#hogwarts x ilvermorny
gce-hiiragimare · 10 days
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thatsoanjie · 17 days
When the wind settles
Sebastian Sallow x reader
Summary : After Ranrok was ended, a Goblin rebellion happened. This is 5 months after the rebellion, and everyone thought you were gone for good. Sebastian revisits Feldcroft in an attempt to find traces of you again, not knowing what's to come.
Word count : 1.5k
Notes : This one was a little heavier to write! Just had to get this one out of my mind.
TW : Mentions of su!c!dal ideation... read at your own discretion.
Read my disclaimer and fair use notice here
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The ruins of Feldcroft lay still, a silent testament to the war that had ravaged the land. The village, once vibrant with life, was now a graveyard of memories, its cottages reduced to charred skeletons, its streets choked with debris. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and ashes, a grim reminder of all that had been lost. Snow had begun to fall again, soft and steady, as if the sky itself was mourning.
Sebastian Sallow stood in the center of what had once been his home, his heart as cold and lifeless as the stones scattered around him. It had been five months since the final battle of the Goblin Rebellion, five months since he had lost almost everything that mattered. Ominis and Anne were safe, and for that, he was grateful, but the knowledge did nothing to fill the void inside him.
Because you were gone.
The thought was a knife in his chest, a pain that had become as familiar as his own heartbeat. You had been his anchor, his hope, his everything. And now you were nothing more than a memory—a ghost that haunted his every waking moment. They had told him you were dead, that you had been lost in the chaos of the battle, your body never found. He had refused to believe it at first, had scoured the wreckage for any sign of you, but as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the terrible truth had settled in.
You were gone. And there was nothing he could do to change that.
The guilt was a constant companion, a weight he could never shake. You had been the best of them, the light that had kept him going through the darkest times. And now that light was extinguished, leaving him to stumble through the shadows alone.
He had come back to Feldcroft because there was nowhere else to go. The world outside was trying to rebuild, to move on, but Sebastian was stuck in the past, trapped in a moment that he couldn’t escape. The ruins of Feldcroft were all that was left of his old life, a desolate reflection of the emptiness he carried inside him. 
He wandered through the village, his steps slow and heavy, his mind lost in the memories of what had once been. He could still see it, as if the echoes of the past were imprinted on the air—the laughter of children playing in the streets, the warm glow of lanterns in the windows, the scent of freshly baked bread wafting from the cottages. But those memories were like ghosts, insubstantial and fleeting, impossible to hold on to.
Just like you.
Sebastian’s breath hitched as he reached the edge of the village, where the land sloped down toward the river. This had been your favorite spot, the place where you had always come to find peace, to escape from the burdens of the world. He could almost see you there, standing by the water, your hair catching the light as you turned to smile at him.
But it was just a memory. Just another ghost.
He closed his eyes, the ache in his chest unbearable. He didn’t know how to keep going without you, didn’t want to keep going. The world was a darker place without you in it, and he was so tired of stumbling through the shadows, of trying to find his way in a world that no longer made sense.
But then, through the silence, he heard it—a sound so soft, so faint, that at first, he thought it was just the wind. But it came again, more distinct this time, a footstep crunching in the snow behind him.
His heart stopped, his breath catching in his throat. He turned slowly, afraid to look, afraid to hope. And then he saw you.
You were standing just a few feet away, your figure half-hidden by the falling snow, your eyes wide with shock and something else—something that mirrored the grief and yearning that had been eating away at him for so long.
For a moment, he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. His mind struggled to process what he was seeing, to reconcile the image of you standing before him with the brutal reality he had been living in. It couldn’t be real. You were gone. You were a ghost.
“Sebastian,” you whispered, your voice trembling as if you, too, were afraid that this was just a dream, that you might wake up at any moment and find yourself alone again.
He shook his head, his eyes wide with disbelief. “You’re not real,” he said, his voice breaking as he took a step back, his hands trembling at his sides. “You can’t be real.”
“Sebastian, it’s me,” you insisted, your voice thick with emotion as you took a step toward him, your hand reaching out as if to reassure him, to prove that you were real, that you were here.
He flinched, his heart pounding in his chest as he stared at you, his mind screaming that this couldn’t be happening, that you were just a figment of his imagination, conjured by his grief and longing. “You’re dead,” he whispered, his voice raw with the pain that had been festering inside him for months. “They told me you were dead.”
“I almost was,” you admitted, your voice barely more than a breath. “I was hurt, Sebastian—badly. But I survived. I made it to one of the camps, and they healed me. After that, I helped wherever I could—healing, rebuilding, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. But my work there was done, I had nothing keeping me there. I had to find you.”
He stared at you, his heart breaking all over again at the sight of the tears in your eyes, the grief and love that shone in them. “I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered, his voice trembling with the weight of his emotions. “I thought you were gone, and I didn’t know how to keep going without you.”
You took another step closer, your hand brushing against his arm, warm and solid and so achingly real. “I’m here now,” you whispered, your voice filled with a quiet, unshakable determination. “We’re both here, Sebastian. We survived.”
He swallowed hard, his throat tight with the tears he had been holding back for so long. “It should’ve been me,” he choked out, the words slipping out before he could stop them. “You didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve to suffer like that. I should’ve been the one to die, not you.”
“No,” you said firmly, your voice laced with a fierce, desperate kind of love. “Don’t you ever say that, Sebastian. We both fought, we both survived. And now we’re here. Alive.”
He hesitated, his heart warring with his mind, his grief and guilt battling against the overwhelming relief of having you in his arms again. “I thought I’d lost you,” he repeated, his voice breaking as he finally let himself believe what he was seeing, let himself believe that you were really here, that this wasn’t just a cruel trick of his imagination.
You reached up, your hand cupping his cheek, your touch grounding him, anchoring him in the reality of the moment. “I’m right here,” you whispered, your voice trembling with the depth of your emotions. “And I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you, Sebastian. Not now. Not ever.”
He couldn’t hold back any longer. With a broken sob, he pulled you into his arms, holding you as tightly as he could, as if he could somehow make up for all the lost time, for all the moments he had thought he would never have with you again. You clung to him just as fiercely, your tears soaking into his shirt as you buried your face in his chest, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you tried to steady yourself.
“I love you,” he whispered, the words spilling out of him in a rush, as if he had been holding them back for too long. “I love you. I should have told you before, but I was too scared, too afraid of what might happen. But I’m not going to make that mistake again.”
“I love you too,” you whispered, your voice trembling with the weight of the words. “I always have, Sebastian. And I’m not going to let you go. Not now. Not ever.”
He kissed you then, slow and deep, pouring all of his love, all of his grief, all of his yearning into that one kiss. It was a kiss filled with the promise of tomorrow, with the hope of a future that he had thought was lost. And as he held you in his arms, surrounded by the ruins of Feldcroft, the wind swirling around you like a shroud, he knew that he had found you again.
And that was enough.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Requests are open.
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I have the idea that Hogwarts does an international 4 month long school exchange every student can be involved in during their 6th year. Ngl haven’t actually wrote anything but here are the schools I would have them go to!
James - Pacific Islands School
Albus - Mahoutokoro (Japan)
Lily - Uagadou (Uganda)
Teddy - Durmstrang (Scandinavia)
Vic - Beauxbatons (France)
Dom - Caribbean Islands School
Louis - Ilvermorny (USA)
Rose - Ilvermorny (USA)
Hugo - Beauxbatons (France)
Roxanne - Pacific Islands School
Fred - Castelobruxo (Brazil)
Molly - Durmstrang (Scandinavia)
Lucy - Castelobruxo (Brazil)
Scorpius - Mahoutokoro (Japan)
Alice - Uagadou (Uganda)
Frank - Caribbean Islands School
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xoxonxo · 3 months
ron weasley x ilvermorny transfer? friends to lovers where we see a lot of their friendship/dynamic with some relationship fluff too! I also see reader being like best friends w the twins😇 thank u angel
everything has changed
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a/n: no warnings, hope you like it ml !! 2.3k+
version on AO3
She felt a loud smack on the cold, polished wooden surface that had etched intricate designs. The young woman’s neck swiveled left and right before catching a glimpse of red hair towering over her. She dug her fingers into her hair and sighed before managing to mumble out an incoherent string of words. “Do you two ever get tired of teasing me?” The twins exchanged smirks, glancing at one another before replying simultaneously, “Never.” She scoffed, shoving a half-eaten piece of toast thinly coated in marmalade into her mouth. Fred and George sat themselves beside her, beginning to chatter about the upcoming Quidditch season. “Are you going the game?” George asked. A sigh left her mouth, clearing her throat and shaking her head, “No, George. I already told you I have to catch up on all my European Magic History, they taught it differently at Ilvermorny.” She turned to her side, facing Ron’s plate, with was piled with scones and biscuits served throughout the table. “Blimey, [Y/N], is there anything they taught you correctly at that ridiculous school? First no Quidditch, and now American Magic History— its an outrage.” She smiled wryly as she pressed a warm mug to her lips, taking a sip of her odd-tasting coffee. “Good morning to you too, Ron.” The boy scrunched his nose as he took a large bite from a blueberry scone, letting the crumbs fall onto his lap. “You’re gross, seriously Ron. Did your mother forget to teach you manners?”, she teased, shaking her head mockingly. Fred shot her a defensive glare, then returned to his conversation with George. “That’s rich coming from you. Insulting my own mother.” He crossed his arms before the two suppressed a slight laugh. Taking one last sip from her bitter coffee, she stood up from from the bench and reached for her knitted, black bag, “I think I should start getting to Potions, I might get lost again,” she added with a smile. The twins nodded, diving back to their discussion about the House Cup. Ron barley acknowledged her, too engrossed in the selection food mounted on his plate. She grinned at Ron’s appetite, then turned around and sighed to herself.
It was going to be a long day.
Potions, was nothing short of a nuisance for any Gryffindor on Snape’s bad side, especially if you were acquainted with Harry Potter in any way, shape, or form. His story shook her; back home, there wasn’t ever a renowned Dark Wizard who terrorized the magical community, (or at least not one she knew of). [Y/N] possibly couldn’t understand how Snape hated Harry, even after everything he went through, but being friends with Fred and George, meant being friends with Ron, which inevitably meant being friends with Harry. The eerie atmosphere of the classroom sent shivers down her spine as she settled into her chair, reaching in her bag’s contents for her Potions textbook. She flipped the pages open, her fingers delicately tracing the leather and stitched letterings on its spine. The clocktower chimed, indicating the start of the class session. She glanced to her left and watched as Ron plopped himself in the empty chair besides her. [Y/N] felt goosebumps rise on her neck as the footsteps behind her swooshed behind her. Her breath quickened before she heard Ron’s book hit the marbled floor, “Late again, Weasley.” Her posture straightened as Snape paced behind her and Ron, his voice echoed coldly. “Twenty points from Gryffindor. If you happen to be late again, I would have no choice but to deduct fifty more.” She grimaced at the deduction before Snape sharply turned towards her, his eyes narrowing in her direction, “I would suppose that in Ilvermorny they too punish tardiness, [Y/L/N]. I would keep an eye on your little friends in the future if you’d like to have a chance at getting third place in the House Cup. There will be no exceptions.” Her throat tightened as Snape walked away and stood near the front of the classroom. Her eyes trailed over to Ron, who was uttering curses under his breath. She snorted, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “Could you try to be a couple seconds earlier next time?” Ron scoffed, leaning towards hers, “I was only late because of Hermione. She was bloody furious when she found out I copied from her essay. What was I ‘posed to do? It’s mental, really.” She shook her head, biting her inner cheek, in order to stifle her laugh, “Next time you can copy mine, just, please try to be on time.” Ron’s face brightened, meeting a stern look from Snape, causing him to clear his throat. “Erm, yeah. I’d appreciate that, [Y/N], really.” Potions seriously couldn’t go by faster.
By the time lunch had rolled around, [Y/N] felt famished. Potions felt like it had lasted hours on end, and Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Umbridge was tedious as ever. She plopped herself on the freshly mowed grass near the Great Lake, sighing with relief as she leaned back against the dark oak tree. She pressed her knees against her stomach clutching her stomach as it growled back at her. “Have some.” Fred sat himself in front of her, and the handed her a loosely wrapped sandwich and an unopened bottle of pumpkin juice, while George pulled out a bottle of his own, “You’re gonna need it.” Gratefully, she took what was handed to her and scarfed it down. “Thanks, Fred,” she spoke in between her bites, “I thought I was going to die if I had to be in Snape’s class any longer.” After washing her food down with the remaining pumpkin juice, [Y/N] skimmed the area around her. In the distance, she caught eye of a familiar group walking her way, followed by bickering getting closer.
“Harry is focused on Quidditch too, Hermione! You don’t seem to care.” Ron’s voice cut through the air. “Yes, Ronald, but Harry didn’t forget to turn in the paper for our group assignment! Get your head out of that stupid sport, and please, for the love of Merlin, when we go to Hogsmeade this weekend, you better remember to finish reading the latest chapter on Jinxes.”Ron’s nose scrunched as he and Hermione settled beside the twins, “Hogsmeade?” Hermione paused, briefly taken aback by [Y/N]’s question, then cleared her throat,“Yes, Hogsmeade. Haven’t you been there before?” Fred and George exchanged glances, preparing to interject before Ron spoke up.“You can come,” he spoke quickly before glancing down at his lap, “I mean, it would be your first time and it would be fun.” Fred smirked, elbowing his twin’s side, “Oh, I’m sure it would be,” causing George to grin mischievously. [Y/N] nodded eagerly, almost honored by his invitation. “I would like that, Ron.” The twins, almost instantly faced [Y/N], forming plans and ideas about what to do when the day arrived. “You still have to finish your homework, Ronald,” Hermione added in a sing-song voice before returning to the book propped up on her lap, eliciting a long groan out of Ron.
To say she had been excited to go to Hogsmeade was an understatement. For the rest of the week, she pestered Fred and George over what shops they were planning on visiting, checked in with Harry if he was tagging along, and even had Hermione help her with her outfit. When the day had arrived, it was warm and clear. “Fred, George! Over here!” She waved enthusiastically until the twins had spotted her. “I haven’t seen you this excited since I told you that there was a class for Magical Creatures,” George snorted, crossing his arms, “Harry, Ron, and Hermione should be here any minute. They got caught up.” The three watched the path expectantly before hearing voices behind them. “Ready to go?”Harry and Ron strolled towards them, Hermione following closely behind. [Y/N] turned around almost instantly and grinned, “Obviously.” Once they arrived to Hogsmeade, she felt her heart begin to race. There were rows of small shops with colorful displays to catch the attention of younger students from Hogwarts, and bustling crowds bumping shoulders on their way to get somewhere. It was practically everything she had dreamed of. Eventually, they had split up— Harry, Ron, and Hermione decided to get some supplies they needed while Fred and George gave her a quick tour of the place before heading to the three broomsticks. [Y/N] had spent a small fortune for sweets at Honeydukes, stylish robes at Madam Malkin’s, and supplies for her pet owl she had run out of. As they stepped into the pub, the three walked over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione who had already ordered a round of Butterbeer for the six of them. “Blood Hell, [Y/N]! Did you buy all of Hogsmeade? How many bags do you have,” Ron exclaimed, his eyes wide. She rolled her eyes as she settled into her seat, grabbing the jug of Butterbeer and bringing it to her lips. “Seven. I was going to share the caramel fudge I bought, but since you decided to be an arse I suppose you wont be getting any.” She wiped off the foam from her lips with the back of her wrist, ignoring the gasps and apologizes coming from Ron. Fred and George exchanged a look and cackled, causing Harry and Hermione to join in he laughter.“Uh, you have a bit of,” Ron began, leaning in to wipe off the smear of sweet foam she had left on her lip with his thumb. The touch was brief, but didn’t fail to send a shiver down her spine, causing her ears to turn pink. The pub went quieted briefly, all but a couple whispers and clinks of glasses were heard. She felt her face heat up as she managed to clear her throat, “Thank you.” Ron laughed nervously, “No problem.” He returned to his own Butterbeer and chugged the rest, calling the bar keeper to bring him another. “Merlin, Ron. You’re hopeless,” George added, causing [Y/N] to look away. Sensing the tension, Hermione smiled sternly and faced [Y/N], “I think you should come to the Quidditch game, [Y/N]. It would be nice having someone watch with me.” She glanced at the eager twins before letting a soft sigh escape her mouth, “Fine, I’ll go. But don’t expect me to understand anything.” As the chatter in the pub resumed its buzz, Ron and [Y/N] exchanged glances, smiling.
The first Quidditch game of the season happened to be Gryffindor against Slytherin, which was highly anticipated. Hermione and [Y/N], who happened to be decked out in everything Gryffindor or red they could find, sat near the front. The student section was roaring with excitement, cursing at the other side, and cheering for their own. She knew very little about the game— Harry, the Seeker had to catch the snitch; Fred and George were something called Beaters; and that Ron was a Keeper. To be quite frank, she didn’t know half of the rules. She didn’t understand what each position did, or how they were different, and was baffled as to why the game ended once the Snitch was caught— because wouldn’t that make everything else in the game pointless? But she didn’t dare ask Hermione because all she could do was stare at Ron. She barely noticed that the game had started if it weren’t for Ron flying over Harry to get to his position by the goalpost. Points were scored on both sides, though there were times that [Y/N] had thought Gryffindor was wrongfully penalized (or maybe she was quite biased). The cheers from the stands were deafening. For a game that she didn’t care about, she was on the edge of her seat for the entirety of the match. Suddenly, two hours into the game, the crowd erupted into cheers, but [Y/N] couldn’t keep her eyes off Ron. He took over her mind ever since Hogsmeade—or maybe ever before. Hermione shook her, pointing excitedly to Harry, who had the snitch in his hand, showcasing it to his teammates and the Gryffindor student section. She began to cheer as fellow Gryffindors raced into the field, congratulating Harry. But [Y/N] knew who she looking for. The twins ran over to her, asking her if she saw the times they made a goal, she nodded absentmindedly and smiled as she scanned the field for red hair. She glanced to her left and saw Ron. He was sweaty, and his hair was pushed back. She waisted no time and made her way to him, oblivious to the screams of her name coming from behind her. “Ron!” she called out to him, breathless as she approached him. He turned towards her, his toothy grin spreading across his face. “You did it!” with a swift motion, he pulled her by the waist and pressed his lips against hers, cupping her cheek. The kiss caught her off guard, leaving her breathless, melting at his touch. Before she could react he pulled away, his expression mixed with smugness and satisfaction. “Sorry, I had to do that.” He searched her eyes for any hesitation. She grabbed his shirt in a twist and pulled him closer, kissing him once more. This time the kiss was hungrier, letting her hands tangle into his hair as he pulled her by the waist. When they pulled away once more, she attempted to conceal her excitement by biting her lip, but then quickly gave up and laughed. The sounds of triumph and celebration resumed as Ron’s thumb traced her jawline. “You know,” He started, as he brushed a loose strand of hair from her face, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” Red coated her cheeks, letting her gaze settle on his, “I’m glad you did.” Fred and George interrupted them with a loud roar. Fred nudged at his twin’s side, his hand outstretched, “Five galleons, George,” they chuckled.
They won their first match, but Ron won [Y/N]’s heart too.
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For all of you who only ever wanted a place to fit in and be accepted as yourself.
You are safe here.
Chapter One
Lorelei Raywood, of 211 Lovelace Ave, was proud to say that she was utterly paranormal, thank you very much. She was one of the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, but she frequented what most would call ‘nonsense’ daily.
Lorelei was a witch, a title she carries with pride, and attends Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A bright girl for her age, she had wild curly hair that she felt did not match her personality one bit, and rich brown eyes that complimented her skin tone that was darker than her mother’s, yet lighter than her father’s. She also inherited her father’s slightly bulbous nose and mother’s thinner lips, along with her oval face and slender build. Sitting at her favorite seat, by her bedroom window, Lorelei looks up from reading to notice that some of the leaves were starting to decay which meant the coming of fall and another year of learning. This time of year always reminded her of her first year at school, and with it how her life changed for the better.
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The air was warm and the sky was clear, a shade of blue Lorelei could still recall. Her family had insisted upon taking a well deserved summer vacation on the cape after her mother got a promotion. She had just turned eleven the September before, feeling a new wave of responsibilities she wanted to prove herself of that came with the new number. Amber Raywood had just gotten her daughter and herself hotdogs and large fries to share while her husband was on the hunt for some pizza. Busy dipping some fries in ketchup, Amber failed to notice her only child getting up and walking towards the low tide. It wasn’t until the screaming of a group of older women caught her attention did she look up.
What she saw was her daughter surrounded by parted waves, and seagulls flying around her in a tornado like movement. Fueled with the adrenaline only a mother could possess, Amber took action running towards Lorelei and scooping her up and away from the food crazy birds. As soon as she stirred her daughter from whatever fog came over her, the gulls flew away and the water came splashing down on them, luckily only reaching Lorelei’s waist.
When her husband came back, pizza slice in hand, Amber recounted the odd anomaly that almost cost them their child’s life. Anyone told this would have believed them, especially with the hysteric look in their partner’s eyes. But those wouldn’t be the parents of Lorelei Raywood.
She remembers it very differently. After settling down with her hotdog and questioning if the substance put into it could be called ‘meat’, the sound of a gull’s cry made her look up. Her eyes met that of a pristine white seagull, with impossibly smooth feathers and not a single speck of dirt or debris on it. What made her quietly gasp however was what the seabird was holding; an envelope as white as its plumage she would have missed it, if not for the ruby red stamp.
Getting up slowly, so as not to disturb the creature, Lorelei made her way out into the water where it stood. Step by step she made her way to the bird, never once realizing her foot never made contact with the cool water she clearly recalls splashing around in not an hour before. Soon enough she reached the gull and ever so slowly bent down to pull the letter from his beak, but didn’t have to tug at all, simply receiving the milky envelope like it was meant for her and her alone. Looking the bird in the eye she tried to ask it questions through thought. Is this for me? Am I dreaming? Can you talk? All too soon however the enchanting moment was ripped from her, and so was she, as her mother scooped up her lithe body. Suddenly all of the water that was missing before came crashing back onto them and her mother trudged the two of them through the chilly sea back to the safety of land.
Later, Lorelei could vaguely hear her mother frantically tell her father what he missed and the danger she was in, but her attention was stuck on the soggy envelope in her hands. Wrapped in a big beach towel to dry off and sitting in her mom’s lounge chair all she could think about was what the contents of the letter held. The sound of her father’s deep voice trying to calm her mother down stirred her slightly of her reverie, not much, but enough to think about the incident and what she overheard her mother say.
It wasn’t dangerous.
It was magical.
On the car ride home Lorelei waited anxiously for the letter to dry so she could open it, biding her time by running over the red wax seal with an intricate design that resembled a four leaf clover in the center of a blooming rose. She was so mesmerized trying to visualize the little creatures adorning the four leaves that the silence caused by her parents’ unease didn’t bother her. When they finally got home she ran up to her room, her mom calling after her that she is in need of a shower to rinse the sand off, and plopped down on the very same window seat she currently sits in reminiscing. Taking her time so as not to rip open the envelope, Lorelei carefully slid her thumbnail under the seal, only to be startled when a mass of fuzzy gray fur decided to join her. Laughing at how scared he made her, Lorelei pet sweet Poe’s head giving him a good scratch behind his left ear, just how the cat likes it. With the adorable interruption curling up for a nap in her crossed legs, she again began to lift the wax seal to open the desperately awaiting message inside. With the seal peeled off and the envelope opened her thoughts and imagination were racing.
Could it be a sailor writing to his lost love from years ago?
Maybe there’s a shipwreck and the captain had to bride the seagull with his last bit of food to deliver the S.O.S.?
What if it’s from halfway around the world and she wouldn’t be able to read a speck of it?
There was only one way to find out. Finally, taking the folded up piece of paper out and leaving the envelope forgotten on the floor, Lorelei carefully unfolded it from its watered wrinkles. It wasn’t at all what she was expecting. She read, then reread, then read the letter for a third time trying to make sense of the words her eyes were seeing. Witchcraft? Me? A school? Huh?
After taking a moment to let what she read sink into her mind, the gears started turning. And they didn’t stop. So excited was Lorelei that she jumped up, knocking sweet Poe Bear onto the floor, and ran downstairs to the kitchen where her parents were quietly talking, letter in hand and yelling about how she’s a witch and can attend a special school where she can practice and perfect her craft. Although through the excitement it took a while for her parents to calm her down enough to understand what she was saying. And after they dismissed it not believing her, she gave them the letter, with her full name and address down to the, “second bedroom on the left” did they start to question. With plain joy written across her face, Lorelei looked to her parents for approval to attend the school come this fall. Her father, Ford Raywood, had a look of pure confusion and shock with a sprinkling of fear, mind racing that maybe a day in the sun took too much out of the three of them. Lorelei was surprised, however, to see an embarrassed, almost pitying look on her mothers face, the picture perfect example of someone caught taking a few extra cookies. When the silence became too overwhelming the couple looked to one another for an anchor, something to tell them that this was not happening. Was it? Amber Raywood was the first to speak in what felt like hours.
“Lovey, I think it's time I tell you something”.
The rest of that afternoon was spent with Lorelei and her father sitting on the couch in the den watching and listening to her mother pace back and forth trying to explain herself. It turns out, Lorelei is not the first witch in her family. Her mother, and her father before her, have gone to Ilvermorny to study the use and practice of magic. When asked about her realtor job she claims she was being honest, she just didn’t mention that her employer, Beaver & Clampitt, specialized in searching for homes for witches and wizards of Massachusetts. As Lorelei absorbed every detail from her frantic mother, her excitement grew with every new and thrilling thought to enter her head, she was practically bouncing with energy. Or maybe that was the magic in her veins? As for her father, well, he didn’t take the news too well. He felt betrayed by his spouse and her dishonesty, choosing for the first time ever to sleep on the couch instead of their shared bed; thinking back, Lorelei believes being called a ‘Muggle’ was the last straw. By the time her story was nearing its end, Amber confessed that she thought Lorelei would be a normal child, having already turned eleven that January with no sign of a letter. It struck her as odd that her mother would wish she was ‘normal’ and not wish her to live an absolutely enchanting life filled with literal magic. The thought was fleeting, especially since she was overjoyed to feel like this was the solution to her adolescent problems.
Having never fit in at school or with other kids her age, Lorelei spent many nights wishing for a place she could find and befriend people who were like her. Even though she didn’t know she was a witch, she always felt different. There were times she couldn’t make friends and had to spend lunch with various teachers, discussing topics her peers never seemed bothered with. Although the love life of Mrs. Fitherbee and her gardener were entertaining, Lorelei longed for friends she could talk about hair and boys with. Then there were the times she would start to achieve this depressing goal only to ruin it somehow. For example, in the second grade when Holly Caddel was nice enough to ask the girl sitting by herself at recess if she wanted to join her and her friends to play with the latest toy, Pupcakes, which Lorelei eagerly said yes to. Holly introduced her to her group of friends, before they all took a seat in the grass and one by one began to take out brightly colored dogs resembling cupcakes. One of the girls seated to Lorelei’s right, Olivia, was nice enough to even let her use an extra dog she had named Sprinklez. As the girl’s seemed to continue where they left off from the day before, the anxiety and nervousness to not seem like a freakazoid overwhelmed her thoughts so much that poor Sprinlez seemed to contain more stiffness than the plastic already had. Lorelei was nervous about how she would engage with the girls, but sweet sweet Holly took her dog, Toffee, saying she had found a new dog to join their pack. That was one of the best recess memories Lorelei has, playing with the other girls and laughing at the silly voices they gave their dogs. She felt calm getting lost in the story of how they need to befriend the Fudgeponies to stop Cookiecat from taking over the island of Cakeberry.
All too soon however, Lorelei’s nerves got the best of her. Having told Holly that the pack should meet the ponies for breakfast waffles to persuade them to join the Pupcakes’ cause, she looked to Holly and met her eyes, sharing her smile, and felt the warmth finally belonging in the world. The sound of the other girl’s screaming brought Lorelei crashing back to earth. She watched as Holly’s eyes looked down to her hand, and she too screamed with a look of terror in her hazel eyes.
Lorelei slowly looked down to her own hand, only to find that poor Sprinklez was no more. Instead a squirming rat, with the same markings as the dog had, was held in her hand begging to be released from her hold. Scared and unsure what to do, Lorelei dropped the rodent and watched as all the girls jumped up screaming as the poor creature ran away. In that moment she wished she could turn herself into a rat and follow her brethren though the fence and into the woods, never to be seen or embarrassed again.
No child was brave enough to sit next to the ‘rat girl’ for the rest of second grade, fearful they too might end up with the same fate as Sprinklez. Sometimes late at night, when her mind has more energy than her body, Lorlei remembers how lonely and outcast she felt having no one to practice fractions with. So the joy she felt for having an answer as to why weird things happened to her catapulted her mood into the stratosphere. Learning that there was an entire school filled with other kids like her was the cherry on top. For the first time in a long while, she was excited for the first day of school.
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Interrupted once again by Poe, Lorelei returned to the present moment and scratched his ear, noticing with sadness how his fur has more white to it than it did those years ago. Ever since that beach day,
A robin that frequents her mother’s bird feeder stops by for a late lunch. The sweet-tuned bird reminds her of her best friend at school who shares the same name, recalling the day they became friends and how attached at the hip they’ve been ever since. If there was one thing to be true, the thought of Robin Copper always brings a smile to Lorelei’s face.
The girls frequently chat at school, despite being in different houses, and have maintained their relationship by writing letters back and forth through Hawksley & Scarrow: birds for your words, a carrier service for witches and wizards to rent a local species of bird so as not to draw the attention of Muggles. All summer for the past three years they’ve been writing back and forth detailing all of their thoughts, feelings, and vacation stories, despite living only a few hours away.
Looking at her calendar pinned to her cork board, bailey winged butterflies danced in Lorelei’s stomach looking at the large, red circle around August 31st. The red marking signified the day her father would drop her off at Ichabod Lane where she would meet Robin and go school supply shopping for the new year.
“Just one more day to go”, she said to herself quietly, desperately waiting for this lonely summer to be over and to reunite with her best friend. Looking down in her lap at the gray and white Poe, Lorelei also sent a quiet prayer to whoever would listen.
Here’s hoping for easy sailing at Ilvermorny, 1997.
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qvnthesia · 1 year
We (Never Really) Live: Moonlit Great Lakes
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Cami has known Niklaus since she was seven. He was bright as the sun was in some of New York’s infamous scorchy summers — full of anger tempered by the compassion and love of Ansel’s upbringing. She was momentary as the moon, her head stuck in the books that had a home in her house’s library thanks to her uncle.
Now, Cami was fourteen — fiery, sharp, some of the best students in her year, and one with secrets so many it would invite gossip in surprise and danger lest she let them loose. And Niklaus was… he was confident, he was the harbour of safety and comfort in the storm surrounding her life. He could get her secrets out of her without even trying because, well… she had gone from wishing he looked at her all the time to having fallen for him in a time where another complication was the last thing she wanted.
Day 14 of AU-gust: Wizards & Witches.
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gif credits to @danielslaw
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Un hermoso secreto FIC (ESP) 2
Selene Grimm tiene dificultades para entrar al castillo, pero se ve recompensada con una oferta que la hará olvidar esa incomodidad.
El colegio Hogwarts de magia y hechicería, el colegio Ilvermorny de magia y hechicería y el mundo mágico de Harry Potter (incluidos los nombres de hechizos, criaturas mágicas, escuelas y lugares) le pertenecen a J.K Rowling. Sin embargo, Los personajes principales (Selene Grimm y Hazel Redwood) y algunos personajes secundarios (la familia Grimm, la familia Scratch, la familia Crow y la familia Redwood) me pertenecen :) Si esta historia tiene datos erróneos sobre el mundo mágico de Harry Potter, por favor háganmelo saber. Esta historia sería material para Rita Skeeter, estoy segura, Gracias y disfruten la historia <3
TAGS: OFC x OFC, personajes originales, romance, fluff, angst, wlw, drama, Hogwarts AU, Harry Potter AU, age gap, relación profesor/estudiante, uso de varitas, uso de magia oscura, uso de pociones, uso de maldiciones imperdonables, redeption arc.
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Sin pensarlo dos veces
Selene despertó muy temprano en la madrugada (de todos modos no pudo dormir mucho) y tomó un baño rápidamente para alistarse y desayunar. Sentía mucha curiosidad sobre aquel tema del director de Hogwarts, el famoso Albus Dumbledore. Selene sólo escuchó hablar de él como maestro por Marcus y por Blaise, Marcus tenía un buen concepto de él como maestro y persona mientras que Blaise lo consideraba aburrido y a veces no asistía a sus clases (cosa que dejaba a Marcus boquiabierto las primeras veces que Selene conversó con ellos sobre sus escuelas en las Tres Escobas). Decidió maquillarse para ese día, era muy extraño que un director de la escuela británica le envié un mensaje con tanto secretismo y quería dar una mejor impresión, tal vez necesitaría su ayuda o algo por el estilo, pero lo que Selene se preguntaba constantemente desde que abrió ese sobre fue ¿Cómo diablos supo quién era, cómo la encontró y cómo supo exactamente dónde se hospedaba? Aquello no dejaba de causarle confusión. No estaba segura si sería a través de Sylvester o de Marcus, tampoco estaba segura si ese hombre sabía del pasado vergonzoso de Selene como bruja oscura, algo ella misma llamaría una secta tenebrosa. El espejo reflejaba a una Selene más madura, algo agotada, tan pálida que posiblemente algunos magos hayan sospechado que ha sido convertida en vampiro, pero sin perder su característico atractivo. Sus facciones y los ángulos de su rostro parecían cuidadosamente talladas, y su nariz romana encajaba a la perfección con el resto de sus rasgos. Los mechones grises que adornaban su oscura cabellera la hacían ver incluso más atractiva e interesante, al punto de dejar a muchos magos y brujas voltear a verla en medio del callejón Diagon más de una vez. Se colocó su traje negro preferido y su túnica color púrpura que hacía juego con sus ojos, acompañada de un broche que brillaba justo en el botón que cerraba la túnica. Se dejó el cabello suelto a la altura de los codos y no dudó en usar sus botas de tacón alto. Selene se sentía algo confundida, pero extrañamente confiada. Asumió que pudo ser una idea en su mente sobre volver a ver su hijo o alguna oportunidad para asistir al castillo y poder interactuar con él, pero presentía que algo bueno vendría con esa curiosa invitación. Además, deseaba dejar bien parada a la escuela Ilvermorny, porque supuso que, de algún modo, Albus Dumbledore sabía dónde estudió.
"¿Ahora cómo diantres entro a ese colegio?"
Selene pagó por un par de días más en el Caldero Chorreante y salió hacia Londres a buscar una manera rápida de llegar, deseó que el director le haya permitido usar la red Flu, pero lamentablemente no fue el caso. Se paró en una calle con una pequeña maleta y levantó su varita cuando no habían muggles cerca, ni siquiera los ebrios que vagaban por la noche.
- Lumos.-Dijo Selene en voz baja, y en menos de dos parpadeos un bus de un tono morado apareció de la nada a toda velocidad, deteniéndose justo frente a Selene (estuvo a muy pocos centímetros de atropellarla). Algunas personas que iban adentro chocaron estrepitosamente entre ellas y muchas maletas, libros, y jaulas de lechuzas también cayeron violentamente. El vehículo tenía escrito "Autobús Noctámbulo" en letras doradas sobre su parabrisas.
"Oh, ¿hace cuánto que no me subo a uno de estos?" Pensó Selene al ver al bus detenerse. Selene había olvidado por completo la existencia de aquel medio de transporte, estuvo viajando mediante la aparición por tantos años que no recordaba que este bus podía llevarla cerca a Hogsmeade a comer algo, de ahí podría caminar hasta el castillo.
De ahí salió un mago serio con uniforme del mismo color que el bus, miró a Selene, a su varita, y procedió a abrir la boca para hablar.
- Bienvenida al autobús noctámbulo, transporte de emergencia para el brujo abandonado a su suerte, levante la varita, suba a bordo y lo llevaremos a donde quiera. Me llamo Quentin Birch, Estaré a su disposición esta noche.- Dijo muy seriamente el mago, como si lo estuviese leyendo en un papel. Selene recordó que dentro de ese bus no era recomendable pedir bebidas, así que se abstuvo de comprar chocolate caliente, al menos hasta antes de bajarse. El autobús estaba repleto de un montón de camas de latón ocupadas por magos y brujas de aspecto cansado. Algunos recogían sus maletas del suelo y otros trataban de calmar a sus lechuzas alteradas dentro de sus jaulas.
- Estación de Hogsmeade. - Dijo Selene.
- Son trece sickles, señora.- Dijo Quentin. - Disculpe…¿es usted de aquí?- preguntó Quentin, mirándola con curiosidad, al parecer había reconocido su acento.
- Soy estadounidense, pero vivo en Gran Bretaña desde hace más de diez años.
¡Vaya!- Exclamó el conductor, quien hasta ese entonces no había dicho una palabra. - ¿Entonces, usted estudió en el instituto de las Brujas de Salem?
- Iba a hacerlo al graduarme de Ilvermony. - Respondió Selene, sentándose en una de las numerosas camas de latón dentro del bus. - Pero decidí cambiar de aires y me mudé a Europa.
- Así que usted estudió en el colegio Ilvermorny, ¿eh? Interesante.- Dijo Quentin. - ¿también llevan defensa contra las artes oscuras? El auto avanzaba a la velocidad de la luz, esquivando edificios, autos, peatones, y hasta animales sin parar. Selene tuvo que cerrar un momento los ojos y sostenerse fuertemente para no sentirse mareada ni caerse. No quería estropear su túnica favorita.
- ¡Oh! sí, por supuesto. - Dijo Selene. - La diferencia es que nosotros llevamos esa asignatura desde el tercer año, aquí están dos años más adelantados.- Continuó Selene. - Mi hijo estudia ahí.- Añadió Selene, cambiando su tono a uno menos animado y algo melancólico. - Está en Slytherin.
El bus avanzó velozmente como si estuviese hechizado, haciéndose angosto mientras trataba de pasar por un camino demasiado estrecho y volviendo a la normalidad después, Selene no podía creer que ya estaba cerca a la estación cuando el conductor, un hombre de anteojos llamado Ernie, le dijo que se bajaría en la siguiente parada. Selene no podía aparecerse cerca del castillo porque jamás pisó los terrenos en persona, tampoco recordaba bien la estación de Hogsmeade ni cómo llegar desde la aldea de Hogsmeade, así que el autobús le fue de ayuda. Aquella sería la primera vez que visite Hogwarts.
Al bajarse del bus, tanto Quentin como Ernie se despidieron amablemente de Selene y el auto se fue antes de que Selene pudiese sacudir la mano. Selene caminó hacia la aldea de hogsmeade sólo para memorizar la ubicación y poder aparecerse nuevamente en la estación para recién caminar hacia el castillo. Selene se preguntó si Albus Dumbledore intentaba jugarle una broma pesada al no proporcionarle una manera más sencilla de llegar al castillo y hacerla pasar por un camino tan largo. Una parte de ella no podía culparlo, Selene pasó largos años usando sólo la aparición como medio de transporte y con propósitos perversos, sin embargo eso no impidió el fastidio de Selene al tener que hacer todo eso. Después de un almuerzo y cerveza de mantequilla en Las tres Escobas, Selene dio un corto paseo por las tiendas y se dijo a sí misma que después de aquella cosa intrigante que Dumbledore le diga, tomaría unos tragos en Cabeza de Cerdo, sentía que realmente lo necesitaba. Algunos magos atrevidos intentaron coquetear con Selene en Las tres Escobas con frases pobres y vergonzosas (uno de ellos le dijo directamente, en su cara, que le gustaban las "mujeres maduras"), pero Selene los mandó al diablo para después retirarse y comenzar su camino hacia el castillo, a pie.
Selene tuvo que seguir a una manada de Thestrals sin carruajes hacia el llamado "Sendero de entrada". El sendero resultó ser más largo de lo que Selene se imaginaba, y necesitó algunas cortas pausas para descansar, ver a los Thestrals no le resultó agradable en absoluto a Selene, que se pasó todo el camino recordando todas las veces en que usó la maldición asesina en magos, muggles, y unos duendes. Aunque ya había pasado el medio día, el sendero seguía viéndose tenebroso y opaco. El cielo gris lo iluminaba pobremente, una espesa niebla dificultaba la visión de Selene y los thestrals, a pesar de ser criaturas hermosas, hacían el ambiente aún más lúgubre. Tuvo que subir unas escaleras de piedra para llegar a una colina, Selene supuso que ya estaba cerca y el corazón volvió a acelerarse un poco cuando llegó a un lugar del terreno rodeado por piedras gigantes. "Ya no falta mucho" Se decía a sí misma Selene, tratando de animarse pensando en qué diablos haría en Hogwarts y si ese mensaje de Dumbledore tendría algo que ver con Sylvester. Llegó al puente cubierto y una enorme sonrisa se formó en su rostro cansado. Ni siquiera volvió a tomar otro descanso, Selene sólo siguió caminando por aquel largo puente hasta acercarse más a la gran torre del reloj. Ya casi era hora de la reunión, Selene aceleró el paso. "Excelente" Se dijo a sí misma Selene, en voz muy baja, cuando llegó al castillo. La puerta enorme se abrió sola y vio a una mujer alta de expresión seria. Llevaba una túnica color verde esmeralda, unos lentes cuadrados y un sombrero negro puntiagudo.
Usted debe ser la señora Grimm.- Dijo la mujer con una débil sonrisa. - Mi nombre es Minerva McGonagall, subdirectora de la escuela, profesora de Transformaciones y jefa de la casa Gryffindor. Acompáñeme a la oficina de director, por favor.
- Gracias.- Dijo Selene, sin tener la más mínima idea de qué decir y siguiendo a la subdirectora. Esa mujer había sido quien redactó la carta. Selene la siguió sin dejar de mirar todo a su alrededor. Las escaleras, los numerosos retratos que se movían, las estatuas, las armaduras en los rincones, todo era tal y como Marcus describió una vez, muchos años atrás.
- Estoy enterada de que usted es la madre del alumno Sylvester Scratch, señora Grimm.
- Así es, señora McGonagall.- Contestó Selene, algo nerviosa. ¿Y si esa mujer sabía de su pasado?
- Soy su maestra de transformaciones. No se le da mal la asignatura, convirtió con éxito un escarabajo en botón, pero el muchacho no deja de hablar de Quidditch.- Aquello le sacó una pequeña sonrisa a Selene. Desde que Sylvester era muy pequeño mostró un gran interés en el Quidditch. Marcus le compró una escoba de juguete cuando aún tenía dos años y hacía desastres en la sala (Marcus se encargaba de arreglar todo, por un acuerdo entre él y Selene).
- Me imagino. - Dijo Selene. - Le fascina el Quidditch desde que aprendió a hablar y caminar.
- Tiene sentido, su padre es un famoso cazador - Respondió McGonagall. - ¿A usted también le interesa el Quidditch?- Preguntó McGonagall.
- Solía interesarme cuando era estudiante, pero después de mudarme a Europa no me he subido a una escoba, ha pasado mucho tiempo. - Contestó Selene mientras ambas mujeres seguían caminando por los pasillos de Hogwarts. Selene no dejaba de sorprenderse con lo grande que eran ese lugar si se preguntaba si alguna vez Sylvester se ha perdido ahí (Selene no podría volver a la puerta de entrada aunque lo intentase después de tantas vueltas). McGonagall se detuvo frente a una gárgola y enseguida dijo algo.
- Pastel de limón.- Dijo McGonagall y la gárgola giró para mostrar una escalera de caracol de piedra. - Sígame, por favor.
Selene y la profesora McGonagall subieron por esa escalera de caracol que las condujo al despacho del director, el cual parecía más una inmensa y elegante biblioteca con dos escaleras al lado del escritorio. Un mago anciano con una larga barba y anteojos de media luna estaba sentado en el escritorio donde también estaba parada un ave fénix de plumas color carmesí y una cola dorada. Ese mago era Albus Dumbledore.
- Ha llegado la señora Grimm.- Dijo McGonagall. El hombre sólo mostró una débil sonrisa y abrió la boca para hablar.
- Gracias, Minerva. Bienvenida, señora Grimm. Pase, siéntese, por favor. Dijo Dumbledore, invitándola con caballerosidad y con un encantamiento no verbal hizo que la silla que estaba del otro lado del escritorio se mueva para que Selene pueda sentarse.
- Gracias, director. - Dijo Selene, después de aclararse la garganta. - Es un castillo muy grande, es la primera vez que lo visito.
- Así es, señora Grimm, espero que pueda acostumbrarse a los pasillos precisamente por el tema que quiero tocar con usted.
- Oh - Dijo Selene. - Por supuesto, quería saber en qué puedo ayudarle. Me imagino que usted sabe que yo soy…- Selene no pudo terminar la frase porque Dumbledore habló enseguida.
- La madre del joven Scratch, así es. Como alguna vez habrá oído, los estudiantes de Hogwarts son admitidos desde su nacimiento y sólo a los once años reciben la carta. Lamento ser imprudente, señora Grimm, pero también estoy enterado de que usted no estuvo presente el día en que el señor Scratch recibió su carta. Selene no dijo nada, quería responder pero aquella última frase la dejó helada.
- Sólo para que lo tenga presente, y no pretendo asustarla, también estoy enterado de las actividades que usted ha realizado en compañía de una ex alumna de Hogwarts hasta hace poco. La señora Blaise Crow.- Dijo Dumbledore, Selene no sabía si era idea suya o el director le estaba hablando en un tono acusatorio. Escuchar el nombre de Blaise Crow de alguien más la hizo sentir un fastidio que no podía describir con palabras, un rechazo inmenso.
- Sobre eso…señor Dumbledore…- Selene intentaba articular sus frases pero Dumbledore volvió a interrumpirla.
- Este largo camino que usted ha tenido que cruzar no fue casualidad, señora Grimm, y me disculpo, pero sentía que necesitaría un poco más de desafío para lo que deseo pedirle, o más bien, ofrecerle. - Esta vez usó un tono más amable, Selene estaba algo confundida. Al parecer Dumbledore la hizo pasar por el sendero a pie a propósito.
- Como usted sabe, en toda la comunidad mágica, las artes oscuras están terminantemente prohibidas y a pesar de que usted ha lanzado maldiciones imperdonables más de una vez, y ha ayudado a la señora Crow a salir de Azkaban, también entiendo que desea, genuinamente, volver al buen camino. Selene titubeó, pero pudo contestar.
- A-así es, yo no deseo volver a practicar las…artes oscuras.
- La entiendo, señora Grimm. Más de lo que usted imagina, y por eso lo que deseo ofrecerle es un puesto en esta escuela. Selene abrió mucho los ojos del asombro. ¿Trabajar en Hogwarts? Su corazón se aceleró después de escuchar aquellas palabras. El ave fénix no volteó a ver a Selene en ningún momento.
- Un puesto como maestra de Defensa contra las Artes oscuras. - Añadió Dumbledore. - Me parece que alguien que ha decidido no volver a practicar es tipo de magia y sobre todo, alguien que conoce bien las consencuencias de practicarla, sería ideal para enseñarle a mentes jóvenes como protegerse. Es la primera vez que la veo y hablo con usted, lo sé, pero conozco parte de lo que usted ha vivido desde que empezó en ese camino y confío en que tiene razones para abandonar la magia oscura.
Sylvester llegó de inmediato a su mente. La vez en que lo vio con Marcus en el callejón Diagon, el retrato de la tienda de escobas, el día en que lo escuchó hablar de Quidditch antes de marcharse, Selene sí tenía razones para alejarse permanentemente de ese lado, la traición de Blaise llegó a pasar a un segundo plano.
- Además…- Continuó Dumbledore. - Necesitamos toda la información posible sobre los pasos de la señora Crow y cualquier detalle de parte de alguien que trabajó con ella nos vendría de ayuda. Minerva y yo la ayudaremos a ubicarse y familiarizarse con el castillo antes de que comiencen las clases, y usted tendrá un despacho en el castillo. Creo que eso también la ayudaría a acostumbrarse al entorno…Eso si usted acepta, por supuesto.- Dijo dumbledore, mirándola por encima de sus anteojos de media luna.
Selene trató de evitar quedar boquiabierta y soltar un grito de la emoción. Albus Dumbledore le acababa de ofrecer un puesto como maestra en Hogwarts, era su oportunidad perfecta para alejarse del callejón Knockturn y acercarse a su hijo. Tal vez hasta podría formar un lazo con él. Selene no dudó en aceptar la oferta, y estaba dispuesta a firmar los papeles necesarios en ese mismo instante sin leer una palabra si así lo requería. Ambos se pusieron de pie y Dumbledore extendió una mano que selene estrechó sin pensarlo dos veces, aceptando el puesto.
- Es un honor, señor Dumbledore. - Dijo Selene.
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
im working on a george weasley fanfic on wattpad as we speak
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ldrfanatic · 3 months
this happens once every few lifetimes
mattheo riddle x reader
synopsis - reader transfers to hogwarts from ilvermorny. she and mattheo fall in love with each other at first sight.
warnings - none, i think?
listened to while writing - the alchemy by taylor swift
i have a clara bow theo one in the works right now that i'm excited to drop at some point. ngl this gif of benjamin in deadly class inspired this idea A LOT.
part two?
slytherin boys works
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you waited with baited breath outside of the great hall.
any moment now the doors would swing open and albus dumbledore, who you knew only through legend, would announce your transfer to hogwarts.
it was terrifying honestly. leaving ilvermorny was indescribably difficult. but when your father got a job opportunity at the british ministry of magic, it was decided. already you were feeling overwhelmed. you'd done your research but hogwarts was much larger than ilvermorny. it was much older as well, and thus had gained a reputation over a thousand years of producing some of the greatest witches and wizards the world has ever seen.
the large magnificent doors opened and every pair of eyes was on you.
you walked forward with sweaty palms, subtly attempting to dry them on your plain, black hogwarts robes. another change. the wardrobe was much more strict here than back in america. and where every student at ilvermorny wore the same blue and gold, students at hogwarts wore colors representative of their house.
finally, you reached the end of the walkway and stood face to face with a dusty and rather ancient looking hat. to your light surprise, it spoke. a woman whom you'd met briefly beforehand, professor mcgonnagall, picked up the hat gently and motioned for you to sit on the stool.
it was time to be sorted into one of hogwarts four houses. you'd been in wampus, the house of the warrior, at ilvermorny, and despite hours of research, you couldn't distinguish what the hogwarts equivalent would be. all four houses seemed to be good choices but there was one in particular that stood out to you.
no shorter or longer than exactly fifteen seconds after the sorting hat touched your head, a declaration was made.
an older student in green robes gestured you over to the table on the far right. not wanting to sit at the very front and continue to be gawked at, you briskly walked a little further down and took a seat at the middle of the table.
once you'd taken your seat, dumbledore began to explain that hogwarts would be hosting the triwizard tournament this year. after a flashy introduction from beauxbatons and durmstrang, you effectively decided that you were not the most interesting shiny new toy at hogwarts this year and silently thanked the universe for this turn of events.
at last, it was announced that you could eat and the tables filled with food. all around you students' plates began magically creating complex dishes. there were even some dinners that held food that you were sure you couldn't see anywhere on the table.
frustrated, you stared down at your empty plate. it was a long journey to hogwarts. you were hungry and quite frankly tired of things being so different. if one more complicated situation made its appearance at this school, you were undoubtedly going to lose it.
"just think about a food you really want to eat. it can be anything."
a boy next to you with brown hair and bright blue eyes leaned over. a thick italian accent levied on his deep voice.
you closed your eyes and thought about a delicious juicy cheeseburger with golden-crisp french fries. sure enough, when you opened your eyes, your plate had filled with food.
absolutely giddy with glee, you turned to thank the mystery man.
"no problem. i'm theodore nott. this is draco malfoy next to me."
the platinum blonde boy didn't even look up to acknowledge your existence. theodore, seemingly sensing your mild displeasure, spoke up.
"don't mind him. welcome to slytherin house. riddle, say hello to our newest recruit."
the dark haired boy directly across from you who you assumed was 'riddle' did in fact look over from his conversation with a boy with a chestnut colored complexion. yet, when your eyes found his, he didn't say hello.
he didn't say anything actually. he just sort of stared. as you held eye contact, it was like lightning running through your veins and sizzling at your fingertips.
for a moment, you wondered if he'd ever seen a person before.
then, as if he'd snapped out of a daze, a gentle smile played at his lips. dark curls fell over his brown eyes that seemed to sparkle the longer you looked at them.
his large hand crept over the table until it was outstretched towards you with a kind smile.
you shook his hand with a shy smile. mattheo was currently looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered. in fact, your little interaction had gone on so long that theodore and the boy mattheo had been speaking with had both strucken up conversation with other students at the table.
mattheo eyed your appearance. his gaze flickered across your face, then to your hair, and all over the parts of your body he could see.
"sorry if this is a little awkward, but i can't remember the last time i was this captivated by someone." mattheo finally released your hand and you had to stop yourself from begging him not to.
"welcome to slytherin house. you're in the snake's nest now, beautiful."
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ahqkas · 4 months
♯ PRACTICE MAKES IT BETTER ; theodore nott
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PAIRING! theodore nott x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! struggling with the local slang, you feel out of place until you meet theodore nott, the silent slytherin (based off this req.!!)
WARNINGS AND TAGS! fluff, kissing + lmk !
NOTES! reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :)
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AMERICA WAS VIBRANT AND DIVERSE. The music scene was thriving with genres like grunge, hip-hop, and pop dominating the airwaves. To you, it was a place of contrasts and boundless possibilities. It was a land where towering skyscrapers stood next to historic buildings, and where you could find everything from bustling cities to quiet, open countryside. The diversity was striking; every state feels like its own little world, with different cultures, foods, and ways of life. It was a country where you could experience all four seasons, with hot summers, cold winters, and vibrant springs and autumns. The sheer size and variety made it feel like there was always something new to explore, whether it was a national park, a music festival, or just a quirky little town.
Then you moved to England.
Leaving behind the familiar sights and sounds of America, you stepped into a new world of magic and centuries-old traditions.
The first thing you noticed was the climate change. England's weather was full of frequent rain and cloudy skies. You had to get used to bringing an umbrella everywhere with you.
Hogwarts in Scotland was completely different from Ilvermorny, which resided on Mount Greylock. The towering buildings of the castle intimidated you a bit as you were used to the more modern school, but you were excited for the change of scenery.
The stone corridors, moving staircases, and enchanted portraits had captivated your imagination. The castle itself was full of new discoveries. Sure, you missed your old friends dearly, every one of them, but the owls worked hard and you managed to make new friends here.
As an exchange student from America, walking the hallowed halls of Hogwarts was a totally new experience. The ancient castle with its sprawling grounds, enchanted staircases, and hidden passageways was like stepping into a dream. But it wasn't just the magical environment that threw you off balance; it was the British slang that seemed to pop up in every conversation.
During your first week, you found yourself constantly bewildered by the new expressions. At breakfast, when a cheerful Hufflepuff asked if you wanted a "banger" with your eggs, you hesitated, unsure if it was an insult or a menu item. When a Ravenclaw mentioned being "knackered" after a long night of studying, you had to suppress a laugh, thinking it sounded more like a sound effect from a comic book than an expression of exhaustion.
The confusion was endless: "snogging" instead of kissing, "knickers" instead of underwear, "blimey" instead of a simple exclamation of surprise. You did your best to keep up, but the nuances of the language often left you feeling like you were missing the punchline of a joke. To put it simply, you were lost.
One afternoon, you were sitting in the library, poring over a stack of books for a Transfiguration assignment, when you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"Ciao, piccola," Theodore Nott drawled, sliding into the seat across from yours. His presence was effortlessly welcomed, with his cool demeanor and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. He was a strange boy at first, never letting anyone, but when you warmed up to him, he was a totally new person.
"Hi, Theo," you greeted him with a smile playing on your lips. Theodore had been one of the first students to approach you, his Italian heritage a surprising connection. He often teased you in his native language, enjoying the way you fumbled with the unfamiliar phrases. A nuisance, that he was.
"Come va la tua giornata?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. ("How's your day doing?")
Already hearing this phrase a few times, you learned to understand its translation. With a sigh, you ran a hand through your hair. "It's been . . . interesting. I'm still trying to understand half of what everyone says here."
Theo chuckled, the sound rich and warm to your ears. "British slang getting to you?"
"You could say that," you admitted, leaning back in your chair as you watched his amusement at your misery. "I feel like I need a translator just for conversations."
"Well, if you think British slang is confusing, wait until I teach you some Italian slang," Theo smirked at the idea that appeared on his mind. "It's a whole different level."
Now this got your attention. "Teach me, then. It can't be that difficult from the British slang."
Over the next few weeks, Theodore Nott became your informal language tutor. He started with simple phrases, weaving them into everyday conversations until you began to pick them up naturally. He taught you how to greet someone with "Ciao, amico!" instead of a formal "Buongiorno," and how to say "Andiamo!" when you were ready to go.
One rainy afternoon, as you sat together in the Great Hall, Theo decided to test your knowledge. The rain tapped persistently against the high, arched windows, casting a muted gray light across the large hall. The enchanted ceiling mirrored the sky outside, swirling with dark clouds and flashes of lightning that illuminated the space completely. Despite the dreary weather, the Great Hall buzzed with the soft hum of student conversations, punctuated by the clinking of silverware and the rustling of pages.
Theo, seated across from you at the Slytherin table, leaned back casually, a mischievous glint in his eye. His dark hair fell slightly over his forehead, framing his sharp features. You had grown accustomed to his teasing, the way he delighted in challenging you with phrases in Italian, watching with amusement as you thought through the unfamiliar language. Today was no different, his eyes scanning the hall as if seeking inspiration for his next test.
You had been in the midst of revising for an upcoming Charms exam, your notes spread out around you in a chaotic array of parchment and textbooks. The soft light from the floating candles above cast a warm glow on the pages, making the ink shimmer slightly. As Theo's gaze returned to you, you knew another one of his lessons was coming.
"What would you say if you were really tired?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Theo's questions were always a blend of practical and playful, designed to push you just a little further each time. He spoke with the ease of someone completely comfortable in his skin, his words flowing like the rain outside, steady and sure. His Italian phrases, though foreign at first, began to weave themselves into the mind of your understanding.
Your responses grew more confident, the hesitation in your voice diminishing with each passing day. You found yourself thinking in Italian at times, the language slipping into your thoughts as naturally as your own. Theo's delight was evident, his eyes lighting up whenever you got something right, his praise sincere and heartfelt.
The rain outside showed no signs of letting up, but within the Great Hall, a warmth lingered.
You thought for a moment, then confidently replied, "Sono stanca morta." The phrase rolled off your tongue more smoothly than before, each syllable a small victory in your journey to master his native language. The meaning — "I'm dead tired" — was all too familiar after long days filled with classes and studying.
Theo laughed, the sound rich and genuine, echoing softly in the near-empty Great Hall. His laughter was like a reward, a confirmation that you were getting it right. Silver eyes sparkled with approval, the corners of his lips curling into a smile that made your heart flutter. The warmth of his reaction was comforting against the dreary, rain-soaked afternoon outside.
"Well done!" His voice was filled with genuine pride and delight, making you feel accomplished. His praise was never out of place; it was always heartfelt.
Your heart swelled with a mix of pride and joy. Learning Italian was not just about understanding a new language, but also about bridging the gap between your worlds. Each phrase, each word, was a step closer to understanding Theo better, and a way to connect on a deeper level.
He leaned forward slightly, his eyes searching yours, waiting for your next move. "And if you wanted to compliment someone on a job well done?" His question was another gentle challenge, pushing you to dig deeper into your newfound vocabulary.
"Bravo!" you answered without hesitation. The word felt natural, a perfect fit for the context. As you spoke, you couldn't help but smile, the simple word carrying a world of meaning and mutual respect. Seeing the approval in Theo's eyes, you felt a surge of confidence.
Theo's smile broadened, and his expression softened with pride and admiration. The approval in his eyes was more than just about your grasp of the language; it was about your willingness to immerse yourself in something new, to share a part of his heritage, to make an effort to connect.
The atmosphere around you felt lighter, the earlier tension of the day's studies dissolving into a shared moment of triumph and connection. The Great Hall, with its towering windows and ancient stone walls, seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of you in your own little world of language and laughter.
The candles above flickered gently, casting a warm glow that danced across Theo's features, highlighting the pride in his eyes.
One day, as you walked together by the Black Lake, the cold water reflecting the moody sky, Theo turned to you, his expression thoughtful. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the ancient trees that lined the shore, their branches swaying rhythmically as if in silent conversation. The scene was picturesque, the expanse of the lake stretching out before you, a serene contrast to the bustling life within the castle walls. It was quiet out here, and you liked this spot.
"You know, you've picked up Italian slang faster than I expected," Theo remarked, his voice carrying a hint of admiration and surprise. His thoughtful tone blended seamlessly with the natural sounds around you, creating a moment of perfect harmony.
You laughed, the sound bright and carefree, echoing across the still waters. Nudging him playfully, you replied, "Maybe I had a good teacher." The playful banter was a reflection of the easy camaraderie that had developed between you, a testament to the countless hours spent learning and laughing together.
Theo's smile softened at your words, a tender expression that seemed to light up his face. His gaze lingered on you, the depth of his affection and pride evident in his eyes. The way he looked at you made your heart flutter, each shared glance made your knees tremble. Like you were the only girl at Hogwarts.
"Maybe," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with a warmth that enveloped you. "Or maybe you just have a knack for languages." His words were a gentle compliment, a recognition of your efforts and abilities.
The path around the Black Lake was peaceful, the occasional ripple disturbing the otherwise mirror-like surface of the water. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the faint scent of pine and damp earth. As you walked side by side, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of you, the rest of the universe fading into the background.
Your footsteps synchronized, a silent dance of familiarity and comfort. The conversations flowed effortlessly, alternating between Italian lessons and shared dreams, each word weaving a tapestry of understanding and companionship. Theo's presence was a constant, steady and reassuring, his thoughtful insights and quiet encouragements a source of strength.
The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape. The twilight hues painted the sky in shades of pink and orange, a breathtaking sight that added to the magic of the moment. Theo's silhouette against the backdrop of the setting sun was a picture of serenity and quiet strength, a reminder of the stability he brought into your life.
Before you could fully process what was happening, the Slytherin boy took a small step closer, closing the distance between you. The warmth of his presence enveloped you, his proximity sending a gentle thrill through your body. He reached out, his fingers lightly brushing against yours, the touch sending a spark of electricity up your arm.
In that moment, with the golden light of dusk casting a magical glow around you, Theo leaned in. His movements were deliberate, filled with a tender hesitation. As his lips met yours, the world seemed to dissolve, leaving only the two of you in a bubble of pure, unadulterated connection.
The kiss was gentle at first, a soft press of lips that spoke everything you needed to know. The taste of his lips, the warmth of his breath, the gentle caress of his hand against your cheek — it all combined to create a sensation that was both exhilarating and deeply comforting.
Theo's hand moved to cup your face, his thumb gently stroking your cheek. The kiss deepened, becoming more confident, more insistent. Your hands found their way to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your fingertips. The connection between you intensified, the kiss becoming a language of its own, expressing everything words couldn't.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other. The world slowly came back into focus, the sounds of nature reasserting themselves around you. Theo's eyes, still holding that mix of affection and awe, met yours. A soft, contented smile played on his lips.
"Grazie, Theo," you said softly, your voice filled with gratitude.
"For what?" he asked confused, his brow furrowing slightly.
"For being patient with me. For this. For . . . everything."
Theo's eyes softened, and he reached out, intertwining your fingers in one. "No worries," he replied, his voice just as soft. "I'm glad I could help."
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bych3nle · 18 days
nct dream hogwarts au fic rec
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personal fav
YOU HAD NO IDEA , DID YOU ? @sehunniepotwrites
word count : 971
PRECONSEPTIONS @kpophogwartsaus
gryffindor mark x slytherin reader
Mark Lee falls in love with reader who is from a prominent family because of unexpected encounters that are totally different with the reputation and how people describe the reader. However, as they get closer people try to convince Mark to be wary, to not fall in love, and their relationship would not be accepted by reader's parents. Turns out they're comeplety wrong and Mark gets to be introduced by the reader to their parents.
word count : 2.8k
QUIDDITCH STRESS @kpophogwartsaus
gryffindor mark x slytherin reader
rivals to lover
word count : 3.4k
FISH @jishyucks
Slytherin Y/N saves Ravenclaw Mark from ‘trouble’
word count : 0.8k
‘He had nightmares of you slipping right past his fingers and him failing to catch you. He relives that moment.’
gryffindor mark x gn reader
rivals to lovers
word count : 4.4k
personal fav
AMORTENTIA AND QUIDDITCH @philosopher-of-fandoms
It’s December and everyone seems to be getting into the holiday cheer! However this season you’re grappling with the decision of whether to go home to your family for the holidays or stay at Hogwarts with your friends while also trying to manage to hide your obvious crush on Mark Lee.
fem reader x mark lee
word count : 6.35k
STUDY SESSIONS @blossom-hwa
mark x hufflepuff gn reader
OBLIVION @planetjisungie
gryffindor mark x gryffindor reader
just two gryffindors pining over eachother and being way too obvious
LIMITS @starryhyuck
with gryffindor on a continuous losing streak, you have no choice but to push your quidditch player boyfriend to his breaking point.
gryffindor mark x reader
word count : 3.4k+
enemies to lover
word count : 23k
LION BOY @jaeminzie
you would never ruin your slytherin image by exposing your crush on the gryffindor head boy. but for mark lee, you’d put it into consideration.
word count : 2k
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in which renjun has the phattest crush but he’s too shy to say anything despite being their tutor so his friend convinces him to write anonymous love letters to get his feelings out
alternatively: renjun’s a cutie and you hate arithmancy
ravenclaw renjun x hufflepuff reader
word count : 4.7k
ravenclaw renjun x gryffindoe reader
staying true to the courageous gryffindor persona, you secretly admire renjun using unusual tactics, forgetting that the fellow ravenclaw is fairly quick witted.
word count : 2.3K
BREATHLESS KISSES @softrenjunnie
fullblood!renjun x muggleborn!reader
word count : 1k
from the 21 kisses serie
LUCKY CHARMS @planetjisungie
with the exams coming up, you need a little help with your charms. well you dont, you just needed an excuse to talk to your long time crush, huang renjun
ravenclaw renjun x hufflepuff reader
STUDY HALL @kpophogwartsaus
Renjun x Hufflepuff Reader
word count : 1.5k
FRIENDSHIP , LOVE , COURAGE @cosmiclatte28
ravenclaw prefect renjun x gryffindor reader
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HELPING HAND @jaeminzie
being a transfer student in hogwarts, you felt the need to prove yourself and live up to the rumors of you being the best seeker in your previous school. though, in hogwarts, you had the lee jeno to compete against with. thankfully, he didn’t see you as a rival.
word count : 1.9k
MY SUNSET IS YOURS @dreamsafterhours
in an alternate universe in which the triwizard tournament is held between the three wizarding schools of hogwarts, ilvermorny and mahoutokoro, the one who lived is in this fight alone
hufflepuff jeno x ravenclaw gn reader
word count : 4.2k
A CHANCE MEETING @smileyjaeminies
When your huge crush and famous hitter Lee Jeno walks inside your uncle’s store, will it become the chance you needed to get closer?
word count : 2.1K
jeno was perfect, maybe everyone was sick of his perfectness, maybe it wasn’t everyone, maybe it was just you. 
alternatively: you’re in love with jeno but it takes 2 rainstorms, months of longingly staring, a missing overweight cat, and a love potion to realize it
hufflepuff jeno x slytherin reader
word count: 4.2k
personal fav
y/n has feelings for lee jeno, the kind hufflepuff who captures everyone’ hearts with his eyes and his smile. little does she know, her feelings aren’t one-sided.
hufflepuff jeno x reader
word count : 2.5k
MISCONCEPTIONS @planetjisungie
gryffindor jeno x slytherin reader
warnings : character death , torture , blood
word count : 2.8k
HOGSMEADE @kpophogwartsaus
word count : 3k
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SCENT @renjunnnnn
the boy goes to hogwarts, yet this moment with you had to be the most magical thing he'd ever experienced.
I WILL NOT VANISH @slightlymore
demon / gryffindor haechan x slytherin fem reader
word count : 19.1k
DESIRE PT1 @neochan
he wants you. you want jeno. desire is a jealous little thing, isn't it y/n?
slytherin haechan x hufflepuff reader
word count : 12.1k
A red velvet cupcake creates a promise between you and Haechan, and a Halloween party(and it’s consequences) brings you two closer than ever. Between scrubbing up dirty plates at the school kitchen and your study sessions at the library, you start to get fond of each other. 
pure blood slytherin haechan x muggleborn gryffindor reader
word count : 12k
personal fav
WE HAVE A PROBLEM @sehunniepotwrites
word count : 714
personal fav
AMORTENTIA @jishyucks
Donghyuck, a bored Slytherin, decides to use Y/N as a test subject for a love potion. What happens when Donghyuck starts to actually fall in love with her while she’s under the potion’s spell?
slytherin haechan x gryffindor reader
word count : 2.7k
finally taking his friends’ advice, the not-so-cunning donghyuck finds a way to show his profound feelings toward his respectfully patient herbology partner.
word count : 2.2k
PAPER HEARTS @mydominions
slytherin haechan × ravenclaw reader
word cout : 1.3k
slytherin donghyuck, ravenclaw reader
word count : 0.7k
part of the 21 kisses serie
DETESTER @planetjisungie
enemies to lovers, you and donghyuck had always just hated eachother. you dont know when it started, or why it started but it was starting to get annoying.
slytherin haechan x gryffindor reader
GETTING THE DATE @kpophogwartsaus
word count : 1.9k
POTION CLASS @kpophogwartsaus
donghyuck x ravenclawn gn reader
word count : 3.1k
GOOD GIRLS @starryhyuck
donghyuck thinks you’re the most perfect, little goody-two-shoes head girl who’s ever walked the halls of hogwarts. that is, until he finds out you’ve fucked na jaemin in the back of the library.
slytherin donghyuck x ravenclaw reader
word count : 4k+
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DEDICATION @danishmiilk
na jaemin dedicated his quidditch win to you for no obvious reason. at least, not until he asks you “do you trust me?” and well, do you?
word count : 1.4k
bestfriends to lover au
they’d tell you ‘all’s fair in love and war’, although erasing all the love for you from na jaemin’s mind seems too cruel to be fair.
slytherin jaemin x reader
word count :  7.7k 
personal favorite
NEWTs are on their way to mentally destroy 7th year students, and of course, everyone is panicking— except for Na Jaemin who is probably still drinking his coffee. With his relaxed state and unwillingness to study, McGonagall begs you to tutor Jaemin before it's too late, and boy, are you something.
hufflepuff reader x gryffindor jaemin
UMBRIDGE'S DETENTION @najaeminbabyboyculture
slytherin jaemin x gn reader
personal fav
slytherin jaemin x hufflepuff reader
word count : 0.6k
CHILL KILL @starryhyuck
na jaemin has asked you out every year since you came to hogwarts. maybe this is the year you’ll say yes.
slytherin jaemin x hufflepuff reader
word count : 10.3k+
a single tutoring session to help a failing na jaemin earned you a ticket to receive whatever you want. so what will it be?
word count : 2k
CUDDLE WITH ME @blizzardfluffykpop
Yule ball?
GOODBYE KISSES @softrenjunnie
word count : ~1k
part of the 21 kisses serie
HOT DOG @planetjisungie
jaemin practices a transfiguration spell on a pencil that goes slightly wrong. okay, maybe very wrong.
hufflepuff jaemin x ravenclaw reader
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AMORTENTIA @dreamyyang
The strange scent that Chenle encountered during his Potions class led him to you. Good thing it wards off Wrackspurts.
I STILL HATE YOU @kpophogwartsaus
slytherin chenle x ravenclaw gn reader
enemies to lovers
word count : 3.5k
WANDS AND POTIONS @itsthe-neo-zone
slytherin chenle x gryffindor reader
Years after the demise of he who must not be named, and the termination of the out-breaking war in Hogwarts had been resolved. the institution was reopened for the future and safety of wizards and witches across the world.
Although Voldemort is now no longer and everything has been commonly safe, the past decade had passed issues have not ceased to exist between families or districts of people and the wizardry world was eerily peaceful.
Though much after the Battle and the Second Wizarding War things haven't fully stopped, another legacy was to be fulfilled and tensions were rising. From discrimination in the ministry, hidden secrets and high stakes in the world of Witches and Warlocks times were at a new low and worst than ever.
Young Selene had received the enrollment letter in the living room of her ancient, musky cottage home off the coast, one humid night in autumn, that one envelope had altered her whole life completely.
Her life was going monotonously well, nothing exciting. That's until she meets the unconditional polar opposite, her 'supposedly' arch nemesis and the snake adorned in emerald robes. What will her life turn into now?
"WE CAN'T DO THIS" KISSES @softrenjunnie
slytherin chenle x gryffindor reader
wordcount: 1.6k
part of the 21 kisses serie
EUNOIA @planetjisungie
you aren’t particularly liked in slytherin by the purebloods for either being muggle born or due to your happy friendships with the people in the other houses and chenle tries to hate you like they do, he really does.
slytherin chenle x slytherin reader
MORNING LETTERS @jenonctcity
gryffindor chenle x hufflpuff reader
word count : 1.2k
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word count : 1.5k
FISRT KISSES @softrenjunnie
ravenclaw jisung x ravenclaw reader
word count : 1.4k 
part of the 21 kisses serie
hufflepuff quidditch player jisung x ravenclaw reader
personal fav
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Y/n, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await for your owl by no later than 31 July.
smut(mdni) angst and some fluff
smut (mdni) angst fluff
Ravenclaw Renjun, Hufflepuff Jeno, Slytherin Haechan, Slytherin Jaemin
fluff angst smut (mdni)
259 notes · View notes
romeosharpae · 8 months
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theodore nott x reader
last and final part of this series!!! another series is on the way but not sure when though... it's lowkey funny that i wrote that first post in 2022 and now it's 2024.. enjoy though!!
content warnings : cursing, mature language, explicit adult content, rough sex, make up sex, hate sex? (i don't know y'all theo's gone feral), kind-of toxic! theodore nott.
word count: somewhere in the 5k’s
let’s all be happy this part one took 2 months!!
parts : 1,2,3-
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Some things just never changed, huh?
Your eyes searched around the crowded ball room and that sentence constantly replayed in your head. The entire thing was cliche, and humbly, you thought you were really above all of it. To avoid vomiting from annoyance, you bring the fleet of champagne in your hands up to your lips and take a long sip.
Standing aside you was boasting your mother and father. The ending of the war was a celebration for new beginnings! Or that's what your father declared in the multiple letter's that he wrote you. Though you knew that wasn't the actual reasoning behind your father's sudden urge to party; He had been trialed for being in cahoots with Voldemort.. and luckily, he was proven guilty. But the concept that you couldn't grasp was why your family wanted to celebrate with a party, it's not like the moment these people walked out of your childhood home that your mother wouldn't judge everything about them. Despite your disagreement of this you were unfortunately still in attendance, wearing an expensive black dress that nicely hugged your curves with your hair neatly pinned up.
Truthfully, if it hadn't been for your father's threat you wouldn't be here. You smiled when the twenty-seventh person approached your parents tonight and engaged in a meaningless conversation. Very rarely did any of the guest direct words towards you, and you really didn't even care because this was probably the last time you'd see most of them.
"Ah! Y/N, I almost didn't recognize you." The women spoke awkwardly, a fake smile slapped on her face. "How has things been going for you abroad?"
"Fine, Thanks for asking."
Before you even finished speaking the women turned back to your parents. About 3/4 into your sixth school year at Hogwarts you made the decision to go and study abroad, well, your parents knew that Hogwarts was in shambles and no longer wanted you there, so they sent you to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You didn't put up much of a fight because you always wanted to travel the world, and on top of that there were things that you needed to detach yourself with at Hogwarts. So, for the past three years of your life, you've been living happily between Italy, France, and America. Ironically, your extremely rich father funded that and threatened to stop doing so if you didn't show up tonight.
So here you were, sipping through endless champagne as you were surrounded by stereotypical aristocratic purebloods. It reminded you of when you were still in school.. you hated it then and even more now.
"Excuse me, I need some air."
Your parents didn't pay much attention to your words, far to engaged in their conversation. You took another sip of your beverage as you stepped outside of the ballroom and onto the balcony. There was a part of you that missed England while there was another that didn't -- Your life was filled with so much diversity now. You traveled, met new people, ate new food, learned about cultures… everything! But you still missed your home,
Or at least that's what you tell yourself it is.
In your heart, although you were often belittled for your lack of "accomplishments" you absolutely loved traveling the world. But sometimes when you were lying in bed, staring at the celling in silence, you couldn't but to feel sometimes that there was a void that needed to be filled. It was almost like your mind and body feened for something that you couldn't actually make out.
"…Y/N?" The deepness of the voice almost has you thinking it's your father.
With a bull-crap apology sitting on the tip of your tongue you twisted your body to where the sound come from. To your surprise it wasn't your father here to scowl you… it was the last person you needed to see. Your apology swallowed back down, along with every insult you promised yourself to throw Theodore's way the next time you crossed paths. The familiar deep blue gaze and beautifully structured features had your stomach falling your feet. Were you seeing things? Or dreaming?
Why would your parents invite Theodore Nott to your home? They always wanted the two of you together and perhaps that's why they allowed him to take advantage of your naiveness for so long, but you expressed when they wrote you about him three years ago that you wanted zero involvements with the brunette.
Recalling how he emotionally drained you years ago have goosebumps spreading across your skin. Recalling your emotional breakdown in the common room that night makes you more uneasy. The only thing that comforted you was the promised that you made and kept so far, since that night in the common room Theodore Nott never had you again. Not as a lover, as a friend, as an acquaintance… nothing! For the first few weeks it was hard, you missed him because you loved him, but seeing the smugness on his face in the great hall that declared "she'll be back" kept you from going back. Then eventually you left, and your healing became much easier.
"Hi Theo." You softly greet. "You look Good."
You were telling the truth, the brunette looked extremely handsome tonight. His brunette hair was styled in a way that you never seen before but liked and the suit he wore was black. You couldn't help but to think that in a way, the two of you almost looked like you came to this party together.
The brunette pays your compliment no mind, eyes simply piercing into yours, and he wore an expression like maybe he thought he was seeing things or dreaming. The intensity behind his eyes has shivers rolling down your spine -- There was a moment in time when that would've turned you into puddy but now the effect wasn't that strong. Ironically, there was a moment in time when you never could've imagined not talking to Theodore for three minutes let alone three years.
"There you are, Y/N. Come back inside."
Your mothers voice rang through your ears. When you turn around, she's standing at the entrance of the balcony, shooting you a disappointed look. Her eyes than snapped to Theodore who was still staring at you, "What a pleasant surprise, Hello Theodore!"
Your mother wore a smile that lets you know that she purposefully invited the brunette against your wishes. You scoffed, underneath your breath and folded your arms over your chest. Theodore continued staring at you, distracting himself from what your mother was saying.
After taking the hint that Theodore probably wasn't in the right mind to give a response your mother stepped back into the party. There was something deep inside of you that didn't want to leave Theodore standing out here, it was telling you to talk to him. For closure? Or perhaps a better understanding? You didn't know. Eventually you followed behind your mother and stepped into the party, but you couldn't help but to look over your shoulder,
"It was nice seeing you" You cooed.
And before he got a chance to respond your lost in the herd of people.
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The next time that encountered Theodore Nott was just as unexpected as the last. Your mother had convinced you to stay in town for a couple of days extra, you easily agreed. Being your mothers only child came with self-inflicted guilt growing, your father was always working, so aside from the house elf's (Which you didn't have any more thanks to Hermione Granger) your mother was at the house alone all of the time. So, when she asked you stay a few days after the party, even though your gut was telling you no, you did. Plus, you didn't really have anything to do for the next week anyways you really didn't mind.
You were walking into your favorite muggle bistro, inhaling the sweet smell of fresh baked goods. Pansy Parkinson and you always made stops here during the summer for the delicious Angel Cake and ever since you step foot in England you've been craving it. Luckily for you your mother had been at some book club for pureblood housewives this evening, so you were able to go without being criticized for eating from muggles.
You laugh to yourself as you remembered that the last time you came here three years ago. Theodore and you drank so many frapes that your stomach hurt from all of the sweetness. Merlin, although he was horrible to you it was the best when he was good. Remembering the good times for you were hard, mainly because you had to bombard your head with the bad ones to be able to fully get over your attachment to him.
The look that he gave you at the party played through your head like a broken record. You wondered; did he finally realize what he lost after all these years? Did he finally value you as much as you did him back then? It was far too late for all of that.
"Y/N? is that you?!" A voice chirped.
Looking over your eyes immediately lit up at the sight of the bistro's owner daughter. When you used to visit the shop, she'd always insert herself in you and Theodore's conversations, he found it irritating while you thought it was cute because she was so much younger. The small curly head girl ran to you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she embraced you.
"Hi, how have you been?"
"Good! Sit down, I'll go put your order in." The ten-year-old girl dragged you to sit down at the counter, "Same thing, right?"
You smiled, "You know it."
The little girl's hair bounced off her shoulders as she ran into the back, smiling ear to ear. You sat down on the stool, picking up a menu to see of they've put anything new that you'd like to try on there.
You didn't pay much attention as someone came and took a seat beside you, an empty stool between the too. The Frangrance that your nose caught a whiff has your heartbeat picking up… and you didn't understand why because your mind hadn't processed it at first.
"How can I help you?" The waitress asked.
"Can I get a slice of Angel Cake and then a medium Carmel Latte with extra whipped cream, please."
The order makes your ears perk up and finally draws your eyes away from the menu. Ironically enough, that was your same exact that you've been getting from this bistro since you discovered it at the age of twelve. You smiled, "Hey, that's my exact order t--,"
His eyes flew to you the second he heard your voice. Why is Theodore ordering your order? He used to act like this place was the worse now he's coming here voluntarily to eat their food. His blue eyes pierced into yours, and for about two minutes the two of you just stared at each other. You hoped he wouldn't just stare at you like he'd done at the party… It made you nervous. You humorlessly chuckled, gesturing to him,
"I thought you didn't like it." You smiled.
"Yeah, I don't."
"Yeah, why are you buying it then?"
Theodore didn't give you an immediate answer and it makes your stomach twist. You'd spent three years getting over him, why were you so nervous now? The brunette cocked his head, rolling his tongue inside of his cheek before chuckling, his much more humorless than yours.
"Because when you came back, I wanted it to be a shortage of Angel cake, so you'd regret leaving."
"Nothing would make me regret leaving."
Coming back to a shortage of this bistro's Angel Cake probably make you flip out but not make you regret leaving. Truthfully, you don't think nothing would make you regret leaving your six years because deep down you know that had you stayed, Theodore would still be dragging you along like some dog.
He knew that to and perhaps that's why there's fury burning behind his eyes as he looked at you. Yeah, you left without saying anything to him, but it was laughable to you that Theodore wore an expression like you betrayed him by ripping his heart out and stomping on it. You couldn't understand why he didn't grasp the concept that he's the reasoning behind your split… you can't even say break up because you were never in a relationship.
"I've written you eight hundred and thirty-seven times."
"I know." You admit.
"You didn't write back."
"I had nothing to say to you, Theodore."
That was the God honest truth. All of the letters that Theodore had written you from the time you left to about three ago were stuffed in a kitchen cupboard in your flat along. It wasn't like you didn't want to read them, it's just that you knew that you couldn't read them for your own sanity.
Theodore wasn't as calm and collected as you were, he snaps, "And why is that?"
"I'm not going to argue with you." You shrugged. "We're too old for that now, don't you think?"
"Okay let's talk then, Y/N. Let's talk like two civilized adults."
"There's no point in that, Theodore."
A large smile spreads across your face when the young girl brought your desserts out. Following behind her was a different girl with the identical thing for Theodore who was now looking at you like you were talking nonsense. If looks could killed, you'd be lifeless on the floor from the way that Theodore eyes were staring at you. When the dessert was placed in front of you you wasted no time digging your fork into it and breaking off a piece.
"Yes, there is because my feelings for you are never changing, Y/N."
Theodore was trying so hard to get you to fold, but you weren't. It almost sounded believable, but luckily enough you know that Theodore loved to pillow talk and get you exactly where he wants you.
"You don't care anymore."
Theodore spoke the words in a way that lets you know that he wasn't asking you, he was saying it like it was a fact. Your nonchalant attitude was fueling his thinking of that and that brought you satisfaction. To say that your fully over the brunette would be 100% percent lying so you wouldn't say it. You missed him, you shouldn't, but you did.
"Yeah, because you never did." You argued.
"I always did."
You sighed, "I don't want to talk about this anymore Theodore."
"So, you just disappear for three years and now you wanna cry because I want answers, Y/N?--,"
You couldn't believe the words that had just left his mouth. He couldn't be serious right now… you were the villain for leaving? Unknowingly, you stood up to your feet, "Real typical of you to invalidate my feelings and prioritize yourself, Theodore! You want me to sit here and listen to your feelings like you literally didn't break my heart."
"You don't deserve answers."
"I'm sorry."
For the first time, those words sounded genuine leaving Theodores mouth. It almost makes you want to give in, feeling like you've finally proved your point by hurting him back... then you realized two words weren't enough. Two words couldn’t even compare to emotions that you felt when Theodore broke your heart three years ago... it wasn’t enough.
It wasn't enough to forget the fact that he practically used you for his own pleasure, disregarding the emotional attachment that you were beginning to develop.
"What can I do to make you forgive me?"
"Y/N." He interrupts.
What could Theodore do to make you forgive him? Were you even in the proper mindset to forgive Theodore Nott for the troubles that he put you in? You we're sure, if you were, you're not sure that you wanted to forgive Theodore.
The way that Theodore and you were just staring at each other caused the body hair on your arms to stick up. It felt awfully weird seeing the same cold green gaze from three years ago be filled up with so many emotions now. You heaved out a deep sigh, eyes pulling away from his and onto your drink. You only look back when Theodore placed a hand on your leg, basically sending a shockwave through your body.
"One more chance, Y/N."
You blinked, "Do you even think that you deserve one more chance…?"
All you could do was hum in response to Theodore. At least the brunette was finally being truthful to you, well, that was the least that he could do after all of these years. You took a bite from your Angel Cake, no longer seeing the point in participating in this conversation with your ex-lover.
"I know that I don't deserve another chance Y/N… but--" Theodore shoots out. "Please."
"I was sixteen--"
"Yeah, so was I Theodore but I had enough common sense to string someone along for an entire year." You sighed, shaking your head. "What do you want from me Theodore? I just don't understand."
"I want you to let me show you that I've grown Y/N. Look, I know that I took you for granted and I'm sorry that it took you leaving for me to realize that I need to show that I cared--"
"I accept your apology Theodore, I do."
"You do?"
You were never really the one to hold grudges and Theodore was aware of that, so you didn't understand the shock behind his eyes. Of course, you didn't hate Theodore, no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't. Your mind would always flashback to Theodore's confessions to you, how broken he was and how that might be the reason he treated you the way he did. Back then that excuse made sense, now it was almost laughable; Theodore's trauma wasn't the reason he behaved so nonchalantly towards you, he did it because he wanted to and thought you would never stand against it.
"Of Course."
With that you stand to your feet, grabbing onto your frappe. You sent Theodore a small smile, mainly because you were leaving him to pay your bill, before walking out of the Bistro.
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The week that you promised your mother that you spend with her went by in a flash. Hopefully by this time tomorrow you’d be inside of your Flat in Rome, laying on your couch and binge watching your favorite muggle series.
But at this time today you were standing in the corner of a crowded party, watching as Pansy Parkinson basically dry-humped Draco on the dance floor.
Pansy spent the entire day with you doing meaningless nostalgic stuff that the two of you did during your time at Hogwarts. You didn’t understand why she decided to hang out with you your last day but the answer came to you eventually when she mentioned a party being thrown tonight in honor of Blaise Zabini’s 20th birthday. She knew you were more likely to go had she been in your face pleading rather than her asking over the phone.
There were numerous of reason why you didn’t want to attend tonight’s party. For starters you knew there was a good chance you’d see people you attended Hogwarts with and they’d question you about your disappearance. That was a conversation that you’d rather avoid because you knew they already assumed it had everything to do with Theodore Nott. Secondly, you knew that this party would consume of nothing but Slytherin’s which you had nothing in common with but having wealthy pureblood supremacist parents. And your last reason was shamelessly staring right at you over the brim of their red cup.
You learned a long time ago that Wherever there was Blaise Zabini there was Theodore Nott not to far behind. So when Pansy mentioned the get together you automatically began spewing up excuses of not wanting to go that didn’t include the tall brunette. You were so determined on not going but there was apart of you that felt guilty; You just disappeared and now you were declining her offer to hang out because of your own selfish reasons.
And that’s you ended up here, standing in the corner watching as Draco and Pansy danced while being eyed like prey.
Theodore’s staring makes you nervous in undeniable ways… so nervous that you feel the sudden urge to use the bathroom. You almost felt pathetic, you weren’t sixteen years old anymore so why would you get so nervous over a look? Sighing softly you turned on your feet and made your way to the restroom. According to Pansy the party was being thrown in Blaise’s flat but you’d considered it more of a penthouse than flat. It peered over the beautiful city of London, giving you in sight of what was taking place on the streets.
It takes you about five minutes to handle your business inside of the lavatory. Before stepping out you fix yourself up, ensuring that you don’t look as nervous as you feel. When you pulled the door open, hands still damp from your wash a gasp left your lips at the unexpected figure standing in front of the door.
“Why are you following me?” You grumbled lowly.
“This is my home, Y/N. I’ll go anywhere I please without being questioned.” Theodore’s snappy tone makes your eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
You tried to move out of the bathroom but Theodore just stepped in front of you. Your body shifted in the other direction and he blocked you once again. With squinted eyes you stared up at him once again, “What do you want?”
Theodore took a step closer to you, reducing the space between the two of you until there was none left. For some reason you were stuck, not being able to take a step back to open the space again. Goosebumps rise across your skin, being this close to Theodore did something unexpected to your body. You were scared, knowing that despite your rejection of giving him another chance that you’d allow Theodore to take you on right here if he did the right thing.
“I miss you.”
You sighed deeply, “Theodore we don’t need to keep having this conversat--"
“But we do because you don’t believe me.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe that Theodore Nott missed you in the past three years.. it’s that you knew you shouldn’t believe that Theodore Nott missed you. You couldn’t understand what else the brunette could want from you, He’d taken your pride, dignity, and ability to want anyone else but him. And here he was standing with desire laced in his gaze.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Theodore gently said, taking your hand inside of his. “I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and looked away, feeling the pace of your heart pick up immediately at his convincing words. Theodore quickly grabbed onto your face and turned you back to meet his low green eyes.
“Please Y/N?”
“You’re gonna hurt me again!” You shouted in an unfamiliar tone. “Why are you doing this? Why do you keep doing this?” Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes and your fingers tried to pry his hands off of you but he wouldn’t budge. “You’re so Selfish!”
Theodore had always been self when it comes down to you. Freaking out when you made other male friends, playing the hot and cold game, But this right here was another degree of selfishness coming from him—Theodore knew that he hurt you horribly and that you’ve spent the past three years trying to get over from that hurt. So for him to come after realizing that he could not in fact find someone better than you.. it was selfish.
“I know.” He admits.
A single tear slipped from your eyes, recalling the pain from everything that Theodore had put you through and the fact that you still loved him. It hurts your mind, your body, and your soul. Theodore’s quick in swiping the tear away from the skin of your cheek, you found it funny that after all of these years he was still able to wipe away the tears that he caused. Suddenly, He shushed your quiet cries by pressing his soft lips against yours.
And Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest at the taste of the brunette back on your lips. While your mind was telling you to push him away, telling you to stop him, but the way that he kissed you made your body crave otherwise.
Perhaps that’s why you’re eagerly wrapped your legs around his waist when he reached underneath your knees to pick you up. You gasped when his hard erection pressed against his lower half and with your mouth opened Theodore takes his chance to slide his entire tongue inside of your mouth.
The two of you continued your sloppy make out session as he carried you inside of his bedroom. After this all of your built up self-respect from the past three might as well go down the drain and truthfully you’re not sure that you cared. Your legs felt weak from arousal when Theodore sat down on his bed with you straddling him.
You gasped from pleasure when his mouth trailed down your neck. Theodore’s kisses were filled with desperation and you could tell how much he wanted you. While one of his hand he lifted your hips up and the other flys to the button of his pants. Sometimes you got annoyed with Theodore’s lack of foreplay during the heat of the moment.. but right now all you wanted was for him to be inside of you.
Need filled your stomach to the brim while your hands yanked your dress up and pulling your underwear to the side. Drool nearly slipped past your lips when you caught glimpse of Theodore’s freed thick cock, precum leaking from the tip.
His lips caught yours in a kiss again, a moan slipped past your lips when he begins rubbing the tip of himself against you a few time, collecting your wetness.
Before you could brace yourself he was pushing the head of himself inside, the familiar stretch has your body burning and your legs practically spasming.
“Stay still, Y/L/N” Theodore groaned.
Although you wanted to listened to him you just couldn’t. Truthfully, you hooked with a couple of euro boys but they didn’t even half-compare to Theodore Nott. The pleasure spreading across your body has your head spinning.
“Goodness, I’ve missed you so much.” Theodore grunted huskily. “Ugh--I hate it when you keep this away from me.” The pace of him thrusting into you picked up and the sharp pain of his fingernails digging into your skin as he kept your waist in place wasn’t even noticeable,
You’ve missed this so much.
Your fingers slide up from Theodore’s frame, you placed your hands around his face and he shuddered. An unexpected vulnerability filled his eyes while he moaned that almost caused you to close yours. You were token aback by it, your walls fluttering around him.
“I won’t hurt you again.”
“Theodore… Please--,” You gasped, barely catching your breath to speak to him. “--Don’t.”
You couldn’t handle hearing Theodore’s pillow-talk right now. Him lying about going to be better was something you couldn’t handle..Something that this intimate moment couldn’t handle. Your eyes fell close when he pulled you in for another wet open-mouthed kiss.
“Don’t what?” He hummed.
Theodore ran his hand through your hair. You couldn’t form a response, truthfully you’d forgotten that the brunette even asked you something. But clearly that didn’t please him because Theodore suddenly rolled the two of you over. Your body was now pinned underneath him, completely vulnerable to whatever strokes he wanted to give you.
And clearly they weren’t nice ones…
Suddenly, there was a change in Theodore’s thrusting. It was rougher, animalistic almost. You weakly pushed against his stomach, small whimpers leaving your lips at every hateful thrust he gave you.
“Look at me,” He growled, grabbing onto your neck and forcing you to look at him. The way that Theodore drives himself into you has your eyes watering, tears streaming down your face, so he was a bit blurry. “Don’t do what?”
The hard squeeze that he gives your throat has you spiraling. You hiccuped, eyes rolling in the back of your head, toes flexing as you came.
“Yeah, Just like that.” Theodore begins guiding you through your orgasm, thrust becoming deeper yet still rough.
“--Theo,” You panted his name.
“Yeah, Theo.” He mocked you. “That’s who’s fucking You.”
Despite you being stuck underneath him, you squirmed at his tone. You already sensed the possessive words he’s about to spew and you’re sure it would send you cumming once again.
“That’s who’s always gonna fuck you, Y/N. Me.” He practically growled in your face, forcing you to keep eye contact with him.
“You don’t wanna hear that I’m sorry? I don’t care because you need to, I’m sorry that it took me this long to realize it but I do love you.”
You moaned but it was overpowered by the sound of Theodore moaning in your ears. Overstimulation filled your body as Theodore finally came undone, spilling his cum inside of you. Your fingernails dig deep into his back while he snapped his hips at yours, drilling his release deep inside of you.
With a grunt, Theodore smashed his mouth against yours in a sensual kiss. He mummers against your mouth, “I’m gonna change, I promise.”
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taglist: @jeyusosgirl @rae-pottah @abeltownshipslittlebitch
296 notes · View notes
thatsoanjie · 24 days
Beneath the shadows
Sebastian Sallow x reader
[spoilers, obviously]
Summary : Sebastian meets you for the first time, and invites you on a clandestine quest
Word count : ≈ 2 685
Notes : A differently developed version of Secrets of the Restricted Section. Flirty and SFW!
Read my disclaimer and fair use notice here
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You were a mystery wrapped in layers of secrecy and quiet intensity.
You didn’t say much in class, always kept your head down, eyes fixed on your parchment, as if the very ink from your quill was more interesting than the people around you. But sometimes, a flicker of curiosity would break through that cool exterior, especially during Professor Garlick’s herbology lessons—something about the way you handled the venomous tentacula with such care made Sebastian’s mind wander.
He noticed you, of course. Who wouldn’t? There was something about the way you moved through Hogwarts, not fully a part of its chaos, yet not entirely separate from it. You seemed to glide through the castle’s halls like a ghost, seen but not often heard.
Sebastian didn’t intend to get close to you. He wasn’t the type to be drawn to quiet enigmas. No, he preferred the thrill of a good duel, the crack of spells meeting shields, the satisfaction of outsmarting his opponents. But you were different.
The first time your paths crossed properly was in Defense Against the Dark Arts, when Professor Hecat paired you for a duel. Sebastian had smirked, sizing you up. “Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome,” he’d said, a mix of challenge and anticipation in his voice.
You’d met his gaze with a steady calm, no trace of intimidation. The duel was fierce, the classroom alive with sparks of magic and the cheers of your classmates. But it was your skill, your precision, that caught him off guard. You weren’t just holding your own—you were matching him, step for step, spell for spell. By the end of it, he wasn’t sure if he’d won or simply survived.
From that moment on, something shifted. Sebastian found himself looking for you in the corridors, curious about the person who had met his challenge without flinching. He started noticing you in the library, tucked away in a corner, surrounded by books and parchment, your focus unbreakable. He wasn’t sure what it was that drew him in—maybe it was the way you seemed at home in the solitude that others might have found lonely, or maybe it was the memory of that duel, the way you’d met him head-on.
It wasn’t until one night, when the castle was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, that he finally approached you outside of class. You were by the Black Lake, your silhouette framed by the water’s shimmering reflection.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” he asked, his voice breaking the quiet of the night. You turned to him, surprised but not startled. There was a brief pause before you spoke.
“Sometimes the night is more comforting than the day,” you replied, your voice as soft as the breeze.
He moved to stand beside you, the two of you staring out at the lake in a silence that felt comfortable, unforced. There was no need for words; the connection between you was enough.
“I’ve noticed you,” he admitted after a while, his voice quiet, as if speaking too loudly might break the spell of the moment. “In class, in the library... you’re always so focused, so determined. It’s... intriguing.”
You didn’t respond right away, and he wondered if he’d said too much, revealing more of himself than he intended. But then you looked at him, really looked at him, and there was something in your gaze that made him feel seen in a way he hadn’t before.
“You’re not what I expected, Sebastian Sallow,” you said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “But then, nothing at Hogwarts ever is.”
You can feel the weight of Sebastian’s gaze as you turn away, letting the stillness of the night settle between you. The moonlight reflects off the water, casting everything in a silvery glow, making the moment feel almost surreal.
“I’m not what you expected?” Sebastian’s voice breaks the quiet, a hint of curiosity laced with something else—something almost playful.
You glance at him, a small smile playing on your lips. “No, you’re not. But that’s not a bad thing.”
He chuckles softly, the sound low and warm. “Hogwarts has a way of surprising you, doesn’t it?”
You nod, the words resonating with you more than you care to admit. There’s something about this place, about the people you meet here, that feels like a constant shift between the known and the unknown. And Sebastian, with his sharp wit and even sharper dueling skills, is a part of that.
The conversation drifts, easy and light. It’s not until Sebastian’s expression turns thoughtful, almost serious, that you realize he’s been working up to something.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to do,” he says, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “But it’s not exactly… well, let’s just say it’s not something we’re supposed to be doing.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “And what might that be?”
He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “The Restricted Section of the library. I’ve got my reasons, but I could use some company.”
A thrill runs through you at the idea. The Restricted Section, filled with books and knowledge that most students can only dream about accessing. It’s dangerous, risky even, but you can’t deny the allure of it.
You remember a certain book professor Fig mentioned- could it be found in the Restricted section?
“How concerned should I be about the librarian?” you ask, trying to recall what she is like.
“Madam Scribner doesn’t take kindly to clandestine activities among her precious books,” Sebastian admits, the playful edge to his voice fading. “She and I have had our… entanglements, but I can hold my own against her. You, on the other hand, you may not be so lucky.”
You weigh the risks in your mind, but the curiosity, the need to obtain a certain book beyond those doors, is too strong to ignore. “All right,” you say, meeting his gaze with a determined nod. “I’ll help you.”
“Good,” he says, his grin returning. “Then meet me by the library tomorrow night. We’ll go after curfew when the castle is quiet.”
When you arrive at the library, Sebastian is already there, his eyes flicking toward the door to the Restricted Section. “See that?” he says, pointing. “That’s the door we need to reach, and those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat us out to Scribner. So don’t let them see us.”
“Understood,” you start, your voice hushed but steady. “I can be sneaky. Let’s go.”
Sebastian chuckles softly, grabbing a hold of your arm with equal gentleness, pulling you back from the prefect’s sight. “Hold on now, there’s a spell you should know. The Disillusionment Charm—it’s good for getting into places you’re not supposed to be. Cast it, and you’ll appear as little more than a trick of the light, just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You mean I’ll actually be able to turn invisible?”
“Something like that,” he says with a smirk. “It’s not as foolproof as a cloak, but those are expensive… and spells? Spells are free. Give it a try.”
You nod, concentrating as you cast the Disillusionment Charm. The sensation is strange, like a ripple spreading across your skin, but when you look down, you see nothing but the faint shimmer of the air around you.
“Not bad,” Sebastian whispers approvingly. “Let’s move.”
“Wait, one last thing,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper as you point your wand toward the prefects patrolling ahead. With a quick flick, you mutter, “Confundus.”
The spell hits its mark, and you watch as the prefects glance around, confusion clouding their faces. 
Sebastian, standing close beside you, whispers, “Where’d you learn that one? Students don’t usually pick up Confundus until a month before the O.W.L.s.”
You smirk, knowing he can’t see it. “Oh, and you would know?”
“Of course,” he replies, you could hear his smirk as he spoke. “But my question was about you.” 
You turn towards him. “Let’s just say I have a talent for picking up things early.”
“Clearly,” he murmurs, lingering beside you just a moment longer than necessary. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
You shrug. “I guess you’ll have to stick around to find out.”
He chuckles softly, the sound low and warm. “Oh, I fully intend to.”
The two of you sneak into the library, the darkness enveloping you like a protective cloak. But then, as you approach the Restricted Section, Sebastian curses under his breath. “Blast, the librarian’s still here. Quick, behind the bookcase.”
You dart behind the nearest shelf, your heart pounding. You both drop the charm. His cheeks are flushed. “You told me the librarian would be gone by now!” you whisper pointedly.
“I said usually,” he retorts, a hint of tension creeping into his voice. “But it’ll still be all right. Do you see her desk behind me? The key is in the drawer of that desk. Now, here’s what we’re going to do: I’ll create a distraction to draw her away, and you focus on getting the key. I’ll meet you outside the Restricted Section.”
“You distract, I get the key. Understood.”
Sebastian gives you a confident nod. “I said I’d get you in, and I always keep my word. Trust me.”
With a quick glance to make sure the coast is clear, you slip around the bookcase, keeping low as you inch toward the librarian’s desk. You’re hyper-aware of every sound, every creak of the old wooden floors, but you manage to reach the desk without drawing attention. As you carefully open the drawer, your fingers close around the cold metal of the key.
You don’t have time to feel triumphant; you quickly retreat to the safety of the shadows, the key clutched tightly in your hand. Sebastian is already waiting for you, a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Nicely done,” he murmurs as you hand him the key. “Let’s get inside before she comes back.”
You slip into the Restricted Section, the air thick with the scent of old parchment and forgotten secrets. Shelves loom around you, filled with ancient tomes that seem to whisper as you pass. You can’t help but feel a shiver of excitement at the forbidden knowledge within your reach.
But as you approach one particularly enticing book, its cover adorned with an emerald jewel, Sebastian’s voice stops you. “Oh, that one’s charmed to look more useful than it is. Fooled me twice. Never judge a tome by its cover, I say.”
You nod, moving past the book as the two of you continue deeper into the section. The eerie glow of ghostly figures catches your eye—Victorian-era spirits gliding silently through the aisles.
“Ghosts,” Sebastian warns, his voice low. “Don’t let them see you.”
You manage to avoid their gaze, slipping further into the shadows until you reach the lower levels of the Restricted section.
As you turn to head back, Sebastian drops his Disillusionment Charm, gesturing for you to do the same. “We should be in the clear now,” he says, his voice returning to its usual casual tone. “No need for us to be skulking about.”
You dispel the charm once more, the cool air of the library brushing against your skin as you reappear beside him. “So, what is it you’ve been looking for?” you ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
Sebastian hesitates for a moment, his expression darkening. “I’m looking for a cure,” he finally admits, his voice softer. “For my sister, Anne. She’s been… well, Merlin knows everyone else has given up.”
A pang of sympathy shoots through you. “Why do you think we’ll find a cure in the Restricted Section? Hasn’t the Hogwarts matron helped?”
“We’ve tried everyone—from Nurse Blaine to St. Mungo’s,” he says, a touch of bitterness creeping into his voice. “But I can research on my own. No need to concern yourself with that right now. Let’s focus on what you’re after… which is what, precisely?”
You hesitate, not quite ready to reveal your own secrets. “I’ll know it when I see it.”
Sebastian raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “You’re being awfully cryptic.”
Before you can respond, a familiar, mischievous voice echoes through the Restricted Section. “Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend! Out exploring where they shouldn’t be! Naughty, naughty, you’ll get caughty!”
The poltergeist swoops down, cackling with glee as he threatens to expose you both.
“Don’t you dare,” Sebastian hisses, but Peeves only grins wider.
“I’m going to tell, I’m going to tell!” Peeves sings, darting off toward the librarian.
You grab Sebastian’s arm, panic rising. “Wait! I don’t want you getting into trouble for me.”
Sebastian shakes his head, determination hardening his features. “I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters,” he says with a small smirk. “Besides, I like having friends who are in my debt. Now go! Good luck in your search.”
With a final nod, you slip back into the shadows, making your way out of the Restricted Section as Sebastian confronts Peeves. You can hear his voice in the distance, cool and confident, as he weaves a tale to Madam Scribner.
When you finally make your way back to the main portion of the library, the book safely hidden in your bag, you find Madam Scribner and Sebastian locked in a tense conversation.
“Sebastian! Sneaking into the Restricted Section again?” Madam Scribner’s voice is stern, her expression disapproving. “I had thought we were through with this mischief. Clearly, detentions are insufficient. I’m afraid I must take this to the Headmaster.”
“But—” Sebastian starts, but she cuts him off.
“That being said, Peeves informs me that you didn’t come alone tonight. If someone has coerced you, I would have you tell me. You’re a bright boy, don’t waste this.”
Sebastian glances your way for the briefest moment, but when he speaks, his voice is resolute. “There was nobody else. I came alone.”
Madam Scribner sighs, her disappointment palpable. “Oh, Sebastian, what will your uncle say?”
You slip away before she can spot you, your heart pounding with the narrowness of your escape. But as you head back to your dormitory, you can’t help but feel a strange mix of emotions. Gratitude, certainly, but something deeper too—a sense that whatever connection you and Sebastian share has only grown stronger in the shadows of that forbidden library.
Later that night, back in the quiet of your dormitory, you can't shake the thought of what happened in the library. The way Sebastian covered for you, taking the blame without hesitation—it gnaws at you. The least you can do is check on him.
You sit at your desk, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the parchment as you dip your quill in ink. The words come easily, your concern for him spilling onto the page.
I wanted to make sure everything’s all right. You didn’t have to take the blame back there—I hope you didn’t get into too much trouble. Let me know if you’re okay.
You tie the note to your owl’s leg and send it off, watching as it disappears into the night.
It’s not long before there’s a soft hoot at your window. Your owl returns, a letter clutched in its beak. You untie it, your heart quickening slightly as you recognize Sebastian’s handwriting.
Well, well,
Got your letter—nice to know you’re worried about me. I’m fine, really. Scribner gave me a good scolding, but nothing I can’t handle. I did tell you I have a way with the faculty, didn’t I?
But if you’re feeling guilty, I wouldn’t mind if you made it up to me. Maybe a walk by the lake again? This time, I promise not to drag you into any restricted areas… unless, of course, you ask nicely.
Looking forward to hearing from you, Sebastian
Thank you for reading! I felt like the whole quest needed a better ending to it hehe
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msmoony7 · 6 months
New Beginnings
Summary: Y/N transfers to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny and finds herself intrigued by the quiet, sandy haired boy Remus Lupin.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader, reader not in a specific house
Word Count: 1.4 K
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
You wake up in your bed to the sun shining and the birds chirping through your opened windows. You arrived late last night to Hogwarts and slept in a little later than you had liked; It was nearly lunch time. Classes are starting tomorrow, so you are planning to explore the castle a little before then to get used to your new surroundings. Transferring schools in your 5th year was difficult, so you were hoping to make the adjustment as easy as possible for yourself.
Since there are no classes today, you’re free to dress however you like. You opt for a pair of light blue jeans, black converse, and a blue sweater with some vertical stripes over your chest. You sit at your desk and do your usual makeup and hair routines before unpacking the rest of your things. First you unpack your records and record player. You put on your favorite album - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie - while you finish unpacking. You got lucky and your dorm has a big bay window with a built-in seat with cushions and large bookshelves built into the wall around it, which is great for you due to your love of reading and insane collection of books. Your bed is in the middle of the room with a huge bed frame and blue curtains draping from the top. After you are all unpacked, you decide to make your way down to the Great Hall for lunch. 
You only have to stop and ask 6 kids along the way if you were going in the right direction. The ever-changing staircases made for a confusing walk there. But finally, you make it down the last set of steps and can see the Great Hall in the near distance. You’re about to turn into the hall when you stop in your tracks as you hear a great boom in the hall followed by smoke and yelling. You see a guy with long jet-black hair run past you first with a glasses wearing brunette on his trail, followed by a shorter boy with blonde hair.
“Come on, Moony, we’re gonna get caught!” you hear the first boy yell. You’re about to turn around to walk into the Hall and see what’s going on but before you could do so, you hear an “oh, shit” and as you turn fully around, are knocked to the floor by someone running full speed out of the hall. You hit the ground and lock eyes with a sandy haired boy who's laying fully on top of you. You’re staring at each other for a solid five seconds before the blonde boy yells at him. 
“Moony, hurry up! Snape’s coming!”
Moony, who you gather to be the boy currently laying on you, quickly helps you up, mutters a quick “sorry” and runs up the stairs to follow the other three boys. You can hear them muttering and making fun of him for falling onto you as they’re running away, and you see “Moony” trip again before all four boys disappear up the steps. Just as they disappear, a raven-haired boy with smoke and powder all over him storms out of the hall and up the steps. You make out that he must be Snape and that the explosion was definitely caused by those boys. 
You finally gather yourself and you see three girls standing by the doorway who must’ve watched everything go down. 
“Quite a tumble you took there. That’s Moony, he’s a klutz,” says a girl with dark, curly hair and a darker complexion, “My name’s Mary. Are you new here?”
“Yeah, my name’s Y/N, I just got here last night.
“Ahhh you’re American! I’m Marlene,” the second girl speaks up. She has blonde hair and a really cool vibe to her. 
“You can come eat with us, if you’d like. I’m Lily, by the way,” says the final red headed girl.
The four of you walk into the hall and you cannot contain your amazement at what you’re met with. The ceiling is the highest ceiling you’ve ever seen, and it’s enchanted to look like the sky. Unlike your old school, which had tables divided by the houses, this hall had numerous smaller rectangular tables so that you could sit with whomever you liked. The four of you grab a table and start eating your meal.
“Those boys are the biggest troublemakers in the school,” Mary says, “Always pulling pranks.”
“Yeah, we still love them though,” Lily replies.
“You more than others,” Marlene says to her as she nudges and winks at her.
Lily blushes in response, “James, the one wearing glasses, yeah, he’s my boyfriend. A real sweetheart. Unless you’re Severus, of course.”
“I take it that’s the boy that had all the smoke on him?”
“Yep, you’d be correct. The boys tend to overreact, but he really isn't a nice person. Steer clear of him,” Mary says.
“Noted. So, that guy, Moony, what’s up with him?”
“Ooooo, Y/N’s got a crush already?” Marlene snickers towards you, making you blush.
“Not a crush, but from our five second interaction, I think he’s pretty cute.”
“You should go for it,” Marlene says, “In all our years at Hogwarts, I don’t think I’ve seen him talk to girls that weren’t us for more than a minute. I’d say you have high odds.”
“Oh, I can’t do that. I’m too shy,” you contest.
“Well, that’s perfect! He’s pretty shy himself. What do you do in your free time?” Lily asks.
You list some of your hobbies for the girls, including reading, writing, and music.
“Well, aren’t you the perfect girl for him. He loves all those things. Tell me you like Bowie,” Mary says. You say nothing in response, shocked that they can read you so well, which causes the girls to yell. “You ARE the perfect girl for him. Come we’ll show you around the castle and then we’re sending you off to him.”
Before you can fight them on this, they’re pulling you around the castle showing you every nook and cranny. You’re grateful for this; You wouldn’t have been able to find your way around otherwise. They show you all the classrooms, take you on a tour of the grounds outside, up all the towers, and finally, you end the tour at the library.
“This is the library,” Lily says, “Since you like to read, I’m sure you’ll spend so much time here. Lucky for you, this is Moony’s favorite place! And if my calculations are correct, he should be in there right now. C’mon, let’s go find him!”
Lily is dragging you inside, and she’s a lot stronger than she looks. They drag you to the far back corner of the library in a hidden nook, revealing the sandy haired boy from before sitting on a couch, nose deep in a book. He doesn’t hear you guys approaching at first and once you guys are a few feet away from him, he pulls his head out of his book and looks up. He immediately locks eyes with you, causing both of you to blush. 
“Gotta go, bye!” Marlene says as she pulls Lily and Mary away from you, leaving you alone with the boy. The two of you still staring at each other, not knowing what to say. 
“Hi,” you say breathlessly.
“Hi,” he says back.
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thewulf · 1 year
Why Not? || James Potter
Summary: Can you do a James Potter x reader set during the Marauders time at Hogwarts? I always like the student from america trope if you can. He's tired of chasing after Lily and then you show up. Sirius pulls a prank on the newbie and it goes wrong or something and James has to take you to the hospital wing and he decides he's going after reader next type of thing?
A/N: Whew! This turned out WAY longer than I was expecting. I had fun with it though! Enjoy!
Pairing: James Potter x Y/N
Word Count: 8.0k+
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“Mom, come on!” You begrudgingly continued packing your trunk, throwing your clothes in haphazardly. Something you knew would drive her crazy, “I don’t get it. You and dad can move to England for his fancy ministry job, and I can stay here and go to Ilvermorny with all my friends. It totally works mom.” You pleaded with her. You were heading into your sixth year at Ilvermorny and really didn’t want to start over. Much less with the stuck-up students at Hogwarts. You’d heard countless stories of exchange students and their attitudes it put you off the school entirely.
“What do you not understand?” She snapped. Truth be told you did understand why she was exhausted from your incessant questioning of their decision. It was a huge promotion for you dad, one he’d been trying to get for the last five years. It was a no brainer for your family.
You decided to push it anyway, test your mom’s true limits, “I mean, you don’t see me during the school year anyway. What’s the difference?”
“We wouldn’t be able to get to you quickly in an emergency. Apparition is only so fast Y/N.” She gave you a pleading look from the doorway. She looked exhausted. Utterly exhausted. You knew it was best to back off.
You sighed heavily knowing you weren’t going to win, “Fine. Whatever.”
“You’ll like Hogwarts honey.” She walked over patting you on the shoulder, “Your dad studied over there for a few years when his parents did the same.” She tried reassuring you. You simply nodded not feeling like putting up a fight anymore. It wasn’t like what you said mattered. The decision was made without you. You were moving to the UK and going to Hogwarts. That was that.
You’d sent off a hundred letters before heading across the ocean. You’d gotten semi-settled before you had to move into Hogwarts. It was like time was passing and you were stuck. Lost in a world you weren’t ready for just yet. You’d just wished you had more time to process everything as you walked into Hogwarts for the first time. Last week you were set on going back to Ilvermorny. This week you were starting an almost entirely new life.
Your father dropped you off with Professor McGonagall. You learned he’d been sorted into Gryffindor during his three years at Hogwarts. He’d told you all about his time with the house. You didn’t think you’d be a Gryffindor like your father was. The two of you weren’t exactly all that similar.
Your dad was far more outgoing than your quieter one. You’d prefer to sit back and observe in the shadows than take control. Rather learn through watching than doing.
“No offense dad, but I don’t think I’ll be a Gryffindor.” You interrupted him while he was chatting with McGonagall as if it was a sure thing, you’d be joining the Gryffindor house, “I’m a Horned Serpent and you were a Wampus at Ilvermorny. Those are two very different houses.” You said a little more bluntly than you really needed to. You were tired of hearing about Gryffindor. It was more so your stubbornness that was coming out now. You kind of wanted to hurt him. He took you away from your friends, your house, your home. He didn’t even come to talk to you about it before he ripped you away from life you’d already built. He thought just because he loved Hogwarts when he was there, you’d be just fine moving half a world away without even getting to say goodbye first.
A look of hurt briefly crossed his dace before it vanished, “Yeah, we might be a little different sweetheart. But you never know.” He patted your back as he took in the walls he’d known years ago. Nothing had changed. But why would it have? The school had been around for thousands of years and had hardly changed since its inception.
McGonagall nodded, “He’s right. You truly never do know. Let’s go get you sorted.” She smiled knowingly sensing the hesitation of the unknown in front of you.
You gave your dad a long hug before seeing him off, “Love you. See you in a few months.” You gave him a half-assed smile. You tried. You really did. But you weren’t excited. You had no want to be here. You should be getting ready to go to Ilvermorny. Not starting this new life. You knew you needed to get over it, but you were intimidated as hell. It wasn’t easy to make friends. And here you were already quiet as hell going to attempt to make a whole new batch. It was going to be an impossible task you weren’t really ready for.  
You followed quietly behind McGonagall giving her short answers to the prodding questions. You didn’t want to be rude, but it was just feeling like too much for you. You didn’t want to start here on such a negative note, but you just couldn’t seem to get happy.
To your surprise she got you smiling by the time you made it to the sorting hat. To your even further surprise you were sorted into Gryffindor. You saw the small smile and nod from the Head of Gryffindor. Almost as if she already knew that was where you were heading. It still didn’t make much sense to you. You’d have thought you would’ve been put in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff before Gryffindor. The sorting hat must’ve seen something you couldn’t recognize in yourself.
McGonagall got you set up and gave you a quick tour of the important spots to help you get around. She said a girl named Lily would be there early the next morning to help her with the arrival of all the students later on in the day. The girl named Lily would be the one who’d be showing you around. Apparently, she was on track to become Head Girl next year. You could only smile as McGonagall gushed over the girl. She sounded lovely but so completely different than you. A night and day difference. You were curious to see if McGonagall would have such nice things to say about you when you were to leave at the end of the school year.
You spent the night wandering the castles unafraid to get lost knowing you could just ask a picture on the wall for directions if need be. Your favorite room had to be where the enchanted staircases moved under their charm. Ilvermorny hadn’t anything like it, so you watched as they moved into and out of place constantly. You watched for so long you were started to get heckled by the pictures and paintings. To which you gave them the good old fashioned middle finger salute telling them to shut the hell up. You didn’t have it on your list to start arguing with a literal picture on the wall but here you were.
“Oh! Would you just put a can in it?” You rolled your eyes giving the man in the picture your most annoyed expression.
“I don’ know what that means.” He returned your stare with one equally as annoyed as your own, “Yankees.” He scoffed shaking his head as if he were disappointed.
“It means shut the hell up.” Glaring at him now you were in a defensive stance. You couldn’t believe you were letting an enchanted painting offend you so deeply. But you were too far into the argument to give up now. All the other eyes in the room were on the two of you going back and forth.
“Miss Y/L/N?” A male voice from behind you made your blood run cold. That was certainly the last thing you were expecting. Who in the hell was in the castle that knew your last name? Spinning around on your heal you observed an older wizard giving you a curious glance.
“That’s me.” You confirmed giving him a once over. Tall. Long white beard. Kind eyes. It had to have been Dumbledore. Your father was… obsessed with the man to say the least. He never shut up about the great wizard.
He nodded taking a step towards you, “Were you arguing with Sampson?” He peered behind you shaking his head at the man in the painting.
“Well, yes. I was. If that’s Sampson.” You didn’t elaborate any further pointing to the painting behind you.
He nodded cracking a small smile, “Might I ask why?”
You shrugged, “He was making fun of me for watching the stairs. They’re rad. We didn’t have anything like this at school.” You looked up admiring how they all effortlessly moved locking into place. Hogwarts was so much grander than Ilvermorny, something you didn’t really expect. Nobody ever seemed to talk about the nice the castle was when they came home.
The old wizard laughed, “Rad?” He questioned your vernacular.
You groaned realizing that these students probably didn’t talk like you were used to, “Please don’t tell me I have to learn a whole new language on top of having to meet an entirely new group of people tomorrow.” It stressed you out a little thinking about it. You were used to you American vernacular and slang, not whatever they said over here.
“On the contraire Y/N. You may just be ahead of times. I don’t know what the students are saying these days anyway.” He sounded like any other older person with that statement bringing out grin onto your face.
You questioned him for being so blasé about the whole thing, “How do you know my name?”
“That’s my job.” He smiled sweetly at you before continuing on the walk he happened to be on prior to stumbling on you arguing with the picture. You decided he wasn’t getting away that easy and followed being him quickly, “Which is?” You knew. But you wanted him to tell you. Just to confirm it.
He peaked behind him seeing you following him intently, “Headmaster…”
“Dumbledore.” You cut him off. You wouldn’t normally be so brash with somebody let alone the headmaster of the school, but you were already very comfortable around him for some reason. You knew he wasn’t going to be mad at you for doing so.
He nodded pausing to let you catch up, “Welcome to Hogwarts.”
“Thank you sir. I’m… excited to be here.” You stuttered a bit.
He smiled, “I may be old, but I can still spot a lie from a mile away. I believe you may grow to like this place. Now, I’m off. Get some rest.” He walked away without saying anything further. How odd. You’d heard that he was a bit different. You’d wish your dad would have detailed that a bit further for you.
You took his advice, attempting to find your way back to the common room was comical but you found it eventually. Not realizing how tired you were your eyes closed almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. A dreamless sleep took over not giving you the chance to prepare for the next day.
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“Okay!” Lily smiled right at you, “The girls are here but they went straight to the dining hall. They promised to save us some seats.” She waited by the door for you. You paused looking at yourself in the mirror. It was now or never. You’d met a few other Gryffindor’s but tried to simply stay out of the way, “Come on, you look beautiful.” She nodded holding the dorm room door open for you.
“I’m coming. I’m coming.” You nodded slightly before following her quickly out the dorm and down to the common room. The two of you walked quickly, blowing right by a group of boys who seemed to be very close in age to you.
“Evans!” Lily groaned hearing a voice call from behind her. She had such a peaceful summer without James Potter. But he’d found her in record time this year. She paused. Before you could even register what was going on you smacked right into her back. It wasn’t really your fault you didn’t know it was her last name and the boy was calling for her. If you’d have known that you might’ve slowed down a bit.
“Sorry.” You groaned holding her steady by the shoulders, keeping her from falling over backwards.
“It’s okay.” She smiled at you before moving in front of you. Her smile downturned quickly as the group approached the two of you.
“And a gorgeous new girl.” The one with long dark hair stated looking right at you. Staring so deeply it almost made you uncomfortable. Like he was trying to peer into your entity. Trying to discover you through such a simple look.
“Sirius!” The tall one with light brown hair punched him in the shoulder, “Be quiet for once.”
Sirius shrugged, “Call it like I see it. Absolutely ravishing.” His gaze darkened a shade taking you in. Eyes raking up and down made you feel exposed in the black robes. Suddenly you missed your blue robes you’d gotten used to at Ilvermorny. The look was more intimidating than you would’ve liked. He was handsome that was for sure. But the looks were already too much for you to handle.
“Anyway,” James looked annoyed at Sirius before turning back to Lily not letting you get a response in before he turned the conversation back to where he wanted it, “How was your summer, Lily?”
“It was great. Without you.” Her seemingly sweet exterior was so viscerally annoyed by him your eyes went wide hearing that response. Sure, you’d only known her for a few hours but it didn’t seem like she had it in her.
James let the insult roll right off. He was used to it. He was growing tired of it by now. He’d been trying for years at this rate. The gig was running up on his accord, “And yours?” He turned his attention towards you. The new Gryffindor girl.
“Honestly, not so great.” You knew you weren’t the best liar. It was better to be honest. You’d learned that early in life after countless failures at trying to lie.
Sirius’ eyebrows raised as he listened, “An American?”
It was now or never, “You’re so observant. What gave it away?” With a surge of confidence, you answered his question with one of your own.
The one with unruly brown hair and the cutest round glasses started laughing, loudly, at that, “I like you.” He appreciated when people could throw it back in Sirius’ face. It wasn’t often someone could go toe to toe with him. You seemed up for the challenge though.
He scrunched his nose up a bit apparently a little offended by your own question, rolling his eyes in defeat at the same time.
“No, you don’t.” Lily shook her head grabbing your hand in preparation of pulling you away, “The girls are waiting. Let’s go Y/N.”
You nodded, “Nice to meet you four.” You tried waving to them, but she pulled you away almost the second you spoke.
“Likewise stranger.” The one that originally called for Lily yelled out to you. The cute one with the adorably messy hair and way to cute glasses.
“Who was that?” You asked after she slowed down outside the common room.
She shook her head urgently, “Bad news. Stay away from him. That entire group. Remus is the only decent one. But look at the company he keeps, so who knows.” She sighed leading you towards the dining hall. Each time you made it out of the common room you picked up a little bit more of the castle. It was still an enormous living maze, but you were slowly getting there.
“Alright.” You nodded along continuing to follow her along. You took the seat across from her ignoring all the stares you were receiving from all the different tables. You were the new girl. It was to be expected. It all still felt so foreign to you. The colors were much different to start. The castle was much grander. Everything was the same but so slightly different.
“You made it! And you brought a new friend.” She turned towards you, “I’m Marlene.”
“And I’m Mary.” The pretty girl sitting next to Lily introduced herself.
“Hi.” You nodded to each girl, “Nice to meet you both.” You wanted to implode in on yourself after seeing the curious glances each girl tossed Lily.
“Oh, you’ve got to tell us how you ended up here.” Marlene squeezed your arm immediately once hearing your accent, a detail Lily had left out when she told them there was a new sixth year transfer.
That’s how you became quick friends with a few of the girls you were sharing a room with, by divulging your life story. They were attentive listeners and even better at asking questions as they learned about you. You were only interrupted when the four boys from earlier found seats next to you and Lily. The one who was trying to grab her attention earlier, the brown haired one, sat next to Lily and Sirius sat down next to you.
“Lily! Y/N. So glad we ran into you.” James grinned attempting to scoot closer to Lily who was having none of it.
“What are we then James?” Marlene stared at the boy who you didn’t have a name for yet for excusing her and Mary in the hello’s.
He wanted to roll his eyes but stopped short. It was always best to stay on her good side though, “Marlene, Mary.” He nodded acknowledging there presence as well, “Have a nice summer holiday?” He asked Marlene who just rolled her eyes in response.
“We don’t want your pity questions James.” She turned back towards Mary. A small smile crossed your lips as you observed the interaction between what you assumed to be old friends. You looked back over to Lily who didn’t look so thrilled to be interrupted by the group, her arms crossed over her chest and a frown not so happily across her face.
“And I don’t really want you here Potter.” She spat out his last name. You made a note to ask her about this later. She really seemed to dislike him.
“Ouch.” Sirius tried defending his friend by deflecting the conversation back to him.
“Oh, you always have something to say!” Lily was visibly frustrated now. You weren’t quite sure what to do either. The two groups clearly having some sort of history that you weren’t privy too, yet. You couldn’t wait to grill them tonight like they just grilled you about your own life.
“Let’s just go.” The shier one from earlier stood, “James you have all year to annoy Lily. Sirius you have the same to flirt with Y/N.”
Sirius grinned standing next to his friend, “It won’t even take a month. Give me more credit than that.” He countered making sure to wink right at you. You were more shocked than disgusted. American boys were straight forward but nothing quite like this. This was right in your face kind of flirting.
Your eyebrows were surely raised in visible surprise by now. He might’ve been the hottest guy you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but his personality was something left to be desired. You decided to take on the confident American route. It was either that or get eaten alive by him, “You’d be so lucky.” Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to Lily and the group. That wasn’t before you caught the sly grin spreading across James’ face.
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“I’m telling you both!” Marlene laughed as you, her, and Lily walked to potions together. Luckily you and Lily had nearly identical schedules. You were sure McGonagall had something to do with it, but she just brushed it off. You were utterly thankful for the so-called coincidence though. You didn’t think you’d be able to make it around without her. The castle being over a thousand years older than Ilvermorny truly made Howards feel like a gigantic maze you were never going to figure out.
“Alright,” Lily laughed feeling the warmth radiate from Marlene. For as snappy as Marlene was she was truly one of the kindest people you’d met, “say Remus really does like Dorcas… what do we do?”
You shook your head, “Nothing. Nothing good happens when you meddle in between two people!” You warned the both of them. Marlene had heard a rumor that Dorcas was interested in Remus and Remus was very interested in her. She wanted to do something about it, of course. Finding the two of them too shy to make any moves. But you knew better, that would never end well.
“That’s no fun Y/N.” Marlene visibly pouted trying to make you feel a little bad. It wasn’t going to work on you though. You were the queen of doing shit like this.
You laughed to your new friends, “Go for it then. Gives me something to watch.” Eyebrows raised as if to challenge them you only laughed harder seeing Marlene’s shocked expression.
Both girls joined in your laughter as the group made its way down to the potions classroom. Potions wasn’t your least favorite class but it’s not like you enjoyed it. It never really came that naturally to you like it did so many other students. Your favorite class, almost like anybody at Ilvermorny would say, was charms. Unfortunately, you couldn’t take that all day, or you would.
The three of you continued chatting until something wet, sticky, and far too gooey dropped onto all three of your heads. Marlene gasped as she started trying anything to get the disgusting smelling goo off of her. Lily started yelling that James and his stupid boy group was behind it. You were a little too stunned to speak. You weren’t the biggest fan of surprises, and this so-called prank came out of nowhere completely taking you off guard. You’d never felt so… exposed?
You heard the snickers of Sirius and the one you’d learned was named Peter up ahead. James wasn’t to be seen and Remus looked almost apologetic. Like he couldn’t stop them but needed to supervise his friends. You had a feeling the two of you would be fast friends.
Taking out your wand you knew the charm that would do the trick. Whispering out a soft, ‘skurge’ holding your wand out to Marlene who was more in a fit of rage than in any state of trying to figure out who had done it. She shot you a thanks when she realized you were the one who used a charm to clean her up. Once she was cleaned up you cast the same spell at Lily who gave you a thumbs up before taking off to go yell at the boys who had the audacity to do that to them.
You probably should’ve cleaned yourself up before taking a step, but you weren’t really thinking all that clearly. Unlucky for you the goo had seeped down your robe and onto the stone all around you. Being as clumsy as you were you stepped right into the slippery stuff. Your legs slipped out behind you. Before anybody could even react your head contacted the stone stairway behind you knocking you nearly unconscious. Your eyes opened quickly. Placing a hand behind your head you hazily remembered what just occurred.
“Oh, shit.” Sirius knew he was in trouble when you didn’t immediately stand up.
Lily’s face went a little pale. Marlene stepped back. Remus was the only one who seemed to come to his senses enough to react. Quickly, he walked over to you whispering another charm to close up the back of your head. He might not be able to fix the internal damage, but he’d be damned if he let your head continue to bleed.
“What happened?” James asked looking at the scene before him in confusion. He decided on taking the morning to train for quidditch on the pitch with his captain. He was a good chaser. But he wanted to be remembered for being great. He knew he needed to put in the time so that’s he worked it in. Before class. Between it and after it. He was still working on the whole timing thing though. He didn’t mean to be late, he just forgot to set the timer.
Sirius took a step forward before shyly looking away from him, “She slipped. It was an accident.” He didn’t want to elaborate. The angry look already evident on his friends face. Remus helped you to your feet making sure you could actually stand before taking a step back.
“Slipped on what Sirius?” James looked mad. Like he wanted to punch Sirius right in the face. Both Lily and Marlene watched the interaction curiously. He’d only shown that level of protection over Lily before. Had all her years of pushing him away actually worked? Was Lily actually free of James Potter’s advances? Was it at a cost to you? Sirius looked away like a puppy being scolded for doing something it knows not to.
“That goo we made the other night.” It wasn’t often that James yelled at Sirius for a prank. More often than not he was egging him right along. Remus was the one who stopped a majority of their pranks. He let the more innocent ones go. He thought this one was going to be innocent enough.
James was more than angry. They talked about it literally last night. Lily was off limits. You were off limits until they either got to know you better or you pranked them first. James didn’t want to admit how intrigued you made him in just the two short interactions you’d had. That same possessive nature came out when he saw you on the ground holding the back of your head with blood running down in.
James rolled his eyes at his best friend. He’d have it in for him tonight. But for now, he was more concerned with the delirious gaze your eyes seemed to have held. It’s like you were there but you weren’t. James knew that expression. He’d seen countless teammates and himself in that state after a bludger or bat knocked them off their brooms. You’d be fine but it should never have happened. That’s why he was upset.
“Remus, tell Professor Slughorn what happened. I’ll take her to the hospital wing. They should know what to do.” He took one of your hands in his. You weren’t feeling too great at this point. It looked like there were at least three versions of himself in your vision. It was hard to even focus on James’ face in front of you.
Remus’ eyes shot up in surprise. James wasn’t usually the first one that sprung to action. Certainly not for somebody he’d just met to boot, “Alright.” He watched him curiously for a moment before turning to the rest of the group who were all watching just as questioningly. James wasn’t like this. He was the pompous asshole usually standing tall next to Sirius.
James turned his attention back to you and the gash on the back of your head. He nodded in approvement of Remus’s ability to heal. It was usually him or Sirius doing the healing, not Remus. This too was a change.
“Can you walk love?” He asked squeezing your hand gently after turning away from his friends. Remus made sure to usher them into the classroom no matter how bad they all wanted to watch the strange scene before them. It was so seemingly out of character for James.
Turning your head towards him you winced feeling the extent of how hard your head really hit that step, “Hmm?” You heard him but you didn’t really hear what he had said.
When he asked again you tried to form words in your head but was seeming to come up just short. Only seemingly to be able to nod or mumble out responses. You might’ve hit your head harder than you thought. How wild was it to be able to comprehend but not able to communicate back.
“Okay.” He frowned trying to pull you but not being able to get far before your legs wanted to give out. He sighed turning back towards you, “I’m going to have to pick you up now. Is that alright?”
Nodding your head was all he was going to get out of you at this point. You were starting to fade faster than even you thought. You heard a faint, “I’m so sorry, I told him not to.” Before you brain decided it needed you knocked out.
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“Ahh, Miss Y/L/N. You’re awake.” You heard the healer speak before your eyes were even open. It always amazed you that they seemed to know your status before even you did. Sucking in a sharp breath you felt the back of your head with a dull throb, “Drink this.” She handed you a cup of dark nasty smelling liquid.
You tossed it back trying not to gag on the medicine. You never questioned what they gave you because it was always beneficial. But it always tasted like shit. No matter what it was it tasted like your least favorite food multiplied by a hundred.
“Yeah, guess I am.” You opened your eyes again slower this time, glancing at your surroundings. You’d expected to see many places in your first week here, but the hospital wing was certainly not one.
“Knocked your head there pretty good, yeah?” The woman smiled standing next to you, “You’ll feel a little fuzzy for the next few hours before the potion kicks in. Mr. Potter here offered to watch over you for the afternoon.” She smirked at you blocking his view. Like she knew something you didn’t.
“Sure.” You nodded your head gently. You were surely going to have to find a good, albeit less painful, stunt to pull back on Sirius. Because this whole thing was too embarrassing when you thought about it. You were already the school gossip that was slowly dying down now it was all going to be reignited after this whole thing.
“Very well.” Her thick Irish accent made it almost impossible for you to understand, “You’re free to go.”
“Thank you.” Pushing yourself up you took a moment to get your bearings straight.
James stood out of his chair quickly walking over to your side, “Easy now love.”
You laughed more to yourself than him, “I thought that was just a rumor.” You mumbled. He gave you a confused expression as if ready to call the healer back over, “The love thing.”
He offered his hand for you to take. Without even thinking you took his offer using him to balance as you stood on your feet. You felt the potion kicking in as the fuzziness began to fade slowly. You always thanked your lucky stars that you were born as a wizard and not a no-maj. You’d have probably killed yourself from how clumsy you were.
James smiled, understanding your comment, “Does it make you uncomfortable?” He asked. You thought for a moment before breaking out into a smile of your own. Had a guy ever been so thoughtful before? He asked for permission before touching you, asked if his words were too much. You needed to be careful before you got yourself into too much trouble. Your thoughts wandering too far. There was deep history there with one of your newest friends. You didn’t want to mess anything up with that either.
You shook your head, regretting it almost instantly, “Not at all. I think it’s cute.” Your filter was clearly gone with the potion working its magic.
“Cute?” James smiled taking your hand in his.
“Cute.” You reaffirmed hoping he’d let it go and not tease you too incessantly about it.
James made a mental note of it before changing the conversation. He’d agreed to make sure you were in good hands. He’d happily skip class at the doctor’s orders. At least he had a very valid excuse, “Come on, let’s get you back to the common room.”
You agreed with a hum, “Sounds like a plan, Stan.” You grinned goofily following in his footsteps quickly. He wouldn’t let you fall too far behind with his hands still in yours.
James shook his head while half-way puling you along, “I knew that rumor was true.”
“Which one?”
He paused, smiling to himself, “That Americans are really strange.”
A shocked but goofy expression came to you, “I’m hereby offended for all Americans with a comment like that James Potter.”
He shrugged continuing the small trek back to the Gryffindor common room, “Have you tried not being strange, love?” James was having a little too much fun now. Knowing he was crossing the line between friendly and concerned to one of a much flirtier nature. Conversations with Lily were always negative and ended up being too exhausting. All the while he found himself drawn to you just by short conversation he’s shared with you. He quickly came to admire the quick-witted nature about you. How sure you carried yourself for being thrown in the situation you had been in.
As nervous as you were to spend the whole afternoon with James there was nothing to worry about. The conversation came so easily between the two of you. It was almost as if two old friends were reconnecting after not seeing the other for a while. The two of you having more in common than you would’ve thought. Both of you not having any siblings but coming from a very rigid but loving home. Both of you having to move around for your dad’s jobs. Your father being in the government while his you learned created a hair product that was becoming rather successful uprooting their family from normalcy.
He even went on to explain his and Lily’s relationship, or lack thereof one. He admitted all the faults he’d made throughout the years and how he actually started trying to mend the relationship last year, but she wasn’t buying it.
“I think you should keep trying.” You encouraged him, “At least to just be friends. I know I don’t know her like the other girls do but she’s really a great person. I’m sure she’s got a soft spot for you somewhere.” You nudged him. The two of you had started on opposite ends of the couch but had slowly migrated closer together. Neither of you caring about the curious looks you were getting from each and every Gryffindor student grades one through seven that passed by.  
He nodded letting out a sigh, “I’ll keep trying. She doesn’t make it very easy.” He laughed with a sad look in his eye, “Enough about her. How are you feeling?” He’d noticed how your eyes had gotten progressively more tired throughout the afternoon. The potion must’ve been wearing off. No matter what it seemed to be it always left the recipient tired after a certain amount of time.
James looked at the clock closing in on five. He knew the guys would be meeting in the cafeteria. He’d all but abandoned them today. But they had to have known. As gross as it was to admit he was almost thankful everything went down. He’d gotten to spend time with the new girl who’d immediately grabbed his attention. It scared him how quickly you swooped in and stole his focus away from Lily.
Lily noticed immediately. Instead of pestering her throughout class he started going for you. She bit her tongue when she saw him toss you a note charming it to unfold when Professor McGonagall looked away. Lily would’ve immediately crumpled it up and tossed it back to him. You smiled from ear to ear seeing the sweet little note sent your way. Scribbling back a reply quickly to him you tossed it as soon as McGonagall turned away again. She didn’t know how to feel about the change. She wasn’t sad or jealous. She really didn’t want him. She missed the attention a little. You were now getting it all. She couldn’t blame him though. He’d been trying for years. He finally got the hint.
You definitely welcomed the attention. It felt good. Refreshing. Sirius backed off immediately getting the not-so-subtle hints from James. James had decided he was going to get to know you. He was going to do it the right way. Get to know you, become a friend and then hopefully more. He’d never expected this. He had every intention of pursuing Lily when he got back to school but then you showed up. He found you absolutely fascinating and just downright adorable.
“I’m good. Just a little tired.” You admitted after not being able to stop the yawn from coming.
He nodded, “Why don’t you go take a nap? I’ll tell one of the girls to bring you back some dinner. I’d help you upstairs, but those stairs are charmed.” He smiled knowing he’s tried damn near everything to break the charm. Turns out old wizards are better at magic than he was.
It started slow. With those notes that Lily noticed. Then it progressed to cute little lunch dates away from the group. James made sure that you attended his quidditch matches throughout the beginning of the school year. He knew if you were there he’d play better. He wanted to impress you. And impress you he did. He was everywhere out on the pitch. Playing out of his damn mind every time the ball came his way. After a few quick weeks of small gestures, he’d finally got the courage to ask you out on a real date, a dinner date away from the dining hall and prying eyes. He’d promised a candlelight picnic up in the astronomy tour since the sun set so early in the night.
He'd delivered on his promise, big time. You’d gasped lightly when you saw what looked like thousands of white candles all over the top of the tower with a small picnic set up in the middle. Roses, your favorite flower, as décor and all.
“James, wow.” You took it all in walking around the footpath he had made. You were sure he’d found a spell or something, but it was always the thought that counted. He’d actually listened to you. For the first time in forever a guy listened to what you liked and what you wanted and then executed on those wishes. How were you not going to absolutely give this guy a shot? You’d felt a little bad taking him away from Lily, but she gave you her full blessing. She started dating a handsome seventh year not long after James’s interest in her had almost completely vanished as it shifted towards you.
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he watched you take it all it, “Hopefully you like it.” He looked at you with a hopeful expression.
You stopped before abruptly walking towards him giggling to yourself, “Do I like it? James Potter this is incredible. I love it. It’s everything and more.”
He sighed in relief suddenly feeling so much more confident, “Oh, that’s a relief. I’ve never done anything like this.”
Your smile was one that could really light up a room. Especially since you were already so smitten with the unruly haired man, “I would’ve never have known. It’s beautiful. Thank you James.” You hugged him quickly. Giving his lips a brief flash before you squeezed his torso into your own. It’s crazy how much you’d grown to care for the boy over the last three or so weeks of knowing him.
You grew to care for his insane friends too. Sirius ended up apologizing. While things started rocky the two of you quickly became scheming buddies. Remus tried his best to stop the two of you but often came up short. He was able to stop one mischievous mind but three altogether? There wasn’t a chance. Lucky for them you were clever and often thought your way out of the problems that always inevitably rose. You’d help them avoid detention for the last two weeks which was almost unheard of for them.
When you weren’t with Sirius you were studying with Remus. You had a lot of different small things to catch up on. Thankfully Remus offered to help knowing how difficult it all probably was. Especially since he knew James was after you now. Making it official to the guys the previous night before bed. Oh, how quickly the heart can change when it needs to.
He decided to throw caution to the wind as he wrapped his arms fully around you, thoroughly enjoying the height different between you. He kissed the top of your head before resting on it gently, still holding you close, “Anything for you.”
You hummed holding him peacefully. Luckily for you the usually gray Scottish sky decided to clear up for you this fine autumn evening. After a moment you pulled away, “I’m starving.” You admitted before you heard a rumble in your stomach you were sure James heard.
The laughter that left his lips confirmed your fear, oh well, “Let’s eat. I had a few of the house elves from the kitchens pack this up, so it should be good.” He let you walk ahead. He followed close behind you though. Making sure to keep his hand around your waist in the process.
“Really?” You asked curiously sitting down next to the basket in the spot he had made, “How’d you pull that off?”
He shrugged, “I know a lot of secrets about this castle. I can teach you sometime.” His goofy grin pulled yours right out alongside his. He was so handsome as the candlelight lit up his features with the moon behind him.
You nodded while memorizing his features in this rare light, “I’d love that James. I really would.” You wanted to give him all of the confidence he usually had. Of course, you found it adorable he had gotten so nervous. But you truly were starting to fall in love with the chatty James. The unashamed to be himself James.
You were nervous too though. You’d never had a boy care enough to go to such lengths. It made you horrifically nervous that you’d mess it all up, say the wrong thing at the wrong time. You knew better than to stress about it. It was too easy to spiral when those thoughts would never even cross James’ mind. You needed to relax. He had feelings for a reason. He was interested in you.
“It’s a date then.” He said so casually you weren’t sure if you heard him right. But the smile on his face confirmed what you thought was true. This one had hardly started and the two of you were already setting up the next one.
It took the pressure right on off when you nodded confirming, “It’s a date.”
“How’s Saturday afternoon sound? We have practice in the morning but it’s our first Hogsmeade weekend if you wanted to come with me.” He looked nervous asking but he didn’t need to worry, not one bit.
You nodded excitedly while taking a piece of cheese off the plate, “I’d love to! Seriously, that sounds like so much fun.” You’d heard the girls talking about Hogsmeade and how fun it was to go and get away from the castle. You were planning on going with Marlene and Dorcas since Lily was going with her new fling. You weren’t too worried about telling them that you’d had a slight change of plans, they’d been pushing it surprisingly. Even after Lily rejected him for years, the group seemed much more open to the idea of you and James together.
His soft smile at your response sent your heart into a frenzy. The physical reactions you were having because of him was unlike anything you’d ever experienced. Sure, you’ve been on dates and had a supposed ‘boyfriend’ but this… this was something entirely different. You didn’t feel anything that deep. Nothing like this. The effortless nature of the relationship. The desire to be always around him. The want to see his face, hear his laugh and touch his skin was growing stronger by the day at an alarming rate.
“How do you like flying?” James asked as the two of you continued to eat in a comfortable silence.
“I’ll be honest. I’m tragic at it. Never got the hang of it.” It was easier to just admit the truth than trying to hide behind a lie.
James leaned forward, eyes gazing over every point on your face. He too was admiring your beauty as the moonlight cast a soft shadow over your face. He got butterflies as he began to see a future with you. He wanted to make plans. He wanted to show you how to do things you didn’t know how to. Hell, he even wanted you to meet his parents. He was ready to dive first into this entire thing without fear. James had so much love to give and nobody to give it to. He wanted to give it to you.
“I can show you.” He spoke after the brief gaze he had given you.
Your eyes were all but sparkling by now. It amazed you that Lily was so anti-James. But you’d gotten her story and understood. Third- and Fourth-year James was a total menace to any desired peace at Hogwarts. Even James agreed to the accusations. Admitting he probably wasn’t the best person during those years.
Fortunately for you, you’d only gotten to see him at his best. He was still his goofy, fun-loving self just toned down a bit. Or a lot.
“You would?” Leaning back onto the palms of your hands you sat there an observed him. It was hard for you to believe that you’d managed to get such a handsome and fun guy to fall for you like you were him. You never found yourself to be the most desirable at Ilvermorny. All the guys seemed to go for your friends leaving you to fend for yourself. It never bothered you, just left you wanting to feel desired.
He nodded taking your hand in his, “Absolutely I would!” He grinned scooting closer to you, “Let’s do it.”
He moved as if to stand confusing you, “Now?”
He shrugged still making sure to hold your hand while he got up, “Why not?”
You looked around, “It’s dark?”
“So?” His smile was so big you began to feel the excitement that was radiating off him. Your smile slowly matched his as you thought about it some more.
“What if I fall?”
He shook his head pulling you to your feet now, “I’d never let that happen, love.” He could sense your unease as you surveyed the lands in the moonlight from the tower, “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you ride with me tonight? Next time I’ll get you your own broom.”
Nodding quickly, you didn’t want to lose your courage. You trusted him. Probably more than you should. You had only known him for the better amount of three weeks. But there was something so pure and honest that you knew he was telling you the utmost truth, he’d never let you fall, “Okay. Let’s do it.”
“Yeah?” He asked once more making sure you were actually okay with the spontaneous plan.
“Come on, let’s go before I can think of all the reasons not too.” You squeezed his hand this time to reassure him.
“I knew I liked you.” Placing a quick kiss on your cheek, to your surprise, he happily escorted you out of the castle and to the pitch where the two of you spent the next few hours flying around occasionally checking to make sure nobody was onto you. You had a certain feeling that this was going to be the start of a brand-new life for you. One filled with the utmost love and the most insane adventures. You were going to have to thank you mom for not letting you talk her out of moving you half a world away. But man, were you thankful.
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Taglist: @twilightlover2007 @kayreblog
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Chapter 9 will not be posted until October but please stay tuned! I will also be adding bios for each of the professors onto AO3 as filler, so look out for that ;)
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