#tom branson x y/n
Master list
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disclaimer: I am dyslexic so their may be spelling errors but I use spell check. All are fem reader. Send me an ask if you want male reader.
(this series is Colby and y/n going to the sallie house and him comforting her)
midnight cuddles - chapter 1
good morning princess- chapter 2
Sallie house- chapter 3
The investigation- chapter 4
possessed- chapter 5
I love you- chapter 6
comments- chapter 7
Movies night/ Valentine’s Day (your sams sister and go on a date with Colby)
You slept with my sister!-part 2 (your sams sister and go on a date with Colby)
Halloween party (Colby gets jealous)
(you and finnick go into the arena)
Nightmares part 1
The ring part 2
Chariot rides part 3
Training part 4
Valentine’s Day
keep the door open!!! —(hopper is your dad and Steve is in your room)
vecna —(you get taken by vecna)
dragons days
Between the bars—(Coryo and y/n have their first kiss)
honeysuckle —-(what if Coryo met y/n in the arena)
the snap part 1 —(what if Matt disappeared in the blip)
better than the devil part 2 —-(what if Matt disappeared in the blip)
Sundays (newlyweds have a Sunday together and go to church)
Trust me there is many more to come.
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Gift of Safety
Birthday Month Event
Pairing: Tom Branson x fem!reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Backstory: You are Tom’s closest friend from childhood, with an equal passion for the complex world of politics. But while Tom is able to escape much of the political backlash and scrutiny by retreating to Downton, you are not so lucky. When you’re attacked by a group of thugs for “sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong”, you seek help from the only person you can trust. The one you have silently loved your entire life. 
Warnings: Description of injury, blood, fainting. Memory of being attacked. 
Birthday Note: I am finally getting back into writing for Downton Abbey! I absolutely love this fandom and feel that Branson should get so much more attention than he does in the series. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
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     You had walked for hours, covering miles of road in shoes that were one stumble away from falling apart. The storm had been constant, pouring buckets upon buckets of water over you. You were drenched. Your thin, dirty dress and jacket clung to your trembling body. The bandage you had haphazardly wrapped about the cut in your arm was slipping off, allowing the blood to stain your sleeve and mingle freely with the rain. At first the cut above your eye had stung. But now you felt nothing, every last remnant of strength focused on moving forward. You could see your destination looming up before you in the distance. Downton Abbey. 
     You were barely conscious by the time you knocked on the gigantic door, fearful that the storm was so loud they would not hear you. Your body was trembling and numb as you waited. Your mind replayed the events of before, when you had been walking in the village headed home. It was then that the men pulled you into an alleyway, hissing a list of offenses in your ear. 
Attending a political rally.
Wearing pants in public. 
Cavorting with the good-for-nothing Tom Branson. 
     You had tried to scream when they began to beat you, but one kept his greasy hand clamped tight over your mouth. They had kicked and slapped you, tearing at your dress. You don’t remember why they stopped, but thanked God that they did. The next thing you were conscious of was picking yourself off the cobblestones and walking for help. And help had taken the form of Tom in your mind. 
     The front door opened and your thoughts broke. Mr. Carson’s large, imposing figure appeared before you. “Good heavens, child, what’s happened to you?” 
     “Tom,” you whispered, your teeth chattering. “I n-need to see Tom.” 
     You brushed past him, your fear and pain overriding your sense of formality. You had to see Tom. You had to tell him what happened. What if the men came after him as well? What about little Sybie? The thought caused your heart to stutter. 
     “Tom!” You slowed to a halt in the massive entryway, looking frantically at the many directions you could go. “Tom where are you?!” 
     “They’re all in the sitting room about to go into supper,” Mr. Carson came up behind you. “Wait here, you’re soaking wet-,” 
     “Sitting room.” You wheeled around and started in the correct direction. Tom had showed you where it was once. He had shown you everything. 
     The two of you had been friends since childhood. When you decided to come with him to Yorkshire you had blamed it on the need to start a new life. But truly it was to stay close to him, the childhood friend you had fallen in love with. But then Sybil came along and his head turned. Tom loved her endlessly, even after she died. You had looked on in silence, loving him always, even when it seemed nothing would come of it. 
     You loved him now as you tore through the abbey, a love that made you as blind as the pain from your injuries. You turned left, nearly knocking over a vase on a table, and burst into the sitting room. “Tom!” 
     The family looked up at you, shocked. 
     “What on earth?” Cora stood up from where she had been sitting by the fire, a book she had been reading sliding to the floor. 
     You scanned the room until your gaze landed on Tom. He was staring at you, his expression a mix of confusion and worry. 
     “Tom, there’s a group of-,” your legs gave way and you stumbled forward, grabbing the back of a chair to stay upright. 
     Mr. Carson sounded behind you. “I’ve already asked Mrs. Hughes to call the doctor, my lord.” 
     “Very good,” Lord Grantham nodded, expression one of barely concealed horror.
     “Oh my good lord,” Edith pressed a hand over her mouth. 
     “Darling, what happened?” Tom crossed to where you stood. 
     Darling. The term nearly caused you to collapse on the spot. “There was a group of men. They pulled me into an alley, said they were going to teach me not to stick my nose where it shouldn’t belong,” you shook your head, the action causing a wave of sick dizziness to sweep over you. 
     “Get her on the couch, Tom.” Cora began pulling pillows off the couch in question. 
     “Come with me, darling, you need to lie down.” Tom put an arm around you. “Come on.” 
     “No, I’ll get blood on it,” 
     “Well it’s too late for the carpet, why not the couch too?” 
     “Shut up, Mary.” Edith was helping Cora arrange the pillows. 
     “Tom, what if they come here,” you gripped the lapel of his suit as your legs gave a violent tremble. “What of Sybie?” 
     “Stop thinking of everyone else,” Tom’s accent sounded through your panicked, darkening haze, the accent of your homeland, the accent of your love. “Come with me.” 
     “Tom,” your knees buckled and you collapsed, sure to have fallen if Tom hadn’t caught you. 
     “Tom, over here.” Cora’s tone had taken on the authoritative edge it had back in the days of the war. 
     Your trembling body clung to him as he carried you to the couch, the feel of his shoulder solid and warm under your head. You were crying silent tears, tears that mixed with the rain and blood on your face. 
     “You’re safe, love. You’re safe.” 
     “Carson, tell the servants to prep a bed for her and bring things to tend her wounds. In this weather it may be ages before the doctor can get here.” Cora sank to her knees in her beautiful evening dress, a dress that never should have seen the likes of rain or blood. 
     You tensed as Tom laid you down, gripping him harder. “Stay with me.”
     “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” Tom reached up to your hand fisting his suit jacket, gently pulling it away so that your fingers could intertwine. “You’re going to be just fine, darling.” 
     “Tom,” you winced as the pain within you burst into a fire of agony, thrusting you down into darkness. 
     “Rest, darling. Just rest.” 
     Unable to resist, you held his hand tighter and allowed your eyes to flutter shut, accepting the relief of being safe in Tom’s presence. And the sound of darling... You would ponder it later, when the pain wasn’t so intense and the darkness so inviting. All other sounds and sensations faded away. It was just you and Tom, his hand grounding you as the pain’s fire worsened. Your final thought before fainting was a realization, that never before had you felt so safe. And for the moment that was all that mattered. 
Fanfic Masterlist
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buckleyx · 4 years
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Author’s note: unedited woops
Warnings: bit of angst but a fluffy ending, mentions of war, anxiety and ptsd
Requested: Yepp by this angel: Could you do a matthew crawley fluff where he comes home from war (assuming no mary or lavinia) and confesses his love for the Crawley!reader.
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You and Matthew always had a special bond. Since the first day he walked into Downton it clicked and everybody knew it. You both were inseparable, doing almost everything together.
He was your best friend and you hated yourself for wanting more. But the fear of rejection and losing the friendship you both already had was too much of a risk so you did what you did best, you kept quiet and bottled up your true feelings.
And now you missed him, god you missed him and it was painfully obvious for everyone around you too.
"Have you heard anything from Matthew yet?" Your father asked carefully. You could tell by the nervous tremble in his tone that he was trying to hide his own concern.
"Not yet." You sighed, taking a sip of your warm tea. Your eyes shifted to the floor, not wanting to deal with the pity words and looks from your family.
The war was long, longer then anyone had ever imagined. When Matthew first left, he told you he'd be back in no time, bragging and joking about the fact you couldn't handle two seconds without him.
But the truth was you couldn't, two weeks was already long enough when he left once to London for business and now you had to deal with him being gone for six months?
Six months, thats what stood in the letter, just six months. But soon six months turned into a year and a year turned into two.
And now after three years, you had to admit that your hopes of holding Matthew in your arms again were rather low. The chance of seeing him again grew more little everytime he woke up in that hell fire.
But he couldn't leave you here all alone and by yourself, his heart belonged to downton and especially to you, so you both promised to write.
And you did, three years long, every week, talking about your day and how you were helping Sybil with nursing, joking about how Carson was so against the idea of turning downton into a hospital but most importantly you wrote about how much you missed each other.
Until now.
Two months had past since you received his last letter. You opened it so quickly, wanting to hear all about whatever he got to say.
Matthew never told you how the war really was, how over time the battlefield had grow more and more red and how he woke up with the most horrifying nightmares anyone could ever imagine.
No, he wanted to keep you out of it. You were his safe place, the one person he wouldn't have to talk to about the war and the one person he just could be himself with again, laughing over the stupid things that made life so exciting.
You loved him, you truly did and the tought of losing him without telling it to his face was terrifying.
"Y/n?" Edith asked softly, snapping you out of your thoughts. Your eyes shot up, seeing her face fall at your broken expression. "Dinner's ready." She announced, giving your shoulder a light but reassuring squeeze.
You nodded slightly, putting the cup of now cold tea on the piece of furniture in front of you. You gave Edith a look, meaning she could go on without you and that you would be following soon after her.
When everyone left the room and the door fell shut, you couldn't help but let out a heavy breath. The tears that were building up, finally let out. Your breath got stuck in your throat, trying to hold back a sob as the door opened again.
Thank god, you were faced the other way.
The puffiness of your eyes would immediately give away you had been crying and you were absolutely not in the mood to talk to someone.
"I have a slight headache", you lied as you fixed your posture, "you can start diner without me." You looked out the window, not really interested in what was happening outside, just wishing the person behind you could leave so you could sneak back upstairs.
"Such a lovely presence, we can't miss that." A familiar voice spoke, making your eyes grew wide. "Certainly not on my first day back."
The tears of sadness were immediately replaced with one of pure happiness. Turning around you were met with Matthew's twinkling eyes, a smile plastered on his lips. He still wore his uniform with his hat formally propped under his arm.
He came back.
The pure excitement pumping through your veins made you run up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he nuzzled his face in your shoulder. "I missed you." He cried softly, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. "I missed you so so much."
"I missed you more Matthew, believe me, you have no idea how much I missed you."
You let go of his embrace, arms still wrapped tightly behind his head as he holded you close.
You noticed the slight scars on his face and the way his hair had grown a little while he was away. You kissed his cheek, wanting to be as close to him as possible without overstepping the "friendship boundaries."
His eyes lighted up, missing the way he was so soft whenever he was with you, finally being able to show you all his emotions without being judged for it. He could finally show how terrified he was, terrified of losing you, and everything he loves.
"Marry me." He breathed out. "God, please, marry me Y/n. I can't go another day without you."
"Yes!" You laughed, tears rolling down your cheeks. "Yes! More then anything, yes."
My requests are open! :)
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rose-edith · 3 years
(1) Being the Earl of Grantham’s daughter and falling in love with Tommy Shelby would include:
(Tommy Shelby x Downton!CrawleyDaughter!Reader. Crossover: Peaky Blinders x Downton Abbey x Reader)
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•after the War you wanted nothing to do with the way your family lived. Much like your sister Sybil you had spent the years working and helping others! You spent half your time working with soldiers at Downton, helping them to adjust to their new lives with missing limbs- and the other half of the time you worked in the school, as since the call up they were missing several teachers! You’d been blessed with a good education, so you put it to use.
•so when the war was over, and your Mother, the Countess of Grantham, had recovered from Spanish Flu you decided to leave. Sybil was departing for Ireland with Tom Branson, and you’d been offered a job as a teacher at a little school in Birmingham.
•you had a healthy trust fund that was yours and yours alone, and so you changed your life completely. You brought sensible working clothes, and a sensible terraced house in Watery Lane which you made comfortable with furniture and decor. And you dropped your title, you were no longer Lady Y/N Crawley. Now you were Miss Crawley, an ordinary teacher.
•your parents and Grandmother were naturally absolutely horrified! But you managed to appease them by promising to write once a week, visit in the holidays and by installing a telephone in your house.
•everything was terrifying to begin with. The world was darker and tougher than you’d ever dared to imagine it, but the joy was instant too! You were free! Your life was your own, and your work was so worth it!
•being a teacher was your calling, sitting in a drawing room waiting for a man to claim you as a wife was not the right thing for you. Working until you were tired- planning lessons, marking books, educating the young from all walks of life! That was what brought you joy!
•it took almost no time at all to run into the Peaky Blinders. Aunt Pol and Ada were the first to seek you out- you were a curiosity in the neighbourhood, but they soon found out how innocent and kind and sweet you were. They were your first friends in Small Heath, and in no time at all they started joining you for dinner, or going to the flicks with you, or took you out drinking to The Garrison! It felt wild and daring, and you loved it!
•and then one day Ada brought her brother Tommy with her. You had by now heard of the business run by aforementioned brother, but you’d yet to meet him. And when you did it felt like a strong punch to the gut! Like the wind had been knocked out of you; when you first laid eyes on him all you saw were his eyes. It’s so cliché but it was love at first sight.
•Tommy wasn’t so sure though. He knew he’d never met another woman like you- someone who seemed to fine to fit in, and yet so earnest and determined. You intrigued him.
•at first he was his usual brusque self. He smiled in the house, swore like a sailor and helped himself to second and third helpings of dinner without being invited- but you didn’t mind, not at all! You were glad he felt comfortable around you.
•but then one day he turned up alone. And he had a bunch of wildflowers that he’d taken a jaunt out into the country to steal them. You let him in straight away. Tommy wasn’t good with words, you’d learned that already, so when he gave you the flowers and a kiss on the cheek you knew what it meant.
•dates were unusual. And unfortunately, Tommy’s line of work had a nasty habit of disturbing your time together, or even putting you in danger. But you were never afraid! Tommy insisted on buying you a gun to keep in your bag, and he taught you how to use it. Those late night lessons with him stood with his chest to your back as he guided you physically were the closest you’d ever felt to real peace.
•everything went from 0 to 60 real fast. It didn’t take long for kisses on the hand or cheeks to become pecks on the lips, or lingering kisses and touches…and then he ended up staying overnight. In your old life such an action would’ve been positively scandalous! But with Tommy it just all felt so normal and natural and right.
•with Tommy’s love both physically and emotionally your transformation from Lady to ordinary working woman was complete. You finally felt like your true self.
•Tommy opened up to you. There was no digging in the walls when you were around, the terror of war stopped. He spoke to you of the horrors he’d witnessed, endured and had been forced to carry out. And you soothed him, you’d been working alongside Sybil long enough to know the lingering effects of war, so you did your best to help him.
•in fact you even wrote to your sister Sybil and asked for her advice, she was perhaps the only person you were honest with about your new life. Never once did she judge you for it, for as she was now Mrs Branson she lived in the same world as you. With her advice you were able to get Tommy moving past his nightmares and setting to rest the turmoils of war.
•it was on a Saturday morning when you were laid in bed together watching the sunrise through the nets at the window that you told him of your real identity, of your birth and your family. Tommy was shocked! Swore like a sailor in fact, how you’d come to love his blunt language! But he was ok with it. Shocked, but understanding.
•actually it was your confession, the total honesty between you now that prompted him to start considering proposal…not because of the connections your family might have or the money you must have, but because he knew you deserved better than to be just some mistress or girlfriend.
•and you knew that one day you’d have to introduce Tommy to your parents and sisters, you knew that he would be in your life for a long time…you just hoped you could prepare Tommy before that meeting came to pass.
(Part Two anyone? Perhaps a meeting between Tommy and the Earl and Countess of Grantham?)
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Packing- Sybil Crawley
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Pairing: Sybil Crawley x Reader
Characters: Sybil Crawley
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 676
Author: Charlotte
You had heard arguing all night between your father and sister, but when you went to get involved your eldest sister Mary had ushered you away from the room and sent you to bed so that you couldn’t make out any of the words. You had no idea what it was about, all you knew was both your father and sister Sybil were very angry and weren’t going to go quietly.
In the morning you didn’t hear anything unusual, just servants working, so made you way straight to Sybil’s room as she was more likely to tell you what was going on. You knocked but didn’t get a response so opened the door assuming that she was either busy or had left. There you found her stood by the side of her bed with a large old trunk on top of the covers. She was making her way through her vanity and wardrobe, removing objects and either packing them or discarding them onto a pile on the floor.
“Why are you packing?” You questioned.
Other than to go to nursing school, Sybil had never left your home without the company of one of your sisters or parents, but you had walked past both Edith and your parent’s room to see them vacant of the occupants but no packing involved. It was also peculiar for her to pack alone. Usually one of the maids did the actual packing whilst her or your mother dictating what should and shouldn’t be going with them.
Sybil jumped turning around to see you. She let out a relieved sigh to see only her younger sister, grasping onto a garment she had been folding.
“Oh… Y/N,” she said softly. “You gave me a fright.”
“Why are you packing Sybil?” You asked. “Are we going somewhere? Do say that they’ve agreed for us to travel to see mama’s home in America. I would love to go on a ship for such a journey.”
She shook her head, giving you a solemn expression.
“You’re staying here with mama and papa along with Mary and Edith,” she said softly.
“You are to travel alone? Mama would never allow such a thing,” you frowned, knowing your mother and not wishing her daughters to be without family or their husband’s if and when they found them.
“I shall not be alone.”
You cocked an eyebrow at her. Who else was travelling with her? You doubted your grandmother would be travelling with her, unless for some reason Sybil needed to go somewhere and cousin Matthew was escorting her.
“Who shall be travelling with you.”
“Tom,” she stated.
“The chauffer?” You asked. “Mr Branson?”
Sybil nodded her head.
“Papa wouldn’t wish for you to travel with only the chauffer.”
“Papa doesn’t wish for me to travel at all.”
“Then why are you?”
Sybil had always been headstrong and wanted to make serious change for people, which noble women weren’t meant to do, rather sit down and look pretty, nothing more. This meant she clashed heads with your father a lot but never to the extent that she would completely disobey him.
“I am in love with Tom. Papa doesn’t accept that love, so Tom and I are travelling to Ireland, to his home,” she said softly.
“You’re leaving?”
She nodded her head again.
“I will miss you Y/N. I promise to write but I cannot stay here where my love is forbidden.”
“You can’t go!” You exclaimed.
“I have all the documentation already. It was only to visit originally but now it seems to be a more permanent option,” she said. “I wish I could stay here but it cannot happen until father agrees.”
You didn’t know what to say. You knew your sisters and you would be moving out in the coming years when you were wed but you never thought it would be this quickly or that she would be moving to Ireland. All you could do is allow your silent sobs escape you as you grasped onto your sister, longing for her to stay with you.
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quierorodarnojodan · 3 years
Estábamos bromeando con un amigo @mcdonneeli sobre que tenemos muchos ships similares si no casi todos, pero que irónicamente ambos nos peleamos por el mismo pj a usar y por eso jamás podemos rolear las ships xDD entonces me puse hacer la lista a ver que dice mi compatriota desalmado.
Axis Power Hetalia
Alemania x Norte De Italia
Austria x Hungría [♥]
Dinamarca x Noruega
España x Sur De Italia
Prussia x Hungría
Prussia x Austria [♥]
Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryuu Ishida [♥]
Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Kyouraku Shunsui x Ukitake Jyuushirou [♥]
Carole & Tuesday
Carole Stanley x Tuesday Simmons
Cyborg 009
Jet Link (002) x Albert Heinrich (004)
Ishida Yamato x Yagami Taichi [♥]
Dragon Ball
Goku x Vegeta
Celty Sturluson x Kishitani Shinra
Kadota Kyohei x Izaya Orihara
Fairy Tails
Levy McGarden x Gajeel Redfox
FullMetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes x Roy Mustang [♥]
Get Backers
Kakei Juubei & Fuuchouin Kazuki
Ooikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime
Haru wo Daiteita
Kato Youji x Iwaki Kyosuke [♥]
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka x Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladiknight x Kurapika [♥]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin [♥]
Mohammed Abdul x Jean Pierre Polnareff
Kuroko no Basket
Atsushi Murasakibara x Tatsuya Himuro
Kiyoshi Teppei x Makoto Hanamiya [♥]
Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari [♥]
Uzumaki Naruto x Uchiha Sasuke
Hatake Kakashi x Umino Iruka [♥]
Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino
One Piece
Eustass Kid x Trafalgar D. Law
Roronoa Zoro x Vinsmoke Sanji
Saint Seiya
Manigoldo x Albafika [♥]
Hyoga x Shun
Sailor Moon
Kunzite x Zoisite
Michiru Kaiō x Haruka Tenou
Sakura Card Captor
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito Tsukishiro [♥]
Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Rivaille
Marco Bott X Jean Kirstein
The Prince of Tennis
Inui Sadaharu x Kaidou Kaoru [♥]
Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Hotsuma Renjou x Shusei Usui [♥♥♥]
Adventure Time
Marceline Abadeer x Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Jet x Zuko [♥]
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kevin x Edd (Doble D)
Generador Rex
Rex Salazar x Noah Nixon [♥]
Happy Tree Friends
Lumpy x Russell
Shifty x Lifty
Splendid x Flippy
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley
The Dragon Prince
Rey Harrow x Viren
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato
Iroh II x Bolin
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane x Adam [♥]
Xiaolin Showdown
Chase Young x Jack Spicer
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley [♥]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Angelus) x Spike (William) [♥]
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
Matteusz Andrzejewski x Charlie Smith
Common Law
Travis Marks x Wes Mitchell [♥]
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Deadwind (Karppi)
Sofia Karppi x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
Tom Branson x Thomas Barrow
Richard Ellis x Thomas Barrow
Lukas Waldenbeck x Philip Shea
Grey's Anatomy
Mark Sloan x Derek Shepherd
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0
Danny Williams x Steve McGarret [♥]
Hemlock Grove
Peter Rumancek x Roman Godfrey [♥]
How to Get Away with Murder
Oliver Hampton x Connor Walsh
Iron Fist
Danny Rand x Ward Meachum [♥♥]
Julie and the Phantoms
Alex x Willie
Las chicas del cable
Francisco Gómez x Carlos Cifuentes [♥]
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten
London Spy
Alex x Danny
Arhur Pendragone x Merlin
Once Upon a Time
Regina Mills x Emma Swan
Regina Mills x Robin Hood
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander / The Darkling x Kaz Brekker
Jasper Fahey x Kaz Brekker
Star Trek
James T. Kirk x Spock
Leonard MCCoy x Spock
Malcolm Reed x Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
The Alienist
Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore
The Boys
Billy Butcher x Homelander (John)
The Irregulars
Billy x Leopold
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
The Order
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia x Jaskier
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones [♥]
Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson
Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman x Damon Salvatore
Warehouse 13
Helena G. Wells x Myka Bering
Cloud Atlas
Rufus Sixsmith x Robert Frobisher
Sonmi-451 x Hae-Joo Chang
Eames x Robert Fischer
Dom Cobb x Robert Fischer
Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
James Bond
James Bond x Q [♥]
Rise of the Guardians
Sandman x Pitch Black
Star Wars
Baze Malbus x Chirrut Îmwe
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux​ [♥]
The Old Guard
'Joe' Yusuf Al-Kaysani x 'Nicky' Nicolo di Genova
The Road to El Dorado
Tulio x Miguel
Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald [♥]
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott [♥]
Pansy Parkinson x Daphne Greengrass [♥]
James Potter x Severus Snape [♥]
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Magnus Bane x Alexander G. Lightwood
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch x Adam Parrish
Richard Gansey III x Blue Sargent
DC Comics
Apollo x Midnighter
Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne [♥]
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth
Hal Jordan x Barry Allen
Pamela Isley x Harleen Quinzel
Jason Todd x Dick Grayson [♥]
Maggie Sawyer x Kate Kane
Roy Harper x Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown
Hernan Guerra x Kirk Langstrom
Michael Jon Carter x Ted Kord
America Chavez x Kate Bishop
Azazel x Janos Quested
Gambit x Rogue
Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Logan x Scott Summers [♥]
Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Shatterstar x Julio Richter (Rictor) [♥]
Steve Rogers x James B. Barnes [♥]
Theodore Altman x William Kaplan
Tony Stark x Loki Laufeyson [♥]
Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Malik Al-Sayf [♥]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze x Leonardo Da Vinci
Bayonetta x Jeanne
Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen x Gavin Reed
Connor, RK800 x Gavin Reed [♥]
Elijah Kamski x Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski x Leo Manfred [♥]
Kara, AX400 x Luther, TR400 [♥]
Markus, RK200 x Simon, PL600 [♥]
Nines, RK900 x Gavin Reed
North, WR400 x Chloe, ST200
Ralph, WR600 x Jerry, EM400
Simon, PL600 x Gavin Reed
Devil May Cry
Dante x Vergil [♥]
Nero x V
Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy XII
Basch fon Ronsenburg x Balthier [♥♥♥]
Kingdom Hearts
Saïx x Axel
Metal Gear
Solidus Snake x Raiden
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield x Leon S. Kennedy [♥♥♥]
Claire Redfield x Moira Burton
Jake Muller x Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira [♥♥]
Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield
Rebecca Chambers x Billy Coen
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellano x Joseph Oda
Welcome to Night Vale
Carlos x Cecil Palmer
Samurai Jack/Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo x Samurai Jack
Canon x Oc
Deadwind (Karppi)
OMC x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
OMC x Thomas Barrow
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke x OMC
OMC x Duncan Locke
Lost in Space
OMC x Don West
OMC x x James
The Dragon Prince
Soren x OMC
The Irregulars
OMC x John Watson
The Lord of the Rings
OMC x Legolas
Political Animals
OMC x Thomas James "T.J." Hammond
Resident Evil
Jake Muller x OMC
Star Trek
OMC x Julian Bashir
Warehouse 13
OMC x Steve Jinks
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
OMC x Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
Duplas de Actores
Aaron Paul x Hugh Dancy
Bradley James x Colin Morgan
Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Daniel Craig x Ben Whishaw
Daniel Sunjata x Aaron Tveit
Dominic Purcell x Wentworth Miller
Edward Holcroft x Ben Whishaw
Gabriella Pession x Richard Flood
Gabriel Macht x Patrick J. Adams
Hanno Koffler x Max Riemelt
Jamie Dornan x Cillian Murphy
Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki
Landon Liboiron x Bill Skarsgård
Mads Mikkelsen x Hugh Dancy
Matt Davis x Ian Somerhalder
Michael Fassbender x James McAvoy
Rami Malek x Martin Wallström
Scott Caan x Alex O'Loughlin
Shemar Moore x Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy
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If I Don’t Wake Tomorrow
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Tom Branson x Reader
Words: 3395
Part One
Summary: Married for nearly a year, the reader and her husband return to her home and family for a dinner at her sister’s invitation. Tom faces judgment and becomes a point of ridicule. Everything halts when the reader falls deathly ill. 
Notes: Like I said, I love putting my boys through hell. Yes, I’m lazy and I just totally made up a nameless illness. Sue me. Let me know what you guys think and if you want to see more Downton in the future.  (I know this gif is gut-wrenching, but it was just so perfect, I had to use it.)
Everyone had been gathered into the library for Dr. Clarkson’s analysis. The Winstons were required to stay since no one knew how contagious Y/N’s illness could be. It was quickly determined that this was no ordinary fever. Robert was pacing madly back and forth, waiting for Dr. Clarkson to speak. Tom stood silently in the corner, Sybil keeping close to him to make sure he wasn’t alone. 
“Dr. Clarkson, please just tell us what it is.” Cora begged. He seemed to be struggling to find the words. 
“The good news is, if she makes it through the first 24 hours, the fever should flush itself out.” Everyone hung onto one simple word. If. Dr. Clarkson’s hands fell limply to his sides. He felt so useless. “The trouble is, most patients don’t last 12.” Cora cried out, Mary clutched Matthew’s hand, and Robert stopped pacing. 
Tom felt as if he’d been split open. Sybil watched him grip the back of a chair, doubling over and finding it difficult to breathe. This couldn’t possibly be happening. Not to his Y/N. Your life together had barely even started. 
“Is there anything to be done?” Edith asked. She had been rather quiet through the night, but her worry was genuine. Dr. Clarkson sighed. 
“I’m afraid all we can do is try to keep her fever down… and pray.” A heaviness fell over everyone in the room. Downstairs, a similar scene was playing out. The servants were gathered at the table receiving instructions from a solemn Mr. Carson. Y/N, no matter her decisions, was loved by many of the servants and as a daughter of Downton she would have anything she needed. 
Anna was the most distraught, though she was able to hide it well. She loved all of the girls dearly and Y/N was the brightest soul she’d ever seen. The idea of that light dimming broke her heart. She couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Tom’s mind, the poor man. She was carrying a tray of toast up to the room so Sybil and Tom would have something to eat. It wasn’t proper, but Sybil knew Y/N would be the most comfortable with Anna. Thomas certainly wouldn’t be the friendliest face to wake up to. 
“Fortunately, this strain is only transmitted through contaminated liquids, usually drinking water.” Dr. Clarkson explained to those who had moved up to Y/N’s room. Violet and Isobel remained in the library, along with Edith to keep the Winstons at bay. 
“So we can be with her?” Cora likely would have stayed anyway, illness be damned. She was to stay by her baby’s side every second she could. Dr. Clarkson nodded. 
“And the Winstons are free to go.” Mary muttered, grateful at least that Y/N would not have to spend another moment in the same house as those girls. 
“Can I…” Tom tried to keep his composure as he looked down at his wife. “Can I hold her hand?” Dr. Clarkson’s eyes were filled with pity for the poor man. Tom didn’t want his pity. He wanted him to save his wife. 
“Of course.” 
“Must you all speak of me as if I’m not here?” You laughed weakly, your limbs heavy as you tried to move them. Tom was at your side in an instant. “You aren’t making a fuss of me, are you?” This was supposed to be Sybil’s dinner and you hated to ruin it. Tom laid a hand on your cheek. 
“You gave me quite a scare, darling.” His eyes were red from crying, making you feel even more guilty. 
“Now that you’re awake, I would like to do a more thorough examination.” Dr. Clarkson suggested. If they could determine how much the illness had progressed, he may be able to give the family more of an answer. He motioned towards the door and the family began to file out. Tom stayed beside you. 
“Tom,” Sybil began gently. “I’m afraid you’ll need to leave. Only for a few moments.” At first, he didn’t move. He couldn’t. His eyes were locked on his wife and he couldn’t bear to tear them away. 
“It’s best we all stay out of Sybil’s way.” You gave him the most reassuring smile you could muster. He nodded slightly and leaned over to kiss your forehead. 
“I’ll just be out in the hall.” He promised before reluctantly following the rest of the family out of the room. He felt as if all of the strength had left him. He could barely stand without leaning against the banister. His Y/N. His beautiful Y/N. She would be alright. She had to be. 
“Is there anything we can do, Tom? Anything at all?” Matthew asked, his wife standing silently beside him. Tom had always known Mary to be cold and lacking emotion, but now her eyes were filled with a sorrow that he’d never seen in them before. 
“Pray.” Tom choked out. Matthew gave him a sympathetic look and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
“Of course.” He wished that there was something else. Anything else. Tom was a good friend and he and Y/N deserved happiness. Matthew began to head downstairs, but his wife lingered. Mary looked as if she wanted to say something, but she just couldn’t find the words. She turned and followed her husband just as Edith was ushering the Winston’s out the door now that they were cleared to leave. 
Abigail and Margaret looked as if this were nothing more than an annoying inconvenience rather than someone’s life at stake. Abigail looked up and saw a distressed Tom and leaned over to his sister, hardly lowering her voice. 
“Look at him. Surely he’s the one who killed her. Who knows what sort of illnesses she’s contracted in that dirty country. And that train!” They shook their heads. He shrunk away, her words sinking into him like claws. Mary had had enough. 
“Have you no decency, Abigail?” She hissed, breaking away from Matthew to confront her. 
“I beg your pardon?” The family halted in their tracks and Edith gave her sister a pleading look. She didn’t want things worse than they already were. 
“First, you blatantly insult my sister at dinner and now you mock her husband as his poor wife lay ill and possibly dying!” She had raised her voice beyond what was proper but at the moment she didn’t care if the Queen heard her. “How dare you come in this home and act in such a manner.” 
“Really, Mary, did you expect all of society to accept your new… connections?” Margaret interjected, though Lady Crawley’s ferocity frightened her. 
“Those connections are my sister and my brother-in-law.” Mary fired back. Matthew was too stunned to intervene, and besides, he couldn’t help but feel pride fill his heart. “Former chauffeur or not, Tom Branson is more welcome here than you shall ever be. Now leave here and never come back.” 
“I will dismiss your outburst since your sister is dying.” Abigail held her chin up, her last words spoken with venom. “I do hope she gets better.” With that, the family scurried out quickly to avoid any more altercations. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” Tom’s quiet voice surprised Mary. He had joined them at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes sunken and red. If one didn’t know, they would think he was the one who was dying. Mary straightened her shoulders. 
“Believe me, Tom, I have been waiting to do that for years.” Sybil emerged from the room, signaling that it was okay to come back. The three rushed up the stairs, quickly joined by Cora and Robert. 
“This illness works quicker than anything I’ve ever seen.” Dr. Clarkson sighed, standing in the doorway. Tom looked at him in horror. 
“What does that mean?” Sybil stepped towards him. 
“What does it mean!” He didn’t mean to be so rough when he grabbed Sybil’s shoulders. 
“Unhand her at once.” Robert ordered. The tensions were high and stress made everyone act strangely. 
“Papa, it’s alright.” Sybil slowly took Tom’s hands off of her, keeping a gentle gaze into his eyes. “Tom, I need you to try and calm down. Y/N needs to rest and we don’t want to upset her. Can you do that for me?” He swallowed hard and nodded before proceeding into the room. 
“I’ve caused a good deal of trouble, haven’t I?” You cried, weakly reaching out to your sister. “I’m sorry for ruining your birthday, Sybil.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous. You haven’t ruined anything.” Sybil smiled at you and Mary admired her ability to remain so sunny in such a dark time. 
“How are you feeling, love?” Tom took his place beside you, softly kissing your forehead. “I feel absolutely fine. I’m not sure what you’re all so worried about.” You teased, but laughing made your head ache terribly. 
“We must allow her to rest.” Dr. Clarkson instructed. “I recommend all of you to do the same.” Truthfully, he worried that an abundance of people in the room would excite you and make things worse. Mary and Matthew walked towards you and your eldest sister placed a hand on your cheek. 
“Married or not, you are still a Crawley woman. And us Crawley women never give up without a fight.” She said affectionately before she and her husband retired to their room. Your father put a hand on your mother’s shoulder. 
“I’m staying here.” She pulled up a chair beside Tom. 
“Dr. Clarkson said-”
“I’m sure Dr. Clarkson has no quarrels with her mother staying with her.” Dr. Clarkson, of course, had no argument as long as Y/N was able to rest. 
“Mama, at least change into something more comfortable.” You instructed. She was still in her dinner clothes and you would hate for her to try and sleep in them. They could be dreadfully uncomfortable. After a moment’s hesitation, she agreed and went with your father to their room. Now, you wished to speak to your husband. “Sybil, Dr. Clarkson, would you mind stepping out? I would like to have a moment with Tom.” 
“Of course, dear.” Sybil dipped the cool cloth in the water before returning it to your forehead. Once the two were gone, you could see Tom’s resolve begin to crack. His shaking hand brought yours up and held it against his cheek. 
“Y-you must get better, my love.” He stammered, kissing your palm. He held back a sob. Tom was a strong man, but he was not one to hide his emotions for long. It broke your heart to see him like this. 
“My dear, you mustn’t shed tears for me.” You soothed, brushing a fallen tear away with your delicate fingers. “Everything is going to be alright.” You didn’t dare show him the fear that was slowly consuming you. You didn’t want to die. You hadn’t lived enough to die now. You wanted to grow old with the man you loved, to have a big family in Ireland and to watch your children run in the fields. You wanted to gather every Christmas and teach them songs. You wanted to kiss your children goodnight before falling asleep in your husband’s arms. 
“This is all my fault.” Tom uttered, now gently kissing the inside of your wrist. “Those women… they were right.” Abigail Winston’s words still cut deeply into his heart. “If I hadn’t taken you… if you had stayed here, at home with your family, this wouldn’t have happened. I should have cared for you, kept you safe. I should have-”
“Tom, stop this.” You sat up, fighting the heaviness in your limbs and ignoring your pounding head. “Those petulant girls know nothing but the comfort of their spoiled, insignificant lives. Their cruel hearts could never hold a love like the love I have for you. Whatever they have said came from a place of hatred and jealousy. This illness is in no way your fault, my darling.” 
“But if I hadn’t taken you from your home-”
“Downton isn’t my home, Tom.” You smiled. “My home is by your side, no matter where we are. My heart will always belong with you.” Tom mustered a small smile and pulled you into his arms. 
Dr. Clarkson and Sybil came back in, along with your mother. You were saddened by your father’s absence. You had hoped to mend your relationship if the worst should happen. Sybil continued cooling your arms and face with the water while Dr. Clarkson looked over his notes to find anything that could help treat the illness. 
“Is it alright for me to lie with her?” Tom begged, wanting to hold you in his arms so that you would not be afraid. Dr. Clarkson gave him a solemn nod. Tom climbed into the bed beside you and you rested your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you. 
“Tom, I didn’t have the opportunity to apologize for the behavior of our guests.” Cora began grimly. 
“There’s no need, Lady Grantham.”
“I will not allow my family to be spoken to in such a manner.” She gave him a motherly smile and he realized that she meant it. She saw him as part of the family. Aside from Dr. Clarkson and Sybil’s murmurs to each other, the room fell silent. Exhausted from a hectic and emotional night, both Cora and Tom fell asleep, your mother resting her head on your hand and your husband holding onto you as if he alone could keep you from drifting away into the dark. 
You too closed your eyes, but only for an hour or so. When you opened them, Dr. Clarkson had gone- back to the hospital for supplies- and Sybil was sitting in a chair reading. Standing beside Cora was your father, looking down at you with tears in his eyes. You felt your heart swell with joy. He was here. 
“Papa,” You sighed happily, slowly moving your hand so you didn’t wake your mother. You reached it out to him and he took it. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Of course I’m here.” He exclaimed. “I could not stay tucked in bed knowing you were suffering.” You felt a surge of emotion and tried to keep your cries quiet so you wouldn’t alarm Sybil. 
“Tell me…” You took a shaking breath. “Tell me that we have not severed our ties forever. Tell me that you still hold a place in your heart for the daughter that married the driver.” 
“Y/N, sweet girl, while it is not the marriage I would have picked for you, I think of you every day. You never left my heart or my mind. You are my child. My familyYou will always be loved here.” You shared a smile, tears falling onto your cheeks. You looked to your husband.
“Can I ask something of you?”
“Anything you need.” Robert drew closer, leaning so that he could hear you better without you having to raise your voice. 
“If I-” You struggled to keep your voice from cracking. “If I don’t wake tomorrow, can you promise me something?”
“Must you talk like that-”
“Please, father.” You pleaded and he nodded. You brushed a stray hair away from Tom’s face, his steady breathing warm on your skin. “If I don’t wake tomorrow, will you care for him? I know he’ll return home, but could you look after him? He’s such a good man, papa.” You turned back to your father, tears coming faster now. “I do not wish for him to feel alone. I want him to be happy, even if it is without me.” You couldn’t not stop the sob that escaped your mouth and Sybil looked up from your reading. 
“Y/N, what is it, what’s wrong?”
“Please promise, father.” You begged. “Please say you’ll take care of him.” Robert clutched your hand tightly. 
“I promise.” You shared a quiet, tearful moment and knew that all was well between you. If you should succumb to your fever, at least you knew you were with the people you loved and who loved you in return. With that comfort, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
Tom woke to the bright sun shining through the windows and the feeling of his wife’s cold skin. The complete terror that raced through him nearly stopped his heart. People were rushing around him, pulling him out of the bed and away from you. Cora was rushed out of the room before she even knew what was going on. 
“Let me go.” Tom begged, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn’t speak correctly, unable to breathe. “Y/N. What’s wrong with her? Y/N!” Regaining his voice he began to shout, struggling against the servant that was holding him. “Sybil, what’s wrong? What’s going on? Let me go!” 
“Turn her on her side.” Sybil instructed Anna. Dr. Clarkson was in a panic. 
“There’s too many people in here.” He exclaimed. He didn’t have time to be sympathetic. Sybil looked at Tom. 
“I’m sorry, but you have to go.” She nodded at the servant holding him and he was dragged from the room. 
“No! I won’t leave her!!” He cried, fighting as hard as he could. He was sure he punched Thomas, but more servants were able to get a hold of him and pull him out. “She’s my wife, let me go! Y/N!” The door was slammed in his face and he desperately pounded his fist against the wood. “Let me in! Sybil, let me in!” 
“What is it? What’s happened?” Mary emerged from her room at the commotion, Matthew joining her. Cora was right beside him, begging her daughter to let her in the room. 
“Something’s wrong, they said we had to leave. She looked so pale.” Cora was starting to break into hysterics. She couldn’t lose her baby. 
“Oh god, Y/N!” Tom yelled again, banging on the door. Anna was barely able to get out without him pushing passed her. 
“Mr. Branson, Lady Grantham, Dr. Clarkson and Sybil need you to wait in the library until someone comes and finds you.” She felt strange, giving commands to Lady Grantham, but Sybil had specifically instructed her. Before either of them could argue, she added. “They can’t help her unless you let them. Please.” 
“Mama, we must let them work.” Mary pleaded, taking her mother’s hands. Her worried gaze switched to her brother-in-law. “Tom, we have to go.” 
“I won’t leave her.” He sobbed. 
“You’re not leaving her. You’re letting them help her.” 
He finally complied, following them down into the library while other members of the family slowly filed in. They all rushed to comfort Cora, only Matthew noticing when he slipped out of the room. He took refuge in one of the staircases that the servants used. The stairs he once used. In the silence, he sat down on a step and broke down. He gripped the railing, his body shaking it with his sobs. He thought he was alone. 
“Forgive me, I did not know you were in here.” Mrs. Hughes said suddenly, though she made no move to leave. Instead, she sat down beside him. There, in that staircase, he was just Mr. Branson- the rebellious chauffeur who brought so much love to this house- and he was about to lose his wife. “Poor lad.” She sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. He leaned into her touch and found himself curling up beside her like a young boy crying to his mother. And she let him cry. 
It seemed like years had passed when Matthew opened the door. Tom was unable to read his expression. 
“Come quickly.” Was all he said. Tom didn’t wait for anything else. Outside the door, Cora stood, crying heavily. Tom tried to brace himself as he went in. He immediately fell to his knees beside the bed. 
You smiled at him, the color and warmth slowly starting to return to your face. 
“She’s going to be alright.” Dr. Clarkson informed happily. Tom pulled you into his embrace, both of you crying with relief. You pushed back slightly. 
“Perhaps we can go home now?” You laughed lightly. Tom put his hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes. 
“My darling,” He gently kissed your lips, “you are my home.” 
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto;
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thellaprompts · 4 years
Could i please request a Tom Branson x reader where she was Sybil's best friend and after Sybbie is born she helps him bring Sybbie up. She accidentally calls her "mummy" one day and Tom hears her telling Sybbie that it isn't right but interrupts asking Sybbie what she's playing with "mummy y/n"
Tom Branson was lost. Usually he could come up with a plan in half a second that would give him some direction in whatever chaos he’d gotten himself into, but not this time. He’d been this way for years now. Mindlessly wandering through life as his young daughter grew and grew until now she was a little girl of two years old. He felt like he was failing her, especially when she’d ask after her mummy. 
  “Mummy go?” she’d ask in a sleepy voice at bedtime. 
Tom hadn’t a word to answer her. Most of the time he mumbled some incoherent garbage before kissing her forehead and clicking off the light. 
For some reason he’d always find himself telling [Y/F/N] when she came around the next morning. She had been Sybil’s longest friend and he didn’t mind her company. Tom felt as if he could tell that his wife’s death hurt her as much as it did him. 
[Y/F/N] would always smile sadly at him, her eyes sliding up to lock with his. He could see the aching pain in her orbs as he peered in them. Every time, his heart would clench and he’d clear his throat before shuffling out of the house. 
The two of them were not often alone, as his daughter was usually in their company. [Y/F/N] had become something like a nanny to his daughter and she would often be at his house when he returned from Downton, such is the case today. 
He quietly comes in as he hears [Y/F/N] and little Sybil talking animatedly in the sitting room. A fire crackles in an effort to chase away the late November chill and he can smell something simmering in the kitchen. Tom’s house feels warm, an odd notion that strikes him in a way that seems to makes his insides feel as if the ice is cracking around them.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he quietly tracks to the sitting room. [Y/F/N] has little Sybil in front of the fire with a few dolls and a big smile on his face. Little Sybil is clapping excitedly while [Y/F/N] puts on a makeshift show with the dolls. This makes Tom smile. 
  “Again, mummy! Again!” calls little Sybil happily as she giggles. 
Tom watches as [Y/F/N] freezes. Her face goes blank, her slender fingers locked around the dolls as she peers at his daughter. 
He thinks that the idea that his little Sybil would regard [Y/F/N] as her mother should anger him, but it doesn’t. She’d cared for the little girl for her entire life, stayed up with her into the wee hours of the morning and had been the one who’d taught her to say her first word. Why wouldn’t the little girl think of her as her mother?
Minutes later, and Tom realizes [Y/F/N] hadn’t moved yet. She is still frozen on the carpet as little Sybil calls excitedly out to him. 
  “Daddy!” She happily calls. “Mummy and dolls.”
Tom collects Sybil quickly and places a few quick kisses onto her cheek that make the little girl giggle. He strides over to take a seat by [Y/F/N], settling himself onto the carpet with Sybil in his lap. Tom nudges [Y/F/N] with his elbow to draw her gaze off the floor. 
  “What are you and mummy playing Sybie?” he asks, turning his attention back to his daughter.
As the little girl prattles on in broken sentences about their adventures that day, Tom trains his gaze on [Y/F/N]’s face. She is peering at him with watering eyes and a trembling lower lip. He offers her a smile and slides one hand away from Sybil to grasp hers. 
  “I think that’s wonderful, darling,” he murmurs to Sybie, all the while his blue gaze locked on [Y/F/N].
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Valentine’s Day (Tom Branson x y/n)
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CONTENTS: smut (not to much I cut away) ⚠️ Fluff, kissing.
AUTHORS NOTE 📝: I worked really hard on this. It’s longer than most of the things I write. It was harder to make than the others and I put more effort into it so please like 👍
(Toms pov)
the servants hall is bustling with people chatting over breakfast. There was a significant increase in the amount of mail everyone got.
“why is there so much mail on a Tuesday?” mrs. Hughes questioned
“it’s saint Valentine’s Day” mr. Carson answered
“for you mr. Branson” said the kitchen maid daisy handing me a letter. I looked at the letter and saw the lovely writing of y/n. I decided that I would go into the hallway to read it. It read:
my love,
Happy Valentine’s Day. I think of you every moment of the day. Soon we will be able to be together in front of everyone. But I hope tonight you will come to my room at after dinner. I love you ever so
Sincerely, y/n
I blushed y/n wanted me to visit her tonight! On Valentine’s Day! I have been in a secret relationship for at least 2 years now. We were madly in love with each other. But we both knew we wanted to be more than just an affair. Her parents were trying to set her up with sir Richard Carlisle but she hated him. She was trying to find the right time to tell her parents about us. Anna saw me smiling at the letter in the hallway.
“got a sweetheart mr. Branson?” She joked.
“I suppose so” I chuckled smiling
(Y/n’s pov)
That day I was very excited for it was Valentine’s Day. Not because of the fancy dinners or gifts from suitors. And I did have many suitors who gave me extravagant gifts. But because I was going to see Tom tonight. I knew that so when I got ready for dinner I decided to put on one of my best and favorite dresses. So When tom came to your room he would see you after dinner he would see you like this.
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This is the dress you choose. (I love it so much)
The dress perfectly hugged my waist and showed my breasts prominently. I even asked anna to do my hair in a special way.
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(Your hair is like this with the clip in it like rose from titanic. This shows that y/n is more adventurous bc it was the norm to have your hair up back then)
Feeling confident in my look I went into the drawing room “ah y/n! You look nice.” Mama said as I sat down in the armchair
“Thank you” I replied smiling because today I did put in more of an effort.
“oh? Trying to attract more suitors are we” granny said chuckling. I decided to ignore her remark
“dinner is served malady” Carson said coming into the room. We all filed out of the drawing room to the dining room. Dinner went smoothly. Mrs. patmore had prepared a delicious dinner.
”but y/n there are plenty of young rich suitors out there and your not getting any younger” granny violet said
but grandmama I don’t want to marry for a title I want to marry for love. What’s so wrong with that?”
“well there’s nothing wrong with that unless your marring a servant” papa joked
the rest of the dinner went by smoothly. But I couldn’t really listen to them talk. All I could think about was Tom. The way he held me. The way he kissed me. And finally the dinner was over. I decided to go upstairs early and tell them that I wasn’t feeling well. That way i wouldn’t need Anna to undress me. And I went into my room.
(Toms pov)
it was late but I was wide awake. All I had been able to think about today was y/n. I looked to make sure no one was there and then made my way to her room by candlelight 🕯
I opened the door to see her sitting down on her bed in her dinner dress. She looked absolutely breathtaking. She looked like Aphrodite herself.I smiled at her and she smiled back “ hello love” I say
“Oh tom” she said rushing into my arms “I love you” and we shared a very passionate kiss
“ I want to tell them about us.”
“what” I say pulling away. A bit taken a back at first.
“they want me to marry soon. And I choose you”
I felt like I was going to cry of joy! “Love, I have been waiting for you to say that for 2 years.” I said “when should we tell them?”
“tomorrow I think. It will be quite a shock but we need to not back down”
(Y/n pov)
I kissed him fiercely and unlike before my kisses weren’t just full of love I want more. Tom could tell this and pushed me back “we’re not married yet. Y/n no matter how much I want to it we’re not married” he said also fighting the urge to kiss back. He wanted it just as much as her.
“we’re to be wed. And we’re in love isn’t that enough” I said looking at him
he didn’t respond and instead closed the gap in between us with his lips. He pushed me on the bed started sucking my neck. It felt so good that I let out a moan. He helped me take my dress off as I unbottoned his shirt. My dress took much longer to take off then his shirt. But when it was finally off he just starred at me with his mouth agape. I covered myself insucure.
“no love” he said reaching up to caress my cheek. “Your beautiful”
-skip cus yk what happened next 🍋🍋🍋-
when I wake up I am on my silk sheets in my bed naked next to Tom Branson. Luckily it was still night and he could get away. It was around 3 am so the staff wouldn’t be up yet.
“Tom” I said slightly shaking him
“what love?”
“you have to go” I said with a sad look on my face “I wish you could stay”
he kissed my hand and got up. He picked his clothes off the floor and got dressed.
“I’m sorry to say you won’t get much sleep”
“I wouldn’t sleep for a week if it meant I could spend another night with you” he turned to me smiling while buttoning up his shirt. I slowly walked over to the door to give him a goodbye kiss. But my legs were shaking and I was heavily sore so I had to lean against the wall and Tom.
“goodbye darling” I said with my hands around his neck and I gave him one last goodbye kiss. “Tomorrow we tell the world” and we both smiled. I looked as he peered out the door to make sure no one was there. And then slipped away quietly into the hallway.
I hope you guys liked it I worked really hard on this one and it was hard to write. But I had fun and happy Valentine’s Day! This took me a long time.
Ty for reading
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please request a prompt in my ask and I will write it! I love getting asks! I mainly write for she/her but will do any gender on request. this is who I write for
—— X Y/N
Colby Brock -Sam and Colby
Tom Branson - Downton abbey
caspian - narnia
Steve Harrington -stranger things
Eddie Munson- stranger things
gram- ouat
Robin Hood- ouat
roy mustang-fmab
finnick odair - hunger games
Riza Hawkeye x roy mustang - fmab
belle x rumpstilskin - ouat
robin x regina
I am currently working also on an original story created by me and might post that on here. Its about a girl who goes to an asylum in the 1800s and other supernatural stuff happens. I WOULD LOVE for you to send me an ask. I write fluff smut (but most of the time a cut away eventually) and angst
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I take requests!
i write fanfics and am currently doing a book but will also do one shots and answer your requests the people I write for are:
Colby Brock- Sam and Colby channel
tom Branson- Downton abbey
Caspian- narnia
Aragorn- lord of the rings
Please ask I love to get requests. 💗💗 am currently doing Colby x y/n fanfic but I love doing curbs and problems I can’t fit into that story. And I do a LOT of other fandoms
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Tom Branson: “ i've got a survival kit in my car. let me go grab it. “
You: “Are you even equipped to deal with this?”
Tom: No, absolutely not. You need to see a doctor.”
For the prompt drabble thingy pretty please 🥺
Hey, anon! Thank you for your patience, I went and re-watched some Downton before writing this to get me re-energized for the character (it worked <3)
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"Tom!" You gasped, sinking down into the grass as the pain grew worse, a hand pressed to your bulging stomach. "Tom, it's coming, the baby's coming!"
"It's all right, darling. You're going to be all right," Tom's expression was one of barely concealed panic. "I've got a survival kit in the car. Let me go get it,"
"No, don't leave!" You grabbed his arm and yanked him down beside you with a strength neither he nor yourself knew you possessed. "Oh no, oh no," you tried to breathe, tried to ignore the fear pressing down on you from all sides. Why on earth had you convinced Tom that a picnic would be a good idea two weeks before the baby was due? Now you were miles away from help in the middle of a meadow with no one but your husband beside you.
"My darling, hold on," Tom held your hand with both of his. "We've got to get back to the car, I'm sorry but we must."
"Are you even equipped to deal with this?!" You asked, the pain clouding your thoughts.
Tom scoffed at this. "No, absolutely not. You need to see a doctor, now. Come on, my love. Just hold on."
Fanfic Masterlist  
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Oooooo ok! How about a Branson drabble with “Take off your shirt. Don’t give me that look.” And either option a. “What was that? You winced.” Or option b. “Whose blood is that?” Thank you! 💜
Of course, anon! I had so much fun writing this, I love Branson dearly <3
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     “I told you, I’m fine.” Branson grimaced as you pushed him into your cozy little kitchen.
    “Bloody men, all the same.” You gestured for him to sit at the table and went to gather the necessary equipment. “Stubborn as hell fire. You may have been able to hide that wound from the family, but not from me. Why did you say you’d come help me when you’re wounded?”  
    “Well who else was going to help?” Branson cringed as he lowered himself into a chair. “Daft woman like yourself, thinking she can get up on a roof and fix it without any help.”
    “Are you implying that a woman can’t do things on her own?” You gave him a look. “Take off your shirt.”
    “Don’t give me that look. You know better than anyone that even a man couldn’t do it on their own.” Branson fumbled with the button on his shirt, the pain on his face growing worse.
    Your annoyance vanished. “Here,” you pulled out another chair and sat across from him, brushing his fingers aside to unbutton his shirt yourself.
    Branson looked up at you, his own irritation seeming to lessen. The clock on the mantle ticked quietly in the background, intermingling with the crackle of the fire in the fireplace. “How many times did you fall?” He asked.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You eased Tom’s shirt over his head, exposing his bare chest and the crudely bandaged wound on his shoulder. How on earth had he gotten an injury such as this?
    “Whose blood is that?” Branson reached out to touch a small patch of red staining the sleeve right at the elbow.
    You winced and pulled away, concealing it by reaching for the alcohol and the bandages. “It’s just a scratch.”
    “You’ll let me take a look at it after you’re done then.”
    A faint blush rose to your face, the kind that always came when Branson tried to take care of you. “If it’ll make you happy.” You whispered.
    “Very.” He replied.
Fanfic Masterlist  
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Hey it’s dream anon! Alright buckle up friend because this is kind of a lot lol. But here’s what I remember: AU where Downton Abbey actually takes place in modern day and The 1920’s-30’s setting is a result of Mary’s vivid delusions that have started sometime in her adult years. To her, everything looks different and feels real. The design and layout of her house, the clothes people are wearing, how phones work, etc. One of the only things that remains constant is people’s names and faces. But for example, she has a cellphone but whenever she uses it, she treats it like a candlestick or rotary phone and never leaves a message because voicemail wasn’t a thing in the 1920’s. So if no one picks up, she just hangs up. Her family becomes aware of her condition and especially become concerned when she claims to start seeing and hearing people in her life who have died (Matthew and Sybil). These apparitions seem to pop up especially when Mary is conflicted between what she now wants for her future and feeling like she doesn’t deserve happiness after all the things she did in the past that she may now feel ashamed of. (For example, She wants to marry Henry Talbot but Matthew keeps popping up whenever she thinks about moving on. Sybil pops up whenever she thinks about having another child after George or after she reveals Edith’s secret about Marigold to Bertie. Matthew and Sybil show up because they both died on the same day as the birth of their child.) Tom at this point is now remarried to reader (who in my dream was the youngest Crawley sister, 2 or 3 years younger than Sybil, but if that’s too weird for you, you can imagine reader is an unrelated woman). Mary’s family sticks by her and does everything they can to help her cope with her condition. Cora and Robert refuse to disown her no matter what people say, and Tom and reader work closely with her one on one, to try to gently get her grounded in the reality of modern day. Slowly and carefully they get her familiarized with present day, and work with Mary to eventually forgive herself for her past misdeeds and leave the 1920’s/30’s behind, even if only for brief hours or minutes some days. With doctor Clarkson’s help where it’s needed, they work at Mary’s pace to make sure she’s comfortable and has what she needs during this very difficult transition. It was a very strange dream and may not make much sense, but dreams don’t run by logic. This isn’t meant to be offensive to anyone who has a condition that causes delusions of altered reality, etc. it wasn’t a nightmare, and the cause of Mary’s delusions was never specified from what I can remember. Just a very interesting AU my brain cooked up.
Anon I’m so sorry I thought I responded to this! This…this….this is utterly incredible. You came up with this while you slept??? I’ve been writing for nearly ten years and this is something that would have probably taken a couple weeks for me to construct. Personally I love the thought of reader being a sister (was unashamedly rooting for him to get with Mary while watching it the first time) and just, this is insanely cool. And everyone is so in character too! But yet it’s so sad because it means that the downton we know isn’t real :( thank you so much for sharing, anon! Let me know if you have other dreams, I love the way your mind works <3
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rose-edith · 3 years
(7.5) You and Tommy help Sybil and Tom escape from Ireland and get to Downton would include:
(Crawley!Reader x Tommy Shelby. Peaky Blinders x Downton Abbey: Crossover.)
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•life as Mrs Y/N Shelby was treating you wonderfully! Work was going better than ever, Tommy was madly in love with you, just as you are with him!
•Tommy’s illicit activities had also been going rather well…so money was abundant. You were even pleased to see that Tommy was keeping in contact with Tom, they were working together on something- but you didn’t ask what. You were just pleased that bridges were being built!
•but naturally, the course of true love never did run smooth…imagine your surprise when late one night Tommy comes home covered in mud and blood, but grinning and with none other than your brother in law Tom Branson in tow!
•when the men see your crossed arms, deep set frown and your gun laid on the table in front of you they have the decency to look a little sheepish.
•Tommy quickly launches into an explanation that Tom needed to get out of Ireland and so he helped him!
•on the one hand you were glad, but the minute you heard that Sybil had been left behind you saw red! You shouted like you’d never shouted before.
• “You ABANDONED my PREGNANT SISTER, in a DIFFERENT COUNTRY, you LEFT HER TO FOLLOW BEHIND…SHE’S VULNERABLE! God Tom, I’m so disappointed. I supported your match with Sybil, but this…this is how you repay my TRUST?!”
•at your words Tom does start to cry and Tommy pours him a glass of whiskey, and he shoots you a look to tell you to tone it down. And it just infuriates you, but under his hypnotic eyes you do find yourself calming a little.
•Tom downs the drink and swears he’ll go back for her if she’s detained, but that they had made a plan in case this happened.
•you were aghast…what type of work…what type of activity would require a plan like this? And when neither men would meet your eye you knew you didn’t want to know the details. So instead you asked when to expect Sybil. Tom explained he got the last ferry to England, so Sybil won’t arrive until the next day.
•once the bedroom door was closed you turned on Tommy with such fire that he had to physically hold your hands down at your sides because you were hitting his shoulders so hard. He told you everything then, explained it all to you. Slowly the fire was subdued, you still weren’t happy. But Tommy had you wrapped around his little finger, with a few gentle kisses that steadily became harder, he had you back under his spell. You still weren’t happy, BUT you both found a much better way to physically work out your frustrations. It’s not like you were going to sleep anyway, you were too worried about Sybil being alone.
•you made Tommy keep Tom hidden at your house as you went to the docks to meet Sybil. She practically fell into your arms, relieved to be safe with you.
•you had Pol check Sybil over once you got her home, she smiled as she put her hands on Sybil’s bump- she said the baby girl inside (oh Pol and her clever insights beyond the veil, Sybil’s eyes widened when Pol said it was a girl but you just grinned- Pol was never wrong!) was safe and healthy for now, that it was Sybil’s health that needed to be seen to. She needed to rest, not too much more travelling before the baby is born.
•Pol was pushing the idea of Tom and Sybil staying in Birmingham, something about the way she was looking so intently at Sybil unsettled you, you felt the need to keep Sybil close. You were all for them staying!
•but then Tommy pointed out that the police in Birmingham would feel no remorse in knocking doors down and just snatching Tom away if they find him here. Reluctantly you agreed.
•In the end you all came to the conclusion that there was only one thing for Tom and Sybil to do, only one place for them to go where they can’t be touched- Downton. It was a bitter decision for Tom, but the safety of the estate was the safest thing for them.
•so you and Tommy drove them all the way to Downton, staying only one night to see them safely settled before returning to your little life. Your Father was furious. You thought he was angry when you introduced Tommy as your fiancé, you thought he would be angrier that your married Tommy without even inviting him or Mama or anyone else…but no, his anger was totally directed at Tom.
•So as you made your way home the following day you made Tommy swear to tell you in future about any business he may have with your side of the family- you certainly didn’t mind it, you just wanted a heads up in case things go wrong again! Luckily he agreed.
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Saving Face
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Tom Branson x Reader
Words: 2580
Part One of Two
Summary: Married for nearly a year, the reader and her husband return to her home and family for a dinner at her sister’s invitation. Tom faces judgment and becomes a point of ridicule. Everything halts when the reader falls deathly ill. 
Notes: This one is definitely hard to write, but you know me I love putting my favorite boys through hell. I love Sybil and Tom, but I really want to write some imagines for him, so in this case, Sybil is just the supportive sister. I hope you enjoy! I also decided to make him a journalist in this since that’s what he does when he goes back to Ireland. (P.S. This was getting insanely long, so I split it into two parts!)
You could tell he was nervous by the way he wrung his hands as you walked. The house had never been more intimidating than it was at this moment. You took one of your husband’s hands in yours and gave him a small reassuring smile. 
“She said we would be welcome.” You reminded him, though you also feared that your sister had been too optimistic in her letter. 
“Maybe she’s forgotten how it was when we left.” He argued, looking up at the grand estate that he had once been a servant to. 
“They don’t hate us, Tom.” He gave you a look. 
“They don’t hate you.” You sighed, pausing halfway up the path to the door. It had been almost a year now that you had been at Downton. Almost a year without seeing your family. But it had also been almost a year since you’d married the love of your life. 
“I’m sure there will be other guests at dinner tonight, as well as tomorrow,” You started slowly. “And while my family has hopefully adjusted, others will not have.” You knew how some of the other women in society could be. They made Mary look like the goddess of hospitality. Surely, Sybil wouldn’t have invited them, but that didn’t mean that your grandmother wouldn’t. 
“I have somewhat prepared myself for this.” He laughed humorously. Your fingers gently grazed his cheek as you made sure his hair was in place. The first face to greet you was at least a friendly one. Sybil burst out the door before you even had the chance to ring. 
“It’s so good of you to come!” She exclaimed, wrapping you in a tight hug. This of course was much warmer than a traditional English greeting, but Sybil was anything but traditional. She turned to Tom, her smile welcoming and kind. “I know this must be strange for you, but it means so much to me that you’re here.” He gave her a small nod. 
“We wouldn’t miss it, m’lady.” He tried to expel any expression of nervousness from his face, but his smile was still an uneasy one. At least he had an ally in Sybil. You took his arm and Sybil led you into the house. You thought you would feel some great sense of nostalgia. The feeling of being home again after so long. But stepping into the grand entrance only made you realize that anywhere would be home so long as you were by his side. 
Servants scurried around you, some slowing down to gawk. Tom avoided their gaze. You hadn’t even thought how strange it would be for him to be served by the people that he once worked with. Mr. Carson was quick to shoo them all away, but their stares lingered in Tom’s thoughts. 
“They are expecting you in the drawing room, Lady Y/N.” Mr. Carson kept his tone neutral, though you could sense his disapproval. He was one of the most offended by your match with Tom, not that he’d ever told you. You knew it was his love of the family that drove his opposition, but you found yourself still wishing for his approval. Sybil paused at the door. 
“Are you ready?” Her concern was sincere which made Tom feel a little better. 
“I suppose it’s too late to turn around and run.” He whispered in your ear, making you laugh. 
“I’m afraid so.” With a nod of permission from you, Sybil instructed the footman to open the door. The room was lively with conversation until the moment you stepped inside. Your heart pounded, feeling every person’s eyes staring at you. You were right. It wasn’t just your family. Your grandmother must have invited the Winstons- a family of women your age she’d been trying to persuade you and Sybil to befriend for years. You’d both always found them haughty and arrogant. They definitely weren’t the first family you’d have chosen to introduce Tom to, but you refused to fear them. 
Tom lingered in the doorway, regretting ever getting on that train. It wasn’t that he was afraid for his own pride, but for yours. To see you ashamed of him would surely be his undoing. You turned back to him with a look of more adoration than he felt he deserved. When you held out your hand, he didn’t hesitate to take it, fully stepping into the room. 
Your mother was the first to approach you, taking your hands in hers with a smile. 
“How was the journey, dear?” She asked. There was an awkwardness to her tone, but not a hostile one. 
“It was lovely.” You left out the part about the train car being a bit crowded. Not riding first class was something you still had to get used to. There was a child who freely ran around the car and forgot to cover his mouth when he coughed. A small annoyance amongst a thousand other happy memories. Falling asleep on Tom’s shoulder or feeling his finger trace the lines on your palm while you stared out the window watching the world go by. You felt his hand tighten its grip on yours when your mother turned to him. 
“I trust your occupation in Ireland has been going well?” 
“The editor I’ve been writing for seems to think I have potential.” He knew it must sound so ridiculous to someone of her stature. You put a hand on his arm and gave him a smile brighter than the sun. 
“Tom is being modest, mama.” You beamed. “Mr. Byrne tells me he doesn’t know what he’d do without him. He loves Tom’s ideals and thoughts for a new future.” You heard a giggle from across the room. Abigail Winston tried to conceal her smirk by bringing her fingers to her lips. She was by far the vilest of the girls and you expected she was thinking of plenty of ways to humiliate you and your husband. 
You couldn’t help but notice the way your father avoided your gaze. While you didn’t elope, the blessing he gave Tom was a reluctant one. You had given him very little choice and you knew that it was only by your mother’s insistence that he allow you to marry. Thankfully, Matthew was quick to strike a conversation with Tom. Matthew seemed to be another friend Tom could rely upon. After all, before learning of his inheritance, Matthew was a simple lawyer. 
Carson announced that dinner was ready and everyone filed into the dining room. Tom sat to your right and Mary took the seat to your left. Of every person there, perhaps you feared her the most. Your relationship was complicated, to say the least, and when you left to marry Tom, you knew that she disapproved. When you were a young girl, you idolized your eldest sister and losing her respect had hurt you greatly. 
“I hope you’re ready to face the wolves.” She said, quietly enough that only you would hear. You glanced at her, allowing your nervousness to show. 
“I just wish I could make him feel like he’s not below us.” He barely touched his food, taking only the smallest bites in fear of looking improper. 
“That may be difficult considering he used to work for us.” You gave her a look. 
“I don’t think we are above anyone who has worked or currently works for us, Mary.” She chuckled at your defensive tone. 
“I know that’s what you believe, dear, but I’m afraid I’m not the one you have to convince.” She nodded her head towards Abigail and her sister Margaret, both gossiping and giggling like school children. 
“Tell us, Sybil has it been a strange adjustment?” Margaret began. “You kept so busy as a nurse during the war and now things have settled down.” 
“I do my part where I can.” She put on a gratuitous smile and you envied her ability to maintain so hospitable. “I don’t think I could ever go back to what it was like before the war. Too many things have changed.” 
“Indeed.” Margaret agreed, her gaze sliding over to you. “So many things have changed.” You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, suddenly feeling very warm. You motioned over to Mr. Carson. 
“Could you possibly move the candelabra?” You asked quietly. He gave you a strange look. 
“Are you feeling alright, my lady?” He looked genuinely worried, which caught Tom’s attention. 
“What’s wrong?” Your husband asked. You laughed as though they were both being silly. 
“I’m afraid my dress is a little heavy for the weather and I’m getting a little warm, that’s all.” You assured them. Mr. Carson removed the burning candles, but you felt little relief. You felt sweat bead across your forehead, but dabbing it with a handkerchief would draw too much attention. 
“Lady Y/N,” Abigail stared you down with a cold gaze, “Or is it Mrs. Branson now? I never asked which you preferred.” Her words were civilized, but her tone was accusatory and cruel. Your lips stretched into a tight smile. 
“You may call me whatever you like.” She leaned over to her sister but made sure you could still hear. 
“Perhaps she wishes to be called ‘Lassie’.” They shared a laugh before she continued. “I meant to ask you where you get your shoes?” 
“My what?” It was such an odd question considering she had beyond the means to find suitable footwear. 
“I couldn’t help but notice how your shoes are in perfect condition.” By the smug smile on her face, you knew what direction she was taking this. “I’m afraid mine wear out terribly quickly with all of the walking I do to get to and from town. Wouldn’t you agree, Margaret.” Her sister nodded with an amused glint in her eye. 
“Abigail, I’m sure you’re boring the gentlemen with such talk.” Lord Winston scolded, but she had an agenda she fully intended to keep. 
“Then again, I suppose not all of us have chauffeurs that are so eager to please.” 
You pushed away from the table so suddenly that it made you dizzy. The plates rattled from the force of your motion and the entire room went deadly silent. The men in the room were too baffled by the unexpected motion that they seemed to forget to stand with you. Abigail’s face twisted with wicked triumph .
“Oh dear, I do hope I haven’t offended you.” 
“If you’ll excuse me, I think I need to step out for some fresh air.” You muttered, rushing out of the room. Tom and Sybil were quick to follow while the rest of the party sat in shocked silence. 
“I’m sorry if this seems rude, but I’m quite frankly surprised that she brought him here.” Margaret noted, snickering at her sister’s comment. 
“Must you both be so wretched?” Mary blurted and joined her sister to chase you. 
“My love, slow down. Please.” Tom urged you, but you were out the door without a second thought. 
“We’re going home.” You fervently tried to brush the tears as they fell. Your blood felt as if it were boiling and even the brisk night air failed to cool you. 
“Y/N wait!” Sybil pleaded, Mary catching up behind her. “We’ll ask them to leave. I didn’t wish them to be here anyway, but please don’t go like this.” 
“I’ll gladly throw Abigail out myself.” Mary added. You were almost surprised to see her taking your side but you were too emotional to care. 
“I can’t do this.” You stopped and turned to them, the tears on your cheeks glistening in the moonlight. Tom could feel his heart crack seeing you like this. You saw the hurt in his expression and knew he thought this was his fault. But he couldn’t be more wrong. “I cannot play this game anymore. I refuse to dance around my feelings for the sake of keeping face. I thought I’d escaped all of the fake smiles and forced politeness, but life with Tom has made me forget how horrible it all is.” 
“Honestly, Y/N, what did you expect to happen?” Mary exasperated. 
“Mary.” Sybil gasped. 
“Things have changed, Y/N.” Mary stepped towards you. “You made a choice and you knew the consequences. You chose a life of love, but it is also an uneven path to follow. I’ve always respected your courage, don’t disappoint me now by running away.” You softened. She respected you? Tom placed a hand on your cheek, his eyes grounding you enough to stop your hysterics. 
“My darling, if you want to go now, we’ll go.” He gave you a reassuring smile. “But I can face them if you can.” The heat spreading through your body was becoming unbearable and your head grew dizzier every second. Your breathing became short and labored.
“Tom, I-” Before you could finish, your legs gave out beneath you. 
Tom rushed to catch you and Sybil leapt into action. With one arm holding you upright, his other hand gently patted your cheek, trying to rouse you. 
“Y/N? Love, wake up.” He looked up at Sybil. “What’s happened?” Sybil touched her hand to your forehead and quickly drew away. 
“She’s burning up, we have to get her inside.” He scooped you up in his arms and the two practically sprinted inside. 
Mary was frozen for a moment as they ran past her back into the house. Y/N had looked rather ill at dinner, but surely she was just overwhelmed. Mary’s thoughts went to Lavinia and an icy fear ran through her. 
“Somebody help!” Tom shouted upon getting inside. Servants gathered around with a chorus of gasps and Sybil began giving them orders. 
“We should take her upstairs,” She instructed. “Thomas, fetch me a bowl of cold water and a cloth. Mr. Carson, try and fetch Dr. Clarkson.” 
“Yes, my lady.” Mr. Carson’s eyes followed Tom and the worry in his expression was clear. 
“What’s happening?” Matthew appeared from the dining room, the rest of the party soon filing out behind him. 
“Y/N’s fainted.” Mary said solemnly, taking her fiance’s hand. “Sybil says she has a fever.” Everyone watched as Tom carried you up the stairs, Cora making her way to the front of the group. 
“My girl.” She exclaimed, following Sybil and Tom. Abigail turned to her sister. 
“And here I thought Irish women were supposed to have thick skins.” Mary would have lunged at them had Matthew not stood in her way. 
“Just ignore them darling.” He sighed. 
Upstairs was a flurry of movement from servants bringing Sybil supplies. They’d instructed Tom to the room you were meant to stay in and Sybil helped him remove the heavy dress from your frame. Male servants hesitated as they came in. Even catching a glimpse of you in your undergarments was a scandal. Tom seemed to notice their surprised stares and shifted so that he was shielding you from their view. 
“Don’t just stand there.” Sybil exclaimed. “Help Thomas get the ice water and someone find out if Mr. Carson has contacted Dr. Clarkson.” 
“Come on, love.” Tom brought your fingers up to his lips. “Open your eyes for me.” He couldn’t breathe. It was like the rest of the world was a complete blur. People bustled around as shapes around him. The only clear thing was you. The panicked tears came without warning. “Please, love. Please wake up.” 
The first thing you heard was his voice.
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