#today tith
jeevanjali · 5 days
Aaj ki Tithi 12 June 2024: जानिए क्या है आज की तिथि, त्योहार, वार और नक्षत्रAaj ki Tithi 12 June 2024: हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार आज की तिथि जानिए। यहां दी गई तिथि भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली के समय के अनुसार है। दिन के कई समयों और अन्य जगहों पर यह तिथि भिन्न भी हो सकती है।
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spacewreck51 · 4 months
you know what the sun looks like? like he slit his wrists in a bathtub and the blood is all over the water. and the moon is just watching. shes watching him die. she must have driven him to it.
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twitchingproboscis · 3 months
the blood at your hands will not be atoned for when you gaze up at god the hand puppeteering him will not spare any of you Spare no tithings for thy scams thou must open thine eyes to the truth please please please listen carefully Rabbit ears Subscribe! Subcirjnwjsjskoddjc!!! Q Q Q. 902.
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joemerl · 4 months
Faebruary/Februfairy 2024: "Deal"
Before the war, the Unseelie Court had taken changelings all the time. The other kings and queens of the fairies had put a stop to that. In the terms of her surrender, Gyre-Carling had been forced to say that she would never make another changeling again. She had no choice but to honor that vow. She was a full fairy, and even one as powerful as she was couldn't lie.
It made her blood boil, being forced into this "deal" in exchange for her survival.
But she could make deals of her own. If she couldn't create new changelings, she would find new agents to act on her behalf in the mortal world. With magic fading there, witches were all too eager to form pacts with a powerful patron. She would augment their sorcery in exchange for their service.
She made deals with other humans, too. Drew them into Elfame to satisfy other deals she had made. There was always an upcoming Tithe to think about.
Never make a deal with the Unseelie Court. Grye-Carling will make sure that you lose.
And in time, she swore, she would make the other courts pay for putting her through this.
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cuntylittlesalmon · 5 months
hm… i’ve written like 3k words in two days
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tith · 11 months
Was not going to go see the barbie movie but then my mom texted me a picture of my old barbie and bratz collection (along with her ancient fisher price little wooden people she had as a kid) and asked if I wanted to go see it with her... 😭
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Gods and Clergy: Bhaal
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Religion | Gods | Shar | Selûne | Bhaal #1 | Bhaal #2 | Mystra | Jergal | Bane #1 | Bane #2 | Bane #3 | Myrkul | Lathander | Kelemvor | Tyr | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Oghma | Gond | Tempus | Silvanus | Talos | Umberlee | Corellon | Moradin | Yondalla | Garl Glittergold | Eilistraee | Lolth | Laduguer | Gruumsh | Bahamut | Tiamat | Amodeus | The rest of the Faerûnian Pantheon --WIP
I'm in a Durge and Orin mood, so we're getting the full details on Bhaal and his priesthood now. Fun fact, did you know the Dark Urge couldn't even die without Daddy's permission?
Intro: Do you realise this cult is basically a crime syndicate supported by the rich and powerful?
Priests: Hierarchy. Responsibilities. Murder. I rather like the ceremonial regalia, personally.
Deathstalkers: Teleporting! Killing people with your mind! Unlimited ressurections courtesy of Bhaal!! And yet more crazy shit!
Bhaal: Kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day. Also mortal backstory and the Slayer is absolutely nothing like the games depict it
Right then, "Bhaal awaits thee," and blah.
"Make all folk fear Bhaal. Let your killings be especially elegant, or grisly, or seem easy so that those observing them are awed or terrified. Tell folk that gold proffered to the church can make the Lord of Murder overlook them for today." - Bhaal's Dogma
Unsurprisingly for an ex-assassin, Bhaal is the patron god of assassins. Assassins, mercenaries, bounty hunters who aren't bringing their quarry in alive and, presumably, executioners all tend to send a prayer to Bhaal for success. Faithful were called Bhaalyn in the East and Bhaalists in the West. As BG3 takes place in Western Faerûn we'll use the latter.
Amongst these assassin worshippers we find the oh-so healthy individuals for whom killing is more than a job. These killers who regard their murders as a "pastime and a duty" join the clergy.
That said, Bhaalists do not murder indiscriminately. The taking of another life is a holy act, a lot of thought and planning goes into both the kill itself as well as what impact the death may have upon the world. Once the target is slain, they are to smear the victim's blood over their hands and draw Bhaal's symbol by the body with it. If Bhaal is pleased then the blood will vanish.
Bhaal supports and encourages his followers attaining wealth and comfort (it's a good hook to draw them in, and it makes him look good if his followers are successful), and in exchange for their worship his priest-assassins receive the priest spells and administer to the lay worshippers, who benefit second-hand. The assassins have an easier time killing people and getting rich and Bhaal profits from more prayer and death. A win for everyone (who didn't die in the process).
Bhaalist temples historically have spent their time founding and sponsoring guilds of assassins and thieves, including infamous organisations such as the Shadow Thieves of Amn. These guilds survived their patron's death, and while they were mostly businesses throughout the years of Bhaal's death many still paid homage (although there was some confusion involving his replacement, Cyric) and have presumably resumed worship. There's a massive old temple still functioning over in Thay; the Tower of Swift Death, and the assassins work closely with the Red Wizards who rule the country.
Bhaalists have no tolerance for rival guilds and organisations not following Bhaal (which would make them independent of their control) and will eliminate them. They will also root out anybody in the area that will attempt to oppose or otherwise interfere in their business and ensure they have freedom to go about their jobs/worship.
Their other job is to ensure the church has a steady income. They terrorise the commoners into paying tithes in exchange for safety from being sacrificed this tenday (a protection racket, basically) while leaving "economically and socially important individuals live unharmed." I mean, the peasantry have far less enemies to assassinate and gold to spend, so. Plus the rich and powerful are brilliant at turning a blind eye to crime when it benefits them, as well as making sure the evidence never sees the light of day - know which side your bread is buttered on, and all. Baldur's Gate has no law against the worship of Bhaal. Why do you think the original temple exists, after all? Bhaalists actively seek out and sway such potential patrons who would be... amenable to sponsoring and protecting their technically-legal church and its not so-legal activities in exchange for their services.
Urban temples of Bhaal are usually dark, subterranean affairs built under the city streets, containing countless branching tombs that are home to the bodies of the clergy's victims - said victims are usually wandering around down there as restless undead.
Bhaal's clergy can be recognised as Bhaalists by their ceremonial robes - full body robes of black or deep purple with a deep cowl. The robes will be randomly and violently streaked with flashes of violet. Their entire face is fully obscured by a black veil, to both hide their identity and make it appear as though the hood is empty for the intimidation factor.
The leader of the church in an area is the High Primate/Primistress, who can be identified by a red belt/sash they wear over their robes and the fancy curved ceremonial dagger that marks them as a high ranking priest and a specialty priest known as a Deathstalker - more about them in a moment.
High Primates spent much of their time planning the proper strategies of manipulating nearby rulers, inhabitants, and organizations into the deeds and behaviour that the Bhaalyn desired.
The High Primate is directly served by the First Deaths, who in turn can call upon a council of the nine most senior clergy; the Cowled Deaths. Below them were the regular priests, who were known collectively as the Deathdealers and are referred to by the title Slaying Hand. A Bhaalist rises in the ranks by hunting and ritually killing a target with nothing but their bare hands, which they will then report to a higher ranking priest who will confirm that they are being truthful. If they are then there's a party, and a ritual sacrifice is held to celebrate.
When on a job they dress in black - in the form that suits whatever their preferred method of killing in. Leather armour, mage robes, whatever.
Bhaalists pray to their god before sleep. In the temple the entire congregation comes together to pray in a formal ceremony called "Day's Farewell"). Bhaalists are also to pray before setting out on a murder.
Bhaalists only observe one holy day. It's the Feast of the Moon, a continent-wide holiday for honouring the dead and honouring one's ancestors. Bhaalists have their own spin on it where they remember dead Bhaalists and celebrate with stories of murder to honour them.
All Bhaalists are to commit a murder every tenday at midnight, should they be unable to fulfil this duty then they are to kill two people in place of the one who should've died that day. Before the victim dies, the murderer is to ensure that they know their killer and that they died as a sacrifice to the God of Death; "Bhaal awaits thee, Bhaal embraces thee, none escape Bhaal."
The specialty priests of Bhaal, those who dedicate their devotion and worship no god other than him, are the Deathstalkers.
One does not have to be a cleric to join the ranks, though the majority are. Rogues, rangers, barbarians and fighters are the most common, but all classes make an appearance (and most are multiclassed clerics)
To become a Deathstalker one must have murdered sixteen sapient creatures in sixteen different methods with sixteen different weapons. This presumably is also the rite of passage to becoming a member of the Brethren of the Keen Strike - an order of Bhaalist assassins to which all Deathstalkers belong.
Distressingly for people who aren't Bhaalist, Bhaal's Deathstalkers regained their Bhaalist abilities around 1372 DR, following the end of the Bhaalspawn Crisis, and resumed their duties, spreading death and terror in his name as they worked to bring him back to full power. The most popular argument for how the priests of a dead deity were getting their spells is that another god - likely Cyric, was granting them spells disguised as Bhaal. However, in the wake of the Bhaalspawn Crisis and the wave of fear felt towards Bhaal that resulted (which counts as prayer), the rumour mill became very fond of the idea that, despite how the crisis ended, Bhaal had still managed to resurrect at least some scrap of himself through that fear and the God of Murder was haunting the Realms once more.
The various abilities Bhaal gifts to his Deathstalkers include the following:
[From 3.5e] The ability to identify key weaknesses in a target by studying them for only a few moments, killing them in a single strike. They are also supernaturally good at stabbing people with their ceremonial daggers.
[3.5e] The ability to tap into the hatred of a person, stoking it into homicidal rage and direct it at another person who they will kill in a mindless bloody rage (also called the Urge to Slay, an ability Bhaal himself has)
[3.5e] Bhaal's own inability to just fucking stay dead - a Deathstalker Bhaal doesn't want dead will come back to life an hour after it is killed, with a single hit point left. During the time prior to resurrection they are an actual corpse.
[2e] They can point at a person, sending necrotic energy coursing through them and causing them significant damage, agony and possibly death.
[2e] They can inflict severe wounds on a person just by thinking it.
[2e] They can teleport! A Deathstalker can teleport themselves (and other people, if they're powerful enough) to the Throne of Blood and from there they can teleport to anywhere on Toril that isn't protected by warding magic. Bhaal won't do anything to protect Deathstalkers while they're in the Lower Planes - if you're strong enough to get yourself here, you're strong enough to get yourself out.
[2e] They can affect the emotions of those around them, reversing whatever emotions an individual is feeling towards them into its polar opposite.
[2e] They can accelerate the entropic aging process of objects.
Bhaal himself is "violent, cruel and hateful at all times." Being in the presence of the living fills him with an overwhelming urge to kill and destroy. He presents himself as either on the verge of a violent rampage or cold and ruthlessly calculating depending on which suits the occasion best. A Lawful Evil deity, his domain is the Throne of Blood in the first layer of the Lower Plane of Gehenna (Khalas), part of Bane's domain (Banehold). Hilariously, not a single Baldurs Gate game has got this right. BG2:SoA claimed it was the Hells, BG2:ToB changed to the Abyss and, for some reason, BG3 has put it in the Grey Wastes.
Bhaal served Bane, and was in turn served by Loviatar (goddess of pain) and Talona (goddess of disease).
His holy symbol is the Circle of Tears; clue in the name, it's a skull surrounded by teardrops of blood forming a circle.
Bhaal rarely manifested in avatar form. When he did, his main avatar in urban areas was the Slayer, which was not a four armed scaly monster:
"The Slayer look[s] like a corpse with a feral face, [bloodless] skin, and deep lacerations that endlessly [weep] black ichor that vanish[es] before it strikes anything."
It makes no noise at all when it moves. it can talk (its softly spoken and sounds creepy). It can levitate at will and summon floating daggers made of bone, that appeared and disappeared at will. They would cause any living flesh they hit to wither and die. Creatures slain this way would rise again as zombies under its control - or have its skeleton shattered into more bone daggers. Enough of these daggers form an area-of-effect; a wall made of a flurry of sharp shards of bone that would trap the soul of anyone they killed. Oh, yeah, and the Slayer can also inflict the overwhelming urge to murder everyone around you on the people around it.
Bhaal's other avatar was the Ravager, which was mostly an angry 30-foot tall giant with horns.
While in either avatar form, Bhaal also had the ability to create any form of undead loyal to him by touching a corpse (greater undead like vampires would be free once they'd completed whatever task he'd assigned them). He could also immediately destroy any undead, turning them to dust at a touch. Bhaal cannot be harmed by the undead.
Rather than using his avatars, Bhaal usually just manifested as a pair of flying undead hands that can shoot bone daggers at people. Or a laughing human skull trailing teardrops. Both these manifestations are capable of speech, casting darkness and driving everybody into a mindless bloodthirsty rampage - you might have noticed he really loves this trick.
He also invented his own undead monsters, the Harrla of Hate. Harrla are invisible creatures, which if you use magic to see them appear like human shaped wavering impressions. Guess what they do?? If you guessed "fill people with a sense of overpowering hatred and drive people into committing homicide" get yourself a fucking cookie!! (This isn't said anywhere in canon, but Bhaal has less imagination than a chunk of rock, I swear to god...)
According to one version of the story; in life Bhaal was a Netherese mortal wizard named Tharlagaunt Bale. He was one of a few hand picked by Jergal to bear a fragment of the god's divinity and raised from a young age to serve him (a Chosen, basically). Hilariously, one of the others was Karsus. These Chosen were promised godhood for their service as they set about performing a ritual to increase Jergal's waning power and make him one of the most powerful deities. Karsus chose to try and make himself a god instead and blew up the Weave, destroying Netheril and the plan and killing all of his coworkers except Bale.
Bale got a job as an assassin, changed the spelling to Bhaal and dropped his first name, teamed up with a bitter ex-slave with no name except the title "Bane of the Ancients" and a necromancer prince called Myrkul Bey al-Kursi.
His other backstory features him as Arabhal; the spymaster and chief assassin of the Netherese City of Rdiuz, and an ally of Bane. The two became unwitting paws of Jergal, who directed them through nightmares to do his bidding and slay various primordial divinities who threatened his plans.
Regardless of backstory, they all grabbed more divinity by killing an ancient god (also Bane's ex-master) and then he went knocking on his old boss' door for that godhood he was promised (Jergal at this point had embraced depression and just went "yeah, whatever, have it. Idgaf, I'm retiring." Or was manipulating them into becoming his divine pawns. There's more than one take on this story.) and Bhaal walked off the god of murder.
He learned of a prophecy predicting he would die when his stupid ex-travelling companions would decide to piss of Ao who would then kick all the gods out and make them mortal, and Bhaal then decided to sleep with what seems to be at least 25% of Faerûn to produce kids who would hold fragments of himself so that they could all fight to the death and he could resurrect himself afterwards. He was killed by the soon-to-be-god Cyric not far from Baldur's Gate during the Time of Troubles. Cyric proceeded to take his job, and there was a huge fight between Bhaalists who converted and those who didn't and the converts killed all the holdouts.
The rest of the backstory is basically just the original Baldur's Gate games.
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readychilledwine · 2 months
A Debt Paid in Full
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Summary - Your father shouldn't have sent his prettiest daughter after refusing to pay his Tithe
Warnings - this is unhinged and kind of dark, virgin reader, younger female/older male, manipulation, smut, beron is... surprisingly giving and slightly charming but arrogant. Oral, fingering, unprotected sex, breeding Kink, beron
A/N - You all asked for it. Please don't ask for more. I feel dirty 🤣
The Whore Home Masterlist
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“Such a pretty little thing, aren't you?” Being circled by the High Lord of Autumn had to have been the scariest thing you had ever experienced. “Is that why Daddy sent you? Does he think a nice pair of tits will buy him time to pay his tithe?”
“No, my lord,” yes, you thought instantly. “He is just busy over looking the land and farms. He apologizes for sending a female in his place, but you know how we are when it comes to business.”
Beron seemed to smile as he studied you again. “I imagine you already know you are only useful for certain,” he paused, looking over your frame again, a true smile forming at what he saw, “activities.”
“My father taught me my place, yes.”
“How old are you?”
“302, my lord.”
“And unmarried?” He tisked slightly. “And unpresented to the court as an available female?” He circled you again, a new dangerous light gleaming in those eyes. “Why?”
You took a deep breath. “My mother needed me home to help with my younger siblings, and now that they no longer require me, I am a spinster per our standards, my lord. I am not a viable option for marriage.”
“But you are for fucking. Or for a second wife. A pretty little toy to keep around when someone's lady refused to come warm their bed.”
“Ah, a second choice. How very desirable. I will stay unwed. Be the village witch.” The statement was out before you could stop it. Beron paused midwalk, looking at you with those dark eyes and his brows raised. “I apologize.”
“You are lucky you are very, very beautiful.” A hand went to your light red hair. “Your spring court mother did you quite the favor. Her fair blonde hair mixed with red. You are a unique treasure.”
An odd feeling set into your stomach at his constant compliments, at his hand twirling your hair, his body so close to yours you could feel the fire that ran within him.
The Autumn Lord was by no means an ugly male. He had produced 7 beautiful sons, each one resembling him but with their mother's eyes and hair. He was fit, body lined and cut with muscle you could make out under his fine tailored clothing. 
“I believe you and I could reach a compromise, y/n. Regarding your father's discretion.” The sinking feeling of what he meant hit you as a hand trailed your lower back. “Your father knows I collect beautiful things, and you, little fox, are a beautiful thing.”
“Are you attempting to seduce me, my lord?”
“Is it an attempt when I can smell it clearly is working?” Beron walked you back to the wall, a hand resting on your hip and the other going behind your head to protect you from impact. “Is this what females dream of? A fae lord to whisk them away from their troubles, shower them in luxurious gifts and clothing?”
“I just dreamed of being taken away. The rest did not matter.” Beron smirked at the words, something that should have made your skin recoil but instead caused heat to settle between your legs. 
“Let's make a bargain, little fox. You stay with me, be my little second wife, and your family never pays a tithe again.”
Your eyes widened at the offer. It was a sacrifice you could make. What was your life in exchange for the safety of your family with your father's choice to ignore the tithe collection. Beron was handsome, the Forest House was beautiful, but he was cruel. “I want to be treated well.”
Beron hummed. “You will be, if you stay in line. Keep that pretty mouth in check. I was kind today. I will not always tolerate your attitude, though.”
The hand resting on your hip began to trail to the curve of your ass, the hand previously resting behind your head now, allowing him to lean into you and cage you into his body and the wall. “How soon?”
“Tonight. I have never been known to be a male with patience when I want something.”
“Why marriage? Why not just my maidenhood?” The question seemed to spark something in him, eyes growing darker and the scent of arousal being to consume every breath. 
“Why would I allow something so pretty to slip between my fingers? Especially when I didn't know I would be the one to ruin her? Yes or no. My tolerance for your questions is wearing thin and I can easily just drop you off as I have my eldest arrest your father.” 
What was your life, in exchange for the safety of theirs? “Yes.” 
That one word was all it took for him to pounce. Lips finding yours and dominating a heated kiss. He winnowed you from the room, taking you to what must have been his personal suite and walked you back to the bed. His hands roamed everywhere before picking you up and placing you on the softest bed you had ever dreamed of. “How attached to your dress are you?” The kisses moved to your jawline as he awaited his answer. 
“I'm not.”
“Good. I will give you a thousand more.”He burned every thread from your body, groaning at the newly exposed skin, so soft and untouched. Untested and unexplored. “I think your father knew I'd be weak for you. Your younger sisters had been presented to my court and married off, yet here you are. Hidden away because you were his most precious gem.” 
All you could do was whimper as soft thumbs ran over your nipples. Pinching them lightly. His lips ran to your neck, feeling like a trail of fire as they did. Every inch of you became so sensitive that you broke out in goosebumps. He stopped at a spot that made your back arch, sucking the skin there until you were sure you would bruise before continuing his path down. 
When he finally reached your breasts, he stopped temporarily, scooting you up the pillows a bit more before removing his crown and placing it on head. “Be a good pet and hold this for me.” You couldn't help but to laugh, but that quickly turned into another moan. “So responsive.” The praise quickly shot to your core just as a hand did, running along your soaked folds with an arrogant laugh. 
Every kiss, every lick, every gentle touch on your core had you mewling for him, back arching as you whined. When one finger pushed in and curled up, hitting a spot in you that you would have never found before immediately pulling it back out . “And such pretty noises.” You couldn't help but grip the sheets, praying to any God who would listen as his kisses continued lower until he settled between your legs. 
“Perfect. Just absolutely perfect.” Beron was oddly gentle, kissing your thigh. You could have died when he first licked at your core, growling as he did and nudging that precious bundle of nerves. 
“Beron,” you whispered almost in warning, fingers gripping the sheets tighter. 
“Ssh, relax.” He continued to motion again, setting your nerves a light and making you cry out at the foreign feeling. He continues then, slow methodical licks. Watching from lust filled hooded eyes as your back arched, as your mouth fell open, as your nails dug so deeply into his mattress your knuckles turned white. 
When his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking light as his tongue pressed into it, you saw stars. Then his fingers, his damned fingers pushed back inside of you, stretching you out and preparing you for him. It was all too much, yet not enough. He used his free hand to pin your hips down, leaving you with no escape from his mouth. 
Your stomach started to feel tight, and your mind became hazy, core clenching at the now two fingers pushing in and out, scissoring and dancing on the sensitive spot you have only read about in novels. You went barreling over the edge quickly, feeling him smirk on your core as you screamed for him. He pulled his mouth away, keeping his fingers deep inside of you, working you open for him. 
You had not even noticed him remove his clothing using magic, but he was bare before you. Scars littered his muscled chest and shoulders. They danced along his back and ribs. They were a reminder of his cruelty born in a place of hatred for his own father, his own upbringing. But for some reason, now of that matter, as he kissed you again, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. “Give me one more, y/n. Cum on my fingers before you get my cock.” 
He increased his rhythm, holding your head up to keep that golden crown resting on your head. His experience was quick to bring you over the edge again, forcing you to maintain eye contact as he did. 
He also kept your eyes on him as he used your slick to lubricate his cock, kept your eyes on him as he centered himself. And he kept your eyes on him as he pushed in, watching your mouth fall open again as the burn from being so full took over. Watching in sadistic glee as you whined and moaned. He barely gave you time to adjust, letting go of the back of your head in favor of pounding into you over and over. 
Now you truly could have died. You could have died with a smile growing on your face as he pulled out before forcing you to take all of him back in, making the pain quickly turn into a burning need as the scent of sex and sweat filled the air. He moved your legs, placing one over each shoulder and fucking so deep into you that you couldn't tell where you ended and he began. “So tight, pet.” His voice was breathy as his head fell back in pleasure. “Such a perfect cunt.” 
His thrusts became harder as he watched your face, trying to figure out what you liked. And a sudden gasp shifting to a wail of pleasure told him exactly what it was. Over and over, he hit that spot inside of you, the one he had found earlier with his fingers. His eyes almost seemed to roll as you grew tighter, clenching and twitching around him, swallowing him whole.
“Perhaps I should breed you as well. Make sure this pretty pussy stays mine.” Your body responded before you verbally could, gripping him higher and thighs beginning to shake. “You like that, don't you? Like the idea of being used, being bred. Fuck you're perfect. So fucking perfect.” His fingers found your clit again, massaging the swollen bundle of nerves as he buried himself into you. 
Completion found you again, ripping you so deep into pleasure as you milked his cock that you couldn't help but to fall into a silent scream. Beron fell over after you, heat passing through the room as he did and intensifying everything. He allowed your legs to fall from his shoulders. Catching himself on his forearms above you, he sat and watched as you came down from the high. He studied you like a new toy, plotting and planning what he would do to you. “Yes,” he spoke more to himself than you. “You will be quite fun to keep.”
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Beron Smut Taglist:
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lexluvswriting · 7 days
♛ Princess Treatment.
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“Ain’t it like thunder under earth, the sound it makes? Ain’t it exciting you, the rumble where you lay?”
- NFWMB; Hozier.
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-> Pairing: Loki x plus-size! princess! reader.
-> CW: 18+ CONTENT! NSFW! SMUT AHEAD! MINORS, DNI. fem! reader (she/her), fem genitalia used, plus-size reader, allusions to low self-confidence and harmful behaviours, mentions of fat shaming, princess reader au! Loki is a doting, loving, lowkey-obsessed partner who loves to see us shine! Breeding! DON’T be like these dummies, regardless of what timeline ur in. Wrap. Before. You. Tap.
-> TW: porn with slight plot; no use of y/n; soft-ish dom!Loki x sub!reader; unprotected p in v sex; oral sex (f receiving); face-sitting; praising (f receiving); body worship (f receiving); dirty talk; breeding (lol); mirror sex, mirror sex, mirror sex!
W/C: 4.8
╰┈➤ Lex's note: thanks to this anon’s req, you all have this!! firstly: i am so sorry for ghosting, and being super late in my fic posting!!! it wasn’t intentional at all 😔 (uni is hard & mental health takes a toll T-T). second: Loki! Likes! Thick! Girls! anyway- Hozier did inspire this, HOW DID YOU KNOW?? indeed, NOTHING fucks with Loki's baby. I hope i did this request justice AND i hope we all giggle & squeal at this beautiful God the way i did. TYSM ANON for requesting <3 <3
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“I do not believe this to be a fair council if we are not considering the voices of the people.”
Your voice was clear as you stood to say your piece, smoothing one of the ruffles along the waistline of your dress as you did so. Your head was held high as you spoke, commanding the attention of all the others who were part of this monthly council- the royals from the territories surrounding Asgard would convene at certain locations routinely to discuss oncoming threats, or other diplomatic concerns as ‘equals’, with today’s meeting taking place in one of King Odin’s many conference chambers.
��Malekith’s constant threats put strain on our territories, yes, but also on our citizens. Pulling more tithe from our villages will not warrant greater victory- I believe that it will worsen the tensions that are already rising.” As you continued your advocacy, you glanced around to ensure you held each attendant’s attention, before your eyes settled on blue irises that twinkled with usual cunning charm. Your mouth was on auto-pilot- this speech rehearsed to the point where you mumbled it in your sleep at times- allowing you to focus on the beauty of the prince across the table. His eyes of blue, like Jotunheim ice, watched you with a fondness only you could recognise while he reclined in his chair, flipping his dagger as he listened to you. Each time you felt flustered, you’d look back to him, for his eyes to soften and his chin to dip in the smallest, softest of encouraging nods, flushing out your nerves and leaving a sensual warmth that started in your chest and leaked into your lower stomach. You could do this. You could do this, then retreat back to the comfort of your lover’s room and let him coddle you like he loved to do.
“As lovely as your attempts are, princess, we do not have time to shed wasteful tears over a few peasant bodies.” A dry, dismissive voice cut you off before you could conclude; the callousness in his mention of the ‘peasants’- including your own people- made your fists curl. An older man from a neighbouring kingdom waved his hand dismissively as he sat back in his chair, swirling his goblet lazily. He barely spared you a glance, shaking his head as he continued with a bored expression,
“We deploy soldiers to protect these peasants. What do they need to fear? They are expected to provide mass harvests, and we deploy mass protection. If they do not know how to serve their kingdoms, why should we prioritise the preservation of such useless people?” 
Your breath stopped, eyes widening as you turned to him directly, yet you sensed Loki go deadly still in your peripheral, noticing the way he caught the dagger, blade facing up, holding it a little tighter as the lord spoke.
“Their families are starving enough as it is. They do not control the weather, nor the integrity of the soil! We cannot possibly place more expectations-”
“If they were worried about providing for their kingdoms, they would not be so reckless in their breeding, princess. If they were smarter, they’d sacrifice a few of those runts to gain more supplies. That, my dear, is why the rich stay rich, and the poor stay poor.” He droned on, the lord’s beady eyes finally looking at you, up and down slowly before his lip curled in a sneer,
“Perhaps their ‘starvation’ is simply a thinness they’ve earnt from working as hard as they have. Not that one might expect you to understand, princess.” The comment left a bitter taste in your mouth, making your throat tighten as the room suddenly went cold. You felt as if every pair of eyes watched you- scrutinising your rounder, curvier appearance compared to others. Granted, you weren’t the most ‘conforming’ to society’s beauty standards as far as princesses went within the nine realms, but you had believed your curvier body type was representative- beautiful- despite the criticisms. Yet the current whispers that swirled from around the room, the stares that your paranoia sucked in greedily, it made you want to crumble in a little heap and wither. In that moment, your stomach tightened, as if it would never eat again, and you felt yourself sucking in, straightening your posture subconsciously at his twisted, barbed retort.
“What exactly are you trying to imply?” The voice that spoke up was not your own but rather, the God of Mischief who stayed reclined. You watched him, slowly twirling his dagger between his fingers again- a calculating, threatening display of dexterity that made the bystanders in the room stiffen- while he cocked his head the way a beast would before devouring its prey. You had been on the receiving end of that stare many a time, but his eyes would not gleam with murderous intent; rather a hunger, as if you were a Goddess offering your nectar to a starving man. Yet even that memory couldn’t quell the uneasiness you felt as you slowly sat down, still silent.
“I did not say you could sit, princess.”
Your thighs had barely touched the edge of the chair as you froze, eyes flicking up to meet Loki’s who watched you with that mischievous gleam; plotting, planning, the way he usually was. You tried to shake your head, not wanting to be in the spotlight any longer, but he nodded, pointing his dagger at you as if it were a goblet- finally stirring something in you at his protectiveness,
“I’d like to hear you finish,” Your thighs squeezed together at the implication, “Your ideas seemed very promising- far more fulfilling than the vitriol I’ve heard during the earlier half of this forsaken meeting.” Huffs and murmurs of protest started, before being hushed as Thor- a supporter of your’s and his brother’s private relationship- cleared his throat, nodding at you to continue.
You hesitated, swallowing thickly as you slowly stood up again, voice considerably less confident than before as you completed your proposal, which had left the other participants nodding or murmuring contemplatively to those next to them. The lord who had insulted you simply rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his goblet before chiming in again- as if he couldn’t help himself-
“Ah, yes. The people’s princess. Forgive me for being so ‘out of order’,” His sneer told you the exact opposite as he sat back with a sigh, “At least they’ll know who to come to for meat if your lands are ever amidst a siege.” He muttered under his breath, earning a few malicious sneers and snickers, and as Loki snarled, Thor banged his hammer against the table,
“That will conclude this meeting. We will return later, when we have remembered how to behave like proper royals, and not barbaric animals.” He growled, the threat evident in his voice. You didn’t meet Loki’s gaze as you ducked your head, the first one to leave the meeting hall with tears that welled quickly.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧。˚⋆♛。⁺୨୧˚⋆⁺₊✧ ---
“I never want to go to another meeting again.”
“Oh, my darling, don’t say that.” He murmured, pressing kisses to the crown of your head as you buried your face against his torso. He had been laid back against the headboard of his bed, waiting for you after the meeting with his arms out wide as soon as you entered, and you crawled into them with teary eyes, sniffling as you lay in between his legs, face nuzzled against his torso as you cried a little.
“I feel absolutely humiliated!”
“My darling- my little Goddess- your father sends you as a representative to these meetings because he sees your brilliance, as do I-”
“Yet they all laughed at me!”
“Nobody would dare, my love, not unless they wanted my daggers carving out their insides.” His voice had remained soothing as he cooed praises, one hand rubbing your back while the other loosened the ties of your dress, letting you relax more, breathing freely as the corset underneath the bodice stopped crushing your chest and compressing your internal organs.
“He was right.”
“Who, love?” He hummed, barely listening to your vent, more focused on soothing you and your body- his vice, as he’d tell you whenever he was in between your legs, or looking up at you as you’d ride him- only to pause at your next words.
“The lord.” You sniffled, looking up at him with teary eyes as you shuffled slightly, climbing up him to rest your head against his chest.
“The lord? The lord is an insignificant fool- a worm who has been left alive to wriggle for too long. You are wonderful, beloved-”
“Loki.” You groaned, sullen as you hid your face against his neck, not in the mood for sympathy- regardless of how sincere it may have been.
“Be honest with yourself!” You snapped, the anger not even anger at all, but a storm of self-doubt, harsh self-criticism and insecurity,
“All these nobles see is a frumpy pig in pearls & frilly dresses, alright? So let us say it for what it is. I am fat. I am fat, and hard to look at, and I don’t even look like a proper princess-”
“Never,” He had flipped you both over faster than you could blink, his snarl protective as he grabbed your face with his left hand, pinning your hands above your head on the pillow with your right, rearranging your positions with that unfair godly strength he possessed, “Utter that filth again.”
Your tears had stopped in their tracks; doe eyes wide as you looked up at him, pouty lips parted in shock, face slightly flushed from crying.
“For as long as the sun brings day, and the moon calls night, I never want to hear you utter such horrid curses. Not a damn word. Do you hear me?” He growled, fingers holding your chin firmly before his hand cupped the side of your face instead, thumb brushing away the tears that lingered before he rubbed at the soft squish of your cheek. His index and thumb pinched at the apples of your cheek- the only apples he’d crave as long as he lived- gently, before kissing either side of your face.
“You are the only woman in all nine realms I love. You are the only woman I want; be it above me, beneath me or by my side. You may be the people’s princess, but you are a queen to me. The only woman I would kneel for- be it in the comfort of our bed chambers, or in the middle of the damn courtyard. Understand?” His words reverberated in your ears, rattling around your puddle of a brain before slinking over your heart and straight down to your core. The warmth he had triggered when he defended you during the meeting came back again in full force, your breathing hitching as you gawked up at him, before finally nodding dumbly, as if you had lost all ability to speak.
“If this is truly how you feel, then I must be punished for failing you.”
You blinked, trying to understand where he was going with this- your sulky voice a mere squeak as you echoed his words,
“P… punished?-”
“Oh, yes. Severely punished, for failing to present just how infatuated I am.” He murmured lowly as if this was a grave offence, his cock stirring in his pants as he saw your brain working behind your eyes; the way the words clicked and the way your thighs squeezed together, making your cheeks redden as your lips quivered.
“If I have to fuck my love into you for you to remember how beautiful you are, then I will make sure neither of us leave this bed until I have done it successfully.” His voice had taken a husky dive, your stomach coiling as your chest puffed up, nipples pebbling beneath the layers of fabric making up the bodice of your dress. Your body responded for you, tears drying to accommodate the curious twinkles of desire that began to shine through instead. His hands moved slowly, grabbing at the clothed flesh of your shapely hips, before slowly moving up over your body- your heart racing, even skipping a few beats from the intensity that he stared at you with- before his palms cupped your breasts. The soft mounds of your body could not simply be contained by a God’s measly palm, as if testament to your beauty, and he groaned at the sight, before grabbing his dagger impatiently, making you squeak,
“Loki!” You grabbed his hand, “I like this gown.” You mumbled, the lust glazing over your irises, making him huff softly before discarding the small weapon, only to pull you to sit up right on the bed with him, ridding you of the garment as he pulled it off.
“I could have bought you ten more. Ten more dresses to adorn this heavenly body.” His praise was a hungry growl- the timbre of his voice becoming more and more telling of his lustful desires- as his lips found purchase against the top of your breasts, making you gasp as his hands grabbed at the globes of your rear- his cock twitching at each whimper, straining unbearably against his pants as he beheld you. His princess. His darling. 
And he’d happily slaughter anyone who threatened your comfort.
“Look at yourself, princess,”
His hands turned you around like you were a ragdoll, squeezing your hips as he pressed his own against the flesh of your ass, making you whine softly as you shut your eyes, knowing exactly where he had positioned you both. He knelt behind you on the bed, making you sit on your knees while he peeked over your shoulder, resting his chin on the surface, his icy eyes meeting yours in the mirror in front of his bed after a soft squeeze of your breast made your eyes flutter open.
“Hush, my darling. I know what you want… my needy little princess. My precious girl.”
His praises only made your cunt clench eagerly, the emptiness making you whine as your eyes followed the way his hands roamed over you in the mirror. Where you saw cellulite and stretch marks, he saw health. Where you saw rolls of fat and pudginess, he saw comfort. Your breasts were his pillows, your thighs his ear muffs during the colder seasons; your body was his home, and he planned to show you just how much it all meant to him. How much you meant to him.
“You know, darling, in Jotunheim… where I was born?” A squeeze of your left breast, fingers gently capturing your nipple between them to toy with while he murmured in your ear between kisses,
“The male giants believe that the bigger their mate, the healthier their children would be. And for you, my princess, the giants would see curves like yours and go to war in your name.” He hummed, licking and nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck while he teased your body gently, your breathy whines and heedy noises making him feral. Your eyes widened at his words, before his other hand cupped your mound, barely giving you time to adjust before his teeth marked your skin, making you moan abruptly. You saw the way he smiled wolfishly in the reflection of the mirror, his low chuckle alluring to your senses as he purred in your ear,
“Does that appeal to you, princess? Wielding the knowledge that your body alone appeals to my base desires- my primal needs?” He growled the word accordingly, and you bucked your hips back into his clothed cock while his fingers sampled the wetness pooling in the apex between your thighs. 
“Allow me, my love, to make you feel like a queen tonight.”
As if he didn’t do that anyway.
He pulled away, before lying down with his head near the foot of the bed, so you’d see your reflection as he pulled you up to straddle his chest.
“My face is your throne, beloved. And I’d like to taste everything you have to offer.” He murmured, making your heart leap up to your throat, before plummeting straight down to your stomach as he wrapped his arms around your pillowy thighs, the sensation of him handling you making you squeak. Once your dripping cunt was hovering over his face, he groaned softly, as if he had been starving, and your hands braced his arms gently as you mumbled his name, before inclining your head. He watched curiously, before realising his mistake and let magic dissolve his clothing, leaving you both equally bare, his cock jumping at the way your thighs squeezed slightly, enjoying the sight of his nakedness.
Without further ado, he pulled you down- the movement making you squeal lightly- until your lower lips connected with his. He pressed a loving kiss to your mound- the feeling making you shiver- his tongue poking out at your glistening folds, tasting your honey greedily as he lapped at you. The taste of you made his cock jump, combined with the string of moans and mewls you released while his tongue wrote a love letter between your legs. You cried out his name in a strained moan, hands immediately grabbing at his silken locks for some sort of stability while he smothered himself in your nectar, absolutely drinking you in like you were his last meal. Every single time he did this, it always managed to get better and better- how? You had no damn clue.
“Look at yourself for me, pet.” His voice sounded in your muddled brain, despite his mouth being occupied, making you look up towards the mirror in shock, only to notice a slightly greenish tinge to your eyes- green from his magic as you realised he was looking through your eyes, both of you watching the sight of yourself atop his face. The both of you enjoyed the way your body jerked and jumped in the mirror as his head moved eagerly, hands squeezing at the plump fat of your inner thighs as he ate you out eagerly, like it was his favourite activity.
“You know it is.” His wicked, wicked voice of liquid sex appeal reverberated, making you whine, unable to even scowl from the way his tongue kept your eyes fluttering shut; only to feel his teeth nip at your inner thigh, a silent reminder to keep them open and on the mirror.
“You’re going to watch yourself, and watch the beauty that I am blessed with, as I make you come. Do you understand me, princess?”
You nodded dumbly, giving in to his demands as you weakly rode his face, his hands moving your hips along as he groaned into your mound, nose nudging the top of your wet cunt while his tongue stroked you, delving past and into your hole, making your gasp break into a weak whine as your head lolled back. Your brain was fuzzy, and you found yourself whining his name- which only made him harder and harder while he moaned at the taste, feeling and sound of you. If fate were to have him at your feet, only to serve you, he’d happily give up his titles to do so; especially with the way you looked above him right now. Soon enough, he was pulling an orgasm from you- your voice increasing higher in pitch, cracking more and more as you grunted and whimpered between moans, your breathing uneven as you tried your best to watch yourself, or more importantly, him between your legs. His neglected cock wept with beads of pre-cum from the blissful torture of hearing you, yet not being used to please you. He could have come from your moans alone, but he held back, determined to drive his point home- as well as drive into you.
“Oh, Loki- Loki I’m- mmm- I- ah-”
“It’s alright, darling. I’m right here.”
“I’m so close- so close-”
“Come for me, princess. My beautiful, beautiful princess.”
His coo made you squeak, before crying out as your release slammed into you, warmth flooding your lower stomach and gushing out, with Loki groaning happily as you sated his hunger yet again. You watched yourself, the way your eyes were half-lidded, the way you had some sort of blissful after-glow after he pulled such an orgasm from your core. You trembled slightly, whimpering as he gently guided your legs back, helping to shuffle you until you were resting against his painfully neglected erection- flinching slightly as he hissed upon feeling the warmth of your plush thighs snug against his hips, and the warmth radiating off your needy cunt.
“There you are… there’s my girl… my beautiful girl.” 
He groaned huskily, pushing himself up to kiss you, making you mewl at the taste of yourself on his lips, on his tongue as it swirled against yours in a hedonistic display.
“Are you convinced yet, my love? Or shall I continue until you have no choice but to agree?” He was absolutely drunk off of your essence as he asked it, his hips lifting up into you lightly, rubbing himself against your wetness as he watched your eyes flutter shut for a moment to enjoy the feeling of himagainst your slit. Seeing the way he was so determined to please you, it made your mind reel; the fondness in his gaze as he watched you come, the tenderness he showered you with as he kissed you, before leaning back on his elbows, looking at you like that? It certainly made something in your brain switch.
“I…” You bit your lip, before nodding as you mustered up the courage, “I want to watch myself ride you.”
As soon as you said that, you could have sworn Loki whimpered- your eyes widening as he grabbed at your hips- pawing at you like he was some desperate concubine.
“Please- please ride me, my princess. Please, let me watch you- let me see through your eyes.” He murmured, leaning up to latch onto one of your heavy breasts, his tongue warm against your hardened nipple; the sensation making you gasp a breathy “Yes,” earning a hungry groan as he shifted, aligning himself with your entrance. You glanced down at where his mouth found purchase against your chest, his eyes on you as he pulled away, probably to kiss you, only to freeze as he felt you begin to sink down on him slowly.
You both gasped softly, before moaning together at the sensation- as if you two didn’t do this many times before- his head tilting back and his eyes screwing shut.
“Oh, my princess- my beautiful girl- Norns, you feel so good-” He growled out, hands grabbing your hips like a lifeline as he let you set the pace. Your attention, however, was focused on the mirror as you watched yourself, from the way your curves rippled with each moment of impact, to the way his hands grabbed at your soft, comforting flesh; fingers digging into the comfort of your skin for solace. Your warm, tight cunt gripped him for dear life as you rolled your body against his, hands splayed against his chest as you bounced so nicely.
The fat head of his cock found your spot easily- his sensitive tip prodding against your gummy walls over and over- eliciting gasps of his name as you watched his shaft disappear into you over and over.
“Who’s my princess?”
He cooed, his voice like velvet, making you clench more around him- to which he chuckled at- before flexing his hips up into you, helping you feel all of him as you impaled yourself on his wide cock. You could only whine at his praise, your cheeks warming as your hands flinched up to hide your face, only for his hands to catch your wrists and pull them back to his chest,
“Ah, ah. That’s not what I asked, darling. I said,” His hips bucked up into you to prove his point, the harsh, sudden thrust making you moan,
“Who’s my princess?”
Your brain was practically a gushing puddle of matter, your face the epitome of raw, unadulterated pleasure. You had stopped watching the mirror, eyes blurring as you lost yourself in the pulses of that warm, wonderful feeling he gifted you with every time the tip of him hit your spongy walls, yet you mumbled out an almost incoherent, “I am,” earning you a growl of approval and
Thrusts that left you moaning and whining helplessly as you grabbed at his hands, fingers interlacing together as your body tightened again from the sensitivity of your recent orgasm, and the sensation of your wonderful body clenching around him made the God groan your name, along with curses in an old language that sent warmth thrumming for you. Your mewls joined his groans in a raw melody of love and lust; his infatuation with you seeming to grow stronger with every thrust, every beautiful, sinful noise you made.
“Tell me darling, do you like what you see?”
His voice was strained as he fucked up into you, his arms wrapping around your hips, holding you flush against him while he bucked his hips. The combined sounds of wet arousal from your cunt, and skin slapping against skin as his thighs smacked against your plush rear, made you squeak out his name, barely registering his words.
“So beautiful, my princess… My Goddess, my beautiful girl.” He grunted, his eyes glazed over with lust, yet the expression he gave you was nothing but adoration before he slowed his thrusts suddenly. You blinked, whimpering a noise of confusion before he repositioned you with careful movements, laying you across his bed and parallel to the mirror opposite, so you both could watch the scene that played out together as he slid back inside you again, hands gripping your hips as he restrained his thrusts to slow rolls, the gentle, consistent pace making you sigh, toes curling as he peppered your body with kisses.
“I should worship you properly, my darling- should fill you with my seed ‘til you give me a bunch of beautiful little heirs.” He groaned, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he watched you, while your eyes watched the mirror, meeting his gaze for the moment to nod- the both of you like irresponsible teenagers as he humped into you desperately- your own lip caught between your teeth, eyes all wide and innocent-like, which made him growl and increase the pace of his hips.
“Do you want that, my pretty Goddess? Want me to worship you properly?” He grabbed your face, turning your head to face him as your lips caught in a searing kiss. He swallows your moans greedily, guttural noises sounding from the back of his throat as he kissed you over and over.
“Please, Loki.”
You barely recognised your voice, with how soft and whiny it was, and your body was absolutely sensitive- his thrusts sending jolts of pleasure so strong that it ruined the integrity of your muscles- your legs trembling as he cupped under your thighs, folding you over slightly and swearing as he felt your body tighten greedily, as if you were anticipating his release.
“Mm? Tell me, my darling, tell me what you need of me. How can I reward you, my princess?”
His voice had lowered huskily as he repeatedly buried himself within you. The action had you seeing stars, making you cry out for him before you pleaded weakly,
“Please, please- I want you to come-”
You pawed at his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck as best you could while you kissed him. Your pleas fell on listening ears, and the God rewarded you with a guttural groan, one specific thrust forcing out an orgasm you didn’t even know was building- the action making you all but keen for him- as your body clenched. Your mound tightened around him with the intent to milk him dry, and he finally let himself come- slamming his hips into you with a sense of finality- while he groaned your name over and over like a prayer, his forehead resting against yours as you both panted, with his cock twitching and jumping as he drained himself, every last hot rope of white painting your pretty walls. He stayed in you until he softened, as if to make real on his promise of fucking his love into you, before he collapsed beside you on the bed with a hum of content.
You had both come down from your highs together, and he had wrapped you up in his arms to pepper your face with kisses as he whispered sweet nothings and that made you giggle.
“Shall I kill that lord, for you, my love?”
“It is but an innocent suggestion, my princess. Only to work in your favour.”
“Alright, alright. But you must admit, I did do what I said I would, no?”
“Gods help me.”
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╰┈➤ Lex's note 2: i hope you guys love this as much as i did! pls feel free to request any time!! <3 L'autunno ch:5 & 6 are definitely otw, as well as another req for (you guessed it) Loki!! hehe. thank you for reading, my loves!!
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lizsos · 5 months
The Lee's
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Summary : Tatter's sister is a famous idol, she happened to meet Bada and Lusher . The problem is both of the Lee's have crush on Tatter's sister who will y/n choose in the end .
Genre: fluff , smut
(Idol reader )
It was a calm day in JustJerk studio . Bada , Lusher and Tatter were dancing around trying to come out with a new choreography gpfor Kai's new song . They've been dancing for 2 hours they came up with some ideas for the first part of the song . Bada decided that it was time for them to rest , so right now they were chilling around . Lusher was sitting on the floor while leaving on the wall behind her . Meanwhile , Tatter was lying face down on the floor , seemingly busy chatting with someone . Bada wasn't in the room at the moment, deciding to find a vending machine to by a drink .
The moment that Bada entered the room again , Tatter randomly asked a question "Unnies , what do you want to eat for lunch today ?"
"Lunch ? Are we ordering food today ?" Bada questioned tilting her slightly .
"My sister is coming today to visit us, she decided to bring lunch so we can eat together ."
"Ehh , you have a sister ?! " Lusher screamed out , surprised by the new information . Bada , also with a shocked look reposted, " Yah ! I've known you for how long and I didn't know you even had a sister. Why didn't you tell us" she point's an accusing finger at Tatter .
Finally sitting up from her position Tatter answered back both of the Lee's that had been questioning her , " In my defence, the both of you never really asked about her and she's really busy I haven't seen her in 5 months. "
"But still , I mean you've met my family " Lusher pouted , disappointed
"Well , now you know " Tatter shrugged " anyways , what do you want to eat? She waiting for our response .
" I'll have Jjajangmyeon " Bada answered still looking in deep thought. "I'll have Kimbap" Lusher requested.
"Okay I'll let her know" Tatter continued to text on her phone, seemingly serious with the conversation that she's currently in "She'll come in 40 minutes "
"Also please don't freak out when you see her . I don't want it to be awkward I trust you guys "
"Freak out? Why would we freak out ?" Bada questioned, curious about the whole situation. It was just strange to her , Tatter announcing that she has a sister that they don't know about then asking them to not freak out
"You'll see later" Tatter dismessed the question, too excited at the fact that she's finally able to meet her sister again . The girls then go back to dancing after their small break , deciding to move to making the key point of the dance . They were so focused on dancing that they didn't notice the door opening and a figure entering the room .
The unknown figure was wearing a hat and an oversized hoodie that covered her head . Not forgetting the mask that adjourned her face , making her seem more mysterious. She then put the plastic bag that contained food on the floor before walking towards Tatter and hugging her from the back while she was busy dancing . Suprised by the unexpected action Tatter squeaked in shock and tried to move away from the person holding her before relaxing after hearing a finolaiar chuckle from her sister .
"UNNIE !" Tatter yelled excitedly , turning around yo return the hug "I missed you so much " .
The unknown figure , now revealed as Tatter's sister , just chuckled at the youngers reaction , glad to finally able to see her sister again .
Throughout the whole thing , Bada and Lusher just stared at the interaction between the two sisters , it was really heart-warming and it makes them wonder about the mysterious sister of Tatter even more
" I miss you tata " th girl's beupautiful voice can be heard . "Let me take the food so e can eat" tithe girl walked back to the entrance, picking up the plastic bag , before standing next to Tatter again .
"Bada unnie seoyoung unnie this is my sister y/n . Unnie this is my dance teacher Bada and teammate seoyoung pr usually known as Lusher" Tatter introduced her sister to her members .
" hello there , nice to meet you , I'm blackpink y/n , Tatter's half sister "y/n bowed
Shocked from the famous person in front of them Lusher and Bada just stared at her before finally snapped our of their trance and bowed back , introducing themselves back .
"Well now that you all officially met , let's eat" Tatter excitedly clapped her hands . Hearing the youngest words y/n just chuckled and gestures for the rest of them to sit on the floor before taking the food out "here you go m Tteokbokki of my favourite sister " y/n gives the food to Tatter and rubbing her head before giving Bada and Lusher their food . Thanking y/n for the food, they began to eat . Bada and Lusher interrogating Tatter and y/n about their relationship throughout the whole meal .
During the conversation both Bada and Lusher cant help but glance at the beautiful girl in front of them . Sure , they've met other idols before especially Bada , being the in-house choreographer for SM , but the idol in front of them is different. Being a member 9f blackpink really showcased a different aura than most idols they've seen before , maybe because blackpink are working more often outside of korea that their vibes has changed all together .
As they talk and eat their lunches , y/n admitted that she enjoyed the company upon her . Not only she finally got to hang out with her sister and her members , the sight in front of her is definitely not disappointing . She hates to admit it , but the moment she saw her sisters friends she got attracted to them . Both of the girls had a different personality and features that attracted her .
Finshing lunch , y/n decided to stay back and watch their practice promising that she won't spill anything she watches to the Internet jokingly, making the rest of the people there laugh at her joke . As she watches the three girls finance, she can't help but be amazed , her sister really has I proved so much , her musicality and how she now can help to make a choreography herself made y/n proud . Her gaze was soon distracted by the powerful moves of bada . She can't help but be entranced by bada powerful moves . As a dancer Heslerton, she rarely see's girls that can dance with so much power , it almost felt like watching a male dancing . Even the best dancer on her team ,Lisa didn't dance that powerful . Its truly a sight to see and she can't help but blush whenever her eyes and bada's eyes connected through the mirror .
But to be honest, Lusher's dance suprised her the most . She didn't expect the girl to be a combination of Bada and Tatter . Her moves are both powerful and feminine, being the perfect piece to the puzzle . She surprised her by staying at the studio for 3 hours already , realising that she still some errands to do , she decided to say goodbye to the group thats still dancing infront of her .
"Hey guys , its really nice meeting you and watching you dance , but I gotta go now" standing up she apologised to the trio . Pouting at her own words , Tatter goes to stop the music before hugging her sister .
"Thank you for visiting and spending time here , Unnie . Also can I sleep over at your place tonight?" Tatter begged adding an extra pout as a cherry on top .
Chucking at her cute sister , " Ofcourse you can Tata " breaking off from the hug , y/n rubbed Tatter's cheek before giving it a small pinch "Its nice to know you guys too" she said to the taller dou behind them
Bada walks closer with her arms opend , signalling that she also wants a hug . Y/n smiled at the cute action and decided to follow along hugging the tall girl . It was surprising feeling , the girl's embrace is so warm and comforting that she didn't want to let go . Finally breaking off from the hug, she hot engulfed into another hug by a more cheerful girl , slightly swaying both of their bodies side to side , making her giggle at her action , loving the playful video that the girl exuded .
"Umm ... can I maybe have your number unnie ? I really enjoyed your company today and maybe we could ģet know each other more ? " Lusher rambled after letting go from their hug , her personality doing a full 180 . Gone from her cheerful personality, to ow filled with a shy rambling mess . "Ofcourse ," y/n winked , before taking her phone and adding her number , even doing an extra effort by taking a photo of herself to be used as a profile picture,. "Now you have 1/5 of balckpink members numbers "she jokingly said .
"I'll text you to let you know its me Unnie " Lusher grinned , still shocked that she actually had the number of her bias
"How about me ? I'm actually your number one fan you know " Bada asked while pouting , acting like a hurt child , making her members laugh from their leader's action "Ofcourse I'll give my number to my number one family " y/n played along to Bada's antic , amused at the girl's action . Inserting her number to the phone given to her , she then does the some thing that she did to Lusher's , but decideding to be a little extra , she does a heart cheek for the pfp , still amused that she met y/n and even had her number .
Waving goodbye to the trio , y/n packs her bag and she leaves the studio .
"Look , she added a heart for my picture " Bada bragged to Lusher after making sure y/n left
"No fair" Lusher whined "you wouldn't even get her number if I didn't ask anyways unnie, so its a win for me actually " . The dancer's continued to bicker about who got ore attention from the blackpink member before Tatter's voice cut them off "stop ! I k ow that my sister is amazing and that you have some kind of crush on her but please talking about it infront of me" Tatter complained , annoyed how they keep bragging about the attention you showed them .
"Okay , Taeyoung-ah . We won't dicuss it again . Come on leat go back to practice " Bda apologised before turning the music back on .
It was late af night and y/n just finished yptaking a shower , after making sure that Tatter has slept comfortably in her room at y/ns penthouse , she can finally relax for the day . Scrolling on her private instgram , her attention was distracted by a notification from an unknown number .
Unknow Number :
Pretty girl <3 :
Ummm ... who is this ?
Unknow Number :
I'm you number one fan ;)
Just kidding, I'm not your stalker
Let me give you a clue
Pretty girls <3
Oh !
Hello bada unnie
I really thought some stalker manged to get my phone number 😤
Giant unnie 🌊💙 :
Sorry not sorry
Just kidding !
Sorry for the jumbscare
Pretty girl <3 :
Its okay unnie , its kinda normal occurrence for me
Giant unnie 🌊💙 :
Sorry that you went through that . I didn't know being am idol can be that scary . If you need any help just tell me
Pretty girl <3 :
Awweee ..... thank you unnie ! I'll keep that in mind ;)
Their conversation was cut off by another notification from an unknown number , guessing that this is lusher, y/n decided to play a joke on her .
Unknow Number :
Hello y/n unnie !! This is seoyoung 🤍🤍
Future girlfriend ❤ :
Umm ... who is this ?
I don't know anyone named y/n
Unknow Number :
Is this not y/n ?
If not I apologise . It seems like a texted the wrong member.
Sorry for bothering you this late .
Have a night night !!
Future girlfriend ❤ :
Lolo its me seoyoung-ah
I'm just kidding , this is my real number no need to worry .
Kitty 🐱 :
Unnie you're so mean 😿😿
Anyways I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your company today , even though I just knew you existed rptoday
Wait no!!!, not like that , I know a blackpink member , like you're really famous you know and there is no one in this industry who wouldn't know recognise you . What i mean is I just knew that you're actually related to Tatter .
I'm rambling arebt I?
Please forgive me unnie
Future girlfriend ❤ :
Why are so cuteee? ???.
Its not problem at all
Its a pleasure to finally get to know my sister's best friends and coworkers . It makes me really glad that she has someone to depend on in her job .
Throughout the night y/n kept texting Bada and Lusher back and forth . Enjoying both of the girls company .
Its safe to say that y/n has become close friends with the two Lee's . Whenever she's in Korea, she'll always spend some time to hang out with them and they still text constantly even if she's overseas .
This time y/n was staying in Korea for a longer period of time . She had just finished her closing concert in Korea and is finally given time to rest after such a long tour .
On her third day of relaxing , sho got a message from Lusher , asking her 8f she's free and if she wanted to visit the dance studio . Agreeing to the inventation since she's bored after laying in bed for the past two days , y/n went to get ready , not forgetting to wear sunglasses and a mask to cover herself . After making sure that she looks presentable, she went to the garage and drove her car to JustJerk academy. Walking to the room that Lusher told her to come in , she saw Lusher sitting on the floor , breathing heavily after what looks like an intense dance routine .
"Hey , you look exhausted " y/ greeted in a jokingly manner .
"No I'm not tired at all , uunie . What make you think that I'm tired ?" Lusher quickly responds, knowing that y/n means no harm and its how they usually talk to each other .
Y/n just chuckled at the younger girl who is still trying to catch her breath. Taking out the engery drink that she know Lusher likes , before handing it to her . Lusher just nodded happily , blushing slightly at her crushes action. I mean she can't help it, her once only celebrity crush just turned into a real crush .
"What are you practicing Seoyoung -ah? " y/n asked curious on what made Lusher dance so hard for .
"Im just preparing myself with a hard routine . I don't know if Bada unnie or Tatter told you this but team BeBe is invited to Street Woman Fighter 2 "Lusher explained excitedly, even now , she still didn't believe that they are given a chance to showcase their talent.
"Oh my god ! Congrats you guys ! Im really happy for you " y/n cheered once she heard the news,. Glad to see the girls talents will finally be appreciated.
After hanging out with lusher in the practice room for 2 more hours. You decided to part ways . Lusher was saying she had a team meeting for a shooting their crew preformance . You both said your goodbyes and left each other going different paths .
Team Bebe announcement of joining swf2 unknowingly added a new dynamic with her relationship with Bada and Lusher . Wheneven she had free time . She would join team bebe practice's and cheer them up. She's also now closed with the rest of team . Even having a group chat with her and team bebe . The rest of the girls know their Leader and sub-Leader had a crush in the Idol and they liked to tease them about it whenever they got the chance.
"Bada unnie , don't you think that y/n unnie and seoyoung unnie are extra touchy today ?" Kyma , the main bully of team bebe asked her leader . Hearing the question , Bada turned her her gaze onto Lusher and y/n who were laughing at something on Lusher's phone . Y/n was lying her head on Lusher's lap while Lusher holder her phone with one hand while her other hand was busy stroking y/n's hair. Not liking the view m Bada clapped her hand the practice will start in 5 minutes .
Amused by the leader's action, Kyma went to gossip with the rest fo the members about what has just happened. Tbroughout the practice, it was obvious that Lusher and Bada were trying to get your attention and impress you, the both of them could be found glancing at you all the time . It was pretty funny for all the members.
It was during the Mega Crew Mission that they finally let their emotions out , Bada in particular took the biggest damage. Y/n noticed that Bada seemed to lose her confidence and she looked apdiqn most of the time, meanwhile Lusher and Tatter tried to help their leader by taking action .
"Come on cheer up ! Who are you ? Bada lee !" She said to bada lifting her head up , gazing into her eyes . Her heart sqeezing itself at the sight in front of her . the strong charismatic leader that she knows looks very stressed and down . Pulling Bada into a hug , she just rubbed her back and mumbled encouraging words , trying to cheer the girl up and lessen her self-doubt .
The moment just made Bada fall harder . Her carrying actions and constant support for her and her team members are one of the reasons that she's strong enough to get through all that .
One night , after finishing the Mega Crew Mission bada and y/n were laying down on JustJerk rooftop . Deciding to take a breath after the announcement of the mission .
"Her y/n ?" Bada just started , y/n just hummed in response to Bada's question. "Im really glad that I met you " she confessed " I didn't know what would happen if I didn't meet you that time . I don't think I'll be able to pull though all those challenges " .
"Im really glad that I met you guys too . But honestly, I think your wrong , you're very strong . Your were able to get this far because of yourself and not just me . Please don't even underestimate yourself even again . Me and the girls think that you're great and will always belive in you " y/n said sincerely, still looking at the sky .
Touched by y/ns words , bada blushed heavily , glad that the night is dark and y/n wasn't looking at her . Of not , then she's definitely doomed . They just continued to talk to each other . Badas gaze flickered from y/ns eyes to her lips, wondering how if would feel against her own lips . She imagined them to be soft and luscious , maybe tasting like a strawberry, knowing that the girl in front of her likes to uses strawberry flavoured stiff . Slowly leaning in their lips met in the middle , fireworks exploding in both of their stomach. Their kiss lasted for some time before they leaned back to catch their breath .
"Wow " y/n mumbled . Still shocked that she kissing bada . To be honest she's been attracted to the girl form the beginning, finding her style to be unique and her charming personality fun to be around.
"Wow indeed" Bada agreed " so , uh do you maybe wanna go on a date sometime ?" She decided to shoot her shot m knowing that she'll do whatever it takes to be with the idol , she feels kinda gulity for asking you you out knowing that Lusher also had a crush on you and both of them have been in some kind of friendly rivalry for the past few months .
"Yaeh ofcourse , I would like to ," you replied shyly. "Bht what about seoyoung ? I don't want to disappoint her her " her mind was in some kind of dilemma. Sure she likes lushers company but to her , not as romantic partner. "Im sure she's a big girl already , she'll be able to accept your decision " bada reassured uy/n , taking the girl into a comforting hug , trying to calm her racing thoughts .
"Uh yeah , your right " y/n agrres noddding her head , her arms were wrapped tightly around badas waist , enjoying her company.
The next day y/n went to join bebe practice she decided to tell lusher about her decision
"Seoyoung -ah can we talk ? " she called out m trying to get lushers attention . Nodding her head , the slightly taller girl walked towards the idol and both of them went to an empty room .
" uh I just want to tell you that I know that you have a crush on me and I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings " y/n bowed feeling truly sorry for the younger girl ? "I always thought of you as a little sister , like Tater and I would tike to apologise of it seem like I'm leading on you on"
Lusher could feel her heart break but decided to accept y/ns decision whole heartdly "its bada unnie isn't it?" She said bitterly , slightly disappointed that her unnie got to be with her crush .
"Its not badas fault , but yes we decided to try it out together it didn't feel right to hide it from you "
"Its alright y/n unnie I knew from the start that one of us will lose and I kinda prepared for it . At least I know that you'll be with bada unnie and she'll take care of you "
Y/n just hugged the girl in response " I know you'll find so enemies better than me eventually someone who will love you better seoyoung -ah "
You bothwent back to the practice room you and bada announced it and everyone has happy especially Tatter she was happy some got to love her sister .
You and bada went back to your penthouse and you said to bad in her ear "bada I want you "
Bada was kinda shocked but she didn't complain she carried you to your room and sat you on the bed .
You kissed bada harshly wish took her by surprise.
Bada instantly kisses you back grunting, Her hands squeezing your breasts causing you to gasp and she slides her tongue into your mouth, swirling and exploring every inch of it. She kisses you harder and harder, teeth clashing and tongues dancing with each other, her hand goes up to cup your jaw, trying to mold her lips into yours .
''F-Fuck! w-wait'' You breath out cupping her cheeks to pull her away, you tilt your head s to the side and lean in to attatch your lips with her swollen pouty ones.
You let out a shaky breath hesitant at first, but then shake your head, your lips curving into a smirk. ''Lets see if you deserve to see my face hm?''
You were sprawled out on your bed by now, your shirt and skirt are long gone at this point .
''Take it off'' she pants out as she pulls away staring at you.
She stares at you hard. You're used the intensity of her gaze, but this is that special stare. That lusty one she gives you in dance practices when you sit there all pretty with your mini skirts laughing along with the other bebe members .
She holds her position, all up in your personal space as her fingers trail up your bare thigh. ''I know these pretty thighs all too well by the way you walk around me in dance practice '' Her hand inches upwards, fingers hooking around the band of your panties before pulling them and letting them go making them snap against your skin.
"Do you know how fucking good you look right now? How badly I've wanted to fuck you?'' She says as his voice drips with lust. '' the things you make me feel y/n " bada said with a shaky breath leaving a sloppy kiss right under your ear and the area around your neck .
The sudden sting causes you to jolt and whimper, a pout forming on your glossy lip.'
'Lets see if you can actually scream huh'' She mutters as she inches forward to your soaked panties, her breath fanning your silk covered fold earning little whines from you.
''T-take them off!'' You whimper, your hands going down to hold her hair and tugging on them slightly causing her to smirk. And so she does, in an instant she rips your panties off and without any warning, she connects her lips to your soaking folds, as if it was a magnet pulling Bada .
''O-Oh oh badaaaaa fuckfuckfuckk g-gon make me cummmmm- ngh'' You cry out arching your back, nipples hard and thighs trembling vigorously, your legs wrap around her shoulders practically suffocating her with your thighs, but she doesn't mind it she has wanted this for way too long now, she was too pussy drunk to notice.
“Mmm..s’sweet mmm” He mumbles into your cunt sending vibrations up your core.
You're mweling as you feel a new sensation build up in your stomach once you feel her tongue enter you, her nose nudging against your clit. her tongue rolling inside you and your spongey spot that will lead you to your destruction, she knows you're close- and just when you're about to have an earth shattering orgasm, she pulls away with a cocky grin, lips glossy and puffy, cheeks and chin stained in your juices, eyes fully lust-blowen. If it was possible, bada would definitely have heart in her eyes right now.
You whine and buck your hips shifting closer to the edge of the bed , hands yanking her head back down into your core in attempt for any stimulation.
She listen to you and continues her job hitting all the spots that makes you fold at the spot
"Ahhhhh~~~ bada im close fuckfuck fuck " you said as you were tugging on her hair for life "cum for me y/n let me taste you" she said while moving her tongue.
You had to admit she had amazing tounge skills , skills that would make you scream .
"CummingCummingCumming" you said as your load went out bada slowed down her movements but still her head was deep down in your core licking cat licks on your pussy while drinking up your juice .
Bada lifted her her up and went to kiss you a deep loving kiss .
You both washed up and went to your bed , you insisted bada to just sleep over and you both cuddled until the sun came up .
The end ~
Tag list ": @nimxie @pinkyqil @badaleeswifey @badaleesbish @badaspebble @badasgirlfriend @badaladinha @bebeyue @urlovebot @mikaleialt @mikachacha @ssivinee @galletitaluna @allur1ngs
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Ikepri ATK Alliance Crack
One afternoon in a certain undisclosed location...
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Kagari: (sets his cutlery down) And then I told my family to go take a hike.
Matthias: I don't follow. How would a mere hike improve your clearly apocalyptic familial relations?
Kagari: I was telling them to get lost.
Matthias: But then wouldn't you, as their next of kin, have to go find them on the hiking trail? Putting aside how you're casually confessing a crime to me, you are a busy man. I don't think you'd have the time for all that?
Kagari: (aside to Azel) Does he have siblings? Can we just swap a different one in?
Azel: (saintly smile) The Living God does not err in his selections. Would you kindly peel my fruits for me?
Kagari: Hmph. (reaches for Azel's plate) The more time I spend with either of you, the more atheist I become.
Azel: I accept even those who do not accept me. Such is the grace of god. Not the figs, please. The dates.
Kagari: I'm not sitting here and peeling 37 dates for you. Or even a single one, because who in the world eats dates like that?
Matthias: I think there's 36.
Azel: 35. I ate one while waiting for it to be peeled. It tastes terrible. My tongue is screaming, crying, throwing up. I think I'm dying. Anyway, how are things in Owl Country, Matt?
Matthias: (stops performing the Heimlich maneuver on Azel) Oh, um, we're putting a brand new night patrol program into place.
Matthias: (super-proud) Actually, I've just received the prototype for the uniforms.
Matthias: (puts on an adorable owl-themed ear-flap hat)
Kagari: (ponytail quivers as he tries not to laugh)
Matthias: (serious) The owl is a respected symbol in Achroite. To laugh at The Owl is to laugh at Achroite itself. A grave crime indeed.
Azel: (nods ethereally) He's right. Just like the moon that watches over and sees all in Tanzanite, the owl, too, is a mysterious guardian, protector of man, knower of crimes.
Matthias: Beautiful. Poetic. I suspect this is why the owl and the moon are such natural allies.
Azel: (burps) Cool, yeah sure. Anyway, God is pleased with your initiative, Matt. And he will happily accept a generous tithing in exchange (holds out a palm as he cleanses his palate with the fig in his other hand)
Kagari: Aaand there it is. I'm not covering for you today, by the way, Matthias. And you still owe me from last time. If you even so much as think about paying me in those adorable, I mean stupid owl hats...
Matthias: A tithing? What for?
Azel: Was it not the infinite wisdom of God which guided the crayon-wielding hand that drew up such a wonderful design?
Matthias: (gasp) You can see my crayons? Are they okay?
Azel: (continues holding out palm as his eyes grow distant) Your crayons are well. They're sleeping like little baby sardines, right in the box that you so carefully placed them back into once you were done with your stupid, I mean adorable drawing.
Matthias: (relieved)
Matthias: Wait, hold on, are you trying to swindle me again? Not that I'm saying you swindled me the first time, or the second or tenth time...
Azel: (intense frown) I am a benevolent god!
Matthias: O-Oh, right, right. Please forgive me for speaking out of turn (scavenges around in the upside-down owl hat he's using as a coin purse)
Kagari: (casually admiring his reflection on his katana blade) Congratulations, Matt. You dreamed up a stupid hat and paid someone else for your own stupid idea. If someone told me you were the most accomplished fool in all of Achroite, I'd believe it.
Azel: (wearing one of the owl hats) So you don't want one of the hats?
Kagari: (also wearing one of the hats) I said I didn't want more than 40 or 50!
Matthias: Oh… (sitting among boxes of hundreds of hats labeled "Gifts for my new friends")
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jeevanjali · 11 days
Aaj ki Tithi 07 June 2024: जानिए क्या है आज की तिथि, त्योहार, वार और नक्षत्रAaj ki Tithi 07 June 2024: हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार आज की तिथि जानिए। यहां दी गई तिथि भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली के समय के अनुसार है। दिन के कई समयों और अन्य जगहों पर यह तिथि भिन्न भी हो सकती है।
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transmutationisms · 1 year
can you talk a bit more about weber (im refering to a post you made earlier today i think)? i know a bit about the protestant ethic theory but not really the historical context in which it was written nor how it's used today. thanks!
so, weber's argument is essentially that protestant (specifically calvinist and puritan) theology played a major causal role in the development of capitalism in northern europe following the reformation. his position was that protestant ethics, in contrast to catholicism, placed a high moral value on secular, everyday labour, but also discouraged the spending of one's wages on luxury goods, tithing to the church, or giving overmuch to charity. thus, protestants invested their money in business and commercial ventures instead, turning the generation of capital into a moral endeavour and venerating hard work and economic productivity as ways to ensure one's soul was saved (as the buying of indulgences was not an option for protestants).
this is a bad argument. at core it is idealist, subordinating an economic development to religious ideology. weber never explains how the actual, material economic changes he wants to talk about were effected by a set of ideas; he doesn't consider the possibility that the ideas themselves reflected in some way the material and economic context in which they were developed; he doesn't differentiate between protestantism as a causal factor in the development of capitalism, versus the possibility that capitalism and protestant conversion both resulted from some other factor or set of factors. <- these types of problems are endemic to 'history of ideas' aka 'intellectual history' because merely writing a history of the (learned, published) ideas circulating at a given time doesn't tell you jack about how and whether those ideas were actually implemented, how common people reacted to them or resisted them, what sorts of material circumstances the ideas themselves were formulated amidst, and so forth.
in the case of weber, it's very easy to poke holes in this supposed relationship between protestantism and capitalism. even in western europe alone, we could look at a country like france, which was quite catholic, never became predominantly or even significantly protestant, and yet also industrialised not long after, eg, the netherlands and england. we could also look at what historian michael kwass calls "court capitalism" in 18th-century france, which was a largely non-industrial form of capitalism that depended on the catholic king's central authority in order to ensure a return on investment. france at this time had a burgeoning luxury culture and a centralised, absolutist government that was closely entwined with the powerful catholic church—yet it also had economic development that is recognised as early capitalist, along with growing social and economic tensions between the nascent bourgeois and petit-bourgeois classes and the aristocracy. this is not even close to being the earliest example of capitalist or proto-capitalist economic development (some predates the reformation!), and again, this is within western europe alone—we could and should also point out that capitalism is not solely a european phenomenon and can and does coexist with other, radically different, religious ideology (i have problems with jack goody's work but this is something i think it can help elucidate).
weber argued that the 'spirit of capitalism' was no longer dependent on the protestant theology that had initially spawned it—but again, here we see issues with idealist methodologies in history. at what point, and how, does this 'spirit' become autonomous? what is it that has taken hold, if weber is not talking about the 'protestant ethic' itself and is also not interested in analysing the material changes that comprise capitalism except as effects of some underlying ideology? well, it's what he sees as a general shift toward 'rationalisation' and 'disenchantment' of the world, leading to an understanding of late 19th- and early 20th-century capitalism as a kind of spiritually unmoored servitude to mechanism and industry. this in turn relates back to weber's overall understanding of the legacy of the 'scientific revolution', which is another can of (bad) worms. there is a lot to say about these elements of weber's thought, but for starters the idea that europe was the progenitor of all 'scientific advancement', that it then simply disseminated such knowledge to the rest of the world (the apotheosis of the centre-periphery model, lmao), and that europe has become 'disenchanted', ie irreligious, as a result of such scientific advancement... is just patently bad analysis. it's eurocentric, chauvinistic, and simply demonstrably untrue in like twelve different ways.
anyway, when i see conservatives and reactionaries cite weber, i'm not surprised. his arguments are conservative (his entire intellectual paradigm in this text was part of his critique of marx and the premises of materialist / contextualist history). but when i see ostensible leftists doing it, often as some kind of dunk on protestantism (or christianity more generally, which is not even a good reading of weber's own understanding of catholicism), it's more irritating to me. i am not interested in 'leftisms' that are not materialist. weber's analysis is a bad explanation of how and why capitalism took hold; it doesn't even work for the limited northern european case studies he starts with because, again, idealist history fundamentally fails to explain how ideology itself creates material change. like, "some guy writes something down -> ??? -> everyone just agrees with him -> ??? -> stuff happens somehow" is not a good explanation of any phenomenon, lmao. if we are stuck on the idea that capitalism, a set of economic phenomena and real relations of production, is the result of ideology, then we will also be stuck trying to 'combat' capitalism on the ideological level. it's unserious and counterproductive. weber's analysis has retained an outsize position in the sociological historiography because it's an attractively simplistic, top-down, idealist explanation of both capitalism and protestantism that makes centuries worth of material changes to production forms into a kind of ideological coup ushering in an age of 'rationalism'. this is just not a text that tells us, leftists, anything politically useful. at best it is an explication of the internal psychological logics of (some) forms of protestantism in (some) places and contexts.
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thehorizonmachine · 7 months
Hear ye, hear ye! Itch.io, those fine purveyors of princely manuscripts and amusements, have declared that today they will not longer collect their dastardly tithe upon this dreadful day of plagues known as 'black Friday'.
This means our comic production, Most Trusted Advisors, the dice-playing merriment game of roles and betrayal, is now available at the sort of price you can usually only negotiate through pillaging or leveraging generational wealth!
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Most Trusted Advisors is a tabletop roleplaying game, crafted by the finest computer artisans for all your madcap, absurdist, feudal comedy one-shot or short campaign needs. From the dastardly Blackguard to the hopelessly naive Lover, pick one of the game's six playbooks and roleplay as the untrustworthy, scheming council to a bumbling Liege.
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Betray the king! Usurp the throne! Catch smallpox! Tell dire tales of intrigue and betrayal! Catch smallpox again even though you thought you were immune! All these roleplaying experiences and more will become available to you with the purchase of our fine manuscript, which is 50% OFF until Tuesday, 28th of November. It's guaranteed to get your soul into heaven!*
*Purchasing MOST TRUSTED ADVISORS is not a recognized indulgence in the eyes of most certified bishops. Please consult your local clergyman.
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istodayajewishholiday · 10 months
18 August 2023 - 1 Elul 5783
Today is Rosh Chodesh Elul- the first of the month of Elul!
Today is also Rosh Hashanah LeBehemot - “New Years for Domesticated Animals.” During the days of the temple it was a day for shepherds to determine which of their animals were to be tithed. In modern times the festival has been revived to raise awareness for animal welfare, and for the mitzvah of tza'ar ba'alei chayim — the suffering of living creatures.
Shabbat begins at sundown.
Holidays to anticipate in Elul:
Minor Holidays:  Rosh Hashanah LaBehemot on 1 Elul (August 17-18) Erev Rosh Hashanah on 29 Elul (September 14-15)
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fuckyesfeysand · 10 days
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Creator Highlight #10 - @itsthedoodle
Welcome back to Feysand Creator Highlights!! We want to take a moment to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use up so much of their freetime and creative energy to share their work with us!
Today we want to highlight @itsthedoodle! It's almost impossible to find the right words to describe @itsthedoodle- her talent, her generosity, and kind spirit transcend the simple compliments we're able to give her here. Friends describe her as bright, cheerful and encouraging with a mischievous sense of humor.
But we're here to talk about her writing! @itsthedoodle writes Feysand so seamlessly, it often feels like you're reading an extension of an SJM novel. Rhysand is always charming, even when he's making mistakes, and Feyre always relatable. Don't believe us??
Below we've highlighted a few of our favorite itsthedoodle masterpieces, but you can find more on her AO3 HERE 💝
This Love Is Alive Back From The Dead:
The last time Feyre and Rhys saw each other was senior year when she abruptly decided to end things between them. Ten years later, they meet again at their high school reunion.
Wicked Things:
A rare moment of clarity broke through the thick fog of alcohol.
“Rhys, this is where he made me stand next to him like a plaything” she said, remembering her first and last tithe in the Spring Court.
Rhys stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “No worries, Feyre darling,” he purred, trailing kisses down her neck, the spot between her neck and shoulder, then lowering the straps of her dress. “We can do some wicked things on it, that way he’ll never sit there again.”
Starry Eyes Sparking Up My Darkest Nights:
We had danced, all of us together. And when the night had shifted toward dawn and the music became soft and honeyed, I had let Rhys take me in his arms and dance with me, slowly, until the other guests had left, until the gold disc of the sun gilded Velaris.
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