#tokka tooth fairy
sokkabeifong · 3 years
When/How do you think Sokka starting seeing Toph in ✨that✨ way? xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️
hello my favorite tokka account! personally, i think sokka’s feelings for toph were a complete surprise. like he always loved being with her and making jokes and things but the first time he saw her with kanto… he felt empty. and he hated kanto for no apparent reason. like he kept thinking about how toph would dump this loser of a man and how did she not see who he really was? and then he ended up telling all this to katara like “am i the only one who sees that anyone would be better for her? she deserves someone who treats her like a queen.” and katara’s all “…. someone like you?” and sokka’s just like
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stitch1830 · 3 years
When/How do you think Sokka starting seeing Toph in ✨that✨ way? xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️
Tokka Tooth Fairy, hello! And thank you for the ask! It's an honor to receive these asks hehe :)
I think it's subtle, and I think any feelings he does feel for Toph, he excuses them as just how he feels because Toph Beifong is his best friend. They talk about everything, he trusts her with his life, and he loves spending time with her.
Yeah, that fluttering feeling in his chest is because she's his best friend. That's it.
But then maybe they're out with their friends and she's wearing a really nice outfit, and he can't help but stare because wow, Toph looks great! He shakes the other feelings away because Toph is just his friend.
It gets to a point where it's not even about her looking nice, though. He thinks she looks amazing in her uniform, in her sweats when she's relaxing at home, even when she's just woken up and her hair is a puff of a mess. Still, he can't help but think she looks amazing.
And it's not about her looks, either. He sees her when she's strong and powerful and a great leader, and he admires that. He sees her when she's soft and kind and attentive with her daughter, and relishes the quiet moments that not everyone gets to see. He loves seeing her sincerity, her thoughtfulness, her sarcastic humor, he loves it all.
And he's not sure why, but that fluttering feeling that he used to be able to brush off as just a feeling that one feels for a best friend, doesn't go away. It lingers, it settles in his heart, and he grows used to the feeling, but it's not admiration for a best friend anymore. No, it takes him a while to figure it out, but he realizes that he's been in love with Toph Beifong. He's not sure when it all happened, but after spending years searching for the thing that's missing in his life, he eventually learns that he wasn't necessarily missing anything, he had the family he always wanted in Toph and Lin. And if the feelings are mutual, perhaps he can love Toph the way he's always wanted to.
Those are my thoughts on the Tokka matter. Thank you again for the ask, Tokka Fairy, these are great! :D Hope you have a great day!
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sineaden · 3 years
🤗 It’s Totally Random Tokka Time! If you’re up for it, please share:
Why do you ship them?
Who kissed who first?
What happens when the other is getting flirted with?
Any headcanons for how they got together?
xx The Tokka Tooth Fairy
A visit from the Tokka Tooth Fairy!? Oh my! What a lovely surprise! Any excuse to talk about Tokka is a good one. Thank you for the ask!
Why do I ship them?
When I was first into ATLA back when I was like 13, I honestly didn't ship Tokka. Not that I didn't like it, it just wasn't really on my radar (I was such a diehard Kataang shipper that I didn't have time for other ships). 😂
Then, when I watched Legend of Korra some years later, all it took was a very brief moment of the two of them on screen as adults, and I was like... 👀 wait a second. 🦠🧬🔮✨CHEMISTRY!?✨🔮🧬🦠 That look that Sokka gave Toph during the bloodbending scene was all it took to color me intrigued, and then the more I dived into the realm of Tokka, the more I started to ship it.
I ship them because I love their friendship, their banter, their protectiveness for one another, their chemistry... but the dramatic side of me also kind of ships them because I love the complexity of how I imagine their relationship to be.
Compared to the likes of Kataang's relationship, I think Toph and Sokka would not have the most straightforward, fluffy relationship, and I'm kind of here for it. It would be hella romantic and rooted in deep love and friendship, but I could also see it getting messy for a while, and I just find that really interesting to explore on a character level.
But yeah... Chemistry. Drama. Friendship. That's why I ship Tokka. 😎
You know, this is getting really long, so to save everyone from endless scrolling....
Who kissed who first?
I go back and forth with this one, but I always imagine Sokka being the one to make the first move. Why? Mostly because I think Toph would have convinced herself that Sokka couldn't possibly see her in that way, even picking up on heartbeats and such, I imagine Toph to be a little self-sabotaging there. Like, perhaps she will pick up on Sokka's feelings for her, but not let herself believe it, whether that's a result of her own insecurities, comparing herself to Sokka's previous love interests or just not wanting to ruin their friendship.
I also think Toph feels something deeply for Sokka that she hasn't felt for anyone else, and I think that feeling scares her a bit. She lets her bending and her strength define her, and for a while, I think she might resent the fact that her confusing feelings for Sokka are a bit of a distraction, and I think she might spend some time trying to deny them.
Meanwhile, Sokka's all about that romance, and I think once he realizes his feelings for Toph, he'd full accept them, but wouldn't be sure what to do with them at first. Toph has always been the master of waiting for right moment to strike, and while Sokka is the "plan guy", he also tends to just follow his instincts in the heat of the moment, and I think when the right moment comes, his instinct will be to get the damn girl. Yeah, I think he'd beat Toph to the punch on this one.
What happens when the other is getting flirted with?
I must admit, one of my favorite tropes is Jealous Sokka™, especially when it's applied to him figuring out his feelings for Toph. I think when he and Toph are still just friends, he'd just be super uncomfortable for "reasons he can't explain," though he would understand that it's not really his place to get in the way of Toph and her romantic interests.
Though, I do imagine him not really liking any of Toph's boyfriends (again, for 'reasons he can't explain") and I think he'd be pretty protective of Toph if he thinks someone sleezy is hitting on her. Then once they got together, he'd just place the subtle arm around her shoulder and send a bit of a warning glance to the flirterer in question, and that would be it. 😁
I can see Toph just getting a little bit snippy when people are flirting with Sokka. Not super possesive or anything, but just a bit cranky.
Any headcanons for how they got together?
So many headcanons. But I think my favorite one is that their friendship just gets deeper and deeper as they enter their twenties and they end up having a friends-with-benefits situation that unfortunately doesn't end very well.
They always have deep feelings for each other but the timing is just never right, then Toph goes and has a couple kids and Sokka is there for her and they again grow closer again until they realize the timing is never going to be right, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't use the time they have. 🥲
That's basically just the short version of I'll Be Seeing You, which is really just my headcanon written out in really long, painstaking detail. 😅
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avatraang · 3 years
It's the Tokka Tooth Fairy! 🧚🏻‍♀️ How do you think The Gaang reacts to finding out about Tokka getting together? How do you think they find out? 👀
i think they are all VERY relieved that they no longer have to pretend they Do Not See It, and i think aang and katara have a running bet on when they’d get together, which both lose. tbh i’ve written SO MANY tokka fics that i cant rlly settle on one sure fite way, but i think one of the most numerous ways is one in which zuko catches them, and they swear him to secrecy but like, zuko HAS to tell mai because that’s his wife!! so then zuko tells mai who tells ty lee who tells suki who tells aang who tells katara and baddabing baddaboom, tokka’s your otp, lmao
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New Tokka Blog
Hey, long time tokka fan here! I've been on the tumblr beat for a minute, but the Tokka tag is looking a little sad these days, so I thought I'd make a blog specifically for all things Tokka-related and try to spread some love for these two characters. I'll be sending Tokka-related asks moving forward, so if you'd like to be a recipient, let me know! 🤗
xoxo, Tokka Tooth Fairy
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
🤗 It’s Totally Random Tokka Time! If you’re up for it, please share:
Why do you ship them?
Who kissed who first?
What happens when the other is getting flirted with?
Headcanon for how they got together.
Thank you! xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy
Why do you ship them?
Because "Oh. Well. You can go ahead and let me drown now." made me laugh harder than any joke on the show....and then the show dropped the idea completely. They reference Toph having a crush one more time, in "Sokka's Master," a freakin' year later, and then that's it. I've always wished that the show had turned it into a proper running gag, especially after Suki joined the group. You could have a B-plot running in the background of Toph trying to sneakily cause fights between Sokka and Suki to try to break them up, only to have her plans hilariously backfire a la Wile E. Coyote and bring them even closer. If there's not time in an episode for that, it still would have made a hilarious Lost Adventures comic.
See, despite the fact that I've written a fairly popular Tokka fic, I'm not sure if shipping them is technically the right term for what I do, because....I don't actually have that much interest in them as an established, endgame couple? I do not at all wish they had gotten together on the show, and unlike most Tokka shippers, with me it's not just because of the age difference, I'd feel the same way if Toph were 15.
I like Toph being flustered and confused by feelings she doesn't understand and Sokka being completely, blissfully oblivious to it. Not only is that a great source of comedy, it also helps humanize Toph and make her more relatable, because she now has a problem that she can't solve by throwing a rock at it. Those two moments are really the only times the show ever knocks Toph down a peg.
Who kissed who first?
Well she already tried to kiss him first in the show, even if it was just on the cheek, so I don't see a more grown up Toph wasting any time if she sees an opportunity. Since she can hear people's heartbeats, she can likely tell when someone likes her, so she doesn't have to worry if she's misreading signals. Unfair, I know.
What happens when the other is getting flirted with?
Toph likes to lurk in the background when Sokka gets a girl flirting with him, so she can sneak up behind her and loudly clear her throat. She thinks the way the girls' hearts always leap into their throat is hilarious.
Headcanon for how they got together.
Kind of self-plagiarizing here, but Toph comes up with an excuse why she needs Sokka to pretend to be her boyfriend, then listens to his heartbeat when he has to "lie" to people about how he feels about her.
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sleepingxgalaxies · 3 years
🤗 It’s Totally Random Tokka Time! If you’re up for it, please share:
Why do you ship them?
Who kissed who first?
What happens when the other is getting flirted with?
Headcanon for how they got together.
Thank you! xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy
Tokka was my very first ship and it has a special place in my heart. i’m not sure what exactly it was that made me like them so much at first - i think it was their best friend dynamic and just their natural chemistry!!! i think i’ve always found it romantic falling in love with your best friend. i think that there’s something really between Toph and Sokka that neither of them have with anyone else.
First Kisses!!!!
i definitely think that they kissed at the same time - cause they just have this “unspoken” connection where they can just tell. but i think Sokka is the one to initiate it. Toph has always wanted to for a while, but she could never just do it. There was too much at risk, too much anxiety with just putting herself out there like that. so when she just got that feeling from him that it was okay, she met him half way.
like i had said, Toph has kinda always been used to all these girls flaunting over Sokka (who could blame them honestly), and she has this sense of confidence and security when they’re together that she doesn’t need to be jealous when other girls flirt with him. Unlessss she’s got some alcohol in her system. Usually it ends in some kind of physcial altercation... 
Sokka on the other hand…my man is without a doubt the jealous type. before they got together - when he sees another person flirting with Toph he has this sense of wrongness that he can’t seem to piece together. it’s like this weird churning in the pit of his stomach he can’t shake. he kinda just wants to swoop in, grab her arm and take her to do something else, something cooler. when they’re finally together, he’s more aware of his jealousy. he still wants to swoop in and lead her away, but there’s just this satisfaction he gets walking over to her and just wrapping his arm around her shoulder in an affectionate but not overprotective way. making it known, he supposes, that she’s with him.
How they got together?
hmmm this one is a toughy. as much as i love these dumb kids...they’re dumb. it takes a long time of battling denial, fear, and insecurities for these two before they actually feel ready enough to make it official. i honestly think it would be pretty lowkey. they would be past the age to make a huge deal out of it. i feel like they’d kinda just be on a walk or something, and Toph would kind of just turn to Sokka and be like “hey so like is now a good time?”
Sokka would be kind of taken a back, but he knows Toph doesn’t like making a big deal of things. he’d give her a lose shrug and a “yeah” - but his heartrate makes Toph smile.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
It's the Tokka Tooth Fairy! 🧚🏻‍♀️ How do you think The Gaang reacts to finding out about Tokka getting together? How do you think they find out? 👀
Hi Tokka Tooth Fairy, thanks for stopping by! :D And good question, lemme think…
Aang seems like he would be a little oblivious to it all at first. Like, any time he does see Toph and Sokka and they do something that’s very couple-y, he just assumes they’re being weird/close like they normally are. Then maybe there’s this one day he leans over to Zuko and goes “Hey Zuko, do you find it odd that Toph and Sokka are so… close? Like, we’re friends, we don’t do that stuff.”//“Aang… they’re dating.”//“whAT???” LMAO idk if it would be that dramatic, but I think Aang’s view of intimacy and closeness with people is different, so he assumes that Toph and Sokka are just really close until he’s told otherwise haha!
Katara is much more observant, she knows her brother really well, and she knew that he was in love with Toph before Sokka even knew it. Still, with Toph and Sokka, their interactions before and after they started dating was kind of similar, so it was hard to tell, and she didn’t want to jump to conclusions (she did that once before they confessed their feelings for one another, and Katara never heard the end of that, even though she was right). So, one night when Sokka was staying over at her house, she just asked him, “You and Toph are dating now, right?” And he was just like, “…. Yep.” Did Katara gloat and say she knew it? Absolutely. Now, Toph and Sokka never heard the end of that.
Zuko likely learned about Toph and Sokka’s relationship from the others, or Toph let it slip one day. I like the idea that Toph and Zuko are super close and she doesn’t mind telling him about her relationships or things like that. Zuko was also one of the only people that knew Toph and Sokka were quietly pining for each other haha. So, sometimes she’d go to Zuko for advice (Toph went to Katara too, but for feelings talk, I think she sometimes prefers talking to Zuko). When Zuko finds out about Toph and Sokka, he seems like a guy that just nods and goes “Alright then. Now, anyone want some tea?” He doesn’t need much explanation about their relationship or how it came to be, lol.
Suki probably guessed they were together when she met up with the Gaang again, she was always really good at reading Sokka (I mean, the way he looks at her kind of gives it away). And I feel like because they’re adults and have this tendency to date within their friend group (lmao), Suki is really chill about them being together! In fact, I’d argue and say she thinks they’re cute together. There’s something special about best friends being in love with each other, and she knows that both Toph and Sokka will treat each other well.
Okay! Did I miss anyone? I don’t think so… LOL. Fun question! Thank you again for the ask, Tokka Tooth Fairy! Love me some good Tokka asks :) Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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stitch1830 · 3 years
🤗 It’s Totally Random Tokka Time! If you’re up for it, please share:
Why do you ship them?
Who kissed who first?
What happens when the other is getting flirted with?
Headcanon for how they got together.
Thank you! xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! Or should I say… Tokka Tooth Fairy!
Tokka was actually my first ATLA ship. It’s funny no one really asks me about it, but I also get it, I have other ships I talk more about haha! Anyway… to the questions!
It was a combination of fanart and reading Toph-centric fics! I was intrigued by the mystery and complexity of Toph’s adult life, so I wanted to read more about her, and most Tokka fics are 1) Toph centric and 2) canon compliant and dive deeper into her relationships with her daughters and friends and those are my favorite topics!
First kiss… I would say that Toph usually initiates the first kiss. Both Toph and Sokka always hesitate when it comes to initiating things. Like, they’d rather not mess with things and change their amazing friendship, but she’s a tad bolder than he is with matters of the heart. She gives a chaste, quick kiss, and for a second, he’s stunned, but he immediately goes back for a second kiss when she starts rambling and trying to explain herself and he’s just—once she kissed him, it was intoxicating. He needed more.
I can see Toph being chill, and Sokka being paranoid/jealous. Toph knows when Sokka is attracted to someone, and his heart only skips for her. Sokka, though, just cannot stand other guys trying to humor her, even though she’s not humoring them. He hovers a bit and listens to their conversation, but I think Sokka let’s Toph fights her own battles until she needs him.
I think it would be heartwarming if they just… find themselves in a relationship. They understand each other’s problems and personalities, they care for each other immensely, and in a scenario where Sokka is helping Toph raise Lin, they just end up living together and in a relationship before they even realize it!
Think that answers all your questions! Thanks again for the ask, Anon! Happy Tokka talks for you :D
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avatraang · 3 years
When/How do you think Sokka starting seeing Toph in ✨that✨ way? xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️
when he saw her happy with someone else :)
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sokkabeifong · 3 years
🤗 It’s Totally Random Tokka Time! If you’re up for it, please share: Why do you ship them? Who kissed who first? What happens when the other is getting flirted with? Headcanon for how they got together. Thank you! xx, The Tokka Tooth Fairy
omg i love totally random tokka time! my heart is always full of them
why do you ship them? gotta be honest i have No Fucking Clue. i just saw some fanart one day (before i had even seen an episode with toph, mind you) and was like yep, this is my ship
who kissed who first? unpopular opinion maybe? but i say toph. i just have this sort of vision of sokka rambling about something of one sort or another or maybe their relationship and she's like "y'know what fuck this" and just goes in for the kiss. and he kisses her back OFC!!! and then she just goes "it was the only way to shut you up"
what happens when the other is getting flirted with? okay so i don't imagine toph as the kind of jealous person who makes it obvious that they're jealous (see: the serpent's pass) so i feel like if sokka were the one being flirted with when she got him alone again she'd be like "so who was that?" and basically act like normal but not let him be physical with her or if he says "love you" she'd be like "mhm. you better." with sokka, if toph was the one being flirted with, i see him as sort of swooping in and putting his arm around her and being like "yes hi, sokka of the southern water tribe. boyfriend. official title, back away please sir." idk just like making it plain that he loves her and she's like "you goof" but she likes it
headcanon for how they got together? i don't really have a specific one for regualr atla, but one i love for a modern au is that one trend where the best friends are in a car and "electric love" starts playing and one of them kisses the other one on the high note and i just AHHH i get tingles thinking about it
this was so much fun! thank you tokka tooth fairy xx you out here doing the lord's work
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sokkabeifong · 3 years
It's the Tokka Tooth Fairy! 🧚🏻‍♀️ How do you think The Gaang reacts to finding out about Tokka getting together? How do you think they find out? 👀
hi tokka tooth fairy!! you’re actually the best
personally, i think katara already knew lol. idk how accurate it would be or if it’s just my fickle heart, but i feel like she always knew about toph’s crush on sokka and just always observed how she acted around him, and then when sokka started acting different around her she noticed and was like “hmm…”
the funny thing is i don’t even think they would act that different; they’re already bffs and they’re more comfortable with each other than anyone else. for the rest of the gaang, well — i like to imagine they were just blown away. like toph and sokka, once they got together, were like “oh, they totally know we’re together! we kiss, we hug, we act like a couple… they know.”
and then someone brings it up or is like “omg wait… i think they’re dating” and the rest of them are like “oh my god you’re right dear lord” and then everything just exploded
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