#tom ryder fluff
pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!reader
Summary: You're Tom's makeup artist for a movie he's shooting and you absolutely hate him. However, one round of karaoke later, your feelings temporarily shift.
Genre: Fluff, smidge of angst, Enemies to Lovers (very one-sided lmao)
Warnings: Tom is a stupid asshole (but he's also just a mess), swearing, reader is described as shorter than Tom, light misogyny, slapping, alcohol, being drunk/high.
The bar is dimly lit and the loud music resounds in your ear as your knee bounces. You stir the straw around your drink, sighing as you turn to Vanessa, your co-worker. "He left me another post-it note on the desk yesterday telling me he wants a new lip oil because his now tastes weird!? His last one is only from last week and it's the same brand he always uses! I'm so sick of his bullshit, V," you drop your head in your arms and then peek up at Vanessa again, "He's such a dick."
Vanessa laughs, sipping on her margarita, as she shrugs, "Didn't you know that when you took the job, honey?"
"I mean, sure. But those could have been rumors," you pout and sit up, moving some hair behind your ear as you look around the room, where other crew members have gathered around the karaoke machine.
"Listen, don't think about Tom Ryder. You're off the clock and everyone knows he's a world-class asshole—a pretty world-class asshole, I will let him have that," Vanessa hums and also turns her attention to the rest of your friends and co-workers as she claps her hands. 
You look down at your drink, your cheeks feeling warmer than usual. Not thinking about Tom Ryder was easier said than done when you had to work on his face 5 days a week. He was so infuriating most times, either talking down to you when you worked or wouldn't cooperate with anything you told him to do because he was on his phone. Sometimes he really makes you want to stab the mascara stick into his eye. 
Still, you can't deny he's extremely handsome and that just annoys you more. 
Suddenly, you hear a bunch of cheers and hoots from outside, directly accompanied by the sound of the door slamming open. When you hear an all too familiar voice, your eyes widen and you snap around to make sure you hadn't just imagined it. 
Tom Ryder coming to one of the crew parties? No fucking way. Obviously, he's always invited to them but in a very arrogant fashion he never shows up—which is one of the reasons you do, because he never does. 
Only this time he did and he's not alone. 
Tom is dressed in another one of his boisterous outfits, his shirt loosely unbuttoned to reveal his chest and a peak of his toned abs. Pink-tinted sunglasses sit on his nose and his dirty blond hair curls messily around his face.
He looks drunk, or high, when he walks in and you can't tell which one it is because he's constantly moving and laughing. He's accompanied by a few other low A-list actor friends he has and a pretty blond model hangs on his arm, her giggles instantly infuriating you. 
How can she stand to be near him for more than a minute? Even less hold his arm and be his eye-candy? 
You turn back around, desperately attempting to calm the bile rising in your throat. God, you hate him. You feel even worse when he leans beside you at the bar and orders a drink from the bartender, snapping his fingers as he does. He doesn't even address your presence beside him and your blood boils. 
Your anger immediately turns to disgust when you hear the man hosting the karaoke scream out Tom Ryder's name.
"Tom Ryder everyone! I loved your new movie, man, it was awesome! How about a song?" the man asks, eyebrows wiggling as the crew clap (mostly out of politeness) and his friends make loud, drunken noises like a bunch of animals. 
"C'mon! One song—for all the pretty ladies in the crowd!"
Tom seems intrigued when the man mentions the girls. You roll your eyes and your hand tightens around your glass as he walks up to the host, raising his hands in surrender and feigning humbleness. "Alright, alright, I have to give the ladies what they want, don't I?" Tom boasts, winking at one of the camera girls he never looks at otherwise. 
Someone put you out of your misery now.
The host seems ecstatic to have someone this famous next to him and asks Tom for a quick photo, which Tom obviously doesn't turn down. You pretend to gag when Vanessa turns to look at you and smirks at Tom's behavior.. 
"How about a duet, Ryder?" The host asks as he hands him the mic. 
"Nah, I usually sing solo," Tom says, his words slightly slurred, and then he leans in to whisper something in the host's ear—which probably goes something like, "Unless she's got a nice rack, then by all means invite her up here." 
You lean in and whisper into Vanessa's ear, "Ten bucks he takes home the girl he ends up singing with," you say with a frown, your voice a little strained. Vanessa laughs and then the worst thing happens.
"You," the host shouts and you look up alarmed. Your eyes are wide when you realize everyone, including Tom, is staring at you. "The angry-looking girl in the back. Why don't you come up and join him? I doubt he'd bite." 
Laughter, including some nervous ones from your friends, resounds around the room as Tom's smirk widens. You'd be surprised, you think. You find your voice again and say, "Um, can't you ask one of them?" you point to the group of eager fangirls swarming around the small stage as they ogle Tom. 
"C'mon, sweetheart," Tom slurs, squinting at you, "One song won't kill you." 
But you might just kill him.
Vanessa, the traitor, nudges you again and you stumble from the stool. You glare at her but when all your friends, including Tom's more obnoxious friends, chant encouragements you feel completely trapped. 
The walk to the small stage feels eerily similar to a walk of shame as you look to your co-workers in hopes someone will save you. No one does and you ignore the stares from all the girls who wish they could take your place. 
You're blinded by the lights as you step on the stage and approach the host. "Atta girl," the man smirks patronizingly as he hands you the second mic. You scrunch your nose at him and then look up at Tom, expecting him to be ignoring you like he usually is, but instead, he's staring. 
His cheeks are pink from being intoxicated and he tilts his head, watching you clutch the mic nervously. 
The host doesn't warn you when the song begins to play and he walks away. You realize too late you and Tom are now alone and everyone is watching you as dread slowly fills your stomach. 
You don't even know how to sing! This is so humiliating. 
 The familiar melody of, "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," fills the air and you feel the heat rise in your chest and up to your ears. Your heart is pounding so loudly you can only faintly hear Tom start to sing the song. He sounds fairly good and you aren't surprised considering he's an actor. 
Your voice catches in your throat and you feel tears rise. You don't sing when it's your turn and the crowd is silent. 
Suddenly, you jump when you feel a strong hand on your hip and you snap your head around to look at him. Your hand finds Tom's hand immediately, gripping it, and just as you're about to pull it away, he leans in and whispers, hot against your ear, "Baby doll, you're making me look bad," he states, his tone as condescending as it always is, and your heart does a somersault in your chest.
He looks down at you this time, his blue eyes lock with yours for a moment and his hand falters on your hip. For an actor, Tom Ryder has surprisingly no poker face because when he sees your distressed state, his demeanor shifts, and instead of frustration, he takes on a different approach.   
He takes your hand, suddenly twirling you around and you make a small sound as you stumble. It's been a few seconds since anyone has sung the song, so he sings again and this time, his eyes stay on yours as he sings your lyrics.
"You know this," he mouths, encouraging you as he does this weird, clearly drunk-induced shimmy that makes you laugh despite your better judgment. He points to the small screen where the lyrics are displayed.
You take a breath and then sing, focusing on him instead of the crowd and your head feels light. You would have never guessed there would be a day when you'd find comfort in Tom Ryder. Your friends clap with amusement and laughter swirls around the bar as you both continue to sing and dance. 
Occasionally, Tom will pull you in closer but you'll move away, flustered, and when the song finally ends, you move back and almost trip on the mic's cord. 
With a gasp, you expect to fall flat on your ass but instead, Tom wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into him as your palms press on his chest. You're breathing heavily and so is he, his hand is still on your back as his eyes roam over all your features until you push him away and walk down the small stairs and back to the ground where all your friends are whispering and clapping. 
You feel like you can't breathe, your heart beating so quickly. You mumble a quick "excuse me" to Vanessa, snatch your purse from the bar counter, and open the door to outside. The cool air calms your burning skin and you lean against the building. 
What the fuck was that? Why was he looking at you like that? 
"You know, it's normal to be nervous around someone like me," Tom's voice interrupts your panic and you spin around, not expecting to see him. "But running from me? Now, darling, that's truly a first," he finishes with a chuckle and an obnoxious smirk. 
"You're so full of yourself," you whisper automatically but then your eyes round as if you've realized what you'd said. 
Tom looks surprised but he also remains cool as he strokes a hand down his jaw and puts it on his hip. "Mm, I assume you're not a fan then." 
You cross your arms and look anywhere but directly at him because fuck, why did someone so incredibly stupid and pretentious have to be so darn hot? "You could say that, sure," you shrug. "Not everyone likes you, Tom Ryder." You shut yourself up as soon as the words leave your mouth. This isn't exactly something you should say to someone who you work with.
However, Tom's expression sours and he lifts his eyebrow. "You don't like me?"
You turn to him, eyes locking with him this time. "That isn't what I said."
Tom's eyebrows crease and he squints at you, removing his stupid sunglasses and they push back his blond hair. "You're confusing me." He sounds genuine. 
You can't help but chuckle at his idiocy and surprisingly for you, your laughter makes him smile. He leans in and you lean away, eyes round when you realize how close he's becoming. "You have such a sexy laugh," he says cockily, "Bet I can make you do it again."
You hate to admit this but your heart does flutter at his words. Can anyone really blame you? It's Tom. Fucking. Ryder. You try to remind yourself how much of a dick he is—and always has been—but as you look into the blue of his eyes, his reassuring touch burns imprints on your skin and you feel dizzy. 
"You look familiar," Tom straightens himself, "Have I seen you somewhere? You been in any magazines? You certainly have the look."
You ignore the so-called complement and stare at him. He has to be kidding. You've been doing his makeup for over six months now and he supposedly sees you almost every day. You worked on his face every single day—how could he not recognize you? You open your mouth to ask if this is a joke but he interrupts you.
"Seriously, I must know you from somewhere. Gimme a hint, baby,"
Your stomach sinks and you feel so so stupid. Tom doesn't sense your shift as he's still focused on whatever fleeting emotion may have been between you before as his hand finds your hip. 
Instantly, your palm connects with his cheek, and the sound cracks into the air. "Don't touch me," you say harshly, ignoring how shaky your voice is.
Tom looks at you, his hand over his bruised cheek, "You hit me?!" he says in disbelief, "What the fu—" 
You don't stick around to hear his whining as you turn around and run from him. 
"Hey–wait!" you hear Tom's shout but why would you turn around now? Tears of frustration brim your eyes as you hastily walk down the empty sidewalk.
There is no way you're fucking crying over Tom fucking Ryder right now, you tell yourself and pinch the inside of your eyes. 
No way. 
You ignore Vanessa's incessant calling and her worried texts when you arrive at your apartment. You scream in frustration, throwing your heels across the room and scaring your poor cat, Pumpkin, as she sprints into the living room, her claws against the floorboards.
Quickly, you follow her and scoop her into your arms, "'M sorry, baby," you coo and nuzzle your nose into her fur. "I'm sorry Mommy scared you."
You hear Vanessa's fifth call from your purse but you're too exhausted to deal with her and the fallout from what had happened tonight, so instead you sit on the couch and cuddle with Pumpkin, scratching behind her ears. 
* * * 
When you pull into the parking lot of the new set the next morning, you haven't slept well and you feel like shit—it doesn't help that they're filming outside today, in the summer heat, and grainy sand infiltrates into your Converse. 
You groan as you walk over to the makeup trailer and see Vanessa waiting for you. You almost called in sick this morning until you realized how guilty that would make you look, so you sucked it up. 
"Y/n?!" Vanessa shrieks and pulls you behind the trailer. "Where have you been?! I've called you a hundred times, why haven't you answered any of them? I was worried Ryder somehow took you home and that I'd lost 10 bucks—" 
"Gross, why would you think that?" you say with disgust as if you weren't surprised to hear that after you left Tom hadn't returned to the bar. 
"I mean, for one, Ryder was missing and no one knew where he went. And second, are you shitting me? Girl, the tension was more than palpable! You were practically dry-humping Tom Ryder in front of everyone!" 
You feel like someone has just punched you in the stomach and your voice comes out high and nervous when you exclaim, "I was not! It wasn't like that, V! Is that what everyone thinks?" Vanessa nods as an answer and you want to scream. 
"I swear, I- nothing happened—even outside—I- funny story I slapped him because he's a jerk and I- I don't like him!" you ramble and your heart thumps quicker when Vanessa looks behind you and her mouth curls into a devious smirk.
"Don't look now, sweetie, but your boyfriend just arrived," she pauses and checks her watch, "An hour late. As usual." Vanessa looks you dead in the eyes and then she teases, "Chop chop, time to put makeup on your man." 
Your eyes widen and you pull Vanessa further behind the trailer so Tom won't see you or her. You hold her shoulders. "Please switch with me for today. He won't even notice the difference, and Allie doesn't need to have her makeup done until noon so that way I don't have to see him! Please, V, I'll do anything!" 
Vanessa crosses her arms, "Nothing happened with him, hm?"
You look at her, your eyes round and pleading, "Please."
"Fine, but you're paying for my lunch later," she says and taps your nose, "and giving me a detailed rundown on what happened with Ryder."
You nod reluctantly, whispering a small thank you under your breath as she turns to walk into the makeup trailer behind Tom. You let out a breath, leaning against the trailer. You know you'll have to face him at some point—just not now.
The day drags on and on as the heat is becoming almost unbearable. You stand to the side, your makeup kit secured to your hip as you watch the scene from under a tent. It's another action sequence and it's very obvious Tom's makeup is fading from the warmth and his sweat. 
Shit, you realize, he needs a touch-up. Vanessa didn't use the correct primer. 
You look around, hoping to see Vanessa and tell her Ryder needs a touch but the director's voice cuts in and you tense, "Cut! Someone come to fix his face!" Jody turns to you, her eyes kind as her voice becomes a little less stressed when she sees you're prepared for this, "Can you fix his makeup?" 
Shit, shit, shit. 
This is your job, you can't say no so you walk out onto the set where Tom is leaning against a prop rock. He straightens himself and when he turns, he doesn't have the chance to process your presence as you guide him down and fumble with your kit. 
He's taller than you so he's leaning down so you can fix him up properly. You put your hand on his jaw, near his ear, to steady him as you touch up under his eyes and near his cheekbones. 
He's staring at you and you know he recognizes you this time, his blue eyes wide and puppy-like. 
Silently, you add some powder on his cheeks and nose so the product sticks better this time and when you let him go, Tom opens his mouth to speak, but you shake your head no, and then you turn your head and hurry back behind the camera. 
Your ears are burning from embarrassment as you walk directly to the makeup trailer, without looking back at anyone. 
You've barely closed the door when it slams open and you scream. You spin around just as someone tries to hold onto your arm and on instinct you grab the hairspray that's in your kit and spray it directly into… Tom's eyes. 
He screams too, his voice high-pitched and very un-sexy, as he clutches his eyes. Seeing him only causes you to scream again. "Ryder?!" you exclaim and immediately take his arm, pulling him inside the trailer as he wails like a child and rubs at his eyes. 
You slap his hands away and push him down under the faucet, pouring water into his eyes and in the process drenching his blond hair and ruining his mascara. 
"Fuck," he groans as he sputters out water as he jerks away from you. You move closer to him and without thinking hold both of his cheeks in your hands, looking directly into his, now slightly irritated, eyes. 
"Does it hurt?" you whisper, clearly concerned. 
Tom rests his hands on yours and pulls them away, "What do you think?" he groans and blinks a few times. "You're the girl—" he mutters and pinches his nose, "at karaoke. I remember you now."
You realize how close you are to him now and, overwhelmed, you step back. "Lucky me," you mumble sarcastically and take his arm, pulling him to one of the seats. "I have to fix your face again or someone is gonna fire me." 
He's weirdly docile as he looks at your work as you dry his hair. Once you're done, he speaks up, "Why'd you run from me? I mean, c'mon, the way you looked at me with those fuck-me eyes—" 
Tom has no shame and of course, he wouldn't. He's probably never really been rejected in his entire life and women have most likely let him speak to them like this. You pause and pull his chin harder so he's looking at you as you continue with his mascara. 
"Tell me honestly Ryder, do you even hear yourself when you speak?" you ask, your voice strained. 
"What?" Tom asks, sounding genuinely confused. 
"You're an asshole. That's why I ran from you." You drop his chin and your word vomit comes out without you being able to help it as you cross your arms, "I mean—I have been doing your makeup for months! And you've only ever left me your stupid post-it notes when you have a demand! No "Hi," "Good morning," "How are you?" No. Nothing like that. And I tried! I really tried in the beginning because like everyone else on this fucked up planet I thought you were awesome."
Tom opens his mouth to make a snide comment but you instantly press your finger to his lips. 
"I really thought, "I'm so lucky to be Tom Ryder's makeup artist!" and then I found out Tom Ryder is a shit person that doesn't—"  
"I'm not a shit person," Tom deadpans and stares at you as if your words have hurt him. 
You tilt your head and drop your arms to your side. You don't even know what to say to him anymore. 
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I made you feel shitty, okay?" Tom defends and his cheeks are pink, "I just—I am really bad with faces—and I-I was completely shit-faced and high on–" 
He pauses, stands, and wraps his hand around your jaw, his thumb stroking your bare cheek as your eyes widen and you tense. Something about his charm makes it impossible for you to move and because his touch is gentle, you aren't too worried. For now. "'M sorry. I am. Can't we call it even since you hit me and sprayed me in the face with whatever that fucking was?!"
He continues, "—listen, I liked karaoke with you and I was shit-faced so I know I must have been a dick."
"You're always a dick, Ryder," you comment, your tone less mad than earlier.   
"Then, you don't know me very well," Tom shrugs, "or like at all." 
"So—you're saying all this dick-ishness is a persona?" You sound very skeptical and Tom just shrugs as his thumb strokes over your skin once more and then he drops his hand, putting some distance between you and him. 
"No. Not entirely. But, you know, that doesn't mean I'm incapable of genuine feelings, Y/n."
You're surprised when you hear your name fall from his lips. Tom sees your expression and another one of his smirks curls at his lips, "As I said, I remember you now. Always did—my hot makeup artist—ask anyone—ask Gail, I mention you a lot. I was just hammered, you know? High out my mind—and it heightened all my fucking senses that I couldn't get your laugh out my head for hours." 
"If you're joking," you say and glare at him, "it isn't funny." 
Tom puts a hand on his heart dramatically, "'M not. Scouts fucking honor." 
You look at him and for once, you can't read him. "Well, either way, that doesn't change how much of an asshole you've been to me. You never said "hi" but you told Gail about me? Sorry, but that doesn't impress me."
You walk up to him and tilt his head using his chin, examining his make-up once more, and then you take his arm and try to pull him out of the trailer, "Now, c'mon, you have a job to do—go do it," you hiss.
"No," you start but he won't move. He turns around and stares at you. Fuck, he's strong. "Why won't you leave?" you ask, breathless as you step away from him. 
"Do you hate me so much that you won't even consider that I genuinely find you interesting?" he asks with a hint of insecurity in his voice again. "That I liked spending time with you and I think you're pretty."  
Your chest tightens and you sigh, "I- I don't know," you admit and you look up at him. You can't deny that your feelings have shifted and a little voice in your head screams that this is a trap and he'll eventually break your heart. 
"Here," Tom fumbles with the pants of his costume and pulls out a pen and a post-it note. 
"You seriously just carry those on you?" you crack a smile, finding that weirdly endearing. 
"Yeah," Tom says like it's the most normal thing ever and then he writes down something on the paper. When he hands it to you it's the name of a restaurant. You frown, it's your favorite restaurant. He'd written a time beside the name. 
"How do you know this is my favorite restaurant?" you ask. 
Tom looks up, his smirk turning into a smile. "I didn't—it's mine."
Your frown deepens, "Hm, I didn't take you for a low-priced family-run Chinese restaurant kinda guy—don't you have a personal chef or something," you say and look at the time he's written down, "What is this anyway?" 
Tom shrugs and adjusts his hair. "I do but I like this place. The family who owns it never tells anyone I've been there, it gives me some privacy," he sounds serious and he walks closer to you, "Don't tell anyone, it might ruin my reputation and then your favorite restaurant might be swarmed by a bunch of fangirls," he smirks, pleased with himself. 
You can't help but chuckle. 
"And this," he points to the time, "is where I'll be tomorrow evening if you'd like to join me," he says nonchalantly and then opens the trailer door. Just as he does, he takes his phone and takes a picture of the time so he remembers it and he sends you a wink. "I won't wait long but if you do come, it's on me." 
You stare at the paper and realize Tom Ryder has just asked you on a date. You look up but he's gone and your heart does about ten thousand summersaults as your brain screams in agony. Your cheeks feel warm as you fold the paper up and put it in the pocket of your jeans. 
You're so very screwed.
You hear a ding and then a text from Vanessa saying, "Ryder's mic was on—crew heard absolutely everything—we didn't wanna interrupt your moment," she adds a mocking winking emoji but you don't care. 
That's the least of your worries now that you have a date with Tom Ryder.
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happy74827 · 4 months
And… Action?
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[Colt Seavers x Actress!Reader]
Synopsis: In which a minor… stunt caused the meeting of the stuntman himself who always seemed too busy, too focused, and too far away {GIF Creds: fleursial}
WC: 1121
Category: Mega Fluff, Suggestive Ending?
Why is there still so little of Colt?? I don’t understand it 😭
It wasn’t unusual for you to find yourself staring at Colt Seavers from across the set. You liked him, liked the mysterious presence he displayed. Sure, half of it was because you never had the courage to approach him, despite how friendly he was with the rest of the cast and crew, but he always seemed so busy. Plus, your character never needed to interact with the stunt crew so you didn’t have a reason to walk across the lot. And even if you had, your scenes wouldn’t have lasted more than a few minutes anyway.
However, when the very last scene of the day was called, everything changed for the better. You were moments away from leaving the set, having already said goodbye to almost everyone else, with the feeling you weren't going to see Seaver ever again.
Until he bumped into you, quite literally.
You let out a surprised gasp, almost dropping your script as you stumbled backward, but a pair of strong hands were quick to steady you by your arms.
"I am so sorry, miss… woah," he said as he looked down at you, taking in your face for the first time, his hands still resting on your upper arms. You felt yourself go red, suddenly unable to look him in the eye and instead opting for looking anywhere but.
"No, no, it was my fault; I should have watched where I was going," you said.
He shook his head and released his hold on you. "You’re… man, you are really beautiful," he said.
"What?" you asked, surprised.
"I mean—uh, you were really beautiful… out there! On set, you know," he corrected himself, and you swore you saw a faint blush form across his cheeks.
You bit your lip and finally found the courage to meet his gaze. "I appreciate the compliment."
"Yeah, no problem. How come I’ve never seen you around here before?" he asked, crossing his arms and tilting his head in curiosity.
That right there… it took everything in you not to melt right then and there. You could see the indentations of his biceps from under his tight-fitted jacket, the arm cross just amplifying them. It didn't help that you also just barely came up to his chest, which, while intimidating, also made him all the more attractive.
You swallowed thickly and averted your eyes. "Well, I never needed a stunt double, so…" you trailed off.
"Yeah, that’s fair. Totally get it, yeah." He clicked his tongue and nodded, looking away momentarily. Before you could turn to see what he was looking at, he squinted, looking back down at you. His hand peeled away from his arm to hover in front of you.
"Colt," he said, extending his hand. "Name's Colt Seavers… I’m kind of a big deal around here. You know, doing car crashing, rope climbing, cliff-diving stuff," he explained with a smirk.
You let out a small, quiet giggle as you reached for his hand, giving it a shake as you stated your own name. His hand was big, rough, and calloused, no doubt from years of hard work and training, but it was warm. A strong grip, but ever so gentle.
"I, uh, do the acting stuff." You repeated his words, and his smirk broke into a smile, one that nearly took your breath away.
It was then, looking at his smile, that you realized the opportunity before you.
You had to say something, had to tell him, and you weren't about to let this opportunity pass.
"I think you're pretty beautiful, too," you said, and that caught his attention, his eyebrows raising.
"You do?"
"Yes," you confirmed with a nod. "Out there… on set, I mean."
He let out a short laugh, his hands moving back to his pockets. He was sort of swaying, almost as if he wasn’t sure what to do, what to say. It was adorable.
Alright, you needed to do something. The fear of letting another moment like this go to waste was far too much. So many guys had slipped through your fingers because of your hesitance—a real shame, too, considering how most of them weren’t even remotely attractive.
But Colt, though…
"Listen, um… maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but would you like to—"
"Yes," his answer was nothing short of immediate. “Absolutely, yes… yeah hundred percent, yeah- yes… yes."
It took him a second, took him a long second, to realize you hadn’t even finished your question. His eyes went wide as fear evidently started to creep in.
"Shit, uh- sorry. Yeah, uh… yeah, I'm listening. You can keep going." He motioned with his hand for you to continue, and you had to suppress a smile.
Well, this is definitely promising.
"Maybe we could hang out sometime? Have dinner or something?" you suggested.
"Dinner, yeah- dinner is good. Dinner is… great. I love dinner. Dinner is, uh… dinner is great," he stammered, and you couldn't help but give him a small laugh, one that was cut off when his eyes went wide yet again.
"Sorry, I'm just… yeah, sorry, I'm just- I'm gonna… hey, can I get your number?" His question was followed by him digging into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone, which was cracked beyond belief. “Not so I can bother you or anything, not that I would- I mean unless you wanted me to bother you, I guess, which- no, sorry. Just, like, text you, I guess, yeah.”
Your eyes went wide at the state of his phone. "How does that even work?"
"I'm a pro. Just a quick swipe to the left and a few presses, and it works fine, see?" He tapped the screen a few times before opening his contacts, and he handed the phone to you. "Here."
"You know what? I'll just put it in my phone if that's okay," you said.
"Oh, yeah, yeah- absolutely," he said, nodding. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable, yeah."
You quickly punched in his numbers and sent a text, a small, simple message. One that escalated to where you were now, weeks after that dinner, his hands roaming your body as he pressed you against the door of your new and current trailer.
You should’ve known you weren’t going to run lines that day.
A stuntman running lines?
Yeah, right. He runs through scenes instead, and… this was definitely a scene.
God, how ready you were for that first take to start.
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[@kcisahoe + @adeesthetic] Since you guys asked so nicely, here’s another Colt fic!! There needs to be way more out there because he’s just so… 🤭🤭
For all you Tom lovers out there, don’t worry!! I didn’t forget about you. He’s in the works so I’m praying my work/study schedule aligns with me finishing it 😅
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billk4ulitzslvt · 2 months
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lost-pen-name · 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!reader
Summary: You were about to leave Tom’s suite when a heavy rainstorm started. Not wanting to risk trying to drive in such poor conditions, you grabbed your stuff from your car, returned back to his door, and asked if you could stay the night. He, begrudgingly, obliged and allowed you to stay in the guest bedroom.
Genre: Fluff, cuddling, comfort
Word count: 2176
Warnings: none
{ you came? you called. }
You were sitting alone in bed, trembling like a leaf, when the power went out in Tom Ryder’s house.
The light flickered for a moment before going out completely, along with the rest of all things electrical. The house was unsettlingly quiet and felt off without the hum of the fridge or air conditioner.
Lightning crackled outside. You pushed yourself a bit out of bed, debating on the idea to go look for Tom, just so you wouldn’t have to be alone. But that would mean leaving the safety of your room.
“Tom?” you called out instead. You looked back at the large window across the bedroom. Even with the curtains drawn, light flashed across the room sporadically.
Farther across the house, you swore you could hear someone moving around. Your heart pounded and you waited, holding your breath, hoping it was Tom coming to check on you. You just needed to know another human existed right now.
There was a THUD and a curse that came after. It sounded like it came from farther down the hall.
A second later you heard an “Oi, what happened?” That familiar voice came from your doorway and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You breathed a sigh of relief and swiped at an unshed tear. You prayed your voice won’t have too much desperation in it. “You came.”
“What? Of course I did. A woman screams my name out in the middle of the freaking night, I’d be crazy not to come.” He sounds agitated and tired but you don’t care, you’re just clinging to the fact that there’s someone here now. “Why’d you call for me? I hope you know I almost died on the way over here. The power’s out, I can’t see a bloody thing.”
Lightning lit up the room and you caught a glance at Tom Ryder standing in the doorway, wearing only a pair of loose fitting sweatpants. A series of thunderclaps shot an arrow of anxiety through the bubble of thought of how gorgeous he looked even at 1am.
You closed your eyes and tried to breathe deeply. “I... I didn’t want to be alone. Not with this storm raging outside.” You gestured towards the window just as thunder booms again.
You heard him sigh. “What am I supposed to do, crawl into bed with you?”
The idea of having someone close to you overpowers all the reason in your brain screaming at you that this wasn’t good for your business relationship. The fear of being alone in this storm trumped all rational thoughts.
“Could you? Even just for a bit?” you said.
There’s a moment of silence before you hear his footsteps and he’s at the side of your bed. You look up at him and gulp. Maybe this was a dumb thing to ask.
“Fine. But give me some blanket.” Without another word, he’s on the bed, crawling into the covers. His bare feet touched yours for a brief moment before you quickly moved your body far away that side of the bed.
He doesn’t seem to notice or care. You watched him as he shifted around, getting the pillow right for him, the blanket pulled a bit over to his side before he relaxed and breathed heavily.
You can feel your heart hitting against your chest painfully and you don’t know if that’s now entirely because of the storm or if it had anything to do with sharing a bed with Tom.
He breaks the silence. “I called Gail, asked her what the whole situation is about the power and all that.” You see him wave his hands around as he talks. “She said it’ll take a few hours, maybe even ‘til morning before we get any power back. So, we’re in it for the long run.”
That was longer than you had hoped but you guessed you should’ve expected it to take that long. “Okay,” is all you can manage to get out through your tight throat.
You both grow quiet again. The awkwardness of this all keeps hitting you so you break the silence. You twisted your head to look at him. “Sorry, I know this is kind of weird.”
“Yeah, well,” he said dryly, “it’s mainly weird because I didn’t need to know how many stuffies my employee has. How old are you again?”
You’re dumbfounded. He’s choosing now to judge you? And for what, bringing in the small stuffie collection you had in your car? That was so like him. It was oddly both reassuring to have the normalcy and frustrating. “You’re such a jerk, Tom Ryder,” you said.
Quiet. Then an indignant harrumph. The blankets shifted and you felt the mattress dip as he pushed himself off. “Well, fine, if that’s how you’re going to treat me.”
You rolled over to his side of the bed, trying to ignore how nice and warm it was. “Wait!” You grabbed his hand before he went too far. “Tom, wait, please don’t go.”
He peered over his shoulder at you. “Make me.”
Your heart sank a bit. There he goes again, always with the attitude. “Well, you’re kinda proving my point here,” you whispered under your breath.
“What was that?” He turned fully around and squinted down at you.
Goodness gracious, he kinda does look glorious standing there, his bare chest making it hard to formulate sentences, his usual strategically tousled hair ruffled and unkempt. And he doesn’t seem to notice you’re still gripping onto his hand, not that you mind. It’s hot and rougher than you expected from a privileged celebrity.
Thunder claps interrupt your ogling and a nervous ripple hits you. The anxiety might’ve left for a bit but the thought of Tom leaving you alone again with the storm sends all of the worry back into you.
“I didn’t actually mean that, you know that. I was joking around,” you said. Your free hand clutches at the covers.
“I come in here and, and, what? I’m being incredibly nice to you and you insult me as a joke?” His tone carried a bit of a whine to it.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You inhale and exhale with a quiet and quick, “pleasedon’tgo.”
His frown softened and he glanced down at our hands entwined. Lightning danced across the room for a moment, lighting up the room enough for you to spy the smallest smile from him.
You gaped at him. What did you say that earned you a gentle smile from THE Tom Ryder?
Before you can think about it too much, he sighed and leaned down to get back into bed. “Hey, scoot over.”
You let go of his hand and moved back over to your side of the bed.
He fell into the covers and put his arms behind his head, cushioning his head on them. He sighed again. “You absolutely should be grateful, you know.”
“I am,” you whispered.
Thunder booms, closer than any of the other times and you winced. Your breathing is becoming too fast, too irregular.
Tom turned on his side, angling his body to face you. “You’re really scared of storms then?” His usual condescending tone is gone. It’s replaced with something softer.
You nodded, even though he probably can’t see it in the dark, and pulled the covers up to your chin. “Ever since I was a little kid.”
He made a thoughtful sound in the back of his throat. “Do you know why?”
“No. I just get anxious whenever there’s a storm. I can never go to sleep when there’s one happening.” You closed your eyes and put a hand on your chest, trying, willing yourself to just breathe normally.
A huge series of thunder crashes outside and the house shudders, breaking off any thoughts you had. Your body reacted in an almost fight or flight instinct. Without even stopping to think, you slid further into bed and towards Tom, pressing your body against his, your face and his pecs aligned. Your hand wrapped around his arm and you squeezed your eyes closed, praying that the noise will come an end. It sounds like the grand finale of the thunderstorm, like the storm is proud of this last act and wants to show to the world just as loud and powerful it can be. The heat coming from Tom’s body and the solidness of him is the only thing tethering you and keeping you from going too far over the edge.
Finally, it’s quiet. You panted and opened your eyes. His flesh is the only thing in your vision. Your eyes focused on a freckle on his chest and there’s a small part of you that has the urge to kiss it. A blush creeped up with your neck. You realized your nails are digging into his arm and you snatched your hands away.
You can not believe you just freaked out and clung to your boss. In bed. This had to be against so many employer-employee work ethics. If this doesn’t get you fired, you don’t know what will.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, sitting up and starting to push yourself back away from him.
His hand shot out and stopped in your tracks. “No,” he said thickly.
Just... “no?” You have no clue what that meant. He’s probably angry at you now or thinks you’re even more childish, reacting like a baby koala clinging to her mother just because of some storm. With a sinking feeling, you overcome your fear of whatever you might see on his face when you look at him and glanced over at him.
Even in the dark, you can tell his expression is the most serious you’ve ever seen in the months you’ve worked under him.
That was not what you were expecting.
“What did you do about these storms when I wasn’t here?” His voice is low, almost stern.
You pushed your hair back awkwardly. “I don’t know, wait it out? Hide under my covers? When my sister stays at my place sometimes, she’ll calm me down.”
“And how does she do that?”
You swallowed hard. What is he thinking? What is he planning to do with this information? “She holds me until it’s long over.”
Tom’s hand tightened a bit at that. You looked down at it on your arm, you had almost forgotten it was there.
“Well.” He sniffed loudly. “Come here then.” He let go of you and opened his arms, like he’s welcoming you to a hug. The most muscle toned and chiseled hug ever.
Your heart pounded. “You really don’t have to do that, you’ve done more than enough. And the storm sounds like it’s almost over.”
“If your sister does it until the storm is completely over, then I’m going to do it better and do it all night.” He waved a hand in exasperation. “I’ll feel like a heroic knight saving a princess. So stop being stubborn and come here.”
His words are said so easily but the weight of them hits you like a brick. Sure, he always likes being better than everyone and doesn’t like being beaten at anything.
But this was excessive, even for him.
And somehow, in a weird way, it was sweet.
Not knowing what else to do but listen to him, you awkwardly scoot closer to him. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you in, forcing your body to be pressed against his and closing whatever distance you had. Now your head is next to his pecs again, his strong arms around you, cocooning you in. His skin is warm and you can faintly hear his heartbeat. It’s a steady pulse, its gentle rhythm is calming to you. You can feel his chest as he inhales and exhales and you start to match his breathing.
The world has calmed. You feel calm. And safe, surprisingly. Safe and secure with the world’s hottest superstar but to you, a flawed man you’re slowly beginning to realize you enjoy spending time with. Maybe you’re starting to like him, not just tolerate him.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said quietly as you stared up at the ceiling.
He shifted slightly and you feel his sigh ruffle your hair. “Mhmm.” It’s just a sound but it sounded like an audible shrug, like he didn’t think you meant it.
You smiled softly and closed your eyes. “No, really. This is helping. So thank you.”
His chin nestled in your hair as he got comfortable. “Whatever, I’m glad to help.”
Did he sound embarrassed? You grinned bigger. “You’re the best boss ever. You’re like... my hero, my knight in shining sweatpants.”
He groaned. “Now you’re laying it a touch too thick. Be quiet now, I’m trying to sleep.”
You covered your mouth with your hand and laughed quietly. “Okay, okay, goodnight, Tom.”
He murmured a goodnight and pulled you in further, his legs wrapped around yours, practically hugging you like you’re a body pillow. It’s nice. Really really nice.
You smiled again and leaned into the hug.
Okay, maybe you do kinda like him.
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tangerinesgf · 5 months
Loved your first Tom Ryder fic!!!
For a request I was thinking maybe something where he's supposed shooting a movie and everybody's looking for him trying to find him and he's off somewhere on set having sex with his girlfriend. They get caught and you can decide how it goes from there :) (if you're interested in writing it of course 🥰)
Tom Ryder x FEM!reader
Tags/Warnings: Smut 18+ MDNI, P in V sex, slight dirty talk, fluff, getting caught
A/N: Thank you so much for your request I absolutely loved it!! I hope you love it too! In my mind Tom Ryder is a total sub, so I tried to play with that a little bit, but I have more idea in that regard.
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It was no unusual occurrence to find Tom Ryder missing from set. In fact it had become quite predictable and most of all frustrating for the people who were working with him. He is the movie star after all, the main character, without him there is no movie. 
Usually he would be found either daydrinking or in his trailer with the excuse of not being in the right mood to film the scenes that day. He had to be in the right headspace to portray his character. You see Tom Ryder was the world famous actor, in his eyes everyone had to accomodate to him and not the other way around.
Yet this time it was neither one of those things.
So while everyone was worrying about the disappearing daylight on set, that was the last thing on Tom’s mind while pushing you up against one of the huge fake rocks on set. It was one of the few days where you could actually be with him on set and he’d be damned if he was gonna let that go to waste. 
The moment he spotted you behind the camera, watching him do a scene he excused himself from set, earning him eye rolls from all the other cast and crew members. 
The two of you disappeard and haven't returned since.
“Fuck baby, it’s been so long..” He mutters in between kissing you from your lips to your neck, his hands roaming all over your body. He needs you badly. 
Tom hadn’t even bothered to put on something else, so here he was in his full on space cowboy attire including the hat, pressed against you. It almost felt like you were sneaking around like a bunch of horny teenagers in high school. 
“It’s only been a week, Tom.” You chuckle softly, your voice already a bit breathless from his touch. 
“Mhm.. too long.” He trails kissing down from your neck to your cleavage. His hand move down and start playing with your skirt, making his intentions quite clear to you. “I need you, baby.. please..”
How could you ever deny him when he looks up at you with those sad puppy eyes, begging you to let him fuck you into next week. You nod slowly and pull him in for a deep kiss. 
He kisses you like a starving man, exploring every inch of your mouth with his tongue. Meanwhile Tom’s hands hastily try to undo his belt, at this point he doesn’t care if he rips his entire costume. They probably have another 10 lined up for him anyway. All he can think about is being inside you right now, the sweet sounds you make when he fucks you, your hands in his hair, you lips on his.. 
Fuck, fuck. 
“Shit..” The actor mutters as he keeps struggling with his belt until he finally manages to unbuckle it. He quickly shoves his pants down his legs along with his underwear revealing his hard cock, the tip already red and leaking pre-cum. You practically groan at the sight of him, yes it had only been a week but you couldn’t wait to feel him inside you again. 
He lifts your skirt up and pulls your panties down, a grin appears on his face as he notices you’re already dripping for him. He licks his finger and teasingly runs it along your wet and sensitive folds. “God baby.. you’re so wet.”
You whine softly, aching for any kind of friction between your legs. Your eyes are locked on his as he licks your juices off his finger, if you weren’t so good at composing yourself you’d be drooling over him right now. 
“Ready?” You nod in return. He smiles at your consent and slowly pushes his throbbing cock inside you, dragging a long moan from your throat. He lets out a string of curses as he pushes himself in all the way in, everytime with you felt just like the first and he never got tired of it. 
Once he’s all the way inside he let’s you adjust to his size for a moment, kissing you from your neck down to your collarbone. “Doing so well f’me, baby..” He mutters.
When you give him the sign he slowly pulls out before slamming his cock right back into you, hitting you in just the right spot. Your hands move up to his dirty blonde hair, fisting your hand in it. “Fuck- Tom just like that..”
You get completely lost in the pleasure between the two of you. His hips rutting into you while he sucks marks onto your neck, dragging moan after moan from you.
“Missed you.. and your pretty little cunt.” He groans loudly as you clench around him. You’re so caught up in each other that you don’t even notice Gail coming around the corner until it’s too late. 
“Tom! We’ve been looking everywhere for ya!” She doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest about the position she’s found you both in, because let’s be honest she’s caught him do worse things. 
“Jesus fuck-” Both of you startle and Tom curses as he quickly uses his long coat to cover you both up. He stares at her with a look of annoyance and disbelieve, although he should have known that his producer is not one for playing around. “What the fuck Gail?”
“We’re losing dayligt, Ryder. Chop chop.” Gail ushers and crosses her arms as she stares you both down. 
“Fine.. fucking hell.. could you just- just turn around.” Gail rolls her eyes, but eventually turns around to give you both whatever privacy you got left. 
“You gotta talk boundaries with her, Tom. I swear to god.” You tell him in an ushered voice, so Gail can’t hear anything. He sighs and reluctantly pulls out of you, making you let out a soft whine. “I know, baby.. I’m sorry. Shoulda taken proper care of you, hm? I’m gonna make it up to you I promise, love.” 
He neatly fixes your panties and skirt back in place before pulling his own pants back up. Both of you are left disappointed and wanting, but Tom had a job to do. Unfortunately. 
“Meet me at the loft tonight?” He’s giving you those puppy eyes again. God you love him. 
You nod and receive a very happy Tom Ryder in return. He kisses your forehead softly before walking towards Gail with that usual annoyed look on his face.
“I told you not to interrupt me when i’m ‘busy’.” You can hear Tom whisper to Gail. 
“And I told you I wouldn't, but you were still wearing your damn mircophone, you idiot.” She tells him return and Tom just shrugs, seemingly not bothered by the fact that the entire cast and crew just hear him fuck his girlfriend. But then again you’ve never seen him embarrassed or ashamed of anything and you’ve seen things. You don’t hear anything else before they disappear out of view.  
Guess you’d have to finish this later tonight. 
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any Tom Ryder requests pleasse don't hesitate to leave me a message, Reblogs and comments are so much appreciated you have no idea. Love you guys <3
Taglist: @earth-elemental18 (lemme know if you wanna be added or removed)
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fireflyinks · 4 months
karaoke and cowboy hats
colt seavers x costume designer/manager!reader
there will be multiple parts, this is part one !!
a/n : so so so much fun to write, and probably one of my longest and favorite fics i’ve ever written. i love colt and ryan gosling, and tried to add as many easter eggs from “the fall guy” as possible
summary : colt always seems to be misplacing his costumes pieces, which has him constantly coming back to the costume manager and designer, y/n. the two decide to hang out for once outside of set.
contains: this is just purely fluff and good vibes, no smut, cursing, “will they, won’t they”, part two will have more romance dw
word count : 3.7k
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Working with Tom Ryder was one of the most difficult tasks one could be assigned. He was arrogant, narcissistic, and overall just a complete asshole. I had the misfortune of being the costume designer and manager for the up and coming film “Metalstorm”, and Jody, the director, insisted on the most cliché cowboy get ups imaginable, plus a gold metallic touch. Having worked with Ryder many times previously, I knew he would hate this. I had prepared myself for one of his meltdowns long before it actually happened, but it still somehow caught me off guard.
“What the fuck is this?” He stormed into the costume tent, causing me to jump up from my seat in panic.
“Ryder... Jody insisted you wear this.”
Ryder looked down at his attire in utter disgust. “Don’t try to blame anybody but yourself. This is your fault. Are you trying to embarrass me? Do you have some personal vendetta? I’ve never even worked with you before!”
It stung that he didn’t even recognize me from our previous jobs together, but I tried to ignore it. Looking at Ryder’s get-up, he didn’t even look half bad. The gold metallic suit went great with his complexion, and the cowboy hat added a charming touch. But he wasn’t having any of it.
“You have to wear it. It’s not an option. This is your costume.” I tried to act brave, as if his harsh voice didn’t effect me one bit.
“You’re fucking delusional if you think I’m going to be caught dead wearing this. Say goodbye to your job, nobody speaks to me like that. I’m Tom god-damned Ryder.”
The tent’s entrance opened, revealing a very angry Colt.
Colt and I were sort of close, as close as most coworkers get. I didn’t think we’d never hang out outside of set, but I considered him sort of an ally. When he wasn’t performing a dangerous stunt, he’d talk to me about whatever was on his mind and listen to me ramble on and on.
“Just leave her alone, Ryder. She’s not here for you to bitch at.”
It would be hard to deny the fact that I had a small crush on Colt. He was everything I could want; charming, tall, handsome. But in those moments, as he defended me, I could feel it turning to a major crush.
Anger pulsed through him as he walked over to Ryder. I’d actually never seen him so pissed off before. Colt, the easy going, overly sweet, fall guy, was bowing up on Tom Ryder.
I could tell Ryder wanted to say something back, but instead he bit his tongue as he strutted past Colt, making sure to bump shoulders with him on the way out.
Colt shook his head, making eye contact with me. He had a sorry expression on his face, genuine pity for me.
“Ignore him. Ryder’s a jackass.”
I giggled, “That’s an understatement.”
He chuckled, “Anyways, do you have any extra hats? I somehow managed to lose mine, and I already have some stunts I need to do.”
Colt nervously twiddled his thumbs, embarrassed of his clumsiness. It was our third day on set, and he’d already misplaced his hat.
I nodded, smiling. Colt was always losing his props and costume pieces in previous projects we’d worked together in, so I’d remembered to bring extras. Turning around to reach into the bucket of hats, I pulled one out and handed it to him.
“Thanks. And again, just don’t let Ryder get to you. I know you’ve worked with him before, but don’t take anything he says personally, okay? If he gives you any problems, just let me know, alright?”
It wasn’t surprising that Colt remembered me from past projects, but it still felt nice in contrast to Ryder’s forgetfulness.
I nodded, smiling. “Thanks Colt, I really appreciate that.”
My cheeks burned a light crimson shade, and I tilted my head down, hoping he didn’t notice.
As he walked out of the tent, I added “Let me know if you need another hat or anything. I brought extras just for you.”
Colt looked back at me, smirking. “I will definitely need another one, thanks sweetheart.”
The simple nickname made my head spin. Yep, this is definitely a major crush.
By day five of filming, Ryder had become okay with his costume. Well, maybe not okay, but definitely impartial. Perhaps because his ego had realized how ridiculously good the suit made him look, or maybe Colt had spoken to him alone about the matter.
Part of me hoped it was the latter.
My job as costume designer and manager was really simple; fix and replace shit all the time. Especially Colt’s shit. When day six rolled around, he had lost three hats, his metallic jacket, and somehow a singular shoe. I’m not kidding, he had stumbled into the costume tent, peg footed, hobbling on the shoe he’d managed to keep. I didn’t mind though. In fact, Colt was one of the few people that actually visited me in the tent, instead of walking in, grabbing their belongings, and quickly walking out, not saying a word or acknowledging my existence. Colt’s visits slowly became one of the only things I looked forward to during filming.
On day twelve, when Colt came in to the tent without a cowboy hat once again, I mustered up the courage to ask him the one thing I never thought I’d be able to ask.
“Do you want to hang out sometime. You know, just me and you? Outside of set.”
The sides of his mouth quirked up. “I’d love that actually. But I do have one request.”
I furrowed my brows, listening intently. “If me and you go out, you have to wear a cowboy hat.”
My mouth dropped open in protest, but he argued on. “You’ve seen me in these stupid things so many times, too many times to count. I’m completely and utterly embarrassed. Maybe I want to see you sporting your southern spirit for once.”
“I’m from Wisconsin!” I giggled, shaking my head rapidly. “I am not wearing one of these things in public.”
Colt rolled his eyes, “Fine, but you have to wear one around set for the rest of filming. Deal?”
I sighed, remembering that I barely ever exit my tent other than at lunch time and when leaving set for the day. “Deal.”
“Karaoke, seven, tonight. I’ll text you the address.”
Colt turned to leave, and I grabbed his shoulder, pausing him.
“I don’t have your number.”
“Oh, yeah.” Colt chuckled, pulling his phone out of his pocket. We exchanged numbers, and he laughed at the excessive amount of repetitive digits in mine.
“And I’m expecting our deal to begin right now.” He said, glancing at the bucket of hats behind me. I sighed, picking one out and placing it upon my head.
“Happy?” I asked, holding out spirit fingers beside me.
Colt beamed, “Perfect.”
He turned and left the tent, and I pulled out my phone and began to update Colt’s contact name, only to sigh and pocket my phone again. Apple somehow doesn’t have a cowboy hat emoji.
When my Uber lazily pulled up to the karaoke bar, anxiety pooled in my stomach all at once. I shouldn’t have been this nervous, and I knew I was making this out to be something that it wasn’t. A date.
But what exactly was I supposed to think of this as? Hangouts happen at people’s houses, dates happen at bars. Plus it didn’t help that it was Colt and I alone. I look down at the sun dress that I donned, running my hands down the skirt. This wasn’t too formal, right?
I stepped out of the black car, thanking the half asleep driver, and walked toward the bar. I opened the door and automatically spotted Colt sitting by himself, drinking a small, lean glass of something colorful. The bar wasn’t exactly packed, but it wasn’t empty either. Numerous people danced around as a man in a orange and green polka dot button up did a bad rendition of Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance”.
Making my way towards him, the anxiety filled my stomach even higher.
“Hey.” I said nervously, sitting down beside him.
Colt looked at me, examining my attire. “You look great.”
I blushed, shrugging. “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.”
He smiled, taking another sip of his drink.
I wasn’t too keen on getting drunk because we still had to go to set in the morning and the last thing I wanted Colt Seavers to see was me throwing up in a bush, but a drink or two couldn’t hurt.
“You want a drink?”
“Sure,” I grabbed the bartender’s attention, “Can I please get a margarita?” She nodded, scrambling to assemble the cocktail.
“So I’m guessing you don’t drink much?” Colt asked, his lips in a sly smirk.
“What makes you say that?”
I chuckled, drinking the last of what I assume what his first drink and ordering another. I then learned the bright liquid was a sunset on ice.
“Well you ordered the most basic drink known to mankind. I mean, at least make it spicy.”
I guess that was true, but I didn’t like experimenting with my orders much. I didn’t enjoy drinking much in general due to the effects it would have on me later.
“I like what I like.” I shrugged, thanking the bartender as she handed me the margarita.
We sat in silence for a moment, until Colt turned to me. “So, what are we singing?”
I coughed into my drink. I hadn’t even thought of what I was going to sing yet.
“Funny of you to assume were doing a duet.” I said slyly, playing off the fact that I was trying to pull a song out of my ass.
Colt raised his eye brows. “Okay, then go and serenade me.”
I nodded at him, walking over to the DJ and requesting “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood. Once Polka Dots was done singing his heart out, the adrenaline had kicked in and I felt as if I ruled the world. Or maybe I just wanted to rule Colt’s world.
The small crowd clapped along as I sang, and I say Colt’s smile through the audience every time I tried to execute one of the runs in the song.
Afterwards, I walked over to him, slightly embarrassed but also proud. “How’d I do?”
His face was covered in amusement. “It was... entertaining.”
I giggled, punching his arm lightly. “You’re the one who told me to ‘sport my southern spirit’!”
He sighed, shaking his head sarcastically. “The cowboy had would’ve made it complete. You missed the opportunity of a lifetime.”
“I think I’ll live. Now it’s your turn!”
I motioned towards the DJ booth, and he stood up turning back for a split second to wink at me.
I was expecting something silly. Maybe Total Eclipse of the Heart, or Sweet Caroline. I was terribly wrong.
By the time the first notes blared out of the speakers, I knew I was doomed.
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you.
It’s like he’d searched my brain, found my favorite love song of all time, and decided he was going to make me fall in love with him by singing it.
His voice wasn’t perfect. There were parts that were off key and shaky, but the bigger picture was beautiful. I never thought I could fall in love with someone in a karaoke bar.
Once he was done, my shoulders dropped and the tension left my body. It had been so unexpected, the tune had snuck up on me and now I felt head over heels to the man who had sung it. I wasn’t the only one who loved it, the crowd was going crazy.
“How’d I do?” Colt asked me, sipping the drink that had been waiting for him. This had to have been his third drink, and I could tell he was tipsy from the way he spoke.
“It was great.” I wanted to scream ‘It was amazing! It was perfect! Please marry me!’ But thankfully I did not.
“‘Glad you liked it.”
We sat in silence for a moment before I got the guts to ask.
“Why that song?”
Colt hummed, as if asking me to repeat my question.
“Why’d you pick that song?”
He grinned to himself before shrugging. “I just like the song, I guess. It’s one of my favorites.”
It could’ve been my habit of overthinking and examining everything to the smallest detail, or it could’ve been the psychology course that I took in college and obsessively studied over for months, but Colt’s excessive blinking in those moments told me there was a good chance he was lying to me.
Why would he lie over a song?
“It’s one of my favorites too.” I smiled. I’d find out why he lied to me later.
Colt grinned to himself in satisfaction.
We sat there for another hour, and Colt drank two more tequila sunrises, which meant I was now his designated driver.
At about nine, I decided it was time to leave.
“Colt, I’m gonna give you a ride home, okay?”
Colt nodded dizzily.
“Did you drive here?”
“Yeah, here.” He clumsily handed me his keys, almost missing my hand. I stiffened a laugh. “Diane! Close out my tab, please.” The waitress handed him his card quickly.
We stood up, beginning to leave, when Colt turned back to the bartender. “Thank you, Diane, those drinks were great.”
I waved goodbye to Diane as well, reading the “Amy” on her name tag with a smile.
I got him into the car slowly, and began driving him home.
“Hey, y/n?”
I hummed, waiting to hear what he was about to say. Chances are it would be something ridiculous, and I was all here for it.
“You’re really pretty. Have you ever been told that?”
I blushed, and prayed the dark car shadowed me enough for him not to see.
“A time or two. Thank you, Colt.”
He leaned the passenger seat back, and I thought for a moment that he would go to sleep.
“Where are you staying?”
He turned his head to me, and shrugged. “Can we just go to yours?”
I lifted my eyebrows in surprise. Colt Seavers, in my small temporary apartment that I was providing to stay in during the time we’d be filming. It wasn’t a mess since I’d only been staying in there for about two weeks, but it definitely wasn’t guest ready.
“Sure, why not?” I fumbled with my phone, pulling up my GPS app and getting directions to the apartment.
“Can I tell you something, y/n?”
I nodded slowly, ignoring the way my stomach felt when he said my name.
“I actually didn’t lose all of those hats.”
I furrowed my eyebrows, whipping my head to look at him. “Then why’d you keep getting new ones from me?”
He hiccuped, smirking. “I just wanted an excuse to see you.”
If my face was a crimson shade before, it was a tomato now. I felt bad, like I was using Colt’s drunken state to get answers out of him.
“Did you like my song?” He looked over at me, waiting for my answer intensely.
My lips quirked up into a soft smile. “I did. ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You’ is actually one of my favorite songs.”
This made him giddy. He giggled like a school girl, and then stiffened a laugh myself.
“I know.” Colt said under his breath.
So he did know.
“How’d you know?” I pressed Colt for answers. I knew that if he found out he’d told me any of this while drunk, he’d be mortified, but I just couldn’t help my curiosity.
“I heard you listening to it one day on set. I was outside of your tent, about to come in to tell you that I’d lost another hat, but I stopped and listened for a while. You were singing along, and you sounded so good. That’s why I wanted to sing a duet with you.”
At this point, I’m the color of a fire truck.
We pulled up to the apartment, and I unbuckled, getting out. I walked over to Colt’s door and opened it for him.
“Very chivalrous, thank you my lady.”
I giggled, helping his wobbly frame out of the car. “You’re welcome kind gentleman.”
We walked into the apartment building, making our way up a flight of stairs. Well, I made my way up them, Colt tripped over himself with each new stair until he made it to the top. At one point, he almost fell all the way down them, and dragged me down by my arm with him, but he managed to catch himself.
I brought him to my room, closing the door behind him. It was small, the kitchen and lounging room directly next to one another, separated by no wall. There was a door that led to the bedroom with a bathroom connected.
Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a plastic cup form the cupboard and filled it with water. I handed it to Colt, who turned his nose up at it like I were trying to feed him poison.
“You have to drink water or you’ll regret it in the morning, Colt. You still have to go in for filming, remember?”
He sighed, taking the cup from me and drinking it all at once. “I’m starving.”
I thought for a moment about what he could possibly find to eat in the apartment. Nothing. I’d pretty much been eating take out since I arrived to Sydney.
“I’ll order a pizza.”
I pulled my wallet out of my purse on the kitchen counter. Colt shook his head, reaching in his pocket. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay.”
“You got the drinks, Colt, it’s fine.” I insisted, grabbing my card.
Colt handed me his entire wallet, “I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I made you pay for it.” his drowsy eyes said otherwise, “Please, just let me.”
I sighed, taking his wallet from him, “Thank you.” I said under my breath.
Colt only winked at me, lazily walking to the couch and plopping himself on it.
I ordered the pizza, assuming he liked pepperoni because who doesn’t like pepperoni?
I sat down beside him on the couch once I was finished. He was flipping through the different options on Netflix, his face was focused intently to find something.
Colt Seavers was on my couch. Well not necessarily my couch since the apartment was only being rented for me, but you get the point. We were on the couch together, tryin to find a movie to watch with pizza on the way. This realization made my cheeks feel hot once again.
“Here we go.” Colt chuckled as he clicked on the block buster film “Bad Cop, Good Dog” starring the one and only Tom Ryder.
“Get him off the screen, I might puke.” I giggled, attempting to grab the remote from him. Colt held it as far away as his much longer arms could manage, and I gave up.
“This is such a horrible film.” Colt told me, his eyes laser focused on the screen still.
“Then why are we watching it?”
Colt thought for a moment. “The way he talked to you the other day isn’t anything new. I’ve seen him talk to pretty much every one on every set we worked on together just like that. I just couldn’t always save them like I did you. It’s easy to think he’s some big, powerful guy, but in reality, he’s a pussy.”
I stayed silent for a moment. It felt nice, knowing that he still cared so deeply about the way Ryder had treated me.
“That’s nice and all, but it still doesn’t explain why exactly were watching this.”
Colt shrugged, “Oh, I just like making fun of him. We can watch something else if you want to.”
I snatched the remote from him, “Please.”
After a few more minutes of searching, I decided on the 1998 classic “The Parent Trap”.
“This movie never made any sense to me.” Colt crossed his arms as the movie started.
“Well, first off, what judge arranged this custody system? I mean seriously, how did both parents just up and leave with one kid?” He slurred so horribly that I had to fight a laugh as he spoke.
“It’s just a movie.” There are a few movies that I would defend with my life, this is definitely one of them.
“You can’t just use that as an excuse. Just because it’s a movie doesn’t mean it’s allowed to just defy all logic.”
“Colt,” I turned to face him, “You are working on a sci-if space cowboy movie with aliens. I think that makes the parent trap sound pretty reasonable.”
Colt chuckled, “Touché.”
My heart fluttered as I looked at Colt, lazily snuggled into my couch.
There was a knock at the door and I hopped up, walking through the kitchen and dodging Colt’s wallet, grabbing mine instead.
I paid for the pizza and brought it in, met with the sight of an extremely hungry Colt waiting impatiently at the counter.
“You didn’t use my wallet.”
I sighed, putting mine back in my purse. “I’m a big girl, I can pay for my own things.”
Colt shook his head. “You’re absolutely kicking my ass at the chivalry game.”
Grabbing a slice of pizza, I went back to the living room. Colt followed quickly behind me, and we got about one-fourth through the movie before I could tell Colt was getting extremely tired.
I got up, and went to my room, grabbing a blanket and a pillow.
“Here.” I handed them to him. Colt smiled up at me gratefully.
“Thanks.” He made himself comfortable, before leaning back and closing his eyes. The couch wasn’t very small, which was surprising since the apartment was so compact. This is why I didn’t feel bad about having him sleep on the couch. He didn’t complain either.
“Goodnight.” He mumbled, drifting off.
I smirked at him, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water to place beside the couch. I also grabbed the bathroom’s trash can. He was going to have a terrible hangover.
“Goodnight Colt.”
I had gotten a date with Colt Seavers for the small price of humiliating myself in a southern style for the rest of filming. I’d say that’s a pretty good deal.
Or maybe it wasn’t date and I was delusional, but Colt ended up sleeping on my couch, which is pretty sweet if you ask me.
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friendship-ditch · 3 months
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(Jody Moreno x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Your and Jody's conversation after you "blew up" in Sydney Harbor.
Warnings/Notes: A few mentions of suicide and death and not totally canon compliant, but also lots of fluff
Word Count: 1813
  It was all over the news; The Explosion on Sydney Harbor.  
  An act of aggressive suicide, they called it, Y/N’s attempt at one final show before being arrested for her murder.  The news speculated you killed the other stunt worker to take their job, get yourself back on track in the Tom Ryder movies.  The media viewed you as a selfish asshole, who, when approached with a struggle you knew you couldn’t escape, decided to go out with a destructive bang and blow up a bunch of oil containers.
  The cameras caught the explosion pretty well.  You could see your flaming boat circle the oil, and then leap at it.  The quality diminished from how bright it was on screen, but the flames were licking tall into the sky.  
  You’d certainly died.  You’d blown up into pieces.  The last remnant was your Miami Vice jacket found floating in the water.  Boom.  Y/N was dead.
  But you weren’t.  You couldn’t be, you just couldn’t.
  Jody rewinded the video on her laptop for the seventh time in a row.  Her eyes were burning from how close she was to the screen, surveying every damn pixel for any hint of you.  
  She’d spent the whole night awake, the idea of sleeping making her feel sick.  Gail’s call had sent her into about two hours worth of tears until she remembered your previous work years ago of riding boats over flames constantly.  
  It took her a few hours to actually convince herself to watch the news once it came out, fearing the worst; your dead, burned body?  Or the fact that you survived and they caught you…  Both options terrified her.
  By some miracle, the result was neither.  All the news had to share was the explosion… and that was it.  Nobody had really gone out and investigated the waters yet, but the common assumption was you had died.
  Jody was the first, and likely only person to call bullshit on this.  The realization that you might still be alive was enough to keep her going.  And so, there she was, as close to her computer screen as she could be and rewatching it over, and over, and over.
  She was so engrossed in the video, that she didn’t notice her door cracking open, nor the alien-dressed-human stepping inside.
  Your body moved awkwardly, confined to the tight and uneven spaces of one variation of the Metalstorm alien costumes.  You moved with the grace of a newborn colt trapped in a sea of molasses.  It was a miracle you made it inside without Jody noticing you.
  You planned to take the helmet off once you got in… that part of the plan slipped your mind as after everything you’d been through, you were just so excited to see Jody.  You reached out a hand and touched her shoulder.
  And Jody beat the shit out of you.
  “It’s me!”  You exclaimed as she practically threw you around like you were weightless.  To your luck, the voice distorter was jacked and all it sounded like was a bunch of alienish mumbling.
  Jody nearly choked you.  When that didn’t work, she grabbed a pen and stabbed it into your leg.  Your cry of pain was distorted once more and soon you were on the ground.
  Aimed like a warrior about to slay her worst enemy, Jody held her pen up, most likely aiming for your chest.  Was she actually going to kill you?  At this point, probably.  Just another disaster on the Metalstorm set; Jody Moreno, new director, jailed for murder after death of girlfriend, insanity suspected.  Another one for the books.  Could Gail Meyer recover?  Could Tom Ryder?  
  You stopped her death blow, arms shaking from her sudden strength.  She wasn’t kidding about working out after you vanished.
  Jody’s eyes were filled with an almost scary ferocity, her body shaking too with the urge to implant the pen right into your chest.  What did she have to lose?
  That rage vanished from her face the second you managed to form your trembling hand into a thumbs up.  Jody gasped and threw the pen aside, then tore your helmet off.
  “Y/N!  I knew you weren’t dead, oh god…!”  Jody’s voice immediately went from fierce to breathless as reality set in on her.  She sat you up, ignoring how bulky your costume was, and how sweaty you were from the whole thing.  Her hands cupped your face in a frantic motion to keep you from disappearing again.  Jittery fingers ran through your hair, then back to your face, and finally down to the costume.  She didn’t know what to grab or hold, too excited and overwhelmed.  “Are you okay?”
  You chuckled weakly, propping yourself up against the couch with her help.  “I think…  You got the pen out before the ink poisoning could set in, that’s good.”
  The sparkle in Jody’s eyes was replaced with guilt and she frowned worriedly, her gaze turning to your leg.  “I’m sorry.  You scared the shit out of me, if I knew it was you…  I’m sorry.”
  “Don’t be.  It was cool.”  Your voice was a little raspy, and your leg felt like it was on fire, but you tried your best to push past it for Jody.  You tried to reach out and tousle her hair but all the obtuse gloves managed to do was sort of just poke her in the side of the face.
  “I knew you weren’t dead.”  Jody whispered again, setting her hands on your shoulders.  “The… the Miami Vice stunts..”
  “You remembered…”
  “Of course.”  She murmured.  “But… what happened to you?  Gail said she sent you off on a plane, you caused an explosion in the harbor, you murdered–”
  “I didn’t murder anybody.  Tom framed me.”
  “He what?”
  It turns out, once you actually explained the whole thing to Jody, she understood it a lot easier than with your movie analogies.  At the end of it, she was practically fuming.
  “Who else knows you're alive?”  Jody asked quietly once you finished.
  “You shouldn’t be here!  We have to burn your finger prints off and send you across the border right now!”  She exclaimed in a loud whisper, grabbing your hands.  
  “No, no!  That’s the point!  If they think I’m dead, they’ll come back and finish the movie.”  You squeezed her hands tightly in return.
  Furrowing her eyebrows, Jody sat back on her heels.  “The movie?  That’s not important, Y/N.  You’re more important.  We need to hide you until we can prove you’re innocent because I’m not losing you again.  It’s just a stupid movie.”
  A stupid movie?  WHAT?!  For all of the years that you knew Jody (around 3-ish, probably, you’d lost count), even before you dated her, all she could talk about was how badly she always wanted to make a movie of her own.  She had countless notebooks with ideas scribbled in even the margins, notes on her phone full of words that made sense only to her of assorted plots and endings to ideas that didn’t even relate, and always doodled on every piece of scrap paper she could get if it was big enough for her to draw up a new mock design.  Jody had poured her heart and soul into this movie and you knew damn well that letting her give up on it would crush her.  There had to be a way to keep Jody from going to directors jail and you out of the more general jail.
  “It’s not stupid!  It’s an amazing movie, Jody.”  You blurted out, cutting her off from her rambling.  “You’ve worked your whole life to get to this point, and you deserve this more than anybody.  Your story deserves to be told and the world deserves to see your work and your never ending dedication.”  
  Jody stared at you.
  “You have… a way of viewing the world that’s so extraordinary and creative and your stories are always gorgeous, whether they end happily or not.  I’m not letting you give up on your dreams because I know it’ll break your heart just as much as if I went to jail…  Maybe I couldn’t get us our happy ending, and I don’t know what you have planned for the end of the movie, but I’ll be damned if Space cowboy and Aliena don’t get to cross the big screens.”
  Out of breath from your rant, you dipped your head for a second to fill your lungs.  In the split second you looked away, you must’ve missed a thousand thoughts in Jody’s eyes, as when you looked at her again, soft tears were dripping down her face, and her eyes were so.. so big and staring at you as plucked the moon out of the sky and offered it to her on one knee.
  “Jody…?”  Your expression softened into a frown.
  Jody tried to respond, but words failed her as all she let out was a soft croak.  She wiped her face, then slipped her arms around your neck and kissed you.  It was like a movie, no… better than the movies.  
  She only broke away when there was a sputter of knocks at the door.  It was Gail, excitedly calling Jody out to talk.
  Jody rested her head against your costume and sighed.  “In a minute, Gail!”  She called, standing up and pulling you to your feet.  “We have to hide you.”
  Did you think it would be easy to hide a woman in a bulky, beaten up and firm alien costume?  Of course you didn’t, and you’d be right.  
  It took at least 5 minutes for Jody to eventually just hide you by her bed.  She threw your helmet at you and then dealt with Gail who neither of you were the biggest fans of anymore.
  Once the annoying woman finally left, Jody ran over to you again and grabbed your hand.  “I have a plan to fix everything and clear your name.”
  “Do I get to beat the shit out of Tom Ryder?”
  “Does it involve finishing Metalstorm?”
  When a soft smile pricked the corners of Jody’s lips, you couldn’t help but grin.  You’d both get what you wanted; Metalstorm to finish, and keep you out of jail.  It couldn’t get any better.  
  “I’m in.”
  “You’re sure?  It’ll be a little dangerous.”  Jody teased, as if you weren’t the one that survived an explosion less than 24 hours ago.  She slipped a hand onto your shoulder, finding the latch on the back of the costume.  “Let’s get this off of you.”
  You chuckled and nodded.  Once she helped you slide out of the bulky mess, she scooped you into the tightest hug.  You buried your face into her neck, inhaling her familiar scent and closing your eyes with a smile.  “I’m sure.  Let’s beat the shit out–let's save your movie, and me.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Justice League Ice Breakers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZqSA1cE
by Obligatory_Trope_Insert
The League's tech guys have developed a new communication platform. Now super heroes can talk to other super heroes.
Almost entirely based on the DCAU. The overall plot and characters are from Justice League and Justice League Unlimited with some story lines taken from the comics.
Presenting the DCAU text fic that no one but me asked for because I love a good text fic that incorporates every single character including the minor ones. Also I thought this would be less work than an actual narrative plot but I'm so freaking exhausted after writing this you have no clue
Words: 3166, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), DCU (Comics), DCU, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol, Wally West, J'onn J'onzz, John Stewart (DCU), Mr. Terrific, Ray Plamer (Atom), Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Billy Batson, Dinah Lance, Greg Saunders (Vigilante), Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl), The Question (DCU), Pat Dugan (STRIPE), Sir Justin (DCAU), Zatanna Zatara, Cisco Ramon (Vibe), Orion (DCU), Beatriz da Costa (Fire), Tora Olafsdotter (Ice), Mike Maxwell (B'wana Beast), Kimiyo Hoshi (Doctor Light), Aztek (DCU), Jack Ryder (Creeper), Tom Tresser (Nemesis), Atom Smasher - Character, Arthur Curry (DCU), Sanderson Hawkins (Sand), Ted Grant (Wildcat), Doctor Fate, Crimson Fox, Thunderbolt - Character, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian (Plastic Man), Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man), Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom), Red Tornado, Daniel Cassidy (Blue Devil), Cynthia Reynolds (Wraith), Lee Travis (Crimson Avenger), Prince Gavyn (Starman), Todd Rice (Obsidian), Matthew Ryder (Wave Rider), Rex Mason, Jason Blood, Etrigan, Hank Hall, Don Hall, John Henry Irons (Steel), Dmitri Pushkin (Red Rocket), Charles McNider (Doctor Midnight), Rick Tyler (Hourman), Michael Carter (Booster Gold)
Additional Tags: Justice League as Family (DCU), Families of Choice, Comic Book Lore, Chatting & Messaging, No over plot just vibes and family, super heroing, probably more chapters to come, this was fun, Bickering, Crack, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Team as Family
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZqSA1cE
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Spencer Reid
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock
Bobby Drake
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Mobius M. Mobius
Pietro Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Charles Xavier
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Aaron Raleigh
Paul Jesus Rovia
The Governor
Abraham Ford
Eugene Porter
Morgan Jones
Spencer Monroe
Lee Everett
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!actress!reader
Summary: Tom books a role in a musical with the only one goal in mind. He wants to work with an actress he's been crushing on forever—you.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: arrogant/asshole Tom (duh), swearing
~ thank you for requesting this, anon 🫶💖 ~
Tom Ryder doesn't like singing. He doesn't even like musicals! He's an action star, goddamnit!  This meant that when his agent came up to him one day and said he'd gotten him an audition for a new musical, Tom laughed at him. 
"A musical, Danny, and it's a romance?! What the flying fuck do I even pay you for?" he complains as he lies on the couch of his trailer, his arms flexed behind his head.
"It's good for publicity and it shows you have some range, Ryder!" Danny explains as calmly as he can, already annoyed with Tom's childish behavior.
Tom waves his hand as if to shoo him away.
"I have range. I don't need to prove anything to anyone," he says condescendingly. Danny pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He walks over to Tom and drops a magazine into his lap. 
"Y/n Y/l/n already took the part. She's the lead. They're casting her love interest," he says with a knowing smirk as Tom scrambles into a sitting position. He quickly reads the headlines as his eyes roam around your picture.
Tom's crush on you isn't a secret to anyone who works with/for him. He's madly in love with you to the point it's embarrassing because you've spoken maybe twice at an award show and nothing more.
"When's the audition?" he asks Danny immediately. 
* * *
Tom is grateful for his naturally decent voice and the year of vocal training he'd taken a few years ago because that means while he doesn't usually sing, he doesn't completely suck. 
He's never, in all his years of acting, tried so hard for a role so when Danny tells him he got the part, he makes a very unattractive squeal as he celebrates.
He's over the moon until his first day when he realizes he has to actually work with you now. Color drains from his face and he pushes up his cool-dude pink-tinted sunglasses to hide how anxious he must look.
He sees you sitting in your chair, scrolling your phone. Shit, you're as gorgeous in person as he remembers, he thinks and he internally panics as he feels like he's floating.   
"Sup," he says nonchalantly, taking a seat in his chair next to yours.
Sup? What the fuck. 
You look up, smiling at him, "Oh, hi," you turn to him and outstretch your hand, "I'm Y/n."
Tom blinks as he stares at your hand. 
Do you really think he doesn't know who you are?! Or do you just introduce yourself to everyone you meet? 
With a confused expression, he clears his throat and shakes your hand. 
"Ryder," he says, "Tom Ryder."
You smile at him. "Okay, James Bond," you joke.
Tom flushes pink, "I was just introducing myself—y'know—being humble and all. I don't know why it's needed though," he sniffs arrogantly, "You obviously know who I am, and I obviously know who you are," he says, his douchiness involuntarily slipping out.
You narrow your eyes at him. "Obviously," you echo, your tone curt as you turn to look down at your phone again. 
Tom panics. No girl has ever just ignored him like this. He leans closer, clearing his throat. "Sorry, did I say something wrong?" he asks, pretending your lack of interest in him isn't bruising his enormous ego.
You huff, sending him a look. "No, your lack of self-awareness just rendered me speechless for a moment, Tom Ryder," you say sarcastically and then grin. "But, you'want some friendly advice? Co-star to co-star? Pull your head out of your fucking ass and realize not everyone here worships the ground you walk on because you can learn a few lines." 
Tom's entire face burns crimson as his mouth opens in shock. You stand and clap your hands on your thigh as if you'd forgotten something and then you turn to look at him once more. "Oh, and introduce yourself to people around here. It's common courtesy. Toodles," you wave teasingly and spin on your heels to the makeup department. 
Tom's never felt more like an idiot in his entire life. Somehow, he managed to make a fool of himself and also make you hate him all in one simple interaction. 
Fuck this. He rubs a hand over his jaw and composes himself. At least work will go well—as it usually does. 
* * *
He's so so wrong. 
Turns out, working on a musical and a romance is much harder than action star Tom Ryder ever imagined. By the end of the day, he's completely embarrassed by not only his table reading but how croaky his voice sounded when in the studio, and he's so so close to calling Danny and begging him to bail him out of this. 
He stares at himself in the mirror of his dressing room and he prepares to bang his head on the wall when he hears a knock on his door.
"What?" he mutters, slumping down on his couch as he pops an ibuprofen in his mouth to calm his headache.
When the door opens, you're standing there, holding up two bubble-milk drinks. "I come in peace," you whisper and Tom sits up instantly. 
"Y/n," he whispers, blushing. 
"Tom Rdyer," you smile and hand him one of the drinks. "Rough day, huh?"
Tom coughs. "Wasn't that bad," he shrugs and sips on the drink, looking up at you behind his silly sunglasses. "Thanks for this," he says, a little confused because he'd definitely gotten the impression you hated him.
You nod and sit next to him, "You'll do fine" you reassure him, looking around his dressing room and then back at him, "you're just not used to this type of movie…yet. But I think it's admirable to change your scene so drastically so if you ever need me, I'm here for you. After all, what are co-stars for?" you smile kindly.
Tom feels his heart leap in his chest as his pupils dilate.  
"Thanks," he mumbles again, unsure how to deal with a situation like this. Usually, he'd make a snide comment or even a crude joke to calm his nerves, but he doesn't want to do that with you so he just sits in silence.
He's truly not used to this awkward silence with women. He doesn't have to think very hard to know that by now he'd usually have his tongue shoved down their throats, his hand under their shirts as he whispers meaningless praises in their ears. 
But, you're different. Tom doesn't want that with you—not so soon anyway—and he hates this new feeling he has whenever you're around. It makes him feel weak and mushy.
"I saw your last movie," you say, making conversation. "I was really diggin' the gold cowboy outfit," you laugh and if Tom pretends really hard he hears some flirtation in your voice.
His lips curl up into a smirk which eventually morphs into a smile. 
"Ah-ha," you grin and playfully poke the soft dimples that appear on his cheeks. "I was wondering when you'd drop that douchey smirk and smile at me." 
Tom looks stunned by how easily you read him.
"What douchey smirk? I don't have a douchey smirk," he defends and scrunches his nose in disgust, staring at you like you've gone insane but you just bend your knee on the couch and turn to him. 
"You definitely do," you laugh and pull out your phone as you type something. 
"What're you doing?" Tom moves closer, suddenly anxious.
You pull your hand away as he leans in and when you muffle a laugh and turn your phone screen to him, you giggle and his face falls.
"Douchey smirk," you say and point at the screen; which displays a random picture of him from Google during some red-carpet event he doesn't even remember. 
"Google is absolute shit," Tom exclaims and he debates retaliating with a picture of you, but he knows he wouldn't find one where he would find you ugly. 
You're always gorgeous.
"Now you're just being mean, sweetheart," he says and the pet names slip past his lips unconsciously. Luckily, you don't mention it or seem put off. Tom's shoulders relax. 
"What? You don't like it?" you turn your phone again and swipe the screen, looking at more pictures. "It's not like you could ever look bad."
Tom bites the inside of his cheek. Again, if this was any other girl, he would take that as an invitation to flirt heavily. With you? He's a blushy mess that doesn't seem to have any smooth moves anymore. 
You put your phone away and smile. "No snarky comment, Mister Big-Shot?" 
He chuckles and his real smile returns. "Not tonight." 
You sit up and look into his eyes. You don't seem by any means nervous when you say, "You're an intriguing character, Tom Ryder. I do like that. How about you take me out to dinner tonight—if you can clear your clearly very busy schedule." You gesture to whatever he had been doing in his dressing room (which had only been some self-loathing). 
Tom's never been asked out by a woman. He's usually the one asking them out and he'd assumed he'd hate not being the one to take charge but this feels so natural. "Like a date?"
You laugh and stand up, sipping on your bubble milk. "Like dinner. I'll see if I'll give you an upgrade by the end of the night," you say with a wink and Tom melts right then and there. 
He accepts instantly, also liking the challenge, and he takes you to dinner. He takes you to your favorite restaurant, ignoring that he very much dislikes Thai food, and he plays the perfect gentleman—or rather, he doesn't even have to play a gentleman because you seem to bring it out of him naturally. 
It's almost midnight as he walks you back to your car, his arm almost touching yours as you both walk side-by-side, stuck in a light-hearted debate about book adaptations turned into movies.
Occasionally, he'll check to make sure his security team is walking behind you but his hand with twitch to steady around your waist in case he also needs to keep you safe from some crazy fans or unsuspected paparazzi.
"You don't seem like the type to read much," you say, feeling content as your heels click against the pavement. You feel safe around him and you smile at the feeling of his fingers sometimes skimming your waist. 
"I read," he frowns and then pauses, "I read a lot of scripts."
You laugh, liking his blunt honesty. 
Tom's chest swells at the sound of your laugh. He'd managed to bring it out of you on more than one occasion tonight and he wears each time like a badge of honor—even if he's 95% sure you're laughing at him. 
When you arrive at your car, you turn to him and Tom opens his mouth to ask the question that has been on his mind all night, "So, was this a date?" but instead, your arms wrap around him and you kiss his lips. It's quick, almost fleeting and he wonders if he'd imagined the entire thing. 
"I don't usually kiss anyone on the first date," you say, slightly more nervous now, "so don't make me regret it, Tom Ryder," you whisper and his hand almost clutches at your waist to pull you in for another kiss but instead he holds the door for you to climb into your car. 
He sends you a nervous smile and then watches as your car disappear around the corner. "I promise I won't," he whispers into the air knowing he means every word. 
He's never taken his time with anyone, but he'll stop time entirely just to spend every second he can with you.
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happy74827 · 4 months
I Want To Be Your Lover
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[Colt Seavers x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You’ve always felt something for Colt, resorting to a friendship as he is completely unaware. But when he comes knocking at your door… it’s hard to not connect reality to fantasy {GIF Creds: @colt-and-jody // Please go and watch the edit they made of Colt + Jody. Literally Amazing 🤩}.
WC: 2199
Category: Slight Fluff + Spice/Lime, First Kiss, {TW: Mentions of Murder}
Obsessed… I’m so obsessed with him…
His hands grasped your face as he pulled you close, your heart pounding, breath quickening. The way he could pull you up onto him without warning and how it was so effortless. The way he'd hold your thighs around him as he made out with you, his hands traveling up your thighs, then under your shirt, touching your bare back, your waist, your chest.
Then he'd lean into your ear, those stupid lips kissing the bottom of it, gently, delicately, but firm and knowing. It was the way he'd whisper something so unserious that would almost turn you off him for a minute, but then he was smiling with those stupid dimples, eyes sparkling like the stupid sea, and you couldn't help yourself from melting all over again.
That’s what you believed about Colt Seavers. That was the dream, the fantasy, the perfect little love story between the two of you; that was the life you'd created in your head. He was the love, the life, the future.
But the sad truth was, it was only a dream because the real Colt Seavers was painfully oblivious.
He would laugh, smile, and give you that wink that was meant to be sexy but was actually kind of stupid, and then he'd be gone, and you'd be left with that aching in your heart.
The one that showed the fact that you were a friend, nothing more. A good friend, a best friend, someone to be close to, someone to talk to, but not someone to love. Not the way you loved him.
So you would often find yourself in your head, where it was safe, where there were no consequences. Because in your mind, Colt did notice you, he did care, and he did love you back. In your mind, he'd wrap his strong arms around you and kiss you with all the passion that you'd wanted for so long.
In reality, you'd be walking along beside him, listening to his voice, laughing at his jokes, and wishing that he would see you, the real you, and not just the friend.
And then, one night, it was as though the angels had heard your prayer.
You were sleeping, probably dreaming of Colt if you were honest, when you were awoken by knocks at your door. At first, you thought it was your imagination, or the wind, or whatever, but it happened again, and you groaned, throwing the covers off you and shuffling your way to the front door.
When you opened it, you were surprised to see Colt standing there, looking as if he had gone through hell and back. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had the most pitiful expression on his face.
You stared at him for a moment before speaking.
"Colt…?” You still couldn’t believe it was him. “What’re…what're you doing here?"
Colt shrugged and looked down. "Can I… uh, spend the night? Here?"
Your mind immediately went straight to the gutter. The two of you, alone, in your home, late at night, and no one around.
Yes, yes, yes.
But you weren’t completely lost to him. You were still aware of the situation and the fact that you had no idea what was going on.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Don’t you still have a hotel room? Since you’re working?"
He started at you, blinking, while you waited for an answer. He seemed almost taken aback by your response, but he didn’t seem surprised.
In fact, his expression turned a bit sheepish. If it weren’t for the fact that it was late and that you were so confused, you would have found it adorable.
"You haven’t watched the news yet, have you?" He asked.
You frowned. "No. Why?"
“Good, that means you’ll let me in."
Before you could reply, he took the opportunity to step inside. You watched him, eyes wide, as he made his way into your kitchen, opening the refrigerator, pulling out a drink, and grabbing a slice of pizza from your leftover box.
It wasn't until you heard him groan that you snapped out of it.
"Colt? What are you doing?"
"Eating,” he said with a mouth full of pizza. He was sitting on your kitchen counter. “God, I miss this, and I don’t know why."
Sometimes, your crush on him was questionable, especially times like this.
"That's great," you rolled your eyes. "But why are you here? And what about the news?
He paused for a second and then looked at you, eyes soft, a small, apologetic smile on his face. It almost melted your heart.
You didn’t even realize the fact that he was soaked until that moment. And was he… was he bleeding?!
"Colt, are you—”
"I’m wanted for murder, which, to set the record straight, I did not do," he answered, taking another bite of pizza.
"Wanted for—what?!" You practically shrieked.
He held his hand up to stop you and finished his bite of pizza before speaking again.
"I know, I know. Crazy, right? This pizza, by the way… amazing. Where did you get it from? Dominos? This… This is what heaven tastes like, I think. It's gotta be.”
You were stunned. Speechless. Absolutely flabbergasted.
He didn’t even seem to notice your distress as he hopped down from the counter and threw the now-empty pizza box into the garbage.
"Long story short, the world thinks I’m dead after Tom — who turns out to be even more of an asshole than I thought — tried to have me killed to be the fall guy of his murder. Didn’t work, obviously, but it's not like he knows that."
He continued talking, but at this point, you had zoned him out. Your head was spinning, and you could barely keep up with him as he paced around your kitchen.
"So, anyway, I got away, and now I have to stay hidden and all that jazz. Hence, why I'm here, I couldn’t go anywhere else. I figured you would let me crash here tonight. I hope that's cool. And hey, if not, then that's fine; I can… find a ditch of something to sleep in, or a hay bail, or a cow shed, or whatever. It's cool."
You still couldn’t process it. None of it made sense. You weren't sure if you were dreaming or not. Maybe it was a nightmare. You had been thinking of Colt all night, and now he was here, and everything was insane.
You weren’t even sure if he had stopped talking or not or if he had noticed the fact that you were practically catatonic.
You needed to lie down. You needed to think. You needed to…
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Colt waving his hand in front of your face. A normal behavior for him, but somehow, right now, it sparked something inside of you.
He dropped his hand when he noticed the stare you were giving him. But it wasn’t just any stare, no. It was one that said a million things at once.
And you were sure he saw it because he, too, had a look. One that was much different than the one he normally gave you. One that was a bit more… serious.
His eyebrows were furrowed together, he had a frown on his lips, and his eyes were softer but also darker and deeper. They were the eyes of someone who had gone through some shit. Real shit.
It was a look you'd never seen on him, and you were sure the look you gave him was a first for him, too.
Different reasons, of course.
And for a moment, you had forgotten that this was the real Colt Seavers. Not the one from your fantasies, not the one from your dreams.
But the real Colt.
Which meant you had to take a moment to collect yourself. Acting out and getting all crazy and lovey-dovey wasn't something he needed right now.
"You… can stay. Of course you can," you sighed. "I'm just a bit overwhelmed, is all."
Colt's serious face didn’t drop, but he did nod, understanding.
"Thanks. I'm sorry for barging in here and acting all crazy. It's just I had nowhere else to go, and I figured… you'd be the one to understand."
You smiled softly. "Don’t worry about it, Colt. Seriously. You can’t even kill a bug. So, a murder charge is the last thing I'm worried about."
The corner of his lip twitched into a slight smile. "Did I ever tell you about the time I caught a rat?"
"No. No, you did not."
"Yeah, it didn’t end well.”
“For the rat or you?" You grew a grin on your face.
“I’ll leave that to your imagination," he teased, glancing up at the ceiling. It gave you a chance to examine his face. Messed up and bruised, but it was still him—still your Colt.
"So… the rat won?"
"He put up a good fight, I'll tell you that."
"Did you cry?"
"Nope, I was a total badass."
"Oh yeah, I'm sure. Taylor Swift would be so proud."
"I know she would."
"She'd probably write a song about it."
"Well, duh. Of course, she would. How else would she immortalize our love story?"
It was at this moment that your brain and your heart finally got in sync, and you realized exactly what was happening.
By the time you looked at him, just to see if his tone matched his expression, Colt was already staring at you. And even though he was smiling as he normally would, his eyes were different.
You couldn’t make it out, but something was there. Something that wasn’t usually there but was now, and it wasn’t a nice feeling. It made you feel uncomfortable.
It was the same feeling you had when you caught him talking to girls but then flashed his smile at you. When he'd call you his 'best bud' and then hug you for a little too long.
This was that feeling, but worse. So much worse.
You’d see this part in your dreams, but they usually had a happy ending, one that included a kiss. Well, more than a kiss.
You’d take the initiative, and he’d go along with it, slowly becoming more and more in control until it was him, him, him.
And in the dream, you'd kiss him and feel him on you, his hands traveling up and down your body, his breath hot against your neck, his lips leaving marks all over your skin.
But when you opened your eyes, usually you were back in bed, the fantasy ending. And it was hard not to feel sad.
But, for some reason, when you opened your eyes this time, Colt was still there. And his hands were still touching you, and his breath was still hot, and his lips were still kissing you.
You weren’t sure if this was reality or not. You had dreamed about him so many times it was hard to tell the difference.
But the longer you kissed, the more it felt real.
You had no idea how you got there, how it had happened. All you knew was that Colt's hands were grasping your face, your hands were in his damp hair, his mouth was against yours, and the whole murder thing was forgotten.
And it was a good kiss, too. The kind of kiss that made your toes curl, your body tremble, your mind go blank, and the only thing you could focus on was the craving for more.
It was a desperate, needy, passionate, hungry, messy kiss.
When Colt pulled away, you were breathless, and your head was spinning. Your lips were numb, and you could barely stand, but Colt had an arm around your waist, holding you up, his other hand still touching your face delicately, tenderly.
"That was the best pizza I've ever had," he breathed out. "Ever. In my entire life."
It was at this moment you knew for a fact that this was the real Colt and the real you. And you were both awake, and it was happening.
Colt Seavers, the boy or man you'd loved forever, had finally opened his eyes.
And you were going to kill him.
You were going to actually, truly murder him.
He couldn't kiss you like that and say something stupid like that?
But before you could get a word in, he was kissing you again, and you were melting, and all anger had vanished. A lot of power this boy had over you.
This time, the kiss was different. More controlled, calmer, sweeter.
He took his time and savored every second. It was a lot more intimate, and the hand on your face was gone. Instead, it was on your neck, tilting your head upwards, and his other arm was around your waist, keeping you close.
When you were left breathless, he didn't pull away. Instead, he continued kissing you, his lips traveling down your jaw to your neck.
You gasped, feeling his tongue on your neck and his hands roaming your back. It was the exact fantasy you'd imagined for so long. Except this was so much better.
Because it was real.
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It usually takes me about two to three fics before I fully “understand” the character’s personality… and Colt turned out to be MUCH HARDER to write about (I kept rewriting this from the beginning at least 10 times). So, apologizes if you this sucks and is totally ooc 😬😬
I half-heartedly blame it on the fact that my memory is garbage and I’m too broke to rewatch it in theaters.
But, nonetheless, I’m happy to add and help populate the growing fandom — even if this isn’t up to par.
And to everyone who is still reading this, thank you for making me not feel alone with my Fall Guy obsession 🥹🫶
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esmericks · 3 years
Hey! Welcome to my blog, I just wanted to post a list of all the celebrity characters I write for. I just wanted to inform you all that I will most definitely be taking in requests for any character played by a celeb on this list, as well as any type of prompt (fluff, angst, smut...). I also wanted to add that sadly I will only be writing for female readers as I am one myself and wouldn't want to misinterpret any feelings or situations that a male or non- binary person would feel. 
(Just to be clear this a list of actors but I will only be writing for any character played by said celebs, not the actual person as I find that kind of wierd. xx)
PS: Some names will be in all caps and that means that I am currently in a period where I am really motivated or interested to write for this particular person, these will change over time. 
Adam Driver 
Alicia Vikander 
Amandla Stemberg 
Ana De Armas
Andy Samberg 
Angelina Jolie 
Annabelle Wallis 
Anne Hathaway 
Anya Taylor-Joy 
Benedict Cumberbatch
Bradley Cooper 
Brie Larson
Camille Cottin 
Cara Delevigne 
Chris Evans 
Chris Hemsworth 
Chris O’Dowd 
Ciaran Hinds 
Cillian Murphy 
Cobie Smulders
Colin Farell 
Dakota Johnson 
Daniel Craig 
David Harbour
David Tennant 
David Thewlis 
Dylan O’Brian 
Eddie Redmayne 
Elle Fanning
Elizabeth Debiki 
Elizabeth Olsen
Emilia Clarke 
Emily Blunt 
Emma Mackey 
Emma Roberts
Emma Stone 
Emma Watson 
Emmy Rossum
Esther Acebo 
Eva Green 
Evan Peters 
Ewan McGregor 
Ezra Millers
Finn Wolfhard 
Florence Pugh 
Gal Gadot 
Gillian Anderson 
Gwendoline Christie 
Harry Styles 
Henry Golding 
Ian Glen 
Idris Elba 
Itziar Ituno 
James McAvoy 
Jason Momoa
Javier Bardem  
Jemima Kirke 
Jennifer Connelly 
Jennifer Lawrence 
Jessica Chastain 
Jessica Lange
Jimmy Smits 
John Krasinski 
Johnny Depp
Jude Law 
Kate Winslet 
Kaya Scodelario
Keanu Reeves 
Kiera Knightley 
Kit Harrington 
Kristen Stewart 
Lady Gaga 
Lea Seydoux 
Lena Headey 
Liam Neeson 
Lily Rabe 
Lily - Rose Depp 
Liza Weil 
Louis Garrel
Luke Evans 
Mads Mikkelson 
Maisie Williams 
Marion Cotillard 
Margot Robbie 
Mark Ruffalo 
Mathew McConaughey 
Maude Apatow 
Megan Fox 
Meryl Streep 
Micheal Fassbender 
Mikael Persbrandt 
Mila Kunis 
Millie Bobby Brown 
Natalia Tena 
Natalie Portman 
Paul Bettany
Penelope Cruz 
Pheobe Dyevnor
Pheobe Waller Bridge 
Rachel McAdams 
Rachel Weiz 
Ralph Fiennes 
Rebecca Ferguson 
Richard Madden 
Robert Downey Jr
Rooney Mara 
Rory McCann 
Rose Byrne 
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sadie Sink 
Sam Claflin 
Sandra Bullock 
Saoirse Ronan 
Scarlett Johansson 
Sebastian Stan 
Sophie Turner 
Stephanie Beatriz 
Sterling K Brown 
Sydney Sweeney 
Taissa Farmiga 
Timothee Chalamet 
Thomas Brodie - Sangster 
Thomasin McKenzie 
Tom Felton 
Tom Hanks 
Tom Hardy 
Tom Hiddleston 
Ty Burrell 
Ursula Corbero 
Vanessa Kirby 
Victoria Pedretti 
Willow Smith 
Winona Ryder
Zoe Kravitz 
Zoe Saldana
If there is an actor/ character that is not on this list that you would like to request please do, and I will see if I will write for them xx
- Lots of love 
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
So as mentioned in my previous post about this bingo, my birthday is next month. And for that occasion I wanted to host another bingo! Like my last bingo in October 2021, this one will have moodboards to the squares. You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for inspiration, and can also be used in your fics as a “cover” if you’d like 🥰 I’m gonna have the moodboards up before the bingo starts on Monday 17th of January 😅
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here are some rules:
1. It’ll start on January 17th and ends on February 17th at Midnight (Norwegian time)
2. Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
3. You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard/square per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
4. The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
5. Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbabirthdaybingo
6. Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
Paul Mendelsohn
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Violet Mikami
Sylvie Brett
Emily Foster
Jessica Chilton
Gianna Mackey
Evan Hawkins
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair (Trystan and Peter’s version, but specify it 😅)
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Chris Roberts
Ransome Fayrweather
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Clair Fraser
Briana Fraser Randall
Roger Mackenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Characters from the King’s Men
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Dr. Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
T’Challa / Black panther (rip Chadwick 🥺)
Shaun / Shang-Chi
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tom, Toby or Andrew. But specify it 😅)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Baron Helmut Zemo
Yelena Belova
Monica Rambeau
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me.
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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lost-pen-name · 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!reader
Summary: An introduction to a series of fics where you are working as an assistant for the hot celebrity, Tom Ryder.
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 324
Warnings: none
{ intro }
Everyone you know tells you how lucky you are to have the job that you do.
It’s a job that hundreds of thousands of people would sacrifice anything and everything for. Heck, maybe even murder for, if it came down to it.
“You’re so lucky! What’s it like working for the hottest superstar of the decade?”
You always shake your head, say something brief about how wonderful it is, and then find the politest way to excuse yourself out of the conversation.
You learned the hard way that telling people the truth about your job gives you reactions you don’t want. People really do change their whole welcoming and loving demeanor once they hear you think your job is simply a job, a means of getting by. It pays well, yes, but really, he’s just some guy. While he’s usually cocky, loud, and loves to complain to anyone who’ll listen, he’s been relatively easy to work for. You’re essentially his errand runner, the kind of assistant that blends into the background. You go on morning coffee runs, you take care of his bird when he’s out of town, you search his trailer for things he forgot to bring along to movie shoots. It’s a simple job. And honestly, you’re just here to make some cash so you can pay for your apartment and groceries and all the bills.
Every time you’d tell people this, they’d change. They’d stop pushing themselves on top of you, trying to get close, maybe close enough to see the superstar himself.
And quite frankly, it became annoying to have them all start whispering and gossiping behind hands and stolen glances about how ungrateful and crazy you must be.
You don’t understand why they’re always like this. But it’s the same every time. So eventually, you learned to stop telling people the truth.
You don’t bow down to Tom Ryder.
To you, he’s just some guy.
And that’s it.
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tangerinesgf · 5 months
I see you say sub Tom Ryder and humbly request a fic where he cums quickly/prematurely ejaculates and is maybe super embarrassed about it (or not up to you how he reacts!!)
So maybe you're trying to train him to last longer (it takes a while)
Tom Ryder x FEM!reader
Tags/Warnings: Smut 18+ MDNI, P in V sex, comfort, fluff, sub Tom Ryder
A/N: Tysm for your request, I hope you enjoy this little story. I think it turned out pretty well :)
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As any other normal couple you and Tom Ryder had sex on a regular basis. It was amazing how good he could make you feel with his tongue or fingers deep inside you, that had never been the problem after all.
The issue started the first time he wanted to really fuck you.
He clearly hadn't been with a girl like that before, he wasn't used to the feeling of being inside of you. The sensation was overwhelming to him and after only a mere few thrusts he had already orgasmed, leaving you to finish up for yourself while he caught his breath.
After both of you had finished there was an awkward silence in the room. You didn't know what to say and Tom was clearly too embarrassed to bring it up as well.
After that you tried a couple more times, but the same thing kept happening, ending in the same awkward silence everytime.
That was until you had had enough of it and decided to bring it up. You wanted to help him, not only for your own benefit, but to help him gain his confidence back as well.
So here you are in bed with him. You can tell he's nervous about being inside you again. The idea of letting you down again is eating him up inside. He just wants to make you feel good.
"It's alright, love.. we're just gonna go slow. Follow my voice yeah?" You say in a soft comforting tone.
The idea was for you to ride him. He wouldn't have to move, just take it and try not to cum. It sounded so simple. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. yeah just nervous." He mumbles, avoiding eyecontact with you.
"Hey.." You gently grab his chin and make him look at you. "It's gonna be alright."
He nods and gives the go ahead for you to start. You slowly sink down on his hard cock, drawing a low groan from his throat. You settle down, letting yourself adjust to his size.
"You good?" You ask him once again. He just nods in response, but that's not enough for you.
"Words, love. Use your words." You say in a slightly commanding tone that turns him on so much.
"Yeah.. yes. I´m okay, You can- you can move if you want." His voice already sounds strained and you haven´t even moved yet.
His hands make fists in the sheets as you slowly start riding him, his breaths are laboured as he tries to hold himself back with everything he has. For you.
"So good.. just a little longer.." You whisper breathlessly as you increase the pace just a tad.
"You're doing so good, baby.. so good f'me." You praise him in between moans. You can tell he's on the edge of cumming, but you just want him to hold on a little bit longer.
"I can't.. 's too much." Tom mutters as his eyes roll back in his head. Desperate whimpers leave his lips, silent tears are running down his face.
"I'm close, Tom.. just a little longer. You're doing so well."
Unfortunately he can't hold out long enough for you to finish and with a loud cry he bucks his hips up into you, cumming inside you.
Ryder's body falls limp on the bed, completely spend from his mindblowing orgasm. You
"I'm sorry.." he whimpers softly as you lay down on his chest. "I couldn't hold it.."
Your face softens at his words. You know how much he wanted this to go well. To finally do good and make you cum.
"Oh no, no baby.. you did so well. Such a good boy." You gently brush his hair out of his face before giving him a small kiss
"We'll try again next time." You whisper softly as you try to comfort him.
Tom hums softly before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to him as you lay on his chest.
"You're being way too patient with me, love. Can't even fuck you properly.." He mutters into your hair.
"'S okay.. you'll get there. I'm willing to wait."
Your words make him feel safe and understood. He'd expected you to leave him after the first time he couldn't make you cum. Then the second and third time, but you still stayed.
It didn't really make sense to him, but he was glad you were still here.
"You're amazing." He kisses the crown of your head before settling into a comfortable silence with you. And after a few minutes both of you are fast asleep in each other's arms.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Reblogs and comments are so much appreciated you don't even know. Please send me Tom Ryder requests if you have any. Love you guys <3
Taglist: @earth-elemental18 @allaroundjejje (lemme know if you wanna be added or removed)
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searxws · 2 years
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if you would like to send in a request, please go to the requests/questions box and type the fandom, character pairing, and reader gender. please also send a basic summary of the story you want to read!
please also keep in mind that i am only ONE person! i edit and write and think up all my stories by myself, which means if you send me a request it may take me a couple days! so please remain patient.
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!- stranger things, all seasons;
eddie munson
steve harrington
robin buckley (female oc / reader only.)
nancy wheeler
001/henry creel/peter ballard (NO VECNA💀)
billy hargrove
jason carver
max mayfield
lucas sinclair
will byers (male oc / reader only.)
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- harry potter, all movies;
hermione granger
cedric diggory
fred weasley
george weasley
sirius black (marauders era)
remus lupin (marauders and golden trio era)
james potter (marauders era)
lily evans potter (marauders era)
regulus black (marauders era)
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- top gun: maverick;
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
natasha 'phoenix' trace
jake 'hangman' seresin
robert 'bob' floyd
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- marvel cinematic universe;
wanda maximoff / scarlet witch
bucky barnes / winter soldier (yes i WILL write for ws)
steve rogers / captain america
natasha romanoff / black widow
pietro maximoff / quicksilver
peter parker (andrew and tom!) / spiderman
sam wilson / the falcon
(other characters added when i figure out their character and how to accurately write them!)
!- obx, all seasons;
rafe cameron
jj maybank
pope heyward
kiara carrera
sarah cameron
(will not be writing for john b i hate that mf)
!- glee, all seasons;
sebastian smythe
ryder lynn
finn hudson
santana lopez
brittany peirce
rachel berry
quinn fabray
tina cohen chang
mercedes jones
marley rose
jessie st james
mike chang
!- henry danger, all seasons;
henry hart (kid danger)
ray manchester (captain man)
!- celebs/ real world;
maya hawke
sebastian stan
chris evans
lewis pullman
mason dye
sadie sink
glen powell
tom holland
andrew garfield
taylor swift
ben barnes
grant gustin
diana agron
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full length
the occasional smut.
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phoebe bridgers
taylor swift
grant gustin
cory monteith
the 1975 / matty healy
sabrina carpenter
mason dye
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emails i cant send (sabrina carpenter) - fast times
i cant let go (suki waterhouse) - devil i know
stranger in the alps (phoebe bridgers) - demi moore
midnights (taylor swift) - lavender haze
punisher (phoebe bridgers) - moon song
bfiafl (the 1975) - im in love with you
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