#today i visited her house and she showed me the tree she planted in his memory
coneygoil · 2 months
It's Cold Outside -- Asta/Harry ficlet
Asta has lived in Colorado her whole life, so how did she not prepare for such a cold evening?
(I know hardly anything about Denver, CO and I just wasn't up for doing research for such a short little fic. I'm assuming it's busy there since it's a big city. Anyways, enjoy another cute Asta/Harry moment <3)
Asta has lived in Colorado her whole life, so how did she not prepare for such a cold evening? She had this spontaneous idea for her and Harry to drive to Denver. She was craving some big city vibes and Harry had never been, so here they are in the big city.
Asta notices the hustle and bustle as they stroll down the street, filled with shops and restaurants, is getting to Harry. He presses closer to her side, glaring at passerbys with reproach in his eyes. Asta sometimes needs to be reminded he doesn’t do well in crowds. When they visit her family on the rez, Harry has a quiet spot designated just for him out in the field when he feels overwhelmed by everyone. Asta spots a park across the street from where they’re passing and leads Harry there.
The park is quiet and nearly empty. Trees lining the path obstruct the sight of the buildings surrounding the area. Tops of the mountains nearby peak out from above the treeline. It’s peaceful. Asta feels the anxiety in Harry dissipate as he relaxes and pulls away from her – sticking close but not right against her.
“Thanks for coming with me to Denver,” she says to verbally show her appreciation for his company, “I know it’s not your scene, but you’ve been a trooper today.”
“I question my sanity when I agree to these excursions. If it wasn’t for you, Asta, I wouldn’t leave my house.”
Asta plants a kiss on his cheek. “See? That’s why you need me in your life.”
“I am happy you are in my life, but let’s not do this again for a very long time.”
Now that the sun has set, a deep-boned cold begins to set in. Asta had only worn her leather jacket to keep warm and realizes her mistake as an involuntary shiver sweeps through her. The shiver catches Harry’s attention immediately. He turns to look at her.
“Are you cold?”
“A little,” Asta says, trying to keep her breathing regular as the cold tries to steal it. “The temperature must be dropping rapidly.”
“You will become sick if you remain out here, then the whole car ride will be filled with your sniffles on the way home tomorrow.”
Asta stops walking, her brow furrowing at his presumptions. She is about to protest but stops as Harry shrugs out of his heavy winter coat and wraps it meticulously around her shoulders. He pops the hood up and the fur tickles her cheeks.
Asta offers him an appreciative smile, enjoying the warmth the coat already carries from Harry wearing it. “Better.”
They walk through the park and in the direction of their hotel, snuggled against each other. Every day, Harry’s strange way of looking at life baffles and slightly annoys her at times, but he always makes up for it in his strange little sweet ways.
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skythesnake · 1 year
Song of the Farmer
hey, uh- I don't know how to format this, is my first time
I don't think there's any trigger warnings, I try to keep it pretty chill. There's some swearing and it will pick up as the story does, but shouldn't be too bad.
Sam/Farmer - Penny/Maru - Emily/Shane
Pat breathed in the crisp mountain air as he got off the bus. The ride had been bumpy and he was horrified to notice smoke coming from the bus' front end. He stepped away quickly and turned at the sound of a clearing throat
"Ah, hello. You must be… Patr-"
"Just Pat. Please." I interrupted. The last thing I needed was my terrible name following me here. The old man standing in front of me smiled
"Alright. You must be Pat. I'm Lewis, the mayor?" That's right. He and my grandpa had been good friends back in the day. He and I had been communicating via email ever since I opened the letter my grandpa had given me.
"Right. It's nice to make your acquaintance." What else and I meant to say here? Something about my grandfather? A man I'd never met except on his deathbed?
"Well, I should show you to you to Hyacinth Farms" This wasn't another reference to Greek Mythology was it? A reference to Hyacinthus, a boy who was killed and turned into a flower as a result of Apollo and Zephros fighting over him. It probably was. I nodded and gestured down the path.The farm was a damn wreck. Weeds, large rocks, and fallen logs covered nearly every inch of the place. And trees were scattered around as if someone had sprinkled seeds around from above and hoped for the best. Worst was the house. It looked worn down and there were holes in the floor of the front porch. A woman with rust red hair stood next to it, a hammer in hand and toolkit sitting next to her. She saw us and waved
"Hey Lewis! And the new farmer! I fixed up the house for the most part, although you might want to get an upgrade from me in the near future." She laughed and Lewis shook his head
"The farmhouse is just fine!" He insisted. Something was clearly between them and I didn't want to get in the middle of it.
"Thank you… uh…" The woman smiled
"Thank you Robin for fixing the house up. It looks great for starting out, it's not like I need anything fancy." She smiled and the two of them left me to settle into my new home. I had all sorts of ideas to start clearing out the farm, but the second I got inside I crashed onto the bed.
Two days later, I'd gotten a good chunk of the clutter cleared out and some parsnips planted. I'd gone into town, but noped out when I noticed a group of people my age chatting in front of the store. I'd gone back later and bought a bunch of other seeds. Making friend's was easy for me, but all three people were *cute* and I didn't trust myself not to say something stupid. Today I was headed through town to go to Robin's. I wanted to follow up on the upgrade. How much was it going to cost me?
"Hey farmer!" I turned to see one of the people I'd seen before, his bright smile was infectious.
"Hello. I'm Pat, and you are?" Start off simple. Don't say anything stupid.
"I'm Sam! It's nice to meet ya Pat!" I smiled at him, unsure of what to say now.
"Do you skate?" He asked, gesturing to the skateboard tucked under his arm. I shook my head slightly
"Nope. Every time I try I fall flat on my face." Nice going, admitting that. I berated myself. He laughed loudly, but I didn't feel judged.
"Yeah, it's kinda difficult at first. Where are you headed?" He asked, curious. I threw my thumb over my shoulder, forcing myself not to stare at him
"Just up the mountain. Robin mentioned a house upgrade and the farmhouse has definitely seen better days." Sam nodded
"I'll walk ya up there. Sebastian lives there too, Robin's his mom. I was headed up to visit him actually." I smiled
"Sure. Is Sebastian an emo kid by chance?" That was the other boy I'd seen standing with Sam in front of the store the other day. I wondered who the girl was. Sam nodded as we started walking
"Yup, that's him! Have you met him?" Oops
"No, I just..." How do I finish this sentence? I saw you with him and a girl and then ran away because you were all too pretty?
"I've seen you and him around, figured I had a pretty good guess."
"What, and you didn't come say hi?" He teased.
"Nah, y'all looked too sketch for me." Oh shoot. Damnit Pat. This is why you don't think without speaking. Sam didn't seem hurt though. He laughed, damn that was a nice sound. We walked the rest of the trail in comfortable silence.
"Welp, this is where our paths divide. Looks like Sebastian is standing over there." I said, pointing to a goth looking kid standing by the waters edge of a lake nearby. Sam waved at me as he walked over to Sebastian. He was nicer than I'd expected for a skater boy hanging out with his goth friends. I walked inside and Robin looked up from the desk
"Hi! Pat, right?" She asked. I nodded and asked about the house upgrade. I nearly choked on air when she told me how much it would be and that I would also need to provide a whole lot of logs.
"Uh, that'll be a while coming. Thanks Robin." She smiled and waved as I headed out the door. I'd have to do a *lot* of farming if I wanted to achieve that amount of money.
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yzeltia · 2 years
Something Happened in Pelican Town
Chapter 2: Dusty's Path Characters: Acre Stanford(Farmer), Dusty the Dog, Alex Rating: Mature Notes: Mentions Homophobia - Previous - Next -
Life doesn't always go the way we expect it to. I had no intention of becoming a farmer, even when I became determined to come here and solve grandfather's murder. Yet I spent the week tilling, logging, weeding, and planting in the quarter acre in front of my inherited abode. In my haste to get on the ground with my investigation, I forgot just how much labor it would be to keep up pretenses.
It was rather intensive to start. I the first few days I was too tired to make it back into town. Robin stopped by to check on me and offer her old axe to get me started, but it seemed Seb wasn't going to leave his basement unless we were sleuthing. To be honest, I was a bit relieved. Even when we were younger, I felt a bit fetishized. An outsider, a representation of a life he wanted to live away from this sleepy nowhere where he felt it impossible to be understood. I can only imagine the look he'd give me if I told him I didn't mind putting in the work.
Being left to my own devices made it easy to delay my debut, though I'm sure word had gotten around about my debut. From what I remembered, Friday tended to be the busiest night and I doubted that the small town was capable of deviating too much from that. So I put it off until today.
Pelican Town hadn't changed at all. It had the charm of all the charm of a seaside village, though then when I didn't count a murderer amoung them, it felted haunted and quiet. More so when one walked the empty plaza alone.
I was generous with my journey, walking around the familiar stone streets. I could have easily wandered into the saloon early, but nostalgia set me aloft to the front of the Mullner house.
Evelyn Mullner had doted on me and often watched me when my grandpa went fishing with his buddies during my visits. I was too rambunctious to handle a long boat ride. I'd play with her grandson Alex and when we were little, we'd build a tent by the tree in the front yard and camp together. But as I grew older and closer to Sebastian and the others, a rift began to form. Then their was George. He had always been indifferent, but when I started to show an outward interest in my same sex peers his discomfort wasn't well hidden and Alex was pushed further away.
My heart ached. Despite the awkwardness at the end, I cherished Evelyn as if she were really my own granny. That she might have...or even George or Alex could have...
I faltered as I stood in front of the door, hand touching the wooden frame, feeling the notches where they carved Alex's height and his mother's before him, marveling as I thumbed over Alex's most recent measurement.
Between guilt and embarrassment, I pulled myself away and headed to the saloon, only to stop at the makeshift fence with "DOG" sloppy painted on the gate. Smiling, remembered Alex making me paint this for him...and being in trouble for getting paint all over his bedroom floor. With a little whistle, I looked on to the doghouse, hearing the low growls of Dusty from within before he trotted out to greet me, tail wagging.
"You've gotten a bit chunky boy," I cooed, reaching in to stroke his ears as he excitedly bounced against the fence with a little bark.
"Wow. I don't think I've seen Dusty ever warm up to someone like that," a voice called out.
Turning, I looked up to a young man in a green Letterman jacket tossing up a grid ball then catching it as he looked at me and asked, "You visiting someone?"
I swallowed, gazing up to the man my childhood friend had grown to be, though with the jacket it seemed he carried a degree of innocence about him. I stood still for a moment, waiting for Alex to recognize me, and when that didn't, I recoiled.
"No. I took over Stanford Farm."
"Really? Didn't think anyone would want that place. Kinda got over grown after the old farmer croaked. Glad someone got to it before JojoMart could."
My attention snapped to the market across the river. The town didn't need two markets, but the Jojo Corporation seemed intent on spreading its poison even somewhere as remote as Pelican Town. Land grabbing the farm would make a good motive to get my grandfather out of the way with the assumption the family wouldn't bother with it and sell it.
"You good there?"
"Sorry. Got lost in a thought...I need to go," I apologized, giving Dusty a head rub before briskly brushing by Alex.
Alex spun then rubbed the back of his head. "Ah. Hey! I didn't catch your name!"
I froze. I didn't want to sit and play catch up, I needed to find a good place to set up in before the rest of the town started to arrive. "Acre..."
"I'm Alex. Hope to see you around! Feel free to come say hi to Dusty. He seems to like you and everyone else is scared of him.
My gaze lowered. It had been six years and it's not like we kept in contact. Still, it stung a bit, though I suppose there were worse ways that it could have went. It's probably for the best I don't get caught up in nostalgia anyway.
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 15
Aperçu of the Week:
"The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because of his handle was made of wood he was one of them."
(Turkish proverb)
Bad News of the Week:
The European Union is actually well positioned in terms of foreign policy. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Council President Charles Michel are internationally recognized and have long been involved in the G7, for example. And Josep Borrell, formerly a Spanish minister and President of the European Parliament, as "High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy," is also an internationally recognized personality, the EU foreign minister, so to speak.
Nevertheless, each nation state likes to cook its own soup, a classic political power game. By this I don't even mean guys like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who regularly has to make it clear who is the master of the house by refusing to agree on common terms (not to say blackmailing). No, I mean, at least this week, French President Emmanuel Macron. He has been dreaming of being the "leading European" since the departure of Angela Merkel. Or as it is called in Washington DC, "the one to call when you want to talk to Europe."
All right, Macron is undoubtedly a committed European. And France, as the EU's second-largest member state, is a central power on the continent. With that comes the responsibility to appear wise, balanced and, above all, coordinated in awareness of one's own position. And that is precisely what Macron is not doing. The most recent example was his visit to Xi Jinping at Easter. Where he preferred to make his own mark and put France's economic interests first. As French head of state, he is allowed to do that, no question. But not under the European flag.
People on the old continent rubbed their eyes in amazement at his announcement that Europe should act more independently in the conflict with China over Taiwan. Explicitly delineated to the USA. If that would not happen, Europe would be in danger of becoming a vassal between the United States and China, even though it could be a third pole. "The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans should be fellow travelers on this issue and adapt to the American rhythm and a Chinese overreaction." Excuse me?
Criticism came from all sides. Manfred Weber, chairman of the conservative EPP as the largest group in the EU Parliament, for example, said that the EU states were making themselves untrustworthy "if on the one hand you demand sovereignty for Europe and then conclude every economic deal you can with China. (...) The Chinese leadership will not respect the Europeans like that." Or U.S. Senator Marco Rubio: If Europe does not side with China or the U.S. on the Taiwan issue, then perhaps the U.S. should not side with either in the Ukraine conflict. The unanimous opinion: a foreign policy disaster for Europe.
German Foreign Minister Annlena Baerbock showed in Beijing yesterday that there is another way. She demanded not only no Chinese arms deliveries to Russia, but also no so-called dual-use goods such as IT or chemicals that could be used militarily. She called for de-escalation on the Taiwan issue. She requested fair economic conditions. She denounced eroding human rights and discrimination. In short, she showed more balls than Macron. And she never forgot her role as a German politician. Not once did she presume to speak for Europe. Good girl.
Good News of the Week:
Germany's last nuclear power plants will be shut down today. Forever, please. Because that was the plan of the German government, which not coincidentally includes the Greens. But the wailing is loud: Is our energy supply really secure? Aren't nuclear power plants cleaner than coal-fired power plants? What can be bad about a form of energy on which neighbor Poland (announced just this week) is betting its future? Why shut down safe nuclear power plants here, when next door in the Czech Republic, decrepit Soviet-era plants are crumbling away? And isn't this just a symbolic debate by the Greens?
No. And once again, in all clarity: No! Nuclear energy is and remains Pandora's box of energy sources. Three-Mile-Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima are already forgotten? If the technology of a photovoltaic system, a wind turbine or - yes, for gods sake - a coal-fired power plant fails, you simply shut it down. That's it. This is not possible with a nuclear reactor. Because the nuclear isotopes don't give a shit if mankind doesn't want them anymore. They just keep on reacting. Until eternity. That is their nature.
Just to remind you: the half-life of uranium 235, the isotope most commonly used in fuel rods, is 703,800,000 years. And it takes ten half-lives (yeah, that means over 7 billion years) before it is no longer highly harmful to humans. So the stuff is still reacting after a period of time before mankind even existed - because the prehistoric man Homo habilis emerged just a comparatively paltry 2 million years ago in East Africa. And still there is no secure final disposal for the nuclear waste. Not because the relevant authorities would not make an effort. But simply because the inconceivably long time in which the waste could enter the groundwater, for example, is beyond the imagination of material science and geology. By far.
So: any nation, any country, any government that decides not to add an additional risk to the one that already exists should be commended. Period. So, at this point, also a "Thank you, well done!". And, dear Mr. Macron, if you are already looking for your place in the history books: don't bet on a special role in Taiwan policy (see above), rather put an end to the madness of your country's energy policy. Unbelievable: sometimes even Germany is suitable as a role model for France. And I don't even have to put an ironic emoji behind this statement - at least in this case....
Personal happy moment of the week:
For over 30 years, I have hardly changed physically. Okay, the connective tissue is weakening and I have already shrunk by 4 cm. The only difference that really stands out, besides less and grayer hair, is my belly. Of which I thought it knew only one development: bigger and thicker. Last Wednesday I had to get out of the house early and wanted to let my wife sleep in. So I put my clothes out the night before. And then realized the next day that my pants were too baggy for me. And had to keep pulling them up all day to the amusement of my colleagues. And still thought that was pretty good. Because after all, that means nothing other than that my belly has been more fatty before.
I couldn't care less...
...about the leakage of top-secret US documents. How can a 21-year-old National Guardsman, who is barely old enough to buy a can of bad beer, already have access to such explosive information? This is simply a flaw in the system.
As I write this...
...I'm still full to bursting from a brunch with friends. The second time this week after Easter Monday. This could directly become my favorite meal. Especially if my wife makes a quiche for it. It just tastes good every time.
Post Scriptum
In 1938, farmer Earl Silas Tupper had a brilliant idea when he learned about polyethylene plastic at the DuPont chemical company: at a time when refrigerators were not yet a standard in every kitchen, food would keep longer in an airtight plastic bowl. Tupperware was born, the rest is history. Tupper parties have already taken place at my house, too, and certainly three dozen pieces are to be found in various cupboards and drawers for years - and in the refrigerator, of course.
Now Tupperware Brands Corporation is threatened with insolvency as sales and stock have plummeted. Since this can hardly be due to the product, especially in times when disposable packaging is being abolished, it must be the marketing and distribution. Because until 2018, at least in Germany, the products were only available at these legendary Tupperware parties. Now there is an online store, but still no sales in stationary retail. Allegedly, "promising talks" are currently taking place, one reads. I hope this happens quickly enough. I would really miss this brand.
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hangsawoman · 2 years
i cant stop thinking about the day i had today ……. i visited my dad’s aunt. her husband (who was also my godfather) passed away three years ago. a year after his death she moved to a nursing home. she showed me two small apples today, she said she plucked those right before she left her house from the last tree her and my godfather planted before he died. it’s been two years and they’re still beautifully ripe, intact, not rotten at all .. however u define god, this is it
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feionadventure · 2 years
Communion and Correspondence
When the group wakes the following morning, Fei finds a letter from Question, promising to look further into the Jewel. Hi Fei! I’m going to go try to dig up some additional information about the Jewel of Three Prayers for you, I know a few arcanists in town who might have some books to lend. I’ll be in the tavern later, my usual spot. See you then, hopefully! Question
And before heading out to make inquiries, they also make sure to warn their other traveling companions not to take Aloysia’s offer since it’s rather suspicious.
The party then heads off to visit the Taskhand to ask him about potential maps of Betrayer’s Rise. In front of the barracks Theren runs across Amalyrr, a former fellow trainee and his ex, and they catch up while the rest of the group talks to the Taskhand. Verin agress to let them copy their maps and Unelias volunteers to spend their day on the task.
From there the rest of the group makes their way to the crumbling temple of the Changebringer. Only parts of the structure are still standing, the beautiful mosaic depicting the Lady Luck is in shards and the tree in the middle of the spiral-shaped building is withered. But there are potted plants from all kinds of places scattered throughout and tended by Fogholm, the Wildmother cleric in charge of the building.  Caddy discovers an offering altar and small prayer site with old and worn messages scribbled into the walls surrounding it. “Friends forever. Don’t——forget——”    “You owe me a drink in Marquet, A——”    “I am writing this——record of me stating——I will never, ever duel you again.”    “This——written proof——promise to show you the mountains of my home one day.”    “We love you. We will always be with you.” When she touches them, she feels a gentle welcoming sense of her home and the presence of the Changebringer.  And when she leaves an offering on the altar, she has a vision of Alyxian, praying here at the temple for guidance before the coming battle. In that vision the walls of the temple then disappear, revealing the night sky and the moons that begin to race across it in a rapid passage of time until an angry red sun is all that is visible. It’s then that 5 indistinct figures rejoin Alyxian, embrace him like a brother, and together they march off to war.
On the way back to the inn Theren exchanges his sword for a better one and Caddy buys some spell components. 
Question is not at the inn when they arrive, and the group decides to wait for her a little bit before going looking, but then gets distracted by the arrival of Mizri, Theren’s cousin. She invites them to have dinner with her and a few other of Theren’s former friends. It’s a bit of a tense and awkward affair since Mizri seems to be the only one who is truly happy to see Theren, leaving him to look for emotional support from Fei. 
In the meantime, Relic decides not to join the dinner and instead look for Question. Their inquiries lead them to the house of an old human arcanist who Quesion visited earlier today looking for information on the Jewel. While looking for a paper that might shed some light on Question’s inquiries, the arcanist babbles on about Torog’s and Asmodeus particular influence in the area and the repetition of the myth surrounding Alyxian who found a gift of the Changebringer here in Betrayer’s Rise - the Jewel - and used it to turn the tides of a major battle. But the book going into details on that is currently in Question’s possession. Then the scholar remembers something else, a message Question left for Fei as she was picked up by a woman dressed in red - don’t leave the tavern tonight. 
Unfortunately, even with Relic now sprinting back to the tavern it is too late.  While doing her best to extricate Theren from the dinner with his former friends, Fei receives a letter delivered by an Aurora Watch soldier.  Miss Mirimm - We have your tiefling friend. If you would like to see her unharmed, let this gentleman escort you outside, alone. If your friends ask, tell them the Taskhand has asked to see you. Alert no one, or we will not guarantee her safety. She excuses herself under the stipulated pretense of having been summoned by the Taskhand and meets with Aloysia alone - who, not getting what she wanted, takes her hostage. 
Relic now arrives at the inn, finding Fei already gone, and drags Theren, Caddy and Unelias off to find the Taskhand, and - so they hope - by extension Fei. But when they do find him it becomes clear that she is gone.
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unexpected-satsuma · 1 year
5 / ? - Summer
Reyner : Monday 8th
The summer rains have begun and the fish are bursting the river’s seams. I am stuck watching Leano fish, seeing the carp breach the bubbling water to snatch flies from the air and disappear again with a flash of their scaled bellies.
I cannot play the flute, as my shoulder still protests when I try to raise my arm. I cannot draw new blueprints without my right hand. This is torture, but I know Mia knows what she is doing - the pain lessens gradually each day. But it is still not fast enough. Runeheart says I am finally getting my rest, but I can’t even play darts at Lazy Bowl, so it does not feel like rest.
Moira: Tuesday 9th
Collin brought a letter in today. The rookies managed something incredible ... I am breathless.
The report enclosed is - it’s a breakthrough for the island’s ecosystem. They managed to supplement the minerals in the soil and neutralised activity of our my previous failings. I owe them a great deal, they have repaired something I should never have tampered with.
I am going to petition with Nestor that they be rewarded or at least acknowledged in some way. What they have done has saved me.
In other news, the newest tissue samples from the Northern Continent are showing rapid mutation patterns in the virus. It seems to thrive well in cold conditions, as we had suspected. I think we should study the heating properties of lava-leaf to slow infection next.
Matheo: Wednesday 10th
I have found something exceptional in my Father’s books. A disease that houses itself in ice, that spreads like fire in cold conditions. I do not think this Island has seen it’s like before.
Alas, Father is as useful as he always has been. There is no word of symptoms, or how to cure it. He must never have carried on the investigation. Damn him.
The garden is beginning to mulch in the rain deluges, and I know it is time to surrender the ground to the wet season. Tomorrow I will pull the plants and compost them. I have spotted a scrawny kitten looking into my garden. He stalks me from the trees and the sparrows disappear into piles of bloodied feathers come dawn. I shall have to keep vigilance.
Herbalist: Thursday 11th
Leah brought some Yggradisil samples back - If we can grow this indoors it would be sensational for cutting back on how long we work. It’s such a versatile ingredient that it would mean foraging and brewing takes half the time. The stuff is the alchemical holy grail. Seriously.
We put aside some money for Runeheart to come by and improve our alchemy gear, so the house has been full with helpers.
Reyner’s shoulder is still recovering, and he spends a lot of time here now. He watches Runeheart work on the cauldron and can be a decent assistant at times, even if he does mix up the jars. Goose gets along wonderfully with Reyner, trotting along at his heels. I think Runeheart is right - he just needed time away from his craft.
Matheo came by yesterday, banging on the door and insisting he speak to ‘The Chemist.’ Leah was out, and he did not want to bother speaking with me. I sent him on his way, but he will be back - I sense it.
Xiao: Friday 12th
Myer is discussing a Summer fair. I know I will be responsible for the funds and the logistics. I long for winter when the world goes quiet and I can rest.
I spent some time with Helene today in the Arcade - it has been some time since I was last able to visit. I forgot how relieving it is to break away from my job. Little Miss is insisting she try her hand at painting, so I must remember to organise a shipment soon. We will have to put a community order through.
There was a delivery for the ambassadors - the Medical Association has enclosed some plaques for me to deliver. I think it past time they received an award for their work.
Reyner: Sunday 14th
Today was the oddest day of my life. I have taken to helping at the Potion house in my downtime - the only way I could think of repaying them - and it has been lovely. Goose is an adorable dog. He dozes by the hearth some days, others he tails Leah into the forest. He likes to sit with me and watch Mia work.
Everything had been peaceful until Matheo turned up this afternoon. He was demanding to speak to Leah, and had to eventually settle for accepting Mia’s help. Something to do with an ice virus. I don’t know really, but Matheo wanted it studying urgently.
He wanted samples from Leah if she could get some. Mia promised to contact the medical association and he was so displeased by that idea he turned and left, waving his cape with boots clicking. The slam he gave the door - I might have some new work lined up after I recover.
Matheo: Monday 15th
Those ... those ignoramuses! I approached the Potion House and the Carpenter - the nosy trout - was there! He was helping around the ... laboratory? What nonsense.
The redhead insults me so to contact the Medical Association. Nothing they’ve seen before? Poor Chemists, the lot of them. What use is the Capital if it knows no more than Moonbury.
The Chemist avoids me at home, I am sure of it. I do not see her there, yet she is always haunting my woods. It feels she is always with me, looking over my shoulder and taunting me. I hear glass clinking in the dusky distance. Insufferable.
I sit at the lake, and the magpies are thriving. Ducks have begun to hatch their young in those lovely blue shells. How calming, the colour blue is. The water, lake and oceanic, so deep and welcoming. So noble. Blue is the truest hue of my happiness.
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rowenabean · 2 years
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mindninjax · 3 years
To Shape a Home (13)
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Winter- Chapter 13
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Last Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Bakugo x Reader
Warnings: Belly Aching fluff,also Katsu being a flustered DORK god I love him.
WC: 3.3K
a/n: I AM BEGGING YOU FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LISTEN TO THE FEATURED SONG IN THIS CHAPTER WHILE READING. I PROMISE YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED. It is the SWEETEST most AMAZING song. It always makes me think of Katsu and how he loves please PLEASE ok?!? I WEEPED writing this chapter.
Featured Song: Annie’s Song by John Denver.
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It’s way too cold to do anything–except maybe fuck–yet Katsuki is standing on Jodi’s porch carrying a casserole dish as you knock happily on her door. When she answers, Vincent comes out to hug your legs and you bend down to wrap him in a tight hug.
Because of the weather, the Feast of Winter Star Festival isn’t happening this year. You, being the dumb little saint you are, have decided to go around to your friend’s houses to drop off little gifts for them. And somehow, you’d talked Katsuki into coming with you.
Katsuki tries to keep the grimace on his face as you drag him around in the fucking snow and cold to people’s houses but he can’t help but smile when he watches you happily hand over the gifts to the unsuspecting parties. Right now, he’s watching you listen to a joke Vincent is excitedly telling you. You laugh a big hearty laugh as he delivers the punchline and Katsuki can see the triumphant expression on his face as he watches you.
“Here. Sweets thought it’d be a good idea to cook ya something instead of dropping off more tomatoes,” Katsuki grumbles, shoving the casserole dish into Jodi’s arms.
Jodi smiles up at him warmly as she takes the casserole. She stands a bit closer to him to whisper so you don’t hear.
“It looks good on you,” she replies, winking at him.
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, “Hah?”
Jodi giggles as Vincent launches into a fit of laughter at the joke you just told him. “Being in love. It looks good on you and it’s nice to see after watching you be grumpy for so long,” she says gently.
Katsuki has always had respect for Jodi, she’s always been sort of a mother figure for him. She keeps her distance but she’s always been observant. He swallows loudly. In love? Is he in love with you? It seems too soon for that. When he thinks about it too much, something aches inside of him. He’s only ever thought that about Camie, and after her he thought that was it.
Katsuki is thinking about it the entire time you’re out visiting everyone’s homes. You drop off books and sweets and pies to Denki, Hanta, and Eijirou and Katsuki has to put his hands over his ears when you visit Hizashi and Shouta and gift them a painting of the two of them standing with your grandfather that makes Hizashi wail louder than a baby at birth.
You both finally make it back to your home where you’ve decorated as if the festival is being held in your home. A decorated tree that would usually stand in the middle of town square during the festival, sits in the corner of your living room.  Plants with little red berries are placed on the window sills and mantle on the fireplace. There are wooden frames with snowy landscape paintings hanging on the walls. Long deep red drapes cover the windows and a matching rug is laid out in front of the fireplace as well. It looks exceptionally more warm and lively in your home and Katsuki thinks it’s a show of how much more comfortable you are in Pelican Town.
“You went all out, huh?” he mutters, pulling your coat from your shoulders and hanging it on the coat rack.
You smile up at him, bright with stained cheeks from the cold and something inside him aches again. “I wanted to make sure The Feast of Winter’s Star could still be celebrated,” you reply as Frenchie pads up to you excitedly.
You’ve dressed him in a red sweater and the mutt looks happier than usual. Katsuki’s throat is dry. He wonders why he feels so strange today. This is supposed to be a happy occasion but Jodi’s words keep replaying in his mind.
Love. It’s way too fucking soon for him to be in love with you. Yeah, you make him smile and shit and sometimes he’s annoyingly thinking about being with you when you’re away, but that’s normal for people who just recently started fucking. Especially after how long it’s been before he started anything with you. But how does he explain the constant thumping in his chest whenever you smile at him or say his name? That’s more difficult.
“Alright, what is it?”  you ask, cocking a hip as he follows you into the kitchen.
He’s distracted from his internal rambling as he peers into your suspicious eyes. “What?” he  argues.
“You’re doing that thing again where you seem like you’re having a good time but you’re like not here all the way. So what’s going on?” you ask with an eyebrow raised and pouted lips.
Damn, he’ll never get over how fucking observant you are, especially when it comes to him. “Just thinking about shit,” he replies, poking the wrinkle in your forehead gently.
“You’ve been doing that a lot. Penny for your thoughts?” you say moving closer and placing a hand on his chest.
Again your touch feels like it’s burning him and he intakes a sharp breath. It’s not painful, more like it awakens and warms him from the inside out. There’s a snowflake caught on your eyelashes that hasn’t melted yet and as he stares into your eyes he thinks the mushiest shit he’s ever thought when looking at you.
Your eyes are so clear now that the wall you were hiding behind has been broken. Sometimes when he looks at them he thinks it’s like looking at a clear night sky, where everything is simple and vast and beautiful. Maybe Jodi was right and maybe it doesn’t need to be complicated for it to be love.
Or maybe he’s getting soft as hell in his old age.
“Just thinking about if you’ll actually accept the gift I gotcha,” he says, pulling you into his arms.
Your brows knit together in frustration and he bends down to kiss between them.
“You’re lying, but I’ll drop it for now because I have been dying to give you your gifts,” you say, cupping his jaw and giving it a tiny pat.
You pull out of his grasp as he sputters, “Gifts? You got multiple?” he asks incredulously.
Figures, of course you got multiple gifts. You pull him into the living room and push him onto the couch and as he settles in, Frenchie jumps up on the couch and plops down in his lap happily.
“Of course I did. You deserve multiple gifts,” you say matter of factly. Before you can rummage through your closet to get the gifts you must’ve been hiding from him, he stops you.
“Oi, hold it. I wanna give you mine first,” he says, holding up a hand.
You almost look surprised, as if he wouldn’t get you a damn gift. He shifts Frenchie off of his lap and shuffles over to the basket of blankets you keep near the fireplace. He pulls out three perfectly wrapped gifts and a bone with a bow on it that instantly grabs Frenchie’s attention. He’s off the couch and jumping up on Katsuki, panting happily and wagging his tail.
The look on your face is priceless. You’re surprised, happy, and suspicious.
“When did you hide those there?” you ask as Katsuki rips the bow off the bone and hands it to Frenchie. He takes it from his hand and trots over to the rug to lie down and enjoy his new treat.
“You should pay more attention when people come over to your house Sweets,” he teases as he shoves the gifts into your arms.  You purse your lips and stick your tongue out at him.
“Sorry I trust the people I bring into my home,” you snap back playfully.
Holding the gifts in your arms you continue rummaging through the closet and pull out a large box. Katsuki has to hurry over to you to grab it before you lose your balance and tumble over.
“The hell is this?” he asks.
You pull out a canvas covered in wrapping paper as well from the closet and over your shoulder throw him a “your gifts!”as he rolls his eyes. The box is a bit heavy and he takes it over to the couch to set it down on the floor in front of his seat on the couch.
When you’re finally situated, you join him, squishing in close to him on the couch and staring excitedly at him.
“Well…you gonna open it?” you ask, shaking like an excited puppy. Katsuki raises an eyebrow.
“You first,” he insists. You roll your eyes and sigh.
“Fine fine,” you surrender, huffing out a breath.
You slowly tear the paper and Katsuki is gnawing the inside of his cheek. He holds his breath when you rip the paper away and you’re met with the emerald and gold cover of a vintage Wizard of Oz book. You breathe in astonishment, running your fingers over the raised lettering on the cover. The loops and swirls look like gold vines swirling over the emerald green cover. The pages are thick, slightly yellow, and have a painting of the yellow brick road from the story painted along the edges that you can only see when the book is closed.
He watches you carefully, praying that you like it. It took him for fucking ever to find it and he and Denki spent hours on the computer at the library tracking one of these down.
“Katsuki this is amazing,” you breathe. “I… I love this story so much, how’d you–”
“Think you’re the only one who pays attention? I’ve seen you reread that book at least three times since I met ya. I figured you're either a really slow reader or you’ve read it a bunch, which clearly you have,” he explains shrugging his shoulders. Your eyes are wide when you look at him and they’re a bit misty before he’s quickly stopping you.
“No tears, idjit! Open the rest of them,” he says, booping your nose playfully.
Katsuki ended up getting you more paint supplies and sewing ear muffs for Fatima to wear during the winter.
“I made ‘em for my girls and they seemed to like ‘em a lot so I figured making one extra pair wouldn’t hurt,” he says, trying to shrug off your thanks.
When it’s time for him to open his gifts you’re practically bouncing next to him. He thinks it’s cute and purposely takes forever opening the huge box and watching you from the corner of his eye. When he finally gets the box open, he can hear you hold your breath and crane your neck to see his expression.
You’ve gifted him new pots and pans and they’re really fucking good pots and pans. The ones he has now are worn, chipped, stained and spotty from the years of cooking but these are sparkling new, no scratches and he chuckles to himself when he realizes it’s the same brand he’d circled on an advertisement in the paper a few weeks ago. One that he threw out.
He smirks, “Went digging through my trash I see,” he snorts. He expects you to pout but instead you beam proudly at him.
“It’s not digging if it's sitting on the top of the trash and I happened to see it and pick it up!” you say matter of factly.
“Still a creep,” he asserts.
“You’re welcome,” you say, sticking your tongue out at him.
Katsuki’s about to get up and grab the two of you a drink but you tug his sleeve. “Hold on. There’s one more thing,” you say timidly.  You set the covered canvas in his lap and take a deep breath.
“I uhh…I painted this for you…” you stutter.
You’re nervous for once and Katsuki is squinting suspiciously as he watches you twiddle your thumbs. Carefully, he unwraps the canvas and when the paper is discarded on the floor he sets his jaw and stares for a very long time at the painting, silently.
It’s…it’s him, standing with his forehead pressed against Belle’s snout–he can tell from the way you perfectly recreated her pattern. There’s a soft glow of the sunset behind him. You’ve perfectly captured every aspect of him, his square jaw, his long blond lashes, even the dusting of freckles over his nose and shoulders. What really stuns him is his expression.
Katsuki knows he’s known for his sneer, it keeps people away, just the way he likes it. But in this painting, you’ve portrayed him in a way that’s more peaceful than anything he’s witnessed before. The edges of his lips are curled ever so slightly upward, his face is smooth, his lips are pink, hell he can hardly believe this is him. All of the colors are brilliant and bright, the sun behind his head almost looks like a halo as it illuminates him.
Is this how you see him? Holy shit.
Katsuki swallows hard, his heart is beating so fast, he can’t look away from the painting. His calloused fingers run over the planes of the canvas lightly. He doesn’t have any words, doesn’t know what he can say to fully express what he’s feeling. He’s not even sure he knows what he’s feeling.
And then Jodi’s voice plays in his mind.
It looks good on you…being in love.
And in an instant the world feels like everything has lined up and fallen into place. It all makes sense.
Katsuki Bakugo is in love with you.
“Do…do you like it? Thought you could hang it where I assume a picture of you and Cam–”
You’re cut off by him smashing his lips into yours. He’ll never get tired of how you immediately adjust to his kisses, how you sigh and move your lips against his, and how they fit perfectly against his. He reaches up to caress your face gently, carding his fingers through your hair as he pulls back from you.
“Course I like it, dummy. I’d be an idjit not to and I ain’t an idjit,” he breathes against your lips.
Again you smile and release a relieved breath before gently pressing your forehead to his. He knows now, this is real.
How to tell you though? That’s a different story.
An idea sparks as the two of you sit basking in each other’s presence. Katsuki suddenly stands and makes his way over to the record player in the corner of the room. He fishes through the box of records, searching for the one he knows should be here given your music taste. When he finds it, he snickers and mutters a “I fuckin’ knew it”, then puts the record on and plays the song.
He strolls back over to you on the couch and holds his hand out for you to take it. You look confused, looking from the record player, to his hand and up at his eyes, raising an eyebrow.
“Aww come on, don’t tell me you don’t like dancin’ anymore,” he teases. He watches you purse your lips before putting your hand in his and as he pulls you up off the couch and into his arms, you giggle.
“I thought you didn’t like this artist,” you challenge as you wrap your arms up around his neck.
Katsuki drops his hands to your hips, and wraps his arm around the small of your back to pull you closer to him.
“This is the only good one,” he says in a low voice. Your foreheads are pressed together again, and as you both sway back and forth with each other, the lyrics fill the room.
You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Katsuki knows how mushy this seems but it’s the only way he can think to tell you right now. He hopes you’re listening to the words, hopes that you’re putting two and two together. Yeah this singer isn’t his favorite but it’s gotta be a sign that this guy made a song that says everything Katsuki has ever wanted to say to you.
Fuck, he hopes you get it. He hopes you understand. You understand so much about him already. He hopes this is clear enough for you.
You drop your arms from around his neck and wrap them around his back. The guitar and sweet simple melody swells. You lay your ear against his chest as you continue to rock back and forth, listening to his heart. Katsuki thinks his heart will explode when you start singing the lyrics.
God, he loves your voice, it’s beautiful, sounds better than this fucking guy singing it and he thinks for just a minute that maybe, just maybe you’re singing these lyrics to him.
Come, let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Katsuki finds himself humming along with you, his deep voice rumbling through his entire body.
He holds you close. He holds you tight, like you’ll slip through his fingers. He’s never felt like this before even when he was in love with Camie.
You’re something new. Something warm and comforting. Something he thought he’d never find again. Something he constantly searched for in the work he put into making his farm his own little slice of paradise.
A light snowfall has started outside of the window, the song has reached the instrumental bridge and Katsuki thinks, this is as good a time as any to tell you. He should tell you right now how he feels. He loves you, he thinks he always has and the universe has set this entire scene up just for him to deliver the climax. It’s just three little words, that’s all he has to say.
He buries his face into the top of your head and you smell divine. You smell like coconut and vanilla with a hint of cinnamon, sweet with a hint of spice. Perfect for you. Yeah, that’s the word, “perfect”.
You’re perfect.
“I think...” he mutters, his cheek still pressed against the top of your head.
“Hmm?” you hum, head still pressed against his chest. Your eyes are closed and he can feel your fingers twisting into the fabric of his shirt.
“I uhh…” he stops. He digs his fingers into your waist nervously. His heart speeds up, his mouth goes dry, the words get caught in his throat and he’s cursing himself.
For fucks sake just spit it out, he thinks.
There’s no doubt that he loves you. Any day he gets to see you smile at him is the greatest day of his life. But whenever he tries to tell you that, it dries up in his throat. Why can’t he just tell you? Fuck, why is this so fucking hard.
Fuck he got too caught up in his own head. Now you’re going to think something is wrong. He ruined it. He ruined the moment. He should say it now to regain the moment. Shitshitshit.
“Thank you,” you say simply.
Hah? What are you playing at? He pulls you back from him, big hands on your shoulders as he stares into your eyes.
“Fer what?’ he grumbles. He’s frowning but you look…breathtaking.
“For being the home I've been looking for since I got here,” you say smiling bright, your sparkling teeth glistening in the warm glow of the fire. Your eyes are clear again and the reflection of the falling snowflakes from the window really do make your eyes look like a galaxy.
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
The song flutters to a close as you smile at him. Damn, how do you fucking do it? You can always say what you’re feelin’ and make it sound all pretty and crap. Though he’ll admit, the idea that someone like him could be a home for someone as bright as you?
That’s pure paradise.
“Anytime Sweetheart.”
Thanks for reading!
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souichioneshots · 3 years
Souichi x Farmer!Reader
Souichi goes to visit one of his oldest farmer friends for some straw. In return, he makes her a voodoo doll and things get a litttlleee steamy
ahaha idk lol
Souichi heavily breathed through his mouth as he continued to walk down the treeless path. The summer sun shining down on him was making him sweat bullets, and having a large leather satchel cling to his body was starting to make him feel sick.
“Why does she have to live so far away…” Souichi mumbled to himself as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.
Passing a couple more rice fields, a large Japanese-style cottage finally came into view. It was surrounded by a couple of mango trees and 2 PVC greenhouses. He could see from the outside that they were once again filled completely with strawberries and tomatoes.
As he approached the house, he realized that all of the cars were gone. He thought for a second that he came all this way for nothing, but then he heard a familiar voice echoing in the distance.
“Kuro! Way to me! Shiro! Lie down! Hairo! Lie down!!” Souichi quickly made his way to the back of the house, where the voice was coming from.
As he pushed past a large bush, he finally saw you. You had been herding a large trip of white-tan goats and your 3 dogs, Kuro, Shiro, and Hairo were also doing their best to keep the goats in place.
“Y/N!” Souichi called out from a distance, getting your attention.
“Hmm? Souichi!!” You turned around and called back, jumping slightly in the air.
Souichi laughed as the goats also turned in his direction and let out a little “meh” sound as a greeting.
“Give me a second. I’ll be done in a bit.”
Souichi watched from under the shade of a tree as you continued to order your dogs to do their job.
You and Souichi had been friends for as long as he could remember. It was actually his grandmother who introduced him to you when he was younger. She used to get straw and other ritualistic material from your family when she practiced magick, and now he was getting stuff from you as well.
Today, he had come for his usual satchel fill of straw, and anything else you would give him as a gift. You loved to give him gifts. From fresh rice, to mangos, and even white strawberries.
Everyone in the town knew your family used magick because there was no way mangos nor white strawberries could grow in the weather conditions this part of Japan had to offer.
“Sorry for the wait!” You held onto your straw hat as you ran up to the boy. “We actually built a new barn last week for the straw. It’s this way.”
Getting up from his spot, Souichi walked with you to a small open barn located on the other side of your house.
“Woah…” Souichi looked up in awe at the massive amount of straw you had stored up this season.
“Pretty impressive, right? It’s the largest haul we’ve had in years. Praise Ninigi.” Turning towards the sun, you bowed once. Souichi quickly turned with you and did the same.
You laughed a bit at his sudden action. You knew that without his grandmother around, he wasn’t sure how to act in these types of situations. So, he mostly just copied you.
Putting your hand out, you gestured for Souichi to give you his satchel.
"Do you need me to tie them up or can I just stuff it in here?" You asked as you walked over to a large pile of loose straw.
"Just like that is fine." Souichi replied.
Picking up a handful of straw, you neatly placed it inside. When it was finally full enough, you closed it up and handed it back to the boy.
Although it was a lot, it still felt surprisingly light. Hopefully, it won't go to waste this time.
Sitting on a large straw stack, you took off your hat. You shook your head side to side as your long hair flowed from inside the hat and down onto the straw you were sitting on. You had been growing your hair out since kindergarten. Never cutting it once. Just the sheer length of it made you look like a goddess yourself. Although it was a big distraction when you worked, you planned on using your ‘virgin uncut hair’ in future rituals. At least, that’s what you told Souichi.
Patting the empty space next to you, you asked Souichi to sit next down.
“Ma actually took away the voodoo doll you made me last time you came over… Think you can you make me a new one…” You said in a sad voice as you looked at the boy.
“Again?” Souichi replied, sighing loudly.
Although your family practiced black magick in order to keep the farming business alive, you were strictly forbidden from practicing curses and other types of voodoo until you turned ○○. In the meanwhile, your mother forced you to tend to the farm and learn how to be a proper worker. That’s why whenever Souichi came over, in exchange for whatever he wanted, he would teach you anything he knew about black magick in secret.
Currently, you were learning how to make straw voodoo dolls.
You didn’t really have anyone in particular that you wanted or needed to curse, but you wanted to be prepared just in case anything happened in the future.
You smiled widely as the raven-haired boy took out a pair of pruning shears and red string from the front pocket of his satchel.
Grabbing a couple handfuls of straw, you placed them on your lap for him to freely use.
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re making it by yourself this time.” He sternly said.
“Eh~? But I’m tired from doing chores all morning…I’ll give ya a kilogram of rice if you make this one for me~” Souichi just shook his head no. He would need a better incentive if you wanted him to do this for you again.
“Hmmm…Aha! I’ll give you a whole box of fresh white strawberries as well!” Souichi smiled as you offered him exactly what he wanted. There was a reason your family sold their strawberries for over 20,000 yen a box. Getting them for free from you was one of the best parts of coming over.
“Fine. But this is the last time. And pay attention this time.” Humming happily, you handed him a handful of straw.
“First, make a circle with your thumb and index finger. Then place enough straw to fill it completely. When you get the right amount, you use some string to… Uhh... Hold this.”
Handing you the bundle of straw, he used the shears to cut a couple pieces of string to use.
“…Hold it up straight up…Yeah, like that. You tie up the top end around here. Next, you repeat this with another section of straw. When you finish that, you slide one section into the middle of the other. Then you just tie it up here, and here. Lastly, you part it in the middle for the leg sections… And then you tie up those ends and…Done!”
You let out a small whine as your mind failed to keep up with Souichi's speedy motions and vague explanation. You wanted to ask him to do it again, this time much slower, but you knew he would just go at the same speed again.
Cutting the extra pieces of straw that stuck out from the ends of the voodoo doll, he made it look presentable.
“So, what do you think? Pretty good, right?” Souichi proudly said as he handed it to you.
“Yeah! I think it might even be better than the one you made me last time!" You replied as you examined the doll in awe. "So, all I need in order to curse someone is their picture?” The straw crunched in your fingers as you opened up the chest section a bit.
“You can also use their hair, and at times when your hatred towards them is at its peak, you can just write down their name on a piece of paper, stuff it in the middle there, and it’ll work.”
You hummed in amusement as the boy once again explained to you the way straw voodoo dolls worked.
“Hair, huh…” You said to yourself in a voice so quiet not even Souichi could hear.
Moving closer to him, you spoke in a loving voice. “I never did thank you for the last doll you made me, did I?” Putting the doll down on the empty space next to you, you moved to place a quick kiss on the boy’s cheek. “Thank you.”
“Ah! Hehe…I-It was no problem… I can make you more anytime you want really…” Souichi turned his face away from you, trying to hide the blush that had grown on his cheeks.
You were always the affectionate type.
“Then, I should probably thank you in advance~” Bringing your hand to his face, you turned him towards you. Souichi’s body burned with embarrassment as you placed multiple kisses on his cheek again.
“You know, you can also thank me for always giving you so much straw~” You teased as you tapped your own cheek, hinting for him to give you a small kiss back.
Closing his eyes, Souichi moved to plant a kiss on your cheek. However, you also moved back to face him as well.
Souichi’s eyes shot open as you pressed your lips against his.
The remaining straw on your legs fell to the ground as you moved to straddle the blushing boy.
You were perhaps a bit too affectionate really.
But Souichi wasn’t complaining.
Souichi’s eyes fluttered closed as he melted into your kiss. Your hands caressed his face as you quickly deepened the kiss.
Souichi playfully bit your bottom lip as you tried to pull back for air, forcing you to return back to him. He liked to experiment with different ways of teasing you every time you spontaneously kissed him like this.
Slowly, your hands ran through his hair, making it messier than it was before.
"Ow!" Souichi pushed you back and yelled in pain as you suddenly pulled his hair.
Moving to sit up, you gloated.
“Haha! Now that I have your hair, you have to follow everything I say or I’ll curse you to death!” You laughed as you help up a single strand of dark hair. You were expecting Souichi to try to get it back from you, but he didn’t.
Looking back at you with an equally victorious smile, he moved his hands in front of you, showing off the contents it held.
“That makes two of us~ Kekekeke~”
Your smile dropped and your eyes widened in shock as you saw the shears in one hand and a large amount of your hair in another.
Bringing your hands up to your head, you felt the difference in hair length on each side.
“How could you…” Tears ran down your cheeks, making Souichi stop his cackling.
“I hate you!!” Pushing yourself off the boy, you got onto your feet and started to run towards your house. “I’m telling Baphomet!!”
The goats in the barn loudly cried as you mentioned the name of the deity your family religiously worshiped.
“Crap! No!! Y/N!!” Jumping off the straw-stack, Souichi threw your hair and the shears onto the ground.
“Wait!! I’m sorry!!” Souichi exclaimed as he chased after you.
Just before he could grab ahold of you, you ran into the house. You were so upset that you didn’t even bother to take off your shoes.
Souichi slipped on the grass as he tried to stop himself from going any further. He knew he couldn’t enter your house without your given permission.
Souichi felt his mind go into a panic as he saw you approach the large altar in your living room.
The goats in the barn cried even louder and banged their horns against the wooden walls as you pointed towards the boy outside your house.
Just before he could run away for safety, your three dogs surrounded him. Souichi let out a high-pitched cry of fear as the dogs barked and growled, forcing him to stay in place.
He made a big mistake messing with the daughter of the Baphomet worshiping family.
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Dream SMP Recap (July 8/2021) - Flying Pigs
Fundy and Foolish have a literal custody battle over Fundy’s son, Yogurt. 
Drista visits after her dog died and causes chaos with Tommy, forming a bomb squad of people riding flying pigs.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk continues taking down the rest of his casino
- Ponk meets Foolish at the casino site and tells Foolish that he wants to commission a Lemon Tree opposite of where the original one stood. Foolish is reluctant, saying the Lemon Trees have never worked out
- Foolish asks about what “Little Red” was, but Ponk says it’s best not to talk about it
- Ponk notices the Bruno Mars beacon and mistakes Prince Philip for Emperor Palpatine
- Ponk pays Foolish for the tree
- Ponk is overjoyed when they get a pet Endermite, but unfortunately it despawns while Foolish is running to get a nametag
- Ponk wants a new Lemon Tree so that if anyone messes with it, he has an excuse to fight them
- Foolish discovers Karl’s secret Tommyinnit Hate Club
- Foolish and Ponk talk about exploding each other
- They mine up the floor and Ponk tells Foolish about Salamone, the pillager who killed a lot of people who used to live down underneath the casino after Ponk took his legs. Salamone was the enforcer for his essential oils shop
- Ponk shoos Foolish away. Foolish returns to the summer home and gets rid of the top hats on the statues
- Later, Foolish heads over to Las Nevadas where he finds Fundy calling from a distance. They compare outfits
- Foolish shows Fundy the outhouse that doubles as a helicopter
- Fundy is rusty at Minecraft and suggests a PvP battle, but Foolish tells him about how he’s never killed anyone. He checks his statistics and somehow, Foolish has gained three player kills but he’s not sure when 
- Fundy goes over to check on how Yogurt’s been doing. Foolish says he’s been taking care of him. Fundy tells Yogurt to look at him, but Yogurt turns to look at Foolish instead. Fundy is horrified, worried that Yogurt might not recognize him anymore
- Foolish says he is Yogurt’s father and that it is better this way
- Fundy desperately throws Yogurt some berries to try and get him to look, but again, Yogurt turns to Foolish instead
Fundy: “Do you not remember me?!”
- Foolish says that Yogurt must have started seeing him as a father figure instead. Fundy wants the PvP battle immediately. They prepare items
- They can discuss who gets Yogurt on weekdays and weekends after the battle. They decide to fight under the Eiffel Tower. Fundy declares that he will prove himself as a father today
- They negotiate the terms and Foolish counts down from ten to begin the duel. He charges at Fundy, and Fundy screams and runs away, logging out
- Fundy comes back and they start again. Fundy runs away again, but after getting a couple hits on Foolish he gains confidence and wins the first round
- They begin the second battle and Foolish charges forward while Fundy hides. But Foolish has an idea to up the stakes: climb the tower.
The two climb up opposite corners of the tower and run along the sides. Foolish gets some hits, but Fundy wins the second battle as well and the duel as a whole
- Fundy goes to feed his son some berries, and Yogurt looks at him again! Fundy is overjoyed, making happy noises
- He tells Foolish to go, so Foolish leaves Fundy with his son
- Foolish continues working on the hotel
- Drista found out about her dog, Bruno, dying, and is displeased. Tommy has the idea to go to Las Nevadas where he’s set up a new place with Wilbur, since Drista isn’t old enough to gamble
- Tommy runs over while doing his best Philza Minecraft impression with C418′s Sweden playing in the background
Tommy: “I will repent my sins through the coin of the game.”
- Tommy makes it to Fort Big, thinking he’s safe. He goes to chop some wood and that’s when Drista appears, immediately stabbing him to death
- Drista teleports him back. She is dual-wielding Netherite knives. Tommy starts up a conversation and tries to explain what happened. Drista gives him Regen so that she can stab him more
- Tommy walks over to Las Nevadas and claims that Drista isn’t allowed on this territory. He tells her she’s not the legal age to gamble. Drista points out he isn’t either
- Tommy shows her how to use the gambling machine. Drista still isn’t pleased over her dog dying
- Tommy tells Dream that his sister is mugging him for her dog dying
- Tommy starts sneaking away and Dream tells Drista, who chases him down
- He asks what he can do to make it up to her. Drista wants to vandalize  someone’s house and gives Tommy a Wither rose
- They start walking back, and Tommy tells Drista that he wants to grief Captain Puffy
- Drista spawns in a dog, gets Tommy to tame it and then promptly slaughters it
- They make it back to Tommy’s house and Tommy sees Puffy’s redecoration. Drista wants to vandalize Sapnap’s house
Drista: (looking at the picture of Prince Philip) “Oh my god it’s Philza.”
- Tommy takes down Puffy’s decorations while chatting to Drista
- They walk down the path and Drista spawns another dog. Tommy tames it and Drista kills it again
- Tommy takes her over to Kinoko Kingdom and teaches Drista how to speak imaginary French
- Sapnap comes over briefly in real life, then logs in in-game while Tommy gives Drista advice on how to say no to drugs
- Sapnap tells them to leave, threatening Tommy with what he said yesterday
- Drista takes Tommy into the sky on a flying pig and he and Sapnap have an echoing shouting match
- Drista flies Tommy over to a building and Tommy lights TNT on the roof
- Tommy sets the massive OwO sign on fire and the pig catches fire too
- At Drista’s request, Tommy DMs Techno asking what pigs eat. Techno says potatoes
- Drista tells Tommy to TNT Church Prime but Tommy refuses. They land in the Holy Land and Tommy tells Sapnap to come to Church Prime. Sapnap joins the flying pig team
- Drista asks where Technoblade’s house is. They call Dream and ask him
- Tommy realizes Techno is in prison and Sapnap suggests they bomb the prison. Drista flies them over there and Techno logs on and joins the call
- Drista teleports Techno out and he rides a pig, happy to be “canonically” out of prison. Techno joins the flying pig bomb team
- Drista flies the three of them around until she stops at the Big Innit Hotel. Tommy doesn’t want to TNT the hotel, but Drista gets him to anyway
- Tommy tells Drista he wants to destroy the YOU </3 LITTLE PENIS sign. Puffy starts shooting at them. They land on the sign and start destroying it
Only ENIS remains.
- Tommy and Puffy die and Techno takes their things. Tommy says they should imprison him again. Sapnap and Techno negotiate with Puffy while Drista and Tommy fool around in the graveyard
- Drista sends Tommy a picture of Georgina
- Tommy starts rebuilding his house out of oak wood. Puffy comes over and joins VC and they banter
- Drista bans Tommy from the server
- He comes back and does not like when they start adding a granite wall. He goes over to Karl’s studio thinking it’s Puffy’s house and bumps into a glass pane repeatedly trying to get to the water, not realizing there is glass
- Tommy plays sad Minecraft music because Drista is girlbossing him, then Mask
- He calls Dream again, then gets some sea pickles to give to Drista so that he can be forgiven. Drista forgives him. She plants the pickles in the Holy Land and says he could’ve just done that from the beginning
- Tommy speaks with Dream, who tells him that in the future Tommy will still have to make it up to Drista. Drista comes back to say that there is one thing that she asks of Tommy: that he builds a Drista Hotel with a brand new dog named Brunoto (Bruno 2)
- Tommy gets one of the Drista Daggers and logs out
- Later, Puffy builds a house out of granite and blackstone opposite of Tommy’s house and removes the section of Holy Land wall blocking her therapy office
Upcoming events remain the same.
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
waterfall   [request]
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Pronouns: She/Her Warnings: babe its just fluffy as heck. Summary: Now he had a ring, Daryl Dixon needed the perfect way to propose to you and after many dead ends, he finally cooks up the perfect plan. A/N: Requested by @witch-of-letters​ . Erm this is just the cutest request ever though. My heart is so full. (this has fully let me live out my Mrs Daryl Dixon fantasy) Tags: @chloe-skywalker​
Marriage had never even been a passing thought in Daryl’s mind before, though with Negan behind bars now and the fact you were carrying his child something seemed to switch in his mind. He spent a good week searching for the perfect ring for you despite the limited options, he even considered mugging a walker for one at some point.  He found a lucky escape one day when Carol, who was also searching for the perfect ring for you in between her time at the kingdom, found a perfect silver band with a singular diamond that glistened in the sun. She managed to disguise the delivery to Daryl as a visit and you thought nothing of it, soaking up most of her time talking about how hard you found the first trimester of your pregnancy and how everything seemed so much easier in your second.  
Cursing under his voice as he sat on the porch of your home, Daryl caressed the ring in-between his fingers. Now he had the ring he would have to come up with the perfect way to propose to you, feeling you deserved so much more than a kitchen floor proposal.  The advice he managed to pull from Carol before she left was nothing other than ‘as long as it comes from the heart’ which was no help to him. The sound of the front door opening almost made him drop the ring, he scrambled to tuck it away into his vest turning to face you. His eyes landed on the bump that had finally formed on your stomach, a smile cracking his face. You gave him a small smile, rubbing your bump before looking outwards to the street, letting a small sigh pass your lips. “I’m gonna go see if the infirmary has any more vitamins left” you finally spoke, the man just nodding your direction, chewing on the corner of his mouth. “I won't be long” with that, Daryl scrambled to be by your side and planted a soft kiss on your cheek before waving you goodbye.
Daryl was sure his brain was fried after straining to come up with a proposal idea, not understanding why it was so hard, he had come up with plans for tracking and war on the spot but this was the first time he encountered a block. He knew it was time to pull in some reinforcements and who better than Michonne.  When he found her, he just pulled the ring from his pocket and showed it to her. Michonne could barely hide her wide smile as she saw the band, not that she wanted to hide it.
“Are you asking me to marry you?” she joked as her eyes finally met his, a soft grunt left Daryl’s lips as he placed the ring back into his pocket. “So, when you asking her?” Her grin resembled that of a girl who had just witnessed her friend get asked to prom by their crush, it made the archer a little uncomfortable as he shifted on his feet.
“tha’s the problem” a sigh filled his words “Dono how ‘m gonna do it” his brow cocked at the sound of Michonne’s teasing laughter
“You know you don’t need to make a big deal out of it!” Finally making her way around the kitchen, cleaning up what was left of Judith’s lunch, Michonne just shook her head at the man. “She’ll say yes, whatever you do” even though her words were confident, it didn’t convince Daryl.
“Na, she deserves a big gesture” he argued, Michonne shot him a look but chose not to argue with the man as she placed plates into the sink. “Don’t go tellin’ e’ryone!” he added before turning on his feet to leave the house.
“Your secret is safe with me”
With the lack of help from Michonne, Daryl sort out other people for ideas – all having the same results, Nothing! Aaron was far to giddy to even think of anything on the spot, Gabriel just spoke about the beauty of marriage and the ceremony, not really answering any of Daryl’s questions and Rosita... well Rosita suggested he propose over a hog’s carcass, even going as far as telling him to hide the ring on one of the ribs – of course she was joking but even Daryl couldn’t deny that you loved hunting just as much as he did. He only had one person left he could ask and he scolded himself for not thinking of it first, Rick.
Of course Rick was at your home, talking to you when he found him, Daryl just waited and waited for the conversation to come to an end, shifting on his feet throughout Rick’s visit. He never caught the sly looks Rick would send Daryl’s way every so often when you weren’t looking, he was too focused on the task at hand to notice much of anything. When Rick finally announced he was leaving, Daryl followed after him making sure the front door was closed before he started to talk.
“Hey, can I ask ya somethin’” Daryl shouted after the sheriff, making him turn on the bottom steps to your porch.
“Is this about askin’ Y/N to marry ya?” Rick teased, sending Daryl a knowing look which only caused the archers' brows to furrow slightly “Michonne told me!” he admitted with a small laugh.
“I told ‘er not to tell anyone!” Rick shook his head at the angry tone in Daryl’s voice, the smile never leaving his features.
“She’s right, ya dont need no fancy candle lit dinner – just ask her. She’ll say yes” The advice offered to Daryl only made him roll his eyes, Rick didn’t stay long and left with barely another word leaving Daryl with no new ideas and just as confused as he had started the day.
The next day he woke up with an extra spring in his step, he finally had an idea. You couldn’t help but be baffled by his sudden mood change, yesterday he spent all day on edge and every time you brought it up he would just brush it off as if nothing was the matter or when he massaged your feet while you read a book, he seemed to press a little harder than usual and jump every time you spoke to him. Today though, he told you to spend the full day relaxing and gave you a soft kiss before he went out on a hunt, which you did, you spent half the day reminiscing on the hunts you’d go on together, how he always seemed impressed with how skilful you were with a knife or how he’d comment on how much of a magpie you were when you’d come home on a run with the most impressive treasures. It wasn’t long until Daryl showed up again, he wasn’t the usual messy Daryl that you’d encounter after a hunt, nor did he have a belt full of squirrels. You didn’t question him, scared to make him just as jumpy as he was yesterday and just offered him a kiss when he walked through the door.
You noticed how proud he looked as he set his cross bow on the kitchen counter “M goin back out, just wanted to know if ya wanna join?” he questioned you which confused you even more. Since the day you found out that you were pregnant, he had practically wrapped you in bubble wrap, arguing with you every time you wanted to leave the gates.
“You want me to go on a hunt with you?” Your hands naturally settled on your stomach as you cocked your brow at the man.
“It’s safe, made sure before I got ya.” His tone was convincing but you still questioned his motives “Figured ya’d wanna get out for a bit” he finally added and you accepted his invitation. He was right, you needed to get out of Alexandria badly, you loved it there but every day it seemed to get smaller.
He took you in a spare car, refusing to let you get on the back of his bike while you were carrying his ‘son’. It wasn’t long until he had parked up at the side of a road, and led you into the forest. You watched his movements carefully and questioned every step he took, not seeming to follow the same formula he used every time he tracked.
“What are you doing?” you questioned, noticing the obvious tracks in the ground that he ignored.
“Trackin’” he argued, mimicking his past actions to seem more convincing as he led you further into the woods. You figured it was best not to question him anymore, despite your knowledge of tracking, it was nothing in comparison to Daryl’s.  He finally stopped at a waterfall, one you didn’t even know existed, it was small but god it was beautiful you could barely peel your eyes from the view. You stood there for a moment, allowing the tranquil energy to take over.
When you finally turned to Daryl, he seemed to be fumbling in his pocket for something which only made you laugh a little. He took a few steps closer to you with something buried in his fist, you weren't sure what it was but your heart seemed to race a little at the possibilities. He looked around at the waterfall only confirming this was the best place to propose to you; the sun now had a golden hue as it fought with the leaves on the trees to find the ground. His eyes finally met you as he took your hand in his.
“I aint ever done this shit before” he whispered which only made your giggle reappear.  “Ya the most importan’ person in my life. Fer god sake, ya carryin’ ma son” you rolled your eyes at his assumption but couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you watched him awkwardly try to find the right words to say. “ a love you” he finished which only made your smile widen, you opened your mouth to respond to his loving words but nothing left as he knelt down on one knee in front of you. Your heart seemed to beat harder than it ever had done in your life, your eyes filling with tears as you watched the scene unfold, secretly wishing someone would capture the perfect moment on film for you to watch forever. “Y/N Will ya marry me?” he held out his palm to show you the perfect ring, you couldn’t believe something so beautiful existed in this world let alone the fact you’d get to wear it.
You stood speechless for a moment, the only sound you managed to get out was a squeak of some kind, you nodded your head a little too vigorously holding out your hand for the man to squeeze the ring on, it was a little small but with enough pressure it fit. Before he could find his way back to his feet, you managed to knock him onto the ground, his arms wrapping around you as you attacked his face with small, sweet kisses. “I love you, Daryl Dixon” you whispered in between the kisses, only making the southerner laugh.
You sat there watching the waterfall between Daryl’s legs, his back providing the perfect back rest, only turning away to glance at your ring, not sure what was more beautiful. Finally you looked up behind you to find his eyes had been on you the entire time. He lent down to place one of his tender kisses on your lips as you reached your hand to his face. You sighed on his lips before he pulled away, your eyes remaining close as you let the feeling linger. “Mrs Y/N Dixon, I like how it sounds”
“Me too”
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ashiemochi · 3 years
aphrotitty - xxxv
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✠ Aphrotitty ↳ Don’t do anything stupid ↳↳ does something stupid
~~ pairing: OC x Leon S(exy) Kennedy. ~~ genre: fluff, a slice of life, angst, gore at some point, smut/suggestive themes ~~ word count: no
NOTE: ✠ = time skip ✠✠ = switching povs/characters
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The thirty-fifth time Leon saw her, it was a Friday afternoon. It was raining like there was no tomorrow and he could’ve sworn minor hail was hitting his window from time to time; and because of that, he couldn’t go out for another motorbike ride – not like he’d be able to enjoy it as much as when she was with him.
A faint smile reached his lips as Leon took a sip from his mug of hot tea, humming at the sweet taste; it was a gift from So Ah – a box of Rooibos tea bags. She said her friend had sent her a box of ‘goodies’ to which was two of everything. So, she ended up giving him some of the Korean snacks and he couldn’t help but notice something.
Her traces were in his own house.
The dramatic-attention-whore plant, the snacks, and her Shea butter scent was still lingering around in certain spots. Leon had let her in without even giving it a second thought; and despite his half-assed promise, he didn’t mind.
As long as she was still smiling with that soft innocent glint in her eyes thriving, then he will protect her – no questions asked.
His phone’s ringtone took his attention away from his thoughts, vibrating on the counter. Swallowing down a mouthful of his red coloured tea, he looked at the caller and instantly answered with a newfound excitement; it was a video call.
“Well, look who it is.” Leon grinned when her face showed up.
“Hi, Leon.” So Ah smiled, clearly a little out of breath as her eyes left his and looked off-camera, “It’s raining a lot today, I mean, just yesterday it was drizzling.”
“Yeah, it happens.” Leon said as he sat down on the stool then raised an eyebrow at her slight pants, “You okay?”
“Huh?” She looked back down at him with furrowed eyebrows; shuffling sounds can be heard clearly in the back.
“You seem out of breath.”
“Oh,” She giggled before exhaling, “Yeah, I’m decorating for Christmas; hold on, let me do something real quick...”
Her camera shook as she propped it up onto a flat surface then grinned toothily, “There!”
So Ah moved back to sit and Leon could now see her surroundings; it was a mess.
From stocking to stocking and colourful ornaments to another, they were scattered all around her and onto the coffee table. A frizzy golden decorative tinsel was over her shoulders as she was pulling out more crap from the box.
“Looks like Santa came early this year.” He teased and she huffed, clearly embarrassed of the mess around her.
“It’s my first time doing this on my own, give me a break.” She drawled and began setting all the ornaments onto the coffee table out of his view.
“You never celebrated Christmas?” He asked, surprised at this and she shook her head.
“No, I did but my family would be helping out too.” She replied before gasping, looking straight at him, “Oh, I almost forgot! You won’t believe who called me today!”
A grin twitched at the corner of his lips at the sight of her giddiness making an appearance, “Who?”
“My mom!” She exclaimed, grabbing her phone to change its spot; placing it onto one of the shelves next to her television.
“Yeah,” She disappeared for a moment only to set a bunch of stockings on the lower shelf to hang them up, “We talked for a while and guess what?”
So Ah looked at him with a wide grin, “She said that she and dad would come this Christmas for a visit!”
“Hey, good for you!” Leon praised with a smile and took another sip of his now warm drink.
“Thank you.” She chuckled, halfway through most of the stockings, “It felt so surreal to hear her voice again after months. I also got to hear dad in the background.”
“Is that why you’re decorating this early?”
“It’s not that early; Christmas is like... Nine days away. I know people who begin putting trees up at the beginning of the month.” She informed then disappeared off view, probably for another Christmas crap.
“You got a point.” He tilted his head with an amused grin.
He could hear her faint grunts and ‘move-you-fat-bitch’ in the background followed by more shuffling and then a yelp. Raising an eyebrow at the sounds, he waited a few seconds till she showed up again.
“Hey again, little elf.” Leon teased, liking the way she blushed again at his light-hearted jokes, “What were you doing this time?”
She fixed her hair and attire before picking up her phone to set it someplace else, “I was getting the tree and turns out,” The phone was sat down onto the coffee table but tilted slightly up to show the tree, “It can fight back so...”
She showed her hand that had a slightly bleeding scar on her palm, “Now I understand my dad having to wear gloves every time he does this crap.”
“Doesn’t look too bad.” Leon commented as she stood up and began first putting the ornaments onto the new Christmas tree, “It’s a nice tree anyway.”
“I know right?” Her voice was a bit distant but still coherent, having to be a little far to work on the tree, “There was this guy down in the neighbourhood – Brad – he was growing like three of them in his backyard and offered me one in return I get him medicine from Green Life.”
“Well, isn’t that a very non-suspicious agreement.”
She laughed then shook her head, “I know what it sounds like but it’s for his daughter. She’s chair-bound and the medicine she needs is hard to find.”
She took a step back from the tree and went to add the tinsels, “I told him I’ll talk to my parents about it. He needs it by the end of this year because that’s when her prescription finishes.”
“As long as that story is true.” He feigned a suspicious look and she giggled.
“Gee, you think so?” She played along, pretending to be afraid, as she walked off view again, “Would I find my name on the black market?”
“Depends if you have access to said market.” Leon subtly winked at her, finishing the last sip of his tea.
He heard her laugh then she returned with a step-stool, setting it down next to her finished Christmas tree – only missing the final touch.
He watched her bring the golden star and climb up the step-stool, still a bit short to reach the tip of the tree, “Need a hand, elf?”
She glared at him playfully from her position before attempting again by standing on her tippy toes, groaning audibly when she still couldn’t read the top.
“Thank God Minji and Jaehyun got all of my dad’s height.” She snapped sarcastically and stepped down, enticing a laugh out of him as he leaned onto his hand, elbow propped up onto the counter.
“Don’t feel too bad.” He cooed as she knelt down in front of the camera with a pout, “You’re cute-sized.”
Her cheeks blazed up as she stammered, “Shut up.”
Her eyes darted around to both avoid his and think of a solution for the tree then she snapped her fingers, “Wait, I got it!”
He chuckled and she stood, running off too excitedly about her new plan. He got curious and waited.
“The things you make me feel...” Leon muttered with a sigh and slightly red ears.
Since last night’s incident of her fainting on him, he never felt such a fight-or-flight response kick in so fast before. The moment she had hit the floor, his heart leapt to his throat as he rushed towards her form.
Trying to get her awake and keep her alive felt so foreign yet so fluent. He had saved thousands of people before, running and leading so much so that he knew he wouldn’t be surprised if it ever came to save her.
Boy, oh, boy, was he wrong because that kind of concern and fear he had felt was nearly as close to his first day in Raccoon City – and that’s a big nearly.
The emotional connection between them was clearly a lot stronger than before since that night; waking up from a nightmare to see a dreamy in front of him was more than enough to ever convince him that he wanted her – that he’d protect her no matter what.
Her embrace made him feel such at peace, falling back to a nightmare-less sleep was a miracle to him. Pieces of the hellhole still lingered in fragments, but it was a lot less than before.
And from just seeing her via video call this day, chatting and talking as if he was right in front of her; he has a hunch she was feeling the same way.
“I got heels!” So Ah jumped back into the frame, wearing three-inch heeled boots, “If this doesn’t work, then I guess no classic star on the tree.”
He didn’t even know what to say; having his thoughts overridden for the first time by her existence; just what the fuck?
Leon blinked as she climbed up the step-stool carefully with her heels adding to her height and surprisingly enough; her plan worked flawlessly.
“Yes!” So Ah cheered, having placed the star at the top and she went down.
“Good job, sweetheart.” He grinned which was mimicking hers as she took off her boots and skipped towards the phone.
“As always, my plans are top-tier.” She said with pretend pride, brushing her hair off of her shoulder.
“And where did all your new height go?” He mocked playfully to which she huffed.
“You’re a dick.” She smiled nonetheless before looking back at her tree, “Wait, I forgot one more thing.”
“And that is?” He trailed away questioningly, intrigued by what tricks she has up her sleeves this time.
“You’ll see.” She seemed excited in a giddy way then ran off to her beautifully decorated tree and bent down to the plug in the Christmas lights.
“Are you ready?” Her voice piped up as she turned off the living room’s lights, leaving only the kitchen one dimly on.
“Whenever you are, sweetheart.”
With a flick of a switch, the Christmas tree lit up brightly and filled the room with its heavenly golden colour as it would blink here and there. So Ah kept her eyes on the tree as she went slowly back to sit next to her phone, clearly in awe – and he wouldn’t blame her; it was a pretty fucking sight to see.
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Smell of the sea
Pairing: Yandere!c!Foolish x Fem!SeaNymph!Reader
Type: Romantic (Foolish is yandere), oneshot.
Warnings: Yandere, swearing, injury, threats, possessiveness, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Foolish is hosting you in his summer house. You spent there almost a month having a great time, but you want to have some space.
My first yandere fic.
She was sitting at comfortable couch in big terrace and admiring view. Sun was kissing her skin and wind blowing away the hot. Specific smell of salt has reached her nose. Sky was light blue without any clouds and silence filled scream of gulls.
Foolish's summer home was like paradise on Smp. Great weather, sea nearbay, peacefuly area and god's companion were making this place like heaven. Y/N reached out for an apple. In front of couch was standing small table with bowl full of a lot of fresh fruits; everything was here.
"Good morning my goddess." After hearing that, she felt a gentle kiss pressed to top of her head. Foolish took a deep breath and sat on couch with wide smile.
He was wearing ancient, light green robe with open torso, his skin was shinning in the sun. In common days like this, he prefered to be in human form, shifting into shark one with grey skin and fines only, when they wanted to swim together. She has never seen him in full divine form, only when he decided to change height.
"Good morning Foolish." She replied and blushed immediately.
"You are awake early today." He said moving his eyes on her.
"Yes... I just couldn't sleep." Y/N sighted slighty.
"What happend?" His was worrying about her after hearing the news.
"Nothing excatly." She shrugged.
Foolish sent her soft smile and grabbed her hand gently. He pressed another kiss, but on her fingers. At the very beginning true god was really careful towards her, treat her like godess, treasure. Y/N started to notice that this week. Of course she met some of the others Smp members, but he was the sweetest. She was a little shy, but after spending with him a lot of time, Y/N get used to his behaviour.
"If you wish, you can go back to the sleep. I don't mind." Foolish said softly locking his green, emerald eyes on her figure.
"I wouldn't fall asleep... I might go into a walk."
"Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked carefuly.
Y/N nodded and smiled to him. They both stood up and Foolish offered her arm, she grabbed it gently, than they left the terrace. Summer home, but in fact Temple of Undying was unbelivable big. It had living parts, sacral places, big outside field, a lot of aesthetic pools filled with fishes, turtles and water lilies. There were also small places filled with grass, trees and flowers. After everything Summer Home was in the desert, reaching the sea. Of course they had Nether portal, very big one outside, but they had visitors hardly ever. Even Foolish admited, that before her hosting, he didn't have a lot of guests, usually spending time alone.
During a walk they remained silence, enjoying each other presence, walking through the buildings and squares. Blooming trees filled whole place with pleasure, flower smell. Y/N relaxed and again felt somnolence coming. Foolish noticed that and lead her to private chambers.
"Get a little bit sleep, I really don't mind." He smiled gently.
"You have right, I shloud probably be awake in afternoon, maybe earlier." She agreed and sighed. Foolish nodded to her, when she entered her chambers.
He walked away, getting lost in his own thoughts. Usually they didn't have plans about spending day or schedule. Most time they were resting, talking or swimming. Y/N liked to listen his stories or plans about new adding new buildings to the Temple.
Unfortunately, Y/N woke up only for supper and she had a little talk with Foolish, but then she went again to sleep, couldn't tell why this happend. After a quick bath, she crawled on her bed, almost immediately falling deep asleep.
Truly god didn't need a lot of resting or sleep, so Foolish was mostly awake and full of energy during nights. Today was like always. He wandered around, but finally ended up at Y/N chamber's door. Hesitation appeard on his face, he was worried that, because of previous sleeping, she could have light one now. After a few minutes he decided and quietly opened door. His steps were noiseless. Chamber was very big, with main part, bedroom, bathroom, terrace and wardrobe. Today the moon was shinning brightly, showing cleary whole area. Y/N was peacefuly sleeping in big, canopy bed. Silk counerpane was gently covering her figure. Foolish liked to watch her lot. Even when she was thinking, she was alone, he probably was watching her carefuly from distance, especially when she was wandering around in Temple. He just couldn't take his eyes off when Y/N was gracefully walking by the isles, watching trees and flowers completly diffrent than plants in the sea. But when she was sleeping, she looked so innocent and sweet, that he could stare for ages. He stayed in shadows for some minutes, but then got closer and sat at the end of the bed. Gentle smell of the sea salt hit his nose. He took deep, quiet breath, he loved it. There was some time when they cuddle or hugged themselfes, but for him it was always not enough. After all this time spent together, he started to think how keep Y/N around and safe. Although, she didn't mention any plans for leaving, he got cold shiver in his spine each time he thought of parting.
Night has passed and Y/N woke up before noon. She actually felt better and rested. After making a morning routine and eat light breakfast, she started to search Foolish, well Temple was so big, so Y/N gave up in third pool. In this area, water was surrounded by trees and grass. She took off her sandals and enter the shallowest part of the pool, warm water reached her cubes. Pleased smile crawled at her lips, she closed her eyes and enjoy the silence.
Of course he was watching from the distance, partly covered by big, sandstone column. Today was really hot, he was temped to stay in the water whole day. He was wearing the light robe again, with open torso. Foolish hoped that today he will be able to swim with Y/N or spend time in library, where was pretty cold.
Y/N heard silent footsteps and looked around. Foolish was coming, she sent him soft smile, at least he found her.
"Feeling better today my dear?" He asked and came closer.
"Yes, I think, I needed this long sleep."
Foolish also took his sandals and stepped into a water, it was cold, but in the same time nice.
"I am glad then. I don't want to see any sadness on your beautiful face." His smile widened, then he hugged her tightly and put hands on her waist.
She lean head on his chest, he was warm and smell like sand or desert. Y/N could say, that there she felt safe and with Foolish she felt cherished and somehow... loved? She fast chased away that thought and focused on peace and silent of this moment.
"We can go swimming if you want." His whisper hit softly her ear.
Y/N giggled slighty, moved herself that she could looked at him. "Actually... I thought about maybe visit other members of Smp?"
Foolish looked at her with surprise and cold shiver went down at his spine.
"Oh... I didn't expect that... you want to visit someone specifically?" His tone was a little bit unsure.
"I thought about Philza maybe, we didn't see him a lot? But if you don't want to go, I can go alone, it doesn't take a lot of time." She said and smiled innocently.
Shark god looked deep into her eyes, couldn't decide. For some reasons he didn't want to see Philza today and prefer to stay in summer home with Y/N, but in another side, he just didn't want to let her go alone.
"Well I have to do some stuff here too." He said slowly.
"So I will be in the home before supper." She clapped her hands in joy. Foolish slighty nodded and smiled. Maybe a little trip will be good for her? And he will set up some things...
Y/N always liked Philza's company, he visited desert several times and she always enjoy his pressence and stories, which he was telling. Similar to other old beings he lived enough long to see and exeperience a lot. This time wasn't diffrent Y/N was invited inside and he got her cup of tea. They sat in the kitchen and talked about common things. Technoblade was on the adventure with Ranboo, so they had peaceful time full of laughs and giggles.
Foolish thought it would be easy, but since Y/N left for visiting Philza he was very distracted. Uninvited thoughts filled his head and strange feeling in his stomach. He tried to build, read and walk, nothing helped. Knowing Phil they would sit and talk but... what if there will be somethin else? Or what if Y/N won't come back? Shark god sighed, being worry about her and being worry that she won't come back have been mixed together. This was one of his biggest fear. Since she have stepped in his life, he didn't wnat to be alone anymore. After a hour more struggling he gave up.
Phil was about to escorted Y/N, till she will reach the desert, but in the end of his yard stood Foolish in more appropriate clothing than ancient robes. He sent them soft smile. Sun was getting down, throwing longer shadows. Phil nodded to him.
"Hi mate."
"Foolish what a surprise!" Y/N said and smiled back to him.
"Well I think, that I needed also longer walk." He said and gave her hand. She grabbed it gently and blushed slighty. Phil glanced at them and smirked.
"Thank you for the visit, I hope we will meet again sooner."
"I think next time you can actually visit us." Y/N said and looked at Foolish.
"Yes, of course. Technoblade and Ranboo ale welcomed too of course." Shark god nodded and smiled proudly.
"See you then, I wish you safe trip back."
They both waved to him and left property value. Foolish squeezed her hand gently and smiled to her, his worries disappered immediately.
"How was the visit?"
"Phil like Phil was telling me stories and gave me couple cups of tea. Technoblade and Ranboo were on adventure, so we were alone."
"Wanna eat something in home or go immediately sleep?" He asked softly.
"Honestly I want to eat something, also I like suppers with you, because we are always talking." She admitted with unsure tone.
"I am glad to hear that." Foolish looked directly into her eyes. "And I am glad that you are back. I am so used to your pressence..."
She reciprocated glance and blushed a little bit more. They spent rest way back in silence. Maybe words wasn't needed there?
They both sat at the long table in terrace, stars showed up in the sky, moon again was shinning brightly. A lot of dishes were on the table, Foolish held glass full of ambrosia, when Y/N was eating some fruits. They changed clothes, because even at night, there still were hot.
"Maybe in next week we can visit Tommy and Tubbo? Then we shloud definitely meet Kinoko Kingdom, since you have helped them with buildings and of course guest Phil, Technoblade and Ranboo as we promised!" Y/N said with excitement in her voice.
Foolish again felt this starange feeling in the stomach but hid it with soft smile. Since when she wanted to do so much visits and meetings?
"Of course my dear... " He agree little unsure.
"You know... I just think we shloud more meet with Smp members." She stated while was looking at him.
"So I now am not enough?" He asked playfuly, ignoring cold shiver at his spine.
"Well, it's not the case... I am just missing others company a little bit, but I very enjoy your pressence Foolish. Here... is like paradise, you know?" Y/N said and looked down, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.
Demi god smirked and took a small sip. "I am glad, that I am 'enough'. You brought a lot of joy and happiness into this place."
He looked directly at her and took another sip. She looked lovely with red cheeks and shy smile on her lips. Foolish got completly lost in her beauty, that she spotted, that he was looking at her.
"You are staring at me."
"I am not staring my goddess. I am admiring, that is diffrence."
Y/N shook her head with disbelief and tried to focus on her dish, but it was difficult under Foolish'es burning gaze. After eating, they stood under railing, looking at peacefuly ocean. Sounds of small waved crashin the coast was very calm. She slowly put her head on his shoulder, when was watching the horizon. He smiled softly and put hand on her's hip gently.
"Comfortably?" His whisper hit her ear and eyes caught her's. Y/N nodded in response.
"Good." Foolish said with satisfied tone. He waited couple of minutes, then took his chance and tickled her unexpected.
Y/N literally just jumped away from him, then crossed arms. "What was that?!" She asked with betrayed tone.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist." He smirked and get closer, but Y/N kept moving away at his each step. Finally her back touched the railing, Foolish put his hand on it.
"Nowhere to run?"
"Unfortunately..." Y/N whispered slowly.
He leaned in and grabbed by second hand her chin. Their eyes met again, she smiled innocently.
"There is no escape from me my sweetheart."
After this words he pressed their lips together in slow kiss, Y/N put her arms around his neck, Foolish'es hand from railing embraced her waist. There was silence, they get lost in the kiss, clearly waited for this for so long. When they pulled away, their breaths were sharp and heavy.
"I would never want to escape." She whispered softly, causing him to smile.
After a few days full of love affection, kisses, cuddles and words Foolish wanted to give Y/N special gift. It spent some time to prepare it. This day he woke up first and set up breakfast, wanted to enjoy this moment fully. When everything was ready he put casket on the table and sat, waiting for her impatiently. His robe was decorated by gold and stones, white silk was shinning slighty in sun.
Finally Y/N went through the door, today they ate on big hall full of windows, sunlight was going through them. She was wearing blue like sky dress type robe, her hair was falling softly at her back. Foolish smiled to her and stood up. They hug each other gently.
"How was your sleep love?" He asked softly.
"Pretty good and yours?"
"I was dreaming about you." Foolish admited and kissed her forehead. She giggled and blushed slighty.
"Sweet talker." Y/N said and sat at the table. He followed her steps, then they started to eat. Silence was filled by sounds of cutlery and glasses. Again he was staring at her while drinking ambrosia.
"I have something for you." Foolish finally said and pick up casket.
Y/N rose her left eyebrow with curiosity. What it could be? She appreciated all gifts which he go her, but didn't want to bother with some stupid whims.
"It's sweet of you, but you know that you don't need to spoil me so much? I already live here for free, have everything and don't need to worry about anything." She admitted slowly.
"I want to spoil you a little my goddess. Just a little." He stood up and moved closer to her, then opened the box. Inside were a set of golden jewelry with gems such as: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. There were two pair of bracelets, necklace and tiara.
Y/N made big eyes. "I can't take it... it's too much..." She said quietly.
"I will be so happy when you will wear it. I promise." Foolish said softly, taking them out the box.
She sighed, but nodded to him, allowed to help her with it. They took off old one and put new one. "How do I look?" Y/N asked watching her new jewelry.
"Now like mine goddess." Foolish said with satisfied tone and their eyes met. He kissed her cheek and she giggled softly.
"Thank you..." She looked down shyly. "Did you make it?"
"Oh yes... I had some spare gems and you know how I love gold. I just wanted... you know. Give you something. You're making me happy."
"It's beautiful, I love each part of it and I love you." Y/N whispered.
"I love you too my love." Foolish responeded and kissed her lovingly.
Unfortunately Y/N couldn't visit rest of Smp members this days, because she started to feel bad. She assumed, that she stayed too long on the sun and didn't drink enough. Foolish agreed with that and added, that maybe more swimming or baths could help. Of course she shloudn't go to cold tundra, her state could get worse and that was the last thing they wanted. Y/N spent almost whole days in her chamber or library, because there were cold and quiet.
Foolish closed carefuly door, his love just went to sleep, although early time. Afternoon just passed, but she was too sleepy and drain out of energy already. He didn't say a word, just took her and put her in the bed. Shark god went into his personal chambers and looked at alchemical area. There were still remains of his newest project, he smiled a little, couldn't belive that this could actually work so well.
At the beginning he belived that Y/N is his destiny. She was perfect, she could be a goddess and he wanted to make her one, his goddess actually. It would take time, yes, but it will be worth. They were perfect match, Sea Nymph and Shark God, what a pair and she even fell in love with him... day of their first kiss was the happiest day of his immortal life.
But thing was that Foolish enjoyed their time spent together, alone in the temple, but Y/N was sociable person, she loved meetings, visits, trips and parties. Of course he liked rest of the Smp members... but Y/N was a person, he desired the most. What if someone will involve her in war or conflict? He couldn't let that happen. This land saw enough blood od innocents and fights. Y/N needed to be safe.
Foolish looked at empty alchemist bootles. It took almost a week to saturate gold potion of weakness. Dose was harmless, just caused person which wad wearing the jewelry feel weak and sleepy. That shloud be enough, to make Y/N stay in the temple with him. Of course he couldn't make it last forever, buy for now it have to be enough. Maybe after some time she will lost interest in meetings or visits and understand that Foolish is the only person, she needs. If not... well he knew how to saturate gold with potions effects. And there were two pairs of bracalets and tiara left.
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lxngbottom · 3 years
More mute fic pls omg
Mute | N.L (Part 2)
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in which the reader doesn’t talk, and neville is still trying to change that.
warnings: some angst, bullying, swearing (let me know if there are more!)
word count: 2,877
i wasn’t planning on making a part 2 to this but you ask i deliver!! but, maybe a part 3 as well if i feel like the story isn’t finished!
since that day in the library, neville longbottom could not seem to get y/n off of his mind. she ran through it like a marathon, but neville enjoyed every second of it. he couldn’t seem to forget the little giggle that left your lips on that day, or the way you uttered that “goodnight” to him.
he came to visit her quite a few times in the library after that. he wouldn’t go everyday unlike her, due to the fact he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. he liked spending time with you, even if the conversations were one sided. but, he couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room...
she still had yet to say anything else.
so when today came, he was prepared to get some progress. he felt some sort of guilt due to the fact he would never want to make her feel like you were some sort of experiment to him, or to anyone else. he just hated seeing her so lonely.
the great hall rung out with the sound of chattering and gossip as breakfast continued. neville found himself searching for y/n, as she hadn’t shown up yet. but, when she finally walked in with two books grasped into her hand, a bright smile formed onto the boy’s face.
“what are you so cheery about, longbottom?” seamus asked with a raised eyebrow. but it didn’t take him long to realize what his herbology loving friend was so happy about. because he looked over at where neville was staring, and he connected the dots. “merlin’s beard... you fancy mute!”
dean and him chuckled at the thought,
“what?! no i don’t! and... don’t call her that.” neville clapped back, finally ripping his eyes away from y/n.
“oh, it’s alright, longbottom. we’re just messing with you. but seriously, if you fancy her, why don’t you ask her out?” dean asked, hitting seamus on the shoulder.
neville shrugged, “she won’t talk.”
seamus rolled his eyes, “well, no shit.”
the three boys looked over at her, and her nose was dug into the same herbology book she had checked out a week ago. the look on her face would confirm that she seemed content with how the day was going so far.
but, of course, the slytherins had to change that.
as y/n was reading up on the finer details of a water plant, she felt something hit the back of her head. neville quickly looked over, and saw malfoy and his goons laughing like a pack of wild dogs. he looked over to y/n once more, and saw her staring at the piece of toast that had settled on landing on the floor.
she sighed, but decided to ignore it.
“hey, mute!” malfoy called out for her, another piece of toast in hand. y/n looked behind her, locking eyes with the white haired boy. “think fast!”
he threw another piece, this time right on her face. and sure enough, it was covered in butter and jam. it hit right on her cheek, and it stuck for a moment before sliding off onto her jumper.
for once, the expression on her face leaked pure anger. she whipped her head around once more, and her mouth fell open for one single moment to speak. it seemed as if the whole slytherin table went quiet for a moment, just waiting for her to say something. anything.
neville as well sat, staring intently at her. he just wanted to her stand up for herself, at least once.
but, as the words attempted to crawl their way out of her, they went right back down. she couldn’t muster up the strength to say anything,
“got something to say, mute?” draco teased, flashing a grin at her, “oh, wait. i forgot. you can’t talk!”
his friends all chuckled at malfoy’s stupid joke, and y/n simply collected her things, and dashed out of the great hall.
neville sighed, his fist clenched from aggravation.
“maybe... some speech therapy would work?” dean suggested suddenly, and neville shook his head.
care for magical creatures was never something that neville found interesting, but he enjoyed walking out into nature with his friends, hearing hagrid ramble on about dragons and how there living environments are.
“this ere’ creature is a classic, but an ol’ favorite of mine. i’m sure yer’ all familiar with it,” hagrid spoke excitedly, walking over to a random tree bush.
all of the students watched intently as he bent down, and grabbed the unknown creature from the bush. y/n seemed just as intrigued as anyone else did. and neville couldn’t help but smile at the way you got on your tippy toes to see what creature hagrid had in store for everyone today.
“he’s er’ a bit hungry today. but, that’s why you all are ere’ i pose’,” hagrid explained, and finally, he pulled out the mystery creature hiding behind the bush. the students let out a mantra of “awww’s” as hagrid carried a niffler in his hand. he walked up closer to everyone, showing the creature off a little.
“nifflers don’t really ever bite. unless, of course’, you makin’ him angry!”
y/n stared at the creature intently, and focused on writing down the physical details. what color it was, what shape it was. she would never admit it, but she absolutely loved care for magical creatures. it was one of her favorite classes, as she loved learning about the cutest creatures and how they lived their lives.
“he’s cute, isn’t he?” y/n heard from right beside her. she looked over and saw neville longbottom, smiling lightly at her. “were we supposed to take notes? oh dear...”
y/n quickly shook her head at his worry, and closed her notebook. she could do research on nifflers at some other time.
neville and y/n stood beside each other, listening to hagrid’s lesson. neville would glance over at her, just to remind himself of how she looked. her face was morphed into a focused one, and she bit the inside of her lip. he couldn’t help to notice her side profile, and how perfectly constructed the girl seemed to be.
“right’, who wants to feed him?” hagrid asked the large group of students, and all of them automatically shot their hands up in the air, wanting nothing more to pet the niffler.
y/n wanted to, she wanted to do bad, but, she couldn’t raise her hand. she didn’t have the courage to. neville noticed that it was killing her to not be one of the kids to raise their hand, and he could tell that she genuinely wanted to feed the niffler.
hagrid skimmed through the students, pondering on who he should pick. but out of all of the students, he noticed one who didn’t in fact have her hand raised. but, looked quite interested.
“miss y/l/n, is it? come on ver’ ere’!”
y/n’s eyes widened, and everyone looked at her. they all huffed and rolled their eyes as she slowly approached hagrid. neville of course, had the goofiest smile laid upon his round face. he was happy that she got picked, even if she didn’t raise her hand for it.
“ere’, hold him for just one moment,” hagrid requested, passing the niffler over to y/n. when she obtained it, she smiled softly.
the niffler seemed to take notice to the girl’s feature, and he nibbled at the ends of her hair as hagrid grabbed the food. “aye! what i’d tell ye’ about nibblin’ on young ladies hair?! it’s not nice!”
y/n giggled at hagrid’s “parenting”, and pet the niffler on the top of the head. some students seemed to be shocked that she let out a small laugh such as that one, but neville was in bliss.
“right’, jus’ take a piece...” hagird began, reaching into the bag of food, “and just put it by its beak!”
hagrid did so, and the niffler almost chomped on his fingers from how hungry he was. hagrid let out a chuckle, as well as y/n as the hungry niffler chewed on its food. “yer’ turn, miss?”
and y/n repeated the same thing. she smiled as the niffler made small noises, and reached for more food. “one more!” hagrid barked, and popped the piece of food right into it’s mouth.
hagrid began to explain the finer details of nifflers, and what they really were. y/n held the niffler patiently, playing with it a little as hagrid kept on with today’s lesson.
“see, somethin’ else they love is for a wizard er’ witch to speak to em’. they can be quite the talkative creature,”
y/n’s eyes went wide from the giant’s statement, and she started to hope & pray that hagrid’s next choice of words weren’t going to be what she thought they might be.
but, her hopes were faltered;
“go on! tell em’ yer’ name!”
neville stared, knowing what was probably coming next. he could tell from the drop in her face that she was anxious,
“don’t be scared, now! go on!”
y/n looked the niffler in the eyes, and it looked like it was waiting, just like everyone else was. she needed to say something, just anything.
“um...” she muttered, and some of the student’s jaws dropped from just hearing that.
“she can’t talk!” a voice rung out through the trees, and y/n looked over to see pansy parkinson smirking with malfoy. “yeah, she doesn’t know how to speak!” draco added, him and his friends giggling.
other students began to join in on laughing, and yelling about how quiet she was, even some calling her by her infamous nickname... mute.
y/n looked away, and quickly put the niffler back into hagrid’s arms. she stormed over to her things, and collected them quickly.
“where are you going?” neville whispered over to her, trying his best to make her stay. “these people don’t matter, y/n. just stay.”
she looked up at him, and his heart shattered from what he saw. tears filled her eyes, and her lip quivered. she threw her bag over her shoulder, grabbed her textbook, and ran away from the large group of students.
the students laughed at her as she did so, and more vile things about her left the mouths of draco and his friends.
“aye!” hagrid yelled, and the students fell silent. “ten house points takin away from all of ya’s’! we never treat our fellow students like that!”
the students groaned and attempted to protest, but hagrid simply wasn’t having any of it.
“class dismissed! and i’ll be sure’ to let all ye’s heads know bout’ the way yer’ all acted today!”
as students collected their things and left in small groups, chatter of y/n escaped their lips, and not in a very kind way, either.
“ten house points from all of us?! this has got to be some kind of sick joke!” seamus complained, “we didn’t even say anything about the girl!”
neville scoffed and rolled his eyes, “but, you laughed. that’s the issue.”
seamus furrowed his eyebrows, “don’t tell me you’re angry at me because i laughed? if something is funny, i laugh! i’m allowed to laugh, longbottom!”
neville didn’t have time to argue with seamus, he needed to go and find y/n. just to make sure she was alright.
tears fell quickly from her face, hitting the book pages as she tried to read. she sniffled, trying to get them to go away.
after her embarrassment, y/n had escaped to the library. where she was sure she would be safe, but was proven wrong when students from that same class found her, and began to harass her, and threaten her due to the fact everyone had lost points for their house.
y/n sat alone, like always. crying to herself, wondering what was wrong with her. why couldn’t she just speak? why couldn’t she be like everyone else and have a normal conversation with others? what was she so weird?
as her thoughts took over her, she didn’t notice neville longbottom approaching the same table they both shared. he frowned when he heard the small cries leave her lips,
the soft voice made y/n look up, and she quickly wiped her tears away. he pulled out the same chair he had been sitting in for the past two weeks, and sat down slowly.
“are you alright? i’ve been looking for you for the past hour,” he stated, a flash of worry showing in his eyes. “i should’ve known that you’d be here. but, you know me... i forget almost everything.”
as neville made his way to the library, he thought about every way possible to get y/n to speak. and the constant rambling and questions obviously weren’t working, so maybe, instead of forcing to her to speak, maybe he could try to relate to her. make her feel comfortable and safe enough to talk around him.
“you know... malfoy has always given me a hard time, too. him and all of his friends. they’re really mean.” he informed her, still looking into her eyes. “but, one day, i finally stood up for myself. and, they haven’t necessarily... left me alone or anything, but they’re a bit less cruel, you know?”
y/n simply just stared at him blankly, having only a small hint at what he was talking about. “he used to throw toast at me during breakfast. it was immature, but... it still hurt me feelings.”
y/n didn’t know that malfoy treated her the same way he had always treated neville. she felt bad for him, as she knew exactly how it felt to be a victim of malfoy’s torture.
“but, when i stood up to him... merlin, i’ll never forget it. i felt like i could... spit fire or something! it was honestly one of the greatest feelings that i’ve ever had! i felt unstoppable!”
neville was waving his hands, going on this small tangent about when he stood up to malfoy. y/n admired his courage, and the way he talked to excitedly about it.
“all i’m saying is... is that maybe, one day, you should stick up for yourself. i would do it for you... but i don’t think that it would make it any better for you or for me. so... just maybe—“
he was cut off by how quickly she was shaking her head,
“you don’t have to do it today, or tomorrow, or even next week! just, at some point, you know? i promise you’ll feel better if you do it!”
but, she shook her head once more. neville sighed, already feeling defeated.
there was a few moments of silence before neville spoke up once more:
“why don’t you speak, y/n?”
y/n frowned, the question that she hated the most being asked.
“doesn’t anyone ever ask you why? or, you know... try to get to know you at least?”
she shook her head sadly, and her eyes wandered back onto the page of her book,
“well... i really like hanging out with you. and, i want to know all of your interests and stuff. you seem really cool, and... i want to get to know you better.”
y/n thought for a moment, her instincts taking over her. normally when someone said things like this, she would rush out of the room, not even giving them a chance to say further more. but, neville was different. he didn’t seem to have any bad intentions, he just seemed... intrigued.
neville thought for a moment that his ears were deceiving him, but when he looked over at y/n once more, he figured out that she was waiting for a response.
it took him a moment to collect his thoughts before he answered, “uh, well... i know how it feels to be the quiet kid. and, most of the time... i’m alone. i just don’t like seeing—others alone, i suppose. it hurts me.”
y/n looked up at him, “but... you have friends.”
neville felt giddy on the inside. finally, he had got her to say more that one single word. even though it wasn’t under the best circumstances, neville was proud of her.
“well, yeah. but... they have friends as well. and, we don’t really share the same interests. in fact, my friends laugh when i talk about herbology. they’re great and all, but... i don’t know. i just wish i had someone to talk to about things like that.”
there was a few more beats of silence, and neville really hoped that he hadn’t said something that made her shut down again.
“um...” she started, “i—i like herbology.”
the small sadness that had taken over neville instantly faded, and he smiled at the girl’s words.
she smiled at him, her problems seemingly leaving her body. she nodded her head, “and... care for magical creatures.”
neville could practically feel his heart about to burst from his chest.
“that’s... nice. i’ve never been much into it, but, i would love to know more about it.”
to everyone else in hogwarts, y/n was known as mute. she never spoke, and when she did, it was only a single word. but neville, he saw so much more than that. he saw a girl with a great personality, a beautiful mind.
and, he couldn’t wait to get to know her.
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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harry potter x fem!reader
warnings: ⚠️tw⚠️ suicide, substance abuse, blood, suicidal thoughts, alcohol, depression, anxiety, breakdowns, kissing, overall pure angst with a fluffy ending.
currently unedited please excuse grammatical mistakes
summary: A summer changes the girl harry potter fell in love with, leaving her with more pain than she’d ever admit.
a/n: there are many things in here that may be triggering, please consider the warnings before reading.
word count: 6k (writing this really helped get my feelings out)
taglist: @oldschoolkiddo
please message me to be added to my taglist
enjoy <3
Rushing down the Hogwarts halls, bags slung over your shoulder and sun shining through the windows, you scour the crowds of students leaving Hogwarts for summer vacation, trying to pick a familiar brunette with green eyes.
Rounding the corner, you spot three gryffindors chatting by a stone pillar and run towards them, crashing into one of the boy’s backs.
“Guess who?” You giggle, feeling Harry’s chest vibrate as he chuckles.
“Hm, I don’t know, is it Hagrid?” He teases, running his chin as Hermione grins. “Nope.” You laugh, popping the ‘p’
“Is it Dumbledore?” Harry tries again, placing his hand over yours and stroking his thumb over your fingers. “Afraid not lightning.”
“Well then, perhaps is it y/n?” Harry turns, wrapping you in his arms as you laugh and hug him back.
“Are you guys ready for summer?” You ask, glancing around at Hermione and Ron before glancing back at Harry.
They all bore similar expressions, small smiles with a ‘maybe’ face. You roll your eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re off to save the world over summer too.” You sigh, releasing yourself from Harry’s arms and walking to Ron to give him a hug.
“We won’t get in too much trouble.” Ron chuckles, patting you on the back and letting you walk over to Hermione.
“We just never know at this point.” She shrugs, squeezing you tightly.
“Well I’ll meet you guys on the train!” You smile.
The ride back to your platform was as it always was, the trees whipped by and swayed. The sky was lined with puffy white clouds. The snack trolley passed and you bought yourself a chocolate frog and some ‘every flavour’ beans to share with your mom when you got home, a tradition as they were her favourite, and because she needed a little happiness with you off at school and your father gone.
Sitting back and sighing. The golden trio finally arrived at your cabin and told you about their summer plans. Hermione was travelling, Ron was staying home and Harry was staying with the Dursley’s until he could ‘find a reason to escape to the Weasley’s’ as he put it.
The train arrives at your stop and you grab your bags to leave.
“Write to me if you can, all of you, and I’ll see you next year.” You smile, walking back over to Harry and planting a quick kiss to his cheek, ruffling Ron’s hair and kissing Hermione’s forehead.
“Bye y/n!” Ron and Hermione chime.
“Bye thunder!” Harry calls as you turn again and wave. “Bye lightning, bye guys!” You smile, rushing off to the train.
“So you finally told her?” Ron chuckles, patting Harry on the back.
“What are you talking about?” Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows.
“We know you like her mate, and she just kissed you on the cheek!” Ron continues.
“W-Well maybe I do fancy her, but she gave Mione a kiss too!” Harry stammers, his face going as red as his uniform.
“That was platonic Harry, we can tell she likes you, lightning.” Hermione teases using your nickname for him.
“Listen, I don’t want to jump to conclusions and creep y/n out. She’s an amazing friend and I’d like it to stay that way.” Harry smiles, looking off into the distance to see you still walking away.
“Even if she does like you back?” Ron questions.
“Well you don’t know if she does.” Harry sighs, rolling his eyes.
Your eyes scan the station for your mother, swiveling your head back and forth to find her but only seeing other families being reunited with their children.
Pursing your lips you sigh and wait for a moment. Hoping and praying that this year would be different, and your mother would come running to you with open arms. Seconds fade to minutes, and soon the station is almost empty as excited parents rush home to hear about Hogwarts adventures.
You pull your luggage behind you as you walk to the front of the station and hail a muggle cab, leaning your head against the cool window as the pink skies shine above you, the driver makes no move for conversation, so your drive is silent, and when you finally reach your old house, you hand the man driving the rest of your muggle allowance and nod him goodbye.
Your house was looking as quiet and calm as you had left it.
The flowers you had planted last summer had wilted, the porch sat empty and the stairs still creaked as you approached the door. Home.
You smile as you turn your key in the lock and push open the door, setting your bags on the floor as you set out, candy in hand in search of your mother. The kitchen sat empty with only the soft hum of the refrigerator suggesting someone still lived here. The living room was empty, the old leather couch seemed to be collecting dust and the tv looked like an ancient artifact with the cobwebs strung on the sides. As you ascend the stairs to the second floor, you notice the blinds to every window suspiciously closed. Odd, your mother usually enjoyed watching the sunset.
The floorboards beneath you give high pitched creaks as you walk across the hallways, something you had always despised, especially as a child trying to sneak sweets in the early hours.
Pushing open your mothers bedroom, your eyebrows furrow as her bed laid neatly made, with not a thing out of place. The usual mess of pill bottles and plastic bottles had been cleaned, the pile of clothes had disappeared and she was still nowhere to be found. A sense of dread bubbles in the pit of your stomach as you push on, checking her closet and even your own room for your mom, but nothing.
You turn around with a plan to head to town and see if she was visiting the pharmacy for her pills again, or maybe the grocery store, heck, maybe she had stopped at the corner store for cigarettes again. You turn to shrug on a jacket and leave, but as you reach for the front door knob again, your head snaps up and your blood runs cold.
“No, no, no. Please no.” You repeat to yourself, running up the stairs with tears in your eyes and you approach the one room you had yet to check. The one place your head told you she was, but your heart refused to believe. There was no way it could be true. She’d be opening the door right now, the sound of keys clattering on the table in the kitchen would alert you she was there. She’d say, “I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up, work was awful today.” And she’d proceed to pull out her groceries so you could prepare your favourite meal together, after dinner you would sit on the couch and you’d tell her all about your school girl crush on Harry Potter and she’d tease you as she popped a jelly bean into her mouth and give you the best motherly advice you could ask for. You pause at the closed door and pause, waiting for the door to open, waiting for the sound of footsteps, even the sound of breathing, anything.
You’re met with silence, and in the exact two hundred and sixteen seconds you stood outside the bathroom door, tears began to cloud your vision as you finally opened the door, counting another ten seconds before opening your eyes.
The first thing you saw was your mother, eyes closed and face unusually pale as she lay in the bathtub, and for a moment, you almost convinced yourself she had fallen asleep.
That is until your eyes trailed down her body, and where the water turned red. You drop the jellybeans and everything goes blurry.
“No…” You whimper incredulously, not realizing you had fallen to your knees until the pain in your legs registered and your eyes flooded. Her skin was littered with scars, ones she obtained from her job, harmless ones that healed with time. Beside them were what you cried for. Large, angry gashes that covered her wrists and stole the life from her.
Your face contorts into a hateful cry as you scream, pain flooding your entire being as the metallic sting of blood floods your nose and you gag.
Words seem to blur together, a mixture of ‘why’ and ‘come back, please.’ Seemed to be the only ones that came out coherently as you collapse and slam your fists repeatedly against the floor.
“Mommy, why did you do this? Why did you leave me?” You sob softly, hesitantly touching her face, ice cold to the touch, a quick check of her pulse showed she was gone, but you could tell from the colour still draining from her face that this was recent. Another choked sob escapes your lips as you turn away from her and spot something sitting on the bathroom sink. A letter.
You scramble to grab it and tear it open.
Y/n, if you’re reading this, you’ve gotten home safely and seen me by now. Please know this isn’t your fault love, I just couldn’t bear this anymore. You know that ever since your father left I’ve struggled, you were the only reason I still wanted to stay alive baby, but it’s too much. Everyday I wake up and I have no reason to stay. I was fired not too long ago, lost all my friends to my absence, and lost everything.
Please forgive me. I love you so much, angel, and I’m so so proud of you, I’m resting now baby. I’m finally free.
The paper starts to crinkle as your hands tighten to fists, your tears spill like rivers down your face and your breathing grows rapid as your head falls into your hands.
“P-Please don’t go… You’re all I have, I-I can’t lose you.” You sob, pushing her hair back against her forehead in the soothing manner she had always done for you.
“Please, please, please. I can’t lose you mom… I-I still haven’t told you about this boy at school, t-the test I aced in potions even though professor Snape hates me, all the house points I got, mom there's still so much I have to tell you…” You sniffle, pressing a kiss to her head as you sit back on your heels and push the tears from your eyes to no avail.
“I got your-your every flavoured beans mom, I was hoping we could share them as I told you, maybe I would get an earwax one and you would laugh.” You stutter as the tears flood your eyes again. “I miss your laugh so much mom, please, can I hear it one more time.” You beg, refusing to move from your spot on the floor next to your mother, holding her head in your arms as you begged and prayed for her to come back, going as far as to try and perform magic to heal her wounds and bring her back.
But even magic couldn’t bring her back, and she’d want more for you than to be expelled for uselessly trying to save her.
Eventually the metallic scent became more than you could bear, you pushed yourself away, swallowing your sobs and closing the door behind you. You had no clue what you were going to do with her, but that would be a problem you’d face another day. Your breathing began to race, your heart pounded a million miles a second and the overwhelming feeling of being trapped settled around you, squeezing you into a box you could not escape from, pushing from all sides until you were clawing at yourself to escape your imagined prison.
It was too much. You run down the hallway to your mother’s room and collapse in front of her cabinet, trembling as you tug open the bottom drawer and grab a small cylindrical container with her name on it.
You knew this was a terrible idea, these were strong muggle painkillers meant to help a grown adult, not a teen.
But the looming dread was too much to ignore, too much to bear, too much to even think about. Your mother’s lifeless body flashed through your head, painfully embedding itself into every inch of your memory until it burned.
You pour an unknown amount into your hand and throw them into your mouth, swallowing them dry and collapsing onto the floor in a fit of anger at your actions and pain. Pain so blinding it swallowed your rage, filling your entire being with a convulsing sadness, and as the meds began to kick in, an artificial peace.
New sunlight shines through the closed blinds onto your closed eyes and you finally stir, sitting upright holding your head in your hands, clueless for a moment what you were doing on the floor. Scanning the room, the burning memory hits you like a punch to the face and you freeze, resisting the urge to empty whatever sat in your stomach onto the floor.
“What am i going to do?” You murmur to yourself, glancing around helplessly for something, someone to hold on too, but alas, you sit alone, clutching a pill bottle in your hands.
You eventually snapped to your senses, called a muggle ambulance to help you get your mother out of the tub and before you knew it, you were standing in a flowerless field as two workers lowered your mother into the ground. They offered you condolences and convincing frowns, but to them this was just another job. One more person laid to rest, no care to know what tragic story was buried in the heart of the one person standing at the funeral.
They left without a word you stood at the headstone, engraving the image into your mind.
‘m/n l/n, finally at peace.’
You convinced yourself reading those carved words would have your feelings set in stone. She was at peace now, finally free from her suffering. But it wasn’t that simple, how could it be?
The last family you had ever known was gone, ripped from your arms and held so far above you, there was no possible way you could reach her.
You trudged back home with a permanent feeling of dread looming over you, again your heart begged to have the pain lifted, even for a moment, just to feel alright. And there was only one way you could think of.
“This always helped take the edge off her…” You murmur, digging through your mother’s drawer again to find an untouched box of cigarettes sitting at the bottom.
“This will help…” You convince yourself, taking the box and standing again, slowly trudging out the front door and sitting on the front porch.
“Everything’s gonna be okay.” You murmur lifting a cigarette to your lips and lighting it like you’d seen your mother do many times before.
Inhaling deeply, you barely flinch as the smooth taste of smoke coats your throat. You exhale as you look up into the sky and sigh, it was going to be a long summer.
It almost became an immediate response for stress to pull a cigarette from your pocket and stick it in your mouth, you didn’t particularly enjoy it, but in a twisted way, the smell reminded you of your mother, and you clutched onto anything that reminded you of her.
When you didn’t have cigarettes you turned to alcohol, your mother hadn’t been much of a drinker, but gifts of different drinks were common when her friends came over were common, and they sat untouched in a cabinet in the basement.
The taste of many of them were bitter, but if you drank enough the taste simply didn’t matter and the buzz took over.
Letters from your friends slowly piled on your window as owls came and went as you threw back fire whiskey and stared into space talking to yourself and shooing away the owls who stared at you strangely before flapping away.
When you weren’t at home you went into the small town nearby and bought anything advertised to take the pain away, no one seemed to pay you any mind, many seemed to be going through it as well, to caught up in their own realities to give a shit about a girl buying sleep medication and painkillers, no matter how strong.
You dove deeper into your pain, taking something every night to lull away the nightmares and ignore the pain. Drinking and smoking in the day to cover the tears and help you forget for a couple hours.
Some days were better than others, when you could just sit outside and enjoy the fresh summer air, but others your anxiety caged you up and you did anything to escape.
One late August afternoon a snowy white owl lands beside you on your front porch as you twiddle your thumbs and hum softly.
It drops the letter directly onto your lap and waits staring up at you expectantly as if asking you to open the envelope and read it to them.
“Alright, I get the message.” You yawn, sitting up and ripping the paper off the top of the letter and pulling a piece of parchment into your hand.
You clear your throat and begin, “dear y/n..
I hope you’re doing well, you haven’t responded to any of my letters yet and I’ve been very worried, Ron and Hermione have told me you haven’t been answering them either and we’re all hoping you’re safe. School’s starting up again and I’m looking forward to seeing you, take care.
Harry Potter.”
The owl looks at you again, and you wondered if it actually thought you were going to respond.
“Sorry pal, I’m not writing anything back. Here, for your troubles.” You nod, placing three knuts in front of the bird. The snowy owl looked down at the money oddly before ruffling his feathers and flying away, leaving you alone once again.
“Harry.” You sigh, sipping on a glass of water. You had completely forgotten you had promised to write to your friends over the summer, almost forgotten your life completely as you tried to focus on keeping yourself alive.
“What the fuck am I going to do?” You sigh, setting down your cup and resting your head against your knees.
Summer blew by much faster once you realized how close the first day back really was, but there you were standing in the empty street hailing a cab to travel back to your station.
You pull your sweater closer to you as your leg shakes furiously and your breathing grows rapidly blowing through every possible bad scenario that crosses your mind. The disappointed faces of your old friends, laughter, teasing, each thought clouds your thoughts. A cold sweat breaks out and you can almost feel yourself slipping when a voice pulls you out.
“Um, miss? We’re here.” The cab driver says, glancing back at you worried.
“O-Oh, thank you.” You clear your throat, handing him his payment and stepping out of the car and grabbing your suitcase.
Taking a deep breath you wipe the sweat from your forehead and walk to the magical platform, bracing yourself as always before stepping through the brick border.
Loud and bustling, you quietly walk towards the Hogwarts Express, but instead of walking to your usual compartment where you knew the golden trio would be sitting you strode all the way down to the back of the train and sat in an empty seat.
Glancing around, you make sure the coast is clear before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, instantly feeling a rush of relief as you take a deep breath in and out.
You watched as the trees disappeared behind the window and the sky shone above, but it didn’t feel right. You didn’t get the usual rush of excitement and joy, in fact you almost felt worse the closer you got to Hogwarts. You close the blinds hurriedly and sit back in your seat.
“No I-I’m sure I saw her come this way.” A voice calls out not too far from you.
“Harry, We’ve been down this way three times already!”
“Fuck.” You whisper, pulling the hood of your sweater over your head and keeping your eyes trained on the floor.
“Mate we gotta get changed into our uniforms, we’ll see her at the feast.” Ron sighs, probably pulling Harry away as their voices fade away and you’re left alone again.
You curse yourself for hiding. Why were you hiding from the people you loved? What were you so afraid of?
The answer lay plain as day, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
You were afraid of them seeing you like this. Broken down, exhausted, and with a cigarette sticking past your lip.
That did remind you, your uniform.
Covering the compartment windows with your jacket, you quickly swap your hoodie for your collared shirt and a tie. Running a brush through your hair you menatlly prepare yourself to re-enter your life, a life that no longer seemed like yours. Stepping off the Hogwarts express, it felt like you were seeing your past life, a flash of familiarity you no longer knew, a warmth you could recognize that was no longer for you.
You recoil softly at the shiver running down your spine, but push forwards, walking along surrounded by the sea of students.
Reaching where the carriages usually were, you look up expecting the usual strangeness of being pulled by an invisible force, but stumble backwards at the sight of a dark, nightmarish horse standing before you.
It’s eyes seemed to narrow, glaring daggers at you that seemed to pierce your very soul. You quickly climb into a carriage with some random  students and stare out the windows the entire ride.
Their quiet chatter is drowned out by your thoughts, coming up with a way to avoid the golden trio at all cost seemed to be a top priority, followed by the need to down some firewhisky to get your mind off everything.
You kept repeating to yourself everything would be okay, just make it up the stairs, around the pillars, dodge anyone that seemed to be walking in your direction and hurry up to your dormitory. Collapsing into the bed that was now called yours you sigh and bunch the blankets into your fists and breathe properly for the first time since you left your house. Your roommates had yet to show and you were grateful for the alone time. Your hands finally stopped shaking, your sweat finally stopped and your breathing evened. You finally work up the strength to unzip your suitcase and pull the small container of firewhiskey you had brought out of your bag. You unscrew it and take a small sip, allowing the burning liquid to slowly take your edge off and calm you down. You sat for a moment nursing the bottle against your lips, contemplating whether or not it would be smart to go down to the great hall for the feast. You were starving and needed food, but you couldn’t face anyone in this state. Glancing at your faint reflection on the window you swallow at the unfamiliarity of the person staring back at you. Where had the happy girl you once were gone? And who was the stranger you were looking at? Your summer had been restless and difficult, of course. But had it really been enough to shake you to the point you didn’t recognize yourself?
What a stupid question. You almost laugh to yourself, tilting your head back again and drinking a little more. Drinking was supposed to take your mind off your situation, not have you overthink even more.
After a while of sitting and glaring out the window you finally pick yourself up, tuck away your firewhiskey and straighten your uniform. You make your way down towards the great hall, walking slowly down the halls you used to run through. Staring in boredom at the carvings and paintings on the wall you used to admire with awe. Keeping your mouth shut when you used to laugh down these corridors.
Finally reaching the great hall the sorting ceremony was still in full swing, playing as a distraction while you slipped to your table.
You sit and nod hello to the students surrounding you, giving them empty excuses on why you were late, and half-heartedly listening to their stories.
Your only thought at the moment was to eat and keep your head down, become invisible if you must.
Harry glances around the great hall anxiously looking for your face. He had barely touched his food, hardly clapped at the new students being sorted into their houses, barely talked to Hermione and Ron as they watched Harry worriedly.
Harry had only one thought on his mind, find you. See if you were alright, hug you in his arms and tell you he missed you, ask you about your summer and ask you to Hogsmeade like he was too afraid to last year. He had so much planned, all he was missing was you.
Just as Ron opens his mouth to tell Harry to quit for a moment and just eat, he catches sight of familiar h/c hair. Longer than he remembered, but no doubtebly yours. Standing in a hurry Harry runs off leaving Ron and Hermione confused, glancing over to see where the brunette had run off to.
Your head snaps up as you hear footsteps approach you and just in time you see Harry running towards you. His green eyes were alight in joy. His tousled brown hair was shorter and he looked older, more mature. Your heart drops as you frantically try and hide your face. He couldn’t see you like this, what on earth would he think?
“Y/n, there you are I’ve been looking for you!”
Bloody hell, his voice had gotten deeper too. Still holding that boyish grin that you loved so much.
“Y/n? A-Are you okay?”
Go away. You pleaded in your head, refusing to look up into the green eyes you’d fallen for.
Harry refuses to give up and attempts to reach out and take your hand.
His skin makes contact with yours and you flinch away, finally giving in and removing your hands from your face.
“What do you want?” You snap unintentionally, cringing inwardly at what you had just done.
“I-I just wanted to say hi-- are you alright?-” Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows, was that firewhiskey he smelled on your breath?
“I’m fine, could you please leave me alone?” Your voice is softly this time, but still with a cold edge.
Harry’s eyes blink in confusion, as he glances around and open and closes his mouth like a fish out of water. This was not the reunion he was expecting, heck this didn’t seem like you at all. Regardless, he nods and slowly walks away, looking back every now and again to see you holding your head in your hands and eventually standing and leaving in a huff, were those tears he saw streaming down your eyes?
“Did you find her mate?” Ron asks as Harry takes a seat.
“Yeah-yeah. Listen, something's wrong.” Harry states, explaining the confrontation he had with you. Slowly the two other gryffindors expressions fade to concern as well.
“And you’re sure it was firewhiskey?” Hermione questions, pursing her lips.
“I’m afraid so, I-I don’t know what to do.” Harry sighs defeated.
“Give her some time, perhaps she just had a bad day?” Ron suggests.
“Sounds more like a horrible summer.” Hermione sighs, worried for her friend.
“I’m gonna go look for her, I don’t want her alone at a time like now.” Harry nods, not waiting for his friend’s reactions before running off to find you.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” You curse yourself, unsure where you were running too. You simply follow your feets as you angrily wipe tears from your eyes and cry in the empty hallways. As you run the image of Harry’s shocked face plays over and over again in your head, taunting you, trying to prove to you what kind of person you had become. Your feet lead you down another corridor and before you know it you’re climbing up a flight of stairs and fighting for breath while digging your fingers into your hands to keep yourself from sobbing to loudly. You had let him down. You had let everyone you love down, you let your mother down, you let yourself down. Maybe if you had spent more time at home your mother would have found a reason to stay, if you just didn’t go to the magic school and stayed with her she’d be alive and there to guide you. You miss her so much everyday. You collapse onto the cool ground of what must have been the astronomy tower you glance down at your hands and realize you’ve been squeezing too tight and hot blood is beginning to flow down your palm. You gag as the sight brings you back to the beginning of the summer. The start of your hell. Instinctively you pull a cigarette from your pocket and bring it to your lips, lighting it and before you know what you’re doing, walking to the edge of the tower.
There wasn’t anything left for you here. Your mother was gone, you had successfully avoided your friends and the person you loved had seen you for who you truly were. You were ready, and you couldn’t think of any place you’d rather go then your favourite place at Hogwarts.
The place you’d spent so many nights gazing at the stars. The place you’d realized you had fallen in love, looking into the green eyes of Harry Potter while watching the planets shine above you and the stars twinkle.
Harry, the person you were so excited to tell your mother about. The boy who made you smile and laugh every day you were with him. You would miss him. Miss his smile, his tousled hair you loved to play with, miss his voice.
As you take one final drag from your cigarette, your feet just over the edge, you look up towards the sky. You see the moon shining, the trees swaying in the distance, nature in all it’s peace, calling to you.
A feeling like your mother’s arms wraps around you, and for a moment you can see her, feel her. “I’m coming mom, we’ll be together soon.”
Taking a step forward you look down at the ground, almost smiling softly before looking back up at the sky, where you’d join your mom and--
“Y/n!” A pair of real arms wrap around you and pull you away from the edge. Squeezing you against their chest and sobbing into your hair.
Why were they crying? Why weren’t you with your mother yet…?
“Y/n what are you doing?”
Harry. You realize, and as he raises his head and you come eye to eye, you see his eyes clouding with hot tears behind his glasses. You lift your hand and wipe them.
“Why are you crying?” You ask, dropping your hand again and realizing you had accidentally smeared blood on his face.
“I-I could have lost you! What were you doing so close to the edge?” Harry asks, pleading for answers as he holds you close against him.
“Isn’t it obvious?” You smile as though he had just asked the silliest thing.
“There’s nothing left here for me. My mother’s gone, she killed herself when I got home for summer. My dad left us when I was just a baby. I’ve managed to get Ron and Hermione to stop worrying and you’ll never like me back.” You sigh, looking down at your hands and reaching into your pocket again.
“What? Y/n, I-I’m so sorry.” Harry murmurs, placing his forehead against yours as you raise a cigarette to your lips.
“S’ alright.”
Harry’s eyes widen and he slaps the cigarette from your lips.
“You’re drinking and smoking?” He shouts.
“I’ve got painkillers and sleep medication too, anything that’ll get my mind off things.” You shrug, struggling in Harry’s arms as you try and escape.
“Y/n, these things are going to kill you!”
“Good! Maybe I want to die Harry! Maybe I can’t take being alone anymore, and maybe I know these things will kill me so I use them. I want to see her again Harry! I want to not be alone, I want to erase everything I saw, I want to be me again.” You cry, lifting your hands to your face and using your bloody hands to wipe your tears away.
“But I can’t! I still go back to smoking, drinking, using pills to take the pain away and I still. Can’t. Forget!” You continue, bawling into Harry’s shoulder as he holds you.
“I don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t do this anymore.” You shriek, trying again to escape Harry’s grip, but he refuses to let go.
“Darling look at me.”
You don’t stop.
“Please Y/n, just look at me.” Hary pleads again.
When you don’t stop this time, he finally gives in and leans towards you. Ignoring the blood, tears and taste of smoke, to  press his lips to yours.
You freeze and Harry keeps himself there. Waiting for your breathing to even out and your heartbeat to stop racing.
Your eyes close and you pause as Harry finally pulls away and takes your face into his hands.
“Y/n, you mother wouldn’t have wanted her daughter to go like this. She would’ve wanted you to be happy and live the life she never had. Darling, from the way you’d always talk about her I know she loves you very much, she doesn’t want you to die.” Harry murmurs pressing a kiss to your eyes and nose.
“Ron and Hermione were worried about you y/n, they just respect your privacy and didn’t want to intrude.” He continues drying you tears with his thumb and peppering kisses down your cheeks.
“They love and care for you so much love. They don’t want you to die.”
Harry pauses for a moment and lifts your lips to his, this time deepening the kiss and moving your lips in sync with his.
“And I… I’m in love with you y/n. I wish I’d had the guts to tell you sooner but I was always too nervous.”
“But look at me now Harry. I’m a mess. I-I’m not the same person.” You murmur, trying to avoid his intense gaze.
“Y/n nothing could ever change the fact I love you. You lost your mother, you can’t expect yourself to just be alright.” Harry sighs.
“I still get nightmares about my parents, I see them collapse and have the life drained from them in mere moments.”
“Y/n after everything, you’re my light. You’re what keeps me motivated everyday to keep going. And I’m not going to let my light die if I could have stopped it.”
You pause and choke back a sob as you glance up into Harry’s eyes and once again melt into the soft green.
“I’m here for you darling, always and forever, whenever you need me, whatever you need, we’ll support each other.” Harry smiles.
This time you engage the kiss, grateful as you relish in the pure moment of happiness.
“Thank you Harry.” You smile weakly.
“Now why don’t you tell me about your mom?” Harry suggests, sitting you down and pulling his wand out of his pocket.
As you ramble on about childhood stories, funny jokes and happy memories Harry smiles and listens, healing your hands and holding them in his.
You spend the rest of the evening laying against his shoulder and gazing up at the stars. Harry places kisses against your head, cheeks and nose every now and again, and even though you knew there was still a long road to walk before you could truly say you felt change, you smiled a little and realized.
Nature wasn’t calling you join it, it was reminding you of the beauty you would be missing. The stars weren’t inviting you up, they were shining to show all the wonders you loved.
And your mother wasn’t embracing you from afar to push you forwards, she was edging you back. Back into Harry’s arms.
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