#tokyo revengers pachin
animekingfans · 1 year
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Cover illustrations of Tokyo Revengers Brilliant Full Color Edition !
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gatitties · 1 year
─ Mikey & Draken, Peh-yan & Pah-chin, Mitsuya & Hakkai, Smiley & Angry, Baji & Chifuyu x clumsy!reader (Bonus: Hinata & Emma)
─ Summary: you are dumb and clumsy, you always end up with body injuries and they take care of you
─ Warnings: none
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Mikey & Draken
─ Mikey won't catch you at all if he sees you tripping over your own feet.
─ He sighs quietly and offers you a hand if Draken hasn't had time to catch you.
─ Because usually Draken is the one that catches you, benefits of having such long arms.
─ These two will laugh from time to time at your misfortunes, because them never understand how the hell you end up kissing the ground.
─They ship you with the ground, as if they had made a story on wattpad; Y/n x ground, a painful love.
─ But they worry when you can really hurt yourself, Draken refuses to let you take anything made of glass because he knows you will break it.
─ More than once you have cut yourself with a photo frame, they just look at you like '???? how is it even possible?'
─ Mikey will be in charge of kicking the idiots who laugh at you for your clumsiness, those people are not allowed to laugh at you.
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Peh-yan & Pah-chin
─ My god these guys are such idiots they don't realize how much you hurt yourself until they see blood.
─ But nothing happens! They take care of you as much as they can after seeing you hurt (because they don't know how to bandage your hand or disinfect wounds correctly).
─ Peh definitely laughs in your face if he sees you tripping over a rock, Pah just stands there not understanding what happened.
─ These guys will yell at things that hurt you, like if you dropped a cup and cut your hand, they'll be yelling at the cup and throwing it in the trash.
─ Of course if they do it with objects, imagine with people who laugh at you, apart from yelling at them they will hit them.
─ They tell really bad jokes to make you forget about the pain you inadvertently inflict on yourself.
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Mitsuya & Hakkai
─ Worried mom and his son behind with a first aid kit.
─ Mitsuya always has an eye on you because it's very common for you to bump into anything, like you have a wall that you can see perfectly and you bump into it.
─ He will undoubtedly catch you or change your steps so that you do not eat that wall, Hakkai just stare silently afraid to touch you.
─ This poor nervous boy thinks if you hurt yourself so easily he could only make it worse.
─ But if you're alone with him and he sees that you're going to hit a sign, he pushes you away by putting his hand on your shoulder and looking away.
─ Mitsuya definitely has the corners of his house padded just in case, and not just because of his sisters.
─ The good thing about this duo is that they won't laugh at your misfortunes, there is only concern in their eyes.
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Smiley & Angry
─ Do not expect compassion from these two unless your injury is really serious.
─ You can make Smiley smile even more and Angry make a grin like a smile just because you made some guys beat each other up for bumping into them.
─ They always make fun of you because you once kicked the golden balls of a guy they were fighting with.
─ Angry is the one who mostly helps you when you stumble and Smiley is the one who hits other people who make fun of you.
─ The good thing is that if you've really had a shitty day because of your clumsiness, you'll be pampered for the rest of the day.
─ They definitely have videos of you falling down stairs or hitting your head on a table.
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Baji & Chifuyu
─ You have an idiot openly making fun of you and another concerned mother.
─ Baji ends up crying with laughter when he sees your shoulder catch fire after trying to blow up a car.
─ Chifuyu runs to turn it off but you end up all drenched.
─ But at least the blonde won't laugh at your bad luck, he pats you on the head to know that you have some support.
─ Baji stops teasing so much when you almost lose an eye to a pencil.
─ But keep laughing at little things, like hitting a glass door you thought was open.
─ He is a little more aware of your surroundings and sometimes helps you not to hurt yourself.
─ Chifuyu proud in the background to see how Baji has put his hand on your desk so you don't hit it.
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Hinata & Emma
─ These two girls are so worried and scared when they see you hit with anything.
─ You once collided with a baby's stroller and from that moment they both held your hand whenever you went for a walk.
─ They keep band-aids in their bags knowing that you always end up with scratches on your hands or arms.
─ They are seriously thinking about buying one of those children's leashes.
─ Emma will sometimes laugh at you if you've only slipped a little.
─ However, Hina will scold you for trying to fix what you broke knowing that you would only make your injuries worse.
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tojifushigurowhore1 · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers live action characters and actors!
01. Takemichi Hanagaki. [My little cry baby looks so cute!].
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02. Hinata Tachibana [I wanna see how Mio Imada will do in kicking Takemichi's ass when he breaks up with her, also I'm looking forward to the scene where Hinata become a gang leader].
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03. Naoto Tachibana [Mr. Hot detective 🔥].
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04. Chifuyu Matsuno [Cute little beam! I love Chifuyu so freaking mucho!].
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05. Baji Keisuke [Boy looks so freaking good in the live action].
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06. Kazutora Hanemiya [In love with Kazutora in the live action 😍😍😍 Nijiro was perfect as Kazutora].
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07. Mitsuya Takahashi [Maeda Gordon looks hot as Mitsuya 😍🔥].
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08. Pachin [The actor looked good as Pachin in the live action he almost remembered me of the actor who played Tony Padilla in 13 reasons why for some reason].
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09. Draken [Yuki looks so freaking fine and perfect as Draken, not my type exactly of simping for though but stills looks good].
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10. Mikey [Yoshizawa nailed Mikey's role and looks so freaking cute as Mikey 😍].
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Part 2 coming soon!.
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tokyo-rgifs · 2 years
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Episode 22 -  One For  All • Tokyo Revengers.          
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chiihara · 2 years
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Tokyo Revengers Season 2 “Christmas Showdown Arc”
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vickytersia · 2 years
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Pachin’s dog belike:
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sofya-fanfics · 8 months
Je te sauverai
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Fandom : Tokyo Revengers
Relationship : Mikey x Takemichi
Voici ma participation pour le Tropetember 2023 pour le prompt : Major Character Death.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Mikey se demandait si Takemichi était revenu du passé. Est-ce qu’il essayerait de savoir ce qu’il était devenu ? Il savait qu’il chercherait à le retrouver. C’est pour cela qu’il lui avait laissé cette vidéo dans la capsule temporelle où il lui demandait de ne pas le retrouver. Il savait que Takemichi respecterait sa volonté. Après tout, qu’avait-il a offrir à part un monde de violence et de mort.
Disclaimer : Tokyo Revengers appartient à Ken Wakui.
Mikey regarda au loin et mordit dans un taiyaki. On était le 19 juin. Douze ans jour pour jour que les membres du Toman avaient enterré la capsule temporelle et qu’ils avaient prévu de se retrouver. Mikey redoutait cette date depuis plusieurs jours. Il savait que ses amis seraient présents, se demandant sûrement où il était et s’il viendrait. Mais il ne devait pas se rendre au rendez-vous. S’il avait dissout le Toman et s’il avait brisé tous les liens avec eux, c’était pour les protéger et protéger leur avenir. Il devait les protéger de celui qu’il était devenu.
Il s’était quand même renseigné sur ce qu’ils étaient devenus. C’était plus fort que lui, il devait savoir. Ils avaient été les personnes les plus importante de sa vie et même s’il refusait de se l’avouer, il tenait toujours à eux.
Il avait appris que Draken avait ouvert un atelier motos. Chifuyu avait ouvert une animalerie et Kazutora l’aidait depuis sa sortie de prison. Pachin, qui venait de se marier, avait repris l’entreprise de son père et était secondé par Peyan. Mitsuya était devenu styliste et commençait à se faire un nom dans le milieu de la mode. Hakkai était un mannequin international et sa sœur était son agent. Quant-à Takemichi, il était gérant d’une boutique de DVD et allait bientôt épouser Hinata. Ils étaient tous heureux sans lui et s’était mieux ainsi.
Il se demandait si Takemichi était revenu du passé. Est-ce qu’il essayerait de savoir ce qu’il était devenu ? Mikey savait qu’il chercherait à le retrouver. C’est pour cela qu’il lui avait laissé cette vidéo dans la capsule temporelle où il lui demandait de ne pas le retrouver. Il savait que Takemichi respecterait sa volonté. Après tout, qu’avait-il a offrir à part un monde de violence et de mort.
Il y a douze ans, il savait comment les choses risquaient de finir. Sa pulsion finirait par le rattraper et Takemichi serait une de ses victimes. Il le tuerait, comme il tuait tous ceux qui le gênaient ou qui ne lui étaient plus d’aucune utilité.
Il y a bien longtemps, les seules personnes capable de l’aider à combattre cette pulsion avaient été Shinichiro, Emma et Baji. Mais tous les trois n’étaient plus de ce monde. Puis Takemichi était entré dans sa vie. Il avait cette force et ce courage qui avait donné envie à Mikey de combattre cette pulsion. Avec Takemichi à ses côtés, la noirceur qu’il avait en lui disparaissait. Il était devenu son héro et il l’aimait. Et c’est parce qu’il l’aimait qu’il devait le laisser retourner à son époque. Il savait qu’à l’instant où Takemichi disparaîtrait, sa pulsion noire reprendrait le dessus. Il était plongé bien trop profondément dans les ténèbres et plus personne ne pouvait le sauver. Pas même Takemichi.
Il mordit à nouveau dans son taiyaki lorsqu’il entendit quelqu’un arriver derrière lui. Il savait qu’il s’agissait de Sanzu, son fidèle second.
« Tu es sûr de ne pas vouloir t’y rendre ? Demanda Sanzu.
-Oui, répondit Mikey avec indifférence. »
Cette date faisait partie de son passé et cela devait rester ainsi.
Cela faisait plusieurs jours que Mikey entendait des rumeurs sur un homme qui cherchait des informations sur lui et sur le Bonten. Qui pouvait être cet idiot qui le cherchait alors même que les autorités le craignaient ? Pendant une seconde, le visage de Takemichi lui vint à l’esprit. Mais c’était impossible. Il devait se marier avec Hinata dans quelques jours et il ne risquerait pas de tout perdre pour le retrouver.
Mikey regarda Rindo se débarrasser du cadavre d’un des membres du Bonten qu’il venait d’exécuter. Il l’avait trahi, alors Mikey devait l’éliminer. Il ne ressentait rien. Ni regret, ni peine, ni plaisir comme les membres de son gang. Il était vide. Il vit du coin de l’œil Sanzu arriver. Il l’avait envoyé se renseigner sur cet homme.
« Tu as appris quelque chose ? Demanda Mikey.
-Il s’agit de Takemichi Hanagaki. »
Alors c’était bien lui, pensa Mikey. Il ne l’avait pas écouté et il l’avait recherché. Pourquoi fallait-il qu’il continue à jouer au héro ?
« Tu sais où il se trouve ? »
Sanzu acquiesça. La main de Mikey se crispa sur le pistolet.
« Amène-moi à lui. »
Mikey savait déjà ce qui allait se passer. C’était pour ça qu’il ne voulait pas revoir Takemichi. Pourquoi les choses devaient-elle se terminer ainsi ?
« Je te sauverai ! »
Pourquoi ? Pourquoi alors que Mikey venait de lui tirer dessus et qu’il était sur le point de mourir, Takemichi voulait toujours le sauver ? Il n’avait pas compris qu’il était trop tard pour lui. Cela faisait des années qu’il ne pouvait plus être sauvé. Pourquoi continuait-il d’insister ? Il lui avait dit lui-même qu’il ne pouvait plus retourner dans le passé.
Mikey n’en pouvait plus de cette vie. Il s’avança vers le bord et se laissa tomber dans le vide. C’était enfin terminé. Il sentit sa chute s’arrêter. Takemichi l’avait rattrapé par le bras. Comment était-ce possible ? Avec les balles qu’il lui avait tiré dessus, il devrait être entrain de se vider de son sang, incapable de bouger. Et pourtant, Takemichi refusait de le lâcher. Il continuait d’insister en disant qu’il pouvait encore être sauvé et pour la première fois, il l’appela par son prénom.
Quelque chose dans le cœur de Mikey changea. Il avait envie de croire en Takemichi et croire qu’il méritait d’être sauvé. Il lui attrapa la main et le regard de Takemichi changea. Mikey connaissait ce regard. Il l’avait déjà vu douze ans auparavant quand le Takemichi du futur voyageait dans le passé. Est-ce que c’était ce qui venait de se passer ? Est-ce que Takemichi venait de voyager dans le temps ?
Tout à coup, le corps de Takemichi bascula et tous deux tombèrent dans le vide. Malgré leur chute, Mikey ne voulait pas lui lâcher la main. La chute ne dura que trois secondes, qui semblait lui durer des heures.
Ils s’écrasèrent sur le sol. Le corps de Mikey avait amorti celui de Takemichi. Pourtant, il ne bougeait plus, il ne respirait plus. Mikey comprit qu’il était mort. Lui-même était au plus mal. Tous les os de son corps étaient brisés. Ses poumons devaient être perforés, il avait de plus en plus de mal à respirer. Jamais il n’avait eu aussi mal. Il voulait hurler de douleur, mais il n’y arrivait pas.
Il pouvait entendre un attroupement se former autour d’eux, mais il ne voyait rien. Le choc l’avait rendu aveugle. Sa main qui tenait celle de Takemichi se desserra peu à peu. Il se sentit partir et il comprit qu’il lui restait peu de temps. Il rassembla le peu de force qui lui restait pour lever son bras et le passer autour de Takemichi. Il n’avait jamais eu peur de mourir, mais cette fois, c’était différent.
« Takemitchy, réussit-il à murmurer. »
Takemichi lui offrait une seconde chance et Mikey espérait la passer auprès de celui qu’il aimait. Auprès de son héro, auprès de Takemichi.
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Can we just talk about what a big brain move this is though???
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Like Pah is literally the mvp here, they're really gonna need those extra guys later on and without him gathering them they probably wouldn't stand a chance. For a character that's constantly calling himself dumb this is actually a genius thing to do.
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Maybe everyone (including Pah himself) should give him more credit?
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gitomico · 3 years
Any guy from TR: *putting his cock deep inside me * “this what you wanted?”
Me: “YeeEeEEeesSssSsss!”
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haitani · 3 years
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you can use these icons with your team!
lo hice hoy cuando descubrí que tenía este arte en el tlf sjejwkqi
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fromyaritagua · 3 years
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You are my greatest treasure
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animekingfans · 9 months
TOMAN ❤️💛💙💜🧡🤎💚🩵
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𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓸𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻
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Takemichi has suffered a lot in his quest to save the love of his life Hina (cough cough Mikey). He was determined to save her and persisted even while being in the most painful situations possible for someone his age. His only goal was to save mina come heaven or hell. As long as mina could live in the future he'd do anything. Even if he had to die to do it.
The beatings he took from Kiyomasa were painful but for her anything,
Getting his ass beat left right and center were just his stepping stone. Sure they hurt but what hurt more was seeing Hina die every time he went back. Seeing everyone he came to care for vanish by the time he came back was heartbreaking. But his resolve became stronger as he grew to care about more than just Hina and Naoto. He'd cry it out then commit himself to a new goal.
For them.
So he'd take any beatings to save them. Anything that would ensure their happy ending in the future. He'd take on the entire world's pain if it meant their survival.
But he was alone in this mission. The past version of Naoto couldn't help him so he was alone in this endeavor. But then he met you, and he couldn't look away.
Your smile was as warm as the sun and your entire being was of another world. It seemed so honest and pure. If Takemichi were to describe it, he would say it was godly.
You were infectious to anyone who came in contact with you. That alone comforted Takemichi, he'd bask in your aura as a recharge. After some time, just being in your presence wasn't enough to help him.
He'd been too much of a coward to actually talk to you. He couldn't exactly put it into words but he felt like there was an invisible barrier around him. A force that pushed anyone out who wasn't a part of your inner circle.
What he found out later was the 1st and 4th divisions were said invisible barrier/wall.
He'd seen you change Toman's entire mood when a Toman's meeting went sour. That's when he understood or began to speculate what you were to toman..or better yet Mikey.
You had this pull towards you that even the most stubborn animal in the world would bend to your whim.
But you were so much more than just a pretty face, You were the co-captain of the 3rd Division along with Pa-chin and Peyan who you affectionately call Pa-chii and Pey-chii.
Your skills in fighting were nothing short but praise-worthy as expected of someone in Toman's top brass. You had beauty, strength, and this god-given aura that made anyone succumb to you and your whims.
It was hard to meet you, he was constantly stopped by Nahoya and Baji. At some point, even Mikey made it impossible for him to even reach out to you. You remained oblivious to his attempts to communicate with you.
Takemichi almost gave up on talking to you. But when he finally did meet you, he got to experience what made you so special in Toman. The Mizo middle had gotten into trouble again with dudes stronger than them (nothing new) and were about to become a rival gang's bitch before you appeared like God's gift to them. You were basically covered by Toman and to any outside your mere presence had a lot of power. After all, you were the only girl officially in Toman so it made you quite the important figure in the delinquent world.
You had saved all of them without hesitation and now they followed you where ever you went. The Division captains would tease you about being a Mother duckling so soon but you would play along and it would turn into a spectacle.
You took the time out of your day to teach them how to hurt their opponents enough so they could at least run away. The more he got to know you the more Takemichi could find solace in you. Time and time again Takemichi would take up time in your life and Takemichi had to suffer some hardcore envious "I'll kill you and leave your body to be found in thirty years" type of glares from the top brass Toman.
So could you blame him for telling you about his mission? About what happened in the future? About how everyone you held dear was taken brutally away. He told you everything he knew, How Kisaki and anyone in Kisaki's group/ social circle were evil. Anything and anyone Kisaki had was to take everything away from Mikey.
It took him hours and you never said a word, you just listened to him. He just let everything out and you just listened and comforted him as he cried about everything he went through. You held him tightly as he ugly cried into your shoulder. When he finally calmed down, you just gave him your signature bright smile and promised to help him to save Toman and his girlfriend Hina.
"Takemichi if anyone asks you about how you know this and you aren't sure or aren't ready to say what you really are just say your physic."
"Whatever you do Takemichi, Don't tell Mikey what you told me."
"But why?"
"Just promise me you won't okay Takemichi?"
"Okay, I promise!"
He didn't know at that moment why you said it but as time passed he did.
Takemitchi felt a whole ton just disappear off of his shoulders when he finally told someone and He cried like he usually did whenever you came over to his home to help him usurp Kisaki's plans.
Realizing after telling Chifuyu he didn't have any more information for the both of you to help destroy Kisak's plan he went back to the future.
"Are you sure, you'll be fine?" - T
"Don't worry We'll hold down the fort right?" - C
"Don't worry Takemitchi. I promise I won't let the homicidal midget sink his claws onto Toman."- y/n
"pfft new insult?" - C
" I thought it would bring up with mood if I change his name every time we say his name." - Y/n
" they'll all be there when you go back Takemitchi. I swear funky eyebrows pussy slayer isn't going to get his way." - Y/n
"Pussy slayer?" -T
"well, not with that hairstyle."-Y/n
After spending your normal 30 minutes just roasting Kisaki, Takemichi left to meet Hina's brother to leave.
"You know if he keeps doing this he'll probably make Hina get the wrong idea."
"maybe, hopefully not. I can't take another day of Takemichi crying about Hina."
" yeah.."
When Takemitchi comes back from the past he's shocked to find out he was still a worker in a DVD place he hated but was actually the manager. He was absolutely confused when he opened his phone to find out that the date was exactly one week away from when he originally traveled before.
" I should call Naoto"
"Takemitchi!!" he heard two voices calling him. Takemitchi turned and saw Mikey and Hina together.
" Hina? Mikey?" His voice trembled not believing both of them were alive and Mikey wasn't going off the deep end.
" Your shift is about to end right?"
"We came to pick you up."
"where are we going?"
" huh, do you not remember? Draken invited us to go see the baby ."
"What baby?"
" The one he and Emma had? Did you hit your head or something?"
"sorry! I'm having trouble remembering. a hard day at work ya know?"
But his phone began ringing and looking at the caller Id he realized it was Naoto.
" What in the hell did you do?"
" uhhh what do you mean?"
"When you came back everything changed. "
"well duh that was the point"
" I can't believe you saved Hina and the rest! I honestly thought you couldn't!"
"Wow, that sure is super encouraging. Totally doesn't destroy my self-esteem"
"where are you? I'll go get you."
"I'm with Hina and Mikey. We're going to see Draken's baby."
" Rain check then. Tomorrow we'll talk." with that Naoto hung up on him without Takemichi getting a word in.
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Chapter 2 coming soon
Tagging; @ghostsgf @1-800-baddie
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eungii · 3 years
#.𝑊𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 ¡!
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ᴛᴡ: 🚧MANGA SPOILER🚧 Kisaki Tetta¿ (How far do we get that we have to put Kisaki's name in TW 💀), kinda of Takemichi x reader. PLEASE GIVE IT A CHANCE TO THIS FANFIC ¡! She/her pronouns. Reader's Last Name is Nakamura.
ɴᴏᴛᴇ: I have a love-hate relationship with Kisaki, BUT I respect and understand the people who hate him <3. Also reader is as smart as Kisaki (light vs L 2.0) lol. Please ignore any "L/N" at last moment I thought to put reader a Last name 🏃‍♀️. It is in Takemichi's pov, but in a moment is Y/N's POV. Song I listed while making this: Black Out Days (Slowed and Reverb) - tastool
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"Takemichi, One last thing" The black eyes start talking before they run out of time " Kisaki is going behind you, but he will not kill you, Y/n will"
"What?! How do you know that?" " Kisaki told me, he have Y/n in his finger, he just use y/n and mikey for his disgusting plans. So you need to leave and never come back ok?" As Draken start to leave both males, the blue eye one was scared, his dearest friend Y/n Nakamura and Kisaki Tetta together? No no no He need to stop that!
Bloody Halloween have already passed, Baji unfortunately die and Kazutora was sent to prison but mikey forgive him. Toman was now with Valhalla and Kisaki's next target was the brain of Toman, Y/n Nakamura.
Emma's birthday was a little party, where only real friends where invited, including Hina and Takemichi. But today wasn't time for focusing on that, he need to stop Kisaki. But when will it happen? Where will it happen? How could he stop it? Did Kisaki's dogs will be there? He couldn't bet them, but he also couldn't say anything.
"Takemichi-kun? Are you ok? Need anything?" His cute girlfriend start talking and taking care of him, as always but he didnt come for that. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks Hina. But have you seen Nakamura-san?" "Y/N? Actually I think she is with Mikey, something happen?" "Oh no, its that I need to ask her something real quick. Don't move"
As he start to run, he find Mitsuya, Draken, Mikey, everyone except Y/n so he went and ask Emma "Hello Emma! Happy birthday" "Huh? Ah! The chicken! Hiya, thanks for coming" "Yeah, umm I have a question, did you invite Nakamura-san to your party?" He ask scare that maybe she didnt invite her because they were mad at each other or something.
"Yeah I did, but she just told me that she was going to visit Kazutora in jail and Chifuyu in his house I think. She look like she's normal but I know that she is hurt because of what everything happened" she said with sadness in her voice, Emma met Y/n when Baji and Mikey used to have martial arts classes with Mikey's grandfather. It was when she was practicing alone.
"One! Two! Ahh! I can't!" The cute blond hair girl scream, she want to be like Manj- Mikey. So she start again and again. She was thinking so hard that didnt knew that a cute h/c girl sat and watched her while eating a chocolate bar.
She couldn't move after 16 minutes of practicing so the other girl started talking "You are doing the kick thing wrong you know?" Emma just watched her with her cheeks red, sweat on her face, and with the little ponytail messy "The leg always go straight". As the girl let her chocolate bar in her pocket she showed Emma how to do it "If you do it wrong you can't hurt yourself when you use it" she start walking where Emma was.
"Y/n Nakamura, and you?" She extended her hand for the blond girl "Emma, Emma Sano" "Oh do you are Manjiro's sister or something? Also, you are foreign right? You name is not usual here" She start taking her chocolate bar out and eating it again "Yeah, But I am not relative to them in blood things, so that why my name is like that" Emma wasn't happy to talk about her name. She was scared that Y/n start to make fun of her, and she wait and wait and wait but nothing happen.
"You are not gonna make fun of my name?" "What?... No, it is a name, I don't care if you are from United States, Africa, Mexico or other country. You are still a human and will always be one" and that when both girls hear the door open so fast "Emma!! Where in my chocolate bar?? I am hungry!" As mikey enter he start to complain with a cute mad face. Baji was also there, with his favorite candy in hand laughing at Mikey, because early he step on a dog's poop.
"Mikey! I don't know what you are talking about but I present to you my new friend, Y/N Nakamura oh wait... ʷᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈˢ ʳⁱᵍʰᵗ?" She spoke with a little fear in her words. "Yeah we are friends." As Y/n spoke she take the last piece of chocolate and put it in Emma's mouth "oh... So hi! My name is Manjiro Sano, but call me Mikey OK? My new name is Mikey!" He spoke with a hand in his chest and then Baji start to talk too " And I am Baji Keisuke, but call me Edward"
"Edward? I have told you Baji that is a dumb name" Mikey start laughing at Baji "Shut up! You have a animated mouse name!" And they were fighting again and while Emma was ready to leave she felt a hand on her shoulder "I am gonna think about a name too." And the the h/c girl leave. Emma's first female friend was Nakamura."
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Takemichi was used to hear Y/n's name everyday in Toman. Of course, she was pretty, intelligent, carrying, kind and the brain of Toman, she didnt used to fight and that was because she was a girl and Toman HATE when girls are hurt.
So he knew why Kisaki was behind her, with her by his side was easy to have Mikey and Toman. But when did he was going to meet her? Maybe the have already met? Oh no no.
As he was starting to get scared he felt his phone ring, a new message? It was from Nakamura- san,
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A message? That was weird because Draken was usually the one that used to give Mikey messages. So he was about to send the message to Chifuyu, until he hears Hina's voice "Takemichi-kun! Nice seeing you here!" And with only those words Takemichi was with Hina around Tokyo, forgetting to send the message to his friend.
It was until the night arrived, and Takemichi remembered the important thing he have to send, so without caring the hour he send it.
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All he could do now is trying to sleep and tomorrow follow Y/N all the day and stop Kisaki.
It was 7:23a.m great hour to wake up and start to get ready to save Y/N. And as he arrived to where he was send he waits for his two friends.
Chifuyu was the second to arrived, and after 5 minutes both of them see Y/N with her little brother Kenji Nakamura. And when she went close to them she give them a piece of paper "Open them, and inside you will find a number" as both males open the paper they find the number "And do we keep it or what?" Go where Mitsuya is and give him those numbers, he will give you some clothes go and give Mikey the clothes. Fast and easy, please" and her little brother start walking where Y/N was both of them nodded and start walking.
'I am forgetting something' Takemichi start thinking,and after going with Mitsuya he remember "Nakamura-san!!" He shouted, and start running. Ignoring mitsuya and Chifuyu's screamings. How can he be so dumb? That was the reason he went back in the future.
No no, it was already 6:00 p.m he need to find her NOW!! If he fail, Hina will die again, Kisaki will be the leader, Akkun and all of his friends will be gone!! Draken, Naoto, guys I'm so sorry! I couldn't save them! I'm useless it will repeat again and again and again!! His tears were mixing with the rain drops, his legs were already feeling tired, he was getting tired but he need to find her! He can't let the future messed up again! No! Where could she be? Where are you Nakamura-san?! Where are you?! I won't let you suffer again! Please god show me where she is!
As he listen to a kid scream he run where that scream came from, and he find Kenji on the floor, with some blood in his knee . "Kenji! Are you ok? Who did this to you?" "Huh? I did it myself, my sister was suppose to get here minutes ago" wait.. Wasn't he the one screaming or he is hearing things now? "You didnt shout?" "No, my sister told me that screaming is when I was in problems." Shit shit, then who it was? Wait... His sister was suppose to get there "wait here, I'm gonna get your sister back!"
And he start to run again, fun until he finally fin her, she was a little tired and with some blood out of her nose. But 2 guys where on the floor all beaten up and Kisaki was in front of her with a smile, a real creepy smile. He just find a spot and start hearing without being seen .
"Come on Nakamura-sama. You know that we could help Mikey with his plans and dreams. Just take my hand and everything will be by our side." "What did you say? I couldn't hear you little bitch" she was mad, how could he talk about Mikey's dreams like if he knew him " You can't say anything like that without knowing".
Kisaki knew she was hard to manipulate, but he was smart too and he have his secret card.
"What about... Letting Kazutora and Pa-chin out of jail? Hmm? Sounds interesting right?" He knew that she cared about Kazutora and Pa, and more after Baji's death, she always have one day of the weekend free and visit Kazutora alone, meanwhile with Pa (who is a simp for Nakamura in a good way lol) used to talk by letters, and she tell them everything. In this case Kazutora was the one that saw her tearing up, but never crying.
That was one of her three weak points.
"And probably when we both help Mikey to make his dreams come true, Baji will be happy and will forgive you after what you did"
Her other weak point. That day, august 13th. Shinichiro's death. She remember it perfectly, the feeling of leaving both males because she was scared.
That day Kazutora explain the plan, everything was going well, until she saw that shadow, the shadow of the person who took care of her, Baji and Mikey, The shadow of the person who help her in everything, the shadow of the person she used to love as if he was her big brother and family, the shadow of Shinichiro Sano.
And before she knew it, Shinichiro was already on the floor, with a pool of blood above him, already death.
"Call a goddamn ambulance! Shinichiro! Please breath! Dont go! Please please!! Baji, Shinichiro is not breathing! Kazutora hel-" she shutted up when she saw Kazutora shaking and with tears in his eyes. "Hey Kazutora is not your fault, please look at me, look at me" Baji start talking but before he could continue, the siren of the cops where already there.
And she just murmur "I'm sorry, please I'm sorry..." And she run away from them. Away from the dark memory she lived all her life, with the memory she kept herself while still next to Mikey. She was feeling awful, disgusting.
"Oh my! And what about your cute brother. Does he know that his wonderful, amazing and perfect big sister was there? What will Mikey will think about that? Oh and Draken, Mitsuya and all of Toman?" She didnt say anything she was already at tears.
She knew that Toman used the word "perfect" to describe her, but she hate it. She hate it, she was there in Shinichiro's death, she was feeling guilty because of Baji's death, she hate that she was part of her other "family's" death. She lie to Mikey and everyone else.
"So, what do you say Nakamura-sama? Can we team up and have everything we want ?" He said with a big smile, he was almost having it all.
Takemichi, who heard everything was having enough, he is still on time to save everyone. So when Nakamura and Kisaki's hands were almost together, he run and grabbed her and threw Nakamura to the ground while screaming "Nakamura-san STOP! DON'T DO IT"
"What?- Takemichi what the hell are you doing here? Stay away from me please" her voice was broken but still friendly "No! Listen to me Nakamura Y/N" he grabbed her head and make her see his shining blue eyes with her beautiful e/c eyes "Don't hear what he say! Do you think Kazutora and Pa will be happy about that?!" He was mad and sad at the same time, hearing everything just make his heart start talking and moving his body by itself. "Why Takemichi? Why are you doing this? You don't know me-" as she start talking, he scream in her face
"Because I care about you! I will not let you suffer again! I want to save you! As he shout, she fell the blond's tears in her cheeks. Save her? Did he really said that?but before he could continue thinking, he saw her face. Her face wasn't of fear, or sadness, was now covered in happiness. What was the last time he feel happy after the day Naoto saved him?
"But, What about Baji? He could only forgive me if I help Mikey with Kis-" "No! Before Baji died he told me 'Please Takemichi, talk with Y/n and tell her this. Kazutora and I never felt betrayed by her, we didn't even named her in the incident so she doesn't start blaming herself, and was Kazutora's idea, and maybe it was because he do it for the girl he fell in love with. So please, save her and Toman' and I make a promise to him, so he would never blame at you! So don't listen to Kisaki! And be by my side!"
As Takemichi start to stand up and help her, she only saw Kisaki few seconds and then " Kisaki, leave I want to be with Takemichi" "What?! Are you gonna her what a dumb brain say? Instead of me! A whole genius! Come one we could have everything in our hands! Tokyo! The world! Love! Everything!! I need you and you need me Y/N Nakamura! Just accept it!" As Kisaki start to get near her Takemichi, took Nakamura's hand and put her behind him, protecting her. "She said leave Kisaki, you lost".
Takemichi knew that she was more stronger than him, but he felt the need to protect her now.
After Kisaki leave, Takemichi call Chifuyu for going to eat something and bring some clothes for both of them. And while he was talking to Chifuyu, Y/N went to bring his brother and thank Takemichi. So when both were in front of the blond, both do a reverence of 90° and exclaim "Thank you" and after Takemichi saying it was nothing and went to buy something to drink, Chifuyu was already there playing with Kenji. Leaving Takemichi and Y/N alone.
Everything was silent, until she start speaking. "Takemichi, what are you? Early you say you don't want to let me suffer again, but this is the first time we talk" Oh no "Did... Did you came from another reality or from the future?" He is fucked up.
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© this belong to @/eungii. Do not repost or modify my work .
ʰⁱ ᶜʰᵃᵉ ʰᵉʳᵉ ఌ︎ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵉˡᵖ ᵐᵉ ᵇʸ ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰⁱˢ,ˡⁱᵏⁱⁿᵍ ⁱᵗ ᵒʳ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉ. ⁱ ᵖʳᵒᵐⁱˢᵉ ⁱ ᵃᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵈ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿ ♡︎
English is not my fist language so please, forgive me is there any misspelled or something wrong.
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tokyo-rgifs · 2 years
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Episode 22 -  One For  All • Tokyo Revengers.          
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denjjii · 3 years
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