#tomlinshaw fan fiction
allwaswell16 · 1 year
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—Fics by allwaswell16—
[ Rare Pairs ]
but tonight (you're on my mind) [E, 36k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, fic post]
Nick's friendship with the lead singer of Seventy Eight has come with a new circle of people including an entrancing, blue eyed drummer. But what brings them together can also tear them apart.
Need (part 2 of Until series) [E, 21k, Niall/Shawn Mendes, fic post]
Niall Horan loved his job. Who wouldn’t? He was the biggest pop star in the world, and he’d found his kindred spirit in songwriting and friendship, Louis Tomlinson. The sky was the limit now. He had the perfect place they could hide themselves away from the world and write his next album...his uncle’s horse ranch in Colorado. What he didn’t expect was the cowboy next door.
Do You Smile To Tempt a Lover [E, 18k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, fic post]
Nick Grimshaw is entranced by Louis, his very beautiful, very cheeky new coworker at The National Portrait Gallery. He watches him day after day, wondering what he’s furiously typing on his laptop over lunch. With a little help from the very bored barista in the gallery cafe, Nick finds himself growing closer to Louis than he ever dreamed possible.
Interview with the vampire [E, 4k, Louis/Rob Pattinson, fic post]
Working at an alpha magazine wasn't always easy for an omega like Louis, but he's just landed his biggest interview yet with an A list actor who has asked for Louis especially. Unfortunately, the interview is with Rob Pattinson, the biggest pain in the arse alpha on the planet.
Inspired by Rob’s interview in GQ Magazine and not actually about vampires
One [E, 4k, Louis/Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders), fic post]
When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
Hesitate [E, 3k, Louis/Liam, fic post]
He’d always been in love with Louis.
From the time he was old enough to understand attraction, he’d been attracted to Louis, not that he’d been ready to do anything about it at the time. Instead, he’d just supported him like a best friend should. He was there for Louis when he came out to his mom. He was there for Louis when he landed the leading role in the school play. He was there for him when Louis didn’t have a date for the prom. He was there when Louis got his heart broken.
 And he waited. He’d waited until he couldn’t stand to wait any more.
A college au where Liam and Louis went from childhood friends to lovers to exes and back again.
Daydream [T, 2k, Louis/Zayn, fic post]
Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
Should Have Known [NR, 2k, Louis/Liam, fic post]
Liam returns from his internship abroad ready to tell his best friend that he wants to be more than friends. But when Louis starts avoiding him, he's no longer sure the timing is right.
Next Door [NR, 2k, Louis/Rob Pattinson, fic post]
When a stray cat starts coming round Louis' garden and bothering his dog, Louis and his best friend set out to capture it.
Or a famous/famous fic where Louis and Oli embarrass themselves in front of Batman.
It's You [T, 2k, Louis/Louis, fic post]
Five times alpha Louis talks to omega Lou and one time he admits he wants more from his omega clone
Crush [T, 1k, Louis/Niall, fic post]
When Niall stops smiling around the office, his co-worker Louis sets out to lift his mood with the help of their office mates.
The Tiniest Moves [T, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, fic post]
Coffee shop owner Nick Grimshaw may or may not have come to work on his day off in the hopes that fresh-off-his-world-tour Louis Tomlinson might stop by.
[Back to masterpost]
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alarrytale · 3 months
There’s like a difference between shipping real people (making art, edits, etc.) and just thinking two actors are cute together and posting about it and even speculating and most people criticizing the former know the distinction. There’s not a lot of fic for hetero couples, there’s actually far more X reader het stuff. I don’t agree with the pov that rpf immoral or bad (within boundaries) and I think that the latter is a bit more problematic but I think it’s important to make this distinction if we wanna have an honest discussion.
Hi, anon!
I'm not sure what you mean? You mean make a distinction between fictional characters played by actors and shipping real people? So shipping Nick and TZP is okay, because they played fictional love interests, but it's more problematic to ship two F1 drivers or two football players on the same team?
I don't understand why there should be a difference when both examples are two real men who are not in a relationship, being shipped. It's very bizzare if people are only allowed to ship people who Hollywood have fictionally paired together already. So shipping TZP with Michael Lopez isn't as okay to ship, but Matt Bomer and J. Bailey is allowed. I think that's bullshit tbh.
There are no rules of shipping. It's fictional and not real. It's people living out their own fantasies, while knowing it's fictional. Shipping often happens when fans notice two people get on, have great chemistry or friendship, or if they don't get on at all. If people want to ship hobama or tomlinshaw, they can. If people want to ship Trudeu/Macron, they can. Ship and let ship. It's fictional.
The issue only arises when people start to think they're actually together (they might be, but don't want attention on it) or if someone is not out and don't want to have focus on their sexuality by being same-sex shipped, or when one or both of a pair is homophobic. Shipping doesn’t ruin friendships and it doesn’t invalidate the pair who's being shipped's real romantic and sexual relationships. Michelle Obama isn't lying awake because of people shipping hobama. Louis doesn’t give a rats ass about hay*ors.
I don't think there should be a distinction tbh. Let people ship what they want. If you're a public figure, it comes with the territory. Take it as a compliment and enjoy the attention.
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berlinini · 2 years
can i ask u what types of fics u read? like are they all super kinky or do u just read vers/bottom louis and louis with pairing that are not That man? aaaand do u have a rec list? 👀
"like are they all super kinky or" okay anon drag me 😭
Hum. Well to be fair I read some very filthy stuff (you don't stumble on the 'dead dove do not eat' tag on A03 by accident), but I also enjoy plot-centric fics with little or no smut. I don't read as much as before because it's true that consuming so many fictional versions of Louis ended up having an effect on how I perceive the 'real' Louis. There's LOTS to be said about how much fanfiction is written and consumed in the 1D/larry fandom and how that has true consequences on how the fans perceive them. That's another debate.
As for pairings, well, desesperate times call for desesperate measures, so I've learned to enjoy all non-larry pairings, even the ones I thought I wouldn't (cough cough tomlinshaw). I will know peace the day 'rare pairs' are not considered rare anymore. I have also tricked my brain into reading larry stuff by replacing him with any other proper hot man.
For recs, you can see my fic rec tag. If you're looking for rare pairs, check out the Louis Rare Pairs Fest 2022 or blouisparadise's lists. Or DM me!
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hold on for one more day by @disgruntledkittenface​
nick/louis // 12k
“Right? Anyway, s’not like he needs to put the reminder, if anyone’s going to fuck up live on air–” “It’d be you,” they say at the same time.
Louis appears on The Breakfast Show to promote Back to You.
written for @grimmyappreciation​ fest 2017 // READ ON AO3
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pinkniall · 7 years
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title: the bee club 1 - tattoos and enemies rating: mature i think it will be pairings: larry? tomlinshaw? something else? no one knows summary: Louis Tomlinson is one of the most popular people in school, as his membership in the Bee Club proves. He wishes his twin brother Niall, could just think as he does when it comes to how to spend your life, but clearly despite the fact that you're twins, you don't have to think alike. Though, Louis lives a pretty sweet life, well, that is, until a school fair where the Bee Club sells fake tattoos that could show your soulmate, ends in a horrible way... for his reputation. notes: Okay, I just want to say that I have a slight obsession with the Sweet Valley books because, as crappy as they are (I say this with love!!) they are also amazing. And... well, so is One Direction. And Little Mix.  So this is an AU no one asked for, where I have broken every rule and don't care much at all about real life to just write a funny world I felt I could live in for a bit. I have struggled a bit with my writing lately so this is just me wanting something FUN and well I plan to just update when I feel like it with bits I've written that day (or few days). I hope you enjoy xxthis is unbeta'd so any mistakes are as always mine, and like i said, it's supposed to just be for fun :)
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silveredglass · 7 years
Heya I was looking at your fic tag as I read Quiet and I LOVED it and I saw a old post you made about WIP and you had a regency tomlinshaw fci on it. I just wanted to say you should do this as Drarry! haha just I really like your new fic and I only read drarry. lots of love!
Oh wow, it’s super flattering that you liked Quiet so much you’d go searching for other things. Thank you!! Umm, yes I did a WIP meme a bit ago that I mentioned that regency tomlinshaw one.. and I’m sorry for any disappointment but to me that is a Tomlinshaw story -  I’ll explain why - it’s a bit of a crackfic tbh and I don’t think I could write Draco and Harry that way .. Draco isn’t suave in my mind and they are both sort of bumbling messes;  One a prickly exterior which mirrors a prickly inside and the other man a wide open tempest of all-the-feelings-all-at-once but no ability to talk about said feelings except when yelling (or drinking ala Quiet.)
And I need them in some type of magical world - I can’t write them anywhere else.
The next thing I have ready to publish will be another fic in that post, but it’s a Larry pairing fic so probably not your cup of tea. Sorry!Please know that my heart is with Drarry and I do have a v slow progressing WIP that I am terrible at updating but I do have a clear plan for and will ‘get there one day’ .. 
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louandhazaf · 4 years
Dear Anon,
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IDK what to tell you. I ship a lot of people with both Harry and Louis. I’ve read (and written!) Tomlinshaw since I pretty much entered the fandom. You must be new around here, which is fine, but maybe you don’t know that I’m a very firm believer that fiction is fiction. Also, that I’m friends with people all over the fandom who believe in different things. And that I’m a big champion of writers writing the fics they want to see in the world, which includes rare pairs! 
You absolutely do not have to support, reblog, amply etc the voices of people who chose to participate in fests that you’re not a fan of. You can unfollow me if you feel very strongly about it! No hard feelings at all. You should be curating the tumblr experience you want as much as you can! Please feel free to not send me anons like this in the future.
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ourheroictommo · 6 years
I think shipping helps conspiracy theorists majorly. it fuels the relationship conspiracy theories and makes it more "appealing", especially for younger fans. if only people learned that whom certain celebrities/public figures date and what their sexualities are is none of anyone's business and that real people aren't barbie dolls to be "shipped" on the internet, that'd be great. never gonna happen though
Well, your take on real person shipping is valid, but mine is a bit different. For me the problem isn’t the fact that shipping could result in tinhatting/conspiracy theorism - most of 1d ships (narry/lirry/niam/nouis/lilo/ziall/zouis/tomlinshaw/etc) didn’t, and there are many examples of conspiracy theories surrounding celebs that have nothing to do with ‘ships’ (like benedict cumberbatch ‘skeptics’ )
For me the problem is two things. The first one is the complete lack of the 4th wall in this fandom (and others affected by conspiracies), which is the reason celebs become aware of the whole ‘shipping’ thing. Fandom stuff should stay in the fandom. Fics and headcanons and fanart (especially nsfw) should stay in secluded fandom spaces - whether on ao3 or devianart or personal blogs - not tweeted/dmed/screamed to celebs’ faces.
And the second one is the inability to distinguish real life from fiction. The whole point about headcanons and fanfiction is that it’s fiction - aka not real life. It’s just a fun fandom activity - nothing more. No one had any problems with larry, while it was just a fictional ship - not even the guys themselves who were just joking around. Just like no one including them has any problems with any other ship now - because everyone realizes that it’s not real.
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writcraft · 6 years
Oh! 1 and 2 for the fan fiction asks?
Thank you for the asks Anon! I’ve just had an ask about #1 so I’ll answer that separately in response to the other ask if that’s okay!
2. Which of your own fanfics have you reread the most? 
I don’t reread my own stuff loads, but I’m often prompted to have a look back over a fic by a lovely comment and when a fic posts I tend to reread it a few times after that because I love torturing myself by finding typos. 
I do have a couple of my own fics I reread on occasion just because though and they’re The Beating of This Fragile Heart (Snarry) and Kissing in the Rain (Tomlinshaw). They tend to be fics that aren’t my most recent, I suspect Little Compton Street might be one I revisit but it’s still a bit new I think. I think I tend to reread the ones where I find the themes cathartic in some way, or they give me shippy feels and I’m maybe trying to get back into the headspace of two characters for a new fic I’m writing - or specifically into my headspace for those characters if that makes sense, as opposed to someone else’s vision of them.
fic asks 
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writsgrimmyblog · 7 years
RPF and Fandom’s Fourth Wall
I’m starting off this long ass post with a noddy guide to the fourth wall. Scroll on by if you’re not interested. The TLDR is pretty much breaking the fourth wall in the interests of shipping pursuits is nobody’s friend.
Very simplistically the fourth wall refers to the division between characters in a story and the audience. According to Fanlore, breaking the fourth wall occurs when characters are aware of the audience or the fact that they are in a work of fiction. The ‘fourth wall’ is never something I was invested in as a Harry Potter fic writer. The fourth wall meant very little to me, because as much as canon retcon and post canon theory from JKR might have irritated me, I was able to hold on to my seven books and apply a Barthes kind of theory to any post canon info and author/reader interaction left me pretty ambivalent.
RPF fandom doesn’t work that way because in RPF fandom the fourth wall is so much more unstable. We know, for example, Nick’s on Tumblr and freaking us all out by saying ‘Gryles is real’ on the radio. However, I still cling onto the last few bricks. I think it’s really important that people get to write what they want in a fictional context without feeling as if their stuff is going to get read out on Graham Norton, in the way he’s held up fan art to other celebrities and asked about fandom with little or no understanding of the importance of that private space to people creating within it. This post is all about the fourth wall in the context of this particular fandom. If meta isn’t your thing, ignore the below.
For some people fandom is the safe space within which they can explore sexuality in a private way. It’s not to be mocked or ridiculed in public forums. The amount of people I’ve spoken to who have found their own identities through fandom spaces, reinforces that. I couldn’t get queer literature delivered to the door and for me fandom was a space which allowed me to finally say ‘I’m not straight.’ The more I see people bringing ships out into the open air and demanding certain things from those ships, the more it makes me so, so frustrated and angry, because it makes me feel like queer fandom isn’t as safe as it used to be.I appreciate calls for diversity in popular culture, but in the context of RPF fandoms, that’s not what we’re doing. We’re not asking for those same sex characters in a TV show with all the sexual tension to become canon. We’re not asking for more queer visibility in television or film. What we are asking for is for real people to come out. Real people, who we don’t know. Real people who have asked either not to be labelled, or who have identified explicitly as straight.
The more the fourth wall crumbles and we get up in peoples’ mentions, the more celebrities and creators become uncomfortable with fandom spaces. Our vital creative outlet gets viewed as weird, fandom is marglinalised and ‘other’ in a way that’s really unfortunate when fandom wields an enormous amount of commercial autonomy and represents a still, largely female gendered space, interacting with popular culture in a subversive, queer and interesting way. 
I feel that safety of space eroding the more public shipping becomes, and the more vitriolic shipping becomes. Whilst I’m all for campaigning for diversity in popular media, shipping is not activism and the two have to be distinguished. As an LGBT activist I can state categorically that shipping is not activism. It is not the same as campaigning for diversity. It’s not the same as being out there in local communities and fighting for people who have neither the means celebrity affords or the romantic idealism shipping presupposes. My concern is that when shipping gets linked into activism, it has precisely the opposite effect in terms of the progress it states it’s invested in, because it makes people in the mainstream dismiss the importance of queering popular culture and it allows them to write off calls for diversity as conspiracy theory.
Breaking the fourth wall in an RPF context means pushing shipping onto real people. It means mentioning ship names to celebrities on twitter or on instagram or any other relevant platform. The problem is, other people pick up on that ship investment and it ends up being ridiculed in a way that hurts. It hurts not only (potentially) the celebrity involved, it also hurts the fan base desperate to find the person who might give them a nod and a wink and tell them, hey, it’s going to be okay. If the mainstream media, particularly gross mainstream media, thinks the ship is fair game, that helps no one.
I don’t want fic shoved in my RPF faves faces. I would be mortified if someone showed Nick my Tomlinshaw fic. I don’t think these spaces will change the way those people live their lives and I think we need to own them in a way which means, keeping certain things private. We don’t have to be embarrassed about shipping but we also shouldn’t equate shipping with activsim. We should stand up in those concerts and personal meets and greets and say, hey, we’re here, we’re queer. Let’s wave those rainbow flags, the bi flag, the trans flag because they mean so much to us as opposed to those boys we love to slash and ship. 
Personally, I’m longing for a celebrity with a big fandom base to speak back to fandom on its own terms, because I genuinely think that would go a long way to draw a line in the sand between fact and fiction, as well as acknowledging the positive sides to fandom in terms of their own success, but we’ll see. I’ll wait. I’m desperate for that fandom-savvy celebrity that can confidently talk about shipping and slashing, but I’m also concerned that will end up being a man that’s a mouthpiece for a largely female space.
The fourth wall still means something to me. Affording celebrities their private space, means something to me. This whole fandom space means the world to me. I see largely female pursuits getting bashed all the time and as fandom becomes an increasingly public space, those misogynistic narratives continue. I don’t want fandom to go back into the closet, because that implies we’re doing something shameful behind the scenes. What I do want is for the media to engage with fandom in a way which doesn’t focus on extreme elements, and the more vitriolic, public and personal those twitter @’s get, the more it harms us all.
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1000-directions · 7 years
tagged by @akai-coat​ <3
Rules: tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself, and tag 11 people in return! the facts can be absolutely anything! whatever springs to mind! let’s get started!
1. the first comment i ever left on ao3 was to @akai-coat​ and eight months later she became my first tumblr follower 😊😊
2. i volunteered in wild bird rehabilitation for two years a while back. i am still extremely, embarrassingly terrible at identifying birds, but i am good at making little meals for them. i had to hold a bald eagle once. they are terrifying.
3. i’ve been a vegetarian since i was sixteen. the only animals i have ever eaten are cow, chicken, pig, lamb, salmon, tuna, flounder, and alligator.
4. when i was a kid, a family friend bet me a dollar to eat calamari. we were at at extremely fancy restaurant. i sucked off all the breading and then threw the rest of it under the table when no one was looking. damn right i got that dollar, damn right i never ate a squid.
5. i have written so many songs over the past eighteen years that i honestly cannot keep track of them. the most specific i can get is to say there are hundreds, but i truly couldn’t even guess how many hundreds.
6. i had to write a thirty page meta-analysis about anemonefish in order to graduate college. i didn’t realize until after submitting it that i left one of the headings as “something something about speciation.” no one ever noticed.
7. i am ten years older than most of the other students in my graduate program. only about half of them have figured it out.
8. i haven’t had a working refrigerator for months because my apartment was really messy and i was too scared to let anyone come inside to fix it. i finally got my brand new fridge today!!!! i can’t wait to buy some cold groceries!!!!!!
9. when i was fifteen, i wrote a 200 chapter self-insertion fic about a band that i shall not reveal. i also wrote a fictional album to accompany it, and i made a cover for it and put up a website with all the lyrics. some fans found it and thought it was real, and so many people emailed the band about it that they had to issue a statement on their website saying it was a fake album made by “a creep with too much time on their hands.” i emailed them to apologize, and they retracted the word creep 😂
10. my favorite fictional 1D pairings, in order: tomlinshaw, nouis, HL, stylinshaw, narry, gryles, zouis, lilo. i can read anything if it’s good enough, but i like it more if louis is there. 😊 i saw harry and louis touch in boston with my own human eyes, and i’m still not over it.
11. i have been living with an assortment of mental health issues for the last twenty years. some days are better than others. today has been a good day :)
lol i only have ten mutuals and i’m still pretty sure most of those were accidents. i’m scared that if i tag people they will realize their error and unfollow me :(
also if you follow me and i don’t follow you back and you wanna be friends, just send me an ask and tell me about yourself and i will probably follow you, i’m just super awkward and don’t know how to initiate new relationships.
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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{Recently Read 1D Fics}
July 2021
These are all the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in July. There are 16 recs here in all and are in order by word count and organized by pairing. You can also listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 in July including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #27 | ko-fi | fic recs
playing by hands by @bottomlinsons
(M, 164k, sequel to adjudication, historical au, royal au, Prince Harry, Prince Louis, politics, war, violence, arranged marriage, political alliances, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, character injury, engagement, marriage, a new favorite, I'm still reeling from it, JUST READ IT)
this charade (was never going to last) by @scrunchyharry
(E, 68k, spy au, fake/pretend relationship, fake marriage, witness protection, enemies to lovers, major character injury, violence, crime, hurt/comfort, intrigue, hacker Harry, rescue mission, smut, this was a RIDE, such a page turner that I couldn't put it down!)
Hint: I want to be yours by bluegreenish / @greenblueish
(M, 11k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, Louis pov, fwb, painter Louis, physiotherapist Harry, pining, rut, smut, this was so much fun!)
Trust Me Tonight by 28sunflowers / @vintageumbroshirt
(E, 10k, royal au, King Louis, French Louis, Prince Harry, historical, Regency era, arranged marriage, sexual inexperience, first time, virgin Harry, mpreg Harry, smut, this was so sweet and lovely)
I'm Tripping Over Your Every Single Move by lookingfortherainbow / @andtheywerebandmates
(T, 6k, uni au, lifeguard Louis, swimmer Harry, pining, disaster gay Harry, embarrassing situations, meet cute, first date, kissing, no smut, humor, I was literally lol, I'm obsessed with this)
Hot Chocolate by @kingsofeverything
(E, 6k, butthole series, stand alone fic, meet cute, sculptor Louis, artist Louis, baker and chocolatier Harry, social media, Instagram, thirsty Harry, embarrassing situations, humor, masturbation, this (butt)crack fic was hilarious and genius and I loved it so much!)
tangled in self loathing by lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) / @lightwoodsmagic
(NR, 2k, crime au, hitman Louis, angst, exes, gun violence, revenge, non descriptive smut, ambiguous/open ending, I'm still reeling from this one whew)
Sofa So Good by SunTomato / @sun-tomato
(G, 2k, moving in au, humor, meet cute, first meeting, omg this was so funny and cute and the banter was hilarious between ot5)
In the Shallows by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 2k, merman fic, merman Harry, human Louis, lake, water, enemies to lovers, surprised Louis, apologies, apologetic gestures, getting together, the worldbuilding was amazing and I adored this fic and this writer's brain)
take the time for you by pixies / @tomlinbuns
(G, 1k, speed dating au, meet cute, twist/surprises, ahh I loved how even though Niall isn't in the fic he plays a big role haha, just read this so you know what I'm talking about, this was so fun!)
If I Had It My Way... by @fallinglikethis
(T, 1k, swimming pool au, insecure Louis, pining, recent coming out, summer, hot weather, sun cream, touching, kissing, this made my heart flip over in my chest)
An Advanced Position by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(E, 1k, canon, established relationship, wall sex, sex positions, asking for help, practice, Harry and Louis are having trouble achieving wall sex and it's hilarious lol)
Blow Me Away by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(E, 6k, Louis/Liam, canon compliant, established relationship, touring, hotel rooms, bus sex, communication, oral sex, anal sex, bl, sexual frustration, this was so good omg, very hot but also sweet at the same time, Louis doesn't know why Liam doesn't want a bj fic)
Oh, Pretty Baby by abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow
(G, 4k, Niall/Shawn Mendes, teacher Shawn, hot dad Niall, kid fic, crush, meet cute, flirting, omg so cute)
I'mma Give You A Promotion by @lululawrence
(NR, 4k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, canon, quarantine, work from home, secret relationship, determine the relationship, humor, radio, fluff, no smut, so charming and I love how they just fit together)
Use You As A Focal Point by Jiksa / @jiksax
(E, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, sequel to Use You As A Warning Sign, canon, sexuality crisis, internalized homophobia, angst, falling in love, oof I loved the first one and the second one hurts just as good)
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alarrytale · 11 months
Hi Marte, I'm a new fan from 2020 onwards, and I just discovered your blog, which is a fantastic resource. So first, I want to say thank-you for keeping it up all these years. I was reading it late into the night and was surprised to see you talking about H in 2013 having a promotional contract with the BBC, and it seemed like you were saying that his friendship with Nick Grimshaw was also promo. Did I understand that correctly? Was that a theory back in the day? As I haven't heard about this idea before. I thought their friendship was fully genuine, and I have read lots of speculation about whether or not they might have had some disagreement. If I have got two ideas mixed up, my only excuse is that your blog was so good, I was reading it until 3am.
Hi, anon!
Thank you, and you're welcome!
About Nick and Harry. No, it wasn't a theory back then. They were genuine friends and a very large group of people thought they were actually together (Gryles). It seemed organic back then and Nick was unproblematic and openly gay so most of the fandom loved their friendship, up to a certain point.
It's not until much later when you look back at that time and reflect, that you see it for what it was. Mutual promo. The very public friendship started when Nick was confirmed to take over the Radio 1 Breakfast show, the most coveted dj spot, the most listened to in the UK, and with the youngest audience. BBC thought that Nick was cool and popular and would bring in tonnes of young listeners. He did because half his listeners were 1d stans listening to hear him tell stories about Harry. I listened in every single day, and so did half this fandom. He had Harry on his show multiple times too, ribbed him and hinted that Harry was gay. Nick also had 1d on, one member at a time, and they played their favourite songs and did an interview. The close connection with BBC and 1d bought Nick a lot of listeners and gave 1d loads of promo. Harry was also now a part of the London cool young celeb crew. It was an image boost for Harry. It was a really fun time.
I think Harry looked up to Nick as a gay mentor. He was openly gay and was very free spoken. Nick is just himself, is very funny, super relatable and with a big personality. He also had a big celebrity friend group and namedropped all the time. I think Nick and Harry genuinely enjoyed their friendship, even if the circumstances making it so was forced and contractual. I think there was jealousy on Louis part and the blind items suggested Nick and Harry were sleeping together, paired with half the fandom turning from being larries to gryles stans probably didn’t help. Nick could be very flirty with Harry sometimes too. Right in front of Louis. Nick and Louis' personalities clashed too, they're too much alike (go read some Tomlinshaw fan fiction and you'll see what i mean lol). There was always an underlying tension there between them.
I think there was some jealousy from Nick's partners as well, at least that's what the rumours say. Harry went on tour, got new friends and i think Nick felt a bit abandoned. He started throwing some shade at Harry. He lost a lot of listeners after the 1d stans turned on him, ditched him and Nick was sort of fired. His popularity faded fast. Nick and Harry have hung out a couple of times after 'the fall out' so i think they're more casual friends now. I don't think Nick's been to any of Harry’s solo shows though.
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allwaswell16 · 4 years
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This is a fic rec of my favorite Louis characterizations in One Direction fan fics as requested in this ask. Best fic ask ever, but also toughest. I’ve organized them by pairing and wordcount. Please leave kudos and comments for the writers who have blessed us with these amazing Louis-es. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
💝 There’s Such a Lot of World to See, @crinkle-eyed-boo (E, 125k, Doctor Who au, Louis is the Doctor, time travel, aliens, angst, slow burn, action and suspense, multiple story arcs)  
💝 Saving Symphony Hall, @helloamhere (M, 124k, abo, alpha Harry, omega Louis, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, symphony au, bl)
💝 California Sold, @isthatyoularry​ (M, 123k, Louis/Harry, demisexual Louis, fake/pretend relationship, friends to lovers, famous Harry, not famous Louis, coming out, fluff, angst, sexual content)
💝 I’ll Fly Away, @juliusschmidt​ (E, 122k, friends to lovers, childhood friends, small town, bisexuality, coming out, friendships, American H&L, angst with a happy ending, smut)
💝 Tired, Tired Sea, @mediawhorefics​ / MediaWhore (M, 113k, famous/not famous au, popstar Harry, B&B owner Louis, Scotland, recovering addict Harry, isolation, loneliness, hurt/comfort, pining, slow burn) 
💝 adjudication, @bottomlinsons​ (M, 75k, royal au, historical, prince Louis, prince Harry, enemies to lovers, love letters, betrayal, politics, historical conflict, slow burn, light angst with a happy ending, arranged marriage, poor communication)
💝 After Dark, After Light, @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen (E, 71k, historical au, medieval, Scotland, Scottish Highlander, commander Louis, laird Harry, secret relationship, self discovery, sexual tension, light angst, smut, light bondage)
💝 Harry Styles Cooks…, @magicalrocketships / sunsetmog (E, 61k+, wip, famous/not famous, neighbors, chef/baker Harry, youtube, quirky characters, friendship, smut, humor, merch, arts & crafts)
💝 The Second Hand Unwinds, @kingsofeverything​ (E, 51k, time travel, NASA, aerospace engineer Louis, age difference due to time travel, smut)
💝 Now That This Old World Is Ending, @thetommmo​ / daggerinrose (E, 49k, action/adventure au, cults, violence, brainwashing, survival, angst, smut)
💝 Tied Down, @ham-palpert​ / HamPalpert (E, 48k, crime au, criminal Louis, criminal Harry, multiple POVs, non-linear, detective Niall, detective Liam, undercover officer Zayn, drugs, prison, established relationship)
💝 where the lights are beautiful (series), @polkadotlou​ / twoshipsdrifting (E, 47k, a/b/o, omega Louis, alpha Harry, accidental bonding, hate to love, heat/rut, angst with a happy ending, Ziam, mentions of mpreg, pining, smut)
💝 That’s What I’m Here For, @taggiecb​ (E, 46k, farm au, farmer Louis, farm hand Harry, boss/employee, age gap, demisexual Louis, small town Canada, adult children, sexuality crisis, mourning, depression, soft, happy ending, silver fox Louis)
💝 make this feel like home, @soldouthaz​ (E, 46k, enemies to lovers, famous/not famous, famous Harry, singer Harry, slow burn, minor character death, grieving, dual pov, past abuse, past drug use, past alcoholism, tension, sexual tension, angst with a happy ending, fluff, domesticity, cat, eventual roommates, smut, BL)
💝 Just Tell Me the Song and I’ll Sing It, @myownsparknow​ / myownspark (NR, 39k, college au, karaoke, music, baseball, pining, song fic, angst with a happy ending, romantic gestures, architecture major Louis, college baseball player Harry)
💝 The Haunting of Louis Tomlinson, @helloamhere (T, 31k, magical realism, ghosts, ghost Harry, supernatural elements, haunted house, Zouis friendship, humor)
💝 Don’t Let the Tides Come and Take Me, @icanhazzalou​ / kiwikero (M, 28k, merpeople au, merman Harry, urban fantasy, road trip, on the run)
💝 And That’s The Tea, @2tiedships2​ (M, 27k, soulmate au, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, soulmarks, strangers to lovers, coffee shop, barista Harry, NYC, humor, heat, scenting, omega panic attack, misunderstandings, soft)
💝 some things fade (some never do), @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed​​ / we_are_the_same (T, 25k, magic au, fantasy, magical tattoos, exes to lovers, getting back together, pining, angst with a happy ending, long distance relationship, tattoo removal)
💝 We Can Work It Out, @fakedeepplantjerker​ / kassio (E, 24k, uni au, personal trainer Harry, body image, bisexual Louis, biphobia, coming out, friends to lovers, gym, smut)
💝 written in the stars (that’s you and me), @fackinglouis (E, 22k, psychic au, supernatural, psychic Louis, journalist Harry, Louis pov, enemies to friends to lovers, smut, bl)
💝 We’ll Rise Up, @fallinglikethis​ (NR, 18k, religious au, pastor Louis, musical director Harry, pastor Liam, forced outing, acceptance, hurt/comfort, angst and fluff)
💝 (Make You Want To) Scream, @lululawrence​ (M, 16k, bodyswap au, magical realism, famous/not famous, famous Louis, singer Louis, not famous Harry, masturbation, smut)
💝 Satan/Santa (series), @taggiecb​ (E, 15k, fantasy au, Santa Harry, Satan Louis, elf Niall, demon Liam, angel Zayn, Easter Bunny Ed Sheeran, North Pole, Hell, letters to Santa/Satan, kissing, holidays, smut, fluff, soft, gifts, surprises, humor)
💝 a garden in bloom, @gaycousinlarry​ / momentofclarity​ (G, 10k, bed and breakfast au, older Larry, silver fox Louis, age difference, writer Harry, bed and breakfast owner Louis, Nouis as platonic soulmates, pining, insecurities, falling in love)
💝 a body wishes to held & held by @turnyourankle (E, 9k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, heat, rut, barebacking)
💝 What Happens When Harry’s at Work, @phd-mama / phdmama (E, 4k, series, established relationship au, writer Louis, humor, silly, buttplugs, texting, tumblr, shipping, new bed, police station, public transportation)
Louis/Nick Grimshaw
💝 I Had Rather (series) , @magicalrocketships​ / sunsetmog (E, 261k, Tomlinshaw, canon compliant, secret relationship, hate sex, love/hate, kink, watersports, angst with a happy ending, long distance)
💝 Tell Me It’s The Strongest Shape, @louandhazaf​ / YesIsAWorld (E, 73k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw/Elgar Johnson, polyamory, coming out, grief/mourning, complicated relationships, smut, threesome, established relationship, fwb, famous/not famous, canon Nick, canon Elgar, model Louis, age difference, misunderstandings, negotiating boundaries)
💝 The Colors Are Different, @goodmorningtoyouuniverse​ / GMTYUniverse (E, 46k, Tomlinshaw au, canon Nick, radio dj Louis, rivals, famous Harry, mutual friends with Harry, enemies to lovers, angst with a happy ending, smut)
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allwaswell16 · 4 years
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This is a fic rec of my favorite Tomlinshaw (Louis+NIck Grimshaw) canon coming out fics as requested in this ask. You can find my other fic recs here. Please leave the writers kudos and comments! Happy reading!
💛  I Had Rather Hear My Dog Bark At A Crow, @magicalrocketships​ / sunsetmog (E, 122k, canon compliant, secret relationship, hate sex, love/hate, kink, watersports, angst with a happy ending, long distance)
💛 Midnight Dancers, hazmesentir (E, 107k, choose your own ending Nick/Louis or Louis/Harry, alt canon, coming out, future fic, smut)
💛 Kissing in the Rain, @writsgrimmyblog​ / @writcraft​ (E, 96k, canon compliant, internalized homophobia, romance, boys in love, kissing in the rain, coming out, first time, smut)
💛 and i refuse to let this go, annemari (T, 71k, canon divergence, amnesia, secret relationship, character injury, coma, car accident, hurt/comfort, coming out, happy ending)
💛 You Don't Care About Me (One More Night), @lululawrence​ (NR, 60k, canon, fwb, internalized homophobia, pining, forced coming out, miscommunication, humor, jealousy, sexuality crisis, light angst, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, bed sharing)
💛 We Used To Wait, @magicalrocketships​ / sunsetmog (E, 56k, secret relationship, car accident, character injury, hospitals, coma, outing, trauma, ptsd, smut)
💛 i'll follow you, follow you home, annemari (T, 46k, canon, secret relationship, character injury, injured Louis, head injury, relationship discussions)
💛 loose lips sink ship all the damn time (not this time), @mediawhorefics​ / MediaWhore (E, 39k, canon, forced outing, sex tape, getting together, getting back together, poor communication, flashbacks, angst with a happy ending, smut)
💛 The One Where...(series), checkthemargins (E, 34k, canon, accidental dating, break up, pneumonia, getting back together, coming out, smut)
💛 Somebody Hurt You (I Know A Place), @writsgrimmyblog​ / writcraft (E, canon, getting together, violence, homophobia, amnesia, injury recovery, bisexual Louis, angst with a happy ending, coming out, smut)
💛 This Must Be The Time, @magicalrocketships​ / sunsetmog (E, 15k, canon, getting together, coming out, contrived dating, amusement park, goats, smut)
💛 hold on for one more day, @disgruntledkittenface​ (M, 12k, canon, established relationship, coming out, accidental outing, Radio 1 Breakfast show, Back to You promo, banter, smut)
💛 you drive me fucking crazy, weddingbells (E, 9k, canon, fake/pretend relationship, coming out, past Larry, smut)
💛 hi, hater, kiss kiss, @mediawhorefics / MediaWhore (G, 3k, canon compliant, enemies to lovers, pining, miscommunication, call or delete)
💛 Almost Feels Like Nothing's Changed at All (If You Close Your Eyes), Hllangel (G, 3k, canon, twitter, accidental outing, established relationship)
💛 acrobatic blood, @nightwideopen​ (G, 2k, canon, established relationship, coming out, trans character, asexual character, angst, tension, fluff)
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allwaswell16 · 5 years
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This is a fic rec of fics in which Louis is on the asexual spectrum as requested in this ask and listed in order of word count. You can find my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writer!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
💜 California Sold, @isthatyoularry​ (M, 123k, Louis/Harry, demisexual Louis, fake/pretend relationship, friends to lovers, famous Harry, not famous Louis, coming out, fluff, angst, sexual content)
💜 Consequences, @allwaswell16​ (E, 78k, Louis/Harry, demisexual Louis, amnesia au, injured Harry, secrets, exes to lovers, injury recovery, therapy, hurt/comfort, rich Harry, sexual content)
💜 That’s What I’m Here For, @taggiecb​ (E, 46k, Louis/Harry, demisexual Louis, farm au, older Louis, age difference, boss/employee, small town, farmer Louis, friendship, grief, sexual content)
💜 Crying lightning, frenchkiss (M, 42k, Louis/Harry, demisexual Louis, amnesia au, injured Louis, established relationship, injury recovery, therapy, angst with a happy ending)
💜 wait up, i’m coming home, @hattalove (T, 28k, Louis/Harry, asexual Louis, long distance relationship, romance, kissing, fluff)
💜 About the Sea, Foolishly_Fallen (G, 25k, Louis/Zayn, asexual Louis, strangers to friends to lovers, The Sea is a main character, writer Zayn, fluff)
💜 we could be stars, transstevebucky (NR, 23k, Louis/Harry, canon divergence, asexual Louis, friends to lovers, pining, platonic kissing, makeup, nonbinary character, fluff)’
💜 you’re bleeding, but you’ll be okay, strong (G, 17k, Louis/Harry, friends to lovers, asexual Louis, fashion blogger Harry, Christmas, light angst)
💜 The Thinker of Tender Thoughts, SpeakingWithInk (NR, 13k, Louis/Harry, coming out, acephobic, internalized acephobia, anxious Louis, Christmas, asexual Louis, kissing)
💜 More or Less, @saori--art​​ / saori (G, 10k, Louis/Harry, established relationship au, university, aromatic Louis, angst, coming out)
💜 It’s Just You and I and this TV, secretspeller (T, 9k, Louis & Nick Grimshaw, friendship, asexual Louis, sick character, injured character, caretaking)
💜 Starting at the End, dearmrssawyer (T, 8k, Louis/Zayn, zombie apocalypse, queerplatonic relationships, asexual character, some violence)
💜 like real people do, @nightwideopen​ (G, 7k, Louis/Harry, service dog, mental health issues, asexual Louis, asexual Harry)
💜 You’re Here, Where You Should Be, @lululawrence​ (NR, 5k, Louis/Harry, girl direction, demisexual Louis, friends to lovers, pining, fluff, Christmas, no smut)
💜 acrobatic blood, @nightwideopen​ (G, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, established relationship, coming out, angst, tension, trans male character, asexual Louis)
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