#tomorrow i might ask can i drop out of uni? just tell me no
lilyrizzy · 1 year
something silly & self indulgent, set in the verse of 'in that iron ground.'
cw: parental death mention
“Daniel?” His mum says, her voice airy with the echo of laughter. “What a nice surprise.”
There’s no trace of concern in her voice, though it’s 4 AM in Rotterdam right now, something she must know. Or at least have known once upon a time. Too early for a casual catch-up.
It’s strange to be faced with the different ways his dad’s death affected them all. His mum can be fearless answering the phone, but Daniel’s palms still sweat whenever he sees his light up with the notification that her or Michelle is calling. Stranger still, maybe, that this is still something he thinks about whenever he speaks to his family on the phone.
“Sorry, you sound busy,” he apologises, but even as he says it, staring out at the inky black night, he hears the noise of background chatter recede. His mum’s muffled voice as she makes her excuses to step outside of whatever room she’s in, all the way across the world.
“No, no, Tim and I just have some friends over for our breakfast club, but I’m never too busy for you,” she says easily enough, back to talking to him now. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah Mama,” he promises, nodding though she can’t see him, “everything is- It’s good. Just wanted to hear your voice.”
There’s a pause, where he thinks she might call him out on the strangeness of the hour, but then-
“Not too long till Christmas now, darling.” 
They fall into the easy routine of catching each other up, their familiar dance perfected through more years spent living apart than together now. It’s mostly her speaking to start with, like she knows he needs it to ease himself in. He hears all about Isaac’s new job, and Izzy’s new baby. Stuff he already knows from Michelle, mostly, that he can just hum along to. The last thing is how the cold is finally ebbing from the earth long enough for her to think she can plant some new bulbs soon in her garden.
“And what’s new with you?” She prompts, enough of a tone in her voice for Daniel to know that if he could see her, he’d be getting that pointed look right about now.
Come on young man, tell your mama.
Time’s up.
“We dropped Milly at uni earlier,” he admits after a moment but then doesn’t say anything else, letting it settle between them.
“Oh,” his mum says, something knowing in her voice, and if Daniel stays as an attuned parent to Emilia, despite the new distance between them, he’ll be happy. “How did Max take it?”
That makes Daniel smile at least, looking over his shoulder towards their bedroom, though he knows he won’t be able to see the shape of Max under their duvet through the blinds covering the balcony’s glass door.
His mum hums sympathetically.
“Well, he only pretended not to cry for half of the car journey back,” Daniel says with a laugh, though at the time he’d ached watching Max try and fail to stop his bottom lip trembling as they pulled away from the University of Amsterdam’s welcome fair. “Then he gave in and asked me to pull the car over to give him a cuddle.”
“He did tell me he was nervous for her go,” she says, and nervous is the understatement of the fucking century, but her words make a thick kind of love fill his chest. The same feeling he gets when Max says, “Remind me to call your mum tomorrow, I haven’t spoken to her for a little while.” When he walks in on the two of them exchanging new recipes over Facetime.
“Yeah, she’s our baby,“ Daniel says simply, laughing just to ease the words from his throat, “he isn’t taking it so well, but- But you know Max.”
He can say that because she does.
“Poor Max,” she says with a sigh. “And how is my baby taking it?”
Daniel breathes out the breath he’s been holding in since they dropped Emilia off at her accommodation. Max pressing one hundred quick kisses to her head, making her promise to call them tomorrow to tell them all about her ‘lovely new friends’, while she tried desperately to back them out of the door so they couldn’t cramp her style any worse. Since Max touched his knee and looked at him with wet eyes in the car ride home and said, “This of course is for the best,” like he hadn’t also been right there with Daniel, agonizing over her moving a two-hour car journey away.
Nothing really, when you compare it to two planes and twenty-four hours of travel.
“I’m okay,” he says because it’s mostly true. “I just- Fuck, mum, I don’t know how you and Dad did it. Packed me up and let me move to Europe, two years younger than Milly is now.”
His mum hadn’t even cried in the airport, he remembers. She’d just kissed his cheek very hard, his dad hovering behind telling her she’d make Daniel miss his flight, then hugging Daniel afterwards for just as hard, just as long.
“Ah, well,” she says, words half gentle laughter. “This is the hard part. Welcome back to the era of sleepless nights, except this time they aren’t in the next room, needing you.”
He has to close his eyes against the harsh truth of it. The pain he put his parents through, the pain he feels now, it’s all born from too much love.
“Yeah but Milly always needs me,” he insists, laughing wetly, trying and failing to cover the way he is the one crying now. “Who else is going to teach her how to bag all the hot Dutch boys?”
His mum snorts, and for a moment the ache in his chest is soothed by giggles they dissolve into together. “Don’t let Max hear you say that.”
They lapse into a comfortable silence again once the laughter has trailed off, but Daniel still hasn’t said the thing that made him pick up the phone and call. He promised himself standing at his father’s graveside that he wouldn’t let important things so unspoken between them again, but it doesn’t make it easy.
“Thank you,” he eventually croaks, his throat aching with the words. “Mum, thank you for- For letting me go. I wish I could say the same to Dad, I- My daughter is off to study law two hours up the road and I’m a mess, and- And you guys let me move two continents away just to give my dream a try.”
His dream that never came true, not all the way at least, but that Daniel still wouldn’t trade the life he has now for.
“Oh, sweetheart.” His mum’s voice is gentle, and he wishes so badly she was here to give him a hug. “I just did what you are doing now, for Milly. It’s all a part of it. Sophie would tell you the same.”
She probably has already, to Max at least.
“Yeah,” Daniel says, wiping at his eyes and sniffing a little. “I just- I’m going to miss her, I think.”
For the last nineteen years, the bedroom opposite his and Max’s has been five different colours, has seen four different ‘best friends,’ and had posters of athletes, pop stars, Max’s maps and most recently Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the wall, but- But it’s always had his baby girl inside, sleeping in the bed every night.
“Of course, you’ll miss her. You’re a good dad, Daniel.” His mum says it like a promise, her voice cracking down the middle too. “I tell your dad all the time when I go to visit him. How proud of you he would be, my darling.”
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misosick · 9 months
dirty little secret - you're the only one who needs to know | bang chan
pairing: bang chan x reader, ??? x reader
genre: uni!au, predebut/idol!au, manager!reader, slow burn
chapter warnings: crying,
word count: 1.2k-ish
author notes: wow... only took me 2 years to finish this. thank u all for the love and support for this, epilogue coming soon w/ the sappy shit every writer does xoxo
taglist: @idunnomanmynamewastaken​ @freyaniobe​ @jellyglly @stepout-09-15​ @moremilkforkags (send me an ask if you would like to be added!)
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Chan sits there in shock. The last time you called him Chris to his face was when you were shouting at him to get out of your house. Sure, you had written it on the note to him, but he couldn’t help but feel his heart jump as he hears it. Tears fill his eyes as he listens to you recall how he treated you when you started at the company, and he readies himself for the biggest heartbreak of his life. Except, it never came. A wave of relief washes over him, and Chan breaks down.
He didn’t deserve you, yet here you are, telling him that you still had feelings for him. Your arms open for him to fall into, and he falls into your shoulder as sobs wrack through his body. Your hand threads through his hair, comforting him in a way you had done back in Australia. The two of you sit there for what seems like hours, as Chan continues to thank you and apologise.
His breathing steadies, and he sits back up as you hand him a few tissues. You laugh a little at his puffy eyes and red nose, but he’s never looked so handsome.
“Thank you, y/n, seriously, thank you.” Chan smiles, sniffling a little. He knows he’s in for the ride of his life, but he’ll go to the moon and back if it means he has you by his side.
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You aren’t easy on him. At all. Before you and Chris, the couple, there’s you and him, manager and artist – and the first awards show was mere weeks away. As much as you’d like to, there’s just no time to rebuild your relationship when there were new dance breaks to rehearse, stage mixes to be sent to the various events and stylists to co-ordinate stage outfits with. It’s the worst time to even be thinking about your relationship with Chris.
But, it’s perhaps the best time for Felix and Jisung to walk into your office, carrying a gift basket containing iced coffee, snacks and a folded piece of paper nestled in the front. The other boys didn’t know yet, but Jisung and Felix figured it out almost immediately after your conversation with Chris. You seemed happier to see the boys every day, he started working on more love songs in his free time – something must have gone right, right? At least they were kind enough to act as the secret messenger while you tested the waters.
“Oh, Y/N~! Your not-so-secret admirer has sent you a gift~!” Jisung waltzes over to your desk, setting down the gift basket as Felix places an energy drink right next to it (a personal gift from him). You laugh as you open the energy drink, taking a sip and sighing happily.
“Did he now? I wonder who it might be?” You take another sip and you motion them to sit down. Skimming over the note quickly, you smile to yourself as you move the basket to another part of your desk so you can lean over and talk to the two men sitting in your office. It’d become a habit for them to stay and gossip whenever they came by to drop off care packages from your not-yet boyfriend.
“I have a meeting with Minhye tomorrow confirming where I’m getting transferred, you know, conflict of interest and all,” you roll your eyes at your own comment. In all honesty, you were surprised the company didn’t fire you or put Chris on hiatus when you told them about your budding relationship – or the history behind it. You must have proven yourself enough for them to want to keep you on in some capacity, and you were grateful.
“We’ll still get to come see you, right?” Felix sat up, eyes wide in anticipation.
“Of course! I’m pretty sure I’ll be moving to Itzy’s management team, so I’ll still be around. Chris will still need his messengers.” You wink at the pair, laughing as they cringe at the thought of him spending hours on these gifts, stressing over the contents of the note when they know you’d be happy with just a ‘make sure you take a break’.
“When do we get to stop sneaking around, huh? I don’t know how much longer I can keep this a secret!” Jisung leaned back into the couch. You and Chris were having way too much fun at his expense.
“I mean… we could do it now? Tell the boys? I guess they deserve to know why their leader’s been so into love songs recently.” Felix and Jisung’s faces light up, and suddenly the phones were out to round everyone up for an impromptu meeting. Chris had mentioned telling them a couple of weeks ago; you told him you weren’t ready, and that you’d let him know when you were. But, you’d have to tell them why you were being transferred eventually.
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The nine of you were sat in a circle in the middle of a practice room. Chris holds your hand in his lap, playing with your rings. Jisung and Felix trying to hold back their giggles, everyone else is quietly muttering to themselves. You turn to Chris, giving him a quick nod before taking a deep breath.
“Okay, so, I have some news to share. I am no longer going to be managing you guys.” The room falls silent. Jeongin’s eyes start to glaze over, Changbin’s sitting there in shock, Hyunjin and Minho let out a gasp.
“What?! Why? Did you resign?! Are you moving home?!?” Seungmin asks every single question the group had, and you can’t help but laugh as his frantic search for answers.
“No, Seungmin, oh my god, everyone chill out. I will be transferring to another group, not confirmed yet, but I’ll still be in the building.” The room erupts into laughter at the joke, instantly desolving the previous tension.
“So, if you aren’t leaving the company, why are you leaving us?” Jeongin’s voice wobbled a little, and you feel terrible. You’d grown close to him, viewing him as a younger brother of sorts, you reach over and grab his hand, squeezing it before Changbin wraps an arm around him.
“I… how do I explain this… I promise you I’m not going anywhere. You’ll see me just as much, if not more, isn’t that right, Chris?” You turn to him, smiling widely as everyone slowly realises the underlying context of what you’ve just said.
The once quiet practice room erupts into a sea of cheers, as you and Chris are all but tackled to the ground. You swear you see Hyunjin sigh and pull some notes out of his pocket to hand to Minho, who is busy dancing around celebrating his win.
“Noona! You worried me! I was gonna cry! You should’ve said the good news first!” Jeongin’s arms are wrapped tightly around your shoulders while Chris is inundated with taps on the shoulder and congratulatory messages. You can’t help but smile in relief. Felix and Jisung look just as relieved, happy to know they won’t be responsible for keeping your relationship with their leader a secret anymore. A soft kiss to the back on your hand reminds you that Chris was still next to you, and that everything was going to work out eventually.
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Didn't do much today except go to the Paris Aquarium with my mum and eat more raclette than reasonable.
I've been feeling very exhausted lately (probably because I go to bed wayyyy too late) and all my muscles ache from going to the gym. I think I'd really need a full day in bed resting, but that won't be tomorrow nor Sunday because I already have plans... hopefully Monday!
I hope to get my third tattoo soon! And maybe my 4th at the same time, because getting the two together would make a lot of sense :)
One of my neighbors keeps coughing like crazy every 30 seconds, I can't even grasp how the hell I can hear her through walls and doors?! Also, it's not just a light cough, it's like, a big cough-throwing-up style lol.
My uni best friend and I got to talk in person and in private yesterday evening and I straight up asked them if they were mad at me last week when I told them I was dropping out, and they said that actually their slightly bad reaction was due to the fact they were very concerned about me and didn't know how to help and were scared my decision was just impulsive... which, knowing me, could have been the case lol! They also said they were sad but didn't want to tell me because they didn't want to, like, guilt-trip me, which proves how wonderful of a person they are <3 and my high school best friend got their first semester results and they're in the top three best students of their class!!! I'm so proud of them!!!
OMG MY PLAYLIST IS ON SHUFFLE RIGHT NOW AND I REALIZED THE SONG I'D PRE ADDED AND HAVE WAITED FOR FOR MONTHS JUST DROPPED! It's "Lose My Mind" by Stephen Dawes! On TikTok he said he'd written it for the second season of a very popular Netflix show... and lots of people are assuming it's Heartstopper... I really hope so! It has a Heartstopper vibe! And I really love it, just like I love all the songs on the playlist of Heartstopper season 1!
Talking about Heartstopper, I might have found a Solitaire first US edition... ordered it... fingers crossed it arrives and it is indeed a real first US edition! The dream! :D
That's it for today, I think! Bye for now.
"I'm burning up all the obligations
And I'm gonna take a permanent vacation" -Who Put You Up To This? by Sunflower Bean
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okay so this is a question post but it’s also in my queue which posts at 3am....so i’m not ignoring you i’m just, asleep, then busy getting ready, then generally busy with my day-i’ll get there.
the question is: do you have any suggestions of good laptops?
Now I know this very much depends on what I intend on doing with said laptop/what I want so  -University mostly, I plan on taking it in to use it there. This is why I’m looking for a new laptop. This is the main reason. -I will watch videos/movies so something that isn’t entirely shitty at handling that (I cannot tell you how many times I thought my current laptop was going to blow up when I tried to play something) -On that note, I love a CD/DVD drive (if that’s what it’s called), I know some newer ones don’t have them?? yeah I still watch movies via dvd sometimes and I can only really hear them when I use my laptop, the TV has me straining the entire time to hear anything (woo hearing problems) -PLEASE. SOMETHING WITH A DECENT BATTERY. Look my first laptop? It was an acer and the battery life actually lasted pretty well for the first year, two years, maybe even three before it dropped. This laptop, my second one, an asus? It’s been like. Two years maybe and I’ve been dealing with an hour long battery life max for one of those. Considering I want to be using it at uni when I might not always have access to somewhere I can charge it-PLEASE. SOMETHING WITH A GOOD BATTERY. -I don’t really play games anymore but added bonus I guess if it manages that okay because I have weird phases where I drift back -don’t suggest an apple mac please my dad will disown me if I bring that home and I probably can’t afford it -On that note my price range is flexible, as my dad told me, decent laptops start around $1500(NZD) and I’ve managed to scrap together enough to go over that comfortably, I don’t have wild amounts of money ok let’s not get crazy but I can do higher -Smaller laptops would be nice? Because I’ll be carrying it around all day? But if you’re like I have this perfect laptop except it’s 10kg look I’ll start lifting weights or something -webcam is a bonus i guess, not like they’re ever good -i mean it literally when I say my laptop is falling apart i push parts back in daily maybe something stable sdfhksdjf -I think that’s all but it’s late and i need to go to sleep so i’ll just leave it here anyway
I know laptops might differ from country to country but if you see this and you’re like hey this laptop was great for me at uni-please. I don’t know what I should be looking at. I’m so lost when it comes to laptops. These past two? My dad chose. I paid ofc but he picked the ‘best.’ He’s since given up on giving advice bc this one is shit. Even if you’re like well it has a good battery but it doesn’t meet the other things...Dude, I would love a good battery life so much, I don’t need anything else. ok preferably not a snail computer but you get what I mean.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
jack grealish x reader
prompt request; you're talking on the phone and your lover quietly comes up behind you, wraps their arms around you, and starts gently kissing your neck. you begin to lose focus on your phone call as you concentrate on not making any noise.
its a little bit smutty - 18+
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Jack likes to think he's a fairly patient man. He kind of has to be. If he gets any more than irked when his team are down a goal then he'd lose his head a little and they certainly wouldn't make up that goal if he couldn't keep his cool. It wasn't something he was born with so much as something that was trained into him through time and good coaching from his youth days through to now, as captain.
His patience with you is tenfold. That man grew up with three women in his life. It felt like half of all his dad ever said was "Just be patient Jack, the girls aren't ready yet." when he was young, bouncing on his heels at the door desperately waiting to go out with his family and his mother could more often than not be heard saying "Patience is a virtue, Jack." So he liked to think it was something he was relatively good at when it came to both his game and his girlfriend. Though you might inclined to suggest a little bit differently.
Today had been one of those days where he got to have a lie in, eyes softly shut, chest rising and falling rhythmically with his hair strewn out in all angles well into the early hours of the afternoon. His sleep was very satisfying and the long lie much needed, but he would have preferred to have woken up with you still there next to him when his eyes finally peeled open to an empty bed.
You had gone out, as you told in a text message sent to his phone half an hour ago knowing he would wake up and see it. When he texted back to ask where, he didn't get a response until you walked through the door again with a coffee for him and two muffins in a brown bag. You'd gone out for brunch with a friend thinking that you'd be back before he woke up but she had talked for longer than you anticipated and then you got stuck in the afternoon traffic. The muffin and the coffee were your way of saying sorry you weren't there when he woke and served as the perfect temporary fix for his grumbling belly.
A lot of the rest of your day was spent working, which pissed you off to no end. The one day Jack had to spend, you of course could not escape university for. "Last two weeks and then I'm all yours," you'd assured him, "Well, 'till I can get a job and work for the rest of my life to pay off those stupid loans. Lovely." You had a bit of a habit of being a bit less optimistic when you were stressed and Jack could very well see that was the case today. He knew you'd enjoyed uni, but you and every other student in the world would hate that last few weeks with the scramble to submit projects and clean up shop before graduation.
"I told you not to take out loans, baby," He had cooed earlier in the day as he stood behind your desk in one of the spare rooms, messaging your shoulders, "I have plenty for the two of us, you know it."
His words were sweet, genuinely. Muffled by your hair as he pressed his lips down onto the crown of your head. But you laugh softly at him with a shake of your head. "Don't start with that, Grealish."
He had laughed at your retort and left you alone to work again until dinner which he of course did not make because all that Jack can make is pot noodles or toast and cheese. Neither of those things had tickled either of your fancies, so it was takeaway delivered straight to the door that had you all but floating down the stairs when the smell wafted up.
Jack knew what he had in mind for after dinner. Something that both he and you would equally enjoy that would be very de-stressing for you too. That very enjoyable thing did not include you being on a three way messenger call with two of your closest friends from uni gossiping and talking about coursework while you finished wiping up the kitchen.
That's where Jack's patience appeared to come into play once more.
One might say he had been incredibly patient. He waited all day without trying to bother or pester you while you were working like he usually might and then he waited through dinner, waiting with the TV paused when you promised you'd only be five minutes wiping down the kitchen counters and doing the dishes.
And then he heard that god forsaken phone ring and his head tipped back onto the back of the couch with a silent groan. Then he waited another short while listening to you on the phone, not much involved in the conversational aspect than you were the reacting to the story.
The sight of you made him groan again when he walked into the kitchen after hearing a few moments of silence on your end, thinking that you might've finished the phone call. He was dead wrong, you were still stood with the phone help up to your ear as you looked out the kitchen window into the garden in apparent thought. You stop Jack walking up behind you in the reflection of the window.
He wraps his arms around your waist slowly, resting his chin on your shoulder with his head against yours. You lay the phone down on the counter with your friend continuing to tell the story about her boyfriend while you turned your head to look at your own pouting man. "Sorry baby," you coo softly, "Her and Will got into this messy fight and I-oh"
Your whispered words die on your tongue when you feel his move to your neck. Instinctively, you want to push him away but the feeling of his lips, soft and cold from the ice water he'd just been drinking, moving up the nape of your warm neck if just too good for even begin to swat at. "Give me two minutes to end the call," you murmur as quietly as you can manage into his ear, but you just feel a the gently grunt of his disagreement. "No no baby, you finish that call. I'll be right here."
"But Jack- fuck-"
"Better not let them hear you, baby." He lulls softly into your ear.
"You still there (y/n)."
You almost yelp in fright at the sudden call of your name through the phone. Of course you knew the call was still on but the speaking had completely gone blank to your ears, one of which Jack currently had his teeth nibbling at. "Sorry!" You chime, voice shaky, "I lost you guys for a bit there I was," you have to take pause to release a heavy breath in both an attempt to steady your voice and to expel the pleasure building up through your body as his kisses continue over you, "Moving room. Back now though."
"Are you alright?" One asks in genuine concern. You'll need to do a better job to keep quiet. "Yeah course. Sorry, continue."
They do just that, enveloping back into a conversation that is completely lost on your mind. Jack's hands are under your top, your bra long dropped to the floor. He can see your open mouthed, eyebrow furrowed look of pleasure in the reflection of the mirror as he moved his thigh carefully and slowly between your legs, rhythmically. "Ah ah ahhh," he tuts in your ear lowly, "quite baby, shhhh."
The feeling of his hard on pressing into your ass only fuels the fire burning in the core of your belly with each squeeze and knead of your breasts. He knows exactly what he's doing with the flexing and loosening of his huge thigh muscles pressed into you. You quite literally couldn't catch the moan that tumbled out of your lips with the friction he had created with his leg as he continued those precision targeted kisses leaving marks over your neck.
Both of your friends freeze and Jack is paused in all his movements as you clamp your mouth shut.
"Ouch?" Jack groans, biting down on his lip as he looks at you. His attempt to play off your sound only elicits more silence. "Jack's just stubbed his toe." You announce in an unceremoniously high pitch with an incredibly, almost unheard-of nervous laughter to follow while Jack tries with everything he has not to burst into laughter. "Gotta go, call you back tomorrow!" You yelp out, grabbing your phone from the counter with a frantic hand, "Those feet pay the bills after all!"
Neither of your friends get in a word in before your fingers have hit the big reg end button and turned towards the now very sly looking footballer standing so close that you can still feel the heat radiating off him, that thigh attempting to creep its way back in between yours.
"I'm so going to get you back for that." You warn. He sniggers.
"You will, will you?" He teases with a smirk, jutting his tongue out over his lips.
"Yeah," you say firmly, taking a step closer to him to wedge yourself back into the pleasureful position. "Not fucking today though, Jack. You'll finish what you started today."
He is very happy to accept his marching order, hoisting you up onto his arms with your legs tight around his waist as he immediately moves to set you on the kitchen counter.
"Not a problem, baby."
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jaybird-redhood · 3 years
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wc: 2.2k
pairing: jason todd // gn reader
The first thing you think when you see him for the first time is that he has the cutest smile.
That’s a lie, the first thing you think it that he is so incredibly in shape, and it looks great on him, but the smile thing sounds better in your head.
He's moving into the apartment across from yours a month after you moved into yours. Weird, because the two people in your building closest to your age are 2 and 63, respectively.
You suppose that some wicked twist of fate must’ve brought this upon you for missing your cousin’s birthday party last week, because the guy standing across from you is crazy hot. And looking right at you. And you are in the huge neon Wonder Woman t-shirt that your best friend got for your birthday last year.
Yeah. Karma.
“Nice shirt,” the guy offers, holding in a grin. “You’re really making it work.”
“See you around, neighbor.”
And with a shut of a door and an awfully charismatic smirk he’s gone.
The next time you see him is a week later, and this time- luckily, you think- you’re dressed somewhat put together. You run into him while unlocking your door.
"What's got you in a twist?" he asks.
"Um," you start, "I just. Ugh I have so much to do. Like 3 hours of homework, a lecture tomorrow that I cannot skip, and I'm completely out of bread and eggs and can't even you to the store until, like, Thursday at best."
Once you start rambling you can't seem to stop. You slouch against your door. You're not entirely sure why you're telling a stranger all this, but he seems to be listening, so you suppose that’s a good sign
"I get the feeling," he offers, and you look up at him. "I'm majoring in English Lit and my classes are kind of kicking my ass."
You give him a small smile, "Glad to know someone in this building is struggling as much as I am."
"Jason," he says, and he reaches his hand out to you. "My name."
You shake it and tell him yours.
As you both turn back into your respective apartments you think that he maybe isn't as intimidating as you thought.
The next day goes by with a really boring lecture and another 3 hours of work you need to do.
The ride home from uni isn't that long, but it's long enough for you to contemplate all the ways that your life went wrong after moving to Gotham. And, maybe as payback for thinking mean things about the city, rain that you think should belong to a category 3 hurricane starts to whip around your car 10 minutes into your drive.
Your clothes are dripping water in literal puddles by the time you get back to your apartment.
Groaning, you start fishing for your keys in your purse while walking up the last flight of stairs.
When you get to your door you stop. Right in front of it there’s a grocery bag. Picking it up and looking inside you see a loaf of bread and a small carton of milk.
You pick it up smiling.
“Jason?” you ask, knocking on his door.
No response.
You shrug and turn around. Remember to thank him the next time you run into each other; you think.
That next time doesn’t happen to be that long and thank goodness for you.
“You know, we really need to stop meeting like this,” he says to you.
You’re sitting on the floor outside of your door looking rather pathetic, and he’s giving you the most awful smirk you’ve ever seen. (Not that it looks bad on him though. You seem to think that nothing could really look that bad on him)
“I swear I’m usually more put together than this,” you sigh to him. “You moving here jinxed me!”
“Yeah yeah. You’re locked out, aren’t you?”
You give him your best withering I’m going to kill you stare, but it must not be working because he just laughs even harder at you.
“This is completely not my fault it’s just I lost my second set of keys like right when I moved in and then today when I got home, I accidentally left them in my car, but my second set of car keys is in my apartment so now I can’t get them out, stop laughing at me!”
“God you’re a mess,” Jason says- finally finished laughing at you and maybe taking a bit of pity on how disheveled you look. “You couldn’t call anyone to get you in?”
You shake your head.
“My friend is the only other person with a set, but they’re out of town, and our landlord is being a dick and telling me it’s my fault in the first place, so I need to deal with it. I’ve been sitting out here for like an hour.”
“All I’m hearing is that it is your fault and now you’re just moping about it feeling bad about yourself.”
You tilt your head against the door so hard that it makes you wince a bit.
“Ok fine,” he says crossing his arms.
“Wait right here.”
He goes into his apartment and comes back out with a skinny metal thing you don’t recognize.
You look at him in confusion and he just motions for you to scoot out of the way as he sticks it in your locks and starts to pick it.
You sigh in relief.
“Thank you thank you thank you. For everything. I swear I will get my life together, so you don’t feel like you have to keep cleaning up my messes.
“I don’t mind,” he says with a small smile, “Take your time.”
And with that he opens the door to your apartment and turns back to his.
“By the way, you should really get better locks. That was way too easy.”
You make a note in your head to get that done sometime. As you’re lying on your couch that night, you’re AirDropped a photo on your phone. Saving it up you see it’s a piece of paper with neat handwriting on it: a phone number and a smiley face, Jason’s name at the bottom.
You smile too and add the number to your contacts.
Over the next few weeks, you and Jason start talking more, both over text and through the various times when you run into each other outside your doors.
Each interaction is better than the next, and you soon start to realize that Jason isn’t just some hot guy with no brains. He’s sweet and charismatic, has a whole wall full of bookshelves, could probably quote any classical novel by heart, has incredibly good taste in music, and best (or worst) of all, would make incredible friend material.
It’s just that as you become closer friends, you start to realize that that might not be all you want.
It’s a stupidly cold Friday morning when he texts you, and you’re covered in blankets and wrapped in sweatshirts in your bed. Movie at my place tonight?
You text back your approval and a quick be there at 6 before getting ready for classes.
The day goes by slower than you hoped.
It might be the anticipation of seeing Jason again, or more likely the hours of lectures you have to sit through, but you’re elated when your final class for the day gets let out.
The hours in between are a blur.
A blur which leads to the two of you sitting on his couch watching Romeo and Juliet together, a blanket thrown over your bodies.
You have the obligatory bowl of popcorn resting on your legs, and every few minutes Jason reaches across your lap to take a handful.
The way you’re laying half on top on him is completely deliberate, as to take as much of his body heat as possible. Your landlord had turned off heating 3 weeks prior to ‘save money’ or some other bullshit.
Jason’s not complaining though.
Once your popcorn bowl is finished and your head is in his lap, he runs his fingers through your hair absentmindedly. It might be the nicest feeling you’ve ever felt.
Throughout the movie you exchange snide comments about the plot back and forth. You start trying to say funny things whenever you can just to hear how sweet his laugh sounds to your ears.
By the end of the movie, you’re only slightly in tears, or so you tell yourself.
“Are you crying right now?” Jason asks incredulously, wearing a teasing smile.
“It’s not my fault,” you half say half moan, “Leonardo DiCaprio just has that effect on me.”
He just laughs and pulls you upright until you’re sitting on his lap.
His eyes are a shade of blue green that you’ve never seen before, although you could swear their getting greener by the second.
You watch his gaze drop down to your lips before staring you right in the eyes again.
“Can I kiss you?”
“God yes,” you tell him, and kiss him right back.
The next week is somewhat uneventful, even though you and Jason had been meeting each other almost every night, rotating apartments based on whose house was warmer each particular night.
Tonight is your night, and you’ve been waiting the whole day to show him the film you had rented to watch together.
The walk up to your door is easier than usual, and you have a bounce in your step that’s making you feel even more elated than normal taking out your keys to unlock your apartment.
You open your door and your bag drops. The keys clatter when they hit the hardwood, and the silence that follows is deafening.
“You’re bleeding on my carpet,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth.
There Jason is, bleeding quite profusely, and using your kitchen counter to keep himself vertical. He’s wearing what looks to be a torn half of a domino mask and an extremely hot leather jacket.
(Not that this was the time for noticing his fashion choices, but you filed that thought away for later.)
What really catches your eye though is the huge red bat symbol on his chest, and the red helmet next to it sitting on your counter.
He shifts a little to the side before stumbling through saying, “Um, so, I know this isn’t ideal and I’m really sorry to put you in this situation, but I seriously do not feel like bleeding out tonight and-”
“Oh my god this is great,” you cut him off with. “I thought you were a hit-man!”
“Wait what.”
“Shit no that’s not what I meant- kind of, hang on we should probably stop you from dying before having this conversation.”
You walk over to him to get a better look at his wounds.
“God Jace, you look like death warmed over.”
He just stares at you.
“You have a bunch of stuff in your bathroom, right?”
At least this elicits a reaction. He grimaces in pain but gives you a nod of his head in conformation.
“Ok I’ll be right back, don’t move.”
He gives you a look that says seriously, where would I go.
3 minutes later you’re back with a needle and thread, and some sterilizing spray.
“This should be fine,” you tell him, “I took a first aid class last year with my friends and passed with flying colors according to the nurse.”
“Just try to keep them tight and neat. I trust you,” he says, and your heart pounds just a little harder.
You respond with a nervous laugh but take a deep breath and start working.
An hour and a half later you’re done.
The combination of pain meds, bandages, and a whole lot of stitches eventually led to you and Jason laying in your bed together, both completely exhausted.
He turns his head to face you.
“Could we maybe go back to the hit-man thing?”
“Oh uh. Well I saw a bunch of shirts covered in blood in your laundry in the bathroom, not to mention all the weirdly specific first-aid you had,” you tell him.
“And also the assorted guns and knives you have hidden all over. I guess I just assumed? But the whole Red Hood thing is so much better,” you reassure him.
“You found all my knives?”
You smile up at him.
“I love that that’s thing you chose to focus on.”
“And you’re really not mad that I didn’t tell you about the whole vigilante thing before?” he asks.
“Jay, I had already resigned myself to life forever with some shady hit-man that also happened to be incredibly good looking. Red Hood is ten times better than that. I’m not going to run away from you just because you’re incredibly intimidating and probably could kill me. I see that as an added bonus,” you say, with as much charm as you can muster without yawning.
“Just. Be careful, ok? I’d hate to make this a routine.”
He responds by pulling you closer to his body.
“I promise,” he whispers into your head. “You really to remember to get better locks by the way, breaking in was still way too easy.”
You let out a small laugh and finally you let yourself give into sleep.
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scriptaed · 3 years
bygones of the sun. 09 (m)
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genre: angst/fluff/(future)smut || dance captain!hoseok, bad boy!au, uni!au
pairing: reader x hoseok;
length: 5.5k;
synopsis: Jung Hoseok was once the sweetheart of the school, the dance captain whom every girl, including you, can’t help but fall head over heels for. But like the force of the ever-glowing sun, everything that rises must also set. A year of inactivity later and he’s now the school’s resident bad boy. You’re a firm believer of allowing the past be the past, and yet you can’t help but wonder where the risen sun has gone into hiding—because perhaps its shadows have out-shined its own radiance.
Moonlight bellows in the background of the warm, golden-lit room—crashing and seceding, crashing and seceding, repeatedly colliding against the jagged rocks by the cliff like tidal waves out at sea in the deep sway of the black night. Under the hypnosis of the jet-black skies absent of the charming twinkling of the stars, you had somehow stumbled through the retreat to your room. You aren’t exactly sure what you had seen—and perhaps, out of consideration for your well-being, you simply don’t want to nor need to comprehend your sightings—but the glutinous image of the broken boy sticks to your chest akin to a dark secret weighing heavy on a sinner’s heart.
And somehow, amidst the long night looming ahead of you, the spur of emotions sweeps you before the door of his room.
Taking a deep breath, you clear your throat and whisper hesitantly next to the wooden frame, “...Hoseok?”
In the red-carpeted hall where dozens of fellow camp attendees rest until the next sunrise, you stand there wondering if Jimin had mistyped the captain’s room number on the emergency flyers. The overwhelming guilt of having pushed Hoseok to his breaking point, albeit unknowingly, had forced the heavy footsteps of yours to this very spot, but now that you’re faced with silence as an answer, you figure perhaps it isn’t in your fate to confront him tonight; it would be the easier way out, at least, for irrationality had bewitched you and plans on what to even say were the last things on your mind… until now.
Subconsciously, your knuckles meet the cold wax finish of his door once again.
One knock, two knocks, and alas, a sigh.
Your hands drop to your sides in defeat, despite regretting your rash decision which had brought you here in the first place. You glimpse around to ensure that the coast was clear, and when the last sigh escapes your lips and the balls of your feet pivot to your left, only then does the door swing wide open.
“What do you want?”
Whirling around, you find Hoseok standing aside where one arm leans against the door frame and the other hides behind the door, clutching the gold handle. As you gaze at him in silence, too taken aback to make your next move, Hoseok stands there, heavy-lidded and jaws clenched, disgruntled by your late night appearance.
The uninviting glare of his elicits the uncomfortable shift in place of your footsteps. It’s a rare moment for goosebumps to rise and chest to constrict when in the presence of someone as playful and flirtatious as Hoseok, but the sudden cold mien of his persona now conveys to you that you’re not welcome here tonight.
“I… I was just…” your eyes dart to the floor as your mind crashes into auto-pilot, searching for any form of excuse other than the truth too unready to be exposed, “I couldn’t fall asleep. So—”
“—you could’ve texted me,” he refutes, brows furrowing, but all your eyes are fixated on are what appears to be beads of sweat dripping from his damp bangs. And when he notices the softening of your wandering eyes, his voice nearly drowns in the waves of sneakers squeaking against the floor and the buzz of the vending machine which shrills in your eardrums to this very second.
From the tee which drapes his upper body and his sweatpants which masks the witnessed scene weighing heavy in your heart, everything about him now would serve as the perfect facade of a normal captain disturbed from his sleep. But at least he's still up, at least he's still trying, at least he answered your call.
You want to believe he’s okay again, that everything you had seen was just a misunderstanding, but something tells you the sun won't be rising again after tonight, and that very thought plagues you of your sleep.
A few seconds pass as you scan him over in a confusing mixture of both disbelief and relief, when Hoseok half scoffs and half chuckles, frowning at your expression, “is something bothering you? You look like you're almost glad to see me for once.”
“...why are you sweating?” you blurt, his words completely missing you as your eyes fixates on the beads of liquid plastered across his temples and trapped in his brows.
“Sweat…?” Hoseok arches a concerned brow before pressing his lips into a thin line. “This isn't sweat… I just got out of the shower. What makes you think that, though?”
Your lips part, but silence ensues when you realize neither you nor him seemed prepared enough to tackle the true reason as to why you're here.
“Nothing… really. It was just the first thing which came to mind.”
Hoseok nods, eyelids weighing heavier and heavier as the conversation comes to an abrupt end. “So…” he drawls, “what do you need?”
“I didn't need anything, per se,” you emphasize, eyes averting to the side and away from his watchful gaze, “I just… wanted to talk. I didn't get to talk to you much today.”
Usually, at a point like this, Hoseok would tease you; “someone's a bit needy today, and I know you're pure and untainted and all, but shouldn't you at least know not to come begging for attention to a guy's room at midnight”—is what he would've said, but tonight, the tidal waves under the wavering moon dictates otherwise.
“Look, Y/N,” he runs a hand through his hair and leans his entire weight against the doorframe, “I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. I want to be alone.”
But does he? Because the gleam in his softened eyes, the windows to his soul, are begging you to accompany him through the long night.
“Are you… okay, Hoseok?” you ask, brows cinching in concern.
He flinches, but his brows immediately lift to mask the initial response. “...yeah,” he finally says after a long pause, taking a deep breath and sighing, eyes never budging from yours, “...I'm fine. Now go sleep if you're done badgering me.”
“Okay… you should sleep, too.”
“Yeah,” he utters under his breath, eyes glued to the ground as he mumbles, “I'll try.”
“I have a lot of things on my mind and decisions to make tonight,” he explains with a final sigh, the void in his eyes lifting to meet yours once again, and you don't notice until now the purple-blue dark circles which only emphasizes the absence of his usual vigor. “I'll see you tomorrow then.”
And ever so quietly, as if none of the conversation had taken place under the mist of the night perched high up on the mountains, the door closes on you, and the walls between you and Hoseok become thicker than ever.
You can't tell what's on his mind. You can't even tell what's on your own mind. All you can convey is the sheer dejection, the unusual lethargy radiating from Hoseok akin to a captain too prideful to allow his pupils to witness his own cracks and falls.
You're partially responsible for this—no, somehow your mind had convinced you that you're the one completely responsible for this. If you hadn't pushed him to return, maybe things wouldn't have gotten this far. You had reopened a wound like ripping stitches off a gash still in the process of rehabilitation.
And sometimes, wounds of seconds can inflict more pain than its first and leave deeper scars than the past itself.
You're guilty as charged, and you want to fix things now, but the unwelcoming tone of tonight's conversation tells you it might just be too late. If you've acknowledged your mistakes but the other is unwilling to receive your sympathy, what else are you supposed to do?
You had hated the new Hoseok for laying the death of the old, but now that you stand here before his guarded walls and closed door, maybe things would've been better the way they were before.
But that thought finds you as ridiculous, and the very fact that a part of you still wants to aid him in rediscovering your first love at the expense of the person he is now, finds you even more horrendous.
For now, a shower is the only concoction for such a plague.
Water beads drip from the ends of your hair to the cottons of the white towel hanging from your neck. A rush of goosebump inducing air envelops you the second your right foot meets the carpet beyond the bathroom tiles. Besides the remaining drip drops of the water draining in the bathtub behind you, all that is left in the sanctuary of your room is what should have been silence.
Because you can still hear the buzz of the vending machine, the familiar squeaks of sneakers, and worst of all, his wincing breaths endowed with despair still echo in the back of your mind—gradually quickening and crescendoing into a chaos of a symphony without its conductor until everything collapses, the squeaks and the huffs replaced by the ominous buzz of the machine.
As you run through your hair and turn your back on the door to further bury yourself in the depths of your sanctuary, a sudden rise of events interrupts the temporary serenity with the strike of fear into your racing heart.
A series of slurred knocks—two loud, quick knocks followed by one hesitant bump of the knuckles—elicits a ring in your ear as you cautiously turn on the balls of your feet to face the door head on.
The numbers 1:15 A.M. blink in red digital font from the desk beside your bed.
Who could possibly be visiting you at this time of the night?
The familiar voice strained with lethargy finally announces after a sigh, and as if reciting words to a spell of witch craft, your heart stills and your body freezes… because did you really just hear Hoseok? Outside your room? The one who had just turned you away without a blink of the eye?
Even with the mess of your mental state after finally digging up the answer you had been searching for all along, the only and greatest fear which plagues you now is the thought of whether the victim, Jung Hoseok, had somehow caught onto you preying upon his darkest of secrets.
After half a minute of silence, Hoseok sighs once again with a groan, “I’m not here to mess around with you if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m on duty for patrolling tonight, and I noticed your light was on. Now open up, would you?”
The walk to your door seems to take you centuries, because the second your hand pushes the handle even an inch down, the door swings wide open to reveal the rather irritated, profusely impatient boy standing on the other side.
“Could you be any slower?” he remarks, eyes peering down at you, unamused. “You’re even slower than me and I worked out more than…”
His white tee shifts underneath his crossed arms as he shifts his weight from one leg to the other. The intensity of his eyes with bags and dark circles drooping below elicits a shift in your own body of discomfort. Your own eyes retreat to the ground when his brows cinch and you can tell he’s scanning you over, just seconds away from catching you red-handed.
“...w-what? Can you  stop staring at me like that?” 
“What? I’m not checking you out or anything if that’s what you’re worried about,” Hoseok scoffs for a fleeting second before silence befalls his lips—and suddenly, the warmth of his hands radiate from your cheeks. A lock of your hair lies in the palms of his long, delicate fingers just barely grazing your cheeks, and it doesn’t take you very long to hastily cover your reddening ears and cheeks with your dampened towel. He frowns, not at your sheepish behavior, but for the wet strands of hair which are all that he fixates on, “did you just work out or something?”
Shouldn't you be the one asking him that? It's as if the irony of his actions is his own method of begging to be exposed without having to come out and ask for it himself.
“No,” you retort, scrunching your face at the absurdity of his suggestion.
Just as you’re about to pull away from his touch, Hoseok retracts his hands from the proximity of your cheeks before what would usually be another one of his mischievous acts; and as much as his sneaky pecks and meaningless affection had once infuriated you, it’s hard to admit how empty you now feel in the absence of its wake. His retreat made of his own will is a first for you.
“Then why are you showering at 1 A.M. in the morning?” he cocks his head with a raised brow.
“Says you—”
“—but at least I have an excuse. I was busy cleaning up after practice,” he retorts and shifts his weight to his other leg, musing, “you, on the other hand…”
“B-Because…” you cross your arms and shoot him the most annoyed glare you could muster; while meeting and comforting him were all that shrouded your mind just a few minutes ago, seeing him in a completely fine state like this is enough to put you to peace and shoo him away for now. “...I slept through the entire day and forgot to shower.”
“...okay,” his lips pressed into a frown gradually bursts into a large grin plastered with second hand embarrassment. “While you kept nagging at me to ‘attend dance camp’ and pick up dancing again, which I so dutifully obliged to tonight, you hide yourself in the corner of your room and sleep the day away?”
“Oh, shut up. It's not like I'm an actual dancer like you—” you roll your eyes before stopping mid-sentence; was that too insensitive of you to say considering the struggles Hoseok seemed to be going through? Clearing your throat, you lift your head high and sigh, “so what’re you doing here? I thought you were busy thinking the night away.”
“Like I said, I'm on patrol tonight. Are you even listening to me or are you to busy fantasizing about all the things we could've been doing in my room right now?” he teases and gently knocks his knuckles on your head.
His entire demeanor had reverted to his usual self, and as concerning as it is to wonder whether this is all an act too painful to witness yourself, you're glad to see him joking around again, even if it's forced.
“No, that's the last thing on my mind, but I guess it's not the same case for someone here,” you roll your eyes.
In retaliation to your indifferent attitude, Hoseok leans against the doorframe with a scoff, pulling you back in as you pushed him out. “Like I said, Ms. I Like To Break Rules Because I’m Dating the Captain, you’re supposed to be asleep by now.”
“I’ll turn off my lights after I blow dry my hair, Mr. Ex Dance Captain—” you bite your tongue when you notice the twitch in his darkened eyes and hardened jaw “—I mean, I'm not dating you.”
At this point, you’re not even sure how to address his relationship with dance, if you should even do so at all.
“So, if you’ll excuse me,” you continue, giving him one last pressed smile and stepping back to close the door; but before you could do so, Hoseok swiftly juts a foot out to interevene, and a simple question ensues.
“What? You don’t want me here?”
All efforts to protest dissipate when he turns his head to face you and lets out a scoff in disbelief, eyes completely empty, and you nearly have to lean in to catch his next words.
“You’re always so cold to me,” he lets out a soft laugh and cracks the most reluctant of grins. “Why do I even bother being disappointed at this point?”
A few seconds of tense silence goes by before it occurs to you what he had just said.
For once, he actually cares about what you say? He’s taking your meaningless banters to heart?
“I’m turning off my lights now,” you frown at him, but his attention remains elsewhere, “isn’t that what you came here to do?”
“You really...” he scoffs and lifts his head, eyes piercing yours and opening the window to his souls; shaky, colorless, lost and infuriated by the calamity of the world before him, in the world you present him. “...do you really think I came here just for that? I could care less what time you sleep.”
“O-Okay…” you stutter; you know there isn’t anything to be hurt over, because what he’s saying has made you believe is of the utmost truth, but the unusually blunt implications of his disingenuity comes on all too harsh.
His constant switch in demeanor is all too confusing to keep up with tonight, and quite frankly, you don't know how to read him anymore, as if you ever could.
His lips part, words of apology ready to be uttered, and his eyes soften in worry for a swift second, but when the clock ticks twice, his jaw hardens the invisible wall built between the two of you.
And for the first time in a while, he’s actually acting like the infamous reputation he had been endowed; because he doesn’t apologize, and now your guts begin to twist and turn, wondering whether you had done something wrong.
Was he in a bad mood because of what you had seen just half an hour before? Should you confront him about it? Should you comfort him? Would words of encouragement even help? Is that what he’s asking for?
Is that the true reason as to why he’s here? Is he… asking for help?
“I’m here to check up on your ankle.”
His mumbling interrupts the internal war fared between two hidden motivations; defeat is all that reigns in the realm of tonight—you, unable to decipher his code, and him, unable to send you such codes.
The mention of your momentarily forgotten injury brings a crease between your brows, “my ankles are fine.”
“Don’t make this harder than it already is for me, your highness,” he refutes with a pressed, unamused smile.
“But it really is fine—” you stop mid-sentence when you notice Hoseok taking a deep breath, chest struggling to rise while constricting the impatience and whatever else remains buried from within.
Please let me in, his eyes scream.
Your feet stumbles as they shuffle backwards, and in response, he takes one swift, large stride forward. The door shuts behind him, and suddenly, the room seems significantly more lackluster than before.
“What if someone sees us?” your fear translates into words.
“Should’ve worried about that earlier, don’t you think?” he flatly remarks, cocking his head to the side.
“...but,” you frown and shake your head, “what if they spread rumors about you entering my room?”
He snorts and rolls his eyes before returning the look of impertinence to you, “haven’t they already spread rumors about us? We literally made out at the pool last night. And who cares what they say? I’m tired of giving a shit about them. All it does is burden you.”
“Burden…” your mind subconsciously slips the words into formation when your eyes naturally trail from his gray sweatpants and up to his white tee where beads of water drip from his drenched bangs. “...hey, Hoseok, why haven't you dried your hair yet?”
He couldn't have possibly went out to practice again, could he?
“My hair…?” his brows cinch as his hands find their way to twirl the wet locks in between his fingers and his eyes light up before settling into a frown once again. “Ah… but first, why are you so concerned for me tonight?”
“Maybe because I was kind enough to let you in my room and that's the least you could do…?”
“But I’m the captain. I’m the one in charge,” he quickly quips. You can see the tip of his tongue running across the inner walls of his mouth from the protrusion of his cheeks and his hardened jaw, as if preparing for a fight. “So, technically, I do have the rights to be here, because you broke the rules. If you don’t want to see me, maybe you should turn off your lights next time.”
His sudden defense rubs you the wrong way when you scoff, “captain? Huh, funny, because I seem to recall a certain someone getting all pissed off at me because I begged them to come here in the first place.”
“What?” he asks in disbelief, narrowing his eyes at you.
“It’s really not that big of a deal. Why are you being so aggravated today? Are you scared to tell me the truth? That you’re playing around and checking in on me to pretend and act like you’ve been up hard at work all day? So you can continue playing around with me without having to hear me nag at you?”
You just want him to be honest with himself, and more so with you, and maybe you aren’t approaching it the right way, but you simply don’t understand how to fix the dent in Hoseok’s enclosed heart.
“What?” he repeats, the fury in his boiling blood exuding from his step forward and your step back. “I’m doing my job here, aren’t I? I’m guiding us through the camp, I’m teaching you guys how to dance, I’m even out here past midnight patrolling as a captain should! So how am I anything but a captain?”
Buzz, sneakers, collision, and buzz—the entire sequence washes onto shore once again from the back of your mind, blaring at you as if to tell you to back down.
He continues to take steps forward, forcing you to retreat backwards into the depths of your room.
“I didn't mean it like that…” you mumble, taking another step back until your heels hit the drawer and the back of your head bumps into the TV behind you.
Hoseok steps one intimidating stride forward, arms gripping at the drawer on either side of you and entrapping you in his field of control. He gives you one long, hard stare, and as uncomfortable as it is, something tells you there would be serious repercussions if you looked away.
“No, but it sure does feel like it and it confuses me,” he retorts lowly, “so tell me, Y/N, why are you so concerned for me all of a sudden?”
His watchful eyes and parted lips pray for the hopes that you had seen him, that he had finally found someone who knew the true him, but you don't want to and you can't possibly reopen his wound. You know it would hurt him all too much.
So you keep silent, just as he has all along
“...you’ll wake them if you yell any louder,” you mumble, looking off to the side in dejection.
But his warm hands cup the cold surface of your chin damp from your shower, turning you until your gaze has returned to meet his.
“Stop making excuses. You know they can't hear us,” he lowly utters. “What did you even think I was doing anyways?”
“I-I don't know. I was just asking what you’ve been doing. It’s not that hard of a question,” you mumble. “You can lie to me, even, if you want.”
“No,” he shakes his head, keeping his fingertips grazing against your chin. “I want to hear your guesses.”
You gulp, diverting from his piercing gaze, “I don't know…”
“You seemed to have a pretty good guess just a minute ago,” he narrows his eyes at you. “Just say it. I dare you to.”
I dare you to say it, but I doubt you can, because I doubt you even know, his leer screams.
“...maybe you had a girl over in your room or something…”
You know that's not the case, or at least you hope, but that's the most believable guess you could muster other than outright accusing him of his late night practices sessions.
“You think that I'd let another girl other than you into my room? Who do you take me for?” he scoffs, even chuckles. “Ah, you're too cute.”
He doesn't mean it, you tell yourself, you can't believe him and you can't fall for this specific trick because you know that's exactly what he wants to distract you from the pain hidden beneath that flirtatious crooked smile of his.
You frown, “quit playing and let me go...”
“Just one more question,” he laughs for a brief second, silence failing for a tense minute before finally asking in the lowest of voices, “can I kiss you?”
“I mean, last time I was so congested and upset with these dark thoughts of mine that I forgot to even ask you for permission before I forced myself on you. Two elements of a great kiss are consent and surprise, remember? I think I got the surprise part down judging by the look on your face,” he smirks, but all you can do is stare at him in silence.
It's not like you're opposed to the idea of kissing him, per se, but you're against sharing such an intimate moment when you know he would just be using you like alcohol as a way to temporarily numb the pain.
But should you go ahead and let him? If something as trifling as this could even relieve him of the pain, should you give him what he wants?
“Are you… lonely? Are you upset over something? Can't I help you?”
Several seconds of silence passes by until you hear him chortle with a sigh, his arms dripping from your sides and releasing you from his grasp as he brushes by your shoulder and heads toward your bed. “I was just joking around with you. Don't look at me like that, it hurts me too, you know? I didn’t come here to argue anyways, ” he remarks, lightening up the mood. “I just forgot to dry my hair, that’s all. Do you have any snacks in your fridge?”
Nonchalantly, Hoseok plops onto your mattress without further permission, but all you could notice is the slight limping in his walk; if anyone else had watched his strides, including you from the past, no one would have suspected a thing, but now that you’ve discovered his secret, the uneven footsteps of his are all too glaring.
With his head against his hand propped by an elbow against one of your two pillows, Hoseok grins at you with an arched brow and a hand tapping on the sweatpants concealing the swelling of his leg.
“...no,” you finally answer, walking a few steps forward into the room to lean against the corner wall next to the lower side of your bed. You cross your arms and continue, “why would I bring food for a three night trip?”
“Ah, I forgot this is only for three nights. I see,” he nods, pursing his lips and turning to lie on his back with his head nestled into your pillow. The fingers of one of his hands drum against his stomach as the other props above his shoulders and under his neck.
The buzzing of your empty fridge stimulates you to memories you don’t want to revisit, but the overwhelming silence seems to be the motif of tonight and you just don’t know how to fix it; yet the longer he stares emptily into the ceiling above, the more curious you become.
“Hm?” he hums without budging his eyes from the ceiling.
“What’re you thinking about?”
A few seconds pass by before he takes a deep breath and sighs loudly, his chest noticeably rising and sinking underneath his water-drenched tee.
“Truthfully, I actually came here after you left because I couldn’t stand the thought of being alone tonight. I was wrong to shut you out,” he confesses; but when you’re left staring at him in utter, shock, Hoseok finally breaks his gaze from the ceiling to meet your gaping expression with a chuckle. “It’s a joke, Y/N. I’m a lonely person, just like you said, remember?”
“Being lonely isn’t a joke…” you grumble, uncrossing your arms and walking over to gently seat yourself beside him in bed.
You’re expecting some teasing remark for supposedly joining him in bed, but what you don’t expect is what slips from his lips instead.
“Have you ever wanted something so bad that it’s all you come to know, but the second you get it, it turns out to be the only thing you can’t have? It just… it doesn’t love you back. I’m the only one trying at this point.”
“Like what…?” you hesitantly ask.
“Like you,” he swiftly answers, turning his head to shoot you a lopsided grin.
Everything comes crashing down into a full circle once it finally clicked for you: dance; dance is the unrequited love for Hoseok, and you were just one of the many replacements to allow him to forget what he had lost.
The thought irks you the wrong way, and as much as you want to console him, the teasing relationship you two have established does not exactly authorize for such a moment.
“But you never got me in the first place,” you snort.
Hoseok blinks blankly at your words before scoffing in disbelief, turning his head and smirking with the shake of his head, “go dry your hair before you get sick, you cold-hearted woman.”
“No, I can’t leave you unattended in my bed!”
“I won’t stay here overnight, alright,” Hoseok rolls his eyes while cracking a smile. “So stop worrying and go or you’ll get a cold.”
“Psh, fine,” you huff, getting up from your bed; but before you could depart to the bathroom, Hoseok’s hands grip onto your hands only to pull you back into bed beside him. You sigh, turning your back to glare at the blank look on his face, “do you want me to stay or not?”
“Y/N,” he ignores you and proceeds with his question, looking you straight in the eye, “what would you do if I said I still wanted to quit dance? If I said this entire trip only reminded me of why I hated it so much in the first place? What would you do?”
Your eyes grow wide; he’s practically asking you upfront about his inner true conundrums, and this time, you’re going to make things right again.
“I would support you no matter what. If dancing isn’t what you want, then I’m fine with it,” you answer. “I kissed you so you would come to camp. That’s all I bargained for, and that’s all I’m asking for.”
Hoseok stares at you for several seconds in silence before scoffing and tossing your hand to the side, “I came here for an answer, but now you’re just confusing me.”
“Go dry your hair already. Your hands are cold,” he states, turning his head away from you. “I won’t be able to kiss you anymore if you get sick.”
Glaring at him from his back, you oblige to his demands and retreat to the safety of your washroom. While drying your hair, you spend all your time scrambling for something to say, to fill in the conversation, to keep you from the pounding white noise of sneakers and buzz, but most importantly, to keep him from the ill reminder of his downfall.
Yet, all is in vain, when you return to your room to find him asleep.
Sighing, you tiptoe your way to lie down in the bed right beside him. With your head cupped in your hands propped on the mattress by your elbow, you lean just a bit forward to catch a glimpse of his dozing expression. Only in his slumber is he relinquished of all worries. The crease between his brows has vanished, and the frown he had constantly worn in the corner of his lips had dissipated along with it. Finally, he is at peace and solace.
“You see, Hoseok, the thing about life is that it constantly challenges us to new obstacles… kind of like what you’re doing to me right now,” you chuckle to yourself and brush the fallen streaks of hair off his forehead and to his temples, “but you’re strong enough to overcome it, and as long as you have someone beside you the entire time, everything will turn out just right. You are loved, you just don’t know it.”
And with that, you lean in to place a chaste kiss on his forehead.
It’s the first time he ever failed to smirk after a kiss shared between the two of you.
With the official set of the sun ironically at the rise of dawn, an epiphany strikes you at 2 AM in the depths of your room where Hoseok lies asleep beside you.
Some secrets are meant to be kept hidden, some wounds are never meant to be revived; and so, instead of hurting and turning him away, you’ve agreed to be his sanctuary for just tonight.
Jimin [2:23 A.M.] Hoseok? No... he’s not supposed to be on patrol. I am.
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nothingbutimagines · 3 years
The Set Up (Tom Holland)
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: Cursing, mentions of drug use, sibling bickering, a bit of angst
Summary: When Y/n comes back home for the holiday season to visit family after another long semester at Uni, her family takes it upon themselves to invite her old crush, Tom, to Christmas dinner in the hopes of setting the two up together. 
Author: Dizzy
A/N: Oh geez, Christmas is approaching very quickly! Hope you all have been able to get all your Christmas shopping done (I know I haven’t)! Tomorrow is going to be a cute little Harrison Osterfield fic, so keep your eyes peeled, and today is Tom Holland as well as a few other fics I hadn’t gotten the chance to put together until today since I fell ill for a few days. 
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
“Y/n, what are you wearing?” Your mother asked, causing you to turn away from the plate of cookies you were eating off of. 
“Uh, a hoodie and jeans?” You muttered, your statement sounding more like a question as you paused, mid bite.
“Are you really wearing that to dinner tonight? We’re going to the steakhouse.”
“I mean,” You swallowed, “I have a sweater on underneath.”
“What happened to that cute little dress I left for you on your bed?” 
“Mom, no one else is wearing a dress. Why would I?” You asked, brushing your hands off before sighing. “Lucy and Charlie are wearing sweaters and jeans too.”
“Your sisters are younger, they’re hard to get into dresses.”
“They’re 16 and 18. Not that young.” You argued. “I’m not wearing a dress. It’s just dinner with the family. You, me, Dad, Lucy, Charlie, and David. And you have all seen me at my ugliest.”
“Well, what if you run into someone you’re interested in?” Your mother asked, following you closely as you walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. 
“Like who? Tom?” You scoffed. “Mom, I know you love Tom, but I don’t. And I know you want me to get a boyfriend, but this is getting ridiculous. Last Christmas you set me up on a date with Ms. Chasten’s nephew and now you’re telling me to pick up a guy at a restaurant?” 
“No, I wasn’t saying Tom. I know you said you no longer have a crush on him, but I’m just saying, what if you see a man you might want to date? Wouldn’t you want to look your best?”
You turned around, placing a hand on your mother’s shoulder as you smiled at her warmly. “Mom, I love you, but I’m not going to get a boyfriend just because you want me to. And I’m sure as hell never seeing Tom again, as much as I know you’d like me to.”
“Are you two ready to get going? We have a reservation to get to.” Your father interrupted, pulling his coat tighter around him. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let me get my coat on.” You pushed past the two, making your way to the door and grabbing your coat off the rack. 
You quickly pulled your hoodie over your head, hanging it up in place of your coat before pulling your coat over you. You quickly wrapped a scarf around your neck as the rest of your family began congregating by the door. 
“I thought you were going to wear a dress.” Lucy stated, looking up at you as you followed everyone out the door. 
“No, I wasn’t. Why is everyone trying to bully me into wearing a dress?” 
Lucy shrugged. “Maybe it’s because you’re ugly.”
“You’re ugly.” 
“No, I’m not. If anyone is the ugly, it’s David.”
“I heard that.” David grumbled as you piled into the car. “And for the record, if anyone is the ugly one it’s you, Luce. That’s just because you have a bad attitude and make unfunny tik toks.”
“I thought you said you liked my tik toks!” 
“I lied.” David stated, turning back around in his seat, now facing forward.
You laughed as he turned, only to receive a small pinch on your arm from Lucy, who was pouting beside you like a child. 
“Ow! That hurts, you brat!” You gasped, pushing her away and knocking her into the side of the car. “Luce, you’re like 16, cut it out!”
“And you’re like 21 but I have a boyfriend and you don’t!” 
“That’s not even a valid argument in this conversation.”
“I know, I was trying to be a bitch.” 
“You’re already a bitch. You don’t even have to try.” David interrupted, turning back around to face you both. 
“Dad! David called me a bitch!” Lucy whined as you rolled your eyes, gazing into the eyes of your younger brother who had the same expression on his face.
“David,” Your father gazed back into the rear view mirror, “it’s not polite to talk about other people’s shortcomings.” 
You started to laugh loudly, giving your younger sister a shove as the car slowed to a stop in the restaurant parking lot. 
“I hate you all.” Lucy pouted, shoving you back as you all climbed out of the car. 
“I can’t believe I still have to say this,” Your mother shook her head as you all walked into the lobby of the restaurant, “be on your best behavior, all of you, okay?”
“Hey!” Charlie spoke up, making you realize you had forgotten she was even there. “I didn’t do anything!”
“I didn’t say anyone did anything, I am just reminding you all that this is a very special evening, okay?” 
You nodded, still chuckling as you glanced over at your brother, who still had the same smirk on his face as he had in the car. You followed the group along with the hostess to your table, taking a seat before realizing there was an extra place setting beside you. 
“Oh, uh, I think there’s a mistake here.” You waved the hostess over. “There should just be six place settings.”
The hostess frowned slightly, confused. “Oh. I thought the reservation said seven people.” 
“It did.” Your mother interrupted. “The other guest will be here shortly, thank you.”
You watched the hostess nod and walk away. You turned back to your mother, furrowing your brows as you looked at her, confused. 
“I’m sorry, who else is joining us?” You asked, the confusion evident in your tone. 
“Tom!” Your mother smiled, her line of sight leading above you as you followed it, to come face to face with the boy she was referring to. 
“Hello, Mrs. L/n, and everyone else. Sorry I’m a bit late, there was some traffic.” Tom explained shyly, slipping his coat off and hanging it on his chair as he took a seat beside you. “Hi, Y/n.” 
“Hi, Tom.” You nodded at him as the inner turmoil had begun to stir in the back of your mind. 
“Oh, honey, don’t worry about it, we were just seated.” Your mother waved, almost as if she was apologetic herself. “I’m just glad you could make it.” 
“I think I’m going to go to the bar to get something to drink.” You announced, rising from your seat as you grabbed your small purse. “David, why don’t you come with me?” 
“Oh, I don’t think I’m all that thirsty.” 
“I wasn’t asking.” You muttered, giving him a look as he rose from his seat, now following you away from the table and in the direction of the bar. 
“Before you say anything-”
“How could you not have told me Tom was coming?” You snapped, causing the younger man to flinch.
“Uh.” David averting your gaze, trying to find something to say.
“Since when do you keep secrets?” 
“Since when do you cower at the sight of men?” David retorted, taking a seat on a bar stool as you followed in suit.  
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
“And you didn’t answer mine.” He huffed. “Ladies first.” 
“Ugh, fine.” You groaned, rolling your eyes. “I cower at the sight of Tom since he came with to drop me off at uni last year.” 
“Why? I thought that went really well.” 
“No, it didn’t. You were high the entire trip anyway, I doubt you remember it at all.”
“Wait, so you didn’t share a kiss with Tom?” He asked, scratching his head. “Cause I didn’t think that was a weed hallucination, but now I’m not sure.”
“No, I did kiss Tom. But, that’s not the problem.” You shook your head. “I kissed Tom outside my building when you and Charlie were still packing up the car, which is why you remember seeing that, but then I ran off before he could say anything because it was obvious how he felt about me by the way he reacted to the kiss.”
“The way he reacted? What does even that mean? Like he didn’t kiss back?” 
“Uh, yeah. Not at all. So I ran off and avoided his texts and calls forever and I haven’t talked to him since because it’s embarrassing.”
“Don’t you think maybe he didn’t kiss back because he was in shock?” David suggested, letting you think for a moment as he turned away to order a few drinks. 
You thought for a moment, unsure of your own memories from the trip. You could only remember small portions of events, such as smoking with your siblings and Tom, Tom pulling you aside to talk, and you kissing him. You paused, going back to the earlier memory of Tom asking to talk to you. What was he wanted to talk about? You couldn’t remember and didn’t get the chance to dig around your own thoughts as David snapped his fingers at you. 
“Hey, earth to Y/n. I got our drinks, let’s get back before Mom sends a search and rescue team.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You got up from your seat, drink in hand as you followed him to the table and took your seat beside Tom. 
“Y/n,” Tom glanced over at you, a bright smile on his face, “your mother was just telling me you got on the Dean’s list?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, placing your drink down on the table and placing your napkin in your lap, attempting to avoid eye contact. 
“It’s not that great, I mean, as long as you get over a 3.5, you’re on the list.” You explained, shrugging it off. 
“No, no, that’s way cooler than anything I’m doing. I mean, I’m just an acting major. You’re doing what? Pre-med?”
“Pre-law.” You corrected. “Pays about the same and is not as much schooling. But, acting sounds really cool. Sounds more fun.”
Tom shrugged. “I guess. I mean, I’m taking this improv class and it’s absolutely the worst thing I could’ve taken.”
“Oh! I take improv at school!” Charlie chimed in, excitedly bouncing in her seat. 
“Oh yeah?” Tom raised a brow, taking a drink from his glass before setting it down beside yours. “Maybe after we have dinner, you can show me some of your skills.”
Charlie shook her head. “I never said I was any good.”
The table erupted in a bout of laughter as you gave a small chuckle, your mind elsewhere while you picked up your glass, taking a drink of it. 
“Uh, I think that’s mine.” Tom leaned over, his breath hot on your ear as he spoke lowly. 
You choked on the drink a bit, coughing slightly as you set the glass down and looked at him apologetically. 
“Shit. Sorry.” 
“It’s alright. It’s not like we haven’t exchanged spit before.” Tom stated coolly, smirking slightly.
“I don’t backwash into drinks.” You retorted, attempting to not acknowledge his last statement fully. 
“I don’t know, you might.” Tom said, picking up the glass and swirling it around with his hand, pretending to inspect it. 
“Well, if you’re so worried, I’ll buy you another drink.”
“Oh, I’m not worried, but if you’re offering another drink, I will gladly take it.” 
“Hey, lovebirds, I’d look at the menu if I were you, otherwise Mom’s going to order for you.” David interrupted, nodding towards the waitress that was at the table. 
You gave him a glare before looking down at your menu, deciding to order the first thing you set your eyes on since you didn’t have much time before the waitress’s attention was on you.
“I see your brother is still snappy as ever.” Tom muttered after the moment of silence you shared. 
“You know how he is. He’s not so bad with me, definitely on his last straw with Lucy, though.”
Tom opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted by the waitress. You quickly ordered your food, Tom doing the same before you turned your attention back to the conversation. 
You weren’t sure what the young man’s plan was, why he was so insistent on talking your ear off when you had practically ghosted him like an ex-boyfriend for almost a year prior to the current exchange. You wanted to shrug it off, but you couldn’t get past it and it tortured you more for Tom to be so kind to you than it had ignoring him. 
It’s not that you were okay with ghosting him in the past, in fact, you felt like it was a true breakup without you having ever been with Tom. It was a stupid, little interaction that you could’ve talked about and explained away had you actually given him a chance to speak to you, but instead you let your own pride get in the way of that. 
“Y/n, did you hear what I said?” Tom asked, his hand resting on yours. 
You blinked for a moment, clearing your throat and slipping your hand from under his as you shook you head. “No, sorry, what did you say?”
“Oh, don’t take it personally, Tom,” Your father started, “Y/n’s always in her own head. She never really hears anyone.”
“Dad, it’s fine.” You shook your head again. “What did you say, Tom?”
“I asked if you wanted to get a drink and speak privately for a moment.” 
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” 
“I think it is,” Your mother stated, now interrupting. “You two go ahead. We’ll come get you when the food comes.”
You mentally cursed yourself and your parents as you followed Tom’s motions, setting down your napkin alongside his and rising from your seat. You allowed him to place a hand on your lower back and guide you away from the group and to the bar, much to your own internal dismay. 
“We need to talk.” Tom stated, taking a seat at the empty bar as he looked at you.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Is that why you came tonight? Just to confront me? You could’ve just called if you wanted that.” 
“I would’ve if you didn’t block me.” Tom asserted himself before pointing to the empty seat beside him. “And have a seat, please, it’s weird that you’re just standing there.”
You took a seat beside him, leaning away from him and against the bar, as if you wanted to put as much space between you both. 
“I came tonight because I wanted to see you, not just talk about how you drop kicked me out of your life.” 
“I wouldn’t say I drop kicked you...” 
“You kissed me, ran away in a split second, and then proceeded to block me. I think that is the definition of drop kicking someone.” 
“Actually, I think it’s when you jump up and kick someone.” You joked, attempting to redirect the conversation away from your mistakes. 
“I’m about to drop kick you if you don’t take this seriously.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what? Drop kicking me or making a joke out of it when I’m trying to be vulnerable with you?”
“Both.” You shifted in your seat, uncomfortable and feeling as though you were a child about to go to the principal’s office. “I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, I think I’m just trying to protect my own.” 
“David’s right, you are selfish and trying to talk to you was a mistake.” Tom shook his head, rising from his seat. 
“Tom, wait.” You grabbed his arm, only for him to shake you off. 
“I have been waiting, Y/n. I’ve been waiting the past year for you to talk to me or be willing to see me and every time I think you will, you disappoint.”
“Tom, I-”
“You know, I begged your parents to let me come here to see you, to spend time with your family? They didn’t ask me. Once I realized you were never going to speak to me again over something so stupid, I had to swallow my own pride, unlike you, just to see you again.” Tom ran a hand through his hair, attempting to calm down as he looked away from you. “I swallowed my own pride to see you choking on yours and still acting as if I was the one in the wrong somehow. You kissed me, you blocked me. You didn’t even let me assess the situation before you did it for me and now I’m the bad guy?”
“I don’t think you’re a bad guy.” 
“Really? Because both Charlie and David have said multiple times that you claim that I rejected you when I never did. That you could just tell that I didn’t like you so you pushed me away when the truth was that I did like you. God, Y/n, I’d been in love with you since primary school and the one time I realized you reciprocated feelings, you ran away like you hadn’t.” 
“I’m sorry, okay?” You cried, falling back into your seat. “I didn’t think it would be a huge deal until it was and I was scared that the outcome of my actions wasn’t going to be the one I had been hoping for. When I kissed you, you didn’t seem to like it and when I ran, you didn’t chase after me and I took that as you not liking me and wanting to get the fuck out of the situation.” 
“But that’s what I’m saying, Y/n! You’re always so focused on yourself that you don’t even realize how other people are feeling. I tried to run after you, I did, but I lost you halfway up the stairs and I couldn’t remember your room number.” Tom explained, exasperated. “I even tried to call but you didn’t pick up and your brother and sister convinced me it was best to just go home so we did. I thought you needed space, but once it got to be so long, I didn’t know what to do.” 
“You really chased after me?”
“Of course I did. I loved you, Y/n. I wanted to be with you. I’m here because I still do, but I’m starting to think this was a mistake. I should go, I shouldn’t have come in the first place.”
Tom straightened up before turning on his heel and starting to walk back to the table to collect his things and leave. 
You watched as he did so, something in you pulling you up off of your seat and making you grab him by the arm even though you wanted to cower away like you once had before. 
Tom turned towards you, about to say something when you collided your lips with his, the action feeling more natural than it had the first time you kissed him. He melted into you, his free hand resting on your hip as he kissed back, causing you to smile at the gesture before pulling away. 
“Please, Tom, don’t go.” You whispered. “I want you to stay. I want to make it up to you for all the heartache and lost time. I never meant to hurt you and I was being selfish and that wasn’t fair. I want to try to work something out with you.” 
“If I stay will you buy me that drink you promised?”
“I’ll do anything if you stay.” 
Tom looked away for a moment, as if he was pondering something. “Hmm. I’ll think about it.”
“Tom, please.” 
“Fine, I will stay, but only because I already ordered food.” Tom joked, raising his hands defensively as you pouted and gave him a look. “I’m kidding! I want to stay and work something out, I swear.”
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cw: vent, im talking about my mum and escaping her
its been 4 years (as of tomorrow) since i was able to get out of my mothers house, and i,, i dont really know how i feel about that,,, im still so angry at so many people, and im still so lost and so detatched from the whole family because of what she did, and those are bonds im truely starting to believe i will never be able to rebuild even though i left that place when i was 18,, and im just, im so upset that even now shes still taking my impotant things from me, and i cant have back all the things ive lost,,, and ive come to terms with some things,, i never experienced most of my teenage years due to her, i still struggle with things that should be easy, i had to drop out of uni before i even started,, but its the family that hurts the most,, cause theyre thinking feeling people who could just,, look inwards, and the fog might clear,,, i might just be able to be seen as just another bistander and not some horific accomplise they think i was,, i plauge the family and they can see the blood on my hands but i didnt do anything wrong!!! i just had to survive, i didn't hurt anyone t-t i made so sure i didnt t-t the only person i hurt was my brother and i did that on purpose because he left me alone in that house knowing full well what would happen to me,, when i was already down and alone he walked out too and then i couldnt escape and im so angry at him but hes a part of all i have left and i love him so much and he did nothing wrong and i know he needed to protect him and his partner,, but i stg he could've warned me,, mum was always going to be as she was and he knew t-t thats why he had to leave, so why couldnt he tell me,, why did they all believe i was on her side, why do they still believe that,, and how do i tell them im not?? how do i rebuild the trust?? i cant undig myself and everyone around me from the years of gaslighting and manipulation,, i literally cannot tell whats true about those years and what isnt and i dont know if i was bad but i didnt try to be, i tried so hard to care for those i loved and i dont think i hurt them, i didnt try to i didnt want to, i dont know why they think i did and i cant ask, theres too much to unpack, none of us can ask,, talking about it calls it back, mentioning our mother sparks her interest back into all of us, i will say something to my brother and it will slip through the grapevine till shes messaging me, and theres no level of secrecy we can keep that will stop her, i cannot fix it, i can never fix it, i just need to accept it, i just need to remember the family i have and love, and its just,,, its all so much and it feels so heavy and so alone and i didn't want any of this to happen, i just wanted to survive,, but pray tell why some of my brothers still speak to her,,, but not me?? what did i do?? what have they been told ive done?? do they blame me for choosing to live? i just need them to say it, to say they hate me for breaking her pathetic heart more then they wanted to see me alive and happy,, just give me the statement and the closure to leave them behind too,, i will,, if i have too,,, ill keep myself safe, tucked away in my dark little den when she cant find me,, ill be okay i just need to know,,, i just want to know,,
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melissa-kenobi · 3 years
Hii!! I hope your doing fine at uni!!
Wanted to know if you would make a little something for Rex and/or Kiri (gosh I miss him) having a big crush on you and then catching you gasping his name while you’re sleeping? Or maybe something where reader has a kid/sibling/cousin and he takes care of the kid and it warms your heart so much 😫💕 I now want them all to be space dads oh my
Aaaand, now that I’m watching the bad batch and getting to see more of the characters, I really think I ship you with Hunter! He would make little things for you that at first you wouldn’t even notice, like knowing that you’re tired silently screaming at wrecker not to make noise because you need rest, or stopping by a planet he knows you will love, opening doors for you, buying something you like and just leaving it somewhere in the shop for you to find. And one time, when he’s done one of those things you just catch his smile while he’s looking at you, and the way he just nods at you and leaves, with that smile that you don’t see often still on his lips, leaves you gasping for air. Then you start noticing them, and you search for him anytime you think he did something, and he’s always looking at you lovingly. But he won’t talk to you more than necessary, you weren’t sure of what was happening. But you start doing things for him too. Always from a distance, and always looking at each other. Until one day after a hard day he’s just working and going over plans, he’s stiff and tired and you go behind him and without thinking, start massaging his shoulders, neck and back. At first he goes to grab your hand, afraid of your touch, but you assure him that it’s okay and with a sound coming deep from his chest he closes his eyes and lets you touch him. Maybe you keep massaging his shoulders from time to time. And he craves it, needs your touch to relax. He always thanks you afterwards. And maybe, one of those times he can’t get enough and he grabs your waist, sliding your body between his legs while he’s sitting, your hands on his shoulders, your face hot while you try to keep your fingers working on his muscles. Maybe then he would put his mouth on your collarbone and leave a damp spot on your tunic. Needing more of you.
And what happened next is up to you 👀 It might have gotten out of hand, but I think he would be so sweet with you and would definetly like to hold your hand whenever you’re close to him and care soooo much about you and your well-being
Love you, and have a nice day 💕
Heyyy Emmeee 💕💕 yess I am doing okay at uni, only only like a week or two left, then we are done!!!
Omg Hunter 🥺🥺 emme that was like a fully fledged fic, I love it sm, hunter is bae, honestly I love that man, he definitely up there with Din as my faves. AND THAT ENDING asfgahsjshsj, 🥵🥵 - y-you've got my imagination spiralling, need.... to .... write.... a.... hunter... fic.... 🥵😭
& ohmygosh Kiri, I promise I haven't forgotten him or my boys!! So I did like a lil thing for both coz I couldn't choose between both my babies (I'm indecisive okay?).
Love you Emme xx
Sleep Talking - Word Count:
Kids - Word Count:
Sleep Talking
Commander Kiri (265th) x Reader
It was a simple mission, in and out, gather the Intel and leave. Hopper was supposed to take the aircraft and pick the two of up after it was finished. Honestly one of the easiest missions ever.
But no.
Nothing was ever that easy with the 265th.
So here the two of you were, stuck in kriffing cave, no clue where in the galaxy you were. But you knew one thing, you had Kiri with you and if he was with you, you knew you were going to be just fine.
Although Kiri was anxious being together with his General for a prolonged period of time. His feelings for her were too strong, although his brothers all knew, they had promised to keep quite. At least till he figures out what to do, and how to tell you.
"General, I'll take first watch, you can get some rest."
You let out a deep sigh. Your commander was an absolute pain in the arse, one that would rival even Skywalker. He was stubborn and loyal and pretty and maker he looked ever so soft with his helmet off. How you wanted to run your hands through his hair as you tugged on his braid, making his mouth open in pleasure as you su-
Kriff! What in karking hell were you thinking? You blinked rapidly as to help regain your thoughts, but the images of Kiri moaning only flooded your mind.
"Kriff..." You muttered, completely ignoring your commanders words.
Fuck he said your name. Kriff, no- stop imaging things, not the way he would sound moaning your name in contempt.
"Are you okay?" He placed a hand on your thigh, the warmth spreading through your body like a fire, causing you to jolt at his sudden touch, making Kiri huddle even closer to you. Kiri pulled a glove off, placing a hand on your forehead, feeling it burn him to the skin.
"Kriff, Y/N! You're burning!" Kiri quickly acted, grabbing a wet cloth and placed it on your forehead, your eyes wide at his naked hand. His beautiful tanned skin was on show and all you wanted to do was to hold his hand, amongst other things, but mainly to touch him.
"Okay, lie down. I'm gonna take care of you."
"Mmh... okay."
You lay down, head in Kiri's lap as you closed your eyes, your hands unconsciously grabbing his as you clutched it in your grip, ultimately hugging his entire arm as you fell asleep.
"Cyar'ika..." Kiri rumbled, his voice deep as he let you hug his hand, he pulled off the glove of the other one before using it to sweep some hair away from your face.
He adjusted himself on the floor, laying sideways as he let you cuddle yourself into his body, your hands still holding onto his as you slept. Maker knows how long the two of you would be here for. He wrapped his arm around you, holding you close as the two of you slept.
"Sweet dreams mesh'la..." Kiri whispered as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
"Kiri... I-i please..."
Kiri woke up instantly, his eyes immediately landing on you beside him, still in the same position as before, although you had his hand dragged down to another spot. His eyes widened in surprise as he realised you weren't in danger but- you were aroused.
You let out a small moan, your bottom sliding backwards against his codpiece, making Kiri gasp, his free hand holding your waist as you grinded against him.
"Fuck, Kiri- please..."
Kiri's eyes widened in shock as you moaned his name, your voice getting louder. He was certain you were asleep, but your body certainly wasn't. He growled in annoyance, kriff, he wanted you so badly, but he didn't know if you reciprocated his feelings.
He had to wake you.
"Mesh'la- Y/N... wake up..." He gently shook you, soothing your hair with his hand as he traced a finger down your cheek.
You woke up with a start, your hands clutching at Kiris arm before you realised and pulled away, turning in your spot, Kiri glanced at you. Immediately you knew Kiri was aware of what type of dream you were having.
"Kriff... Kiri, I am so so-"
"Don't aplogise, I-i er... mesh'la, Y/N I have feelings for you, I know-"
You cut him off with a tug towards your body, and a small kiss on his lips before grinning. "I've been waiting for you to confess."
"You have? How did yo-.... was it Jester?"
You let out a little giggle, before kissing him on the nose. "No you bantha head, I've known for a while, you just- you just act differently around me.... and yes Jester did tell me."
"Maker, I was so worried, I didn't know if you felt the same or-"
"Well, the dream I has certainly shows so..."
Kiri smirked, flipping you onto your back. "Oh yeah? Why don't you tell me all about it? I'd love to make it into a reality."
Captain Rex (501st) x Reader
Kark. You were so fucked.
Your sister was dropping off her kid at yours today and Rex was coming round. You hadn't seen your fiancè in so long and you hadn't seen your niece in a while either. Rex had been off world for a couple of rotations so you were missing him dearly.
*knock knock knock*
"Shit.." You muttered, rushing to open the door just as you saw your fiancè in the hallway, waiting for you.
"Rex!" You grinned, jumping into his arms as he dropped his bag and caught you. You placed kisses all over his face as he kicked his bag inside and shut the door.
"Mesh'la, I've missed you so much..." Rex groaned as you kissed his sweet spot, his hands grasping your bottom tightly as he walked in the direction of your bedroom.
*knock knock knock*
Your eyes widen in surprise, almost forgetting your slight dilemma.
"Are you expecting someone else cyar'ika?"
You grimaced, jumping down from Rex's arms and rushing to the door. Your sister stood there, with your niece in her arms as you watched her jump down and into your legs. Your sister hadn't formally met Rex yet, she knew you were engaged.
"Auntie Y/N!!!"
Your sister looked at you in joy as you picked up the child, Rex walking up behind you, a hand on your waist as he peered over your shoulder to look at the child and it's mother as she left.
"Thank you ever so much Y/N! I'll be back tomorrow!! I promise!" Your sister yelled as she dumped the bags in your house, before pulling you into a hug.
"You better behave Daisy."
"Yes mama, I pro- I prowis..." The little girl spoke, eyes wide as she spotted Rex. Her little blue eyes focused on the man stood before her as she waved at him, smiling at his curious expression.
"Thank you my darling sister, I owe you one."
"Yeah you do sis." You rolled your eyes.
She gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek, before whispering in your ear. "He's cute and hot! Plus it'll be good practi-"
"OKAY! Goodbye, I shall see you tomorrow." You quickly pushed her away, waving goodbye as you slammed the door shut.
"Auntie Y/N?"
"Yes honey?"
"Who's that? He's very bwig!" The 3 year old asked, fidgeting in your grasp before you put her down. She waddled over to Rex, tugging on his leg, lifting her hands up to be held.
"I think she wants you to pick her up Rex..." You giggled softly.
His eyes went wide as they looked from the little girl to you then back to Daisy. "I-i erm, I don't- I've never-"
Daisy tugged on his pants "You... you just have to do this...". The two year old mimicked picking up a child as Rex let out a small grin. You rolled your eyes at your nieces antics, she just wanted to be tall, but you couldn't help but tease Rex.
"Yeah Rex, you just gotta pick her up."
Rex stuck his tongue at you before bending down and picking up the child with ease. His large hands covering the entirety of her body as he held her in one arm. Daisy gasped in shock.
"I'm so tall!!" She giggled as she cuddled into Rex's embrace. "Can you- please can you put me on your shwolders?"
"Of course little one!" Rex happily complied, lifting Daisy effortlessly onto his shoulders as she wrapped her little arms around his head, holding on tight.
"Yay! Look Auntie! I taller than you and-" The little girl stopped when she realised she didn't know the man who was holding her, his name. She looked at you and gestured for you to come closer.
"Auntie, I don't know his name." She whispered, although her whispering was quite loud and she had accidentally tapped Rex on the head when speaking.
"Rex, you can call him Rex."
"Okay! I taller than Uncle Rex and Auntie Y/N!!" The little girl giggled as she directed Rex to the kitchen, Rex gave you a large grin, one that made your heart swell with joy as you watched him interact with your niece.
Depsite Rex not ever having any experience with children - he was a natural with Daisy. The two of them had been glued to each other, neither of them leaving each others side. You were pretty sure you weren't Daisy favourite person anymore.
The time had come to put her to bed, but upon looking for her you found her tucked into Rex's side, her little arms hugging Rex as she drooled on his chest. Your heart warmed, the sight was one you wished to keep forever. Grabbing your data pad, you quickly snapped a picture - keeping the memory tucked away.
You slid into the seat next to Rex, softly kissing his forehead as he pulled you into his free arm.
"Honey? I want one of our own." Rex mumbled as he kissed your forehead, tucking yourself into his arms.
"Oh yeah? Let's get this one back to her mom and then we can start on our own."
Even in his sleepy state Rex cuddled you tighter, kissing your lips and mumbling gently "I can't wait."
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awxward · 3 years
gen // 3.7k words
I had the idea of Juza hugging Kumon and his mom, crying bc he was finally able to audition/get accepted into theatre, and then I wrote this.
read on a03
gift for @xxxbookaholic
Juza had told his mother and brother about his dreams of being an actor a lot. They supported him through it all. He went to auditions for the school plays and was turned down immediately. In his first year of middle school, he stopped going to auditions. What was the point if he was only going to be turned away in the end? Juza had long since given up hope on his dream, yet now, just a few years after he had given up he got to see his cousin on stage. Muku who had always been anxious and shy was standing boldly on stage and being a new person. Juza wished he could do that. To stand on stage and be someone that people would be afraid of or start fights with. He wanted a place to escape. After the play had ended, Juza got up to leave, he didn’t want to embarrass Muku by showing his face backstage, besides Mom was back home with Kumon who was sick with a fever and could probably use some help around the house. A small flyer caught his attention. He wasn’t sure why he grabbed it, he just knew he had to keep it away from his family. He had long since given up on his dream to stand on stage, he hadn’t auditioned in years, he hadn’t been to a theatre in years before tonight, and still, he found himself folding the paper into a small square and shoving it in his pocket.
Mankai Company is looking for actors for the new Autumn Troupe. Auditions are going to be held tomorrow, August 28, at 9 am in the Mankai Theatre.
When Juza got home he kept the paper in his pocket so it wouldn’t be found and put his jacket on his bed. All auditions ended the same for him. He knew he’d be turned away at the door. If he didn’t tell mom or Kumon, well it’d just keep them from feeling sad for him. He went to check on Kumon who was sleeping, and made his way back to his room to get ready for bed. He fell asleep to thoughts of standing on stage.
The next morning, Juza got ready quicker than normal. He didn’t want to be late to the auditions. Better to be early so nobody else could see him get turned away as soon as he walked in. He checked his jacket pocket and sighed in relief, the paper was still there so nobody knew. He checked on Kumon, who was still sleeping and feverish, before hugging his mother and telling her he’d be back a little bit later.
Juza would have been on time had it not been for the punk Banri following him and trying to pick fights with him every other minute. Now, because he had to spend so long trying to ditch Banri, he was late and would have to deal with the embarrassment of everybody seeing him turned away at the door.
He looked at the theatre sign. Maybe he could just walk away now and forget about all of this.
“Excuse me, are you here for the Autumn Troupe auditions?”
Juza turned around, very surprised at the sudden voice next to him. It was a shorter man with glasses and a really bad sense of style.
“Don’t be shy, come on in!”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Isuke Matsukawa, the manager at Mankai. The director is inside with the Summer Troupe and a couple others who just walked in. Would you like me to show you to the stage where the auditions are going to be?”
Juza was confused. This short man, Matsukawa, was offering to show him to the stage for auditions? Was he really not going to be turned away? Would he actually have a chance? For the first time since he saw the paper, he wished he had mentioned it to his mom and brother. They’d be so happy he’d get to actually audition.
“Thank you. That would be nice, sir.”
“You can drop the sir part, it makes me feel old. Anyway, follow me!”
Matsukawa led Juza into the theatre where he had been the night before, watching Muku shine on stage. Today he saw the summer troupe in casual clothes and two boys who were chatting with everybody there. In the middle of the group was the odd one, the only girl. She had long brown hair that went down to her waist and Juza thought her eyes looked like they were the same color as caramel.
“That’s Izumi Tachibana, the director. She’s doing the auditions today!”
Juza suddenly felt his heart drop. Girls tended to avoid him or run away from him and if she was doing the auditions, she probably wouldn’t take him seriously, if she even let him up on stage at all.
“Director” Matsukawa called out and Izumi looked up and smiled. “I found someone interested in auditioning!”
He led Juza down to the group, and suddenly he was standing next to Muku.
Juza slightly shook his head. He didn’t want them to think any less of Muku because they were related. It’d be best if Muku didn’t talk to him casually.
“What’s your name?” Izumi asked as Matsukawa made his way outside.
“Juza Hyodo.”
“Hi, Juza, I’m Izumi Tachibana, the director of Mankai Company. The summer troupe is here helping with auditions!”
“I’m Muku Sakisaka.”
“Kazunari Miyoshi, my dude! Nice to meet you!”
“I’m Yuki Rurikawa. Yes, I wear dresses and yes, I am a boy. Hack, just because you’re a celebrity doesn’t mean you happen to be exempt from introductions!”
“I know that! And I’m not a hack! Tenma Sumeragi, Summer Troupe leader.”
“Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! I’m Misumi! Do you like tri-tri-triangles?”
This was a weird bunch of people. “Nice to meet you all and triangles are cool I guess?”
The purple haired one, Misumi smiled at him and shoved something in his hands. “Here’s a Mr. Triangle for you! He’ll give you good luck!”
“Misumi.” Izumi called out. “We’ve talked about this. You have to ask if it’s okay to give them a Mr. Triangle.”
“Because people may not like it being shoved at them and I need to wait for an answer?”
“Exactly! I’m glad you remember it, but you should apologize and ask if he wants to still hold it, okay?”
“Okaaaaaay.” Misumi turned away from Izumi back to him. “Sorry for shoving a Mr. Triangle at you. I should have asked if you wanted to hold him before giving him to you, because it’s rude to randomly shove things at people and I should have waited so you could answer. Do you still want to hold Mr. Triangle?”
Juza smiled at him. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll hold him. Thank you.”
Misumi smiled. “Yay! Juza likes the Mr. Triangle!”
“Alright boys, if you’re auditioning I want you to line up in front of the stage! Summer Troupe, you can sit down along the first row if you want.”
Juza made his way to the stage next to two others. A man with brown hair and a scar on his chin and a boy with red hair. They both smiled at him and he smiled back.
“I found another one interested!” Matsukawa burst in and Juza felt his heart drop as he stared at the face who was beside him, Banri Settsu.
“I didn’t say I was interested, asshat! I was looking for someone to fight!”
“What are you doing here?”
Banri noticed Juza standing there. “That’s my line, asshole.” He took a step forward and Juza followed suit. Red hair looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle. Brown hair had a look on his face that Juza couldn’t read.
“Well, this isn’t very peaceful.” Brown hair spoke up.
Suddenly Red hair’s face lit up. “I know you, Juza! You go to my school!”
Banri shot off another insult and Juza fired one back. They kept this going until a voice cut through.
“Will the both of you stop with the shouting! If you don’t wanna be here then leave. The only fights that should happen in theatre are stage fights!”
Juza and Banri both froze to see a blonde man standing in the doorway with a very serious look on his face. Juza stepped back beside red hair. Banri stood on his other side. Izumi’s face lit up. Juza noticed Muku looked scared. If he learned that the blonde man had somehow hurt Muku, he would fight him right here.
“Thank you for coming! I didn’t think you’d make it!”
“Wait, Sakyo was the other person you scouted for Autumn?”
Juza filed this information away. If Muku knew the man’s name was Sakyo and looked scared of him, something might have happened and Juza was ready to throw punches if he learned of any incidents.
“It’s the Yakuza.” Green hair said, Juza thought they said their name was Yuki, but he couldn’t remember.
And then his full line hit Juza as red hair spoke up. “Y-yakuza?”
“Now, now, looks can be deceiving.” Izumi spoke up. “Sakyo has watched over the theatre for years. He knows and loves this company more than anybody else here. I think he’s a necessary asset to us.”
“So he’s not just a scary debt collector?” Tenma asked.
“Can we stop with the idle talking and get on to acting? I have other things to do today.” Sakyo spoke up.
Izumi nodded and gestured for him to join the line and then passed lines to everybody. “When you boys go up on stage I want you to introduce yourself and tell us your experience with acting, then recite the lines I gave you.”
Brown hair went up first. “My name is Omi Fushimi, I’m a uni student at Yosei University, and I’m in the photography club. I’ve never acted before.”
Juza thought Omi did well. His voice was loud and clear, even if he didn’t know how to move. He finished and Izumi gestured for him to join Summer Troupe in the front row.
Red hair walked up. “My name is Taichi Nanao, and I’m a second year at O High! I’m a total newbie to this as well!”
For being a total newbie, Taichi did amazing. His voice was loud and clear, and his actions were a bit clumsy, but you could tell what he wanted to show.
Izumi pointed at Banri and he went up. “Banri Settsu, Hana High third year. Never been on a stage before.”
Juza hated to admit it, but Banri was good. He had good timing for pausing and expressed his emotions clearly, his voice was loud and clear. He was even better than Taichi had been.
“Are you sure you’ve never been on stage before?”
“Yeah, but it ain’t no problem for me.”
“Alright. Can you come join the others on the front row? Juza, you’re next.”
Juza was terrified. “I’m Juza Hyodo, a third year at O High. I’ve never acted before.”
He went through his lines and when he was done he looked into the audience seats. Summer Troupe looked intrigued, Omi had a sad smile on his face, and Taichi gave him a thumbs up. Banri started laughing.
“You are the worst, Hyodo, I swear-”
“Banri, if you are going to bully Juza or anybody else you will not be allowed to join this company do you understand.” Izumi had a steely look on her face and Juza imagined that if she got really angry she’d be scarier than the Sakyo guy.
“I want to join the theatre, please.” Juza ignored Banri and bowed as low as he possibly could.
“Stand up, Juza. You can join.” Izumi smiled softly at him.
“Of course. Go sit in the front row.’
“How do you plan to improve Hyodo’s acting?”
“Izumi makes training regimens for each actor so they can work on the things they struggle with! They’re really fun and the others are always happy to join you if you want them too! They helped me be less anxious!” Muku spoke up. Summer troupe nodded.
“Yeah, Sakuya, the Spring Troupe leader, said that she’ll adjust the regimens as needed!” Tenma added on. “She does her research and thinks about what would be best for each actor to develop and grow, both on and off stage!”
“So he’s really going to join?” Banri seemed like he was trying to convince himself it was a joke.
“It’s better to have someone with little talent and lots of passion than someone with some talent and no passion. If you don’t like it, you can leave, the door is back there, boy.”
“What’d you just say to me, you old man?”
“Alright, both of you, stop it. Juza is joining and that’s final. Juza, you can come find a seat down here.”
Juza sat beside Misumi and pulled the Mr. Triangle out of his pocket. “Do you want your triangle back?”
Misumi smiled at him. “You can keep him! He’s going to bring you good luck!”
Juza smiled at him. “Thank you, Misumi.”
Sakyo walked on stage. “I’m Sakyo Furuichi. I work with the Ginsenkai Family. I acted as a kid, but I haven’t been on stage since.”
Though he said he hadn’t been on stage since he was young, Juza could tell he remembered the basics. His voice was clear and smooth, and his actions were clumsy like Taichi’s but he was able to cover up some of the clumsiness by changing his actions.
“Welcome, boys, to the Mankai Company Autumn Troupe! Now, for some smaller details now that you’ve joined. Mankai company has dorms that are available if you want to stay there. If you are a minor, I will need to call and talk to your parents to get their permission. If you don’t want to stay in the dorms, or you are unable to, you can still travel between the theatre and your house.”
The other four boys volunteered to stay in the dorms and after some phone calls Banri and Taichi were allowed to join Omi and Sakyo in the dorms.
Izumi turned to Juza. “Would you like to stay in the dorms? Moving day is next Saturday.”
“Can I talk to my family first and talk to you about it later?”
Izumi smiled. “Of course. Sakuya from Spring Troupe is usually here practicing, but the others come in often as well, so stop by here and someone can lead you to the dorms to talk to me, okay.”
Juza nodded. The boys all went their separate ways.
Juza felt like he was in a dream his entire walk home. For the first time in his life, he was able to audition and he got accepted in, even though he was so bad compared to everyone else. He opened the door. “I’m home.”
“Welcome back, Juza!” His mom poked her head around the corner. “Juza, baby, what’s wrong?”
“His mom wiped her thumb across his face. “You’re crying. Did something happen? Are you hurt?”
“I- actually, is Kumon awake?”
“Yeah, his fever went down a bit. He’s been waiting for you. Let me check you for injuries.”
“Mom, I’m not injured, I swear, but I need to talk to you and Kumon together, so I’ll bring him to the couch, okay.”
“If you insist you aren’t hurt, I’ll believe you, but if you are lying to me, you’ll be in trouble.”
“Understood.” Juza smiled and made his way to Kumon’s room. He knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
“Hey, Kumon. Are you feeling better?”
Kumon beamed at him. “Yep! My fever went down a bit! Are you crying? Is everything okay? Did you get hurt? Does mom know?”
“Kumon, I’m not hurt.”
“Pinky promise?” Kumon held up a hand, pinky extended.
Juza linked their hands, “Pinky promise.” Kumon smiled. “Good.”
“I do need to talk to you and mom together. Are you feeling well enough to go to the couch?”
Kumon nodded. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Juza stayed by his side as they made their way down the hall to the living room. Kumon sat on the couch and tried to catch his breath. Their mom walked in and handed Kumon a glass of water before sitting down next to him. Juza sat across from them on the other couch.
“I didn’t tell you where I was going today.”
“Yes, you did leave that detail out when you left.”
“I found a flyer last night. For auditions for a theatre troupe.”
Kumon looked up with wide eyes and his mom smiled at him gently. “Is that why you were crying? Did you get turned away again?”
“No, they let me audition.”
His mom and Kumon froze for a moment before smiling like crazy.
“What happened, Juza?” Kumon was vibrating in his spot.
“I got accepted into the theatre company.” Juza was aware that tears were falling down his face again, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care as his brother and mother ran over to hug him.
“Which theatre company did you join?”
“Mankai Company.”
“I’ve heard of them somewhere.”
“Auntie and Uncle mentioned them. It’s Muku’s theatre troupe.”
“You’ll be acting with Muku!”
“No, Mankai is split into four sub-troupes based on the seasons. Muku is in the Summer Troupe. I am in the Autumn Troupe.”
“That’s amazing!”
“There’s more. They have dorms. The director wanted to know if I’d be interested in staying there. Moving day is next Saturday, and she’ll need your permission to allow me to stay there.”
His mom smiled at him. “Do you want to stay in the dorms?”
“I do. There are other actors there I can learn from and I want to stay close so I can get along with my troupe mates.”
“Then I give my permission.”
“I’ll visit often, I promise.”
“Juza, what’s in your pocket?”
Juza pulled out the Mr. Triangle. “When I first walked into the theatre one of the Summer Troupe boys, Misumi, shoved it in my hands. He said it was a Mr. Triangle for good luck. He also told me I could keep it.”
“That was very kind of him.”
“It must really have good luck in it! You get it and then you can audition for the first time and you get accepted into the same troupe as Muku!
Juza smiled. “I think you’re right, Kumon.”
“When can I talk to the director about you staying in the dorms?”
“She said that tomorrow there’ll be guys in the theatre who can take us to the dorms to talk to her.”
“I wanna go too.”
“If your fever is still there, you’ll be staying in bed. If it’s gone, you have baseball practice.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Don’t worry Kumon. I’m sure you can stop by to visit the dorm sometime.”
The next morning Juza wove through the streets with his mother until they were in front of the theatre. Juza opened the door.
“Citron, I don’t think that prop can be used as a sword1” A pink-haired boy was frantically trying to take a prop away from a man in a foreign looking outfit, who was laughing as he swung the prop around. The pink-haired boy looked up. “Oh, hello! I’m Sakuya, leader of the Spring Troupe! Can I help you?”
“I’m Juza Hyodo, this is my mom. I auditioned yesterday and needed to talk to my family about the dorms. I was told I could come here and someone would be able to bring me to the Director?”
“Nice to meet you, Juza! Nice to meet you, ma’am!” Sakuya smiled and jumped off the stage, the other one (Citron?) following close behind. “Just follow us!”
“Hi! I’m Citron!”
“Hello. Thank you.”
Sakuya and Citron led Juza and his mom down the road until they were in front of a large dorm building. Misumi was laying on the ground with a boy Juza didn’t recognize from auditions. Kazunari and Yuki saw Juza and made their way over.
“Hey! It’s Hyodle! What’s up, my dude? You here to talk to the director?” Kazunari was bouncing with energy.
“Sorry, Friendly McExtrovert here gives everybody nicknames like that. I’m Yuki, in case you didn’t remember my name. There were a lot of names to remember yesterday.”
“We needed to talk to the director. Sakuya and Citron brought us here.” Juza looked around and realized the two had disappeared.
“They probably went back to the theatre. If they brought you here then they probably went back to clean up and lock up the theatre. They’ll be back soon.” Yuki turned and waved for them to follow.
Inside was chaotic. Several boys were running around. A couple of boys were arguing in the corner about something. Izumi stepped out from the hallway and all the boys froze.
“Please keep it down, I’m on the phone with Sakuya. He did well on his history test so he gets to choose what dinner is tonight.” She looked up and smiled at Juza and his mom. “I’ll be with you two in a moment, please, have a seat.”
Several boys finally noticed Juza and his mom standing awkwardly off to the side. Izumi stepped back into the room. “Would you two like to talk in the courtyard outside? Or maybe the kitchen?”
“The kitchen would be fine, dear.”
Juza and his mom followed Izumi back.
“Your name is Juza Hyodo, right?”
Juza nodded.
“Great! I wanted to make sure I remembered it properly.” She sent a smile to him and directed her attention to the side. “Are you his parent?”
“Yes, I’m his mother.”
“I’m assuming you’re here to talk with me about whatever decision you’ve made regarding the dorms.”
“You would be correct, dear. I wanted to let you know I’m giving permission for him to stay here.”
“That’s great! Saturday is move in day and we’ll decide roommates then too! Do either of you have questions about anything?”
“I have a few for you, dear.”
“Okay, ma’am. Juza, if you don’t have any questions you are more than welcome to go introduce yourself to the spring and summer troupes and explore the building.”
Juza nodded and got up.
This would be the start of a new Juza Hyodo.
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wild-flower-art · 4 years
The Old Guard- Andy x Reader (F/F)
Guess who’s back and betta than evaaa? I’m so sorry it took me almost 2 whole ass months to post the 3rd chapter. With school starting up again, the part of uni I work at got fuckin hectic. Luckily that part of my life has settled a bit (for now), and now it’s time to get back on track in other parts of my life...writing being one of them. Enjoy!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 – Help us (I think I’m sticking to 3rd-person POV-- 2,975 word count)
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Darkness engulfs (y/n) as she enters the house, only able to see and follow the light from her flashlight. Her suit is weighing heavily on her body, her helmet obstructing her vision but protecting her all the same. She does her best to get out as quickly as possible, the SCBA tank only allowing for at least 30 minutes to get in, do her job, and get out. Some of (y/n)’s team are trying to extinguish the fire that just won’t let up, and the rest of them have been sent in to get people out. (Y/n) sees there’s a basement door in the kitchen. She radios in to her team that she’s going down. She can hear screams. Girls crying out for help. The further down into the basement she goes the darker it becomes. This is where the fire started. She reaches the bottom of the stairs and can hear the screams even louder now. Her flashlight shines on another door. That’s where they are. (Y/n) tries to calmly yet quickly get the door latches unlocked with her bolt cutters. Their screams are getting louder. They know they’re being saved. Before she can get the door open there’s an explosion behind her, knocking (y/n) forward…
She awakes with a start, having almost rolled off the bed. Her heart is racing, blood running cold through your body, left side of her torso throbbing with pain. (Y/n) is damp with sweat, soaking through her shirt. She searches for her lamp, but then remembers she’s not at home. She then reaches for a candle and lighter, flinching slightly at the sight of the flame.
It was just a dream.
…But it really wasn’t. It’s a memory that not even sleep can help her escape from. Before she can focus too much on what she did wrong, and what she could’ve done better, she hears a light tapping at the door. Her breathing hitches in her throat, but then releases itself when she realize it’s Nile, the light from the main room illuminating (y/n)’s—no, not her room—the guest room, probably. Not at all decorated or welcoming. It looks like a room used for storage, not being meant for personal use.
Nile whispers, “Hey, are you okay? I thought I heard crying.”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Nile. Thank you. Just a….bad dream.”
“You have those often?”
“Yeah, too often.”
“You’re not the most peaceful of sleepers then, huh? As an ex-Marine I know how that feels.”
“An ex-Marine?”
Nile stammers, “Oh, yeah, uh I was in for a few years before I got injured, and was uhmm discharged.” She tries to hold eye contact, but then looks away after a beat. (Y/n) feels like she overstepped a line she didn’t know existed.
“Oh…I’m sorry.”
“Nah, it’s okay. It was for the best, I’m sure. Maybe. I don’t know. Soooo....can I ask what you dream about?”
(y/n) sighs, “Before moving here to England I used to be a firefighter back home. We had been called out to the scene of a possible trafficking house the feds had been keeping an eye on. It had caught fire rather quickly, so we had to move just as fast, if not faster.”
(Y/n) looks down at her hands that she didn’t realize were clenched into fists. She inhales slowly so as not to cause more pain to her diaphragm, and on a shuddery exhale (y/n) releases the tension in her hands and shoulders. Fuck, my body hurts.
“I had gone down to the basement where I heard the screaming of young women and girls…kids…” A lump forms in her throat she tries to swallow down before continuing, “I was so close to getting them out, but then something went off behind me, knocking me forward. It felt like I was being tackled by a large animal or something, knocking me out cold. My dream usually ends there.”
“What happened after? In real life, I mean.”
“My team was able to get me out of there, the girls weren’t so lucky. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed about a week later. I quit shortly after when I heard the traffickers who had the girls in the house weren’t caught. I felt like I owed it to them to keep future girls from being victimized like that. I followed them here to England, but the trail ran cold about a month ago. I’ve been teaching self-defense classes to women, young girls, and non-binary kids since I’ve arrived here to be of use and pass the time, maybe make some money…oh shit, speaking of, where’s my phone? I need to contact my classes and cancel.” (Y/n) starts patting down her pockets and aimlessly checking the sheets and under pillows for her phone.
“Oh, uhm…I don’t remember you having a phone on you when we brought you. Maybe it fell out at the building?”
“Fuck. Well, I’ll contact them tomorrow when I leave from here.”
“Leave? No, you shouldn’t leave. You should stay until you’re healed up.”
“I don’t think your friends want me around for too long. I was gonna suggest I go to a hospital, but looks like you know your way around a bandage and sutures.” She says, examining her wound.
“Yeah, well, it helps to know those things out in the field. Anyway, please stay. We insist. And I’ll help you contact your class tomorrow. In the meantime, you should really get some rest. You look like shit.” She says the last part half-heartedly and with a smirk.
“Aw gee thanks, jerk”, (y/n) chuckles.
Nile starts to exit the room before (y/n) stops her. “Hey, Nile? I mean it, thank you.”
She smiles and nods before closing the door behind her. (Y/n) falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow and she closes her eyes, her body welcoming rest once again.
Nile makes her way up the stairs to her bedroom that she’s sharing with Andy since Andy gave (y/n) her room to recover in. That downstairs bedroom and couch in the livingroom give her easy access to the front and back doors in case something is amiss. It takes Andy too long to get settled, not used to resting in a room so far away from where possible intruders can enter. She starts to roll out of her makeshift bed to head downstairs, but Nile makes her way into the room, stopping Andy dead in her tracks.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asks, hands on her hips.
“I can’t sleep in here, Nile. I’m sorry. I have to go downstairs and keep watch.”
“No, you don’t. Nicky and Joe agreed to take turns staying awake tonight. You need to learn how to relax. You can’t heal yourself the way we can anymore, so you need to give your body some time to rest so you don’t burn out. We’ve been over this! Any less sleep and you’ll look as exhausted as (Y/N). Jesus! You’re like a stubborn old person, too set in their w—“, before she can finish her reprimanding rant a pillow smacks her square in the face, earning a laugh from Andy, pleased that she caught Nile off guard.
“That’s not funny”, she says throwing the pillow back in Andy’s direction.
“Well, if it’s not funny then why am I still laughing?” Andy says between giggle fits. It’s becoming a common occurrence to see Andy like this. Lighthearted laughs and jokes that the guys said hadn’t ever happened this often, not in a long while, so Nile smiles and lets her have her moment before she has to dampen the mood.
“(Y/N) asked for her phone.” Andy stops laughing and instinctively reaches for the phone that lays in her coat pocket.  “She teaches a self-defense class and needs to cancel for the next few days, maybe even weeks.”
“What did you tell her?”
“That I don’t remember seeing a phone when we brought her here and that she probably dropped it at the building…She doesn’t know who or what we are, so why are you keeping it?”
“You can never be too careful, Nile. She can’t just update people on where she is and expect people not to look for her. She might not know who we are, but we need to limit her access to the outside, at least for now.” This earns her an incredulous look from Nile. “Just trust me, okay?”
“Alright, boss. Now, can you please lay back down and get some sleep?” Nile asks as she gets into her bed.
It takes Andy a while to get settled, but when she finally does she can’t seem to manage to quiet her racing thoughts.
“I can hear you thinking, Andy! What is it?”
“You said if I didn’t get sleep I’d look as exhausted as (Y/N). What did you mean by that? Was she awake when you went downstairs to lock up?”
“Uhh, yeah. She was having a nightmare about something that happened when she was a firefighter. Just before she moved here her team was sent out to a burning building, turns out that was a trafficking holding house, possibly run by the same people who run the one we raided last night. But that’s just me putting two and two together. She said her trail ran cold, so she’s been keeping busy with her classes.”
“How much does she know?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t think to ask. She looked so tired and sad, I just needed to get out of her hair so she could rest. Now, sleep!” Nile tosses a pillow at Andy’s head this time.
Andy turned on to her side so Nile wouldn’t see her still awake. I should pick (Y/N)’s brain on what she knows about those people who set that house on fire. Maybe she can help us.
(Y/N) slept through the rest of the following day, not giving Andy time to ask her what she knows, but, instead, giving Andy time to talk to Nile, Joe, and Nicky about (Y/N) and if they think she’d be willing to help.
“She’s come this far to find out who hurt, and continues to hurt, those girls. I’m sure this will give her more purpose to continue on her journey”, Joe speaks up from behind his cup of coffee.
“Should we have Copley do some digging on her? Just to see where she comes from, and maybe find any paper trails to where she’s been following those disgusting human beings through?”, Nicky says as he makes his way back to the dining table, pulling a seat from across Joe and next to Andy.
“I contacted him earlier, he’s on it. He said he’d get back to us by the end of the day. Should be hearing from him any moment now.” Andy turns her head to look at her bedroom door. Still no movement. They’ve done multiple checks on (Y/N) throughout the day. Each time they were either met with groans, signaling them to go away, or with light snoring. With drool lightly dribbling from her mouth, she’s obviously getting the kind of rest Nile wishes Andy would allow herself to get. I’ll rest when I’m dead. Reminding herself and the team that she is on borrowed time, and she doesn’t want to waste whatever time she has left worrying about menial things like resting. Though (Y/N) makes it look so comfortable.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so peaceful while sleeping.
She’s shaken from her thoughts as Nile scoots out of her chair to stand. “Well, I’m off to bed.”
“We’ll head in for the night as well.” Joe says, getting up and wrapping his arm around Nicky and then rubbing the middle of his back.
“Goodnight, boss” they call out in unison as they head up the stairs.
It’s maybe about 45 minutes after the rest of the team has gone up to bed, and a couple of glasses of vodka later, that Andy receives a message from Copley with several attachments of what he found on (Y/N).
Here’s all I could find. Hope this will suffice.
Got it. She quickly types in response. She’s curious to open the files, but it’s getting late and she wants to look at this new information with the team. She double, triple checks and locks the doors, and makes sure the windows are all securely latched. She and Nile would be taking turns watching over the house, and she has first watch. She turns off all the lights, except for a lamp in the kitchen, and makes her way upstairs to grab a few things to hold her over for the next few hours. She isn’t upstairs for more than 5 minutes when she hears a door open and close, some carefully placed footsteps, and another door squeaking open before being lightly shut. Barefoot, Andy quickly and quietly grabs her labrys from its case, shoves a gun in her pants, and swiftly makes her way downstairs and out the front door.
She stops suddenly when she realizes it’s (Y/N) walking down the driveway. She runs over to her, fearing she might be in trouble. (Y/N) turns around in shock and almost screams, but grabs at her left side and hisses in pain, having twisted her body around too quickly.
Short of grabbing her arm, Andy quietly yet sternly asks, “Where the hell do you think you’re going? It’s dark out! You could get hurt! Do you not have any sense to just stay put?”
(Y/N) all but ignores Andy and turns back towards the driveway to continue walking.
Andy walks past (Y/N) and stands in front of her. “Hey, I’m talking to you! You’re not going anywhere until we know you’re okay!”
Trying in vain to push past Andy, (Y/N) replies, “I said I’d be gone as soon as I’m feeling better, and obviously I’m feeling a lot better, so if you don’t mind—.”
Andy scoffs and puts herself back in (Y/N)’s way and gently pokes at her upper left side just over her ribs, causing (Y/N) to wince and hiss in pain. “Yeah, obviously.”
“What the hell?!” (Y/N) grits through her teeth. “Do you treat everyone you help like this?”
“No, just the stubborn ones I believe have the ability to help us in return.”
(Y/N) squints at Andy incredulously, “Help you with what?”
“Help us find the guys who burned down that house with all those girls stuck inside.”
(Y/N) stands stock still and dumbfounded. “How do you know that?”
“Nile told us about your nightmares. I also had someone do some digging on you, so I’m sure those files will tell me the same thing.”
“You had someone ‘do some digging’ on me?! You guys are crazy! Now, please MOVE!”
(Y/N) shoves her hand against Andy’s shoulder and tries again to maneuver around her, using Andy’s height against her to juke her out. It almost works, but Andy is too quick to turn around and put her leg in front of (Y/N)’s leg to trip her and hook her arms around (Y/N)’s waste to keep her from falling forward. (Y/N) groans in pain and frustration as she places a heavy heel on Andy’s bare foot. With her heel still digging into Andy’s foot, (Y/N) leans her body back and shoves her hands up into the small space between her body and Andy’s arms. With a grunt she pushes her arms out, freeing herself from Andy’s grip as Andy falls backwards. Pleased with herself, (Y/N) quickly limps away from Andy, all the while Andy is on the ground smiling, trying not to laugh at the sorry sight in front of her. She gets up and half jogs up to (Y/N), catching up with her in just a few strides. To add insult to injury, Andy keeps a steady walking pace next to (Y/N), who has broken out into a sweat.
“So…where are we going?” Andy asks, trying not to laugh at how (Y/N)’s brows furrow with frustration.
(Y/N) responds with a roll of her eyes and a huff before pleading, “Please just go away and let me leave.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, (Y/N). We need your help and you clearly need ours. Please just come back to the house and get some rest…Do you even know where you are?”
“No idea.”
“Then how do you know where you’re going or if you’re going in the right direction?”
“I don’t, but if I keep walking I’ll get somewhere away from you guys.”
Andy picks up her pace and places herself in front of (Y/N) again, this time placing her hands on (Y/N)’s shoulders and meeting her (e/c) eyes. “Please. Help us find those girls.”
That’s all it takes for (Y/N) to give in. She puffs air out of her mouth and looks down at their feet. She notices a small bruise forming on Andy’s foot where her heel pressed down just a moment ago, a few scrapes marking her own. She feels a pull in her stomach, an obligation to those girls who needed her and a new obligation to the girls who still need her. She feels pressure building behind her eyes, her vision blurring, and her bottom lip slightly quivering. Fuck.
When she finally looks up her eyes are glossed over with unshed tears. Now’s not the time. She clears her throat and swallows hard. “Okay”, she finally whispers. And with that she turns around and walks back towards the house with Andy following close behind. They walk in silence until they reach the door. As (Y/N) reaches for the door handle, Andy places her hand over (Y/N)’s. Their eyes meet again as Andy whispers, “Thank you.” (Y/N) nods her head slightly before entering the house.
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justalarryblog · 3 years
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 nobody shines the way you do by @wildestdreams (115k) | Explicit
“We might as well just date.”
Harry froze in his arms, his body stilled as he slowly lifted his head up at Louis to give him the most confused expression he’d ever worn. Louis literally wanted to fuck him into the next century. “What?” Harry asked. “Are you–.”
“No,” Louis said, shaking his head before Harry could go far with that idea and trap Louis into confessing his own feelings. “I mean…like I think I have a plan?”
“A plan?” Harry said slowly. “A plan other than me going to Peter’s tomorrow and groveling for hours; maybe even days?”
The thought of Harry doing that made Louis’ skin burn, but he schooled his expression well and nodded swiftly. “There will be no groveling. Well, there will be, but not on your end.”
Louis pretends to be Harry’s boyfriend to help him win back his douchebag ex-boyfriend, but things don’t go according to plan.
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 And Then a Bit by @infinitelymint (158k) | Explicit
“We’d like to give the fans what they want.” Magee states, placing his hand on the table in front of him and leaning forward. “We want to give them Larry Stylinson.”
Or, take a parallel universe where Louis and Harry were never together, mix in a two year hiatus and an impending comeback, pour in a dash of lost fans, two tablespoons of strong friendship and a Modest! employee with a good idea. Add a squeeze of pretending to be a couple, lots of kisses and a tattoo or two. Stir. Serve: the mother of all publicity stunts.
(aka Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.)
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 blind from this sweet, sweet craving by @missandrogyny (31k) | Explicit
“So, I guess we’ll go?” Louis asks later, when Harry has calmed down and eaten his weight in Chinese food. He plays with this chopsticks, spearing another piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind. We could make it an adventure.”
Harry observes him, watches him seated across from him on their old living room carpet, with a container of food on his lap. He’s fidgeting, avoiding meeting Harry’s gaze–he probably knows that Harry’s mad at him for ruining the one chance they had to get out of this situation. And he’s not wrong, Harry is definitely very mad. Harry wants to strangle him and castrate him and smack him upside the head.
But he’s also Harry’s best friend, and despite everything, despite all the fuck-ups and the plot twists and everything just not playing out the way it should, he’d still rather be stuck in this situation with Louis than any of the other boys. He’s got Harry’s back, and in a weird, abstract way, he knows they’ll be able to get out of this situation, together.
Harry sighs. “We’re going,” he says resignedly, his shoulders slumping.
Oh well. There are definitely worse ways to spend the weekend than pretending to be engaged to his best friend.
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 California Sold by @isthatyoularry (123k) | Mature
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss me on the mouth (and set me free) by @tempolarriefics (47k) | Mature
Harry, being his endlessly patient self, asks with a wry smile, “And who am I going to spontaneously marry for financial aid?”
He clearly intends for it to be a rhetorical question, for it to shoot down Louis’ ridiculous marriage idea. But Louis answers easily, “Me. You’ll marry me.“
aka the not-so fake marriage AU in which Harry and Louis get married to keep Harry from dropping out of uni (and if they discover that they’re in love along the way, well, that’s neither here nor there).
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Teenage Rebellion Never Worked Out So Well by @panda_bear21 (55k) | Not Rated
“I’m an adult!” He glanced down at Harry, who seemed anything but at the moment, where he was definitely on the brink of a temper tantrum. “We’re both adults!”
Jay glanced to Anne again, before breathing out a heavy sigh. “Yes, but you’re both adults that do not have jobs and who live off of our money… Which means, you have to do what we say… or you’ll have to find a new place to live.”
“You wouldn’t do that.” Louis dared, hoping his glare was enough to guilt trip his mother into calling the whole thing off. Or to tell them that it had all just been a huge joke and they weren’t actually being forced into marrying a complete stranger.
“Oh, but we would.”
Or the super cliché arranged marriage fic where things escalate way too quickly.
✨You can also check My Fic Tags for more fics! ✨
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writingsbychelle · 4 years
Study Break
Summary: You find yourself stressing out over exams and essays as Shawn surprises you with a visit, just or him to end up helping you.
Request: not really but kinda by @ani-me​
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader
Warnings: a tiny bit smutty but not really
Word Count: 1.552
(A/N: I’ve had this in my drafts for so long and forgot about it but ig here it is?)
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   For the past week, you had spent most of your time with your head buried in a book, locked away in your room as you were desperately trying to get your brain to remember every bit of information from your textbooks and the notes you took in class. Keyword: Desperately. You felt like the more you studied, the more you forgot. The words seemed to blur in front of your eyes, your head pounding from all the information you tried to force into your brain. Time speed by, you ate whenever you remembered, slept only when you felt like passing out and toilet breaks happened once in an eternity.
   Hearing a knock on the door to the room in the apartment you shared with your friend, you let out a quiet sigh, throwing a glance at the clock on your desk before turning away from your books. “Come in!”
   And in came the last person you expected to see, your boyfriend, Shawn Mendes, with a small bouquet of wildflowers in his hands and a gentle smile on his face.
   “Shawn?” you asked perplexed, shocked and surprised to see your boyfriend standing in your room in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon.
   “Thought you might need some distraction from all the studying? Amy told me you’re overworking yourself again,” he smiled as he stepped further into your room, placing the flowers, including a vase (where the fuck did he get a vase from?!) on your bedside table before crouching down in front of you and taking your hands into his, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles before pulling you to your feet.
   Raising his hand he softly caressed your cheek, “How about you get ready, and I’ll take care of some of your stuff so that we can go out for a nice dinner, huh?”
   “Sounds like a good idea,” you grinned, walking over to your dresser to pull some fresh clothes out and to head towards the bathroom to get ready to go outside.
  A few hours later you were stumbling through the door to your room with Shawn’s lips feverously moving on yours. Quietly you tried to close the wooden door to not wake up your friend, who had an early shift at her work the next day, just for Shawn to press you against the door once it was closed, his lips attacking your neck, sucking, nibbling and biting the delicate flesh there, causing you to press your face against his broad shoulders in a hopeless attempt to stifle the moans that threatened to leave your mouth.
  “I’m so glad you came to visit me,” you panted out, your boyfriend’s hands moving from your waist down to the back of your thighs, giving them a quick squeeze before he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his hips almost instinctively.
  “Trust me, I’m glad, too,” Shawn grinned at you before he moved back to focus his attention on the soft skin of your neck and collarbones as you let out a quiet sigh, letting your eyes wander through your room as your head fell back against the door you still found yourself pressed against.
  As your eyes drifted over the mess that you called your bedroom you found a sudden need to interrupt Shawn and ask him an important question, “Hey, babe, what date is it?”
  “April 3rd, why?”
  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” you mumbled, pushing your boyfriend away from you as you scrambled towards your desk to rummage through various textbooks and notepads, trying desperately to find the paper your English professor gave you a while ago with the due date of your essay.
  Finding it amid the mess on your desk, you quickly scanned your eyes over it only for them to linger on the highlighted date at the bottom of the paper.
  April 4th.
  Panicked, you sat down on your chair, hands in your hair as you tried to find all the materials you needed to complete the essay due tomorrow. How it flew over your head that you hadn’t even started writing it, you didn’t know. All you knew was that you had a three-thousand-word essay and had yet to even start writing it.
  “Hey, what’s wrong, baby?” Shawn asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder, ripping your focus away from the books in front of you.
  “Oh, nothing much, besides the fact that I just remembered I have a 10k essay due tomorrow and I haven’t even started yet. Fuck, I’m gonna fail this class if I don’t hand in the essay tomorrow and I still need to study so much for the exams next week.”
  You were near tears as you rambled on, spiralling down into yet another panic attack the more you thought about uni and all the work you still had to do. The look of sympathy of Shawn’s face was what kept you from completely breaking down, his gentle voice managing to calm you down a bit, “You’ll be alright, (Y/N). I’ll help you. Okay? Just tell me what I can do.”
  “Okay,” you took a deep breath, “okay, we’ve got this. Thank you so much, babe.”
  You shot a grateful smile up to your boyfriend, who only chuckled while shaking his head in response.
  “What? Why are you laughing?”
  “I just find it funny that you’re thinking about uni while I’m trying to seduce you,” Shawn teased you playfully.
  Raising your eyebrows in question, you turned to look at the singer, “You were trying to seduce me?”
  “Well...I thought that was pretty obvious, no? With my lips on your throat and my hands up your shirt?”
  Shaking your head, you laughed quietly, “Let’s get started with this essay, shall we?”
  Several weeks later, at the end of your semester and once you had finished writing all your exams, Shawn visited again, this time not unannounced like the last time. Opening the door to the apartment you shared with your friend you ushered him inside, telling him to sit down while you got him something to drink, and your laptop. Your boyfriend had managed to arrive right before your grades for the semester were about to be released so you decided to look at them together with him.
  Sitting down next to him after handing your boyfriend a glass of water you placed your laptop on the couch table in front of you, opening it and going to the website where your grades would be released any moment now, “Fuck, I’m so nervous.”
  “Don’t worry, babe. You’re smart and you put so much work into this, you’ll be more than fine,” Shawn reassured you, taking your left hand in his and giving it a soft squeeze before letting it go so you could log in to your account.
  “Here we go,” you quietly mumbled to yourself, typing in the password that was given to you and waiting for the website to finally load.
  Impatiently you tapped your fingers against your leg, praying to every single god and saint out there that all the studying paid off. Then, finally, the website popped up, your courses listed with the grades all right next to them. Slowly you let your eyes glace over the screen, your mouth dropping a little bit more every time you saw that your grades didn’t drop, which was what you were expecting, but that you actually improved in almost every single subject. The most notable improvement, however, was in English, the subject in which Shawn helped you with your final essay, writing it basically overnight in order for you to still submit it in time.
  Turning towards your boyfriend with a probably the biggest grin on your face you quickly wrapped your arms around him, pressing yourself against him, “Thank you so much for helping me, Shawn. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten such good grades, especially in English.”
  “Anything for you, babe, but this was all you. I only helped you focus,” Shawn objected before he pressed a quick kiss against your temple.
  “Well...I was thinking about thanking you for helping me but if you don’t want to,” you mumbled, leaving light and soft kisses up and down his throat, feeling him swallow thickly as you did.
  “Wha-what exactly did you have in mind?”
  “Oh, I can think of a few things,” you nibbled on Shawn’s earlobe, drawing a low groan from the back of his throat.
  Before you knew it Shawn had his lips pressed against yours in a feverish kiss, your body feeling like it was set on fire from the desire coursing through your veins as he slowly pushed you backwards, your back hitting the couch before your boyfriend rested his hands on either side of your head, trapping you between his muscular arms.
  “Maybe,” you moaned as he attached his lips to your neck, “maybe we should move to my room? Just in case Amy comes back home.”
  “Yeah, yeah...sounds like a good idea,” he panted, easily lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and carrying you out of the living room, through the hallway and into your room, where you spend the rest of the night moaning out his name, and vice versa, as you got lost into each other.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 3 years
Who live next door? : Dragon next door (KSJ)
Author note : Finally, I’m back you guys. My uni decide to move my final exams schedule for the third time. Anyway, hope you enjoy my first os after break. 
Shout out : The plot belongs to Hybrid Prompts @Ungnyeo in wattpad. (I think you also have your blog here, but I forgot. Sorry.)
Summary : Your ancestor was a well known dragon hunter. However, now is 21st century and you decided not to continue training. You moved out from your hometown and started a new life in a city. What you didn’t expect was your handsome neighbor/love at first sight will turn out to be a dragon. Not to mention that he is a sassy one.
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Author pov.
“Be safe, dear.”
“Don’t forget to visit us, y/n.” Those were the last sentence from your parents before you left the house. Inhaling the fresh air for the last time and mumbling a goodbye for the last time, you jumped onto the bus.
You tried to calm your nervous self down by plugin the earphone into your ear and listen to music. Gazing out the window, you sighed. Many thoughts ran in your head.
Is your decision correct?
Will you have friends there?
Will your neighbor like you?
Train of thought lost you from reality. You didn’t realize yourself until a voice calling you.
“Miss, can I sit here?” You just nodded and moved a little for that someone to take a seat.
“You seem nervous. Perhaps, are you from out of the city?” Now you looked up and find a guy sat beside you. The beauty of his face made you quickly looked down and flushed. What a handsome guy.
“Did I startle you? I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s..I...nervous.” Your stutter made him chuckle.
He seemed to use lots of effort to strike a conversation with you. However, thanks to your stutter, it made things awkward. Still, he continued talking to you and ensured that you were doing great.
“And here we are, our stop.” 
“Oh, I forgot to mention it. Your address is next to mine.” He scratched his nape and glanced at your house. He then jogged toward his house and turned around.
“Welcome, new neighbor.” Giving you the last wave, he entered his house.
There my heart, shaking as if it wanted to come out. You think you have a crush on him.
A week later everything seemed to be good. You found a job at a local bookstore. The owner was so kind and gave you the job without any interview. Saying that it isn’t common for someone in the town to want a job here.
“Namjoon-ah where should I put this box?” You stood still at your spot. Waiting for the boy to give you an order. 
“Oh over here.” He ran toward you and picked the box out of your grip. 
This boy was the grandchild of the owner. He was as sweet as his grandpa. Having you as the employee, he didn’t let you work much. All you need to do was the cashier work. He became your friend here in no time besides.
Your neighbor, Seokjin, which you got to know his name three days after your first encounter, was great. He was really helpful and always walked with you downtown.
Despite his warmhearted persona and stunning face, you noticed some odd things about him. First, he always wore a beanie or a hat when he hanged out with you. Secondly, no matter how hot the weather was, he would always wear a jacket or some days layer it all. 
Finally, his body temperature seemed to be warmer than usual. You once joked around with him and clung around his arm. However, you felt hot so you suddenly ask whether he has a cold or not. He said that it was normal.
Another week later you guys plan to have a movie marathon and sleepover. Honestly, you tried to convince yourself to act normal and not to imagine that this was an indirect date. 
Ring... Ring...
“Oh you ar...rive” You glanced at pillows in his embrace. You didn’t mean to look as if you were judging him. Counting the number, he carried 4 pillows from his house.
“You don’t need to carry them here since I have mine.” Now Jin was panic. He forgot that you didn’t know his secret yet and it was the reason behind his weird act.
“Ummm I just don’t want to use your belong that much since I always see you do laundry 3-4 times a week.” 
‘Wow, he notices?’ You impressed and got distracted a bit.
“Can I go in?”
“Oh sure.”
Watching a movie wouldn’t be fun if there was no Jin. He could turn every serious moment into jokes, even if it was a scene in a horror movie. Both of you now cuddled on the sofa. The pillow he brought become useful since they all fluffy. It made the place fluffier and more comfortable.
“Tired?” Jin asked. Notice your body that busied cuddling with him and wiggled in his embrace to get sleep. Your eyes were half open and seemed to not focus on the screen anymore.
“hmmm,” You only hummed with a nod.
“Good night then, blossom.” He bent down and kissed your forehead to you who already drifted to dreamland.
Next morning
You woke up because you heard a growl and mumbled of someone. The realization then hit you. Looking around. you were in Jin’s embrace. All the growl and mumbled sounds came from him. 
“Mine...” Your eyes widen when you got to hear those sounds. Every question started answering on its own in your head. Connecting all dots, you got the final answer.
He is a dragon.
“No!” You got out of his embrace by pushing him. Seokjin was awake and looked at you with eyes full of confusion.
“What happen blossom? Did I do something wrong?” He asked with a sleepy voice.
“You...you are a dragon.” Now he was fully awake from his beauty sleep. All of sudden he felt his heartbeat drop.
“Uhhh I can explain i-”
“You tried to fool me, did you?”
“No, I di-”
“I am very disappointed in you, Kim Seokjin. I thought we were a friend and it turns out you fool me. Perhaps, you want to kill me? Why yo-”
“Stop! If you are going to accuse me then stop. Ok, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I trust you, y/n, but I also know you were a hunter. What do you expect me to when I meet you the first time and find out that my mate is also the dragon hunter?”
Now it was your turn to be shocked. First, you fired your anger toward him. Second, you accused him without thinking straight. Now, knowing a piece of new info that you were his mate.
“Seokjin, I a-”
“Save it, I know this will happen. Sorry for bothering you all this time and I won’t do it again. Have a good day.”
And he left.
2 weeks later
“Namjoon I fuck up.” 
“For the hundred of time, when will you stop saying this to me? I suggest you go to his house and apologize to him.”
“No, it isn’t that easy. You know I...” You told Namjoon the full story without missing any detail. You trusted him when it comes to advise.
“Now I know. I’m not surprised that hyung feels upset. I will all feel upset if that happens to me as well. We only have one mate in a life time s-”
“Wait right there, what do you mean we?” Namjoon then chuckles with your reaction.
“I thought you know about this city.”
“I have no idea.”
“Y/N-ah This is a dragon city. Most people here aren’t just human. The ones who look like normal humans are mostly not human either. You are one of a few citizens here that are pure human.”
Namjoon then explained more about the town and promised to bring you and meet his friends. 
“Now go to him and apologize to your man.”
Ring... Ring...
“Who dares to interrupt my bea- huh?”
“Is Jin here?” You asked the guy who opens the door. You assumed that this must be one of his friends. He nodded and let you inside.
“Upstairs, turn right.” You bowed as a thank you before went to the room according to the direction.
You gathered all your courage together and knocked on the door. Waiting there for a while, there was no answer. You dropped all the manner and entered Seokjin’s room.
“Yoongi, I swear I’m not hu- oh it’s you. What brings a little missy here?”
“Jin, we need to talk.” You spoke and tried to be calm.
“And what do you want to talk about? How I will kill you? How you will kill me?”
“No Jin it is no-”
“So what is it then? I didn’t pay for the grocery bill last time that we hang out? Oh no, I brought some of my food too. Let me think again. I parked the car too close to your entrance?”
“Jin stop, I come here to apologize, ok? I fucked it up, yes. I will admit that. I just want to correct things between us. I know I said those words and you are upset. I want to apologize for that. I didn’t know why I got so angry when I found out you were a dragon. I shouldn’t do that. Hell, I should be happy because I am your mate and you are my crush from the first day I arrived here. You might not forgive me and that’s fine. At least, remember that I am sorry for everything.”
Jin froze in his place. He didn’t know how to act, what to say, or even what is his feeling right now. He felt the guilt eating him because of his attitude toward you minutes ago yet his heart full of delight when he heard that he was your crush.
The moment of silence made you upset little by little. His face showed no emotion. You assumed that you were too late.
“I’ll go now and sorry again.”
The moment you opened the door, it closed immediately. The door slammed shut and then your body toward it. Jin towered your body and stared deep into your eyes. You felt like he was searching for your soul.
“I love you blossom.”
“I...” You didn’t get the chance to reply when his lips connected with yours. The kiss was heat and rough yet passionate. He continued to savor the sweet taste of your lips without caring that you were now out of breathing. 
Your hand tried to push his check as a signal. His lips left yours with a string of saliva. Your face was flushed. Your heartbeat echoed in the room. Jin then grinned widely before carried you to his bed.
“Wh..what are you doing?”
“Cuddle.” He answered and placed you on the mattress. Kissing your forehead, he wrapped his arm tightly around your figure. Making you feel secure.
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow then”
“Hmmm just sleep for now blossom, I’m tired. Besides, you have your whole life with me anyway.”
“Nah, you didn’t ask me out yet, Seokjin.”
“Very well, then be mine?” You turned around and faced him. You decided to tease him a little by peck him before answered.
“I’m yours.”
“Bold and eager are you?” He flipped then hovered you. 
Guess what? No nap time for both of you.
Author note 2.0 : I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll see you next story(not sure whether it’s going to be in this series, but will write something soon). Thanks a lot and take care of yourself.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
uncle kei
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𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 - 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥
[a/n: here’s part one of the tsukki fic for the raffle winner, enjoy!! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
Your job is what motivated you to wake up every morning. You absolutely loved seeing those cute little faces everyday. They were your kids, and you spoiled them like they were your own.
It was monday morning, so you got to the school a little earlier than normal to make sure everything was in order to start the week. Unloading your things from your car, you made your way to your classroom, surprised to see your door unlocked and open, the lights inside on. Making your way inside, you were met with the comical sight of Sugarawa sitting in the tiny chairs used by your kindergarten class. Laptop open in front of him and coffee in hand.
"Well good morning!" You giggled as you placed your things on your desk while a gasp followed by violent coughing echoed in the empty classroom.
"Geez (y/n)! Why'd you sneak up on me like that?!” You scoffed and playfully rolled your eyes at his exaggerated reaction. “I can’t believe you’re so mean to me. After I went out of my way to get you coffee.” He pouted as he took another sip from his cup. You then saw the cup of iced coffee sitting next to him.
Sugarawa and you met at Uni, both of you had been in the same child development class and instantly became friends. He had gotten a job here as a kindergarten teacher before he called you a year later saying that the other teacher finally retired and there was an opening. The pair of you were hands down the youngest staff members there.
Everyone was lowkey highkey jealous of the aesthetically pleasing classrooms you had set up and of how well behaved your students always were. The both of you talked about lesson plans and whatnot before he decided to go to his classroom, which was right across from yours, to get ready for the day. You could feel yourself becoming happier as the kids were starting to get dropped off by their parents, you stood by the door to greet them before they left for the morning.
“Miss (y/n)!!” You grinned as the energetic little boy ran to you, hugging your legs excitedly.
“Good Morning Hiro! It’s so good to see you!” You softly patted his head. “Why don’t you head inside. Class will start soon.”
“Okay Miss (y/n).” He agreed before turning to his dad. “Bye papa!” Tadashi leaned down and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, bidding him a goodbye before he ran into the classroom.
“How’s your morning been Mr. Yamaguchi?”
“It surprisingly went smoother than other mornings.” He sighed while smoothing down his shirt. “I do have to tell you, I won’t be picking Hiro up today. His uncle will be picking him up.”
“Okay, that sounds good. Thank you for letting me know. Have a good day Mr. Yamaguchi.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Tadashi. We’re the same age.” He chuckled light heartedly.
“Oh r-right.” You flushed slightly in embarrassment. “Have a good day T-Tadashi.” He grinned and excused himself.
It was strange to think that someone your age already had a son, and such a sweet one at that. It made you question whether you were doing this whole “adult thing” correctly. You shrugged off the feeling once the bell rang and shut the door.
“Alright kiddos! Who’s ready to learn?” You shouted excitedly which was returned with squeals and giggles of delight.
It was a pretty easy day, surprisingly there were no problems today. No one got glue stuck in their hair or forgotten their snack at home. Before you knew it, the dismissal bell rang and the kids were being picked up. Almost all had been picked up, all but one.
You turned and looked at the boy with soft eyes. Hiro was sat in the bean bag chair with a book in his hands, he was clearly struggling to keep his eyes open.
“Do you wanna take a nap while you wait for your uncle, Hiro?” He jolted awake at your soft voice and pouted, nodding at the suggestion of a nap. He made grabby hands and you couldn’t help but give in. You picked him up and placed him on the little couch you had in the ‘reading corner,’ placing your jacket over him as a makeshift blanket, giving him a ruffle of the hair before going to sit at your desk.
While busying yourself with answering emails and working on lesson plans, you hadn’t noticed that two hours had passed since school was dismissed. Glancing over at Hiro with a sad smile. He was still asleep, a little bit of drool leaving the corner of his mouth. You went to pick up the receiver and call Tadashi when there was a tug on the locked door and a muffled curse behind it.
Cautiously, you went to unlock the door and open it a crack. You were met with the sight of a tall man, blonde hair and in some black slacks and a long sleeve button up.
“Are you Hiro’s uncle?” You asked quietly. He flinched at the sudden sound of your voice as he turned around.
“Yeah, I-“ he froze, eyes widening as he got a good look at you. You were younger than he expected, and way more attractive than he expected. You could say the same yourself. You couldn’t help but get lost in his beautifuly golden eyes. “I uh I’m sorry for being so late. I got caught up with work.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh it’s no worries.” You smiled, tone reassuring and understanding. “I’ll go get him for you.” You disappeared behind the door. Scooping little Hiro up in your arms and grabbing his backpack as you made your way to the semi open door. Using your foot to open it wider, Tsukishima watched as you smiled softly down at the child in your arms.
“I didn’t have the heart to wake him from his nap.” He instantly went to grab Hiro from you and resting him on his hip, grabbing the little red backpack from you.
“Miss (y/n)....” Hiro whined sadly, hands reaching out to you.
“It’s okay Hiro.” You cooed softly, reaching up to brush his messy bangs back. “Your uncle is here so I’ll see you tomorrow okay? Remember to bring your sports shoes so you can play soccer with the others.” Tsukishima couldn’t help but be entranced by the way you interacted with Hiro, he was convinced that you were an angel.
“Sorry if I caused you any inconvenience.” He bowed as much as he could with a kid in his arms.
“Oh!” You were flustered at the sudden apology. “It’s quite alright, I understand that work can be unpredictable.” You weren’t used to having attractive guys sparing you any time, much less have one apologize to you. He bid a goodbye and walked towards the parking lot.
You closed the door and leaned against it, blush burning your cheeks as you ran across to Sugarawa’s classroom and bursting in.
“Woah! What’s gotten into you?” He chuckled as he wiped down a table.
“I may or may not have just seen the most attractive guy...literally ever.”
“Oh?” Now he was intrigued. “And who might that be?”
“One of my students’ uncle.” His eyes widened in surprise before breaking out into a laughing fit.
“It’s not funny Koushi! I’m serious!” You angrily pouted.
“Who’s uncle was it?”
“It was Hiro’s.” You bit your lips. That’s when realization hit him.
“Hiro Yamaguchi?”
“Yeah? Why? What’s wrong?”
He was grinning suspiciously. Before shrugging in denial. “Absolutely nothing.”
You didn’t believe him.
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