#tom and star child
starch1ldz · 7 months
Spider!Y/n holding up his phone: I put a tracker on someone, he's a bad guy.
Spencer: Why.. And how?
Spider!Y/n: a magician never reveals his secrets, right Spence?
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brainless-tin-box · 2 months
In the process of watching Star Wars: Rebels rn and Tom Baker hit me like a truck
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solrin · 1 year
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Call on Friends
Cost: 2 of any color, 1 Green
Card Text: Choose 1 of 3 <Teammates> to add to the hand. It enters the hand summoned. *These cards will always have a total cost of 4 or less. (Upgraded: A Fairy of Light is always included as an additional choice.)
from Touhou: Lost Branch of Legend
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
wildest thing about threshold is that sandwiched between some of the most random corniest dialogue you will ever hear in an hour of television is just this gut-punch of a character moment
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flx-res · 2 years
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heavy-troublemaker · 7 months
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beautiful sister
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
Post-Voyager Tom Paris crashes at Tuvok's house after yowling at Harry's apartment door like a stray cat (until one of the neighbors tells him that Harry's on a deep space mission that he didn't hear about) and B'Elanna isn't talking to him at all because of this-and-that and it isn't his week to see Miral - or it is his week but he asked for it to be moved to next week because he had something he wanted to show Harry but Harry isn't here now so he gets drunk and goes to Tuvok's place and they talk about fatherhood and parenthood and their own dads and family life post Voyager and its actually a very meaningful conversation but *it all (*it all = The fact that Tuvok had an imperfect and strict father like his own yet was able to take something positive out of that and become a good father, a good husband, create a good life. The warmth that seeps out of every corner of this family home when Tom expected something as cold as his own and the one he grew up in, colder if possible - that's why he came in the first place if he really thinks about it.) makes Tom so depressed that as soon as Tuvok retires for the night Tom tries to flirt with Tuvok's daughter - to no avail, so he instead flirts and sleeps with one of Tuvok's sons. Unfortunately, Tuvok catches them in the act and Tom is immediately kicked out. While he's parking his ship somewhere to sleep the rest of the night he gets a message from Harry in response to a half-joke-half-accusation Tom sent earlier asking why he didn't tell him about the mission saying "Sorry, busy!" and even though he actually is it still makes Tom want to cry so he punches his console and hurts his hand. He drafts three different apology messages to three separate people and almost calls his dad then wakes up the next morning and deletes all that to send Harry a picture of the new modifications he made to his ship and grinning when he receives an enthusiastic response. Life is good!
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y0anna14 · 4 hours
What is Cassie and Scarlett’s favorite food?
Marco's super awesome nachos!
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thresholdbb · 1 year
Someone told me that Tom Paris is the king of Mr. Steal-Your-Girl, and I asked whose girl did he steal?
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crosswordgf · 1 year
i'm such a fraud conceptually i think boxing is hands down the sexiest sport i love a boxer i love the spirit of a boxer i love their robes i love when their trainer gives them a little shoulder massage i love the spectacle i love the drama long story short i am ALL for it but whenever i see a real life boxing match im such a baby about it and am like why would anyone want to do this ow ow that's horrible guys stoppp it :(
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kaira-diaries · 9 months
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Hello, welcome to my page! I’ve been doing a lot of editing on my blog so bear with me!
I write for three different characters, who are listed down below
Some writings are mature and will be marked as so with (*).
Requests are welcome for ( D.M and Javier Peña )
I write one shots & am currently working on a Din Djarin multi chapter story, which can be found here and down below.
꧁ 𝘋𝘪𝘯 𝘋𝘫𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯:
𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴:
- Inhale:
- The Lakes:
- Strangers:*
𝘔𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘪-𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴:
- The Heiress’s Dilemma:
Elara Voss, a former galactic senator, finds herself at the heart of a crisis that threatens her family's legacy and the very essence of their honor. As she grapples with the fallout of her decline in the political world, she's forced into hiding with a mysterious bounty hunter. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to retrieve a relic that holds the key to Voss's redemption while avoiding enemies at every turn. Little did she know, this journey would unlock the emergence of a love she never saw coming and leave her stronger than she ever was before.
꧁ 𝘑𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘦𝘯̃𝘢:
𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴:
You are the daughter of Pablo Escobar's business partner, and your life takes an uncomfortable turn when you're thrown into your first task.
The Colonel’s Sister:
she's Carrillo's sister, and off limits, until Javier says otherwise.
I was Never There:
it's the height of the Escobar case and Javi just is never around. You're feeling a bit down and head to a club for the night with some friends. You flirt with a handsome stranger, not knowing the club you stood in was a narcos hotspot and Steve and Javi were about to raid it.
One More Night:
you're hired for a job at the embassy with Javi, but make one life threatening mistake.
꧁ 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺:
𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴:
- Safety Net:*
Just a dash of fluff and smut for your timeline. (NO SUMMARY)
- High Enough:*
Smutty // Club Owner (DxF!character) (NO SUMMARY)
- Say it Again:*
fluffy // soft // astronomy tower (DxF!Character) (NO SUMMARY)
- Kiss it off Me:*
self-harm// blood// behavioral signs of recession. // Fluffy (NO SUMMARY)
- Always the Fool:*
Blaire is an intelligent RavenClaw with a broken heart. Draco is a loathsome Slytherin Prince with a familiar..stalker. With similar interests the two pair up for the Yule ball, hoping to find the solutions to their two very different problems.
- Loyalties:*
subtle implication of sexual behavior // Fluff // Soft Draco (NO SUMMARY)
-Labyrinth: SOON
Years after the war, you make your way through a magical relic auction, seeking unique additions for your shop. However, the atmosphere shifts as you discover a familiar stranger bidding on the same enigmatic relic that has captured your interest. What begins as a bidding war between you, transforms into an unexpected deal, propelling you into a whirlwind of adventure and unraveling a secret beyond your wildest imagination.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'GamesRadar+ Verdict *****
Inventive, unsettling and the perfect vehicle for its two stars, 'Wild Blue Yonder' is event TV at its best, and everything you could want from an episode of Doctor Who.
Back in 2005, showrunner Russell T. Davies kicked off his first stint in the TARDIS with an Earthbound adventure featuring a familiar villain (malevolent mannequins the Autons in ‘Rose’), followed by a trip to the furthest reaches of time and space in ‘The End of the World’. After bringing back fan-favourite comic-book creation the Meep in last week’s ‘The Star Beast’, he’s followed a similar trajectory by materialising the Doctor and Donna on the literal edge of the universe.
That’s where the similarities end, however, because while ‘The End of the World’ was a fun, knockabout introduction to some of the weird and wonderful aliens who call the Whoniverse home, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ is a considerably darker affair. In fact, the second of the three 60th anniversary specials revels in bringing scares and some genuinely unsettling moments to Saturday evening TV – just as Doctor Who should.
Davies has said in pre-broadcast interviews that he’s been trying to keep the plot under wraps ahead of transmission, and going in cold really pays dividends here. Even the opening of the episode offers few clues of what’s to come, as Donna’s strategically spilled coffee plays havoc with the TARDIS’s navigational systems, facilitating an entertaining encounter with Isaac Newton and history’s most famous apple. But that’s just a minor detour en route to a spaceship where things are so irregular that the out-of-sorts TARDIS does a runner – the Doctor’s blue box may have a fancy new interior, but it’s still as eccentric as ever.
Much has been made of the influx of Disney Plus money to the show’s production budget, and it’s used to spectacular effect here. Running through corridors has always been a big part of the Doctor Who brand, but the Time Lord doesn’t usually have to negotiate seemingly endless corridors that mysteriously reconfigure themselves on a regular basis – although they’re obviously CG, the ambition and scale of this alien craft’s design compensates for any flaws.
And there’s something seriously weird going on here, as the episode refers back to the horror movie manual to ramp up the tension in an ingeniously family-friendly way. Why is there a rusty robot (who looks a lot like Marvin in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie) loitering in the corridor? Why are there no lifeforms on board? Why did an airlock open and close three years earlier? Why are there no stars outside? What’s that banging? And why has the air got a little bit chilly all of a sudden? Director Tom Kingsley also adds to your growing sense of unease by making the camera peer through holes or round corners, as if the Doctor and Donna are being watched.
When the antagonist(s) are finally introduced, it takes you a few moments to realise that something is very, very wrong. And the big reveal, when it comes, is both grotesque and hilariously funny, body horror with a comedic spin, as if David Cronenberg woke up one morning and decided the one thing his movies need is more slapstick. There are also echoes of vampire mythology, Alien(s) and even – in one wonderfully freaky moment – The Exorcist.
In fact, there’s so much going on here that it shouldn’t really hang together. That it does is a testament to Davies, who – after more than a decade away from Who, during which he’s written the brilliant A Very English Scandal, Years and Years and It’s a Sin – is arguably an even better writer than when he left. ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ segues seamlessly from a Thunderbirds reference and an ongoing gag about Newton’s discovery of “mavity” to jump scares and emotional character beats – and then back again.
The sheer volume of ideas is also remarkable, as Davies burns through several sophisticated concepts that would – on most sci-fi shows – be enough to power entire episodes by themselves. Indeed, the idea that 21st century human language lacks the capacity to comprehend the universe having an edge is a genuinely beautiful piece of writing.
Most importantly, however, “Wild Blue Yonder” is the perfect vehicle for stars David Tennant and Catherine Tate, who carry the entire episode, and – for various reasons – get to show sides of their roles we’ve never seen before. As one of the few new Who companions who’s never been in awe of her Time Lord chum, Donna’s never been afraid to tell it like it is. But there’s an extra dimension to her now that she has a family, and is even more desperate to get home than she would have been before. The Fourteenth Doctor, meanwhile, has changed significantly during the three lives he’s lived since they parted ways, and is definitely still carrying serious baggage from the Flux and the Timeless Child revelation.
They’re such a perfect duo that you want to spend as much time with them as possible, making this three-part reunion feel painfully short. The episode’s conclusion – featuring a lovely cameo – and “next week” teaser do enough to suggest they’re going out in style. But after the brilliant “Wild Blue Yonder”, it’s clear that saying goodbye for a second time is going to be just as cruel and painful as it was all those years ago.'
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divinemissem13 · 8 months
🦃 please!!!!
Ooo thank you! Honestly, this one is a long way from ready to post but I've been itching to share some cute Voyager's Child content 💕 ! (from the WIP bird game)
“Are you sure you want him all night?” Kathryn fretted.
“You bet I do!” Tom flashed her one of his most winning smiles and then scooped Edward up, tucking him under one arm like a football. “Now if only I could find him…” More tiny giggles erupted as Tom turned from side to side, pretending to look for Edward while the boy’s arms and legs swung haphazardly in the air.
“You’re lucky he hasn’t eaten yet,” Kathryn warned and Tom took the cue to stop spinning and swing Edward up to perch on his hip.
Edward squirmed, clearly wanting to be spun around some more, but Tom held him firmly upright as he adjusted the bag on his other shoulder. “Really, I’ve got this,” he said seriously. “Besides, he’s my kid too, isn’t he?”
Kathryn nodded reluctantly. She had to admit that she and Chakotay tended to monopolize Edward’s time. But he did live in their quarters… it couldn’t really be helped. Kathryn approached Tom and tried to smooth Edward’s untamable hair. “Good night, Edward. You be a good boy for Tom, ok?” She leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose and the boy reciprocated by pressing his open mouth to her chin — his version of a kiss. Kathryn struggled to control her emotions as she ruffled his hair one more time and turned to Tom. “Good luck. And… thanks,” she said with a forced smile before turning abruptly and retreating to her room.
“Good night, kiddo,” Chakotay said, running a finger down the length of his nose and punctuating the gesture with a little boop on the tip. “Thank you, Tom,” he added, clapping him on the shoulder before he followed Kathryn into the bedroom, leaving Tom - quite literally - holding the bag in the middle of the living room.
The pilot shrugged and hoisted the boy higher up on his hip, heading towards the exit. “Alright kid, it’s just you and me. Let’s go find some trouble.”
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A Stranger with a Familiar Face | Chapter Two: Strangers and Strange Places
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Stars Series | A Stranger with a Familiar Face
Alderic Beaufort had always been a quiet child. He was the type of baby that lured new parents into a sense of ease and security, that led them to believe that they could handle another child when in reality they were far from ready. Though his birth parents had been older - only a few years shy of forty at the time of his birth - this trap had already been in effect. Karine Beaufort had been three months pregnant when she and her husband were killed by Grindelwald’s Acolytes.
Rarely did Alderic cry, and at fifteen months, he did not understand the loss of his parents. All he knew was that the loving, familiar faces were replaced with sneering, calculative ones, and the warm, homey apartment with views of a bustling Paris street was replaced with a cold, dark room with a window that looked out on the desolate Austrian Alps. His light blue eyes were wide and searching - always. Searching for what, he did not know.
Though Alderic rarely saw what was outside the four stone walls that confined him, he knew that it was particularly quiet that day. Normally he could hear footsteps clicking against the marble surface, or voices echoing around the chamber, hardly any of which spoke the language he was beginning to pick up from his nearly forgotten parents. But today, it was silent. He was alone.
When day turned into night and the torches hung on the stone walls ignited themselves, a soft crack in the corner of the room reminded him that he was not alone. The first time Alderic had seen these strange, greyish creatures, the poor boy had been terrified, and had screamed until the man with soft brown eyes had taken him into his arms the way his father used to. He tried to order them away, but the man with two eyes of different colors refused. He took Alderic from the other man, and brought him closer to the strange creature, kicking and screaming - but, with a few uttered words and a twirl of his wand, a sense of calm overtook the child, and as the strange creature offered up a smile, Alderic grinned back.
“Master Grindelwald and his associates will be returning soon,” the creature spoke, but as it was in German, it was really only noise to Alderic. But nonetheless, the tone used was comforting, and seeing the creature approaching him with a small jar and a full spoon outstretched, Alderic gladly opened his mouth. He was always kept just short of starving, but this creature always came when it was getting close to unbearable. 
As the House Elf messily fed the ravished child, a sorrowful grimace overtook her wrinkled face. “Minka wishes she could feed the baby more often, but my master forbids it. Master Grindelwald says he is making the baby strong, but the baby is skinny and weak.” 
Minka was an elderly Elf now, a gift to Grindelwald from a faithful Pureblood family in Germany upon his return from imprisonment. She had raised upward of thirty children in her life thus far, five of her own and a seemingly never ending line of witches and wizards, but never had she had such strict instructions when it came to the care of a child. She was not to hold him, address him by his name, comfort him when he cried, nor feed him outside of a predetermined schedule. The whole thing made Minka extremely uneasy.
As she stared into the child’s glossy, heartbreaking blue eyes, she felt a weight in her chest that caused her shoulders to droop. “Minka must obey Master Grindelwald’s orders, but Minka is sorry.”
Alderic did little more than stare into the creature’s large, yellow-green eyes as he slurped the mushy food from the spoon in her clammy hand. Minka took it as a plea for help, or maybe the impressioned thanks of a desperate, starving child, but in reality, Alderic was focusing. He was studying her.
Minka dropped the spoon in absolute terror as the child’s eyes suddenly doubled in size and faded to a yellow-green - an eye color she had passed along to each of her children. The sound of the metal spoon against the stone floors shocked the child, and as he fell back into his crib and cried, his likeness returned to his own. 
The clattering of the spoon was quickly replaced with the sound of bounding footsteps, and with the sudden fear of punishment and the dulled sense of consequence from old age, Minka gasped and vanished from sight. This only made Alderic cry more, eyes fixed on the spot where she had been. These cries were more powerful, fueled not by shock, as they had been before, but by fear. With Minka, though she was strange and skittish, he at least knew he was safe. It could be anyone coming to the door.
But as the medieval wooden door was pushed open, a sense of recognition eased his fearful state and his screams faded to whimpers. Of all the new faces, that of the brown-eyed man gave him the strongest sense of trust. 
“Hey Aldy,” Ulric Abernathy cooed, his American accent contrasting greatly with Minka’s cadence. “There’s no need to cry, buddy.”
Alderic quieted down as Abernathy approached, his tear-filled eyes watching him dedicatedly. The child reached his tiny arms into the air, and Abernathy grinned automatically. With a gentle sigh, the wizard gave in, lifting the child into his arms. 
“A new world begins today, Aldy,” said Abernathy, bouncing Alderic on his hip and bringing him over to the window. The stars shone bright on them that night, and he didn’t want Alderic to miss a moment of it. “After today, the real change begins. Gridelwald’s vision is getting closer and closer to fruition, and you, my boy, will get to live in a world unlike any other - one where you won’t need to hide.”
The child babbled unintelligibly in response. English was the most difficult to understand, but between Ulric and the man with the mismatched eyes, it was the language he was exposed to the most here. Still, he struggled to form even the simplest words, least of all ‘hungry’. So, he leaned his head against the hopeful stargazer and began to whine.
Ulric hushed and bounced little Alderic, attempting to soothe him before his whimpers escalated. Thankfully, before it got to that point, the child was distracted by the sudden presence of a shimmering blue figure, floating in the night before them. There stood a large, majestic, skeletal horse-like creature that neither Alderic or Ulric had ever seen in the flesh, yet both of them knew what it represented. 
“Bring Alderic to my study,” came the distinct voice of Gellert Grindelwald. “It is time to begin his training.”
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heavy-troublemaker · 7 months
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Starco /Jantom
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monkeyssalad-blog · 18 days
Mitzi Green and Jackie Coogan in Tom Sawyer (1930) by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: German postcard by Ross Verlag, no. 5744/1, 1930-1931. Photo: Paramount. Mitzi Green and Jackie Coogan in Tom Sawyer (John Cromwell, 1930). Collection: Marlène Pilaete. Mitzi Green, a child star in the early 'talkies' era, features a new La Collectionneuse post at our blog European Film Star Postcards. Check it out on 30 September 2024.
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