been Sam's friends for years! She had been the one that had a crush on him for years! And now you were the one having sex with him? Good sex, at that? You seemed to enjoy yourself, given the way you gasped for air, begged for more. And Sam, like a dog, delivered. Humped into you, stroking his hands up and down your sides while praising you.
It should have been her! Her jaw was clenched as her hands slid down her skirt, under the fabric of her panties. Her jaw was clenched when she realized that she was wet, and the tears started to flow when she began to rub at her clit.
"My girl, my pretty, goregous girl," Sam slurred, making Penny's breath hitch, her clit pulsing under the gentle, steady rub of her fingers. She could be his good girl, his perfect, pretty, goregous girl. Not the farmer.
"Mhhhmng! Sam! Fuck! I- you are *so* deep," you moaned back, making the blond chuckle breathlessly. "Just howcha like it, baby- know what my girl wants- cunt suckin' me off so well, fuck, do I *love* you, baby..."
Love you? Was that the reason he had gotten so distant the last few months? God, she had thought he had become shy! A small sob left her lips as she pushed a finger inside of her, desperate to replicate the feeling of the rough fuck you must have been receiving.
The high-pitched moan that came from both your and Sam's throats were caught by Penny, swallowed down with a sense of bitterness. He loved you? Yeah? She didn't want him anyway. Didn't want you as a friend either. Didn't want to watch your bodies intertwine, didn't want to admit *how* wet it made her. How hard she had to bite back not to moan, especially when your moans became so beggy and high pitched. She hated that she was fucking her cunt with two fingers in the middle of the daylight while watching her crush and his...his...girlfriend? Fuck. And yet it made her stomach twist and tie in a way that she had never felt before. A burning pit of lust and desire, and yet also ice cold jealousy.
"G-gonna cum!" "Cum for me, baby, cum-" he slurred, making Penny speed her fingers up as if he meant her, the arousal making her cheeks flush. She could hear you sob for Sam as he groaned, the blond holding you closer to his chest as he fucked into you hard, making her head fall against the wall of his house, eyes closing as she felt the waves of her orgasm sift through her.
It took Penny a few shaky breaths before she could stand upright again, taking a glance into the bedroom again. There you were, pressed against one another, holding one another, Sam whispering sweet nothings to you.
She pulled her fingers away abruptly, scoffing as she smeared the wetness on the window sill, turning around with her chin held high.
"Sam - fuck you."
Deep inside, though, perverted excitement lingered.
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Ch 20
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
I promise we will get into the timer stuff soon but I have to build up the plot first…
Content Warnings - None!
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You wake up to Finnick gone, a note left on his pillow.
Got called into training early. Didn’t want to disturb you. I’ll see you at lunch.
Your fake husband
Why was he in training so early? He said yesterday that his training wouldn’t start till after breakfast.
Maybe he was upset by what happened last night. Maybe he didn’t enjoy it.
You let your thoughts consume you as you lay in bed, completely skipping breakfast and most of your morning schedule.
A knock on your door pulls you from your thoughts.
“Come in,” you sigh to whoever was waiting. You’re surprised to see Boggs enter.
“Miss Y/L/N, do I need to remind you that you have a schedule to follow?” he asks.
“No,” you yawn. “I’m sorry I lost track of time. What time is it anyways?”
“10:34 AM,” Boggs states. “I’ve been instructed to escort you to your doctor’s checkup, which you are very late to.”
Boggs gives you a minute to dress before he’s escorting you to the hospital. He says Coin isn’t happy that you are already disregarding your schedule and is rethinking your living arrangement.
Prim performs your checkup that morning. She clears you for the day and you make your way to the cafeteria to help with lunch prep.
11:30 rolls around and you finally have a chance to see Finnick. Twelve hours felt too long and you were anxious to face him again. He was sometimes hard to read.
“Hey love,” he says as you sit down next to him with your tray. “How was your morning?”
“Meh,” you shrug. “I got reprimanded by Boggs for not following my schedule. I guess that was a serious rule.”
“Sorry about this morning,” Finnick states. “I would have woken you up when they buzzed for me but you look like you needed the sleep.”
“That’s ok,” you sigh, thinking about how sad you were that he wasn’t there when you woke. “Why did they increase your training?”
“Katniss snuck onto a transport that left late last night for District 2,” he explains. “They’re moving up our deployment timeline.”
“Deployment?” you ask, setting your fork down. “You didn’t tell me they were sending you anywhere.”
“Can we talk about this tonight?” he replies.
“I’m not hungry,” you state, abruptly standing with your tray. Finnick calls out for you as you walk away, needing to escape for a bit.
You end up back at the hospital to talk to Prim.
“Could I get an excuse for the rest of the day?” you ask her. “I’m not feeling well.”
“Oh no! Do you need medicine? What’s not feeling well?” she asks.
“I’ve just had a bad day that’s all,” you shake your head. “I can’t mentally handle a schedule today.”
“Why don’t you go chat with Dr. Aurelius for a bit,” Prim suggests. “He’s available now if you want to see him.”
You had never been in therapy before. Dr. Aurelius seemed nice but you didn’t know if you could trust him. What do therapists even do?
“Nice to meet you Miss Y/L/N,” the man states as he enter the room. “I’m Dr. Aurelius. Why don’t we start with how you’re feeling today?”
“Sad,” you reply, unsure of how to properly convey your emotions.
“Do you know why you feel sad?” he asks. “Or what made you feel this way?”
“District 13 makes me sad,” you state as the man writes something down in his notebook. “I have no autonomy here.”
“They allowed you to get married,” he remarks. “Are you happy about that?”
“Meh,” you shrug. “I mean I love Finnick but it was a fake wedding for a propo that we agreed to do so we could be roommates here in 13. He’s lived with me for 5 years now. I skipped my schedule this morning and Coin is already threatening to make us live separately again.”
“I see,” the man comments. “Do you find schedules restricting?”
“I guess I do,” you respond. “I mean I’ve spent my whole adult life on house arrest so I’ve never really been able to make decisions for myself. Having a schedule feels like someone is telling me what to do all the time.”
“That’s understandable,” he comments. “I can excuse you from your schedule for today but you will need to find a compromise with President Coin. I will provide you with a list of options for your schedule so you can maybe pick out what you want to do. I apologize that the list is limited but it’s the best I can do.”
You take the list and agree to meet with him and Coin in the morning to discuss your schedule. In the mean time he gives you a “mentally unstable” bracelet to excuse you for the rest of the day.
The list seems meh. You had no interest in learning about nuclear weapons or the history of Panem, and cafeteria duty wasn’t necessarily your favorite.
Reflection time rolled around and Finnick enters your shared cabin.
“You skipped dinner,” he comments as he throws you an apple. You reluctantly take it and eat a bit to ease his worry.
“You skipped out on telling me about deployment,” you mutter.
“I’m sorry,” he sighs as he moves to sit next to you. “I just didn’t feel like there was a good time to tell you. I was going to tell you before the wedding but you had your breakdown and I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Where are they sending you?” you ask.
“The capital,” he responds. At this answer you burst into tears.
“You can’t leave me,” you sob. Finnick wishes he could pull you into a hug but he knows better than to touch you when you’re upset.
“It will only be for two weeks,” he states. “Three at most.”
“What if you don’t come back?” you hiccup.
“I’ll always come back for you,” he replies.
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noffy96 · 2 months
Old Moon & Dazzle fic
Do i love the 'Sun hopefully adopts Dazzle' headcanon. Yes to bits, But If he is. Then Dazzle get's a whole new family. And I wanted to explore Moon's side of that for a small bit. So here you go.
Uncle Moon
Word count: 2,510
Chapter 1 ( Complete)
“Hey, you alright?”
Dazzle shook her head,
“I-i know…it’s late…and I am not…supp- supposed to be awake. But…But”
He stopped himself from taking another step closer, as she ducked her head down. More tears were obviously falling.
“But…I…I..is…Is Sun home?”
When Sun is out grocery shopping, Moon finds Dazzle, who has just woken up from a nightmare and looking for Sun. Is he gonna be able to handle this on his own
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He blinked open his eyes with a groan. He had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for his brother. With Dazzle and Jack moving in, the need to buy groceries had increased dramatically. His brother of course had plans to buy some food, but a portal malfunction had sent them both away for most of the day.
They just didn’t have the time to do anything else, But they would still need the food in the morning with his own increased appetite as well as Dazzle’s growing one. Sun said he would just do some bulk shopping now at the weird kmart that was always open. So they wouldn’t have to come back for a few days.
He had just been waiting up, maybe a little bit paranoid about his brother's safety with the portal shenanigans happening today. But he was gonna do better and not demand that he stay. It would make Sun feel better and not do something stupid like sneak out. And this way, someone was home with Dazzle and Jack as Lunar was out dealing with something astral-related.
He heard a creak of stairs and he sat up straight, wondering if that was what woke him up in the first place. Switching on his old security programming. Getting off the couch as softly as possible so it didn’t make a sound. He tried to sneak towards the stairs.
That was until he heard a soft quiet sob. As he quickly shut the protocols off, his chest filled with a whole new kind of dread and softly called out.
He heard a soft gasp that confirmed his suspension, So instead of being quiet, he made sure the bells on his outfit let out a little ding as he approached, as he turned the corner and saw the little animatronic deer halfway down the steps. Holding onto the bannister tightly. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears. Along with the signs of tears tracks.
His chest clenched harder. Old protocols long abandoned and unused were trying to make him run towards her. Scoop her up and soothe her. To calm her down. He fought them down, not wanting to scare the poor kid.
He grabbed the bannister pole.
“Hey, you alright?”
Dazzle shook her head,
“I-i know…it’s late…and I am not…supp- supposed to be awake. But…But”
He stopped himself from taking another step closer, as she ducked her head down. More tears were obviously falling.
“But…I…I..is…Is Sun home?”
She changed her sentence, and fuck if the whole scene. Had not already shaken at his cold heart, to hear her so brokenly ask for his brother certainly did it. There was another sob
“I knocked on his door, but he didn’t answer….and then I went in to see if he was sleeping. I know I sho-should wait..bu-but…I was scared..and I just…”
Her hands let go of the railing and started scrubbing her eyes and sobbing. Before he knew it he was up the few steps to reach her, crouching down in front of her.
“Hey, now. You did nothing wrong, Dazzle. Why were you scared?… Did you have a bad dream?”
Dazzle nodded
His fans vented out some air of relief. Happy it was nothing more serious.
“Sun should be home soon, wanna sit with me and wait for him?”
Maybe he should tell her it was okay. Or find out what the dream was. But Sun was better at handling that sort of stuff. He could put kids to sleep. But…he hadn’t done so in a very, VERY long time. And besides he didn’t want her to feel bad for trying to seek help. He’ll ask Sun how to handle this in the future if it happens again.
For now, he could at least distract her.
“R-really, I am not in trouble…for being up after bedtime?”
He shook his head, and gently reached out for her hands taking them away from her face and squeezing them softly
“No, of course not. Why don’t we watch something, hmm? Anything you want, While we wait.”
He gently encouraged her to move down the stairs, and they slowly made their way back to the couch he had initially fallen asleep on.
��Could we watch Bluey? “
“Of course, we can Dazzle,”
“And you are not gonna ask about my nightmare?”
“That is up to you if you want to tell me, but I think you'd rather tell Sun first right?”
Dazzle made a little hum. As she climbed onto the couch he turned on the TV. He grabbed a blanket that was tossed over one of the chairs and warped it around her. And she blinked at him, surprised.
“No reason to be cold while waiting, Is there an episode you want to watch?”
He asked her as he turned on their TV and navigated towards the streaming service he thought held Bluey…he hoped he had remembered it correctly.
“The one where they call their cousins on the tablet? I think it’s pretty funny. Muffin reminds me of Jack sometimes”
He laughed at her remark, and he was happy to see the corners of her mouth move up slightly too. He nodded as he sat down scrolling through the shows,
“And Dazzle?”
“If there is anything else you want, just ask, okay. I’ll do my best to get it. No problem”
Dazzle went quiet, and he let out a little sigh of relief as he saw the show pop up. He sat back on the couch again,
He paused before pressing play and turned to face the small deer. There were still some tears in his eyes, and she looked a bit unforgettable. As if scared. Soothing out his voice the best he could
“Yes, what is it?”
“Can I…can I sit in your lap so…so that..so that I know I am safe from the monster”
The question almost made him feel like he got slapped in the face. But he was somehow quick enough to answer her with a calm tone.
“Of course you can.”
He shifted back more, and after some awkward bit of shuffling, he was holding the deer animatronic to his chest. One arm wrapped around her middle to keep her secure, as he pressed play to start the show.
He had planned to just absentmindedly watch the children's show. But right now his thoughts were more focused on Dazzle. She had clearly taken a shine to Sun, people having already joked here and there. That his brother had basically adopted her and become a parent.
Sun also didn’t seem to deny this statement. But would correct people if they called him her father. If he knew his brother, that was because he didn’t want to replace her actual father. Who might still be out there. Even if he never knew what had become of his daughter. Sun wouldn’t want to take his place.
In the time that Dazzle had been here. They had gotten closer too, not strange as they lived together now. But he didn’t think she trusted him this much. He was still kind of a stranger to her.
She listened if he asked something, but he didn’t think she trusted him like this. Of course, it was because Sun was not here. But still. He was doing something right at least if the kid didn’t hate him.
As the episodes went on, Dazzle slowly went from still crying a bit, to being calm. occasionally laughing at the show but still feeling quite tense. Whatever her dream had been, it clearly was still on her mind.
Slowly ever, so slowly he raised his free hand and started to calmly run it over her back in a soothing motion. Dazzle let out a purely mechanical chirp, which he responded to in a soft croon. And with every swipe, he felt Dazzle lean more and more against him.
He tilted his head down and saw her slowly close her eyes. Slowly nodding off. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. If he should let her fall asleep or keep her awake. Either way, he’d tell Sun what had happened. IT was scratching an old itch somewhere deep in his code though, seeing her fall asleep.
The show stopped playing with a ‘Are you still there’ message appearing on screen. Then suddenly, from deep inside his chest, a soft lullaby started playing. It surprised him, he didn’t think he’d still have the music box installed in his chest.
But Dazzle didn’t seem to mind, slowly seemingly falling into a deeper sleep. As he tugged the blanket around her more securely she mumbled something.
“Go to sleep kid, I’ll keep you safe until Sun is here”
“Okay, thank you, Uncle Moon”
His eyes widened, as he pulled the air across his fans in a gasp. Dazzle falling into a deeper sleep. He tried to think, tried to process. But all he could do was stare forward,
Repeating over and over again inside his head. He had never been anything other than a brother. And that he had screwed over big time. He was still repairing his relationship with Sun. Lunar was still distant from him and was still in the process of getting to know Earth.
So too have this new title, suddenly thrown in his lap. He wasn’t sure what to do with it. He moved to keep gently stroking the child's back. Maybe…maybe it was a good thing. Something to start completely clean.
A relationship he didn’t need to repair or start over. Or attached to the baggage of his other self. No…he could be an uncle. He would be the best damn uncle there was.
He heard the front door open, and his brother struggled with dragging in the groceries. But the second Sun spotted him he left the bags in the foyer to come closer. And he could hear the cameras go off behind his eyes.
He raised his eyebrow at him, but considering he did the same when Dazzle stayed the first night. He supposed he couldn’t complain. He texted his brother so as to not wake Dazzle with their voices.
‘She just fell back asleep, nightmare, was looking for you’
His brother's emotes went through several different ones, not being able to settle onto one. As he slowly moved closer.
‘Jack not here?’
He got a text back, and he sent a shrug emoticon back. As Sun stood beside them, adjusting the blanket around Dazzle onces before pulling back
‘Did she say anything about the nightmare’
He carefully shook his head
‘Only something about a monster when she asked for me to hold her’
Sun let out a soft crooning noise,
‘We’ll see if she remembers when she wakes up, anything else?’
He hesitated for a brief second. Not sure what he should say, but he needed Sun’s opinion on this as her primary caretaker.
‘She called me Uncle Moon’
Sun let out a soft gentle whirr as he hesitated to meet his brother's gaze.
‘I’m not surprised’
Was the text he got, and heard Sun let out a nervous chuckle.
‘If you don’t want her to call you that, you can ask her to stop’
He texted back a bit too quickly and he saw Sun basically whip his head around to face him. As his face started to glow lighty feeling embarrassed.
‘I’m okay with it, just wondering if you were’
Sun moved his hands around like he did when he was spluttering and having a hard time getting his thoughts out. Eventually, he got a text
‘Not really up to me…it’s her choice’
He gave his brother a stare, the same one he always did when he felt like his brother was understating how much he meant to Dazzle. And how much the little girl had grown on his brother as well. He wasn’t lying when he told Sun that he was a good parent to the children he took care of. Not only in the daycare.
He got why Sun hesitated to take the title of Dad. But as far as he was concerned. Sun was her parent. And Sun, despite his nerves knew this too and took that role seriously.
Sun faltered slightly before letting out a deep sigh.
‘I have nothing against it. Just be sure to fulfil that role as best you can'
He felt a slight pang of hurt at the text. Knowing how much he still had to make up to Sun for. That his brother was at least a little bit afraid he might hurt her as he did him.
‘I have every intention to, could you maybe later teach me how to better handle it if she gets a nightmare again?’
‘I think you did pretty good Moon, if she fell asleep on you’
He gently stroked Dazzle’s back once more who had been sleeping soundly but he could still feel that she was not as relaxed as she could have been.
‘I think that was more exhaustion, I think she’d been crying longer than it took her to get out of her room. I wish I could have calmed her more before she fell asleep. Cause it doesn’t feel like she’ll get a restful one’
Sun nodded with a sad expression.
‘Okay then, I see what I can do…I’ll put the groceries away now’
He gave a nod and listened to the sounds his brother made as he put everything away. As well as focusing on the quiet breaths of the animatronic in his arms. She twitched once and he made some soft shushing noises. Glowing again as he realised that his music box had still been playing.
But now that Sun was home, he felt something relaxed inside of him. His own eyes fell shut once more, Sun bustling becoming a background noise. He didn’t realise he was falling asleep. Until he felt the click of a charging cable being put into the back of his head. With another quiet click, he assumed the same was done to dazzle. There was something being wrapped around his shoulders and he felt too warm and toasty to open his eyes again.
The couch dipped slightly beside him. A hand softly squeezing his shoulder gratefully, as he heard Sun murmur something softly to Dazzle he couldn’t understand.
‘Thanks, Moon, for taking care of her’
Came a final text, and he couldn’t help the odd sense of pride at it.
Seems he had gotten a niece. hah…A niece. Never thought that would happen. He squeezed her a bit closer. He was gonna be the best damn uncle he could be. He didn’t have to worry. He was sure his brother would help him. He wasn’t gonna fuck up another family relationship.
He felt Sun’s head hit the edge of his shoulder, seemingly having fallen asleep himself.
They got this.
He was sure of it
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fleetingcalypso · 4 months
Hello! I just stumbled across your blog, and find the way you write and portray Henry in your stories absolutely captivating. I just finished reading the book for the first time ever today and managed to do so without seeing any spoilers beforehand, so safe to say that Henry's suicide blindsided me completely. In hindsight it made complete sense, but I'm still in denial about it and would love a story about him actually surviving his wounds. Henry gives me the vibe of hiding everything that was happening from anyone but those in the Greek class alongside him, which, in my opinion, would even extend to his partner as well. I think it would be really interesting if his partner comes to visit him in the hospital after he's just woken up (ignoring the logical fact that he'd probably be heavily brain damaged) and is just absolutely devastated because she/they thought he was genuinely taking his life because he was depressed. To me, even then I don't see Henry fessing up to what's actually been happening, and I think it'd be cool to see the way he would try and talk his way out of it. (Henry seems pretty closed off emotionally, but I'd love some genuine hurt/comfort, only if this idea intrigues you of course.) thank you! (:
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≋ The dread of losing a loved one, the knowledge that someone's time could have come faster than expected, the paranoid of could have happened had help on arrived on time, the fear of the future holds. These feelings are not foreign to me. At any rate, everyone sails away from Ogygia one day or another, I am accustomed to it. For anyone else, I want to emphasize that themes of this narration are quite heavy, if need be please don't be afraid to reach out to me for help or simple communication. You're not alone and you are deeply loved. Going back to Henry, I am of the opinion he'd try to manipulate his way out of a truly meaningful conversation. He's quite the orator, after all.
≋ Henry Winter x GN!Reader ≋
≋ Word Count: 2190 words.
≋ TW: Attempted s*icide, angst, manipulation, reader feels an exorbitant amount of guilt, somewhat hurt/comfort.
≋ CW: As the themes are quite heavy and Henry is a pragmatic, stoic character, I feel like there could not be much comfort in a scenario like this. He'd be too busy trying to find another way to get out of the mess he's in, to take the time to comfort his loved one. I beg your forgiveness for not including most of the genuine comfort you were searching for, but if you were to enjoy this nonetheless, I'd be thrilled.
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On my way to Henry’s hospital room, sprinting through the haunting sterile hallways I ran into Camilla Macaulay, a girl -the only one- in his class, she was just here to bring him some flowers she’d tell me before her body began trembling trying to hold back sobs and I was left to watch her scurry away, I could not get a word in to ask her anything at all, if he was awake, if he was alright, why he did it, why they all waited days before telling me he had tried to end his life. The intensity of the drum beating in my chest could barely compare against the headache I brought upon myself, drowning in my own salty tears. 
I nearly went into cardiac arrest when I spotted him, the only thing reassuring me that he still had a pulse was the rhythmic movement of his chest, rising with each breath he took accompanied by the beeping of a heart monitor I can’t bring myself to glimpse at. “I can feel you staring.” He said, his croaky voice already tugging at my heartstring. I can’t look away even if I wanted to: it’s a sight I never thought I’d see, as abominable as it is I fear that if I avert my gaze then the puzzle pieces might never fall into place and I might never know the motive of his extreme action. 
Does he hate me? I can’t help but wonder if during what could have been his last breaths he thought of me, if maybe he wished I was there to stop him and remind him of how loved he is. The image of him searching for my body next to his as he collapses lifeless makes me shudder. I come to the conclusion that I failed in everything when it comes to Henry. Not being able to read between the lines, I barely scratched the surface of him while I thought I was in deep waters. 
He was content in life, I think. Yes, in one moment where exhaustion took ahold of him and he was more asleep than awake, in the comforting hiding place under my blankets he confessed to me that he had a lot on his mind. I never could have imagined it would lead to this: two gunshots to the temple, according to what Richard -another one of his classmates- told me over the phone, the second being triggered by the gun’s recoil.
I wasn’t there, I thought at that moment, Henry had taken a gun to his head and I wasn’t there. Henry had tried to kill himself and I wasn’t there. He could have been lying in a pool of his hot blood, flowing out on the ground and expanding like a stain on a white shirt, and I wasn’t there to hold him in his possible final moments. He could have died and I would have found out thanks to a desolate phone call from a stuttering man I didn’t know that well, or maybe even from a serious police officer just doing his job. Nonetheless, Henry’s finger had pressed the trigger in front of a handful of people and I wasn’t anywhere near him.
Cement bricks become chained to my ankles, getting heavier and heavier with each hesitant step I take towards him. I would have flown to him if I could have, crashed at the side of his bed, thrown my arms around his neck in ecstatic joy for his survival, kissed him a thousand times for each second I spent unaware of his whereabouts or his feelings.
“How do you feel?” I foolishly ask, being rewarded with his eyes cracking open and settling on my figure which I know will look indistinct and blurry to him given the absence of his glasses on the bridge of his nose, “Dead,” he answers me. To think the fierce storm he held in his irises was something that could very well have been a sight no one in the world could have appreciated in full. 
The mattress shifted and dipped under my weight when I sat at the edge of his bed, the chair at his side remaining empty. I wanted to feel him, touch him, try to be as close as possible and a sad little chair putting even the smallest of distances between us was the last thing I desired. Reaching towards the night table I found his glasses with ease, the only other things sitting on the surface were a pack of unopened Lucky Strike cigarettes, his wallet and the fragrant bouquet of flowers his friend had brought. I cleaned the lenses with a handkerchief and then tried my best to not look at the seemingly infinite bandages wrapping his head as I set the glasses on his face.
He blinks once, twice, thrice before he finally sees me as I am, without a hazy cloud over my face.
“Well, you’re not,” I inform him, swallowing the ‘what-if’ stuck in the middle of my throat, “By a miracle, I heard a nurse say. A miracle saved you Henry, do you hear how lucky that sounds?”
“I hear you.” He exhales, a sinkhole forms in me when I catch that small tone of disappointment hidden layer after layer under his voice, “Lucky indeed.” It’s dreadful how he keeps his gaze low, set in my direction but never quite reaching my eyes. It’s even more embarrassing to admit I do not understand him, I haven’t been able to do so since the very beginning.
That is to say, me not understanding him, does not mean I do not love him. He’d been the best lover a human being could ever ask for, there were no fights, no arguments, no disagreements, just pure unapologetic passion. Only once did we not see eye to eye and even then it was soon enough resolved over a glass of whiskey and a couple cigarettes: when he travelled to Rome with his friend Bunny without so much as a “I’ll be back soon,”  leaving me worried to no end as to where he might be.
“Talk to me, Henry. What happened?” I knew what happened of course, he’d shot himself in the head, but what I craved wasn’t a rundown of events, a bullet point list of the movements he made to get two bullets in his cranium. No. I desperately needed some way to understand what led him to attempting to do such a drastic thing. Were there signs I missed? Was I not loving enough? What hurt him so much? Was he truly that miserable in life, and if so, how had he hid it so well?
“Don’t cry,” he said, lifting the one arm that did not have the tube connecting him to the IV drip, his finger made contact with the corner of my eye and only then did I realise the salty diamonds rolling down my cheeks. I did not want to cry in front of him, not if it would add onto his miseries. As if I was kneeling in a confessional I have to come clean, I did not think I had any more tears left in me after having cried myself to sleep the night prior. Guilty of not appreciating the beauty of Selene as she brightened the darkened world, guilty of living only for the hospital doors to open and seeing him again.
“I have to ask, you know I have to.” Now that I was aware of the tears, nothing could have stopped the stinging feeling that seemed to spread from my eyes to every inch of my being, “Why did you do it?” There was no sugarcoating it, he’s never been one to beat around the bush and he often would not appreciate me going around in circles trying to find the nicest way to say or ask something. 
His jaw clenched and I watched hopelessly as Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. His lips parted but no sound that made proper sense came out. In my head I had already formed some hypotheses, none of them struck me as much as what he said. “I had to.” He apathetically said and I vaguely registered the sharp pain in my palm as my nails digging into my skin to stop my body from doubling-over and breaking into a gut wrenching sob.
“I-” Never has my mind been blank like this moment, it made so much sense and none at the same time,“I- Just- Why? Give me a reason- a concrete reason, Henry.” I all but begged him, sniffling like a whimpering child. That was exactly how I felt, like a child: small, lost and with no way to do something that could actually make a difference. 
Through my glossy vision I observed as he stiffened in pain while he shifted in his bed trying to sit up, the bedsheets moving along with his every movement made me nauseous. They weren’t supposed to be hospital ones, he wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place, this should have never happened. Alas, it has happened and he is not sitting in the armchair he claimed as his own in my apartment, reading a book and letting the cloud of smoke from his cigarette expand until my entire house looks like a misty field.
Ignored and useless was my attempt to stop him, to get him to lay down and not do anything straining, “Come here,” Instead he requested, hinting towards the spot he’d left on the bed, right next to him. Sheepishly I shuffled to his side, my back against the bed’s headboard, hoping and praying that no nurses would spot us and ask me to move away. His arm found its way around my shoulders, pulling me into a protective side hug and I shattered in small, countless, infinite pieces: a pathetic catharsis. Broken sobs, gasps and hiccups filled the room yet i could hear him over the sound of my desperation, “Don’t cry,” he’d say softly in my ear, “There’s no need to cry,” he’d insist kissing my temple, “Everything is going to be fine.” He’d promise me solemnly, with his enchanting way of making me feel like his words were gospel.
My heaving breaths did everything they could to send oxygen into my lungs, but air was not what I needed. Henry was my air, and the idea that I could have lost him for eternity plagued me, it made me look over my shoulder each moment expecting to see the grim reaper. The panic I felt gave me the strength to cling onto my lover as if he was my only lifeline, as if my love filled embrace could be the only thing able to bind him to the mortal realm. I know that could never be, sadly. Love, as much as it is a primordial force in the world, rivalling hate and rage, oftentimes can’t be the holy saviour we need.
“Why?” I found myself once again begging, I could not accept his previous answer, I pitifully needed something concrete, something I could fix. Before I could break into sobs again he leaned even closer, his lips moving against my hairline, his voice barely audible - like he was telling me a secret- only for me to hear, “I have been through some dark moments of my life, ones that I have never mentioned to you, not because I do not love you, the very opposite of it. I love you, my love for you is as incandescent as the sun, you know it, certainly. I did not want you to be concerned with those parts of me, hidden pieces that I rarely even let myself recognize as part of myself. Your pure hands should never be dirtied with the corruption that runs free inside of me. Cease your tears now, it is okay.” 
“So instead of letting me help you, you decided to just shoot yourself?!” It might have been harsh, but I felt at an impasse, raising my voice was my undignified way of getting ahold of control over life, “Are you listening to yourself? What about me? What would I have done without you? I’d do anything for you, isn’t it obvious?! I don’t care what you’re hiding, I don’t care how corrupt you think you are, I love you and I want to assist you through the darkest times of your life.”
He seemed to think about it, perhaps my words had made an impact on him or perhaps he was just tired of arguing with me. When he kissed me, slow and delicate, that was enough for me to postpone the debate I was already preparing in my head. I'd talk his ear off about letting me be a hand in easing his burdens when he would be well enough to be discharged and go home. “I want you to live forever,” Henry all but implored me and I just nodded. Whatever in the world could I say other than yes, but on one condition: he was to live alongside me.
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discount-shades · 2 years
Sleepy Baby Part 4
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a/n: Part 4 got split into 2 because it was too long. 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin / Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 900 ish
Summary: Jake gets many things to think about.
Previous          Masterlist          Next
You groan in confusion. Something is ringing and it takes time for your half asleep brain to recognize that it is your phone. You reach for it blindly and open your eyes enough to make sure you are hitting the green accept button before answering with a mumbled hello.
“Good morning, Beautiful,” Jake's voice is altogether too chipper for you. “Did I wake you?”
You just groan back. “What time is it?” 
“It is just after 9:00.” You could hear the smile in his voice. It figures that he was a morning person. “The morning is almost over, how did you sleep?”
“Not long enough,” you tell him. “It’s a bold move to call someone in the morning on a Saturday,  I need my beauty sleep.” You can hear him laughing through the phone and it makes you smile even though you haven't had your morning coffee. 
“You’re already beautiful.” He sounds positively giddy.  “And we have to plan our date tonight.” 
“I’m seriously reconsidering it,” you say, groaning as you stretch. “I didn't know you were a morning person, it might be a deal breaker for me.”
“Nonsense, you are just saying that because you can’t hit me with a pillow for waking you up.” His voice lowered. “If I was there I would have a much better way to wake you.”
“I’m not awake enough for that kind of talk.”
“Fine,” he sighs. “I was thinking you would pick the dress code and I would plan the activities.”
You frown, your brain still feels sluggish, “What if I pick a ball gown and you plan a day hiking? I can’t hike in heels.”
“What?” You can hear the confusion in his voice. “No, you tell me what you are going to wear and I will match you and plan an activity based on what we will be wearing.”
“Oh,” you can hear him laughing. “Shut up, I'm still half asleep. So if I said evening gown what kind of night would I be in for.”
“Me in my dress whites at the fanciest restaurant I can get a reservation at.” You can hear the sound of him shifting through the phone. “Honestly that will be the toughest one to swing.”
“What about a bathing suite,” you ask.
“San Diego has lots of beaches.”
“If I dress like a cowboy?” 
“Have you ever rode a horse?” He asks.
“No, but it could be fun.” You tell him, “I have cowboy boots.”
“Let's save that one for a later date.”
“What about if it was business casual?” You are trying to think about other modes of dress.
There is a brief pause, “I’ll have to get back to you on that one.”
“An Indiana Jones costume?”
“Museum, or a historical site.”
“A Miss Frizzle costume?”
“The science center.”
“What about—.” 
Jake cuts you off abruptly. “You are just listing Halloween costumes you have in your closet aren't you?” 
“Yeah, and you are right it's probably best we save the role play for another day,” you agree. “What if I wear lingerie?”
Jake inhales sharply and you grin. “I will not know if you wear lingerie,” he sighs, “because I am a gentleman and you are a lady and it is our first date, but thank you for the visual.”
“Ok, just wanted to make sure you have something to think about.” Teasing Jake has woken you up and you are looking forward to later today. “How about I wear the standard jean shorts and a t-shirt to keep our options open for the date.”
“Ok, I will plan for that, do you want to meet me there? I can pick you up so where we are going will be a surprise, but I don’t know if you are comfortable giving me your address yet.” He sounds hesitant and unsure, not wanting to overstep and you roll your eyes. Five minutes ago the man was suggesting he would wake you up with sex if he was here. 
“Jake, we spoke for a half hour over two months ago and you stalked every library in San Diego until you found me, and I still gave you my number, I'll text you my address, surprise me.”
After finalizing your plans for the afternoon you stop Jake before he hangs up the phone. “You know, Jake, I’m impressed.”
“Why?” He already knows you well enough to have a slightly suspicious tone in his voice at your cheeky statement.
“We have been on the phone for well over ten minutes now.” You can't stop the grin on your face. “You know I am still in bed and you haven't once asked what I’m wearing.”
His voice sounds strained when he responds. “Kisses, I’m a gentleman.”
“Sure you are,” you agree blithely. “Just so you know it's an oversized university t-shirt with bleach marks and a big chocolate ice cream stain from when I fell asleep watching Bridgerton.” You quickly add, “don’t worry I didn’t get any ice cream on the couch.”
“I am relieved to hear that,” he deadpans. “Your upholstery was my greatest concern.”
“I knew it would be, I am also wearing rainbow unicorn shorts that are way too big and fall off when I’m walking if I don’t tie them tight enough, they also have pizza stains from when I dropped pizza on my lap.” You can hear him laughing. “I just wanted to give you a visual,” you say. “You know, give you something to think about.” 
“Goodbye Kisses,” he laughs, “I’ll see you later.” You smile to yourself after saying your own goodbyes. Talking to Jake was worth the early morning wake up call.
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Little blunder
College AU
Tw: SFW, can be read as gender neutral tho written with a fem reader in mind, fluff.
Pairing: Dan Heng x Reader.
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You pull up in front of the apartment complex and slowly get off your bike. You take out your phone, swipe past the 99+ notifications from every group chat you're in and go straight to Dan Heng's contact.
The last messages there were "Hey, I think I have a crush on someone and need advice" and his reply, "wanna talk about it after tutoring tomorrow?"
You type "Here", then quickly make your way up the stairs. With any luck, he's just woken up -today was his day off- and still hasn't seen any messages about this morning's... fiasco.
You reach his apartment door just as he unlocks it, probably after he heard you approach, and give him a quick greeting, closing the door behind you as you enter.
"So," he starts, "should we focus on History or Chinese literature today?" He asks, still under the impression you're here for your regular tuesday afternoon tutoring sessions. Then... He doesn't know yet. Ok, that's good.
"Actually..." You start slowly, gathering your courage to just be done with it. Come on, I can do this! You think, attempting to pump yourself up. "I'm here to borrow something" You lie instead... Hm. Maaaaybe I can't do this ...
"Of course you are," An eye roll. "what do you need this time? A dictionary? A calculator? Or am I a living dictionary, calculator, and thesaurus all in one?" Had things been normal you would've probably laughed.
"Well you see..." You glance around his apartment nervously, and say the first thing that comes to mind. "I kinda need your dish washer?" You try, and proceed to mentally facepalm. Really?! His dishwasher?!
He narrows his eyes in clear confusion. "You need... my dish washer?" He repeats. "What do you want a dish washer for? You don't even cook?" He sighs.
"If you're planning on borrowing stuff that's mine, then just ask. No need to make stupid excuses like needing my dish washer, of all things. I am your friend, you know that, right?"
"Ahahaha the school population might disagree at the moment." You reply nervously.
"..." He gives you another confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?"
You take a deep breath. "Soooo you know how I've been volunteering to help out the broadcasting club? With equipment maintenance and such?"
He nodded, though now he just looks more confused.
"Right um, about a month ago, I found a club member crying alone after a bad breakup... To comfort him I told him he was a great guy, that anybody would be lucky to-"
"Didn't you already tell me all that?" He interrupted quickly, probably sensing you were still stalling.
"Right, right, just making sure you remember." You answer smoothly enough.
"So anyways, that guy may or may not have asked me out for the school dance?" You pause, gauging his reaction, but he turned his usual pokerface back on, and it gives away nothing.
"Uh? Congratulations?" Realizing he won't say anything more, you move on for now. "No, no. I didn't agree or anything," you say quickly. "Instead I uh, may have rejected him by saying I have a boyfriend, and when he insisted I was lying, I maaaaayyyyyy havesaiditwasyou?" You rush through the last part as your nerves get the best of you.
"..." There's silence in the room as Dan Heng stares at you, processing what you'd just said. He swallows and takes a deep breath. "You. Did. What?" His words are measured.
"I panicked? I'm sorry!"
"Panic led you to name-drop me as your non-existent boyfriend?" He asks with a hint of irritation.
"Well that's because I was thinking about you-" You say before you could think better of it, and by the time your hand slaps your mouth shut it was already too late.
A small smile spreads across his face. The first unguarded reaction you'd seen him make since the beginning of this conversation. "Really?" He asks. "Did you... did I happen to cross your mind as you rejected that person?" He looks at you, his eyes narrowed in amusement.
You blush. HARD. "Well- I- I mean! Yes! of course because-" You think of a quick lie "-because I needed to return your..." You slide your hand into your pocket, pull out the first thing you find, a chewing gum packet he'd given you the day before and say "The- This...?" You end Lamely.
He shakes his head, smiling. "Nice try," he says, "but there's something else on your mind. You're bad at lying." He puts his hands on his waist and smirks.
"Now, tell me the truth. Why did you name me?"
You sigh, utterly defeated... As expected of Dan Heng "Well, I guess I wanted to ask you out to the school dance? I- I've been meaning to finally tell you today but then that guy came out of nowhere and asked me to go with him and I just- welp." You shrug.
He raises a brow "Wait... am I... your crush?" He asks, not believing the question. "It's me, isn't it? Huh." He tilts his head, a bit confused and amused.
"But... why? Why would you be into me? I'm literally the definition of a nerd," he says while glancing over to his desk, cluttered with books and his gaming build.
You jump at the opportunity to tease him "What's this Dan Heng? Are you fishing for compliments?" You ask slyly, hoping to make him blush so it wouldn't be just you.
His ears immediately turn red. "No, I'm serious," he says, "Why me?" He looks at you with a puzzled look, then says, "I mean, I'm flattered, but I don't get it. Out of all the boys in class, why me? Not that I'm complaining, mind you," he chuckles.
A small win for me! He went blushy blushy! You giggle to yourself. "Well what's there not to like? You're always there for me, be it calling me first thing in the morning to make sure I'm awake for classes or tutoring me so I understand the material, you even cook extra portions of food for me because I am not um... adept in the kitchen. Like how thoughtful is that? Honestly how could I possibly not fall for you?" By now you've completely run out of breath.
Dan Heng's cheeks are flushed pink. I can die happy now "Y-You... you're actually serious?" He asks, feeling a wave of relief and joy wash over him. "Because I... I feel the same about you. You're so... you're the sweetest, kindest, most considerate person I've ever met, (Y/N). You're always helping people, even in things completely unrelated to your own life... I mean, broadcasting equipment maintenance? You had to learn a completely new skill just to help them with that."
He took a deep breath, seemingly steadying himself, then continued.
"And... I just have this feeling whenever I'm with you, my heartbeat quickens and my stomach turns in a flutter. Do you... do you feel the same?" This was probably the most honest and vulnerable he's ever been with you.
You smile brightly. "Yes! And I'm ecstatic you do too!!!"
He smiles as well and nods. "When's the dance, again?" He asks. "And how should we tell our friends that we're dating, now that I've said yes to your... confession?"
"If it even is called a confession?" He mumbles in amusement.
"Ah yeah about that..." You smile sheepishly, debating how to break this one to him.
"What... what is it, (Y/N)?" He tilts his head in curiosity. "Tell me. I don't bite," he teases.
"Sooo, remember how this whole thing started in the broadcasting room? Remember how March uhhh... Sometimes forgets the mic open?"
Dan Heng's eyes widen. "No way."
"Hahah... Yeahhhh." You fish your phone out of your back pack, unlock it and pick a random group chat. Sure enough, the chosen conversation topic is still the "Broadcasted failure of a confession LMAO!!" You hand him your phone, let him scroll through the messages, knowing he probably doesn't bother to even join most of these group chats.
"Huh," he starts, "aren't they being a bit... Harsh on this gu- wait." His eyes narrowed. "What does Jing Yuan mean by 'he was being a total creep??'" he asks alarmed, now looking at you.
"Ehh that might be an exaggeration? He probably means how the guy wouldn't take no for an answer, it's kinda why I had to lie in the first place, I mean I was being considerate at first but he really wouldn't let up... Huh now that I think about it, maybe Jing Yuan's right. "
Dan Heng didn't seem to like that one bit.
"You know what? I'm actually fine with the broadcast thing," He replied coolly. "If more people knew about my feelings for you, then that's great. As long as they know you're dating me now."
"So. Are you going to be my date for the dance?" He asks.
You grin. "I'd be honored to!"
"Great." Dan Heng smiles and reaches out to hug you. "So then... that means we're officially a couple?" He grins slyly. "And does that mean you'll call me honey now?" Oh he's trying to make you blush.
You smile back, every bit as mischievous "I was actually thinking of calling you: Darling, love of my life, light of my days, and saviour of my grades! But sure whatever you like." You say innocently. He laughs.
"I think I like that last one," he says, reaching out to brush a stray hair away from your face. "But I want you to call me Dan Heng, alright? If I ever heard someone refer to me as "Darling" or "Love", I'd probably turn into a ripe strawberry." He seems to consider something for a moment then says: "And when we see each other at the dance, will I be able to give you a kiss?" He asks cheekily.
"...!" When they go bold I go BOLDER! " You can kiss me right now." You say, summoning every last bit of confidence within you.
He leans in and gently presses his lips onto yours, holding it for a moment before breaking apart. "Will that suffice?" he asks with a grin.
"Now, come on. We better hurry up. All our friends are probably waiting for us at the cafe," he says and offers to take your hand.
"They're gonna be thrilled. Imagine how happy March will be, learning her little blunder for once caused something great." he adds with a bright smile.
Author's note:
Alhaitham: I'm just a feeble scholar.
Dan Heng: I'm literally the definition of a nerd.
Kaveh & I : \(O-o)/
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thefandomenchantress · 3 months
Height Changes: The Fic
I thought it would be funny to write a little story about how everyone reacted to the non-canon height changes, (even if I am two months late whoops), so here you go! This takes place before any murders occur, so everyone can make an appearance.
Rose slowly exited her room, yawning into her hand. She usually didn't wake up in time to attend breakfast these days, but MonoTV said it had a special announcement today, so she'd woken up early. Or at least gotten out of bed early, she would probably take another nap in the cafeteria--
Rose suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Huh...?" She mumbled to herself, looking around the hallway.
At that moment, Nico exited their room and saw Rose. They slowly approached her. "Rose? Are you alright? You're just...standing here." Rose turned to them and only seemed to become more confused, glancing around again. "Rose?" Nico repeated.
"You're...shorter than you were yesterday. I think." Rose said, turning back towards her door. "And I'm shorter, too. Yesterday, I saw my name plate from a different angle. We both lost an inch of our height."
Nico was silent for a moment, perplexed. Rose had caught smaller differences in her own height before, even without a point of reference, so they doubted she would be wrong now. "Huh? It's not that I don't believe you or anything, but how would we grow smaller overnight?"
"Hm...I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with what MonoTV is going to announce." Rose answered, yawning and beginning to walk towards the cafeteria. "There's not anything we can do about it, though, so I guess we should just tell the others and move on."
Nico hesitantly followed her. Despite the strangeness of it all, she was right. There wasn't anything they could do about suddenly being shorter, besides drinking more milk to try to get taller again. But they'd never been too attached to their height, so there wasn't much point in that. Besides, they had read a while ago that milk doesn't help much with getting taller anyway.
The two entered the cafeteria. They heard a loud crash from the kitchen. They looked at each other and shrugged, wandering over to the kitchen to check it out. Hopefully nothing bad had happened.
When they entered, they saw Eden on ground, a layer of powdered sugar covering her pants, vest, the floor and the counter. "Oh. You fell. No one died." Rose said, surprised.
"Huh? Of course no one died! I was just trying to reach the powdered sugar. It was in the same place it always was, so I thought I could reach it just fine, but I could only grab onto the edge of the bag, and it fell on me." Eden explained, slowly getting up off the ground and dusting off her pants. Or she tried to, anyway, but she just ended up just smearing it.
Rose looked her up and down. "You couldn't reach because you lost a few inches of height last night. Four, maybe?" Rose picked up some powdered sugar from the counter and licked it off her fingers. Yum.
"Wha-?! No, I can't have gotten shorter! Not in such little time! And I was already pretty short..." Eden began measuring herself in relation to Nico and realized that she was indeed more than a few inches away from their height now, unlike before. "Aw...I guess I am shorter..." She admitted.
"Did everyone get shorter last night...? What kind of motive would that be? No one would murder just to be taller again, right?" Nico asked.
"I would hope not." Eden agreed. "Not being able to reach the top shelf isn't exactly in my top ten reasons to kill someone." She laughed a bit nervously.
"Why are we making top ten lists about murder?" Whit asked, entering the kitchen door with Charles. After approaching the counter and making a handprint in the powdered sugar, he said, "Personally, I would never murder someone directly. No need to get my hands dirty." He held up his now sugar-covered hand.
Charles sighed, pretending not to be amused. "Who made this mess? Whit and I were going to use the kitchen."
"Oh, sorry! That was me, I dropped the powdered sugar and now it's...well, everywhere. I'll clean it up while you two cook, though!" She waved as she left to find a broom and dustpan. And some wipes.
"Hm. Nico, not everyone got shorter. Whit did, by an inch, but Charles got taller." Rose pointed out, carefully looking the two up and down.
"Huh? I'm not that short, you don't have to belittle me." Whit sighed dramatically before snickering. "But, uh, seriously. What do you mean?"
"What I said. You got shorter and Charles got taller. Me, Nico, and Eden got shorter, too. We think it might be a motive or something." Rose explained, yawning and returning to her thoughts about napping.
"That's impossible, you said Whit was a whole inch shorter. He couldn't have shrunk by that much in less than 12 hours." Charles argued, wondering if this was some sort of practical joke.
"You're two inches taller. Go find a tape measure if you don't believe me." Rose shrugged. "Or wait for MonoTV to say something."
Whit brought his hand from the top of his own head to where it measured up against Charles. "Huh, I guess I am shorter in comparison to you now. Guess I'll never be one of those ideal six-foot tall guys anymore. That was a totally achievable goal before." He said sarcastically, pretending to pout for a moment.
Charles, a man of science, was now very confused. "No, that's...but...Maybe we should go find a tape measure." He decided. "I know I was 5'9" before, so if Rose is right, I should be 5'11"..." He began to mumble to himself, writing down the two numbers in his notepad.
"If you wanna, then sure, let's go." Whit agreed, and the two headed off to find a tape measure in the storage room, leaving Rose and Nico standing there by themselves.
"What are you guys up to?" J asked as she entered before stopping in her tracks. "What happened in here?" She pointed to the mess on the floor and counter. There was now an Eden-shaped space of clean floor from where Eden had landed before she got up.
"I fell when I grabbed the powdered sugar." Eden explained, now entering the room again with a dustpan and broom. "Sorry!" She began to clean up the mess.
"It's fine, I don't really care as long as you're cleaning it yourself. I was just wondering." She spotted Nico and Rose staring. "What?" She asked.
"Wait, let me try." Nico said to Rose, squinting at J and trying to analyze her height. "Is she...two inches shorter?"
"Close. It's three." Rose corrected.
"What the fuck are you guys talking about?!" J exclaimed, thoroughly confused.
"Oh. Right. Everyone's heights are changed. We think it's a motive or something." Rose explained. She was getting tired of explaining this to every new person she saw...That nap was sounding nice...
"What?! No way, I couldn't have gotten shorter in one night." J protested.
"It's true. We checked." Charles said as he and Whit entered the room with their newly acquired tape measure. "Rose is correct. Our heights have changed. Somehow."
J was certainly not happy about this. She had always been proud about being a bit tall for a girl her age. "Can I see that?" She asked, gesturing to the tape measure. Charles gave it to her, and after some difficulty she measured herself with it. "Holy shit, I am shorter!" She exclaimed, now extremely annoyed. Whichever god decided to curse her to be shorter despite the laws of nature, she smited them. She didn't care if smiting only worked the other way around, she would find a way to do the reverse.
"Shorter than what?" Teruko asked as she and Xander entered the room. They'd bumped into each other in the hallway (not literally this time) and had decided to head to the cafeteria for breakfast together.
"Shorter than yesterday!" J exclaimed, triple-checking her measurements. "I'm three inches shorter!"
"What? How did that happen, there's no way." Xander said, before analyzing her carefully. "But now that you mention it, you do look smaller to me than you did before..."
"Maybe that's because you're two inches taller, too." Rose suggested. "I'm surprised no one but me notices until I tell them...Don't your guy's clothes fit differently or something?"
"No, my jacket still fits like it did yesterday." J pulled on her sleeves to make sure they didn't feel longer on her than they used to.
"Hm." Teruko put a hand to her chin thoughtfully. "Rose, have I changed at all?"
"Yeah, you definitely got shorter by...five inches." Rose answered, closing her eyes. Maybe she could take a short nap while they sorted these things out again...
"So if me and J got shorter and Xander got taller, are we changing based on gender?" Teruko asked.
"No, Whit got shorter instead of taller. It's not based on gender. It seems like the changes are random so far." Nico said. "Me and Rose think it's something for the motive, but we're not sure why anyone would kill over this."
"I hope all the motives are like this." Eden said as she dumped all the swept-up powdered sugar into the trash. "Sure, this is weird and kinda inconvenient, but we'll be able to get through this!"
"You're right, Ms. Eden!" Xander agreed. "This is a pathetic excuse for a motive, if it is one. MonoTV won't break are spirits this easily!"
Arturo entered the kitchen at that moment, before immediately turning to leave after he saw how many ugly people were gathered here. "Ugh." Was all he had to say.
"Oh! Arturo, wait, let's check your height!" Eden exclaimed.
"What?" Arturo asked incredulously. "I'm 6'3". Why do you want that information? Actually, I don't care, just let me leave." He began to exit again.
"Wait, but you must've changed last night! Rose, can you--Oh." Realizing Rose was asleep, Eden went to plan B. "Well, if you let me get the tape measure, we can show you."
Deciding that the only way to get these people to stop pestering him was to indulge them for a few moments, Arturo sighed and waited for Eden to come over with the tape measure. "Um, I'm not tall enough to reach, but if you check yourself, you'll see." She handed him the tool, and he sighed again before checking his height.
"Oh, wow, who would've guessed. I'm 6'3"." He said in a monotone voice, obviously fed up with them.
"Wha-?! But that can't be right..." Eden trailed off. Arturo rolled his eyes.
"...Rose?" Nico gently poked the sleeping girl in the arm. She slowly opened her eyes. "Could you check Arturo's height? He says he's the same."
Rose squinted for a moment before nodding. "He's the same." She agreed, before closing her eyes again.
Teruko raised an eyebrow. "So then not everyone changed. That's strange."
"'Changed'? What are you people talking about? And why are you all gathered in here taking people's measurements?" Arturo asked. "This air is becoming suffocating."
"Well, we didn't gather here on purpose, people just keep walking in." Eden explained. "And we're taking measurements because everyone but you got shorter and taller last night."
Before Arturo could come up with a response to that, Veronika walked into the room. "Arturo! There you are!" She exclaimed, and Arturo groaned in annoyance. Veronika's gaze swept across the room. "Hm? Why is everyone in here?" She asked. "Is something exciting happening?"
"Sort of. Everyone's heights are all changed. Except Arturo's, apparently." J answered, totally definitely not bitter about the person she disliked the most being spared.
"Oh! I guess a lot of you do look shorter." Veronika said. "And I do feel a little bit different, but my dress has pretty specific measurements and it fits exactly the same. Did our clothes get switched out with new copies?"
"We're not sure. Me and Rose said we'd just wait to see what MonoTV says about it." Nico said. There were a lot more people to talk in front of now, so they were starting to get a bit nervous. "Right, Rose?" They asked.
"Eh?" Rose mumbled, waking up again and seeing Veronika. "Veronika's one inch shorter." She said. "Is that what you wanted?"
"No, I was just saying you said we should wait and see what happens since we can't do anything about our heights." Nico answered.
"Oh. Yeah, that's all we can do, I guess." She yawned. "Should we move to the cafeteria? There's a lot of people in here now."
Everyone agreed and they made their way to the cafeteria (except Eden and Whit, who had never gotten around to actually making breakfast). "Okay, so who else are we missing? Now I'm excited to see all the new changes!" Veronika exclaimed, watching the cafeteria doors.
She didn't have to wait long for Levi to enter. He stopped in his tracks when he saw everyone simultaneously turn to look at him. "Ah. Um. Hello." He said, wondering what he did to garner all this attention.
"Levi! Quick, see how tall you are!" Veronika said, practically throwing the tape measure at him. He managed to catch it and did as she told him, now extremely confused. He rarely took measurements of himself, since in his profession he was usually tailoring things to his client's measurements.
When he saw that he was taller than he remembered, he was surprised, double checking his math. "I'm...6'3"?" He said questioningly.
"Is that taller than yesterday?" Veronika asked.
"I...Well, I would say yes, but how--" Before Levi could finish his sentence, a loud bang echoed through the cafeteria. Everyone turned to see that it was and quickly realized Arei had slammed the cafeteria door open, a smug-looking Ace behind her.
"I'm taller than Arei!" He exclaimed, explaining why he was in a surprisingly good mood. Arei sent a death glare at him, and he flinched.
"Oh, wow. 7 inches. That's a new record." Rose said from her seat, looking Arei up and down. "And it looks like guys were the first to notice on your own, too."
Veronika approached Arei with the tape measure. "Almost everyone changed heights! You changed the most, though. I wonder why?" She began to measure Arei. "Why are you mad about it, anyway?"
"Because Ace keeps being a smug little bastard about being taller, I bet." J guessed.
"See, this is why you're my favorite." Arei smiled at J, who wasn't sure if she should be flattered or not.
Veronika's smile turned slightly mischievous. "Hm, I would've expected you to be a bit more upset, Ace." Ace raised an eyebrow, now a bit suspicious. Veronika just smiled. "Arei is five feet on the dot now!"
Ace blinked, comparing himself to Arei's height. "Huh? But..." His expression turned distressed as he realized he was only two and three inches taller than her.
"Hm. Ace is three inches shorter." Rose supplied, only confirming Ace's fears.
"Ha!" Arei exclaimed, poking Ace. "You're super short now!"
"So are you!" Ace shot back, now returning to his usual angry demeanor.
"Yeah, but I'm a girl. It's cute when I'm short." Arei said, now confident and happy again. Their dynamic had almost immediately returned to normal.
Ace grumbled about still being taller as Min entered the room. She went to go sit down by herself before noticing that everyone was staring at either her or Rose. "Two inches shorter." Rose said, and everyone nodded.
Min, puzzled, wasn't sure if she should engage or not. Veronika made the decision for her. "Everyone's heights changed last night! I'm guessing you think that's impossible, right?" She asked.
"What? Of course drastically changing your height in one day is impossible. What are you talking about?" Min wondered if Veronika was just messing with her. That seemed in-character for her.
"Tell that to Arei! She shrank a whole seven inches!" Veronika exclaimed, gesturing to Arei, who posed. Min looked her up and down. She did seem way shorter, but...
Veronika giggled at Min's confounded expression. "I thought it was impossible, too, yet here we are." Charles said.
"...Well, I suppose I can't claim it couldn't happen when it...Clearly did." Min decided. There was no way this was a prank if Charles was involved, he wouldn't participate in something like that.
"Ah? Is everyone already gathering in here for the announcement?" Hu asked after she entered the room, seeing everyone already there.
"Almost everyone. Rose, is she the same? She looks the same." Nico said to the half-asleep girl beside them.
"Yeah, she looks exactly the same. She and Arturo are the only ones that didn't change, I guess." Rose agreed.
"And Levi." Ace added.
"Nope! He's two inches taller!" Veronika exclaimed, just to see his reaction.
"Wha-?! But you're already so fucking tall, why do you get to be taller?!" Ace said, looking up at Levi with a betrayed expression, as though he somehow planned this.
"Um. I apologize?" Levi answered uncertainly.
"I...assume that was an unnecessary apology?" Hu said, wanting to say it wasn't Levi's fault but not sure what was going on or if it actually was.
"It was, almost all our heights have been changed but the changes are random. We think." Nico explained.
"What's this about height changes?" David asked as he walked in, the final person to enter.
"Mr. David! They didn't do anything to you, did they?!" Xander exclaimed protectively.
"What? Who's 'they'?" David answered, very confused.
"No, he's two inches shorter." Rose corrected. "He's not the same."
"I'm shorter? Are you sure?" David asked. Rose nodded. "Ah...So is this the motive?"
"Nope!" Suddenly, MonoTV popped up from...Somewhere. "Wow! You guys actually all gathered without me telling you to! Good job!" It exclaimed, with a :D face on it's screen. "But I do have one complaint. You guys keep calling this a motive, when it clearly isn't! My motives are much better than this! I'm offended." It made a >:( face to show it's grumpiness.
"Wait, so this isn't something that would be fixed if someone murdered?" Teruko asked. "We just have to accept this now?"
"Yep! I thought about making it temporary, but the audience is loving it! So your new heights are here to stay now!" It rolled around in circles happily, excited about the good ratings.
"You can't just fucking come in here and change our heights!" Ace exclaimed. "That's not how it fucking works!"
"It is now!" MonoTV seemed gleeful. "Hopefully this will keep the audience entertained while I find--I mean finish preparing the first motive. Because I didn't lose it." It disappeared again.
Everyone looked around at each other. Alright, so this was a thing now. Great...
The non-canon heights make me so happy you guys don't understand. Hope you enjoyed my little story about them!
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tortillamastersblog · 11 days
꧁ Angels Don’t Cry | Mor ꧂
Tumblr media
Pairing: Mor x reader
Warnings: Mentions of torture, injuries, blood, kidnapping, vomiting and explicit language
Summary: After Hybern’s defeat, the Inner Circle makes a grave discovery in the late King’s dungeons. . .
Next Part | Masterlist
It’s still dark outside, but a sliver of silver light at the horizon tells me the sun will rise within the next hour.
For the past weeks now, ever since being rescued from Hybern, I’ve woken up in the early hours of the morning to watch the sky turn pink and orange.
It reminds me that a new day is about to begin and that my life didn’t end when I was taken from Windhaven before the first war.
I was a youngling then, but a lot of time has passed since and the things I’ve endured and seen over the last five centuries have turned me into someone I don’t recognize.
I don’t know who I am anymore. I just know that Azriel is my half-brother (something I was told by the King to torment me even further) and that the Night Court is my home, but the inner circle isn’t exactly my family yet.
Not even Azriel. He’s my brother, yes, but he’s doesn’t feel like family yet.
The only family I ever had was my mother, but she’s been dead for a long time now and I have nothing but my own memories to remember her by.
I sigh and lean my head against the windowsill, letting my wings lazily brush against the carpeted floor.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Having heard his heartbeat in the shadows, I don’t flinch when Azriel steps into view. He’s dressed like me, wearing a simple black sweater and a pair of sweatpants, obviously having gotten out of bed not too long ago as well.
I direct my attention back to the rising sun and nod. “Yup.”
“You haven’t been sleeping properly.”
I cringe, feeling my wings twitch involuntarily. There’s no point in denying it, but I’m also not going to admit it, so I just stay silent.
“I understand,” he goes on softly, “and. . . I’m sorry you’re going through this.”
Being a man of few emotions and even fewer words, I’m surprised to hear such compassion in his voice. I turn to look at him only to find him already next to me, also looking out of the window.
In this moment, I can’t put into words how grateful I am to have met him. He understands what I’m going through like no one else and he always seems to know when I’m in need of his comforting company.
Even when we’re not talking, like right now, we understand each other on a different level.
The only other person who comes close to understanding me is Feyre.
She’s calm and kind, and she’s offered to teach me how to paint a couple of times now, claiming it could be a good way for me to process what happened and escape from the real world for a bit.
So far, I’ve not taken her up on the offer, but I can see myself actually letting her teach me in the future once I’ve settled in properly.
“So, will I be seeing you at training after breakfast again?” Azriel asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.
A week ago, he convinced me to join him on the roof to train alongside Cassian and Feyre. The exercise has been a great distraction and a good way to blow off some steam, not to mention it’s always good to know how to fight and defend yourself.
“I guess so, yes.” I shrug and by the awkward silence that follows, I know he wants to say something else.
It takes a couple of seconds for him to actually spit it out, and when he does, I know why he was hesitant. “Cassian actually suggested we try to get you to fly today.”
Flying. . . I immediately shut down at the idea of it.
Having been kidnapped as Hybern’s trophy, they didn’t dare clip my wings, but they bound them and locked me in a cell.
I was only taken out every so often when they either wanted to torture me, make fun of me, show me off to their allies, or wanted to fulfill their unspeakable needs.
Now, I’m free and my wings are no longer bound, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to fly yet. I don’t know why because there’s nothing wrong with them (they’re just a little weak), but every time I even just think of using them I get all chocked up and I shut down.
“Az. . . I don’t know. I-I can’t,” I admit quietly.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he assures me and then we go back to watching the sun rise in silence.
As soon as it’s over the horizon, Azriel smiles and squeezes my shoulder in encouragement. “I’ll see you up there.”
I nod and watch him vanish in the shadows before getting ready for the day. I make the bed, brush my teeth, and eat some of the breakfast that magically appears on the desk next to the window.
Then I get dressed and as if on cue, Feyre knocks on my door just as I finish strapping my dagger to my thigh.
“Ready?” she asks with a genuine smile and I nod, following her up to the roof wordlessly.
Cassian ended up missing training because he had to run some last minute errands with Rhysand which left Azriel, Feyre and me to train alone.
We worked on our sparring skills and then moved on to some disarming techniques before finishing the session with conditioning sprints.
By the time we were done, Feyre and I were both red-faced and sweating despite the cold while Azriel was barely out of breath, snuggled into his thick sweatshirt.
Winter Solstice is in four weeks, meaning it’s freezing outside and even though it hasn’t snowed yet, I know it won’t be long now until the first flakes fall and cover everything under a soft, cold blanket.
Now, with my legs burning and my stomach growling for some more food since I skimped out on breakfast, I make my way to the kitchen where Nuala and Cerridwen are already working on tonight’s dinner.
It’s going to be big because the entire inner circle is invited and because the last dinner was hosted at the Town House, tonight’s will be hosted here in the House of Wind.
To my surprise, the twins aren’t alone and when I walk in, Elain smiles shyly and drops her chin in greeting while the others go on working quietly.
“Hello,” I say with a small smile of my own. “I see you’re all hard at work already. . .”
Nuala continues kneading the bread dough but looks up to meet my eyes. “Yes, there’s much to be done, but it’s nothing we can’t handle.”
Elain and Cerridwen hum in agreement.
“Oh, I’m sure it’s not. Your food is always amazing.” As if to prove a point my stomach growls and all three of them smirk my way.
“Are you hungry?” Elain asks with a knowing look and I nod my head as she wipes her hands off on her apron. “Let me fix you a plate then.”
“It’s okay I can just—“
“It’s fine,” she cuts me off and vanishes in the pantry before I can object again.
I came here to grab a snack like an apple or a handful of nuts, not eat a whole three course meal, but I guess there’s no point in trying to stop Elain again. Especially when she re-emerges from the pantry with a plate laden with smoked meat, a slice of bread, a couple cheese cubes and a handful of grapes.
“Here you go.” She hands me the plate with another shy smile and I can’t help but bow playfully.
“Thank you. This really wasn’t necessary, but the effort is appreciated greatly,” I say honestly which makes a faint blush appear on her cheeks.
She quickly turns back around and resumes decorating the pastries she was working on before, which I take as my cue to leave.
Thanking all of them once more and offering my help in case they need it (they don’t), I go back to my room and eat on my bed while toeing off my shoes.
Elain is sweet like Feyre, but she’s definitely more introverted. She doesn’t talk much, like Amren, but when she does, she’s always sincere and honest. It’s something I appreciate a lot, having been lied to almost all my life, and even though I can’t see myself catching romantic feelings for her, I do believe that we could become great friends.
I eat and undress at the same time, my muscles weak from exhaustion, before placing the empty plate on the table by the window.
It vanishes almost instantly like all the empty plates and cups I’ve placed on it over the last weeks, leaving me to go about my business without having to worry about returning dishes.
I go into the rooms adjoining bathroom and sigh when I see that the house has already filled the bath with steaming water and mountains of bubbles.
I swallow the last cube of cheese and take off my undergarments before sinking into the hot water.
My wings twitch at the instant relief that flows through me and I sinking down even further until the water is all the way up to my chin.
I sit like that for over half an hour with my eyes close, the lack of sleep catching up to me, before scrubbing myself clean and getting out to dry off.
I unplug the drain and return to my room where I get dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.
Then, just like every day after training and taking a bath, I make my way to the library.
Some days I find Nesta there, lounging in a chair and reading as well, but we never really speak. We simply tolerate each other, and since I share her liking for books and leave her be, she never lays into me the way she does with the others.
Today, however, as I make my way to the library I pass an unfamiliar door that stands slightly ajar. I’ve seen it before, but never bothered to go inside since it’s not polite to snoop around.
What I see inside the room though catches my attention and I can’t help but push the door open further to get a better look.
Standing in the middle of the otherwise empty room on a beautiful handmade carpet is a black grand piano. Its polished surface glints in the daylight that streams in through the uncovered windows, and it’s almost as though its beckoning me to come closer.
I’ve never touched a piano, or played an instrument for that matter but even in Hybern when I attended festivities (more like chained to the wall and forced to watch all the atrocities the King committed in the name of having fun) I’d been mesmerized by the music.
Looking back over my shoulder, I note that there’s no one around, so I slip into the room and close the door behind me.
I take tentative steps toward the instrument, feeling like someone will burst in any second to demand an answer as to what I’m doing, but no one comes, so I hesitantly take a seat on the bench.
I’ve never heard someone play, which either means the room is soundproof or no one’s ever played. I choose to believe the former because I really want to try and play and I’d be embarrassed if anyone heard.
I set mine fingers on the keys after opening the lid over them. They’re smooth and cool beneath my fingers and when I play a random note I jump slightly, not having expected it to be as loud as it is.
I play another note, pressing down on one of the black keys. This time I don’t jump and as time goes I start experimenting with different melodies and rhythms.
It’s far from being any good, but it makes me feel a little less empty inside.
By the time I stop, the sun has set and I realize I should probably be getting ready for dinner.
I quickly close the lid over the keys and sneak out of the room unnoticed. It’s not like I’d be in trouble for using it, but I don’t want anyone to know yet.
This is one of the first things I’ve had all to myself in a long time and I selfishly want to keep it that way a little longer.
Just as I think I might have gotten away with it though, I stumble into someone right as I’m rounding a corner.
“Mor,” I breathe, my wings flailing as I try to steady myself and her.
For a second she holds onto me, her fingers curled around the front of my sweatshirt, but then she pushes me away and steps out of my embrace. She’s already dressed for the dinner, wearing a revealing red dress that hugs her curves perfectly. Her hair cascades down her back in soft curls and the bracelets on her wrists jingle when she moves her arms.
“What are you doing?” she asks, her brown eyes scrutinizing me. “Why are you sneaking around?”
I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water until I manage to stutter, “I-I’m not. I just came from the library.”
Raising an eyebrow, she scowls at me. I’ve always had the feeling she’s doesn’t really liked me because her eyes are always on me like I’m some kind of prey and whenever I say something she clenches her jaw. “The library? Interesting because I just saw Nesta and she said she didn’t see you there today.”
I open my mouth again to defend myself with a little white lie, but then Feyre’s voice echoes through the house calling for Mor.
Brown eyes roam over me once more and then she’s gone.
I close my eyes and take a steadying breath, feeling a weird tug in the pit of my stomach as I listen to her retreating footsteps.
She is beautiful. Divinely so, but that doesn’t change the fact that she hates my guts for some reason. It does however make my stomach tingle inexplicably every time she’s near me.
I grit my teeth at my body’s reaction to her and reopen my eyes before hurrying to my room and getting changed for the dinner.
“I honestly don’t know what happened,” Rhysand says which makes everyone at the table laugh.
He was just telling us about the time he, Azriel and Cassian were kicked out of a pub a long time ago.
Amren grins and takes a sip of her wine. “Cassian ran his fat mouth again, that’s what happened.”
Again, laughter fills the room and even though he flips Amren off, Cassian laughs too. Nesta slaps his hand out of the air and intertwines their fingers under the table, sending him a warning look which only makes his smile widen.
“Anyway. . .” Feyre clears her throat and changes the topic. “Have you guys heard about the Hybern spy that was caught in Adriata yesterday?”
My ears perk up at that and I set my fork down. “Why would Hybern send a spy to the summer court? I thought the king’s niece from the continent was trying to establish a peace treaty now that she’s taken the throne?“
Azriel goes to say something, having a pensive look on his face, but Mor beats him to it.
“Why indeed would Hybern send out spies?” she asks, looking directly at me with challenging eyes.
Taken aback by her not so subtle accusation, I bite the inside of my cheek to stop the hurt that curses through me from showing on my face.
Me? A spy for Hybern? After everything they did to me?
I swallow thickly and look down at my plate. If she knew what they did to me, she’d never say something like that.
Everyone has suddenly gone deathly still and for a second I contemplate just getting up and going to my room, but then, out of all people, Elain comes to my rescue.
“I don’t think the spy was there on Irene’s orders. If he even was a spy, that is. It could just be one of the soldiers who escaped Hybern after the war to avoid the consequences of fighting for the king,” she argues which gains hums and nods of approval.
I look up to smile thankfully which makes her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink. She smiles as well and ducks her head before cutting a piece of asparagus on her plate and eating it.
Azriels eyes dart between the two of us for a moment before his gaze lingers on me with a raised eyebrow.
I just shake my head in silent answer to his unvoiced question which makes his shoulders relax.
I know he likes Elain, I can see it in the way he looks at her even though he thinks no one notices, but it’s like I said. Elain is sweet, but she will never be more than a friend to me.
“Yeah, I’ve spoken to Varian—“ Feyre begins, but she’s interrupted by Mor who, once again, glares at me.
“Maybe,” she says, “but if I were Helion I’d still lock him up and get as much information out of him as possible. He’s a danger to all of Prythian whether he was spying or not.”
My eyes burn with unshed tears and I drop my cutlery to bury my hands in my lap. If it wasn’t clear before, now everyone at the table knows she’s not just talking about the spy.
She’s talking about me. She thinks I should be locked up again.
The memory of my old cell makes me physically recoil and without thinking, I jump to my feet and slam my napkin on the table before rushing out of the room.
I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming at the pain cursing through my back and wings.
“Stop! Please,” I groan, tossing and turning while clawing at my back.
Within a second my door flies open and Cassian and Nesta rush in with horrified looks.
“What’s happening?!” Cassian exclaims, rushing to my side to check me over for injuries. “What hurts?”
All I can do is whimper in pain which seems to alarm him even more as he frantically runs his hands over my back.
“What is it?” he asks again, but I can’t manage to reply.
Nesta’s eyes flickered all over me before she rushes out of the room, calling over her back, “I’m getting Azriel!”
“Please,” I breathe again, my fingers digging into my own shoulders. “Make it stop.”
Cassian, still running his hands over me to find the source of my pain says, “I’m trying! I’m trying, but I don’t understand what’s happening.”
“No, you’re not doing it right,” the king says with furrowed eyebrows. “Give me the whip.”
I watch over my shoulder helplessly as the soldier hands the bloodied whip to the king.
The onlookers cheer and laugh when I slip in the pool of blood at my feet, trying to stay upright. I squeeze my eyes shut and squeeze my bound hands into fists above my head.
I can’t take much more, and the king knows that, but before sending me back to my cell to heal he wants to have his own little fun.
“This-“ he raises the whip in demonstration to hype up the crowd- “is how it’s done!”
I howl in pain and arch my back at the memory of the whip slashing my back and wings.
Then, not a second later, Nesta storms back into the room with Azriel in tow. He’s not the only one she’s apparently managed to wake however because following Azriel is Feyre.
They rush the side of my bed and hold me down to stop the thrashing.
“What is happening?” Nesta asks, her voice uncharacteristically soft.
“I-I don’t know!” Cassian stutters.
Azriel crouches down next to the bed and cups my cheeks. I’m faintly aware of the touch but the king’s face and how he brought the whip down on me again and again keeps replaying in my mind, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and memory. “Talk to me, Y/N,” he pleads.
“Here let me try,” Feyre says squeezing past him to kneel next to the bed. Her clear blue eyes roam all over my face and before she raises her fingers to my temple she whispers, “I’m sorry.”
Then, its as if the barrier around my memories shatters and I scream again, reliving everything that’s ever happened to me in Hybern: the flogging, the humiliation, the unwanted touches all over my body, the beatings, the branding. . . Everything until the last wave of pain ripples through me, leaving me shaking and crying.
“What did you do?” I hear Nesta say and when Feyre doesn’t answer I open my eyes slowly.
For the first time since waking up, my surroundings are clear and when my eyes land on Feyre my heart sinks at the sight of the tears on her cheeks.
She obviously just saw everything I also saw which means she now knows the full extent of what was done to me.
I’ve revealed bits and pieces of how I was treated since I got here, but the only one who’s really known how deep my scars actually run is Azriel. That was until just moments ago because now Feyre knows as well.
“Y/N. . .” she whispers, taking my hand.
I just sob and squeeze my eyes shut again. A moment later, I’m pulled into a tentative embrace.
“I’m so sorry,” she says. “I didn’t— We didn’t know how bad— I mean, Mor— she shouldn’t have—“
She sniffles and apologizes over and over again.
“Stop,” I croak. “It’s not your fault.”
“I know, but I shouldn’t have let Mor talk to you the way she did at dinner. I shouldn’t have left you alone to deal with your trauma, I know how isolating it can feel. I shouldn’t—“
“It’s okay,” I whisper, opening my eyes again only to notice that we’re the only two left in the room. “You didn’t know and you barely know me.”
“I do now though,” she argues. “And I will do better. I promise.“
I force a smile and nod. “Thank you.”
Then, silence settles over us and Feyre doesn’t take her arm off my shoulders.
My back and wings no longer hurt because the wounds healed a long time ago and there wasn’t actually a reason for them to hurt in the first place. Yes, the scar are a little sore sometimes, but they never sting like the actual wounds did.
I’m honestly a little embarrassed because I don’t like people seeing me this vulnerable, but there’s nothing I can do now but hope that no one ever brings it up again.
I know Azriel definitely won’t unless I talk about it first and Nesta won’t say anything about it either, but Cassian? Let’s just say he can be a little insensitive sometimes whether he means to or not.
“Feyre?” I whisper.
“Yes?” She squeezes my shoulders and looks at me with kind eyes.
“Could you not— you know— talk about what happened tonight? What you saw, I mean. . .” I ask hesitantly.
“Of course,” she assures me with another squeeze.
“Thank you.” I lean into her embrace a little more. “For everything.”
“Don’t thank me,” she whispers. “You’re family now and we’re here for each other no matter what.”
Blinking away a new wave of tears, I smile weakly and nod.
Family. . . They really are starting to be my family. Maybe not all of them yet, but definitely Azriel, Feyre and Elain.
The three of them tried to cheer me up after dinner and told me that what Mor had said was complete bullshit, but I told them that I’d rather just be alone and they respected that.
Feyre stays with me a while longer before leaving after I’ve assured her that I’d try to get some more sleep.
I obviously don’t, but I wait until she’s gone before sneaking out of my room and into the room with the grand piano.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Darla (BAU x cowboy!reader)
Warnings: n/a
A/N: Okay so this kinda sets the scene for another fic hopefully coming out today. This takes place like a few weeks after Mama’s boy.
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies  
You didn’t know what exactly it was, you just knew that you had woken up with a strong realisation. You were had fallen for her. And you had fallen hard. 
“What's up with you?” Emily asked as you gave her a dopey smile.
“You’re not a morning person and you’re practically skipping,” Garcia grinned.
“I am in awe of a woman…”
“Oh my god, you're already smitten.” She snorted.
“I have never met a woman like her…” You said with a sigh, "She's somethin' out of a fairy tale ‘m tellin’ ya, she’s just... she’s stunning,"
“What's her name?” JJ asked, joining the pair of you. 
“Darla,” You said with a sigh, you watch in confusion as JJ’s smile drops momentarily before she disguises it.
“Darla? You mean the vampire from Buffy?” Emily asked. You sighed, they had already seen through your code name. JJ breathes out a small sigh of relief, before she realises that you’re still ‘in awe’ of someone and it’s not her. 
“Okay, so it's a code name. But she's beautiful.”
“What does she look like?” Garcia grins, sipping her tea. 
“I’m not giving anything away,” You laugh as they all groan loudly at you, Garcia throwing a pen in your direction. 
It had been a few hours since your conversation with the three of them about your quote unquote crush. 
“Garcia, can I ask a favour?” You asked as you walked into her office. 
“What can I do you for?”
“Can I tell you something?” You asked, “I just need to talk to someone about this...”
“You can’t tell anyone-” You said, “Not a single soul- Not even Morgan-”
“Not even Morgan?”
“No one, please,”
“Okay, okay, fine, but the suspense is killing me, what is it?”
“You know my um... I don’t want to say crush, but...”
“Yeah, Darla, you know her, she’s on the team-”
“Oh my god is JJ Darla!?”
“Yeah, but you can’t tell a soul-”
“Oh my god! This is so exciting!” Garcia exclaimed.
“Well don’t get your hopes up, if I eventually tell her she might tell me to stay away from her,” You laugh nervously. 
“Are you seriously that blind?!” Garcia groaned loudly, “You’re both so stupid! With all the love in the world, you’re an idiot,”
“We’re friends, I’m not gonna to take a risk and ruin that,” Garcia lets out a loud groan.
“Fine!” She huffs, “Take away my biggest ship, why don’t you!”
“Nevermind,” She says with a huff, “But trust me, she likes you too.”
“I’m not gonna do anything that might ruin our friendship,” You shrugged slightly with a blush, “I just wanted to tell some and... well... you’re my best friend.”
You blush harder when Garcia grins and pulls you in for a tight hug, “You’re mine too! Also, I’ve been thinking about taking up baking,”
“I approve and therefore must be your taste tester,”
274 notes · View notes
Lovers at Coachella Lando x Fem Reader +18 NSFW
Summary: You dated Lando for a few months, it had been a year since you broke up, Max and your friends planned a trip to Coachella that turns into more than a friends get away.
AN: Hello everyone, I'm back with something I wrote today, not proof read but I felt inspired. I'm still working on the following parts of "Just a Mistake", comments are greatly appreciated and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Warnings: cheating, slight smut, minors dni.
You arrived at LAX a little after 10 am, it had been an 11 hour flight from Amsterdam but you loved driving so much you decided to rent a car and drive all the way to Coachella instead of taking another flight, you were attending the festival with your friends and your "ex", another reason why you decided to drive, it gave you some time to prepare yourself to see him after the breakup a year ago.
You had dated Lando for a couple of months while you finished school in the UK, the relationship was fast and intense, but when you finished school you got a job in Amsterdam and his racing career had him traveling too much, so you decided to end things, it was a friendly breakup with a goodbye fuck, then breakfast the morning after and you two kept in touch through social media and a casual text every once in a while.
After a couple of hours you got to the airbnb Max had rented but something wasn't right, the photos he had shared were of a house big enough to fit your group of 6, but from the outside you could tell the place you had arrived to was a small apartment, the code to the key lock box worked, you opened the door slowly, afraid to be entering someone else's place, and just like you predicted it was a one room apartment with one full bed and a futon in the living room.
Your friends where supposed to be there already, and not a soul was in sight.
-Y/N Guys where are you? Max I followed the location you sent but I'm not sure I'm at the right place.
You texted to the group chat and sat on the futon, you weren't sure if you should be inside but outside was way too hot.
The beeping sound of the lock box woke you up, the golden hour light coming from the window let you know you had fallen asleep for several hours.
You checked your phone and still no answer. Everyone had left you on read, assholes. A knock on the door brought your attention back to what had woken you up, you had taken the two keys so now you had to let in whoever was outside. You walked to the door and looked through the peep hole.
"Guys c'mon, I really need to pee" Lando screamed from outside.
You opened the door and he rushed in, barely paying attention to you.
"Thank God" He threw his backpack towards the living room and rushed to the first door he found.
It was weird, the person that had you worried about this trip was the one giving you peace at the moment, at least it wasn't just you who was lost or had screwed up.
You went back to sit on the sofa and checked your phone, maybe you had no service and that's why you didn't got their answer.
"Y/N" his voice saying your name sent a shiver down your spine, you had always like how he said it. You turned to look at him and you could see a cute spark in his eyes, maybe it was just the sunset playing with his beautiful green eyes or maybe you did cause his eyes to shine in a certain way.
"Where is everybody?" he broke your chain of thought, you nervously cleared your throat before answering.
"I don't know, this is not the place Max sent, I texted them hours ago but they haven't answered"
"Ugh, I ran out of battery during the flight let me connect my phone" He went to the side of the sofa and plugged his phone, while you waited for it to come back to life you had the awkward catching up.
Finally a sound coming from his phone informed you that it was on and he called Max directly, putting him on speaker.
"What the fuck mate, where are you? I think you got scammed...again, you suck at planning trips"
"Oh, do I? Check the group chat, call you later" Max hung up the phone and Lando looked at you matching your confused expression.
"This fucking idiot" he said looking at the screen on his phone
"Check the chat" Lando said pinching the bridge of his nose and you did as he said.
Max F. has changed the group's name to "Lovers reunion🧡🧡, Coachella 2023"
-Max F. This week you're going to the festival, just the two of you, do everyone a favor and start dating again, we're sick of your instagram flirting and Lando's obsession with Y/N it's exhausting. Have fun ✌️
"Why are we friends with him?" Lando asked still holding the bridge of his nose trying to hide his blushing face.
"I'm not sure anymore" You said locking your phone and throwing it on the sofa.
He prepared two cups of tea so you could try to think about how the week was going to work out. At the end you decided you were going to take turns using the bed, it was big enough to fit both of you but you knew it was a dangerous game, your relationship had been spend mostly between the sheets and your conversations consisted in moaning each others names and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ear, so sleeping in the same bed, specially after a couple of drinks, was risky.
When you finished the cup of tea you went to the supermarket to buy groceries for the rest of the week, Lando was doing great this season and his trainer allowed him to do this trip just because he and Max promised him he would stick to his diet.
After the grocery store you both went for a run trying to burn all the energy and fight jet lag, when you came back to the apartment you had to check some emails from work so Lando showered first.
"All yours" he said exiting the steamy bathroom with just a towel around his hips, some water falling from his hair to his chest, this view sent a hot wave all over your body, he had always had a great physic but the changes in the last year were amazing, his back looked broader, his abs where pretty noticeable and his arms, those stupid arms that you missed around you, were so inviting.
"You can take a picture" He said in a cheeky tone as he looked at you with a raised brow.
"Sorry" You excused yourself returning to your laptop "I just need to finish this email and then I'll shower."
"Don't apologize, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before" You blushed at his comment and kept your eyes on your screen. You couldn't fall for this, not just because it would mean Max had won, but because there was actually someone waiting for you at home, you hadn't told any of your friends yet, but you were dating someone, it was still pretty recent, he had asked you to be his girlfriend just a couple of weeks ago, so if anything happened with Lando you would be cheating, and cheating was something you were strongly against.
"I'll make diner while you shower, chicken fajitas and rice sounds good to you?"
"Yeah, sure" You said with a dry throat, you felt like a teenager.
When you came out from the shower dinner was served, clearly cooking wasn't his forte, the chicken was dry, some bits were burnt and the rice was more like a pudding, but he was proud he had done it all by himself so you let him have it. After dinner you both went to sleep, even after you had taken a sleeping pill the tension kept you both a wake, you couldn't stop thinking about him and his hot wet body after the shower. You knew what you needed to do to fall asleep but you had left your toy at home so your fingers had to be enough for the night, you couldn't help to feel a bit guilty, you were touching yourself thinking about your "ex" who was sleeping outside, what you didn't know was that he was doing the exact same thing thinking about you.
The next morning you had breakfast and got ready to enjoy the first day of the festival, Lando couldn't help to stare in awe when you walked out the room in a long black skirt with pretty deep cuts to the sides, a small white crop top and some cowboy boots, he didn't look bad himself, a sleeveless black shirt, black shorts and some colorful nikes that matched a necklace Max had given him.
During the festival you couldn't help to notice how protective Lando was, a couple of guys tried to talk to you as you were buying some beers or waiting in line for the bathroom and as soon as he saw this he would run to you and "marked" his territory by nonchalantly placing his arm over your shoulders, scaring the other guys away, this wasn't right, you two were just friends, but you couldn't deny you loved how his arm felt around you.
The great music and couple of beers had smoothed things between you two, and when you came back to the apartment you started making diner together while chatting about how amazing the day had been.
The kitchen was small, so in order to move around it you had to be very close, he walked behind you and took you strongly by your hips to move you a bit to the side so he could open a drawer, his touch made you gasp and he just smiled when he heard the effect his hands had on you, but he didn't say anything, he liked this game and he wanted to see how far he could go.
You tried to get some plates but they were too high, when he saw you struggling he walked towards you.
"Let me" he said as he stretched behind you reaching for two dinner plates, his body was so close to yours that when his shirt rose up from the stretch, his warm skin touched yours where the crop top left it uncovered, you felt your heart skip a beat.
"Here, babe" he handed you the plates, the nickname bringing amazing memories back.
"Thanks" you answered in a breathy whisper.
While you had dinner you couldn't help to stare lovingly at him, he looked so happy talking about how amazing this season was going, you had seen him struggle the previous one and him being so happy filled your heart.
When you finished dinner you sent him to the shower while you did the dishes, he insisted on helping you but he had done them the night before.
"Your turn" he whispered against your ear making you jump as you finished drying a glass, the scare making you drop it but his quick reflexes stopping it from hitting the table, you turned to complain but you had forgotten how small that kitchen was, so you found yourself caged between the kitchen counter and his strong, naked, wet torso.
You looked into his eyes, then down to his lips, they looked so plumped and inviting, you bit your lower lip trying to fight the urge to attack his mouth.
"Baby, please tell me you want this too" He whispered as one of his hands traced the elastic of your skirt from your belly button, around your hips and stopping on your lower back, causing goosebumps to cover your body.
"Yes" you whispered in a low growl and finally joined your lips, his hands pulled you strongly against him as yours went to grab his wet curls, he pulled you up and you wrapped your legs around his hips causing the towel to fall end left him completely naked. He walked towards the bedroom, he laid you gently over the bed, you couldn't help to stare at his naked body, every freckle, every crease, every vein looked so inviting.
"It's not fair, I'm naked and you're way too covered, love" he said pouting his lips, he might look like a man but he still had this childish side that you loved.
You smiled at his reaction and removed your top and the strapless bra, you were about to remove your skirt but his hands stoped yours.
"Please, let me" he took the elastic from your skirt and pulled it down your legs, softly touching your skin. "So perfect" he said as he stared at your half naked body "Let's keep the thong a bit longer" he placed himself over you, attacking your lips again.
That night you had the most amazing sex in a long time, Lando knew your body better than any other guy you had been with, he knew exactly when to be soft and caring and when you wanted him to be rough and wild.
The next couple of days anyone that saw you would think you were a couple, you spend the days holding hands, hugging, kissing, having amazing sex in every inch of that apartment, basically having the time of your life.
It was Monday, you had planed with the group to go to LA when the festival was over but the chances of people recognizing Lando over there were higher, so you just decided to stay at the small town and enjoy the anonymity.
You knew time was running out, you were supposed to return to your normal life on Saturday and you had two options, talk about the situation or go to the airport, say your goodbyes and leave as if nothing had happened. You planned on having the conversation on Friday night, but on Wednesday an unexpected call pushed things forward.
You were lying naked in bed, Lando's left hand over your shoulders playing with your left fingers as your other hand rested on his thigh, when your phone rang, Michael's name on your screen.
You took the phone fast.
"I need to take this" you said as you put on Lando's shirt over your body and walked to the livingroom closing the door behind you.
"Hello?" you answered in a low voice.
"Hi, baby, how are you? Haven't heard from you in a couple of days, everything ok?" You had been MIA on social media for the last couple of days and he was worried.
"Hi, baby, yeah everything's ok, it's just we had a change of plans and decided to stay in Coachella for the rest of the week instead of going to LA" you whispered. afraid Lando would hear you.
"Oh, ok, why are you whispering?"
"Ummm, we got here late last night and a couple of the girls are sleeping"
"Isn't it like 5pm?"
"Yes, we went to have brunch and we had a couple mimosas, they're resting because we're going out tonight"
"I didn't knew they had nightclubs at Coachella, I thought it was a small town"
"They have some bars" From the corner of your eye you saw the bedroom door open and freaked out a bit "I have to go, but call you tomorrow, love you, bye" you hung up fast but the look on Lando's face let you know he had heard your call.
"Who was that?" he asked in a serious tone, you froze. "Y/n, I asked you something" you could hear he was angry and hurt. "You're dating someone?" You turned to look at your hands and just said yes with your head.
"So, this is just a fling? a game?"
"No! Lando, it's not like that"
"Where you planing on telling me you have a boyfriend? where you planing on telling him about us?"
"Lando, I..., well..."
"Just tell me the truth" he begged in an exhausted tone.
"Listen" you held his hand and pulled him to sit by your side. "Yes I have a boyfriend, but I didn't knew things were going to go this way, as far as I knew this was a week away with friends, not just the two of us, and I know I should have told you about Michael when we talked about our current live's but... I really liked how having you back felt" you looked into his eyes trying to read in them if he felt the same way or if this had all been a mistake.
"I like having you back too" his thumb traced small circles over your hand. "You think we can do it right this time?" He let go of your hand and took your face in his hands pulling you to touch your forehead with his "I don't want to loose you again". His soft warm breath caressing your skin.
"I don't want to loose you either" You whispered as you looked into his green eyes " I love you" you finally said out loud, his eyes widened in shock, then he smiled.
"I love you too" He said pulling you in for a kiss, he pushed you to lay on the sofa and placed himself between your legs. The kissed turned a bit wilder as his hand sneaked under the shirt and groped your right boob, you moaned at the touch and he took this chance to remove the shirt completely.
"You really think we can do it?" you asked as you layed naked over the sofa.
"I think so, we can ask George how he and Carmen do it, or you can quit and travel around with me"
"Thanks for the offer but this ain't the 1950's anymore"
"I'm just saying. I don't want to loose you again" he held you tight against his chest.
"You won't, we'll work this out" You kissed his lips gently. "I'm just afraid of one thing"
"What is that?"
"Max is going to be so incredibly annoying when he finds out"
"Ugh, I know"
Tag List:@ricsaigaslec
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pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
Touched : Chapter 4 : Awkwardness
Warning, the following content is for an 18+ audience. If you are under the age of 18 do not read the content below. The following content has themes such as; Awkward Situations, Possible 2nd Hand Embarrassment, Possesiveness, Stalkish Like Behaviour, and others. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20. (This list may get updated with each new Chapter Update)
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Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Bakugou x F!Reader
Themes: Soulmates, Porn with Plot (This list may get updated with each new chapter update)
Summary: Y/N sets some boundaries for herself and for Bakugou.
Word Count: 3488
Tag List: @tjmaxx556 @cosmicbreathe @lavender99 @optimisticprime3 @dreamcastgirl99 @kenmakai @emmab3mma (Sorry if I have gotten any tags wrong)
A/N: Shout out to Beta Reader Ribbon for being the only beta reader this week. We gave Huntress a break because they do not like Bakugou and yet I force her to read these fics LMFAO. I've come back after a big test and I want to die. This chapter is a bit of a slower one as it's more housekeeping if anything.
When Bakugou said he was going to leave early in the morning, you didn’t think he’d leave at 3 a.m.
Your eyes opened once your body could no longer feel the warmth in the bed. Your eyes landed on Bakugou’s back, seeing old scars from being stabbed through his chest and the scars you gave him the night before.
His perfectly muscular back was soon covered by his shirt, forging the pout on your face and a sad whine.
He looked over his shoulder upon hearing your whine and chuckled. He turned and leaned down to you and kissed your cheek. “Sorry princess, I need to make sure I am ready for work today. I’ll see you then, okay?”
Though you whined, you nodded your head. Bakugou gave you another kiss, though it was longer and sweeter as if he didn’t want to leave either.
He pulled away though, leaving you to watch him leave your room and hear him close the front door behind him.
You grabbed the pillow he had laid on and cuddled it closely to you, breathing in his scent. Your brain felt fuzzy from just being woken up and also the feeling of being addicted to your soulmate already.
You reached out of your bed and grabbed your phone from a pile of clothing so you could put it on charge, but you quickly noticed you had two message notification files. One from your mother asking how you were, and one from him.
Minato Kusumoto (2) Missed Calls Missing my calls? You busy or something? Is it true you are working at Best Jeanist’s Agency?  That Saitou chick from the social media department found out this morning Call me once you are free, k?
You mentally cringed. Maybe it was because you were still in the after-glow after fucking your soulmate, but Minato just felt creepy to you now. You dumped him and yet he was still trying and reaching for your attention.
At least he wasn’t calling you by that pet name.
You clicked on his profile and pressed the blocked button, sighing in relief. 
Maybe you’ll regret this later when you come back down to your normal self, but in this moment it felt right. It felt so perfectly right.
You opened up your texts with your mother, smiling with glee as you typed.
You Sorry for the late reply. I met my soulmate.
You put your phone down as you plug it into its charger before lying on your back.
You couldn’t stop smiling.
“You can’t just drop that on someone at 3 a.m., Y/N!” Your mother shouted at your mother over the phone.
You had been woken up by your mother calling you. It did force you to get up, have a shower and get ready for work, but it wasn’t a nice way to wake up.
You locked your front door, your bag hanging off your elbow as you held the phone to your ear.
You sighed. “I just thought you’d like to know, mama. Next time I won’t tell you when I meet up with my soulmate.”
You snickered to yourself when you heard a weird construction of noises coming from your mother’s end of the call. 
“I have to get going now, mama.” You informed her as you bounced down the stairs. “I have to get to work now.”
“Can you just tell me who it is?” Your mother begged. “At least tell me what he looks like.”
“I met him at work and he is tall.”
“That doesn’t give me anything, Y/N!”
You laughed. “Bye mama!”
You hung up on your mother before making your way to work.
You were going to be yelled at later for that but who cares.
Thankfully, Bakugou was busy most of the day. Off doing his job while you did his. You found a way to schedule Bakugou for only one interview for a month. Sooner or later though you knew the journalists were going to figure out what the plan was and try their best to get Bakugou ticked.
They seemed to love that.
The main thing that kept piling up though was the incident reports coming in. Bakugou hadn’t made an appearance in the office yet and it was 2pm, and yep you were getting new paperwork to file every 10 to 15 minutes because of how much he was doing. From what you heard from some of the other secretaries, it was something he learned during his first year at UA in a Work Study Problem and he wasn’t eager to let it go.
It did mean that the large amount of paperwork coming in was mostly Bakugou’s cases, and because he hadn’t come into the office, you were the one ending up doing all the paperwork. You had to have the news radio playing on all the time just so you knew where his whereabouts were and take some guesses about what incident happened where, when, with whom and what happened.
You had a feeling in your gut that he was coming in soon. No new paperwork had come in for 20 minutes and he hadn’t been mentioned on the radio for 25 minutes. You could tell though he was taking your suggestions from the day before into consideration, actively avoiding the media from what you could tell.
You heard some noise from outside of your office, hearing some heavy footsteps walking closer and closer to your office. You then started to hear an almost whiney voice following the harsh footsteps.
It wasn’t long until you saw Bakugou’s figure walk past the door with two figures walking behind him. They were talking in a line like ducklings. 
You could hear them walk into Bakugou’s office and you could hear them talk about something, but their words were mumbled because of the soundproofing on Bakugou’s office walls.
Considering how one of the figures looked to be made out of red, you were going to go out on a wild limb and assume it was Red Riot. The media made it out like they were close friends, even doing cross merch collabs even if they were in different agencies.
Suddenly the door connecting your offices opened and you saw Bakugou’s face poked through.
“Where are the reports?” He asked, his mask was around his neck this time and his skin shined with sweat.
“The three on your desk are the only ones I couldn’t do because of limited information. The rest are already finished.” You answered him.
Bakugou’s brow went into a line. “Really?”
You noticed two heads behind him looking at you. You seemed to be right on the money about one of the figures being Red Riot, but the second seemed to be Charge Bolt.
Bakugou made a sound with his mouth before turning back into his office and closing the door behind him.
“Is that your new secretary ?” Kirishima asked Bakugou, watching Bakugou walk over and sit at his desk.
“She’s rather cute,” Kaminari said with a flirtatious smile on his face. “Is she single-“
“Shut up Dunce Face.” Bakugou glared at Kaminari before looking at your handwriting on the half-filled-out paperwork.
Your handwriting was really neat…
Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged a look before Kirishima started speaking. “So now that you have met your soulmate, when do we get to meet them?”
“Hopefully never if I have anything to say about it.” Bakugou grunted, his eyes not leaving the paperwork.
Kaminari leaned over the table. “You want them all to yourself after everything? Wouldn’t blame ya. If she caught a glimpse of-”
“Kam don’t.” Kirishima warned.
Bakugou glared up at Kaminari, his upper lip snarling up.
It had been like this all day for the two friends. Bakugou seemed to be on edge after meeting his soulmate. The two worried that maybe their first meeting didn’t go well, but Bakugou pushed that concern aside and your two proper interactions as soulmates was more than what he expected.
Kirishima’s eyes scanned Bakugou’s tense body, how he seemed to be on high alert and trying to listen to what was happening outside of the room they were standing in. Said room being soundproofed made it difficult. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Bakugou was missing the company of his soulmate already?
“Can I ask what your soul bond is, Bakugou?” Kirishima asked.
Bakugou gave Kirishima a nasty look, a look that made Kaminari back up. Kirishima stood his ground, not giving Bakugou the satisfaction of ‘winning’.
Bakugou sighed in an annoyed tone before leaning back in his chair, looking off to the side in embarrassment. “I don’t talk about it for a reason.”
“It’s one of those feeling the same things one, right?” Kaminari asked as he sat down on the couch in Bakugou’s office.
Bakugou scoffs. Of all the people to remember that drunken confession from almost 2 years ago.
It happened after your first time, Bakugou felt so betrayed by you going against your two’s soul bond and sleeping with someone else that he couldn’t function like he used to for a short time. He had erectile dysfunction for a few months, was physically ill for two days, and had become more angry. That’s not even adding that he’d be sick after you had sex for the following months.
His friends noticed, his parents noticed, the public noticed, his therapist noticed. His friends thought maybe taking him out to drink would cheer him up, and after a few hours he finally opened up and said ‘I can feel her through the soul bond, and it’s the worst’.
That's all it took for his friends to understand why he was upset. He felt something because of the soul bond, and whatever he felt was impacting his day-to-day life. Suddenly his friends were coming over a lot more either to play games, to have a meal, or to go hiking with him. It took his mind off of it for long enough until his therapist said something that helped more than anything else.
“The downside of having soulmates is that we know our person is out there and is the perfect person for us. People have often romanticised love, being loved and being in love that when someone hasn’t met their soulmate as young compared to the people around them, they become very lonely people. Maybe even isolated. Your soulmate probably just wanted to be loved, so please don’t take it as a betrayal.”
His therapist’s words rang through his head once again, his eyes sliding over to the shared door between your two offices. 
You’ve just broken up with your boyfriend for cheating on you but you didn’t want him or anyone else to know it was about the cheating. You moved across the country to a whole different Prefecture for a new job to use that as your reason to break things off. Was nothing else holding you back to keep you there? Why didn’t you want anyone else to know?
Were you so isolated and lonely that no friends or family were able to keep you there by simply being in your life, to the point moving to a different Prefecture felt easier than confessing or confronting the truth?
Did you even have anyone to help you move into your new place? He saw all the boxes around your apartment.
Bakugou was in deep thought, his finger tapping on his desk while another hand was holding his chin. Kirishima waved a hand in front of Bakugou’s face, only to get no reaction.
“And we lost him.” Kaminari chuckled to himself, standing back up. “We should get going. Let him open up when he’s ready.”
Kirishima followed Kaminari out of the room, an eyebrow raised at Kam as they walked out. “When did you become wise?”
“Always have.” Kaminari said with a smirk.
“Fuck off with that shit.” Kirishima laughed.
You waited until you could no longer hear the heroes' voices through the halls before taking a look at the shared door between yours and Bakugou’s office. It felt awkward knowing your soulmate was on the other side of the door. What were you even supposed to say? ‘Thanks for the sex last night now let’s act as if we aren’t soulmates as we work’? 
Great, now you are thinking about the sex with Bakugou last night and being reminded how sore your thighs were feeling. You feared for a reaction from Bakugou, remembering he could feel your sexual stirrings just as you could feel his. Within this moment though, things started to connect in your head now that you had the context that Bakugou was your soulmate.
The reason why he would always push his sexual stirring down during working hours was because of his job. Either so he doesn’t get onto the news for popping a boner while fighting some lizard villain or because he just was too busy to really focus on his sexual stirring. You started to feel really guilty for all the times you and Minato Kusumoto had sex while at work.
You mentally cringed. Why did you have to remind yourself of that?
Almost on cue, the shared door opened, bringing attention to Bakugou’s face.
“Did those idiots say where they were going?” He asked in a grumpy annoyed tone.
He scoffed, turning his face away from you. Which, funny enough, only brings your attention to his red-tipped ears. You tried to hold back the smile threatening the form on your cheeks.
Bakugou turned back around to look into your eyes, catching you staring at him.
“You have any plans to meet up with friends or something?” He asked, trying to get information out of you.
You mentally cringed. A few people did come to mind who used to be your friends but dumped you after you started dating someone who wasn’t your soulmate. You doubted they would want to see you, even after you left Minato Kusumoto. You also doubted they would believe that you happened to meet your soulmate after moving too.
“...Not really. I haven’t made any friends yet.” You confessed to Bakugou, not knowing you confirmed his concerns.
You noticed tapping his finger on the other side of the door frame as his mind was in deep thought. “I’ll walk your home and help you unpack this week.” Bakugou said nonchalantly.
Your chest felt tight and you stood up from your desk. “You don’t have to do that for me.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I don’t have to. I’m doing it because I want to.”
“You-? You want to help me?” You asked.
Bakugou gave you a look that read ‘Are you kidding’? Your lips went into a straight line.
You guess you really shouldn’t be surprised that your soulmate wants to spend time with you and help you get adjusted.
But as his secretary, you can’t have him be seen coming over to your place. It would be a scandal if people noticed him walking the same girl home every night for a week, especially because you were his secretary.
“You can’t do that.” You sighed out as you sat down.
Bakugou tried to hold back his snarl. “What do you mean I can’t do that?!”
“You can’t be seen walking and staying at your secretary’s home every night for a week, Bakugou-“
“I thought we were on a first-name basis.” Bakugou’s voice was low and almost threatening.
“Not while we are at work.” You bite back.
“Why not?!” He asked with an accusatory tone.
“Because if Dynamight is seen walking his new secretary home and staying at her home for longer than a minute, it will cause scandal.” You explained to him, trying not to yell at him.
Bakugou became quiet, his eyes just glued to your face - mostly your lips - as he thought over whether he wanted to be mad or not.
You were probably right. He couldn’t be seen out with you as much as probably wanted to. All he’s ever wanted was to show off his soulmate to the world. He thought once he met you, he would rarely be seen without you when he wasn’t working. It was a huge disappointment that you two met because you were now working for him.
Didn’t mean he liked it though.
“…I still want to help you.” He grumbled out in frustration.
You sighed, resting your open hand over your mouth as you tried to find a compromise for him. “How about you come on the weekend?”
“I come on Friday and sleepover for the weekend.” Bakugou replied with a soft grin.
“The weekend.” You sat up straight, trying to ignore the warm growth in your core.
“I know you like the idea.”
“But it might cause you problems.” You said as you stood up, grateful you wore your suit pants today. “I should’ve taken the job to work for Red Riot so we wouldn’t have this problem.”
Bakugou’s eye twitched. “You think you would’ve preferred it?” He asked with an angered tone.
“I don’t know,” You let out in frustration with your hands being thrown up. “But we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
Bakugou grumbled, his finger tapping the door frame again. “Fine, but you have to give me your personal number.”
“Fine.” You sassed back before you even realised what you were agreeing to. Only once you pulled out your phone did you mentally curse yourself. “This doesn’t mean for work purposes I’ll use this phone. I’ll still use my work phone.”
“Fine.” Bakugou replied in a less angry tone than before.
You felt awkward as you held out your personal phone to Bakugou. He walked over, putting his personal number into your contacts. You felt your knee bounce up and down under the table and tried not to peel at your nails.
You wondered if all soulmates were awkward in their first few social interactions or if it was just you two considering your job and sexual past. 
Bakugou pulled a plain-looking phone with an orange case out of one of his pockets before handing it to you. You start pulling in your number, noticing him getting a lot of notifications from a group chat. It seemed as if Bakugou was the type of person to name all of his contexts with nicknames, but you still put in your full name.
Once you exchanged phones again, Bakugou looked at your new contact with a soft face for only two seconds before diving his phone back into his pocket. “You sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” He asked.
“Yes, I am sure Bakugou. How about you go have some lunch?”
“Will you join me?”
You raised an eyebrow at Bakugou. He replied back with a click sound made from his mouth and turned his head away. The screen of your personal phone lit up, bringing your attention away from Bakugou to your phone. A cold icy feeling went through your blood.
Email From: Minato Kusumoto Subject: Why Did You Block Me? Preview: Hey Kitty, You didn’t respond to my text yesterday and…
You quickly put your phone face down on your desk, making Bakugou look at your face with a quirked brow.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, noticing how stiff you had become and finding your reaction suspicious.
You mentally weigh your options of whether you should tell Bakugou or not. ‘Yeah just my ex trying to get in contact with me, no biggie.’ Did not seem like a good idea to say.
You took some deep breaths before speaking. “Just an email but how much the move here is going to cost me.”
It wasn’t a total lie. It seemed as if there was going to be a great personal cost if Minato Kusumoto was going to be emailing you during work hours.
Shit- If he had sent it any earlier that Bakugou would’ve seen it-
“I can pay for it.” Bakugou offered.
You did a double-take. “What?”
“If it’s too much, I can pay for it.”
“That isn’t necessary.” You replied, trying to think of some way to get him off the case. “Just means I won’t be able to have much takeout.”
Bakugou made a disgusted face. He wasn’t a fan of eating out.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to pay for it.”
“It’s fine, Bakugou. Promise.” You gently smiled at him.
Bakugou’s heart skipped a beat from your smile and his ears went red. You on the other hand were trying to calm down your nerves and trying to remember if you could block people from emailing you. Were you going to have to block your ex on everything?
Bakugou kept staring at you for a little while longer, only breaking away when he heard his work phone go off. He reluctantly walked back into his office, closing the shared door behind him.
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larakb117 · 2 years
Joseph Quinn & female y/n
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to cope with a caring best friend…
Content warning: smut (18+), piv
Part 7
You had two more orgasms that night. The next morning you woke up from Joe gently stroking some strands of hair out of your face. “Hey love.”, he said as you opened your eyes. “Hey, Joe.”, you smiled at each other.” Your eyes were still slightly pinched together: “What time is it?” “It is 6 am. I did not know what time you start working, but I googled your work place and you open at 7:30, so there´s plenty of time for you to get ready.” You were touched, emotionally. “You know what, I call in sick today.” “You sure?”, he smirked. “Yes, it´s my first time being sick at that job. They just have to deal with it.” Joe kissed you. You melted into the kiss and wrapped your hands around his neck, his hand touched your cheek. “Okay love”, he said. “You wanna call now?” “I just text my friend from work, there won´t be someone to pick up the phone.” Joe already gave you your phone and started to cuddle you while you texted Jen, that you weren´t able to go to work and that you would tell her later on the phone. You snuggled into his cuddle, his hand was touching the side of your boob. You were still naked. “In addition I need to use the time before you leave for New York.” “Ehm, no need to worry about that.”, he whispered into you ears. “You´re not going?”, you asked bewildered. “I´m going, but you can join me if you want to.” “What?”, you were shocked. “I asked my assistant Maddie if she could book a plane seat for you and add you on the hotel booking. You can come if you´d like to. You said you´ll have a week off next week.” He looked at you tensely. You were too surprised to answer him. “I didn’t know if you have any plans for next week, nothings booked yet…You wanna come?” You squeezed him and pressed a short kiss onto his mouth. Did he really invited you to come with him to New York? “I´d love to!”, you squeaked a bit. “I´m going to have a lot of appointments in New York, so you probably need to explore the city without me at daytime. But we´ll have plenty of time in the evenings.”, he grinned. “That’s okay, you´re sure you want me to come with you?” “Never been more sure.”, he insured you. You blushed and pecked his cheek. For a moment you really felt like being crazy in love. It was a feeling you never had before, such an intense tingle in your stomach and your chest felt like it was burning. It actually was like having butterflies in your belly, even though you didn´t like this phrase at all.
Joe broke the moment, not because it was awkward that you just stared in each others faces for what felt like minutes. You could swear that he had a similar thought like you. At least he really enjoyed being and spending time with you. “Are you hungry?”, Joe asked you. “Not really, you?”, was your reply. “Yes, I´m starving! Hold on, I get something to eat and come back to you.” He wasn’t able to go into the kitchen before leaving another loving kiss on your lips. It took a while for Joe to come back into the room. If he had the time to make breakfast in the morning, he really took his time. But as soon as he got into his bedroom, he realised that you´ve fell back to sleep. The last night was wonderful but also pretty exhausting. So, he started to pack some stuff he needed for his, or better your, week in New York.
Some hours later you woke up. You squinted over to the nightstand and looked for a clock to tell you what time it was, you completely lost track of it. Almost 12 pm. The last thing you remembered was Joe walking around the room and gathering in some clothing when you had woken up for a couple of seconds. You heard some music playing outside and followed the noises, the bedroom door was closed. Before you opened it you grabbed a big shirt from a pile of clothes next to a piece of luggage on the floor. You were still completely naked. The panties Joe had removed from you last night were still on the floor, right next to his underwear and your bra, you put the panties on. The shirt fitted you like a dress, that was good enough. You carefully opened the door and realised Joe wasn´t alone: Wesley sat right next to him on the sofa. “Hi y/n.”, he instantly turned to you and grinned. “Hi, Wesley.”, you could feel your face turning red in shame. “I have a similar shirt.”, Wesley continued. He was joking, Joe rammed his elbow into Wesleys side. “Shut up mate.” “It´s okay Joe.”, you declared. “So how are you y/n?”, Wesley continued your awkward conversation. Was it really awkward or were you just a little ashamed that he had caught you leaving his best friends bedroom in only your panties and an oversized shirt, only two days after you first met him? “I´m…” you glanced over to Joe. He could not hold back and smiled, which actually seemed to be a bit of pride. “I´m really good.”, your fingers nervously fidgeted. “Come here.” Joe invited you on the sofa, you ran over to take a seat right next to him. He covered you up with a soft blanket right away. The last time you were on that sofa you had just come down from an overwhelming and amazing orgasm. The thought of that made your thighs clench together. Joe laid a hand on your covered leg and rubbed a bit to calm you down. It worked. “I think I leave now.” Wesley interrupted your thoughts. “Just wanted to wish Joe some luck for Fallon next week.” “You´ll be at Jimmy Fallon?”, you stared at Joe in enthusiasm. “Yes, second time, I´m kind of nervous.”, he turned to Wesley: “Y/n is coming with me to New York.” “She does?”, Wesley said with a face you could not read. His face turned to a smile in a millisecond: “Goodbye Joe. See you in a week!”, he just said. Joes hand left your thigh and he followed Wesley to the entrance door. They both started to whisper, you could hear Joe say “it´s different”, Wesley sounded really serious. You got anxious. Wesley was obviously not really into the idea of you joining Joe on that trip. Maybe Joe would think that too now. It was weird, when you and Wesley met at the pub you both really got along with each other.
Joe closed the door and came back to sit next to you. Hey love. You were pretty-“ “I think I´ll better stay here.”, you disrupted him. He looked at you confused: “What?” “I think it´s better if I-“, now he disrupted you: “Wait love. I don´t care what Wesley says if you´re talking about that.”, he took your hand and squeezed it slightly. “I want you near me. Wesley just worries about me because of my past relation ships and affairs.” You were concerned: “Why?” “Oh, since stranger things there were a lot of women just interested because of my fame and stuff like that. But you are different.” Joe smashed his lips on yours. It felt like he wanted to seal your mouth before you were able to say something he didn’t want to hear. He crawled on top of you which made you sink in the comfy sofa. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer. Joe nibbled at your neck and planted more kisses at your cheeks, forehead, nose and mouth. Everywhere he kissed you, you felt a pleasant burn. Your hands wandered down his back onto his ass. You pressed his ass down onto you, so you could feel his bulge on your clothed clit. The shirt had already slid up your hips and rib cage, because Joe hungrily pulled on it. The shirt you had put on just ten minutes ago, got pulled over your head again and ended up on the floor. Joes hand tried to keep him steady above you, while his other hand started to squeeze your boobs, his mouth wandered down to them and started to lick over your nipples. You moaned and arched your back. Joe pressed his clothed bulge more onto your soaked panties. He was fully dressed in Jeans and a white buttoned shirt, while you laid underneath him with only your briefs on. “I really want you near me.”, Joe whispered while he was occupied with your boobs. “Please.”, you desperately begged him. Joe jumped up and teared his clothes off while he ran into the bedroom. He almost tripped over the edge of the carpet and you burst out laughing, just like he did. In that exact moment you felt so alive. Joe came back with a condom, he put it on and sort of threw himself on top of you, still laughing from the heart. He swiftly pushed his cock into your awaiting cunt and thrusted deeper and deeper. The sex was different than yesterday, not better, just different. You both giggled, while he fucked you. Joe groaned into your ear, he was very close to you and mumbled with a raspy voice: “You are so hot.” That made your arousal became enormous just by his words. Your hands were everywhere on his body, they ended up on his ass again. You harshly pushed his body down on yours, while you moved up towards him, everything just felt so natural with Joe. Your legs around him increased the pressure even more. You both could not tell why, but you randomly started to giggle several times, the sex was real fun. “Deeper… fuck me…”, you sighed, your high was close. Again, Joe grunted in your ear, he thrusted his cock into your cunt a few more times and started to circle around your clit with his free hand. You both came almost at the same time, his cock twitched inside of you. Joe moaned really loud, while you gasped for air. Then you screamed his name: “Fuck, Joe!” The moment you got down from your orgasms you watched each other and started to laugh again. “Haha, that was-“ “Incredible.”, he panted. “Yes, it was incredible.” You raised your head and touched his lips with yours.
To be continued…
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