#tomorrow is my first day of nothing in so long
marvelsmylife · 3 days
Pairing: Rhysand x reader
“You broke my heart, and you weren’t even there to witness it”
-King of Greed
Plot: Rhysand has put you, his mate, on the back burner while fulfilling his duties as the high lord of the night court. He doesn’t realize he’s losing you until he misses an important event again . . . Your birthday. Will he be able to make up for it, or will you end things with the male who promised to give you the stars when you first got together?
a/n This is the first in my small drabble series centered around quotes from Ana Huang's books. Next up is Cassian.
Ana Huang Quote Drabble Masterlist
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Tonight was the last straw for you. What was supposed to be a night of celebrating your birthday was nothing but disappointment. All because Rhysand forgot your birthday again.
After cutting your birthday dinner short out of embarrassment that your mate wasn’t there. You made your way to his office where he was elbow deep in paperwork that he didn’t hear you walk in. “You forgot my birthday, again,” you blurted out and got your mate's attention for a few seconds before focusing on the papers in front of him.
“I’m sorry darling, I’ve been so busy with work,” Rhysand replied, “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow if you wish.”
You couldn’t handle Rhysand’s excuses anymore and finally said, “You don’t get it, Rhys. I’ve been by your side day in and day out for the past three hundred years, but you couldn’t bother to remember my birthday? The sad thing is that this isn’t even the first time you’ve forgotten my birthday.” You paused for a few seconds because you felt yourself choking up, “You broke my heart, and you weren’t even there to witness it.”
Rhysand’s breath stilled at your words, not realizing he’d been causing you pain for decades. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Rhysand asked as he stood up and started making his way towards you.
“I did,” you paused and looked into your mate's eyes, “you just never listened when I told you.”
Rhysand started to think back at the interactions you've shared in the last few years and realized you were right. You’ve vocalized your unhappiness, and he ignored you. “I’ve turned into my father,” Rhysand whispered before looking back at you, “y/n, I’m sorry-”
“Don’t,” you placed your hand on Rhysand’s chest, preventing him from getting close to you, “I need space. I contacted Viviane, and she and Kallias have opened their home to me, and I’m going to go.”
Rhysand wanted to protest your decision to leave. He needed you by his side, but looking into your eyes, he knew you needed this. “Just promise me you’ll come home.”
“We’ll see,” you whispered before leaving to pack your stuff for your departure.
Mor, Amren, Cassian, and Azriel appeared in Rhysand’s office the second you were gone with scowls on their faces. “Don’t start; I already feel shitty that I’ve neglected her for so long,” Rhysand rubbed his hands over his face.
“No, you don’t get to make that demand,” Amren growled.
“Go get her back,” Azriel demanded and was about to lunge at Rhysand but was quickly stopped by Cassian, “Go get our high lady back ! ! !”
Rhysand wanted nothing more than to do what Azriel requested, but he knew you would resent him even more if he did. “I can’t.”
“Can’t? Or won’t?” Mor crossed her arms and glared at her cousin, “I have warned you a thousand times to prioritize your mate, and you ignored me every time. Now, look at what you did. You drove her away.”
Unable to handle his friends ganging up on him, Rhysand disappeared to his room, where he noticed you had taken all your belongings. “Fuck,” Rhysand cursed at the realization of how badly he neglected you and wondered if he would be able to fix your broken relationship.
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sommerbueckers · 3 days
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬¹
PAIGE WAS SITTING patiently in the living room of her hotel as she waited for KK and Ice to get ready. Their plane to New York City had landed last night and they had yet to stock up with snacks for the week. Ice was only going to ensure that Paige and KK bought something other than junk, she knew how slow they'd in practice after living off nothing but Tollhouse cookies and Pepsi for seven days.
"Y'all ready?" the blonde asked, shutting off her phone and slipping it into the pockets of her shorts.
"Been that, jus' waiting for Ice slow ass," KK responded, shooting the taller girl a side eye.
"Okay," Ice chimed in, "I don't wanna go either, everybody else is making me."
"Everybody except the two other people going," KK scrunched her nose up, playfully judging her.
Ice held her hand up in front of KK, moving to grab the keys off of the counter. Paige followed suit as they headed out the door and toward the elevator. She scrolled idly on her phone until a picture of the New York Liberty team popped up, triggering a question in her mind.
"Yo what time does the game start tomorrow?" she furrowed her eyebrows, looking between her two friends.
KK shrugged while Ice pulled out her phone.
"So are we eating before or after? 'Cus everything goin' be closed if we try to go after," KK said.
Snorting, the blonde turned to her, "Is food the only thing you think about?"
KK glared at her, not bothering to respond.
"Not to insert myself, but this grocery trip was literally your idea Paige," Ice said.
"So we was supposed to starve all week?" Paige asked, raising an eyebrow, and when neither of them responded she continued, "That's what I thought."
"--No i'm telling you, we're gonna need more than one family bag of Doritos."
KK stared blankly up at Paige, the single bag of chips being crushed in her grip.
"You don't think this bag will last?" she frowned.
"Dude," Paige said, "there's six of us here, no the bag isn't gonna last KK." Paige took it upon herself to grab a couple more bags off the shelf before tossing them into the cart.
"We need milk, and probably some break-away cookies, breakfast stuff too," Ice mentioned as she looked up from her phone.
"I can get those," Paige offered.
"I certainly wasn't getting 'em," Ice frowned with a laugh.
Paige, mocking the girl's laughter, set off toward the dairy aisle in search of the items Ice had named. She saw the milk first, pausing while she debated on whether to get the full cart or the half cart. They'd be here for a week, and if she got three half cartons then they could distribute them amongst the rooms. A full carton would have to be shared...That would be a lot of back and forth.
As she began to grab the cartons off the shelf, a soft voice called out to her from a few feet away. When she turned, her eyes landed on the one person from high school she hadn't forgotten about after graduation -- that hadn't been on the basketball team of course.
Myla Mintz.
Paige remembered her like it was yesterday; the curve of the dimples in her cheeks, the faint smile lines around her mouth, the deep brown of her doe eyes as she took in her surroundings. It was almost as if no time had passed, and if it hadn't been for her outfit showing off the way her body had developed, Paige would've been convinced that none did.
"Myla," she smiled, surprise written on her face.
"Oh my gosh it's been so long, how are you?" Myla asked, the same amount of surprise plastered across her beautiful face as well.
"I -- I'm great, how're you?"
Myla laughed, it was familiar to Paige, yet so foreign at the same time.
"I'm doing really good," she nodded.
"That's good, yeah. Damn, it's been four years," Paige scoffed in disbelief, taking a step closer to the girl, the milk cartons sitting forgotten in their original place.
Myla mirrored her actions, the pair now close enough that only they could hear their conversation.
"I know right! I mean it definitely doesn't feel like it, feels like yesterday we were just sitting in Physics talking about--" she struggled to find the words, a blush creeping onto her face from the embarrassment of not being able to recall any of their conversations. "Talking about whatever."
"Yeah, yeah," the blonde smiled as she remembered, "man I don't think i've ever been less focused during a class."
"I don't know how we even passed finals."
"Screw finals, midterms!" Paige laughed loudly.
Myla ran a hand through her hair, her usual natural curls had been curled and styled with an iron, now appearing longer as they hung down her back. A few chunks in the front had been cut into curtain bangs, falling perfectly back into place when her hand returned to her side. Paige watched as the shorter girl straightened out her skirt, her gaze falling to the perfect swell of her hips as it curved in to become her stomach. Has her shape always been that perfect?
When Myla looked back up, Paige took note of the smoothness of her lips. It was hard to tell if the pink tint they held was natural or if it was a lipstick, but regardless, Paige had decided that she loved it.
Myla's mascara coated lashes batted up at the blonde, quietly waiting for her response to a question that had completely went over her head.
"Paige?" she called out.
"I asked what you were in town for," Myla smiled.
A nervous laugh escaped Paige and she briefly shook her head, "Sorry. I'm here for a week with some of my teammates."
"Oh nice. Is it for basketball or..." her voice trailed off.
"Nah, just pleasure."
Myla nodded again, anxiously biting her lip whilst she slowly built up the courage to ask her real question.
Paige hadn't even noticed her slight hesitation, but then again she had never been that observant. If she was, she would've caught on to the crush that Myla had developed on her during their junior year of high school. A crush that, let anyone other than Myla tell it, never really went away.
"Well y'know i'd love to catch up, if you're not too busy..." Myla finally breathed out, the grip she had on her basket beginning to slip from how sweaty her palms had become.
Paige, excited about the offer, immediately nodded her head, "That sounds great actually, when were you thinkin'?"
"I'm not really sure, I have some things lined up this week. If you give me your number though i'm sure we can work something out."
After the pair exchanged numbers and said their 'goodbyes,' they each went their separate ways. Paige proceeded to grab the things that Ice had requested before making her way back to her friends. It took her a minute to find them, their place having changed from the snack aisle over to the wide selection of alcohol. When they spotted her, KK removed her phone from her ear and Ice dramatically threw her hands up.
"We've been calling you," she said frustratedly.
"Yeah, we thought somebody snatched you," KK said, mimicking a grabbing motion with her arms.
"Relax," Paige laughed, "I was talkin' to somebody."
"A fan?" Ice asked.
"No, somebody I know from high school."
"Hm, well we gotta get back if we wanna make our dinner reservations tonight." Ice took the things from Paige's hands and put them in the car, positioning herself behind it to push. "Let's go."
Paige sat in the living room with her warmed up leftovers sitting in her lap. The movie the girls had been watching had been paused after they learned of Paige's plans to meet with Myla, all of them bombarding her with questions about who she was and how they knew each other. Silently chewing on a few fries, her attention was grasped by Aubrey as the girl threw her another question.
"So you had one class with this girl for one year and now y'all are going out for lunch?"
"Yeah," Paige nodded. She noticed the expressions her friends held, faces of uncertainty and disapproval. "What? We became good friends that year." It hadn't entirely been a lie, Paige and Myla did indeed become friends during their shared time in that class. Only that was all there was. Their entire friendship had been kept between the walls of that freezing Physics classroom, neither one of them even sparing each other a second glance outside of that. Paige could tell you every single thing that Myla had done over the weekend from the months of August to May. But if you asked her where the girl had sat for lunch during those same months, she would've stared at you, stuck.
"Good friends doing what -- cutting open animals and bonding over their intestines?" Kayla joked.
"First off, that's Biology," Paige said, "and second, the way we became friends isn't even weird. Y'all just hatin.'"
"We're not hating Paige," Azzi said, "we're just trying to make sure you're not being lured out to some remote location where none of us can find you."
"No seriously, do you know who you are? I was on Ebay the other day and I found a fake chunk of your hair for sale," Aubrey told her, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Aubrey please," Azzi frowned.
"Im for real! It was in a signed ziplock bag 'n' everything," she continued.
Jana, rolling her eyes, finally chimed in the conversation. "How about we just do a deep dive on this girl and settle this?" she suggested.
Azzi nodded with a smile, pulling out her phone and opening Instagram.
"Good luck with that, she doesn't have social media," Paige said smugly, leaning back in her seat.
"No social media?" KK frowned, sharing a look with Ice, "Oh she definitely a weirdo."
Kayla scoffed, "Tell that to her 3 million followers."
It came as a shock to the girls that Paige hadn't gotten whiplash from how fast she turned her head. Her face contorted in a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
"Lemme see that," she demanded.
Azzi was unresponsive as she scrolled through the girl's Instagram, her eyes widening a little more with every picture she clicked on.
"Azzi," Paige spat out.
Kayla snatched the phone from Azzi's hand, earning a pout from her as she threw the phone over to Paige. Swiftly catching it, her face began to somewhat mimic Azzi's. Her friends crowded around her as they all looked through Myla's account. Pictures of her in revealing bikinis as she posed in the sand or by the pool, reels of her in undergarments parading around with girls who wore similar things, and the rest were her dressed up in fancy outfits at various premieres.
Who the fuck is this and what did she do with the real Myla Mintz?
The Myla that Paige remembered hadn't even had a social media platform, and now here she was with 3 million followers on Instagram. High school Myla hated going to the pool because the thought of being in a swimsuit in front of a bunch of strangers freaked her out. She hated her stretch marks, she hated how her thighs rubbed together when she walked, how she constantly felt the need to keep her arms away from her body because otherwise it 'made her feel fat.'
Paige had never understood Myla's desire to keep her body hidden, if she had been blessed with a body like that in high school she would've walked around showing it off. But Myla wanted to hide it. Now, looking at the new image that the Mintz girl had created for herself, it was obvious to Paige that a lot about her had changed.
"She's a model," Jana said, pointing out the tagged page in her bio, "IMG models."
"Damn, she a real model. None of that fake ig shit," Aubrey spoke, her voice slightly airy from seeing the photos.
"You sure you went to school with her, Paige?" Kayla joked, using her pointer finger to tap the blonde.
Paige couldn't answer, she could hardly even hear the question as her focus remained solely on the picture that was displayed on her screen. It was a casually taken photo of Myla on the beach. Her curls were completely soaked, fingers scrunching them at the top of her head. Her red bikini top had a zipper in the middle, one that was partially unzipped to reveal her cleavage. The matching bottoms that did very little to cover what she had clung tightly to her perfect skin.
She was smiling happily with her eyes closed, pearly teeth on full show. Everything about the picture was perfect, from the rawness of her smile to the carefreeness of her energy. Paige couldn't think of a single thing in the world that could've made the post better, that was until she read the caption typed below. It made her eyebrows raise, her lips part, her heart stop for a period of time that would concern medical specialist.
'Happy Pride from your fav;)'
A/N: so obviously this is in third person and i didn't really like that so im planning to change it going forward
BUT NEW SERIESSSSS, im hype soooo i hope yall are too
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fanaroff · 2 days
DP Blurbo: Ice Age
They're not sure exactly what starts it, it wasn't a ghost, but suddenly everything goes to shit. Nature starts taking back the world and then seems to implode inward on itself. There was a warning, unrecognized as one, and it was ignored. Ice is rapidly covering the world and there is very little anyone can do in the northernmost sections of the world and Amity Park is smack dab in the middle of it. There's not enough time to see it coming, not enough time to get any people into the portal and out of the incoming tide. If there was, they could have saved the whole town. They could have gotten a single person through those doors.
Instead, ice starts creeping up the windows and walls of the Mr. Lancer's classroom and Danny's breath is misting for an entirely different reason. Students freak out immediately and Mr. Lancer tries to control them, to gain order. Dash tries for the door of the classroom only for it to be stuck fast. Even ramming against it does nothing. Ice is starting to cover the door on the inside. Danny realizes he needs to do something and instinctually, a green dome surrounds the classroom and warmth instantly is brought to the students. They have no idea what's going on at first until they turn to see Fenton, hands in the air and eyes glowing wildly. Green fire is covering him and the students and Lancer are confused.
Fire, heat, is such an opposite to Danny's core that it takes all of his focus to hold the dome while Sam and Tucker try to explain the sudden endless questions. But they never say Danny is Phantom and even still he stays in his human form. Danny never changes to Phantom. It's an instinctual point of self preservation, though he doesn't know it. No one knows where the sudden cold came from and of course their first instinct is going to be a ghost. But a ghost never announces itself. Minutes turn into hours, hours into days, and it becomes clearer and clearer that Danny is struggling to keep them all protected. The students theorize, share lunches in lunchboxes sparingly, call for help, and attempt anything they can in the mean time. Maybe Phantom will save them? Sam and Tucker exchange worried glances. Danny starts to loose his grip. His human form starts failing. Though the area stays warm inside the dome, the students and Lancer can only watch as the fire dulls and ice starts forming over Danny's body over time. Ever so slowly they have no choice but to watch it creep up on him. So slowly, in fact, that they never notice when he goes completely still. Yet the dome continues on.
Its days in that a portal suddenly opens in the middle of the room and yeti spill out, grabbing students and bundling them into the much safer, much warmer in comparison, Ghost Zone. They beg for them to save Danny, he's freezing, he's the only thing that kept them alive. They don't see Frostbite's sad gaze at the frozen statue behind them as they're pulled through the portal. It turns out that the only thing that kept Danny going for so long was the minimal protection that his human form gave against using powers opposite to his core. It would slowly crack and destroy it. So in an attempt to save itself, his cold core activated and slowly started to take over his body, ending in his soul.
Sorry to do that to y'all. I had the idea when watching "The Day After Tomorrow" and wondered what could happen with Danny in that situation. It turned into angst. Want a full fic on it? If I have time I may write one. Throw some theories my way and feel free to add more or use it.
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camscendants · 1 year
I’m so tired
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deepersea · 1 month
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set-phasers-to-whump · 11 months
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Day 18: Ache
whumpee: sonny carisi
fandom: law and order svu
hi! this fic is for @pauletteandrea28 i am so sorry it took like four months but i hope you enjoy it!!! it's set around s17 but nothing specific.
He aches. He’d thought, yesterday, afterwards, that he’d be fine. A little bruised, maybe. Nothing more. But now he’s sitting at his desk, looking into a construction company that’s looking more and more like a front for sex trafficking, and he feels like he can barely breathe. 
He’s angry with himself for letting it happen. He’d been stupid. Chasing a highly dangerous man down a back alley with no backup, not even a call to his team to let them know what he was doing. 
He’d paid for it - a dumpster shoved his way out of nowhere, pinning him to a brick wall, knocking all the air out of his lungs and sitting against him, heavy on his chest. 
Their man had gotten away, obviously. Because of him. By the time he’d freed himself from his rusty metal prison, the guy was nowhere to be seen. And Sonny had had to tell his team that he had lost their perp. 
He hadn’t told them about the dumpster, of course. It’s bad enough to be responsible for a dangerous man still being on the streets. He doesn’t need the extra embarrassment. 
“Carisi! You coming?” 
He looks up from his computer at the sound of Rollins’ voice. She, Fin, and Liv are standing by the elevator, and it’s clear he’s missed something. 
Not that he’s going to let them know. 
“Comin’,” he says, and stands up. His chest twinges, and he forces himself not to grimace, to just breathe (never mind that that hurts, too). He’s gonna have to go to the ER after work tonight. He’s pretty sure his ribs are bruised, if not broken. 
“Are you alright, Carisi?” This is Liv, as they’re getting into the elevator. Maybe he hadn’t done as good a job of hiding his reaction as he’d thought. 
Fin saves him. “Course he’s alright.” He puts up his hands like a boxer, throws a playful fake punch at Sonny’s chest. It barely even connects, but it hurts. 
He hisses in a breath, which hurts too. He bites his lip, stifles a groan, closes his eyes when they start to water. 
“Hey.” Fin’s voice is still playful, but it’s careful too. “What’s wrong with you?”
Sonny opens his eyes, blinks a few times. God, it hurts. He doesn’t want to be here. He doesn’t want them to know. 
He feels his face heat up, the way it does when he’s embarrassed or upset. He’s both now, and he hates it. 
Rollins’ hand is on his arm. “C’mon, look at me. What’s wrong?”
He opens his mouth to say something but the words won’t come. The sharp pain is receding, turning into a more pronounced version of the ache that’s been enveloping his chest since yesterday.
It’s not even that bad. But it still fucking hurts. 
“Are you hurt?” This is Liv. The elevator has stopped, but no one moves. 
Sonny can’t bring himself to lie to her, but he doesn’t want to tell the truth either. He settles for a shrug, for stepping off of the elevator. 
The three others follow, naturally. They don’t let him get out of the front door, shepherding him to a relatively secluded part of the lobby and then pouncing on him. 
“You need to tell us what’s going on, right now.” Rollins is all business, but there’s concern underneath. He doesn’t deserve it. Not for this. 
“I’m fine.” He is, relatively speaking. It’s not a complete lie. It’s not like he’s bleeding. It’s not like he’s concussed. He can still do the job. He just wishes it didn’t hurt so much. 
“You’re not.” Fin says it like fact. 
Sonny hates that he’s right. 
“It’s nothin’, really. No reason to be concerned.”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that,” Liv says. “What happened?” The question is gentle, but firm. 
There’s no getting out of it now. 
“Yesterday, when…when I let that guy get away. He shoved a dumpster at me, got me in the chest. Stupid, I know.” He says it quickly, not quite meeting her eyes. 
“Not your fault,” Fin says. “Busted ribs?”
Sonny shrugs, which hurts. “I dunno. Maybe.”
“How bad’s the bruising?” Rollins asks. 
It had been bad enough this morning, a harsh line of purple across his entire chest and scattered splotches beneath that. “It’s not so bad,” he says, because it definitely could be worse. 
“Can I take a look?” Liv asks. He knows she wouldn’t press if he said no, but he isn’t going to deny her request. Anyway, they’re not angry with him. And none of them had laughed when he’d told them what happened. They’re not looking at him weird. They’re just worried. He can deal with that, even if it’s not something he really deserves. 
“Yeah, okay.” He turns his back to the rest of the room, tosses his tie over his shoulder, untucks and lifts up his shirt to reveal the bruising. 
“Jesus,” Rollins says, and Sonny looks down. His view is slightly hampered by his shirt and hands, but - it’s pretty bad. The bruising has darkened and spread since this morning. Seeing it makes the ache in his chest redouble, and he quickly releases his shirt, tucking it back in. 
“You’re going to the ER,” says Liv. 
“I will.”
“I can go after -”
“You’re going now.”
“But -”
Liv shakes her head, cutting him off. “No buts, Carisi. Go now. Take care of yourself.”
She’s firm, but she’s not mad. He doesn’t have a reason to say no, beyond his own stubbornness and sense of pride. 
And so he gives in. “Alright, alright, I’m going.” He raises his hands in mock surrender (which, like every other action, hurts) and goes outside to catch a cab to the nearest emergency room.
thanks for reading! the ending is a bit wonky but that is par for the course by now. hope you liked it!
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lagtrain · 3 months
i have a presentation tomorrow for my english class that i havent even started yet... womp womppppp
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copiasblair · 9 months
i'm sooo eepy now and my feet hurt but i had a good dayyyy i have one more full day at the park tomorrow and then [REDACTED]
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swooshywoo · 2 years
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leviathanswingman · 2 years
might still be more or less inactive until (hopefully not later than) thursday
am running on mobile data, train internet and desperation until my home internet gets installed
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goodmorningnona · 3 days
being in a family of other addicts is weird, i never really thought of it like that but us all being in town together for my graduation has just been like (ENABLES U) (ENABLES U) (ENABLES U)
#i dont even think of us as addicts rly even tho we all are. like. medically and socially. hell i may not know him but my birth father is in#PRISON for addict behavior soooo#anyway i made some mild drug choices and though i was pretty immediately displeased with the sensations and their consequences nothing#overtly bad happened this time so id call it a neutral thing#i just had a couple beers bc i was sad and my grandad had an entire bottle of wine by himself prior to that#and like a couple beers is Fine but i didnt realize my tolerance had tanked and i shouldnt drink out of sadness and i only got. sadder. so.#at least they tasted good mm duvel (LOUD CRYING) anyway good luck babe by chappell roan#and i had some weed w my dad. i forgot how much i hate getting weed from other ppl bc ive never found a Soul who knows weed like i do so#theyll just go 'oh it's for sleep.' 'no like what strain is it' '8#ignore the 8 lol anyway#'idk' 'ok then is it like hybrid or do you not know' 'yeah idk' cool at least my dad knew the mg#i honestly needed to eat like in a bad way ive had so much trouble eating recently even eating out so this was helpful on that front#think this might be my first like properly full stomach in a while#and i definitely did need the nap but i DIDNT need the muscle pain#so to answer my own question to my dad earlier that was a HYBRID with the worst characteristic of sativa in it#cause that shit makes pain far more obvious sometimes and man has my whole body hurt for a few days#anyway speaking of body pain im helping a friend move tomorrow THEN going to bjj skdnsksms#it's fine im fine#anyway yeah long story long im Good and i couldve refused my family's offers yes and i have before and have often while theyve been here!#but i didnt because we all in my family got that same 'ehhh fuck it i deserve this' attitude sometimes#but nothing blew up this time though i still didnt like it so again. reminding myself that even when it goes well i still just Dont Like It#ergo do not do the thing#sobriety update#drugs tw#lessons of the hand and the mouth
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honeyednights · 1 month
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toastsnaffler · 1 month
ohhhhh my god girl i don't careeeee
#love my roommate but urghhhh. sorry they dont make enough fictional female characters that interest u but u dont need to justify it to me#write your mlm its literally fine. sorry but ur not gonna gain my respect or approval by defending why u write more mlm than wlw#i dont care if u have equal amounts of each or not LOL we just have different tastes thats all there is to it#and I KNOOOOOOWWWW she writes femslash too im not denying that !!!!!!#most of my fav media is lesbian centric bc I have a strong connection to my identity as a dyke. so i gravitate towards things that explore-#that + complex relationships to gender + its social enforcement etcetc. and its easier for me to get attached to characters that i can-#connect with bc we have shared experiences or the world percieves us in similar ways or we percieve the world in similar ways etc#and shes said she DOESNT feel particularly attached to her sexuality in that way. so ofc shes not going to be looking for the same things-#in media and thats OKAY!!#literally have nothing against her writing gay men i like some fictional mlm relationships myself!! and its cool that she enjoys it#i just find it disappointing that we dont have much in common taste-wise bc thatd be more fun to talk abt#but thats why i come on tumblr dot com.. to talk abt fictional women w dykes who understand them like i do amen#and im happy to listen to her talk abt things she likes and projects shes clearly enjoying working on like thats awesome love to hear it#but sometimes its like shes trying to persuade me abt smth but theres nothing to persuade. i dont knooooow#like ik shes not trying to get me into her interests she already has plenty of friends who are. but theres no approval to win from me???#i think im just annoyed bc i feel like i cant rly talk abt the things im into w her bc she disliked them so much#and also annoying to be around someone who shares an identity w me but is clearly more uncomfortable w it than i am#maybe thats not even true actually the real reason im annoyed is bc ive had a long and exhausting week and im coming down from-#my first day on new meds and im soooo so so tired have i sajd that already. and my head hurts#and i want a fucking hug and im just projecting my lack of physical and emotional intimacy onto her bc she happens to be the person i-#spend the most time with. but thats really unfair of me its not her fault or obligation at all. ah i just want to shower and sleeeepp#and tomorrow day 2 of meds im gonna get so much shit done!!!!!!!! i hope.. i wanna finish drafting my comic too teehee#wouldnt it be so crazy if now im medicated i might actually be able to start and finish projects i reallyyyy want to do..#well i wont get my hopes up yet#anyway........#another day another 5 million tag rambling post complaining abt everything. and dont expect me to ever stop 😚#.diaries#literally why would i care abt the tastes of a girl whose fave character in tlt was naberius........#she rly had to pick one of the ONLY men and not even one of the particularly interesting ones. and shes not even straight???? her loss 🙄
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darknight3904 · 7 months
It Burns For You
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𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʀʏᴏ ɢʀᴏᴡ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴘɪᴛᴏʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɴᴇꜱ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ɴᴏɴᴇ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ. ᴏᴏᴄ ᴄᴏʀʏᴏ, ʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴛᴏᴛᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ʜᴇᴇʟꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ. ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ!
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
Coriolanus is 12 when he sees you for the first time. Your red uniform is pressed perfectly and your school bag looks brand new. Your lunch consisted of a hearty-looking sandwich with roast beef and lettuce and a container of fresh fruit that had his mouth-watering.
"Do you want a piece? Our maid always packs too much and I can never finish it. You can have some if you want." Your voice fills his ears
A delicate-looking hand is holding a juicy-looking strawberry in front of him. He reaches for it and it takes every ounce of self-control he has not to shove it in his mouth. Instead, he takes a small bite and thanks you for sharing.
"Don't you have a lunch today?" You ask
He doesn't. The school had said they would start supplying the students with lunches soon but how soon? Coriolanus had already been attending for a number of years and still nothing.
"I already ate it." He lied
"You're still hungry though. You can have the rest." You say with a smile as you push your fruit bowl to him.
"Is it your first day?" He asks
"Yes, my mother thought that my governess wasn't doing a good job so she had my father enroll me here. I miss being at home with my new kitten though. She has long white hair and she is the cutest thing in the whole world." You said
Coriolanus can't believe that you had your own governess, let alone a pet to call your own. He later learns from Arachne that your father became incredibly rich by manufacturing weaponry for the Capitol. Despite your inherent wealth, you've never flashed it around him.
You and Coriolanus are 15 when you discover all the lies he tells at school about his family. He had left his uniform jacket behind on his chair and you got his home address from Sejanus, meaning to give it back so he'd have it for tomorrow. Instead, you had discovered the Snow's decrepit-looking building and barely functioning penthouse. Coriolanus' heart nearly stops when he emerges from his room to see you and his Grandma'am sitting together as she compliments your shoes.
"What are you doing here?" He asks, ready for your judgment and teasing words
"I wanted to return your jacket, Coryo. You'll need it for tomorrow."
The red of the jacket in your arms matches his face as he ushers you to the door, trying to hide the fact that Tigris was preparing cabbage in the kitchen that would undoubtedly stink the entire place up with the scent of the Snow's poverty.
"Stop rushing me, your cousin invited me to stay for dinner." You say trying to stop the way he is leading you to the door.
"You don't want what she is making. Tigris is a terrible cook." He said
Tigris lets out a shout of disagreement from the stove and Coriolanus ignores it.
"How about, I go out and get something to add to the meal Tigris is cooking, and by the time I get back you change your attitude about me staying for dinner Coryo. "
And with that, you walk out the door and slam it in his face. He's rather stunned at your declaration but knows you're serious. He rushes around their home, trying to clean up what he can while Tigris laughs at his frantic motions. Then, just as he was debating whether or not he wanted to change out of his uniform, you return from your short trip to the closest market.
"I wasn't sure what Tigris is cooking so I got a couple of things." You say placing the bags on the table.
Coriolanus is sure you spent a fortune on what is in these bags. Fresh bread accompanied by a sickly sweet fruit spread and a block of butter sits in one while the other holds something else in a brown box. You take your seat next to him at the ugly little table he has eaten too many meals at and cut a piece of the bread for Grandma'am. He is worried when Tigris starts portioning out the cabbage she cooked on the stove. Coriolanus watches your expression as you take a bite but nothing that he expected happens. You don't knit your brows in disgust or get up to leave and take your fresh bread and mysterious box with you. Instead, you go back for a second bite and compliment what Tigris has done with the food.
He sits stiffly next to you and can barely accept the slice of bread you offer him. You excuse yourself to use the bathroom and Tigris reaches across the table and pinches his shoulder.
"Stop sitting like that, Coryo!" She scolds
"Like what?" He asks,aware that Tigris meant how oddly straight his back was.
"You're making her uncomfortable. You've been friends with her for years she isn't worried about what our home looks like." Tigris says
"She might not be but what happens when she goes to school tomorrow and talks?" He asks
He shuts up when he hears the sound of the bathroom door opening again.
"That was lovely Tigris. I've never had anything like it, I'll have to invite you all to my own home for dinner sometime. Our cook makes these pastries that are simply wonderful. They even get sold at local markets, which leads to this..."
His eyes widen when you finally unveil what was hiding in that second bag. A dozen expensive looking deserts sit in the brown box you brought, each one decorated differently.
"I hope I picked something everyone would like. I know Coryo mentioned that Grandma'am liked chocolate so I picked this one just for her."
Coriolanus feels a wide smile stretch across his face as you pass out your little desserts. His worries about you gossiping to their peers fade from view as he bites into what he thinks is a croissant. You laugh at his reaction and toss a napkin at his face which is most likely covered in the gooey fruit filling that was in his pastry.
He walks you back to your home that night and thanks you for making his night. He can't remember the last time Grandma'am had smiled from eating chocolate. You accept his thanks and gently tell him that he shouldn't be ashamed about his financial situation. He never gets to disagree with you though because a soft kiss is pressed to his lips followed by a rushed,
"Goodnight, Coryo! Thanks for the cabbage!"
He walks back to his own home with a jump in his step. Thoughts of you consume him as he smiles to himself, proud his first kiss was shared with you. He feels his heart burn with something that felt like it was going to come up and out his mouth as he finally made it back to his room, you officially had him wrapped around your finger.
Your room is flooded with sunlight the first time Coriolanus sees it. A soft, silky-looking bed spread sits atop one of the biggest beds he has seen as you beckon to your cat, Maisy to come and say hello to him. He looks at the oversized wooden dresser that sits against one wall. He sees the photograph of him and you that was taken a few weeks ago at your 17th birthday party nestled among little knickknacks. Books Coriolanus has never even heard of line your shelves as he you place a record on the player that sits on your desk. Soft sounds of a piano and the words from an unnamed singer fill your gorgeous room as he turns to you.
"Do you want to dance?" He finds himself asking
You accept and he leads you or well tries to. You're rather stiff and it turns out dancing is harder than it looks because he isn't any good at it either. You laugh as he trips over his feet and end up falling with him, landing on the ground entangled in each other. Your fingers brush his curls from his eyes as his nose brushes yours.
"What're you doing?" You ask quietly
"Nothing." He responds, his eyes flicking to your lips.
The moment his lips touch yours, a tingle shoots down his spine. This is a real kiss, not what you gave him when you were both 15. He cups your face and your hands are tangled in his hair as he deepens it. He felt his head spin as you moved against him, almost as if you wanted him to swallow you whole right here on your bedroom floor. A giddy feeling swelled in his chest when he pulled away for air.
"Coryo...what was that?" You ask
"I thought you'd know by now. That was a kiss, darling." He laughed brushing his thumb across your lip
"I know that...but why'd you give me one?" You ask
"Don't you know?" He smiles and places a chaste kiss on your lips "My heart, it burns for you, it always has."
Part 2 is out now!
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starlightkun · 1 year
well this isnt right
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ageofstarkey · 7 months
hi, baby ✰ m. sturniolo
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pairing: bf!matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: you wake up grumpy after a nap & matt knows exactly how to make you feel better
warnings: some swearing, not rlly anything else??
note: i’ve loved the sturniolo’s for SO LONG n i’ve always wanted to write for matt (the love of my entire life <3) so this is me testing the water hehe, lmk if u enjoy/want to see more!!
comments & reblogs are so appreciated! <3
✰ ✰ ✰
“oh my god she’s alive-”
with an intentionally audible sigh, you head towards matt on the couch - ignoring chris and nick in their entirety as you pass them in the kitchen.
matt smiles fondly as you approach; reaching for your hand when you’re close enough to touch. “hi, baby.” his voice is soft as he tugs you onto his lap - one hand immediately coming up to smooth your sleep tussled hair away from your face. the subconscious action forces a stubborn little grin onto your lips. “good nap?”
with another little sigh, much quieter than the first, you drop your head against matt’s shoulder. “mhmm. ‘m still tired though.” the words are muffled by the fabric of matt’s hoodie - your heavy eyes falling shut as he begins to smooth an absentminded trail up and down the length of your spine.
“do you want to get a coffee and go for a drive?” he offers - voice soft and fond as he looks down at you.
“sure - i need to get gas anyways.”
“are you kidding me?” the sound of nick’s voice is unmistakable, and you bite back a little laugh as he speaks. “i literally just asked you to take me to target and you flat-out refused like four fucking times.”
with a roll of his eyes that you can almost feel, matt turns his head towards his brothers in the kitchen. “nick - that’s different and you know it.”
“different? how is it different, matt? because i actually don’t know and i would love for you to enlighten me.”
“because you’re not my fucking girlfriend, nick - jesus christ.”
“no, that’s true, but i am your brother - your triplet no less. does that mean nothing to you?”
“at the moment? no, it really doesn’t.” decidedly done with the conversation, matt turns his head back to you. “you ready to go?”
with a soft little laugh, you stretch up to press a lazy kiss against his jaw. “we should take nick to target.” you say quietly.
“i’ll take him tomorrow.” he says back, tilting your head up with two fingers so it’s level with his own. you can’t fight your silly little grin when he presses a soft, lingering kiss to your lips. “i’ve barely seen you all day.”
“but i feel ba-”
matt kisses you again, effectively silencing your feeble attempt at a protest. “don’t feel bad.” he says, lips still brushing softly against yours as he speaks. “he doesn’t even need anything - the kid just wants to look around.” with a gentle pat to your thigh, he’s maneuvering the two of you into an upright position. “now c’mon - we’re going to starbucks.”
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