#toddlers electronic toys
seospicybin · 3 months
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Felix x reader x Hyunjin. (s,f)
Chapters: Part II
Synopsis: Working as the family's babysitter, you learn a lot from Hyunjin and Felix's happy marriage, including their sex life. (13,3k words)
Author's note: Sorry for the late delivery. Hope you enjoy this one too!
Unlike any other toddlers, little Aster has a liking for vacuum cleaners. Instead of going to the toy store, he prefers going to the electronic store to look at vacuums, he doesn't play with them but likes hearing their sounds. You believe it's because it offers a similar sound to the white noise machine he has in his room.
"Vacuum!" He adorably shouts, jumping on his little feet while pointing at the vacuum on the display.
"Yes, vacuum!" You nod.
"Wanna play!" He cutely mumbles while tugging his index finger between his two front teeth.
Seeing that it is displayed on the top shelf, there's no way you can put it down yourself and risk knocking the other things on the display, you squat down to be on the same eye level with him.
"It's too heavy," you tell him, gently patting his small head.
You point at the one on the bottom shelf and offer it to him to play, "How about this one?"
He eagerly nods, watching you take the vacuum cleaner for a spin even though it's not turned on. You carefully hand it to him, letting him hold the handle with his small hand, and push it through the aisle of the electronic store.
"Do you like it, Aster?"
He's laughing as he keeps pushing and making vacuuming sounds through his little mouth. His laughter is so infectious that you can't help but laugh as well.
The journey in the electronic store continues to the lawnmowers. You let Aster walk on his own and observe the lawnmowers parked throughout the whole section.
"Car!" He says as he taps at the tire of the red lawnmower.
"It's not a car," you inform, lifting him by the waist and putting him on the lawnmower.
He turns his head at you with a questioning look on his face.
"It's a lawnmower," you tell him.
"Lamoomoowee," he incorrectly pronounces it, riding the lawnmower like a hobbyhorse.
"Lawnmower," you slowly enunciate it for him while steadily holding his back to prevent him from falling.
"Lammowah," he gets it even wrong this time and as if he knows he says it wrong, he breaks into a wide grin.
Oh, this is why you like children, they're pure and innocent, as opposed to adults who are oftentimes complicated and messy. With children, you get to be honest and open, you don't have to be afraid of being judged, and they see you for what you truly are.
"You're blessed with a beautiful boy," a lady says as she gently gives Aster a quick ruffle on his hair.
You feel flattered whenever someone thinks that Aster is your child but if his real parents caught anyone saying that to you, you're sure they'd be offended.
"Oh, thank you!" You mutter with a smile, "But I'm just the babysitter."
"Oh?" The lady gasps in surprise, then gives Aster another ruffle and a gentle pinch on his cheek before leaving you be.
Your phone dings in your jacket pocket and you pull it out to check if it's coming from Aster's dad. Indeed it is and he's almost finished getting his hair done.
"Aster baby, we have to go," You say to him, taking him by the hand and putting him back into the stroller, "Dada is waiting!"
You're told to meet him by the entrance of the supermarket so as you're pushing the stroller, you're craning your neck to find him.
"There's dada!" You exclaim once you spot him.
Aster is giggling as he is strapped into his seat as you push the stroller at full speed and start wriggling his body when he notices his father waving his hand at him.
"Hi, sweet boy," Felix says to his son, unbuckling the straps around his chest and lifting him.
"Are you having fun?" He asks the little one with a boop on his nose.
"Yes," Aster answers with a nod and presses his mouth onto Felix's cheek.
"We just got back from looking at vacuums," you share while holding onto the stroller.
"Must be fun. Dada is jealous," he jokingly says while hoisting Aster higher in his arms.
He then turns to look at you and shows his new hairstyle, it's still blonde but it looks like he trimmed it a little.
"What do you think?" He asks for your opinion while giving his hair a subtle flip.
You lowly chuckle, "You look stunning!"
"Thank you," he says, then turns at Aster to ask for his approval next, "Do you like it, Aster?"
"Yes," he shortly says, it's unsure whether he understands the question or not but it's enough to make Felix smile in response.
This is when you find the resemblance between Aster and his dad, they share the same warm genuine smile with their nose slightly scrunched.
The trip continues with a grocery shopping and Aster gets distracted by the plush toys on the shelf, pointing at the one that looks like the pet dog at home.
"Mandu!" He shouts in excitement.
You grab one and hand it to him, letting him play with it as he sits inside the trolley.
"It indeed looks like Mandu," Felix says as he puts a loaf of bread into the trolley.
"What a lovely couple!" An elderly says as she walks past the three of you.
Felix and you automatically exchange a look and then burst into laughter at the same time.
This is not the first time both of you have heard such a thing. Whenever the two of you are together, especially with Aster around, it seems to them that the two of you are married and Aster is your love child.
First of all, you wouldn't mind having Felix as a husband, he's beautiful and kind, he's a successful food blogger who has written dozens of cookbooks, and ultimately, a good dad to Aster.
Unfortunately, Felix is very well taken and is happily married to his husband, Hwang Hyunjin.
That's a nickname Aster likes to call you, you pick up his toy from under the sofa in case it's what he tries to say to you.
"Yes, sweet Aster?"
"Water, please?" He sweetly asks while rubbing his chest with his hand, a sign language that means 'please'.
"I'll get it for you," Felix says from the kitchen even though he's busy preparing dinner.
You stay with Aster, keeping him company as he's playing with his toys in front of the TV.
Felix comes with Aster's water bottle and offers it to his son himself, he watches as he sucks water through the straw.
"My sweet boy is thirsty, huh?"
Aster swallows his drinks and gasps in exaggeration, "Thank you, dada!!" He cutely mutters.
"You're very welcome, angel," he says back and kisses the top of his head.
Felix may seem tough with his lean, toned body and his deep voice but that's just what he appears to be. As opposed to tough exteriors, he has a very tender soul and is not afraid to show it.
"Do you mind turning on the news?" He politely asks.
"Yep, sure," you say, flicking the TV channels to the one you know he wanted to see.
Felix's husband, Hyunjin, works as a news anchor in a TV station and he usually works either the noon or the night news but at times, he does one in between those times.
"I texted him, telling him to wink if he wants Martinis served when he comes home," Felix says as he's chuckling while his hand constantly playing with Aster's hair.
"Oh? What?" You gasp and you must admit that an interesting way to flirt with one another, "You think he'll do it?"
Felix shrugs but he knows what he's doing because who doesn't like having drinks served when you come home after a long day of work? Not you, obviously and it's sad that no one does that for you.
A few minutes later, the breaking news intro flashes through the screen and you guess this must be it. Hyunjin's long and angular face fills the screen, his dark hair slicked back and he wears a tie in a color that compliments his skin tone well.
"Look, Aster! That's Daddy!" You say as you shake his hand in excitement.
Aster looks up from his toy and sees his dad's face on the screen, his face lights up like a Christmas tree once he sees him.
"Daddy!" He shouts.
"That's Daddy," Felix says, planting another kiss on Aster's head.
Mandu barks noticing the familiar face on TV and starts standing on his hind legs as if he's trying to reach Hyunjin through the screen.
"The meeting of the 49th Asia Audit Committee was held on 11 March at the Asia Hall to discuss matters related to audit, risk, and governance of the secretariat," Hyunjin eloquently reads the news then there it is, the wink. It's so subtle that it may seem like he was trying to blink but it's a wink.
Felix cracks a laugh, probably not expecting that he would actually do it on national broadcast and in the middle of him reading the news.
"Well, guess we'll be having Martini tonight," he says as he gets up from the carpeted floor, "You should stay for dinner because you don't want to miss it."
You feel bad for always turning down his offer and you reckon it's time to accept the invitation for dinner. Also because Martini sounds like a nice treat.
"Well, since I'm driving, I'll only have one Martini," you remind him.
"Wise choice!" He comments.
To be honest, it's always a treat to have dinner at this household. Despite his specialty in baking, Felix is a great cook and you'd love to have dinner here every day if you could but you don't want to be greedy and exploit their kindness. Boundaries exist for a reason and you respect those boundaries because at the end of the day, they're your employers and you are the employee.
Hearing the familiar sound of his dad's car pulling up the driveway, Aster runs to the door with Mandu trailing behind him, he's squealing with saliva dribbling down one corner of his mouth.
You abruptly stop setting the table to follow him and are ready to help if he accidentally trips or falls, you stop him from going further and make him wait in the foyer.
"Daddy will be here soon," you assure him, containing his excitement with one arm around his waist.
A moment later, the door opens and Hyunjin steps inside, he's still dressed in his work attire sans the suit jacket, he has his white shirt loosened around the neck and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Aster jumps as he squeals and you can't contain him anymore, you let him run at his dad. Hyunjin is quick enough to get on his knees and catches him in his arms.
"Is this Aster or monster Aster?" He likes to baby talk to the little one while pressing ticklish kisses onto his neck.
"This is monster Aster!" He playfully tickles Aster's stomach, making him squirm and giggle, more drool dribbling down his mouth.
"Give Daddy a kiss!" He demands, offering his cheek at him.
Aster opens his mouth wide and instead of kissing, it looks like he's going to take a bite out of Hyunjin's cheek.
"Ouch! That hurts!" He exclaims, rubbing his cheek which is wet with Aster's drool.
You gasp when you see the faint teeth mark on Hyunjin's cheek, "Oh, my God! You have the—" you point at his cheek.
"This is not the first time," Hyunjin calmly says to you while walking further into the house, he drops his briefcase on the sofa and comes up to his husband who's busy making sure the spaghetti sauce is flavorful.
Hyunjin places a hand on the small of Felix's back and leans in for a long, lingering kiss on the lips. Felix drops everything he's doing to properly welcome him home with a hu and not enough with one kiss, Felix pecks his lips and smiles when he pulls away.
"Aster bit me," Hyunjin immediately tells on his own son like a child, pointing at the teeth mark on his cheek.
Felix hurriedly checks it and gently rubs it with his thumb, "Aster, you bit daddy?"
"Monster Aster!" He mumbles in response to Felix.
"Oh? Monster Aster who bit daddy?"
"Uh-huh," he repeatedly nods.
"Monster Dada is coming to bite you then," Felix jokingly says.
Aster breaks into laughter and then hides in Hyunjin's neck as Felix attacks him with kisses on his stomach. It's just the three of them in their loving bubble.
"What are we having for dinner?" Hyunjin asks with his hand placing gentle rubs on Felix's back.
"Spaghetti with meatballs, Aster's favorite," He answers while stirring sauce in the pan.
"Smell good," Hyunjin comments, and then they exchange a look that is filled with so much love.
The whole interaction makes you feel like you're watching a movie scene that describes what a happy, loving family looks like. Your heart bursts thinking if the future holds something like this for you too.
"Can you stay with Bubba, darling?" Hyunjin says to his son, coming up to you to hand him over.
"Daddy will get back soon, okay?" He convinces him with a kiss on the cheek before leaving to go upstairs.
"And you, young gentleman, time to wash those dirty hands," you tell him.
Dinner is served on the table and just from the look of it, you can tell Felix's cooking is going to taste so good like always. Once in a while, you check Aster if he's eating his dinner well and from the way his mouth is slobbering with spaghetti sauce, you can tell he is.
"Isn't it like spring break for you?" Hyunjin suddenly asks.
You swallow your food before answering, "Yes."
"And you don't have any plans for spring break?"
"I do. The plan is playing with your 18-month-old son," you playfully answer while twirling pasta with your fork.
Hyunjin doesn't ask more about it, you guess he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable with those kinds of questions.
"She doesn't like going out much," Felix says then flashes a knowing smile at you, "Just like you."
Hyunjin pouts at him in response but Felix finds it cute that he grabs his hand on the table and squeezes it.
"Is that true?" Hyunjin asks for confirmation from you.
"Yeah. I just want to finish college as soon as possible and I can do all those things later," you explain.
You understand that this way of thinking is unlike most people but you like to keep your focus on one thing and that is finishing your education.
You didn't even plan to keep working as their babysitter, you needed the extra money to replace your crappy car but as time goes on, you learned that they're a nice family and Aster is such a sweetheart so you decide to continue working for them until you graduate.
"Look at me, baby!" You say as you wipe Aster's mouth with a wet wipe.
He keeps wanting to nestle his head in your neck but you can't let him do that with all the spaghetti sauce all over his mouth and cheeks.
"You're getting sleepy, mmh?" you sweetly mutter as you reach to clean his cheek but he keeps dodging away.
It's not even his bedtime yet and Aster usually plays for a bit after dinner, but it seems like he can barely keep his eyes open anymore.
Hyunjin checks on you and notices that Aster is getting drowsy, "I'll get him to bed," he softly mutters to you.
You carefully hand Aster to him and he immediately nuzzles his head into the crook of his neck, then rest his eyes closed.
Since Hyunjin is taking your task away, you decide to help Felix clean up in the kitchen, scraping the leftovers off the plate to load them into the dishwasher next.
"You don't have to do that," Felix says as he's busy gathering the ingredients for the Martini.
"But I already did," you say with a grin and close the dishwasher, "Can I help you with anything?"
He looks over his shoulder at you, "Yeah, can you take the cocktail glasses out of the fridge?"
"Got you," you open the fridge and have no problem finding the three chilled dainty cocktail glasses perched on the the middle shelf of the fridge.
Felix meticulously measures the liquor, one part dry vermouth, and 6 parts gin before pouring them into the mixing glass, then gives it a good shake.
Once he deems it's mixed well, he carefully pours them into the glasses and instead of olives, he uses the lemon peel as garnish.
You're impressed with his drink-mixing skill but more impressed with how elegant he looks doing all that stuff.
"I want to be you when I grow up," you say in awe.
That earns a nice chuckle out of him as he wipes the kitchen island with a napkin, "You will," he playfully says.
"Now, where's my hard-earned Martini?" Hyunjin says as he returns from putting Aster to sleep and comes back carrying Mandu in one arm.
Felix lifts the drink and shows it to him, "It's ready!"
After having a toast, you can't bring yourself to drink it because it looks so pretty but not drinking it would be rude to the one who made it. You take a small sip and try to reserve it as long as possible.
It's so refreshing and nice, you can taste a hint of citrus from the lemon. You believe it's the first time you have a drink that is skillfully made by some.
"This is so good," you genuinely compliment and can't stop yourself from getting another sip at it.
"Compliment to the chef!" Hyunjin says with a seductive smile and pulls Felix closer to his side, resting his arm around his waist.
There's the look of love again and you can tell what's coming after that, yep, Hyunjin kisses Felix on the lips with his smile lingers on his face.
Flustered, Felix hides his face in his neck exactly like Aster did earlier.
"You always smell good, babe," Felix whispers and he probably thinks that you don't see him planting kisses onto Hyunjin's neck.
Hyunjin tilts Felix's head to land a sweet kiss on his lips and they smile at each other after, "I like it whenever you do that," he mutters, pulling him even closer to his side.
All of a sudden, you feel like third wheeling, you abort your plan to savor every sip of your Martini and gulp it at once.
"It's getting late. I'd better go," you say, putting the glass down on the kitchen island.
Not waiting for their response, you gather your things and shove them into your bag. You're walking back to them to say bye.
"Be careful on the way home," Felix says as he gives you a quick hug.
You hoist the strap of your bag higher on your shoulder, "I will. Goodnight!"
"I'll send you off," Hyunjin offers, walking you out of the door, and as you take the car keys out of your bag, he snatches it.
"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" He asks.
"It's only one drink," you assure him.
"Sobriety test. Go!" He says, refusing to make a compromise.
You subtly roll your eyes at him and walk in a straight line to prove that you're not under the influence and sober enough to drive.
"See?" You tell him as you turn around to face him.
"Now, do a cartwheel!" He orders, leaning his side against the doorway.
"Seriously?" You groan.
Hyunjin bursts out laughing, "No. I'm joking."
He approaches you to hand your car keys back and puts them right in your hand, "Here. Drive safely."
"I will."
"Thank you for today," he says as he stands in the doorway.
You flash him a smile before getting into your car, "Goodnight, Mr. Hwang!" You poke fun, knowing how much he hates being called by his surname.
"It's Hyunjin," he insists while gritting his teeth.
You have the fun now and chuckle, "Goodnight, it's Hyunjin!" You shout as you pull the car out of the driveway.
That's pretty much how your day went in the Hwang-Lee household. You've been working for them for eight months and there's not a day where you don't feel jealous of their romantic and harmonious marriage life.
They don't make you babysit on the weekends but there's always an exception.
Tonight is a date night for Felix and Hyunjin, and you come a little after seven even though they'll leave at 8. You knock on the door and let yourself in, they probably know you'll be coming anyway.
"Bubba is here!" Felix says, knowing that it's you who came through the door.
Aster appears from behind the wall and grins when he looks at you, he's trudging his way to you and almost stumbles on his own little feet.
"It's Astalalala," you exclaim, calling him by the nickname you give him. You squat down to hug him and catch a whiff of that nice baby scent that clings to him.
"How are you, sweet Aster?" You ask.
"Good," he shortly answers.
"And where's my kiss?" You ask, tapping your cheek to show him where to kiss.
He rushes to kiss you on the cheek and instead of his lips, his nose bumps your cheek first.
"Thank you, Astalala," you sweetly say with a smile.
You carry him up as you walk inside and find Felix in the kitchen as you expected, he is already dressed in a dark silk shirt with a tie-neck collar and is making sandwiches.
"Hey, I made you a cold-cut sandwich," He says, shoving a piece of cheese into his mouth.
"Oh, no. I had dinner," you meekly say, feeling bad for refusing.
"Well, you can have it later," he simply resolves.
"With pleasure," you respond because it looks so good and you'll definitely eat it as soon as you get hungry.
"Aster had his dinner already," He informs you as he puts back everything into the fridge.
He suddenly lands a slap on his forehead as if he's just remembered something, "Oh, I forgot to change his pillow covers."
"Don't worry, I'll do it," you assure him.
He awkwardly stands in front of you and asks, "Is it too much?"
"Not at all. You look stunning," you convince him, turning your head at Aster to seek his approval, "Right, Aster?"
"Yesss," he hisses through his bunny teeth.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Felix says and presses a kiss on his round cheek.
As you take Aster to the living room to watch his favorite cartoon, Hyunjin appears from the top of the stairs and is dressed in a suit, he skips the tie tonight and keeps the top two buttons open.
"Are you ready to leave?" He asks his husband who's still busy in the kitchen.
Felix glances up to see Hyunjin descending the stairs, "Yeah. I just need to—"
"Oh, my God. Stop cleaning up," you scold him since he can't seem to relax without making sure his kitchen is clean and tidy.
Felix drops the cloth and washes his hands under the sink, "Yes, I'm ready," he replies to his husband.
Hyunjin and Felix take turns kissing Aster before leaving the house, you send them on their way out while carrying their son in your arms.
"Bye, baby," Felix throws an air kiss at Aster.
"Bye, bye, dada!" You make him say them to his dad and he follows suit, waving his small hand at him as he says it.
"Have a great night!" You shout at them before they get into the car.
There's not much left to do but play with Aster in the living room and at the first sign of him getting drowsy, you hurriedly run him a bath and prepare him for bed.
As he picks the storybook he wants you to read, you change his pillow covers per Felix's instruction, then you sit on the small sofa and have Aster sit on your lap to read the storybook together, he mostly looks at the pictures as you read it to him.
It doesn't take long until he drifts into sleep with his head resting on your chest, you cuddle him until he's deep in his slumber before putting him in his crib.
"Night, sweet Aster," you whisper and leave the door to his bedroom slightly ajar.
As a reward, you eat the sandwich Felix made and it's worth every bite of it, having it with a can of soda from the fridge. Finished with your second dinner, you take a tour around the house, looking at the photos hung on the walls.
One is of Aster when he was a baby along with his tiny footprints and then there's a picture of the three of them together on Aster's first birthday. On the biggest frame is Hyunjin and Felix's wedding photo, they're both wearing white suits but Hyunjin's is embroidered with a flower pattern while Felix has this lace tail on the back of his suit jacket. You've never seen a more beautiful couple than them and you believe they're what people call a match made in heaven.
Having nothing else to do, you curl up on the sofa and read a book you brought with you. The next thing you know, you wake up startled hearing someone entering the passcode to the house.
You scramble to get up and pick up the book falling off your lap, you check the time on your phone, it's a little after eleven so it must be them coming back from their date.
It's true, you can hear their laughs as they enter the house and their low chatter, you also catch them smooching through the reflection on the TV screen. You act like you're not seeing it and cover your face with the book, pretending to read.
When you hear their footsteps coming into the room, you slowly put down your book and smile, "Oh, you guys are back!"
"Oh, hey," Felix says, foolishly grinning with his cheeks flushed, looking like he's slightly drunk.
Hyunjin looks not that different, his cheeks red and he's all smiles when he places his hand on Felix's waist.
"I'll go check on Aster," he says with a soft smile.
You wait until Hyunjin leaves to ask something, "Hey, do you mind if I'm staying over? I'm so sleepy, I don't think I'll able to drive home—"
"Of course!" Felix hastily answers, then sits on the sofa next to you, "You know I don't feel good letting you drive at night."
"Oh, thank you," you sincerely say.
"Hey, since you're staying, why don't we have a glass of wine?"
It's a nice offer and you would love to accept it but you don't want to disturb their date night, it's better if you get yourself out of the scene as to not ruin it for them.
"I'd love to but I'm... I'm tired," you gently refuse with an apologetic smile.
He places his hand on your hand and squeezes it, "That's okay. You'd better rest then."
You smile at him and bring your book with you, "Goodnight."
"Night!" He says back.
Right before you enter the guest room, you see Hyunjin surprises Felix with a back hug and then he whispers something into his ear that makes him laugh, filling the space with his deep laughter.
Now you know that they're not drunk, they're just in love.
Sunday morning at the Hwang-Lee household consists of a hungry toddler and a cook who doubts his pancake souffle is fluffy enough. Then you enter the scene as a girl in search of her first intake of caffeine.
"Morning," you cheerily greet everyone, softly poking Aster's cheek as he chews on his mini pancakes.
"Morning!" Felix says back without looking up from the pan, "Coffee?"
"I'll get it myself," you say, getting yourself a cup from the cabinet and carefully pouring some hot coffee from the pot.
"How's your sleep?" He asks, serving you a delicious-looking pancake souffle, it jiggles as he pushes the plate across the kitchen island.
"I slept so well, thank you," you answer with a sleepy smile and start with a small sip of coffee, you can feel it rejuvenate you from the inside.
Felix anxiously watches as you eat the pancake, "Do you think it's fluffy enough?"
You take a moment to chew and swallow before answering, "I think it's perfect," you honestly answer, it tastes even better than the ones made in the pastry shop.
"More apple, please!" Aster cutely asks.
Felix rushes to slice the peeled apple for him and places them on his plate, "More apple for Aster," he cutely says, then kisses his head.
"Thank you, dada," Aster mumbles with his mouth full of food.
He then pulls the drawer open and takes something out, "Since you're here..."
He slides an envelope toward you and you reckon it's your pay, he insists on paying weekly because he knows you may need it for gas. One look at it and you know they put extra bills in there. They have always been so generous with the pay.
"Thank you," you say, accepting it with gratitude.
"Do you mind running some errands for me tomorrow?"
"No. I don't mind at all," you answer.
Felix comes up with a list of things to buy along with his credit card, handing it to you, "You can come late tomorrow."
"Consider it done," you assure him, putting the list and the credit card into the envelope.
"The last one is for you," he says, putting a gift card in front of you, "So you don't have any excuses to not spoil yourself."
As expected, he knows you so well. You're reluctant to spend money on such things when it can be used for more important things but Felix oftentimes reminds you that it's okay to spoil yourself once in a while.
You crack a laugh and put the gift card into the envelope, "I will. Thank you," you say.
Not only generous, they always come with extra something like this. Just last week, he bought you a new laptop bag and scented candles.
The sound of Mandu's barks only means that Hyunjin is back from walking him. He comes in panting and brushing his dark hair to the back, exposing a layer of sweat coating his forehead.
"Mandu almost fought someone's dog," Hyunjin shares as he's getting himself a glass of water to quench his thirst. You find it cute that he likes to rant to his husband like a little kid.
"It's a Rottweiler and it's like this big," Hyunjin continues, describing how big the dog Mandu almost picked a fight with. He then goes to sit on the stool next to his son and watches his ear.
"What do you have here, baby?" Hyunjin asks the little one with a gentle ruffle on his hair.
"Apple," he shortly answers, offering a slice to him.
Hyunjin takes it into his mouth even though it's slobbering with yogurt, "yum..." he hums in delight.
Felix joins in with them, sitting next to him, and intently watches as Hyunjin digs into the pancake souffle.
"I don't think it's fluffy enough," Felix sighs, taking his baking very seriously.
Hyunjin takes a second to thoroughly taste it and says, "No, it's perfect," he disagrees with him.
He then looks at you to convince him more, "It's perfect. Right?"
"I told him the exact same thing earlier," you respond, shoving a spoonful of it into your mouth.
"It is?" Felix doubtfully asks as he also digs into the pancake and takes a bite.
"It's perfect," Hyunjin reassures him with a peck on his lips.
When he pulls away from the kiss, he softly mutters, "You're perfect."
This is too early for this but you have accepted the fact that there'll be not a day where it doesn't feel like you're third wheeling when you're around them. You look away and quietly sip your cup of coffee.
"Hey, we're going to the aquarium today. Are you coming?" Hyunjin asks.
You look around to check if Hyunjin is really asking you, "oh that sounds fun but I have to drive my mom to her book club meeting," you explain.
They had a date night and now they're having a family day, and it's endearing that they invite you along but you can only say yes once in a while.
You gently pinch Aster's round cheek and say, "Maybe next time.
The next day, you come to their house with both hands carrying bags of groceries. Notices that you're struggling to carry them yourself, Felix comes to your aid, taking a few bags out of your hands.
"Sorry I made you do all this," Felix says as he puts the bags on the kitchen counter with loud thudding sounds.
"No, it's okay. It's not a big deal," you assure him, putting the last few bags onto the counter.
Since everything is all accounted for, you take out all the receipts along with his credit card and give them back to him.
"I hope I didn't miss anything," you say.
Felix doesn't even glance at the receipts, he puts them inside the drawer and slips the credit card back into his wallet.
"I guess Aster is napping?" You ask, sitting on the stool with a glass of water.
"Yes, he just went to nap," he answers, "Lunch?"
"I had lunch."
"I just baked some Madeleine. Do you want some?" He offers.
"With tea?" You ask with your eyebrow raised.
He brightly grins as if you read his mind, "Of course!"
After putting away a box of party supplies in the pantry, you join Felix on the back porch for some tea and Madeleine he baked. The sunny weather makes a perfect ambiance for tea time.
You find Felix scribbling something in his notebook, the one he uses to write down recipes or ideas for his next cooking videos. You grab a Madeleine once you sit on the chair next to him.
"So, I assume you'll film a cooking video soon?"
After having Aster, Felix decides to be a stay-at-home dad and film cooking videos for his food blog, he's still has a great following and plans on writing a cookbook.
"Yes, and it's not going to be an easy one," He says, hinting at something with his scrunched nose.
"Does it involve your 19-month-old son?" You guess, raising your eyebrow at him.
One of Felix's most popular cooking videos is one with Aster in it, you guess people like seeing them together even though it could get messy at some point.
"It wouldn't be the first time," you say since you had the experience of helping them film the previous one and it was messy.
"Will you help me?" Felix asks with hopeful eyes.
It's not even about the money anymore. Helping them comes as a second nature to you. In fact, they feel like a family to you that there's nothing that you wouldn't do for them.
Aster can indeed be a handful but not the kind that you can't manage. He was only 13 months old when the previous video was filmed and he's older now, hopefully, he's better at understanding what and how things work.
Once he wakes up from his nap, you give him snacks, some fruits, and cheese slices while Felix is preparing ingredients in the kitchen and setting up the cameras.
Now that he's refreshed from the nap and full from the snacks, Aster gets in the right mood to film with Felix. He makes him stand on the chair next to him to start filming.
Your job is simple, make sure that the cameras are recording well and filming at the right angles, the rest will be edited by Felix.
"Today, Aster and I are making banana bread," Felix says to the camera.
It never ceases to amaze you how that deep voice belongs to him.
"What are we making, Aster?" He asks his little one.
"Banana bread!" He eloquently answers.
"That's right," Felix cheerful responds and briefly kisses his head.
Felix starts peeling the banana and handing it to Aster, telling him to break them into pieces. Aster follows the instructions well but instead of dumping them into the mixing bowl, he eats it.
"You just had your snack a while ago," Felix says while laughing and letting him have a piece for now.
He then hands him the next banana and watches him breaking it off again. As he's about to put it in his mouth, he looks at him and says, "Aster, into the bowl!"
Aster gives in and dumps the banana into the bowl. However, on the third banana, he caves in and thinks of eating it again. Felix quietly watches him, letting him decide whether he would follow the urge or be able to resist it.
Aster looks at Felix and grins, catching him off guard, he shoves the banana into his small mouth. You hold the urge to laugh out loud watching the whole thing behind the camera.
"Bubba, I think we need more bananas," Felix mutters at you.
You hurriedly pick a couple of bananas from the fruit bowl and hand it to him, no need to worry about getting filmed, Felix will edit you out later.
After smashing the bananas in the bowl, Felix shows Aster how to crack an egg and dumps it into the bowl. He fails on the first try, completely shatters the egg and it drops onto the table.
"We'll do it together, okay?" Felix patiently teaches him to properly crack the egg on the edge of the bowl and successfully puts it into the bowl this time.
"You know what it is, Aster?" He lifts a bowl of flour at him.
Aster looks at you to find the answer, you inaudibly mutter the answer to him.
"Foufou," he hesitantly mumbles his answer.
"Yes, flour," Felix exclaims, letting him dump the whole thing into the mixing bowl.
Aster accidentally pours it off the bowl and some of it spills onto the table, "Oh, no..." he sadly mutters.
"That's okay," Felix assures him, adding extra flour from the bag.
"Now, sugar," he says, making Aster do it again.
He shakes his head, probably afraid would spill it again, "No. Dada do it," he says.
"Dada knows Aster can do it," he encourages but you can tell that he tries not to intervene as Aster lifts the bowl of sugar.
Aster manages to put it in perfectly and Felix gasps in pride, "See? Dada knows you can do it!"
Aster grins in response to his dad's praise and watches as Felix mixes the whole thing with a whisk. He stops to switch turns with his son, letting him mix it as he pleases.
"There you go," Felix sweetly mutters.
It indeed gets very messy at the end of the filming but it's nothing compares to how heartwarming it is watching them baking together. Felix is so patient and gentle the whole time and Aster is smart for his age, precocious even.
As everyone waits for the banana bread out of the oven, you take Aster to the back porch and let Mandu out to play in the backyard. Together, you're watching the sunset and a flock of birds flying in between the burst of gold and orange in the sky.
"Do you see that, Aster?"
"Birdies!" Aster exclaims, tilting his head and looking mesmerized by what he's seeing.
"Yes. Birdies flying," you say.
Aster raises his hand in the air and waves it at the birds, "Bye, bye birdies!"
"Bye, bye birdies," you follow suit, also waving your hand high.
When you come back inside, you are greeted by the delicious smell of freshly baked banana bread. Despite the messy process, it turns out really well.
Felix takes a few pictures for the blog and slices it to have a taste at it, he hands you a slice on a plate. As for Aster, he breaks a piece, blowing on it before feeding it to him.
"Does it taste good?"
"Good," he answers even though he's still chewing.
Considering that it was made by a toddler, it tastes alright and probably tastes better than the one baked by an amateur at baking like you.
"Good job, Aster," you raise your hand at him for a high-five.
In the middle of dinner, Aster gets sleepy and you immediately take him upstairs. You don't even need to read him a storybook or rocking him in your arms, he must be tired that he's falling asleep while having his bottle of milk.
You come back downstairs and find Felix has done cleaning up in the kitchen.
"Hey, will you stay for a round of video games?" Felix asks, turning around from the counter as you arrive at the base of the stairs.
Since Hyunjin will be coming home late to do late-night news, you decide to stay a little longer with Felix even though you have zero ideas on how to play video games. He patiently guides you through it while also controlling his console in his hands.
In the third round, you finally get the hang of it but not good enough to beat Felix at it. You eventually give up and decide to watch him play on the side.
Felix takes a break from playing and grabs two cans of beer from the fridge, drinking it on the sofa together.
"Hey, can I ask you some personal questions?" He asks out of the blue.
Yes, you're working for him but you are comfortable enough with him to talk about personal things. You nod in answer, "Yes, sure."
Felix sips his beer first before coming up with the personal question he wanted to ask, "Are you seeing anyone?"
"No," you answer with a light head shake.
"May I know why?"
"I'm not looking for relationships at the moment," you shortly answer.
Finishing your college is your top priority now and as for everything else, you can always do it later once you graduate.
"Is it because you don't want to or...?"
"I think I've said it before that I'm focusing on graduating college first," you answer.
"But are you open to it?"
"I'm always open to it but not for now," you firmly answer.
"How about casual ones?"
"You mean... casual dating?"
"Why? You've done it, right? Sex?"
You shyly chuckle because you don't talk about such things with anyone, not even with your mom.
"Don't get shy with me. We're both grown up and Aster is asleep," he says with a soft laugh.
"Well, I've done it but... I don't know," you decide to leave it at that, deciding not to tell him in detail.
"Was it good? Bad? Average?"
"I don't have that many experiences to know for certain if it was good or bad," you honestly share and it surprises you that you don't find it awkward to tell him that. Maybe it's because you know he won't be judgmental about it.
Felix nods at your answer and he seems to need a moment to process it, "Are you open to experiment?"
"You make it sound like it's a chem class," you playfully respond to his question.
"Experimenting is what led me to meet Aster's dad," Felix remarks with a quick eyebrow raise.
You crack a laugh and finish your can of beer, "I don't know. I'm not that confident with myself."
"Nonsense!" He strongly disagrees.
"You're undeniably gorgeous," he genuinely compliments as he brushes your hair to the side, "and that says something coming from me."
You laugh again and put down your empty can on the table, "well, thank you!"
Felix shifts on his seat and turns his body to face you, "do you trust me?"
"I do," you answer without a beat and that tells him how much you trust him.
"Do you trust me enough to experiment with me?"
"With you?" You ask in confirmation.
"I don't know..." you doubtfully answer, "I don't want things to be awkward between us."
"It won't. Trust me," he convinces you.
There's nothing to lose here and it's just an experiment, not a real thing. It's more relieving to know that he initiates the idea and you can trust him on that.
"Who knows you have a thing for a dad of one?" He jokingly says.
"Okay," you say with a nervous laugh.
"Okay," he says, putting his hand on your shoulder and gently massaging it, "Now, relax."
Felix glides his hand up to the nape of your neck and continues massaging you there, his fingers softly scratching the back of your hair. It works to help you relax, your shoulders are no longer tense and your heart beats steadily.
"Now close your eyes," he speaks so low it's almost like a whisper.
You obey him without question and close your eyes, nothing happens until a moment later, you feel his lips against yours, soft meets soft, and together locked in a slow, sensuous kiss.
Felix skillfully pries your mouth open with his tongue and you willingly open it for him, letting him taste you more.
With the hand that stays on the nape of your neck, he can angle your head as he pleases, and that way he can deepen the kiss.
The quiet in the room only adds to the tension and you hold your breath, not wanting to change a thing about this moment, you want to keep it as long as you can and only let go when you start to feel faint from lack of oxygen in your lungs.
"And that's what a good kiss should be," he mutters.
Instead of feeling awkward, you feel funny and break into laughter, "Maybe I do have a thing for a dad of one," you joke back.
Hyunjin walks in on the two of you laughing on the sofa together and both of you immediately quiet down which gives the impression that he interrupted something.
"What's going on?" He asks, taking his suit jacket off and folding it neatly in his arm.
"Nothing," you shortly answer.
"I taught her how to kiss," Felix blurts out.
"Oh," Hyunjin says, but he doesn't seem as surprised as you think he would be, "Are you sure you taught her well?"
Hyunjin's unexpected reaction to it makes you wonder if he knows that it's true and he doesn't mind any of it. Or maybe you should feel relieved that he doesn't mind that his husband kissed the babysitter.
"Hey, why don't you stay over?" Felix suggests out of the blue.
The plan is to leave once Hyunjin is already home, you grab your phone and get up from the sofa, "Oh, no, I'll just—"
"You're staying over and I'm getting us drinks," Felix insists, pushing you to sit back down on the sofa.
"I'll help," you offer, getting the glasses from the cabinet while Felix is getting the liquor.
You return to the living room while clutching the glasses close to your chest, finding Hyunjin grabbing the knot of his tie and loosening it around the collar before pulling it hard, seamlessly taking it off at once.
"You don't know how to kiss, huh?" He says with a smirk, undoing the cuffs of his shirt before rolling the sleeves up to his elbows.
"I know how to kiss," you say with a dramatic eye roll.
Felix places a sealed bottle of liquor and a bowl of ice on the table along with a sealed bottle of liquor, "I showed her how a good kiss should be," he says.
Hyunjin sits on the sofa and grabs the bottle of liquor to uncap it, "Show it to me then."
You snort thinking that he's joking and Felix shifts the attention to the drinks, "Let's have some drinks first!"
Felix drops an ice cube into each glass while Hyunjin carefully pours the liquor to fill all three glasses without spilling a drop.
However, on the third round of drinks, Felix holds his hand out at you, "Come on!"
You glance up and look at him in confusion, "Huh?"
"Time to put it to practice," he says, holding his hand farther at you.
You awkwardly place your hand in his and let him help you get up from the sofa, he pulls you so hard that you bump into him.
Felix is quick enough to catch you with his arm around your waist, "do you trust me?"
"To do what?"
He dramatically rolls his eyes at you and asks you again, "Do you trust me?"
In a way that he has no intention to harm you mentally or physically and you feel safe enough to do almost anything then the answer is yes.
"Yes," you reply.
Felix nods as he takes your answer, he holds you close and puts his hand on your jaw, "Just follow my lead, okay?"
You don't know what he's going to do but you nod anyway, "Okay."
He leans in and kisses you, a little harder than the previous one. With the hand steadily holding your jaw, he can easily part your mouth open by pulling your chin down and that way, he can deepen the kiss.
One thing that you have to admit is that Felix is a good kisser, his kiss contains all sorts of things, it's hot and wet, gentle yet intense at times.
He has thing thing that he does with his tongue, he likes to twirl it around yours before tugging it between his teeth. The moment he lets go, you're running out of breath.
"Good, right?" Felix asks.
You innocently nod, "Yeah."
"Now, you do it to me," he says, asking you to practice it on him.
You take another moment to take a breath before leaning in and kissing him, doing exactly what he did to you earlier. It might not be perfect but you're trying your best to impress him.
As you're busy kissing him, Felix takes your hands and places them on him, one on his shoulder and the other on the back of his neck. He then puts his arms around you and pulls you closer until there's no inches of space left between your bodies.
Feeling left out, Hyunjin gets up from his seat and stands behind you. You're not aware of his presence until you feel his hot breath against your ear.
"Guys, let me in on the fun," he mutters, planting his mouth on your neck.
What in the world is this? This should only exist in your wild fantasies. You have to actively tell your brain that it's real and it's happening right now.
Felix breaks the kiss only for Hyunjin to take his turn, turning you the other way and pressing a ķiss on you. His lips are softer than you imagined, kissing him feels like you're kissing the clouds.
Felix's hands are making their way to the front of your blouse, undoing the buttons, and then taking it off you, exposing your upper half body to the cool night air.
As if Hyunjin kissing you isn't enough, Felix puts your hair to the side so he can place searing kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. He swiftly snaps your bra open with one hand then pulls the straps of your bra down your shoulders.
Aware that your breasts are freed from their confines, Hyunjin glides his mouth down to your neck while Felix is cupping them in his hands, fingers lightly rubbing on the blossoming buds.
"Oh, they're perfect..." Hyunjin sighs in awe, licking his already wet lips.
He slightly bends down to be able to put his mouth on your breast with Felix holding it up for him, you gulp air as you watch him using his tongue to play with your nipple.
A moan escapes your mouth as Felix pushes your breasts to the middle which allows Hyunjin to take them both in his greedy mouth at once.
After a while, Hyunjin helps himself by holding them up himself. Felix lets go of you to take off his sweater, he then takes your arm to drape it around his neck.
"You're so soft, bub," he whispers into your ear.
You can feel his warm skin against your back and the outline of his abs as your hand aimlessly groping around his body.
Hyunjin detaches his mouth off your breast and he reaches past your shoulder to kiss Felix, making you caught in between them.
This is the first time you don't mind third-wheeling them, you look at how their lips are locked in a passionate kiss and feel jealous of it.
"Come here, babe," Hyunjin says, pulling you in and making you a part of that kiss.
You get to the point that you can't tell whose lips are you kissing, it's one, endless kiss, soft on soft on soft.
Felix manages to take Hyunjin's shirt off and gets it out of the way, it's at a time like this that you feel the need to step out to understand the situation you're in.
They're different but beautiful at the same time, one offers different charms than the other but they're as attractive in your eyes. Your eyes are having a feast as you look at their sculpted bodies like looking at two Greek gods and it indeed feels a little unreal.
"Let's spice things up," Felix comes up with a wild idea and it involves pushing Hyunjin onto the sofa.
Unsure of what to do, you follow Felix's lead, sitting on the carpeted floor as he parts his legs open and Felix starts to unzip his fly open. He doesn't waste time pulling his erection of out its confine and lets it spring free.
They're maintaining eye contact as Felix pumps his length in his hand and then he turns to you, taking your hand and wrapping it around Hyunjin's cock.
Hyunjin's cock is all about the length but that doesn't mean the girth isn't impressive, the pink tip is as luscious as his full lips, making you want to have a lick at it.
As if he reads through your head, Felix asks, "Want to try and take it in your mouth?"
Not really wanting the whole thing in your mouth, mostly because you doubt you can take it well but since he offered, you nod in answer.
"Want me to show it how?" He offers again.
And you nod again.
Felix licks his lips before starting, slightly tilting his head down and then licking the tip until it's wet. He takes a couple of inches into his mouth, adjusting himself to the size to finally take more of Hyunjin's length, and the next thing you know, he takes all of him in his mouth.
You don't know how he does that with his small mouth and without gagging, you keep gulping your air as you're watching him.
On the other hand, Hyunjin softly scratches Felix's head and lowly mutters, "Just like that, baby."
Felix gasps when he pulls away, a string of saliva connected his lips with the tip of Hyunjin's cock.
"Want to go for it?" he asks, scooting to the back to make room for you.
You like how they do not pressure you to do anything you don't want to and it creates a safe space, making you feel comfortable enough to continue.
To begin, you take a deep breath and let it out. Then you follow what Felix has shown you, licking the tip just like you wanted to and then slowly, taking him into your mouth.
Felix observes from the back, he gathers your hair in his hands and makes a makeshift ponytail on the back of your head.
"Oh, you're taking me so well," Hyunjin coos, can't stop looking at how his cock slides in and out of your mouth.
When you deem you have adjusted yourself to his size, you dare yourself to take more only to have it hit on your uvula and you immediately pull back.
"Slowly, bub, slowly," Felix softly mutters to your ear.
You reorganize your breath and try again, taking it slow as Felix instructed, only taking it as far as you can.
"You can use your hand," Felix suggests, putting your hand on the base of Hyunjin's cock to compensate for the rest you can't take in your mouth.
You sync the movement of your mouth and you can hear Hyunjin lowly moaning in response to the stimulations.
"Like that, yes," Hyunjin sighs, throwing his head in back, completely overwhelmed by what you're doing to him.
Seeing that encourages you to keep going without forgetting to breathe and relax.
"Good girl," Felix praises with a sweet kiss on your shoulder.
He lets you have it for another moment before stopping you, he holds your shoulder and says, "Want to do it together?"
Unable to give a verbal answer, you nod in answer.
You and Felix, each take a side and then stick your tongue out to run it up and down Hyunjin's cock. At times, you both go in the same direction, your tongues twirled around his cock and alternating between sucking and licking.
Oh, to be Hyunjin and blessed with the view of you and Felix, both of your mouths lathering around his cock. He's truly enjoying it, he tangles his hands in your heads and gently tugging at it.
"Oh, so good, so fucking good..." Hyunjin breathlessly murmurs.
Eventually, both of your lips meet on the tip and Felix pulls you for a kiss, he holds you by the neck, smiling as he kisses you.
"You're a fast learner," he praises you.
You shyly smile and mutter, "Thank you!"
He brushes your hair to the side, also removing the hair stuck to your lips then tucks it behind your ear. He leans in to place kisses along your jaw and continues the trail to your lips.
Felix gets up from the floor to sit on the sofa, he looks at you and says, "Come sit on my lap!"
You do what he asked, sitting on his lap and slowly resting your back against his chest. Felix smiles as he wraps his arms around you, his hands caress your skin with so much gentleness. You take the initiative, tilting his head so you can kiss him as he touches you all over.
Another pair of hands join in, Hyunjin's long fingers tugging at the waistband of your jeans as he plans to take your jeans off. Once he pops the button open, he slowly pulls them down and you're shivering as his fingertips graze your skin.
You feel exposed as you're only wearing your plain white underwear and Hyunjin's head is between your legs, hanging not far from your heating core.
"Relax, bub," Felix coos as he glides his hand down until it lands on your clothed sex, his dainty finger skillfully finds your bundle of nerves through the fabric and circles on it.
You're squirming against him and can't hold yourself back from moaning as he applies just the right pressure on it, making you drenched down there.
Felix puts his hand to cup your sex and rubs his fingers in between your folds, "Let's take this off, mmh?"
Hyunjin volunteers to do it for you, grabbing the elastic band of your underwear and Felix makes you hold your legs up so he can easily take it off of you.
Even after the underwear is off, Felix steadily holds your legs by the back of your knees and then parts your legs open, making you feel more exposed than before.
Felix presses a haste kiss on your jaw and says, "Hyunjin will take good care of you now."
Your attention is shifted to the man kissing down your inner thigh, you're squirming as his mouth inches closer to your wetness and when it finally makes contact, you sharply gasp.
If it weren't for Felix's hands steadily keeping your legs open, you would have clamped Hyunjin's head in between. The sight of his red, plush lips on your cunt is enough to arouse you, but now he's using his tongue, running it up and down your slit. He teases your hole with his finger before replacing it with his tongue.
"Oh, fu—" You press your lips together to stop yourself from finishing your curse.
Felix lets go of your leg so he can put his hand in Hyunjin's hair and pushes his head deeper into your wetness while Hyunjin is intensely staring back at him.
"You're doing good, darling," he says to him.
Hyunjin smiles in response to his words, he draws back to take a breath and opens his mouth wider to take more of you.
"Touch yourself," Felix says, taking your hands in his and he makes you cup your own breasts in your hands, kneading them together with him.
"Feel so good, right?" He murmurs, his breath tickling your ear.
You're overwhelmed, your legs are spasming at how intense it gets and the knot inside you tightening, you feel like imploding. You've never experienced these feelings before until now and you don't know how to handle it.
Hyunjin retracts his mouth, showing his mouth and chin glistening wet with your essence. He lands a lick between your folds and slowly, inserts his finger into you.
"Oh..." you moan, gripping Felix's forearm so hard your nails dug into the flesh.
Hyunjin smirks as he stares up at you while pumping his finger in and out of you. A while later, he pulls it out only to add another digit and now two of his long, slim fingers are inside you.
"The way you're sucking my fingers in..." he sighs, planting his mouth on your clit to tease it with his tongue and suck on it.
As if that isn't enough for him, he curls his fingers and he touches you right on the spot that makes you loudly moan. You can tell that Felix is looking at the baby monitor to check on Aster which reminds you to keep yourself quiet. But it's so hard as Hyunjin incessantly sucking on your clit with his fingers repeatedly hitting on your spot.
When Hyunjin pulls away, you can finally breathe out and relax, far too relaxed that you feel weak on the legs. Felix has to move you like you were a rag doll, he's laying you down on the sofa and then he lays next to you.
"Are you okay, bub?" He asks you with a gentle caress on your cheek.
Other than can't feel your legs? You nod, "I'm okay."
Felix softly smiles and plants his lips on yours again, making you a little less conscious and less insecure with yourself. You allow yourself to do as you please, touching his body and boldly putting your hand in his pants. You pull his pants down just enough to let his cock spring free and put your hand around it, slowly stroking it.
"Fast learner," he murmurs against your lips.
You triumphantly smile in response, opening your mouth for him so he can deepen the kiss.
The sofa isn't big enough to fit three people and Hyunjin ends up hovering above you, placing kisses on your neck and chest.
Felix's hand parts your legs open and he doesn't waste time touching you there again, rubbing on your clit as he kisses you.
The second Felix breaks the kiss, Hyunjin takes his turn. He lowers his mouth on you, hastily kissing you on the lips and then on the skin under your ear.
"Want to be inside you," he whispers.
He cups your jaw and looks at you with a piercing gaze, "Can I?"
The first thing you do is look at Felix to seek his permission first. Instead of doing that, he asks the same thing to you.
"Will you let Hyunjin do it, bub?"
It's too late to back out now, isn't it? Honestly, you've been wondering what it feels like to have something beautiful like what they have and now, you get the chance to experience that.
You swallow air and nod, but you know they need the consent to be uttered verbally, "Yes."
Rather than going right into it, Hyunjin and Felix work together to place kisses all over you, you believe they're trying to make you relax and it works, you feel less nervous with every searing kiss they plant on your skin.
Felix puts your leg over his body, exposing your gushing hole to Hyunjin and he stares at it while stroking his cock in his hand, so hard and veiny, pulsating with so much desire.
"You're so wet, bub," Felix hums as he lightly caresses your inner thighs with his fingertips.
Getting impatient, Hyunjin rubs his length in between your folds, lubricating it with your arousal. Felix helps to smear it all over his length and gives it a few pumps.
"And you're so hard, my love," he says to Hyunjin which he immediately responds with a haste kiss on his lips.
"You have to wait for your turn," Hyunjin says, leaving another peck on his lips before shifting his attention back to you.
Hyunjin tenderly kisses your lips and holds your chin as he says, "I'm going in, yeah?"
With one hand resting on your abdomen, he aims his cock toward your entrance and slowly pushes it in. Felix props his elbow against the sofa to be able to see how Hyunjin's cock disappeared into you little by little.
Oh, he stretches you out and fills you in immediately, you look down and he's not fully in yet.
"Just a little bit more, bub," Felix mutters to you, placing soothing rubs on your inner thigh.
"So tight," Hyunjin says through his gritted teeth, also overwhelmed by being inside you.
Hyunjin pulls back to slowly push it back inside you deeper than before. The slightest of movement and you can feel his whole length inside you.
"Oh! Oh, my—" you muffle yourself by pressing your lips together.
"You take him so well, bub," Felix coos, removing the hair covering your face then kisses you.
Hyunjin gives it a moment to adjust to each other, he rubs your abdomen and places a tender kiss on your sternum, "You feel so good around me," He murmurs, his lips brushing your skin as he speaks.
Felix gives Hyunjin's hair a ruffle and pulls him for a kiss, then together they place kisses on each side of your face. He turns your head to the side and captures your lips in a kiss as Hyunjin starts moving.
He starts slow and keeps a steady pace, he maintains eye contact with you if he isn't looking down at the way his cock slips in and out of you.
"Do I feel good?" Hyunjin asks in a soft tone and a soft gaze.
"Uh-huh," you answer between your moans.
Hyunjin smiles and he remains steadily thrusting into you, but adding more intensity to it, the skin slapping sound grows louder and echoes in the living room.
Felix buries his mouth in your neck while his hand goes down south, giving you extra stimulation by playing with your clit.
"Please, please..." you beg.
"Please, what?" Hyunjin asks with a faint smirk on his face.
You don't know why you plead in the first place but it's getting so overwhelming, you don't know how you can take this much and your brain is still able to function.
"Please..." you pathetically plead again.
Hyunjin pauses for a second, he props his hands on each side of your waist to give him more leverage, and that way, he can add more depth and intensity to his thrust.
"You want to cum, mmh?"
You eagerly nod even though you're not sure if that's what you want but you know it's what you need.
"You hear the girl," Felix says, putting his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder, "Give it to her, babe."
Hyunjin feels encouraged, he doesn't even need it at all, he's been thrusting into you non-stop, taking you closer and closer to your release. He brushes his hair to the back and adds speed to his thrusting.
You don't know that you've been crying until you feel the tears rolling down your cheeks, your moaning and crying, sometimes it's a mix of the two, feeling so overwhelmed that your brain is short-circuit.
"My goodness, oh," your voice is shaking from how hard Hyunjin thrusts into you.
"Don't hold your breath," Felix speaks right into your ear, his teeth faintly nibbling on your ear.
But you keep holding your breath because if you don't, you feel like you're about to completely lose it and combust.
"Please, please," you plead again because it's the only word your brain can compute.
Hyunjin thrusts even faster and harder, your body quakes along to his movements. Felix holds your hand as if he knows you need something to hold on to.
"Oh, oh..." your moans turn into broken cries.
"You're close, mmh?" Hyunjin manages to say as he puts all of him to get you to your release.
Your eyes are screwed shut and more tears rolling down your cheeks, you feel hot all over even though your body is covered with a thin layer of sweat.
"I can't– can't take it anymore," you stutter your words as you choke on air from constantly moaning and crying.
"Just let go, bub, let go," Felix murmurs.
You let out a choked sob and follow his words, letting yourself go even if it means you're going to explode into a million little pieces.
Two, three thrusts later, you hit your climax and everything suddenly turns white. You feel faint but at the same time, you feel this wave of electricity surging through you.
You're completely out of it until a moment later, you open your eyes to find Hyunjin rushing to pull out of you. He then holds his cock in his hand, pumping it as fast as he could until the white of his seed spurts out of him.
"Oh, yeah, baby," he sighs while keeps pumping his cock.
Felix gasps in awe watching Hyunjin make white streaks all over your chest and stomach with his seed, glistening and feeling hot on your skin.
"Oh, look at that!" He looks at Hyunjin and says, "You cum a lot, honey."
Hyunjin stops pumping his cock once he deems he's done releasing his load. He tilts his head to the back and lets out a broken yet satisfied moan.
"Gosh! That was so fucking good," he says, placing a haste kiss on your parted mouth.
Felix uses his finger to take a swab of Hyunjin's cum and have a taste of it, he smiles as if he's just tasted something as sweet as honey. Guessing that you're curious about it too, he takes another swab at it and shoves it into your mouth.
"Isn't Hyunjin taste so sweet?" He asks.
You're too fucked out to respond and Felix notices it too, he lands a sweet kiss on your lips and jaw, then says, "It's okay, we'll take care of you."
You want to stay awake but you can barely keep your eyes open anymore, you're in and out of it for quite some time. You open your eyes and see Felix licking Hyunjin's cum off of you. You close your eyes and when you open them later, you find Hyunjin and Felix, both naked and kissing each other. The next time you open your eyes, you find Felix hovering above you while Hyunjin is thrusting into him from the back.
The last thing you remember is someone putting clothes on you and after that, it's all black.
This is embarrassing. You wake up in the guest room wearing Felix's sweater and short pants which means someone must have put those clothes on you and then carried you to the guest room so you can comfortably sleep on the bed.
What's more embarrassing is you'll meet them whether you like it or not because it's their house.
You get off the bed and find your pile of clothes on the chair, even more embarrassing that you have to meet them wearing their clothes.
This why they called it a walk of shame and you're stupid to ever think that it would never happen to you.
Out of the guest room, you head straight to the kitchen because it's easier to face one of them first and Felix is always in the kitchen.
Felix is mysteriously looking glowing and radiant like usual, it's like he didn't drink the same amount of alcohol to you or got in a threesome last night.
He turns around and immediately notices you coming, "Good morning, bub!"
Unlike him, you're aware that you must have looked swollen and terrifying so you cup your face with both hands.
"Morning," you croak.
He turns around again to grab a glass and fills it with orange juice, then serves it to you, "How are you feeling?"
You shyly chuckle and say, "Tired."
"Reasonable," Felix comments. He gasps as if he gets reminded of something, he pulls open the kitchen drawer and takes out something.
"You might want to take this," he says, putting a Morning After pill for you.
It's endearing that he pays more attention to such things than yourself. You rip it open with your fingers and waste no time to take it.
"Thank you," you mutter as you wash it down with orange juice.
"It's not time for Aster to have a sibling yet," Felix jokingly says.
It's actually nice that he treats you like any other normal day, you were really afraid that what happened last night would make things awkward between you and him but turns out, it was all in your head.
But you don't know for sure since you've only met Felix and—
"I heard Aster is getting a sibling?" Hyunjin says from the top of the stairs, all dressed for work and carrying Aster on his shoulders.
"Haha you guys are so funny," you say with dry laughs.
How is it fair that you're the only one looking like shit this morning?
"Airplane!" Aster shouts while patting Hyunjin's head with his tiny hands.
Hyunjin grabs his hands and stretches them out, swaying them left to right like an airplane. Aster is giggling as Hyunjin jumps onto the base of the stairs.
"Time for breakfast, sweet boy," Felix says, ordering Aster to sit in his baby chair.
Hyunjin tilts his head to look at his little one, "Time's up, little buddy."
Aster giggles and plants his mouth on Hyunjin's head to place a kiss, "Oh, thank you, sweetheart."
He then carefully takes him down from his shoulders and sits him in his baby chair.
"Aster's favorites for breakfast," Felix says as he serves his plate in front of him.
"Blueberries," Aster mumbles with drooĺ dribbling down the corner of his mouth.
"And yogurt," Felix adds, putting the small spoon on his plate.
"Thank you, dada," he mumbles with his hair tousled and his cheeks flushed.
"For you, scrambled egg and toast and bacon," Felix says, putting your plate of breakfast.
"Thank you," you mutter.
"And for my breakfast?" Hyunjin asks as he walks over to him and pulls him into a hug.
Felix smiles as he puts his arms around him and affectionately kisses him on the lips. He pulls away but Hyunjin presses another kiss on him, longer and lingering.
Them making you feel like you're third-wheeling again means things are alright and it's a relief to know that what happened last night doesn't change anything about them or worse, ruin what they have. You know you can't forgive yourself if what you did would ruin this very beautiful, precious thing of theirs.
"I can't stay for breakfast," Hyunjin says.
Felix stops him from turning away, he tugs at the collar of his shirt and fixes his tie for him, "Are we still on for a date night?"
"I should take a raincheck on that," Hyunjin answers, tilting his head upward as Felix tightens the knot of his tie.
"That's okay. We can do it next week," Felix says, now flattening the lapels of Hyunjin's suit jacket.
"Invite Bubba on our next date night," Hyunjin suggests a wild idea, flashing his sly smirk at you.
"And we'd get a sibling for Aster," he jokingly adds.
You roll your eyes at him and fill your mouth with food.
Once he's done, Felix lets him go and hands him his cup of coffee, "well, I want a baby girl," he also piles in on the joke.
"We can arrange that," Hyunjin says, smirking as he sips his coffee.
Can't say you agree to get Aster a sibling but you feel good knowing that your presence doesn't feel like a threat to them, if anything, they make you feel like you're a part of them.
"I have to go," Hyunjin says, taking another sip of his coffee before putting it down on the kitchen counter. He runs to get his briefcase and walks back to the kitchen to kiss his husband.
"Have a great day at work," Felix says after placing a peck on Hyunjin's lips.
Hyunjin sweetly kisses him on the cheek and whispers, "Love you."
Felix hugs him with such love and says back, "I love you."
Oh, they're disgustingly in love with each other, you can't decide if you get the urge to vomit from watching them or you're merely filled with so much jealousy.
Hyunjin walks up to Aster and plants a long kiss on the top of his head, "Daddy has to go to work, okay?"
Aster reaches for him and adorably places a kiss on Hyunjin's cheek, "Buhbye," he says while waving his hand at him.
"Be good, my sweet angel," he says for the last time with an endearing pat on the head.
As for you, he places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes it, "Have a great day, bub," he says.
"You too, Mr. Hwang," you shorty respond while chewing your food.
"It's Hyunjin," he says with a fed-up tone.
"You too, it's Hyunjin," you say with a sly grin.
Hyunjin ignores you and takes another look at Felix, staring at him with wistful eyes as if he's reluctant to go to work, and then waves bye at him.
A moment after Hyunjin leaves, Felix notices that Hyunjin left his car keys on the kitchen island.
"Honey, you're forgetting something," Felix shouts as Hyunjin hasn't gone out of the house.
You can hear his rushed footsteps and he returns to the kitchen, unexpectedly kissing Felix on the cheek.
"I'm going now," he says with a smile, thinking that the thing he forgot is kissing him bye.
"Honey!" Felix groans while laughing and you also burst out laughing from witnessing it.
"What?" Hyunjin asks in utter confusion.
Felix lifts the car keys and shows it to him, "You forgot your car keys."
"Oh?" He gasps with his mouth forming a perfect O shape, he innocently takes the keys out of Felix's hand and uses it as an excuse to kiss him again.
It's hard to not get jealous of them because you see, if there's one thing that makes you believe in love, it's them.
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ceeplays · 9 months
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Favorite Default Replacements & Game Override Mods (Part 1 - Object Overrides)
A compiled list of my favorite default replacement and override mods from the past year, plus a few classics that I just couldn't leave out. This is Part 1/3 of a collection of cc finds.
(More info and download links below the cut). ♥
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𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
I hope you all had a lovely, restful holiday, and that the bugs in For Rent haven't made you rage quit just yet. •ᴗ• I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been feeling extra grateful for all the stunning creations our modding community has been releasing. So, I figured I'm long overdue for another mod rec list and voila! - here we are.
This time, I'll be linking my favorite default replacement and override mods! While I mostly focused on newer releases, I also tried to add some overrides I don't frequently see mentioned on YT or in rec lists.
The original post got quite lengthy, so Tumblr forced me to divide this list into three (3) separate parts (sorry for the inconvenience!). - Part 2: Food & Kitchen, and World Overrides (here) - Part 3: Electronics & Font Replacements (here)
As always, I hope you find this useful, happy holidays to all who celebrate, & happy simming! ♥
Object Overrides:
@kirsicca : (1) The Modern Loveseat, (2) The Amaranth Sink, (3) Barely-Used BG Toilets
@surely-sims : (1) Growing Together Treehouse (becomes seasonal), (2) Vanity Make-Up Props, (3) Fire Alarm, (4) No Footprint Sleeping Bags, (5) Invisible Bassinet, (6) Basinet, (7) Booboo Billy Toy, (8) Nesting Blocks
@depthofpixels-cc : (1) Growing Together Treehouse Slide
@cowplant-snacks : (1) Seasons Holiday Tree
@lonvely : (1) Magnolia Promenade Trolley, (2) Toothbrush
@symphonysim : (1) Horse Grooming Tools
@dscombobulate : (1) Boxing Gloves, (2) Toothbrush
@superflare : (1) Infant & Toddler Sippy Cup
@simder-talia-blog (original creator unknown) : (1) Ice Skates
@elflike : (1) Ice Skates
@duplica-imite : (1) Ice Skates
@vroshii : (1) Ping Pong Paddle (becomes tennis racket)
@myxdollyt : (1) Fenty Make-Up Override, (2) Bratz Make-Up Override
@simmerwellpupper : (1) Game Controller (PS5 DualSense Controller)
@largetaytertots : (1) Default Replacement Haul (Lipstick, Pet Carrier, Mop, Pet Leash, Rake, Snow Shovel, Infant Toy, & more!), (2) Laundry Pile, (3) Folded Laundry, (4) Razor, (5) Cleaning Overrides (Sponge & Cleaning Spray)
@vixonspixels : (1) Female Roller Blades, (2) Folded Laundry, (3) Infant Bath Sponge, (4) High School Bus, (5) Restaurant Menu, (6) High School Homework, (7) High School Textbook, (8) University Homework, (9) Pencil, (10) Dog Leash
@bbygyal123 : (1) Infant Carrier
@apricotrush : (1) Scrub Daddy Sponge, (2) Presents, (3) Cleaning Spray
@serkisyan : (1) Playing Cards, (2) Make-Up, (3) Mail Envelopes/Bills, (4) Paint Brush/Easel Pencil, (5) Electric Toothbrush, (6) Charcoal Toothbrush, (7) Infant Bottle, (8) Cleaning Spray #1, (9) Cleaning Spray #2
@channel4sims-cc : (1) Aquarium Fish, (2) Kitchen Sponge, (3) Infant Bath Seat, (4) Infant Rubber Duck
@sims41ife : (1) Totoro Watering Can, (2) Laundry Bag & Pile, (3) Public Phone Booth (includes simlish swatches), (4) Game Controller, (5) Coffee Cup
@awingedllama : (1) Infant Crib, (2) Game Controller, (3) Bassinet
@cecesimsxo : (1) Infant Bottle
@ellcrze : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Sponge
@bellassims : (1) Mysims Trophies (become squishmallows), (2) Mysims tTophies (become tsum tsum plushies), (3) Mysims Trophies (become disney tsum tsums)
@cocoelleansims : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Grocery Bag, (3) Plopsy (becomes etsy)
@imfromsixam : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Infant Rug, (3) Stand Mixer, (4) Invisible Bassinet
@hydrangeachainsaw : (1) Game Controller #1, (2) Game Controller #2, (3) Infant Bath Seat, (4) Infant Bottle (warning - paywalled)
@pixelvibes : (1) Elephant Watering Can (warning - paywalled), (2) Infant Bath Seat (warning - paywalled)
the end! ♥
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scene-pup · 11 months
100 AgeRe Questions
Credit: pickledratinajar
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
18🌸 Favorite Color ~
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~
41🚀 Favorite Game ~
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ 
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~
84💌 Favorite Animal ~
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~
86🐇 Favorite Season ~
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~
ASK ME! :D <3
255 notes · View notes
mihaelkeehl · 8 months
Mello isn’t a good person. It’s not new knowledge to him, in fact one of his first memories is shoving some toddler to the ground over some toys. He’s not stupid enough to even try branding himself as a good person, that notion fell through long before he first heard someone’s last gasps of air, the sickening gurgle in the back of their throats and a silent mouthed cry for their mother.
He knew he wasn’t a good person as he dry heaved onto the ground, nothing even able to come up, when had he last eaten again? He wasn’t a good person when he stuffed that headless corpse into a trash bag, shoving the heaving bag into the boot of Rod Ross’s luxury car. The empty McDonald’s wrappers that were scattered through the car crunched under his feet as he climbed into the car stone faced.
Most of all he definitely wasn’t a good person when he stood outside the chipped blue door of Matt’s apartment. He was grateful for once that Matt lived in a shitty part of town, no one really cared to look enough at the blood on his knuckles, the broken nose, the various bruises and scratches and spatters of blood. He needed to bring two changes of clothes in the future.
It was difficult to knock, it always had been. This was different however, far further than it had ever been before. Matt would take one look at him and know what he had done. How could he not? The man was integrated into every electronic he used, how else can you blackmail people if you’re not constantly recording every conversation you have. Yet Mello couldn’t decide what was worse, Matt looking at him with disgust or with love. The option of both made his stomach turn, the disgust he could deal with. It made sense. But to react with kindness and care? Mello didn’t think he could take it.
He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Mello grimaced slightly as it cracked open, the smoky haze of light shining on his blood splattered face.
“Oh hey busy day?” Matt said, putting his phone into his pocket. “I put the kettle on if you wanna shower, but I’m nearly through something big.” He rubbed his hands excitedly, walking back to his computer. “I’m gunna get back to it, I wanna be in Aruba in two weeks! I love stealing~”
Mello snickered, both of them would die of sun poisoning on the first day. His shoulders sagged as he unclenched his jaw. “Shower sounds great.”
He wasn’t a good person, but neither was Matt. Thank god for that.
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yveltalreal · 15 days
"ohhhhhh i could never have a rotom in any of my appliances!! it would be so bored and probably shut down the power grid" "if i had a rotom i wouldnt be able to keep up with it at all!" "if i had a rotom it would probably just go on amazon and waste all my money for enrichment"
genuine fucking skill issue. just check if you have a rotomproof computer or anything that can handle a rotom playing with it and just let it watch youtube or play minecraft or something. if they have something else to do they will not be destructive.
rotom do have high enrichment needs compared to other pokemon since theyre electric/ghost and both electric types and ghost types are known for having quite a bit of energy, but theyre also like the easiest pokemon to deal with enrichment wise nowadays when electronics and shit are everywhere. theyre like toddlers just give them something new and interesting or alternatively an ipad. if .zip needs to play with something new for a few hours and my steam library isnt enough i just let them play with all the junk appliances and electronics people throw out. letting them fuck up an old television all they want does wonders for a rotom.
rotom are smart. if they know you're making an effort to give them stuff to play with and have non-destructive things to do, they will not fuck with your shit. its the same as with pretty much any other pokemon. a rotom that feels safe and like you want to keep its enrichment needs met will attempt to communicate with you that it wants to do something fun before wrecking a power transformer or breaking your toaster or leaking your bank account info.
this isnt about completely wild and untrained rotom btw. wild rotom do not know the difference between fun new toy like a thrown out furby and important stuff human people will miss. part of catching a wild rotom is teaching it what is a safe non destructive toy, and what will get you, the trainer, arrested.
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sotwk · 2 months
Me when I saw Bucky Barnes was one of the Special Guest Blorbos:
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Bucky Barnes for Summertime Drabbles pleeeaassee 😁
Thank you for the request, @morethantheycansay! <3 If I go full-on Bucky Barnes stan, I will have you to blame thank! XD Your constant support of my writing means the world and helps a lot!
Content/Genre: Marvel; Gen fluffy summer romance
To Read on Ao3: LINK
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
“They’re just scams, all of them,” Bucky grumbled, dragging his feet as you tugged him in the direction of the county fair midway. A wide alley of garishly colored and brightly lit stalls competed for the attention of passers-by, with hawkers yelling out invitations to play amid the clamor of electronic bells and blaring buzzers.
You pointed at a toddler rolling by in a parent-drawn Radio Flyer, jubilantly hugging an oversized Spiderman plush toy. “If people are still somehow able to win, then they can’t entirely be scams.” You linked your arm with his and snuggled up close, which softened his resistance to being led through the noisy crowd. “They’re just made to be, um, challenging!” He snorted at your assessment, and your retort of jabbing an elbow into his ribs went barely noticed. 
“Oooh! I want to try this one!” You broke away abruptly to dash toward a quieter, less ostentatiously decorated booth, where aluminum milk bottles were stacked up on a line of pedestals. The attendant, a ruddy-faced, heavyset fellow, beamed at your arrival. 
“Three throws for ten credits,” he announced, holding up a pair of softballs. 
“Huh?” Bucky froze with his hand in the back pocket of his jeans, in the middle of digging out his wallet for cash payment.  
“No worries, I’ve got it.” You held out the neon green band around your wrist, and the attendant promptly scanned the barcode. Grasping the first ball, you turned to smile at Bucky, only to find him sporting that brooding scowl he promised he was still learning to keep out of your dates. 
“Ten bucks for three chances, you gotta be joking,” he muttered, having figured out what the pre-loaded credits you discreetly purchased cost.
“It’s fine, really. For the priceless memories, remember?” You hoped this wouldn’t trigger another overdrawn tirade about how it was criminal to charge so much for family-friendly entertainment, and how county fair admission cost next to nothing back in his day. (“Back in 1939?” you gently reminded him of his last fair experience.) 
He stared at you, at the little pout puppy-dog-eyes combo you put up for his benefit, and finally cracked a smile. “Right. Show off that arm, then.”
You stepped up to the line marker and drew back your arm for the first throw. Thunk. Too low. You struck the platform base solidly, but noticed that the little pyramid of bottles didn't even wiggle.
In your second throw, the ball caught the top bottle and knocked it off the stack.  You threw up your hands with a triumphant hoot, but the attendant was quick to remind you that you needed to knock over all three bottles for the big win.
Feeling a little more pressure (and admittedly pessimistic), you reached for the last ball. Bucky's gloved hand snatched it up first. 
“May I?”
You couldn't even remember if you nodded or said anything to indicate consent. You would only remember the sharp gleam in his eyes and the hard line of his clenched jaw. 
The rocket force of Bucky's throw blew all three bottles clear off the pedestal and smacked into the back of the booth with a crack, leaving a souvenir on the wooden paneling.
You walked off still mildly dazed with a giant Bluey stuffie clutched to your chest. 
“I’m sorry,” Bucky finally blurted out. “I should have let you take the last shot, I know you like doing these things for yourself. But it was torture watching that guy take you for a ride. I had to either throw the ball or slap that smirk off his face.”
He sighed and rubbed a hand over his hair and looked at you again, his excuses trailing off. “Aw hell, let’s face it. In the end I really just wanted to win you that ridiculously large teddy bear.”
“It’s a dog, actually. An Australian Cattle Dog.”
“It would need its own plane ticket.” He sighed. “Whatever. Again, I'm sorry.”
“Quit apologizing.” You reached out to give his hand a squeeze. “Did you have fun doing it?”
Bucky shrugged. “Gotta admit, it was a lot more satisfying than my last time at a fair.” Drawing you slowly into his arms, he gave a low chuckle. “In 1939.”
“Sounds like a great new memory.” You smiled and slid a hand around the back of his neck. “Mission accomplished, Sergeant,” you murmured before pressing your lips to his, in a kiss that he returned with twice the enthusiasm. 
“Let me win you every damn prize in this carnival,” he said, still slightly breathless after he broke off, that spine-tingling gleam reinvigorated in his piercing eyes. “Turn these fixed games around and con the swindlers right back.”
You bit your lip, the eager tone in his voice giving you pause. Would it be ethical to unleash a hungry White Wolf with a tireless metal arm on these game hawkers? 
“I do have that toy drive at work coming up in a few months.”
“My girl.” Bucky grinned and looped an arm around your waist to drop a sloppy kiss on your temple that made you squeal. “Point me to the next sucker.”
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Steve: You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck? Bucky: Was that the time you used our train money to buy hotdogs? Steve: You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
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This limited edition Marvel fic is a gift written as part of SotWK's Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024.
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Cancer-causing chemicals are lurking in household electronics and children’s toys, despite being banned for more than a decade in Canada, a study out of the University of Toronto found.
The study, published Tuesday in Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, says chlorinated paraffins were found in more than 87 per cent of tested household products, which ranged from baby rattles, toy cars, hand soap and headphones.
“We found quite high concentrations of these compounds in toys meant for children and toddlers, in particular, teething toys,” said Steven Kutarna, the study’s lead author and PhD candidate in Analytical Environmental Chemistry at the University of Toronto.
Another “surprising” product that was found to contain one of the highest concentrations of chlorinated paraffins was earbud wires, he said. [...]
The short-chain chlorinated paraffin (SCCP) toxin is not only a concern for the environment, according to Health Canada it is a “potential concern” for human health as “it was found to cause cancer in some experiments with laboratory animals.” [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Imagine how funny and at the same time disturbing it'd be for Eggman to talk to other parents about his daughter and compare them to their kids, going by his official mindset and reasonings in accepting Sage as being like a daughter to him
Just Eggman coming up to other parents and judging them and bragging like:
"Your child was created and conceived naturally? Bleurgh that's so gross and easy and boring, you're not special, anyone can do that shit. Mine is way more impressive, made up of brilliant science with code and electrons! Your child has germs and gross bodily fluids and can get sick and die like my 12 year old cousin Maria did? And has the actual intelligence and behavior of an actual baby/toddler and are so dumb unlike my artificial intelligence daughter? Lol that's so LAME. Your children are a nuisance and keep you awake at night? I can just shut mine down and bam I'm child free haha. My child is so smart and loyal and efficient and it's because I'm such a GENIUS!!! She works for me and does her job very well, she protects me from deadly hazards, she blew up helicopters with the swipe of her hand! She sacrificed herself to save me and the world I'm going to rule once! Your child could NEVER and it's because you and your child are nowhere near as great as me and my genius creations!"
And on the subject of getting children toys, he'd just talk about stuff like wanting to turn Sonic and co into robots to give to Sage as toys for her to learn to treat others as toys, mere playthings to play with and break. And on the subject of parents taking children on trips, he'd say that if he took her to places like Disneyland, he'd just be saying that the park is so boring and lame compared to his awesome exciting dangerous deadly parks created to kill people the whole time to get her to learn what a real great theme park is. And that it's not fun if people aren't suffering and dying because that's what puts the amusement in an amusement park!
And all the other parents would be deeply disturbed and freaked out like what the actual fuck is wrong with this man please get him away from me. Which everyone ever does immediately by default in his world because duh it's the fucking infamous Eggman but they just found a bunch more reasons to add to the millions ahdjfjsbglsbfksh he's fucking crazy I love him. Do you understand now why it's unsettling like Ian Flynn said the Eggman and Sage dynamic is meant to be, as this is based on exact things Eggman said in the game lol
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ud505 · 2 months
Can you write random Ashley head canons? Something fluffy and what she would do in her daily life! (You can write some also Crashley head csnons if you like :))
Sure!! (some might be repeated)
• Whenever something electronic (like computers or tvs) is broken at her house, she always calls up Chris to help her
• When she's getting ready to get out, she likes to listen to true crime podcasts
• She likes to give handcrafted gifts
• She can't compliment someone without saying smth like "you look good, but your dumb face ruins it"
• She loves the :3 and the :D emojis
• And she has on her social medias the 🧿🌀🪬 emojis
• She gets sunburned very easily bc she's a ginger
• She gets bruises out of nowhere
• She likes making bracelets and necklaces (with seashells or rubber bands)
• She used to photograph Jess for her model portfolio
• She doesn't really talk abt her hobbies, but when she does, she does it with a very wide smile (she looks very cute)
• She loves wearing handmade jewelry (especially if someone made it for her)
• She has a crazy collection of plushies
• Speaking of that, she used to sleep with all of her toys when she was little bc she didn't want to make them feel lonely (self-projecting lol)
• She started watching romcoms after Chris mentioned that he secretly liked them so that they could have smth to talk abt (but she ended up loving them)
• She used to send anonymous letters and gifts to Chris whenever she saw him a bit sad (even if they didn't talk abt it)
• She loves to style people's hair (she's very good at it) and to do other people's makeup
• Whenever she sees a baby or a toddler she's like "omg, what a cutie!!"
• When she was little, she had a lizard (that is still alive) that is named after her fav movie character
• I'm sure that when she was little (7 or 8) she had a youtube channel where she tried to make a blog (the username was smth like vampire_ashley96)
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mk-nightrider · 5 months
For Billie and Tomek!!
Has your OC ever made a conscious decision to make a fresh start? Or have they even reinvented themselves completely? What did they hope to leave behind? Was it truly possible to do so?
Is your OC skilled in repairing or rebuilding what is broken or worn? Or would they sooner dispose of something and replace it with something new and (perhaps) better?
Was your OC considered to be a cute baby? Are there any pictures or keepsakes from this time in their life? If they were never a baby then what sense do they make of the helplessness and dependence of tiny babies? (I know this one probably applies more to Billie than Tomek, but I'd still be curious if the Campbell's have family photos of all of them together!)
Has your OC ever made a conscious decision to make a fresh start? Or have they even reinvented themselves completely? What did they hope to leave behind? Was it truly possible to do so?
Billie - Not really. Even when she was introduced formally to the life of a Black Dragon, it didn't lead to any reinventions. If anything, Billie became more herself in that environment. Able to be as crass and abrasive as she always wanted to be, though she does certainly have gripes on how that life got chosen for herself and Tomek.
Tomek - You could say he's be reinvented twice, though neither events were particularly by his choice. Between Shang Tsung's designs for his biology and Kano's drive to perpetuate the Black Dragon Clan's influence and power, there's not a lot of room for self determination. Though he certainly dreams of one day being able to seize a fresh start, he knows the sword of Damocles would be ever present over his neck. Waiting to slice him open and reveal his inhuman origins one way or another.
Is your OC skilled in repairing or rebuilding what is broken or worn? Or would they sooner dispose of something and replace it with something new and (perhaps) better?
Billie - Largely no. Most things are sent off for someone else to fix, or quickly upgraded when newer better things come along. There are a few items she insists on maintaining herself though. Such as knives gifted to her by Kano.
Tomek - The opposite of Billie. Partially born out of how he clings to their childhood, there's a lot he's learned to fix or preserve. Clothes, childhood toys, electronics. Always chafing at the way Kano would just replace things. Later on extending the guns and gear he designs for himself, though the initial fabrication will be handled be more professional hands.
Was your OC considered to be a cute baby? Are there any pictures or keepsakes from this time in their life? If they were never a baby then what sense do they make of the helplessness and dependence of tiny babies?
Billie - Absolutely a cute baby. Kano certainly recorded a few pictures of her with his cybernetic eye when she was born and began taking even more once he was reunited with her. Perhaps more than a little sore that he missed out on the first two months of her development. Skarlet meanwhile keeps the blanket and baby wrap that was used to carry Billie around the Lifeblood Temple in a box. A reminder of both her daughter and her home in Outworld.
Tomek - Photos? No. Extensive diagrams, both inside and out, along with meticulous notes? Yes. Unsettling and cruel documents made by Shang Tsung that lay buried in one of Kano's safes most of the time. And while Skarlet may have missed his baby days, she certainly found him an adorable toddler. The only real keepsake from that time being the stone he decided to take from the beach.
As Skarlet and Kano ease into the facade of being a relatively normal family, they start to take more photos. Most are of some combination of Skarlet, Tomek, and Billie. Kano rarely features on account of being the one usually taking the pictures. Skarlet tries occasionally... but they always end up off center or with a finger over the lens.
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littlebunny-xoxo · 2 years
100 AgeRe Questions
Credit: pickledratinajar
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
18🌸 Favorite Color ~
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~
41🚀 Favorite Game ~
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ 
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~
84💌 Favorite Animal ~
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~
86🐇 Favorite Season ~
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~
ASK ME! :D <3
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kidsautozone · 2 months
Buy affordable and best-quality kids electric cars and bikes for your kids.
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Toys are always a favorite among kids, they not only help keep them entertained but are also a great way to educate them. Nowadays, toys have evolved into gadgets and electronic forms like electric cars and bikes which attract kids even more. These electric vehicles offer an exciting and safe way for kids to explore and develop their cognitive power. Every parent wants to give these toys to their kids for their upbringing, but sometimes, due to higher prices, their budget does not allow it. But don't worry, if you are in Australia then come to Kids AutoZone. At Kids AutoZone, we provide a wide range of kids electric cars and bikes of every top brand like Mercedes, BMW, and Audi at affordable prices including a robust refund and return policy. Our toys are built with high-quality materials and come up with safety measurements, so you do not need to worry about that. So, let's give a chance to your toddlers to explore their skills. For details call us. 
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 26: The Chosen One
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''I can't remember anything at all. I've been turning it all around. I'm sorry, oh so sorry. Is this what I have become? Wish I may, wish I might be someone else tonight. Sometimes I wish I was never born at all. And I'll try to save the world, 'cause in the end I know I'm the chosen one! I'm the chosen one…''
– The Chosen One by Shadow the Hedgehog
''This is your end, rodent!'' Eggman pressed a button on the Egg Hornet, causing it to fire homing missiles at Sonic. The blue hedgehog dodged them, grabbing one of the missiles and redirecting them towards Eggman. The Doctor flew up to avoid them, with Sonic attempting to spin dash into it, only to hit an energy field Eggman generated around the Egg Hornet. ''Ha! Stupid hedgehog!''
Sonic bounced off the energy field, crashing into the footbridge below, much to Eggman's glee. Sonic, on the other hand, felt a pounding headache, shaking his head as he tried to figure out what had happened. Sure, he still had enough energy and willpower left to fight against Eggman, but given how the Doctor showed up with a new toy and he had no clue what to do about it, he knew that he'd need help with this battle. Sonic got up, looking around and noting the pedestrians who saw what was going on keeping a clear distance from him, so at least he was assured no one would get hurt. However, he couldn't promise that there won't be some collateral damage.
''What's the matter, Sonic? Have you already had enough?'' Eggman asked him in a mocking tone.
''You may have caught me off guard with your newest toy, Egghead, but let me make something clear – I don't give up!'' Sonic responded, running across the footbridge and towards a nearby building. Eggman activated the drills in the Egg Hornet, chasing after Sonic, but the cobalt hedgehog was too fast, having ran up the building and leaping into the air, performing a homing attack strong enough to knock the Egg Hornet back. He landed on the footbridge again, dashing off to avoid another barrage of homing missiles.
Maybe if I used the same move on I used on Metal earlier, I could destroy the Egg Hornet. But, I need to build up energy first, Sonic thought, only for his eyes to widen when he saw a toddler running out on the street just as a homing missile was about to hit her, her mother screaming for her. He sped up, picking the toddler up and rushing back just as the missile exploded, leaving a small crater on the street.
''Thank you so much!'' the mother gasped in relief as Sonic arrived with her daughter, hugging the young girl.
''I'm just doing my best protecting people, ma'am,'' Sonic replied, smiling back. He then turned to Eggman, who had a wide grin on his expression. Sonic frowned. ''Hey, Eggman, how about leaving innocent people out of this battle?! Wasn't this battle supposed to be between you and me?''
''If you stood still for one second, it would be already over!'' Eggman responded, turning on the drills and flying after Sonic. ''So, stop complaining!''
Sonic bounced off the building, with Eggman hitting it and growling that Sonic dodged the attack, following up in a zig-zag pattern. Sonic knew that this battle won't be easy.
Lucas was dashing down the street on his hoverboard, searching for any sign of Sonic. His partner still had the tracker on, making it easier for Lucas to find Sonic. However, he stopped for a moment when he saw a holographic screen above an electronics store, with a small crowd gathering around the news broadcast reported by Midorikawa and Kero, who were standing behind a building, observing the battle further down the street.
''Breaking news! Dr. Eggman, the man who had taken over the Buddy Bots and unleashed them across Neos City has returned and it appears that he's currently in the middle of a fight with a… spiky blue mouse?'' Midorikawa rose an eyebrow, confused by Sonic's appearance.
''I think that's a hedgehog,'' Kero corrected her, both watching as Sonic performed another homing attack, only to be once again blocked by the energy field. Kero then got suddenly startled by when Midorikawa placed her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly, drawing Eggman's attention.
''Hey, Dr. Eggman! Is it possible to get an exclusive interview with you?'' she asked. Eggman flew up to her.
''An interview?'' Eggman looked genuinely interested. ''I suppose I might spare some time for one, but first, I have a pest to crush!'' Eggman then flew up, firing another barrage of missles.
While the crowd watched what was going, mesmerized, Lucas just sweatdropped at Midorikawa's attempt of trying to get an interview. ''Man, she is really dedicated to her job.''
He then quickly dashed off on his hoverboard, wanting to help his partner. Unknown to him, there was another figure in the crowd, his hands crossed on his back, having his head turned towards Lucas as he left, before looking back at what was going on on the screen, observing it with calm interest.
''This is quite a spectacle, I suppose…''
The figure in question was an anthropomorphic platypus with white fur that covered most of his body. His bill was black-colored and narrow with nostrils on the front, and he possessed red eyes, black eyelids, and a thick tail. He also had three thick hair turfs on his head that were combed over the right side of his head. His front hair turf also possessed a gray highlight. For attire, he wore a satin purple shirt with golden cufflinks, a red-violet vest, and orange pince-nez glasses. He also wore a webbed brown glove on his left hand with a gold insertion clip and golden-tipped fingertips. A darker brown ring could be seen on the palm of the glove. He also wore brown boots with golden buckles, red-violet soles, medium-high heels, the golden spurs and upward-turned pointy toes and light red-violet socks underneath.
''Perhaps, a little too chaotic for my taste,'' Dr. Starline muttered under his breath, then smirked sinisterly, glancing at the empty golden insertion clip on his glove. ''Although, I might take advantage of this.''
Tails fired his laser gun at the last Egg Pawn, it falling over, while Knuckles punched through one of the crystals the shadow-like figure had created, allowing Silver to fire a blast of psychokinesis energy at it, destroying it. He floated down where the shadow-like figure stood earlier, staring at it, his brow furrowed.
''What's the matter Silver?'' Makoto asked his partner.
''I… I'm just thinking about something. These things summoned a fire that was quite similar to-'' Before Silver could finish his thought, Lily called out for them.
''Guys, Sonic and Eggman are on the news!''
Everyone rushed towards her, looking at the holographic screen she was holding, which showed them the video of Eggman and Sonic fighting.
''I thought he was fighting Metal Sonic,'' Knuckles noted. ''What happened?''
''It doesn't matter. We need to go help him!'' Tails insisted. With that said, they quickly left.
Sonic was running down the street, dodging Buzz Bombers as Eggman had summoned to take care of him, enjoying himself as his enemy ran from the laser blasts, a stray blast hitting the camera the cameraman who followed Midorikawa and Kero. Sonic took a moment to stop by them.
''Get out of here before you get hurt!'' he told them. ''I got this.''
''Hey, maybe we could also get an interview with the hero who is trying to defend Neos City from the terrorist,'' Midorikawa suggested, a wide grin on her expression. Sonic shrugged, giving her an uncertain look.
''Honestly, I don't do interviews- Yikes!'' Sonic had to leap back, dodging another laser blast and turning to the Buzz Bombers, glaring at them. ''Okay, I have enough of you guys! Time to turn you into scrap metal!''
However, before he could do anything, a hammer came flying, hitting one of the Buzz Bombers and knocking them into another, causing both to explode. Sonic turned around, relieved to see Amy, who summoned another Piko Piko Hammer, followed closely by Lucas and Minami.
''Nice shot, Ames!'' Sonic said.
''Thanks!'' Amy responded, both hedgehogs now facing Eggman, who frowned, glaring daggers at her.
''Toshiro and Mephiles were supposed to keep you busy,'' he grumbled under his breath. ''Nevermind, I still can- What now?!'' Eggman looked down at the screen as Orbot and Cubot called him, cowering when he suddenly snapped, ''Why are you calling me now?! I'm busy!''
''We're sorry, Boss, but we got a problem,'' Orbot started.
''We also got a body,'' Cubot added. Eggman was a bit shocked by the news.
''What are you talking about?!'' he growled.
''It is the Egg Base Sigma. The Egg Pawns have found Prof. Sakamoto's body and the systems have been infiltrated and the files have been either corrupted or deleted,'' Orbot explained. ''You might want to see this for yourself, Boss. The video surveillance has captured everything.''
Eggman went silent for a moment, glancing past the monitor at Sonic and Amy, who were currently fighting off the Buzz Bombers. After giving it a thought, observing the video Orbot and Cubot had sent him and seeing Toshiro and Mephiles walking inside Egg Base Sigma, he made a decision.
''It seems like you'll get off easily, hedgehog, but we'll see each other soon!'' Eggman said, much to Sonic's surprise and confusion.
''Hey, wait a minute, what are you-?'' Sonic cut himself off as the Buzz Bombers suddenly appeared before him and Amy, covering Eggman as he turned the Egg Hornet around. ''Amy, launch me up!''
''Got it!'' Amy nodded, with Sonic curling up into a ball and hit him with her hammer. Sonic flew above the Buzz Bombers, right towards the Egg Hornet. However, Eggman saw this, pressing another button that unleashed another homing missle, hitting Sonic mid-air and knocking him out.
''Sonic!'' Lucas shouted as the cobalt hedgehog fell, dazed from the explosion, while Eggman laughed gleefully that he got the last hit on his nemesis.
There was a sudden flash of light blue light, with a dark figure catching Sonic mid-air, followed by another flash of light, with both the dark figure and Sonic landing on the ground safely. Sonic groaned in pain, feeling dazed and his vision clearing as he looked up at the person who saved him and was currently carrying him bridal style.
''Shadow?'' Sonic was stunned to see his rival.
''You can't go one day without running into trouble, do you?'' Shadow responded. Sonic's eyes narrowed.
''I don't think you're the one to talk about avoiding trouble,'' he responded.
Shadow avoided his gaze, clearly feeling troubled, but then added in an irked tone, ''Do you want me to drop you, Faker?''
''Nah, I'm good. Feels nice being carried around,'' Sonic responded, smirking. Shadow just rolled his eyes and dropped him regardless, with Sonic hitting the ground with a hard 'thud'.
Meanwhile, Amy quickly took care of the Buzz Bombers, while Lucas got contacted by Warren. ''Hey, guys, where are you? We saw the news broadcast about Sonic fighting against Eggman.''
''Dr. Eggman left a moment ago. Let's meet up and discuss what just happened,'' Lucas responded. ''Would it be possible for all of us to have a meeting at your workshop?''
''No problem! We're on our way,'' Warren replied, cancelling the call. Lucas then turned to the rest of the team.
''Okay guys, we're going to the Taylor Workshop to talk with the others about what happened,'' he announced.
''All right!'' Sonic turned to Shadow. ''Hey, where's Touka? And have you seen Rouge anywhere? She was supposed to pick you two up.'' Shadow just gave him an intense look, then turned on his heel and walked away, much to Sonic's confusion. ''Uh, hey, Shads? Shadow!''
Shadow didn't respond, with Sonic wanting to run over to him, but was stopped by another familiar voice, ''Don't bother, Big Blue, you won't get him to talk.''
''Rouge?'' Sonic, Lucas, Amy and Minami were surprised to see her, not really having expected that Rouge might still stick around. She landed in front of them, glancing at Lucas.
''If you want information on what had happened, I can provide it to you… at least part of it. Something happened to your friends before I had arrived and from the looks of it, really messed with their heads,'' Rouge explained.
''I see. Thanks for sticking around,'' Lucas responded. Rouge just shrugged.
''Don't worry, dear, I decided to stay for my own reasons,'' she replied.
Shadow had walked into an alleyway, where he had left Touka, sitting on the ground, curled up. She was still unresponsive, and unlike Shadow, she was still wearing the dress she had found and was covered in Sakamoto's blood, not caring about her appearance. Shadow stepped in front of her, staring at her with a solemn look. Aside from stopping Sakamoto by pretending to be Tomoe, she didn't show any other reaction. It was clear to him that this whole thing took a toll on her mind.
''Touka, do you want to go home?'' Shadow asked her softly. At first, Touka's didn't appear to react to his question, but then gave the tiniest of nods. She extended her hand, with Shadow taking it, and they disappeared in a flash of light.
Rouge hummed as she walked up to a shelf filled with all kinds of gadgets and parts, taking one and turning on her heel to examine it under the light, only to come face-to-face with Knuckles, how gave her a stern gaze.
''I suggest you to put that back where you found it,'' he told her. Rouge just rolled her eyes.
''I was just taking a look at it,'' she replied, placing the device back on the shelf, then smirked at Knuckles. ''Or, do you want to tell me that I should take a better look at you, handsome?''
Knuckles rose an eyebrow. ''No, I'm just making sure that you're not going to steal anything.''
Rouge sighed, realizing that some stuff will fly over the echidna's head. The two turned back to the rest of the group, with Silver asking the obvious.
''Where are Shadow and Touka? Are we waiting for them?'' The grey hedgehog turned to Lucas for answers.
''No, they won't be attending this meeting,'' Lucas replied in a serious tone, drawing everyone's attention. ''Okay, so the reason I called you all is to make sense of what the hell had happened today.''
''Well, what's there to explain? You guys got attacked by Ferra and Metal Sonic, and we got attacked by Badniks and those shadow-like beings…'' Lily trailed off, raising an eyebrow. The figures did sort of look familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them.
''Yeah, that's right,'' Sonic replied. ''To bring you up to speed, Metal Sonic and Ferra are capable of using Chaos Surge and they're good at it.''
''Well, that's just peachy,'' Lily commented sarcastically, while Rouge gave the group an intrigued look. There was certainly a lot of interesting information to gather.
''It looks like Dr. Eggman was hoping for the Badniks to keep us separated so he could attack Sonic,'' Lucas added.
''That makes sense considering during the last attack, we all team tagged him and took down the Death Egg Robot,'' Warren said.
''Ah, so he's learning,'' Sonic said, drawing some chuckles from his friends.
''Which brings us to the next point – why the hell were the copies of Mephiles the Dark leading those Badniks?'' Minami asked.
''Ah, so that's why they were familiar!'' Lily punched her fist against her palm, having an 'Aha!' moment.
''Mephiles?'' Knuckles rose an eyebrow, giving Lily a confused look. There were a few other confused looks coming from the non-human part of the group.
''He was another of the Sonic video game character. The game had a lot of issues, though, so I'm not surprised people kind of forgot about it. Or just don't want to remember it,'' Minami added in a dismissive tone, waving her hand. ''In any case, it looks like this Mephiles might not have the same backstory as Mephiles in the video game, unless...''
Minami trailed off, her eyes widening, with Makoto quickly picking up on her train of thought, ''Unless the Flames of Calamity, Iblis, suddenly appears.''
There was a moment of silence, as everyone just processed their own encounters with Mephiles' copies and the fact that they had a certain pyrokinetic ability. Silver then broke the silence, frowning as he said in a grave tone, ''It's not Iblis. It's Ignis Infernalis – the Infernal Fire that had destroyed my future.''
''So, you want to say that Mephiles may have destroyed your future?'' Tails asked.
''I don't know, but this is too much of a coincidence to be ignored and I want to investigate this further,'' Silver replied.
''I suppose this brings us to what I had experienced,'' Rouge said, sitting on the table, her legs crossed. ''I can verify that your friends had indeed been abducted by Mephiles and his partner, but I don't really know what exactly had happened before I had arrived.'' Her eyes narrowed as she added in a more serious tone, ''Whatever they had done to your friends, it broke Touka. The last I saw her, she seemed to have suffered from some kind of mental breakdown. She just… shut down.''
''I guess that explains why Shadow left so soon,'' Sonic commented, his tone solemn.
''That's not even the worst of it,'' Rouge continued. ''Does the name Hiroshi Sakamoto ring a bell?''
''Yes… Now, how do you know about him?'' Knuckles gave her a suspicious look. Rouge's eyes narrowed as she paused for a moment.
''That's because we saw him get murdered,'' she said, much to the shock of everyone around her. ''Mephiles had skewered him with one of those crystals.''
Silence filled the room as they processed the new information. They all knew that Sakamoto was Shadow's creator and one of the leading scientists at the Codex Research Facility, and that he had been missing for at least a year, so hearing that he had been murdered by Mephiles and Touka and Shadow witnessed that, was disturbing to say the least.
''You were at one of Eggman's bases, right?'' Lucas asked, breaking the silence. Rouge just nodded. Lucas frowned, muttering under his breath, ''So, is it possible that Prof. Sakamoto was working with Dr. Eggman the whole past year?''
There was no answer. Instead, Amy asked, ''What are we supposed to do now? I'm worried about how Shadow and Touka are handling the situation.''
''Honestly, I think it would be a good idea to give them some time and space to process what had happened,'' Makoto suggested. ''We can talk to them once they're ready.''
''I think that's a good idea,'' Lucas replied, glancing at Sonic. The latter had his head lowered, clearly thinking about his teammates. Lucas knew his partner well enough to be aware that Sonic wouldn't let this be so easily.
Three days… Three days of complete radio silence from both Touka and Shadow. Lucas had sent Touka a message to ask her how she's doing, but there was no reply. She didn't even read it.
''We should go check on them.''
''I'm not sure. You know that neither Touka and Shadow have a tendency to check their messages. Maybe we should leave them alone for the time being.''
''I don't think so. What if they never answer?''
Sonic frowned as he sped through the streets of Neos City, the conversation he had with Lucas still echoing in his head. He knew that Lucas was worried about Touka and Shadow, but unlike his partner, he felt that they should actually confront the two rather to leave them on their own. Still, he agreed to wait. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about Eggman, as the Doctor didn't show up after the attack three days ago. He and the rest of the gang had figured that he was occupied with something else, with Rouge having admitted that she did mess with the computer at the Egg Base, so he would remain busy with that.
So, in the meantime, Sonic decided to occupy himself with testing out his new ability, which he referred to as the ''Boost''. He had figured out that, in order to trigger it, he would have to remain focused and steady while he increased his speed in small bursts. It did drain him of his own energy, but it was something he could use without using Chaos Surge, so he felt it was worth it. While his stamina was finite, he had more than enough of it for the training sessions. As a matter of fact, he actually wanted to show off his new ability to Shadow, maybe challenge him to a race. However, given the current circumstances, he wondered whether that was even possible.
What I didn't tell Lucas was that I also sent a few messages to Shadow, asking him how he's doing. Sonic sweatdropped as he pondered about the ebony hedgehog's reactions to his messages, figuring that his rival was probably annoyed by them. At least he could see that he was reading them, so that was a good thing. I still don't think that's a good idea, leaving them alone without even knowing whether they'll be fine or not. Sonic hummed. Maybe I should pay them a little visit, just in case.
Grinding to a halt, he turned around on his heel and sped right towards the Kageura residence.
Touka was lying in her bed, having pulled the blanket over her head and staring at the wall, her back turned towards Shadow. The ebony hedgehog was sitting on the swivel chair, just staring at her in silence as he thought about how things have been like this the past three days. After he had warped both of them home, Touka went to the bathroom, closing it right behind her and didn't come out of it for hours. When she did, Shadow noted how she had washed off Sakamoto's blood, having thrown Tomoe's light blue dress into the trash, and how her eyes were dark and red, having clearly spent a good amount of time crying her heart out. She barely spoke as she walked into her room, her only words being:
''I don't want to talk to anyone. I want to be left alone.''
That was the last 'conversation' they had before Touka once again completely shut down emotionally, barely even acknowledging him.
Shadow felt an overwhelming sense of guilt while watching her like this, just wasting away, but there was nothing he could do. There were times when he wanted to talk to Touka, but what was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to comfort her? He knew what was on her mind, but at the same time, he felt like she was a complete stranger to him. This was not the Touka he knew; she wasn't the determined, mischievous and protective older sister who took comforted him when he was at his lowest, who was defiant to the point of going against anyone who had authority or control over them and making them listen to her. She was always so strong, something Shadow deeply admired, but now? Now she was broken, a former shell of herself.
Shadow blamed himself for this, even though he knew that this was not his fault whatsoever. He wished that he could've done more to protect her, to shield her from the unfortunate truth. They both wanted to learn more about their past and they dug to deep, eventually getting buried in it. And when he didn't feel guilt, he was overwhelmed by the sensation of rage, the same kind he felt when he woke up after years of believing his beloved sister had died at his hand. The voice in the back of his mind returned, convinced him to find someone, anyone, and take his anger out on them, to punish them for what they had done to Touka. The first person who came to his mind was Sakamoto… and that's when the voice turned cold and the memory of his death replayed in his mind over and over again, like a broken tape. Shadow felt not pity for the man after what he had done to them, but the sudden brutality of his death did make his stomach squirm.
Shadow's ears twitched at the sound of voices coming from downstairs. He glanced at the hatch, unable to make out anything specific with his sensitive hearing, but he was sure that there was someone else in the downstairs besides Kisaki. He glanced at Touka, who hadn't moved from her position, having refused to leave her room unless absolutely necessary. He wanted to be there for her, and yet he couldn't.
He felt like a failure.
Sighing, Shadow got up and opened the hatch, leaping down into the hallway and walking to the stairs, the voices becoming louder. He stopped in the middle of the stairs, where he wouldn't be seen by anyone but still hear the ongoing conversation in the living room. Just as he had assumed, one of the voices was Kisaki's, but the other…
Sonic. Shadow frowned harder, clenching his fist as he listened in.
''Thanks once again for letting me in, Kisaki,'' Sonic said as Kisaki brought him a coaster and a glass of orange juice. ''I guess Shadow and Touka are at home as well, right?''
''Yeah, they are,'' Kisaki replied, as she sat down on the couch, sighing heavily. ''Unfortunately, neither of them is in the mood to talk. Touka has basically locked herself up in her room and Shadow refuses to say anything. I only see him whenever he comes down to get food for Touka.'' She pressed her fingers against her temple. ''I don't know what is going on with the two. Just a few days ago, they were both fine, if a little brooding, but now…''
Kisaki trailed off, clearly deeply concerned by the whole situation. Sonic's ears were pinned back as he thought about whether he should tell her what he knew. He wasn't that familiar with the relationship Touka and Shadow had from Kisaki, aside from the fact that Kisaki was Touka's adoptive mother on paper only and Touka never considered her a parental figure. However, seeing just how worried Kisaki was about her adoptive daughter, he decided that it would be the right thing to say something.
''I've heard that the two had been through a really traumatizing event. I don't know the details, though,'' Sonic responded. It wasn't a complete lie – he really didn't know all the details besides what Rouge had told them about witnessing Sakamoto's death, but he figured that Kisaki was better off without knowing that part. He reached for the orange juice, taking a sip out of the glass.
''I see… Thanks for telling me,'' Kisaki muttered, noting how Sonic was glancing at the stairs after putting the glass back on the coaster and fidgeting anxiously. ''If you want to talk to them, you can try, but I doubt you'll suceed.''
''I know you said that Touka and Shadow refuse to talk to you, but I'm persistent. Maybe I could get them…'' Sonic trailed off when Kisaki shook her head.
''It's not just that,'' she said, taking a deep breath. ''Listen, I know Touka and Shadow for a long time now, and when it comes to Touka, her being this closed off is not normal. I have never seen her behave like this, and I fear that, whatever had happened, it may have broken her mind. However, before you even get to talk to her, you would have to deal with Shadow.''
''Don't worry, I already know how to handle him,'' Sonic replied confidently, only to be met with Kisaki shaking her head again.
''I'm sure that you're well aware of just how protective Shadow is of Touka,'' Kisaki started, with Sonic nodding, having witnessed it first-hand. ''This kind of loyalty runs quite deep, and when put in the right mindset, Shadow will refuse to listen to anyone but Touka. This is one of those situations.'' Kisaki glanced at the stairs. ''I had tried to go to talk to Touka, but Shadow refuses to let me inside the room. He had told me that Touka wants to be left alone, and he's enforcing her will with an iron fist. So, unless you want to get caught up in a fight, I doubt you'll get through any of them.''
''So, Touka willingly put herself into isolation and Shadow's supporting her decision,'' Sonic voiced his thoughts, a little astounded. He knew that these two weren't particularly social, but he felt that this was going too far. He then gave Kisaki a confident grin. ''Well, I'm not afraid to get into a fight if necessary. I already know how Shadow is like.''
''There is one more thing I need to tell you,'' Kisaki added, feeling a tiny spark of hope when she saw just how confident Sonic was. She had to wonder if the blue hedgehog would be able to get drag the two out of their self-imposed isolation. ''I don't think Shadow wants this either.''
''You mean, isolating himself and Touka?'' Sonic asked, giving her a curious look. Kisaki nodded.
''Shadow may not be someone who is open with his emotions, but I could tell that he's frustrated with the whole situation and himself, and he doesn't know how to fix it. He knows Touka is hurt and he's doing everything in his power to prevent anyone from hurting her further, even if it means to keep her isolated.''
''That's even more reason for me to confront him,'' Sonic responded, grinning confidently. ''Just leave it all to me. I'm sure I'll be able to fix this.''
Shadow, who was listening to this, scowled, and walked back upstairs into his and Touka's bedroom, not wanting to listen to anything anymore. To his surprise, he saw Touka on her feet, all dressed up. She still had that solemn look on her expression, but she wasn't anymore hiding under the bedcovers.
''Touka, are you-?''
''I wanted to go outside. Are you coming with me?'' Touka asked, extending her arm. Shadow nodded, taking it and he could feel through his glove that her hand was cold and clammy. She was clearly not feeling well, but he figured that this was still better than nothing. There was a flash of blue light, and a moment later, they vanished.
A few minutes passed, with Sonic opening the hatch to the room, surprised to see that it was empty. ''Hey, they're gone!''
''What? But, we didn't see them leave!'' Kisaki shouted back from downstairs. Sonic ran up to her.
''They probably warped away. Don't worry, I'll find them and talk some sense into them,'' he said. Kisaki just put her hand over her mouth, supporting her elbow with her other hand as the hedgehog dashed off, hoping that he was right.
After walking around for a bit, Touka and Shadow ended up at a playground, both sitting down on the swings. Touka was still miserable, staring at the ground before her, her eyes still not having that spark of life, but they didn't appear as empty as they were before. At least, Shadow hoped that this was the case. He instead opted to observe the game of football a group of children and ARNavs played on the football field across them, cheering loudly whenever one of them scored a goal. He figured that they would be spending the later afternoon once again in silence.
''Shadow…'' Shadow perked up, his expression showing visible surprise and confusion when Touka actually spoke up. ''I'm sorry.''
''You're sorry? For what?'' Shadow asked.
''For everything,'' Touka responded, her voice hollow. ''Everything that happened, all that suffering… It's my fault. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess.''
''You don't have anything to apologize for,'' Shadow protested, a sense of dread crawling down his spine. Touka shook her head, lowering her head.
''I… I wasn't supposed to be like this…'' she said, shaking. ''I'm… I don't deserve any of this. I-I stole another person's life. I'm living a lie.'' Touka bit her lip, feeling as if someone was outright choking her. She couldn't breathe. ''I… Sometimes, I wish I was never created at all.''
Shadow felt like he was thrown into icy cold water, any breath he had vanishing and his eyes wide as he stared at his older sister. He knew that the situation was bad, but he had no idea it was this grim.
''Touka, don't say things like that!'' he suddenly shouted at her, only to immediately regret it.
''Shadow, please, just leave…'' Touka turned to him, her tone suddenly firm. Her eyes were still hazy from the tears, but there was an unmistakable look of determination in them. ''I don't want you to be around me anymore,… for your sake. You've done enough for me. More than enough.''
Shadow stared at her silently, unable to come up with a response. He wanted to respect her wish, but at the same time, he feared what would happened if he did. Sighing, Shadow got up and stepped in front of Touka.
''If I leave now and return later, will you still be here?'' he asked, his ruby eyes narrowing as he stared straight at her. Touka didn't respond. ''Touka, promise me that you will be here when I return.''
''Shadow, I…''
Touka was caught off guard when Shadow suddenly snapped at her, staring at him for a moment, before slowly nodding.
''I promise,'' she whispered. Shadow just nodded in response and turned around, walking away. He hated the idea of leaving her alone, but if that was what she wanted, he wanted to respect it. He knew that while he was away, he'd be clutching onto this promise with his dear life, his only hope that Touka wouldn't do something to endanger herself.
Besides, he still had something else he needed to take care of. He walked onto the street and, just as he predicted, saw a blue streak of light zooming towards him. Sonic was relieved to have found Shadow, having searched the whole city for him and Touka.
''Hey, Shads, I was just-!''
Before Sonic could even finish his sentence, he was sent flying by Shadow, who punched him straight in the face. Sonic landed on the ground, shaking his head and rubbing his cheek, which was burning to the touch. He stared at Shadow, who was glaring daggers at him as he approached him, hands balled into fists, baring his fangs, completely livid.
''What makes you think that you have the right to stick your nose into my personal matters?!''
Shadow took another step as Sonic quickly got up. ''Shads, I know that you're angry, but I just want to help you.''
''I don't want your help!''
Shadow grabbed Sonic by his neck, lifting him up as they vanished in a flash of blue light. Sonic then felt a sharp pain in his back as Shadow slammed him against a wall. He realized that the wall was actually the underpass where they had one of their previous battles, not too far from the park they were previously at.
''I have enough of your self-righteousness! Only because you get to play hero, you think you can now be everyone's savior!'' Shadow growled furiously. ''Let me make something clear, Sonic! You can't fix everything! You can't fix me and you can't fix Touka! So stop trying!''
Shadow suddenly stumbled back as Sonic managed to kick him in the stomach, forcing him to let go of his rival. Sonic rubbed his neck, taking a deep breath. ''Okay, I get it. You're frustrated that things are falling apart. I understand. However, if you just talked to me about what happened, then…''
''There is nothing to talk about,'' Shadow cut him off, his tone harsh and cold. He was done with Sonic's antics. Sonic, on the other hand, sighed.
''Okay, then. I guess we'll have to do it the hard way,'' he said, stretching his arms above his head before getting into a battle stance and smirking. ''You know, I was actually looking forward to this, Faker.''
''I'll make you regret ever approaching me in the first place,'' Shadow responded.
The two hedgehogs then rushed forward into another clash.
#Previous Chapter
#Current Chapter
#Next Chapter
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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dunne-ias · 3 months
Brightshroom Islands, mark 2, end of the second year (8 seasons in)
Under a cut, for your convenience!
Yeah, we're done with spring of year 2, which marks the second anniversary of the bacc. According to hood checker, the hood is still healthy, so I made the low effort of posing the households for some family photos.
The O'Hannigan family (1)
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From the left, Cash O'Hannigan, mayor extraordinaire and very very angry man since his husband cheated on him and the BEAT HIM UP, so now he walks around causing scandals by hitting on his married friends. Get it together, Cash. His husband Kevin also beat up some other people and that child out of wedlock meant he had committed three strikes and has become the first sim to go prison, where he will spent the next season getting to do absolutely nothing including talking to people as punishment. Cash is also holding his granddaughter Noelle. Next to him, Veronica, his daughter, stay at home mom, and her wife Ester Buckolz, manager of Freya's Frocks. Ester has a child with Veronica's sister Lysette, who is the blonde teenager to the right. Her name is Lin, and she's holding her little brother Percival. Dee Dee I love you for the toddler posebox.
The Buckolz family (1)
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Shania Buckolz, town electrician and Architect, and her wife Carolina. This is also their youngest daughter Nessa, who runs the electronics store, and her husband Valère Atterberry, and their newborn baby Cassandra. Valère is currently unemployed, but takes care of the baby until a job opens up. There is a big unemployment crisis at the moment, and he's not the top priority.
The Werther Family
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The current state of the family, which literally just changed is about to change as soon as the round starts on their lot, but here we go:
Margareta Werther and her aging wife Chloe. Margareta is the town carpenter, and will be leaving her shop, Werther's Toys, to her son Ismael ( to the right), who is currently working at Freya's Frocks. Ismael is engaged to Diana Leighton, and also have triplets with Hamid Atterberry but despite my best efforts, they had no desires to get together as adults, so the kids will be moving back and forth every other season. Ernst (left) snagged a job in politics. He had a kid with mayor Cash's husband, so that's awkward, but little Britta is not pictured here. I have no current relationship plans for Ernst, but he doesn't seem very unhappy about that. In Chloe's lap is Chris, a kid Chloe and Margareta both had adoption wants for. Margareta is younger than the other founders due to having been dead and resurrected after her pregnancy didn't end well. Chloe was a chef for a while, but recently got fired. Oh well. The shop is doing well and she was needed during the toddler hell that was triplets.
The Atterberry family (1)
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From the left, Jie Atterberry, former art store owner and current layabout, his husband Robert, who works in business, and then their daughter Niamh, with wife Cybelle O'Hannigan. Cybelle and Niamh were natural three bolters since their first day of teenhood, and together they have a daughter named Valeriana, not pictured because baby. Niamh runs the Art Store, and Cybelle has chosen a life of crime.
The Kohout family
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I realized that while Freya should've aged up, I must have forgotten to do so, but here she is, the town seamstress and owner of Freya's Frocks, and her husband, crime lord Gordon. They have three children, Georgiana who has flown the coop, and their two boys, teenaged Abraham and little Erik.
I love Freya's face so much, and I regret not marrying here to a sim with a more interesting face.
The Leighton family
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Indiana Leighton, seated, struggling artist and his wife, teacher Brenda, had four daughters. Blondie there is Diana who is engaged to Ismael Werther and will be getting married to him at the start of the next round. She's currently unemployed but is trying to work in the medical field. Jillian, the redhead, recently married childhood sweetheart Georgiana Kohout, chef. They have a teenaged daughter (sitting in her grandfather's lap) named Madge from a teen pregnancy, and recently added Eufemia to the family, but she is not pictured. Never work with animals or babies.
Those are the founding families, but there're more households of course because gen 2 is now adult and breeding on their own.
Buckolz 2
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I didn't even question the choice not to pose the entire family here. Ivan Buckolz, blonde, is the manager of Werther's Toys. His husband, Nicholas, is a stay at home parent right now, which was 100% necessary after they had a set of quads. All girls: Anastazia, Corinne, Hilda, and Lynda. They're currently toddlers so you can imagine how much fun I have playing their house at the moment. Things will calm down in a day or two though.
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This group of sims are still staying together, somehow, but I could afford an addition to their house, so baring multiple births, they might stay that way. This is Alfred O'Hannigan, manager of Buckolz' Electronics. He is engaged to Livia Leighton, who also works at that shop, but since their engagement they've given me no signs that they're even into each other, so that might go nowhere. If it does, I'm letting Alfred cry out in the arms of Ernst Werther, his old boyfriend. Blonde on the right is Livia's little sister Shiobhan Leighton, and her wife, alien townie Diane, and their son Bob. As you can see Shiobhan is also pregnant again. Because Shiobhan married a townie, she only needs to have two kids, but Livia and Alfred, being both playables since birth, need at least three, for the hood to keep growing, so they need to get on with it, honestly.
Atterberry family (2)
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Here is Hamid Atterberry, stay at home dad, and his recent wife Lysette O'Hannigan. Lysette also has a teenaged daughter named Lin, who lives with her other mom this coming round, and Hamid's three sons with Ismael Werther have moved in instead: Aiden, Valentine and Filémon. Lysette works as a teacher, and the couple recently welcomed twins Lena and Alaric into their family. I think that's enough kids, but being both family sims, they might have other plans.
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It's going pretty well. Three available lot points, and money to build a City hall, and renovate the school, as well as three available jobs (all three have individual requirements though so not anyone can take them). Sim multiplier is six, and lot multiplier is 2, with a current population of 312.
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pizzatowerepisodes · 1 year
Mad Randy. Bad Substitute.
The Noise has just finished another season of NTV and Noisette suggests they take a vacation to celebrate. Noise is initially excited by this idea, but then he worries that he wouldn’t be around to bother Peppino. Noisette knows how important this is to Noise, so suggests that he finds a substitute rival in the meantime. Noise eagerly makes posters to advertise that he’s looking for anyone to harass Peppino for a week.
Initially, there is a long queue of applicants outside Noise headquarters. However, Peppino soon shows up to confront Noise and demand answers. When Peppino exclaims that anyone who takes the job should expect to constantly have their butt kicked, the entire queue flees. Noise is angry that Peppino just scared everyone away, to which Peppino responds that he should also be allowed a break from Noise.
Time passes, and Noise has given up hope for going on vacation, but luck has it that one candidate actually shows up. It’s a weird sentient monkey sock puppet who doesn’t speak, but he’s holding a resume revealing his name as “Mad Randy”. At least he’s better than nobody, so Noise accepts Randy for the job.
Noise and Noisette leave, so it’s up to Randy to torment an unsuspecting Peppino. However, through unfortunate coincidences and his own incompetence, Randy is terrible at the job and only ends up getting hurt. He’s so ineffective that Peppino doesn’t even realize he’s there, he’s just enjoying a Noise-free week. Gustavo finds Randy at one point but thinks he’s an electronic puppet, so he gives him to a toddler and her family. Brick also finds Randy and uses him as a chew toy.
Eventually, Randy is collected by Fake Peppino, who wants to treat Randy like an adopted son and apprentice pizza maker. Randy constantly tries and fails to escape, and Fake Peppino just smiles and rolls his eyes at his antics.
Noise returns from his week-long vacation and is angry to find out that Peppino’s had a good break as well. When Noise finds Randy, he’s annoyed and assumes he mistook Fake Peppino for the real one. Noise states that Randy isn’t getting paid, and leaves him in Fake Peppino’s clutches.
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simishmm · 4 months
Intro & Tags
I’m Matt! I’m primarily a sims 2 player (@tybaltsmonty) but once a blue moon I’ll boot up Sims 4 and here you will find screenshots from my game and most of the cc I have in my game c:
note; i'm currently going through my blog and editing tags for this as well as removing broken links and outdated cc
Genetics - Birthmarks & Moles / Eyes / Freckles / Presets / Skins / Teeth
Body Hair / Eyebrows / Eyelashes / Facial Hair
Acne / Makeup / Scars / Stretch Marks / Tattoos
Accessories - All / Bracelets & Watches / Childrens / Earrings / Glasses / Gloves / Hats / Hijabs / Nails / Necklaces / Piercings / Socks / Tights & Stockings / Toddlers / Tops / Misc
Fem - Hair / Bottoms / Full Body / Shoes / Tops
Masc - Hair / Bottoms / Full Body / Shoes / Tops
Children - Hair / Bottoms / Full Body / Shoes / Tops
Toddlers - Hair / Bottoms / Full Body / Shoes / Tops
Infants - Hair / Bottoms / Full Body / Shoes / Tops
Pets - Cats / Dogs / Horses
All / Doors / Floors / Garden / Gates / Stairs / Walls / Windows
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen & Dining / Laundry / Livingroom / Nursery / Office / Outdoors
Appliances / Beds / Bookshelves / Chairs / Clutter / Curtains / Dressers & Closets / Electronics / Lighting / Mirrors / Pets / Plants / Plumbing / Rugs / Sofas / Surfaces / Toys / Wall Deco
HOBBY & SKILL CC (includes cas & bb items)
Art / Dance / Farming & Gardening / Fitness / Music / Sewing & Knitting / Sports
CC BY THEME (includes cas & bb items)
Goth / Medical / Pride / Weddings
SUPERNATURALS (includes cas & bb items)
Aliens / Fae / Mersims / Servos / Spellcasters / Vampires / Werewolves
create a sim / build & buy / fan packs
All / Residential / Community
All / Aspirations / Careers / Fixes / Skills / Traits
Default Replacements / Food / Poses
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