#top 10 most famous hotels in the world
carelessflower · 2 months
On Testing and Qualifying Magnus Lightwood-Bane's Sugar Daddy Behaviors - An Analysis
Multiple arguments have been made against the current High Warlock of Brooklyn, superficially regarding whether this gentleman's reputation as the current Consul of the Clave's sugar daddy is underappreciated or exaggerated. This study aims to dissect the argument with the support of textual evidence throughout the couple's appearances in the series
Paying for their first date
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Taking care of the bill like a gentleman. From this instance, one can assume he takes his gentlemanly courting ritual very seriously, as he also reached for the meal cheques in other occassions
Conjuring and pelping to pick fine clothes for Alec
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On their famous Europe vacation, it is shown Magnus has a habit of magicking tuxedoes, suits, and well-made sweaters for Alec. Now, if he could upgrade that GAP scarf to a Burberry one, it would be much appreciated
Gentleman behavior
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Even though his boyfriend is supernaturally strong with biceps to bite for days and hunts bloodthirsty demons for a living, Magnus would still rather pay someone to carry the heavy luggage than his darling
Luxurious accommodation only
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There has been a previously published study on the expenses for all these places here, so this article will be repeating the same key points:
one night at Istanbul Grand Suite on the Orient Express: $26,000
suite in Belmond Hotel Cipriani: $1,056
suite in Palazzo Manfredi, Rome: $729
It is understandably relatable when one pulls Alec Lightwood and wants to do everything in their power to woo him. For Magnus, it apparently includes never letting Alec stay in any place less than five stars
Letting Alec drive the Maserati
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It costs around $10,860 to rent a red Maserati 3500 GT Vignale Spider for one day. Therefore, it speaks volumes to Magnus's affection for his boyfriend that Alec almost crashes them and the expensive car off a cliff is just a "tiny accident". It is also very likely he buys this type of car later, seeing his husband's fascination with them
Living together in Brooklyn
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Months into the relationship Alec has already possessed a literal key to Magnus's home and proceeds to move in after weeks of getting back together. For other poor souls who are looking for a 3-bedroom brownstone in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, the rent would be estimated at around $5000 per month. For the Consul, it certainly would involve a different type of payment method
Alec's magically money-full pocket
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The consul carrying energy bars in his duffle bag instead of using the 15000$ in his pocket guarantees the funniest mental images one could possibly imagine
Enchanting Izzy's whip for Alec's birthday
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Knowing Alec's top wish is to keep his family safe, Magnus chooses to tip his boyfriend's sister's whip in a prized potion to help her on the battlefield. Loving someone to the point you want to protect what else they love
Assisting shadowhunter without payment
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This element may prove to be the strongest supporter of Magnus's claim as THE sugar daddy of the shadowhunter chronicles universe title, seeing how he used to overcharge shadowhunter on their business (deservingly so), and now he is willing to do all kinds of crazy shenanigans without an ounce of money. Whoever's in charge of the Clave's budget better send Alec the biggest, freshest, most expensive fruit basket
Final note
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In conclusion, this research paper does not provide a definitive answer to the argument but encourages readers to draw their own perspectives. Nevertheless, it is a great possibility that in his report, the consul stated he used 10-20 dollars each week while he was traveling across the world, going to Japan when he craved sushi and staying in the finest places, all thanks to his generous husband
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43
@khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward
@noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible
@kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @goldendreams3 @cityofdownwardspirals
@i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 12
Woohoo!! I managed to get it done today. Again no promises on tomorrow, but it’s coming along great. I think I have another couple chapters to go, but I’m not sure exactly how many yet. 
RIP Eddie’s poor little mind.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Eddie leaned into the mic and said, “This is for Chrissy and the victims of Hawkins.”
He sat down on the stool and Kirk gave him a thumbs up and then ran to stand next to Steve.
“Just how good is your friend here?” Kirk yelled for Steve to hear.
Steve just grinned.
Then Eddie started the opening chords. It started slow and then gradually ramped it up.
Steve started to bob his head. This was even more incredible than Eddie’s performance in the Upside Down because he had the bass and rhythm guitar to back him when he started. Then the drums hit and Eddie was in his element.
Steve hadn’t seen how hard he went to town on his guitar that day. But Dustin had. He had told Steve that it was the most metal thing he had ever seen. Watching Eddie now, wounded and hurting, putting all his fear and anger into that song, he could believe it.
Kirk looked over at Steve and raised an eyebrow. Steve smirked. It was only going to get better.
Eddie hit the solo and Kirk’s jaw dropped. Steve could see Eddie raise from the stool to standing. He was shredding away and the crowd was eating it up.
Steve let out a piercing whistle and Eddie smiled.
When the song finally came to an end, the roar of the crowd was deafening.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Eddie Munson!” James screamed into the microphone.
The crowd lost their god damn minds.
Kirk came back out and got the crowd cheering again. “I’m worried for my job,” he said getting a laugh from the audience.
“You can keep it for now,” Eddie said with a grin. “I’ve got my own band.”
The crowd oohed and stomped their feet.
James looked over at him. “So what your saying is not get to comfortable or your band will come for us?”
Eddie laughed excitedly. “That’s the plan, man.”
“Let’s hear it again for Eddie Munson!” Kirk roared into his microphone.
The crowd cheered. Eddie reluctantly handed back the guitar and went back to stand next to Steve.
“I’m not sure if I want to kill you or kiss you right now!” Eddie growled into Steve’s ear.
Steve laughed. “It’s not over with yet!”
Eddie gave him the side eye but turned his direction back to the concert. The rest of the concert was a smashing hit and Eddie loved every second of it.  
Afterwards they had pictures taken with the band and Ozzy Osbourne who was well on his way to be sloshed as fuck. But he managed to stay upright for the photos.
Eddie could feel the adrenaline pulsing through his veins and was on top of the world. He was sure that he was the highest he could possibly go.
Until someone came up to Eddie and handed him the guitar he had used on stage. Signed by all the members of Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne.
“Holy shit!” Eddie said looking down at the instrument in his hands. “Thanks, guys. Thank you so much.”
Lars patted him on the back. “When we were told that you lost yours in the earthquake, we knew that we had to do something for you to replace it. We know it’ll never be your sweetheart.”
“But we hope it’ll carry you to wherever you decide to go,” James agreed.
Kirk put a hand on his shoulder. “When Corroded Coffin gets famous, hit us up for a tour, yeah?”
Eddie nodded, too afraid to speak or he’d start crying.
“They absolutely will,” Steve said confidently.
They stayed for a couple of drinks with the band before they set off again for the hotel.
By the time they got back, Eddie was swaying on his feet, still clutching that guitar to his chest. Steve had been given a soft case to keep it protected on the way home, but he didn’t think Eddie would let go of it long enough to use it.
Once they got up to the hotel, Steve gently maneuvered Eddie over to the couch and sat him down.
Eddie looked up at Steve, tears threatening to fall. “Stevie...”
“Hi, there, beautiful,” Steve said, kneeling in front of him.
“This was too much,” he insisted.
Steve shook his head. “Nuh-uh, do you remember what I told you?”
“That it was the perfect amount of awesome for me?” Eddie whispered.
“That’s right, sunshine,” Steve murmured. “You didn’t deserve to be pulled into the Upside Down because you wanted to you wanted to go to a concert and selling drugs was your only option. You didn’t deserve to be dragged into hell because you saw a girl who needed help and did you best.” He rubbed Eddie’s thighs reassuringly. “This was something we could do for you because the nightmares are going to come if they haven’t already. Because you’ll jump at strange noises, because the sound of something snapping will bring it all back. But you didn’t deserve that, sunshine. Any of it.”
Eddie set the guitar down for the first time and brought Steve’s face up to meet his. They kissed softly. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he breathed.
“You’re welcome, Eds.” Steve stood back up and held out his hand to Eddie. “Come on, let’s go get that bath, babe.”
They both laid in the tub, Eddie with his back, pressed against Steve’s chest.
“Hmm...” Eddie purred as the jets massaged away the tension that had built up from the excitement. “I’ve decided when I get rich and famous, I’m going to have one of these in every bathroom I own.”
Steve’s chuckle rumbled against Eddie’s back. “Yeah, this is nice. The company is better though.”
Eddie splashed him gently. “Softy.”
Steve kissed the top of Eddie’s head. “Only for you, sunshine.” He looked down. “You want me to wash your hair?”
Eddie just hummed again, which Steve took as a yes. He had put the soap and things nearby because he worried Eddie might fall asleep in the bath. It was the most intimate Steve had ever been with anyone. It was a rush. He thought sex was height of intimacy but this? This topped sex.
He washed Eddie’s hair and then ran conditioner through it. He massaged Eddie’s scalp, and Eddie let his head droop lazily against Steve’s shoulder.
“Feels good, sunshine?” Steve asked into Eddie ear.
Eddie hummed happily. “So good.”
After Steve had worked in the conditioner, he grabbed the pitcher that he filled with warm water and gently poured it over it Eddie’s head, rinsing out the suds.
Steve scrunched his hair in his fingers to make sure that all the conditioner was out.
“You ready to get out or did you want to stay a little longer?”
Eddie rolled a little into Steve’s arms. “Just a little longer. This is so good.”
“Okay, babe,” Steve murmured.
They woke up the next morning snuggling together in the king size bed. Steve woke first. He looked down at the boy in his arms and smiled. This weekend had turned out even better than he even dreamed. At best they would be heading back to Hawkins full of potential of something new. At worst, Eddie turned him down and they would have an awkward ride back. But having waking up the second day in a row in each other’s arms? Steve’s imagination wasn’t that good.
Eddie stirred. “I can hear you thinking from here, babe. Go back to sleep.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Whatever you say, love.”
They snuggled closer and drifted back to sleep.
Eddie woke up first the second time. He had been so sure that last night had been a dream, but he was lying in Steve’s arms and from here he could see the guitar on the sofa reminding him that no, it hadn’t been a dream. This was his life now.
Once they were fully awake they decided to skip breakfast and just stop for lunch on the way back. They packed up all their stuff, plus all the loot they had gotten last night. In addition to the guitar Metallica had gotten Eddie, they also gave Eddie and Steve goody bags filled with band merch. T-shirts, posters, tour pins. It was quite the haul. They packed the car, the new stuff going on the backseat.
Eddie wanted the guitar up front with him but he couldn’t get it to fit safely, so he was forced to put it on the backseat with the rest of it. He looked back at in longing before he face forward, allowing Steve to drive away.
They merely bought some fast food and ate in the car. But it was Steve and not Eddie that insisted they stay near the guitar.
“I think it’ll be okay for twenty minutes, sweetheart,” Eddie said when they stopped.
Steve shook his head. “Things have been going so well this weekend it would be just my luck that something happens the second I look away. Nope. Can’t do it.”
Eddie chuckled and pulled him close. “If it’ll put your mind at ease, babe, then we’ll eat in the car.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged with relief. This had been a first test of sorts, if Eddie could handle Steve’s little anxieties. And he had passed. At least this time.
Steve banished that thought. He wasn’t going to sabotage this relationship before it even got off the ground.
Eddie pulled his arms around his waist and held him tightly. “Just breathe, Stevie. You’re okay.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “Sometimes it becomes too much.”
“I’d be more concerned if it didn’t, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured into Steve’s hair. “You have been fighting an unseen, unsung battle for years. And even though Vecna’s dead and his hold on the Upside Down is destroyed, there is still a chance that something else might happen. That could be tomorrow. Next week, next month. But maybe not for decades and you’d have no way of knowing. It’s okay to freak out about little things. Because you can control those, yeah?
Steve nodded.
“So why don’t I go grab us something to eat,” he continued. “And I’ll be right back. Then you can keep an eye on our stuff, while I’m gone?”
Steve let out another shuddering breath, this one seemed to dislodge whatever fear he had bottled up inside him. “Yeah. I can do that.”
Eddie was in and out in no time at all and they sat happily munching on their greasy burgers and slurping their sodas. Slowly Eddie got Steve laughing and relaxing.
Once they were done with their food they through away the garbage and made the last leg of their journey to Hawkins.
They needed to go to the hospital and see Dr Hathaway, but they stopped by Eddie and Wayne’s new house first.
They dropped off all of Eddie’s things and put Steve’s loot in the trunk. And once he had successfully done that, Steve breathed a sigh of relief.
Eddie gave his shoulder a squeeze in support. And then piled back into the car for the drive to the hospital. Steve had called them from the house and let them know they were on their way.
 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20    
Tag List: @anaibis @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @nburkhardt @snapshotmaestro @shrimply-a-menace @theotalksalot @child-of-cthulhu @bookbinderbitch @cr0w-culture @punctualhowell @obliosworld @eddiemunsonswife @sharingisntkaren @dididisrespectyourbridgegoatman @lillemilly
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apureniallsource · 1 year
Ahead of new album, The Show, Niall Horan on how he 'lives' for touring, his desire to connect with fans through his songs, and the challenge of going out for chips in his Irish hometown
It’s almost a cliché to call Niall Horan a “super-nice guy”, but really, there’s no getting away from it. He may have named his new album The Show, but Horan feels no need to put one on for a journalist. In fact, the Irish singer-songwriter is so laid-back and likeable when we meet at a smart London hotel – fresh flowers everywhere, bottled water waiting on the table – that I ask how he’s stayed so well-adjusted. “It’s probably a combination of the upbringing I had and the fact I already had enough character at 16 [to deal with it],” he says. “It might have been a different story if I’d started doing this when I was 10.”
Now 29, he has been scarily famous for almost half his life. After auditioning for The X Factor in 2010 as a solo artist, 16-year-old Horan was eliminated at the boot camp stage, then given a spectacular second chance as one fifth of a hastily assembled group called One Direction. He and his new bandmates – Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson – didn’t win that year’s show, but still used it as a springboard to become a chart-topping global phenomenon. By the time One Direction announced an indefinite hiatus in January 2016, they had sold 70 million records and debuted at number one in the US with their first four albums – something not even The Beatles achieved. When asked what he would say to his pre-1D, 16-year-old self, Horan replies: “Get ready. Your life’s about to change on a level that most of the world can’t even quantify.”
Horan says he still speaks to “the lads” on a regular basis, but like all of them, he has worked hard to carve out an identity as a solo artist. If Horan’s individual achievements still feel slightly underrated, that’s probably only because his flashier bandmate Styles is now a stadium-filling superstar. Released in 2017, Horan’s debut album Flicker was a deft blend of soft rock, folk and country that debuted at number one in the US and Ireland. His 2020 follow-up Heartbreak Weather added a dash of swagger to the mix – particularly on the Brit-poppy single ‘Nice to Meet Ya’ – and became his first UK chart-topper. Because it dropped in March 2020, just as Covid-19 was taking hold, Horan never got to take the album on the road. “I haven’t toured since 2018 – that’s wild,” he says. “I love live music and I love touring – I live for it. So, it’s sad that I haven’t done that.”
Happily, a few weeks after this interview, Horan announced The Show: Live on Tour, a 50-date trek across Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand that will keep him busy from February to July of next year. When Horan last toured five years ago, he mainly played large theatres, but now he is aiming to pack out arenas from Birmingham to Brisbane. During our conversation, he hinted that he was ready for the step up. “In my eyes, the bigger the venue, the better, because I fucking love looking out at an ocean of people,” he says. “For me, it feels like the bigger the venue, the better the show is gonna be.”
Horan also makes no bones about wanting The Show to become another UK number one after it drops on 9 June. “There’s nothing better than getting that little statue sent to your house,” he says with an impish grin. At the time of writing, he seems well on course for another express delivery from the Official Charts Company. The album’s breezy lead single ‘Heaven’ cracked the UK Top 20 in February, and its sprightly follow-up ‘Meltdown’ is now climbing the charts. A few hours before this interview, I watch him perform both songs in the Radio 1 Live Lounge. Horan is just as relaxed with his band during rehearsals, but when he spots that his vocals are getting buried in the mix, he quickly and calmly gets it corrected.
Horan began working on ‘The Show’ while holed up at home during the summer of 2020. The album title had come to him earlier in the year, but he “didn’t really know what it meant until the pandemic”. When he sat down at the piano that August, the lyrics that came out seemed to capture the confusion of the Covid era: “If everything was easy, nothing ever broke / If everything was simple, how would we know? / How to fix your tears? How to fake a show?” At this point, Horan says he realised ‘The Show’ was both “a metaphor for life” and an overarching concept he could run with. “When there’s no heartbreak [to write about], you have to come up with a different concept,” he says. “I realised quite quickly that what I wanted to talk about was the ups and downs and good and bad of life. That’s ‘The Show’.”
Having “no heartbreak” is about as much as Horan will say about his personal life. “Keeping that stuff quiet”, he believes, is one reason he remains so grounded. Since 2020, he has been dating Amelia Woolley, a designer shoe buyer who never appears on his work-focused Instagram. But when we discuss ‘You Could Start a Cult’, an idiosyncratic folk ballad from the album, Horan does offer a teasing glimpse into their home life. He says the song’s eye-catching title was inspired by the true-crime series they like watching. “I always try and write weird stuff like that, then see if I can flip it on its head and make the song [itself] not as dark as the title,” he says. In this case, Horan flipped it into a “love song, effectively”, albeit an intense one. “It’s about… not the desperation feeling, but the ‘I think you’re the best fucking thing in the world’ feeling,” he explains. “And if you started a cult, I’d follow you into the fire. You know, that kind of angst, though I don’t know if ‘angst’ is the word I’m looking for!”
Horan spends a lot of time in LA because his record label and producers are based there. His main collaborators on The Show were Joel Little, who he brought in because he liked his work with Taylor Swift, indie artist Noah Kahan, and long-time co-writer John Ryan, a veteran of four One Direction albums. “I think it’s really important first of all to be loyal,” he says of his enduring partnership with Ryan. “And you know, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” Still, working with Little felt just as comfortable, partly because they could pick things up at a moment’s notice. “If I get the green light at the top of my street [in LA], I can be at Joel’s house in less than a minute,” Horan says. “It’s a fucking dream!”
But during the pandemic, Horan was grounded at his main base in southwest London. “I’ve never been fitter in my life because I was cycling 80 or 90 miles around Richmond Park every week – it’s gorgeous out there,” he recalls. Like many of us, Horan has conflicting feelings about the way Covid placed our lives on hold. “I don’t want to say I enjoyed it because I didn’t – it was such a horrible time,” he says. “But I got to a point about two or three months in, where I was like: ‘This is the longest I’ve ever had off.’ He particularly appreciated having to stay in one place for a sustained period of time. “Normally, I’m packing a suitcase every three or four days,” he says. “At Heathrow Airport, the guards at the [security] desk just laugh when they see me coming. They’re like, ‘How do you do this?’”
Having lived in London since he was 16, Horan says “it’s definitely the best city on the planet”. But at the same time, he still regards Mullingar, the Irish market town where he was born and raised, as home. His debut solo single ‘This Town’, a UK top 10 hit in 2016, was incredibly charming because it harnessed his ineffable longing for the place. Horan reckons he returns to Mullingar “seven or eight times a year”, although walking down the high street is pretty tricky. “I can’t just pull up outside the chip shop, run in and get the chips, then run back to the car,” he says. “Everything has to be thought through. Like, where am I going to park? How many streets am I going to have to cross? What am I going to wear?” Horan says all this with no hint of frustration: by now, he knows what is expected of a homecoming hero.
Horan knew he wanted to be a musician from a young age and says he “tried to make this as clear as possible” to his parents. They were “supportive up to a point”, but because the family didn’t have much money and Mullingar wasn’t a creative hub like Dublin, his mother urged him to “get some sort of qualification”. “I still don’t have any,” Horan says with a laugh, “I didn’t do GCSEs or anything like that because I didn’t finish school.” At 16, Horan made the 50-mile journey to Dublin to audition for The X Factor and grabbed hold of the One Direction rocket with both hands.
Did his parents come up with any ideas for a Plan B? “We didn’t get that far. Honestly, I just packed my bag and never came back – that’s the way they look at it,” says Horan. “My father worked in Tesco for 35 years and my mother worked at a pewter genesis company making little bits and pieces – clocks and things like that. They both had very regular jobs.” Horan notes astutely that some kids from a working-class background “like to spread their wings and leave the nest” – as he did, quite spectacularly – whereas others “like to stay in their hometown, or maybe can’t get out”. Horan pauses for a second, perhaps to ponder what might have been. “I don’t know what they would have wanted me to do, but I’m sure it would have been a good life,” he continues. “Like, my parents are having a good time.”
Thirteen years after he left to become a pop star, Horan’s own ambition remains undimmed. “I’ve achieved a lot in my young life, but I’m still fired up to do as much as I can,” he says. “My career has felt so good because it reminds me of everything I thought the music industry would be when I was a kid. I got the good end of the stick [in terms of] travelling the world and playing to millions. And I still want more of that.”
For this reason, the audience is always at the forefront of his mind. “When I’m writing, I ask myself, ‘Have I gone too specific to the point where it only makes sense to me?’” he says. “And then I try and broaden the thought to make it as relatable as possible.” ‘Never Grow Up’ from Horan’s new album was partly inspired by his girlfriend’s parents, who are “still madly in love”, but its lyrics will chime with One Direction fans who, like him, are close to turning 30. “Hope we still drink like we’re back in the pub,” Horan sings. “Hope we grow old, but we never grow up.”
In Horan’s eyes, the songs that fully stand the test of time – from Simon and Garfunkel to Whitney Houston and Adele – are “the ones that really mean a lot to the people”. It’s this kind of universal connection that he is always striving for. “These are the things that go on in my head when I’m writing,” he says. “I don’t want to alienate anyone, and I don’t want to be introspective to the point where I ruin it for everyone. So, if they can connect to it too, then we all get what we want out of this.”
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katoktm8 · 4 months
Snake with legs
Spectacular day. After an absolutely absolutely horrible night of sleep, we got up to the hotel breakfast and then decided to drive 15 km to Lake Bovilla. The drive took over an hour because most of the roads were similar to Mogillan Rim roads of gravel and stones and potholes and one lane roads. In addition, there was a mine about halfway there, and so we were dealing with passing bulldozers and trucks full of rock and stone and every large equipment imaginable. And it was all switch back roads. There is a picture of one part of the road that I stuck my hand out the window of the car and tried to show what we were driving through. We got to the reservoir and it was stunning. It’s a man-made reservoir outside of town and it serves as most of Tirana‘s water source. We parked right at the start and walked up the switchback road then across the field then up a trail then up the side of a mountain even with Caroline’s horrible fear of heights, we made it to the lookout. In one picture I took from the grassy field we cut across you can just see in the distance the lookout way on top of the mountain. The views were fantastic. The people that were up there were crazy taking risks to get the perfect picture. We sat up there and met people from all over the world for about 30 to 45 minutes. One couple was from Germany and they are in a camper van with their three Chihuahua type dogs for seven weeks. The names were toffeefay, viola, and butterscotch. We headed back down and met a shepherd with his goats and lambs and horse who we had to pay in order to take pictures of. Nice side gig. Check out the goat climbing a tree to eat. I think pictures tell the story of this best. Look at how high we were look at how far we walked. It was all spectacular.
Well, on the way up while walking through the meadows, a tour group was right behind us with the tour leader in front. As we were walking, I could hear things being thrown into bushes, etc. I looked back and he was throwing rocks. I asked him why he was throwing rocks, and he said “because of the snakes I want to scare them away”. I said snakes!? What snakes!? And he said oh there are lots of snakes. And I said, “oh! what kind of snakes?” and he said.
“snakes with legs” at that point it dawned on me, basically he was afraid of lizards. Snakes with legs.
Lunch. On the way back, we passed this farmhouse type restaurant. They had blocked off some of the reservoir water and made a swimming hole. We sat down and had some traditional meatballs which really look like weasel penises and were delicious, some cheese dish and feta cheese. For $.50 I also bought a sample of the homemade Reki. This is the local liquor that everyone makes and sells along the road. I took a sip, Caroline took a sip, and we gave the rest to a group of German boys. (Think Everclear)Then I decided to get in the “hole”. As you can imagine everyone was quite impressed. It was cold, but it wasn’t as cold as my pool in December. So no problem. $4 total for lunch.
Then we hit the road for the trip back.
My favorite part of the drive back is when we got into the city and a 10-year-old boy and maybe his 12-year-old brother ran up to the car and started washing our windshield. We were screaming “no no”.. and we rolled up the windows and started pulling forward in traffic. But the boy was relentless so the nicest person in the world, Caroline, flips off the 10-year-old boy. He was shocked. Then he saw me through the front windshield laughing hysterically and he flipped off Caroline. Which got even better. He and I were laughing so hard. We couldn’t stop. Then he and his brother ran over and started sponging water hearts on our window. Or maybe it was a penis I’m not sure.
We got back, changed part of our clothes and headed out to check out the bazaar, a famous bridge, the great mosque, didn’t have much success at any of those things. Milled about, had coffee at 7:00, Dinner at 9:00…A traditional restaurant where we had lamb, vegetable, stuffed eggplant, and a liter of Albanian wine. I must say the Albanian wine is excellent. They also accidentally brought us these massive rolled grape leaves..like dolmas.
Now, true to form, we are going to pour our extra liter of wine into our water bottles to walk back to the hotel.
Great day. And big plans for tomorrow. Enjoy the photos.
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mikem-dawnm-japan · 4 months
Saturday 18th May - Day 12
This morning we visited three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, all of which were temples. Having visited a number of countries with very many temples I expected today to become ‘templed out’! However, happily each temple was very different to the others the main downside of today was that it was Saturday and so many local families were also visiting the sites, everywhere was very busy. The month of May is also extremely popular for school trips and we are certainly finding this to be so!
Kinkaku-Ji Temple was our first stop, this site is also known as the Golden Pavilion, this richly decorated temple is beautiful. This site is a zen-Buddhist temple close to Kyoto, it was originally designated as a holiday villa for the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitzu in 1397. The temple has three levels, the first is the noble peoples style, it is open in style, the second is in the samurai style and the top is in the Buddhist style. The second and third stories are covered in 200,000 gold leaves. The gardens are very beautiful, in the centre and surrounding the temple is the Kyoko-chi pond also called the mirror pond.
Our second visit was to the rock garden of the Ryoanji Temple. Originally the temple was an aristocrats villa which was converted into a Zen temple in 1450. The rock garden is a piece of cultural heritage, the deceptively simple garden consists of 15 rocks spread out on white sand. The rocks are supposed to be arranged so that at no point can you see all 15 rocks at the same time, however it is possible to view them all in one go, if you look carefully!
The final site was the Kiyomizu-Dera Temple. Founded in AD778, the most famous feature of the temple is its wooden veranda, standing 13 metres above the ground. From the veranda there is a good view of the many maple and cherry trees which look stunning in their autumn colours. It is also known as the Pure Water Temple and was founded on the site of the Otowa Waterfall in the wooded hills in the east of Kyoto. Due to the 15 minute uphill walk in the heat we decided not to visit this site but instead to remain around the shops and restaurants. We took the time to enjoy some local food, stick tempura in the following flavours; pumpkin & sweet potato, cuttlefish & cheese … they were interesting! We followed these with a delicious chocolate ice cream .. they do ice cream very well here and then a beer to wash it down.
Back on the bus and we headed for a traditional tea ceremony, something that most of us were looking forward to although with some apprehension about having the matcha tea. The tea house was enormous and was the most beautiful wooden building with very pretty, traditional gardens. Inside the tea house was a large shrine and low tables and chairs were set out for us all along with the tea making equipment, we had, of course removed our shoes before entering the building. We were introduced to our host and another lady who would be the guest for the ceremony, they guided us through the ceremony, which can take up to 3 or 4 hours, there is a strict procedure to be carried out and it takes a number of years to learn how to conduct these ceremonies correctly. Once we had observed and tasted their tea it was time to make our own, which we all did and tried to follow the procedure. Some people enjoyed the taste but I think that the majority found it too bitter for their tastes. However, it was an interesting experience to learn about. We drove on to Gion, the geisha district of Kyoto and walked the streets to see the traditional houses. The temperature today was 29 degrees, so a long and busy day, along with the heat wiped us all out but there would be no time to rest!
Back to the hotel for a very quick turnaround before 10 of us headed out for an optional excursion of a Japanese BBQ. Well, what an evening! 90 minutes in which we could cook, eat and drink as much as we could. We sat on cushions on the floor but there were pits below the table to put your legs into, so more comfortable than just sitting on the floor. Two braziers were already heating up and the table was laden with platters of different cuts of meat and vegetables, there were sauces and cooking utensils so we set to work cooking our supper. Kas was able to order drinks and more food on the app so she was kept busy ordering extras including octopus and scallops, salads more meat, more drinks whilst the rest of us cooked for the whole group. It was a very sociable evening, helped along by a copious supply of plum wine, beer and red wine. Once our time was up we headed for the hotel and some went to the bar for a nightcap.
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toyahinterviews · 1 year
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TOYAH: When I was a little girl I never dreamt about my wedding. I was a tomboy. All I ever wanted for Christmas and for my birthdays was punch balls, guns, tanks. So weddings just weren't on my agenda at all   In fact, I probably as I got older and got into my teens and became a punk rocker - and then got into my 20s - was quite phobic about thoughts of marriage and quite phobic about the thought of having a permanent partner and having a family. So when I did eventually get married, I shocked everybody I knew I grew up in Birmingham, which was quite a difficult place for a girl to grow up 35 years ago. Women were forced into relationships and I felt forced into being sexually active. An awful lot of the girls that I knew their ideal was to have a child out of wedlock and get the security of a nice apartment and never get married and get a job. I hate to generalise about it, but that is the environment I grew up in Because I grew up in that environment I was ferociously against relationships. So I got involved in punk and then in music around the age of 14. I knew that I was always going to be very different  
I started making my own clothes and started to look very punky. I was very pre-punk. I was influenced by a film called The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which was pre-punk. So I was walking around Birmingham with peacock coloured hair about two years before punk rock ever appeared 
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My husband and I should have met at least five to six years before we actually did because we had the same management company. The very first time I met him was 1983, where we shared a taxi to an award ceremony together. He sat on the front seat and I was on the backseat with my manager - our manager. He was very quiet and he had these little round glasses   I just took the mickey out of him from the Kings Road to the Grosvenor Hotel, which was about half an hour trip. I can remember my manager just being flabbergasted that I had the guts to just provoke this man for half an hour and I'd only just met him I didn't know that he is in the Top 10 of the world's most famous guitar players. He's a man called Robert Fripp and 1983 he was just like God in the music world. He worked with David Bowie he produced Peter Gabriel. He'd been on Blondie’s his albums - so he was a megastar. The picture behind me (above) is of me and Princess Michael of Kent, laughing at someone joking. And that someone is Robert Fripp, my husband    This is the first moment I really got to talk to him because Princess Michael wanted a photograph taken with him and me. That picture appeared in a very famous newspaper the next day with Robert cut out of it, because Robert was never really a celebrity, but I was and that was 1983 - three years before I married Robert So we didn't meet again until two years later, when we met at exactly the same award ceremony. He said to me would I visit him at his home in Dorset and make an album with him, a charity album for children's school in America and I said yes    But what I didn't know, and this is very much how my husband works - when we met again in 1985, which would have been around June - July he'd already said to his friends in America, where he lived in New York, he said "I'm wiping the diary clean for the next three weeks, because I'm going to meet my wife". So we'd already had a kind of intuition about this   
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Then the following week after we met and had this discussion, I went down to work with him on this album for a week. He said “will you marry me?“ and “I said it was a bit quick, isn’t it?” He said "no, I know you're my wife. I've been planning this for the last month." And I kind of went "OK, well let's get to know each other"     So I actually moved to Washington for three months to the school where we were raising the money for, where he taught, because he also teaches guitar. I went there and taught drama for three months and that was our courtship (Shows the bouquet) I still have my wedding bouquet, which is hard to believe. This dear thing is 22 years old. We keep it in our front room. It was yellow, originally. I adore yellow flowers. So we had yellow roses, yellow Carnations and then Lily of the Valley     This is probably the most expensive thing about the wedding - the Lily of the Valley on May the 16th - we're already out of season. So we had to have them brought in from Holland and it wasn't cheap. But I did a little drawing of what I wanted and a friend went along to a florist and got it organised. And miraculously, we have managed to keep it I organised the wedding. My husband didn't want anything to do with any of those traditions other than the church ceremony. So he participated in the rehearsal. We married in St. Mary & Cuthberga & All Saints Church in Witchampton in Dorset where his father was buried, and I think his grandparents were buried     We did the rehearsal but that was about as far as it went. I bought the wedding rings, I bought the wedding dress. I cooked all the food for the wedding party. He didn't want children at the wedding. He didn't want any of my friends at the wedding but I insisted on close family Basically I realised that it was nerves. He can't bear big events. I have never had a party since I've been married because he can't bear those kinds of events, which is unusual but bearable. So he didn't want music at the wedding. It was a silent wedding         The extraordinary thing was it was on May the 16th 1986 and it’d rained for a month but the moment we arrived at the church, the sun came out and streamed through the windows exactly where we stood at the altar
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(Shows the hat) I had the veil made. My sister-in-law had to organise it so no one knew I was having a wedding veil made. That went over the front, it's very brittle and delicate. You've got to remember it's 22 years old, and this big flower went at the back. Now these are back in again today. Back then this was 1986, big things were in. But seriously that went out in the 90s big time. I suppose you would see that in Sex And The City today We managed to have the reception with very close family. And then the precious day ended and that evening and the next day we were hounded. We were chased everywhere by journalists in cars. Eventually we drove off to a Franciscan retreat in Sand Creek in Cornwall, who hid us and we hid that for a week and they blessed our wedding (Shows the garter) This is the garter I wore for something blue and I wore it on my left leg I think, I could be wrong. But there's only two legs to choose from. It was a gift from my husband's best friend. They had it made by a local lacemaker in Dorchester. My husband now keeps this on his desk in his office.      (Shows the dress) Because Robert and I were getting married secretly I couldn't order a wedding gown. Because I was paying for everything and basically was not interested in a huge expensive public wedding I had to really ponder of how I was going to be a bride I thought OK, I'll just go buy a ball gown and it was really hard for me to shop at this time because I was incredibly well known. I couldn't go anywhere on my own. So I knew of a kind of debutante ball shop in a town called Windborne in Dorset. I went there pretending I was going to a ball and I bought the only ball gown that would fit me       That was a little pink organza Bo Peep dress, a family dress. I didn't want a traditional white wedding dress which was lucky. This is actually a little ball gown, very Bo Peep, off the shoulder puffball sleeves that just rested on the upper arm. Little kind of gatherings at the bottom. So it's very feminine, very pretty indeed I think marriage is cyclical. I think everything in life is cyclical. You go through cycles. And if you can recognise those cycles, you can recognise when a cycle is dipping, and you're in a bad time and also when a cycle is lifting and you're in a good time. I think you only grow to recognise these things if you have longevity in a relationship      
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So seven years ago, we found the home we're in now (Toyah and Robert in 2020, above), which is just the most perfect beautiful home in the world in the Midlands. We decided that we wanted to spend more time together and travel a little bit less and just enjoy ourselves. We've worked really hard, not only as a couple, but as individuals as well. You've got to bear in mind we don't have children either so we're not fixed and one of us isn't financially dependent on the other But we go off, we have little honeymoons three or four times a year and just lock the world out and we're just romantic. The one thing that both of us are - we are both very romantic. I love buying him gifts and I love telling him to pack a bag and (say to him) you’re going be in a warm climate. You'll be in a cold climate. Oh, don't worry, you're not going to leave the bedroom for a week. I've kind of I like surprising him and taking him on nice adventures You can watch the programme  HERE
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aureaaviation · 2 years
Travel place Idea 2023
Maui is a small island in Hawaii, with white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. It's a popular tourist destination for its beauty and variety of activities. You can enjoy breathtaking views from the top of Haleakala volcano or hike through rainforest trails on the slopes of Haleakala.
Maui has some amazing waterfalls like Wailea Falls or Wailua Falls which are both part of the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge (HINWR). You can also visit Lana'i or Lanai if you want to see some more beautiful beaches like Black Rock Beach or Kukuiula Beach Park where people come here during summer months because there is no waves so it's very safe for swimming too!
Another great place to visit while staying in Maui would be Wailea Golf Club where there are lots more things besides just playing golfing games such as tennis courts where players get together after they finish their day’s play; facility includes catering services available 24 hours per day seven days per week including bar service available at various locations throughout property during normal business hours only not available off-site due to liability issues associated with serving alcohol outside licensed premises when customers aren't present within immediate proximity so please make sure everyone behaves responsibly before drinking any alcoholic beverages
Alaska is the 49th state of the United States and one of the largest, most mountainous, and least densely populated states in the United States. It has been named by Lonely Planet as one of its top 10 destinations for 2019. You can visit this beautiful place by flying to Anchorage or Fairbanks or even by driving through Denali National Park and Preserve.
Iceland is a country in northern Europe. It's made up of many islands and volcanoes, so it has a lot of natural beauty to offer.
Iceland is home to some of the best hiking trails in all of Europe, as well as some fantastic restaurants and bars that serve traditional Icelandic dishes like whale meat and puffin eggs (which are served on toast). You'll also find plenty of waterfalls if you're looking for something more adventurous than just relaxing by the pool with your friends!
Maldives is an island country in the Indian Ocean. It is situated between India and Sri Lanka, atolled by 1,192 coral islands (1,190 if you count the minor atolls). This tiny country has been known as “the land of water” since ancient times because of its vast amounts of water surrounding it.
Maldives offers tourists many things to do: diving with sharks and turtles; snorkeling on coral reefs; walking through tropical forests or exploring ancient temples; eating seafood cooked over coconut husks while taking in the beautiful scenery around you...
Monaco is the second smallest country in the world. It has only about 324,000 people and it’s located on the coast of France.
Monaco has a lot of casinos and hotels, but it also has museums like The Musée National des Châteaux de Malmaison and Musée Guggenheim du Design.
France is a beautiful country that has many different cities and towns. It is an excellent place to visit if you are looking for culture, history, or even just some good food!
Here are some ideas for your trip:
Paris - Paris is one of the most famous cities in all of Europe. You can visit any one of the museums there and see amazing artworks from around the world! There’s also plenty more going on besides just sightseeing—you could check out some concerts or performances at Les Etoiles de la Rue (the Stars of La Rua), which offers theater performances throughout its three venues: Théâtre de la Bourse; Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier; and Studio Kino. Or if you have time left over after touring these places, why not take part in something like cycling through Montmartre? This hike will take about 2 hours roundtrip depending on how fast/slow paced you want your ride!
We should go traveling with my friends
Traveling with friends is a great way to have fun, relax and meet new people. It’s also an exciting experience that will make you feel like you are living life on your own terms.
Traveling by yourself can be very stressful if you don’t have anyone to share it with or take care of when things get tough. Traveling with other people who care about each other can help relieve some of this stress when traveling together as well as making sure everyone has what they need during their trip (food & water).
We hope this list of travel ideas has given you some inspiration for your next trip! We know that it can be hard to decide where to go and what to see, but these places offer something special for everyone. Whether it's the beautiful landscapes.
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emiratesviisa · 2 years
10 Must-Visit Places in Abu Dhabi That are a Must Visit in 2023
Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates and a stunning coastal city, is a well-known tourist destination worldwide. The nomadic Bani Yas Clan lived in this area in the seventeenth century. Before the significant change occurred brought about by the discovery of oil resources nearby, it was a little fishing community.
Abu Dhabi became the cutting-edge industrial city it is today because of the enormous revenue brought in by the oil industry. To explore this dreamy land you’ll require an emirates visa. There are numerous places for travelers to visit in and around Abu Dhabi. Find out more about the top ten among them.
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Here is a list of the best 10 Must Visit Places to Visit in Abu Dhabi:
1. The Louvre Museum
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The most well-known museum in the UAE is the Louvre Museum of Abu Dhabi. It displays a complete history of civilization's artistic accomplishments, dating all the way back to the Neolithic era. The collection, which includes everything from famous Picasso paintings to monuments from ancient Egypt, is astounding. The main draw of the museum is its impressive structure, which has perfectly organized galleries beneath a vast silver dome.
Along with the extensive permanent collection displayed in twelve galleries, the museum hosts numerous noteworthy temporary exhibitions each year. The only fully finished and operational museum to open on Saadiyat Island is the Louvre, one of three major museums that are planned.
2. Sheikh Zayed Mosque
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Located in Fujairah, Abu Dhabi, the renowned Sheikh Zayed Mosque is a spectacular landmark structure. The opening of this enormous mosque, which has a capacity for 40,000 worshippers, took place in 2007 after around 20 years of development. A large number of tourists are drawn to the mosque because of its grandeur, gorgeous design, and exquisite glasswork.
The Sheikh Zayed Mosque, which is dedicated to the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, is the largest mosque in the United Arab Emirates. The large mosque is open to visitors who are not Muslims. There are guided tours available, and if you choose the Abu Dhabi Morning tour, you can see the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, which is a popular destination on Al Khaleej al Arab Street in Abu Dhabi.
3. Ferrari World Theme Park
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This theme park on Yas Island can make you feel as though you are participating in Formula One racing. It is a popular destination for tourists in Abu Dhabi who want to experience the rush of driving fast. A Junior GT track is accessible to young people. Adults can ride the 120-kilometer-per-hour Flying Ace roller coaster, which is exhilarating.
The park has an excellent collection of Ferrari vehicles, starting with the 1947 model and continuing with many more if you're interested in learning more. For traditional car enthusiasts, there is a Ferrari factory tour and a game show with a Ferrari theme.
4. Etihad Towers Observation Deck
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The greatest site to see the Abu Dhabi skyline is from the Jumeirah observation deck in the Etihad Towers. It is located on the floor of the hotel Etihad Towers. A charge is required to enter the tower if you are not a hotel guest.
On the observation deck, there is a great restaurant where you can eat small meals or snacks while taking in the sights of Abu Dhabi. front of you. Your memories of the city's splendor and magnificence will endure forever, and your perch on the 74th level itself may give you a surge of excitement and a sense of adventure.
5. Al-Hosn Fort
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The oldest structure in Abu Dhabi is the Al-Hosn fort, which is located on Hamdan bin Mohammed Street. The Old Fort and White Fort are other names for this fort. It was built in 1793 to serve as both the royal family's home and the government's headquarters.The inside has currently been updated and kept as a museum that illustrates the history, legacy, and culture of Abu Dhabi. The exhibition includes a lot of old photos. The fort includes a sizable courtyard, and the great northern gate's exquisite tilework is something to behold. The role of emirates visa online is important in exploring this fort.
6. Falcon Hospital
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The Falcon Hospital in Abu Dhabi is a working veterinary facility for ill and injured falcons. It is situated off Sweihan Road. The facility is open to tourists, and there are guided tours available. You can observe these prey birds in the wards during the guided visits.
On the grounds of the Falcon Hospital, there is a museum that showcases the development of falconry. The time and actions of the vets during their visit will determine when visitors are permitted to hold and feed the falcons.
7. Warner Brothers World
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Theme park Warner Brother World is situated on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi. This theme park was created using characters from "Warner Brothers" cartoons, movies, comic books, and heroes and villains. As a theme park that is indoors and air-conditioned, the park is cleverly separated into six lands. It is among the top attractions in Abu Dhabi for families.
There are several rides that appeal to everyone's tastes, from young children to teenagers. Bed Rock and Cartoon Junction are perfect for amusing young children. For those who are more daring, Metropolis, Gotham City offers thrilling roller coaster-style attractions along with a 4D interactive concept.
8. Yas Waterworld
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The large water theme park Yas Water World is situated near Yas Leisure Driver on Yas Island. It has a number of water slides and a river trip in inner tubes. It is both the world's first hydro-magnetic tornado water rafting ride and the largest sheet wave suitable for surfing.
The other main attractions are the Jebel Drop and the free-fall water slide. On campus, there are various places to dine and shop in addition to a water play area for small families with young children.
9. Emirates Park Zoo
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Another place for a day trip with the family is Abu Dhabi, this one around 30 minutes from the city. The wildlife park is home to a wide variety of species, including white tigers, giraffes, zebras, and elephants. For the care of various species of monkeys, a distinct primate division is kept.
The sea also has a sea lion enclosure and a flamingo park. The establishment has a petting zoo where kids can interact with and feed domesticated animals.
10. Heritage Village
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Abu Dhabi's Heritage Village is a recreation of a traditional Bedouin village to provide a sense of life in the Emiratis prior to the discovery of oil on the property. It is located in Abu Dhabi's seaside neighborhood and is ideal for a leisurely stroll after visiting the ancient village.
The heritage village includes ancient household items, studios where you may see antique craftwork being done, workshops for metallurgy, and a weaving studio. Visitors can enjoy viewing displays that highlight the region's farming traditions and pearl-diving industry. Yas Island, several shopping malls, the contemporary world trade Souq, and other locations are just a few of the places and attractions in Abu Dhabi that might pique emirates visa UK tourists' curiosity.
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lailaessam2910 · 2 years
Nile Cruises in Egypt
Nile cruises, where many Egyptians and Egyptian tourists accept to enjoy Nile cruises because of their great impact on the psychological comfort of the individual, as they add an atmosphere of calm and relaxation besides providing Nile boats for different meals. Some ships and boats in Cairo and other governorates offer many offers on the deck of their boats, in addition to some floating boats that contain the most luxurious and largest restaurants on board, adding to some floating hotels as well.
explore more about Egypt during many of the exceptional Egypt travel packages that also cover most of the history I recommend you experience Egypt Christmas tours to see the highlights of Cairo and also get excited and learn about the ancient Egyptian architecture through the Egypt Nile cruise tours and especially in April to enjoy the mild temperatures when you book Egypt Easter tours. I will help you plan your Egypt Classic Tours and cover most of the land of the Pharaohs then we will let you try the highest quality of travel service through Egypt Luxury Tours that allow you to stay at the most outstanding hotels and Nile cruises or if you are traveling with a small amount of money and would like to save your time and expenses you can check our wide variety of Egypt cheap budget tours packages.
To Cover all of the ancient ruins and standing monuments of Aswan city the land of peace and Luxor the city that has a third of the world’s monuments and antiques and also enjoys the most famous Cairo attractions you will need to book an Egypt Nile Cruise tour so here will recommend some enjoyable tours.1- Ms. Nile Dolphin Nile Cruise: The Nile Dolphin offers elegance and class, a touch of history through its interior with all the comforts and technical equipment of a modern hotel, to serve you at the European 5-star level.2- Ms. Amoura Dahabiya Nile Cruise: Amoura Dahabiya Nile River cruise from Aswan to Luxor passing by Kom Ombo and Edfu and Upper Egypt landmarks in style.3- Ms. Mayfair Nile Cruise: Mayfair Nile Cruise takes you to attractions such as Kom Ombo Temple and the Valley of the Kings and includes all meals.4- Ms. Tulip Nile Cruise: Tulip Nile Cruise is a luxurious 5-star Nile cruise that sails between Luxor and Aswan, offers an exceptionally relaxing atmosphere, and offers a variety of entertainment and recreation.5- Ms. Amwaj Living Stone Nile Cruise: Sail along the Nile aboard MS Amwaj Living Stone Deluxe 5-Star Nile Cruise with exceptional service and enjoy the warm sun and blue sky. It is a calm hideaway where you may rest in the sun, tour Pharaoh’s temples, and eat freshly prepared Egyptian cuisine.6- Ms. Farah Nile Cruise: The best experience of our hospitality can be tasted in every aspect on board the Farah Nile Cruise, an Ultra Deluxe cruise, from the handmade Egyptian cotton sheets to the natural dark wood furniture, all designed to delight your senses and enhance your comfort.7- Ms. AL-Kahila Nile Cruise: Al Kahila Nile Cruise is a 5-star deluxe Cruise that sails every Monday 3 nights 4 Days from Aswan to Luxor. You will visit Luxor Aswan’s top sightseeing. Visiting the famous temples and monuments.8- Oberoi Zahra Nile Cruise itinerary: you will See the wonders of ancient Egypt and discover ancient ruins, temples, and five thousand years of Egyptian history on a relaxed four-night trip. With the most spacious luxury cabins and suites, personalized service, and delicious cuisine.9- Oberoi Philea itinerary: at this tour you will enjoy an incredible luxury Nile cruise from Aswan to Luxor, visiting the most interesting sights between Aswan and Luxor. In Aswan, see the Temple of Philae and the Great Dam before heading to Luxor to see the magnificent temples of Luxor and Karnak.10- Ms. Sunray Nile Cruise Aswan to Luxor: Embark on your Sunray Nile cruise, one of Egypt’s best Nile cruises sailing from Aswan to Luxor to discover the huge Kom Ombo Temple, the Temple of Horus at Edfu, the Valley of the Kings, the Temples of Luxor, and Karnak.11- Movenpick Ms. Darakum Nile Cruise: Explore the beauties of the Nile aboard the Movenpick MS Darakum Nile Cruise, which features Moroccan and arabesque designs. Discover the massive Kom Ombo Temple, the Temple of Horus at Edfu, the Valley of the Kings, the Temples of Luxor, and Karnak.12- Prince Abbas Lake Nasser Cruise: MS Prince Abbas Cruise offers a great chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lake Nasser between Aswan and Abu Simbel.13- Ms. Concerto Nile Cruise: Cruise from Luxor to Aswan aboard this exciting Nile Cruise, MS Concerto, which offers a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view of the Nile River. See the temples and tombs of the ancient world while cruising in a comfortable environment.14- Ms. Alexander The Great Nile Cruise: sail between Luxor & Aswan attractions with an expert tour guide. Discover the best sites of ancient Egyptian civilization. Visit the Temple of Luxor, the Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Hatshepsut, and more.15- Ms. Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise: enjoy Egypt’s most breathtaking Nile cruise excursions and uncover the mysteries of ancient Egypt’s architectural masterpieces. Visit the Temple of Karnak, Luxor’s Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Hatshepsut, as well as Aswan’s High Dam, Temple of Philae, and Unfinished Obelisk. Along the way, the temples of Kom Ombo and Edfu can be observed.
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@cairo-top-tours @sohilaesam @hagerkamal @travelegyptinstylewithme
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usalifestyled · 2 years
The 10 Most Famous Canine Varieties in the Country - Most famous dogs in World - Most famous dogs in World
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The 10 Most Famous Canine Varieties in the Country - Most famous dogs in World - Most famous dogs in World
Canine darlings, liven up your ears. The American Pet hotel Club just uncovered the top varieties for 2019, and heaps of most loved friends are back on top. Labs have ruled as the main pick for more than quarter of a century now, yet there are a couple of shocks among the positions. Odds are good that you realize somebody who's gotten a French Bulldog in the beyond couple of years — and seeing why is simple. Those adorable puppies have ridden their influx of prevalence the entire way to the fourth spot.
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The 10 Most Famous Canine Varieties in the Country
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touradvisiorhub · 12 days
20 Famous Pubs and Bars in Hyderabad: A Guide to the Best Nightlife Spots
Hyderabad, the City of Pearls, is not just famous for its rich history, stunning architecture, and delicious biryani. Over the years, the city has also developed a thriving nightlife culture, offering an array of pubs and bars that cater to every kind of reveler. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, exploring the best pubs and bars in Hyderabad can be an exciting experience. Here’s a guide to some of the most famous spots in the city.
1. Heart Cup Coffee
A quirky and vibrant pub, Heart Cup Coffee in Jubilee Hills is known for its lively atmosphere and eclectic mix of live music, DJ nights, and comedy gigs. The open-air seating adds to its charm, making it a favorite among the younger crowd.
2. The Moonshine Project
Located in Banjara Hills, The Moonshine Project is an artistic pub that blends music, art, and great food. With live performances ranging from rock to indie, it’s the perfect spot for music enthusiasts.
3. Totally Tapped
This unique bar offers a variety of craft beers on tap, making it a must-visit for beer lovers. The relaxed ambiance and modern decor make Totally Tapped a great place to unwind after a long day.
4. Prost Brew Pub
Prost is one of the best pubs in Hyderabad for craft beer enthusiasts. Located in Jubilee Hills, this microbrewery offers a wide range of freshly brewed beers, accompanied by a vibrant ambiance and an extensive food menu.
5. 10 Downing Street
A British-style pub located in Begumpet, 10 Downing Street (10D) is a classic choice for those who enjoy a sophisticated yet lively environment. The pub is famous for its themed nights, such as Retro Nights and Ladies’ Nights.
6. Air Live
Air Live is a rooftop bar in Jubilee Hills known for its live performances and DJ nights. The combination of great music, delicious food, and a panoramic view of the city makes it a popular hangout spot.
7. Over The Moon
Located on the 8th floor of Hotel Daspalla, Over The Moon offers breathtaking views of Hyderabad’s skyline. This upscale lounge bar is perfect for those who prefer a more refined and relaxed evening.
8. Hylife Brewing Company
Hylife Brewing Company is another top destination for craft beer lovers in Hyderabad. With a spacious and stylish setting, it’s an ideal spot for both casual outings and special celebrations.
9. The Hoppery
Nestled in the upscale area of Jubilee Hills, The Hoppery is Hyderabad’s first open-air microbrewery. It’s known for its great beer, scenic views, and laid-back vibe.
10. Playboy Club
For a more exclusive and glamorous night out, the Playboy Club in Hyderabad is the place to be. With its high-energy atmosphere, international DJs, and chic decor, it’s one of the most happening nightlife spots in the city.
11. Le Vantage Café Bar
Le Vantage in Jubilee Hills is a chic café-bar that’s perfect for a laid-back evening. With its outdoor seating, cozy ambiance, and excellent food, it’s a great spot to relax and enjoy a drink.
12. Coco’s Bar & Grill
Coco’s is a rooftop bar with a rustic charm, located in Banjara Hills. It’s a perfect place to enjoy a relaxed evening with friends, accompanied by great food and live music.
13. Aqua — The Park
Aqua, located in The Park Hotel, is a poolside bar that offers a luxurious and relaxing environment. The ambiance is perfect for a romantic evening or a sophisticated gathering.
14. Prism Club and Kitchen
Prism is a high-energy club located in Gachibowli, known for its electric vibe and cutting-edge music. The spacious dance floor and modern interiors make it a hotspot for party-goers.
15. Hard Rock Café
A global name in the world of pubs, Hard Rock Café in Banjara Hills brings the signature rock-themed ambiance to Hyderabad. It’s a go-to spot for music lovers and those looking for a lively night out.
16. Vertigo — The High Life
Located on the rooftop of Banjara Hills, Vertigo offers stunning panoramic views of the city. The chic decor, combined with excellent food and drinks, makes it a great spot for a memorable night.
17. Farzi Café
Farzi Café in Jubilee Hills is known for its fusion cuisine and innovative cocktails. The trendy and vibrant atmosphere makes it a favorite among the city’s urban crowd.
18. Absorb — The Boutique Bar
Located in Gachibowli, Absorb is known for its chic interiors and a wide range of cocktails. The bar’s laid-back vibe makes it a great place for a casual yet stylish evening.
19. Zephyr
Zephyr in Jubilee Hills is an elegant lounge with a contemporary vibe. The stylish setting, combined with great music and drinks, makes it a top choice for a relaxed evening.
20. The Fisherman’s Wharf
A little slice of Goa in Hyderabad, The Fisherman’s Wharf in Gachibowli offers a lively and colorful ambiance. The Goan cuisine, combined with live music, makes it a must-visit for those looking to experience something different.
Hyderabad’s nightlife scene is as vibrant and diverse as the city itself. From upscale rooftop bars to laid-back pubs, there’s something for everyone. Exploring the best pubs and bars in Hyderabad is a must for anyone looking to experience the city’s unique blend of tradition and modernity. Whether you’re in the mood for live music, craft beer, or a night of dancing, these famous spots will not disappoint.
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lacafe · 19 days
**Top 10 Must-Visit Places in Rishikesh for First-Time Travelers**
Rishikesh, nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, offers a unique blend of spirituality, adventure, and natural beauty. If you’re visiting for the first time, here are the top 10 must-visit places to make the most of your trip:
1. **Little Amsterdam OSCENOX** Start your adventure at **Little Amsterdam OSCENOX**, located on Bypass Road near Laxman Jhula in Tapovan. This premier restaurant and hotel is the perfect base for exploring Rishikesh. Enjoy delectable meals with stunning Ganga views, relax at the bar, and unwind with hukkah. The hotel offers comfortable rooms, free Wi-Fi, and a pet-friendly policy. Don’t miss their DJ parties and live music events for a lively experience. With ample parking and a friendly staff, it’s a great place to stay and soak up the local vibe.
2. **Laxman Jhula** This iconic suspension bridge is not only a key landmark but also a spiritual symbol. According to legend, Lord Rama’s brother Laxman crossed the Ganges here.
3. **Ram Jhula** Another important bridge, Ram Jhula offers breathtaking views of the river and is a gateway to several ashrams and temples.
4. **Parmarth Niketan** This renowned ashram offers daily Ganga Aarti, meditation, and yoga sessions. It’s a spiritual haven with beautiful riverside gardens.
5. **Beatles Ashram** Famous for its association with The Beatles, this ashram is now a hub for graffiti art and offers a peek into the 1960s spirituality scene.
6. **Neer Garh Waterfall** A hidden gem, this waterfall is perfect for a refreshing dip and some tranquil nature time. It’s a short trek from the main town.
7. **Rajaji National Park** For wildlife enthusiasts, this park offers a chance to spot elephants, tigers, and a variety of bird species. Enjoy a jungle safari and connect with nature.
8. **Triveni Ghat** Experience the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti here, a daily ritual that attracts visitors from around the world with its spiritual ambiance.
9. **Sivananda Ashram** Known for its focus on yoga and Vedanta, this ashram provides classes, lectures, and a serene environment for spiritual growth.
10. **Tera Manzil Temple** Also known as the 13-storey temple, it’s dedicated to various deities and offers a panoramic view of Rishikesh from its top.
From exploring spiritual sites to seeking adventure, Rishikesh has something for everyone. Enjoy your visit and make sure to start your journey with a memorable stay at **Little Amsterdam OSCENOX**.
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taj-explorers · 19 days
Same Day Taj Mahal Tour By Superfast Train by Car by Taj Explorers Company.
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Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Superfast Train by Taj Explorers Company
Many tourists' top travel goals include seeing the Taj Mahal, and if you happen to be in Delhi, visiting this famous structure in a single day is now more doable than ever. A quick, pleasant, and easy option to take in the splendour of the Taj Mahal and other historical monuments in Agra in a single day is to book the Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Superfast Train, which is run by Taj Explorers Company.
Why Opt for the Superfast Train? A number of advantages come with taking a rapid train, especially for time-conscious travelers. One of the quickest trains in India, the Gatimaan Express, travels from Delhi to Agra in about two hours, making it a great choice for a productive day excursion. You not only save time, but you also get to experience a luxurious travel with all the contemporary conveniences and beautiful vistas of rural India.
Summary of the Taj Explorers Company Tour This tour has been carefully planned by Taj Explorers Company to provide you an enriching experience without the stress of lengthy driving or maneuvering through traffic. This tour promises an unforgettable day discovering Agra's most well-known sites, along with professional guides, efficient transports, and all-inclusive amenities.
A Comprehensive Schedule for the Same-Day Superfast Train Tour of the Taj Mahal Departure from Delhi in the morning Your day starts with a pickup early in the morning from your Delhi hotel. You will board the Gatimaan Express at the Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station after being transported there. Breakfast is given on board this 8:10 AM train, which provides a swift and comfortable ride to Agra.
Reaching Agra and Making Your Way to the Taj Mahal Your driver and tour guide will meet you when you arrive in Agra at approximately 9:50 AM. You may visit the Taj Mahal after a quick journey, and while there, you'll have lots of time to explore and take in the breathtaking grandeur of this famous landmark.
Examining the Taj Mahal Especially in the beautiful morning light, the Taj Mahal is a pleasure to behold. Your guide will share fascinating details about the design, construction, and love tale that surround this magnificent tomb. You'll have lots of time to explore the gardens, snap pictures, and see the exquisite marble inlay work.
Experiencing the Agra Fort After seeing the Taj Mahal, you'll go to the Agra Fort, which is included as another UNESCO World Heritage site. With its many palaces, mosques, and gardens, this enormous red sandstone fortification housed the Mughal emperors. Your tour guide will walk you through the fort's history, emphasizing its importance and its place in earlier India.
Lunch at a Neighborhood Spot After that, you'll savor a delectable lunch at a reputable neighborhood eatery. Before continuing your tour, this is a perfect chance to unwind and try some of the local specialties.
A trip to the Baby Taj (Itimad-ud-Daulah's tomb) You will end your tour of Agra with the Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, also known as the "Baby Taj." The superb marble work and tranquil surroundings of this magnificent monument are well-known. Before returning to the train station, it's a serene place to consider the events of the day.
Nighttime Train Return to Delhi After your evening drive, you will join the Gatimaan Express, which leaves at 5:50 PM, back at the Agra Railway Station. As you unwind and savor the ride back to Delhi, dinner is served onboard. It would be around 7:30 PM when you get in Delhi.
, after a day full of fascinating history, stunning views, and unforgettable experiences, your driver will be there to drive you back to your hotel.
Time Efficiency Advantages of Superfast Train Travel For those who like to see as much of Agra as possible without spending hours on the road, the superfast train option is ideal. One of the fastest routes between Delhi and Agra is the Gatimaan Express, which travels the distance between these two cities in less than two hours.
Cozy and Practical There is just no comfort quite like that which comes with taking the train. Air conditioning, cozy seating, and onboard catering are just a few of the contemporary conveniences on board the Gatimaan Express. This facilitates a hassle-free and enjoyable travel experience.
Sceneries Seen Along the Way Views of the beautiful countryside will greet you as you journey through the center of India. This provides a view into rural India that is typically unavailable when going by car, with its fields, villages, and vistas.
What the Tour Package Does Not Include Train Passes and Handling All required transfers in Agra are included in the travel package, as well as round-trip tickets on the Gatimaan Express. Everything is arranged for you starting from the time you check out of your Delhi hotel and ending with your nighttime return.
Admission Fees and Guided Tour Throughout the day, you will be accompanied by a knowledgeable local guide who will offer insightful commentary and historical background at every location. There are no additional expenses to worry about because the package includes all monument entry fees.
Dinner and Appetizers Along with lunch at a respectable Agra restaurant, the itinerary includes breakfast and dinner served on the train. In order to keep you hydrated and energized during the day, refreshments are also offered.
Precautions and Safety Measures COVID-19 Safety Guidelines Your health and safety are very important to Taj Explorers Company. The tour complies with all COVID-19 regulations, such as vehicle sanitization and social distancing measures. Throughout the trip, hand sanitizers are provided, and masks are required.
Generally Good Advice for Travel Safety When traveling, it's wise to be organized. To guarantee a secure and joyful trip, wear appropriate apparel and footwear, drink plenty of water, and pay attention to your guide's recommendations.
Information on Cost and Reservations Ways to Reserve the Tour It's easy to reserve the Same Day Taj Mahal Tour with Superfast Train. Via the Taj Explorers Company website, you can make direct reservations or get help by contacting customer care. Reservations should be made in advance, especially during the busiest travel times.
Details of Prices and Included Items Taking into account the ease of use and extensive features offered, the tour is reasonably priced. This package offers great value for money and includes train tickets, transfers, entrance fees, guided tours, and meals.
Reviews Showcasing the Superfast Train Experience: Testimonials from Previous Passengers Those who have chosen this tour frequently comment on how comfortable and efficient the really quick train ride is. Many value the well-planned schedule since it makes for a full day of exploring without the weariness of a lengthy journey.
Reasons Visitors Suggest This Tour Due to the smooth experience, the experienced guides, and the ease of rail travel, previous guests have recommended this tour time and time again. It's especially popular with people who don't have much time but still want to see the best of Agra.
Common Questions and Answers (FAQs) What is the duration of the journey? Train travel is one of the fastest ways to get from Delhi to Agra; the trip takes about one hour and forty minutes.
What degree of comfort is there on the train? With roomy seats, air conditioning, and onboard meals, the Gatimaan Express provides an excellent degree of luxury, guaranteeing a relaxing trip.
Is it possible for me to modify the tour? The Taj Explorers Company does indeed provide customizing choices. They will try their best to fulfill any unique requirements; you can discuss your preferences with them while making your reservation.
Are families able to go on this tour? Without a doubt. All ages of travelers can enjoy this family-friendly excursion. Families with little children or elderly relatives will find the train ride very convenient.
Say there's a delay in the train. Should there ever be a rare train delay, your schedule might be modified appropriately. The Taj Explorers Company will make sure you still get to experience the tour's main attractions.
In conclusion Travelers who wish to see the wonders of Agra without the strain of a lengthy journey might consider the Same Day Taj Mahal Tour offered by Superfast Train. This trip provides the ideal balance of convenience and immersion in India's rich history thanks to its well-planned schedule, plush accommodations, and knowledgeable guides.
Last Word Take advantage of the chance to see the Taj Mahal and other historical attractions in Agra in all their glory. Prepare for a day filled with priceless memories by scheduling your Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Superfast Train with Taj Explorers Company right now.
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Do I Need to Be a Certified Diver for Andaman and Nicobar Scuba Diving?
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When it comes to exploring the underwater world of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, many people wonder if they need to be certified divers to experience the beauty beneath the waves. The short answer is no—you don't need to be a certified diver to enjoy Andaman and Nicobar Scuba Diving. The islands offer some of the best scuba diving experiences in India, tailored to both beginners and seasoned divers alike.
Experience Beginner-Friendly Scuba Diving in Andaman
The Andaman Islands are renowned for their crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse marine life, making it one of the best scuba diving in Andaman spots. For those without prior diving experience, the scuba diving packages offered here are beginner-friendly, with certified instructors providing comprehensive training and guidance throughout the dive. This ensures that even those new to the sport can safely enjoy the underwater wonders.
Understanding the Cost of Scuba Diving in Andaman
One of the most common questions for first-time divers is about the scuba diving cost Andaman. The price can vary depending on the type of dive and the location. For example, scuba diving at Andaman cost ranges from ₹3499 for shore diving to ₹4249 for boat diving, which includes the use of safe and secure equipment, guidance from PADI-certified instructors, and even GoPro videography to capture your underwater adventure. These prices are quite competitive considering the quality of the experience and the stunning dive sites.
Shaheed Island: A Prime Spot for Scuba Diving
Formerly known as Neil Island, Shaheed Island is a top destination for diving enthusiasts. This island is famous for its unspoiled reefs and the chance to spot Dugongs, Andaman’s state animal, in their natural habitat. The price of scuba diving in Andaman at Shaheed Island reflects the unique experience it offers. Divers can explore depths of up to 13 meters, accompanied by a certified instructor, ensuring both safety and enjoyment.
Diving Packages Tailored for Every Adventurer
Whether you're staying at Neil Island or planning a day trip, various packages cater to your needs. For instance, the scuba diving at Andaman cost includes hotel pickup and drop-off, a 40-minute boat ride to the dive site, and a 25-minute dive in the clear waters surrounding the island. The package also ensures that all safety measures are met, making it a perfect choice for first-time divers.
Shore Scuba Diving: Priced at ₹3499 per person, this option includes a 25-minute underwater experience, GoPro videos, and safe diving gear, making it an excellent choice for those looking to dive from the shore.
Boat Scuba Diving: For ₹4249 per person, this package offers a 20-minute boat ride to the dive site, 25 minutes of underwater diving, and the same high-quality safety equipment and videography options.
Important Considerations for Scuba Diving in Andaman
While certification isn't required, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, the minimum age for diving is 10 years, and anyone under this age is not permitted to participate due to the impact it can have on developing eardrums. Additionally, those with certain medical conditions—such as respiratory or cardiovascular issues—should consult with a doctor before diving.
Safety is paramount, and all divers will receive a thorough briefing on dive site procedures, hand signals, and emergency protocols before entering the water. It's also essential to avoid alcohol before diving and to respect the marine environment by not touching or disturbing marine life.
Final Thoughts: Dive Into an Unforgettable Experience
The Andaman and Nicobar Scuba Diving experience is truly one of a kind, offering some of the most mesmerizing underwater views in the world. Whether you're a novice or an experienced diver, the islands provide an array of diving opportunities that are both accessible and affordable. With scuba diving at Andaman cost packages that include everything you need for a safe and enjoyable dive, there's no better time to explore the vibrant marine life of the Andaman Sea. So, pack your bags, dive in, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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roamingsimply · 23 days
Exploring Singapore: A Budget-Friendly Sightseeing Adventure
Singapore, a city-state brimming with culture, history, and modern marvels, is a top destination for travelers from around the world. Despite its reputation as an expensive city, it's possible to explore the Lion City without breaking the bank. With a well-planned itinerary, you can enjoy aSingapore sightseeing tour and experience the city’s iconic landmarks, all while sticking to a budget. In this article, we'll guide you through some of the best sights and tips for a Singapore budget travel experience.
Exploring Iconic Landmarks Without Spending a Fortune
One of the best ways to begin your adventure in Singapore is by visiting its famous landmarks, many of which are free or inexpensive. Start with a stroll around Marina Bay Sands, where you can take in the stunning skyline and watch the nightly light show, Spectra, which is completely free of charge.
Next, head over to the Gardens by the Bay, where you can explore the Supertree Grove without spending a dime. For a small fee, you can also visit the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest, both of which offer a breathtaking experience. Don’t forget to capture the grandeur of the Marina Bay Sands hotel from the SkyPark Observation Deck, though you can opt for free views from the nearby Marina Barrage.
Immersing in Singapore's Rich Culture
Singapore's cultural districts offer a glimpse into the diverse heritage of the city. Wander through Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam to experience vibrant street art, traditional markets, and historic temples. These neighborhoods are perfect for budget travelers as entry to many of the attractions is free.
In Chinatown, visit the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, and in Little India, marvel at the Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple. Kampong Glam, home to the stunning Sultan Mosque, offers a mix of Malay and Islamic culture. The bustling streets of these districts are also ideal for sampling affordable local street food, a must-try experience in Singapore.
Affordable Activities for Budget Travelers
For a relaxing break, consider visiting the Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is free to enter. The National Orchid Garden, located within the Botanic Gardens, charges a modest entrance fee but is well worth it for nature lovers. Another budget-friendly activity is taking a walk along the Southern Ridges, a 10-kilometer trail offering panoramic views of the city, lush greenery, and plenty of photo opportunities.
If you're interested in learning more about Singapore’s history, museums such as the National Museum of Singapore and the Singapore Art Museum offer affordable entrance fees and often have free exhibits. Additionally, many museums offer discounted rates during certain hours or days of the week, making it easier to enjoy Singapore sightseeing tour on a budget.
Navigating Singapore on a Budget
Public transportation in Singapore is efficient, clean, and affordable. The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system and buses can take you almost anywhere in the city for a fraction of the cost of taxis. Consider purchasing an EZ-Link card or a Singapore Tourist Pass to save on fares. Walking is another great way to explore, as many attractions are within close proximity to each other.
For accommodation, budget travelers can find a range of options, from hostels and capsule hotels to budget-friendly hotels. Booking in advance and looking for promotions can help you secure the best rates. Eating like a local is another excellent way to save money. Hawker centers, such as those at Maxwell Road and Lau Pa Sat, offer a variety of delicious and affordable dishes.
Singapore may be known for its luxury, but with careful planning, you can enjoy a Singapore budget travel experience that doesn’t skimp on excitement. From exploring cultural districts to savoring local cuisine, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your visit without overspending. For more tips on budget travel and planning your next adventure, visit Roamingsimply.com, your go-to source for travel inspiration.
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oscenox-rishikesh · 24 days
**Top 10 Must-Visit Places in Rishikesh for First-Time Travelers**
Rishikesh, nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, offers a unique blend of spirituality, adventure, and natural beauty. If you’re visiting for the first time, here are the top 10 must-visit places to make the most of your trip:
1. **Little Amsterdam OSCENOX** Start your adventure at **Little Amsterdam OSCENOX**, located on Bypass Road near Laxman Jhula in Tapovan. This premier restaurant and hotel is the perfect base for exploring Rishikesh. Enjoy delectable meals with stunning Ganga views, relax at the bar, and unwind with hukkah. The hotel offers comfortable rooms, free Wi-Fi, and a pet-friendly policy. Don’t miss their DJ parties and live music events for a lively experience. With ample parking and a friendly staff, it’s a great place to stay and soak up the local vibe.
2. **Laxman Jhula** This iconic suspension bridge is not only a key landmark but also a spiritual symbol. According to legend, Lord Rama’s brother Laxman crossed the Ganges here.
3. **Ram Jhula** Another important bridge, Ram Jhula offers breathtaking views of the river and is a gateway to several ashrams and temples.
4. **Parmarth Niketan** This renowned ashram offers daily Ganga Aarti, meditation, and yoga sessions. It’s a spiritual haven with beautiful riverside gardens.
5. **Beatles Ashram** Famous for its association with The Beatles, this ashram is now a hub for graffiti art and offers a peek into the 1960s spirituality scene.
6. **Neer Garh Waterfall** A hidden gem, this waterfall is perfect for a refreshing dip and some tranquil nature time. It’s a short trek from the main town.
7. **Rajaji National Park** For wildlife enthusiasts, this park offers a chance to spot elephants, tigers, and a variety of bird species. Enjoy a jungle safari and connect with nature.
8. **Triveni Ghat** Experience the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti here, a daily ritual that attracts visitors from around the world with its spiritual ambiance.
9. **Sivananda Ashram** Known for its focus on yoga and Vedanta, this ashram provides classes, lectures, and a serene environment for spiritual growth.
10. **Tera Manzil Temple** Also known as the 13-storey temple, it’s dedicated to various deities and offers a panoramic view of Rishikesh from its top.
From exploring spiritual sites to seeking adventure, Rishikesh has something for everyone. Enjoy your visit and make sure to start your journey with a memorable stay at **Little Amsterdam OSCENOX**.
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