#tolkien ff
armenelols · 10 months
Daily reminder that it happened twice for someone to be compared to Oromë while riding into battle. The first one was Fingolfin. The second one was Théoden.
Fingolfin, burning with so much rage, Beleriand ablaze, his nephews dead, eyes so bright and inhuman and otherwordly that he gets mistaken for a Vala. And he challenged Morgoth to a fight, and wounded him seven times, and scarred him for the rest of eternity, and orcs made no boast about that duel, and no songs were sung about it, for the sorrow was too deep.
And Théoden. Just. Théoden. Whose mind was poisoned, whose son was dead, and the world was falling apart around him, but who would not stand down and would not give up. And the armies of Rohan came, the hosts of Mordor wailed, and terror took them, and they fled, and died, and the hoofs of wrath rode over them.
Something about Fingolfin riding out to challenge Morgoth in wrath and despair, raging at the world and nothing going as it should be — something about Théoden riding out in wrath and hope, because there is a better future and he will be damned if he doesn't do everything in his power to lead the world to it.
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isilwhore · 1 month
Re: new LotR movie with Peter Jackson and company involved - I don’t care what they do anymore, go run the books into the ground some more, as long as they never touch The Silmarillion or I swear to Eru…
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doomedchickyn · 9 days
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Read this and pissed off once more about showJaime choosing to go fucking die. There is no valour in death and it is not a trait that lines up for him. I'm glad Tolkien rejected it for Eowyn; no, she didn't reject fighting and succumb to femininity. She gave up WANTING TO DIE.
Anyway go read that link.
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vamprlestat · 3 months
not the dune girlies and the lotr girlies fighting over tolkien saying in a private letter that he disliked dune with a passion
meanwhile, tolkien:
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beyond-far-horizons · 4 months
Trying to relax yourself by listening to Tolkien videos while you do a difficult household task, but the video is about the Children of Húrin and it’s Fall of Nargothrond time!
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kindlythevoid · 8 months
“It is doubtful if [Sam] ever did anything braver in cold blood, or more unwise.”
The Two Towers pg. 235
Guess what he’s doing here. Take a wild guess.
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watched the first episode of the show with the parents, and got talking about the Deep Tolkien Lore™ with mum afterwards. was telling her about my favourite faction in the silmarillion, galadriel’s evil mafia cousins, and mentioned that i didn’t think they were likely to show up on account of them all being dead by this point, ‘except for that one guy on the beach,’ to which my mum replied ‘what, sipping piña coladas and taking it easy?’ and on further thought we don’t really know that’s not what he’s doing, do we
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thesheelfsworld · 2 years
Be Proud
Just something I posted on ao3.
Warning: mild swearing
Pairing: Dwalin & reader; Father-daughter relationship, but only if you squint.
Author's Note: based on a Tumblr prompt: “that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile.”
It's my first time posting something like this and English is not my first language, so please be nice and enjoy!✨
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Training with Dwalin had started out of necessity. What I needed was not to die, what the Company needed was for me to not be a problem and to be able to survive. That’s why very early on Thorin said Dwalin was to teach me to defend myself. I took it in stride, never being one to depend on others and determined to not be in anyone’s way and potentially get them killed.
The first couple of training sessions were easy enough, although not less tiring, filled with basic stance information and simple defense moves. Once I got the hang of those, that’s when the fun began. 
I had always been proud of my achievements, considering that I had never wielded a sword before, but Dwalin wasn’t as impressed. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t particularly mean, but he wasn’t easy to please and was not amazed by my attempts at making a joke out of everything. So, when he first complimented me on not falling on my ass one afternoon, I was sure I had hit my head and imagined everything.
Dwalin was standing in front of me with one of his axes in hand, a stance at the ready to begin his attack. My stance was one of defense rather than offense. After all, he did tell me that when facing a bigger opponent, my biggest advantage was my size, and although Dwalin was a dwarf, he was quite tall, and I, quite short for a human.
He launches forward with great might, not going for the kill, but with enough strength/force to have me struggling. He kept moving forward, making me retreat in turn until my back hit a tree. Maybe it was the fright of having collided with something unexpected, or that I was quite literally caught between a tree and a huge axe coming towards my face; whatever it was, I ducked just in time, avoiding what would have been a pretty nasty accident, spoon around to the left and quickly put space between us once again.
When I turned to Dwalin again, his face had contorted into a light expression of surprise. That alone had me grinning like a loon, but it was the actual twitch of his lips that had my chest bursting with pride for myself.
“That was a smart move lassie, good thinkin’ there.” His voice remained uninterested and collected, but I knew better.
“You were not expecting that, huh? Me neither,” I laughed still slightly out of breath as he barely nodded. 
“But I must have done something right because I’m pretty sure that’s the first time you’ve smiled at me,” I added with a smile. I had to admit I had grown fond of the dwarf. He frowned a lot, grunted instead of using his words, and barely paid any attention to me outside of our training session, but I knew I could trust him with my life, and I truly felt safe with him. So him being proud of my improvements … yeah, that was a fucking big deal to me.
Taglist: @melhekhelmurkun
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i was watching return of the king recently and while i am utterly bitter about the lack of farawyn scenes…
faramir held éowyn’s hand in the sexiest way possible AND I ATE THAT SHIT UP LIKE IT WAS MY LAST MEAL
how did it not cut to them naked in bed together, I’ll never know
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cilil · 1 year
so if things decay way more slowly in Valinor, does that mean you can eat your christmas cookies all year because they won't harden or spoil?🤔
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ceolona · 2 years
Ah, Rings of Power did it again. Our sociopathic Mary Sue rides in on horseback to save the day. How?? Did she get a text? Does her horse have a GPS jammed up it’s ass?
Now that Halbrand and Isildur are on the continent where they belong, and assuming Adar is not full of crap, can she please just fuck off to Imladris and weave baskets for the next few hundred years?
The well scene during the battle was just out of place. …and how did Adar still not know who Halbrand is after Galadriel calls out his name? Someone slap the writers and the director.
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urwendii · 1 year
The concept of the Void is so interesting, though, bc Prof T. Doesn't really expound on it and since I have 0 gr of religion within me I always approach this within a physics pov. So is the void a fancy or semantically incorrect way to refer to the universe or is it even funkier - and my own hc, that all known laws of physics cease to work and all remain is a point of singularity at the center of a black hole.
What is even more beautiful if you go like this is that with a little poetic licence and indulgence you can see the prophecy of the Dagor Dagorath and Melkor's return as the physical manifestation of the Soft Hair theory, as the Information Paradox is now defeated and we now know that information falling into black holes are retained in a copied form on their surfaces, then maybe we can theorise that Melkor uses this very same method to 'take form' again. 😉
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l-alan-l · 2 years
I‘m very interested in how the Rings of Power will affect the Tolkien fandom in a few years from now.
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deadqueernoldor · 1 year
"Him fate awaited with fell purpose" and "And death was his reward" are so sexy like what the fuck
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kingofrhun · 2 years
Psst, I wrote something over a break (that does not happen often)
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sleepyowlet · 2 years
The creators of The Rings of Power seem to have forgotten (or never understood) Tolkien's one absolute core message:
It's not something you should aspire to, it's not something to glory in. It's horrible and violent and all-around shit. But sometimes, you have no choice.
He was a veteran of WW1 ffs.
He saw it all, the blood, the dying, the dogged determination of his comrades and the women fighting to save lives, plugging bullet holes as best as they can. Holding the hands of the dying while being shelled.
But US culture is so rife with war glorification. In US media, depicting war as something horrid, something awful, something that should be avoided if at all possible - that started and stopped in the 80s.
"Saving Private Ryan" was the last hurrah of that line of works a decade later.
If you view, like, Eowyn through that lens? Her character arc isn't "strong war maiden turns into docile wifey". It's "Clinically depressed woman yearning for one last act of glory and then death gets confronted with the realities of battle, does what she strove for, but realizes that she wants to live. And do something with her life that doesn't involve bloodshed and killing."
Because Tolkien doesn't see glory in war.
Or, to bring in a quote from another franchise: "Wars make no one great."
And if you lose that message? You lose everything.
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