#tom holland x ilvermorny!reader
kalimagik · 4 years
Cat Got Your Tongue?
Hufflepuff!Tom Holland x reader
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: Happy Wednesday, lovelies! This fic begins my “100 Followers Fic Weekend Celebration”! One fic everyday until Sunday! (I hope you guys will hang out during it!) This fic came from this request as my inspiration! I hope you like it @abrielleholland​! The rest of you, if you enjoy reading, please like, reblog, comment, or even give me a follower to stay with the long weekend fun! Happy reading <3<3<3
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*Not my GIF - credit to owner 
Hogwarts was abuzz. The three other schools for the TriWizard Tournament had arrived the previous night and now the castle was packed. Students were talking about who from each of the schools would enter their names and who were the top contenders for Champion.
Tom knew that the Weasley Twins, who were in his year, were concocting some plan to get their own names in the ring. Tom was half tempted to enter himself. 1,000 galleons could do a lot for a guy!
“Holland! You coming?” Cedric asked from the entryway of the Hufflepuff Common Room. The boys were heading to the Great Hall. Since Dumbledore had set up the Goblet of Fire, most of the students had been spending a lot of time in there. Tom just couldn’t wait to check out the potential competition. Most of the Hogwarts students seemed to think that Viktor Krum would wind up as Durmstrang’s champion. The dude was terrifying, wicked good at quidditch, but terrifying.
“Oh yeah, I’m coming. Are you bringing a quill or paper or anything?” Tom asked nervously…maybe he wouldn’t put his name in.
“Write your name on a piece of paper and let’s go,” Cedric chuckled as Tom scribbled his name down and followed the popular Hufflepuff boy out of the Common Room.
The Great Hall was overflowing with people. Students from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and even Ilvermorny. The American school wasn’t initially supposed to compete in the tournament, but apparently some student petitioned the three European schools. Rumors were flying about who it was and how that person did it. Only about 15 of them came, but they all looked determined. Every single member of their delegation had put their names in the previous night, the moment after Dumbledore had set up the cup.
Heads turned to watch the group of Hufflepuff boys as they entered and approached the Goblet of Fire.
“Go on Ced! Put your name in,” Tom dared as he slapped his hands on the boy’s shoulders. Cedric waved the rest of the boys off before reaching up to put the piece of paper in. Tom followed suit and then sat on the benches surrounding the Goblet.
Krum followed shortly with his large entourage. Karkaroff was beaming as his star pupil’s name was accepted. Tom’s eyes quickly scanned the room to look at the conglomeration of students that littered the Great Hall. George and Fred Weasley had just burst into the large room when Tom’s eyes landed on a girl with the Ilvermorny group.
The bantering and cheering of the Weasley twins seemed to fade into the background. This girl’s E/C eyes had the ability to just bore into Tom’s soul.
“Tom? Where are you going?” Cedric’s voice echoed in his ear.
“I- I’ll be back in a minute…” he waved it off.
“I think he’s been entranced by the Beauxbatons girls,” one of their other friends joked, but Tom didn’t even hear him. The boy even walked right over the now old Weasley twins wrestling on the floor.
The Ilvermorny kids were all laughing at the antics of the twins. There was no denying that Fred and George would make their trip to the United Kingdom very memorable. Tom felt his stomach flip over in his stomach as he approached the group. Luckily, his Hufflepuff traits were really standing out. He was just trying to be friendly and welcoming, at least that’s what he was telling himself.
“Well, hey there,” the girl smirked the moment Tom walked up to her group. “I’m Y/N. Who are you?”
Tom felt a blush creep to the apples of his cheeks. He was in trouble and he knew it.
“Cat got your tongue?” she pressured again. Her American accent stood out like something he had never heard before. Her voice was soft, but rolled off her lips like honey. The girls around her started to giggle when Tom still hadn’t spoken.
“Y/N! Over here!” another Ilvermorny girl called from the entrance of the Great Hall.
“I guess I have to leave, but maybe I’ll see you tomorrow and get to know your name.” With a wink of her E/C eyes, she brushed past him. Tom stood there, still speechless. What had gotten into him? He was usually always able to talk to everyone! He was the one who gave Cedric tips when he got nervous!!
Speaking of Cedric, he had seen the whole thing.
“That did not go nearly as well as you planned it, huh?” Cedric asked as he patted Tom on the shoulder. “For a second there, you looked more embarrassed than the Weasley twins, who you seamlessly ignored.” Cedric couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the predicament. Tom was usually pretty smooth with the ladies at Hogwarts. “If it helps man, she isn’t even veela…so that was just all you blubbering.”
Tom groaned as he flopped onto the bench where the beautiful girl once stood. “That doesn’t help, Cedric,” Tom emphasized his name. “That means that I just completely lost it.”
“You always have tomorrow. Dumbledore is picking the champions, remember?” Cedric pointed out.
“Right, tomorrow.” Tom had some more motivation. He was determined and antsy. Cedric even caught him talking to the mirror. “You would think that you would be more nervous about being picked as Hogwarts’ champion,” he had even commented.
Halloween was bursting with energy. The students could not stop talking about the champion selection at the feast later that evening. Tom on the other hand couldn’t wait for his next interaction with Y/N. He was going to be ready this time.
His leg bounced furiously as his head darted from the door of the Great Hall and back to his plate. The feast hadn’t started, but it was suddenly very interesting.
“Hey, Holland,” Cedric nudged Tom with a whisper. “Look.”
Tom’s breath caught in his throat as he saw Y/N walking towards the Hufflepuff table. “Ced! Ced! Laugh like I said something funny,” Tom pleaded.
“No way. I am not doing that. Just talk to her…” Cedric urged.
Before Tom could retort, Y/N placed a hand on the table and leaned, very casually and easily, across from Tom.
“You got a name yet?” she joked. Tom sat there staring. No girl had ever had this much gusto when talking to Tom. He was the one that left them speechless.
Cedric did what any best friend would do and elbowed Tom’s arm.
“Uhh, yeah, yeah. I’m Tom,” he managed.
“Well, Tom. Is anyone sitting here? My friends and I were told to sit anywhere and it seems that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have taken over that table-“ Y/N pointed to where the Slytherins sat. “and that table.” She now pointed to the Ravenclaws. “But, this one seems pretty good to me.”
“N-nope. No one else is sitting here. It’s just Cedric and I and whoever comes, but yeah, go ahead and sit, please.” Great, now Tom couldn’t stop talking. It seemed to be okay though, Y/N was laughing as she motioned for her friends to join her.
“So you all have houses here too right? Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff?” Y/N asked once Dumbledore had given his speech and made all the food for the feast appear.
“Yeah, how’d you know that?” Cedric responded. Luckily, conversation began to flow smoothly and Tom wasn’t tripping over his words nearly as much, key word being nearly.
“I did my studying before coming here. Of course I had to do my research to even get Ilvermorny the chance to compete.” She laughed.
“You’re the one who did that?” Tom blurted out. “I heard there were rumors that a student was the one who petitioned for you all to come.”
“Oh yeah!” Y/N’s friend, Michell, as Tom had learned, started. “Y/N was determined to get us into this competition. Only the best of the best at Ilvermorny were allowed to come. We practiced potential scenarios for the tournament throughout September and most of this month!” Michelle bragged.
“Shut up,” Y/N laughed. A rose color invaded her cheeks. Tom inhaled deeply as he took in her beautiful smile and the sound of her laugh. Feeling the knowing glance of Cedric, Tom shook himself out of it.
“I will not!” Michelle continued. “She’s ambitious and always looking for adventure.”
“Okay, Michelle. You essentially just described my house at school!”
“You all have houses too?” Tom asked intrigued.
“Oh yeah. Four like Hogwarts, but all named after magical creatures. Wampus, Horned Serpent, Pukwudgie, and the Horned Serpents. People even say that the four y’all have align with our four.”
“And what are your houses then?” Cedric asked.
“Michelle and I are both in Thunderbird, but we have people here from all the houses.” Y/N explained. “Her house must align with Ravenclaw. She knows so much,” Tom thought to himself.
“If they all align, which Hogwarts house is most similar to yours?” Cedric continued as if he was reading Tom’s mind.
“There is some debate since they don’t match up perfectly, but ours is supposedly Slytherin. We’re ambitious like they are and the thunderbird supposedly favors the adventurer, so that’s us,” Y/N grinned.
Tom wanted to keep asking about school in the United States, but he was interrupted by Dumbledore rising from his seat.
“Attention students! We will now be selecting the champions from each of the four schools!”
Walking towards the Goblet, Dumbledore waved his arms to cause fire to raise from it. A slip of paper burst through the flames. Although it was singed at the edges, Dumbledore caught it. Tom watched enthusiastically as Dumbledore called both Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour.
It wasn’t until Hogwarts’ champion was called that Tom truly lost it.
“WOOHOO!!! Let’s go, CEDRIC!” he whooped and hollered. He couldn’t stop himself from patting Cedric on the back as the boy stood to join the other champions in the room off of the Great Hall.
“Now, for Ilvermorny, our sister school that we are happy to have with us!” Dumbledore announced. “Ilvermorny’s champion is MICHELLE JONES!”
Tom heard the ecstatic shriek come from Y/N’s mouth as her best friend stood up to join Cedric. When all the cheering from the Hufflepuff table finally settled down however, the Goblet lit up again. It announced that a fifth champion was to compete – Harry Potter. Tom felt a surge of anger flow through him. He couldn’t help this. The TriWizard Tournament was supposed to be Cedric Diggory’s time to shine as the only Hogwarts champion.
Once he finally calmed down and Harry was out of sight, the rest of the students began to rise from their seats and return to their dorms. Before Tom could escape from his thoughts, Y/N interrupted them.
“Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other with our best friends as champions, huh?”
“I guess so. Prepare for a little smack talk from our side of the table.”
“You really found the counter curse to langlock then, huh? Don’t you worry. I sure like a challenge.” Once again, Y/N winked before leaving Tom without a chance to respond.
Oh, this one was definitely going to be trouble for Tom, but he had the rest of the year to figure her out. She may be ready for a challenge, but so was Tom.
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If you’re still taking requests, could you write a Tom x reader. the reader being a ballerina, like they still have a job but they’ve been doing ballet on the side. And Tom and them just practice and stuff on the weekends? 💗👁👄👁 🩰
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Sorry if you wanted more of a drabble rather than headcanons but I couldn’t figure out a good storyline i’m so sorry :’)
That boy is flexible
And it scares me
I feel threatened
Honestly he looks like he’d be clumsy af like he looks like the type to walk through your front door and trip over a chair and throw his drink across the room bc he fell and then the side table breaks bc his knee hit it and you’re standing there like ://
he broke that chair by just reaching forwards in it
But he’s had so much training and practice so when he’s like hehe I’ll practice with u you’re like hmm ok
And somehow
That man manages to not break his legs
Or yours
He’s prob the type to wear ratty tennis shoes and jeans to ballet practice and you’re staring at him like ಠ_ಠ
He realizes that now you’re a duo and immediately is like let’s do the dirty dancing routine
You’re like dude that’s not really typical ballet but-
Ten minutes later he’s vaulting himself into your arms and you’re sitting there like wait a second you’re strong af why aren’t you lifting me-
uses plies as an excuse to slut drop
sorry I don’t feel like using the accent kgjdafd i used to do ballet but i’m too lazy to write it correctly
you don’t rip your hair out of your head (if you have long enough hair) in those stupid buns if you don’t have to
But sometimes it gets in your way
Seriously tho those buns hurt
But then he’s like i mean if you’re gonna do a bun do it all the way
so he takes out your loose bun and proceeds to tear your hair out of your head
You’re like bRO O W and he’s like idk what u want me to do 
So you yank his hair up into a lil ponytail so that he also feels your pain
He looks like a sprout
He sheds a tear ngl he’s pretty weak 
He acts all tough but then you accidentally step on his toe with your pointe shoe (if you work with pointe shoes) and he’s like it is now my time to leave this earth
buys you both matching leg warmers
Expects you to wear them every single weekend
Gets upset when you don’t
He shows up the first time in a tutu like um where’s yours
‘I thought this was ballet’
Definitely spends most of the time wrapping his arms and legs around the bar and hanging off of it like a sloth
He’s giggling the whole time
he’s a child :’)
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kalimagik · 4 years
Today begins the long weekend and therefore my “100 followers fic weekend celebration” (super wordy but I have no idea what to call it)
The first fix of the weekend will be out in just a few hours! It’s called Cat Got Your Tongue? And it’s a great mix for Tom Holland and Harry Potter fans! (Hogwarts!au)
Check back later to give it a read 💕 hope everyone’s having a great day!
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