#top 10 paper companies in India
rbrpaperllp · 1 year
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acmeprintopac · 1 year
Gift Wrapping Paper - Acme Print O Pac
We are a wrapping paper rolls wholesaler and supplier of high-quality wrapping paper and offer a variety range of designs, colours, and patterns to suit all types of gift-wrapping needs. We supply retailers to stock up-on bulk wrapping paper and individual event organizers for special events.
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
All About: Cannabis
- Cannabis probably originated in China. Medical and religious use can be traced to ancient China, India, Egypt and the Middle East.
- At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon’s soldiers brought cannabis to France from Egypt in the form of hashish.
- It became very popular with French writers and artists, who established Le Club des Hachichins (The Hashish-Eaters’ Club) in Paris.
Members included Theophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac, and Alexandre Dumas
- Hemp was grown in colonial America, but marijuana smoking probably came to the US with Mexican & Caribbean immigrants in the early 1900s.
- Cannabis (hemp) plant:
High THC content ---> Marijuana, recreational use
Low THC content (less than 0.3%) = industrial hemp
- In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act instituted a national registration and taxation system aimed at discouraging all use of cannabis. It was overturned in 1969.
- Largely destroyed the hemp industry {note: this benefited paper manufacturers and thus indirectly benefited logging companies}
- United States Department of Agriculture lifted the tax on hemp cultivation during WWII
Legal Status
- In 1970, marijuana and THC became Schedule I illegal drugs.
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2014 Farm Bill: permits cultivation of industrial hemp for research purposes
2018 Farm Bill: made industrial hemp legal, allowed CBD oil production
- Marijuana is produced from flowering hemp (Cannabis sativa).
- Marijuana is a mixture of dried and crumbled leaves, small stems, and flowering tops.
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- Hemp seeds have been used for oil and bird food.
- It can be consumed orally, as in cookies or brownies, but is usually smoked in rolled cigarettes known as “joints,” various kinds of pipes, or in hollowed-out cigars called “blunts.”
- Hashish is a cannabis derivative that can be smoked or eaten.
- It can refer to a relatively pure resin preparation with very high cannabinoid content, or a solvent extract of leaves or resin.
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- Hash oil is an alcohol extract. A drop is placed on a tobacco or marijuana cigarette.
- Hemp contains 70 unique compounds known as cannabinoids, plus more than 400 other identified compounds.
- The psychoactive compound /_\9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) accounts for the use of cannabis as a drug. {note: that’s supposed to be a triangle; sorry}
- Marijuana potency (in terms of THC content) varies widely, depending on the genetic strain of the plant and growing conditions.
- Potency can be increased by preventing pollination and seed production by the female plants. This marijuana is called sinsemilla (”without seeds”).
- THC was identified as the major active ingredient in 1964.
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- Burning marijuana causes the THC to vaporize and enter the smoker’s lungs in small particles.
- Effective dose and latency to onset of effects are influenced by the amount and potency of the plant used, and patterns of smoking (e.g. duration of held breath).
Administration & Absorption
- Smoking marijuana is the quickest way to absorb THC, with blood levels peaking between 9-10 minutes into a smoke session.
- THC is easily absorbed by the lungs, and blood plasma levels rise quickly.
- Thought to yield peak THC blood levels within 1-5 hours post-ingestion
- Poor absorption results in low and variable plasma levels, probably due to degradation in the stomach, first-pass metabolism.
- Blood THC levels decline rapidly after smoking marijuana, but complete elimination from the body is much slower because of persistence in fat tissues.
- Half-life varies from a few hours to 3-4 days
- The gradual movement of THC metabolites back out of fat stores means that urine screening tests can detect them more than 2 weeks after a single incident of marijuana use.
Acute Behavioral Effects
- Effects of cannabinoid use vary depending on dose, frequency of use, characteristics of the user, and the setting in which use occurs.
- Subjective & behavioral effects of marijuana use can be separated into four stages: the “buzz,” the “high,” the stage of being “stoned,” and the “come-down.”
The “high” is associated with feelings of euphoria & exhilaration, and a sense of disinhibition.
Relaxation is the most commonly reported effect of being “stoned.”
- Smoking marijuana can sometimes produce transient psychotic symptoms such as depersonalization, derealization, agitation, and paranoia.
- Expectation also plays a role in what effects the drug will produce, as shown by placebo studies.
- Marijuana negatively affects cognitive functions.
Decreased performance for a variety of verbal, spatial, time estimation, and reaction time tasks has been noted.
Cannabinoids appear to interfere with all aspects of memory processing.
- Marijuana can affect psychomotor functioning under demanding task conditions, such as driving.
- Use of cannabis with or without alcohol is a risk factor in automobile accidents.
Acute Physiological Effects
- increased blood flow to the skin and flushing
- increased heart rate
- increased hunger
Chronic Behavioral Effects
- In young people amount of cannabis use is inversely related to educational performance.
- Some research supports the hypothesis that heavy cannabis use leads to persistent cognitive defects, impairing school performance.
- Alternatively, poor school performance and rejection of mainstream values (such as educational achievement) may increase cannabis use.
- Chronic cannabis use can also result in aimlessness, decreased motivation, lack of planning, and decreased productivity (amotivational syndrome).
{note: Amotivational syndrome can also be caused by SSRIs, and since there is a high rate of comorbidity between depression + anxiety, and between cannabis use + depression and/or anxiety, it can be difficult to determine whether SSRIs or cannabis are causing amotivational syndrome in patients who use both substances.}
- Heavy cannabis use over a long period may lead to impaired executive functioning for at least 2-3 weeks following cessation of use.
- Some data suggest that heavy, long-time users may continue to show impairment in decision-making, planning, and concept formation. It may negatively affect the prefrontal cortex.
- Imaging studies suggest that chronic marijuana use is associated with several kinds of abnormalities in the brain.
- Several studies have found a significant relationship between early heavy marijuana smoking and increased risk for later development of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.
Mechanisms of Action
- A cannabinoid receptor in the CNS was identified in 1988.
- Receptors occur in many brain areas.
- Localization of cannabinoid receptors in these areas is consistent with the behavioral effects of these compounds on locomotor activity, coordination, and memory.
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- Endogenous neurotransmitter-like substances that act on the receptors = endocannabinoids.
- Two main endocannabinoids have been found: anandamide and 2-AG.
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- They are retrograde messengers; they carry information in the opposite direction from normal (i.e. postsynaptic to presynaptic).
- THC similar to endocannabinoids binds to cannabinoid receptors located presynaptically on the nerve terminal. They are metabotropic: they work via G-proteins to inhibit presynaptic voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels, and open K+ channels.
- As a result, cannabinoids decrease neurotransmitter release from the terminal.
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- In one study, regular marijuana users could discriminate THC-containing marijuana cigarettes from placebos with no THC, and all subjects preferred the marijuana with THC when given a choice.
- Animal studies have also demonstrated reinforcing properties.
Lever pressing by squirrel monkeys for THC stopped when placebos were used.
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- Mechanisms for reinforcement:
Activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system: VTA --> NAcc
Interactions between the cannabinoid and opioid systems may play a role in cannabinoid reward and reinforcement; opioid agonists enhance cannabinoid self-administration, and opioid antagonists have the opposite effect.
Tolerance & Dependence
- Animals exposed to THC or other CB1 agonists develop tolerance to the behavioral and physiological effects of these compounds.
- It appears to involve a combination of desensitization and down-regulation of CB1 receptors.
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Adverse Health Effects
- There are no reports of death from overdose.
- Smoking marijuana can damage lungs: smoke contains tar, other carcinogens, carbon monoxide, etc.
- Possible adverse cardiac effects?
- Immune system suppression
- THC may affect reproductive functions:
In AFAB people, it can affect ovulation.
In AMAB people, regular smoking has been shown to decrease testosterone levels and sperm counts.
Animal research has demonstrated pregnancy failure, delayed embryonic development, and even fetal death with THC administration.
Smoking marijuana during pregnancy results in cognitive deficits, poor school achievement, and increased risk for tobacco and/or marijuana use later in life.
DSM-5: Cannabis Use Disorder
- Marijuana use typically begins in adolescence and peaks during young adulthood.
- If an individual has not yet tried marijuana by their mid-twenties, they are unlikely to begin at a later age.
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- Cannabis use varies based on demographics.
- Research shows college students and young adults most commonly use cannabis...
To socially conform (~40%)
To experiment (~30%)
For enjoyment (~20%)
To manage stress or relax (~10%)
- Risk of dependence is related to drug use patterns. People who progress to daily use have a 10-20% probability of becoming dependent.
- Dependence manifests as a difficulty in stopping one’s use, a craving for marijuana, and (in heavy users) unpleasant withdrawal symptoms:
increased anxiety
depressed mood
sleep disturbances
heightened aggression
decreased appetite
- These are similar to the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
- Most cannabis users do not seek treatment.
- Treatment in outpatient programs involves cognitive-behavioral therapy, relapse prevention training, and/or motivational enhancement therapy, but patients are very vulnerable to relapse.
- Some research on medications to relieve withdrawal symptoms has been done.
Therapeutic Uses of Cannabinoids
- AKA “medical marijuana”
- Many states now permit legal use, but clinical studies of its efficacy have produced mixed results.
- Smoked marijuana has the highest potential for adverse health effects and abuse; most researchers favor development of cannabinoid-based drugs instead.
- Information from the National Institute of Health
- The FDA has not approved the cannabis plant for any medical use. However, the FDA has approved several drugs that contain individual cannabinoids:
Epidiolex, which contains a purified form of CBD derived from cannabis, was approved for the treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome, two rare and severe forms of epilepsy.
Marinol and Syndros, which contain dronabinol (synthetic THC) to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Dronabinol is also used to treat loss of appetite and weight loss in people with HIV/AIDS.
- Endocannabinoids enhance the incentive motivational properties of food and food-mediated reward.
- CB1 receptor antagonists reduce food consumption in animals and human subjects.
- In animal studies, marijuana was shown to relieve anxiety and depression.
- There’s some evidence that marijuana might reduce addiction and/or overdoses caused by other drugs.
- Pain perception: transgenic mice that lack CB1 and CB2 receptors demonstrate hyperalgesia (increased pain sensitivity).
- Clinical evidence for cannabinoids as analgesics has not been convincing.
- Nabiximols (Sativex) is a cannabis extract.
was approved in the UK in 2010 to treat pain and spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients (not yet approved in the US)
- A number of years ago, Jamaican researchers prepared eye drops from cannabis extracts (trade name Canasol) for the purpose of reducing ocular pressure in glaucoma patients.
However, the research is inconclusive and Canasol was never licensed by the FDA for legal marketing in the United States.
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favouritefab-blog · 21 days
Top Sanitary Pad Raw Material Suppliers in South Africa
In South Africa, the demand for high-quality sanitary pad raw materials is driven by both local and international markets. For manufacturers looking to source reliable and top-grade materials, several suppliers stand out due to their reputation, product range, and quality standards. Here are some of the top sanitary pad raw material suppliers in South Africa:
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**1. Kimberly-Clark South Africa
Overview: A leading global company with a significant presence in South Africa, Kimberly-Clark is renowned for its high-quality sanitary products and raw materials.
Products: They supply a range of materials, including fluff pulp, super absorbent polymers (SAP), and nonwoven fabrics.
Website: Kimberly-Clark South Africa
**2. Sappi
Overview: Sappi is a major producer of paper and pulp products in South Africa, including materials used in sanitary pads.
Products: They offer fluff pulp and other absorbent materials that are critical for sanitary pad manufacturing.
Website: Sappi
**3. Astrapak
Overview: A prominent supplier of plastic and packaging solutions, Astrapak also provides materials for sanitary products.
Products: They supply breathable films and nonwoven materials used in the production of sanitary pads.
Website: Astrapak
**4. Unicharm South Africa
Overview: Unicharm is known for its high-quality hygiene products and has a presence in South Africa, supplying raw materials for sanitary pads.
Products: They offer a variety of absorbent materials, including SAP and nonwoven fabrics.
Website: Unicharm
**5. Parker Hannifin
Overview: Parker Hannifin provides a range of materials and components used in various industries, including sanitary products.
Products: Their offerings include advanced materials and filtration solutions relevant to the sanitary pad sector.
Website: Parker Hannifin
**6. BASF South Africa
Overview: BASF is a global leader in chemicals and provides a range of materials suitable for sanitary pad manufacturing.
Products: They offer super absorbent polymers (SAP) and other chemical solutions used in sanitary products.
Website: BASF South Africa
**7. MPact
Overview: MPact is a major player in the packaging industry in South Africa and provides materials that can be used in sanitary products.
Products: They supply various nonwoven fabrics and packaging solutions relevant to the sanitary pad industry.
Website: MPact
**8. Jai Corp Ltd
Overview: Although based in India, Jai Corp Ltd has a global reach and supplies materials to South Africa.
Products: They provide a range of raw materials including SAP and fluff pulp for sanitary pad manufacturing.
Website: Jai Corp
**9. Sappi Lanaken
Overview: Part of the Sappi group, Sappi Lanaken offers specialized nonwoven materials suitable for sanitary pads.
Products: They provide high-quality nonwoven fabrics and other components essential for the production of sanitary products.
Website: Sappi Lanaken
**10. Fibertex Nonwovens
Overview: Fibertex is a global supplier of nonwoven fabrics with a presence in South Africa.
Products: They offer various nonwoven fabrics used in sanitary pads, known for their durability and performance.
Website: Fibertex Nonwovens
Choosing the right supplier for sanitary pad raw materials is crucial for maintaining product quality and meeting market demands. The suppliers listed above are known for their reliability and high-quality materials, making them top choices for manufacturers in South Africa. Each supplier offers unique advantages, from advanced materials and global expertise to local presence and support.
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eximpedia1 · 2 months
Top 10 Exports of Bangladesh
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Bangladesh has transformed its export sector, leveraging its potential to achieve record-breaking trade figures each year. The country's robust garment industry, combined with low labor costs and inexpensive raw materials, has positioned Bangladesh as a critical supplier in the global market. This article explores the top exports of Bangladesh, key export destinations, and prominent Bangladeshi exporting companies.
Bangladesh's Export Performance in 2023-24
According to the economic complexity index, Bangladesh was the 52nd largest exporter globally in 2023-24. The country has solidified its position as a leading exporter of textile scrap, jute yarn, textile fiber, and men's shirts. According to Bangladesh export data, total exports in Bangladesh reached an all-time high of 361 billion in 2023-24 compared to 62.2 billion in 2022-23.
Top Exports of Bangladesh
1. Readymade Garments
Readymade garments dominate Bangladesh's export sector, accounting for 46.74% of the total exports of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a global hub for readymade garment (RMG) exports, with primary markets in the US, UK, Germany, Italy, and France. The industry continues to thrive, driven by high demand for affordable and high-quality clothing.
2. Jute and Jute Products
Jute and jute products constitute 13.6% of Bangladesh's exports. Known as the "golden fiber," jute has brought prosperity to Bangladeshi farmers. Products include hessian cloth, canvas, sacking, and scrim, with major export destinations being Pakistan, China, and India.
3. Footwear
Footwear is an emerging industry in Bangladesh, contributing 2.5% to the country's export earnings. The Netherlands, India, South Korea, France, and Spain are key markets for Bangladeshi footwear, reflecting the industry's growing international presence.
4. Miscellaneous Textiles and Worn Clothing
Miscellaneous textiles and worn clothing make up 2.1% of Bangladesh's exports. These include curtains, sacks & bags, tarpaulins, blankets, and rope. The major markets for these products are the US, Europe, Japan, Australia, and Canada.
5. Headgear and Caps
Headgear and caps represent 1.2% of Bangladesh's exports. These products are mainly exported to the United States, Germany, France, Poland, and Canada, showcasing Bangladesh's diverse textile manufacturing capabilities.
6. Paper Yarn and Woven Fabric
Paper yarn and woven fabric account for 1.2% of Bangladesh's exports. These materials are used in various applications, including artisan jewelry. China, India, Thailand, and South Korea are the primary destinations for these products.
7. Leather and Animal Gut Articles
Leather and animal gut articles make up 1% of Bangladesh's exports. The industry benefits from low-cost raw materials and labor, with European countries like Germany, Poland, and Spain being significant markets.
8. Fish, Shrimps, and Prawns
Fish, shrimps, and prawns account for 0.7% of Bangladesh's exports. Prawns, particularly bagda, are vital for the local economy and export income. The European Union, Japan, and the USA are major importers of these products.
9. Feathers, Artificial Flowers, and Hair
These products represent 0.4% of Bangladesh's exports, with major markets in Germany, Sweden, and India. The diverse range of exported goods highlights Bangladesh's extensive manufacturing capabilities.
10. Aircraft and Spacecraft
Aircraft and spacecraft make up 0.3% of Bangladesh's exports. These include helicopters, airplanes, satellites, suborbital vehicles, and launch vehicles. The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Czechia are the primary destinations for these high-tech exports.
Bangladesh's Top Export Destinations
Here are the top countries importing goods from Bangladesh:
USA: $970 billion
Germany: $708 billion
UK: $531 billion
Spain: $368 billion
France: $329 billion
Italy: $239 billion
Netherlands: $209 billion
India: $213 billion
Japan: $190 billion
Poland: $185 billion
Canada: $172 billion
Australia: $126 billion
According to Bangladesh export data, around 60% of the total exports of Bangladesh are shipped to these countries. Check out the Eximpedia.app dashboard and our to find out more about Russia's export partners and Bangladesh top export products. 
Leading Export Companies in Bangladesh
Several companies drive Bangladesh's export success:
Kazi Farms Group (poultry)
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (oil products)
Beximco Pharma (pharmaceuticals)
Pragoti (automobiles)
KDS Group (garments, textiles, steel)
Petrobangla (oil, natural gas, minerals)
Walton (motorcycles)
ASM Chemical Industries (industrial chemicals)
Advanced Chemical Industries (pharmaceuticals, consumer brands, agribusiness)
Dragon Group (clothing, notably sweaters)
These companies play a crucial role in meeting global demand for Bangladeshi products.
Bangladesh's export sector is a vital component of its economy, driving growth and international trade relations. To achieve high profits, exporters must understand global trade demands and target top buyers. Platforms like Eximpedia.app offer valuable data to help businesses navigate market trends and expand globally. Connect with experts to stay ahead in the competitive export market. Thank you for reading!
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jija-ji · 2 months
Top Government Job Exams in India: Everything You Need to Know
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If you have recently graduated or will soon graduate from college, the next step is to decide how to find a job. The first thing that comes to mind is the government jobs that have always been in demand due to the numerous benefits they provide. There are many government positions accessible in India in a variety of industries, and to obtain them, one must pass the specific exams required for that particular role. Every year, lakhs of people take competitive tests to get selected as government officers. In this article, we are going to discuss the top government job exams in India.
1. UPSC Civil Services Examination
The Union Public Service Commission conducts this exam to recruit public servants for several departments, and it is one of the most well-known and high-profile occupations among the Top 10 Government Exams in India. These officials can influence government policy. Officials operate in secretariats and administrative roles. They work in taxation, social welfare, law, and state development. Referred posts include:
Eligibility Criteria:
Must be a citizen of India
Only candidates between 21-32 years can apply
Bachelor's degree is required
Exam Pattern:
The exam is conducted in three stages: preliminary, mains, and interview.
The preliminary exam consists of MCQs and has a negative marking of 0.33 marks.
The duration of the preliminary exam is 2 hours.
The mains exam is of descriptive type, with a total of 9 papers for 1750 marks.
The last stage is the interview process, only 1-2% of candidates reach there.
The State Bank of India organizes the exam to hire applicants for the positions of Probationary Officers in its various branches. This is also an entry-level position that prepares you for a promising future in banking.
A PO's tasks include administration, general banking, and cross-selling financial items. Candidates must be graduates of an accredited university and between 21 and 30 years of age. 
Exam pattern:
This exam is conducted in 3 stages: prelims, mains, and interviews.
The preliminary exam is conducted first and consists of 100 marks with a negative marking of 0.25 per question.
The main exam consists of both objective and descriptive-type tests.
 The last stage is the interview process, all the candidates who passed the main exam are eligible for this stage.
3. SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination
Every year, SSC conducts a CGL exam to recruit for various group A and group C positions in government ministries, departments, and organizations. There are various positions available, including Inspector of Income Tax, Inspector (Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer), Inspector (Examiner), Assistant Section Officer, and Statistical Investigator Gr. II. The job provides job security and stability, competitive pay, and several perks and benefits.
Eligibility Criteria:
Citizen of India
Must be between 18-32 years of age
SSC Exam Pattern:
Tier I and Tier II is a computer-based test (CBT).
Tier III is a Descriptive type.
Tier IV is a Data Entry Skill Test.
This exam is carried out by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection to applicants applying for Probationary Officer positions in various commercial and public sector banks. It represents the first level in the Officer scale designations. The responsibilities include administration, clerical work, and company development.
Eligibility Criteria:
Citizen of India
Must be between 20-30 years of age
Exam Pattern:
The prelims exam consists of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English language.
The main exam consists of two papers: Objective and Descriptive test.
5. RBI Grade B Examination
The Reserve Bank of India conducts this exam to recruit Grade B personnel. This exam is one of the top options for those looking to work in the finance business. This exam takes place in two stages, followed by a personal interview. It is one of the most difficult exams in the banking profession.
Exam Pattern:
The Phase-I exam consists of four sections: general awareness, quantitative aptitude, English language, and reasoning, with a total score of 200. 
The Phase II test, or Mains exam, consists of three papers. Paper I and Paper III both have a mix of descriptive and objective assessments. Paper II is a completely descriptive test worth 100 marks.
6. RRB JE SSE Examination
The Railway Recruiting Board conducts this exam to hire students with science and engineering backgrounds for various positions in the Indian railroads. This exam takes place in two stages. To qualify for the recruitment process, the candidate must pass both stages.
Exam Pattern:
The Stage I exam comprises 100-mark sections on general awareness, general intelligence and reasoning, and general science.
Stage II consists of 150-mark sections on physics, chemistry, general awareness, computer basics and applications, technical knowledge, and environmental and pollution control. 
7. IBPS Clerk
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board conducts a standardized written examination to recruit bank clerks for public sector banks and other financial institutions nationwide. To qualify for this exam, the candidate must first pass the preliminary exam, followed by the mains exam. There is no interview process for selection.
Exam Pattern:
The Mains exam is weighted 100%. It is an MCQ-based exam, including bilingual questions in all objective tests except the general English test.
The preliminary exam consists of three subjects: English language, numeric aptitude, and reasoning ability, for a total of 100 marks. This exam lasts one hour.
Mains Examination- In addition to the three subjects covered in the preliminary exam, there is a section on general awareness. This exam has a total of 200 marks to be completed in 2 hours and 40 minutes.
In both tests, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks.
The Railway Recruiting Board carries out the RRB ALP and Technician exams to recruit assistant loco pilots and technicians in various zones across the country. This exam takes place in three stages.
Exam Pattern:
Stage 1 involves conducting a computer-based test with 75 objective-type questions. This exam is 60 minutes long and carries a negative marking of 1/3 for each incorrect answer attempted.
Stage 2: All applicants who met the cut-off marks in the first stage are eligible for the second step. This level is divided into two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A consists of 100 questions, and the total time allowed is 90 minutes. Part B has 75 questions, and the exam lasts 60 minutes. It also includes a negative marking of 1/3 for each incorrect response.
Stage 3 is only for candidates who have applied for the position of assistant loco pilot. There are five test batteries, and the candidate must obtain specified marks in each to advance to this step.
The Staff Selection Commission is one of the most popular organizations for government exams in India. SSC administers this exam for the positions of Lower Division Clerk, Junior Secretariat, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operator. To get selected by the board, an applicant must pass the Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III exams.
Exam Pattern:
The Tier-I exam covers four subjects: general awareness, general intelligence, numeric aptitude, and English language. This is a 200-mark exam.
The Tier II test includes essay, letter, and application writing. This exam requires thirty-three marks to qualify.
The Tier-III exam is a typing examination in two languages: Hindi and English. This exam requires the candidate to type 30-35 words per minute. This test lasts 15 minutes. For visually impaired candidates, the time is 30 minutes.
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10.  Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer (RRB JE)
RRB conducts an exam to recruit junior engineers in Indian Railways. Being a competitive exam, it also offers several perks and benefits. After a long wait, this year RRB has released vacancies for technical positions. The exam dates are supposed to be released soon. The junior engineers are responsible for the maintenance and supervision of technical aspects for various departments.
Eligibility Criteria:
Citizen of India
Must be between 18-33 years of age
A degree or diploma in engineering from a recognized institution.
Exam Pattern:
Stage I - CBT
Stage II - CBT
Document Verification and Medical Examination
How to Apply for Government Job Online After 12th in 2024
To apply for a government job online after the 12th you can simply do this by visiting the official website. Fill out the form online, and submit the documents needed for your particular exam. After filling up the form, pay the fees and your application is submitted. You will get a confirmation mail or SMS regarding your application.
If you want to take any of the top ten government job examinations, you should start preparing today. Study previous year's question papers to have an understanding of the exam pattern and types of questions.
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marketsndata · 3 months
Global Ground Calcium Carbonate Market Size, Share and Forecast 2031
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Global Ground Calcium Carbonate Market size was valued at USD 15.8 billion in 2022 which is expected to reach USD 24.81 billion in 2030 with a CAGR of 5.8% for the forecast period between 2023 and 2030. Ground calcium carbonate (GCC), also known as limestone, is a common sedimentary rock which primarily comprises calcium carbonate minerals where the sedimentary rocks available on the earth’s surface contribute to around 10% of limestone. A versatile, efficient material with extensive applications in flooring, paints, plastics, asphalt roofing, paper and agriculture. Certain expensive raw materials are substantially replaced by GCC which is often used to enhance durability and is considered an ideal extender or filler with low absorption qualities. Commercial grades of ground calcium carbonate have been developed for multiple applications such as animal and pet feeds, adhesives and sealants, paints and surface coatings, rubber, and elastomers, etc. The concrete’s durability, appearance, and mechanical strength can substantially improve by adding ground calcium carbonate without altering the physical and mechanical properties.
Sample report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/ground-calcium-carbonate-market/sample-request
Real Estate Construction Empowering Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) 
Mechanical and durable properties of concrete used for building massive infrastructure can significantly control the strength of such constructions. Roller-compared concrete (RCC) has been extensively used due to its prominent benefits like high-density construction technology, low application cost, and reduced cement contents. Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) is successively used as a cement replacement material in concrete to improve RCC’s strength and cohesiveness characteristics. In addition to such improvement, GCC in RCC design can limit the negative effect of bleeding and shrinkage mechanisms.
Data published by Oxford Economics reported that in 2022, the construction market investment was around USD 9.7 trillion, where the major contribution accounts from the United States, China, and India. A report estimated by Global Powers of Construction (GPoC) stated that in 2022, the top 100 companies involved in construction generated revenues of over USD 1.511 trillion. The tremendous rise of real estate and construction sector has generated impeccable market opportunities for ground calcium carbonate (GCC) globally to expand phenomenally.
Augmentation of Paints and Coatings Applications by Utilizing Benefits of GCC
Numerous properties of ground calcium carbonate (GCC) incorporate it as a significant additive in paints and coatings to densify the product. GCC is used as an extender for metal oxides, impart characteristics to either reduce or enhance gloss and most importantly as a rheological modifier. GCC is broadly employed as a bright, inexpensive extender while controlling the rheology of paint formulations. GCC is prominently used throughout the range of water- and solvent-based coatings for exterior and interior coating applications. GCC in painted films formulation are potentially active that able to meet every requirement with impeccable adhesion, high impact resistance, suitable hardness, excellent opacity, matt visual gloss, etc.
A report published by Paints & Coatings Industry reported that in March 2022, the decorative business for Asian Paints accounted for around 84.2% of revenue while a 9% share contributed from international business. In spring 2022, PPG has announced the commencement of new architectural paint and coatings color automation laboratory in Milan, Italy by sanctioning an investment of around USD 2.1 million that substantially will enhance the developing novel paint formulations within a short time.
Animal Feed and Nutrition is Progressively Improved by Incorporating GCC
An indispensable requirement is growing to achieve optimal health for farm animals which subsequently demands significant calcium content in the feed. Ground calcium carbonate (GCC) utilized as a prominent compound in animal feed that increases the calcium content for proper nerve function, bone development that led to produce nutritional milk and eggs. Particle size, purity, and brightness are important parameters for selecting GCC according to animal feed and nutrition. Veterinary professionals widely recommend that all livestock should be fed with specific calcium supplements to support healthy animal nutrition.
The Good Food Institute report states that in 2021 fermentation companies raised around USD 1.69 billion that focuses on alternative protein sector. In 2021, BASF SE successfully expanded Vitamin A plant in Germany to provide effective vitamin A formulati­­­on in animal nutrition. For 2023 global pork exports has estimated to increase to 10.8 million tons as the United States and Brazil became an extreme source of shipments. In 2023 global chicken meat production increases up to 103.5 million tons majorly shared by the United States.
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Impact of COVID-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 has severe devastating affect that make entire humankind vulnerable to infectious disease. Different sectors were economically impacted, leading to supply chain disruptions, shutdown of ongoing constructions due to labor force reduction, etc. The imposition of several stringent regulations including entire lockdown affected the rising of ground calcium carbonate (GCC) market. The major sector utilizing GCC is the construction industry that has instantly halted with the spreading of COVID-19 virus. The paints and coating industries involving GCC were also severely impacted as there were reduced number of usual home décor applications. With the decreasing number of COVID-19 cases the government comes up with effective solution to ease the lockdown conditions. To encounter the destruction created by the pandemic companies started to put enormous efforts to restart the usual operations which soon created huge market opportunities for the ground calcium carbonate.
Impact of Russia-Ukraine War 
The invasion of Russia on Ukraine has led to unprecedented impact on various sectors subsequently led to deterioration of global economy including agriculture. The real estate and construction business was severely troubled due to the aggression that led to shut down of significant construction because unavailability of capital. The imperative factors consequently deteriorated the applications of ground calcium carbonate in different sectors. The measures adopted by significant government agencies to overcome the disaster of aggression and retain the economic instability.
Report Scope
“Ground Calcium Carbonate Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2016-2030F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative & quantitative assessment of the current state of the Ground Calcium Carbonate Market, industry dynamics and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine war impact, opportunities and forecast between 2023 and 2030. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
Click here for full report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/ground-calcium-carbonate-market
Mr. Vivek Gupta 5741 Cleveland street, Suite 120, VA beach, VA, USA 23462 Tel: +1 (757) 343–3258 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.marketsandata.com
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mbbsblogsblog · 3 months
Explore Your MBBS Dreams Abroad with Ria Overseas: Your Guide to Studying Medicine in Moldova
Dear visitors, let’s explore MBBS overseas!
It is quite obvious that pursuing MBBS course is not a cakewalk journey. It is challenging, but if you overcome the challenges, there is a bright future ahead. However studies show that many Indian MBBS aspirants are aspiring to study MBBS oversea. By pursuing MBBS abroad, you will definitely grab a successful MBBS career.  Studying MBBS overseas is a dream of many India MBBS aspirants. By pursuing MBBS abroad you can receive quality education at low cost. The medical universities of foreign countries offer NMC approved MBBS degree. It allows you to practice MBBS both in your home country and foreign country.
Ria Overseas is the best company in the journey of your MBBS career by providing you comprehensive guide to MBBS overseas. The page serves as a guide to MBBS in Moldova.
MBBS in Moldova at a Glance:
Popular MBBS University in Moldova: Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Programs Offered:  General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy
Course Duration: 6 years (including internship)
Level of Education: MD (MBBS)
Minimum Eligibility: 70% in +2 PCB
English Language Proficiency: Not Required
NEET;             Yes
Admission Requirements:
To study MBBS in Moldova, Indian students must have finished 10+2 with 50% aggregate marks. They should also possess a valid NEET score. There is no need to take the IELTS or TOEFL to demonstrate English language competency.
The papers required for admission are:
·       Certified copy of scorecards from the upper secondary level
·       A copy of the NEET scorecard.
·       Required documents: copy of passport and medical fitness certificate.
·       Passport-sized pictures
How to Apply for MBBS in Moldova:
Securing an MBBS place at NicolaeTestemitanu, a public institution, is extremely competitive. Thus, it is essential that students do not wait for their MBBS admission to be finished in India before securing a place at this university through The Ria Overseas. They have worked as reliable and credible international admission partners for hundreds of Indian students pursuing their MBBS dreams. Their services are reputable, inexpensive, and completely honest, with no hidden facts or costs.
 At Ria Overseas, we realise how important it is to select the perfect medical programme to further your career in medicine. That is why we provide comprehensive MBBS overseas advisory services to assist students like you in finding the finest colleges and programmes for MBBS study abroad.
Whether you're an Indian student wishing to study MBBS at a foreign university or looking for the best medical institutions overseas, we have the knowledge and tools to help you succeed. Our experts will help you explore and compare the top medical institutions and universities overseas, as well as providing information on MBBS abroad pricing and admissions procedures.
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kartikrawat · 4 months
Top 10 Benefits of Learning German: A Language of Global Influence
German is a language of significant global influence, spoken by millions of people across Europe and beyond. Learning German Top german institute in India can open up a myriad of opportunities and advantages. Here are the top ten benefits of mastering this powerful language.
1. Economic Opportunities
Germany is the largest economy in Europe and the fourth-largest in the world. It is home to numerous multinational companies such as Volkswagen, Siemens, and BMW. Proficiency in German can enhance your job prospects in various industries, including automotive, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and finance​
2. Academic Excellence
Germany is renowned for its high-quality education system and world-class universities. Many of these institutions offer tuition-free or low-cost education to international students. Learning German allows you to access these educational opportunities and participate in cutting-edge research programs​
3. Cultural Enrichment
German is the language of great literary, philosophical, and musical works. By learning German, you can read works by Goethe, Kafka, Nietzsche, and Schiller in their original language, as well as enjoy the operas of Wagner and the compositions of Beethoven and Bach​
4. Travel and Tourism
Germany is a popular travel destination with rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities. Speaking German enhances your travel experience by allowing you to interact more effectively with locals, understand cultural nuances, and navigate the country with ease
5. Scientific Research
German is an important language in the field of science and research. Germany is a leader in scientific innovation and technological advancements. Many scientific journals and papers are published in German, making the language valuable for researchers and academics​
6. Networking and Relationships
Speaking German can expand your personal and professional network. Germany hosts numerous international conferences, trade shows, and business events. Proficiency in German helps you build relationships, collaborate on projects, and access new business opportunities​
7. Cognitive Benefits
Learning a new language like German can enhance cognitive abilities, improve memory, and increase problem-solving skills. Bilingualism has been shown to delay the onset of dementia and improve overall brain function
8. Career Advancement
Knowledge of German is a valuable asset in the global job market. It can differentiate you from other candidates and provide opportunities for career advancement. Many international companies seek employees who can speak German, particularly in fields such as engineering, technology, and international business​
9. Government and Diplomacy
German is one of the official languages of the European Union and is widely used in international organizations. Proficiency in German can be beneficial for careers in diplomacy, international relations, and global non-profits, allowing you to work effectively in German-speaking regions and with German-speaking counterparts​
10. Cultural Exchange Programs
Learning German can provide access to various cultural exchange programs and scholarships. Organizations such as the Goethe-Institute and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) offer numerous opportunities for cultural immersion, academic exchange, and professional development in Germany​
Learning German is more than just acquiring a new language; it is an investment in your future. From economic and academic opportunities to cultural enrichment and cognitive benefits, the advantages of mastering German are extensive. Whether for career advancement, personal growth, or global networking, German opens doors to a world of possibilities.
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alfiegonsalves · 5 months
Streamline Attendance Tracking and Secure Your Data with DigiTrac Manual attendance tracking is a thing of the past. Innov's DigiTrac offers a secure and automated solution, eliminating the need for error-prone spreadsheets and paper records. DigiTrac leverages premise-based tracking and other advanced features to ensure accurate data capture. Combined with robust data security measures, DigiTrac provides peace of mind while streamlining your HR processes.
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acmeprintopac · 2 years
ACME Print O Pac Pvt. Ltd. is the best print management company in Delhi, India. It is a Printing, Paper & Packaging bags products company in Delhi, India. It provides the best printing services in Delhi, India. Contact us: 011- 4152 5110
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digimarketresearch · 5 months
Egg Protein Market Size, Share, Trends, Global Demand, Growth and Opportunity Analysis
"Egg Protein Market business report provides a profound overview of product specification, technology, product type and production analysis considering major factors such as revenue, cost, and gross margin. The data and information collected to generate this top-notch market report has been derived from the trusted sources such as company websites, white papers, journals, and mergers etc. Egg Protein Market report includes basic, secondary and advanced information related to the global status, recent trends, market size, sales volume, market share, growth, future trends analysis and segment.
The crucial business strategies recognized by the important individuals from the Egg Protein market have likewise been coordinated in this market analysis report. The competitive landscape part of this business report provides a clear insight into the market share analysis of key industry players. Key shortcomings and strengths, the risks experienced by the main contenders in the worldwide Egg Protein market, have been a fraction of this research study. The study encompasses a market attractiveness analysis, wherein each segment is benchmarked based on its market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the egg protein market was valued at USD 31.95 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach the value of USD 52.09 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.30% during the forecast period of 2022-2029. In addition to the insights on market scenarios such as market value, growth rate, segmentation, geographical coverage, and major players, the market reports curated by the Data Bridge Market Research also include in-depth expert analysis, geographically represented company-wise production and capacity, network layouts of distributors and partners, detailed and updated price trend analysis and deficit analysis of supply chain and demand.
Table of Content:
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Global Egg Protein Market Landscape
Part 04: Global Egg Protein Market Sizing
Part 05: Global Egg Protein Market Segmentation by Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
Part 07: Customer Landscape
Part 08: Geographic Landscape
Part 09: Decision Framework
Part 10: Drivers and Challenges
Part 11: Market Trends
Part 12: Vendor Landscape
Part 13: Vendor Analysis
Objectives of the Report
To carefully analyze and forecast the size of the Egg Protein market by value and volume.
To estimate the market shares of major segments of the Egg Protein
To showcase the development of the Egg Protein market in different parts of the world.
To analyze and study micro-markets in terms of their contributions to the Egg Protein market, their prospects, and individual growth trends.
To offer precise and useful details about factors affecting the growth of the Egg Protein
To provide a meticulous assessment of crucial business strategies used by leading companies operating in the Egg Protein market, which include research and development, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, new developments, and product launches.
Key questions answered
How feasible is Egg Protein Market for long-term investment?
What are influencing factors driving the demand for Egg Protein near future?
What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global Egg Protein market growth?
What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America
Some of the major players operating in the egg protein market are:
Cargill, Incorporated (U.S.)
Kewpie Corporation (Japan)
Interovo Egg Group BV (Netherlands)
Michael Foods, Inc (U.S.)
NOW Foods (U.S.)
Merck KGaA (Germany)
Nutra Healthcare (India)
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About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
Contact Us:
Data Bridge Market Research
US: +1 888 387 2818
UK: +44 208 089 1725
Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475
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sharensharma · 5 months
Top Tips for Working with Venture Capital Firms in India
The Indian startup ecosystem is booming. With a young, tech-savvy population and a rapidly growing economy, India presents a goldmine of opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, securing funding remains a crucial hurdle for many startups. This is where venture capital firms in India come in, acting as investment partners and providing the fuel to propel your venture forward. But how do you navigate the world of VC and build a successful partnership with these firms?
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Here are some top tips to help you work effectively with venture capital firms in India:
1. Do Your Homework: Before approaching any VC firm, it's vital to understand their investment thesis. Every firm has specific sectors, stages of growth, and deal sizes they focus on. Researching their portfolio companies and past investments will give you valuable insights into their preferences. This targeted approach demonstrates respect for their expertise and increases your chances of securing a meeting.
2. Craft a Compelling Story: Investors are not just funding a business; they're backing a vision. Your pitch deck and presentations should tell a compelling story about your startup.  Clearly articulate the problem you're solving, the unique value proposition you offer, and the market opportunity you're addressing. Focus on the "why" behind your business and how it will disrupt the existing landscape.
3. Know Your Numbers: Investors are looking for solid financial projections and a clear understanding of your revenue model. Prepare a well-defined financial plan that showcases your projected growth trajectory, burn rate, and potential for profitability. Be prepared to answer questions about your unit economics, customer acquisition costs, and funding requirements with confidence.
4. Build a Strong Team: A strong founding team is paramount for any startup. Investors want to see a passionate, experienced, and complementary team with the skills necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. Highlight the diverse skillsets and domain expertise each team member brings to the table.
5. Demonstrate Traction, But Be Realistic: While early-stage startups might not have massive revenue figures, demonstrating traction through user growth, pilot projects, or other early validation metrics is crucial. This shows investors you're not just an idea on paper, but a venture with a proven concept and the potential to scale. However, be realistic about your stage of development and avoid overpromising on metrics you haven't achieved.
6. Network Like Crazy: Building relationships within the startup ecosystem is vital. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to connect with other entrepreneurs and potential investors. Network with mentors, advisors, and industry professionals who can provide valuable guidance and introductions to relevant VC firms.
7. Be Prepared for Due Diligence: Once you secure an initial meeting, be prepared for a thorough due diligence process. This may involve a deep dive into your financial records, legal documents, and market research.  VC firms will want to assess the feasibility of your business model and identify any potential risks. Transparency and open communication are key during this stage.
8. Negotiate with Confidence: Terms are negotiable, so be prepared to discuss the investment details with confidence.  This includes aspects like valuation, deal structure, board representation, and liquidation preferences. Research industry benchmarks and consult with advisors to ensure a fair and mutually beneficial agreement.
9. Build a Long-Term Partnership: The relationship with a VC firm doesn't end after the money is secured. View them as strategic partners who can offer valuable mentorship, industry connections, and support throughout your growth journey. Keep them informed of your progress, milestones achieved, and any upcoming challenges.
10. Find the Right Fit: Choosing the right venture capital firm is as important as securing funding itself. Look for firms that not only align with your investment needs but also share your vision and values.  An ideal VC firm should be a value-added partner, providing guidance and support beyond just capital.
How to Find Investors for Startups in India - How to find investors for startups in India, can be a daunting task. Numerous firms operate across various sectors and investment stages. Platforms like Krystal Ventures Studio can be instrumental in connecting startups with relevant investment partners. Krystal Ventures Studio acts as a bridge, fostering meaningful connections between startups seeking funding and venture capital firms looking for promising ventures to support.
By following these tips and leveraging resources like Krystal Ventures Studio, you can significantly improve your chances of successfully working with venture capital firms in India and securing the funding your startup needs to thrive. Remember, building a successful startup is a marathon, not a sprint. With dedication, perseverance, and the right investment partners by your side, you can turn your innovative idea into a flourishing business that makes a real impact.
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aimarketresearch · 6 months
High Temperature Grease Market Size, Share, Trends, Global Demand, Growth and Opportunity Analysis
High Temperature Grease Market business report provides a profound overview of product specification, technology, product type and production analysis considering major factors such as revenue, cost, and gross margin. The data and information collected to generate this top-notch market report has been derived from the trusted sources such as company websites, white papers, journals, and mergers etc. High Temperature Grease Market report includes basic, secondary and advanced information related to the global status, recent trends, market size, sales volume, market share, growth, future trends analysis and segment.
With the complete understanding of business environment that is best suitable for the requirements of the client, High Temperature Grease Market business report has been generated. Businesses can also achieve insights into profit growth and sustainability programs with this market report. Market drivers and market restraints explained in this report gives idea about the rise or fall in the consumer demand for the particular product depending on several factors. This market document contains all the company profiles of the major players and brands. Each of the topics is properly elaborated with the in-depth research and analysis for generating an absolute High Temperature Grease Market survey report.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the high temperature grease market which was USD 28.04 billion in 2022, would rocket up to USD 42.71 billion by 2030, and is expected to undergo a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period. “Soap thickener” dominates the type segment of the high temperature grease market owing to its improved oxidative stability and high operational temperature range. In addition to the insights on market scenarios such as market value, growth rate, segmentation, geographical coverage, and major players, the market reports curated by the Data Bridge Market Research also include depth expert analysis, patient epidemiology, pipeline analysis, pricing analysis, and regulatory framework.
Table of Content:
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Global High Temperature Grease Market Landscape
Part 04: Global High Temperature Grease Market Sizing
Part 05: Global High Temperature Grease Market Segmentation by Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
Part 07: Customer Landscape
Part 08: Geographic Landscape
Part 09: Decision Framework
Part 10: Drivers and Challenges
Part 11: Market Trends
Part 12: Vendor Landscape
Part 13: Vendor Analysis
High Temperature Grease Key Benefits over Global Competitors:
The report provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the High Temperature Grease Market trends, forecasts, and market size to determine new opportunities.
Porter’s Five Forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make strategic business decisions and determine the level of competition in the industry.
Top impacting factors & major investment pockets are highlighted in the research.
The major countries in each region are analyzed and their revenue contribution is mentioned.
The market player positioning segment provides an understanding of the current position of the market players active in the Personal Care Ingredients
Some of the major players operating in the high temperature grease market are:
Exxon Mobil Corporation (U.S.)
Shell plc (U.K.)
Dow (U.S.)
FUCHS (Germany)
TotalEnergies (France)
BP p.l.c. (U.K.)
PETRONAS Lubricants International (Malaysia)
The Lubrizol Corporation (U.S.)
Chevron Corporation (U.S.)
DuPont (U.S.)
China Petroleum Corporation (China)
Maax Lubrication Pvt Ltd (India)
Carl Bechem Lubricants India Private Limited (India)
Equifit Technoart (India)
Darshil Enterprise (India)
T. S. Moly Lubricants, Inc. (U.S.)
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About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
Contact Us:
Data Bridge Market Research
US: +1 888 387 2818
UK: +44 208 089 1725
Hong Kong: +852 8192 7475
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meghmanimetal · 7 months
Supplier of Stainless Steel Coils in Andhra Pradesh
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Meghmani Metal: Meghmani Metal is a Manufacturer and Supplier of Stainless Steel Coils in Andhra Pradesh, India. The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified and offers a wide range of stainless steel products. We are provides an extensive range of products including sheets, plates, angles, channels, flats, rounds, patta, patti, rods, industrial fittings, and SS fasteners. Meghmani Metal is renowned as one of India’s top cold rolling mills, manufacturing high-quality stainless steel coils of various thicknesses and widths. These coils are known for their dimensional correctness and durability. Specifications:   Thickness: 0.1 mm to 10 mm Width: 2500 mm Grades: ASTM/ASME SA: 201, 202, 304, 304L, 304H, 309S, 309H, 310S, 310H, 316, 316H, 316L, 316 Ti, 317, 317L, 321, 321H, 409, 410, 410S, 430, 439, 441  Features of SS Coils:   Availability in all sizes. High-grade material. Ready stock for immediate delivery. Export packing for secure shipment. Applications:   Used in various industries including chemicals, paper and pulp, nuclear, automobiles, chilling plants, and more. Service Coverage:   Meghmani Metal caters Supplier of Stainless Steel Coils in Andhra Pradesh, serving cities such as Adoni, Amaravati, Anantapur, Chandragiri, Chittoor, Dowlaiswaram, Eluru, Guntur, Kadapa, Kakinada, Kurnool, Machilipatnam, Nagarjunakoṇḍa, Rajahmundry, Srikakulam, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, and Yemmiganur.   For detailed information, interested parties can contact Meghmani Metal directly. Read the full article
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work-source1 · 7 months
Top 10 Executive Search Firms in Pune: Elevate Your Leadership Team
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When it comes to building a high-performing leadership team in Pune, the right executive search firm can make all the difference. As a recruitment consultant in Pune, our agency, Worksource Professional, is on a mission to elevate your leadership team and forge strategic partnerships with the most reputable executive search firms in the city.
Worksource Professional: Your Strategic Recruitment Partner
Worksource Professional stands out as more than just a recruitment agency; we are your strategic recruitment partner in Pune. Our commitment goes beyond the conventional hiring process. We understand the intricacies of building a leadership team that not only meets your immediate needs but also aligns seamlessly with your long-term organizational goals.
Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of your industry, company culture, and the specific requirements of the roles you aim to fill. By collaborating closely with you, we identify the key competencies and qualities crucial for success within your organization. This collaborative approach allows us to customize our search, ensuring that the leaders we bring to your doorstep are not only qualified on paper but also possess the intangible qualities that contribute to your company’s unique success story.
At Worksource Professional, our extensive network and industry knowledge empower us to navigate the competitive landscape of executive recruitment. We engage in proactive talent mapping, identifying individuals who not only have the necessary skills but also bring a fresh perspective to drive innovation within your organization.
Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our rigorous vetting process. We go beyond traditional interviews, utilizing assessments and in-depth evaluations to ensure that every candidate presented to you is not only a technical fit but also shares the values and vision of your organization. This thorough process minimizes the risk associated with executive placements, giving you the confidence that your chosen leaders will seamlessly integrate into your existing team.
As your strategic recruitment partner, our relationship with you extends beyond the recruitment phase. We are invested in the success of your organization and the leaders we place. By fostering long-term partnerships, we contribute to the growth and sustainability of your business. Worksource Professional is not just a recruitment firm; we are a catalyst for your organizational success, bringing strategic vision to your leadership team.
Boyd & Moore Executive Search: Navigating Leadership Excellence
Boyd & Moore Executive Search is synonymous with navigating leadership excellence. With a proven track record in Pune, they bring precision and industry expertise to the table, ensuring that your leadership team is not just adequate but exceptional.
Hire Glocal: Bridging Global Talent Locally
Hire Glocal specializes in bridging global talent with local needs. As a Pune-based executive search consultant, its expertise lies in finding leaders who seamlessly integrate into both the cultural and strategic fabric of your organization.
Cornerstone India: Building Foundations for Success
Cornerstone India is renowned for building solid foundations for organizational success. Their meticulous executive search process in Pune ensures the alignment of leadership with your company’s values and goals.
Head Hunter India: Pioneering Executive Search Solutions
Pioneering executive search solutions, Head Hunter India is a key player in Pune’s talent landscape. Their commitment to identifying and placing top-tier executives makes them a valuable partner in shaping leadership teams for success.
Paddy Dove Consulting: Nurturing Leadership Excellence
Paddy Dove Consulting excels in nurturing leadership excellence. Their Pune-based executive search services focus on long-term success, ensuring that recruited leaders significantly contribute to the growth and prosperity of client organizations.
Isource Services: Connecting Talent with Opportunity
Isource Services specializes in connecting talent with opportunity in Pune’s dynamic business environment. Their executive search solutions focus on ensuring that your organization attracts and retains top-tier leadership.
Jaguar Consultants: Precision in Leadership Placement
Jaguar Consultants bring precision to leadership placement in Pune. With a keen understanding of industry dynamics, they match organizations with executives who not only meet but exceed expectations.
Human Forte: Fortifying Organizations with Talent
Human Forte is dedicated to fortifying organizations with top-tier talent. As an executive search company in Pune, its approach emphasizes not just filling roles but strategically enhancing leadership capabilities.
Talent Leads: Guiding Organizations to Success
Talent Leads guides organizations to success through their Pune-based executive search services. Their commitment to providing strategic leadership solutions makes them a trusted partner in the quest for organizational excellence.
What is an Executive Search Firm?
An executive search firm, often referred to as a headhunting firm, specializes in recruiting high-level professionals for key positions within organizations. These firms go beyond traditional recruitment methods, employing targeted strategies to identify, attract, and place top-tier talent.
How Do Executive Search Firms Work?
Executive search firms operate through a comprehensive process. Starting with a detailed understanding of the client’s needs and organizational culture, they then conduct thorough research to identify potential candidates. The firm engages in proactive outreach, evaluates candidates through interviews and assessments, and finally presents a shortlist of qualified individuals to the client for consideration.
Executive Search Firms Near Me
Finding executive search firms in Pune is crucial for local businesses seeking top-tier talent. Local firms, like Worksource Professional, Boyd & Moore Executive Search, and others mentioned, offer a deep understanding of the regional business landscape, ensuring a seamless integration of leadership into the local and global aspects of the organization.
The Value of Executive Search Partnerships
In today’s competitive business landscape, partnering with an executive search firm in Pune is more than a recruitment strategy—it’s a strategic investment in the future of your organization. These firms bring valuable industry insights, an extensive network, and a commitment to finding leaders who align with your company’s vision.
Why Choose an Executive Search Firm in Pune?
Choosing an executive search firm in Pune is a decision grounded in the pursuit of excellence. These firms offer a targeted approach to leadership recruitment, ensuring that your organization not only fills key roles but excels in its leadership capabilities.
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Navigating Success: Pune's Executive Search Landscape
In conclusion, Pune’s executive search landscape is diverse, offering a range of firms dedicated to elevating leadership teams. Whether you are seeking a strategic partner like Worksource Professional or exploring the specialized services of other firms, the key is to choose an executive search partner that aligns with your organizational aspirations.
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