#hufflepuff!tom holland x reader
rambling-at-midnight · 2 months
Jason Todd x Reader
(Complete) Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks, Part 2, Part 3
Don’t Go Disappearing On Me Again
Second Chances, Part 2
Please Come Home
A Nice Day Off (Supernatural/TUA crossover)
Sam Winchester x Reader:
(Complete) False Image: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
(Complete) Angel: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
(Complete) Four Years: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
(Complete) The Dangers of Sarcasm: Part 1, Part 2
Peter Parker x Reader:
Dating Peter Parker Would Include…
(Complete) Hacked: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Sharing a Brain
(Complete) Inferno: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Wanda Maximoff x Reader:
The Umbrella Academy
A Nice Day Off (Supernatural/TUA crossover)
Five Hargreeves x Reader:
(Complete) Number Eight: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
(Complete) Pick Your Battles: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Epilogue
Ten Years
(Complete) Snowflakes Melt Too Quickly: Teaser, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 5.5 (Alternate Ending)
See You Later (Or Not)
Klaus Hargreeves x Reader:
You know?
Don’t You Believe Me?
Sherlock x Reader:
Slytherin Sherlock x Slytherin Reader
Slytherin Sherlock x Ravenclaw Reader
Slytherin Sherlock x Gryffindor Reader
Slytherin Sherlock x Hufflepuff Reader
Dating Sherlock Holmes Would Include…
Tom Holland x Reader:
(Mob!Tom, Trigger Warning) Rain
(Mob!Tom, COMPLETE) Protection: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
(COMPLETE) Rising Stars, Part 2, Part 3
(Discontinued) A Handmaiden’s Lies: Teaser, Part 1, Part 2
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kalimagik · 4 years
Cat Got Your Tongue?
Hufflepuff!Tom Holland x reader
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: Happy Wednesday, lovelies! This fic begins my “100 Followers Fic Weekend Celebration”! One fic everyday until Sunday! (I hope you guys will hang out during it!) This fic came from this request as my inspiration! I hope you like it @abrielleholland​! The rest of you, if you enjoy reading, please like, reblog, comment, or even give me a follower to stay with the long weekend fun! Happy reading <3<3<3
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*Not my GIF - credit to owner 
Hogwarts was abuzz. The three other schools for the TriWizard Tournament had arrived the previous night and now the castle was packed. Students were talking about who from each of the schools would enter their names and who were the top contenders for Champion.
Tom knew that the Weasley Twins, who were in his year, were concocting some plan to get their own names in the ring. Tom was half tempted to enter himself. 1,000 galleons could do a lot for a guy!
“Holland! You coming?” Cedric asked from the entryway of the Hufflepuff Common Room. The boys were heading to the Great Hall. Since Dumbledore had set up the Goblet of Fire, most of the students had been spending a lot of time in there. Tom just couldn’t wait to check out the potential competition. Most of the Hogwarts students seemed to think that Viktor Krum would wind up as Durmstrang’s champion. The dude was terrifying, wicked good at quidditch, but terrifying.
“Oh yeah, I’m coming. Are you bringing a quill or paper or anything?” Tom asked nervously…maybe he wouldn’t put his name in.
“Write your name on a piece of paper and let’s go,” Cedric chuckled as Tom scribbled his name down and followed the popular Hufflepuff boy out of the Common Room.
The Great Hall was overflowing with people. Students from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and even Ilvermorny. The American school wasn’t initially supposed to compete in the tournament, but apparently some student petitioned the three European schools. Rumors were flying about who it was and how that person did it. Only about 15 of them came, but they all looked determined. Every single member of their delegation had put their names in the previous night, the moment after Dumbledore had set up the cup.
Heads turned to watch the group of Hufflepuff boys as they entered and approached the Goblet of Fire.
“Go on Ced! Put your name in,” Tom dared as he slapped his hands on the boy’s shoulders. Cedric waved the rest of the boys off before reaching up to put the piece of paper in. Tom followed suit and then sat on the benches surrounding the Goblet.
Krum followed shortly with his large entourage. Karkaroff was beaming as his star pupil’s name was accepted. Tom’s eyes quickly scanned the room to look at the conglomeration of students that littered the Great Hall. George and Fred Weasley had just burst into the large room when Tom’s eyes landed on a girl with the Ilvermorny group.
The bantering and cheering of the Weasley twins seemed to fade into the background. This girl’s E/C eyes had the ability to just bore into Tom’s soul.
“Tom? Where are you going?” Cedric’s voice echoed in his ear.
“I- I’ll be back in a minute…” he waved it off.
“I think he’s been entranced by the Beauxbatons girls,” one of their other friends joked, but Tom didn’t even hear him. The boy even walked right over the now old Weasley twins wrestling on the floor.
The Ilvermorny kids were all laughing at the antics of the twins. There was no denying that Fred and George would make their trip to the United Kingdom very memorable. Tom felt his stomach flip over in his stomach as he approached the group. Luckily, his Hufflepuff traits were really standing out. He was just trying to be friendly and welcoming, at least that’s what he was telling himself.
“Well, hey there,” the girl smirked the moment Tom walked up to her group. “I’m Y/N. Who are you?”
Tom felt a blush creep to the apples of his cheeks. He was in trouble and he knew it.
“Cat got your tongue?” she pressured again. Her American accent stood out like something he had never heard before. Her voice was soft, but rolled off her lips like honey. The girls around her started to giggle when Tom still hadn’t spoken.
“Y/N! Over here!” another Ilvermorny girl called from the entrance of the Great Hall.
“I guess I have to leave, but maybe I’ll see you tomorrow and get to know your name.” With a wink of her E/C eyes, she brushed past him. Tom stood there, still speechless. What had gotten into him? He was usually always able to talk to everyone! He was the one who gave Cedric tips when he got nervous!!
Speaking of Cedric, he had seen the whole thing.
“That did not go nearly as well as you planned it, huh?” Cedric asked as he patted Tom on the shoulder. “For a second there, you looked more embarrassed than the Weasley twins, who you seamlessly ignored.” Cedric couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the predicament. Tom was usually pretty smooth with the ladies at Hogwarts. “If it helps man, she isn’t even veela…so that was just all you blubbering.”
Tom groaned as he flopped onto the bench where the beautiful girl once stood. “That doesn’t help, Cedric,” Tom emphasized his name. “That means that I just completely lost it.”
“You always have tomorrow. Dumbledore is picking the champions, remember?” Cedric pointed out.
“Right, tomorrow.” Tom had some more motivation. He was determined and antsy. Cedric even caught him talking to the mirror. “You would think that you would be more nervous about being picked as Hogwarts’ champion,” he had even commented.
Halloween was bursting with energy. The students could not stop talking about the champion selection at the feast later that evening. Tom on the other hand couldn’t wait for his next interaction with Y/N. He was going to be ready this time.
His leg bounced furiously as his head darted from the door of the Great Hall and back to his plate. The feast hadn’t started, but it was suddenly very interesting.
“Hey, Holland,” Cedric nudged Tom with a whisper. “Look.”
Tom’s breath caught in his throat as he saw Y/N walking towards the Hufflepuff table. “Ced! Ced! Laugh like I said something funny,” Tom pleaded.
“No way. I am not doing that. Just talk to her…” Cedric urged.
Before Tom could retort, Y/N placed a hand on the table and leaned, very casually and easily, across from Tom.
“You got a name yet?” she joked. Tom sat there staring. No girl had ever had this much gusto when talking to Tom. He was the one that left them speechless.
Cedric did what any best friend would do and elbowed Tom’s arm.
“Uhh, yeah, yeah. I’m Tom,” he managed.
“Well, Tom. Is anyone sitting here? My friends and I were told to sit anywhere and it seems that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have taken over that table-“ Y/N pointed to where the Slytherins sat. “and that table.” She now pointed to the Ravenclaws. “But, this one seems pretty good to me.”
“N-nope. No one else is sitting here. It’s just Cedric and I and whoever comes, but yeah, go ahead and sit, please.” Great, now Tom couldn’t stop talking. It seemed to be okay though, Y/N was laughing as she motioned for her friends to join her.
“So you all have houses here too right? Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff?” Y/N asked once Dumbledore had given his speech and made all the food for the feast appear.
“Yeah, how’d you know that?” Cedric responded. Luckily, conversation began to flow smoothly and Tom wasn’t tripping over his words nearly as much, key word being nearly.
“I did my studying before coming here. Of course I had to do my research to even get Ilvermorny the chance to compete.” She laughed.
“You’re the one who did that?” Tom blurted out. “I heard there were rumors that a student was the one who petitioned for you all to come.”
“Oh yeah!” Y/N’s friend, Michell, as Tom had learned, started. “Y/N was determined to get us into this competition. Only the best of the best at Ilvermorny were allowed to come. We practiced potential scenarios for the tournament throughout September and most of this month!” Michelle bragged.
“Shut up,” Y/N laughed. A rose color invaded her cheeks. Tom inhaled deeply as he took in her beautiful smile and the sound of her laugh. Feeling the knowing glance of Cedric, Tom shook himself out of it.
“I will not!” Michelle continued. “She’s ambitious and always looking for adventure.”
“Okay, Michelle. You essentially just described my house at school!”
“You all have houses too?” Tom asked intrigued.
“Oh yeah. Four like Hogwarts, but all named after magical creatures. Wampus, Horned Serpent, Pukwudgie, and the Horned Serpents. People even say that the four y’all have align with our four.”
“And what are your houses then?” Cedric asked.
“Michelle and I are both in Thunderbird, but we have people here from all the houses.” Y/N explained. “Her house must align with Ravenclaw. She knows so much,” Tom thought to himself.
“If they all align, which Hogwarts house is most similar to yours?” Cedric continued as if he was reading Tom’s mind.
“There is some debate since they don’t match up perfectly, but ours is supposedly Slytherin. We’re ambitious like they are and the thunderbird supposedly favors the adventurer, so that’s us,” Y/N grinned.
Tom wanted to keep asking about school in the United States, but he was interrupted by Dumbledore rising from his seat.
“Attention students! We will now be selecting the champions from each of the four schools!”
Walking towards the Goblet, Dumbledore waved his arms to cause fire to raise from it. A slip of paper burst through the flames. Although it was singed at the edges, Dumbledore caught it. Tom watched enthusiastically as Dumbledore called both Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour.
It wasn’t until Hogwarts’ champion was called that Tom truly lost it.
“WOOHOO!!! Let’s go, CEDRIC!” he whooped and hollered. He couldn’t stop himself from patting Cedric on the back as the boy stood to join the other champions in the room off of the Great Hall.
“Now, for Ilvermorny, our sister school that we are happy to have with us!” Dumbledore announced. “Ilvermorny’s champion is MICHELLE JONES!”
Tom heard the ecstatic shriek come from Y/N’s mouth as her best friend stood up to join Cedric. When all the cheering from the Hufflepuff table finally settled down however, the Goblet lit up again. It announced that a fifth champion was to compete – Harry Potter. Tom felt a surge of anger flow through him. He couldn’t help this. The TriWizard Tournament was supposed to be Cedric Diggory’s time to shine as the only Hogwarts champion.
Once he finally calmed down and Harry was out of sight, the rest of the students began to rise from their seats and return to their dorms. Before Tom could escape from his thoughts, Y/N interrupted them.
“Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other with our best friends as champions, huh?”
“I guess so. Prepare for a little smack talk from our side of the table.”
“You really found the counter curse to langlock then, huh? Don’t you worry. I sure like a challenge.” Once again, Y/N winked before leaving Tom without a chance to respond.
Oh, this one was definitely going to be trouble for Tom, but he had the rest of the year to figure her out. She may be ready for a challenge, but so was Tom.
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delishtequila · 2 years
He needed more than me...
I don't know what I'm missing. I'm friendly, thoughtful and quite awfully pretty. Been giving him more attention than every other boy i talk with, but he just walk pass me everytime...
But he need needed more than me.
inspired by : Tears Over Beers by Modern Baseball
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every-marveler-ever · 5 years
Tom’s Hollands Girlfriend in a Hogwarts AU (2/4)
There will be 4 parts! One for each house because it’s Hogwarts house pride week. Currently rereading Goblet Of Fire while writing these head cannons, I apologize.
Headcannon if you were Tom’s Hollands Girlfriend in a Hogwarts AU
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Tom Holland x Hufflepuff!Reader
As a future prefect, it was your duty to know everyone in your house
Including the super cute boy who sat across from you on the train
Like the 5-year-old spirited person, you were the only way to be friends was to offer chocolate
“Do you want some? I’ve got plenty of spare?”
And your friendship had kicked off
But that was all it was
Because Tom was an idiot who, didn’t see how you blushed whenever you were around him
(His friend Harrison often told him what an idiot he was)
You were just his girl friend
With a space
“Have you seen Elizabeth this morning, her eyes are stunning”
“No Tom I didn’t notice”
Your best friend didn’t ignore you, you were best friends it was just that he often paid more attention to the other girls in your level (and levels above)
That was until 4th-year yule ball
It was unconventional but you had worked up the courage to ask you best friend, as friends.
But he had a date
Elizabeth Rosemary
“I can help you find a date?”
The person you wanted to go with was offering to find someone for you to go with
How kind
You didn’t go in the end
You didn’t have a date and when offered you really didn’t want to go with anyone but Tom
So you didn’t go
You stayed in your dorm all night reading to pass the time
Then Tom came back
Came back to you on the common room yellow couch crying because you would never reach your goals
Tom came and sat on the couch next to you and pulled you into his arms
“I like you too.”
“Let’s just say Harrison knocked some sense into me”
(later you would find out that this was not figurative, but literal)
Then to make it all the more perfect he gave you chocolate
The first sign of your relationship
And yes you did become prefect
And then headgirl
With all the support from your amazing boyfriend.
Taglist: not tagging because a. It's a headcanon and b. Is harry potter
Love, Cait
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Hello! I was wondering if you can do a Harry Potter au Gryffindor Tom & Hufflepuff Reader? That the both of them love magical creatures. I’m sorry that you’re working on the stories for the Harry potter au... you can ignore this request, I don’t mind it because it’s a bit dumb to ask you such a stupid idea
A/N: Wow I’m so sorry this took so long but here you go! I loved this request especially since I’m planning a Hogwarts au! I used to write for Harry Potter so this was quite easy but I hope I did your request justice! Also Harry Potter always reminds me of Halloween so happy spooky season!
WC: 1.4k
Warnings: None :)
“Hey hufflepuff wait up!” 
You rolled your eyes at the sound of a familiar voice, your books clutched to your chest. You stopped walking and sighed as Tom caught up with you. 
You turned to look at him and noticed he was slightly out of breath. “I have a name you know?” 
“I know that Y/n. It’s just you’re my favourite hufflepuff.” He nudged your shoulder playfully and you could feel the blush rise on your cheeks. He smirked at you as you met his eyes, the warm honey brown making your heart melt. 
You looked at him expectantly as a stretch of silence appeared between the both of you. His brain clicked and he finally sprung into action. “Oh um, I was wondering if you could help me out with the care of magical creatures essay?” 
You were surprised at his question, he was good at care of magical creatures, always excelling at the projects. Tom noted your surprise and rubbed a hand at the back of his neck sheepishly - you had never seen him so nervous. He was just about to dismiss his question but you stopped him. 
“Of course I will.” You placed a hand on his arm, feeling a spark at the touch before blushing at the realisation of what you were doing and quickly retracting your arm away. He almost looked disappointed at the removal of your touch. You tried not to read too much into it and looked away nervously. “Um, I have to get to class but meet me in the library after dinner?” 
Tom nodded with a smile before watching you leave. He went back to a smirking Harrison with the biggest grin which he of course got teased about until dinner. 
The library was almost empty when he arrived, he searched row after row of table until he found you. He tried to calm his racing heart as he sat down across from you with a smile. You returned the gesture with a blush before opening your textbook and getting straight to helping him.
Your plan was to help him with his essay and exit as quickly as you could lest you embarrass yourself in front of the Gryffindor boy who had been your crush since third year. Tom however, didn’t want the night to be over so soon. 
“Well I think you’re gonna pass. I guess I’ll see you around.” You returned to your normal volume of speaking as the library door closed behind you. Tom tilted his head in confusion. “What?” 
“Oh I just thought maybe I could show you something?” It was hard to tell under the dim light of the now dark corridor but if you weren’t mistaken then Tom Holland was blushing. You shuffled your feet nervously, biting your lip. 
“What’s that?” You asked, curiosity peaked at his sudden nervous behaviour. He smiled, not giving a response except for holding his hand out towards you for you to take. You blushed for the millionth time that night as you placed your hand in his. 
He led you out to the castle grounds, nearing towards the forbidden forest. 
“Tom!” You stopped in your tracks making him turn to look at you, your hands still interlocked. “We’re not allowed to be down here.” You whispered, the fear of being found out and getting into trouble running through your system - your fight or flight system ready to kick in at any moment. 
“What’s life without a little risk, Hufflepuff?” Tom winked at you, squeezing your hand and smirking. Your heart raced even quicker but as a smile spread across your face, Tom knew that you were in. You nodded and let him lead the way into the forest. 
The trees were ominous and dark, the full moon just peeking out from behind the branches. You gulped and moved closer to Tom as you walked and he just smiled, once again reassuring you with a squeeze of his hand. You trusted him.
You were just wondering how far he was going to take you when he stopped. “Here.” He led you by the hand over to a crowding of trees, a stump resting in the middle. He let go of your hand to bend down to the stump. 
“Hey little guy.” You inched closer and saw that Tom was holding a bowtruckle on his finger, delicately petting him. You smiled and bent down to his level, careful not to scare the creature or any of its family who also seemed to be hiding there. 
Tom looked to you and smiled as you picked one up too. He’d seen you in care of magical creatures class, he knew you loved the creatures you studied just as much as he did.
“This is Stick.” Tom looked back to the bowtruckle which was now making its way up his arm and into his pocket.
“Stick?” You giggled, placing the creature down from your hand and turning to Tom with a bemused expression. 
Tom let out a laugh before mocking offense. “Hey don’t judge me - I named him when I was 11, okay?” 
You thought about how often Tom must have been coming here since first year for the creatures to be so familiar with him. He told you that he came down here to think when life got a bit too much or whenever he needed comfort and you smiled at his vulnerability, placing your hand over his sweetly. He looked at you with a small smile. 
A moment passed between the two of you, both of your hearts thudded as you leaned in but before your lips could touch a twig snapped in the distance and you yelped, falling into Tom. He laughed and you sent him a death glare as you quickly got up, dusting yourself off and trying to remain calm. 
“It’s probably just the wind.” He reassured. You sighed about to give him a crash course in muggle horror films when the sound happened again this time followed by a voice. 
“Who’s there?” 
You and Tom shared a panicked look, both able to recognise that voice from anywhere. It was Filch, the school caretaker and if he was to spot you out here after hours it would be detention for sure. Tom tried not to seem to phased but you could feel the slight sweat to his palm as his hand held yours. 
A light came closer as did the sound of meowing and you knew in that instant you were done for. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before Tom was pulling you behind a tree. You yelped and he was quick to put his hand over your mouth. 
Both of your held your breath as he came closer, the lantern creating a path of light in the dark of night. When you opened your eyes you saw Tom was on the verge of laughing and you quickly glared at him, removing his hand from your mouth. 
After a couple of more yells and close calls, Filch seemed to have disappeared, his footsteps growing more distant. You sighed in relief, your body falling into Tom as he too let out his held breath, running a hand over your back. 
You were the one who started laughing this time and it wasn’t long before Tom was joining in, both of you were giggling messes until your eyes met. You kept laughing but Tom had stopped, choosing instead to watch you, his lips remaining in a smile as he listened to your laughs. 
Before you could question his silence he brought his lips to yours making you gasp. The kiss was soft but far too short as Tom nervously pulled away. You could tell he was about to apologise so you initiated another kiss to reassure him. 
This kiss was longer, sweeter and deeper. It was a bit clumsy as you both tried to navigate each other’s lips but it was just as perfect as you had imagined. Your heart beat against his as he pressed you up against the tree, he was just about to try and deepen the kiss when a light shone in your faces, blinding you and causing you to jump apart as Filch’s unmistakable voice rang in your ears. 
“Well, well, well, we are in trouble.” 
And as Tom sat scrubbing trophies as you were at the other end of the room smiling at him whilst carrying out your own chore, he couldn’t help but think his detention was very worth it.
Taglist (I actually remembered): @its-the-unknownspidey / @eeyore101247 / @hazmyheart / @mybesttobobcratchit / @parkersvibes / @aussie-holland / @moorehollandplz / @glowunderthemoon / @awkwardfangirl2014 / @buckysdoll / @ppkrtingle / @angelhaz11  / @devin-marie / @mlt2000 / @fulltime-fangirl-k / @emcsii04 / @apollopls / @tyemmamarvel / @hauntedparker / @aesonsgirl / @legendsofwholock / @maybemona / @biglouche / @autumnlyholland / @gennyld / @thomasholyholland / @writeheight / @xxtomxo / @parkerpuff / @xinyourdreamsx / @itsjusttor / @hocuspocusholland / @novaddictx / @waterspider7 / @spaceprintesa / @tomhollandspideys / @juneholland / @simplyineffablesposts / @blackeighteen / @hollandisapuppy / @lovely-blackinnon
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ravenclawmarvel · 5 years
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tom holland as a hufflepuff (2/4)
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
Tom Holland x reader Hogwarts AU BUT Tom is a hufflepuff and the reader is a Slytherin?
My Slytherin heart is pumping and I might write more Hogwarts AU cuz this reminds me of childhood. 
The cauldron of purple liquid should have caught your eye. The bubbles and the atrocious smell emitting from it should have been enough for you to notice what you did wrong. Yet, your eyes were caught on the bright yellow robe in front of you. Tom was making jokes again, making the equipment on the desk in front of him levitate and spin around him. It wasn’t until your potion made a lurching noise that you noticed it would about to overflow. “Mrs. Y/L/N, may I remind you that this class is not an excuse to fawn over other students.” The potion’s professor snapped at you. 
“Sorry, won’t happen again.” 
You quickly took out your wand and cleaned up the mess that was covering the floor. As you reached down to grab your potions book that now been covered in goop another hand took it from your hands. You knew those hands and tried your best to not get flustered over the sight of Tom cleaning the book with a swish of his wand. 
“You okay Y/N?” His smile is so dreamy that you almost forget to speak. 
“Yeah, just nervous about O.W.L.s and whatever.” 
Tom hands you back the book and nods, returning to his friends who are waiting for him in the doorway. You must’ve been so embarrassed that you didn’t even hear the bell ring for dismissal. 
“A Hufflepuff? Really Y/N?” Your friend says which makes you jump. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You turn away from them, grabbing your things and leading the pack of Slytherin’s into the Great Hall for lunch. You watch Tom move through the hall with Jacob and Harrison, his curls look extra soft in the sun.  The yellow of his robes made him pop somehow. The way his eyes brightened to answer a question or during the Quidditch match, he’d get so excited that his face turns a slightly rosy color. You didn’t want to admit it, but you really liked him. Hufflepuff or not, your Slytherin heart had fallen hard. 
“You’ve been crushing on Holland since Year 2.” Another friend whispers and you shoot her a look. 
“Keep talking and I’ll Bat-Bogey hex you into next week, Aimee.” You snap as you try to hide the red coming to your cheeks. 
The rest of the Slytherin girls became quiet, mainly because they knew you meant it. No one would forget how you hexed Charlie Smithers after he made a crude comment towards you at the Yule Ball. You headed over to your usual spot at the Slytherin table but were met with some snickers and sly looks. Something was going on and you were oblivious to it. You drew your wand just in case and went over to your spot where there was a rose laying delicately on the plate. You move your wand over it to inspect it for any jinxes but it’s clear. 
“Oooooh, looks like Y/N has a secret admirer.” A Gryffindor boy teases. 
“Not so secret.” 
You turn around and Tom is standing there with reddening cheeks. His friends had pushed him towards you and he was scratching the back of his head nervously. His eyes lock on yours and you forgot the whole Great Hall was watching the two of you closely. 
“This was you?” You say breathlessly. 
“Yeah…I just…uh,” Tom turns to Harrison who gestures at him madly. “I wanted to ask you on a date. Maybe I can take you to Madam Puddifoot’s this week? If you want, I mean. I just think that you’re really cool, and a great witch and-“
“Tom, I’d love too.” 
Tom stops, a smile covers his pale face and you feel the butterflies erupt. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, a sense of relief hitting you as he nods his head and walks away. You look down and now there are two roses in your hand instead of one. 
“See you soon Hufflepuff.”
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eeyore101247 · 5 years
Hufflepuff or Gryffindor
Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You think Tom's a Hufflepuff, but he thinks he's a Gryffindor.
Warnings: Fluff. Lots of fluff and cuteness
1,575 words
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With a soft sigh, you pulled your hot mug out of the microwave. You were home alone during the chilly month of December, your boyfriend Tom having gone out Christmas shopping with his family. You had opted to stay home and watch the animals, not wanting to brave the cold weather and snow. You had most of your shopping for the holidays done, only needing to wrap and mail the gifts to your mother and sister.
Warm cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows in hand, you plopped down on the couch. Picking up the remote, you flipped through the channels, settling down on a Hallmark movie. Tessa and Tsuki, your Gerberian Shepsky, soon joined you on the couch, curling up with each other as you tucked your fuzzy socked feet under your Hufflepuff robe.
You were a proud Hufflepuff, having known it was your house before you even took the Pottermore quiz. It wasn’t often that you flaunted your Hufflepuff pride, but today you just felt like embracing it. Hufflepuffs are known for their kindness and patience, the fields of which you were strongest in. Though, with a boyfriend like Tom, who insisted he was a Gryffindor, heaps of patience was needed. With all the insisting he did, you were pretty damn sure that he was a fellow Hufflepuff. He exhibited all the traits like you did. Loyalty, dedication, hardworking, and kind. Maybe he wasn’t always modest and tolerant, but everyone has their weaknesses and flaws and you didn’t love him any less for it.
The sound of the door unlocking pulled you out of your thoughts, a smile making its way on your face as the door opened. You turned your attention to it as Tom walked in, bags hanging off his arms.
“Welcome home love.” You greeted from your spot on the couch, deciding to let him put the bags down before getting up to embrace him. He smiled as his gaze moved over to you, his face lighting up the moment his eyes met yours.
“Thank you darling. I hope the animals weren’t too much of a handful while I was gone.” He said with a smile, shutting the door behind him and setting down the bags. He pulled off his scarf and gloves, tossing them in the basket as he kicked off his shoes.
“They were fine, though, I don’t really know what Luna is up to.” You giggled, wondering where your lovely black car had scurried off to. She was probably obsconding off with Tom’s boxers and your panties, or just laying in the drawer with them.
Tom chuckled as he hung up his coat, moving over to the couch and sitting down next to you. His body radiated the icy chill from outside, causing you to shiver slightly before snuggling up to him.
“Is that a new robe?” He asked as he put an arm around you, pulling you even closer to himself. You hummed in response, giving him a smile.
“It is! I saw it on ThinkGeek and couldn’t not get it. I mean, why not show off my Hufflepuff pride at home?” You replied, pulling the robe a bit closer to shield yourself from the cold air still radiating off of Tom. He let out a chuckle, curls falling on his forehead as he shook his head.
“Did they have any for Gryffindor?” He asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes as he looked at you. You nodded, taking a sip of your cocoa as you turned your attention to the TV.
“They do, but I don’t see why you’d get a Gryffindor robe when you are so obviously Hufflepuff.”
Tom scoffed beside you at your comment, pulling his arm away as he crossed them over his chest. “I am so a Gryffindor. Besides, it’s the best house!”
You roll your eyes in response. While he did exhibit traits of a Gryffindor, his Hufflepuff traits were always stronger. You just couldn’t see why he wouldn’t accept anything other than Gryffindor.
“Just cause it’s Harry’s house, doesn’t make it the best house.” You retorted, looking over at him with a blank face. He just pouted, not meeting your gaze. You couldn’t help but admire how adorable he was when he pouted, his lower lip puffed out, corners of his lips turned down.
You snuggled into his side, leaning up and kissing the corner of his mouth to try and put a smile on his face. You loved how he would get so pouty whenever you teased him, especially whenever it would elicit a nice dusting of pink across his cheeks. Gently cupping his cheek, you forced him to look at you, his pout fading into a smile as you looked up at him, your gaze filled with love and adoration. He never was one to pout long when you looked at him like that, and it made your heart flutter at the reminder of how happy your love made him. Smiling at your victory, you kissed the tip of his nose with a soft giggle, turning your attention back to the TV.
You felt his arm wrap around you again as the feel good movie continued. You didn’t often watch Hallmark movies, having never been interested in the cheesy romance stories they weaved. There was something about the Christmas movies that drew you in though. Maybe it was your love for the holiday and all the cheesy romance associated with it. Or maybe because they got you in the Christmas mood more than other movies. It didn’t really matter, as long as you could curl up on the couch next to Tom and enjoy the cheesy holiday romance together.
“Hm?” You hummed softly, taking a sip from your warm mug. The sweet taste of chocolate and marshmallows washed over your tongue once more, warming you from the inside as it hit your stomach.
“Why do you think I’m a Hufflepuff?” Tom asked, dragging your attention away from the TV and on him. With a small smile, you set down your mug, turning yourself to face him.
“Well, there are many reasons. First off, you are incredibly kind, especially around children. You dress up in the Spidey suit even if you find it slightly uncomfortable, just to put a smile on someone’s face.” You said softly, gently pushing a curl out of his face that had fallen. Tom looked down at you with a smile, his gaze gentle and filled with love.
“You are hardworking. Sometimes you run yourself ragged because you are, but it’s a good trait to have. You never do anything half ass, and always put your all into it.” You brushed your fingers down the side of his face, smiling as you admired him in the soft light of the living room. He leaned into your touch as you gently cupped the side of his face, your thumb brushing against his cheek.
“You can be patient, even if you do have a tendency to give out spoilers from excitement.” You giggled softly, more escaping as Tom rolled his eyes, his hands finding their spot on your waist. Your giggles caused his smile to grow, making yours grow even larger as you snuggled into him more.
“You can be tolerant to a point, but we all are. You just seem to be more tolerant than others.” You leaned in, placing a small kiss on his nose with a smile. You brought your other hand up to cup his other cheek, gazing back into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes.
“You’re dedicated. To your work as an actor and the movies you star in.” You said softly, lips brushing against his. You felt him lean in, but you pulled away, just enough to keep your lips from meeting completely.
“But most of all, you’re loyal. Loyal to your friends, your family, and me. And that is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.” Your lips met his as you pressed against him, feeling the heat in his cheeks grow under your hands. Your lips moved in sync as your heart raced and the butterflies fluttered. Electricity ran through your nerves as you pulled him closer, letting him slip his tongue between your lips. Nothing could ever compare to this feeling as joy and a sense of home washed over you once more like the many times before.
Pulling away, you bumped your nose against his, a smile breaking out across your face. “Those are the reasons I think you are a Hufflepuff.” You said softly between kisses, feeling his smile against your lips.
“And what about all the Gryffindor traits I have? Bravery, chivalry, athletic, courage.” You let out a soft giggle at his words, resting your forehead against his.
“I was just telling you the reasons I think you are a Hufflepuff. Besides, everyone can exhibit traits from different houses. We’re all unique.” You said softly, running your fingers through his soft curly hair. He smiled as he pressed another kiss to your lips, causing your heart to flutter in your chest.
“Why don’t we have a Harry Potter movie night, yea? You fix the popcorn and I’ll get the movies set up.” Tom said softly, his hands gently squeezing your waist. You nodded with a giggle, slowly sliding off the couch and heading into the kitchen.
It didn’t really matter whether he was a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor. He is Tom, and that’s all that matters.
AN: The robe mentioned in this, I actually own XD
Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
~ LoLo *^-^*
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teamatsumu · 6 years
Snooping Around
Summary: You and Peter sneak into the Restricted Section of the Library, only to find some unexpected information. (Hogwarts AU)
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Peter Parker x Gryffindor!reader
Word Count: 1,144
Warnings: The word sex appears like, two times. Swearing.
A/N: Should I write more Hogwarts AUs?
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“I know the Professor said to work hard for the information but I'm sure he didn't mean we had to get it from the Restricted Section-”
“Ssshhhh!” You waved a hand in front of Peter's face to shut him up. He frowned and rolled his eyes.
“I can't believe we're doing this.” He muttered, rubbing his hands over his arms clad with a yellow sweater to try and get rid of his goosebumps. He heard you snort, following behind the ruffling sound so he wouldn't lose you in the dark.
You held your wand up slightly, squinting against the dim light. Your ears perked up when they heard rustling, rustling that wasn't coming from Peter behind you. You cursed under your breath and put the light out from your wand immediately.
You heard Peter's intake of breath, feeling him come in contact with your back.
“I'm right here.” You reached a hand back and squeezed Peter's arm. “I thought I heard something.”
The rest of the way to the library was uneventful, both you and Peter moving slowly and steadily. It was only when you had entered the Restricted Section that you let out a breath, feeling your muscles relax.
“Okay.” You whispered. “I did my job and brought you here. Now it's your turn. Let's find that book.”
Peter's eyes were huge in the small amount if light. He let out a pained sigh, moving further into the room.
“I hate this.” You heard him mutter as his eyes traveled over the various books. “I can't believe we're taking so much risk for one essay.”
You sighed and leaned against one of the shelves. “I'm failing Transfiguration, that's why.”
Peter gave you a brief look. “There's other ways to pass. Is it really worth the risk to get into trouble in our last year here? Do you want to get expelled half a year before we graduate?”
You rolled your eyes. “Peter, we're already here. Might as well just get the damn book.” Your eyes fell on a bright green, sketchy looking book, making you realize you were actually in a forbidden place. It was probably filled with insane and interesting stuff. A smirk took over your face. “Might as well look around.”
Peter's head snapped towards you, eyes wide. “Y/N, no! This is the worst place to snoop around!”
You giggled and walked excitedly up to him, grabbing his arm. “We're in the Restricted Section! When are we ever going to get an opportunity like this again?”
Peter scowled, looking suspiciously at your grip on his arm. “As long as I'm friends with you, a lot many times.”
You pursed your lips. “Yeah, that's true.” Peter let out a huff, making you grin. “Just look for the book. Leave me to do what I want.”
You didn't wait for him to say anything more before sprinting off into the darkness. Peter shook his head, eyes falling over the shelves again. He heard your footsteps fade, made him tense slightly. He didn't like being in this weird place all by himself. He wanted you to stick close to him. But he didn't want to look like a wuss in front of the one person he always wanted to impress the most. So he stayed put.
The books here were mostly worn out, and looked more ancient than any others in the library. Some spines had languages which Peter couldn't decipher, so he just skipped over them. He shakily pulled out a book that he thought might help them in their essay, skimming quickly through the table of contents before placing it back, deciding it wasn't what he needed. He didn't want to touch any of these books longer than necessary.
Peter lost track of how much time had passed when he had pulled out his third book, smiling in victory. This was it. He opened the topic he needed, reading over it quickly and knowing he would retain enough for their essay. The words he couldn't, he quickly copied onto his arm. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a red and gold clad blob bounced back up to him. He blinked twice before he focused on your grinning face.
“Peter!” You whisper-screamed. “Look what I found.”
Peter's eyes fell on the little brown book in your hands, the edges frayed but pages still intact. You held it open, face still split into a gleeful smile. Peter's eyes widened and he looked away from the picture.
“What the fuck?” He hissed, making you laugh.
“I know! Wizard sex!”
Peter groaned and stepped away from you. “I'm not looking at that.”
“Why not? Peter, this place is a gold mine. I found like, four other books about how wizards make sex more enjoyable-”
“Please stop saying that.” Peter said, looking at you with a frown.
You raised an eyebrow. “What? Sex?”
Peter gave you a blank look. You giggled and shut the book, walking closer to him.
“Aw c’mon, Puff.” You said, referring to the Hufflepuff by the nickname you had coined for him. “Don't act like that makes you nervous. As if you've never thought about it.”
“Thought about what?” Peter said. You watched which amusement as mortification took over his face.
You hummed and placed a small kiss just below Peter's ear, hearing his intake of breath, making you smirk.
“I'm not an idiot, Peter. I know you like me.” You whispered, feeling him shiver as your breath hit his skin. “I just wish you had enough guts to do something about it.”
You pulled back enough to look him directly in his eyes, watching his dilated pupils. His lips were slightly parted, and his breath tickled your lips. Before you could say anything more, your voice was muffled by soft lips connecting with yours.
You sighed instantly, kissing him back and moving your hands to his hair and carding through it. You felt arms encircle your waist tightly, nibbling lightly at Peter's bottom lip. He groaned against your mouth, body tensing and moving against yours. Despite the cold night, you felt all warm and fuzzy on the inside, making your lips perk up in a smile.
You nearly had a heart attack when Peter suddenly yelped, making you jerk away with wide eyes. He looked behind him at the shelf and then back at you.
“That book moved.” He pointed, making you snort.
You pressed your lips together tightly, trying to not laugh. Peter scowled and nudged you, making you giggle.
“Okay, I'm sorry.” You held up your hands. “Let's get out of here.”
You gasped in surprise when lips landed on yours once again, leaving little pecks. “Let's go.” Peter muttered.
You grinned, following him as he moved to leave. “Well, well, well, Parker.” You teased, fingers intertwining with his. “How very Gryffindor of you.”
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jasntodds · 6 years
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Slytherin!Tom x Hufflepuff!Reader requested by @hufflepuff-always-and-forever
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spideymood · 6 years
Never Judge a Book by its Cover - Tom Holland // Part 1
Hogwarts AU
Pairings: gryffindor!tom x hufflepuff!reader
Request: Please, more tom holland at Hogwarts. Maybe a Tom Holland x Reader, where Reader is a shy Hufflepuff who silently crushes on him, and Tom is the braggy Gryffindor who she doesn't think she has a chance with? And then he accidentally asks her to the Yule Ball when trying to ask some hot girl and discovers she's awesome and not judge a book by its cover?
Word count: 2.1k
Author's note: I combined this request while also completing my entry for @spideypeach  and @astral-parker ‘s writing challenge. Even though the end date was 31st December...at least I kind of made it in time ahahhha. I realized it got very long, so I turned it into a small series. Anyway, you may see that the ending is very...rushed. That’s when I realized the end date was four days ago, and I realized it yesterday.
Warnings: Maybe a little strong language...
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Part 1: Promposals
Red and brown leaves flew around in the air. It was autumn. The cold November air filled your lungs with scents of rain and dirt. You sat silently on a cold stone bench in the courtyard finishing your homework. Your yellow Hufflepuff scarf kept flying and blocking your History of Magic book.
Some may have wondered why you didn't just study in the library. The answer was that you simply just loved Autumn. In addition that the season contained the spooky month, you adored seeing the gorgeous colours. Maybe it rained a lot, but it was also very refreshing.
Another addition was that the over-confident but attractive Gryffindor, Tom Holland, also spent a lot of time in the courtyard too. Swift glances were sent his way, without him noticing. Your crush on him was ridiculous.
You knew that he was known as a player, not only a Quidditch chaser but also a player among girls. However, you couldn't help but fall for his charm. The spark in his eyes when he talked about things he liked always made your heart flutter.
Yet you knew that you would never have a chance with him. He was far too interested in someone else. Everyone with eyes that worked perfectly would see his admiration to one special girl.
That was, of course, the Slytherin Liza Patek. She was beautiful with raven black hair and forest green eyes. Liza was everything you wanted to be. Maybe your silly crush on Holland had made you think that you had to be like Liza. However, Liza was pretty and extremely kind. There was no doubt most guys and girls fancied to her.
"Just to let you all know, if my name was picked up from the Goblet of Fire, I would definitely win the Triwizard Tournament." you overheard the braggy Gryffindor brag. He sat on the side of the fountain made of rock, with his brothers and mate. They all wore their robes with their respective house colours.
"Uhuh, yeah sure Holland." his best friend Harrison Osterfield replied sarcastically. "You would win - and every girl in the universe would just love to touch you all the time!"
"Oh my god, I'm Tom freaking Holland and I'm the hottest guy in the universe!" his younger brother Harry mimicked.
In response, Tom just laughed. "Hey, I was just joking, shitheads!"
In one split second, his eyes wandered to yours. His deep brown eyes that you wished would be on you all the time. You could feel yourself blush as he shifted position to talk with his mates. Were you fantasising the whole sight exchange?
Thankfully, your Hufflepuff scarf hid your reddened face. Silently, you picked up your books and notes, ready to go. You knew you wouldn't be able to focus anymore. Not because of the windy weather, but your eyes would send quick glances to Tom every thirty seconds if you stayed.
Honestly, you felt betrayed by your heart. Out of every single person at Hogwarts, and even in the world, you had to fall for the cockiest guy ever. And he didn't even know your name. How would ever have a chance with him?
You had to walk past the boys to make it back to the Hufflepuff dorm. There was another way, but you were tired and didn't want to spend an extra 15 minutes walk just because you didn't want to walk past your crush. Even though you didn't want to catch any attention, you would not take a detour because of something ridiculous.
"Y'know, the Yule Ball is approaching. Do you idiots have any dates yet?" asked Sam Holland. He picked up Harrison's History of Magic book from the solid ground.
"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe three dates?" Harry shrugged while grinning. Many would say the curly-haired boy was a real player in his year.
"Oiiii!" Harrison and Tom laughed as Sam cracked a smile. You could sense Harry blushing from the sudden laughter.
Harry fixed his curly hair as he laughed. "Ah, just admit it. The ladies love me." All the boys laughed.
You walked as casual as possible. You had no desire in disturbing them, and you did positively not want their attention. It would be too much. But your books were very heavy and the ground was slippery.
There was no surprise that you would trip. But you did not imagine to fall right into Tom Holland's lap. Your books were accidentally thrown in the fountain as you lost your balance. Your wand and quill ended up on the ground as your body was thrown onto Tom's lap.
Fate was really playing with you.
"Oh my god, I'm so-so-so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't mean to..uh..fall on you. I'm so sorry!" you excused immediately. You moved from Tom's strong body as you looked after your books. "Shit!" Your books were in the fountain.
"Hey, let me help ya." Sam offered as he helped you to pick up your books from the cold water in the fountain. "Are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to disturb you guys." you picked up your wand as you mumbled a spell to dry your books. "Tergeo." Hot air sprung out from the tip of your wand as it dried your wet books.
Tom didn't really know what to do. A moment ago, he was joking with his mate and brothers - and the next second there was a girl on his lap. He didn't recognize the girl until he saw her face. It was the one Hufflepuff girl who spent all her time in the courtyard.
He had heard from a lot of people that she was very kind, but also shy. However, Tom had never really cared to get to know her. He knew they shared multiple classes, but he had never noticed her much. "It's okay," Tom answered blank, moving away from the fountain.
As soon as your books were dry, you picked up your books and left. "Sorry!" you excused again. You could feel the boys' eyes on you as you walked into the old castle.
Back in the courtyard, the boys kept their conversation about girls on. "Such a girl-magnet, huh?" Harry snickered.
"Ah, fuck you, Harry." Tom rolled his eyes.
"Anyway," Harrison shrugged. "You know what? I'm going to ask Maya to the Yule Ball."
"Oooh, so you're finally going to ask the girl you've had a crush on for three years," Harry stated sarcastically. "Y'know, you've tried to ask her out before, but you always chicken out, Haz. I won't believe it until I see you asking her out with my own eyes."
"What about this. We need to ask out a girl in front of everyone. The bigger proposal, the better." Tom challenged. "And the best and most romantic proposal gets bragging rights and ten minutes worth of shower time for two months."
"Oh, I'm in!" Harry shouted. Tom, Harrison and Harry were in the red and gold Hogwarts house, while Sam was in Hufflepuff. To say at least, Sam had to be the judge.
"Deal." the three boys nodded at each other.
"Get ready to shower in cold water, cause I'm goin' to win!" Harrison smirked.
"Let the game begin," Sam announced.
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Tom had planned everything. The roses leading to the pavilion, then the nice notes and of course the fireworks. If everything went as he planned in the pavilion, like Liza accepting his promposal, everything would go perfectly.
The air was cool as the sun was setting in the horizon. Tom felt the nerves almost taking over his body. He had never been that nervous. It even surpassed his stress level from when he studied for his N.E.W.T.s.
The proposal in the pavilion was only a small and private one. Tom had also planned the proposal in front of his friends and brothers to be in the Great Hall in front of everyone. With even more fireworks and roses.
Liza Patek wouldn't be able to resist him. Not a single girl would be able to.
"Hey, I heard you wanted to talk to me." a calm voice spoke. Tom recognized the voice. He turned around to see the one he had been waiting for. Liza.
Her dark brown hair framed her face which Tom had dreamed of multiple times. It had taken him a while to get the courage to ask her out. If there was one thing he was afraid of, it was rejection.
"Yeah, um...um," Tom had lost his sense of words. He couldn't even say a proper sentence. "Y'know Yule ball is coming, and I was wonderin' if you wouldliketogototheballwithme."
Liza's confused look made him even more nervous. "Um, I don't know what to say. I would've loved to go with you, but someone else asked me first." She looked deeply into his eyes. "I hope you understand."
Tom's mind went blank. The only words he got out of his mouth was, "Oh, okay."
"I mean, this whole plan was amazing. And I love all of the roses. I know there's a lucky person out there who deserves this more than I do." Liza excused. She gave Tom a soft kiss on his left cheek before leaving.
Tom had never been rejected. Never ever. It was a new feeling for him. Heartbroken, he went back to his shared dorm room. His face was blank. His biggest fear was rejection. Rejection from friends, family and others. He didn't want to fail at anything. But now he failed at something he was incredibly nervous about.
After all, he forgot about something very critical. His public proposal. And didn't turn out as he expected.
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It was a week after the incident. The one where you ended up on your crush's and managed to embarrass yourself. Out of the many embarrassing things you had been through your entire life, that was your worst incident.
Since the event, you hadn't dared to go back to the courtyard. Now you were stuck in the silent library. There was nothing bad with it, but it didn't feel as personal as the courtyard, where you had your own space to do whatever you wanted to do.
The library was cold and smelled horrendous. Some other student had managed to spill a lot of pumpkin juice on the stone cold floor and the old carpets. Three days old pumpkin juice stains did not smell good.
Sighing, you decided to take a break from studying. You were studying all the time. Closing your History of Magic book, you checked the dusty iron clock on the left wall. The clock was almost seven in the evening - which meant dinner was almost over.
Picking up your books and parchment paper, you ran in a hurry the direction of the exit. The empty halls were filled with the smell of tasty food from the Great Hall.
When you arrived the filled hall, you were surprised to see everyone watching you. The crowd went slowly silent as you stood by the entrance. You froze at the sight. Did you have anything in your face or hair?
Suddenly, you heard loud explosions from behind. You turned around in fear, to see multiple colours erupted from fireworks. It took a while until you figured out the firework made a sentence. "Will you be my date to the Yule Ball? Love, Tom."  
You couldn't believe it. What in heaven was happening?
Red roses fell down from the magic sky of the Great Hall. All you could see was the fireworks and roses. Turning around, you saw the amusement in everyone's eyes. Then, the realization hit you.
At the end of the hall, laughter erupted. "Honestly Tom, I really thought you could do better! She looks so bloody confused."
Tom froze the moment the fireworks went off. "Fuck," he whispered to himself as he turned around, looking after the poor person who would get all the attention. He almost dropped goblet with gillywater when he realized you were in the middle of it all.
Everyone watched, wondering what your answer to the very confusing promposal. Who could say no to Tom Holland? A sane person wouldn't be able to, they thought.
You couldn't handle the attention. So you did the only reasonable thing. You turned towards the exit and ran.
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Anyway, just wanna say that it makes me so happy to hear your responses to this!! So please leave a message or something <3
And it will also make me happy if you reblog this so others can read this ;D
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Add yourself to my taglist?
Permanent: @ultrunning @moonkissedtom @starlightfound @hydrated-bag-of-bones @jubaydahk @imaginesandfeels @ewolfwitchwisegirl @noir-spiderr @hollandharrison @lustful-holland @payyyy @beautifulwisdom2001 @sweetieparker @isthisnotit @marvel-pilot @petersrogers @courteousdolan @nebulafading @positiveparker @casuallytumblingdownthestairs @dreaming-queens @teenwolfbitches2 @fockeytom @veronicas-littleworld @peter-prkr
Permanent Tom Holland: @parkerpuff  @reengard @othersillyfangirl @inlovewithmobtom @the-queen-procrastinator @tomshufflepuff
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kalimagik · 4 years
Today begins the long weekend and therefore my “100 followers fic weekend celebration” (super wordy but I have no idea what to call it)
The first fix of the weekend will be out in just a few hours! It’s called Cat Got Your Tongue? And it’s a great mix for Tom Holland and Harry Potter fans! (Hogwarts!au)
Check back later to give it a read 💕 hope everyone’s having a great day!
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hazandholland · 6 years
Can I have a Hufflepuff Peter cuddling????
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K homeboy would constantly have a part of him on your
Not like gross but all cute and innocent
Like a head on your shoulder
An arm around your waist
A hand on your leg, things like that 
And he wouldn’t really care where you guys were at
Watching the Quidditch game and you’re cold? 
He’d undo his thick outer robe and pull you close
And wrap you both in the robe like a burrito
And in the Great Hall? You bet your sweet bippy he’s gonna be sitting next to you 
cause who cares if you were in different Houses??? The whole separation between the Houses is bull and Peter knows it
And he’ll have an arm around your shoulders or fiddling with the ends of your hair at all times
You’d also snuggle on one of the couches in your common room
You’d be leaning against him and he’d have his arms around you
And whenever you needed to get up, he’d wrap his arms and legs around you, whining like a little kid
“I’m just going to the bathroom, Pete”
and he’d also ran his hands thru your hair when you were leaning against him
He would play with the ends of your hair, wrap strands together, amazed at how many things you could do with it becuz he may be a Hufflepuff but he’s a nerd
Before you know it, he’s attempting to braid it
“do you need help?”
“No, I’m gonna figure this out”
“you’re not even close to doing it right”
“But.. but I’m wrapping them together!”
“taking a clump of my hair and twisting it isn’t really a braid”
“…. but i get points for trying, right?”
“10 points to hufflepuff”
And he’d apologize a million times if he pulled too hard 
But after a few days of trying, Peter would get the hang of it
And now every time you are together, he’ll braid your hair
You’d fall asleep on him one cold, rainy afternoon after drinking an unhealthy amount of hot cocoa and warm butterbeer
and you’d wake up with Peter’s arms around you and him just staring at you
“What? Do i have something on my face?”
“No. You’re just really cute when you’re sleeping.”
“Oh. thanks! you’re so sweet”
“And you have a cute snore too.”
“I do not snore!”
He’d also love burying his face in your hair
like, the two of you are in herbology
and you’re working with this really smell plant
peter would just come up behind you and kinda slam his head into your neck and just stand there
“um… what are you doing”
“your hair is soft… and the plants smell bad”
he’s such a dork omg i’m dead
OMG and if anyone touches you, he’d be right there in like a second
He’d stand between you and the person and hold your hand behind his back
“what are you doing touching my girl”
he’s trying to be scary but I mean, it’s peter
he’s not super intimidating
but he gets points for trying
“he was just shaking my hand!”
“oh… well she’s mine. back off.”
asdlkjfaldsf can I have a peter?
Hogwarts AU Rules
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every-marveler-ever · 5 years
Tom’s Hollands Girlfriend in a Hogwarts AU (3/4)
There will be 4 parts! One for each house because it’s Hogwarts house pride week. Currently rereading Goblet Of Fire while writing these head cannons, I apologize.
Headcannon if you were Tom’s Hollands Girlfriend in a Hogwarts AU
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Tom Holland x Gryffindor!Reader
You didn’t meet Tom until 5th year and suddenly you were in captivated
Meeting Tom wasn’t for a good reason
He was a year above you and you were failing herbology
And he just happened to be the top of the 6th year class
You weren’t complaining.
Well, you were
Because a stupid rule made sure you couldn’t play Quidditch until your grade was “up to scratch,” according to McGonagall
If that meant the cute boy in 6th year and Hufflepuff robes had to tutor you
You wouldn’t complain.
Tom then asked you to Hogsmeade on a date
“Please, would you, Y/N, accompany me to Hogsmeade this Sunday?”
Why would you say no?
The answer: quidditch
“I have quidditch practices.”
Tom doesn’t get mad, he’s happy for his chaser
He comes to EVERY quidditch game and EVERY practice
Decked in red and gold
Contradicting his own house, but at least you can see him in the stands
The best quidditch boyfriend
Then he graduates and you cry at his graduation
Staying with him during the holidays and then going back to school and quidditch
And you graduate the year after
You graduated and Tom had told you he wouldn’t be there
Until he surprised you on graduation day and ran to you with flowers and chocolate celebrating you
To you, it just mattered that he was there.
Taglist: not tagging because a. It's a headcanon and b. Is harry potter
Love, Cait
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you’ve heard of gryffindor tom and hufflepuff reader but what about,, hufflepuff tom and gryffindor reader? 👀
Ahhh yes Tess! I’m actually planning a Harry Potter au series with Hufflepuff Tom and it’s gonna be so good 😉💛
”Tom come on you can’t still be pining over her.”
Harrison’s words floating into one ear and out the other as Tom kept on staring at Y/n. She was just so pretty in her quidditch uniform. Sure they were rivals on the pitch but off of it he couldn’t help but be hopelessly in love with her.
“Stop drooling mate, you’re gonna ruin my potions essay.” He felt Harrison nudge him playfully in the ribs, finally catching his attention away from the Gryffindor girl who had just met his gaze. Tom cheeks flushed red.
“Shut it.” Tom pushed his hand away with a sheepish smile and looked back up to find Y/n had gone. He was just about to search the room when someone appeared in front of his table, their red robes contrasted to the usual yellow.
“Looking for someone?”
Toms head quickly went up at the sound of her voice. He gulped as he stared at her eyes, the colours of which he could commit to memory.
“What? No! I just-.” His cheeks were blushing red and he hated it. Y/n smirked as she took a seat across from him without hesitation.
Harrison laughed before making up some lame excuse about seeing professor Flitwick. “Good luck mate.” Tom clenched his jaw, internally cursing as his best friend walked away backwards with a wink.
“So Tommy,” His ears perked up at the use of the nickname, cheeks flaming brighter than before. “Any plans for the weekend?”
“Oh well there’s the Hogsmeade trip.” Tom noted obviously, not catching onto y/n’s hinting looks.
“Going with anyone?” Y/n drew her lip between her teeth with a smirk.
“Oh well Harrison wanted to go to honeydukes so-.” Tom started surely, his eyes on his food until y/n put her hand over his making him look up.
“Tom.” She pointed her gaze towards him and he finally saw the look behind her eyes. His jaw dropped in realisation causing Y/n to giggle. He was silent in shock for a moment.
It was y/n who broke the silence taking the bold step without hesitation. “Sooo will you go on a date with this weekend?”
Toms heart thudded with joy sure to be heard over the chatter of the great hall. He smiled widely and nodded quickly.
“Yes!” He said a bit too excitedly causing Y/n to giggle again. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered madly at the sound
Y/n smiled, cheeks blushing the colour of the inside of her robes. “Good. Meet me by the gates on Saturday morning?” Her voice was full of hope and glee.
“Yeah.” Tom spoke breathlessly, a wide smile on his lips that reached the crinkle of his eyes. Y/n leaned across the table and kissed his cheek and he swore he could have melted at the feeling of her soft lips.
“See you then Tommy.” Y/n winked as she got up. Tom was sure that beating her at quidditch was about to get a lot more difficult.
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eklovesharry · 7 years
Dating Shawn Mendes Would Include
Some credit goes to @dangerousreputation
when he’s really tired he becomes a koala
head in your neck
his hair would kind of be across the bottom of your cheeks and in your neck and just kind of everywhere but its like ok bc his hair can stop wars
his lips would press to your neck during these cuddling sessions
his long eyelashes laying on his cheeks
his hair would be curlier and messier than normal
his skin would be kind of hot too like not warm but burning
he wouldn’t let u go while your sleeping either
he would groan if u had to leave
after like a month of dating and spending a lot of time together he would want you to meet his family bc they mean a lot to him but so do u and he is so proud to have found someone like u awwww
before he kisses you his BIG ASS HANDs would hold you face or your cheeks
i feel like he’s the jealous type
and because he’s a leo,,, he wants to be the ‘dominant’ one in the relationship whatever tf that means
tracing his tattoos oH LORd
homeboy can’t keep his hands to himself when he’s in the mod ;)
your friends would send him videos of u singing his songs and he would have THE MOST smug smile on his face
bc his gf/bf is whipped for him
when he comes home y’all are attached at the hip for the first three days
telling u all the places he wants to take u some day
you just love watching him perform because he looks so incredibly happy and you live for that smile of his
bear hugs when you haven’t seen each other in a while
“Shawnnn you’re crushing me.”
“Sorry sweetheart, I just missed you so much.”
singing to you when you can’t sleep
80% of his songs being about you
watching him work out
when he doesn’t have to get up early, u can bet you’re staying in bed with him the whole morning
trying to cook something as simple as pasta but somehow burning it??
blowing kisses at you and vise versa
ranting to you about how canada is so much better than any other country
trying to teach you how to play guitar
wearing Shawn’s merch because you’re a proud girlfriend
never really getting into big arguments
he only time you guys really bicker is because Shawn overworks himself too much and you get worried
on the rare occasions you guys do get into an argument, both of you usually just need a little space and an hour later you guys say sorry and make up
Shawn not even giving girls that flirt with him the time of day because literally no one compares to you in his eyes
you not even noticing when a guy flirts with you because Shawn is your one and only
noticeable hickeys
“These are gonna be a bitch to cover up,” Shawn grumbles while looking in your direction
you just winking at him and planting a kiss on his cheek
you being one of the first people to hear his new music
“Your fans are going to freak when they hear this masterpiece Shawny”
constantly supporting each other in any new endeavors
late night talks about random things
Him looking at you backstage while he sings your favorite song
Having wand duels
His face of awe when he sees what your wearing to a red carpet
Being invited to go on his world tour
Butterfly kisses
Passionate kisses
Spending hours in Barnes and Noble
Netflix binge watching when he comes home
Facetime dates while he’s gone
Going live on his YouNow with him
Good night and good morning texts
Snapchats where he uses the funniest filters
His fans coming up to you and taking pictures with you both
Having him with you while you get your first tattoo, or just another tattoo
Spending hours just reading on a couch together
Frequent trips to Lush
Waiting for him at the airport along with his fans
Him always comforting you when the hate comments get to you.
You always touch his hair.
Both of you constantly singing in the car.
Lots of cuddling.
You being considered as a power couple.
People being jealous of you. - When you have a nightmare he holds you while you talk about it.
Shawn always braiding your hair, and he gets really good at it.
jamming to drake during a long car ride
Having a small wedding for friends and family only
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