crystalsnow95z · 10 months
i had a sudden idea for a fic req. maybe poor jimin has a cold during one of bts' important meetings? like their speeches with UN and this makes jimin feel bad.
I struggled so much with this I don't know why..it's a bit short compared to my normal work. Forgive me🙏
I'm sorry it didn't turn out well, but the more i try to redo it, the more i hate it😅
"I don't know if I can do this..." Jimin eyes shifted to the others,watching them get ready for their own speeches, but no matter how hard I tried to suppress my cough to get through mine,I can't even get a quarter way before the painful cough escapes.
"Did you take the medicine before we left?" Hobi asks, looking up from his paper with worry in his eyes.
Jimin taking a tissue to spit the phlegm into. "I took medicine right when I woke up, and right after we got off the pla-" His coughing stops him from finishing the sentence, quickly grabbing a tissue to spit into, the mucus that filled his throat making him feel like gagging.
"Are you sure you don't just want to shorten your speech or just skip it all together? It sounds like you're losing your voice.." Jin suggests, but the idea of everyone else doing the speech was clearly out of the question.
Jungkookie is so nervous about it, I can see the paper shaking, and Namjoonie-hyung hasn't been able to sit still since we got here.. it wouldn't be fair for me to skip it, and I spent so much time on my speech.. I have to do this..
"No, no. I finally got my speech memorized. I'll mess up if I change..eh..eh..heh'tichiugh!" Jimin quickly covers his face, getting snot on the sleeves of his suit, pouting at the mess he made.
"Come on, Jiminie, let's get you cleaned up." Yoongi pulls Jimin by the elbow, leading him to the bathroom, wetting some paper towel to wash off the ends of his suit. "It's okay if you can't do it. If you're sick, you're sick. You can't control it." He dabs the mess away, careful not to just spread it further.
"I have to do this.. it won't feel right not to.. I'll just feel guilty the whole time.." Jimin sniffles, making him cough.
"Stop that, blow your nose." Yoongi scolds him, putting a hand on his shoulder before adding in a softer tone. "You'll just make yourself feel worse."
Jimin didn't think that was possible. He had to speak softer to stop his throat from hurting so much to talk, and his sinuses were so swollen it made his whole face hurt with a sharp headache, each cough just making the pain become intensify.
"Sorry, hyung.." Jimin went into the stall to get some toliet paper, trying to clear his nose while Yoongi washed his hands. No matter how hard he tried, it felt like there's no end. He sighed in annoyance, flushing the wads of tolietpaper down the toliet.
"You feeling any better?" Namjoon entered the bathroom to check on Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung peeking in the bathroom.
"Guys I'm fine..it's just a cold. I'm fine." Jimin gives him a smile, hoping if he keeps saying it, it would come true.
"It's time to go.." Staff calls to the members. "Is everyone ready?"
"As ready as I can be.." Jimin says, stifling a cough.
The boys look at him with worried expressions, following staff out of the room to meet with their president before going on stage.
Namjoon meets him first, bowing deeply and taking his hand. "Thank you for inviting us. It's a real honor."
"It's a pleasure to see you boys again." The president gives him a smile, greeting each boy with a warm hug.
Jimin tenses when he feels him squeeze him, a cough escaping his lips, quickly pulling away and bowing deeply. "I'm sorry..."
"Are you unwell?" The South korean president asked.
"It's nothing serious, I'm..I'm.." Jimin turns away from him, covering his face with his hands as a squeak of a sneeze comes out of him. "Hehitch!" He sniffles wetly, cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as he turns back, bowing again. "I'm sorry."
"Bless you." Hoseok rubs his back, giving him a tissue for his dripping nose. "Here, Jiminie."
Jimin wipes his nose, feeling it trying to drip into his mouth. I'm so gross.. I'm supposed to be here to represent my nation..
"Do you think you can perform today?" The president asks with concern, making Jimin's heart skip a beat. He had almost forgotten they were going to record before the meeting.
"I'll be okay.." Jimin says, trying to keep his voice steady. He wasn't just performing for army.. this was representing his nation. He couldn't mess this up.
"You got this.. I'll be here to back you up okay? I've been memorizing your lyrics with Taehyungie hyungie on the plane just I'm case you needed help?" Jungkook tries to rub some of the tension out of Jimin's shoulders. He couldn't help him with his speech, but he could at least lend him his voice while they performed, just as Jimin did for him before.
"Thanks Gukkie.." Jimin gives him a small smile, appreciating the gesture, but he didn't want to put extra work on the younger members.
"We got five minutes before rolling." A staff member alerts them.
Jimin pops a cough drop into his mouth to try to soothe his raw throat, feeling the mentol numbing a bit of the pain away. "I'll be okay.. my throat feels a little better after the tea staff gave me. Just worry about your parts okay?" He sniffles, making Jungkook leave his side to find him a tissue.
Jimin blows his nose one last time before getting into position to perform with his members, checking that the lighting was okay and that everyone's mic was working properly. He put one hand over the other to keep the mic steady in his stretching hands.
"Testing, 1..2.." Jimin could hear his voice in his ear piece, grimacing on how he sounded, clearing his throat to see if it would help. "Ahh..ahh.." he makes more sound into the mic, relaxing when he sounds more like himself again.
"Jiminie you got this!" Hoseok cheered into his mic.
"Let's go J.M!" Namjoon joins in.
Jimin smiles, wishing he had as much confidence in himself as they did.
He heard staff counting down for the cameras to roll, taking a deep breath, coughing instead of exhaling. He apologizes when he hears them starts the count over, feeling the eyes of his concerned members watching him.
I can do this.. I have to do this..
Jimin wishes it wasn't him that was singing first, that he asked to change it to a song without so many high notes, but he couldn't bring himself to ask the members to do it with less than a 24 hour notice.
He took another deep breath this time his voice coming out, singing calmly into the mic despite his heart thumping loudly in his ears and hammering against his chest.
"Open my eyes I'm in the dark..The sound of my heart beating... When it's unfamiliar.."
He sings the lyrics with his eyes closed, pressing his palm by his throat to try to help ease the pain. This isn't even the high part.. but it hurts..
Jungkook takes over the next part, Jimin pursing his lips together as a cough tries escaping. He was glad they didn't have any choreography to do. He was already having a rough time breathing, his nose already stuffing up once more during Yoongi's part. He took a deep breath when he heard Jungkook singing, cursing himself for shaking so much.
"Maybe I fell in order to take the place of those countless stars..." Jimin's voice came out strained, cracking at the end, making tears start to well up in his eyes, quickly looking up to try to stop them, blinking rapidly, singing softer.
"The target of thousands of bright arrows is me alone, ayy.." Jungkook sings along with him.
The notes will only get higher from here..
Jimin feels Jungkook and Jin move on either side of him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and swaying him as they sing the chorus.
Jimin takes a shaky breath, smiling through his tears, wrapping his arms around the waist of his members. As if planned, Taehyung wraps his arm around Jungkook, the two singing the post chorus together,sharing Taehyung's mic.
Namjoon wraps around Taehyung and Hoseok to Jin as they sing their parts, Hoseok beckoning Yoongi over by opening up his arm, the rapper shyly joining in the line.
Jimin smiles, despite the tears that flowed down his cheeks, feeling the love pouring from his members. Jungkook kept his word, Taehyung and Jungkook harmonizing with him for his parts to cover up his mistakes, the boys moving outside during the last minute of the song, quickly jumping into the next.
Jimin felt his voice growing weaker and weaker as he sang the two youngest members', voices overpowering his by the end of the second song. He focused on the choreography, pushing his limits to try to put on a good, completely exhausted by the end of it.
As soon as Jimin heard the word, he collapsed into the grass, coughing into his fist, screwing his eyes shut from the pain in his throat.
"Jimin-ah, are you okay? Do you need oxygen" Hoseok rushes to his side, rubbing upper chest try to loosen the mucus. "Please, could I have some water?" He asks staff, using his sleeves to wipe the sweat from Jimin's brow.
Jimin spits up phelm, taking deep breaths to try to slow his coughing. A staff member gives him a water bottle, Jimin giving him a quick bow before gulping it down, the cool liquid soothing his throat.
"I'm fi.." Jimin's voice was only a hoarse whisper, cracking at the end, his eyes widening. Oh no. This can't be happening. I have a speech to give..
"My..my voice.." Jimin feels his eyes water, burying his face in Hoseok's shoulder.
"Aiigo.. the performance was too much.." Hoseok coos sympathically, hugging him close. "It's okay baby, it's okay.. you gave it your all.."
"I should've told him not to sing. Im sorry, Jimin.." Namjoon felt guilty for letting him push himself past his limits, but Jimin shook his head.
"I wanted to do it.." Jimin looks up helplessly at Namjoon. "But..now..what about the speech?"
"I told you before not to worry about that..it's not important.." Namjoon pulls him close. "Don't worry about it, Jiminie. Just worry about getting better, okay? I can read it for you."
Namjoon puts a finger on his lips. "No. No more talking. Let hyung handle it." He pulls the older card on Jimin. "You rest and don't cry.. you can't help it if you get sick.."
Jimin nods, knowing that even if he argued against him, he wouldn't be able to do it. Jimin takes the tissue staff offered him, cleaning up his face. As soon af the tissue touched his nose the sneezes he held back came one by one. "Heh..uughchi! Heh'itchi...Ha..hexifgh..! Heh'xxcghi!"
"My poor baby.." Hoseok rubs Jimin's back, trying to soothe him. "We'll have to get you more medicine when we get to the hotel.."
"I'm sorry.. for embarrassing everyone.." Jimin sniffles.
"You didn't embarrass anybody. It's perfect normal to be sick okay Jiminie?" Yoongi tells him in a serious tone.
"Yeah, we're proud you pushed through two songs when you were in such bad condition." Jin adds wiping Jimins eyes. "You're gonna make me cry.."
"So..I can..still go on stage and stand with you guys?" Jimin asks, voice cracking.
"What kind of question is that?" Taehyung sounds mock offended. "Of course you're going to be with us. You just got to stay quiet, and every time you try to talk I'll hit you with my shoe." He teases, untying his shoe.
"Taehyungie you better keep your shoes on while on stage. Dont embarrass me." Namjoon scolds playfully, getting a giggle out of the 95ers.
"Keep your sweaty shoe to yourself." Jimin whispers with a tiny giggle, pushing away the shoe Taehyung was threatening him with.
"I said no talking." Taehyung playfully hits Jimin in the thigh with the shoe. "Bad Jimin."
"Come on kids, we gotta get ready. Sick or not, we still have a meeting to attend.." Jin gathers up his members, going back inside.
"Jiminie remember, it doesn't matter what the world thinks. Only Army..and they'll understand you aren't always like this okay?" Hoseok tells him taking his hand. "Just get better soon okay?"
Jimin smiles, nodding his head, feeling himself calming down. He makes a heart to Hoseok, the older member smiling.
"I love you too Jiminie." Hoseok pulls Jimin close to kiss the top of his head. "A lot of people do, so take better care of yourself."
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Floyd now has an absolute grudge against tolietpaper now if he sees it he chews and tears it up to bits due to the humiliation and shame the tp has given him
The grudge lasts for approximately 20 minutes before he finds out how much fun it is to make it into confetti. And then gets annoyed and abandons the pile cause the paper gets stuck to his slimy body.
... And then Ruggie sneaks in to grab some of the non-tainted toilet paper to add to his hidey hole.
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
Cass Cain
I’ve said this before, but she chews on tolietpaper like cows chew on cud. Babs has attempted to switch her to gum, but she doesn’t like the texture.
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bensonshum · 4 years
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ADD CAPTION... 😆! #mummy #mummies #mummylife . . . . . #kidlitart #kidlitartists #illustration #illustratorsoninstagram #pottytraining #picturebook #illustratorlife #dailysketch #instaart #picturebookillustration #halloweenillustration #cuteillustration #ink #halloweencostume #tolietpaper #childrensbookart #dailydrawing #createeveryday #childrensillustration #cute #illustration_the_best #best_of_illustrations #inktober2020 #kids #inktober #illustrator #paper https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_cUhOH7Og/?igshid=1tt0x4qjr7w9y
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extraprotection · 4 years
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Add a caption, if you like
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pinkatron · 4 years
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Disney tattoo week apparently!! This time a Covid-19 piece!!! Hahahah so fun!!! I live this, all these cool disney tattoos. Keep em coming!! @anchorsaweighnc @stencilanchored @libertytattoosupply @anchorsaweighnc #tattooartists #tattoo #tattoos #disney #disneytattoo #covid19 #covid_19 #cheshirecat #cheshirecattattoo #tolietpaper #mask #tolietpapertattoo #masktattoo #pandemic #covid19tattoo (at Anchors Aweigh Tattoo Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_InSzHVyX/?igshid=1xpmyfpze4a1p
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mud1888 · 4 years
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nme-flow · 4 years
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Hello lovelies! . I had two monday thoughts today. 1. You go to work too early when you can admire the stars. The second, I could get a good picture of. I think too much about toilet paper. I try to be sustainable. I know that 70% of carbon emissions are business-born, so my contributions aren't comparable. But I try. Money, energy, and time are not on my side for this. But I made one switch that changes a few things. I switched to bamboo toilet paper. It keeps my contribution to deforestation down and removes the additional single-use plastics that come with keeping clean without a bidet. I have more profound thoughts today, most depressing, so I'll keep them to myself. And yes, I think too much if I care about my tp. But at least it's not complaining because I can't find the "good stuff." You wipe your bum with it, it's not drugs or gold. . Night all! Happy Monday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #maine #monday #mondaythoughts #worktooearly #starsareout #tolietpaper #bamboo #hemp #sustainability #attempttobegreen #green #bathroomthoughts (at Bangor, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkrQZZhz4p/?igshid=jz80fl6tt8sz
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red1x360 · 5 years
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speaknowslut13 · 4 years
My toilet paper 🧻 brings all the boys to the yard. 3 ply- it’s better than yours. I’d give you one but I’d have to charge
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shootersfaync · 5 years
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What’s your #coronapocalypse going to Wallyworld set up? #shootersfaync #braggblvd #zombieland #wallyworld #TPfinder #tolietpaper #bigluau #pandemic #panic #hawaianshirt #fay #fayetteville #fayettevillenc #ftbragg #fortbragg #2a #2amendment (at Shooters Supply) https://www.instagram.com/p/B91nNQKJVnr/?igshid=1e3387d7h6nfa
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fuckinflamingos86 · 5 years
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So much harder than I thought it would be 🤦🏻‍♀️
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woowper · 4 years
Puzzles are the new hand sanitizer and toliet paper! Mark my words! Here in Pennsylvania there is pretty much none left!
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akbarwalks · 4 years
#rapfreestyle on #quarantine 🏚 Pt 4 #SpiderMan goes #crazy on #longlines #pandemic2020 who only buy #TolietPaper and #junkfood @onelookrecordings 😷🧠🇺🇸🎼 Y’all was laughing at my #SpiderMan #Mask 😷 #Covid19 #CoronaVirus was bought by 🇺🇸 #AkbarWalks #MarvelComics #BlackSuperhero #rapper #hiphop #rap #Chlorophyll #HowToEatToLive (at Marvel Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-c4oiUlJjm/?igshid=bmgf33ckjpad
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exzknight · 4 years
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When I hear people say they are bored at home. Me: How...? Stay Home and Stay Healthy, you can do this everyone & respect the toilet paper! Don’t hoard it! 
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