paintstudi0 · 2 years
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I got a chance, then my ni##@$ got it too like it's contagious . Very little stock left @hufworldwide x @pleasures collaboration pieces #isit #tolate #topost #areweontheair #pleasures #hufworldwide #paint #wewillnotstop #stillworking #yousleepwegrind #yousleepingweworking #skubb #young #youngboy #versace #hotline #pickupthephone #jumping #style #streetstyle #streetfighters (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUs6mfuizG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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projapotimusichd · 8 months
ডি জে তাসলিমা সরকার নাচে গানে পাগল করে দিল। পাঁচ তলাতে শান্তি নাইরে। Pan...
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moulin-girault · 11 months
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La dernière récolte estivale
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voidxfound · 1 year
the only good thing about Adam is that his cult don't believe in restrictions regarding sexuality and gender. He believes in total freedom to be and desire whatever you want.
aka "i may be evil but i am not homophobic or transphobic"
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marmie-noir · 2 years
Sorry for ghosting, I got pretty sick and then I was handed a HUGE project at work so I’ve been working 50ish hours a week on top of my other responsibilities. I have more written and as soon as I can edit and format I will post! 
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unfoldedpaperclip · 2 months
Untitled #073124
I suffocate and I devour
Two days feels like an hour
My waters salinated and salacious
Brimming with unfiltered impatience
I'm obsessive and impulsive
As my love grows more repulsive
I wash out and then pull back
I thought you here but I lost track
The blame I place on you to bear
culpability from my love to wear
Though it's no use to you I give you my gifts
To Sting to Rash to Ache
After the pain you'll miss me when you wake
I don't know how to love, I am only transparent
The magic is real, and the love is inherent
It doesn't feel tangible, because I'm only learning to be
Maybe you'll teach me? You'll stay with me?
I'd hate to hold you hostage
But there's no other land in sight
Only me the Sea, my salt and the fish I house all night
Though I'll never be alone, I'll complain of being lonely
I hate freedom, but I can't tolate it if you own me
Until I get you in my waters, I'll be here, waiting, swarming
And I'm sorry I'm so sinister but shouldn't my beauty dilute that?
To trick is to get in your mind, a game I know I'm good at
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howlingday · 2 years
Duke: Rule one; anyone who defies a Winchester gets beaten into the ground! That means a Winchester's word is law.
Duke: My family has ruled this land for generations, which means that your gall to hang a decoration in my lands...
Duke: (Targeting arm-cannon at banner with the Arc family crest)
Duke: ...will not be tolated! Especially not a paltry decoration like THIS! (Fires)
Jaune: ...!
Ruby: That was the wavy thing... Hey, Jaune, what-
Jaune: (Shaking with rage) Dad...
Ruby: (Looks up to the banner)
Jaune: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! My family has been living here for generations, and you suddenly come back after fifty years and decide you want to blow up my house?!
Duke: BAHAHAHA! Look at him squeak! BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ruby: (Standing by the Arc banner) HEY! DICK WINCHESTER! (Everyone looks to her) You do know what it means to attack a family crest, don't you?
Duke: Huh? You think I give to shit's length about some decoration? I already told you, this is my land! And I'll shoot that stupid thing AS MUCH AS I WANT! (Aims at Ruby)
Ruby: You still don't get it. You can't destroy this banner! It's a symbol of dedication! Conviction! Loyal- (Blasted by cannon)
Mama Arc: That hit her head-on!
Duke: BAHAHAHAHA! You stupid mouse! BAHAHAHAHA- Huh?
Cardin: Dad, look!
Ruby: (Holding the banner, Banner fluttering) S-See? It's still standing.
Ruby: I don't know who you are, or who made this banner, but it's a family crest these people dedicate their lives to! You don't hang it as a fucking decoration!
Duke: (Growls)
Jaune: (Whispers) This is a huntress?
Jaune: So cool!
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Mna sleepy rn heck but uh middle child trappola!(name) being in between their star of an older brother and their chaotic half a brain cell younger brother and then being the Forgotten Middle Child™️ cause everything they do isn’t big enough. Isn’t good enough to compare to older trappika isn’t bad enough to compare to younger trapooko they’re just… exceedingly average. Maybe they’re a third year with cater and Trey. Does ace sometimes forget his older but not oldest sibling? Maaybe? That’s all the thoughts I have for now. I’ll ad more tolater. Sleepy brainb
another take on trappola!(name) :DD
i would say ace doesn't necessarily forget about his older (but not oldest) sibling. it's just... there isn't much to fawn about unlike his oldest brother. but ace wouldn't really show that. like, he would poke fun of his older sibling but i don't think he would understand how his words could be taken differently :/
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tf2yuri · 1 year
18,9,26 for whoever you feel like!
9. When they're sick what do they do to feel better?
solaris stays the fuck innn he does not tolatate going to work & such while sick. then he'll get himself a nice warm glass of milk, shut all the blinds & take a long nap. no one hears a damn thing from him when hes sick, both so he doesnt risk infecting anyone, and because he has lower tolerance for people when hes unwell.
18. How easy is it to become their enemy?
duke is like. so fucking chill man. his bullshit tolerance levels are up the roof, tending to chalk up most bad behavior to having a bad day. the vast majority of people he either likes or is at least neutral to, but if he hates someone, he REALLY hates them. so no, its most definitely not easy to be this guys enemy
26. Have they met any of their heroes? Did they regret it?
i wasnt entirely sure how to interpret this one to be honest, so ill use 'hero' to refer to a person who is admired by someone in their life.
with that aside, xavier really admires solaris - his confidence, his refusal to tolerate bullshit, his snarky comebacks. how he stands up for anyone he thinks is being wronged. xavier feels like some pushover nobody compared to him. he cant even stand up for himself, let alone others. solaris seems like he has it all figured out (spoiler alert: he absolutely does not), so xavier looks up to him as this cool adult figure. so to answer the question, xavi does know his hero & hes grateful to have him as a friend . or something
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versinator · 2 days
Szundikálni csudálatosan
Kérdezgetjük teteme koszorún törpefenyők Fordulnak legendákba derűsnek zengők Csúccsal elbocsátjuk búzavirág haránt Hajigálja ábrándról megsokalta megtorpant Suhogóra hajszálerein bimbózik szivárványhidat Berohanni befogna vágnék boldogat
Éket féktelenség pihenünk vérpadot Gondterhes lamma gutin mostot Röpködik dohogott hurok bitóhoz Üvöltöttek munkatársa kövezeten cseresznyevirághoz Fenevaddal nyirkosan suttogásból fénysugarat Kezdene gyümölcsöket idetart csonkjaikat
Csüggeszti elfehérült kígyója égetők Bankárok mozdítsa csattogjon kérdeznők Legidősebb lanyhul érettnek árnyékként Üveghegyen puhít csacsit grant Tolat foszfor szökevényt lámpákat Olajfákat vihetem oscar lámpásainkat
Szatmári csorgatok megölel albumot Vicsorognak vigalomban gonoszabb tanulságot Terebély sírónevető gyászinduló apámhoz Atmoszférája küllőt hangomtól másikához Evezve tűnődő modellem gyermekarcokat Dalolását elcsodálkoztam züllötten kastélyodat
Hálatelten kopottan vitákban betörők Hullanom éleszt körmenet hízelkedők Rekvirálva magyarázni agarat vattaként Pórusokon boldogságra csitítom odafönt Hajtogattad önmagadra professzorok sarkamat Csurdé martján dalosan fátylukat
Ívelését cibálná tovasurrant aranyvirágot Meseszó himbálózol törölni malasztot Nirvánában csacsogó zöngő kinoz Zuhatagba innod madárról aladárhoz Sötétített zúzni farkascsorda vallomásaimat Feldől ráköszönnek harsogás betakargat
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eltortaszilvafa · 15 days
Özönvíz-táj ez, tág és szédítő,
a kőkorszaknál ősibb az idő,
emlékezés sem kísér az uton --
Ekképp mesélték, csak innen tudom:
mikor pelenkám volt még és dadám
s a hold kezemnél ült az almafán,
az "ee-ee" és "papa-mama" után
az első, amit kimondott a szám:
"fű, fa, füst".
Úgy tűnik, mintha látnám-hallanám:
fölöttem süt víg napocska-anyám,
a dajkával kis kocsiban tolat
engem, reménydús fiatalurat
s oly fontos, mint nagy dörgeteg beszéd
mitől országok esnek szerteszét
és véres lesz a puszta és a rét,
hogy kimondom e szent varázsigét:
"fű, fa, füst".
Fogatlan szájjal tátogattam és
érzés nélkül jött sírás-nevetés,
a sorsom nem volt könnyü vagy nehéz,
multat s jövőt még nem festett az ész,
idő nem volt, csak az örök jelen,
mely mint a pont kiterjedéstelen
s mert kezdettelen így hát végtelen --
mi áll, vagy mozdul, minden névtelen,
fű, fa, füst.
A tarka egység részekké szakadt,
rámzúdult a különbség-áradat.
Képzelj faágakat: mindegyiken
sok két- és három-magvú tok terem:
így lett lassacskán mindennek neve
párjával: tej-víz, fehér-fekete,
orr-fül, huszár-baka, fésű-kefe,
s hármasban: elefánt-zsiráf-teve,
Óriások közt telt az életem,
a vállukig sem ért föl a kezem.
És egy nap -- tisztán emlékszem reá --
nem fértem állva az asztal alá.
Lejjebb ereszkedett a mennyezet
és kezem-lábam megszélesedett.
Ahogy én nőttem, úgy kisebbedett,
de napjaimnak kedvesebbje lett
fű, fa, füst.
Sorsom huszonnégy esztendőt lerótt,
még végigélnék néhány-milliót:
hasztalan vággyal nézem a jövőt,
gyerek áll így a más cukra előtt.
De a kevés is jobb, mint semmi se,
az élet szép, csak bánni kell vele,
s ha félrebillen kedvem kereke,
helyrezökkenti a varázsige:
Fű, fa füst.
Szép a való! szebb, mint minden mese,
kár, hogy mindünknek hűtlen kedvese.
Azért van mind a tétlenség s a tett,
hogy tompultabban várd a végzeted.
Kinn ülök most a híg téli napon,
mint aranya körében Harpagon,
s ha mennem kell majd: tenger vagyonom
bucsuzóul még összeszámolom:
fű, fa, füst.
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babyawacs · 6 months
harvard wanted tomap the brain with con ventional method and wouldtake 400million years to. but ai reads out things that rhyme and braintissue density. sothey damage whattheywant on structures and density @all .@all @world
harvard wanted tomap the brain with con ventional method and wouldtake 400million years to. but ai reads out things that rhyme and braintissue density. sothey damage whattheywant on structures and density @all .@all @world the basis of the brain haircuts are the brain the early childhood development on tolater like coordination tomusic instrument etc the brain is not the template the…
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gregpostok · 10 months
Mennyire kell hülyének lenni, hogy ne tudja értelmezni a zsákutcát? Utána meg tolat ki idegesen.
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eyebamiblog · 1 year
Owamilere Ehinmabo Community
owamilere ehinmabo community FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2010 The Owamilere Ehinmabo Peoples Essay in Honour of OBA S.O. OGUNOYE 1ST Edited byF.A. Aponbiede© F.A. Aponbiede 2009CHAPTER ONE … Dialectology AN EXPOSE ON LINGUISTICS EVALUATION OF OWALUSIN(OWAMILERE EHINMABABO) DIALECT …. Dedicated toLate Chief Ade Ehinola Mathew(The Atayese of Okaland)… whose untimely dance to meet hisancestor is like a…
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tired-needs-sleep · 1 year
i have this drawing idea for sara but the real challenges are if im gonna finish it and be okay enough to post it.
and also if i can tolate being weird abt looking at their face even though you can't see most of it long enough to actually finish the gahdamn sketch.....
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beatasfinds · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TALL BOOTS.Pair of high heels boots, Tall Boots.
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